Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox 20240703 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox 20240703

after unusual torrential rains hit this leaving tens of thousands of people trapped christina coleman joins us live with the latest, christina. >> county sheriff's office that it is investigating a death at this rain events they have not released information on how this person died at this time. more than 70000 people usually attend burning man each year end abnevada's black rock desert its unusual for storms and floods to soak the event typically dry and dusty site. close gates to the event to keep vehicles or being stuck in the sludge it is eight muddy mess. some participants say they have embraced the challenging conditions. consent one just the past two days have the best i've had watching everyone come together and enjoy it and you'll be dripping wet and bone cold you'll be walking by because you've been discussing porta potty but it does not matter everyone is inviting you into come dancing and cheering you on. >> tens of thousands of participants were ordered to shelter in place to conserve fuel, food, water one for mental fox news how her family or how they pass the time, take a listen. >> we brought a deck of cards would been being card games andn the tent with mud belt cookies that are free in the back of her tent if you care for one project is pretty crazy especially for my first time back because last time i was here was four years ago. until the first time i back this happens. >> not everybody was stuck in the mud comedian chris rock and dj it walked about 6 miles before they were picked up by a fan and others enjoying music and community even in spite of the messy conditions. burning man is scheduled to end tomorrow is unclear exactly how and when the people will leave this event site though and those muddy conditions also today the white house released a statement saying the biden administration is monitoring the situation, john. >> christina coleman, thank you. for more on this check in via skype with someone who is at the burning man festival bit coin foundation chairman 2020 presidential candidate brock pierce how's it going for you there? >> as you have heard from some of the earlier segments everyone is in good spirits despite the challenges that we all face. >> we were told that there has been a death at the festival. has that word gotten around? >> i got word of that of a potential electrical issue in the rain with the big heavy electrical equipment. and so it is a possibility. still a rumor it is not confirmed. but yes, you are out here with serious equipment to make sure that we can all survive. and i pray that is not true. >> is kind of weird authorities are telling people to conserve their water, conserve their food just because i guess they cannot get supplies in there with all of this mud? >> i am taking care of my family, my tribe amongst others making sure there is water and food. yes, the biggest concern right now is actually fuel and making sure we have the gasoline to keep running. jon: wended the rain start and how much did you get? >> the rain came in last night. there was the hurricane that came up through california and nevada. that because every thing at the beginning of the burn those of us who have been on europe and i hear a couple of weeks that were building things, we were used to this. and then last night it came back again and we got hit with some heavy rain. and everybody has been stuck. there are beautiful people showing up to take care of beautiful people. and all will be good. jon: what about the events planned for the festival itself? has any event been happening? >> well, i mean i run a camp and run beautiful music and all the things. none of the program as we designed it is still in force. we are making the most when given a lemon we make lemonade. and it is going to be sweet and everybody's going to be great too. jon: is not it would stop at the images we are seeing it look a lot like that. all of the mud and people having a good time. >> everyone is going to be fine and yes it's going to be rough it will be woodstock like but everyone is going to be good. we are going to survive this and all will be well. jon: enjoy the mud it looks like it will be something memorable at any rate brock pierce we appreciate you coming on thank you. >> thank you. >> pennsylvania authorities say they could be closing in on convicted murderer. surveillance footage yesterday it captured him walking less than 2 miles away from the prison that he escaped on thursday but officials were many pmoney public he is considered extremely dangerous. cb cotton has more from our newsroom. >> hi john, caught on camera and cornered investigators believe that is now the case for escaped inmate. investigators have now perhaps the biggest clue so far with a positive siding on home surveillance, check this out but officials say this is him sneaking through a wooded residential area just before 2:00 a.m. saturday at less than 2 miles from the prison. the district attorney says in the video he's got on a light colored t-shirt, pants and white sneakers while carrying a backpack which by the way people police are not sure how i got that. his long black curly hair was 120 pounds he escaped from the chester county present which is about 30 miles west of philly just before 9:00 a.m. thursday morning investigators are looking into whether he had help with his escape. it