Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox 20240703 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox 20240703

tanks positioned with reservists sitting outside of gaza. no word yet on whether the invasion will take place. good evening. i am john scott and this is the fox report. ♪ the waiting game goes on. we have team coverage. greg alcott is live monitoring a front. alexandria hoff with the latest on how the military -- military is in the retired army colonel conrad reynolds will discuss israel's defensive strategy. first, mike tobin live on the ground in southern israel. mike. >> israel defense said this will be the last defense into gaza because when it is over there will be no more hamas. israeli air force briefing about strikes into the gaza strip. in the pending ground invasion. the invasion will happen time, place and manner of israel's choosing. friday, we saw the positive development of the two americans released from their captivity and gaza. the unfortunately large crowd of community of people who have loved ones inside of the gaza strip. the son who is missing and presumed to be a hostage in the gaza strip does not view it as a sign that his son will somehow be released. he believes it is a tactic by hamas. >> this is very calculated in terms of when and to is being released. i do not think it is an indication of any kind of what will happen. hundreds of passages. i think that it is a part of their attempt and intimidation of the israeli public. >> there was a phone call tonight with prime minister benjamin netanyahu and president biden in which they confirm support for continued aid going into the gaza strip. making it in from the gaza strip an aid worker estimate working the desperate need. they are carrying only food water and medicine. not allowed to carry fuel and not allowed to go north of the evacuation line. the artillery and airstrikes continuing to fund into the night. picking up with intensity. >> very media savvy. look at how quickly they have turned the story of that failed rocket launch that hit the hospital there. the fact that they have released these two hostages, is there a feeling that it perhaps slows down the potential invasion that it delays israel's movement? >> one of the things, a spokesman yesterday said israel refuse the release of a couple of israeli hostages. israel made a point of not commenting on that early and when they did comment they believe that it was a tactic. if they are to release two hostages a day, since you have 210, 212 hostages now, you could draw this process out for a long time. effectively delayed the ground invasion and keep stringing the israelis around. it does speak to the fact that the pr game is very much part of the strategy. they know on day one they will never be able to meet -- meet an army like the defense force. the pr game is always part of the game. >> mike, thank you. >> has bella is intensifying attacks on israel's northern border with lebanon. benjamin netanyahu now strongly worming as well along a second front. alex palkot is live near the israel lebanon border. >> we are right up along the border. a district -- distant drone. the past few days we have been seeing and hearing them among the has bella militants. a good reason why that a huge ground incursion looming in gaza against hamas, prime minister netanyahu found the time to come up north on sunday to be with the troops to deliver a clear message to hezbollah. do not attack or you will be devastated. the fighting is going on. fire from hezbollah, artillery drone blast from israel. night teen hezbollah fighters have been killed. six israeli soldiers have been killed. what we saw and heard earlier. >> up here in northern israel northern neighborhood, at this turning of the road, more than a dozen tanks and a lot of troops. ready for anything. >> three divisions are in the north along with heavy armor regarding the infiltration and iranian tracks by israeli militants. most of the villages along the border have been evacuated in case of another war. >> the situation is not easy. we are here regarding the country. we already have everything we need. family members came to watch our family. make sure what happened in the south won't happen up north. >> israeli american soldiers taking this very personally. one more note in the last 24 hours, israel has hit two major airports in nearby syria. remember, syria is the pathway between iran ammunition and weaponry going into southern lebanon, has bella as well as hamas. the do proxies. >> taking out the airports. presumably they bombed the runways. hoping to slow down the flow. >> absolutely. that is what they are trying to deal. as well as showing this great presence. a lot of heavy armor. that is a statement that israel does not want a second front to happen and if it is open, it will respond in time. we heard that from the prime minister. hezbollah and iran has been making its own threats in the last couple of days. right now it is a waiting game. >> it seems with iran holding the strings, they would want the israelis to be has tied up as possible. having a second front war open up on the northern end. >> that would be a nightmare. it would be a difficult issue for sure for israel. fighting two wars at one time. that would be something, to iran perspective a good thing as well playing a very careful game here right now. we have seen basically intermittent strikes across this border every day. just short of a full-scale war. we will see what happens in the next few days. >> trance 12 reporting. thank you. speaking with pope francis today to discuss the israel hamas war. also holding more talks with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu as an invasion is looming. alexandria hoff is blue -- live in delaware. >> certainly been busy. also speaking with the national security team today as he did yesterday. several european leaders as well according to the white house " the leaders have confirmed that there will now be continued flow of this critical assistance into gaza. the president expressed the release of two american hostages expressing ongoing efforts for the release of all remaining hostages. the question does linger. hostages are freed. we asked the president about that yesterday. >> are you encouraging the israelis to delay invasion? >> instantly talking to israelis avoiding directly addressing a u.s. urged delay. within geared feedback not only the right, but the obligation to defend. we are not in the business of second-guessing what they are doing. we are talking to them on a regular basis. >> within the last hour president biden and the first lady took a very windy walk on the beach. at this point in the day it could have been a family on the line at this point. netanyahu, the eighth time that the two leaders had spoken since hamas launched its terrorist attack on israel. >> is it back to washington tonight or tomorrow for the president? >> we are thinking it is back tomorrow. he was able to get a lot done by phone. it was interesting that the president did speak with pope francis today. i believe it is the first time. a lot to contemplate from the president that went to church yesterday. the focus of that phone call was about the humanitarian aid that needs to get into this country that the president has been pushing for. that phone call he condemned the attacks in hamas. >> alex, thank you. four more on all of this, let's bring in retired army colonel conrad reynolds. also a former military intelligence officer. there is been a lot of speculation that president biden has been pushing the israelis to hold off on the ground invasion. what is your thinking on that? >> i think that it is absolutely 100% correct. you can see it in all the reporting geared one thing i would like to point out is we don't need to be giving all of that to the palestinians. they are not running out of missiles yet. that is a real problem. looking for some leadership from the white house. >> provided critical aid to the people of gaza. is that going to benefit the united states in any way? the palestinians generally seem to hate the u.s. it does not seemed like it gets us anything. >> that is one argument here at one of the things that i like to bring up, hamas is a terrorist organization. we know that. the u.s. has declared them a terrorist organization. i don't blame israel. they need to take out hamas. it is obvious they need to do that. i am very concerned that the israelis did not know or no other country saw this coming on october 7. that really bothers me. that is an intelligence failure of huge magnitude geared i am concerned about why iran, obviously, we believe they are behind a lot of this, they support hamas, they support hezbollah, what is the endgame here? i think that there is something else in the mix. we don't know what that is. the intelligence failure that we saw in october 7 may play into a bigger scenario. >> you have to worry about this country. we were attacked by people that were enrolled in flight schools in this country. now we have a couple of million people that have kind of just walked across our southern border and we have no idea who they are. who is among them? >> i've said this for 13 years. we should get a hold of our border. nobody seems to really care otherwise we would have already done it. we have been crying about the southern border in america since 2009. the big thing was no amnesty. no amnesty. we may have to be dealing with some future problems because of that. the lack of foresight. republican and democrats need to come together and secure our southern border today. they can do it in 24 hours if they want to $6 billion for the iranians. there has been a stop to that, apparently. iran is not our friends. >> they never have been. this would've never happened under president trump. you have to look for, unfortunately, we have an administration that is not looking forward. we have these deals, releasing $6 billion with it being simply crazy. i do not believe with it at all. we need to have strength at all levels of american government. right now, sadly, we don't. >> the united states does not want to get involved in another war. it was a debacle. >> i call that a long time ago. back in 2011 i talked with one of the u.s. senators in arkansas we need to pull out of afghanistan right after osama bin laden was killed. saving $50 billion a year. bringing our hand out of a bucket of water. that is exactly what happened. we should have done that a long time ago. having financial interests keeping us in wars. i agree with you 100% on that. >> conrad reynolds, thank you. >> thank you, sir. >> in detroit, police are searching for local jewish killer. a detroit synagogue. investigators say the motive for her killing is unknown. matt finn is live with more for us. >> a short while ago we got an update from detroit police saying so far there is no evidence to suggest this was an anti-semitic attack. declared dead at her detroit home yesterday. police say that there was a trail of blood leading to her house. the motive is just unknown right now. the community leaders served as president of the isaac avery downtown synagogue. working on the attorney general reelection campaign and was a former aide to democratic senator who says that she is heartbroken. in politics and in the jewish community, she dedicated her short life to building understanding across faith bringing light in the face of darkness. family and friends gathered for a funeral service today to honor her life and legacy. many people have come forward to say she bridged the gap. >> the last text message you sent was a heart to a friend just because you sent hearts to cheer people up and let them know you are thinking of them because you cared. the outpouring of love for you today is a token to your many friendships. there is not a soul on this planet who did not adore you. >> the police chief is urging the community not to jump to any conclusions right now is this investigation is ongoing. >> what a strange and sad case. thank you. more live coverage of the war in israel moments away on the fox report. our coverage of the war in israel continues now. a significant risk to americans in the middle east as fighting continues between israel and the hamas terrorist group. helping to prevent the conflict from escalating. a second aid convoy has entered through the raw file border crossing. nineteen trucks brought medical and food supplies into gaza. it comes after 20 trucks entered yesterday. israel's military has again warned residents to move south as a ground assault on the strip could be eminent. israel says anyone who stays could be identified as an accomplice of a terrorist organization if they don't leave and look for refuge elsewhere. a bipartisan delegation of u.s. senators is in israel now. support in the country and its war against hamas. they met with israeli officials and families today. lucas thomason is live in tel aviv with more on that. >> lindsey graham led that bipartisan delegation here to tel aviv. they met with some of the families being held hostage by hamas. this senator described what she saw. >> kids having to watch their parents be murdered. parents having to watch their children be burned to death. women having to be raped, kids decapitated. it is disgusting. it is despicable. it is your evil. >> giving the green light to launch on israel. previously said there is no direct evidence linking iran. he said don't in the senators also weighed in. >> hamas hates jewish people and cares nothing about the palestinian people. that is why they will use them as shields against their weapon systems. >> we should all be weeping for this terror unleashed for the killing of children all ignited by this terrorist organization. >> why they are here, the idf said in an airstrike that killed hamas number two fire support officer responsible for rocket attacks into israel. last night lloyd austin proceeded to the middle east not the eastern mediterranean as previously directed. the israeli ground assault, predicting it will be a tougher fight a nine-month campaign against isis. >> this may be a bit more difficult. the fact that they have had a long time to prepare for a fight >> so, i think you will see a fight that is characterized by a lot of ied's, a lot of booby-traps and a lot of really grinding activity going forward. >> also ordering a number of antiballistic missile systems. it will be sent to the region. today, the u.s. embassy in baghdad, john ordered all nonessential personnel to evacuate the region. john. >> the senators, how long are they staying? >> they are on their way back to washington. they are here on a two day trip. they are here to speak to some of the families. what is going on here at the ground. >> katie britt was quite powerful. she was quite distraught over this attack. >> president biden, we will ask congress for more than $100 billion in war aid. let's bring in florida congressman who serves on the armed services. receiving this aid request. >> i think we need to break it up. how much aid do you want for israel, how much aid do you want for ukraine. it will have each one of those voted on separately. different people will be voting different ways. i will be voting for aid against israel. needing to destroy hamas. ukraine is keeping our second greatest adversary at bay with our defense budget. it is not one drop, every drop shed there. ukraine fighting for their freedom. obviously the aid that is needed for taiwan to favor a war. i think that it all needs to be broken up. i am also very interested to see how many democrats will vote not to give aid to israel. >> if we cannot get to an elected speaker, we should be moving towards giving patrick mchenry the powers of the speaker as a speaker pro tem. that is something, we need to do that again. actually look at it if we can get to a speaker. i will be throwing my support behind byron donald in this round. he is a classmate and fellow floridian. a good friend of mine was honored to nominate for conference chair. i hope that that person can unified the entire conference. i am confident that we will. absent that, we need to give more power to actually open and open the house where we need to open the house and get to the business of the people as we get through the process. >> you have 10 potential candidates left after jim jordan's withdrawal this past week. you like by red donald's. the gentleman lower left on the screen. i guess i have to ask what you think his chances are. >> i think his chances are good. an america first real conservative. somebody that i can back, obviously. he is a friend. he has from my neighboring district. also a classmate. i was honored to endorse him and nominate him for conference chair. i think he will be a great speaker. i think he will be a great national figure. it will be a long process. at the end, whoever comes out i am sure i will be willing to endorse and vote for that individual on the floor so many well-known republicans have ascended and then been shot down you think that the party is ready to coalesce around one candidate? >> we have to elect a speaker. it needs to be a republican speaker. yes, i can vote for that individual. that is why i am throwing my weight behind him. i think he will be a great speaker. >> just making a headline. former congressman, thank you very much. we will see what happens this week. multiple fans walked out of a dave chappelle live show in boston after clashing with the comedian over the war in israel. chapelle criticized israel four retaliating against hamas and accused the u.s. of supporting war crimes. palestinian -- joking about kanye west anti-semitic remarks on saturday night live. our coverage on the ward israel continues. ♪ our coverage of the war in israel continues now. