Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Gutfeld 20240703 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Gutfeld 20240703

president biden heading to israel this morning on a wartime journey that could prove to be the most important foreign mission of his administration to date. but even before touchdown, mr. biden is encountering turbulence. it just might destroy any hope of warding off a full blown mideast battle. good morning, everybody. kevin corke in washington with live one hour coverage. a special on the latest developments in the mideast. it is 3 a.m. here in the nation's capital, 10 a.m. in israel this morning. people there across in fact, across the mideast are waking up to growing concerns about a possible escalation of hostilities in the region. and now president biden's efforts to tamp down the tensions are already facing a massive setback. the latest disturbing images from gaza explain why widespread carnage at a hospital once with wounded war victims and palestinians seeking shelter. at least 500 reported dead, many of them children. israel's military says it was a rocket fired by islamic. hamas blames an israeli airstrike. one thing is certain at this hour, the fallout has absolutely plans for a summit in jordan between. president biden and arab leaders. hamas now calling for a day of rage. all raising the stakes for a broader mideast conflict. the danger of escalating tensions already evident along the israeli-lebanese border, where israeli forces are clashing with hezbollah fighters. an ominous development because israel considers the heavily armed group an even bigger threat than hamas. it's also a clear sign that hope be fading for mr. biden's peace mission to israel. as i mentioned at the top of the hour, israel preparing for a very important arrival from washington. fox news correspondent trey yangs joins us now from southern israel. trey, a lot happening there in the past 24 hours. >> tell us the latest. >> yeah, kevin, good morning. u.s. president joe biden is expected to arrive here this morning and israel will he'll meet with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. but as you mentioned his visit comes amid one of the most controversial moments since this massacre last saturday and the war that following it. overnight, the al ahli hospital in, gaza city saw an explosion that according to reports hundreds of people were killed in. and immediately, hamas, the group in control of gaza, told us that it was the israelis that launched an airstrike against this hospital. and i want to take you through a play by play of what happened and the information that we have, because there's a lot misinformation going around. we understand there was an explosion last night where hundreds of palestinians in gaza were sheltering at this hospital in a courtyard just outside of the main building. now, again, hamas claims the israelis did it. the israelis came to us and said they were conducting an investigation following, the reports of the explosion. we continue to follow up with the israelis. and ultimately they released some video that we have here showing rocket coming from the gaza strip toward southern and central israel. one of those rockets falling into the gaza strip. and the israelis say. that rocket is responsible for the explosion that killed those palestinian. now, during this blast, there were many injuries, according to officials on the ground. hundreds killed as a result. and the israelis say it was a rocket fired by the group islamic, the second largest faction inside gaza. it didn't matter what we reported last night. the world made up its mind in many different places across the arab world. there were protests and riots that erupted in different cities, including istanbul, amman and, also baghdad. we may have some video here of the of protests that took place also outside of the u.s. embassy in beirut. there were clashes and fires that were set a very dangerous situation as the entire region is boiling. now, kevin, this comes as the lebanese militant group hezbollah is calling for a day of rage in response to what took place at that hospital yesterday inside gaza. we've already seen cross-border attacks from hezbollah over the past several days as the israelis prepare this to open up into a multi-front conflict. the major concern is that hezbollah will get directly involved in the fighting. and so when israel enters into that ground operation, we do expect in the coming days in gaza and hezbollah, this iranian backed group, could immediately respond. kevin well, it just does not look like this going to be a situation that gets any better before a potentially tragic could get significantly worse. we're going to touch base with you throughout the morning here. i just want to make sure that you are safe. again, thank you for your reporting. we'll touch base again shortly . trade yanks for us in southern israel. meantime, support for israel topping president biden's trip to the country. but it's also a delicate tightrope of diplomacy. you see biden officials have been jetting across the middle east all week trying to keep the war from escalating. joining us, white house correspondent jackie heinrich with more. >> jackie, good morning. good morning to you. president biden is in route to israel to show the u.s. commitment to israel's security, but the second half of his trip, that stop in jordan has been canceled after the hospital was bombed in gaza. as i mentioned, israel says at the hands of islamist jihadists who are now trying to pin it on israel. the israelis say they've got proof of this. they've made it public. but in the meantime, president's meeting with the king of jordan, the president of the palestinian authority, and the egyptian president is canceled. biden was going to push egypt to open the rafah crossing to allow safe passage. palestinian civilians as israel readies its ground operation. >> no refugees in jordan nor refugees in egypt. this is a situation of humanitarian dimension that has to be dealt inside of gaza and the west bank and not to try and push the palestinian challenge and their future onto other people's shoulders. >> the president released a statement on air force one. it reads, i spoke with king abdullah, second of jordan, and prime minister netanyahu of israel, and have directed national security team to continue gathering information about exactly happened. the united states stands unequivocally for the protection of civilian life during the conflict. and we mourn the patients, medical staff and other innocents or wounded in this tragedy. meantime, progressive democrats out at president biden, congresswoman rashida tlaib posting on x known as twitter protest. this is what happens when refuse to facilitate a cease fire and help de-escalate. congresswoman omar also writes, bombing a hospital is among the of war crimes. the idf reportedly blowing up one of the few places the injured and wounded can seek medical treatment and shelter during a war as horrific at potosi needs to push for an immediate cease fire to end this slaughter. the has made clear it is not pushing for a cease fire. and in fact has repeatedly emphasized israel's right and duty to defend itself. future attacks as it works to root out hamas. kevin jackie, i know we're going to move on, but before we do, i just want to get your perspective of the many correspondents that have covered the white house in my many years of doing it. i think you're one of the very best, especially in that you seem to have sort of a, i think, granular knowledge of how this administration thinks. and i just want to sort of get your perspective. what's the deliverable here for mr. biden? because to go here, obviously, we knew what would happen with the hospital this trip was fraught. i'm just curious, what's the thinking here from the white house perspective to put the commander in chief there on the ground? well, i think it's very important to the administration and to send a strong signal of support to israel, because we are israel's strongest ally and, have, you know, of course, experienced our own terror attacks in, you know, in the us that have claimed lives here. and, you know, the israelis are, you know, our strongest ally in the middle east. it is, you know, foothold of democracy and a critical partner for strategic as well. so i think morally and also for geopolitical security reasons, it was important the u.s. to continue to show that. so show of support. and also i think the president going there is an effort to try to push folks in the region to facilitate the escape of palestinian civilians who are of critical importance to the success of this operation. we know that the administration has been quietly warning the israelis that if every possible step is not taken to mitigate, mitigate any unnecessary loss of life, that public sentiment will turn very quickly. so that stands out to me, too, that getting the president on the ground to try to bring regional leaders together and facilitate a place for civilians to go, egypt for to open the rafah crossing is something that is important ,the administration. but this now is very complicated by this bombing. >> kevin. yeah, any time you have a trip like this, you want to have a deliverable in the circumstance for the white house, you want to be able to come back and say, we did this, we accomplished this. as you point out, i think that this has happened with the hospital. that could be very difficult. jackie, thank you so much for your time this morning. we appreciate it. thank you. >> president biden meets on meeting with israeli leaders later today. that will certainly test his ability to walk a fine line between support for israel and displaying sympathy for the plight of the palestinian people. it's a diplomatic challenge made to considerably harder, as jackie just pointed out yesterday. thanks to that hospital explosion in gaza. >> joining us now via skype retired army lieutenant colonel darren gough, a former blackhawk helicopter and battalion commander. colonel goff tells us about the potential payoffs and the pitfalls of the president's trip to israel. you heard me there. just ask jackie, how do you how do you walk that tightrope? first of all, because i think as you heard, the squad and others have said here domestically, you have to consider the plight of the innocents. those are not involved in the massacre of israeli citizens, soldiers. we're talking about the everyday palestinian people. at the same time, you have got to defend your country. if you're israel, full stop. so for the president, colonel, this would seem be an incredibly delicate trip. >> what i'll? >> ask you what i asked jackie, what is the deliverable here? >> yeah, kevin, i think that's big question that we should all be asking right now because frankly this is a rare thing for someone with my background to see, first of all, that the president was going to go into a conflict zone like this and we're going to advertise it two days early. then it's turned into going into israel. and most of the meetings he had with some of these foreign leaders has been have been turned off now. and so that has a significant challenge for him to be able to come back to the u.s. and say that he's accomplished something of meaning while he was in country. so i think that that deliverable right. is is almost going to be defined on the fly, because most of what he seems like he was planning to do is now out the window. and my concern is whether he goes in and tells netanyahu ,tries to convince him to potentially delay this ground offensive or even move it into something a much smaller scale. so that remains be seen. >> one, at least from your perspective when he gets on the ground, what's the first point of action? is it to essentially ask a bit of head and hand the israelis to make sure that they are at least respond