was set to be transferred to a state correctional facility to serve a life sentence for murdering his ex-girlfriend. prosecutor said he stabbed the woman in front of her children because she found out he is wanted for 2017 murder in his home country of brazil. police are those who live near the search area can help with extra sets of eyes and vigilance. >> please remain vigilant with your observations. especially given the long holiday weekend where people may be out of town it's very likely the suspect could attempt to break into one of those homes. >> we would not want that. there was a report, john of an attempted burglary not too far where while he was spotted on that home surveillance. while investigators quote strongly believe it was him, police are not able to say it was him just yet. there is a reward of 10,000 dollars for his capture, john. jon: i'm sure people will not be sleeping well until he is captured, cb cotton thanks. your nation has your back that is president biden's message to victims is hurricane idalia recovery continues in florida biden's visit did not seem to get political when the state's governor in biden's potential 2024 rival ron desantis failed to meet with him as he toured the damage great lucas tomlinson's life in the white house with more, lucas? quick strong, disaster project is on the menu today governor desantis respond to something present biden said yesterday about the climate. >> nobody can deny the impact of climate crisis sees nobody intelligent can deny the impact of a climate crisis anymore. just look around too. around the nation and the world for that matter prehistoric floods, intensive droughts, extreme heat, deadly wildfires. >> here is the desantis response today in yankee town. when he got shot politicizing the weather and natural disasters we know from history they're signed it's very busy in florida late 40s early 50s. we have a lot of hits of significant hurricanes. sometimes people need to take a breath and get a little bit of perspective here. >> a quick fact check that shows governor desantis is right. i'm going to fox news research what data. searching 2005 to 2000. six more in fact check my math separate speaking of history 1935 the most intense hurricane to ever hit the united states made landfall in the ford accused has become known as the labor day hurricane and had max wins 135 miles per hour there over 400 deaths associated with the storm. once again that was back in 1935. later this week present biden support for the india later goes on to vietnam just spoke to reporters who asked about the decision by china's president not to attend the g20 summit president biden said he is disappointed. jon: lucas i checked your mouth it was spot on so good job. lucas tomlinson at the white house thanks. meanwhile house speaker kevin mccarthy traveled to maui to see firsthand the devastation from last month deadly wildfires there. mccarthy met with federal local officials involved in the recovery efforts and spoke at a news conference saturday discussing the changes that need to be made going forward. >> think the greatest thing we do is help rebuild what was lost. the next thing we do is create policies to make the costs come down so people will not leave the island i think we can better prepare for disaster does not happen. we had done something with the power lines maybe this would not have happened if we had done something with the mitigation of the fuel in the grass around, had we had a different fire break? >> at least 115 people were killed in those wildfires. hundreds more remain missing. >> we are in the middle of a national identity crisis today. faith, patriotism, hard work, family, these things have disappeared for quick to believe republicans want to bring crime down and go back to law and order. i believe republicans want transparency in schools. i believe republicans went to secure the border. quick to say with humility, i am just simply the most experienced, tested and proven conservative running for the republican nomination today. >> gop candidates are pushing their political messages ahead of the second primary debate that is hosted by foxbusiness september 27. but what is the state of the race for the white house now? former senior advisor to governor, joins us now to discuss. i do look at the kent them had a good w nixon had a rocky week porboard is this case stand out? >> the back to the debate on fox did a great job at the debate but when you tuned in and it was almost like you're going to the movies there is no main character you're going to watch a lot of interesting personalities but no one really stood out who benefits from that? donald trump the former president. you have seen his numbers tick up nationally in the wall street journal had a poll he is now almost 60% nationally amongst the republican primaries also taking up another's early primary states stupid that's a big problem for the rest of these candidates runs like a pack hunter trying to take him down but they keep losing ground. jon: it smart for him whether you like his candidacy or not is it smart for him not to get on the debate stage of the other candidates? next i personally think it is. for him it's why bother with the jv team when i can keep doing what i need to do. the voters are seeing what they want. they're trying to look as if there's an alternative to donald trump so far they've not seen anyone they think that person could be my alternative the most