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Israel promises to continue to deliver harsh punishment like you are sittin seeing on the sc. A day after hamas savage attack on siblings that left at least 700 dead. Good evening i am jon scott and this is the fox report. Fighting continues between the two sides at tonight. Israeli Officials Say at least 260 bodies will remove from the site of a Music Festival hamas attacked u. S. Is moving in aircraft clearly or strike group to the Eas Eastern Mediterraneao support israel. Yesterday President Biden promised to support the israeli people and he condemned the hamas group attack as terrorism in its most despicable form. This hour the Associated Press according u. S. Official is reporting at least four americans were killed in the hamas attacks. Also tonight the Wall Street Journal reporting that i run help plop the attack on israel according to senior hamas and hezbollah leaders. Trey yingst is live in Southern Israel with the latest on all of this, trey . Asked jon, good evening. As we speak there are Palestinian Militants in the southern part of this country that are engaging Israeli Forces in gun battles. The communities that sit along the gaza border the israeli say tonight they still had not taken back all of the territory that was captured on saturday morning by factions like hamas and Islamic Jihad hundreds of their fighters entered israel. Also i will set the scene for you today amid the rocket fire concerns about what could come next israeli tanks and soldiers headed toward the gaza border as there was a car chase because hamas militants came into the il stole a civilian car and headed to a Population Center take a look. In the town you can see one of the pickup trucks used by hamas fighters to infiltrate into Southern Israel. In the back, they gear they brought with them. You can even see some of the close that they were wearing at the time. These militants massacred many civilians. Some were taken hostage and are now Prisoners Of War inside the gaza strip. A different video that we were referencing the there but that showed hamas trucks that were inside the City Fighting continues in that area tonight with Israeli Forces paid were getting a new video this evening by the Israeli Border police rescuing a family that was taken by it militants along the border you can see here in this video rapid fighting unfolds on an expressway is the border troops go into fields and engage the palestinians in a firefight to rescue this family. One of peace among good news of this truly horrific Story Infiltration do continue for it earlier today was our rocket fire and mortar fire from lebanon there is a real concern this conflict is rapidly escalating to a regional war. Trey, this reporting that is coming not only from the Wall Street Journal but even european leaders are saying that hamas got support directly from iran in planning this attack. That is going to reverberate throughout israel that could lead to a wider conflict i suppose . Absolutely. It raises new questions about how the israelis will respond they are striking gaza right now. The fighter jets and Attack Helicopters, theyre showing the strip from the sea with the countrys navy. They have not yet respondent outside of israel except for a few strikes in Southern Lebanon to respond to the rocket fire that took place earlier today. Now that we know and can confirm iran was involved it changes the equation for the israelis in the past hamas officials Inside Gaza Have told foxnews they were receiving funding and support from the regime. The fact that coordinated this attack and helpe help hamas lauh against israeli civilians and soldiers killing more than 700 is a redline that has crossed. Jon hamas are trying to pretend they coordinated this and played it themselves but nobody believes that. It was way too sophisticated what theyve done in the past. We will check in with you again thank you. As a conflict intensifies United States is sending support for israel. Moving a Carrier Strike group and some warplanes to the easeastern mediterranean in a sw of force. Defense secretary lloyd austin is promising idf even more resources. Peter do seat light at the white house with the latest on that. Officials here at the white house are aware of reports and claims made by israeli counterparts that some of the hostages being held in gaza right now are American Citizens. Will be closely coordinating and working with our israeli partners on making every effort to bring this people back safely. That said, this is a situation as you have heard the israeli say is likely to play out for quite some time. I do think we are going to be wrestling with this for a while. Former National Security advisor thanks there are specific assets President Biden can and should deploy. We have Hostage Rescue Teams and our Special Forces that need to be shipped immediately to get on the c17 and c5 and fly to israel to prepare to rescue these American Citizens. Weve got to have the Fbi Hostage Rescue Team also deployed to israel. I recommended this last night to