all in the sense that they're trying to create a pathway out of harm's way for the citizens of the gaza strip . at the same time, you want to make sure you're giving them all the economic and all the military and all the logistical that they need to prepare for what looks like an eventual ground incursion into that part of the the region. is that your take? yeah, i think that's the bulk of it. i mean, it's with benjamin netanyahu and just being able to say, one, i'm here. you've got the support you need. three. you know, we would like to continue to support you. and this is how this is how we can do that. i'd like to get a sense of what maybe his plan is dealing with with gaza and all the refugees and moving and moving people out wherever they to get out of to get out of harm's way. so that to me, that's the first thing on his list is to sit down with netanyahu and get a sense of what's really going on. again, i go back to the the whole point that it's a shock that he didn't go in there in the first place. and i don't think this is a very good idea. and frankly, i think it's a distraction from from benjamin netanyahu, whatever he's planning now anyways. >> well, you know what? i think there is a growing body of support for that idea, because as you well know, colonel, if you're going to invite a world leader into the area where they're building, obviously for a possible conflict, that does slow down everything, to say nothing, the ongoing security risk. i'm surprised by the to make this trip in particular when you could be looking at almost an immediate two front war that could involve hezbollah. is that your also is that your concern that hezbollah get involved in this almost immediately as israel begins to try to root out the problems with hamas give? >> absolutely. this has been of my concerns from the start was that no war that occurs in, this region of the world stays small. and with hamas we thought it would immediately turn to hezbollah. and then you get the southern and northern already getting active. and now you start worrying whether or not nation states get involved that are directly connected into such as syria and jordan, maybe even egypt and others. as you continue to grow across the middle east and wonder, you know, how big can this get? and frankly, is you know, president biden's trip into israel making, it worse rather than better. >> colonel gob joining us as always. we appreciate your time. i know it's something you'll be watching very and we will certainly look forward to drawing on your experience throughout days ahead. >> thank you so much, colonel. >> thanks, ken. hamas and israel trading following the deadly hospital blast in gaza. >> coming up the u.s. embassy in lebanon seeing violent protests. more on that just ahead. >> boy, do i get bad press. the six part story only fox nation can tell. we go into new york to expand that father's empire. he went in to build his home. what kind of is that? he ought to be ashamed to be. second rate. that's why when i make promises i keep them. no dream is too big. no challenge is too great. i want to make america great 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kevin. tensions are high in lebanon at this hour with protests on overnight. large crowds gathering and taking to the streets in lebanon and around the middle east after an explosion at a in gaza killed hundreds. hamas blaming israel the attack ,but the idf quickly denying it was one of their rockets, pointing instead to a failed islamic rocket launch. iran backed hezbollah, also blaming israel and calling for a day of rage and unprecedented anger for wednesday. tensions in the region leading the state department to advise u.s. citizens against travel. raising the threat level to four. do not travel that order. advising not to travel to lebanon, israel, syria or any refugee settlements due to the dangers of rocket missile and artillery exchanges. also, potential terrorist activity, civil unrest, and even kidnapping. the travel advisory was also updated to include the departure of some non-emergency government personnel, their families from the u.s. embassy in beirut. citing unpredictable security situation in lebanon. now, before the blast at the hospital tuesday, gaza health authorities had said at least 3000 have died during the 11 day bombardment by israel following the killing rampage carried out against israeli citizens on october 7th that left 1300 dead and 200 hostages taken before the hospital explosion. the u.s. was trying to convince israel to allow the delivery of supplies and aid to hundreds of thousands of people inside gaza, growing increasingly desperate for basics like food and water. >> kevin marianne rafferty for us this morning. mariann, thank you. back to you just a bit. meantime, as the crisis intensifies in the middle east ,our government is racing to send aid to israel in the coming days. the biden administration just ahead, we are told by our sources, capitol hill is expected to ask congressional lawmakers to pass $100 billion aid package to address wartime in both israel and ukraine. however, getting it passed could be easier said than done, since, as you probably know by now, the house still doesn't have a speaker. in fact, it is set to vote once again later today after jim jordan failed to get enough votes. on tuesday, 22 gop members voted against him. what the state department adviser white and joins us now to discuss what impact this might have on the israel-hamas war. this is one of those things, my friend, where you have to wonder how do you get the job done if can't get the job done inside the house first? i mean, i don't want to put the cart before the horse. i'm imagining they will push jordan the finish line soon. or do you think i'm wrong about that? it's -- it's hard to say. intransigents are pretty intransigent. the question is, is there any alternative? i think there are. i think you could go to a younger and newer generation of member of the. >> but you're right, as far as originating bill, you can actually originate a bill because there are enough legislative vehicles existence in the senate. >> typically appropriations must originate in the house, but mechanically they can start this in the senate and lob it over house. the problem is also that the beltway has conflated this with aid for ukraine. and even though there has been generally support in both congressional parties for more aid for ukraine, american public is no longer there. polls show that the public has grown wary of aid for ukraine, especially to power ukraine's government, not just missiles, bullets, artillery shells and things like that. >> so i still think this gets passed. >> i just don't think it gets passed urgently. >> i think you're right about the fact that chuck schumer in the senate can probably get the ball rolling on this thing, but it's going to have to eventually come to the house where it will likely die if you're going to try to tie this to more aid for ukraine. i've talked to a number of members on the hill, and that is an absolute nonstarter once you start talking about that. i think if they can somehow separate the interest, maybe they get done sooner than later. >> is that your perspective as well, christian? >> i think so. now there's a question of whether bring along the democrats or the intransigence. if you could get a monster sort of omnibus where it's aid for israel, for ukraine, money for taiwan, which actually taiwan doesn't really need taiwan is always paid for its own defense. that's one of its great virtues. it's sort of sad that it's going on the government dole, but that's a separate issue. and then how do you bring those intransigents who took down mccarthy will you throw in some money for the southern us border. >> so there's a theory that big thing like that could pass. but frankly, i think a cleaner bill just with israel aid and an impassioned plea and the bipartisan outpouring of support you've seen for israel for all but a few people like representative tlaib and others ,you know, a clean israel bill, i think, would pass as quickly as the house can assemble. >> can i can i ask you about that? i know we don't have a ton of time, but i do want to get your perspective on the squad and how that might impact how democrats are viewed in sort of a larger prism as this conflict continues to unfold. i think this is fraught with peril for them as long as the squad is very vocal i think perhaps they might be a bit out of step with the majority americans, but perhaps not. i could be wrong about that. what do think? >> no, i think and it's i think cause concern because it's not just a few nutjobs on campuses. we've major outpourings of support for hamas in new york, harvard university, places like that. and it raises questions. >> what is coming across the u.s. border, the southern border. it's not just economic migrants, but we might have some islamists there. you know, it's unfortunate that a number of the muslim immigrants we get in the united ,unlike people coming from venezuela who saw socialism and now hate socialism, want to live the american dream, that we're actually getting islamists and sympathizers. these people, most are nonviolent. most are just protesting for palestine and whatever that is. but you may have some islamists, some jihadist terrorists among them. so i think it's going to bring the issue of the for the democrats, it's -- it's incumbent upon them to condemn this minority of concerns of their counterparts. >> yeah, this is this will definitely have reverberations, i believe, politically for their party moving forward. at the very same time, think members within their party and also on the gop side have said, listen, you can separate what the terrorists did from the average person in that part of the world, a simple palestine, a palestinian family, just to make their way. we have to provide a way for them to have safe access to get out of harm's way. christian white and joining us this morning. always a pleasure. my friend. >> we'll talk to you again real soon. thank you, kevin christian. >> thank you. president biden's trip to israel comes as the pentagon has mobilized troops in the middle east. at this point, they are in a supporting role, but the question remains what happens if the unrest spreads? more on that just ahead. >> meet the traveling trio, >> meet the traveling trio, the thrill seeker, the soul. and hi, it's the explorer. and hi, it's the explorer. each helpingibe. to protec their money with teeth. whoa. a lost guard isn't keeping this thrill seeker down protect. v >> lost her card. not the vibe. the soul searchers finding the soul searchers finding his identity to protect it. oh, yeah. the explorer. ts that she's to dive deeper.tsy her. because these have chase alerts that help track tools that help protect one bank. >> that putsts in control. >> chase. make more of what's yours. now we're going to grab you, i ha sweetie pie and cup ice cream out of ink again. i need to print these listingsn younow. i did it for my homework. these tiny, expensive partridges are 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revitalizing tree. for instance, dryness relief that lasts up to 8 hours. i vizio we see a better way. >> 30 1 minutes after the hour. welcome back, everybody. president biden heading to israel this morning, but his intended summit with arab leaders has derailed by a brutal attack on a gaza hospital. hundreds are dead, many of them children. israel blaming the islamic. hamas claims it was an israeli airstrike. but what is certain at this? tensions across the middle east are certainly escalating and president biden's hope for peace just may be diminishing. morning. ever give everybody? i'm kevin corke in washington. we continue this special with live coverage of the ongoing drama between israel and hamas. we want to check in once again with our