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu toured israel's border earlier today. fighting between forces in that part of israel intensifies. justin will be the archbishop warns against assuming israel was behind the gaza hospital explosion last week. israel denies responsibility for the blast. israel did not strike the hospital. the u.s. will send additional air defense systems to the middle east. the pentagon plans to install a defense system in the region in response to recent attacks on u.s. troops. in the aftermath of the attacks against israel, many americans worry that terrorists are crossing into the united states unchecked. border agents saw a record number of migrants at the southern border this fiscal year also hitting a new monthly high in september. it is a blow to the biden administration. claiming the situation at our southern border is "under control". christina coleman is live with details on that. >> more than 269,000 encounters at the us-mexico border for the month of september. that is a record for any month ever. all data shows that there is been nearly 2.5 million encounters along the southern border for fiscal year 2023. president joe biden asking congress for emergency funding which would include aid for ukraine, israel and $14 billion for the border crisis. however, republicans remain skeptical. critical of how the biden administration is handled considering the policies which includes reviving catch and release. >> we don't have a money problem we have a policy problem. the policies were put in place by joe biden when he became president of the united states. those policies need to be reversed. >> national security concerns over fears that terrorists could take advantage of the border crisis and slip into the crowds of migrants illegally crossing into this country. take a look at these numbers. there were a total of 169 people arrested at the southern border who are on the fdi terror watch list. that is a huge jump from the fiscal year of 2022 which is the highest amount a terror bossed -- watchlist for a single year record and single years combined very disturbing, john. >> barry is an understatement. thank you. speaking of national security at the southern border, officials arrested 18 people on the fbi terror watch list just in the last month. what is abided administration doing to shore up national security and the situation at the southern border. let's bring in chad wolf. chad, you heard in the speech saying he wants congress to save money for southern border security but the details were a little squishy. does that mean really beefing up the southern border? does it mean giving money to cities like new york who are complaining all of a sudden they are a wash and illegal immigrants after declaring themselves sanctuary cities? where does that money go? >> some of those details have come out specifically regarding how they would like to spend that 14 billion for border security. it does not look good. i agree with the clip from earlier. we don't have a funding crisis. we have a policy crisis. congress allocated $1.5 billion to dhs just last year. it is not gotten any better. it has gotten worse. they continue to fund those bad policies. they continue to provide ngos and third parties more and more money to process all of these illegal migrants. unless the policy changes, dhs in my mind should not get any additional resources. we don't have a funding issue, we have a policy issue. no matter how much money you provide will not get better. >> disturbing that 18 people on the terror watch list were apprehended just in the last month. that does not include that god always. who knows how many people are in the interior of this country that the fbi has no idea who they are. >> i think that that is right. this is the story most are not talking about. the security situation along the border. the same 270 known or suspected terrorist in the last few years. 169 just in the past fiscal year 70,000 special-interest aliens showing up at that border. that is not to mention that god always. we don't know who they are. the border patrol agents are probably most concerned about that. they are not out there on that national security line doing their job. instead they are prosecuting migrants because of the overwhelming number. any time there is an international conflict like we see now in the middle east, the concern there is always at the bad guys will use the unprecedented flow of migrants coming across at southern border to their advantage. we see this with the number of nationalities coming across the border. a lot from the middle east, lebanon and elsewhere. it will remain a concern. i don't understand how this administration simply closes their eyes. if they took it seriously, they would bring deterrence back into the system and you would see a whole kind of policy posture along the southern border. we simply are not seeing that. >> our vice president is supposed to be the one taking charge of the border security situation. if you could advise her, what would you tell her to do tomorrow to make the situation better? >> well, i am not sure that there is much that she can do. staying away from the border is probably the best of what is going on. you have to change the posture around there. you have to bring it back. you have to hold people accountable that are making it happen. you have to remove individuals from this country. there is a paradigm shift in enforcement along that border. that is the only thing that the cartels respond to. the bad individuals in the smugglers in the traffickers as well. as long as the status quo remains, we will not have a lot of success. >> a sad situation for sure. thank you for your expertise. we will be right back. condit ion. side effects may include allergic reactions, neck and injection site pain, fatigue, and headache. don't receive botox® if there's a skin infection. tell your doctor your medical history, muscle or nerve conditions and medications, including botulinum toxins, as these may increase the risk of serious side effects. in a survey, 92% of current users said they wish 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move to try to get away from the border of lebanon for fear fighting could break out. >> steve harrigan reporting live from beirut lebanon. thanks. continuing coverage from the war in israel straight ahead on the fox report. ♪ hi, i'm sharon, and i lost 52 pounds on golo. before golo, i felt sick, i felt sluggish, i was diabetic, and my cholesterol was high. i would always be bloated and my stomach was always upset. now my stomach is flat. i'm happy with how golo has made me look, but what's more important is how i feel. i feel like i can walk the runway. i just--i want to show that at this age i can look and feel this good. our coverage of the war on israel continues now. and idf aircraft struck a militant compound. israel says the compound belongs to operatives from hamas and palestinian islamic jihad. the state department says american should not travel to iraq because of a heightened risk of terrorism, kidnapping, armed conflict and civil unrest. the state department issued a global travel alert for u.s. citizens in response to the war. controversial anti-israel protests continue throughout the u.s. through this weekend. that includes demonstrations in washington d.c. and on college campuses where students have expressed support for the palestinian people. unrest in new york city last night at a rally supporting palestinians. some demonstrators clashed with police after blocking traffic. cb cotton is live in new york city. >> this pro- palestinian rally held in brooklyn turned into a night of chaos when officers told people it was time to pack up and head home. watch. [inaudible] >> you can hear officers chanting for people to get out of the way as a loudspeaker warns people they would be arrested. sitting down in the middle-of-the-road as officers try to wake may -- way for traffic. some officers captured on video shocking protesters. there is also another video circulating on social media which appears to show a different officers throwing a punch. officers pushed, shoved and struck by demonstrators in the crowd. eggs, fireworks and bottles. in the course of doing so, the officer seen in the video is reacting to the crowd. the nypd encourages protests. not being subjected to any form of violence. no one got a permit for the rally. a total of 5000 people showed up people called for a cease-fire and denounced israel. new york city councilman reacting on next writing. this was not a rally for a two state solution. or a public call to free hundreds of kidnapped israelis. it was a shameful rally that i strongly condemn. justin brandon who does represent the neighborhood wrote this in part on x. i support the right to exist as a jewish state. i represent one of the largest communities in the country. i support their aspiration to exist as independence day. just as for one will not come through. this is what we heard from one demonstrator. >> fathers having to carry their own children. is that right? that is not right. >> john, we are closely monitoring these rallies. back to you. >> thanks. but to advance how the game is played. now's the time to see what america's largest 5g network can do for your business. ♪ i'm gonna hold you forever... ♪ ♪ i'll be there... ♪ ♪ you don't... ♪ ♪ you don't have to worry... ♪ automatic weapons fire ringingot bank today. to these southwest of gaza being pounded by israeli rocket strikes. the israeli defense forces promising to ramp up air attacks on the strip. in order to pave the way for the next stage of the war as the world waits for what appears to be an imminent ground offensive it. good evening i am jon scott welcome back to the fox report. jon: we have team coverage and break greg palkot close to tracking any developed on a possible second front of the israel lebanon border cb cotton live in new york city with more on the controversial anti- israeli protests across the nation. first though to senior correspondent mike tobin he is live on the ground in israel, mike? >> john, israel's defense israel defense ministertold thee of the gaza strip the ground operation. they will be no more hamas. the defense minister and operational briefing from the israeli air force about strikes into the gaza strip and impact and strategy to the ground invasion israeli defense spokesman said the ground offensive will begin at a time, place, manner of israel's choosing bird there is a positive development on friday to americans a mother and daughter team natalie and judith raanan were released from tried to kick captivity in the gaza strip the unfortunately large community of people who have family and loved ones held hostage in the gaza strip saw that as a positive development help as a father of someone who is missing presumed to be held hostage is not necessarily an indication the other hostages will be released in fact he saw that as a tactic by hamas. texas move by hamas is calculated in terms of when and who was being released. i don't think it's an indication of any kind about what is going to happen moving forward. with the other hundreds of hostages being held. i think it's a part of their attempt at psychological manipulation of the israeli public. >> president joe biden prime minister benjamin netanyahu had a phone call today which they affirm their support for continued aid going into the gaza strip. seventeen aid trucks made from egypt into the gaza strip today carrying food, medicine and water but they're not allowed to carry fuel. twenty trucks made it yesterday. that is said to be a drop in the bucket needing a 4% of the desperate need and the gaza strip. here along the edges of the gaza strip on the israeli side of the border we here at the artillery and airstrikes pounding away all night long. jon: the two hostages were released. has there been any word any proof of life in effect from any of the other hundreds of hostages? >> well, a lot of the information as it relates to the hostage negotiations has been very tight. proof of a life as far as the other hostages i cannot necessarily say that. we know the number of hostages continues to change rate that would be an indication there is communication, some kind of proof coming out these hostages existed there being held by hamas and islamic jihad in the gaza strip as far as jonathan i asked him if there's any proof of life of his son he said there is not proof of life at that particular individual. he said he was very happy with u.s. support of his son being held hostage not happy with how the israeli government is handling things. before mike tobin reporting live from southern israel, mike thanks. between hezbollah and israel's intensifying the war in israel could expand. senior foreign affairs correspondent greg appel caught live on the ground near the israel/lebanon border with more on that. >> we are right up against the border here. we are hearing in the near distance a drone likely israeli drone by the way it's usually armed with explosives. we have seen a lot more along the border and the days we have been here. the clashes have been escalating between israel and transport militants paid a reason why perhaps the ground invasion looming and gaza against hamas and the south prime minister netanyahu found the time on sunday to come up north to be with the troops and to give a message to hezbollah a destructive war like a wage wageagainst israel in 2006 willk like nothing but tries to start something right now, take a listen. >> if it decides to enter the war it will miss the second lebanon war. it will make the mistake of its life. we cripple it with the force tt cannot even imagine in that meeting for hezbollah in the state of lebanon will be devastating. cooks the fighting is going on for antitank missiles, mortar, small arms, fires what we are hearing from hezbollah tank artillery drone blast coming from israel. in the past two weeks 19 hezbollah fighters have been killed the six israeli soldiers have been killed here plus civilian casualties. forty-three towns and villages on the israeli side of the border have been evacuated in recent days. replaced basically by three divisions of israeli troops and a whole lot of heavy armor we have been seeing with a lot of damage done also on the lebanon side. residence there are fleeing. one more note we have been talking about, israel in the last 24 hours has bombarded to airports in syria. syria is a middleman in between iran sending arms and ammunition to its proxies. to its terror allies. right behind us and hezbollah. >> it would seem keeping those three divisions on israel's northern border, certainly keeps things safer but they would probably prefer to have the manpower available at the gaza strip if they could. >> for sure, john. that is exactly what hezbollah has even said it is trying to do. it is trying to tie up and tied down the israeli troops that are here. it is bragging about that. one official said we are in the middle of the battle right now. i have to stress this is not a full-scale war it yet. this is intermittent clashes we have seen a lot. we have seen flares, explosions, weird tanks, we heard artillery. we have heard small arms fire just on the mountainside behind us. but yes it is not a full-scale war yet. but hezbollah is tangling with israel this side of the country. >> 21 lives lost so far according to your counts. greg palkot thanks. a second aid convoy into the gaza strip this week about hospitals there are still pleading for more medical supplies. let's bring in professor the head of the medical team of the hostages family form. and former fellow at mount sinai. what is the most critical need would you say? >> when we are worried sick for the hostages that were abducted. innocent civilians. we got information from the families many of them need some medication and now from 85 years old woman who needs medication to survive. from nine years old, a gifted child whose birthday and was taken away from his family. babies from nine months old. women of all ages including young women who have been raped and need medical attention. some of the people abducted were injured, they were shot, their hands were cut when they were abducted for we do not know. it is remarkable is spent over two weeks the red cross did not contact yet. not even one hostage. we do not know what is up. we do not know if they get medical care. the first thing is just to receive a sign of life. i'm meeting with the families every day. i want all of you when you go to tonight think about there are so many think about them. that's humanity for all of us to release them now to get them back home now. jon: is there any history of hamas or hezbollah allowing doctors in retreat hostages? i am thinking of the soldier who is held for five years. there is never any word was there? >> even for a terror organization like the hamas this is unprecedented over 200 people again sur survivor on medicatioe not getting the red cross to check the status and geneva convention and the moral obligation all over the world. the hamas does not follow basic humanity. that allies in qatar and other countries. all over the world and fellow americans should put pressure on the politicians. it put pressure on the relevant parties connected with aegis system to do this basic humanitarian issue i do not know but we are in uncharted territory. we should all do our best. >> barbarism was on full display that is for certain. professor, we thank you very much tonight. >> thank you and i just want to know the specific needs of women who were taken hostage right now. we are expecting or analyzing this issue this is a remarkable phenomenon. we do not know their basic needs. jon: so much concern i was a worldwide. thank you doctor. meanwhile, in the united states president biden spoke with pope francis today to discuss the israel/hamas war that held more talks with israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu as a potential ground invasion of the gaza strip appears to be looming. alexandria hoff live in rehoboth beach, delaware with the president spend the weekend, alex. >> at present has been anything but off the grid here in delaware paren top of speaking with pope francis the israeli prime ministers spoke with the national security team this morning as he did yesterday. in addition to that several european leaders in a short time ago the president and first lady took a very breezy walk on the beach in rehoboth beach, delaware time you get to the president speaking on the phone during that period this time of day could have been family credit card to the white house while on the phone prime minister netanyahu, president biden welcomed the first two convoys of aid that have gone through the rafah crossing" the leaders affirmed t there will nw be continued flow of its critical assistance into gaza for the present expressed appreciation for israel support in helping to accommodate the release of two american hostages. that release of course happen on friday but president biden speaking with the mother and daughter by phone before departing for delaware. earlier today secretary