save the israelis but we need to do it to save americans now. Whats on the Biden Netanyahu call today quote the president also conveyed additional assistance for the Israeli Defense forces is now on its way to israel with more to follow over the coming days. Ongoing efforts no energy can or should seek advantage of the current situation. Secretary of state is out today denying 6 billion the recently unfolds for iran directly funded this attack. And any money is spent from that account can only be as for medical supplies for food, for medicine and though saying otherwise are misinformed or misinforming. And it is wrong either way. Next iran has always use and focused his funds on supporting terrorism for unsupported groups like hamas. President biden is nowhere to be seen on this today. No events on camera none expected. Jon peter doocy from the white house, thanks. The United Nations Security Council holding an Emergency Meeting just over 24 hours after that unprecedented attack by the israeli ambassador to the un is calling for the council to condemn hamas cb cant live outside the un in New York City. Good evening jon for israel un ambassador gilad erdan said he got it broken to homes gathered families into rooms and shot them pointblank. Among those who were able to survive the seizure mothers, fathers, children they have now been taken hostage in the region for the ambassador saying there are even Holocaust Survivors who were taken hostage, dragged into gaza per the ambassador saying using the photos and videos to show the brutality unfolding, watch. Look at this grandmother being forced to hold a hamas terrorist rifle as he takes a picture with her. This is inhumane. Inhumane. Just look at this photo of the bodies of women strewn in the streets and the bus stop. Ambassador gilad erdan remarks ahead of the u. S. Un comes as proisrael demonstrators take to the New York City street securing israels flag or waving signs with proisrael messages. Gilad erdan singh israels calling on the United Nations and the world to condemn hamas actions calling this israels 911. He was also asked to respond to countries who said this sort of violence in the region will continue without a two state solution. Try an that being one of those countries, here is the ambassadors response. I do not remember anyone talking about achieving Peace Agreement with al qaeda or with isis. Peace cannot be achieved with an organization whose sole only goal is to destroy you and to butcher each and every one of your citizens. Palestinian int interests mae sure to have might give it remarks ahead of the Security Council meeting. Palestinian bassett or to the United Nations saying palestinians will not ignore israels quote occupation or israels quote oppression of their people and again i am quoting there. We are starting to see pro palestinian voices converge with proisrael voices here today in the city. Jon to be caught reporting live in york city thank you. Lets bring in michael hes israel ambassador to the United States in 2009 until 2013 he is also a former member israels House Of Representatives. Ambassador, it is hard to convey, it is hard to believe how the numbers changed overnight. When it ended this broadcast 24 hours ago it was thought there were about 200 people dead. Now that number has gone up to 700 and i suppose it could go even higher. How do you react to whats happened . Good evening jon. It is excruciating for israel in terms of human lives the costliest day in israel history. Deadlier than the first day of the war 1973 perhaps even our 1948 war of independence. The fact that judge or terrorists have penetrated our territory, attacked our farms, tact our neighborhoods, attacked our schools and communities is truly unbearable for israelis. Its a deep shock for this country. We wont rebound, we have no choice but to rebound. Well drive these terrorists from our territory. Hopefully we will drive hamas out of the gaza strip entirely and restore both our security and our power. Jon what about the hostages questioning any official number how many might be taken hostage . It varies between 10130. Certainly this will be a major consideration as we move into next phases of this operation. I expect therell be some type of ground operation. Surely people expect that. We have gone through five different rounds of fighting with hamas. Each time has restore the status quo and the israeli Public Opinion has increasingly expressed dissatisfaction with this outcome for it you want to change that status quo. This attack by hamas has been so unprecedented into barbarism and its scope there is just no way israel will allow any government to restore that status quo. And certainly that government and deciding how and when to move Ground Troops to think about the fate of those hostages in the hands of hamas. It will be difficult decisions in the days and weeks ahead. I know you want to destroy it hahamasbut how do you do that sf going into gaza that were 15 Million People live . And destroying every mail person of fighting age. I dont think its quite that drastic