correspondent, trey yingst. he joins us from southern israel with more on the mood that he is noticing among israeli people. >> good morning, my friend. kevin, good morning. we're getting more information this morning from the israeli military about the al-ahly hospital explosion night that reportedly killed hundreds of palestinians. the israelis released a phone call and we're going to hopefully have that for you next hour. that they intercepted between militants inside the gaza strip where they are talking about one of their rockets falling short inside gaza at the hospital. the israelis are trying to as much information out as they can to support their claim that this was a misfire because hamas and islamic say it was an israeli strike. it's an incredibly complex situation and we already know that it has sparked unrest across the region at the israeli consulate, istanbul, the israeli embassy in jordan, the u.s. embassy in beirut. there have been protests and riots throughout the night as palestinians and supporters of the palestinian people say this was an israeli strike. it is part of the fog of war. what we are seeing unfold right now and it's critical to cut through that emotion and that information to make sure that we have the facts on the ground. so we are bringing you the latest of what we know about what happened. we've seen the of that strike or that explosion. the indication that we have right now is that this was an explosion. all the evidence that we have from the israelis indicate this was indeed a rocket that fell short in the gaza strip. but we are continuing to investigate and gather that information. this is taking place as the lebanese militant group hezbollah is calling for a day of rage against the jewish state. we do expect more attacks from hezbollah in the northern part of israel. 2 a.m. local time there was another anti-tank guided missile fired into israeli territory. yet another attack by the lebanese group. and concern about this developing into a multi-front conflict. remember, as president biden is set to arrive here in israel this morning and meet with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu, this is really focus of conversation. there is this expected ground operation by the israelis into gaza following that massacre 12 days ago here in southern israel. but the real concern is that this escalates into a much broader regional conflict. kevin tray yanks doing yeoman's work. stay safe, my friend. thank you excellent reporting. we'll touch base again soon. while the pentagon has two u.s. carrier strike teams to the middle east, president biden says don't expect to see american boots on the ground yet. the u.s. is placing a response force near israel. the pentagon says the marines who are there too have no specific orders, but they can be ready should the president decide they're needed. >> joining us now from pennsylvania, congressman patrick murphy, 32nd undersecretary mary of the army and iraq combat veteran. mr. murphy, i'm just wondering bluntly, should we be concerned with what appears to be a slow buildup of american forces in region? well, kevin, as you know, we've had almost 2000 americans killed when hamas attacks unilaterally, innocent civilians, including i'm calling in this morning from bucks county, pennsylvania. and we had a jewish grandmother ,estelle, who was seven years old, who was shot and by hamas. her son, johnny, his wife and three children, escaped into their safe room at their home and hamas couldn't get to them, so they burnt down their house. so this again, this is a terrorist organization. >> this is a fight between israel and a palestinian people. this is a fight between israel and hamas, a terrorist organization. >> i'm glad you made the distinction because i think the conversation, as you heard trey yingst point out, is really important. to be precise. i think precision in this circumstance will be useful not just for describing what's happening on the ground, but i think it's also politically useful because i think sometimes it gets very easy for people to get lazy or sloppy in their descriptions when in fact what happens with a terror bent on the destruction of israel is one thing that may have absolutely nothing to do with the mom and her three kids who happens to be palestinian living in the area. yes. and in fact, 53% of palestinians want a cease fire. they want peace in its territory. hamas does not. and unfortunately. israel, you know, and innocents ,including two dozen americans, including that pakistani grandmother, unfortunately, have been killed. and so what you're seeing now, is hamas using the underground, i would say tunnels that are underneath hospitals, etc.. and as you mentioned in your reporting, kevin, i appreciate you putting that out there right now. you we have reports, unfortunately, that there might be 500 that were killed, but it is the fog of war and is too quick to pass judgment. but we all hope and pray that the palestinian people can up and throw out hamas, which has no in having peace or frankly, a two state solution. >> let me ask you and i ask this because i know you understand the sentiment. >> there are those who would say, listen, get the civilians out of there if you must, but sooner or later, and that seems to be now you have to do something to get these people, meaning the terrorist rooted out. absolutely. full stop. it's got to happen now. and if they don't defend themselves. this will keep happening and keep escalating. that's the sentiment that you hear. so i'm just curious if you are able to get many, if not most, of the civilians out of the way. >> what is next step if you're the idf? well, unfortunately, what you're seeing on the ground is that hamas is setting up roadblocks. they're setting up military obstacles. so there are people, the palestinian, that cannot flee to safety. and that's heartbreaking. it's absolutely heartbreaking. and you know, we are blessed in that we do have america's best on a uss ford, the uss eisenhower. those two strike groups are their position now to, obviously have eyes on the ground and see what's going on in hezbollah or other terrorist organizations, try to engage in trying to kill more innocent civilians. so, kevin, i saw this. that was part of the invasion of iraq and i was in baghdad with the 82nd airborne division as a young captain at the time, before i was in the pentagon. and i'll tell you that, you know, we had terrorist that utilized mosque and other religious sites and hospitals to conduct we're in the middle of a city because they know that, you know, we in the mall for too long armed conflict. unfortunately, terrorist organizations do not. they don't care about the loss of innocent life of civilians. and that's what we're seeing, obviously, with not just the unprovoked attack hamas two weeks ago, but you're seeing it even today and frankly, even with their own people. murph, always a pleasure. you really bring great context and knowledge. look forward to having you again in the future. patrick murphy joining us, thank you again. meantime, president biden heads to the mideast amid growing tensions and body counts across the region. is his peace mission over before it's even begun? coming up what the u.s. can do to keep the conflict from escalating. >> i was a teacher for 30 years and today i'm a grandmother of nine. technology is essential to our everyday lives, and that's why i'm concerned about our foreign adversaries influence the internet. our adversaries believe in censorship control. that's not the future i want for my grandchild or yours. congress needs to protect our democratic values and strengthen, not weaken, american technology. >> are you thinking about buying an annuity before ? do get the little known secrets to receiving guaranteed income and protecting your hard earned money. don't buy an annuity until you understand the pros and cons of annuities. everything you need to know can be found in this free book. annuity do's and don'ts for baby boomers. it reveals the five little known secret truths about annuities in easy to understand terms. call now and get your free copy. don't make a move it. these five 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weekend. now u.s. officials say the trip help the white house and congressional lawmakers develop a plan to ease the flow of humanitarian aid into gaza. shahar al-zayani, former israeli diplomat and spokesperson of the israeli consulate in new york, joins us now. shahar, this is this is one of the missions that you don't expect, especially when there's an ongoing conflict. you don't anticipate that a president will get right in there and get the hands dirty if will. and yet, here is where we are. so i have a two part question. one. how effective do you think this trip will ultimately be toward the mission that we just talked about? and the second part of the question is, does the president losing face, given that his broader meeting with other leaders, say, in jordan and the palestinian now that that's off the table, does he lose a bit of luster on this trip? >> your thoughts? >> well, first of all, kevin, thank you so much for having me. i want to say that on the when it comes to the visit itself, it brings. yes, i can hear you. well, can you hear me? yes, sir. go right ahead. i'm sorry. >> i'm saying that the bears great meaning? because the solidarity mission resonates in the hearts and minds of every israeli, especially after the speech that the president made and the welcome that the president will receive in israel is a great, warm welcome, especially in light of the trauma that so many people in israel live as a result of terrorist, not the hamas's brutality when it comes to the effectiveness of the visit. remember, the victims of the atrocities have been israelis. the main partner there is israel. and the visit bear great meaning on the level of deterrence as well, sending a clear message to iran and its proxy, hezbollah, not to escalate what's happening on the ground. i will add one more thing, kevin. we saw the hospital, the attack on the hospital yesterday, which was immediately and unjustifiably attributed to israel. i know that the israeli defense forces present the president and the americans with clear cut proof that the terrible situation at the hospital was a direct of islamic, firing missiles in the direction israel. and then it misfired and killed so many people, their civilians. and then again, we see an emphasis of the point that hamas not only targets jewish children and innocent civilians population, but also their own. >> can i you. shahar about the mood of the people in israel at this hour. is there a sense impending doom not understanding that this could be a very long, protracted and multi-front escalation of a war in the region? or do you get the sense that the mood of the people there is one of resolve and hope that they will be able to root out hamas without a massive expansion of the war in the region? >> you know, kevin, you are absolutely correct. if hamas or anybody else was hoping that the fragments of israeli society, based on the political process gone through in the past few years, they are completely mistaken. this is their strategic surprise. israeli society israeli have never been stronger, more resilient and more to root out the evil. we look at the united states as a great example in the great work that the u.s. army has done in rooting out the evil of isis, which came also at the cost but has been of great benefit to the world. and we will do the same with the hamas evil, which you understand your understand and the world understands that no one can live side by side with with hamas residing on your very border just today, kevin. we buried the family in israel, a family of two parents, two teen boys and one teen girl that used to go every saturday to fly kites in the name of peace