Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX 20240703 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX 20240703

unsolicited advice to some folks runs for president who desperately need it and never take that's fine let's start with former commander in chief facing judicial media onslot to keep him from ever reoccupying the white house. >> they want to try and damage my name so that i can't win the election. but so far the people of our country see it and my numbers have gone up as opposed to down because the people see it. it's a terrible thing they've weaponized department of justice. kennedy: if you thought there was collusion in the russia hoax just wait until you hear the doozie with court rules multiple jurisdictions to rooster block his pat to the nomination so let's start with super tuesday which won't be superthanks for asking. if federal judge tonia has her way although president trump's legal team well they asked for 2026 trial start date to the conspiracy to overturn the 2020 election she's apparently conspiring with a prosecution and jury selection starts march 4th, 2024 on super tuesday. is march 5th, wow, so why couldn't this trial have started i don't know a year ago or in a year and a half from now? because that would have been too politically convenient odd how the iowa caucuses coincidentally doff tail with start of the defamation suit magically they're both january 15th that class action suit january 2024, and the new york state stupe hush money trial the weakest of all of the cases documents march 25th you don't have to be a red hat wearing true believer to see these prosecutors and judges have somehow aligned all of their stars to do maximum damage during primary season. that's so weird. i mean, what are the chances? >> i object your honor and i move to streak. strike. >> mr. reid i don't know what you're on but you better get to the point and quick. >> i'm on the constitution. all right. so when you have every institution from journalist to judges politically deadset against you it is pretty likely they will scheme to tag team and pin you down before the match even starts. so my advice for former or president trump, keep running for now. if for no other reason than to make your enemies really, really mad and also been a tough week for the toughest tumbler of the first debate vivek ramaswamy -- and i love vivek's energy and his sharp elbows but those pointy edges might slowly be deflating his presidential balloon post debate come down a point in polling but more tragic, his adolescent hero eminem has set vivek a letter to keep the bright minded dark horse from using his song lose yourself on the campaign trail. >> snap become to reality, there goes gravity -- ♪ ♪ kennedy: eminem team basically said vivek lose yourself, and go f yourself. not one to tack a jab sitting down vivek responded with this tongued nugget. >> i'll respect his wishes but i will say will the real slim shady rise up used to be a guy who stood up to the establishment and said things that establishment didn't want him to say. >> he's a secret establishment -- i'm disgusted by it as well and a limited eminem out there complaining under his breath about undressed covid restriction how taxation is theft he'll be damned if he'll pay college division to imagine in transsociology. we have a much hope as seeing that eminem as we do a president ramaswamy oh no o.j. it's about to get worst from almost billionaire from cincinnati endorsed vivek for president. so -- guess the juice was worth the squeeze afterall. >> just like the debates, the republican debates i would say hey this guy is on to something. he'll say something oh, my god -- i attributed -- kennedy: chris christie had a tough week and might be a soft week actually if you judge by his middle bits. instead of eating his feelings, he needs to learn how to read the room because his scorched earth tactic for burning down trump world just isn't working. he's still not gotten memo he's trying to win votes from trump fans because there aren't enough independent jersey voters to propel him all the way to washington and that propulsion defy laws of physics christie said this of trump just this week. >> we're going to have a guy running for president who from march 4th probably for the next four to six weeks will be every day in a courtroom of washington, d.c. and not campaigning against joe biden. this is disastrous for the republican party. kennedy: courtroom all you can eat buffet news flash governor christie trump will be still run for president you won't even be waddling for attorney general. this trump bash rei puts chris tees on a bridge to nowhere within his party and he'll probably have to shut that one down too my advice -- get out governor. or don't either way no one cares and it is not just republicans have been the troubles you see strong debate prmpses from nikki haley show republicans are a better position than most would think. they've also got, obviously, governor ron desantis who is blessed with wall to wall florida hurricane coverage. highlighting his executive strength this week and vivek is also on the debate stage. it's a much stronger bench than the democrats. joe biden he has a solid chance of alienating everyone in the country with his -- the president is too old to run next year when he'll be even older. hell he can hardly walk to the bathroom in the middle of the night which for him is at 7 p.m. will the alone competitive reelection bid 69% of democrats say he's too old. he's out of touch, losing his marbles at alarming rate hurting the country here and abroad and he makes north korean dictator look ethical by comparison in short he can't run again come on man. no one wants it. he doesn't want it dr. jill doesn't, and hunter is certainly over it. when hunter's dad was the veep he was in a financial wind fall no whammies during administration but now that his dad is president broke indicted silly with strippers who want a lot more than crappy paintings gave over pop. so -- when you're swimming in a sea of liabilities don't be surprised to find a socialist shark lurking in the deep bernie sanders has been campaigning in friendly new hampshire. the plucky senator from the green mountain state is ready to live free or die trying to become president again. he's ready to play spoiler once more as electorate just hasn't enough crazy old people running for president when asked if joe biden was, in fact, too old to run again sanders said hold my milk of magnesia. >> whether joe biden or president trump or anybody else they have to evaluate a whole lot of factors. i, you know, met with the president i don't know five or six weeks ago we had a great discussion seemed fiend to me but i think at the end of the day what we have got to ask ourselves -- is what do people stand for in so age is an issue chuck. but there are a lot of broader issues than just that. kennedy: you want old chuck i'll give you old. i invented dirt i protested the civil war. i met katherine the great she was average at best very into horses. i'm very into taking your stuff. my advice to bernie is he's sweating to oldy go ahead and run. we live in said strange political times. a president sanders actually seems like a vast improve over joe biden now i never want to see a president pinko but i'm here the drama let's get weird and my crystal ball is telling me we've got an amazing show for you tonight. doctor lobe on the hunt for ufo and alien wait until you see what he found at the bottom of the ocean. also with game night -- we're headed to the big house with kennedy's court plus -- i set up shop outside fox headquarters to dish out my world famous advice -- so got all of that to look forward to and so much more. stay with me. ma, ma, ma— ( clears throat ) for fast sore throat relief, try vicks vapocool drops. with two