Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox 20240703 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox 20240703

[background noises] we are going to get them all out god willing. >> 's daily israeli airstrikes pummeled gaza at this hour. as israel appears to inch closer to launching a grand invasion aimed at destroying hamas. good evening i am jonathan hunt with special coverage of israel at war. it is 7:00 here in los angeles at 5:00 a.m. and israel military leaders say it's not a matter of if but when they will launch a massive ground invasion of gaza. even as the idf says at least 210 hostages including 11 americans are believed to be held by hamas terrace there for the living invasion comes as god the southern border with egypt was briefly opened up to date with 20 un trucks filled with humanitarian aid arriving in gaza to help address the rapidly deteriorating situation for 2 million palestinians. the white house as president biden consulted with national security advisors today over the war in the middle east. fox news was able to press the president of reports he has pushed the israelis to delay their ground invasion >> are you encouraging israelis to delay invasion? >> we begin tonight with fox news correspondent lucas tomlinson alive on the ground in tel aviv. good evening lucas. >> good evening jonathan israel's top generals that his forces are ready to assault gaza to permanently wipe out hamas. >> we are going to go into the gaza strip. will embark on a professional operation mission to destroy hamas operatives in hamas infrastructure. we will have in our mind the memories of the images and those who fell on saturday two weeks ago. >> israeli forces taking in the live fire training but experts say, jonathan, what you see here will bear little resemblance the peers urban combat these forces will be facing inside gaza historically we look at urban combat the battles of falluja that there's something easy about to put it mildly the goal to push hamas to see prevent gaza from carrying out massacres like t the one we saw two weeks ago. also to prevent it from becoming the permanent platform to launch those deadly rocket attacks right now, minutes before he came on air box has learned a foil terrorist plot this evening fper joint raid by the idf that israel's internal security agency fully terrorist plot and the mosque in the west bank city of jenin. containment g hot operatives were organizing a quote imminent terrorist attack. yesterday the first of 20 trucks carrying humanitarian aid entered gaza through egypt for the call president biden here in israel pledging $100 million to help gaza and the west bank. we recently visited a morgue on an army base here in central israel for as many as 1400 israelis were killed by hamas and some of those bodies have been taken. we talked to a reservist who said she has seen in babies with a cut out of their pregnant mother's womb beheaded followed by the mother. and then she said the following. >> i had a child of holocaust survivors i grew up hearing stories of the camps but i thought those were the worst stories. these stories are worse. i think that is the hardest thing for me. i never thought i would live to see something worse than the stories i grew up with. >> tonight 10 americans remain missing. some feared held captive inside gaza donate more than 200 as release citizens help captive captive as weber. >> in tel aviv alive thank you very much indeed that strike lucas mentioned on the west bank very interesting because israel very rarely carries out strikes in the west bank it is just more evidence israel is fighting this war on several fronts. also battling hezbollah of the northern border with lebanon. growing concern the fighting could obviously escalate into a far wider conflict joining us in beirut, fox news chief international correspondent steve harrigan. good evening. >> jonathan, the fighting has been steady along israel's northern border between israeli forces as well as hezbollah. fighters in the past 24 hours six hezbollah fighters have been killed that's a high over the past two weeks. nineteen total killed on the other side five israelis killed. israeli military release audio that shows what it says is the destruction of a hezbollah terrorist cell in southern lebanon. israel has been being hit with rockets. about 30 at a time. each night from hezbollah positions the israeli defense minister visited troops in northern israel over the past 24 hours and on this message for troops there about a warning for hezbollah. >> hezbollah has decided to participate in the fighting is paying a price for it. we must be vigilant and prepare for every possible scenario. the great challenges await us. >> you can get a sense of the fragility of the economy here we had a blackout it happens often hear the currency is off also. spiraling downward about 80% of the people live under the poverty level. this is a country that is in no shape to get dragged into war that is exactly what might happen in the coming days. jonathan back to you. >> steve, the people of lebanon are as you say have witnessed more than their fair share of conflict over the past year as indeed several decades. what is the sens sensing you get there among ordinary people the war is coming to lebanon as a result of all of this? what is in for the older people can remove the last war between hezbollah and israel in 2006 is a real sense of dread. much of this country especially in the south was simply destroyed by israeli airpower. the younger people there's a real sense of anger about what they are seeing especially on news channels they tried to basically burn down the u.s. embassy a few days ago. that rising anger especially of casualty rates are high could push hezbollah into action jonathan. >> steve thank you so much joining is now political commentator and columnist who is not mention professor director of the center for israel studies at ucla here in los angeles. let me start with you professor. we have been talking now for some two weeks in 24 hours almost to the minute since he terrortheterrorist attacks launt this grand invasion. is there any way a grand invasion and your view does not happen? or is it absently inevitable at this point professor? >> it is not yet inevitable. i was surprised it is not already happened. there's obviously a lot of diplomacy trying to maybe delay a ground invasion. it does look very, very likely by virtue of the fact israel has called up so many reserve soldiers or it is impossible for israel to sustain such a massive mobilization of its soldiers for very long given the impact upon the israeli economy. without using them if you will. everything israel has done amassing those troops in the statements coming out from the israeli officials and patient is likely. i think it wants to be assured its northern border that is prepared on the north for an increase of hezbollah activity the outbreak of war with hezbollah before they enter the gaza strip. >> we have heard a lot about potential pressure being put on the israeli government. on prime minister netanyahu to hold off for a while. that pressure coming we have heard in part from president biden. do you think that's really playing a role politically speaking here? >> i do not think so jonathan pressures always brought on israel by the united states and other factors. israel has to make decisions on their own race on their best interest. i think they will be doing i'm certain they will be doing that actually print that goes to the issues of the ground war. the ground offensive will only happen when israel is ready to do it. when the mission is very clear and they can understand and evaluate success is one of the issues going into their minds right now. not just should they go in but how did they determine success? and then what they're going to do the day after which is on the big problems when they went into iraq. their plans are bigger than simply going with their heavy artillery thing to work these things out it's very important to get a sense of that in terms of underselling their perspective. >> professor you said to me we were probably 10 days ago now that you had concerns that hamas was perhaps trying to deliberately lure the idf into gaza they are setting a trap for them to still have that concern? >> absolutely. i worry the terrorist attack that hamas conducted october the seventh was a first stage of hamas plan it was deliberately designed to provoke israeli invasion of the gaza strip. and the haman preparing for a long time for such an invasion they see this as something advantageous for them they can essentially wager an insurgency war of attrition between israeli forces in the gaza strip this is a concern that israeli defense officials have. even with the best plans the idf has i am not sure they're going to be able to avoid getting bogged down in a quagmire in gaza and inviting hamas her deeply entrenched in the planning for the solvency they have an underground network they may have other kinds of weapons they're not expecting. there is a lot of risks here. it's very dangerous for israel to be sending in its ground troops into the gaza strip for what could be a very long prolonged event and even something they may not be able to get out should. even if they want to as the american learns afghanistan. >> the hamas obviously very happy and presumably thought about this at length before hand. promoting a wider conflict in the middle east. negative likes of the moderates of king abdullah of jordan criticizing israel saying there is no military solution to this. hamas is celebrating everyone those comments from all around the arab world, are they not? >> most certainly. when things we have to realize hamas success is not as dimensional as one might think. what's happened is they are pushing and trying to crew the call unified battlefront the battlefield. it comes from the quran and the story. what they wanted to do is create a ripple effect that would swarm israel. that's what they did that is the purpose of this. first it was hamas in the masker than that with the west bank to join and. then they wanted hezbollah to join in and the issue is now the numbers it's a mathematical equation. they proved to others that numbers can defeat israel. there are more muslims more arabs as a result. when they come those numbers it will be successful. but the others have not followed suit. there is no unified battlefield right now. you see a bit here and a bit there but is not followed through the hamas plan. >> so good to have your expertise this evening on what looks like it will be a long w war. at least in gaza perhaps not the middle east. we pray that will be the case but it very well may be. thank you for being with us this evening. a murder investigation is underway in detroit tonight after a jewish synagogue president was found brutally stabbed to death outside her home. police say 40-year-old samantha wall was found with multiple stab wounds and a trail of blood leading back to her home for it's important to point out that at this time police say they have not determined a motive. the fbi says it is aware of this murder and will assist the detroit police department as requested. coming up, several house republicans push the white house for clarity on potential national security threats at our southern border. representative lance joined us next discussing why he and 18 other lawmakers filed an official probe into what protective steps the nation is taking amid the rising tensions worldwide. >> americans are threatened by hamas here at home because of her open southern border. we need to support israel would need to support the fight to destroy hamas. ♪ if i could be you and you could be me ♪ ♪ for just one hour ♪ ♪ if we could find a way to get inside each other's mind ♪ ♪ walk a mile in my shoes ♪ ♪ walk a mile in my shoes ♪ ♪ well before you abuse, criticize and accuse ♪ ♪ walk a mile in my shoes ♪ goli, taste your goals. jonathan: the war between israel and hamas inches closer to a possible grand invasion by israel. meanwhile republicans are no closer to solving the speaker crisis in congress. president biden monitoring all of it from rehoboth beach delaware were as we also find our alexander hoffman. good evening. >> good evening jonathan. you get a question into the president tonight. we were looking for some clarification to clear up some confusion really regarded with the united states is encouraging israel to delay as ground invasion. in order to get those hostages out of gaza first before we showed the president's response from today let let's show you we asked. >> how is your quality americans? [inaudible] you delay the ground invasion to the hostages out? >> the president says yes at the end there he is saying yes to israel israel to leading a killd invasion the white house quickly issued a correction by the president was far away he did not hear the full question the question sounded like would you like to see more that just released he was not commenting on anything else you can see the statement they're here ever rehoboth beach today our producer sarah did ask for direct comment from the president, here's what he said. >> are you encouraging the israelis to delay invasion? is what is that is talking to te israelis and he has been talking to them it's unclear still at that will involve a potential delay. now, we also got a look into the oval office today this is very empowering to see this the president had spoken with the mother and daughter that were freed by hamas yes or here's a moment from that topic. >> we've been working on a long time. were going to get them all out god willing. i just want to say i hope you are both -- not only feeling good but in good health as well. >> yes, sir. >> god bless you guys. >> the president continued on by telling the mother and daughter they have the complete support of the united states government as they try to recover from the experience they so bravely endured and likely will take some time to recover from, jonathan a. jonathan: that various small piece of good news in this awful situation. alexander hoffman q very much indeed. >> we issued a worldwide caution alert but we advise u.s. citizens due to increased tensions in various locations around the world, the potential for terrorist attacks, violent actions against u.s. citizens eninterested apartment essays advises u.s. citizens overseas to exercise extreme caution. >> there is tonight growing concern among american citizens and leaders alike about the safety of citizens around the world and the safety of our nation here at home. earlier this week the state department issued a worldwide caution alert for americans abroad. advising citizens to quote stay alert and tourism hotspots. the world has led 19 members of congress to ask the white house what's actively been done to prevent terrorists from coming in at our southern border questions 20 smell congressman lance goodman. with the 19 lawmakers looking for more clarity on this matter. thank you so much for being here with us this evening. why did you feel the urgency, you and others, to send these letters? >> we have been asking questions similar to the since president biden took office. as this problem has continued to grow. but what happened and is or was a real wake-up call i think for even some democrats i've spoken with since then. we do not want that to happen here. as long as we are letting unknown people come across our southern border from god knows where and we are susceptible to something very similar. we have seen the number of terrorism watch list arrests and apprehensions at the border increase. there have been more on this calendar year than all four years of president trump's administration and it is very scary when you stop to think about who may be coming across. those are just the folks that were caught. we do not know about those who've gotten away we do not know about. these are not just poor people coming and looking for work. these are folks coming over from my ron, and syria, and places that are not our friends and very alarming. jonathan: congressman looking at the letters you sent here one of them says quote our borders pours estate is used at gateway to infiltrate u.s. soil but not just on individuals by terror watch list but individuals from designated hostile nations with military trading. can you expand on that i've not heard a lot about people with military training coming in any significant numbers. could you explain that? >> i sure i'll give an example. last year a plot to assassinate former president bookish in texas was full by the fbi buried some of the people who were arrested were folks that had trained with my ron and hezbollah. there were others that got away that it loose in our country now. these are folks who are trained by militaries of hostile nations those one specific example that made the news there countless others this government does not want to talk about. but when these numbers keep going up, up apprehensions on the terrorism watch list these are people coming across the southern border hoping not to get caught. these are just the ones who got caught they have been found to be on the terrorist watch list that is terrifying when they are coming from nations like iran that we nose out to get us out to harm our interest all around the world this demonstration is a step up the american people are fed up what's happened recently and israel as a wake-up call and it should be. i sense the democrats are waking up to it. >> congressman just to play devils advocate for a moment the biden administration i'm sure would say only supporters would say the numbers we have we can put them on the screen as you say show more on the terrorist watch list being apprehended. they would perhaps argue that shows the effectiveness of the southern border not the ineffectiveness. >> the reason these numbers are so high because the messages gone out across the world that the united states is not policing its borders. that the borders are wide open and chances are you will get