about 2 Million People there will not be very, very cautious. The military has had engagements and men very cautious in attacking and responding to hamas chair from gaza. Getting warnings to civilians to leave neighborhoods its called a Knocknock Knock we send a non explosive device to the roofs of houses to let people know theres going to be an attack. We send hundreds of thousands of emails and other social media messages. And leaflets to get civilians to leave areas of combat. Invariably tragically civilians are hurts. We certainly regret this but hamas uses them as Human Shields of knob using israelis as Human Shields as well this is the nature of the truly barbarous enemy in which we face. And i must say they are terrorists they are not militants. The New York Times may call them militants msnbc called the militants do not call them militants they are tears there defined by terrorists as the u. S. Government and many governments in europe. Militants do not take two and 50 kids out of eight music concert, take them out and shoot them. Jon you mention the nine states President Biden is offered whatever assistance the u. S. Can provide. Carrier strike group is going to be headed to the mediterranean to be a show of force offshore. What else can or should the United States do . What would you like to see . I like to see not just movements of American Naval sources but also movements of American Forces in the persian gulf. We all knew iran played a Cardinal Role in this attack. We know iran fears the pending Peace Agreement between saudi arabia and israel. They fear the nuclear station of saudi arabia. By the way they feel the return of donald trump to the presidency. They have lots of fear that i also see opportunities they see weakness we have division over judicial reform. They see It Unwillingness on part in the United States to engage in further entanglements in the middle east. So iran is acting out of fear and a sense of opportunity having worked to create instability in the middle east it was so, so easy to back up hamas and have this happen. Not just show a naval force opposite which is the proxy of iran but actually demonstrates naval force opposite the operator the boss of iran of hezbollah which is ironic. Iran, iran, around thats with a the deposition should be made. Jon you say for all over this. There while surgeon reported the same thing do you see direct kinetic action against iran from israel as a result . I would not rule it out. That would be a headline. Ambassador michael oren. I would not rule it out i am not a socialist government im not in congress and all. I have long been an advocate of not striking at the tail of the snake but strike at the head of the snake. For many, many years israel has been the target of iranian proxies we have struck back at those proxies peg a very high price both diplomatically and financially. Every possible way and iran gets off scott free. It is high time iran no longer gets off scott free. Six ambassador Michael Ord Formulate the ambassador to the nine states. Thank you. 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A sixhour coverage of the war in israel continues now several Major Airlines are cutting flights to tel aviv after hamas fighters launched a Surprise Attack on israel yesterday. About 15 of flights into the International Airport canceled yesterday includes flights on Delta Airlines is working to bring its employees and israel back to the United States. The cancellations come as explosions have been heard in tel aviv over the last two days. U. S. Lawmakers from both parties are expressing support for israel but not much can be done to help until the House Of Representatives chooses a new speaker. Appropriation bills can only be drafted in the house meeting any Financial Support america might give israel is currently on hold. Alexandria hoff has more. What washington is divided in so many areas this is when were both si sides are not hesitatino say we stand with israel and its right to defend itself. Several Progressive Squad Members do stand out though for the statements they have put out also condemn retaliation by israel. Congresswoman aoc wrote an immediate ceasefire and deescalation is urgently needed to save lives. Representative cory bush stated peace in the region will only be found by quote ending u. S. Government support for Israeli Military occupation and apartheid. Those views are outliers in congress. We stand foursquare behind them. In this ward to destroy hamas its warmaking and governing capabilities. If stood strongly behind israel during its first 75 years we will stand strongly behind israel for the next 75 years and beyond. Fox news Channel Program has confirmed democratic mentor leader Hakeem Jeffries received a briefing last night on the escalating situation is now attempting to arrange a briefing for all house members. Since eight gop hardliners ousted their own House Speaker last week there is no permanent republican at the helm. It is not really clear if the speaker pro tem Patrick Mchenry can even get the Intelligence Briefings to know