times more menthol per drop, and powerful vicks vapors to vaporize sore throat pain. vicks vapocool drops. vaporize sore throat pain. >> welcome back to fox news saturday night alien craft crash into the south pacific in 2014 a group of scientists including my next guest claim to have found hundreds of tiny medal frag ms from something that came from outer space and landed off the coast of new guinea the 700 tiny spheres made of an alloy we're told not found on earth or solar system. so -- are we -- now looking at proof that aliens not only exist but they visited us? joining me now man behind the search harvard physicist dr. loeb good to see you again. >> great to see you. >> so a lot of people have been doubting your hypotheses over the year what is kind of proof does this offer your doubters that something that we have never encountered has actually landed here on earth? >> well we went to the pacific ocean, and near the site of this meteor and found excess of droplets, from the surface of the object when it entered atmosphere and burned up, and amazingly, these droplets have composition of elements that the -- that is very different from what we find here on earth, on the moon, on mars or anywhere in the solar system. for example, they're element uranium with hundreds of times more abundant than you find in solar system materials that finds that this object came from outside solar system that this interstellar it is first time that scientists analyzed materials from an object half a meter in size that came from outside the solar system and the next question is -- well if it came from outside, is it a voyager like a meteor namely -- imagine our spacecraft moving out of the solar system and colliding with a planet like the earth. it would appear as a meteor of a unusual materials because it is made of staleless steel and also unusual speed like this one was. and then, in fact, u.s. government satellites detected it moving so fast that actually we concluded faster than 95% of all of the stars in the convenient of the sun and its material tougher than all of the space rocks previously cut by nasa so next question is it artificial or natural, and we hope to go back to that location now we know exactly where to look. and that check if there are big pieces of the regional object to tell the difference between a rock and a technological gadget because gadget will have buttons on it. j you've been working with u.s. military for years trying to pinpoint the location of entry. but you've had a lot of scientists like steve dash who is astrophysicist at arizona estate they have been doubting your work and maligning your reputation. what do you have to say to some of those doubters? >> well. i wish them happiness and prosperity everything else is -- for their therapies to deal with. because i'm following the scientific method i'm collecting materials and starting them in the laboratory and reporting the results in a scientific paper that's the work of science, and what they're doing is just expressing their opinions -- calling name that's not the way scientists should behave. >> that's fauci science not real science let me ask you this what does your gut tell you? is there a interstellar meteor or something that was artificially manufactured by some sort of intelligent life form beyond our reach? >> well it's sort of strange, you know, we don't know where it came from. i'm thinking about natural sources -- they need to be quite unusual for example a magama ocean with iron core that could produce these abundances but then you need a lot of these objects and it is hard to imagine how that would be produced about 23 of them per star. and then another possibility is that it is materially from exploding star and that again has some issues because there are some elements that are enhanced that do not come from exploding stars so the final possibility is technological origin some of these elements are in semiconductors so i think -- the verdict is still out. i mean, we need to go back and check for beggar pieces. that would tell us the story. kennedy: i want bigger pieces lgm and you seem to be the only physicist out there from harvard no less who is looking for the truth doctor, thank you so much. >> thanks for having me. kennedy: absolutely i want to go on that boat coming up on fox news saturday night is it okay to recline your seat on a plane and does drinking booze make other people more attract i have can you combine the two? our panel is ready to brawl all about it, next. carvana has hundreds of thousands of five star reviews and counting. the whole process was really simple and easy, and this is my third time selling to carvana. you just enter your license plate or your vin, answer a few questions. boom, you get a real offer. sell your car to carvana today. ♪ i have type 2 diabetes, but i manage it well. ♪ ♪ jardiance ♪ ♪ it's a little pill with a big story to tell. ♪ ♪ i take once-daily jardiance, ♪ ♪ at each day's staaart. ♪ ♪ as time went on it was easy to seee. ♪ ♪ i'm lowering my a1c. ♪ jardiance works 24/7 in your body to flush out some sugar! and for adults with type 2 diabetes and known heart disease, jardiance can 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here in times square on a assignment a lot of people flew from all over the world just to be here but did they recline their seats? are you proreline or anti-recline i'm team recline let's go. when you fly do you recline your seat? do you lean your seat back? >> a little bit. yeah me too. i like to recline i do. but i check behind me first. [laughter] smtion that's very thoughtful. yeah. a little bit. you know -- every time the flight -- space is small and getting more difficult. but at least -- >> team recline. >> we're the winning team for those of you who have problem with a recline. should be more reclined more. should be able to go further back. ♪ ♪ ofwants more seat on the plane. but if it is unkivel i'm still not going complain. >> not going to complain. >> as far as i'm concerned if your seat goes back, recline to until your heart is content but am i in the majority here this is a very, very split and party panel here to discuss we've got comedian author of the roi of lol clayton fletcher host of the michelle podcast former sports reporter one and only michelle -- and attorney and author of how to become a federal criminal. it is mike chase you remember his face. we got some special with mike coming up later in the show so -- you, obviously, travel a lot. so where -- what do you feel about this in there are people who claim pa if someone reclines in front of them they're going to get violent are you one of the violent irrational or do you calmly recline two inches and call it a day? >> objection your honor i believe that's a leading question. no listen this is the airline industry. you know, they may coach as uncomfortable as humanly possible and blame us when all hell breaks loose. >> pinning up against each other. saying here's an umbrella but don't open it because it is raining -- >> that's what i don't understand. peel are so aggrieved with doing what you're supposed to do with your seat. >> totally. by the way when you recline as you said it goes from here -- to here. >> that's it. there's no -- >> make it seem like you're giving them a lap dance. >> i wish more invasive is the armrest and people who dominate armrest and then you're like this in your chair -- but i'm absolutely on team recline you paid for it use the button. >> button is yours. >> bring nationality. >> i'm an ally to reclining community. >> thank you for being recline adjacent. mine doesn't come from i don't need to recline but it is tall people mostly complaining about this so too good for too long. >> they get better jobs and have a guilded path in life i don't feel bad for them and they can recline too. >> i agree