across. in fact we see that. you can turn on the news, good on the border and visit. so many are getting a crossbreed so when you're walking across her come to the main entry they atherealso come in through the n borders over water, through the desert we are not catching everyone for the fact these numbers are so high is very alarming this is not something the biden ministration is a talk about which is often where they dropped the statistics on a saturday morning when people are not paying attention. >> congressman lance gooden very good to be with us tonight thank you for being here. i want to bring you a little bit of breaking news that we are getting hear f hear from our vi. defense secretary lloyd austin has put additional forces on standby to prepare to deploy. they are now on. to deploy orders. just another example that the world is essentially on standby for this war between israel and hamas to widen into a regional conflict. defense secretary lloyd austin putting additional forces on prepared to deploy orders. talking of preparing to deploy were going to talk next to an american rabbi gets ready to head to israel tomorrow like so many americans to help those who lost so much in the brutal hamas attacks. more on that rabbi's mission, next. i always hear people say, you know, when you get older, you know, people lose memory. i didn't want to be that person. i decided to give prevagen a try. my memory became much sharper. i remembered more! i've been taking prevagen for four years now. prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription. i'm not one of those players that can kind of sit back and enjoy the ride. i'm always trying to find an edge, always breaking down the film, always trying to get better for the next game. oofos is one of those things that i take value in, and when i'm done with the game, i put my oofos on. i'm making a conscious effort to recover. the quicker you can recover, the quicker you can be back out there playing 100%. oofos definitely help me recover faster. (door bell) yo camping buddy. boom. you guys ready? dude, i thought you were driving. i thought you were driving. oh, i never said i was driving. i-i definitely can't drive. ok. narrator: if you're high just don't drive. it's illegal everywhere. if you feel different, you drive different. jonathan: walking back to our ongoing coverage of the war between israel and hamas. in gaza we've just gotten word as we were saying before the break defense secretary lloyd austin has given an additional number of troops prepared to deploy orders. we do not have those specific numbers yet. the defense secretary says this is following detailed discussions with the president n on the recent escalations by iran with the defense secretaryy describes as his proxy forces across the middle east region for it he feels the necessity and the president of course to take a series of additional steps to quote further strengthen the department of defense posture in the region for the very latest on all of this let's go back to lucas tomlinson who is life for us in tel aviv tonight. lucas, what do these extra deployments are prepared to deploy orders signify to you? >> one at the most notable parts about this new statement from distant defense secretary lloyd austin is he was to deploy fad batteries and patriot batteries to the middle east. those are for knocking out ballistic missiles. hamas and hezbollah do not have ballistic missiles b been around as clearly as we have seen in the last few days with increasing attacks on u.s. forces in syria and anti- rock we sell the crews missile strike from yemen was successfully thwarted by the missile destroyer uss carney shooting down for cruise missiles in over a dozen drones. there is an increased threat from my ron. certainly people at the pentagon and the white house see iran behind all these attacks using their proxy forces the. the sad batteries specifically is very concerning about what is going on here. again hamas and hezbollah do not have ballistic missiles but iran does. there's a fad battery position in guam. the first one used in combat was last year defending the united arab emirates from a ballistic missile attack. that should concern everybody about where this conflict is potentially going. >> lucas few people are better forced to the pentagon venue. i am wondering, the people you have talked to there when they talk to you about what is real is preparing to do, going into gossett to fight on the ground there. how difficult do your resources sourceswithin the u.s. defense department say that fight is going to be, and their expert view? >> jonathan just yesterday assigned to u.s. officials about the various subjects. how dangerous and difficult urban combat is. even for the most elite forces and the israeli defense forces and also for american forces. you know that history going to the battle falluja even into ukraine we have seen urban combat. here is the problem. no matter what the best intelligence, the drones and architectural plans of these buildings in gaza. of course the buildings that have not been leveled yet. the advantages to hamas. for weeks, months, years to plan this. they have tunnels, they have set booby-traps. also they are lying in wait no matter how much technology you have forces are advancing on a building you don't know what's behind the door and the painstaking clearing. in fact i was just speaking to a former israeli general who drove down the south during the massacre two weeks ago. his son had texted him said hamas operatives were around his house he drove down he blasted his way assaulted his way south and pick up a rifle from a dead israeli commando and his kids stepped right outside the kibbutz w where his son was located. even then this is where you expect to urban combat. he told the troops around of this is a general told me he said we are going to go house by house clear each house house must be clean ones house even though he could have rushed down there in minutes it is a painstaking process you have to go room to room, house to house, building to building and of course you do not know where the enemy is from the rooftops or in the case of gentoo and the tunnels were great, great insight on how tough this is going to be if indeed that ground invasion does happen as seems inevitable. lucas tomlinson live in tel aviv for us thank you so much lucas. the terrorist attack by hamas on israel two weeks and almost exactly 24 hours ago killed at least 1400 people. per the brutal assault also displaying the goodness of so many israelis of course rushing to help and many americans rejoining is not rabbi of the bad. he is headed to israel tomorrow on a humanitarian mission. rabbi, we were talking i think it was 10 days ago in these very chairs you had no idea at that point you were going. what made you think i have to go and what you hope to achieve? >> the reason we have to go as we need a battalion of good people for this lot of darkness, there's a lot of pain we're going to visit the families the hostage families, people who have lost soldiers. we are going to his many people as we can but we are coming with supplies for coming with money were coming to rebuild their homes. we are come to rebuild their lives. we are coming to go and bring comfort that is our mission pedro going to be working literally 24 hours a day on the schedule at four hours a day for sleeping. >> you are going to meet with people whose loved ones are being held hostage in gaza by people who are clearly among the most brutal terrorists we have ever seen but you are going to meet with people whose loved ones have been killed for this brutal terrorists. how on earth do you bring comfort to those people? it seems an impossible task. >> the very first thing people need to know when they are in pain is that they are not alone. imagine traveling 10,000 miles and saying to you i came with my whole community when all these are the rabbis we are here for you. i saw that you are there and we are here we are coming shoulder to shoulder. that itself brings a lot of comfort for their able to talk to us. we are going to literally going to be uplifting lives. we have done this in the past and other times but this has never been such an important big mission as it is right now. we have people from all over one to join us but in fact there is a u.s. candidate that wants to join us on our mission. she wants to be around this she wants to have a fact-finding mission what's going on for the future of how to be bring peace to the region et cetera. a lot of people know that we are going this is becoming huge news in israel today. jonathan: i thank you for coming to our studios here so quickly after that. how is your congregation reacting here at home? there's a lot of fear among the jewish community here in the united states. >> might congregation this past week we were bringing chairs from ever that's how packed it was for the attack on israel as an attack on every single jew around the world i heard tonight there is a present of his synagogue was murdered today outside her own home, why? we do not know a lot of jewish people are starting to realize they're not just a checking in israel they are attacking us all worldwide use he was going on the streets. everybody is joined together, is united we cannot be broken and that's is going on in my community progress were looking there at a picture of that synagogue president samantha 40 years old. we should point out she was found murdered outside her home and detroit. we have no idea at this point police say they do not know of a motive. but you rightly point out just the fact this has happened is terrifying to jewish. >> is very terrifying the most beautiful thing about the jewish community and watching it on videos you are watching everybody they are happy they are not letting themselves get into a depression. jewish people when we become activated to help each other we are powerful lights we hope the world will learn how to be united for good. that is part of my mission we are coming to bring a beautiful message to the world during paint there is a chance to uplift everyone progress so far we are so grateful to have your thank you for joining us after the conclusion and we wish you a very good journey to israel a safe journey and thank you for bringing comfort to those who are hurting so much rabbi thank you so much for being here. tension growing of course across the middle east. israel fighting hamas in gaza as well as hezbollah on the border with lebanon there are of course growing concerns because of that the war could spread throughout the entire region we will delve more into that next. >> we have the ability to fight on one, two and on multi- fronts if need be. it is not something we are looking for it's not something we are trying to engage. but if need be we will be prepared. ay, only a quarter of stem graduates are women. they'd go, oh, you don't look like an engineer. there is this preconception. some things are for boys. but diversity drives innovation. my goal is to really flip the script. pick something that you love and go for it. how do we live in space? how do we live on the moon? i want to help figure that out. you can create the blueprint. if you can see her, you can be her. ♪ where did the time go? ♪ ♪ somehow i lost all those years ♪ ♪ where did the time go? ♪ ♪ i don't know how i got here ♪ ♪ how did i get here? ♪ ♪ i can see now ♪ vo: you've done the hard part. you quit smoking. now do the easy part and get scanned for lung cancer. if you smoked, you may still be at risk, but early detection could save your life. talk to your doctor and learn more at ♪(somber piano) ♪you may say i'm a dreamer ♪but i'm not the only one ♪i hope some day you'll join us♪ ♪and the world will live as one♪ jonathan: welcome back to our continuing coverage of the war in israel. you heard the idf spokesman said before the break israel is perfectly capable of fighting a war in two fronts. there is obviously concerned concern bothin israel and around that war with hamas will become a larger regional conflicts. talking of that the u.s. secretary of defense lloyd austaustin has just announced me u.s. forces will receive ready to deploy orders for the u.s. also has moved aircraft carriers as you know to the region at this time just there for support for israel and clearly as a deterrence rate let's turn to retired air force brigadier general candidate for maryland senate general jon thank you so much for being here. first, your reaction to these new prepared to deploy orders from the defense secretary, what you make of those? >> jonathan i think first of all it's an implicit understanding by the bite administration that iran is the root cause of all these problems we've seen in the middle east and the last 15 days or so. primarily i say that because secretary austin is now directed the shifting of one of those carrier not there in the eastern mediterranean butt a but arounde central command area of responsibility which makes them more useful and ultimately deterring iran. then my second thought is the things we do to deter an adversary by dennis tran capability and will are the same things we can used to respond to an adversary and by posturing our forces in a better position both to deter and respondent makes it less likely will need to respond to those threats. jonathan: we were putting up a map as you were talking showing hamas and hezbollah and the numbers of weapons may have. now hamas we have seen just how brutal they are. the damage the rockets can do. it should go up north and look at hezbollah camping out on the border between lebanon and israel, they are far bigger fighting force. they are more sophisticated fighting force, there rockets are far more sophisticated and do far more damage can breach pretty much anywhere in israel. so how dangerous is it that hezbollah could become involved? how much of a game changer is that if they do? >> jonathan, the israeli war plan is very cognizant of the fact they've got to deal the multifaceted threat. that is on their borders both to the north through lebanon and hezbollah and from the south in gaza via hamas. we also have to realize just in the last week or so we have seen attacks in syria, and iraq, from yemen and all that points back to thing the bite administration is yet to fully acknowledge which is that appeasement to iran has created more danger in the region and we as the united states into and to posture ours in order to deter iran and regained his strength, capability, and resolve in the region. >> a general that last point your expertise on this your experience in the military, how difficult of a fight this israel face if or perhaps when it goes into gaza on the ground? is there in 2006 when they went in looking for the soldier who is kidnapped too. .who is a terribly difficult operation then there were casualties on the israeli side they never found he was eventually released five years later. it is a horrible place to have to fight is it not? >> jonathan, two of the most difficult things in combat our urban warfare in hostage rescue. right now israel is juggling a couple of operational objectives. number one ultimately define the way to defeat hamas and remove the threat from the border boardsecondly how do you rescuee hostages and hopefully while they do that and ultimately the united states helps in the deterrence of that multi- front. jonathan: general thank you for having your insights and hamas general thank you so much. the war obviously taking a major toll on civilians on both sides of the conflicts. in israel and indeed in gaza. more on their plates coming up. -every day... -every day... -millions of people... -are connecting. -and even though we're overcoming obstacles... -watching each other's backs... -and banding together... -we should still make an effort... -we should still make an effort... -to get to know each other... -on a deeper level. -father. -cosplayer. -mentor. -actor. -it's time we take a step forward... -it's time we take a step forward... -come together... -and discover... -how accepting our differences... all: can make us stronger! jonathan: there is a major effort going on obviously to help identify victims of the deadly attacks in israel. playing a role in all of this art tech companies using their advanced data operation and artificial intelligence helping to find out more about the victims of the hamas attacks in some cases simply to identify the horribly mutilated bodies. we go to lee is the managing partner and founder at amd ventures and is it in israel right now as a volunteer thank you so much for being here. these are horrible circumstances it is such a human tragedy. it is awful. what role can tech companies play in helping here? >> the last two weeks a lot of private people including tech companies became the biggest for entering organizations. we are brothers and sisters we h many departments one is ai it is about one and 500 people are 24/7 basically helping the government on helping security arms and helping the families identify any kind of clue that they have or can have firm from cameras, from pictures, from anything you can find and on the open web and dark web as we know and tried to see what we can be helpful in bringing more information from. jonathan: what you are trying to do to a large extent is help identify potential location of some of those who are missing? >> is not about location it's about who is missing. we have been operating for the past two weeks from logistics to helping soldiers and families evacuate. one of our departments let by doctor karina hahn is the department of ai. we find evidence from the field. for example you had a family you saw what happened to the family from a camera of the terrace. but you did not see what happened to them so try to mesh the seconds and the minutes of what had been after or before and try to make a picture if they are dead, and live, and gaza, and israel, where are they? then it's a part of that it is a lot were stolen and it's not relevant anymore. jonathan: to bring it back to the human side of this from the tech side of this, how are you doing? [laughter] it has been very hard. it is a national tragedy. and i have family i have two young girls five and three i cannot even imagine with those people are suffering right now. the tragedies some of them had sought it's a very hard time. but we believe we will overcome them. jonathan: we thank you for being here the world of thanks you for the work you're doing. thank you very much indeed be >> thank you very much for. >> meantime pound gaza israel also fighting other fronts. both in the west bank and on the border with lebanon. our special coverage of israel at war with hamas and hezbollah continues at the top of the hour. uncomfortable. i want the mental part of it to be uncomfortable, so that when the game comes, it's easy. you got to mentally wake up and make a decision on who you want to be that day. how can i get better. how can i take this opportunity to step into a new level. i'm all about things that work. and with oofos, i saw a product that was working, that was helping. you know, i actually feel better. i feel stronger. i feel faster. ♪ ♪ vo: losing the fear of looking foolish comes with age. losing your way in your own home, doesn't. confusion with time and place may be a sign of alzheimer's. daughter: mom, are you okay? mom: yeah, i'm fine. vo: early detection gives you and your loved one time to plan for the future. learn the warning signs of alzheimer's. jonathan: israel stepping up its air strikes across gaza. right now as its military gears up for what looks likely to be a major ground invasion aimed at destroying hamas in gaza the israeli military continuing to mass at the border as it waits for the green light. hello i am jonathan hunt with continuing coverage of the israel hamas arts 8:00 p.m. here in los angeles 6:00 a.m. and israel. in the last a few hours israeli leaders have confirmed military struck what they called eight terrorist route underneath the mosque in the west bank city of jeanine. that is very significant the idea it does not carry out very many airstrikes in the palestinian territories of the west bank. right now it is not clear why israel has delayed apparently as grounisground invasion into gazl expected it within the last few days. concerns is certainly about hostages are complicating matters for the last numbers we were given by the israeli defense forces were more than 200 hostages. 