Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Special 20240703 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Special 20240703

be with you, thank you for the permission too use the metaphor. >> good evening, i am bret baier . they have nominated steve scalise to be their candidate for house speaker. it's unclear when the whole house vote will be, and if they can get to the numbers. we will get to that in a moment but we can begin with the war i the middle east, israel is said to be. a massive invasion. the death toll now on both side stands at 2300 per the u.s. is 20 to americans have been kille 17 remain unaccounted for a. they could be held hostage for terrorists are holding an estimated 150 hostages as human shields. terrorist continued to file rockets into israel pretty much every hour including a heavy brush today into the southern town. city correspondent mike tobin and his team have been there al day. mike is just along the border tonight in a warning that some of the images and this report may be disturbing. good evening, mike. >> good evening, bret. his army position to invade the gaza strip, israel's prime prim minister issues a threatening statement to hamas. >> every member, they will be destroyed perky israeli defense forces pummeling with as they amassed along the border with gaza for the anticipated ground operations. the israeli cities can take fir from rockets, wednesday, we wer there. >> we are real close parade you can see a little bit of thought rockets, it is. into the ground, but it is stil hot from the explosion. the rocket hit here, the force of the blast went that way and blasted through that fencing fo there is a house there and brok out all the glass. we have reports of a couple of injuries brit it appears the injuries are just the force of the broken glass. >> you can hear the off in the distance, some of the impacts from the rockets. this is a drill that people in israel have dealt with over in over again. >> punishing airstrikes, water and no power. a source says civilians are paying the price and hamas fighters are hiding. bulletholes in the walls, beds and floors covered in blood, th area is littered with bodies. >> it is the most horrific thin i've ever seen. it is a house of four behind me and the entire neighborhood looks like this. >> since the attacks of october 7th, israel has been subject to multiple cross-borde attacks. one of them resulting in the deaths of three israeli soldiers . in idf source tells me he believes islamic radicals are probing israel trying to test the response of the army are hoping the red army makes a mistake that opens a second front in this war. >> bret: -|4 there were reports of a number of attacks further north, and it turned ou that there were just a few or a they really concerned about tha front? >> they certainly are bare they don't want to open up a second front and divert resources that you hurt heard the prime minister say earlier tonight that he wants very much dedicated to the fight and got subperiod. >> bret: -|4 mike tobin along the border and got subperiod fo pulling indicates voters are firmly behind israel. 68 percent of those surveyed expressed support for israel, 1 palestinians read one of the major goals for president biden getting americans out of the region, especially those that are missing. there are questions about the intelligence failure that preceded the hamas salt. jacqui. >> president biden reiterated the unwavering u.s. support for israel, but he also revealed that he cautioned israel to bid by the rules of water, after th eu criticized for cutting off food and electricity and gaza. the administration is trying to secure safe passage for palestinian civilians in gaza t egypt also trying to rescue american hostages. one thing that's not happening is any review of intelligence breakdowns that led to this. >> what are you doing to get these folks on? if i told you i wouldn't be abl to get them home. i have not given up hope of bringing these folks on. >> vowing to get hostages home and warning iran and other actors not to expend expand the conflict after officials now announce the death toll has risen to include 20 to americans . >> the secretary of state anthony blinken en route to tel aviv to find 17 missing americans. >> we know on number of those americans are being held hostag right now by hamas. we don't know if there one grou or broken up into several group frickey get the u.s. focus is narrow. >> this was a massive intelligence failure. >> there will come a time when it's appropriate for us to take a look back, retrospectively, and see what the picture showed us or didn't show us, whether there's any gaps that need to b closed. now is not the time. >> even as the house foreign affairs committee chair talked about breakdowns after the briefing. >> we know it egypt had more israel is freer we note that this has been planned perhaps a long as he yuriko. >> now the u.s. is denying iran's direct involvement with the caveats. >> we haven't seen anything tha tells us they knew specifically date, time, method, but we haven't seen a thing that says they specifically cut checks to support this set of attacks or that they were involved in the training. we will keep looking at it. >> amid bipartisan cost or re- free the $6 billion in iranian friends that are held in cutter foxes learn the u.s. may leave requests for withdraws pending indefinitely, essentially achieving the same outcome. that is what senators were told in a briefing yesterday, but so far the administration has not officially commented on it. >> bret: -|4, jackie, thank you breath u.s. defense secretary said he has offered u.s. special operations forces to help rescue american and israeli hostages in gaza. when u.s. aircraft carrier grou is in the region in another is on the way. the conflict in the middle east comes as the u.s. continues to support ukraine and its battle against russia by chief nationa security correspondent has the latest tonight from the pentagon . >> as of now, the israelis have not requested help from u.s. special operations forces, but as you mentioned, they have offered u.s. military personnel too help develop intelligence that could lead to the rescue o israeli and american hostages. president biden while meeting american jewish leaders at the white house offered a warning. >> the u.s. carrier feet fleet, they are sending more fighter jets to that region. and i made it clear. i made it clear. to the irradiance to be careful. >> nato headquarters in brussels , the new joint chiefs chairman and defense secretary austin met with nato defense ministers about military aim to ukraine. they called it to the meeting. >> make no mistake, the united states will remain the ultimate power in to direct the resource to title crises in multiple theaters. we will stand firmly with israe as we continue to support ukraine. >> at the uss eisenhower arrive arrived into weeks, but sources tell fox that the war is likely to be extended. >> for anyone thinking about trying to take advantage of the agony in israel, to try to wide this conflict or to try to spil more blood, we have just one word, don't. >> is really defense ministry release this footage of a direc weapons shipment from the u.s. are arriving in southern israel. >> i've not seen any indication of additional players that are going to get involved to the detriment of israel, and this i one of the reasons we is not only in support of israel picking at the state department is making preparations to contract commercial aircraft to help airlift thousands of americans who want to leave israel and can't get a flight out right now. jennifer, thank you. now for our other top story, this search for a new house speaker. republicans have selected majority leader steve scalise a their nominee. we are waiting on world of when the full house will vote and if the votes are there. senior correspondence toll is, it's all about the math and the are adding up. >> good evening. steve scalise is the nominee, but not the speaker. he defeated jim jordan in a secret ballot off the floor, th vote 113-99, but it's unclear i scalise can win on the floor. the bar is higher there. >> we are working hard to get unified because the world is no waiting. we have work to do. >> scalise already trying to show leadership amid the crisis in the middle east. he promises the first order of business would be to pass a pla to back israel. some republicans who voted