and neighborly relations with gaza. they were brutally tortured and executed by hamas on that horrid saturday, and that sent a clear message to israel that hamas can be no more as a viable force, an entity on the border with israel. >> you it was interesting. i've been listening to a great number of thought leaders around, and really what i'm understanding, the more i listen to those who really understand what's happening on the ground yourself and others who have been in the region and have studied the region. there seems to be a consistency of message, which is, yes, the people are strong and they are united against this terrorist organization that continues call for their extinction and they are willing to do the hard work to fight to root them out. the other thing that i'm noticing, shahar, is that appears to be a global sense of worry. people really want to make sure this doesn't expand. and so i think hopefully leaders from around the region and around the world will be able keep an eye on that. shahar hasan, as always, a great pleasure to have you with us. your thoughts and your ability to add context to this conversation is so much needed, especially right now. thank you again. we're going to take a quick timeout as we continue our coverage here. >> fox news channel. the president heading into the middle east at this very hour. >> perhaps. we'll tell you more about that next. fox nation gives you crucial insight into the war on israel timeline of terror. this isn't going to be days. this isn't going to be weeks. it's going to be ahead. who is hamas? hamas showed no mercy to these people. >> they dragged women through the streetof gaza. who is benjamin netanyahu? he's calling for a unity government. and he said that israel will its borders. the war in israel in three shows a timeline of terror. who is hamas? who is benjamin netanyahu? streaming now on fox nation. he was only 47. aneurysm. did he have life insurance? do you know? you got to get on it. check out selectquote. trust me, the peace of mind. >> it's worth it. life insurance is too important ,to put off another day. that's why selectquote makes getting coverage you need easy. for less than a dollar a day. now get up to a million dollar policy with no medical exam and same day. s >> visits like 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in washington on fox news channel. as we continue our coverage of the president's visit to israel on a peace mission, hoping to keep this conflict in the region from expanding. as you take a at these live pictures, we're noticing air force one making its way there to tel aviv, israel, out the red carpet for this very important arrival from. washington the president making the journey there, hoping very much so to help to bring down the temperature, the room. and he had hoped and had has anticipated meeting with leaders from around the world, from around the region, certainly in the hopes of doing just that. unfortunately, the explosion at a hospital has obviously derailed the meetings that we were anticipating. and so we have the president, as you at these live pictures, making his way to tel aviv. white house correspondent jackie heinrich is here and she has been watching our coverage . jackie, i'm just curious what happens from this as we see air force one just pulling in to the airport there in tel ? >> well, kevin, we're going to see the president meet the israeli government. the biggest part of his plan today to first and foremost show strong us support israel as it defend itself against future terror attacks. on the cusp of this ground operation to root out hamas and prevent like this from ever happening again. the second part of his presence there and the reason behind it is to send a strong message to other actors in the region, to iran to its proxies, hezbollah, not to get involved. the u.s. is very about the possibility of a second front opening potentially on the northern side. and so the president is going to be there to send the message that if any other actor gets involved, the u.s. will have you could expect some sort of a us response. the u.s. put significant military assets in the region to aircraft carriers and put 2000 troops on ready to deploy orders just in case of any contingency potentially to pass . those are the two things that he can still achieve, though his meetings in jordan have been canceled. however, i will note that the israeli government just out a few moments ago, audio recording of what they say are hamas terrorists discussing this bomb fell on the hospital and these people on that on the phone saying that it was fired from behind the hospital. islamic jihadists. misfired that rocket and it landed. it fell on them. and so the israeli government is trying to really make to the world that this was not an incident of a crime committed by israel, that they do not attack. they do not target civilians. and if the u.s. is able somehow to bring these meetings back on track, know that the us had said that they're trying to coordinate with the palestinians authority with the jordanians and also the egyptians to try to have some sort of communication, because getting civilians out of gaza of critical importance, not just to the us and to israel for the reason of the moral high ground of this. but also for public sentiment in the long term. kevin, you're watching fox news live continuous of the president's visit to israel. jackie heimer kevin corke with you as we watch air force one arriving in tel aviv at this hour. jackie makes the point that while the meetings had previously been scheduled, have been scrubbed. that doesn't mean that the white house doesn't have plenty of business to conduct as the president makes his way there to israel. in fact, we're anticipating that he'll be greeted by israeli prime bibi netanyahu. that could happen here momentarily. we'll certainly keep an eye on this as we watch our live pictures. jackie and i will take you at least through the top of the hour here. jackie, i want to get your your sense about 3 minutes to in the show what happens. you've traveled on air force one. i've traveled on air force one. what happens this point? you're going to you'll get the press out of there. they'll set up. they'll get the shot down, and then the president will come down. what happens at that point? again, we've got about 2 minutes to go. >> well, there's going to be several movements that are probably going to be broadcast live for security reasons. this was put together relatively quickly and the president's going into a war zone. there are a lot of dynamic situations here. the press, a small pool of 13 members of the press following him. it is not an expanded delegation of reporters that, like we usually see on a foreign trip, but we will be getting readouts of meetings potentially some video of meetings not necessarily live, but a tape playback and continuous updates on the progress of these meetings as they on. and then the president is scheduled to turn right back around and head back to the us. this is a very quick trip. the press is not planning to stay in a hotel, for instance, the night. this is just an extended day trip in the practical sense of the word. kevin yeah, this a lot of stagecraft for a relatively brief trip, but i think the point has been made and maybe, jackie, you can concur. this is more than just i'm here to show support. this is really about sending a message not just to the israeli people, but it's also about sending a message to bad actors in the region that this this country, the might and the weight of the united states of america is, certainly behind israel in its ability and its responsibility to defend itself against any terrorist organization. it looks like as we take a look here, it looks like that is bibi netanyahu prepared to meet with president as he makes his way down the stairs from air force one? is that when you noticing there, jackie? i've taken a few of those trips, maybe 50 in my life. it never gets. no. and we're witnessing history unfold here. you know, this is a very high stakes meeting as region is on the cusp of potentially a much broader war. a big objective of the us is to prevent from happening. we do not want to see iran get involved. we don't want to see this spiral into a regional struggle . this is about israel defending itself from future terror attacks and the u.s. standing behind them. they do that. i mean, don't forget that, you know, we've been seeing images play out about in gaza for the last several days, but you have more than a thousand israelis who were killed, many of them at a rally for peace. this is about israel defending ,its its people and preventing something like this from ever happening again. and you've had the israelis point out time and time again that is about their survival. and this is not about any of the claims to the contrary. so we might hear from the to the prime minister and president, the two leaders shortly. they have an opportunity to talk to the cameras if they want to. but again, everything is very fluid. we'll see what happens. yeah, this is this is a fluid situation here. we take a look at these live pictures of bibi netanyahu preparing to welcome president biden to tel aviv at this hour. you're watching fox news live. continuous coverage of the president's visit to the middle east. we will continue our coverage throughout the morning here on fox news and throughout the day on behalf of jackie. hi, rick. i'm kevin corke here in as we take a quick time out, we want to take a break

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Gutfeld 20240703 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Gutfeld 20240703

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president biden heading to israel this morning on a wartime journey that could prove to be the most important foreign mission of his administration to date. but even before touchdown, mr. biden is encountering turbulence. it just might destroy any hope of warding off a full blown mideast battle. good morning, everybody. kevin corke in washington with live one hour coverage. a special on the latest developments in the mideast. it is 3 a.m. here in the nation's capital, 10 a.m. in israel this morning. people there across in fact, across the mideast are waking up to growing concerns about a possible escalation of hostilities in the region. and now president biden's efforts to tamp down the tensions are already facing a massive setback. the latest disturbing images from gaza explain why widespread carnage at a hospital once with wounded war victims and palestinians seeking shelter. at least 500 reported dead, many of them children. israel's military says it was a rocket fired by islamic. hamas blames an israeli airstrike. one thing is certain at this hour, the fallout has absolutely plans for a summit in jordan between. president biden and arab leaders. hamas now calling for a day of rage. all raising the stakes for a broader mideast conflict. the danger of escalating tensions already evident along the israeli-lebanese border, where israeli forces are clashing with hezbollah fighters. an ominous development because israel considers the heavily armed group an even bigger threat than hamas. it's also a clear sign that hope be fading for mr. biden's peace mission to israel. as i mentioned at the top of the hour, israel preparing for a very important arrival from washington. fox news correspondent trey yangs joins us now from southern israel. trey, a lot happening there in the past 24 hours. >> tell us the latest. >> yeah, kevin, good morning. u.s. president joe biden is expected to arrive here this morning and israel will he'll meet with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. but as you mentioned his visit comes amid one of the most controversial moments since this massacre last saturday and the war that following it. overnight, the