210 to be precise are being held they said captive in gaza. nearly a dozen of those are americans as we understand it. the u.s. is making some progress in getting some hostages released of course in american mother and her daughter were allowed to leave on friday. president biden spoke over the phone with that mother and daughter earlier today. >> just glad to get you out we've been working on a long time are going to get them all out god willing. i hope you are both -- not only feeling a bit in good health as well. >> yes we are. thank you very much god bless you. >> meantime and desperately needed food, water and medical supplies have finally made their way into gaza it is only a trickle. the rafah crossing between egypt and gaza was open briefly saturday along the aide to go into the besieged policy and territory to get to some of the 2 million palestinians who are without basic needs eight aid workers pushing for israel to allow more aid in. they say 20-truckload sent and are absolutely insufficient to address the unprecedented humanitarian crisis in gaza. more than 200 trucks carrying 3000 tons of aid are still waiting at the border. for the very latest on the war in israel let's turn out to fox news correspondent lucas tomlinson who joins us live from tel aviv. good evening again lucas. >> good evening jonathan for a few moments ago we talked about that new pentagon statement the u.s. defense secretary lloyd austin ordering additional forces to the middle east including an american sad battabattery of patient antibalc missile battery it is notable hamas and hezbollah do not have ballistic missiles but iran does for there is no question the white house and the pentagon are concerned about what they see in increasing threat from iran u.s. forces have been intact in recent days from iran's proxies in iraq and syria and yemen with the crews missile strike. in addition in that statement defense secretary lloyd austin said he is quote redirected the dwight d eisenhower strike group to the central command area of responsibility that is pentagon argo for the middle east. now while israel has become a member of central command it's most likely now eisenhower will be going through the suez canal will be going into the middle east. we saw that missile destroyer uss party strike down those cruise missiles in over a dozen drones coming from yemen. that probably leaves kearny without very much of this smt surface to air missiles left what else is on board? you have tom hawkes and other kinds of weapon systems. no doubt we have a straight crew is not just the carrier of course she got other missile distortion of a cruiser you also have generally a submarine as well but of course we just saw the uss florida that's a guided ballistic missile cruise missile submarine leaves scotland recently that is also likely headed to the region as well. just to get back here in israel, israel defense minister spoke today. he says he is all it on gaza is going to order the troops there when he says they are going to do it very quickly. we just do not know when the exact push over the border will be. here's the defense minister. >> we will turn this equation 180 degrees. the day of the attack will remember the day that started the final and complete destruction of the hamas terrorist organization. >> now israeli forces singing live fire exercises experts say we are seeing here on screen very little resembles the fierce urban combat these forces will be facing historically we look at urban, the battles of falluja it recently in ukraine or combat is challenging even for the best military forces in the world. hamas is a time to plan for this and ambushes, lay booby traps, lie and wait no matter how we drones are flying overhead or architectural plans of the buildings that might help. not earlier tonight she mentioned israeli forces carrying out a rear air strike in the west bank following joint raid by the idf that's israel's internal security agency. they say they foiled a terrorist plot in the mosque and a west bank the city of jenin idf says the mosque contained hamas and jihad operative the work imminent terror attack yesterday we saw this first 20 trucks carrying humanitarian aid into gaza from egypt. something president biden said he wanted to see when he visited here in tel aviv a few days ago. biden also pledged in that same speech in tel aviv $100 million to gaza and the west bank. just recently we went to a morgue in an army bank here in central israel after some 1400 israelis were killed by hamas into its ago today army reservists at some of the body said a ride for booby-trapped. some of the babies had their heads cut off she said she'd never thought she was the atrocities worse than the holocaust until now. a warning to our viewers this is graphic. quickly a seen evidence of a rape that is so cruel pelvises were broken, bones were broken it takes a lot to break a pelvis. legs were broken and this is grandmothers down to children. the one body that came in they thought it was one body and only when they took a ct that they seek to spines and they saw locked in an embrace. >> jonathan, in addition to the two american hostages that were released you have 10 other americans that are missing some of home are in captivity tonight in gaza in addition to the more than 200 israeli citizens also being held hostage tonight in gaza by hamas. jonathan: it lukas thank you so much lucas tomlinson live in tel aviv the sun begins to come up in israel the war between israel and hamas inches closer to a grand invasion of gaza by israeli forces. president biden of course is monitoring all of this from his rehoboth beach at home in delaware which is where we find alexandra hoffa. good evening alexandria. quickly leaving jonathan we are hoping to get clarification on if the administration is encouraging israel to delay the ground invasion trying to get hostages out of gaza first appeared we wanted to ask about that because of this last night. correct hare you encouraging a n ground invasion to get more hostages out? >> the end the president says yes they are about israel delaying a ground invasion the white house quickly issued a correction right in the president was far away he did not hear the full question for the question sounded like would you like to see more hostages released? he was not commenting on anything else here and rehoboth beach today our producer did ask for direct comment on that. >> correct are you encouraging the israelis to them. it does remain unclear do touch on a potential delay. also today we got a look into the oval office president biden spoke with the mother and daughter freed by hamas they were free to yesterdays when the phone call took place here is a moment from that. >> i'm just delighted to get you out with and working on it a long time are going to get them all out god willing. i hope you are both not only feeling good but in good health as well. yes we are. thank you very much god bless you progress god bless you guys. >> at a fundraiser at less on a washington d.c. president biden theorized hamas launch attack on israel because israel had engaged in talks with saudi arabia to try and normalize the relationship, jonathan. >> it is an interesting point alexandria hoffa thank you so much. now as israel continues preparing for this potential ground invasion of gaza some world leaders are calling for peace in the region. >> must release all hostages immediately and without conditions. we must ensure all hostages including israelis and other nationals can return safely with their families. third, we cannot let this conflict turn into a regional crisis. the situation is very volatile a small spark can start a wildfire. we must use all of our political influence with all relevant actors to avoid escalation of the conflict. >> top officials from dozens of countries the majority of them arab nations came together at a summit in cairo saturday calling for israel to stop bombing gaza and to allow more aid into the territory. the leaders were hoping to come to an agreement towards a de-escalating and containing the violence but inevitably without the u.s. and israel's involvement note such agreement was reached. for more on all of this let's get to jamil jaffa is the founder executive director of the national security institute. thank you so much for being here this evening. it does appear the arab world is increasingly critical of what israel is doing and gaza. you hear from moderates like king abdullah of jordan criticizing israel today. that fans the flames of this potential regional conflict is it not? was it is jonathan i'm reminded after the days of 911 we 9911 we suffered 3000 casualties that day on a population about 280 million at the time. israel lost 1400 people in a population about nine men that's equal to a dozen 9/11 in a single day. we did not hear our allies converse cease-fire wit after al qaeda around the world or in afghanistan. the idea would see a cease-fire anytime before the destroyed was unimaginable and should be an unimaginable to over allies. >> it's interesting people talk about the civilian death toll in gaza that is obviously tragic. but in war, civilians get harmed it is a sad fact of war at this sad fact in afghanistan. the sad fact in iraq it's been a sad fact in every war. the world seems look at israel more critically differently. >> that is exactly right the truth is rules don't apply different into israel than they did to anybody else there job is to avoid civilian casualties are going to try to do that but the reality is it's hamas telling siblings to stay in north gaza gently do douglas opposites anyy of does not have regard for gaza lives it is hamas itself telling it civilian stay here knowing an attack is coming. jonathan: talking of hamas in their preparations they have had two weeks now since a cure of the terrible terrorist attacks to get prepared, admittedly under this bombardment b within two weeks to prepare i don't think anybody would be foolish enough to think when they were planning those awful terrorist attacks they were planning for what comes next. it's going to be a horribly tough fight or more accurate when israel moves in on the ground. >> is exactly right is going to be very blooding is going to vary play for the israelis are going to walk into as you noted earlier booby chapter entrances there 200 individuals being held hostage now some of them americans those hostages may lose their lives these operation as israel seeks to take out hamas and rescue those this is hamas' drink they killed 1400 civilians in the single day. they took 200 hostages there holding them in tunnels under gaza. they are the reasons gaza is going to be attacked over the next days and weeks. it is nobody's fault but hamas. >> it is taken longer than i think a lot of people thought it would for the israeli defense forces to make this move in terms of a grand invasion of gaza if indeed it comes. do you think that is more likely the result of a pressure from other world leaders including president biden or do you think it is a result of prime minister netanyahu having a horrible sophie's choice if you would like regarding the fate of the hostages and what might happen to them if and when the ground forces go in? what sitting is all the above i think is really forces are preparing to when they go in. this is a surprise attack they did not see it coming this is an important part of getting ready and going and with full force. the same time they are no doubt worried about the hostages being held by these terrorists. then of course are having significant pressure from the world per resolve the lies being told at the hospital bombing it turns out the islamic jihad errant missile not an israeli strike get that cause a significant amount of concern on they have taken the time there is no doubt when israelis go in they will go in with full force. they will door to door if necessary and take out hamas just like the u.s. did for 20 years after al qaeda's leadership all around the globe. it kept us safe for two decades here in united states for mass casualty terror attack we cannot expect anything less from her allies. jonathan: thank you so much for being with us tonight. >> thanks jonathan. a murder investigation underway in detroit tonight cor was found brutally stabbed to death. police say 40-year-old samantha was filed with the multiple stab wounds a trail of blood leading back to her home. at this time police say they have not determined a motive. the fbi says it is aware of the incident and it will assist the detroit police department as requested. israel's military preparing for a possible multi- front battle between both hamas and hezbollah. have the idf is preparing for what could be a two front war, o next. and my patients say you knw doc, it really works. 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>> it certainly is. israeli military officials have pointed out that hezbollah has only grown in strength since that last war they have gotten n more than one or 50000 long-range rockets as well as guided missiles that can hit pretty much anywhere in israel. so a much tougher foe potentially then hamas potential big bucks thank you very much from beirut in lebanon tonight back home law-enforcement agencies across the u.s. remain on high alert fbi and homeland security releasing a bulletin this week warning of potential attacks by so-called lone wolf supported this as sources say officials are using an array of sophisticated tools and techniques to monitor for potential threats for the bulletin of course came just days after police in chicago say a 6-year-old and his mother were attacked by their landlord simply for being a muslim the 6-year-old of course died after being stabbed 26 times by the families landlord former fbi special agent marino connell joins us now. those kind of incidents are absolute terrifying to everybody. it seems we are on a real high alert here. so with your experience what is the fbi and law enforcement across the board doing right now? >> the fbi's been building relationships with public and private sector between the public and private sector with everyone with a critical infrastructure and everyone in charge of sources for many, many many years but we have been building bridges between law enforcement agencies and entities and the fbi and all of our critical infrastructure. we also work very closely with all the fusion centers their 76 fusion centers nationwide for. >> 's before it was a fusion center? what'what supplies or members fm all the surrounding areas of law enforcement or health industries all kinds of different agencies come together and taken information from the public. you can look at fusion centers on my look at your local one you will see they have a webpage you can put in a tip or a lead prayer we put in a tip or a lead a group of experts will look at it determine where it goes and try to handle it as best as possible. ask information from the public is really key here? see something say something for. >> yes it's even more than that. so when people say this is just a little bit i don't know it's going to be helpful. no one is ever asking the public to complete the puzzle what we are asking for is give us that little piece of the puzzle that you have let us work on it together. jonathan: people often the situations i feel think that guy did something weird or that guy said something weird to i really want to tell on my neighbor? but it is important in these kind of heightened tension times to do something for. >> it is crucial because jonathan if you look at what happened in israel they were divided country. the old term divide and conquer. when you think about that we too are divided and will be are divided we are distracted. not that our intelligence agencies are not working overtime because as you said these threats are increasing everywhere. everyone is stretched to the limits right now. we need all the help we can get. we need all hands on deck. that means every >> minded citizen. jonathan: of your former colleagues and the fbi are watching certain names they are watching people all of the time who they have cause to be concerned about. but someone who is suddenly outraged by what is going on on whichever side they fall, there is very little they can do about the person who is suddenly snaps and carries out the kind of terrible attack was on chicago. quickset does not happen in a vacuum what we need are more people are great at computer games and every thing to join the forces and learn how to do open source intelligence training. the dark web, the deeper web learn those techniques is just as exciting as playing some videogame but it is so much more important to help us move forward because a lot of those people you talk about this lone wolf all the sudden snaps, there is a parade of red flags in his past that could have had someone called in here and here we may have been able to connect those dots. >> we hear about a tragic attack like that one in chicago. but we don't here are the hundreds if not thousands of potential attacks your colleagues and law enforcement stop every day. >> they are thwarting them like you said hundreds of times a day thousands probably across the country where we identify things and then we put in the system and people are under the radar now and people are made aware of it. i have been involved in things where i had family members take away all their devices. when we alert them to what's going on with her grandson. jonathan: marine we thank you for your service thank you so much for being here for. >> thank you jonathan. coming of the first shipments f humanitarian aid arrived in gaza but pressure mounts on israel from the outside world as the idf tries to maintain a balance between warning civilians, protecting civilians and fighting hamas terrorists... that is coming up. now's the time to see what america's largest 5g network can do for your business. - when did doing business become more about culture wars and less about well, business? 