for jordan are still supporting him. >> leader scalise one. i'm still throwing my support behind jim jordan for speaker. i'm not going to change my vote now or anytime soon. >> jordan met with scalise toda and is serving all of his support to as the house struggles to find order. >> it is a critical time the house of representatives to get back in session. it's important we are back functioning and we need to speaker. steve is the guy for that. >> some republicans disenchante that would not vote for either candidate this morning. >> they need to make stronger cases, but i think it's unhealthy for us not to have th pate in the conference until we get the consensus, i don't thin it should be on the floor. i don't think it's good for us to debate on the floor. >> lauren ober it's tai chi is for chip roy wanting someone wh could throw down. here's the problem the gop is frozen, the nominee who cannot necessarily win on the floor so the house lacks a speaker for another day. >> chet pergram life on the hel trade stocks were up-to-date head of consumer inflation data the dow gained 66 the s&p 500 finished ahead 19 and that nasdaq rose 97. the ideological battle on american college campuses offer that middle east war. as we go to brake break, scenes of intense grief as relatives killed at a music festival on saturday. ♪ (fisher investments) it's easy to think that all money managers are pretty much the same, but at fisher investments we're clearly different. 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(inspirational music) ♪ >> our brand-new fox news polling shows former president from continuing to the presidential race of 59 percent of the support florida governor ron desantis he nikki haley at ten. next at seven followed by mike pence, chris christie and senator jim scott. and a head-to-head matchup. they wins by 4:00 p.m. and this whole. union and company statements indicate the big three automakers agreed to raise wage between 20 and 23 percent. they have been striking against the company september 15th. if they get a faster path to full-time status. there is a fierce ideological battle going on and many colleges and universities tonight over support for either israel or the palestinians. harvard has become ground zero for that struggle. >> top-tier colleges from coast-to-coast are grappling with pro- palestinian student groups as some rally and releas statements cheering the brutal infiltration of israel. the anti- defamation league called one message attributed t top students for justice in palestine epstein as its praise paragliding attackers prompting and swift announcement from the university, its president calling the atrocities committe pure barbarism. members of nyu student bar association are now looking to remove their president after sh sent out the letter casting blame on israel for their tremendous loss of life writing state sanctioned violence created the conditions that mad resistance necessary. the dean says the message was not from the law school and sen to higher workmen has not rescinded the offer. harvard leadership was slammed over the weekend by former process larry summers for failing to swiftly denounce a statement signed by 30 plus statement saying is really was for all defending violence. while students have the right t speak for themselves, no studen groups, not even 30 student groups speak for harvard university or their. which had an op-ed titled hartford shrugs at jewish hatred . >> she should have wrong that they absolutely condemn these horrific statement by student groups essentially stating that women, children, teenagers, attending a music festival bein slaughtered, was somehow their own fault 50 get this newspaper reports that several student organizations have now withdraw from the joint solidarity statement. >> bret: thank you. >> these are universities who indulge the idea that words can cause violence, but they seemingly have nothing too say about true violence. as sea of people waking up to the reality of that ideological rock. and looking directly in the face . >> the for senator senator of the free pass on america's new humans newsroom yesterday. good evening. what do you make of this battle of words in different colleges and universities? could keep the one thing about this hideous event that we have witnessed is that it's been lik turning over a rock and the number of precincts these universities are among them. they have been statements by student organizations and a number of colleges even beyond the one she mentioned, and student universities and administrations have been not entirely, but awake in their responses as if they could be some moral equivalence between the people who, these hideous across atrocities and the peopl who are the victims of them and are now responding to them. i think you saw in washington, too. the democratic house squad member who has been so outspoke on so many events raising it wherefrom the correspondent and asking her about these horrible atrocities, she finally put it out in an evenhanded statement today. this has been clarified. there's not much of a bright spot and this, but perhaps that is, they start to see some of these people who have slightly unusual or exotic views have quite astonishing views in were seeing them in public and a number of places pretty give th moral equivalence is interesting . it's creeping in in a number of places where there has been som pushback. if it is like that now, when israel moves into gaza, is this expected to do it go straight t street and house to house tryin to take out hamas. the result of that could get ugly. what do you think we will see then? >> there is no way in my view that israel will try very hard to reduce the number of casualties for there is no way that israel can do this surgically so only the bad guys get hits. war is hell, and israel is waging war. they are at war and so civilian and people who are possibly innocent are going to die. there is going to be wailing an gnashing of teeth about it. it will be a test for this country, for the international media, and it will also be a test of the biden administration . the president has been firm and strong and his statements over the last two days particularly the one yesterday, but when thi starts happening and we start hearing the cries of pain about it, that will be a real test. we will see what happens. >> up next, progressives are supporting hamas, so how does that sit with jewish democrats? the first-hand accounts of the start of the conflict from a democratic congressman who was in israel. that is part of our common ground segment tonight. >> they have played a role because they are the number one funder of hamas. >> the administration is in denial. 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israeli side 11 percent favor palestinians for democrats 59 percent support israel, 25 percent favor the palestinians in this. many progressive democrats have said voiced support for hamas terrorists in their battle with israel. mark meredith has that story tonight from washington. >> we are standing strong with israel. >> senior democrats say their party is united even as far lef lawmakers, members of the so-called squad called for the u.s. to and military aid to the country. and idea supported by palestinian americans 50 and th suffering. >> the white house as it strongly supports israel's righ to defend itself and condemns democrats suggesting otherwise. >> we believe in iran, we believe they are repugnant. >> squad members showed no sign of backing down. they continued to display a palestinian flag outside her dc office. her colleagues see it's not a problem. >> she is palestinian. that doesn't mean she's a terrorist, it doesn't mean she condones this. i fly a dangerous flag at my house. >> at the far left calls for israel to de-escalate our generating plenty of headlines and potential headaches for the dnc. tonight michigan senator says h is resigning from democrat socialism of america up after dsa organized what he says was an anti- somatic rally in times square appear from new york to boston, progressives are scrambling to adapt massachusetts senator ed markey was even booed during a pro-israel rally. >> there must be a de-escalatio of the current violent. >> there were a lot of boos the are, within the next she days every lawmaker will have to go on the record about their thoughts on this crisis, the houses excepted to pick up a bipartisan resolution too