al ahli hospital in, gaza city saw an explosion that according to reports hundreds of people were killed in. and immediately, hamas, the group in control of gaza, told us that it was the israelis that launched an airstrike against this hospital. and i want to take you through a play by play of what happened and the information that we have, because there's a lot misinformation going around. we understand there was an explosion last night where hundreds of palestinians in gaza were sheltering at this hospital in a courtyard just outside of the main building. now, again, hamas claims the israelis did it. the israelis came to us and said they were conducting an investigation following, the reports of the explosion. we continue to follow up with the israelis. and ultimately they released some video that we have here showing rocket coming from the gaza strip toward southern and central israel. one of those rockets falling into the gaza strip. and the israelis say. that rocket is responsible for the explosion that killed those palestinian. now, during this blast, there were many injuries, according to officials on the ground. hundreds killed as a result. and the israelis say it was a rocket fired by the group islamic, the second largest faction inside gaza. it didn't matter what we reported last night. the world made up its mind in many different places across the arab world. there were protests and riots that erupted in different cities, including istanbul, amman and, also baghdad. we may have some video here of the of protests that took place also outside of the u.s. embassy in beirut. there were clashes and fires that were set a very dangerous situation as the entire region is boiling. now, kevin, this comes as the lebanese militant group hezbollah is calling for a day of rage in response to what took place at that hospital yesterday inside gaza. we've already seen cross-border attacks from hezbollah over the past several days as the israelis prepare this to open up into a multi-front conflict. the major concern is that hezbollah will get directly involved in the fighting. and so when israel enters into that ground operation, we do expect in the coming days in gaza and hezbollah, this iranian backed group, could immediately respond. kevin well, it just does not look like this going to be a situation that gets any better before a potentially tragic could get significantly worse. we're going to touch base with you throughout the morning here. i just want to make sure that you are safe. again, thank you for your reporting. we'll touch base again shortly . trade yanks for us in southern israel. meantime, support for israel topping president biden's trip to the country. but it's also a delicate tightrope of diplomacy. you see biden officials have been jetting across the middle east all week trying to keep the war from escalating. joining us, white house correspondent jackie heinrich with more. >> jackie, good morning. good morning to you. president biden is in route to israel to show the u.s. commitment to israel's security, but the second half of his trip, that stop in jordan has been canceled after the hospital was bombed in gaza. as i mentioned, israel says at the hands of islamist jihadists who are now trying to pin it on israel. the israelis say they've got proof of this. they've made it public. but in the meantime, president's meeting with the king of jordan, the president of the palestinian authority, and the egyptian president is canceled. biden was going to push egypt to open the rafah crossing to allow safe passage. palestinian civilians as israel readies its ground operation. >> no refugees in jordan nor refugees in egypt. this is a situation of humanitarian dimension that has to be dealt inside of gaza and the west bank and not to try and push the palestinian challenge and their future onto other people's shoulders. >> the president released a statement on air force one. it reads, i spoke with king abdullah, second of jordan, and prime minister netanyahu of israel, and have directed national security team to continue gathering information about exactly happened. the united states stands unequivocally for the protection of civilian life during the conflict. and we mourn the patients, medical staff and other innocents or wounded in this tragedy. meantime, progressive democrats out at president biden, congresswoman rashida tlaib posting on x known as twitter protest. this is what happens when refuse to facilitate a cease fire and help de-escalate. congresswoman omar also writes, bombing a hospital is among the of war crimes. the idf reportedly blowing up one of the few places the injured and wounded can seek medical treatment and shelter during a war as horrific at potosi needs to push for an immediate cease fire to end this slaughter. the has made clear it is not pushing for a cease fire. and in fact has repeatedly emphasized israel's right and duty to defend itself. future attacks as it works to root out hamas. kevin jackie, i know we're going to move on, but before we do, i just want to get your perspective of the many correspondents that have covered the white house in my many years of doing it. i think you're one of the very best, especially in that you seem to have sort of a, i think, granular knowledge of how this administration thinks. and i just want to sort of get your perspective. what's the deliverable here for mr. biden? because to go here, obviously, we knew what would happen with the hospital this trip was fraught. i'm just curious, what's the thinking here from the white house perspective to put the commander in chief there on the ground? well, i think it's very important to the administration and to send a strong signal of support to israel, because we are israel's strongest ally and, have, you know, of course, experienced our own terror attacks in, you know, in the us that have claimed lives here. and, you know, the israelis are, you know, our strongest ally in the middle east. it is, you know, foothold of democracy and a critical partner for strategic as well. so i think morally and also for geopolitical security reasons, it was important the u.s. to continue to show that. so show of support. and also i think the president going there is an effort to try to push folks in the region to facilitate the escape of palestinian civilians who are of critical importance to the success of this operation. we know that the administration has been quietly warning the israelis that if every possible step is not taken to mitigate, mitigate any unnecessary loss of life, that public sentiment will turn very quickly. so that stands out to me, too, that getting the president on the ground to try to bring regional leaders together and facilitate a place for civilians to go, egypt for to open the rafah crossing is something that is important ,the administration. but this now is very complicated by this bombing. >> kevin. yeah, any time you have a trip like this, you want to have a deliverable in the circumstance for the white house, you want to be able to come back and say, we did this, we accomplished this. as you point out, i think that this has happened with the hospital. that could be very difficult. jackie, thank you so much for your time this morning. we appreciate it. thank you. >> president biden meets on meeting with israeli leaders later today. that will certainly test his ability to walk a fine line between support for israel and displaying sympathy for the plight of the palestinian people. it's a diplomatic challenge made to considerably harder, as jackie just pointed out yesterday. thanks to that hospital explosion in gaza. >> joining us now via skype retired army lieutenant colonel darren gough, a former blackhawk helicopter and battalion commander. colonel goff tells us about the potential payoffs and the pitfalls of the president's trip to israel. you heard me there. just ask jackie, how do you how do you walk that tightrope? first of all, because i think as you heard, the squad and others have said here domestically, you have to consider the plight of the innocents. those are not involved in the massacre of israeli citizens, soldiers. we're talking about the everyday palestinian people. at the same time, you have got to defend your country. if you're israel, full stop. so for the president, colonel, this would seem be an incredibly delicate trip. >> what i'll? >> ask you what i asked jackie, what is the deliverable here? >> yeah, kevin, i think that's big question that we should all be asking right now because frankly this is a rare thing for someone with my background to see, first of all, that the president was going to go into a conflict zone like this and we're going to advertise it two days early. then it's turned into going into israel. and most of the meetings he had with some of these foreign leaders has been have been turned off now. and so that has a significant challenge for him to be able to come back to the u.s. and say that he's accomplished something of meaning while he was in country. so i think that that deliverable right. is is almost going to be defined on the fly, because most of what he seems like he was planning to do is now out the window. and my concern is whether he goes in and tells netanyahu ,tries to convince him to potentially delay this ground offensive or even move it into something a much smaller scale. so that remains be seen. >> one, at least from your perspective when he gets on the ground, what's the first point of action? is it to essentially ask a bit of head and hand the israelis to make sure that they are at least respond all in the sense that they're trying to create a pathway out of harm's way for the citizens of the gaza strip . at the same time, you want to make sure you're giving them all the economic and all the military and all the logistical that they need to prepare for what looks like an eventual ground incursion into that part of the the region. is that your take? yeah, i think that's the bulk of it. i mean, it's with benjamin netanyahu and just being able to say, one, i'm here. you've got the support you need. three. you know, we would like to continue to support you. and this is how this is how we can do that. i'd like to get a sense of what maybe his plan is dealing with with gaza and all the refugees and moving and moving people out wherever they to get out of to get out of harm's way. so that to me, that's the first thing on his list is to sit down with netanyahu and get a sense of what's really going on. again, i go back to the the whole point that it's a shock that he didn't go in there in the first place. and i don't think this is a very good idea. and frankly, i think it's a distraction from from benjamin netanyahu, whatever he's planning now anyways. >> well, you know what? i think there is a growing body of support for that idea, because as you well know, colonel, if you're going to invite a world leader into the area where they're building, obviously for a possible conflict, that does slow down everything, to say nothing, the ongoing security risk. i'm surprised by the to make this trip in particular when you could be looking at almost an immediate two front war that could involve hezbollah. is that your also is that your concern that hezbollah get involved in this almost immediately as israel begins to try to root out the problems with hamas give? >> absolutely. this has been of my concerns from the start was that no war that occurs in, this region of the world stays small. and with hamas we thought it would immediately turn to hezbollah. and then you get the southern and northern already getting active. and now you start worrying whether or not nation states get involved that are directly connected into such as syria and jordan, maybe even egypt and others. as you continue to grow across the middle east and wonder, you know, how big can this get? and frankly, is you