of state into blinken appeared on the sunday show discussing the efforts for the 10 still missing americans home. how many of them are still alive is painfully unclear. >> we don't know for sure is with us in the unaccounted for our dead simply not been uncovered yet. our weather there hostage. we have a pretty strong idea some number of the 10 are being held in gaza by hamas. >> the administration is not directly responded to questions on if the u.s. has urged israel to delay its ground invasion into gaza so more hostages can be freed first we asked the president about this yesterday. he replied only i am talking to the israelis. jon: apparently they are talking just about every day. there's typically not been a warm and fuzzy relationship between a benjamin netanyahu and president biden. but at least under the present circumstances. >> they have talked at least eight times for their spoken at least eight times since hamas launched the terrorist attack. jon: alright alexandria hoff alf with the president and rehoboth beach, delaware thank you. in detroit police are investing in the deadly stabbing of the local jewish leader. samantha walt served as board president for local synagogue. police are working for her killer now. matt's a thin live with more on that mystery. >> john a short while ago we got an update from the detroit police they are saying so far there is no evidence to suggest this was an anti-semitic attack. samantha woll was declared dead at her detroit home yesterday she was stabbed to death. police say there's a trail of blood leading to her house. the motive is just unknown right now per the 40-year-old community leaders served as president of the isaac a great downtown synagogue. wool worked on a date at nestls reelection campaign and former aide to democratic representative alyssa slotkin's whwho says she is heartbroken riding in part and politics and in the jewish community she dedicated her short life to building understanding across faiths bring light in the faith of darkness but family and friends gathered for a funeral service today to honor her life and legacy many people have come forward to saying sheet work to bridge the gap between faiths. >> you taught me, you protected me. you'd love to meet with all your heart. you so deeply wanted peace for this world. you fought for everyone regardless of who they were aware they came from. you were the definition of a leader. >> of john, there's a lot of tension in the air right now the detroit police chief is urging the community not to jump to any conclusions in this ongoing murder investigation. jon: let's hope they have some developers to share with us the. matt finn thank you. her coverage of the war and israel continues right after this. hellooo new apartment. one bank for now. for later. for life. chase. make more of what's yours. hey, jen. i need skin advice. sure. am i ready for retinol? neutrogena® retinol? yes! it evens skin tone, and smooths fine lines, with visible results in just one week. sounds like you've said that before. once or twice. neutrogena® retinol (all) ♪ toooo youuuuu! ♪ (sean) i wish for the amazing new iphone 15 pro! 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(gentle music) before continuing now it's our coverage of the war in israel. some headlines. the u.s. warned of a risk to americans and the middle east as fighting continues between israel in the hamas terrorist group. 2000 u.s. marines are deployed to the region to help prevent the conflict from escalating. eighty-second aid convoy has arrived in gaza through the rafah border crossing earlier today. nineteen trucks brought medical and food supplies into gaza it comes after a convoy of 20 trucks entered the seizure gaza strip yesterday. as israel's military is again warning gaza residents to move south as a ground assault on the strip could be animate imminent. israel said anyone who stays could be identified as an accomplice of a terrorist organization if they do not move themselves away from israeli forces. and that tensions continue to rise between israel and hezbollah. israeli officials are evacuating 14 more communities near the northern border with lebanon. chief international correspondent steve harrigan's s live in beirut with that. >> john, another funeral here in beirut today for hezbollah fighter gu guilt and the skirmis between israel and rafah. twenty-six hezbollah fighters killed five israeli soldiers killed israel saying hezbollah fired antitank missiles into three different locations in israel over the past 24 hours. israel's prime minister really making extreme warnings, cautioning hezbollah not to enter this fight. warning that if they do the damage here to lebanon would be catastrophic. also plans underway in the north continue to try to evacuate as many civilians as possible from all along the border with lebanon. they are trying to create a 2-mile buffer zone to keep civilians away from that area which could turn into a warfare as much as 50000 civilians now evacuated. john back to you. jon: steve harrigan reporting from beirut lebanon thank you. for more on this let's pray and retired army lieutenant colonel darren also a founder a cofounder i should say of restore liberty. so this ground invasion of the gaza strip has been imminent for more than a week now. what do you suppose is happening? why are the israelis holding off for now? >> hey john, thanks for having me on tonight. what i look at this what i see is what the military called shaping operations for those or continuing to go on and have been going on. with that means is to remove command and control notes logistic notes, communication centers, while also building an intelligence picture that both support a potential ground invasion but also the recovery of the hostages. although it looks to most of us that they have been slow moving into gaza the reality is behind the curtain there's a lot of activity going on in order to make sure the gaza strip and their operations have a good plan in place. they do not need to rush to failure on this. they do have some time it's best to use it. it looks like they are using it wisely. jon: is the bi abiding menstruan slowing the offensive are they pressuring to hold off on going in on the ground? >> i hope not but i would not put that past them. part of the problem here is biden going into israel at the time he did it kind of appeared like he was visiting israel and talking to netanyahu's and control your rage control your national reaction to this. which would cause him to maybe slow down. potentially he could be tying our support logistically or via some other means to his actions. jon: i have said since the date this incursion this barbaric attack happened i have been saying they knew this was coming this ground invasion was coming they must have prepared for that in advance, is that the reason for the hostages of that a lot more unpleasant surprises awaiting the israelis? >> i have no doubt the hostages are playing into the timing of everything. with one side or the other. i suspect they are trying to get the hostages as a leverage in order to delay a potential offensive or make them part of a public relations campaign as israel moves in. and using it as a negative capacity we seen the release of hostages used really as a ploy to show biden we are releasing american so take your time, do not hur. maybe we will release more and i hope netanyahu isn't buying this. i certainly hope biden is not buying this either it's not what hamas is. they do not care about life. jon: including the palestinian people. the israelis say they're going to launch a sea, air, land strategy. break that down for us a little but the land component fairly obvious tanks and infantry moving in, armor and infantry and so forth. the airpower we have seen already being used but what about the seapower? >> one of those is the fact hamas has a capacity. they have people who operate out of the mediterranean sea the same way they operate in land to the extent in the air. one of them will be to destroy anything they may find o other n the first place. the second would be to make sure nobody else interferes with the ground in their operations as they are occurring and gaza. just like we would create a no go zone in the air they're going to create the same thing out in the water to make sure there ground forces are free to operate with as a few impediments as possible. jon: everybody says iran is the puppeteer here. they control hamas. they control hezbollah. as iran want to get involved in this conflict directly? do you think they would if things go badly for hamas for instance? >> i think they would at some point if they thought they would gain significant advantage by doing so. we clearly see them involved through hamas, through hezbollah, they are very happy to let the proxy armies continue to be used in order to punish israel in their minds. that includes by the way the arms they have sent and used out of the rebel areas. are they ready to get directly involved yet? i don't think so i think they're happy to get their hands cleaned right now let other people doing the fighting for them using their money and their weapons. jon: the barbarism of this attack, i mean just appalling the things that hamas promulgated on the israeli people. and yet there seems to be so much sympathy for the folks in the gaza strip. we have seen anti- israel rallies all over the country. really all over the world. is there an explanation for that that comes your mind easily? >> well, that is a tough one in some regards pete ultimately most of these folks have a false history of the region where the palestinian people really come from and how they settled the gaza strip and what'll happen there. so they are looking at the palestinians as some sort of indigenous persons of popu population. to where they are being oppressed by the israelis. i think if they went back and learn their history they would truly understand where the palestinians came from. the real history there and relates most of palestinians and israelis action want to live in peace. it is hamas, hezbollah and iran that will let that happen. jon: two aircraft carrier battle groups there, that's a lot of ships in a lot of firepower. 2000 marines also in the region. do you think that is enough to tamp down any misbehavior or miscalculation by countries like iran? christ given our navy and marines are the most highly trained people of their kind in the world i think the point of a natural deterring effect and i hope it does. what i am concerned about is the process of things back in washington d.c. the commander-in-chief of the white house. we do have a speaker of the house and congress. in order for america to get involved in a complicated tick approval of congress t up the president. reading congress against straight as well to make sure we do not walk ourselves into a war that we should not be in in the first place. retired army lieutenant l darin gaub thank you. >> thanks jon. jon: up-to-the-minute war in israel continues after this. my a1c was up here; now, it's down with rybelsus®. his a1c? it's down with rybelsus®. my doctor told me rybelsus® lowered a1c better than a leading branded pill and that people taking rybelsus® lost more weight. i got to my a1c goal and lost some weight too. rybelsus® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't take rybelsus® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop rybelsus® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. gallbladder problems may occur. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking rybelsus® with a sulfonylurea or insulin increases low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. need to get your a1c down? 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>> i served 27 months in combat as an army intelligence officer. i think about this as an american, as a patriot i believe my democratic colleagues do as well. we have to stand strongly, firmly, and a bipartisan way with israel as they respond to it on precedent of barbaric attack. a brazen attack on israeli people. and i believe if we can get finy a speaker in place then we will have strong bipartisan support to show that strength and to provide the resources needed to do so. jon: as you well know there are some and your party very much anti- israel in this fight. >> i have no tolerance for colleagues in either party who won't clearly unequivocably stand with israel after the absolutely atrocious attacks. i was there on ground just two months before these attacks on a congressional delegation in one of the kibbutz that had the most agree just horrific children being killed, elderly people being killed. we just have to stand strongly on this. i am working 24/7 both democratic and republican colleagues to strengthen that resolve and maintain that result because this will be a tough fight to there is no doubt about it. we have to stand firmly committed with israel. >> do you get the sense weakening of resolve in congress? maybe outside of congress in support for israel? >> look just about an hour and half south of my district and hudson valley, new york we had absolutely unacceptable socialist protests undercutting israel just a few days after the attacks i call them out for what they were. absolutely unacceptable and egregious. we do see that sentiment growing in small pockets. look, zooming out our whole country we have got folks in both parties who just at the moment were we need to show strength in israel and against china, we need to remind folks about the responsibility as a democracy to israel to stand with ukraine to stand with taiwan against the aggression of china. do you think hamas and hezbollah to a lesser extent of some the other trouble spots in the world including ukraine to launch this attack on israel now? >> the primary reason for the attacks were predominantly about hamas wanting to assert itself in israel, within and among the palestinian people in addition to disrupting the abrahams accords which we have to continue to push forward despite these horrific attacks. certainly, the fact that we have a lot of dysfunction politically here in the country i am sure would be a small factor. we have got to get our act together. we have to stop acting like politicians. start behaving as a patriot. that's what i've been calling on my colleagues to do over the last few weeks. admits the unprecedented historic chaos in the house. i am hopeful that next week we will see a few patriots step forward and say look, we need to have a bipartisan path forward. it is just to importance. our enemies are watching. jon: republicans charge the president has been too to conciliatory toward iran. that he has made overtures given than the $60 billion although that apparently has been refrozen at least temporarily. what is your assessment of the white house approach to iran? across multiple from the previous one should this one has been strong, clear, signaling to iran that their fingerprints all over all kinds of terror, violence, going back to my time in iraq where i somewhat fellow american soldiers killed by improvised explosive devices, roadside bombs made by forces their special forces. this is been going on far too long. think the president has been clear about that. we have to continue to be clear. the escalation piercing in the north from hezbollah we know they look to iran for that signaling. we have to make very clear as senator blumenthal said republican and democrats we have zero tolerance for any iranian escalation or signaling to the proxies. jon: so many american service members lost their lives to iranian armaments there in the middle east. new york congressman patrick ryan we appreciate you coming on. thank you. a special two hour additionally fox report continues after this break. hi, my name is damion clark. and if you have both medicare and medicaid, i have some really encouraging news that you'll definitely want to hear. depending on the plans available in your area, you may be eligible to get extra benefits with a humana medicare advantage dual-eligible special needs plan. all of these plans include a healthy options allowance. a monthly allowance to help pay for eligible groceries, utilities, rent, and over-the-counter items like vitamins, pain relievers, first-aid supplies and more. the healthy options allowance is loaded onto a prepaid card each month. and whatever you don't spend, carries over from each month. other benefits on these plans include free rides to and from your medical appointments. you pay nothing for covered prescriptions, all year long. all plans have dental coverage which includes 2 free cleanings a year, fillings, and a yearly exam. they also have vision coverage including vision exams and a yearly allowance towards eyewear such as lenses or contacts. and hearing coverage, which includes routine hearing tests and coverage for hearing aids. you'll also have a $0 copay for the shingles and other routine vaccines at in-network retail pharmacies. plus, your doctor, hospital and pharmacy may already be part of our large humana networks. so, call the number on your screen now to speak with a licensed humana sales agent. wouldn't you love benefits like a monthly allowance to help pay for eligible groceries, utilities, rent and over-the-counter items? 