honor israel and so far, members of the squad have yet to see if they will sign onto that resolution. >> thank you. ♪ >> bret: first-hand perspective of what happened saturday in israel. new york democratic congressman dan coleman and his family were there when the attacks began. joining us tonight and are alon with texans republican congressman, thank you for the inherent. congressman goldman, obviously scary situation for you and you family. tell us what happened and where you were picking we were at a hotel in tel aviv. i wear with my youngest childre five, six, and nine per tyrants focus up indicating that rocket were firing on their way to tel aviv and we had to scramble to an internal stairwell that served as a bomb shelter for th hotel. it was obviously jarring and jolting and quite traumatizing, but of course it pales in comparison to what happened in southern israel with one of the most horrific terrorist attacks in history. >> you were over there for a celebration, right? >> that's right. >> so you had family there, someone i think called up, a cousin? >> is, i have a cousin of mine got called up from the reserves as did 300,000 other israelis i think it's important for everyone to understand, and i just saw the segment that mark meredith had, this is not about the palestinians, this is about hamas which is a terrorist organization. they executed one of the most atrocious and brutal terrorist attacks in history of the world. i've never heard of babies bein beheaded before this. it is so depraved it's hard to imagine. what we need to do here is we need to make sure we are all united, that the democratic party is very united behind israel against the terrorist organization. hamas is bad for israel and their security and it's bad for the palestinians and their peac and prosperity. we will stand united with alongside israel to make sure that it has whatever it needs t defend itself and to fight the terrorist organization. >> is a that very clearly. some of your colleagues could say that, but choose, at least so far not to. correspondent hilary vaughn tried to talk to congresswoman to leave, take. >> you have nothing too say about terrorist popping out babies heads? do you think that's okay what they've done building burning children alive. >> she has a palestinian flag, she is palestinian, but what yo just said seems like it is pretty easy answer about the difference between palestinians and hamas and yet some members in your caucus are choosing not to say it. >> everyone comes to congress with their own lived experiences . and she is at palestinian americans or she has family in the palestinian territories and has a particular view she is on person, she does not represent the democratic party. what you are hearing from the leaders no one more emphatic than president biden yesterday who gave one of the most stirring and pro-israel speeche that any president has ever given is that the democratic party stands firmly behind israel. that is ultimately where our party is and i look forward to working with congressman pflueger in order to provide additional aid in order for israel to secure itself it. >> there is praise for the president biden speech yesterda and what he said today, he mentioned iran today very few have bipartisan bill to send th biden waiver decision and innocence rephrase the $6 billion that and that make account leverage your labor to access the iran account, which do you think is important? >> let me say to my colleagues that i'm so happy that you and your family are safe. very twitterrific experience. think about the massacre of the senseless murder of over 1,000 people as you mentioned. babies, women, children this is unacceptable. i'm relieved that you are okay and hearing the president's words, it should be easy to get behind my bill because not a penny more should go to iran, the $6 billion that was made available on september 11th should not be made available. my bill rescinds that and and bipartisan i ask you to join me on this one because yvonne has violence and chaos are the largest sponsor of terrorism in the world, they have no good intentions, they have spent $100 million supporting this year for lebanese hezbollah. they don't want anything other than chaos. it so nice to come on here with my colleague, dan and the american public is looking for the point for us to join together as americans for this is that point, we can do that and stand behind israel, i believe rescinding $6 billion i exactly the starting point wher we can send a strong message. >> the administration points ou that the dollar is coming out o that account they've been talking about for days and days and days, but it seems like a simple thing too say okay, just freeze it. >> it's not that simple because it was part of a larger deal to get american hostages back. i think may be unconstitutional because it infringes on the president's ability too conduct foreign affairs without interference, but regardless we do agree that iran should not receive any money from the u.s. or otherwise. this money is not of u.s. money but it should not benefit from sanctions, waivers in order to fund terror. this money is very restricted t humanitarian aid and it would not go to the iranian government . none of it has been provided, none of it has been asked for i yet. i assume the biden administration, given what has transpired in israel, we'll be very reluctant to give any mone any of the iranian receivers fo humanitarian aid without being absolutely positive that it wil not go to the government. >> it's just a tough thing to do . for $6 billion, whether it is out of that account or not, there is other money flowing to iran, and hear what you're saying, congressman. lasting, congressman pflueger, we are getting word that there is no vote tonight for house speaker, that means that steve scalise doesn't have the votes otherwise they would put it on the floor. where are you, and as this goin to be wrapped up soon? >> we sure hope so bear this horrific situation highlights the necessity to have a working majority that we can put things on the house floor and get the business done. for me i've been very clear tha includes border security. we serve on the homeland security committee together and i think this attack that this happened in israel highlights the need for strong border security. many countries want this. >> so do you think scalise gets over the finish line? >> idea, i think you will get t the 217 votes where there are probably questions that need to be answered and we need to come together and get that done. >> if the republicans can't get to that number, do you think democrats possibly vote to move on and just vote for steve scalise. >> we would welcome bipartisan support, we sit here watching chaos and dysfunction and we ar eager. >> to work. >> common ground was so promising. >> i will tell you, we talk a lot about border security and there is no question that there is common ground between republicans and democrats and making sure that we address our broken immigration system. i hope we can work in a bipartisan way that has not happened to date and this congress, but we are certainly eager to do so. >> thank you both for being here . congressman goldman, think he appeared. >> you can see all that's on ou podcast traits they find that all-star panel podcasts part of the bret baier podcast read you can also see the discussion on the fox news youtube page. up next to panel with the lates reports in the middle east as the death tolls prices. they prepare flower bouquets fo grieving families. this isn't just freight. these aren't just shipments. they're promises. promises of all shapes and sizes. each, with a time and a place they've been promised to be. a promise is everything to old dominion, because it means everything to you. here's why you should switch from chrome to duckduckgo. duckduckgo is a browser you download to your mobile and desktop devices. unlike chrome, the duckduckgo browser has privacy built-in. it comes with a private alternative to google search, which doesn■t spy on your searches, and it blocks cookies and creepy ads. and there's no catch. it's free. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you around. join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on mobile and desktop today. >> how can we know this was in the planning and within a few short days say that iran was no behind it? >> because that's what we think. >> i know the administration is willing to pay chris iran is responsible, but i think all roads lead to iran, nobody is disputing it all that iran is a puppeteer of terrorism carried it's a question of direct planning engagement, involvemen in this particular act. >> we keep on asking the question about iran, and it keeps getting kind of been interesting answer from the administration about its role o non- role. the ambassador to the united nations that iran funds 93 percent of hamas and hezbollah on the show yesterday. >> silence is complicity, we want you to know that if you've already figured out, i refused to pay silence. we move the u.s. carrier fleet and we are sending more later jets to that region and made it clear come, made it clear to th iranians be careful. >> with epaulets bring in our panel. the five cohost tessa cut tarlov . and the cohost up "outnumbered." great to see you. what you think about this back and forth the administration talking about this? >> you know, iran is a backer o hamas. republicans retort to the present yesterday was yes, you're unequivocally supportive of israel, you are saying that they are a terrorist organization however a message is great, but deliverables are better. 6 billion, freeze the funding. you've had the ability to do it freeze the funding. enforced oil sanctions. you can do it. john radcliffe took me through the numbers demand the extradition of the leader of hamas. we know he's leaving living a cushy life there are deliverables he could have aske for. why didn't you ask for those deliverables. will you maintain your strong support for israel in the wake of a party that figured i shoul note it is ladies night here on special report. jessica, could it be that there is some real sensitivity to going down this road because they don't want to expand what they will have to do with iran? >> i'm sure. when president biden was settin up that joint letter with the u and france and. he said that is at peace about unequivocal support for israel. we make it to a point where we are talking about on the ground help here. what does that look for each of us, what are his everybody's appetites for that and could we hold off for a while and see where this goes? i just think it's virtually impossible that the israeli government and the u.s. government eight doesn't know more than we know, or that reporters know, and that they aren't being as thoughtful as possible appeared they have bee so precise in their language in terms of support of israel, so unequivocal, no mention about humanitarian concerns for gaza. >> as of yet, that is true. >> when you think about the fac that you see a democratic leading the democrat socialist party and, they are really out on an island by themselves with this. this is a very different scene at. >> it's important to point out that even this lot numbers are not specifically saying they support hamas, but saying that israel needs to step back and b careful, they have had statements like that. but martha, big picture, what d you think? >> i appreciate they've had in opportunity too make that distinction and she didn't take that distinction for it she could have said that to hilary vann, but it so interesting because obviously the president has tied to it tried to, when h came into office he wanted to extricate himself from a number of issues in the middle east he sorted tinkered around the edge of making deals with iran, may be reopening the jc poa. a little bit of a distance with israel as well. didn't have anything on the calendar. they finally issued what i woul say a soft invitation for benjamin netanyahu to come to the white house. usually when people invite you somewhere, they say what day they'd like to come. what is so clear, and i think that the president started changes tone here very gently. there is an there is an allianc that has built between china, and iran. the united states is part is no part of that. they tried very hard to broker that deal. what we've learned now is that iran has raised its head in the middle of that you know as well as anybody just having been to the area and spoken to the leaders that they were not having that. i think that's what's very clea in this attack. now they have shaken up the support, the president will hav to shift in how he looks at all of this. at think their taking their tim with figuring out where they're going to go. >> you have been at the podium at the white house, and it's important the words that come out. when you hear leaders say they are not two sides, it's clear that they are sending the message. >> not only that, karine jean-pierre called out others they weren't named specifically but she had words like despicable bird they were stron words for it to stand at the podium and call at your own party, that is no easy thing to do which means she must've gotten licensed to do that from her boss richie headed clear directive to go out there and i you're asked about these squad members, the progressives, call them out and clearly she did. >> b house search for a house speaker. it is happening. she found it. the feeling of finding the psoriasis treatment she's been looking for. sotyktu is the first-of-its-kind, once-daily pill for moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis for the chance at clear or almost clear skin. it's like the feeling of finding your back... is back. or finding psoriasis can't deny the splendor of these thighs. once-daily sotyktu is proven to get more people clearer skin than the leading pill. don't take if you're allergic to sotyktu; serious reactions can occur. sotyktu can lower your ability to fight infections including tb. serious infections, cancers including lymphoma, craig:t>> looking live at capitol hill and a lot is happening there behind the scenes and steve scalise wins internal vote for speaker nominee and multiple republicans left on nominee saying they're vote for jim jordan sending out the prospect of scalise failing to reach the speakership on the ballot. 113 wi113-99 and that's 217. back to the panel. kaylee, this is something. you wonder how they'll get there. >> it's something. he got 113 votes and take away the three who are delegates for the territories because they can't vote in the house. he had less than half of the republican conference. mccarthy lost about 30 votes in the same, he lost about 100. mccarthy went to 15 ballots and it's not over and could be messy when we need bipartisan legislation out on the floor. >> i tried to press congressman goldman to say would you vote for a republican to kind of put this behind and he said, yeah -- no, i'd vote for hakeem jeffries. he's only six votes away, hakeem jeffries. >> 6v4 is a sad state of affairs for the republicans. i would say that i think that seem to be understanding the enormity of the moment and matt gaetz is chief troublemaker out there saying scalise, let's go. you know, and hopefully he will corral as many people as possible into doing that because the matter is you need government to work. there's so much that depends on this and hopefully the republicans understand that. >> martha. >> i don't think most voters and people watching really care which one ends up being the speaker but they will care that the outcome of the chaos is that there's some sort of at least articulation of fiscal responsibility because if that's lesson learned of what happened to kevin mccarthy, they have to go to some sort of regular order. people want to see some kind of fiscal responsibility. people who vote republican and so that's what scalise or whoever wins has to convince voters about there. if a tiny p majority for a reason, it's what happened in the midterm. >> it's amazing and we'll follow it all. thoughts and deepest sympathies with the families affected by the atrocities in israel and fox made a $1 million donation to fox jewish appeal. united jewish appeal helps fight anti-semitism and units jews across the globe. the israeli emergency fund. you can donate at or scan the qr code on the screen at the bomb tom of your screen. we commend that to you. tomorrow on special report, former house speaker kevin mctar think discussing -- mccarthy discussing latest speaker vote and israel as well. thanks for inviting us into your home tonight. that's if for the special report, fair, balanced and still unafraid. t"the ingraham angle" is next. >> laura: i'm laura ingraham, this is ingraham angle from wa