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>> jonathan they say in short it's going to be very difficult. just look at the last 20 years of combat for u.s. forces. some thought and very urban areas like falluja i'm going back of course the vietnam war as we have seen the last few years and parts of ukraine especially down south. urban warfare there is nothing you can do to add high-tech systems you can have drones you can have the floorp floor plansn have dogs, you can have optics go in at night the best sensors at the end of the day it's a painstaking process of going room to room floor to floor. hamas is at weeks, months may be years to prepare for this potentially another incursion is been years since israel's got into the gaza strip of course. it is very challe challenges the the advantage. hamas is the home team the idea of getting ambushed you just do not know what is behind that door that's a very frightening possibility and as we have seen in the history of warfare when it comes to urban combat the casualties are high. jonathan: lucas defense secretary lloyd austin announcing a short time ago new measures, new deployments throughout the middle east of u.s. material and prepared to deploy orders for more military personnel. what do we know about that at this point lucas? >> is a statement issued not too long ago. just within the past hour defense secretary lloyd austin said after consulting with president by these beefing up forces in the region in the middle east. it was notable he is redirecting the ice in our strike group for the last few days ever since he strike group left norfolk, virginia ike was supposed to come here to the mediterranean to help augment the gerald ford strike a group and out often is redirected the sc right group to the area of responsibility that's pentagon argo for the middle east. there is no question behind all of this but also the deployments of the bad antiballistic missile battery along patriot missile batteries while hamas doesn't, hezbollah doesn't ironic the hidden hand all this u.s. forces have been attacked in recent days and iraq and service of the crews missile strike from yemen they were traveling m maybe 1300 miles here a shutdown by the missile destroyer uss carney. there are two's above according likely exhausted a very low complement on have to take tomahawk cruise missiles and other weapons so putting the strike accrue in through the suez canal to the red sea perhaps the arabian sea is certainly a move to show to iran as we head for president biden do not attack israel the president said don't this is an extension of the president saying don't do anything. but certainly tensions are very high in the region you have potential invasion from israel into gaza we have heard from hezbollah officials if israeli forces do go into gaza hezbollah will strike in my iran is playing very hidden hand in this no doubt controls their proxy forces throughout the region. jonathan: lucas tomlinson and in telaviv this early morning tn israel thank you very much lucas. the first of much needed desperately needed aid for palestinians arrived in gaza saturday through the rafah border crossing that's the crossing with egypt on the southern as of gaza. the separatist state entity blinken welcome the first round of aid but he said as many has a much more is needed to truly help the innocent palestinian people israel's government says they are willing to help those in need but they have voiced concern to about the supplies ending up in the wrong hands. >> we said that as long as this date will reach the palestinian people we do not want that to get caught in the crossfire we do not want them to suffer has hamas does. we will make sure they get the humanitarian aid. but this aid cannot end up in the hands of hamas that is our condition. welcome back rabbi. welcome in the president of a bubulletproof israel and a group ready. let me turn to you first. we talked before about the jewish and i assume while your organization bulletproof israel is dedicated to getting aid to israelis in the wake of those terrible terrorist attacks you two would welcome the arrival of aid to innocent palestinians provided it gets to innocent palestinians progress without a doubt it is necessary they require aid just as much as the israelis dudes both sides for. >> rabbi, i assume you'd say the same? >> anot only do i want to have a bit open up the border. let these people out there being held dimming trapped if you have americans there if you have egyptian officials there you can do face recognition and let people out they do not have to be under such circumstances. this is my biggest question, why are we going to give them food in the camp in gaza when there all by the border saying let me out. >> roommate you and i last spoke right here 10 days ago i think it was about the aid that your organization bulletproof israel you're one of the founders of was getting to israelis. since then you have held what appeared to be a beautiful very successful fundraiser. how has the jewish community stepped up? >> not just bulletproof israel they stepped up with us massively pl but like i said les on the jewish community so beautiful and strong that everyone came together to support israel and jews here which is super important. i think the people's missing is not limited the conflict in israel but how it spells out here as well. jonathan: when you hearing the people needing what you getting to them question question and israel's medical supplies its food, it's actually loud volunteer work to one thing that surprising a lot of the farmers have left they require volunteer work on the farms. a lot of the medical lottery body armor and helmets you name it. >> rabbi obviously along with the practical needs bulletproof israel and other organizations are doing so much to address there is a spiritual need and you are leaving on a humanitarian mission in just a few hours time to bring that kind of spiritual comfort for. >> one 100%. many rabbis from around america we are joining together in israel it's well none of uplifting and making people feel that were going to sit with the hostage families were going to be going to families that lost loved ones paid were going to be going to hospitals. we are going to be talking with them, listening with them but most of all bring a sense to this country we are here for you the whole american community not just the jews. but america is here for you and we've got to tell you something when you travel 10,000 miles to go visit somebody in a war-torn country it lifts them up. jonathan: we talked last time not long after the attacks a few days after the awful terrorist attacks, how do you feel the spirit of the jewish community has developed in the last two weeks and 24 hours almost exactly since your text? what is gotten stronger even with the adversity. a lot of jews are receiving hate online and in public these joint process that are taking place a lot of them are spewing a lot of real vitriol and hate towards jews. the science or a horrible the visuals are horrible for juice i found a lot of strength in each other a lot of strength and some analysis well. it's a strength of the jewish heart you can try to push us down were always going to survive and thrive progress rabbi really briefly the lights. appear. >> just hug somebody. we've got to go as and start recognizing we are one country here in america the jewish people have recognized we are one people you attack one you attack all of us progress rabbi we wish you the very best on your travel to israel and remic we wish you the best with your continued efforts to get aid to the israeli people thank you so very much for being here. the pentagon as we were just talking with lucas tomlinson is preparing more american troops for possible deployment to the middle east. right now u.s. forces are in the region for support only but a cleared deterrent is true but should we be concerned that could change? a spooked army veteran lieutenant colonel coming up next. jonathan: secretary of defense lloyd austin is putting more troops on the ready to be deployed to the middle east as east asisrael prepares for potel ground invasion of gaza let's bring an army veteran and battalion commander international military strategist lieutenant colonel darren to break this all down for it lieutenant colonel, thank you so much for being here. i was interested in some of the information you're talking to our producers about earlier about how the israeli forces have amassed on the border with gaza may be in what you called a quiet routine. to the majority of us that experience might look they're sitting there waiting you say there's a lot going on behind the scenes. >> gaza jonathan thanks so much for having me on this evening. the quiet routine was a term i chose to use events clearly not quiet there are plenty of engagements going on with an within gazastrip from the air ie guarantee significant intelligent assets moving and doing different things within gaza and above gaza. but to me this is like a sense of the calm before the storm moments. when it looks from the outside as if everything is halted and just waiting and all of us are looking to some extent and patiently going are you going to start this or not? that is of course their decision we do not know that yet. but behind the scenes the perspective is that if called upon hundreds of thousands of reserves. there has to be some training there has to be supplying of them there has to be other kinds of preparation going on to get them ready for something of this significance. so it just because it's quiet right now does not mean the israeli defense forces are not doing a whole lot of activity behind the scenes. and for a potential ground assault regards colonel you have talked about this there is the preparation phase and then we move into what you say the next two phases which are destroyed and secure. briefly as you can how do those two phases play out? >> i've borrowed those terms are used no space on open source reporting from the idf. they will have their own operation orders to go along with it. in the preparation phase you see dismantle the communication the comcommand-and-control the logistics. they go into the destroyed phase you can see them moving into the area essentially destroying hamas and all the support they may have taken them off the battlefield in order to occupy the ground. and determine from there where they are going and who takes charge how long will they be there? what is that look like when the smoke clears the dust settles? support lieutenant colonel great to have his summer running short on time would love to have you back and take advantage of your wonderful expertise lieutenant colonel there and gob thank you very much. up next have families of those taken captive by hamas are dealing with the hardship, thebu siinsurgency. we will be back. ence, but to advance how the game is played. aaa relies on t-mobile's network to stay connected nationwide, so they can help get their members back on the road. and we're helping pano ai innovate, to stop the spread of wildfires. now's the time to see what america's largest 5g network can do for your business. why do vitamins and supplements cost so much more now? other companies are charging you more and more for less and less, and we hate that. that's why force factor has partnered with walmart to provide amazing supplements at great prices. for all americans! force factor products use clinically studied patented ingredients to powerfully improve your health, but they're also delicious, easy to use and affordable. that's why force factor is now the number one best selling superfoods brand in america. rush to walmart and unleash your potential with force factor. here's why you should switch from chrome to duckduckgo. duckduckgo is a browser you download to your mobile and desktop devices. unlike chrome, the duckduckgo browser has privacy built-in. it comes with a private alternative to google search, which doesn■t spy on your searches, and it blocks cookies and creepy ads. and there's no catch. it's free. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you around. join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on mobile and desktop today. jonathan: families of the 210 hostages believed held in gaza are holding out hope at this hour for the safe return of their kidnapped loved ones. joint is now her sister in law and the sister-in-law's husband were kidnapped and taken to gaza. thank you so much for being with us at this terribly difficult time. how are you doing? >> thank you. i'm absolutely devastated. it really appreciably opportunity to speak with you and t tell my story my family is crushed and we cannot stop thinking about my sister-in-law that's currently being held in gaza. seifert were she and her husband taken from? >> my sister-in-law and her husband they just got married and lived in a nice small apartment in kibbutz it's a very small kibbutz on the border. between israel and gaza. they started a beautiful life there they adopted a lot of cats and dogs and loved animals. her husband build music instruments pl plays every typef instrument. they started a beautiful peaceful life. jonathan: it's important for people to know who are not familiar with the kibbutz system in israel. they are designed to be places of great peace they are peopled by people who love a peaceful life. >> exactly. there are a cultural communities very small people who love the land to grow crops, milk the cows easily type of places you take your kids for apple picking, pet, animals and the animal farm. it's an i ideally very peaceful community. jonathan: if you heard anything from the israeli government about where they might be? what conditions they might be held in are they telling you anything? >> to be honest that's one of the most heartbreaking pieces of the story. we do not know nothing about what is going on with them it has been two weeks since they were taken from us. we do not know where they are we do not know if they are in some kind of a tunnel underneath gaza we don't know if they're dead or alive or wounded. the red cross has not been able to examine the hostages. we are totally in the dark. i cannot stop thinking about my sister-in-law, my brother-in-law. i do not know what type of horrible conditions they might be in. because a murderous terror organization is taken them from me. i am completely devastated. >> we wish you and your family the best. we look forward to the day you are reunited with their sister-in-law and her husband. thank you so much for being here all of the best to you and your family. and thank you for watching fox news continuing coverage of the war in the middle east.. war in the middle east.. i am jonathan hunt and los angeles as you look alive at thm west bank. it's the first and only nasal spray for dry eye. tyrvaya treats the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease fast by helping your body produce its own real tears. common side effects include sneezing, cough, and throat and nose irritation. relying only on drops? 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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox 20240703 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox 20240703