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(vo) get your competitive offer at opendoor dot com. jon: across the united states thousands of people took to the streets last night to rally in support of palestinians appeared in new york city live in new york city with more on that. cv. >> good evening jon. video from the pro pulsating relish showing at one point officers forming a human barricade to try to get demonstrators off the roadway and onto the sidewalk. there also using a loudspeaker warning people they could be arrested if they did not leave. officers also had to chance, watch. move it back up. move back. move back. >> still protesters refusing to leave sitting down in the middle of the street to continue their chanting others letting small fires. we saw physical confro between officers and demonstrators, look. we are leaving. we are leaving. >> nypd releasing a statement on the clashes in a different video circulating on social media which appears to show a different officer throwing a punch for the agency saying in part officers were struck with flying debris which include eggs, fireworks and bottles for the course of doing so the officer seen in the video is reacting to active resistance by criminals within the crowd. nypd encourages peaceful protests but will not condone our officers being objected to lease form of violence we know more than a dozen people were detained by police. most issued criminal court summons for disorderly conduct. an estimated 5000 people attending this rally a second large cell pro policy and rally in new york city in less than 24 hours. earlier in the day the protest was much calmer as hundreds came by the hour to brooklyn's abate rich neighborhood known for its large palestinian community pre-people in the crowd calling for a cease-fire and for more humanitarian aid to gaza. now others denouncing israel in our country support of it. before this rally began yesterday, jon e side truck driver through displaying images of kidnapped israelis. that truck was a boot and we never saw a return. but this event's comic chaos erected as things went dark. back to you. jon: personally i cannot blame a police officer throws a punch under circumstances like that. it is tough to be a cop in that kind of circumstance. cb cotton in new york thank you. more of our special two hour edition of the fox report moments away. ther. burger and fries... soup and salad. thank you! like your workplace benefits and retirement savings. with voya, considering all your financial choices together... can help you make smarter decisions. for a more confident financial future. hey, a tandem bicycle. you can't do that by yourself. voya. well planned. well invested. well protected. >> continuing with our coverage of the war in israel, an idf aircraft bombed what israel calls a militant c compound in the west bank, it housed operatives from hamas and palestinian islamic jihad, u.s. state department said that americans should not travel that iraq due to heightened risk of terrorism, kidnapping, armed conflict and civil unrest, and issued a global travel alert for u.s. citizens in response to the war. >> and controversial anti-israel protests continue throughout the u.s. this weekend. includes demonstration in washington, d.c., and on college campuses, where many students have expressed support for the palestinian people. >> multiple fans left a dave ch chappelle live show in boston after arguing with the comedian over the war in israel, he accused u.s. of supporting war crimes against palestinians. chappelle came under fire for joking about kanye west anti-semitic remarks on "saturday night live," join fox corporation in joining emergency fund, scan the qr code or donate at >> and that is how "fox reports" on sunday 22 of october, 2023, i'm jon scott, our live special coverage on the war in israel continues with "the big weekend show" at the top of the hour, if there is a ground invasion, we'll bring it to you when it begins, thanks for watching. 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Order , Shower Package , Step Walk In Tub , 1500 , 500 , Invasion , Gaza , Place , Word , Tanks , Reservists , Waiting Game , John Scott , Fox Report , Team Coverage , Greg Alcott , Idf Israel , Military , Front , Strategy , Colonel Conrad Reynolds , Alright Alexandria Hoff Alf , Latest , Retired Army , Ground , Defense , Mike Tobin , First , Hamas , Strikes , Gaza Strip , Israeli Air Force , Americans , Crowd , Development , Captivity , Manner , Choosing , Friday , Two , People , Hostage , Community , Son , Sign , Loved Ones , Tactic , Terms , Part , Kind , Indication , Public , Attempt , Intimidation , Hundreds Of Passages , Joe Biden , Benjamin Netanyahu , Aid , Support , Phone Call , North , Medicine , Need , Fuel , Food Water , Aid Worker , Evacuation Line , Estimate , Story , Artillery , Airstrikes , Intensity , Media Savvy , Hostages , Fact , Hospital , Feeling , Rocket Launch , Things , Release , Couple , One , Spokesman , Movement , Point , Comment , 210 , 212 , Ground Invasion , Process , Pr Game , Israelis , Game , Defense Force , Day One , Army , Us Mexico Border , Attacks , Southern Lebanon , Has Bella , Drone , District , Israel Lebanon Border , Alex Palkot , Reason , Militants , Ground Incursion , Fighting , Hezbollah , Troops , Artillery Drone Blast , Message , Soldiers , Fighters , Night Teen Hezbollah , Northern Israel Neighborhood , Six , Lot , Anything , Armor , Divisions , Road , Turning , Three , Second Lebanon War , Situation , Case , Villages , Most , Infiltration , Tracks , Iranian , Family , Country , South , Everything , Family Members , Airports , Syria , Note , Israeli American , 24 , Proxies , Ammunition , Pathway , Weaponry , Flow , Runways , Statement , Presence , Threats , Strings , End , Second Front War Open , Something , Issue , Wars , Nightmare , Thing , Perspective , Reporting , Israel Hamas War , Pope Francis , 12 , Talks , Delaware , Blue , Security , White House , Team , Leaders , European , Efforts , Question , Linger , Delay , Feedback , Obligation , Basis , Right , The Business Of Second , Delaware Time , First Lady , Terrorist Attack , Line , Washington , Phone , Time , Focus , Church Yesterday , Wall , Military Intelligence Officer , Four , Thinking , Speculation , Palestinians , 100 , Missiles , Problem , Leadership , Way , Organization , Terrorist Organization , Argument , Has , Saw , Intelligence Failure , Magnitude , 7 , October 7 , Endgame , This , Mix , Scenario , Northern Border , Idea , Flight Schools , It , Border , Hold , Nobody , 13 , Amnesty , Problems , Black , Foresight , 2009 , Republican , Democrats , 6 Billion , Billion , Friends , Iranians , Stop , Administration , President , Deals , Trump , Strength , We Don T , Levels , American Government , Senators , Back , Debacle , Arkansas , 2011 , Water , Bucket , Hand , Osama Bin Laden , Afghanistan , 50 Billion , 0 Billion , Interests , Sir , Police , Detroit , Synagogue , Local Jewish Killer , Evidence , More , Motive , Killing , Matt Finn , Update , Investigators , House , Attack , Home , Blood , Trail , Senator , Community Leaders , Aide , Jewish Community , Politics , Attorney General Reelection Campaign , Isaac Avery Downtown Synagogue , Life , Light , Funeral Service , Faith , Darkness , Legacy , Face , Friend , Heart , Gap , Hearts , Text Message , Police Chief , Soul , Love , Friendships , Planet , Token , Outpouring , Coverage , Conclusions , Investigation , Conflict , Risk , Middle East , Escalating , Aid Convoy , Hamas Terrorist Group , Food , Trucks , Supplies , Border Crossing , 20 , Nineteen , Anyone , Strip , Accomplice , Ground Assault , Residents , Families , War , Officials , Elsewhere , Delegation , U S Senators , Refuge , Tel Aviv , Lucas Thomason , Some , Led , Lindsey Graham , Parents , Children , Death , Kids , Women , Evil , Don T , Nothing , Jewish , Idf , Terror , Weapon Systems , Number , Airstrike , Rocket Attacks , Fire Support Officer , Last Night Lloyd Austin , Fight , Campaign , Bit , Eastern Mediterranean , Isis , Nine , Ied S , Region , Activity , Antiballistic Missile Systems , Booby Traps , Personnel , Embassy , In Baghdad , Katie Britt , Reading Congress , Congressman , War Aid , Armed Services , Florida , 100 Billion , 00 Billion , Aid Request , Ukraine , Ways , Voting , Adversary , Drop , Defense Budget , Freedom , Taiwan , Needs , Elected Speaker , Speaker , Powers , Pro Tem , Patrick Mchenry , Classmate , Byron Donald , Conference Chair , Floridian , Conference , Person , Power , Business , Candidates , Withdrawal , Jim Jordan , 10 , Chances , Screen , Gentleman , Red Donald , America First Real Conservative , Somebody , Figure , Individual , The End , Floor , Vote , Party , Candidate , Weight , Headline , Fans , Comedian , War Crimes , Retaliating , Dave Chappelle Live Show , Chapelle , Boston , Remarks , Saturday Night Live , Kanye West , Special Forces , Justin Brandon , Archbishop , Gaza Hospital Explosion Last , Responsibility , Air Defense Systems , Blast , Response , Plans , Defense System , Aftermath , Migrants , Terrorists , Monthly , Record Number , Blow , Crossing , Unchecked , Border Agents , Control , Details , Encounters , Christina Coleman , 269000 , Record , Data , 2023 , 2023 President , 2 5 Million , Crisis , Emergency Funding , 4 Billion , 14 Billion , Policies , Policy Problem , Money Problem , Reviving Catch And Release , Advantage , Concerns , Numbers , President Of The United States , Crowds , Fears , Look , Total , Jump , Amount , Fdi Terror Watch List , Terror Bossed , 2022 , 169 , Understatement , Watchlist , Single , Barry , Fbi , Terror Watch List , 18 , Chad Wolf , Speech , Money , Cities , New York , Southern Border Security , Squishy , Immigrants , Sanctuary Cities , Wash , Funding Crisis , Policy Crisis , Border Security , Clip , 1 5 Billion , 5 Billion , Parties , Better , Ngos , Resources , Matter , Mind , Policy Issue , Funding Issue , Dhs , Policy Changes , God , Interior , Security Situation , Terrorist , Fiscal Year 70000 Special Interest Aliens , 70000 , 270 , Agents , Border Patrol , Concern , Job , Guys , Nationalities , Vice President , Eyes , System , Policy Posture , Deterrence , Border Security Situation , Charge , Best , Posture , Individuals , Traffickers , Paradigm Shift , Enforcement , Smugglers , Cartels , Remains , Success , Expertise , Status Quo , Condit Ion , Side Effects , History , Botox , Doctor , Medications , Neck , Headache , Pain , Reactions , Conditions , Muscle , Fatigue , Site , Injection , Skin Infection , Nerve , Botulinum Toxins , Users , Survey , Sooner , 92 , Clashes , Communities , 14 , Funeral , Steve Harrigan , Death Toll , Beirut , Locations , 26 , Five , Prime Minister , Force , Mistake , Warning , Civilians , Possibility , Preparations , Fear Fighting , Move , Communities , Steve Harrigan Reporting , 50000 , Thanks , Golo , Sharon , 52 , Stomach , Important , Flat , Runway , Cholesterol , Good , Age , Compound , Operatives , State Department , Palestinian Islamic Jihad , Aircraft , Terrorism , Armed Conflict , Citizens , Kidnapping , Global Travel Alert , Unrest , Protests , College Campuses , Last Night , Demonstrations , Students , Washington D C , Rally , Demonstrators , Traffic , Cb Cotton , Officers , In The House , Head , Night , Watch , Palestinian Rally , Brooklyn , Loudspeaker , May , Inaudible , Video , Protesters , Social Media , Punch , Course , Officer , Fireworks , Bottles , Eggs , Nypd , Violence , Cease Fire , No One , Form , Permit , 5000 , Councilman , Call , Hundreds , Writing , Two State Solution , Jewish State , Neighborhood , Aspiration , Fathers , Demonstrator , Independence Day , Rallies , 5g Network , Gonna , 5 , I Ll Be There , Rocket Strikes , Southwest , The Strip , Air Attacks , Automatic Weapons Fire Ringingot Bank Today , Jon Scott , World , Stage , Break , Nation , Israel Lebanon Border Cb Cotton Live In New York City , Greg Palkot , Correspondent , Defense Israel Ministertold , Thee , Ground Operation , Impact , Defense Minister , Briefing , Daughter , Mother , Natalie , Ground Offensive , Bird , Judith Raanan , Help , Someone , Father , Texas , Manipulation , Aid Trucks , 4 , Carrying Food , Twenty , Egypt , 4 , Seventeen , Side , Edges , Proof , Effect , Information , Many , Hostage Negotiations , Rate , Communication , Southern Israel , Government , Mike Tobin Reporting , Greg Appel , Foreign Affairs , Explosives , Distance , Netanyahu , Transport , Wage Wageagainst Israel , 2006 , Estate , Listen , Meeting , Tt Cannot , Arms , Mortar , Hezbollah Tank Artillery , Casualties , Towns , 19 , Forty Three , Damage , Heavy Armor , Residence , Lebanon Side , Middleman , Terror Allies , Sure , Official , Middle , Battle , Explosions , Tangling , Mountainside , Flares , Counts , Hospitals , 21 , Professor , Fellow , Hostages Family Form , Mount Sinai , Sick , Woman , Medication , 85 , Child , Birthday , Babies , Wages , Hands , Attention , Shot , Red Cross , Care , Humanity , Retreat Hostages , Doctors , Soldier , Sur Survivor On Medicatioe , Terror Organization , 200 , Status , Geneva Convention , All Over The World , Pressure , Countries , Allies , Qatar , Politicians , Aegis System , Uncharted Territory , Barbarism , Display , Phenomenon , Rehoboth Beach , Addition , Ministers , Top , Pope , Grid , Delaware Paren , Family Credit Card , Convoys , Appreciation , Assistance , The Rafah Crossing , Affirmed T There Will Nw , Secretary Of State , The Sunday Show , Blinken , Unaccounted , Is , Questions , Weather , Times , Circumstances , Relationship , Eight , Leader , Stabbing , Samantha Walt , Live , Killer , Mystery , Samantha Woll , Nestls Reelection Campaign , Isaac A Great Downtown Synagogue , Wool , 40 , Faiths , Alyssa Slotkin , Riding , Whwho , Work , Sheet , Everyone , Peace , Definition , Hair , Murder Investigation , Tension , Developers , Retinol , Bank , Apartment , Skin Advice , Neutrogena , Hellooo , Chase , Jen , Sean , Lines , Results , Skin Tone , Youuuuu , 15 , Birthday Parties , Plan , Wishes , Network , Titanium , Birthday Boy , Verizon , Jason , Touch It , Yup , Vo , Pro , Ship , Iphone , Alert , Come On Hon , Let S Go , Apple Tv , 4k , 6 , Enemies , Crosshairs , Destruction , Homes , Targets , Rockets , Lives , Teams , International Fellowship Of Christians And Jews , Fear , Gift , Emergency , Rush Food , 45 , Wounded Warrior Project , Step , Journey , Pushups , Feel , Gentle Music , Headlines , Terrorist Group , Marines , Eighty , 2000 , Convoy , Seizure , Imminent , Tensions , Steve Harrigan S Live In Beirut , Chief International Correspondent , Beirut Today For Hezbollah Fighter Gu Guilt , Skirmis , Twenty Six , Warnings , Catastrophic , Area , Buffer Zone , Warfare , 2 , Beirut Lebanon , Lieutenant Colonel , Founder A Cofounder , Let S Pray And Retired Army , Restore Liberty , Command , Shaping Operations , Means , Intelligence , Picture , Recovery , Notes , Communication Centers , Operations , Failure , Reality , Curtain , Offensive , Abiding Menstruan , Reaction , Rage Control , Actions , Support Logistically , Incursion , Advance , Surprises , Timing , Capacity , Public Relations , Leverage , Netanyahu Isn T , Ploy , Hur , Land Component , Little , Sea , Infantry , Land Strategy , Extent , O Other , Second , N , Airpower , Land , Seapower , Mediterranean Sea , Forces , No Go Zone , Everybody , Puppeteer , Impediments , Instance , Armies , Areas , Minds , The Rebel , Weapons , Folks , Sympathy , Explanation , Pete , Sort , Persons , Popu Population , Aircraft Carrier Battle Groups , Action , Ships , Miscalculation , Misbehavior , Navy , Christ , Commander In Chief , Congress T Up The President , Tick Approval , Darin Gaub , Thanks Jon , Stop Rybelsus , A1c , Me Rybelsus , Goal , Isn T , Type 1 Diabetes , Pill , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Don T Take Rybelsus , 1 , Gallbladder Problems , Vision Problems , Changes , Lump , Stomach Pain , Swelling , Pancreatitis , Provider , Kidney Problems , Blood Sugar Risk , Sulfonylurea , Insulin , Diarrhea , Nausea , Dehydration , Vomiting , 0 , Vets , Dog People , Prescription , Pet Food , Dog Food , Approach , Kibble , Cans , Dogs , Dog , Box , Veggies , Meat , Door , Portioned , 50 , Preconception , She , Stem Graduates , Quarter , Engineer , Boys , Diversity , Sa Hero Moment , Blueprint , Innovation , Script , Space , Moon , Canterbury , Nations , France , Canada , Area Defense System , Pentagon , Terminal High Altitude , Group , Lucas Of Tomlinson , Reaffirming , China , Visit , Stand , Russia , Et Cetera , Dan Sullivan , Richard Blumenthal , Run , Message Iran Park , Captors , West Bank , Malls , Raid , Terrorist Plot , West Bank City Of Jeanine , Internal Security Agency , Meditation , Defense Secretary , Uss Eisenhower Airstrike Force , Lloyd , Fossae , Cruise Missiles , Destroyers , Eegs , Yowe , Shutdown , Guided Missile Destroyer , Antiballistic Missile Defense , Yemen , Muscles , Carrier Groups , Surface To Air Missiles , Coast , Errors , Firepower , Inv , Strike Groups , World War Iii , Points , Beirut Barracks Bombing , Anybody , Support Lucas Holmes , House Armed Services Committee , Mimiddle , Democratic , Army Intelligence Officer , Caucus , View , Combat , 27 , Colleagues , Patriot , Precedent , Finy , Won T , Tolerance , Unequivocably Stand , Kibbutz , Resolve , 24 7 , Sense Weakening , Doubt , Result , Half , Hudson Valley , Sentiment , Pockets , Democracy , Aggression , Spots , Trouble , Dysfunction , Abrahams Accords , Factor , Patriots , Importance , Path , Assessment , Overtures , 60 Billion , Clear , Signaling , Kinds , Multiple , Fingerprints , Roadside Bombs , Improvised Explosive Devices , Iraq , Escalation Piercing , Patrick Ryan , Escalation , Members , Service , Armaments , Zero Tolerance , Zero , Medicare And Medicaid , News , Damion Clark , Hi , My Name , Benefits , Special Needs , Medicare Advantage , Allowance , Options Allowance , Utilities , Pay , Groceries , First Aid Supplies , Over The Counter , Items , Pain Relievers , Card , Vitamins , Brent , Prescriptions , Month , Whatever , Spend , Rides , Appointments , Hearing Coverage , Vision Coverage , Contacts , Exam , Cleanings , Vision Exams , Fillings , Lenses , Eyewear , Hearing Tests , Pharmacy , Hearing Aids , Shingles , Vaccines , Copay , Retail Pharmacies , , Humana Sales Agent , Networks , Wouldn T , Over The Counter Items , Human Way , Humana , Bingo , Healthcare , Speedboat , Lake , Ooh , Gotta , Offer , Hassels , Opendoor , Don T Worry , Opendoor Dot Com , Streets , Thousands , Cv , Sidewalk , Roadway , Human Barricade , Loudspeaker Warning , Pro Pulsating Relish Showing , Chance , Chanting , Street , Fires , Confro , Debris , Agency , Resistance , Criminals , Disorderly Conduct , Criminal Court Summons , Policy , Protest , Cell , Abate Rich Neighborhood , Pre People , Truck Driver , Truck , Event , Chaos , Images , Boot , Return , Police Officer , Circumstance , Cop , Fries , Workplace , Eedition , Ther , Burger , Soup , Salad , Retirement Savings , The Fox , Choices , Bicycle , Decisions , Voya , Well Invested , Militant C Compound , Demonstration , Dave Ch Chappelle Live Show , Fire , Emergency Fund , Fox Corporation , Fox Reports , Qr Code , Sunday 22 Of October , Ujafedny Org , 22 , Sunday 22 Of October 2023 , Big Weekend Show , Watching , Holocaust Survivors , Save Thousands , Suffering , Soviet Union , Carrot , Jews , Ministry , Poverty , Survival Food Box , Foods , Diet , 25 , Fellowship , Save Lives , Hunger , Scan , Don T Delay , Holocaust Survivor , Hungry , Voice ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox 20240703 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox 20240703