if there's button for it and you can push it i think that's fine. the only people that i october to are the people who get up and get into the aisle before the rows ahead of them. i think those are the people that should been baaed from flying -- >> trying to get off the plane first from the back it is like bro -- have you ever been in line before? i don't understand and people who go to the bathroom in sock what is is wrong with you isn't that the grossest? disgusting now you'll see it can't unsee it like lebron james toes if you're still upset about seat in front of you here's an idea to get onboard with starting this fall a turkish airline is creating an only adults only section on flights. so patrons willing to pay the price can fly in peace. the flight will have 93 seats reserved at the front of the plane complete with curtains, walls, of course, adult beverages hello -- ages 16 and older are allowed the no kids upgrade will cost a little less than $50. and hey man, if i'm not flying with my kids where do i sign up? >> listen, i think when you're flying problem isn't really the kids. the problem is the hallucinating karens -- you know. like they're seeing things that aren't there. >> so much. but start screaming. is it real? you guys can all dien the plane like what -- >> kids are all on ipads you know watch whatever. but it's the crazy -- >> morphine with children. grown ups leaning seats back screaming about things that aren't there. i would pay $100 extra to be cordoned off away from that. >> ahole free section. >> i would buy into that but in every section there's a last row in that section and a first row in the next section. so if you're in the last row of the adults only adjacent to first row of the kids with a screaming baby you're -- 40, 90 dollars whatever goes ot the window. >> there should be a smoking section in the adult section does this mean that we can infer that mile high club is not offlimits in the adult section? >> i think anything goes in the adult section which is why when i travel with my kids -- >> farm animals? >> farm animals those are called support animals. >> federal law provides with a miniature horse so you know, this could get really wild in the adult section but traveling with my kids i will happily pay the $50 to not sit with them so -- [laughter] >> the best is when, you know, it is like your child is placed somewhere else and you asked to switch like no, give them the bag of stuff like fine. have fun. you have their toys. if trying with your kids has you reaching your a drink you better listen up biden administration they're coming for your booze. reportedly considering recommending americans drink two alcoholic benches week just two a week. that's falling in canada boring footsteps -- this is worth thing canada has given america since justin bieber some folks are already pushing back on biden's proposed beer limits. watch. >> i liked beer. i still like beer. but quid not drink beer to the point of blacking out -- >> do you believe him? i think he did to the point of blacking out and drink manufacture it if they try to ram rules down our throats. >> i think we can all agree this is dylan mulvaney's fault can you imagine executives at anheuser-busch we can't cut a break first lose 30% of our business because of that now we have government telling people to drink less beer hurt profits for sure. >> what is government doing? >> stupid if they don't want to get reelected they'll reoppose this and it is a recommendation by the way by the way government already recommending certain amount of beer for men and a certain amount of alcohol for women each week. >> two beers day for guys -- right. one a day for women. >> one a day not one every other week. >> kennedy i thought there were more than two jengders so why does everyone else if you're nonbinary how much do you get to drink? >> i think it is unlimited bar. so you see everyone identify as neither one of the two. if these can recommend all they want people will not stop drinking beer. >> fluid myself -- >> favorite kind of bureaucracy everybody says absolutely not. 21st attempt i'll drink as much as i want i love when they scream into the void about how much beer you should drink and then everybody has a case. dplen so my daughter became an expert in all of the countries in l world to drink. all of a sudden she started doing geography and research -- geopolitical research. >> by the way you don't have to tell your doctor how many drinks week even though asked on a questionnaire you don't have to say you don't have to fill that out don't do it because they might deny you a liver at some point. >> so scary i might need a liver right now it is right now boarding booze guidelines claiming beer goggles are not a thing every time you blame on being drunk a study shows alcohol does not make others appear more attractive, however, drinking did affect how likely to interact with people they found attractive but liquid courage might be real. beer goggles aren't. i agree with this i think you lower your standards and it is standard lowering that makes people appear more attractive. >> absolutely inhibitions get lower whean alcohol does. but i never used beer goggles but when i'm in the bar everybody looks better with swim goggles on. foggy an useful when they throw their drink in your face. >> that's a good point proactive in that way. in the speedo too. >> in manhattan beach ever bad decisions made by lower standards? >> i will not speak to that but i will say absolutely you do lower the starntiondz get all loosey goosy like you're adorable come here. you know, so yeah. there's no mystery. what bothers me most is somebody paid to have this study done. this is a study -- that was done -- somebody paid money to have this study done. >> like you know what we should do is have a bufnlg of coeds in the lab and give them alcohol and see if they want to make out with people who maybe aren't that attractive like i don't know research assistants -- >> all we food is a there are 500,000 grantst that all we need. introduced in in court i would pick it apart because they didn't use beer in the study if you read the study they used they have men drink cranberry an vodka never trust the opinion of a man who is drinking a korean cranberry vodka anyways first of all don't trust these people but second of all i agreed it is never been that beer goggles made them better looking but more willing to go home with them soening the principle still holds beer goggles proven scientific fact. >> sort of like dating in your 50s oh, fine -- fine. you'll do. all right panel is not going anywhere there's been a ton of crazy criminals in the news lately thank god. no court is as tough as kennedy's court can mike chase gets the clients out of the clink it is game news fox news saturday night continues. psoriasis really messes with you. try. hope. fail. no one should suffer like that. i started cosentyx®. five years clear. real people with psoriasis look and feel better with cosentyx. don't use if you're allergic to cosentyx. before starting get checked for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infection, some serious and a lowered ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor about an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. tell your doctor if your crohn's disease symptoms develop or worsen. serious allergic reaction may occur. best move i've ever made. ask your dermatologist about cosentyx®. we all have obstacles, challenges, at different points in life. i still push myself every single day. the harder i push myself, the more i find myself drawn to wearing oofos. the first time i put on a pair of oofos, it was like someone released the pressure - it was so crazy. when you are recovered, and can do more, that has a compounding effect on all aspects of your life. stepping