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[background noises] we are going to get them all out god willing. >> 's daily israeli airstrikes pummeled gaza at this hour. as israel appears to inch closer to launching a grand invasion aimed at destroying hamas. good evening i am jonathan hunt with special coverage of israel at war. it is 7:00 here in los angeles at 5:00 a.m. and israel military leaders say it's not a matter of if but when they will launch a massive ground invasion of gaza. even as the idf says at least 210 hostages including 11 americans are believed to be held by hamas terrace there for the living invasion comes as god the southern border with egypt was briefly opened up to date with 20 un trucks filled with humanitarian aid arriving in gaza to help address the rapidly deteriorating situation for 2 million palestinians. the white house as president biden consulted with national security advisors today over the war in the middle east. fox news was able to press the president of reports he has pushed the israelis to delay their ground invasion >> are you encouraging israelis to delay invasion? >> we begin tonight with fox news correspondent lucas tomlinson alive on the ground in tel aviv. good evening lucas. >> good evening jonathan israel's top generals that his forces are ready to assault gaza to permanently wipe out hamas. >> we are going to go into the gaza strip. will embark on a professional operation mission to destroy hamas operatives in hamas infrastructure. we will have in our mind the memories of the images and those who fell on saturday two weeks ago. >> israeli forces taking in the live fire training but experts say, jonathan, what you see here will bear little resemblance the peers urban combat these forces will be facing inside gaza historically we look at urban combat the battles of falluja that there's something easy about to put it mildly the goal to push hamas to see prevent gaza from carrying out massacres like t the one we saw two weeks ago. also to prevent it from becoming the permanent platform to launch those deadly rocket attacks right now, minutes before he came on air box has learned a foil terrorist plot this evening fper joint raid by the idf that israel's internal security agency fully terrorist plot and the mosque in the west bank city of jenin. containment g hot operatives were organizing a quote imminent terrorist attack. yesterday the first of 20 trucks carrying humanitarian aid entered gaza through egypt for the call president biden here in israel pledging $100 million to help gaza and the west bank. we recently visited a morgue on an army base here in central israel for as many as 1400 israelis were killed by hamas and some of those bodies have been taken. we talked to a reservist who said she has seen in babies with a cut out of their pregnant mother's womb beheaded followed by the mother. and then she said the following. >> i had a child of holocaust survivors i grew up hearing stories of the camps but i thought those were the worst stories. these stories are worse. i think that is the hardest thing for me. i never thought i would live to see something worse than the stories i grew up with. >> tonight 10 americans remain missing. some feared held captive inside gaza donate more than 200 as release citizens help captive captive as weber. >> in tel aviv alive thank you very much indeed that strike lucas mentioned on the west bank very interesting because israel very rarely carries out strikes in the west bank it is just more evidence israel is fighting this war on several fronts. also battling hezbollah of the northern border with lebanon. growing concern the fighting could obviously escalate into a far wider conflict joining us in beirut, fox news chief international correspondent steve harrigan. good evening. >> jonathan, the fighting has been steady along israel's northern border between israeli forces as well as hezbollah. fighters in the past 24 hours six hezbollah fighters have been killed that's a high over the past two weeks. nineteen total killed on the other side five israelis killed. israeli military release audio that shows what it says is the destruction of a hezbollah terrorist cell in southern lebanon. israel has been being hit with rockets. about 30 at a time. each night from hezbollah positions the israeli defense minister visited troops in northern israel over the past 24 hours and on this message for troops there about a warning for hezbollah. >> hezbollah has decided to participate in the fighting is paying a price for it. we must be vigilant and prepare for every possible scenario. the great challenges await us. >> you can get a sense of the fragility of the economy here we had a blackout it happens often hear the currency is off also. spiraling downward about 80% of the people live under the poverty level. this is a country that is in no shape to get dragged into war that is exactly what might happen in the coming days. jonathan back to you. >> steve, the people of lebanon are as you say have witnessed more than their fair share of conflict over the past year as indeed several decades. what is the sens sensing you get there among ordinary people the war is coming to lebanon as a result of all of this? what is in for the older people can remove the last war between hezbollah and israel in 2006 is a real sense of dread. much of this country especially in the south was simply destroyed by israeli airpower. the younger people there's a real sense of anger about what they are seeing especially on news channels they tried to basically burn down the u.s. embassy a few days ago. that rising anger especially of casualty rates are high could push hezbollah into action jonathan. >> steve thank you so much joining is now political commentator and columnist who is not mention professor director of the center for israel studies at ucla here in los angeles. let me start with you professor. we have been talking now for some two weeks in 24 hours almost to the minute since he terrortheterrorist attacks launt this grand invasion. is there any way a grand invasion and your view does not happen? or is it absently inevitable at this point professor? >> it is not yet inevitable. i was surprised it is not already happened. there's obviously a lot of diplomacy trying to maybe delay a ground invasion. it does look very, very likely by virtue of the fact israel has called up so many reserve soldiers or it is impossible for israel to sustain such a massive mobilization of its soldiers for very long given the impact upon the israeli economy. without using them if you will. everything israel has done amassing those troops in the statements coming out from the israeli officials and patient is likely. i think it wants to be assured its northern border that is prepared on the north for an increase of hezbollah activity the outbreak of war with hezbollah before they enter the gaza strip. >> we have heard a lot about potential pressure being put on the israeli government. on prime minister netanyahu to hold off for a while. that pressure coming we have heard in part from president biden. do you think that's really playing a role politically speaking here? >> i do not think so jonathan pressures always brought on israel by the united states and other factors. israel has to make decisions on their own race on their best interest. i think they will be doing i'm certain they will be doing that actually print that goes to the issues of the ground war. the ground offensive will only happen when israel is ready to do it. when the mission is very clear and they can understand and evaluate success is one of the issues going into their minds right now. not just should they go in but how did they determine success? and then what they're going to do the day after which is on the big problems when they went into iraq. their plans are bigger than simply going with their heavy artillery thing to work these things out it's very important to get a sense of that in terms of underselling their perspective. >> professor you said to me we were probably 10 days ago now that you had concerns that hamas was perhaps trying to deliberately lure the idf into gaza they are setting a trap for them to still have that concern? >> absolutely. i worry the terrorist attack that hamas conducted october the seventh was a first stage of hamas plan it was deliberately designed to provoke israeli invasion of the gaza strip. and the haman preparing for a long time for such an invasion they see this as something advantageous for them they can essentially wager an insurgency war of attrition between israeli forces in the gaza strip this is a concern that israeli defense officials have. even with the best plans the idf has i am not sure they're going to be able to avoid getting bogged down in a quagmire in gaza and inviting hamas her deeply entrenched in the planning for the solvency they have an underground network they may have other kinds of weapons they're not expecting. there is a lot of risks here. it's very dangerous for israel to be sending in its ground troops into the gaza strip for what could be a very long prolonged event and even something they may not be able to get out should. even if they want to as the american learns afghanistan. >> the hamas obviously very happy and presumably thought about this at length before hand. promoting a wider conflict in the middle east. negative likes of the moderates of king abdullah of jordan criticizing israel saying there is no military solution to this. hamas is celebrating everyone those comments from all around the arab world, are they not? >> most certainly. when things we have to realize hamas success is not as dimensional as one might think. what's happened is they are pushing and trying to crew the call unified battlefront the battlefield. it comes from the quran and the story. what they wanted to do is create a ripple effect that would swarm israel. that's what they did that is the purpose of this. first it was hamas in the masker than that with the west bank to join and. then they wanted hezbollah to join in and the issue is now the numbers it's a mathematical equation. they proved to others that numbers can defeat israel. there are more muslims more arabs as a result. when they come those numbers it will be successful. but the others have not followed suit. there is no unified battlefield right now. you see a bit here and a bit there but is not followed through the hamas plan. >> so good to have your expertise this evening on what looks like it will be a long w war. at least in gaza perhaps not the middle east. we pray that will be the case but it very well may be. thank you for being with us this evening. a murder investigation is underway in detroit tonight after a jewish synagogue president was found brutally stabbed to death outside her home. police say 40-year-old samantha wall was found with multiple stab wounds and a trail of blood leading back to her home for it's important to point out that at this time police say they have not determined a motive. the fbi says it is aware of this murder and will assist the detroit police department as requested. coming up, several house republicans push the white house for clarity on potential national security threats at our southern border. representative lance joined us next discussing why he and 18 other lawmakers filed an official probe into what protective steps the nation is taking amid the rising tensions worldwide. >> americans are threatened by hamas here at home because of her open southern border. we need to support israel would need to support the fight to destroy hamas. ♪ if i could be you and you could be me ♪ ♪ for just one hour ♪ ♪ if we could find a way to get inside each other's mind ♪ ♪ walk a mile in my shoes ♪ ♪ walk a mile in my shoes ♪ ♪ well before you abuse, criticize and accuse ♪ ♪ walk a mile in my shoes ♪ goli, taste your goals. jonathan: the war between israel and hamas inches closer to a possible grand invasion by israel. meanwhile republicans are no closer to solving the speaker crisis in congress. president biden monitoring all of it from rehoboth beach delaware were as we also find our alexander hoffman. good evening. >> good evening jonathan. you get a question into the president tonight. we were looking for some clarification to clear up some confusion really regarded with the united states is encouraging israel to delay as ground invasion. in order to get those hostages out of gaza first before we showed the president's response from today let let's show you we asked. >> how is your quality americans? [inaudible] you delay the ground invasion to the hostages out? >> the president says yes at the end there he is saying yes to israel israel to leading a killd invasion the white house quickly issued a correction by the president was far away he did not hear the full question the question sounded like would you like to see more that just released he was not commenting on anything else you can see the statement they're here ever rehoboth beach today our producer sarah did ask for direct comment from the president, here's what he said. >> are you encouraging the israelis to delay invasion? is what is that is talking to te israelis and he has been talking to them it's unclear still at that will involve a potential delay. now, we also got a look into the oval office today this is very empowering to see this the president had spoken with the mother and daughter that were freed by hamas yes or here's a moment from that topic. >> we've been working on a long time. were going to get them all out god willing. i just want to say i hope you are both -- not only feeling good but in good health as well. >> yes, sir. >> god bless you guys. >> the president continued on by telling the mother and daughter they have the complete support of the united states government as they try to recover from the experience they so bravely endured and likely will take some time to recover from, jonathan a. jonathan: that various small piece of good news in this awful situation. alexander hoffman q very much indeed. >> we issued a worldwide caution alert but we advise u.s. citizens due to increased tensions in various locations around the world, the potential for terrorist attacks, violent actions against u.s. citizens eninterested apartment essays advises u.s. citizens overseas to exercise extreme caution. >> there is tonight growing concern among american citizens and leaders alike about the safety of citizens around the world and the safety of our nation here at home. earlier this week the state department issued a worldwide caution alert for americans abroad. advising citizens to quote stay alert and tourism hotspots. the world has led 19 members of congress to ask the white house what's actively been done to prevent terrorists from coming in at our southern border questions 20 smell congressman lance goodman. with the 19 lawmakers looking for more clarity on this matter. thank you so much for being here with us this evening. why did you feel the urgency, you and others, to send these letters? >> we have been asking questions similar to the since president biden took office. as this problem has continued to grow. but what happened and is or was a real wake-up call i think for even some democrats i've spoken with since then. we do not want that to happen here. as long as we are letting unknown people come across our southern border from god knows where and we are susceptible to something very similar. we have seen the number of terrorism watch list arrests and apprehensions at the border increase. there have been more on this calendar year than all four years of president trump's administration and it is very scary when you stop to think about who may be coming across. those are just the folks that were caught. we do not know about those who've gotten away we do not know about. these are not just poor people coming and looking for work. these are folks coming over from my ron, and syria, and places that are not our friends and very alarming. jonathan: congressman looking at the letters you sent here one of them says quote our borders pours estate is used at gateway to infiltrate u.s. soil but not just on individuals by terror watch list but individuals from designated hostile nations with military trading. can you expand on that i've not heard a lot about people with military training coming in any significant numbers. could you explain that? >> i sure i'll give an example. last year a plot to assassinate former president bookish in texas was full by the fbi buried some of the people who were arrested were folks that had trained with my ron and hezbollah. there were others that got away that it loose in our country now. these are folks who are trained by militaries of hostile nations those one specific example that made the news there countless others this government does not want to talk about. but when these numbers keep going up, up apprehensions on the terrorism watch list these are people coming across the southern border hoping not to get caught. these are just the ones who got caught they have been found to be on the terrorist watch list that is terrifying when they are coming from nations like iran that we nose out to get us out to harm our interest all around the world this demonstration is a step up the american people are fed up what's happened recently and israel as a wake-up call and it should be. i sense the democrats are waking up to it. >> congressman just to play devils advocate for a moment the biden administration i'm sure would say only supporters would say the numbers we have we can put them on the screen as you say show more on the terrorist watch list being apprehended. they would perhaps argue that shows the effectiveness of the southern border not the ineffectiveness. >> the reason these numbers are so high because the messages gone out across the world that the united states is not policing its borders. that the borders are wide open and chances are you will get across. in fact we see that. you can turn on the news, good on the border and visit. so many are getting a crossbreed so when you're walking across her come to the main entry they atherealso come in through the n borders over water, through the desert we are not catching everyone for the fact these numbers are so high is very alarming this is not something the biden ministration is a talk about which is often where they dropped the statistics on a saturday morning when people are not paying