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Special 20240703 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Special 20240703

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be with you, thank you for the permission too use the metaphor. >> good evening, i am bret baier . they have nominated steve scalise to be their candidate for house speaker. it's unclear when the whole house vote will be, and if they can get to the numbers. we will get to that in a moment but we can begin with the war i the middle east, israel is said to be. a massive invasion. the death toll now on both side stands at 2300 per the u.s. is 20 to americans have been kille 17 remain unaccounted for a. they could be held hostage for terrorists are holding an estimated 150 hostages as human shields. terrorist continued to file rockets into israel pretty much every hour including a heavy brush today into the southern town. city correspondent mike tobin and his team have been there al day. mike is just along the border tonight in a warning that some of the images and this report may be disturbing. good evening, mike. >> good evening, bret. his army position to invade the gaza strip, israel's prime prim minister issues a threatening statement to hamas. >> every member, they will be destroyed perky israeli defense forces pummeling with as they amassed along the border with gaza for the anticipated ground operations. the israeli cities can take fir from rockets, wednesday, we wer there. >> we are real close parade you can see a little bit of thought rockets, it is. into the ground, but it is stil hot from the explosion. the rocket hit here, the force of the blast went that way and blasted through that fencing fo there is a house there and brok out all the glass. we have reports of a couple of injuries brit it appears the injuries are just the force of the broken glass. >> you can hear the off in the distance, some of the impacts from the rockets. this is a drill that people in israel have dealt with over in over again. >> punishing airstrikes, water and no power. a source says civilians are paying the price and hamas fighters are hiding. bulletholes in the walls, beds and floors covered in blood, th area is littered with bodies. >> it is the most horrific thin i've ever seen. it is a house of four behind me and the entire neighborhood looks like this. >> since the attacks of october 7th, israel has been subject to multiple cross-borde attacks. one of them resulting in the deaths of three israeli soldiers . in idf source tells me he believes islamic radicals are probing israel trying to test the response of the army are hoping the red army makes a mistake that opens a second front in this war. >> bret: -|4 there were reports of a number of attacks further north, and it turned ou that there were just a few or a they really concerned about tha front? >> they certainly are bare they don't want to open up a second front and divert resources that you hurt heard the prime minister say earlier tonight that he wants very much dedicated to the fight and got subperiod. >> bret: -|4 mike tobin along the border and got subperiod fo pulling indicates voters are firmly behind israel. 68 percent of those surveyed expressed support for israel, 1 palestinians read one of the major goals for president biden getting americans out of the region, especially those that are missing. there are questions about the intelligence failure that preceded the hamas salt. jacqui. >> president biden reiterated the unwavering u.s. support for israel, but he also revealed that he cautioned israel to bid by the rules of water, after th eu criticized for cutting off food and electricity and gaza. the administration is trying to secure safe passage for palestinian civilians in gaza t egypt also trying to rescue american hostages. one thing that's not happening is any review of intelligence breakdowns that led to this. >> what are you doing to get these folks on? if i told you i wouldn't be abl to get them home. i have not given up hope of bringing these folks on. >> vowing to get hostages home and warning iran and other actors not to expend expand the conflict after officials now announce the death toll has risen to include 20 to americans . >> the secretary of state anthony blinken en route to tel aviv to find 17 missing americans. >> we know on number of those americans are being held hostag right now by hamas. we don't know if there one grou or broken up into several group frickey get the u.s. focus is narrow. >> this was a massive intelligence failure. >> there will come a time when it's appropriate for us to take a look back, retrospectively, and see what the picture showed us or didn't show us, whether there's any gaps that need to b closed. now is not the time. >> even as the house foreign affairs committee chair talked about breakdowns after the briefing. >> we know it egypt had more israel is freer we note that this has been planned perhaps a long as he yuriko. >> now the u.s. is denying iran's direct involvement with the caveats. >> we haven't seen anything tha tells us they knew specifically date, time, method, but we haven't seen a thing that says they specifically cut checks to support this set of attacks or that they were involved in the training. we will keep looking at it. >> amid bipartisan cost or re- free the $6 billion in iranian friends that are held in cutter foxes learn the u.s. may leave requests for withdraws pending indefinitely, essentially achieving the same outcome. that is what senators were told in a briefing yesterday, but so far the administration has not officially commented on it. >> bret: -|4, jackie, thank you breath u.s. defense secretary said he has offered u.s. special operations forces to help rescue american and israeli hostages in gaza. when u.s. aircraft carrier grou is in the region in another is on the way. the conflict in the middle east comes as the u.s. continues to support ukraine and its battle against russia by chief nationa security correspondent has the latest tonight from the pentagon . >> as of now, the israelis have not requested help from u.s. special operations forces, but as you mentioned, they have offered u.s. military personnel too help develop intelligence that could lead to the rescue o israeli and american hostages. president biden while meeting american jewish leaders at the white house offered a warning. >> the u.s. carrier feet fleet, they are sending more fighter jets to that region. and i made it clear. i made it clear. to the irradiance to be careful. >> nato headquarters in brussels , the new joint chiefs chairman and defense secretary austin met with nato defense ministers about military aim to ukraine. they called it to the meeting. >> make no mistake, the united states will remain the ultimate power in to direct the resource to title crises in multiple theaters. we will stand firmly with israe as we continue to support ukraine. >> at the uss eisenhower arrive arrived into weeks, but sources tell fox that the war is likely to be extended. >> for anyone thinking about trying to take advantage of the agony in israel, to try to wide this conflict or to try to spil more blood, we have just one word, don't. >> is really defense ministry release this footage of a direc weapons shipment from the u.s. are arriving in southern israel. >> i've not seen any indication of additional players that are going to get involved to the detriment of israel, and this i one of the reasons we is not only in support of israel picking at the state department is making preparations to contract commercial aircraft to help airlift thousands of americans who want to leave israel and can't get a flight out right now. jennifer, thank you. now for our other top story, this search for a new house speaker. republicans have selected majority leader steve scalise a their nominee. we are waiting on world of when the full house will vote and if the votes are there. senior correspondence toll is, it's all about the math and the are adding up. >> good evening. steve scalise is the nominee, but not the speaker. he defeated jim jordan in a secret ballot off the floor, th vote 113-99, but it's unclear i scalise can win on the floor. the bar is higher there. >> we are working hard to get unified because the world is no waiting. we have work to do. >> scalise already trying to show leadership amid the crisis in the middle east. he promises the first order of business would be to pass a pla to back israel. some republicans who voted