into a pair of oofos, they're truly one of a kind. there's nothing like them. sometimes it's hard to know where to start. when the cycle never stops, you're not alone. visit. make the connection dot net to learn more. kennedy: all right -- all rise i don't know two or three or justice is has taken hits lately but everyone is equal under eyes of kennedy's court and here's how we're going play. i read a wild but true crime story and mike chase defense attorney our jurors clayton michelle decide if ding bat defendants are guilty or not i will deliver the final verdict kennedy's court is now in session. ♪ ♪ >> here we go here's case number one, mike listen to this. how would you defend kentucky man shooting in the butt for eating last hock pocket and threw tiles a his roommate when he discovered roommate had eat their last hot pocket and victim tried to leave victims say shot hem in the bottom and nonlife injuries charged with assault and ordered not to have contact with the roommate. how do you defend this, mike? >> in the law there's a principle but for causation what it means if the injury was going to happen regardless of the crime, then you can't be held responsible for it many that case that hot pocket would destroy his butt anyway all right we've had hot pockets so shooting him in the butt did no further damage. >> might have done hail favor but for causation is that with two t's -- >> in this instance but for causation not guilty. >> guilty or not guilty? >> guilty. sorry. >> yeah, guilty. >> i'm sorry i have to side with our jurors here. shooting -- >> whole panel of jurors. never had hot pockets. eaten hot pockets -- >> you know you can destroy somebody's life -- >> destroy someone's life by shooting their butt. here you go case number two indiana man arrested for driving power wheels jeep while intoxicated john mcghee pulled over for driving a power wheels jeep in the road at 9 p.m. police say the vehicle didn't have any light or reflecters for car to see and he surprisingly failed to sobriety test and later determined he was under the influence of an indiana speedball meth and marijuana. how do you defend? >> look, that i think i'm going to appeal to jurors because they don't like the hot pocket defense but like one. if he's charged with operating a power wheels vehicle under the influence, then any child driving one should be charged with underage driving or driving without a license so is it or not a vehicle i say it is not a vehicle. so he can't be held liability for -- >> that's a great defense guilty or not guilty? >> not guilty. i agree with you. very good. >> he's a great lawyer not guilty. >> not guilty we're all calling him when we get pulled over for meth and marijuana driving child's vehicle -- case number three you door to door salesmen for knocking too hard. 39-year-old andrew lester was fed up with children playing ding dong ditch and attack a salesman for knocking too hard and sales man claims he took his sun glasses to break them punched him knocked him to the floor and stood over him shouting. mike that seems bit aggressive can you defend that behavior? >> ladies and gentlemen of the jury -- have you ever bought anything that you needed somebody to come to your door to sell? have they ever been selling something you didn't already know existed knives, windows, magazines i don't think so i think this is extension of the american stand your ground rule salesmen knocking on your door you should be able to do whatever you please with that person. so i say not guilty. >> whatever you choose like chain them to a radiator. >> car animal -- >> this is a dicey one for you i've had people knock on the door it startles you and i get -- i think -- makes dog bark. >> why knock that hard? >> at the same time, while i wanted to take them to the ground and break their sunglasses that is illegal but he's guilty. >> split decision here clayton? >> even a religious zealot bang on the door you're not justified in hurting them i'll go guilty as charged. >> i'll say guilty as well. okay we'll see if this is very quick we have to do this quickly case four california man accused of sneaking in resort condo and fondling women's seat with burglary and battery ?eebing into lake tahoe and rubbed feet of two adult women and ran away. >> gig economy my client is a freelance pro bono masseuse okay not guilty. [laughter] >> michelle. >> guilty. >> clayton, of course guilty. >> not guilty -- >> i defend the gig economy -- for that is a victory thank you guys so much mike chase brilliant michelle clayton beautifully done. coming up on fox news saturday night climate activist have their next targets. jets golf courses and yachts will the madness ever end? i'll ask the star of blow deck mediterranean captain sandy is with me. she's next. ♪ ♪ the day you get your clearchoice dental implants makes every day... a "let's dig in" day... mm. ...a "chow down" day... a "take a big bite" day... a "perfectly delicious" day... - mm. [ chuckles ] - ...a "love my new teeth" day. because your clearchoice day is the day everything is back on the menu. a clearchoice day changes every day. schedule a free consultation. kennedy: hello luscious and welcome back to what kind of lunatic doesn't want a yacht? i want a yacht. if i can't have a yacht i would lying to go an a yacht but i won't get one in the climate crazies have their way. amid recent string of global protest activist have spray painted a yacht in spain, that they they belongs to the areas of wal-mart if that was my yawt well i might take matters into my own hands how do we stop irrational people from ruining nice thengs and what is it really like on a mega yacht joining me now to discuss captain sandy from the wildly popular reality show -- below deck mediterranean most popular show on braf bravo captain sandy nice to see you again. smg really happy to be here and especially to talk about this. soanchts what is driving these people? they say that you assume others suffer motto of one of these extremist groups but it seems like they're motivated by jealousy? >> you know honestly i think you think about the industry as a whole -- we do consume and pollute, however, there's another part of that where the maritime industry has done everything and continues to innovate where we're more emission friendly, and they give back in so many dichght ways let's think about how long the trades have been going for years for 15bc shipping has been a thing when you think about clothes that we wear it all comes on a ship so -- there are 5,000 yachts roughly in the world. there are over 100,000 ships in the world target yachts i don't think it is very fair in to use paint on top of it to spray a boat i don't think that's very environmentally friendly, do you? j i don't think it changes anyone's behavior. but to your point people on yachts who do what you do they love being in nature they want to preserve nature as much as possible. and the only thing that is going to save the planet is innovation, it is not bullying people and terrorizing them intoive going up things that they love in their lives. if jeff bezos deem you and said captain sandy be the captain of my superyacht would you do it? >> yes, of course. it is a big yacht and beautiful i love yacht just like you said we care about the ocean. we live and work and play in the water. we care about sea life. like i ran a sea shepherd vessel it takes vessel to save the wales right it takes boats to do research and science. these people who want superyachts they actually put money back into research and science. and a lot of them have labs on their yachts like looking at sea keepers like they're a philanthropic with boats and they do research for science to find out temperature of the ocean. so find out all of these things and yeah. we're not takers we're givers. kennedy: reading your book you