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tanks positioned with reservists sitting outside of gaza. no word yet on whether the invasion will take place. good evening. i am john scott and this is the fox report. ♪ the waiting game goes on. we have team coverage. greg alcott is live monitoring a front. alexandria hoff with the latest on how the military -- military is in the retired army colonel conrad reynolds will discuss israel's defensive strategy. first, mike tobin live on the ground in southern israel. mike. >> israel defense said this will be the last defense into gaza because when it is over there will be no more hamas. israeli air force briefing about strikes into the gaza strip. in the pending ground invasion. the invasion will happen time, place and manner of israel's choosing. friday, we saw the positive development of the two americans released from their captivity and gaza. the unfortunately large crowd of community of people who have loved ones inside of the gaza strip. the son who is missing and presumed to be a hostage in the gaza strip does not view it as a sign that his son will somehow be released. he believes it is a tactic by hamas. >> this is very calculated in terms of when and to is being released. i do not think it is an indication of any kind of what will happen. hundreds of passages. i think that it is a part of their attempt and intimidation of the israeli public. >> there was a phone call tonight with prime minister benjamin netanyahu and president biden in which they confirm support for continued aid going into the gaza strip. making it in from the gaza strip an aid worker estimate working the desperate need. they are carrying only food water and medicine. not allowed to carry fuel and not allowed to go north of the evacuation line. the artillery and airstrikes continuing to fund into the night. picking up with intensity. >> very media savvy. look at how quickly they have turned the story of that failed rocket launch that hit the hospital there. the fact that they have released these two hostages, is there a feeling that it perhaps slows down the potential invasion that it delays israel's movement? >> one of the things, a spokesman yesterday said israel refuse the release of a couple of israeli hostages. israel made a point of not commenting on that early and when they did comment they believe that it was a tactic. if they are to release two hostages a day, since you have 210, 212 hostages now, you could draw this process out for a long time. effectively delayed the ground invasion and keep stringing the israelis around. it does speak to the fact that the pr game is very much part of the strategy. they know on day one they will never be able to meet -- meet an army like the defense force. the pr game is always part of the game. >> mike, thank you. >> has bella is intensifying attacks on israel's northern border with lebanon. benjamin netanyahu now strongly worming as well along a second front. alex palkot is live near the israel lebanon border. >> we are right up along the border. a district -- distant drone. the past few days we have been seeing and hearing them among the has bella militants. a good reason why that a huge ground incursion looming in gaza against hamas, prime minister netanyahu found the time to come up north on sunday to be with the troops to deliver a clear message to hezbollah. do not attack or you will be devastated. the fighting is going on. fire from hezbollah, artillery drone blast from israel. night teen hezbollah fighters have been killed. six israeli soldiers have been killed. what we saw and heard earlier. >> up here in northern israel northern neighborhood, at this turning of the road, more than a dozen tanks and a lot of troops. ready for anything. >> three divisions are in the north along with heavy armor regarding the infiltration and iranian tracks by israeli militants. most of the villages along the border have been evacuated in case of another war. >> the situation is not easy. we are here regarding the country. we already have everything we need. family members came to watch our family. make sure what happened in the south won't happen up north. >> israeli american soldiers taking this very personally. one more note in the last 24 hours, israel has hit two major airports in nearby syria. remember, syria is the pathway between iran ammunition and weaponry going into southern lebanon, has bella as well as hamas. the do proxies. >> taking out the airports. presumably they bombed the runways. hoping to slow down the flow. >> absolutely. that is what they are trying to deal. as well as showing this great presence. a lot of heavy armor. that is a statement that israel does not want a second front to happen and if it is open, it will respond in time. we heard that from the prime minister. hezbollah and iran has been making its own threats in the last couple of days. right now it is a waiting game. >> it seems with iran holding the strings, they would want the israelis to be has tied up as possible. having a second front war open up on the northern end. >> that would be a nightmare. it would be a difficult issue for sure for israel. fighting two wars at one time. that would be something, to iran perspective a good thing as well playing a very careful game here right now. we have seen basically intermittent strikes across this border every day. just short of a full-scale war. we will see what happens in the next few days. >> trance 12 reporting. thank you. speaking with pope francis today to discuss the israel hamas war. also holding more talks with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu as an invasion is looming. alexandria hoff is blue -- live in delaware. >> certainly been busy. also speaking with the national security team today as he did yesterday. several european leaders as well according to the white house " the leaders have confirmed that there will now be continued flow of this critical assistance into gaza. the president expressed the release of two american hostages expressing ongoing efforts for the release of all remaining hostages. the question does linger. hostages are freed. we asked the president about that yesterday. >> are you encouraging the israelis to delay invasion? >> instantly talking to israelis avoiding directly addressing a u.s. urged delay. within geared feedback not only the right, but the obligation to defend. we are not in the business of second-guessing what they are doing. we are talking to them on a regular basis. >> within the last hour president biden and the first lady took a very windy walk on the beach. at this point in the day it could have been a family on the line at this point. netanyahu, the eighth time that the two leaders had spoken since hamas launched its terrorist attack on israel. >> is it back to washington tonight or tomorrow for the president? >> we are thinking it is back tomorrow. he was able to get a lot done by phone. it was interesting that the president did speak with pope francis today. i believe it is the first time. a lot to contemplate from the president that went to church yesterday. the focus of that phone call was about the humanitarian aid that needs to get into this country that the president has been pushing for. that phone call he condemned the attacks in hamas. >> alex, thank you. four more on all of this, let's bring in retired army colonel conrad reynolds. also a former military intelligence officer. there is been a lot of speculation that president biden has been pushing the israelis to hold off on the ground invasion. what is your thinking on that? >> i think that it is absolutely 100% correct. you can see it in all the reporting geared one thing i would like to point out is we don't need to be giving all of that to the palestinians. they are not running out of missiles yet. that is a real problem. looking for some leadership from the white house. >> provided critical aid to the people of gaza. is that going to benefit the united states in any way? the palestinians generally seem to hate the u.s. it does not seemed like it gets us anything. >> that is one argument here at one of the things that i like to bring up, hamas is a terrorist organization. we know that. the u.s. has declared them a terrorist organization. i don't blame israel. they need to take out hamas. it is obvious they need to do that. i am very concerned that the israelis did not know or no other country saw this coming on october 7. that really bothers me. that is an intelligence failure of huge magnitude geared i am concerned about why iran, obviously, we believe they are behind a lot of this, they support hamas, they support hezbollah, what is the endgame here? i think that there is something else in the mix. we don't know what that is. the intelligence failure that we saw in october 7 may play into a bigger scenario. >> you have to worry about this country. we were attacked by people that were enrolled in flight schools in this country. now we have a couple of million people that have kind of just walked across our southern border and we have no idea who they are. who is among them? >> i've said this for 13 years. we should get a hold of our border. nobody seems to really care otherwise we would have already done it. we have been crying about the southern border in america since 2009. the big thing was no amnesty. no amnesty. we may have to be dealing with some future problems because of that. the lack of foresight. republican and democrats need to come together and secure our southern border today. they can do it in 24 hours if they want to $6 billion for the iranians. there has been a stop to that, apparently. iran is not our friends. >> they never have been. this would've never happened under president trump. you have to look for, unfortunately, we have an administration that is not looking forward. we have these deals, releasing $6 billion with it being simply crazy. i do not believe with it at all. we need to have strength at all levels of american government. right now, sadly, we don't. >> the united states does not want to get involved in another war. it was a debacle. >> i call that a long time ago. back in 2011 i talked with one of the u.s. senators in arkansas we need to pull out of afghanistan right after osama bin laden was killed. saving $50 billion a year. bringing our hand out of a bucket of water. that is exactly what happened. we should have done that a long time ago. having financial interests keeping us in wars. i agree with you 100% on that. >> conrad reynolds, thank you. >> thank you, sir. >> in detroit, police are searching for local jewish killer. a detroit synagogue. investigators say the motive for her killing is unknown. matt finn is live with more for us. >> a short while ago we got an update from detroit police saying so far there is no evidence to suggest this was an anti-semitic attack. declared dead at her detroit home yesterday. police say that there was a trail of blood leading to her house. the motive is just unknown right now. the community leaders served as president of the isaac avery downtown synagogue. working on the attorney general reelection campaign and was a former aide to democratic senator who says that she is heartbroken. in politics and in the jewish community, she dedicated her short life to building understanding across faith bringing light in the face of darkness. family and friends gathered for a funeral service today to honor her life and legacy. many people have come forward to say she bridged the gap. >> the last text message you sent was a heart to a friend just because you sent hearts to cheer people up and let them know you are thinking of them because you cared. the outpouring of love for you today is a token to your many friendships. there is not a soul on this planet who did not adore you. >> the police chief is urging the community not to jump to any conclusions right now is this investigation is ongoing. >> what a strange and sad case. thank you. more live coverage of the war in israel moments away on the fox report. our coverage of the war in israel continues now. a significant risk to americans in the middle east as fighting continues between israel and the hamas terrorist group. helping to prevent the conflict from escalating. a second aid convoy has entered through the raw file border crossing. nineteen trucks brought medical and food supplies into gaza. it comes after 20 trucks entered yesterday. israel's military has again warned residents to move south as a ground assault on the strip could be eminent. israel says anyone who stays could be identified as an accomplice of a terrorist organization if they don't leave and look for refuge elsewhere. a bipartisan delegation of u.s. senators is in israel now. support in the country and its war against hamas. they met with israeli officials and families today. lucas thomason is live in tel aviv with more on that. >> lindsey graham led that bipartisan delegation here to tel aviv. they met with some of the families being held hostage by hamas. this senator described what she saw. >> kids having to watch their parents be murdered. parents having to watch their children be burned to death. women having to be raped, kids decapitated. it is disgusting. it is despicable. it is your evil. >> giving the green light to launch on israel. previously said there is no direct evidence linking iran. he said don't in the senators also weighed in. >> hamas hates jewish people and cares nothing about the palestinian people. that is why they will use them as shields against their weapon systems. >> we should all be weeping for this terror unleashed for the killing of children all ignited by this terrorist organization. >> why they are here, the idf said in an airstrike that killed hamas number two fire support officer responsible for rocket attacks into israel. last night lloyd austin proceeded to the middle east not the eastern mediterranean as previously directed. the israeli ground assault, predicting it will be a tougher fight a nine-month campaign against isis. >> this may be a bit more difficult. the fact that they have had a long time to prepare for a fight >> so, i think you will see a fight that is characterized by a lot of ied's, a lot of booby-traps and a lot of really grinding activity going forward. >> also ordering a number of antiballistic missile systems. it will be sent to the region. today, the u.s. embassy in baghdad, john ordered all nonessential personnel to evacuate the region. john. >> the senators, how long are they staying? >> they are on their way back to washington. they are here on a two day trip. they are here to speak to some of the families. what is going on here at the ground. >> katie britt was quite powerful. she was quite distraught over this attack. >> president biden, we will ask congress for more than $100 billion in war aid. let's bring in florida congressman who serves on the armed services. receiving this aid request. >> i think we need to break it up. how much aid do you want for israel, how much aid do you want for ukraine. it will have each one of those voted on separately. different people will be voting different ways. i will be voting for aid against israel. needing to destroy hamas. ukraine is keeping our second greatest adversary at bay with our defense budget. it is not one drop, every drop shed there. ukraine fighting for their freedom. obviously the aid that is needed for taiwan to favor a war. i think that it all needs to be broken up. i am also very interested to see how many democrats will vote not to give aid to israel. >> if we cannot get to an elected speaker, we should be moving towards giving patrick mchenry the powers of the speaker as a speaker pro tem. that is something, we need to do that again. actually look at it if we can get to a speaker. i will be throwing my support behind byron donald in this round. he is a classmate and fellow floridian. a good friend of mine was honored to nominate for conference chair. i hope that that person can unified the entire conference. i am confident that we will. absent that, we need to give more power to actually open and open the house where we need to open the house and get to the business of the people as we get through the process. >> you have 10 potential candidates left after jim jordan's withdrawal this past week. you like by red donald's. the gentleman lower left on the screen. i guess i have to ask what you think his chances are. >> i think his chances are good. an america first real conservative. somebody that i can back, obviously. he is a friend. he has from my neighboring district. also a classmate. i was honored to endorse him and nominate him for conference chair. i think he will be a great speaker. i think he will be a great national figure. it will be a long process. at the end, whoever comes out i am sure i will be willing to endorse and vote for that individual on the floor so many well-known republicans have ascended and then been shot down you think that the party is ready to coalesce around one candidate? >> we have to elect a speaker. it needs to be a republican speaker. yes, i can vote for that individual. that is why i am throwing my weight behind him. i think he will be a great speaker. >> just making a headline. former congressman, thank you very much. we will see what happens this week. multiple fans walked out of a dave chappelle live show in boston after clashing with the comedian over the war in israel. chapelle criticized israel four retaliating against hamas and accused the u.s. of supporting war crimes. palestinian -- joking about kanye west anti-semitic remarks on saturday night live. our coverage on the ward israel continues. ♪ our coverage of the war in israel continues now. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu toured israel's border earlier today. fighting between forces in that part of israel intensifies. justin will be the archbishop warns against assuming israel was behind the gaza hospital explosion last week. israel denies responsibility for the blast. israel did not strike the hospital. the u.s. will send additional air defense systems to the middle east. the pentagon plans to install a defense system in the region in response to recent attacks on u.s. troops. in the aftermath of the attacks against israel, many americans worry that terrorists are crossing into the united states unchecked. border agents saw a record number of migrants at the southern border this fiscal year also hitting a new monthly high in september. it is a blow to the biden administration. claiming the situation at our southern border is "under control". christina coleman is live with details on that. >> more than 269,000 encounters at the us-mexico border for the month of september. that is a record for any month ever. all data shows that there is been nearly 2.5 million encounters along the southern border for fiscal year 2023. president joe biden asking congress for emergency funding which would include aid for ukraine, israel and $14 billion for the border crisis. however, republicans remain skeptical. critical of how the biden administration is handled considering the policies which includes reviving catch and release. >> we don't have a money problem we have a policy problem. the policies were put in place by joe biden when he became president of the united states. those policies need to be reversed. >> national security concerns over fears that terrorists could take advantage of the border crisis and slip into the crowds of migrants illegally crossing into this country. take a look at these numbers. there were a total of 169 people arrested at the southern border who are on the fdi terror watch list. that is a huge jump from the fiscal year of 2022 which is the highest amount a terror bossed -- watchlist for a single year record and single years combined very disturbing, john. >> barry is an understatement. thank you. speaking of national security at the southern border, officials arrested 18 people on the fbi terror watch list just in the last month. what is abided administration doing to shore up national security and the situation at the southern border. let's bring in chad wolf. chad, you heard in the speech saying he wants congress to save money for southern border security but the details were a little squishy. does that mean really beefing up the southern border? does it mean giving money to cities like new york who are complaining all of a sudden they are a wash and illegal immigrants after declaring themselves sanctuary cities? where does that money go? >> some of those details have come out specifically regarding how they would like to spend that 14 billion for border security. it does not look good. i agree with the clip from earlier. we don't have a funding crisis. we have a policy crisis. congress allocated $1.5 billion to dhs just last year. it is not gotten any better. it has gotten worse. they continue to fund those bad policies. they continue to provide ngos and third parties more and more money to process all of these illegal migrants. unless the policy changes, dhs in my mind should not get any additional resources. we don't have a funding issue, we have a policy issue. no matter how much money you provide will not get better. >> disturbing that 18 people on the terror watch list were apprehended just in the last month. that does not include that god always. who knows how many people are in the interior of this country that the fbi has no idea who they are. >> i think that that is right. this is the story most are not talking about. the security situation along the border. the same 270 known or suspected terrorist in the last few years. 169 just in the past fiscal year 70,000 special-interest aliens showing up at that border. that is not to mention that god always. we don't know who they are. the border patrol agents are probably most concerned about that. they are not out there on that national security line doing their job. instead they are prosecuting migrants because of the overwhelming number. any time there is an international conflict like we see now in the middle east, the concern there is always at the bad guys will use the unprecedented flow of migrants coming across at southern border to their advantage. we see this with the number of nationalities coming across the border. a lot from the middle east, lebanon and elsewhere. it will remain a concern. i don't understand how this administration simply closes their eyes. if they took it seriously, they would bring deterrence back into the system and you would see a whole kind of policy posture along the southern border. we simply are not seeing that. >> our vice president is supposed to be the one taking charge of the border security situation. if you could advise her, what would you tell her to do tomorrow to make the situation better? >> well, i am not sure that there is much that she can do. staying away from the border is probably the best of what is going on. you have to change the posture around there. you have to bring it back. you have to hold people accountable that are making it happen. you have to remove individuals from this country. there is a paradigm shift in enforcement along that border. that is the only thing that the cartels respond to. the bad individuals in the smugglers in the traffickers as well. as long as the status quo remains, we will not have a lot of success. >> a sad situation for sure. thank you for your expertise. we will be right back. condit ion. side effects may include allergic reactions, neck and injection site pain, fatigue, and headache. don't receive botox® if there's a skin infection. tell your doctor your medical history, muscle or nerve conditions and medications, including botulinum toxins, as these may increase the risk of serious side effects. in a survey, 92% of current users said they wish they'd talked to their doctor and started botox® sooner. so, ask your doctor if botox® is right for you. learn how abbvie could help you save on botox®. clashes between israel and hezbollah are escalating. prompting officials to evacuate 14 more communities along the lebanese border. steve harrigan is live with more on that. steve. >> another funeral here in beirut are one of the hezbollah fighters killed. the death toll after two weeks, 26 hezbollah fighters killed. five israeli soldiers killed. israel says over the last 24 hours, hezbollah fired missiles into three different locations in israel. while visiting the troops in northern israel, israel prime minister had a warning for hezbollah stay out of the fight. >> if hezbollah goes to war with israel, it will make the mistake of his life. a force that cannot even imagine >> israel continues to make preparations for the possibility of a much larger war. they have evacuated civilians from 14 more communities. 50,000 people now on the move to try to get away from the border of lebanon for fear fighting could break out. >> steve harrigan reporting live from beirut lebanon. thanks. continuing coverage from the war in israel straight ahead on the fox report. ♪ hi, i'm sharon, and i lost 52 pounds on golo. before golo, i felt sick, i felt sluggish, i was diabetic, and my cholesterol was high. i would always be bloated and my stomach was always upset. now my stomach is flat. i'm happy with how golo has made me look, but what's more important is how i feel. i feel like i can walk the runway. i just--i want to show that at this age i can look and feel this good. our coverage of the war on israel continues now. and idf aircraft struck a militant compound. israel says the compound belongs to operatives from hamas and palestinian islamic jihad. the state department says american should not travel to iraq because of a heightened risk of terrorism, kidnapping, armed conflict and civil unrest. the state department issued a global travel alert for u.s. citizens in response to the war. controversial anti-israel protests continue throughout the u.s. through this weekend. that includes demonstrations in washington d.c. and on college campuses where students have expressed support for the palestinian people. unrest in new york city last night at a rally supporting palestinians. some demonstrators clashed with police after blocking traffic. cb cotton is live in new york city. >> this pro- palestinian rally held in brooklyn turned into a night of chaos when officers told people it was time to pack up and head home. watch. [inaudible] >> you can hear officers chanting for people to get out of the way as a loudspeaker warns people they would be arrested. sitting down in the middle-of-the-road as officers try to wake may -- way for traffic. some officers captured on video shocking protesters. there is also another video circulating on social media which appears to show a different officers throwing a punch. officers pushed, shoved and struck by demonstrators in the crowd. eggs, fireworks and bottles. in the course of doing so, the officer seen in the video is reacting to the crowd. the nypd encourages protests. not being subjected to any form of violence. no one got a permit for the rally. a total of 5000 people showed up people called for a cease-fire and denounced israel. new york city councilman reacting on next writing. this was not a rally for a two state solution. or a public call to free hundreds of kidnapped israelis. it was a shameful rally that i strongly condemn. justin brandon who does represent the neighborhood wrote this in part on x. i support the right to exist as a jewish state. i represent one of the largest communities in the country. i support their aspiration to exist as independence day. just as for one will not come through. this is what we heard from one demonstrator. >> fathers having to carry their own children. is that right? that is not right. >> john, we are closely monitoring these rallies. back to you. >> thanks. but to advance how the game is played. now's the time to see what america's largest 5g network can do for your business. ♪ i'm gonna hold you forever... ♪ ♪ i'll be there... ♪ ♪ you don't... ♪ ♪ you don't have to worry... ♪ automatic weapons fire ringingot bank today. to these southwest of gaza being pounded by israeli rocket strikes. the israeli defense forces promising to ramp up air attacks on the strip. in order to pave the way for the next stage of the war as the world waits for what appears to be an imminent ground offensive it. good evening i am jon scott welcome back to the fox report. jon: we have team coverage and break greg palkot close to tracking any developed on a possible second front of the israel lebanon border cb cotton live in new york city with more on the controversial anti- israeli protests across the nation. first though to senior correspondent mike tobin he is live on the ground in israel, mike? >> john, israel's defense israel defense ministertold thee of the gaza strip the ground operation. they will be no more hamas. the defense minister and operational briefing from the israeli air force about strikes into the gaza strip and impact and strategy to the ground invasion israeli defense spokesman said the ground offensive will begin at a time, place, manner of israel's choosing bird there is a positive development on friday to americans a mother and daughter team natalie and judith raanan were released from tried to kick captivity in the gaza strip the unfortunately large community of people who have family and loved ones held hostage in the gaza strip saw that as a positive development help as a father of someone who is missing presumed to be held hostage is not necessarily an indication the other hostages will be released in fact he saw that as a tactic by hamas. texas move by hamas is calculated in terms of when and who was being released. i don't think it's an indication of any kind about what is going to happen moving forward. with the other hundreds of hostages being held. i think it's a part of their attempt at psychological manipulation of the israeli public. >> president joe biden prime minister benjamin netanyahu had a phone call today which they affirm their support for continued aid going into the gaza strip. seventeen aid trucks made from egypt into the gaza strip today carrying food, medicine and water but they're not allowed to carry fuel. twenty trucks made it yesterday. that is said to be a drop in the bucket needing a 4% of the desperate need and the gaza strip. here along the edges of the gaza strip on the israeli side of the border we here at the artillery and airstrikes pounding away all night long. jon: the two hostages were released. has there been any word any proof of life in effect from any of the other hundreds of hostages? >> well, a lot of the information as it relates to the hostage negotiations has been very tight. proof of a life as far as the other hostages i cannot necessarily say that. we know the number of hostages continues to change rate that would be an indication there is communication, some kind of proof coming out these hostages existed there being held by hamas and islamic jihad in the gaza strip as far as jonathan i asked him if there's any proof of life of his son he said there is not proof of life at that particular individual. he said he was very happy with u.s. support of his son being held hostage not happy with how the israeli government is handling things. before mike tobin reporting live from southern israel, mike thanks. between hezbollah and israel's intensifying the war in israel could expand. senior foreign affairs correspondent greg appel caught live on the ground near the israel/lebanon border with more on that. >> we are right up against the border here. we are hearing in the near distance a drone likely israeli drone by the way it's usually armed with explosives. we have seen a lot more along the border and the days we have been here. the clashes have been escalating between israel and transport militants paid a reason why perhaps the ground invasion looming and gaza against hamas and the south prime minister netanyahu found the time on sunday to come up north to be with the troops and to give a message to hezbollah a destructive war like a wage wageagainst israel in 2006 willk like nothing but tries to start something right now, take a listen. >> if it decides to enter the war it will miss the second lebanon war. it will make the mistake of its life. we cripple it with the force tt cannot even imagine in that meeting for hezbollah in the state of lebanon will be devastating. cooks the fighting is going on for antitank missiles, mortar, small arms, fires what we are hearing from hezbollah tank artillery drone blast coming from israel. in the past two weeks 19 hezbollah fighters have been killed the six israeli soldiers have been killed here plus civilian casualties. forty-three towns and villages on the israeli side of the border have been evacuated in recent days. replaced basically by three divisions of israeli troops and a whole lot of heavy armor we have been seeing with a lot of damage done also on the lebanon side. residence there are fleeing. one more note we have been talking about, israel in the last 24 hours has bombarded to airports in syria. syria is a middleman in between iran sending arms and ammunition to its proxies. to its terror allies. right behind us and hezbollah. >> it would seem keeping those three divisions on israel's northern border, certainly keeps things safer but they would probably prefer to have the manpower available at the gaza strip if they could. >> for sure, john. that is exactly what hezbollah has even said it is trying to do. it is trying to tie up and tied down the israeli troops that are here. it is bragging about that. one official said we are in the middle of the battle right now. i have to stress this is not a full-scale war it yet. this is intermittent clashes we have seen a lot. we have seen flares, explosions, weird tanks, we heard artillery. we have heard small arms fire just on the mountainside behind us. but yes it is not a full-scale war yet. but hezbollah is tangling with israel this side of the country. >> 21 lives lost so far according to your counts. greg palkot thanks. a second aid convoy into the gaza strip this week about hospitals there are still pleading for more medical supplies. let's bring in professor the head of the medical team of the hostages family form. and former fellow at mount sinai. what is the most critical need would you say? >> when we are worried sick for the hostages that were abducted. innocent civilians. we got information from the families many of them need some medication and now from 85 years old woman who needs medication to survive. from nine years old, a gifted child whose birthday and was taken away from his family. babies from nine months old. women of all ages including young women who have been raped and need medical attention. some of the people abducted were injured, they were shot, their hands were cut when they were abducted for we do not know. it is remarkable is spent over two weeks the red cross did not contact yet. not even one hostage. we do not know what is up. we do not know if they get medical care. the first thing is just to receive a sign of life. i'm meeting with the families every day. i want all of you when you go to tonight think about there are so many think about them. that's humanity for all of us to release them now to get them back home now. jon: is there any history of hamas or hezbollah allowing doctors in retreat hostages? i am thinking of the soldier who is held for five years. there is never any word was there? >> even for a terror organization like the hamas this is unprecedented over 200 people again sur survivor on medicatioe not getting the red cross to check the status and geneva convention and the moral obligation all over the world. the hamas does not follow basic humanity. that allies in qatar and other countries. all over the world and fellow americans should put pressure on the politicians. it put pressure on the relevant parties connected with aegis system to do this basic humanitarian issue i do not know but we are in uncharted territory. we should all do our best. >> barbarism was on full display that is for certain. professor, we thank you very much tonight. >> thank you and i just want to know the specific needs of women who were taken hostage right now. we are expecting or analyzing this issue this is a remarkable phenomenon. we do not know their basic needs. jon: so much concern i was a worldwide. thank you doctor. meanwhile, in the united states president biden spoke with pope francis today to discuss the israel/hamas war that held more talks with israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu as a potential ground invasion of the gaza strip appears to be looming. alexandria hoff live in rehoboth beach, delaware with the president spend the weekend, alex. >> at present has been anything but off the grid here in delaware paren top of speaking with pope francis the israeli prime ministers spoke with the national security team this