interesting part is, his numbers are taking up time is 50% category in the states to starting to get there. essentially trump versus the field where before there was a theory it's a one on one canister between trump and desantis and someone else maybe some will take about but not trump is moving up this way close to 50 it's more. >> a lot of people out there speculate many of these district attorneys have been filing state charges against donald trump to try to force them out of the race. your analysis suggests it has backfired? >> is deafly backfiring every time his head in indictment first couple never popped up a note to baked in. everyone of the voters eyes glaze over they say it's just another when they're trying to indict the former president. that's an outrageous thing now you're starting to democrats try to say is not going to be qualified to serve as president. that will also backfire i predict you it's not something we want voters want to have the choice to have the person they want to pick going to the white house donald trump jump is benefiting mightily from democrats or political actions were correct as the race stands now do you see a rematch between donald trump and joe biden? >> i do i really do. it's not a foregone conclusion there's a lot of things that can happen but it's pretty much that's going to be the case if you also look at some of the pole some of the early numbers there is a sphere tactic that's being thrown out there donald trump can't be elected president. i would never say that again i think donald trump could aptly be imprisoned and think joe biden is one of the weakest incumbents we have had ever. i think trump could surprise a lot of out there. >> about the possibility of a third party the note label folks are saying the negatives are so high for both of these two leading contenders we just mention trump and biden that if you put some kind of a moderate mainstream middle-of-the-road ticket together you might be able to pull it off. >> a less third-party kant had a real impact us ross perot he had a reason to be in the race you got the east coast with the country is going to i don't think no labels is where we are right now people are pretty dissatisfied with things they're not looking for comedy in their politics are looking for people to shake things up, break things and try to fix stuff so things are better for them. there is a disconnect between note labels and what grassroots voters think about. jon: you do not think there is a possibility of a third party coming in and stealing the selection for the democrats? >> i don't think so i think any third party personal of the incremental numbers that you always see two or 3%. it will be baked in going into it this is going to be a two-party race and the likely nominee is going to be donald trump versus joe job identicale a rematch. i'm not prepared to say is going to win it i certainly think donald trump could be elected president again. jon: the negatives are pretty high for joe biden at right now pretty hard to get elected when your approval rating is in the high 30s may be low 40s. >> that also say there's another pull this done every month how satisfied are you with the direction of the country? right now we are 18 or 20% of the country satisfies the direction of the country that's a very telling sign. this is a months and months of inflation or maybe inflation takes down a little bit but prices are so much higher than when he took office and people just do not feel good about their status in life. that's going to have a very negative effect on joe biden in his reelection bid. >> 36 gas prices above four boxes not make anyone happy right now. >> taking your kid out to dinner or something it's more expensive now. jon: j chabria good to talk to you thanks. brand-new round of covid 19 covid 19mandates and new calls r boosters could be right around the corner. doesn't all follow the science question at dr. marty makary has answers on that and he is next. every day, more dog people are deciding it's time for a fresh approach to pet food. developed with vets. made from real meat and veggies. portioned for your dog. and delivered right to your door. it's smarter, healthier pet food. type 2 diabetes? discover the ozempic® tri-zone. in my ozempic® tri-zone, i lowered my a1c, cv risk, and lost some weight. in studies, the majority of people reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as stroke, heart attack, or death in adults also with known heart disease. and you may lose weight. adults lost up to 14 pounds. ozempic® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't share needles or pens, or reuse needles. don't take ozempic® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop ozempic® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. gallbladder problems may occur. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking ozempic® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. join the millions already taking ozempic®. ask your health care provider about the ozempic® tri-zone. >> valet attendant driving. the man is also considered armed and dangerous. please essay the valley was killed will trying to stop a thief from breaking into vehicles. authorities are asking the public to come forward with any information. >> a teenager is dead and adult wounded after shooting outside a louisiana high school football game. the school district saying at happen despite extra security on hand at the game friday night. this is just the latest and a string of shootings of high school games across the country. has the story. >> westbound police have yet to make an arrest as they pursue leads there also work with the school board to evaluate security protocols. >> west baton rouge is a safe community law enforcement would do everything we can for a safe environment. >> investigators identified the 16-year-old who was fatally shot. they believe there may have been some altercation between queen and the suspect or suspects. there note initial indications to suggest this was a random attack. 