know, be the calm or be the storm. i think that's what it is called did i get the title right? >> you sure did. rntion i love your book and writing but i love what you've been through your journey and knowing so much about the ocean. and being so connected to that side of yourself that with all of this technology we get very disconnected from it. so it is like nature is important. museum also important to you, did you listen to yacht rock? >> who doesn't how can you not? >> having music it is like a whale singing to you right so it actually matters and i think -- honestly i really care about the ocean so does the industry. shipyards are doing everything they can to gi become and to take less, and it's innovative. we continue to innovate and i love yacht rock. >> i cannot wait to see the latest season of below deck mediterranean you're been working hard trailer is dropping an you're a legend captain sandy good to see you. >> you too thanks for having me. >> love it coming up next on fox news saturday night country is in dire need of good solid advice who better to give it out than me -- i can set up shop to in part my wisdom it is just for you here's the sneak peek. >> what do you need advice about rick? >> how do i stop she wants to go to soho to spend money. >> your wife -- >> oh. tell her they have a call outbreak in soho -- >> that's like great advice. progress toward global net zero will take big thinking put into even bigger action. it starts with us developing and deploying carbon capture and storage to help lower our carbon intensity. while also developing partnerships to create world-class storage hubs to help other industries, like cement, reduce their emissions too. innovating toward lower carbon solutions today, while helping others do the same for the future... that's energy in progress. ♪ how white do you think your teeth really are? let's try the tissue test. ooof, still yellow. whitening toothpaste can only do so much. there's toothpaste white, and there's crest 3d whitestrips white. so much whiter! crest. kennedy: , back to fox news saturday night. it is 2023, it is so wield out there so maybe we can all use a little therapy i decided to take matters into my own hands so i hit the streets of new york to legend me own world class advice to masses just like lucy from peanuts. watch. >> you need me to point out your faults charlie brown it's for your own good. ♪ ♪ kennedy: hi -- would you like some life advice? >> sure. >> tv star sure -- >> that's right bryan can't be here so it is me. >> what is plaguing you? >> what should your career be? >> a hairdresser -- i actually do history tours down in salem. >> so you immediate to make historic wigs and sell those like benjamin franklin thomas jefferson, queen you immediate to make historical wigs combine your love of history with hair dressing. you want advice never eat apples on the street it is bad luck. ♪ ♪ >> tell me why i'm here first. >> you're here because you -- want something -- ♪ ♪ >> what do you need advice about brian? >> so far -- >> anything. what do you think? >> what do i think? i think that you should travel somewhere you have always wanted to go but been afraid to go there. where is that? >> africa my wife wants to go to africa. >> go to africa i'm going to africa with kat timpf we're going next month that would be weird if y'all went with us. >> i've got successful advice i'm a professional -- this is like emotional that i'm doing. hello my honey hello my baby hello my rag time gal. >> what's your name? >> vick. let's get your information your first historical weeing one of the producers here will be in touch. >> okay. what do you think i should do? what do you think? what's your favorite historical figure? >> kate pearson -- >> my god we should totally do that. life advice. life advice -- you want psychic advice or financial advice? >> political advice -- >> political okay who are you planning on voting for? >> i don't know yet. >> yeah it's -- such a weird time because everyone is kind of horrible right? you don't need any advice you've got some thing figured out you should be giving me advice. why did you never run for office? [laughter] >> i wasn't fast enough. >> slick -- she's got all of the answers. kennedy: for more life changing advice hit me up on x and instagram at kennedy nation, and thank you so much for watching fox news saturday night. always set your dvr 10 p.m. eastern every saturday night right here on fox news and don't forget to follow us on social media, at fn saturday night -- all right be sure to listen to my podcast kennedy save the world five days week fox news -- i'm kennedy and from new york city i say good night. ♪ ♪ a smile on your face. see you tomorrow. happy tuesday, everyone! i am the queen of midmorning dana perino filling in for the king of late-night greg gutfeld who is out recovering from being greg gutfeld. i have come a long way since my days as a humble prison guard.

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Perfect , Airport Etiquette , Watch , Seats , Condition , Assignment , Laughter , Bit , Seat Back , Smtion , Anti Recline , Team Recline Let S Go , Problem , Flight , Team Recline , Recline , Ofwants , Heart , Back , Majority , Our Jurors Clayton Michelle , Criminal , Attorney , Author , Comedian Author , Sports Reporter , Roi , Host , Michelle Podcast , Lol Clayton Fletcher , Travel A Lot , Mike Chase , Face , Special , Mike Coming Up , Pa , Someone , Front , Airline Industry , Objection , Irrational , Each Other , Umbrella , All Hell Breaks Loose , Lap Dance , Peel , Button , Armrest , Chair , Adjacent , Ally , Nationality , Reclining Community , Fine , Jobs , Aisle , Guilded Path , Sock , Isn T , Rows , Line , Flying , Baaed , Bro , Ahole , Airline , Grossest , Turkish , Idea , Toes , Lebron James , Course , Flights , Walls , Price , Peace , Curtains , Patrons , 16 , 93 , Kids , Hallucinating Karens , 50 , 0 , Dien , Start Screaming , Crazy , Ipads , Children , Morphine , Ups , 100 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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX 20240703 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX 20240703

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unsolicited advice to some folks runs for president who desperately need it and never take that's fine let's start with former commander in chief facing judicial media onslot to keep him from ever reoccupying the white house. >> they want to try and damage my name so that i can't win the election. but so far the people of our country see it and my numbers have gone up as opposed to down because the people see it. it's a terrible thing they've weaponized department of justice. kennedy: if you thought there was collusion in the russia hoax just wait until you hear the doozie with court rules multiple jurisdictions to rooster block his pat to the nomination so let's start with super tuesday which won't be superthanks for asking. if federal judge tonia has her way although president trump's legal team well they asked for 2026 trial start date to the conspiracy to overturn the 2020 election she's apparently conspiring with a prosecution and jury selection starts march 4th, 2024 on super tuesday. is march 5th, wow, so why couldn't this trial have started i don't know a year ago or in a year and a half from now? because that would have been too politically convenient odd how the iowa caucuses coincidentally doff tail with start of the defamation suit magically they're both january 15th that class action suit january 2024, and the new york state stupe hush money trial the weakest of all of the cases documents march 25th you don't have to be a red hat wearing true believer to see these prosecutors and judges have somehow aligned all of their stars to do maximum damage during primary season. that's so weird. i mean, what