exactly whats going on in real realtime that limits the houses ability to do its job and its a function should resources need to be made available to our ally israel. The race for speaker for now between rep Steve Scalise and jim jordan bro per jordan saidy if elected speaker is first would be to help the state of israel. Republican source of the attacks on israel may speed up the election of a new speaker so that the house can be operational once again. Jon Alexandria Hoff in washington, alex thank you. Lets bring an arkansas republican Congressman French Hill he sits on the House Financial Services committee. Lets take up that Issue Congress hands are tied as far as aid to israel goes until we get a speaker, right . What ststart its good to be wi. The senate could take up today our foreign operations and defense appropriation bills. Both have specific funding for israel, Israel Defense our partnership with israel they have significant funding to counter iran by hardening our own Military Bases and our partners Military Bases and performing a Counter Operation to iran and hamas theyll be a straightforward way for the senate to take that action asap. Jon you mention iran. There are a number of reports out there from the Wall Street Journal and elsewhere that iran was actually involved in the planning of these attacks. If that is the case what would be the mood in congress toward some kind of response to iran . That congress has stood unified about iran dating back to obamas failed a nuclear deal with iran. Both our defense appropriations bills, our Defense Authorization bill is a strong counter iran standards. We want to cut off funding to iran. Went to increase the sanctions on iran. Do not support that. I would support additional Naval Operations in the persian gulf as was suggested. You see interstate and foreign operations measure as well. I think you find a unified approach to countering iran because they back hamas financially they back hezbollah financial you see that open source data 70 billion to hezbollah paid 100 billion to hamas. Seems to be a stretch to think the terrace in the gaza strip planned this by themselves. Jon National Security council is now confirming to fox news congressman that several u. S. Citizens have been killed in these attacks. Does that ramp up the interest in the ability of u. S. Military forces to respond . Of course it does but in time American Citizens or american interests are threatened that heightens our military approach, or diplomatic approach. Democrat of michigan might show made Surethe Americans held Abrd Illegally Task Force on capitol hill. We have asked for a briefing from the State Department we know about citizens injured killed or held hostage by the terrorists. Jon is likely to continue. It is believed americans are held hostage by hamas they will continue to milk those hostages for whatever value they can get out of them. Apps to try to leverage america perhaps to mock america. We are going to be seeing a lot of terrible scenes in the days and weeks to come. Except those two again i know tony blinken doesnt agree with that but money is fungible as you have heard. Release and the funding from south korea back to i around the 6 billion connected to five american hostages that were freed, that puts a price on a blue passport and that is dangerous and i understand the secretarys objection to that. 6 billion 40 billion backing aside and backing tear. Jon the Hostage Rescue Deal and the 6 billion was a huge mistake in your book . In my view connecting the two was a mistake where theres also big money being freed up back to iran from iraq the United States is working with iraq on. This is money that iraq owes the regime in tehran for buying a natural gas from them. But again, every hard dollar that goes back into the Iranian Regime through qatar or even if it stated for humanitarian purposes we are not naive here but we know money is fungible and irans Principal Mission is to but wipe israel off the face of the earth. Attack American Forces Attack Americans in the United States we have cut them in their plots to kill former National Security advisor john bolton. The United States threatened former Secretary Of State mike pompeo there is nothing good about iran in the region it is a huge statesponsored terrorism including in my view will have to wait and see will get the facts, well get an intelligence briefing when we get back to washington to see if there any fingerprints of their efforts to back hamas attack on unprecedented attack by land, sea, air on the people of israel. Jon lets hope these developments will provide the impetus to get your body to elect a speaker and get going on that process this week. Congressman we appreciate your time tonight thank you. Thanks jon. The unprecedented attack on israel make in the middle east crisis a major focus and the 2024 president ial race but republicans running to take on President Biden are taking turns criticizing his response and his Foreign Policy in the region. Mamark merited is live on the Campaign Trail from cedar rapids, iowa