28-year-old woman was also hurt the social media post says she was shot in the arm she is expected to recover. >> is a selflessness act of violence that's not going to be tolerated. especially at happen with their family. we had children there we had families therapy. >> this comes after multiple people were shot high school games in oklahoma and the atlanta area last month 15-year-old suspect was arrested in connection with the deadly shooting 10 miles east of oklahoma city here in atlanta schools are using metal detectors and body scanners with hot shot in the highest parking out of high school football game. he may never walk again. medlin thank you. covid-19 cases on the rise as a new variant be a 2.86 rapidly spreads across the country but health officials are the reporting of new cases of the variant in states like michigan, virginia, ohio and texas. president biden it is titled biden waves through another covid was to be certain it works but there is no data how is this how we approve drugs now? joining us now dr. marty makary is a fox news medical contributor. doctor makary, no human data that supports this new booster shot? >> that is right every new medication or vaccine requires a human trial. the only exception has been the flu shot which has a 50 year safety record right now with the covid vaccine has a lot more complications. not just myocarditis and young people but a ring of complications as high as one in five and 56 doses. bbiden basically has said it works before the fda approved it. biden said necessary before they met. they have a scheduled meeting and nine days to decide whether to recommend this. i for every single american over age 12. that means a 9-year-old girl but get 77 covid chasse and her average life span but pfizer made $100 billion during the pandemic they can afford to do a randomized control trial to give us some human data. >> 's last booster shot was kind of a flop wasn't it? the government spent about $5 billion on shots and only 20% of the american public actually got it. >> they had preordered and purchased 171 million doses. only 17% of americans agreed to it many of those were simply required to take it as part of a school or work requirement. the government had a massive surplus they tried to get rid of the vaccines. they even tried to give it to china for free in china declined the offer. they did at the same way without human outcome studies. and again ignoring the natural immunity ignoring the risk and young healthy people to be infinitesimally low. we had had it on cnn the othery getting challenged by the host on the efficacy of these vaccines. here's part of his response i would hope that if in fact we get to the point the volume of cases are such organizations like the cdc recommends the cdc doesn't mandate anything. we hope they abide by the recommendation and take into account the risk to themselves and to their families. >> the problem document carry is one of trust. not nobody but a lot of people do not seem to trust the cdc and some of these government agencies anymore. >> that's right there's been a lot of groupthink. this been an attempt to silence anyone against the consensus. medicine change the culture of medicine change drink of it. we now have an era were expertse experts who are highly partisan are citing date it with conclusions they like even if these studies are flawed. has impeccable standards that is what dr. fauci was confronted on in that interview. he was confronted about the cochran review on masks. one or 50 studies reviewed in a comprehensive way by the most high authority body and all of medicine. it showed there was no impact on the epidemic whatsoever. dr. fauci, writers and criticize it or try to point out a flaw in that study acknowledge it was quote unquote less strong than other data. jon: so for instance a lot of colleges are requiring covid boosters or covid shot. you are giving those essentially two teenagers you are saying they do not need that kind of protection? effect might be harmful? ask georex georgetown universits recurring masks again. one hundred colleges are requiring covid shots. we have ignored the data on the larger public health human intervention in human history and said everybody's rewriting their own story. i wish we could have seen a less blind a political allegiance to one or two public health experts and instead talk about things like obesity and the mental health crisis for there's a group of doctors that believe one 100% of what dr. fauci has said from ignoring natural immunity to pushing boosters and young people, masking toddlers, closing schools and now you're seeing the same sort of political allegiance with the mask issue and the cochran review. jon: my doctor told me not to get the booster and i i'm fine with that. dr. marty makary we appreciate it thank you. >> thanks jon. jon: flash mobs up in the squeeze on small business owners coast-to-coast print even bigger retailers now forced to keep basic items under lock and key. when does this madness and customer small business expert with his thoughts next. ♪ i have type 2 diabetes, but i manage it well. ♪ ♪ jardiance ♪ ♪ it's a little pill with a big story to tell. ♪ ♪ i take once-daily jardiance, ♪ ♪ at each day's staaart. ♪ ♪ as time went on it was easy to seee. ♪ ♪ i'm lowering my a1c. ♪ jardiance works 24/7 in your body to flush out some sugar! and for adults with type 2 diabetes and known heart disease, jardiance can lower the risk of cardiovascular death, too. jardiance may cause serious side effects including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, that can lead to sudden worsening of kidney function, and genital yeast or urinary tract infections. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, ketoacidosis, or an allergic reaction, and don't take it if you're on dialysis. taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. ♪ jardiance is really swell, ♪ ♪ the little pill with a big story to tell. ♪ i'm hungry, i'm in a hurry, i don't have time to make anything healthy. you could if you had a blendjet. blendjet? it's the portable blender that makes the healthy choice the most convenient choice. i don't know. it seems like a hassle. hahaha! wrong. just pour in some milk, add some frozen fruit, and bam! you've got a nutritious and delicious smoothie. mmm! that is good. you're welcome, sad office guy. get yours today at are we in in an ad? we sure are. my frequent heartburn had me taking antacid after antacid all day long but with prilosec otc just one pill a day blocks heartburn for a full 24 hours. for one and done heartburn relief, prilosec otc. one pill a day, 24 hours, zero heartburn. ♪ ♪. jon: fears are growing across the country and it is no wonder why. scenes like this, bold shameless flash mob robberies leaving customers and employees a terrified and helpless. the video you are looking at was taken california at nordstrom nm store. it is also a costly problem according to a new report investors business daily. big retailers like target, kohl's, and r nordstrom gettingt especially hard. but smaller businesses are reeling as well. about half in the united states saw a rise in crime last year. just as many say they have had to raise prices cpa a small business expert and president of the marks a group it is infuriating to see what some of these mobs pull off. how do we stop it. >> is absolute brutal. a little background why this is happening. so many states have a threshold of felonies for when these crimes or misdemeanors. illinois of threshold is $300 rate california threshold you just showed the video is nine or $50. a shoplifter can take up to nine or $50 worth of materials it would still be considered a misdemeanor. in florida the threshold of isseven or $50 per pennsylvanian my state $2000 per wisconsin $2500. even if it's transferred as a misdemeanor a lot of the police under res resourced uncle aftere stuff. if you are a small merchant there is a lot of encouragement for people to come into your storage shoplift or steal they will be put into jail. >> so many of these employees are under orders not to confront the thieves let them get away with it. you do that thing? >> i completely agree. the bottom line is if your stores being hit by a flash mob there is nothing you can do at that moment. the worst thing you can just get employees involved he certainly do not want to get people hurt you do not want the liability for doing that. what you have to do is take some steps to kinda protect your store and contribute to some the flash mob participants being caught. these are highly organized. there are very few of them so the more we can do is small businesses to try and identify some of these people live under the police and law enforcement to try and catch them and cut down crimes. >> the police obviously have a role to play here. they are often hamstrung in trying to enforce the laws on the books. >> it's up to us went to caveat this yes hiring security guards is a very important thing you should consider doing. put expensive behind plexiglas or locking them up as well but locking your doors and outline people in a less than buzz themselves and also important. and jon there's a lot of technology ai power technology that's coming out on the market and tag your materials and cut down on these groups is not cheap to do i realize that but we have to be doing our part to cut this down helps the entire industry. jon: on the big retailers and like starbucks or closing stores especially on the west coast because the theft has become so atrocious they are throwing in the towel and saying forget it, we are not going to stay open. >> if you are a starbucks or any other big retailer with thousands of locations you really do have the option of making moves like that. if you are a typical merchant and a downtown area that's been hit by a slower economy that has been hit by so many people working from home and not come into your store is much. you don't have a lot of options to close up your store and move somewhere else. so you have to do other things. i am telling my clients they need to be getting together with other merchants in their area. convening groups together so you can share the cost of security. there are a lot of cities but might city in philadelphia, chicago, l.a., helps subsidize putting in security systems. you should look into