attention. >> congressman lance gooden very good to be with us tonight thank you for being here. i want to bring you a little bit of breaking news that we are getting hear f hear from our vi. defense secretary lloyd austin has put additional forces on standby to prepare to deploy. they are now on. to deploy orders. just another example that the world is essentially on standby for this war between israel and hamas to widen into a regional conflict. defense secretary lloyd austin putting additional forces on prepared to deploy orders. talking of preparing to deploy were going to talk next to an american rabbi gets ready to head to israel tomorrow like so many americans to help those who lost so much in the brutal hamas attacks. more on that rabbi's mission, next. i always hear people say, you know, when you get older, you know, people lose memory. i didn't want to be that person. i decided to give prevagen a try. my memory became much sharper. i remembered more! i've been taking prevagen for four years now. prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription. i'm not one of those players that can kind of sit back and enjoy the ride. i'm always trying to find an edge, always breaking down the film, always trying to get better for the next game. oofos is one of those things that i take value in, and when i'm done with the game, i put my oofos on. i'm making a conscious effort to recover. the quicker you can recover, the quicker you can be back out there playing 100%. oofos definitely help me recover faster. (door bell) yo camping buddy. boom. you guys ready? dude, i thought you were driving. i thought you were driving. oh, i never said i was driving. i-i definitely can't drive. ok. narrator: if you're high just don't drive. it's illegal everywhere. if you feel different, you drive different. jonathan: walking back to our ongoing coverage of the war between israel and hamas. in gaza we've just gotten word as we were saying before the break defense secretary lloyd austin has given an additional number of troops prepared to deploy orders. we do not have those specific numbers yet. the defense secretary says this is following detailed discussions with the president n on the recent escalations by iran with the defense secretaryy describes as his proxy forces across the middle east region for it he feels the necessity and the president of course to take a series of additional steps to quote further strengthen the department of defense posture in the region for the very latest on all of this let's go back to lucas tomlinson who is life for us in tel aviv tonight. lucas, what do these extra deployments are prepared to deploy orders signify to you? >> one at the most notable parts about this new statement from distant defense secretary lloyd austin is he was to deploy fad batteries and patriot batteries to the middle east. those are for knocking out ballistic missiles. hamas and hezbollah do not have ballistic missiles b been around as clearly as we have seen in the last few days with increasing attacks on u.s. forces in syria and anti- rock we sell the crews missile strike from yemen was successfully thwarted by the missile destroyer uss carney shooting down for cruise missiles in over a dozen drones. there is an increased threat from my ron. certainly people at the pentagon and the white house see iran behind all these attacks using their proxy forces the. the sad batteries specifically is very concerning about what is going on here. again hamas and hezbollah do not have ballistic missiles but iran does. there's a fad battery position in guam. the first one used in combat was last year defending the united arab emirates from a ballistic missile attack. that should concern everybody about where this conflict is potentially going. >> lucas few people are better forced to the pentagon venue. i am wondering, the people you have talked to there when they talk to you about what is real is preparing to do, going into gossett to fight on the ground there. how difficult do your resources sourceswithin the u.s. defense department say that fight is going to be, and their expert view? >> jonathan just yesterday assigned to u.s. officials about the various subjects. how dangerous and difficult urban combat is. even for the most elite forces and the israeli defense forces and also for american forces. you know that history going to the battle falluja even into ukraine we have seen urban combat. here is the problem. no matter what the best intelligence, the drones and architectural plans of these buildings in gaza. of course the buildings that have not been leveled yet. the advantages to hamas. for weeks, months, years to plan this. they have tunnels, they have set booby-traps. also they are lying in wait no matter how much technology you have forces are advancing on a building you don't know what's behind the door and the painstaking clearing. in fact i was just speaking to a former israeli general who drove down the south during the massacre two weeks ago. his son had texted him said hamas operatives were around his house he drove down he blasted his way assaulted his way south and pick up a rifle from a dead israeli commando and his kids stepped right outside the kibbutz w where his son was located. even then this is where you expect to urban combat. he told the troops around of this is a general told me he said we are going to go house by house clear each house house must be clean ones house even though he could have rushed down there in minutes it is a painstaking process you have to go room to room, house to house, building to building and of course you do not know where the enemy is from the rooftops or in the case of gentoo and the tunnels were great, great insight on how tough this is going to be if indeed that ground invasion does happen as seems inevitable. lucas tomlinson live in tel aviv for us thank you so much lucas. the terrorist attack by hamas on israel two weeks and almost exactly 24 hours ago killed at least 1400 people. per the brutal assault also displaying the goodness of so many israelis of course rushing to help and many americans rejoining is not rabbi of the bad. he is headed to israel tomorrow on a humanitarian mission. rabbi, we were talking i think it was 10 days ago in these very chairs you had no idea at that point you were going. what made you think i have to go and what you hope to achieve? >> the reason we have to go as we need a battalion of good people for this lot of darkness, there's a lot of pain we're going to visit the families the hostage families, people who have lost soldiers. we are going to his many people as we can but we are coming with supplies for coming with money were coming to rebuild their homes. we are come to rebuild their lives. we are coming to go and bring comfort that is our mission pedro going to be working literally 24 hours a day on the schedule at four hours a day for sleeping. >> you are going to meet with people whose loved ones are being held hostage in gaza by people who are clearly among the most brutal terrorists we have ever seen but you are going to meet with people whose loved ones have been killed for this brutal terrorists. how on earth do you bring comfort to those people? it seems an impossible task. >> the very first thing people need to know when they are in pain is that they are not alone. imagine traveling 10,000 miles and saying to you i came with my whole community when all these are the rabbis we are here for you. i saw that you are there and we are here we are coming shoulder to shoulder. that itself brings a lot of comfort for their able to talk to us. we are going to literally going to be uplifting lives. we have done this in the past and other times but this has never been such an important big mission as it is right now. we have people from all over one to join us but in fact there is a u.s. candidate that wants to join us on our mission. she wants to be around this she wants to have a fact-finding mission what's going on for the future of how to be bring peace to the region et cetera. a lot of people know that we are going this is becoming huge news in israel today. jonathan: i thank you for coming to our studios here so quickly after that. how is your congregation reacting here at home? there's a lot of fear among the jewish community here in the united states. >> might congregation this past week we were bringing chairs from ever that's how packed it was for the attack on israel as an attack on every single jew around the world i heard tonight there is a present of his synagogue was murdered today outside her own home, why? we do not know a lot of jewish people are starting to realize they're not just a checking in israel they are attacking us all worldwide use he was going on the streets. everybody is joined together, is united we cannot be broken and that's is going on in my community progress were looking there at a picture of that synagogue president samantha 40 years old. we should point out she was found murdered outside her home and detroit. we have no idea at this point police say they do not know of a motive. but you rightly point out just the fact this has happened is terrifying to jewish. >> is very terrifying the most beautiful thing about the jewish community and watching it on videos you are watching everybody they are happy they are not letting themselves get into a depression. jewish people when we become activated to help each other we are powerful lights we hope the world will learn how to be united for good. that is part of my mission we are coming to bring a beautiful message to the world during paint there is a chance to uplift everyone progress so far we are so grateful to have your thank you for joining us after the conclusion and we wish you a very good journey to israel a safe journey and thank you for bringing comfort to those who are hurting so much rabbi thank you so much for being here. tension growing of course across the middle east. israel fighting hamas in gaza as well as hezbollah on the border with lebanon there are of course growing concerns because of that the war could spread throughout the entire region we will delve more into that next. >> we have the ability to fight on one, two and on multi- fronts if need be. it is not something we are looking for it's not something we are trying to engage. but if need be we will be prepared. ay, only a quarter of stem graduates are women. they'd go, oh, you don't look like an engineer. there is this preconception. some things are for boys. but diversity drives innovation. my goal is to really flip the script. pick something that you love and go for it. how do we live in space? how do we live on the moon? i want to help figure that out. you can create the blueprint. if you can see her, you can be her. ♪ where did the time go? ♪ ♪ somehow i lost all those years ♪ ♪ where did the time go? ♪ ♪ i don't know how i got here ♪ ♪ how did i get here? ♪ ♪ i can see now ♪ vo: you've done the hard part. you quit smoking. now do the easy part and get scanned for lung cancer. if you smoked, you may still be at risk, but early detection could save your life. talk to your doctor and learn more at ♪(somber piano) ♪you may say i'm a dreamer ♪but i'm not the only one ♪i hope some day you'll join us♪ ♪and the world will live as one♪ jonathan: welcome back to our continuing coverage of the war in israel. you heard the idf spokesman said before the break israel is perfectly capable of fighting a war in two fronts. there is obviously concerned concern bothin israel and around that war with hamas will become a larger regional conflicts. talking of that the u.s. secretary of defense lloyd austaustin has just announced me u.s. forces will receive ready to deploy orders for the u.s. also has moved aircraft carriers as you know to the region at this time just there for support for israel and clearly as a deterrence rate let's turn to retired air force brigadier general candidate for maryland senate general jon thank you so much for being here. first, your reaction to these new prepared to deploy orders from the defense secretary, what you make of those? >> jonathan i think first of all it's an implicit understanding by the bite administration that iran is the root cause of all these problems we've seen in the middle east and the last 15 days or so. primarily i say that because secretary austin is now directed the shifting of one of those carrier not there in the eastern mediterranean butt a but arounde central command area of responsibility which makes them more useful and ultimately deterring iran. then my second thought is the things we do to deter an adversary by dennis tran capability and will are the same things we can used to respond to an adversary and by posturing our forces in a better position both to deter and respondent makes it less likely will need to respond to those threats. jonathan: we were putting up a map as you were talking showing hamas and hezbollah and the numbers of weapons may have. now hamas we have seen just how brutal they are. the damage the rockets can do. it should go up north and look at hezbollah camping out on the border between lebanon and israel, they are far bigger fighting force. they are more sophisticated fighting force, there rockets are far more sophisticated and do far more damage can breach pretty much anywhere in israel. so how dangerous is it that hezbollah could become involved? how much of a game changer is that if they do? >> jonathan, the israeli war plan is very cognizant of the fact they've got to deal the multifaceted threat. that is on their borders both to the north through lebanon and hezbollah and from the south in gaza via hamas. we also have to realize just in the last week or so we have seen attacks in syria, and iraq, from yemen and all that points back to thing the bite administration is yet to fully acknowledge which is that appeasement to iran has created more danger in the region and we as the united states into and to posture ours in order to deter iran and regained his strength, capability, and resolve in the region. >> a general that last point your expertise on this your experience in the military, how difficult of a fight this israel face if or perhaps when it goes into gaza on the ground? is there in 2006 when they went in looking for the soldier who is kidnapped too. .who is a terribly difficult operation then there were casualties on the israeli side they never found he was eventually released five years later. it is a horrible place to have to fight is it not? >> jonathan, two of the most difficult things in combat our urban warfare in hostage rescue. right now israel is juggling a couple of operational objectives. number one ultimately define the way to defeat hamas and remove the threat from the border boardsecondly how do you rescuee hostages and hopefully while they do that and ultimately the united states helps in the deterrence of that multi- front. jonathan: general thank you for having your insights and hamas general thank you so much. the war obviously taking a major toll on civilians on both sides of the conflicts. in israel and indeed in gaza. more on their plates coming up. -every day... -every day... -millions of people... -are connecting. -and even though we're overcoming obstacles... -watching each other's backs... -and banding together... -we should still make an effort... -we should still make an effort... -to get to know each other... -on a deeper level. -father. -cosplayer. -mentor. -actor. -it's time we take a step forward... -it's time we take a step forward... -come together... -and discover... -how accepting our differences... all: can make us stronger! jonathan: there is a major effort going on obviously to help identify victims of the deadly attacks in israel. playing a role in all of this art tech companies using their advanced data operation and artificial intelligence helping to find out more about the victims of the hamas attacks in some cases simply to identify the horribly mutilated bodies. we go to lee is the managing partner and founder at amd ventures and is it in israel right now as a volunteer thank you so much for being here. these are horrible circumstances it is such a human tragedy. it is awful. what role can tech companies play in helping here? >> the last two weeks a lot of private people including tech companies became the biggest for entering organizations. we are brothers and sisters we h many departments one is ai it is about one and 500 people are 24/7 basically helping the government on helping security arms and helping the families identify any kind of clue that they have or can have firm from cameras, from pictures, from anything you can find and on the open web and dark web as we know and tried to see what we can be helpful in bringing more information from. jonathan: what you are trying to do to a large extent is help identify potential location of some of those who are missing? >> is not about location it's about who is missing. we have been operating for the past two weeks from logistics to helping soldiers and families evacuate. one of our departments let by doctor karina hahn is the department of ai. we find evidence from the field. for example you had a family you saw what happened to the family from a camera of the terrace. but you did not see what happened to them so try to mesh the seconds and the minutes of what had been after or before and try to make a picture if they are dead, and live, and gaza, and israel, where are they? then it's a part of that it is a lot were stolen and it's not relevant anymore. jonathan: to bring it back to the human side of this from the tech side of this, how are you doing? [laughter] it has been very hard. it is a national tragedy. and i have family i have two young girls five and three i cannot even imagine with those people are suffering right now. the tragedies some of them had sought it's a very hard time. but we believe we will overcome them. jonathan: we thank you for being here the world of thanks you for the work you're doing. thank you very much indeed be >> thank you very much for. >> meantime pound gaza israel also fighting other fronts. both in the west bank and on the border with lebanon. our special coverage of israel at war with hamas and hezbollah continues at the top of the hour. uncomfortable. i want the mental part of it to be uncomfortable, so that when the game comes, it's easy. you got to mentally wake up and make a decision on who you want to be that day. how can i get better. how can i take this opportunity to step into a new level. i'm all about things that work. and with oofos, i saw a product that was working, that was helping. you know, i actually feel better. i feel stronger. i feel faster. ♪ ♪ vo: losing the fear of looking foolish comes with age. losing your way in your own home, doesn't. confusion with time and place may be a sign of alzheimer's. daughter: mom, are you okay? mom: yeah, i'm fine. vo: early detection gives you and your loved one time to plan for the future. learn the warning signs of alzheimer's. jonathan: israel stepping up its air strikes across gaza. right now as its military gears up for what looks likely to be a major ground invasion aimed at destroying hamas in gaza the israeli military continuing to mass at the border as it waits for the green light. hello i am jonathan hunt with continuing coverage of the israel hamas arts 8:00 p.m. here in los angeles 6:00 a.m. and israel. in the last a few hours israeli leaders have confirmed military struck what they called eight terrorist route underneath the mosque in the west bank city of jeanine. that is very significant the idea it does not carry out very many airstrikes in the palestinian territories of the west bank. right now it is not clear why israel has delayed apparently as grounisground invasion into gazl expected it within the last few days. concerns is certainly about hostages are complicating matters for the last numbers we were given by the israeli defense forces were more than 200 hostages. 