know, president biden's trip into israel making, it worse rather than better. >> colonel gob joining us as always. we appreciate your time. i know it's something you'll be watching very and we will certainly look forward to drawing on your experience throughout days ahead. >> thank you so much, colonel. >> thanks, ken. hamas and israel trading following the deadly hospital blast in gaza. >> coming up the u.s. embassy in lebanon seeing violent protests. more on that just ahead. >> boy, do i get bad press. the six part story only fox nation can tell. we go into new york to expand that father's empire. he went in to build his home. what kind of is that? he ought to be ashamed to be. second rate. that's why when i make promises i keep them. no dream is too big. no challenge is too great. i want to make america great 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kevin. tensions are high in lebanon at this hour with protests on overnight. large crowds gathering and taking to the streets in lebanon and around the middle east after an explosion at a in gaza killed hundreds. hamas blaming israel the attack ,but the idf quickly denying it was one of their rockets, pointing instead to a failed islamic rocket launch. iran backed hezbollah, also blaming israel and calling for a day of rage and unprecedented anger for wednesday. tensions in the region leading the state department to advise u.s. citizens against travel. raising the threat level to four. do not travel that order. advising not to travel to lebanon, israel, syria or any refugee settlements due to the dangers of rocket missile and artillery exchanges. also, potential terrorist activity, civil unrest, and even kidnapping. the travel advisory was also updated to include the departure of some non-emergency government personnel, their families from the u.s. embassy in beirut. citing unpredictable security situation in lebanon. now, before the blast at the hospital tuesday, gaza health authorities had said at least 3000 have died during the 11 day bombardment by israel following the killing rampage carried out against israeli citizens on october 7th that left 1300 dead and 200 hostages taken before the hospital explosion. the u.s. was trying to convince israel to allow the delivery of supplies and aid to hundreds of thousands of people inside gaza, growing increasingly desperate for basics like food and water. >> kevin marianne rafferty for us this morning. mariann, thank you. back to you just a bit. meantime, as the crisis intensifies in the middle east ,our government is racing to send aid to israel in the coming days. the biden administration just ahead, we are told by our sources, capitol hill is expected to ask congressional lawmakers to pass $100 billion aid package to address wartime in both israel and ukraine. however, getting it passed could be easier said than done, since, as you probably know by now, the house still doesn't have a speaker. in fact, it is set to vote once again later today after jim jordan failed to get enough votes. on tuesday, 22 gop members voted against him. what the state department adviser white and joins us now to discuss what impact this might have on the israel-hamas war. this is one of those things, my friend, where you have to wonder how do you get the job done if can't get the job done inside the house first? i mean, i don't want to put the cart before the horse. i'm imagining they will push jordan the finish line soon. or do you think i'm wrong about that? it's -- it's hard to say. intransigents are pretty intransigent. the question is, is there any alternative? i think there are. i think you could go to a younger and newer generation of member of the. >> but you're right, as far as originating bill, you can actually originate a bill because there are enough legislative vehicles existence in the senate. >> typically appropriations must originate in the house, but mechanically they can start this in the senate and lob it over house. the problem is also that the beltway has conflated this with aid for ukraine. and even though there has been generally support in both congressional parties for more aid for ukraine, american public is no longer there. polls show that the public has grown wary of aid for ukraine, especially to power ukraine's government, not just missiles, bullets, artillery shells and things like that. >> so i still think this gets passed. >> i just don't think it gets passed urgently. >> i think you're right about the fact that chuck schumer in the senate can probably get the ball rolling on this thing, but it's going to have to eventually come to the house where it will likely die if you're going to try to tie this to more aid for ukraine. i've talked to a number of members on the hill, and that is an absolute nonstarter once you start talking about that. i think if they can somehow separate the interest, maybe they get done sooner than later. >> is that your perspective as well, christian? >> i think so. now there's a question of whether bring along the democrats or the intransigence. if you could get a monster sort of omnibus where it's aid for israel, for ukraine, money for taiwan, which actually taiwan doesn't really need taiwan is always paid for its own defense. that's one of its great virtues. it's sort of sad that it's going on the government dole, but that's a separate issue. and then how do you bring those intransigents who took down mccarthy will you throw in some money for the southern us border. >> so there's a theory that big thing like that could pass. but frankly, i think a cleaner bill just with israel aid and an impassioned plea and the bipartisan outpouring of support you've seen for israel for all but a few people like representative tlaib and others ,you know, a clean israel bill, i think, would pass as quickly as the house can assemble. >> can i can i ask you about that? i know we don't have a ton of time, but i do want to get your perspective on the squad and how that might impact how democrats are viewed in sort of a larger prism as this conflict continues to unfold. i think this is fraught with peril for them as long as the squad is very vocal i think perhaps they might be a bit out of step with the majority americans, but perhaps not. i could be wrong about that. what do think? >> no, i think and it's i think cause concern because it's not just a few nutjobs on campuses. we've major outpourings of support for hamas in new york, harvard university, places like that. and it raises questions. >> what is coming across the u.s. border, the southern border. it's not just economic migrants, but we might have some islamists there. you know, it's unfortunate that a number of the muslim immigrants we get in the united ,unlike people coming from venezuela who saw socialism and now hate socialism, want to live the american dream, that we're actually getting islamists and sympathizers. these people, most are nonviolent. most are just protesting for palestine and whatever that is. but you may have some islamists, some jihadist terrorists among them. so i think it's going to bring the issue of the for the democrats, it's -- it's incumbent upon them to condemn this minority of concerns of their counterparts. >> yeah, this is this will definitely have reverberations, i believe, politically for their party moving forward. at the very same time, think members within their party and also on the gop side have said, listen, you can separate what the terrorists did from the average person in that part of the world, a simple palestine, a palestinian family, just to make their way. we have to provide a way for them to have safe access to get out of harm's way. christian white and joining us this morning. always a pleasure. my friend. >> we'll talk to you again real soon. thank you, kevin christian. >> thank you. president biden's trip to israel comes as the pentagon has mobilized troops in the middle east. at this point, they are in a supporting role, but the question remains what happens if the unrest spreads? more on that just ahead. >> meet the traveling trio, >> meet the traveling trio, the thrill seeker, the soul. and hi, it's the explorer. and hi, it's the explorer. each helpingibe. to protec their money with teeth. whoa. a lost guard isn't keeping this thrill seeker down protect. v >> lost her card. not the vibe. the soul searchers finding the soul searchers finding his identity to protect it. oh, yeah. the explorer. ts that she's to dive deeper.tsy her. because these have chase alerts that help track tools that help protect one bank. >> that putsts in control. >> chase. make more of what's yours. now we're going to grab you, i ha sweetie pie and cup ice cream out of ink again. i need to print these listingsn younow. i did it for my homework. these tiny, expensive partridges are 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revitalizing tree. for instance, dryness relief that lasts up to 8 hours. i vizio we see a better way. >> 30 1 minutes after the hour. welcome back, everybody. president biden heading to israel this morning, but his intended summit with arab leaders has derailed by a brutal attack on a gaza hospital. hundreds are dead, many of them children. israel blaming the islamic. hamas claims it was an israeli airstrike. but what is certain at this? tensions across the middle east are certainly escalating and president biden's hope for peace just may be diminishing. morning. ever give everybody? i'm kevin corke in washington. we continue this special with live coverage of the ongoing drama between israel and hamas. we want to check in once again with our correspondent, trey yingst. he joins us from southern israel with more on the mood that he is noticing among israeli people. >> good morning, my friend. kevin, good morning. we're getting more information this morning from the israeli military about the al-ahly hospital explosion night that reportedly killed hundreds of palestinians. the israelis released a phone call and we're going to hopefully have that for you next hour. that they intercepted between militants inside the gaza strip where they are talking about one of their rockets falling short inside gaza at the hospital. the israelis are trying to as much information out as they can to support their claim that this was a misfire because hamas and islamic say it was an israeli strike. it's an incredibly complex situation and we already know that it has sparked unrest across the region at the israeli consulate, istanbul, the israeli embassy in jordan, the u.s. embassy in beirut. there have been protests and riots throughout the night as palestinians and supporters of the palestinian people say this was an israeli strike. it is part of the fog of war. what we are seeing unfold right now and it's critical to cut through that emotion and that information to make sure that we have the facts on the ground. so we are bringing you the latest of what we know about what happened. we've seen the of that strike or that explosion. the indication that we have right now is that this was an explosion. all the evidence that we have from the israelis indicate this was indeed a rocket that fell short in the gaza strip. but we are continuing to investigate and gather that information. this is taking place as the lebanese militant group hezbollah is calling for a day of rage against the jewish state. we do expect more attacks from hezbollah in the northern part of israel. 