those programs to minimize the cost. challenge we have to get through until law enforcement and regulators when it comes to prosecuting will be nice to see them arrested and make them do serious jail time five years, 10 years that would be nice. >> it would be good. >> love to see it hope it happens. thanks. >> thanks jon take care. we back with more news on the fox report. [music playing] subject 1: cancer is a long journey. it's overwhelming, but you just have to put your mind to it and fight. subject 2: it doesn't feel good because you can't play outside with other children. subject 3: as a parent, it is your job to protect your family. but here is something that i cannot do. i cannot fix this. i don't know if my daughter is going to be able to walk. i don't know if she's going to make it till tomorrow. [music playing] interviewer: you can join the battle to save lives by supporting st. jude children's research hospital. families never receive a bill from st. jude for treatment, travel, housing, or food so they can focus on helping their child live. subject 4: childhood cancer, there's no escaping it. but st. jude is doing the work, continually researching towards cures, giving more than just my child a chance at life. interviewer: please, call or go online right now and become a st. jude partner in hope for only $19 a month. subject 5: those donations really matter because we're not going to give up. and when you see other people not giving up on your child, it makes all the difference in the world. interviewer: when you call or go online with your credit or debit card right now, we'll send you this st. jude t-shirt. you can wear to show your support to help st. jude save the lives of these children. subject 6: st. jude is hope. even today after losing a child, it's still about the hope of tomorrow, because. childhood cancer has to end. interviewer: please, call or go online right now. [music playing] jon: efforts to clean up after hurricane idalia in florida are well underway. homes completely destroyed thousands without power including an hard-hit cedar key. "fox weather" multimedia journalist katie byrne has the story. >> a power restoration and cleanup are the biggest priorities on the ground and some of these coastal towns that got hit so hard by storm surge. in some cases pulling out the walls to some people's homes this is where frank lives in a condo where you can see this used to be a bedroom, a bathroom right over here. the water came in like waves from the goals and tossed around his appliances. over in the back you will see a washing machine. all kinds of debris just blew out the back of his garage. ended up in a debris field in the backyard shared with neighbors. frank decided not to evacuate when the storm came through but said it was scary waking up to the sound of that water tearing apart the walls to his garage. >> all this is going to take a while. gosh the weather is pretty nice. course it was not just us. excuse me. it's all up and down the coastline. people are so busy with real plumbers and electricians it takes a while for bricks power restoration continues to be a big priority on the ground with tens of thousands still without it paid for to governor desantis said in a news conference earlier this afternoon he hopes the number of averages will go down at the end of the night. jon? 's. jon: katie byrne from fox weather thanks. fox has made a donation to the red cross hurricane idalia relief efforts continued to be an annual disaster giving program partner prey which helps ensure immediate disaster response. here's how you can help use the camera on your phone to scan the qr code on the left side of your screen and make a donation. or you can give it by logging online to forward. a tribute fit for a queen. corgis were the late queen elizabeth the favorite dog. next, why some of them made a royal appearance at buckingham palace today. when fox report continues. (woman) what if my type 2 diabetes takes over? what if all i do isn't enough? or what if i can do diabetes differently? (vo) now you can with once-weekly mounjaro. mounjaro helps your body... ...regulate blood sugar... ...and mounjaro... ...can help decrease how much food you eat. 3 out of 4 people reached an a1c of less than 7%. plus people taking mounjaro... ...lost up to 25 pounds. mounjaro is not... ...for people with type 1 diabetes or children. don't take mounjaro if you're allergic to it,... or your family have medullary thyroid cancer,... ...or multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2. stop mounjaro... ...and call your doctor right away... ...if you have an allergic reaction, a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain,... changes, or diabetic retinopathy. serious side effects may include pancreatitis and gallbladder problems. taking mounjaro... ...with sulfonylurea or insulin... ...raises low blood sugar risk. tell your doctor if you're nursing, pregnant,... ...or plan to be. side effects include nausea,... ...vomiting, and diarrhea,... ...which can cause dehydration and may worsen kidney problems. (woman) i can do diabetes differently with mounjaro. (vo) ask your doctor about once-weekly mounjaro. (fan #1) there ya go! that's what i'm talkin' about! (josh allen) is this your plan to watch the game today? (hero fan) uh, yea. i have to watch my neighbors' nfl sunday ticket. (josh allen) it's not your best plan. but you know what is? myplan from verizon. switch now and they'll give you