210 to be precise are being held they said captive in gaza. nearly a dozen of those are americans as we understand it. the u.s. is making some progress in getting some hostages released of course in american mother and her daughter were allowed to leave on friday. president biden spoke over the phone with that mother and daughter earlier today. >> just glad to get you out we've been working on a long time are going to get them all out god willing. i hope you are both -- not only feeling a bit in good health as well. >> yes we are. thank you very much god bless you. >> meantime and desperately needed food, water and medical supplies have finally made their way into gaza it is only a trickle. the rafah crossing between egypt and gaza was open briefly saturday along the aide to go into the besieged policy and territory to get to some of the 2 million palestinians who are without basic needs eight aid workers pushing for israel to allow more aid in. they say 20-truckload sent and are absolutely insufficient to address the unprecedented humanitarian crisis in gaza. more than 200 trucks carrying 3000 tons of aid are still waiting at the border. for the very latest on the war in israel let's turn out to fox news correspondent lucas tomlinson who joins us live from tel aviv. good evening again lucas. >> good evening jonathan for a few moments ago we talked about that new pentagon statement the u.s. defense secretary lloyd austin ordering additional forces to the middle east including an american sad battabattery of patient antibalc missile battery it is notable hamas and hezbollah do not have ballistic missiles but iran does for there is no question the white house and the pentagon are concerned about what they see in increasing threat from iran u.s. forces have been intact in recent days from iran's proxies in iraq and syria and yemen with the crews missile strike. in addition in that statement defense secretary lloyd austin said he is quote redirected the dwight d eisenhower strike group to the central command area of responsibility that is pentagon argo for the middle east. now while israel has become a member of central command it's most likely now eisenhower will be going through the suez canal will be going into the middle east. we saw that missile destroyer uss party strike down those cruise missiles in over a dozen drones coming from yemen. that probably leaves kearny without very much of this smt surface to air missiles left what else is on board? you have tom hawkes and other kinds of weapon systems. no doubt we have a straight crew is not just the carrier of course she got other missile distortion of a cruiser you also have generally a submarine as well but of course we just saw the uss florida that's a guided ballistic missile cruise missile submarine leaves scotland recently that is also likely headed to the region as well. just to get back here in israel, israel defense minister spoke today. he says he is all it on gaza is going to order the troops there when he says they are going to do it very quickly. we just do not know when the exact push over the border will be. here's the defense minister. >> we will turn this equation 180 degrees. the day of the attack will remember the day that started the final and complete destruction of the hamas terrorist organization. >> now israeli forces singing live fire exercises experts say we are seeing here on screen very little resembles the fierce urban combat these forces will be facing historically we look at urban, the battles of falluja it recently in ukraine or combat is challenging even for the best military forces in the world. hamas is a time to plan for this and ambushes, lay booby traps, lie and wait no matter how we drones are flying overhead or architectural plans of the buildings that might help. not earlier tonight she mentioned israeli forces carrying out a rear air strike in the west bank following joint raid by the idf that's israel's internal security agency. they say they foiled a terrorist plot in the mosque and a west bank the city of jenin idf says the mosque contained hamas and jihad operative the work imminent terror attack yesterday we saw this first 20 trucks carrying humanitarian aid into gaza from egypt. something president biden said he wanted to see when he visited here in tel aviv a few days ago. biden also pledged in that same speech in tel aviv $100 million to gaza and the west bank. just recently we went to a morgue in an army bank here in central israel after some 1400 israelis were killed by hamas into its ago today army reservists at some of the body said a ride for booby-trapped. some of the babies had their heads cut off she said she'd never thought she was the atrocities worse than the holocaust until now. a warning to our viewers this is graphic. quickly a seen evidence of a rape that is so cruel pelvises were broken, bones were broken it takes a lot to break a pelvis. legs were broken and this is grandmothers down to children. the one body that came in they thought it was one body and only when they took a ct that they seek to spines and they saw locked in an embrace. >> jonathan, in addition to the two american hostages that were released you have 10 other americans that are missing some of home are in captivity tonight in gaza in addition to the more than 200 israeli citizens also being held hostage tonight in gaza by hamas. jonathan: it lukas thank you so much lucas tomlinson live in tel aviv the sun begins to come up in israel the war between israel and hamas inches closer to a grand invasion of gaza by israeli forces. president biden of course is monitoring all of this from his rehoboth beach at home in delaware which is where we find alexandra hoffa. good evening alexandria. quickly leaving jonathan we are hoping to get clarification on if the administration is encouraging israel to delay the ground invasion trying to get hostages out of gaza first appeared we wanted to ask about that because of this last night. correct hare you encouraging a n ground invasion to get more hostages out? >> the end the president says yes they are about israel delaying a ground invasion the white house quickly issued a correction right in the president was far away he did not hear the full question for the question sounded like would you like to see more hostages released? he was not commenting on anything else here and rehoboth beach today our producer did ask for direct comment on that. >> correct are you encouraging the israelis to them. it does remain unclear do touch on a potential delay. also today we got a look into the oval office president biden spoke with the mother and daughter freed by hamas they were free to yesterdays when the phone call took place here is a moment from that. >> i'm just delighted to get you out with and working on it a long time are going to get them all out god willing. i hope you are both not only feeling good but in good health as well. yes we are. thank you very much god bless you progress god bless you guys. >> at a fundraiser at less on a washington d.c. president biden theorized hamas launch attack on israel because israel had engaged in talks with saudi arabia to try and normalize the relationship, jonathan. >> it is an interesting point alexandria hoffa thank you so much. now as israel continues preparing for this potential ground invasion of gaza some world leaders are calling for peace in the region. >> must release all hostages immediately and without conditions. we must ensure all hostages including israelis and other nationals can return safely with their families. third, we cannot let this conflict turn into a regional crisis. the situation is very volatile a small spark can start a wildfire. we must use all of our political influence with all relevant actors to avoid escalation of the conflict. >> top officials from dozens of countries the majority of them arab nations came together at a summit in cairo saturday calling for israel to stop bombing gaza and to allow more aid into the territory. the leaders were hoping to come to an agreement towards a de-escalating and containing the violence but inevitably without the u.s. and israel's involvement note such agreement was reached. for more on all of this let's get to jamil jaffa is the founder executive director of the national security institute. thank you so much for being here this evening. it does appear the arab world is increasingly critical of what israel is doing and gaza. you hear from moderates like king abdullah of jordan criticizing israel today. that fans the flames of this potential regional conflict is it not? was it is jonathan i'm reminded after the days of 911 we 9911 we suffered 3000 casualties that day on a population about 280 million at the time. israel lost 1400 people in a population about nine men that's equal to a dozen 9/11 in a single day. we did not hear our allies converse cease-fire wit after al qaeda around the world or in afghanistan. the idea would see a cease-fire anytime before the destroyed was unimaginable and should be an unimaginable to over allies. >> it's interesting people talk about the civilian death toll in gaza that is obviously tragic. but in war, civilians get harmed it is a sad fact of war at this sad fact in afghanistan. the sad fact in iraq it's been a sad fact in every war. the world seems look at israel more critically differently. >> that is exactly right the truth is rules don't apply different into israel than they did to anybody else there job is to avoid civilian casualties are going to try to do that but the reality is it's hamas telling siblings to stay in north gaza gently do douglas opposites anyy of does not have regard for gaza lives it is hamas itself telling it civilian stay here knowing an attack is coming. jonathan: talking of hamas in their preparations they have had two weeks now since a cure of the terrible terrorist attacks to get prepared, admittedly under this bombardment b within two weeks to prepare i don't think anybody would be foolish enough to think when they were planning those awful terrorist attacks they were planning for what comes next. it's going to be a horribly tough fight or more accurate when israel moves in on the ground. >> is exactly right is going to be very blooding is going to vary play for the israelis are going to walk into as you noted earlier booby chapter entrances there 200 individuals being held hostage now some of them americans those hostages may lose their lives these operation as israel seeks to take out hamas and rescue those this is hamas' drink they killed 1400 civilians in the single day. they took 200 hostages there holding them in tunnels under gaza. they are the reasons gaza is going to be attacked over the next days and weeks. it is nobody's fault but hamas. >> it is taken longer than i think a lot of people thought it would for the israeli defense forces to make this move in terms of a grand invasion of gaza if indeed it comes. do you think that is more likely the result of a pressure from other world leaders including president biden or do you think it is a result of prime minister netanyahu having a horrible sophie's choice if you would like regarding the fate of the hostages and what might happen to them if and when the ground forces go in? what sitting is all the above i think is really forces are preparing to when they go in. this is a surprise attack they did not see it coming this is an important part of getting ready and going and with full force. the same time they are no doubt worried about the hostages being held by these terrorists. then of course are having significant pressure from the world per resolve the lies being told at the hospital bombing it turns out the islamic jihad errant missile not an israeli strike get that cause a significant amount of concern on they have taken the time there is no doubt when israelis go in they will go in with full force. they will door to door if necessary and take out hamas just like the u.s. did for 20 years after al qaeda's leadership all around the globe. it kept us safe for two decades here in united states for mass casualty terror attack we cannot expect anything less from her allies. jonathan: thank you so much for being with us tonight. >> thanks jonathan. a murder investigation underway in detroit tonight cor was found brutally stabbed to death. police say 40-year-old samantha was filed with the multiple stab wounds a trail of blood leading back to her home. at this time police say they have not determined a motive. the fbi says it is aware of the incident and it will assist the detroit police department as requested. israel's military preparing for a possible multi- front battle between both hamas and hezbollah. have the idf is preparing for what could be a two front war, o next. and my patients say you knw doc, it really works. 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>> it certainly is. israeli military officials have pointed out that hezbollah has only grown in strength since that last war they have gotten n more than one or 50000 long-range rockets as well as guided missiles that can hit pretty much anywhere in israel. so a much tougher foe potentially then hamas potential big bucks thank you very much from beirut in lebanon tonight back home law-enforcement agencies across the u.s. remain on high alert fbi and homeland security releasing a bulletin this week warning of potential attacks by so-called lone wolf supported this as sources say officials are using an array of sophisticated tools and techniques to monitor for potential threats for the bulletin of course came just days after police in chicago say a 6-year-old and his mother were attacked by their landlord simply for being a muslim the 6-year-old of course died after being stabbed 26 times by the families landlord former fbi special agent marino connell joins us now. those kind of incidents are absolute terrifying to everybody. it seems we are on a real high alert here. so with your experience what is the fbi and law enforcement across the board doing right now? >> the fbi's been building relationships with public and private sector between the public and private sector with everyone with a critical infrastructure and everyone in charge of sources for many, many many years but we have been building bridges between law enforcement agencies and entities and the fbi and all of our critical infrastructure. we also work very closely with all the fusion centers their 76 fusion centers nationwide for. >> 's before it was a fusion center? what'what supplies or members fm all the surrounding areas of law enforcement or health industries all kinds of different agencies come together and taken information from the public. you can look at fusion centers on my look at your local one you will see they have a webpage you can put in a tip or a lead prayer we put in a tip or a lead a group of experts will look at it determine where it goes and try to handle it as best as possible. ask information from the public is really key here? see something say something for. >> yes it's even more than that. so when people say this is just a little bit i don't know it's going to be helpful. no one is ever asking the public to complete the puzzle what we are asking for is give us that little piece of the puzzle that you have let us work on it together. jonathan: people often the situations i feel think that guy did something weird or that guy said something weird to i really want to tell on my neighbor? but it is important in these kind of heightened tension times to do something for. >> it is crucial because jonathan if you look at what happened in israel they were divided country. the old term divide and conquer. when you think about that we too are divided and will be are divided we are distracted. not that our intelligence agencies are not working overtime because as you said these threats are increasing everywhere. everyone is stretched to the limits right now. we need all the help we can get. we need all hands on deck. that means every >> minded citizen. jonathan: of your former colleagues and the fbi are watching certain names they are watching people all of the time who they have cause to be concerned about. but someone who is suddenly outraged by what is going on on whichever side they fall, there is very little they can do about the person who is suddenly snaps and carries out the kind of terrible attack was on chicago. quickset does not happen in a vacuum what we need are more people are great at computer games and every thing to join the forces and learn how to do open source intelligence training. the dark web, the deeper web learn those techniques is just as exciting as playing some videogame but it is so much more important to help us move forward because a lot of those people you talk about this lone wolf all the sudden snaps, there is a parade of red flags in his past that could have had someone called in here and here we may have been able to connect those dots. >> we hear about a tragic attack like that one in chicago. but we don't here are the hundreds if not thousands of potential attacks your colleagues and law enforcement stop every day. >> they are thwarting them like you said hundreds of times a day thousands probably across the country where we identify things and then we put in the system and people are under the radar now and people are made aware of it. i have been involved in things where i had family members take away all their devices. when we alert them to what's going on with her grandson. jonathan: marine we thank you for your service thank you so much for being here for. >> thank you jonathan. coming of the first shipments f humanitarian aid arrived in gaza but pressure mounts on israel from the outside world as the idf tries to maintain a balance between warning civilians, protecting civilians and fighting hamas terrorists... that is coming up. now's the time to see what america's largest 5g network can do for your business. - when did doing business become more about culture wars and less about well, business? 