for jordan are still supporting him. >> leader scalise one. i'm still throwing my support behind jim jordan for speaker. i'm not going to change my vote now or anytime soon. >> jordan met with scalise toda and is serving all of his support to as the house struggles to find order. >> it is a critical time the house of representatives to get back in session. it's important we are back functioning and we need to speaker. steve is the guy for that. >> some republicans disenchante that would not vote for either candidate this morning. >> they need to make stronger cases, but i think it's unhealthy for us not to have th pate in the conference until we get the consensus, i don't thin it should be on the floor. i don't think it's good for us to debate on the floor. >> lauren ober it's tai chi is for chip roy wanting someone wh could throw down. here's the problem the gop is frozen, the nominee who cannot necessarily win on the floor so the house lacks a speaker for another day. >> chet pergram life on the hel trade stocks were up-to-date head of consumer inflation data the dow gained 66 the s&p 500 finished ahead 19 and that nasdaq rose 97. the ideological battle on american college campuses offer that middle east war. as we go to brake break, scenes of intense grief as relatives killed at a music festival on saturday. ♪ (fisher investments) it's easy to think that all money managers are pretty much the same, but at fisher investments we're clearly different. 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(inspirational music) ♪ >> our brand-new fox news polling shows former president from continuing to the presidential race of 59 percent of the support florida governor ron desantis he nikki haley at ten. next at seven followed by mike pence, chris christie and senator jim scott. and a head-to-head matchup. they wins by 4:00 p.m. and this whole. union and company statements indicate the big three automakers agreed to raise wage between 20 and 23 percent. they have been striking against the company september 15th. if they get a faster path to full-time status. there is a fierce ideological battle going on and many colleges and universities tonight over support for either israel or the palestinians. harvard has become ground zero for that struggle. >> top-tier colleges from coast-to-coast are grappling with pro- palestinian student groups as some rally and releas statements cheering the brutal infiltration of israel. the anti- defamation league called one message attributed t top students for justice in palestine epstein as its praise paragliding attackers prompting and swift announcement from the university, its president calling the atrocities committe pure barbarism. members of nyu student bar association are now looking to remove their president after sh sent out the letter casting blame on israel for their tremendous loss of life writing state sanctioned violence created the conditions that mad resistance necessary. the dean says the message was not from the law school and sen to higher workmen has not rescinded the offer. harvard leadership was slammed over the weekend by former process larry summers for failing to swiftly denounce a statement signed by 30 plus statement saying is really was for all defending violence. while students have the right t speak for themselves, no studen groups, not even 30 student groups speak for harvard university or their. which had an op-ed titled hartford shrugs at jewish hatred . >> she should have wrong that they absolutely condemn these horrific statement by student groups essentially stating that women, children, teenagers, attending a music festival bein slaughtered, was somehow their own fault 50 get this newspaper reports that several student organizations have now withdraw from the joint solidarity statement. >> bret: thank you. >> these are universities who indulge the idea that words can cause violence, but they seemingly have nothing too say about true violence. as sea of people waking up to the reality of that ideological rock. and looking directly in the face . >> the for senator senator of the free pass on america's new humans newsroom yesterday. good evening. what do you make of this battle of words in different colleges and universities? could keep the one thing about this hideous event that we have witnessed is that it's been lik turning over a rock and the number of precincts these universities are among them. they have been statements by student organizations and a number of colleges even beyond the one she mentioned, and student universities and administrations have been not entirely, but awake in their responses as if they could be some moral equivalence between the people who, these hideous across atrocities and the peopl who are the victims of them and are now responding to them. i think you saw in washington, too. the democratic house squad member who has been so outspoke on so many events raising it wherefrom the correspondent and asking her about these horrible atrocities, she finally put it out in an evenhanded statement today. this has been clarified. there's not much of a bright spot and this, but perhaps that is, they start to see some of these people who have slightly unusual or exotic views have quite astonishing views in were seeing them in public and a number of places pretty give th moral equivalence is interesting . it's creeping in in a number of places where there has been som pushback. if it is like that now, when israel moves into gaza, is this expected to do it go straight t street and house to house tryin to take out hamas. the result of that could get ugly. what do you think we will see then? >> there is no way in my view that israel will try very hard to reduce the number of casualties for there is no way that israel can do this surgically so only the bad guys get hits. war is hell, and israel is waging war. they are at war and so civilian and people who are possibly innocent are going to die. there is going to be wailing an gnashing of teeth about it. it will be a test for this country, for the international media, and it will also be a test of the biden administration . the president has been firm and strong and his statements over the last two days particularly the one yesterday, but when thi starts happening and we start hearing the cries of pain about it, that will be a real test. we will see what happens. >> up next, progressives are supporting hamas, so how does that sit with jewish democrats? the first-hand accounts of the start of the conflict from a democratic congressman who was in israel. that is part of our common ground segment tonight. >> they have played a role because they are the number one funder of hamas. >> the administration is in denial. 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israeli side 11 percent favor palestinians for democrats 59 percent support israel, 25 percent favor the palestinians in this. many progressive democrats have said voiced support for hamas terrorists in their battle with israel. mark meredith has that story tonight from washington. >> we are standing strong with israel. >> senior democrats say their party is united even as far lef lawmakers, members of the so-called squad called for the u.s. to and military aid to the country. and idea supported by palestinian americans 50 and th suffering. >> the white house as it strongly supports israel's righ to defend itself and condemns democrats suggesting otherwise. >> we believe in iran, we believe they are repugnant. >> squad members showed no sign of backing down. they continued to display a palestinian flag outside her dc office. her colleagues see it's not a problem. >> she is palestinian. that doesn't mean she's a terrorist, it doesn't mean she condones this. i fly a dangerous flag at my house. >> at the far left calls for israel to de-escalate our generating plenty of headlines and potential headaches for the dnc. tonight michigan senator says h is resigning from democrat socialism of america up after dsa organized what he says was an anti- somatic rally in times square appear from new york to boston, progressives are scrambling to adapt massachusetts senator ed markey was even booed during a pro-israel rally. >> there must be a de-escalatio of the current violent. >> there were a lot of boos the are, within the next she days every lawmaker will have to go on the record about their thoughts on this crisis, the houses excepted to pick up a bipartisan resolution too