nfl sunday ticket from youtubetv, on them. (hero fan) this plan is amazing! (josh allen) another amazing plan, backing away from here very slowly. (fan #1) that was josh allen. (fan #2) mmhm. (vo) football season is here. get nfl sunday ticket from youtubetv on us. a $449 value. plus, get a free samsung galaxy z flip5. only on verizon. jon: israel prime minister benjamin netanyahu said a red line crossed after yesterday's violence in tel aviv. fighting erupted between groups of eritrean asylum-seekers by the violence slept more than 160 people hurt. trey yingst and tel aviv has more on the story. >> jon, good evening violence erupted in the streets of tel aviv' saturday as eritrean migrates clashed in the southern part of the city. the unrest began when supporters of the eritrean government held an event at the country's embassy. opponents storm the building being guarded by law enforcement and chaos ensued. police say 39 people were arrested more than 160 wounded including nearly 50 officers a. graphic scenes unfolded in israel's second largest city as migrants fought each other with rocks and sticks before some turn to battle police who were trying to disperse the crowds but officers fired stun grenades lobbed ammunition but it took hours to clear the area. a number of police cars and businesses were vandalized during the incident by these questions brought up new discussions over the israeli government about immigration issues here. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu explained a red line was crossed as leadership in jerusalem is considering steps to be lead to port asylum-seekers who were involved in the writing. the prime minister's office at a special ministerial team is tasked with handling the issue it's eestimated there are about0 eritrean asylum-seekers currently in israel this level of violence is unprecedented among the migrant community in israel that would other parts of the world there have been similar clashes among the eritrean community, jon? 's 36 trey yingst from tel aviv thanks. here are some other headlines from around the globe. in ukraine russian forces seem to be trying a new tactic to slow kyiv's offensive. moscow armies heading north eastern ukraine to try to force troops away from key battles in the south where ukraine is seeing success. in russia, president putin is getting ready to host turkeys president this week. turkeys leader hopes to persuade putin to revive the black sea grain deal that moscow broke back in july. [background noises] this is a grease work crews continue to fight wildfires in the national park. at least 20 people have been killed what officials call europe's deadliest fire of the summer. in mexico, the government is putting pieces of the berlin wall along the u.s. border. the symbolism sending a message as america moves to expand barriers across its southern border. [cheering] this is the footage from mongolia crowds welcome pope francis during the first ever visit to that country. he gave a message to catholics and neighboring china where leaders are cracking down on religious minorities. the pope e pope encourage them e good catholics as well as good citizens. in england, a group dedicated to memorializing queen elizabeth ii. announced plans to honor the late queen with a fitting tribute, a march of her corgis, her favorite dog in 2026 to coincide with what would have been the queens 100th birthday. that is a look at some stories from around the globe. gators are plentiful in the everglades and other coastal real and southeast. but there a crocodiles not so much. how did the babies get here? the answer is next. polly pratts wore many hats. they came from past jobs in fact. every time she experienced something new, her stack of hats grew. she even served turkey legs with what's on tap, all while wearing a viking hat. then she found a place her many hats would be embraced. and she couldn't hide the excitement from her face. so, polly traded in her hats to help earn her grad cap! your past experience can help you earn your degree faster and for less. get started at ♪ ♪ i'm neil cavuto i'll be covering democracy 24 on fox, there is a certain jazz to what we do, this is not a chore, this is not a job, this is our passion, i'm part of that process. you can't bottle it. ♪ ♪ you don't know what we could find ♪ ♪ >> a possible breakthrough in the nearly 9 bec decade long search for amelia earhart's plane. appears to show an engine cover buried un underwater. a specialist is analyzing the photo, a earhart was trying to become the first woman to fly around the globe when her plane vanished in 1937. >> called a monumental conservation success after foreign dangered -- crocodiles were successfully happened at fort worth zoo last week, there are about 35 of these crocodiles living in u.s. zoos, and estimated 200 reproducing adults are left in the wild, they could live up to 60 years old, they are critically endangers because of factors like sand mining and pollution. the new crocs will live behind the scenes for now. >> and that is how fox reports sunday the third of september, 2023, i am jon scott, thanks for watching, enjoy the rest of your labor day weekend, good night. ♪ ♪ >> hello i'm jason chaffetz with alicia tom shillue, and tomi larhen. the big story, cultural icons calling out the woke mob for tearing down family values. >> they are being targeted. i wrote a book called family firs a

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