are the chances? >> i object your honor and i move to streak. strike. >> mr. reid i don't know what you're on but you better get to the point and quick. >> i'm on the constitution. all right. so when you have every institution from journalist to judges politically deadset against you it is pretty likely they will scheme to tag team and pin you down before the match even starts. so my advice for former or president trump, keep running for now. if for no other reason than to make your enemies really, really mad and also been a tough week for the toughest tumbler of the first debate vivek ramaswamy -- and i love vivek's energy and his sharp elbows but those pointy edges might slowly be deflating his presidential balloon post debate come down a point in polling but more tragic, his adolescent hero eminem has set vivek a letter to keep the bright minded dark horse from using his song lose yourself on the campaign trail. >> snap become to reality, there goes gravity -- ♪ ♪ kennedy: eminem team basically said vivek lose yourself, and go f yourself. not one to tack a jab sitting down vivek responded with this tongued nugget. >> i'll respect his wishes but i will say will the real slim shady rise up used to be a guy who stood up to the establishment and said things that establishment didn't want him to say. >> he's a secret establishment -- i'm disgusted by it as well and a limited eminem out there complaining under his breath about undressed covid restriction how taxation is theft he'll be damned if he'll pay college division to imagine in transsociology. we have a much hope as seeing that eminem as we do a president ramaswamy oh no o.j. it's about to get worst from almost billionaire from cincinnati endorsed vivek for president. so -- guess the juice was worth the squeeze afterall. >> just like the debates, the republican debates i would say hey this guy is on to something. he'll say something oh, my god -- i attributed -- kennedy: chris christie had a tough week and might be a soft week actually if you judge by his middle bits. instead of eating his feelings, he needs to learn how to read the room because his scorched earth tactic for burning down trump world just isn't working. he's still not gotten memo he's trying to win votes from trump fans because there aren't enough independent jersey voters to propel him all the way to washington and that propulsion defy laws of physics christie said this of trump just this week. >> we're going to have a guy running for president who from march 4th probably for the next four to six weeks will be every day in a courtroom of washington, d.c. and not campaigning against joe biden. this is disastrous for the republican party. kennedy: courtroom all you can eat buffet news flash governor christie trump will be still run for president you won't even be waddling for attorney general. this trump bash rei puts chris tees on a bridge to nowhere within his party and he'll probably have to shut that one down too my advice -- get out governor. or don't either way no one cares and it is not just republicans have been the troubles you see strong debate prmpses from nikki haley show republicans are a better position than most would think. they've also got, obviously, governor ron desantis who is blessed with wall to wall florida hurricane coverage. highlighting his executive strength this week and vivek is also on the debate stage. it's a much stronger bench than the democrats. joe biden he has a solid chance of alienating everyone in the country with his -- the president is too old to run next year when he'll be even older. hell he can hardly walk to the bathroom in the middle of the night which for him is at 7 p.m. will the alone competitive reelection bid 69% of democrats say he's too old. he's out of touch, losing his marbles at alarming rate hurting the country here and abroad and he makes north korean dictator look ethical by comparison in short he can't run again come on man. no one wants it. he doesn't want it dr. jill doesn't, and hunter is certainly over it. when hunter's dad was the veep he was in a financial wind fall no whammies during administration but now that his dad is president broke indicted silly with strippers who want a lot more than crappy paintings gave over pop. so -- when you're swimming in a sea of liabilities don't be surprised to find a socialist shark lurking in the deep bernie sanders has been campaigning in friendly new hampshire. the plucky senator from the green mountain state is ready to live free or die trying to become president again. he's ready to play spoiler once more as electorate just hasn't enough crazy old people running for president when asked if joe biden was, in fact, too old to run again sanders said hold my milk of magnesia. >> whether joe biden or president trump or anybody else they have to evaluate a whole lot of factors. i, you know, met with the president i don't know five or six weeks ago we had a great discussion seemed fiend to me but i think at the end of the day what we have got to ask ourselves -- is what do people stand for in so age is an issue chuck. but there are a lot of broader issues than just that. kennedy: you want old chuck i'll give you old. i invented dirt i protested the civil war. i met katherine the great she was average at best very into horses. i'm very into taking your stuff. my advice to bernie is he's sweating to oldy go ahead and run. we live in said strange political times. a president sanders actually seems like a vast improve over joe biden now i never want to see a president pinko but i'm here the drama let's get weird and my crystal ball is telling me we've got an amazing show for you tonight. doctor lobe on the hunt for ufo and alien wait until you see what he found at the bottom of the ocean. also with game night -- we're headed to the big house with kennedy's court plus -- i set up shop outside fox headquarters to dish out my world famous advice -- so got all of that to look forward to and so much more. stay with me. ma, ma, ma— ( clears throat ) for fast sore throat relief, try vicks vapocool drops. with two times more menthol per drop, and powerful vicks vapors to vaporize sore throat pain. vicks vapocool drops. vaporize sore throat pain. >> welcome back to fox news saturday night alien craft crash into the south pacific in 2014 a group of scientists including my next guest claim to have found hundreds of tiny medal frag ms from something that came from outer space and landed off the coast of new guinea the 700 tiny spheres made of an alloy we're told not found on earth or solar system. so -- are we -- now looking at proof that aliens not only exist but they visited us? joining me now man behind the search harvard physicist dr. loeb good to see you again. >> great to see you. >> so a lot of people have been doubting your hypotheses over the year what is kind of proof does this offer your doubters that something that we have never encountered has actually landed here on earth? >> well we went to the pacific ocean, and near the site of this meteor and found excess of droplets, from the surface of the object when it entered atmosphere and burned up, and amazingly, these droplets have composition of elements that the -- that is very different from what we find here on earth, on the moon, on mars or anywhere in the solar system. for example, they're element uranium with hundreds of times more abundant than you find in solar system materials that finds that this object came from outside solar system that this interstellar it is first time that scientists analyzed materials from an object half a meter in size that came from outside the solar system and the next question is -- well if it came from outside, is it a voyager like a meteor namely -- imagine our spacecraft moving out of the solar system and colliding with a planet like the earth. it would