morning as he did yesterday. in addition to that several european leaders in a short time ago the president and first lady took a very breezy walk on the beach in rehoboth beach, delaware time you get to the president speaking on the phone during that period this time of day could have been family credit card to the white house while on the phone prime minister netanyahu, president biden welcomed the first two convoys of aid that have gone through the rafah crossing" the leaders affirmed t there will nw be continued flow of its critical assistance into gaza for the present expressed appreciation for israel support in helping to accommodate the release of two american hostages. that release of course happen on friday but president biden speaking with the mother and daughter by phone before departing for delaware. earlier today secretary of state into blinken appeared on the sunday show discussing the efforts for the 10 still missing americans home. how many of them are still alive is painfully unclear. >> we don't know for sure is with us in the unaccounted for our dead simply not been uncovered yet. our weather there hostage. we have a pretty strong idea some number of the 10 are being held in gaza by hamas. >> the administration is not directly responded to questions on if the u.s. has urged israel to delay its ground invasion into gaza so more hostages can be freed first we asked the president about this yesterday. he replied only i am talking to the israelis. jon: apparently they are talking just about every day. there's typically not been a warm and fuzzy relationship between a benjamin netanyahu and president biden. but at least under the present circumstances. >> they have talked at least eight times for their spoken at least eight times since hamas launched the terrorist attack. jon: alright alexandria hoff alf with the president and rehoboth beach, delaware thank you. in detroit police are investing in the deadly stabbing of the local jewish leader. samantha walt served as board president for local synagogue. police are working for her killer now. matt's a thin live with more on that mystery. >> john a short while ago we got an update from the detroit police they are saying so far there is no evidence to suggest this was an anti-semitic attack. samantha woll was declared dead at her detroit home yesterday she was stabbed to death. police say there's a trail of blood leading to her house. the motive is just unknown right now per the 40-year-old community leaders served as president of the isaac a great downtown synagogue. wool worked on a date at nestls reelection campaign and former aide to democratic representative alyssa slotkin's whwho says she is heartbroken riding in part and politics and in the jewish community she dedicated her short life to building understanding across faiths bring light in the faith of darkness but family and friends gathered for a funeral service today to honor her life and legacy many people have come forward to saying sheet work to bridge the gap between faiths. >> you taught me, you protected me. you'd love to meet with all your heart. you so deeply wanted peace for this world. you fought for everyone regardless of who they were aware they came from. you were the definition of a leader. >> of john, there's a lot of tension in the air right now the detroit police chief is urging the community not to jump to any conclusions in this ongoing murder investigation. jon: let's hope they have some developers to share with us the. matt finn thank you. her coverage of the war and israel continues right after this. hellooo new apartment. one bank for now. for later. for life. chase. make more of what's yours. hey, jen. i need skin advice. sure. am i ready for retinol? neutrogena® retinol? yes! it evens skin tone, and smooths fine lines, with visible results in just one week. sounds like you've said that before. once or twice. neutrogena® retinol (all) ♪ toooo youuuuu! ♪ (sean) i wish for the amazing new iphone 15 pro! 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(gentle music) before continuing now it's our coverage of the war in israel. some headlines. the u.s. warned of a risk to americans and the middle east as fighting continues between israel in the hamas terrorist group. 2000 u.s. marines are deployed to the region to help prevent the conflict from escalating. eighty-second aid convoy has arrived in gaza through the rafah border crossing earlier today. nineteen trucks brought medical and food supplies into gaza it comes after a convoy of 20 trucks entered the seizure gaza strip yesterday. as israel's military is again warning gaza residents to move south as a ground assault on the strip could be animate imminent. israel said anyone who stays could be identified as an accomplice of a terrorist organization if they do not move themselves away from israeli forces. and that tensions continue to rise between israel and hezbollah. israeli officials are evacuating 14 more communities near the northern border with lebanon. chief international correspondent steve harrigan's s live in beirut with that. >> john, another funeral here in beirut today for hezbollah fighter gu guilt and the skirmis between israel and rafah. twenty-six hezbollah fighters killed five israeli soldiers killed israel saying hezbollah fired antitank missiles into three different locations in israel over the past 24 hours. israel's prime minister really making extreme warnings, cautioning hezbollah not to enter this fight. warning that if they do the damage here to lebanon would be catastrophic. also plans underway in the north continue to try to evacuate as many civilians as possible from all along the border with lebanon. they are trying to create a 2-mile buffer zone to keep civilians away from that area which could turn into a warfare as much as 50000 civilians now evacuated. john back to you. jon: steve harrigan reporting from beirut lebanon thank you. for more on this let's pray and retired army lieutenant colonel darren also a founder a cofounder i should say of restore liberty. so this ground invasion of the gaza strip has been imminent for more than a week now. what do you suppose is happening? why are the israelis holding off for now? >> hey john, thanks for having me on tonight. what i look at this what i see is what the military called shaping operations for those or continuing to go on and have been going on. with that means is to remove command and control notes logistic notes, communication centers, while also building an intelligence picture that both support a potential ground invasion but also the recovery of the hostages. although it looks to most of us that they have been slow moving into gaza the reality is behind the curtain there's a lot of activity going on in order to make sure the gaza strip and their operations have a good plan in place. they do not need to rush to failure on this. they do have some time it's best to use it. it looks like they are using it wisely. jon: is the bi abiding menstruan slowing the offensive are they pressuring to hold off on going in on the ground? >> i hope not but i would not put that past them. part of the problem here is biden going into israel at the time he did it kind of appeared like he was visiting israel and talking to netanyahu's and control your rage control your national reaction to this. which would cause him to maybe slow down. potentially he could be tying our support logistically or via some other means to his actions. jon: i have said since the date this incursion this barbaric attack happened i have been saying they knew this was coming this ground invasion was coming they must have prepared for that in advance, is that the reason for the hostages of that a lot more unpleasant surprises awaiting the israelis? >> i have no doubt the hostages are playing into the timing of everything. with one side or the other. i suspect they are trying to get the hostages as a leverage in order to delay a potential offensive or make them part of a public relations campaign as israel moves in. and using it as a negative capacity we seen the release of hostages used really as a ploy to show biden we are releasing american so take your time, do not hur. maybe we will release more and i hope netanyahu isn't buying this. i certainly hope biden is not buying this either it's not what hamas is. they do not care about life. jon: including the palestinian people. the israelis say they're going to launch a sea, air, land strategy. break that down for us a little but the land component fairly obvious tanks and infantry moving in, armor and infantry and so forth. the airpower we have seen already being used but what about the seapower? >> one of those is the fact hamas has a capacity. they have people who operate out of the mediterranean sea the same way they operate in land to the extent in the air. one of them will be to destroy anything they may find o other n the first place. the second would be to make sure nobody else interferes with the ground in their operations as they are occurring and gaza. just like we would create a no go zone in the air they're going to create the same thing out in the water to make sure there ground forces are free to operate with as a few impediments as possible. jon: everybody says iran is the puppeteer here. they control hamas. they control hezbollah. as iran want to get involved in this conflict directly? do you think they would if things go badly for hamas for instance? >> i think they would at some point if they thought they would gain significant advantage by doing so. we clearly see them involved through hamas, through hezbollah, they are very happy to let the proxy armies continue to be used in order to punish israel in their minds. that includes by the way the arms they have sent and used out of the rebel areas. are they ready to get directly involved yet? i don't think so i think they're happy to get their hands cleaned right now let other people doing the fighting for them using their money and their weapons. jon: the barbarism of this attack, i mean just appalling the things that hamas promulgated on the israeli people. and yet there seems to be so much sympathy for the folks in the gaza strip. we have seen anti- israel rallies all over the country. really all over the world. is there an explanation for that that comes your mind easily? >> well, that is a tough one in some regards pete ultimately most of these folks have a false history of the region where the palestinian people really come from and how they settled the gaza strip and what'll happen there. so they are looking at the palestinians as some sort of indigenous persons of popu population. to where they are being oppressed by the israelis. i think if they went back and learn their history they would truly understand where the palestinians came from. the real history there and relates most of palestinians and israelis action want to live in peace. it is hamas, hezbollah and iran that will let that happen. jon: two aircraft carrier battle groups there, that's a lot of ships in a lot of firepower. 2000 marines also in the region. do you think that is enough to tamp down any misbehavior or miscalculation by countries like iran? christ given our navy and marines are the most highly trained people of their kind in the world i think the point of a natural deterring effect and i hope it does. what i am concerned about is the process of things back in washington d.c. the commander-in-chief of the white house. we do have a speaker of the house and congress. in order for america to get involved in a complicated tick approval of congress t up the president. reading congress against straight as well to make sure we do not walk ourselves into a war that we should not be in in the first place. retired army lieutenant l darin gaub thank you. >> thanks jon. jon: up-to-the-minute war in israel continues after this. my a1c was up here; now, it's down with rybelsus®. his a1c? it's down with rybelsus®. my doctor told me rybelsus® lowered a1c better than a leading branded pill and that people taking rybelsus® lost more weight. i got to my a1c goal and lost some weight too. rybelsus® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't take rybelsus® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop rybelsus® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. gallbladder problems may occur. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking rybelsus® with a sulfonylurea or insulin increases low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. need to get your a1c down? 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>> i served 27 months in combat as an army intelligence officer. i think about this as an american, as a patriot i believe my democratic colleagues do as well. we have to stand strongly, firmly, and a bipartisan way with israel as they respond to it on precedent of barbaric attack. a brazen attack on israeli people. and i believe if we can get finy a speaker in place then we will have strong bipartisan support to show that strength and to provide the resources needed to do so. jon: as you well know there are some and your party very much anti- israel in this fight. >> i have no tolerance for colleagues in either party who won't clearly unequivocably stand with israel after the absolutely atrocious attacks. i was there on ground just two months before these attacks on a congressional delegation in one of the kibbutz that had the most agree just horrific children being killed, elderly people being killed. we just have to stand strongly on this. i am working 24/7 both democratic and republican colleagues to strengthen that resolve and maintain that result because this will be a tough fight to there is no doubt about it. we have to stand firmly committed with israel. >> do you get the sense weakening of resolve in congress? maybe outside of congress in support for israel? >> look just about an hour and half south of my district and hudson valley, new york we had absolutely unacceptable socialist protests undercutting israel just a few days after the attacks i call them out for what they were. absolutely unacceptable and egregious. we do see that sentiment growing in small pockets. look, zooming out our whole country we have got folks in both parties who just at the moment were we need to show strength in israel and against china, we need to remind folks about the responsibility as a democracy to israel to stand with ukraine to stand with taiwan against the aggression of china. do you think hamas and hezbollah to a lesser extent of some the other trouble spots in the world including ukraine to launch this attack on israel now? >> the primary reason for the attacks were predominantly about hamas wanting to assert itself in israel, within and among the palestinian people in addition to disrupting the abrahams accords which we have to continue to push forward despite these horrific attacks. certainly, the fact that we have a lot of dysfunction politically here in the country i am sure would be a small factor. we have got to get our act together. we have to stop acting like politicians. start behaving as a patriot. that's what i've been calling on my colleagues to do over the last few weeks. admits the unprecedented historic chaos in the house. i am hopeful that next week we will see a few patriots step forward and say look, we need to have a bipartisan path forward. it is just to importance. our enemies are watching. jon: republicans charge the president has been too to conciliatory toward iran. that he has made overtures given than the $60 billion although that apparently has been refrozen at least temporarily. what is your assessment of the white house approach to iran? across multiple from the previous one should this one has been strong, clear, signaling to iran that their fingerprints all over all kinds of terror, violence, going back to my time in iraq where i somewhat fellow american soldiers killed by improvised explosive devices, roadside bombs made by forces their special forces. this is been going on far too long. think the president has been clear about that. we have to continue to be clear. the escalation piercing in the north from hezbollah we know they look to iran for that signaling. we have to make very clear as senator blumenthal said republican and democrats we have zero tolerance for any iranian escalation or signaling to the proxies. jon: so many american service members lost their lives to iranian armaments there in the middle east. new york congressman patrick ryan we appreciate you coming on. thank you. a special two hour additionally fox report continues after this break. hi, my name is damion clark. and if you have both medicare and medicaid, i have some really encouraging news that you'll definitely want to hear. depending on the plans available in your area, you may be eligible to get extra benefits with a humana medicare advantage dual-eligible special needs plan. all of these plans include a healthy options allowance. a monthly allowance to help pay for eligible groceries, utilities, rent, and over-the-counter items like vitamins, pain relievers, first-aid supplies and more. the healthy options allowance is loaded onto a prepaid card each month. and whatever you don't spend, carries over from each month. other benefits on these plans include free rides to and from your medical appointments. you pay nothing for covered prescriptions, all year long. all plans have dental coverage which includes 2 free cleanings a year, fillings, and a yearly exam. they also have vision coverage including vision exams and a yearly allowance towards eyewear such as lenses or contacts. and hearing coverage, which includes routine hearing tests and coverage for hearing aids. you'll also have a $0 copay for the shingles and other routine vaccines at in-network retail pharmacies. plus, your doctor, hospital and pharmacy may already be part of our large humana networks. so, call the number on your screen now to speak with a licensed humana sales agent. wouldn't you love benefits like a monthly allowance to help pay for eligible groceries, utilities, rent and over-the-counter items? 