with that. Correct jon, good evening to you the entire republican president ial field now pivoting to Foreign Policy. These candidates offering full support to israel and today four to Governor Desantis who is here in iowa going a step further condemning some supporters of hamas have been holding rallies in his state. Late today posted these rallies have been happening in tampa Fort Lauderdale supporting hamas report as a terrorist group dedicated to the destruction of israel commits atrocities to further that end. While on the Campaign Trail here and i went cedar rapids more specifically badges support israel in its hour of need. The governor also taking a direct shot at President Bidens response to the crisis thus far. I can tell you this, i would not have slept through those attacks if i were in the white house but it wouldve been up at 2 00 a. M. In the morning we wouldve been doing what we needed to do. To protect this country. Rex desantis calling the attacks barbaric. He has tough words essay for the hamas would be looking to see whether not this continues to come up on his foreign poly stump speech he will have more events and i would To Margaret South center tim scott also talk a lot about israel hes Urging Americans to closely monitor what is happening. 1100 deaths in israel is like 40000 in america. Number two, this was an act of pure evil. I am hoping hamas is wiped off the face of the earth for what i would do his commanderinchief is make sure israel has all the assets and the support they n need. Is weak and former Vice President mike pence also vowing to stand with israel. Criticizing his former boss for President Trump arguing the u. S. Has to do more not less to ensure global security. But i also believe this is what happens but we have leading voices like donald trump, and ron desantis Signaling Retreat from americas role as leader of the free world. Former President Trump, he was here in iowa holding multiple events in the state on saturday that is because iowa caucus is less than 100 days away but he talked a lot about israel during his attendance will likely talk about again tomorrow when he makes us stop up in new hampshire. Jon Mark Meredith reporting live from iowa thank you. The headline just breaking in the fox news in the National Security council is confirming now several americans we do not know the exact number but several americans have been killed in the hamas attack on israeli soil. We will be back with more in just a moment. Ers, but we help you shape your financial story. Were not an airline, but our Network Connects global businesses across nearly 160 markets. Were not a startup, but our Innovation Labs use new technologies to help keep your information secure. Were not architects, but we help build stronger communities. Were not just any bank. We are citi. Woman whos that, who is that . Cole this is my puppy woman cancer. Its different in a child. Because your child is still growing. Charlie i had 14 rounds of chemo. Theres thousands and thousands of kids all over the world who need help. Girl it is my first time having cancer. And its the very worst. 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Spokesman when you call or go online with your credit or debit card right now, well send you this saint jude tshirt you can wear to show your support to help saint jude save the lives of these children. Woman [nonenglish speech] spokesman lets cure Childhood Cancer together. Artjon the National Security ny council moments ago confirming to fox news several americans have been killed in the fighting there. Wall street journal also reporting iran helped to plot a Surprise Attack that left at least 700 israel is dead. Israeli Officials Say at least 260 bodies were removed from a Music Festival that the hamas attacks but meantime the pentagon says it is moving an aircraft Carrier Strike group and some warplanes closer to israel in the eastern mediterranean. Secretary of state Antony Blinken says President Biden wants to make sure israel gets everything that it needs. Art trey yingsts been on the ground covering the worsens of first rockets were fired about 36 hours ago pretty joint is now from Southern Israel with the very latest there. Jon, good evening. Hamas continues rocket fire into southern and Central Israel tonight. The group says they tried to target airports ben gurion airport. Weve seen a number of carriers shut down flights to the jewish state. They are simply not going to fly planes into a country that is at war. We know israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has made a decision along with the Security Cabinet to declare a fullscale war. And ultimately it appears he will invade the gaza strip. We saw thousands of Israeli Soldiers suited to the border with tanks and apcs you saw the video there of airstrikes inside gaza. The Israeli Air Force using Attack Helicopters and fighter jets to target hamas positions. Number of neighborhoods and eineastern part of the gaza str. This was the darkest day in israels history. Hundreds of civilians were massacred at the hands of