appear as a meteor of a unusual materials because it is made of staleless steel and also unusual speed like this one was. and then, in fact, u.s. government satellites detected it moving so fast that actually we concluded faster than 95% of all of the stars in the convenient of the sun and its material tougher than all of the space rocks previously cut by nasa so next question is it artificial or natural, and we hope to go back to that location now we know exactly where to look. and that check if there are big pieces of the regional object to tell the difference between a rock and a technological gadget because gadget will have buttons on it. j you've been working with u.s. military for years trying to pinpoint the location of entry. but you've had a lot of scientists like steve dash who is astrophysicist at arizona estate they have been doubting your work and maligning your reputation. what do you have to say to some of those doubters? >> well. i wish them happiness and prosperity everything else is -- for their therapies to deal with. because i'm following the scientific method i'm collecting materials and starting them in the laboratory and reporting the results in a scientific paper that's the work of science, and what they're doing is just expressing their opinions -- calling name that's not the way scientists should behave. >> that's fauci science not real science let me ask you this what does your gut tell you? is there a interstellar meteor or something that was artificially manufactured by some sort of intelligent life form beyond our reach? >> well it's sort of strange, you know, we don't know where it came from. i'm thinking about natural sources -- they need to be quite unusual for example a magama ocean with iron core that could produce these abundances but then you need a lot of these objects and it is hard to imagine how that would be produced about 23 of them per star. and then another possibility is that it is materially from exploding star and that again has some issues because there are some elements that are enhanced that do not come from exploding stars so the final possibility is technological origin some of these elements are in semiconductors so i think -- the verdict is still out. i mean, we need to go back and check for beggar pieces. that would tell us the story. kennedy: i want bigger pieces lgm and you seem to be the only physicist out there from harvard no less who is looking for the truth doctor, thank you so much. >> thanks for having me. kennedy: absolutely i want to go on that boat coming up on fox news saturday night is it okay to recline your seat on a plane and does drinking booze make other people more attract i have can you combine the two? our panel is ready to brawl all about it, next. carvana has hundreds of thousands of five star reviews and counting. the whole process was really simple and easy, and this is my third time selling to carvana. you just enter your license plate or your vin, answer a few questions. boom, you get a real offer. sell your car to carvana today. ♪ i have type 2 diabetes, but i manage it well. ♪ ♪ jardiance ♪ ♪ it's a little pill with a big story to tell. ♪ ♪ i take once-daily jardiance, ♪ ♪ at each day's staaart. ♪ ♪ as time went on it was easy to seee. ♪ ♪ i'm lowering my a1c. ♪ jardiance works 24/7 in your body to flush out some sugar! and for adults with type 2 diabetes and known heart disease, jardiance can lower the risk of cardiovascular death, too. jardiance may cause serious side effects including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, that can lead to sudden worsening of kidney function, and genital yeast or urinary tract infections. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, ketoacidosis, or an allergic reaction, and don't take it if you're on dialysis. taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. ♪ jardiance is really swell, ♪ ♪ the little pill with a big story to tell. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> oh yeah welcome become to fox news saturday night as we all know it is labor day weekend. so a lot of people are traveling and that means it is a perfect too ill to discuss airport etiquette is it okay to recline your seat i hit times square to ask tourist who flew many to knox to get their reaction. watch. ♪ ♪ >> it is condition did i here in times square on a assignment a lot of people flew from all over the world just to be here but did they recline their seats? are you proreline or anti-recline i'm team recline let's go. when you fly do you recline your seat? do you lean your seat back? >> a little bit. yeah me too. i like to recline i do. but i check behind me first. [laughter] smtion that's very thoughtful. yeah. a little bit. you know -- every time the flight -- space is small and getting more difficult. but at least -- >> team recline. >> we're the winning team for those of you who have problem with a recline. should be more reclined more. should be able to go further back. ♪ ♪ ofwants more seat on the plane. but if it is unkivel i'm still not going complain. >> not going to complain. >> as far as i'm concerned if your seat goes back, recline to until your heart is content but am i in the majority here this is a very, very split and party panel here to discuss we've got comedian author of the roi of lol clayton fletcher host of the michelle podcast former sports reporter one and only michelle -- and attorney and author of how to become a federal criminal. it is mike chase you remember his face. we got some special with mike coming up later in the show so -- you, obviously, travel a lot. so where -- what do you feel about this in there are people who claim pa if someone reclines in front of them they're going to get violent are you one of the violent irrational or do you calmly recline two inches and call it a day? >> objection your honor i believe that's a leading question. no listen this is the airline industry. you know, they may coach as uncomfortable as humanly possible and blame us when all hell breaks loose. >> pinning up against each other. saying here's an umbrella but don't open it because it is raining -- >> that's what i don't understand. peel are so aggrieved with doing what you're supposed to do with your seat. >> totally. by the way when you recline as you said it goes from here -- to here. >> that's it. there's no -- >> make it seem like you're giving them a lap dance. >> i wish more invasive is the armrest and people who dominate armrest and then you're like this in your chair -- but i'm absolutely on team recline you paid for it use the button. >> button is yours. >> bring nationality. >> i'm an ally to reclining community. >> thank you for being recline adjacent. mine doesn't come from i don't need to recline but it is tall people mostly complaining about this so too good for too long. >> they get better jobs and have a guilded path in life i don't feel bad for them and they can recline too. >> i agree if there's button for it and you can push it i think that's fine. the only people that i october to are the people who get up and get into the aisle before the rows ahead of them. i think those are the people that should been baaed from flying -- >> trying to get off the plane first from the back it is like bro -- have you ever been in line before? i don't understand and people who go to the bathroom in sock what is is wrong with you isn't that the grossest? disgusting now you'll see it can't unsee it like lebron james toes if you're still upset about seat in front of you here's an idea to get onboard with starting this fall a turkish airline is creating an only adults only section on flights. so patrons willing to pay the price can fly in peace. the flight will have 93 seats reserved at the front of the plane complete with curtains, walls, of course, adult beverages hello -- ages 16 and older are