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(vo) in three seconds, janice will win a speedboat. (woman) bingo! i'm moving to the lake. gotta sell the house. (vo) ooh! that's a lot of work. (woman) ooh! (vo) don't worry. skip the hassels and sell directly to opendoor. (woman) bingo. (vo) get your competitive offer at opendoor dot com. jon: across the united states thousands of people took to the streets last night to rally in support of palestinians appeared in new york city live in new york city with more on that. cv. >> good evening jon. video from the pro pulsating relish showing at one point officers forming a human barricade to try to get demonstrators off the roadway and onto the sidewalk. there also using a loudspeaker warning people they could be arrested if they did not leave. officers also had to chance, watch. move it back up. move back. move back. >> still protesters refusing to leave sitting down in the middle of the street to continue their chanting others letting small fires. we saw physical confro between officers and demonstrators, look. we are leaving. we are leaving. >> nypd releasing a statement on the clashes in a different video circulating on social media which appears to show a different officer throwing a punch for the agency saying in part officers were struck with flying debris which include eggs, fireworks and bottles for the course of doing so the officer seen in the video is reacting to active resistance by criminals within the crowd. nypd encourages peaceful protests but will not condone our officers being objected to lease form of violence we know more than a dozen people were detained by police. most issued criminal court summons for disorderly conduct. an estimated 5000 people attending this rally a second large cell pro policy and rally in new york city in less than 24 hours. earlier in the day the protest was much calmer as hundreds came by the hour to brooklyn's abate rich neighborhood known for its large palestinian community pre-people in the crowd calling for a cease-fire and for more humanitarian aid to gaza. now others denouncing israel in our country support of it. before this rally began yesterday, jon e side truck driver through displaying images of kidnapped israelis. that truck was a boot and we never saw a return. but this event's comic chaos erected as things went dark. back to you. jon: personally i cannot blame a police officer throws a punch under circumstances like that. it is tough to be a cop in that kind of circumstance. cb cotton in new york thank you. more of our special two hour edition of the fox report moments away. ther. burger and fries... soup and salad. thank you! like your workplace benefits and retirement savings. with voya, considering all your financial choices together... can help you make smarter decisions. for a more confident financial future. hey, a tandem bicycle. you can't do that by yourself. voya. well planned. well invested. well protected. >> continuing with our coverage of the war in israel, an idf aircraft bombed what israel calls a militant c compound in the west bank, it housed operatives from hamas and palestinian islamic jihad, u.s. state department said that americans should not travel that iraq due to heightened risk of terrorism, kidnapping, armed conflict and civil unrest, and issued a global travel alert for u.s. citizens in response to the war. >> and controversial anti-israel protests continue throughout the u.s. this weekend. includes demonstration in washington, d.c., and on college campuses, where many students have expressed support for the palestinian people. >> multiple fans left a dave ch chappelle live show in boston after arguing with the comedian over the war in israel, he accused u.s. of supporting war crimes against palestinians. chappelle came under fire for joking about kanye west anti-semitic remarks on "saturday night live," join fox corporation in joining emergency fund, scan the qr code or donate at >> and that is how "fox reports" on sunday 22 of october, 2023, i'm jon scott, our live special coverage on the war in israel continues with "the big weekend show" at the top of the hour, if there is a ground invasion, we'll bring it to you when it begins, thanks for watching. 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Invasion , Process , Pr Game , Israelis , Game , Defense Force , Day One , Army , Us Mexico Border , Attacks , Southern Lebanon , Has Bella , Drone , District , Israel Lebanon Border , Alex Palkot , Reason , Militants , Ground Incursion , Fighting , Hezbollah , Troops , Artillery Drone Blast , Message , Soldiers , Fighters , Night Teen Hezbollah , Northern Israel Neighborhood , Six , Lot , Anything , Armor , Divisions , Road , Turning , Three , Second Lebanon War , Situation , Case , Villages , Most , Infiltration , Tracks , Iranian , Family , Country , South , Everything , Family Members , Airports , Syria , Note , Israeli American , 24 , Proxies , Ammunition , Pathway , Weaponry , Flow , Runways , Statement , Presence , Threats , Strings , End , Second Front War Open , Something , Issue , Wars , Nightmare , Thing , Perspective , Reporting , Israel Hamas War , Pope Francis , 12 , Talks , Delaware , Blue , Security , White House , Team , Leaders , European , Efforts , Question , Linger , Delay , Feedback , Obligation , Basis , Right , The Business Of Second , Delaware Time , First Lady , Terrorist Attack , Line , Washington , Phone , Time , Focus , Church Yesterday , Wall , Military Intelligence Officer , Four , Thinking , Speculation , Palestinians , 100 , Missiles , Problem , Leadership , Way , Organization , Terrorist Organization , Argument , Has , Saw , Intelligence Failure , Magnitude , 7 , October 7 , Endgame , This , Mix , Scenario , Northern Border , Idea , Flight Schools , It , Border , Hold , Nobody , 13 , Amnesty , Problems , Black , Foresight , 2009 , Republican , Democrats , 6 Billion , Billion , Friends , Iranians , Stop , Administration , President , Deals , Trump , Strength , We Don T , Levels , American Government , Senators , Back , Debacle , Arkansas , 2011 , Water , Bucket , Hand , Osama Bin Laden , Afghanistan , 50 Billion , 0 Billion , Interests , Sir , Police , Detroit , Synagogue , Local Jewish Killer , Evidence , More , Motive , Killing , Matt Finn , Update , Investigators , House , Attack , Home , Blood , Trail , Senator , Community Leaders , Aide , Jewish Community , Politics , Attorney General Reelection Campaign , Isaac Avery Downtown Synagogue , Life , Light , Funeral Service , Faith , Darkness , Legacy , Face , Friend , Heart , Gap , Hearts , Text Message , Police Chief , Soul , Love , Friendships , Planet , Token , Outpouring , Coverage , Conclusions , Investigation , Conflict , Risk , Middle East , Escalating , Aid Convoy , Hamas Terrorist Group , Food , Trucks , Supplies , Border Crossing , 20 , Nineteen , Anyone , Strip , Accomplice , Ground Assault , Residents , Families , War , Officials , Elsewhere , Delegation , U S Senators , Refuge , Tel Aviv , Lucas Thomason , Some , Led , Lindsey Graham , Parents , Children , Death , Kids , Women , Evil , Don T , Nothing , Jewish , Idf , Terror , Weapon Systems , Number , Airstrike , Rocket Attacks , Fire Support Officer , Last Night Lloyd Austin , Fight , Campaign , Bit , Eastern Mediterranean , Isis , Nine , Ied S , Region , Activity , Antiballistic Missile Systems , Booby Traps , Personnel , Embassy , In Baghdad , Katie Britt , Reading Congress , Congressman , War Aid , Armed Services , Florida , 100 Billion , 00 Billion , Aid Request , Ukraine , Ways , Voting , Adversary , Drop , Defense Budget , Freedom , Taiwan , Needs , Elected Speaker , Speaker , Powers , Pro Tem , Patrick Mchenry , Classmate , Byron Donald , Conference Chair , Floridian , Conference , Person , Power , Business , Candidates , Withdrawal , Jim Jordan , 10 , Chances , Screen , Gentleman , Red Donald , America First Real Conservative , Somebody , Figure , Individual , The End , Floor , Vote , Party , Candidate , Weight , Headline , Fans , Comedian , War Crimes , Retaliating , Dave Chappelle Live Show , Chapelle , Boston , Remarks , Saturday Night Live , Kanye West , Special Forces , Justin Brandon , Archbishop , Gaza Hospital Explosion Last , Responsibility , Air Defense Systems , Blast , Response , Plans , Defense System , Aftermath , Migrants , Terrorists , Monthly , Record Number , Blow , Crossing , Unchecked , Border Agents , Control , Details , Encounters , Christina Coleman , 269000 , Record , Data , 2023 , 2023 President , 2 5 Million , Crisis , Emergency Funding , 4 Billion , 14 Billion , Policies , Policy Problem , Money Problem , Reviving Catch And Release , Advantage , Concerns , Numbers , President Of The United States , Crowds , Fears , Look , Total , Jump , Amount , Fdi Terror Watch List , Terror Bossed , 2022 , 169 , Understatement , Watchlist , Single , Barry , Fbi , Terror Watch List , 18 , Chad Wolf , Speech , Money , Cities , New York , Southern Border Security , Squishy , Immigrants , Sanctuary Cities , Wash , Funding Crisis , Policy Crisis , Border Security , Clip , 1 5 Billion , 5 Billion , Parties , Better , Ngos , Resources , Matter , Mind , Policy Issue , Funding Issue , Dhs , Policy Changes , God , Interior , Security Situation , Terrorist , Fiscal Year 70000 Special Interest Aliens , 70000 , 270 , Agents , Border Patrol , Concern , Job , Guys , Nationalities , Vice President , Eyes , System , Policy Posture , Deterrence , Border Security Situation , Charge , Best , Posture , Individuals , Traffickers , Paradigm Shift , Enforcement , Smugglers , Cartels , Remains , Success , Expertise , Status Quo , Condit Ion , Side Effects , History , Botox , Doctor , Medications , Neck , Headache , Pain , Reactions , Conditions , Muscle , Fatigue , Site , Injection , Skin Infection , Nerve , Botulinum Toxins , Users , Survey , Sooner , 92 , Clashes , Communities , 14 , Funeral , Steve Harrigan , Death Toll , Beirut , Locations , 26 , Five , Prime Minister , Force , Mistake , Warning , Civilians , Possibility , Preparations , Fear Fighting , Move , Communities , Steve Harrigan Reporting , 50000 , Thanks , Golo , Sharon , 52 , Stomach , Important , Flat , Runway , Cholesterol , Good , Age , Compound , Operatives , State Department , Palestinian Islamic Jihad , Aircraft , Terrorism , Armed Conflict , Citizens , Kidnapping , Global Travel Alert , Unrest , Protests , College Campuses , Last Night , Demonstrations , Students , Washington D C , Rally , Demonstrators , Traffic , Cb Cotton , Officers , In The House , Head , Night , Watch , Palestinian Rally , Brooklyn , Loudspeaker , May , Inaudible , Video , Protesters , Social Media , Punch , Course , Officer , Fireworks , Bottles , Eggs , Nypd , Violence , Cease Fire , No One , Form , Permit , 5000 , Councilman , Call , Hundreds , Writing , Two State Solution , Jewish State , Neighborhood , Aspiration , Fathers , Demonstrator , Independence Day , Rallies , 5g Network , Gonna , 5 , I Ll Be There , Rocket Strikes , Southwest , The Strip , Air Attacks , Automatic Weapons Fire Ringingot Bank Today , Jon Scott , World , Stage , Break , Nation , Israel Lebanon Border Cb Cotton Live In New York City , Greg Palkot , Correspondent , Defense Israel Ministertold , Thee , Ground Operation , Impact , Defense Minister , Briefing , Daughter , Mother , Natalie , Ground Offensive , Bird , Judith Raanan , Help , Someone , Father , Texas , Manipulation , Aid Trucks , 4 , Carrying Food , Twenty , Egypt , 4 , Seventeen , Side , Edges , Proof , Effect , Information , Many , Hostage Negotiations , Rate , Communication , Southern Israel , Government , Mike Tobin Reporting , Greg Appel , Foreign Affairs , Explosives , Distance , Netanyahu , Transport , Wage Wageagainst Israel , 2006 , Estate , Listen , Meeting , Tt Cannot , Arms , Mortar , Hezbollah Tank Artillery , Casualties , Towns , 19 , Forty Three , Damage , Heavy Armor , Residence , Lebanon Side , Middleman , Terror Allies , Sure , Official , Middle , Battle , Explosions , Tangling , Mountainside , Flares , Counts , Hospitals , 21 , Professor , Fellow , Hostages Family Form , Mount Sinai , Sick , Woman , Medication , 85 , Child , Birthday , Babies , Wages , Hands , Attention , Shot , Red Cross , Care , Humanity , Retreat Hostages , Doctors , Soldier , Sur Survivor On Medicatioe , Terror Organization , 200 , Status , Geneva Convention , All Over The World , Pressure , Countries , Allies , Qatar , Politicians , Aegis System , Uncharted Territory , Barbarism , Display , Phenomenon , Rehoboth Beach , Addition , Ministers , Top , Pope , Grid , Delaware Paren , Family Credit Card , Convoys , Appreciation , Assistance , The Rafah Crossing , Affirmed T There Will Nw , Secretary Of State , The Sunday Show , Blinken , Unaccounted , Is , Questions , Weather , Times , Circumstances , Relationship , Eight , Leader , Stabbing , Samantha Walt , Live , Killer , Mystery , Samantha Woll , Nestls Reelection Campaign , Isaac A Great Downtown Synagogue , Wool , 40 , Faiths , Alyssa Slotkin , Riding , Whwho , Work , Sheet , Everyone , Peace , Definition , Hair , Murder Investigation , Tension , Developers , Retinol , Bank , Apartment , Skin Advice , Neutrogena , Hellooo , Chase , Jen , Sean , Lines , Results , Skin Tone , Youuuuu , 15 , Birthday Parties , Plan , Wishes , Network , Titanium , Birthday Boy , Verizon , Jason , Touch It , Yup , Vo , Pro , Ship , Iphone , Alert , Come On Hon , Let S Go , Apple Tv , 4k , 6 , Enemies , Crosshairs , Destruction , Homes , Targets , Rockets , Lives , Teams , International Fellowship Of Christians And Jews , Fear , Gift , Emergency , Rush Food , 45 , Wounded Warrior Project , Step , Journey , Pushups , Feel , Gentle Music , Headlines , Terrorist Group , Marines , Eighty , 2000 , Convoy , Seizure , Imminent , Tensions , Steve Harrigan S Live In Beirut , Chief International Correspondent , Beirut Today For Hezbollah Fighter Gu Guilt , Skirmis , Twenty Six , Warnings , Catastrophic , Area , Buffer Zone , Warfare , 2 , Beirut Lebanon , Lieutenant Colonel , Founder A Cofounder , Let S Pray And Retired Army , Restore Liberty , Command , Shaping Operations , Means , Intelligence , Picture , Recovery , Notes , Communication Centers , Operations , Failure , Reality , Curtain , Offensive , Abiding Menstruan , Reaction , Rage Control , Actions , Support Logistically , Incursion , Advance , Surprises , Timing , Capacity , Public Relations , Leverage , Netanyahu Isn T , Ploy , Hur , Land Component , Little , Sea , Infantry , Land Strategy , Extent , O Other , Second , N , Airpower , Land , Seapower , Mediterranean Sea , Forces , No Go Zone , Everybody , Puppeteer , Impediments , Instance , Armies , Areas , Minds , The Rebel , Weapons , Folks , Sympathy , Explanation , Pete , Sort , Persons , Popu Population , Aircraft Carrier Battle Groups , Action , Ships , Miscalculation , Misbehavior , Navy , Christ , Commander In Chief , Congress T Up The President , Tick Approval , Darin Gaub , Thanks Jon , Stop Rybelsus , A1c , Me Rybelsus , Goal , Isn T , Type 1 Diabetes , Pill , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Don T Take Rybelsus , 1 , Gallbladder Problems , Vision Problems , Changes , Lump , Stomach Pain , Swelling , Pancreatitis , Provider , Kidney Problems , Blood Sugar Risk , Sulfonylurea , Insulin , Diarrhea , Nausea , Dehydration , Vomiting , 0 , Vets , Dog People , Prescription , Pet Food , Dog Food , Approach , Kibble , Cans , Dogs , Dog , Box , Veggies , Meat , Door , Portioned , 50 , Preconception , She , Stem Graduates , Quarter , Engineer , Boys , Diversity , Sa Hero Moment , Blueprint , Innovation , Script , Space , Moon , Canterbury , Nations , France , Canada , Area Defense System , Pentagon , Terminal High Altitude , Group , Lucas Of Tomlinson , Reaffirming , China , Visit , Stand , Russia , Et Cetera , Dan Sullivan , Richard Blumenthal , Run , Message Iran Park , Captors , West Bank , Malls , Raid , Terrorist Plot , West Bank City Of Jeanine , Internal Security Agency , Meditation , Defense Secretary , Uss Eisenhower Airstrike Force , Lloyd , Fossae , Cruise Missiles , Destroyers , Eegs , Yowe , Shutdown , Guided Missile Destroyer , Antiballistic Missile Defense , Yemen , Muscles , Carrier Groups , Surface To Air Missiles , Coast , Errors , Firepower , Inv , Strike Groups , World War Iii , Points , Beirut Barracks Bombing , Anybody , Support Lucas Holmes , House Armed Services Committee , Mimiddle , Democratic , Army Intelligence Officer , Caucus , View , Combat , 27 , Colleagues , Patriot , Precedent , Finy , Won T , Tolerance , Unequivocably Stand , Kibbutz , Resolve , 24 7 , Sense Weakening , Doubt , Result , Half , Hudson Valley , Sentiment , Pockets , Democracy , Aggression , Spots , Trouble , Dysfunction , Abrahams Accords , Factor , Patriots , Importance , Path , Assessment , Overtures , 60 Billion , Clear , Signaling , Kinds , Multiple , Fingerprints , Roadside Bombs , Improvised Explosive Devices , Iraq , Escalation Piercing , Patrick Ryan , Escalation , Members , Service , Armaments , Zero Tolerance , Zero , Medicare And Medicaid , News , Damion Clark , Hi , My Name , Benefits , Special Needs , Medicare Advantage , Allowance , Options Allowance , Utilities , Pay , Groceries , First Aid Supplies , Over The Counter , Items , Pain Relievers , Card , Vitamins , Brent , Prescriptions , Month , Whatever , Spend , Rides , Appointments , Hearing Coverage , Vision Coverage , Contacts , Exam , Cleanings , Vision Exams , Fillings , Lenses , Eyewear , Hearing Tests , Pharmacy , Hearing Aids , Shingles , Vaccines , Copay , Retail Pharmacies , , Humana Sales Agent , Networks , Wouldn T , Over The Counter Items , Human Way , Humana , Bingo , Healthcare , Speedboat , Lake , Ooh , Gotta , Offer , Hassels , Opendoor , Don T Worry , Opendoor Dot Com , Streets , Thousands , Cv , Sidewalk , Roadway , Human Barricade , Loudspeaker Warning , Pro Pulsating Relish Showing , Chance , Chanting , Street , Fires , Confro , Debris , Agency , Resistance , Criminals , Disorderly Conduct , Criminal Court Summons , Policy , Protest , Cell , Abate Rich Neighborhood , Pre People , Truck Driver , Truck , Event , Chaos , Images , Boot , Return , Police Officer , Circumstance , Cop , Fries , Workplace , Eedition , Ther , Burger , Soup , Salad , Retirement Savings , The Fox , Choices , Bicycle , Decisions , Voya , Well Invested , Militant C Compound , Demonstration , Dave Ch Chappelle Live Show , Fire , Emergency Fund , Fox Corporation , Fox Reports , Qr Code , Sunday 22 Of October , Ujafedny Org , 22 , Sunday 22 Of October 2023 , Big Weekend Show , Watching , Holocaust Survivors , Save Thousands , Suffering , Soviet Union , Carrot , Jews , Ministry , Poverty , Survival Food Box , Foods , Diet , 25 , Fellowship , Save Lives , Hunger , Scan , Don T Delay , Holocaust Survivor , Hungry , Voice ,

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