Palestinian Militants. At this time gun battles continue in communities along the gaza border. And again the rocket fire making it difficult for planes to land here and for the airspace to be clear as israel prepares to conduct a larger operation. Jon israel says its telling the civilians and gaza to get out or get to safety. But where can they go . It is so densely packed there. That is a great question and something we should raise. Because that siblings cannot leave the gaza strip they can go deeper into gossett that is what the israelis have asked them to do. According to a sport we spoke with inside gaza city, there are thousands of civilians that are heeding the warnings from the israelis sent by Text Messages and on the internet. They are moving to un schools across the gaza strip that have been considered safe zones for civilians and the israelis have agreed not to target those facilities. There are nearly 2 Million People inside gaza that makes the operations extremely difficult. It is one of the most densely Populated Areas on earth. That will certainly be a challenge as he israelis prepare for the possibility and likelihood of that ground invasion. Quickly been looking at the footage and it is incredible to watch of the multistory buildings simply crumbling to dust as a result of the israeli strikes. Hamas famous for hiding its command and control facilities among civ the civilian populatis we should be prepared to hear about lots of civilian deaths taken place in some those buildings i suppose, right trey . Absolutely. Israel will be under a microscope and it comes to civilian casualties. During the war in 2014 was a 51 day conflicts. Many civilians were killed during the strikes each and every day. What is difficult about these airstrikes now and changes the dynamic is the fact there are dozens of Israeli Soldiers and civilians in that side gossett. We have been in gaza during a conflict between israel and Islamic Jihad hundreds of rockets were fired into israel. The rocket fire is coming from all over the strip. Israel will try to target some these launching positions for the try to target militants along the border trying to infiltrate into israel. But when it comes to the tunnels underneath gaza where theyre storing the ammunition and the weapons and the rockets, and even the fighters that are staying in those tunnels how to make difficult decisions. Hamas says they have moved these hostages these Prisoners Of War underneath the gaza strip. For six terrible and bloodied days ahead it seems. Trey yingst, thank you. Lets bring in he is a former diplomat with israels ministry of Foreign Affairs former spokesman for the Consulate General of israel in New York City. I guess the world is getting a view of what hamas methods are their brutality and inhumanity. But i was just speaking with trey there will be repercussions for whatever israel does in the gaza strip. Is the country ready mentally ready for that kind of criticism that is sure to be coming down the pike . Jon, we are at a completely different stage in our conflict with hamas pretty want to remind our viewers that israel make the israels were directed back in two gaza soldiers, innocent women, girls, childrens, toddlers it was israel on its own initiative that left the gaza strip in 2005 in the hope that if the palestinians receive a strip of land they will be able to turn into him using a term we use then, a singapore of the middle east. In a metal of a year hamas took over the gaza strip ousted their movement which controlled the Palestinian Authority which controlled the gaza strip. Three people off the roof in the course of the years ever since it simply escalated its campaign against israel. Not using an ounce of its capabilities to provide anything when it comes to Infrastructure Facility and a better life focusing on death and destruction which is israel. What we have seen on saturday was something israelis have never believed you would ever see. These were belonging to the war of independence in israel in 1948. I want to tell you something out late Prime Minister had a saying she used to say if arabs put down their guns there would be peace but if israel puts down their weapons there will be a massacre. This is something we have been used to repeating but we have never envisioned it to really be a reality. On a saturday this was our reality. Jon have sympathy for the innocent civilians of gaza but hamas has thoroughly infiltrated. The palestinians in gaza are fodder for hamas. The course of the past year israel allowed 20000 palestinian workers to leave the gaza strip and come into israel to provide a livelihood for their families. Is this what a cruel enemy would do . And Exchange Hamas gave us a massacre, rape, butcher, slaughter of innocents. I would to give notes is really eyes are tearing at the moment they are also fiery eyes. Fire rate with determination and knowledge that hamas will pay and will pay dearly for what they have done. Jon hamas does not know anything that the sayso for my run. An ironic order to the Wall Street Journal is heavily