2 a.m. local time there was another anti-tank guided missile fired into israeli territory. yet another attack by the lebanese group. and concern about this developing into a multi-front conflict. remember, as president biden is set to arrive here in israel this morning and meet with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu, this is really focus of conversation. there is this expected ground operation by the israelis into gaza following that massacre 12 days ago here in southern israel. but the real concern is that this escalates into a much broader regional conflict. kevin tray yanks doing yeoman's work. stay safe, my friend. thank you excellent reporting. we'll touch base again soon. while the pentagon has two u.s. carrier strike teams to the middle east, president biden says don't expect to see american boots on the ground yet. the u.s. is placing a response force near israel. the pentagon says the marines who are there too have no specific orders, but they can be ready should the president decide they're needed. >> joining us now from pennsylvania, congressman patrick murphy, 32nd undersecretary mary of the army and iraq combat veteran. mr. murphy, i'm just wondering bluntly, should we be concerned with what appears to be a slow buildup of american forces in region? well, kevin, as you know, we've had almost 2000 americans killed when hamas attacks unilaterally, innocent civilians, including i'm calling in this morning from bucks county, pennsylvania. and we had a jewish grandmother ,estelle, who was seven years old, who was shot and by hamas. her son, johnny, his wife and three children, escaped into their safe room at their home and hamas couldn't get to them, so they burnt down their house. so this again, this is a terrorist organization. >> this is a fight between israel and a palestinian people. this is a fight between israel and hamas, a terrorist organization. >> i'm glad you made the distinction because i think the conversation, as you heard trey yingst point out, is really important. to be precise. i think precision in this circumstance will be useful not just for describing what's happening on the ground, but i think it's also politically useful because i think sometimes it gets very easy for people to get lazy or sloppy in their descriptions when in fact what happens with a terror bent on the destruction of israel is one thing that may have absolutely nothing to do with the mom and her three kids who happens to be palestinian living in the area. yes. and in fact, 53% of palestinians want a cease fire. they want peace in its territory. hamas does not. and unfortunately. israel, you know, and innocents ,including two dozen americans, including that pakistani grandmother, unfortunately, have been killed. and so what you're seeing now, is hamas using the underground, i would say tunnels that are underneath hospitals, etc.. and as you mentioned in your reporting, kevin, i appreciate you putting that out there right now. you we have reports, unfortunately, that there might be 500 that were killed, but it is the fog of war and is too quick to pass judgment. but we all hope and pray that the palestinian people can up and throw out hamas, which has no in having peace or frankly, a two state solution. >> let me ask you and i ask this because i know you understand the sentiment. >> there are those who would say, listen, get the civilians out of there if you must, but sooner or later, and that seems to be now you have to do something to get these people, meaning the terrorist rooted out. absolutely. full stop. it's got to happen now. and if they don't defend themselves. this will keep happening and keep escalating. that's the sentiment that you hear. so i'm just curious if you are able to get many, if not most, of the civilians out of the way. >> what is next step if you're the idf? well, unfortunately, what you're seeing on the ground is that hamas is setting up roadblocks. they're setting up military obstacles. so there are people, the palestinian, that cannot flee to safety. and that's heartbreaking. it's absolutely heartbreaking. and you know, we are blessed in that we do have america's best on a uss ford, the uss eisenhower. those two strike groups are their position now to, obviously have eyes on the ground and see what's going on in hezbollah or other terrorist organizations, try to engage in trying to kill more innocent civilians. so, kevin, i saw this. that was part of the invasion of iraq and i was in baghdad with the 82nd airborne division as a young captain at the time, before i was in the pentagon. and i'll tell you that, you know, we had terrorist that utilized mosque and other religious sites and hospitals to conduct we're in the middle of a city because they know that, you know, we in the mall for too long armed conflict. unfortunately, terrorist organizations do not. they don't care about the loss of innocent life of civilians. and that's what we're seeing, obviously, with not just the unprovoked attack hamas two weeks ago, but you're seeing it even today and frankly, even with their own people. murph, always a pleasure. you really bring great context and knowledge. look forward to having you again in the future. patrick murphy joining us, thank you again. meantime, president biden heads to the mideast amid growing tensions and body counts across the region. is his peace mission over before it's even begun? coming up what the u.s. can do to keep the conflict from escalating. >> i was a teacher for 30 years and today i'm a grandmother of nine. technology is essential to our everyday lives, and that's why i'm concerned about our foreign adversaries influence the internet. our adversaries believe in censorship control. that's not the future i want for my grandchild or yours. congress needs to protect our democratic values and strengthen, not weaken, american technology. >> are you thinking about buying an annuity before ? do get the little known secrets to receiving guaranteed income and protecting your hard earned money. don't buy an annuity until you understand the pros and cons of annuities. everything you need to know can be found in this free book. annuity do's and don'ts for baby boomers. it reveals the five little known secret truths about annuities in easy to understand terms. call now and get your free copy. don't make a move it. these five 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weekend. now u.s. officials say the trip help the white house and congressional lawmakers develop a plan to ease the flow of humanitarian aid into gaza. shahar al-zayani, former israeli diplomat and spokesperson of the israeli consulate in new york, joins us now. shahar, this is this is one of the missions that you don't expect, especially when there's an ongoing conflict. you don't anticipate that a president will get right in there and get the hands dirty if will. and yet, here is where we are. so i have a two part question. one. how effective do you think this trip will ultimately be toward the mission that we just talked about? and the second part of the question is, does the president losing face, given that his broader meeting with other leaders, say, in jordan and the palestinian now that that's off the table, does he lose a bit of luster on this trip? >> your thoughts? >> well, first of all, kevin, thank you so much for having me. i want to say that on the when it comes to the visit itself, it brings. yes, i can hear you. well, can you hear me? yes, sir. go right ahead. i'm sorry. >> i'm saying that the bears great meaning? because the solidarity mission resonates in the hearts and minds of every israeli, especially after the speech that the president made and the welcome that the president will receive in israel is a great, warm welcome, especially in light of the trauma that so many people in israel live as a result of terrorist, not the hamas's brutality when it comes to the effectiveness of the visit. remember, the victims of the atrocities have been israelis. the main partner there is israel. and the visit bear great meaning on the level of deterrence as well, sending a clear message to iran and its proxy, hezbollah, not to escalate what's happening on the ground. i will add one more thing, kevin. we saw the hospital, the attack on the hospital yesterday, which was immediately and unjustifiably attributed to israel. i know that the israeli defense forces present the president and the americans with clear cut proof that the terrible situation at the hospital was a direct of islamic, firing missiles in the direction israel. and then it misfired and killed so many people, their civilians. and then again, we see an emphasis of the point that hamas not only targets jewish children and innocent civilians population, but also their own. >> can i you. shahar about the mood of the people in israel at this hour. is there a sense impending doom not understanding that this could be a very long, protracted and multi-front escalation of a war in the region? or do you get the sense that the mood of the people there is one of resolve and hope that they will be able to root out hamas without a massive expansion of the war in the region? >> you know, kevin, you are absolutely correct. if hamas or anybody else was hoping that the fragments of israeli society, based on the political process gone through in the past few years, they are completely mistaken. this is their strategic surprise. israeli society israeli have never been stronger, more resilient and more to root out the evil. we look at the united states as a great example in the great work that the u.s. army has done in rooting out the evil of isis, which came also at the cost but has been of great benefit to the world. and we will do the same with the hamas evil, which you understand your understand and the world understands that no one can live side by side with with hamas residing on your very border just today, kevin. we buried the family in israel, a family of two parents, two teen boys and one teen girl that used to go every saturday to fly kites in the name of peace and neighborly relations with gaza. they were brutally tortured and executed by hamas on that horrid saturday, and that sent a clear message to israel that hamas can be no more as a viable force, an entity on the border with israel. >> you it was interesting. i've been listening to a great number of thought leaders around, and really what i'm understanding, the more i listen to those who really understand what's happening on the ground yourself and others who have been in the region and have studied the region. there seems to be a consistency of message, which is, yes, the people are strong and they are united against this terrorist organization that continues call for their extinction and they are willing to do the hard work to fight to root them out. the other thing that i'm noticing, shahar, is that appears to be a global sense of worry. people really want to make sure this doesn't expand. and so i think hopefully leaders from around the region and around the world will be able keep an eye on that. shahar hasan, as always, a great pleasure to have you with us. your thoughts and your ability to add context to this conversation is so much needed, especially right now. thank you again. we're going to take a quick timeout as we continue our coverage here. >> fox news channel. the president heading into the middle east at this very hour. >> perhaps. we'll tell you more about that next. fox nation gives you crucial insight into the war on israel timeline of terror. this isn't going to be days. this isn't going to be weeks. it's going to be ahead. who is hamas? hamas showed no mercy to these people. >> they dragged women through the streetof gaza. who is benjamin netanyahu? he's calling for a unity government. and he said that israel will its borders. the war in israel in three shows a timeline of terror. who is hamas? who is benjamin netanyahu? streaming now on fox nation. he was only 47. aneurysm. did he have life insurance? do you know? you got to get on it. check out selectquote. trust me, the peace of mind. >> it's worth it. life insurance is too important ,to put off another day. that's why selectquote makes getting coverage you need easy. for less than a dollar a day. now get up to a million dollar policy with no medical exam and same day. s >> visits like 