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>> jonathan they say in short it's going to be very difficult. just look at the last 20 years of combat for u.s. forces. some thought and very urban areas like falluja i'm going back of course the vietnam war as we have seen the last few years and parts of ukraine especially down south. urban warfare there is nothing you can do to add high-tech systems you can have drones you can have the floorp floor plansn have dogs, you can have optics go in at night the best sensors at the end of the day it's a painstaking process of going room to room floor to floor. hamas is at weeks, months may be years to prepare for this potentially another incursion is been years since israel's got into the gaza strip of course. it is very challe challenges the the advantage. hamas is the home team the idea of getting ambushed you just do not know what is behind that door that's a very frightening possibility and as we have seen in the history of warfare when it comes to urban combat the casualties are high. jonathan: lucas defense secretary lloyd austin announcing a short time ago new measures, new deployments throughout the middle east of u.s. material and prepared to deploy orders for more military personnel. what do we know about that at this point lucas? >> is a statement issued not too long ago. just within the past hour defense secretary lloyd austin said after consulting with president by these beefing up forces in the region in the middle east. it was notable he is redirecting the ice in our strike group for the last few days ever since he strike group left norfolk, virginia ike was supposed to come here to the mediterranean to help augment the gerald ford strike a group and out often is redirected the sc right group to the area of responsibility that's pentagon argo for the middle east. there is no question behind all of this but also the deployments of the bad antiballistic missile battery along patriot missile batteries while hamas doesn't, hezbollah doesn't ironic the hidden hand all this u.s. forces have been attacked in recent days and iraq and service of the crews missile strike from yemen they were traveling m maybe 1300 miles here a shutdown by the missile destroyer uss carney. there are two's above according likely exhausted a very low complement on have to take tomahawk cruise missiles and other weapons so putting the strike accrue in through the suez canal to the red sea perhaps the arabian sea is certainly a move to show to iran as we head for president biden do not attack israel the president said don't this is an extension of the president saying don't do anything. but certainly tensions are very high in the region you have potential invasion from israel into gaza we have heard from hezbollah officials if israeli forces do go into gaza hezbollah will strike in my iran is playing very hidden hand in this no doubt controls their proxy forces throughout the region. jonathan: lucas tomlinson and in telaviv this early morning tn israel thank you very much lucas. the first of much needed desperately needed aid for palestinians arrived in gaza saturday through the rafah border crossing that's the crossing with egypt on the southern as of gaza. the separatist state entity blinken welcome the first round of aid but he said as many has a much more is needed to truly help the innocent palestinian people israel's government says they are willing to help those in need but they have voiced concern to about the supplies ending up in the wrong hands. >> we said that as long as this date will reach the palestinian people we do not want that to get caught in the crossfire we do not want them to suffer has hamas does. we will make sure they get the humanitarian aid. but this aid cannot end up in the hands of hamas that is our condition. welcome back rabbi. welcome in the president of a bubulletproof israel and a group ready. let me turn to you first. we talked before about the jewish and i assume while your organization bulletproof israel is dedicated to getting aid to israelis in the wake of those terrible terrorist attacks you two would welcome the arrival of aid to innocent palestinians provided it gets to innocent palestinians progress without a doubt it is necessary they require aid just as much as the israelis dudes both sides for. >> rabbi, i assume you'd say the same? >> anot only do i want to have a bit open up the border. let these people out there being held dimming trapped if you have americans there if you have egyptian officials there you can do face recognition and let people out they do not have to be under such circumstances. this is my biggest question, why are we going to give them food in the camp in gaza when there all by the border saying let me out. >> roommate you and i last spoke right here 10 days ago i think it was about the aid that your organization bulletproof israel you're one of the founders of was getting to israelis. since then you have held what appeared to be a beautiful very successful fundraiser. how has the jewish community stepped up? >> not just bulletproof israel they stepped up with us massively pl but like i said les on the jewish community so beautiful and strong that everyone came together to support israel and jews here which is super important. i think the people's missing is not limited the conflict in israel but how it spells out here as well. jonathan: when you hearing the people needing what you getting to them question question and israel's medical supplies its food, it's actually loud volunteer work to one thing that surprising a lot of the farmers have left they require volunteer work on the farms. a lot of the medical lottery body armor and helmets you name it. >> rabbi obviously along with the practical needs bulletproof israel and other organizations are doing so much to address there is a spiritual need and you are leaving on a humanitarian mission in just a few hours time to bring that kind of spiritual comfort for. >> one 100%. many rabbis from around america we are joining together in israel it's well none of uplifting and making people feel that were going to sit with the hostage families were going to be going to families that lost loved ones paid were going to be going to hospitals. we are going to be talking with them, listening with them but most of all bring a sense to this country we are here for you the whole american community not just the jews. but america is here for you and we've got to tell you something when you travel 10,000 miles to go visit somebody in a war-torn country it lifts them up. jonathan: we talked last time not long after the attacks a few days after the awful terrorist attacks, how do you feel the spirit of the jewish community has developed in the last two weeks and 24 hours almost exactly since your text? what is gotten stronger even with the adversity. a lot of jews are receiving hate online and in public these joint process that are taking place a lot of them are spewing a lot of real vitriol and hate towards jews. the science or a horrible the visuals are horrible for juice i found a lot of strength in each other a lot of strength and some analysis well. it's a strength of the jewish heart you can try to push us down were always going to survive and thrive progress rabbi really briefly the lights. appear. >> just hug somebody. we've got to go as and start recognizing we are one country here in america the jewish people have recognized we are one people you attack one you attack all of us progress rabbi we wish you the very best on your travel to israel and remic we wish you the best with your continued efforts to get aid to the israeli people thank you so very much for being here. the pentagon as we were just talking with lucas tomlinson is preparing more american troops for possible deployment to the middle east. right now u.s. forces are in the region for support only but a cleared deterrent is true but should we be concerned that could change? a spooked army veteran lieutenant colonel coming up next. jonathan: secretary of defense lloyd austin is putting more troops on the ready to be deployed to the middle east as east asisrael prepares for potel ground invasion of gaza let's bring an army veteran and battalion commander international military strategist lieutenant colonel darren to break this all down for it lieutenant colonel, thank you so much for being here. i was interested in some of the information you're talking to our producers about earlier about how the israeli forces have amassed on the border with gaza may be in what you called a quiet routine. to the majority of us that experience might look they're sitting there waiting you say there's a lot going on behind the scenes. >> gaza jonathan thanks so much for having me on this evening. the quiet routine was a term i chose to use events clearly not quiet there are plenty of engagements going on with an within gazastrip from the air ie guarantee significant intelligent assets moving and doing different things within gaza and above gaza. but to me this is like a sense of the calm before the storm moments. when it looks from the outside as if everything is halted and just waiting and all of us are looking to some extent and patiently going are you going to start this or not? that is of course their decision we do not know that yet. but behind the scenes the perspective is that if called upon hundreds of thousands of reserves. there has to be some training there has to be supplying of them there has to be other kinds of preparation going on to get them ready for something of this significance. so it just because it's quiet right now does not mean the israeli defense forces are not doing a whole lot of activity behind the scenes. and for a potential ground assault regards colonel you have talked about this there is the preparation phase and then we move into what you say the next two phases which are destroyed and secure. briefly as you can how do those two phases play out? >> i've borrowed those terms are used no space on open source reporting from the idf. they will have their own operation orders to go along with it. in the preparation phase you see dismantle the communication the comcommand-and-control the logistics. they go into the destroyed phase you can see them moving into the area essentially destroying hamas and all the support they may have taken them off the battlefield in order to occupy the ground. and determine from there where they are going and who takes charge how long will they be there? what is that look like when the smoke clears the dust settles? support lieutenant colonel great to have his summer running short on time would love to have you back and take advantage of your wonderful expertise lieutenant colonel there and gob thank you very much. up next have families of those taken captive by hamas are dealing with the hardship, thebu siinsurgency. we will be back. ence, but to advance how the game is played. aaa relies on t-mobile's network to stay connected nationwide, so they can help get their members back on the road. and we're helping pano ai innovate, to stop the spread of wildfires. now's the time to see what america's largest 5g network can do for your business. why do vitamins and supplements cost so much more now? other companies are charging you more and more for less and less, and we hate that. that's why force factor has partnered with walmart to provide amazing supplements at great prices. for all americans! force factor products use clinically studied patented ingredients to powerfully improve your health, but they're also delicious, easy to use and affordable. that's why force factor is now the number one best selling superfoods brand in america. rush to walmart and unleash your potential with force factor. here's why you should switch from chrome to duckduckgo. duckduckgo is a browser you download to your mobile and desktop devices. unlike chrome, the duckduckgo browser has privacy built-in. it comes with a private alternative to google search, which doesn■t spy on your searches, and it blocks cookies and creepy ads. and there's no catch. it's free. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you around. join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on mobile and desktop today. jonathan: families of the 210 hostages believed held in gaza are holding out hope at this hour for the safe return of their kidnapped loved ones. joint is now her sister in law and the sister-in-law's husband were kidnapped and taken to gaza. thank you so much for being with us at this terribly difficult time. how are you doing? >> thank you. i'm absolutely devastated. it really appreciably opportunity to speak with you and t tell my story my family is crushed and we cannot stop thinking about my sister-in-law that's currently being held in gaza. seifert were she and her husband taken from? >> my sister-in-law and her husband they just got married and lived in a nice small apartment in kibbutz it's a very small kibbutz on the border. between israel and gaza. they started a beautiful life there they adopted a lot of cats and dogs and loved animals. her husband build music instruments pl plays every typef instrument. they started a beautiful peaceful life. jonathan: it's important for people to know who are not familiar with the kibbutz system in israel. they are designed to be places of great peace they are peopled by people who love a peaceful life. >> exactly. there are a cultural communities very small people who love the land to grow crops, milk the cows easily type of places you take your kids for apple picking, pet, animals and the animal farm. it's an i ideally very peaceful community. jonathan: if you heard anything from the israeli government about where they might be? what conditions they might be held in are they telling you anything? >> to be honest that's one of the most heartbreaking pieces of the story. we do not know nothing about what is going on with them it has been two weeks since they were taken from us. we do not know where they are we do not know if they are in some kind of a tunnel underneath gaza we don't know if they're dead or alive or wounded. the red cross has not been able to examine the hostages. we are totally in the dark. i cannot stop thinking about my sister-in-law, my brother-in-law. i do not know what type of horrible conditions they might be in. because a murderous terror organization is taken them from me. i am completely devastated. >> we wish you and your family the best. we look forward to the day you are reunited with their sister-in-law and her husband. thank you so much for being here all of the best to you and your family. and thank you for watching fox news continuing coverage of the war in the middle east.. war in the middle east.. i am jonathan hunt and los angeles as you look alive at thm west bank. it's the first and only nasal spray for dry eye. tyrvaya treats the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease fast by helping your body produce its own real tears. common side effects include sneezing, cough, and throat and nose irritation. relying only on drops? 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Deterrent , Deployment , Spooked Army , Lieutenant Colonel , Battalion Commander , It Lieutenant Colonel , Down , Military Strategist , Gaza Let , East Asisrael , Routine , Producers , Scenes , Gaza Jonathan , Gazastrip , Events , Engagements , Guarantee , Assets , Air Ie , Everything , Calm Before The Storm , Reserves , Behind The Scenes , Upon Hundreds Of Thousands , Preparation , Significance , Quiet , Preparation Phase , Colonel , Ground Assault , Operation Orders , Reporting , Communication The Comcommand , Phase , Summer , Smoke , Dust Settles , Gob , Hardship , Thebu Siinsurgency , Aaa , T Mobile , Ence , Back On The Road , Wildfires , Spread , Pano Ai Innovate , Supplements , Vitamins , Force Factor , Prices , Products , Walmart , Superfoods Brand , Ingredients , Rush To Walmart , Husband , Sister , Law , Joint , Sister In Law , Hope , Return , Kibbutz , Seifert , Apartment , Dogs , Cats , Instruments Pl , Kibbutz System , Typef , Instrument , Places , Communities , Land , 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