involved in the planning here. Do you expect there will be a response to iran . Like former ambassador said nothing can be ruled out. We have known tehran as a nefarious role in the region for years even at myself as a young israeli soldier back in the 90s i remember iran paying the money in exchange for perpetrating Suicide Bombings and israeli schools, hospitals, coffee shops, on buses paying them to the head. The younger, the mothers, the pregnant this is a nefarious nature of the evil regime and its tentacles in lebanon and hezbollah but look at the state of lebanon. Look at the state of yemen and the Palestinian Territories through its proxies. Even i run it self will pay a price for that kind of support. Israel will take every measure possible to defend its citizens from now on in a way that is not been seen because no viable nation can live under such circumstances. You mentioned americans have been killed in the attack but some held hostage and other nations part this is how it should be viewed as an attack on humanity, as an attack on civilization. For me too know that in this day in new york people are standing in times square chanting support for such a massacre these are not people, these are not human beings. Jon they are a minority in the least. Shahar azani we thank you for your time. Your time. Thank you for having me. Jon we will be right back. New science shows listerine is 5x more effective than floss at reducing plaque above the gumline. For a cleaner, healthier mouth. Ahhhhh. Listerine. 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Defense secretary lloyd austin says he has directed uss Gerald R Ford strike group to the Eastern Meeasternmediterranean Includind missile cruiser, Guided Missile destroyers steps to augment f35, f15, f16 and a 10 Fighter Squadrons in the region. In a statement often also says quote the United States government will be rapidly providing the israel Defense Forces with additional equipment and resources including munitions. The First Security assistance and arriving in the coming days. Austin said the u. S. Maintains ready forces globally to reinforce this deterrence posture if that is required. The u. S. Military already has a presence in the middle east. When the low Back Militias it previously attacked Wall Street Journal is reporting our money and Security Officials help plant this attack and gave the green light last monday at a meeting in beirut. The journal reports Islamic Revolution guard corps officers and representatives for a running back militant groups including hamas refine the details of this operation across several meetings. The pentagon says this afternoon spoke with Defense Minister they spoke yesterday as well by the Defense Department says that leaders agreed to remain in close contact in the days and weeks ahead. Secretary of state Antony Blinken says the State Department is trying to confirm reports of American Citizens killed or taken hostage. The israelis have been negotiating what would be a historic Peace Agreement with saudi arabia if they finalize it. Israeli Prime Minister benjamin shahar azani is warning of a long and difficult war. He blamed dollars of weapons in israel Officials Say some of that could likely be used to help israel. Jon rich edson at the Pentagon Force thank you. Back with more coverage of israels war jon day two of the war in the middle east the National Security council come from several of the americans have been killed in israel. The nsc did not give an exact number. Americans are among at least 700 People Killed so far. Trey yingst has been on the ground covering the war since the first rockets were fired 36 hours ago. Good evening with the update that American Citizens were killed in the Wall Street Journal is reporting iran directed and helped hamas against israel. There are new questions how israel and the United States will respond to the massacre of civilians. This is not simply an attack on soldiers, combat noncombatant, this is an attack on civilians against mothers, children, grandparents, they were dragged and slaughtered. Israel will not let this go. What we are likely to see in the coming hours and days it is really encouraging into gaza. First hamas and Islamic Jihad came into israel and israel is planning to go into gaza in israeli Prime Minister japan got yahoo is planning to destroy all hamas infrastructure not just military infrastructure but the government infrastructure, critical day ahead. Jon more bloodshed it would appear. Trey yingst, thank you. That is how Fox Reports On The Sunday the eighth of october 2023. I am jon scott. Thank you for joining us. Stay with fox news for continuing coverage of the war in israel. 700 people known dead so far. Several of them americans. The Big Weekend Show is next. With the money i saved, i started a dog walking business. Oh. [dog barks] no its just a bunny only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. sean i wish for the amazing new iphone 15 pro jason sean do you mean this one the one with titanium . 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