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in washington on fox news channel. as we continue our coverage of the president's visit to israel on a peace mission, hoping to keep this conflict in the region from expanding. as you take a at these live pictures, we're noticing air force one making its way there to tel aviv, israel, out the red carpet for this very important arrival from. washington the president making the journey there, hoping very much so to help to bring down the temperature, the room. and he had hoped and had has anticipated meeting with leaders from around the world, from around the region, certainly in the hopes of doing just that. unfortunately, the explosion at a hospital has obviously derailed the meetings that we were anticipating. and so we have the president, as you at these live pictures, making his way to tel aviv. white house correspondent jackie heinrich is here and she has been watching our coverage . jackie, i'm just curious what happens from this as we see air force one just pulling in to the airport there in tel ? >> well, kevin, we're going to see the president meet the israeli government. the biggest part of his plan today to first and foremost show strong us support israel as it defend itself against future terror attacks. on the cusp of this ground operation to root out hamas and prevent like this from ever happening again. the second part of his presence there and the reason behind it is to send a strong message to other actors in the region, to iran to its proxies, hezbollah, not to get involved. the u.s. is very about the possibility of a second front opening potentially on the northern side. and so the president is going to be there to send the message that if any other actor gets involved, the u.s. will have you could expect some sort of a us response. the u.s. put significant military assets in the region to aircraft carriers and put 2000 troops on ready to deploy orders just in case of any contingency potentially to pass . those are the two things that he can still achieve, though his meetings in jordan have been canceled. however, i will note that the israeli government just out a few moments ago, audio recording of what they say are hamas terrorists discussing this bomb fell on the hospital and these people on that on the phone saying that it was fired from behind the hospital. islamic jihadists. misfired that rocket and it landed. it fell on them. and so the israeli government is trying to really make to the world that this was not an incident of a crime committed by israel, that they do not attack. they do not target civilians. and if the u.s. is able somehow to bring these meetings back on track, know that the us had said that they're trying to coordinate with the palestinians authority with the jordanians and also the egyptians to try to have some sort of communication, because getting civilians out of gaza of critical importance, not just to the us and to israel for the reason of the moral high ground of this. but also for public sentiment in the long term. kevin, you're watching fox news live continuous of the president's visit to israel. jackie heimer kevin corke with you as we watch air force one arriving in tel aviv at this hour. jackie makes the point that while the meetings had previously been scheduled, have been scrubbed. that doesn't mean that the white house doesn't have plenty of business to conduct as the president makes his way there to israel. in fact, we're anticipating that he'll be greeted by israeli prime bibi netanyahu. that could happen here momentarily. we'll certainly keep an eye on this as we watch our live pictures. jackie and i will take you at least through the top of the hour here. jackie, i want to get your your sense about 3 minutes to in the show what happens. you've traveled on air force one. i've traveled on air force one. what happens this point? you're going to you'll get the press out of there. they'll set up. they'll get the shot down, and then the president will come down. what happens at that point? again, we've got about 2 minutes to go. >> well, there's going to be several movements that are probably going to be broadcast live for security reasons. this was put together relatively quickly and the president's going into a war zone. there are a lot of dynamic situations here. the press, a small pool of 13 members of the press following him. it is not an expanded delegation of reporters that, like we usually see on a foreign trip, but we will be getting readouts of meetings potentially some video of meetings not necessarily live, but a tape playback and continuous updates on the progress of these meetings as they on. and then the president is scheduled to turn right back around and head back to the us. this is a very quick trip. the press is not planning to stay in a hotel, for instance, the night. this is just an extended day trip in the practical sense of the word. kevin yeah, this a lot of stagecraft for a relatively brief trip, but i think the point has been made and maybe, jackie, you can concur. this is more than just i'm here to show support. this is really about sending a message not just to the israeli people, but it's also about sending a message to bad actors in the region that this this country, the might and the weight of the united states of america is, certainly behind israel in its ability and its responsibility to defend itself against any terrorist organization. it looks like as we take a look here, it looks like that is bibi netanyahu prepared to meet with president as he makes his way down the stairs from air force one? is that when you noticing there, jackie? i've taken a few of those trips, maybe 50 in my life. it never gets. no. and we're witnessing history unfold here. you know, this is a very high stakes meeting as region is on the cusp of potentially a much broader war. a big objective of the us is to prevent from happening. we do not want to see iran get involved. we don't want to see this spiral into a regional struggle . this is about israel defending itself from future terror attacks and the u.s. standing behind them. they do that. i mean, don't forget that, you know, we've been seeing images play out about in gaza for the last several days, but you have more than a thousand israelis who were killed, many of them at a rally for peace. this is about israel defending ,its its people and preventing something like this from ever happening again. and you've had the israelis point out time and time again that is about their survival. and this is not about any of the claims to the contrary. so we might hear from the to the prime minister and president, the two leaders shortly. they have an opportunity to talk to the cameras if they want to. but again, everything is very fluid. we'll see what happens. yeah, this is this is a fluid situation here. we take a look at these live pictures of bibi netanyahu preparing to welcome president biden to tel aviv at this hour. you're watching fox news live. continuous coverage of the president's visit to the middle east. we will continue our coverage throughout the morning here on fox news and throughout the day on behalf of jackie. hi, rick. i'm kevin corke here in as we take a quick time out, we want to take a break

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Industry , Ergonomic , Warranty , 16 , Jewelry Exchange , Bands 189 Half Carat Anniversary 399 One , 649128 , 189 , 28649128 , Eye , Carat , Gifts , Moisturizing , Three Stone Rings , Hydrating Polymers , 1490 Thousands , 399 , 699 , Dryness Relief , Tree , Hyaluronic Acid , 8 , Welcome Back , 1 , Trey Yingst , Mood , Drama , Phone Call , Hospital Explosion Night , Al Ahly , Militants , Claim , Misfire , Strike , Israeli Embassy , Supporters , Fog Of War , Indication , Facts , Emotion , Jewish State , Evidence , Territory , Guided Missile , 2 , Conversation , Work , Stay Safe , Yeoman , Kevin Tray , 12 , Response Force , Carrier , Boots , Marines , Borders , Congressman , Pennsylvania , Patrick Murphy , 32nd Undersecretary Mary , 32 , Army , Buildup , Veteran , American Forces , Combat , Iraq , 2000 , Estelle , Bucks County , Jewish , Seven , Fight , Johnny , Organization , Son , Hamas Couldn T , Safe Room , Wife , Terrorist Organization , Distinction , Point Out , Precision , Terror Bent , Destruction , Descriptions , Mom , Yes , 53 , Living , 53 , Grandmother , Pakistani , Underground , Underneath Hospitals , Tunnels , Etc , Judgment , State Solution , Terrorist , Safety , Obstacles , Up Roadblocks , Groups , Have America S Best On A Uss Ford , Uss Eisenhower , Terrorist Organizations , What S Going On , Invasion , Eyes , Hospitals , Captain , Mosque , Sites , Middle , 82nd Airborne Division , 82 , They Don T , City , Mall , Care , Context , Murph , Body Counts , Biden Heads , Teacher , Nine , Adversaries , Censorship Control , Internet , Grandchild , Congress , Values , Annuity , Secrets , Income , Annuities , Truths , Cons , Terms , Book , Baby Boomers , Pros , Annuity Do S , Five , Copy , Retirement , Seniors , Move It , Boomers , Annuity Income , Rates , Books , Benefits , Annuity Rate , Bonus , Annuity Providers , 28680558 , Doesn T Knowe , Bills , Goldmine , Msell Allshe , 800 8680558 , 8680558 , Policy , Term , Life Insurance Policy , Call Coventry , Cash , Mine , 00000 , 100000 , Test , Game Show , Hell On Earth , Special Forces World , Direct Comm , 800 496 9200 , 9200 , 496 , Payments , Com , Student Loans , Nine On Fox , Goodbye , Hulu , On Mondays , Bath , Bath Remodel , Jacuzzi , Installation Costs , Offer , 65 , Tab , Entry , Shower , Installation , Cancer Neurobehavioral Effects , Camp Lejeune , North Carolina , 1953 , 1987 , 800 3482867 , December 1987 , 3482867 , August 1953 , Harm , Issues , Survivors , Compensation , Veterans , Exposure , Law , Damages , Lejeune , Case , 9409119 , 1 800 9409119 , Last Weekend , Shahar Al Zayani , Consulate , Flow , Spokesperson , Will , Emissions , Thoughts , Palestinian , Luster , Table , Sir , Minds , Hearts , Speech , Solidarity , Welcome , Effectiveness , Victims , Trauma , Brutality , Message , Proxy , Atrocities , Deterrence , Firing Missiles , Direction , Direct , Cut , Emphasis , Population , Shahar , Doom , War , Expansion , Resolve , Society , Process , Anybody , Fragments , Hamas Evil , Example , Surprise , Israeli Society , Same , Benefit , U S Army , Isis , Boys , Residing , Parents , Teen Girl , Side By , In The Name Of , Relations , Force , Entity , Consistency , Worry , Extinction , Add , Shahar Hasan , Time Out , Terror , Timeline , Isn T , Insight , No Mercy , Streetof Gaza , Women , Unity , Life Insurance , Selectquote , Peace Of Mind , Aneurysm , Trust Me , 47 , Dollar , Exam , A Million , A Million Dollar , Dexcom G7 , Visits , Dexcom Coverage , Attention , Finger Sticks , Diabetes , Single , Agency , D , Whatcom , Diabetessticks , Phone , Glucose Numbers , Sticks , Stucshrection Dexcom G7 , Arrow , Directio , Cgm , Activity , Dexcomty G7 , Glucose , Decisions , Coi , Confidence , Pictures , On Fox News Channel , Red Carpet , Room , Tel Aviv , Temperature , Hopes , Around The World , Airport , Tel , Reason , Presence , There , Cusp , Actors , Proxies , Opening , Possibility , Factor , Aircraft Carriers , Assets , Contingency , Bomb , Audio Recording , Incident , Crime , Islamic Jihadists , Authority , Track , Communication , Jackie Heimer , Business , Doesn T Mean , Prime , Movements , Shot Down , War Zone , The Press , Situations , Reporters , Delegation , Readouts , Pool , 13 , Tape Playback , Progress , Updates , Instance , Hotel , Word , Stagecraft , Kevin Yeah , Show Support , Responsibility , Look , In My Life , Trips , Few , Stairs , 50 , Objective , Standing , Spiral , Struggle , A Thousand , Survival , Contrary , Claims , Cameras , Opportunity , Fox News Live , Biden To Tel Aviv , Break , Behalf , Hi , Brick ,

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