honor israel and so far, members of the squad have yet to see if they will sign onto that resolution. >> thank you. ♪ >> bret: first-hand perspective of what happened saturday in israel. new york democratic congressman dan coleman and his family were there when the attacks began. joining us tonight and are alon with texans republican congressman, thank you for the inherent. congressman goldman, obviously scary situation for you and you family. tell us what happened and where you were picking we were at a hotel in tel aviv. i wear with my youngest childre five, six, and nine per tyrants focus up indicating that rocket were firing on their way to tel aviv and we had to scramble to an internal stairwell that served as a bomb shelter for th hotel. it was obviously jarring and jolting and quite traumatizing, but of course it pales in comparison to what happened in southern israel with one of the most horrific terrorist attacks in history. >> you were over there for a celebration, right? >> that's right. >> so you had family there, someone i think called up, a cousin? >> is, i have a cousin of mine got called up from the reserves as did 300,000 other israelis i think it's important for everyone to understand, and i just saw the segment that mark meredith had, this is not about the palestinians, this is about hamas which is a terrorist organization. they executed one of the most atrocious and brutal terrorist attacks in history of the world. i've never heard of babies bein beheaded before this. it is so depraved it's hard to imagine. what we need to do here is we need to make sure we are all united, that the democratic party is very united behind israel against the terrorist organization. hamas is bad for israel and their security and it's bad for the palestinians and their peac and prosperity. we will stand united with alongside israel to make sure that it has whatever it needs t defend itself and to fight the terrorist organization. >> is a that very clearly. some of your colleagues could say that, but choose, at least so far not to. correspondent hilary vaughn tried to talk to congresswoman to leave, take. >> you have nothing too say about terrorist popping out babies heads? do you think that's okay what they've done building burning children alive. >> she has a palestinian flag, she is palestinian, but what yo just said seems like it is pretty easy answer about the difference between palestinians and hamas and yet some members in your caucus are choosing not to say it. >> everyone comes to congress with their own lived experiences . and she is at palestinian americans or she has family in the palestinian territories and has a particular view she is on person, she does not represent the democratic party. what you are hearing from the leaders no one more emphatic than president biden yesterday who gave one of the most stirring and pro-israel speeche that any president has ever given is that the democratic party stands firmly behind israel. that is ultimately where our party is and i look forward to working with congressman pflueger in order to provide additional aid in order for israel to secure itself it. >> there is praise for the president biden speech yesterda and what he said today, he mentioned iran today very few have bipartisan bill to send th biden waiver decision and innocence rephrase the $6 billion that and that make account leverage your labor to access the iran account, which do you think is important? >> let me say to my colleagues that i'm so happy that you and your family are safe. very twitterrific experience. think about the massacre of the senseless murder of over 1,000 people as you mentioned. babies, women, children this is unacceptable. i'm relieved that you are okay and hearing the president's words, it should be easy to get behind my bill because not a penny more should go to iran, the $6 billion that was made available on september 11th should not be made available. my bill rescinds that and and bipartisan i ask you to join me on this one because yvonne has violence and chaos are the largest sponsor of terrorism in the world, they have no good intentions, they have spent $100 million supporting this year for lebanese hezbollah. they don't want anything other than chaos. it so nice to come on here with my colleague, dan and the american public is looking for the point for us to join together as americans for this is that point, we can do that and stand behind israel, i believe rescinding $6 billion i exactly the starting point wher we can send a strong message. >> the administration points ou that the dollar is coming out o that account they've been talking about for days and days and days, but it seems like a simple thing too say okay, just freeze it. >> it's not that simple because it was part of a larger deal to get american hostages back. i think may be unconstitutional because it infringes on the president's ability too conduct foreign affairs without interference, but regardless we do agree that iran should not receive any money from the u.s. or otherwise. this money is not of u.s. money but it should not benefit from sanctions, waivers in order to fund terror. this money is very restricted t humanitarian aid and it would not go to the iranian government . none of it has been provided, none of it has been asked for i yet. i assume the biden administration, given what has transpired in israel, we'll be very reluctant to give any mone any of the iranian receivers fo humanitarian aid without being absolutely positive that it wil not go to the government. >> it's just a tough thing to do . for $6 billion, whether it is out of that account or not, there is other money flowing to iran, and hear what you're saying, congressman. lasting, congressman pflueger, we are getting word that there is no vote tonight for house speaker, that means that steve scalise doesn't have the votes otherwise they would put it on the floor. where are you, and as this goin to be wrapped up soon? >> we sure hope so bear this horrific situation highlights the necessity to have a working majority that we can put things on the house floor and get the business done. for me i've been very clear tha includes border security. we serve on the homeland security committee together and i think this attack that this happened in israel highlights the need for strong border security. many countries want this. >> so do you think scalise gets over the finish line? >> idea, i think you will get t the 217 votes where there are probably questions that need to be answered and we need to come together and get that done. >> if the republicans can't get to that number, do you think democrats possibly vote to move on and just vote for steve scalise. >> we would welcome bipartisan support, we sit here watching chaos and dysfunction and we ar eager. >> to work. >> common ground was so promising. >> i will tell you, we talk a lot about border security and there is no question that there is common ground between republicans and democrats and making sure that we address our broken immigration system. i hope we can work in a bipartisan way that has not happened to date and this congress, but we are certainly eager to do so. >> thank you both for being here . congressman goldman, think he appeared. >> you can see all that's on ou podcast traits they find that all-star panel podcasts part of the bret baier podcast read you can also see the discussion on the fox news youtube page. up next to panel with the lates reports in the middle east as the death tolls prices. they prepare flower bouquets fo grieving families. this isn't just freight. these aren't just shipments. they're promises. promises of all shapes and sizes. each, with a time and a place they've been promised to be. a promise is everything to old dominion, because it means everything to you. here's why you should switch from chrome to duckduckgo. duckduckgo is a browser you download to your mobile and desktop devices. unlike chrome, the duckduckgo browser has privacy built-in. it comes with a private alternative to google search, which doesn■t spy on your searches, and it blocks cookies and creepy ads. and there's no catch. it's free. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you around. join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on mobile and desktop today. >> how can we know this was in the planning and within a few short days say that iran was no behind it? >> because that's what we think. >> i know the administration is willing to pay chris iran is responsible, but i think all roads lead to iran, nobody is disputing it all that iran is a puppeteer of terrorism carried it's a question of direct planning engagement, involvemen in this particular act. >> we keep on asking the question about iran, and it keeps getting kind of been interesting answer from the administration about its role o non- role. the ambassador to the united nations that iran funds 93 percent of hamas and hezbollah on the show yesterday. >> silence is complicity, we want you to know that if you've already figured out, i refused to pay silence. we move the u.s. carrier fleet and we are sending more later jets to that region and made it clear come, made it clear to th iranians be careful. >> with epaulets bring in our panel. the five cohost tessa cut tarlov . and the cohost up "outnumbered." great to see you. what you think about this back and forth the administration talking about this? >> you know, iran is a backer o hamas. republicans retort to the present yesterday was yes, you're unequivocally supportive of israel, you are saying that they are a terrorist organization however a message is great, but deliverables are better. 6 billion, freeze the funding. you've had the ability to do it freeze the funding. enforced oil sanctions. you can do it. john radcliffe took me through the numbers demand the extradition of the leader of hamas. we know he's leaving living a cushy life there are deliverables he could have aske for. why didn't you ask for those deliverables. will you maintain your strong support for israel in the wake of a party that figured i shoul note it is ladies night here on special report. jessica, could it be that there is some real sensitivity to going down this road because they don't want to expand what they will have to do with iran? >> i'm sure. when president biden was settin up that joint letter with the u and france and. he said that is at peace about unequivocal support for israel. we make it to a point where we are talking about on the ground help here. what does that look for each of us, what are his everybody's appetites for that and could we hold off for a while and see where this goes? i just think it's virtually impossible that the israeli government and the u.s. government eight doesn't know more than we know, or that reporters know, and that they aren't being as thoughtful as possible appeared they have bee so precise in their language in terms of support of israel, so unequivocal, no mention about humanitarian concerns for gaza. >> as of yet, that is true. >> when you think about the fac that you see a democratic leading the democrat socialist party and, they are really out on an island by themselves with this. this is a very different scene at. >> it's important to point out that even this lot numbers are not specifically saying they support hamas, but saying that israel needs to step back and b careful, they have had statements like that. but martha, big picture, what d you think? >> i appreciate they've had in opportunity too make that distinction and she didn't take that distinction for it she could have said that to hilary vann, but it so interesting because obviously the president has tied to it tried to, when h came into office he wanted to extricate himself from a number of issues in the middle east he sorted tinkered around the edge of making deals with iran, may be reopening the jc poa. a little bit of a distance with israel as well. didn't have anything on the calendar. they finally issued what i woul say a soft invitation for benjamin netanyahu to come to the white house. usually when people invite you somewhere, they say what day they'd like to come. what is so clear, and i think that the president started changes tone here very gently. there is an there is an allianc that has built between china, and iran. the united states is part is no part of that. they tried very hard to broker that deal. what we've learned now is that iran has raised its head in the middle of that you know as well as anybody just having been to the area and spoken to the leaders that they were not having that. i think that's what's very clea in this attack. now they have shaken up the support, the president will hav to shift in how he looks at all of this. at think their taking their tim with figuring out where they're going to go. >> you have been at the podium at the white house, and it's important the words that come out. when you hear leaders say they are not two sides, it's clear that they are sending the message. >> not only that, karine jean-pierre called out others they weren't named specifically but she had words like despicable bird they were stron words for it to stand at the podium and call at your own party, that is no easy thing to do which means she must've gotten licensed to do that from her boss richie headed clear directive to go out there and i you're asked about these squad members, the progressives, call them out and clearly she did. >> b house search for a house speaker. it is happening. she found it. the feeling of finding the psoriasis treatment she's been looking for. sotyktu is the first-of-its-kind, once-daily pill for moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis for the chance at clear or almost clear skin. it's like the feeling of finding your back... is back. or finding psoriasis can't deny the splendor of these thighs. once-daily sotyktu is proven to get more people clearer skin than the leading pill. don't take if you're allergic to sotyktu; serious reactions can occur. sotyktu can lower your ability to fight infections including tb. serious infections, cancers including lymphoma, craig:t>> looking live at capitol hill and a lot is happening there behind the scenes and steve scalise wins internal vote for speaker nominee and multiple republicans left on nominee saying they're vote for jim jordan sending out the prospect of scalise failing to reach the speakership on the ballot. 113 wi113-99 and that's 217. back to the panel. kaylee, this is something. you wonder how they'll get there. >> it's something. he got 113 votes and take away the three who are delegates for the territories because they can't vote in the house. he had less than half of the republican conference. mccarthy lost about 30 votes in the same, he lost about 100. mccarthy went to 15 ballots and it's not over and could be messy when we need bipartisan legislation out on the floor. >> i tried to press congressman goldman to say would you vote for a republican to kind of put this behind and he said, yeah -- no, i'd vote for hakeem jeffries. he's only six votes away, hakeem jeffries. >> 6v4 is a sad state of affairs for the republicans. i would say that i think that seem to be understanding the enormity of the moment and matt gaetz is chief troublemaker out there saying scalise, let's go. you know, and hopefully he will corral as many people as possible into doing that because the matter is you need government to work. there's so much that depends on this and hopefully the republicans understand that. >> martha. >> i don't think most voters and people watching really care which one ends up being the speaker but they will care that the outcome of the chaos is that there's some sort of at least articulation of fiscal responsibility because if that's lesson learned of what happened to kevin mccarthy, they have to go to some sort of regular order. people want to see some kind of fiscal responsibility. people who vote republican and so that's what scalise or whoever wins has to convince voters about there. if a tiny p majority for a reason, it's what happened in the midterm. >> it's amazing and we'll follow it all. thoughts and deepest sympathies with the families affected by the atrocities in israel and fox made a $1 million donation to fox jewish appeal. united jewish appeal helps fight anti-semitism and units jews across the globe. the israeli emergency fund. you can donate at or scan the qr code on the screen at the bomb tom of your screen. we commend that to you. tomorrow on special report, former house speaker kevin mctar think discussing -- mccarthy discussing latest speaker vote and israel as well. thanks for inviting us into your home tonight. that's if for the special report, fair, balanced and still unafraid. t"the ingraham angle" is next. >> laura: i'm laura ingraham, this is ingraham angle from wa

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