allowed the no kids upgrade will cost a little less than $50. and hey man, if i'm not flying with my kids where do i sign up? >> listen, i think when you're flying problem isn't really the kids. the problem is the hallucinating karens -- you know. like they're seeing things that aren't there. >> so much. but start screaming. is it real? you guys can all dien the plane like what -- >> kids are all on ipads you know watch whatever. but it's the crazy -- >> morphine with children. grown ups leaning seats back screaming about things that aren't there. i would pay $100 extra to be cordoned off away from that. >> ahole free section. >> i would buy into that but in every section there's a last row in that section and a first row in the next section. so if you're in the last row of the adults only adjacent to first row of the kids with a screaming baby you're -- 40, 90 dollars whatever goes ot the window. >> there should be a smoking section in the adult section does this mean that we can infer that mile high club is not offlimits in the adult section? >> i think anything goes in the adult section which is why when i travel with my kids -- >> farm animals? >> farm animals those are called support animals. >> federal law provides with a miniature horse so you know, this could get really wild in the adult section but traveling with my kids i will happily pay the $50 to not sit with them so -- [laughter] >> the best is when, you know, it is like your child is placed somewhere else and you asked to switch like no, give them the bag of stuff like fine. have fun. you have their toys. if trying with your kids has you reaching your a drink you better listen up biden administration they're coming for your booze. reportedly considering recommending americans drink two alcoholic benches week just two a week. that's falling in canada boring footsteps -- this is worth thing canada has given america since justin bieber some folks are already pushing back on biden's proposed beer limits. watch. >> i liked beer. i still like beer. but quid not drink beer to the point of blacking out -- >> do you believe him? i think he did to the point of blacking out and drink manufacture it if they try to ram rules down our throats. >> i think we can all agree this is dylan mulvaney's fault can you imagine executives at anheuser-busch we can't cut a break first lose 30% of our business because of that now we have government telling people to drink less beer hurt profits for sure. >> what is government doing? >> stupid if they don't want to get reelected they'll reoppose this and it is a recommendation by the way by the way government already recommending certain amount of beer for men and a certain amount of alcohol for women each week. >> two beers day for guys -- right. one a day for women. >> one a day not one every other week. >> kennedy i thought there were more than two jengders so why does everyone else if you're nonbinary how much do you get to drink? >> i think it is unlimited bar. so you see everyone identify as neither one of the two. if these can recommend all they want people will not stop drinking beer. >> fluid myself -- >> favorite kind of bureaucracy everybody says absolutely not. 21st attempt i'll drink as much as i want i love when they scream into the void about how much beer you should drink and then everybody has a case. dplen so my daughter became an expert in all of the countries in l world to drink. all of a sudden she started doing geography and research -- geopolitical research. >> by the way you don't have to tell your doctor how many drinks week even though asked on a questionnaire you don't have to say you don't have to fill that out don't do it because they might deny you a liver at some point. >> so scary i might need a liver right now it is right now boarding booze guidelines claiming beer goggles are not a thing every time you blame on being drunk a study shows alcohol does not make others appear more attractive, however, drinking did affect how likely to interact with people they found attractive but liquid courage might be real. beer goggles aren't. i agree with this i think you lower your standards and it is standard lowering that makes people appear more attractive. >> absolutely inhibitions get lower whean alcohol does. but i never used beer goggles but when i'm in the bar everybody looks better with swim goggles on. foggy an useful when they throw their drink in your face. >> that's a good point proactive in that way. in the speedo too. >> in manhattan beach ever bad decisions made by lower standards? >> i will not speak to that but i will say absolutely you do lower the starntiondz get all loosey goosy like you're adorable come here. you know, so yeah. there's no mystery. what bothers me most is somebody paid to have this study done. this is a study -- that was done -- somebody paid money to have this study done. >> like you know what we should do is have a bufnlg of coeds in the lab and give them alcohol and see if they want to make out with people who maybe aren't that attractive like i don't know research assistants -- >> all we food is a there are 500,000 grantst that all we need. introduced in in court i would pick it apart because they didn't use beer in the study if you read the study they used they have men drink cranberry an vodka never trust the opinion of a man who is drinking a korean cranberry vodka anyways first of all don't trust these people but second of all i agreed it is never been that beer goggles made them better looking but more willing to go home with them soening the principle still holds beer goggles proven scientific fact. >> sort of like dating in your 50s oh, fine -- fine. you'll do. all right panel is not going anywhere there's been a ton of crazy criminals in the news lately thank god. no court is as tough as kennedy's court can mike chase gets the clients out of the clink it is game news fox news saturday night continues. psoriasis really messes with you. try. hope. fail. no one should suffer like that. i started cosentyx®. five years clear. real people with psoriasis look and feel better with cosentyx. don't use if you're allergic to cosentyx. before starting get checked for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infection, some serious and a lowered ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor about an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. tell your doctor if your crohn's disease symptoms develop or worsen. serious allergic reaction may occur. best move i've ever made. ask your dermatologist about cosentyx®. we all have obstacles, challenges, at different points in life. i still push myself every single day. the harder i push myself, the more i find myself drawn to wearing oofos. the first time i put on a pair of oofos, it was like someone released the pressure - it was so crazy. when you are recovered, and can do more, that has a compounding effect on all aspects of your life. stepping into a pair of oofos, they're truly one of a kind. there's nothing like them. sometimes it's hard to know where to start. when the cycle never stops, you're not alone. visit. make the connection dot net to learn more. kennedy: all right -- all rise i don't know two or three or justice is has taken hits lately but everyone is equal under eyes of kennedy's court and here's how we're going play. i read a wild but true crime story and mike chase defense attorney our jurors clayton michelle decide if ding bat defendants are guilty or not i will deliver the final verdict kennedy's court is now in session. ♪ ♪ >> here we go here's case number one, mike listen to this. how would you defend kentucky man shooting in the butt for eating last hock pocket and threw tiles a his roommate when he discovered roommate had eat their last hot pocket and victim tried to leave victims say shot hem in the bottom and nonlife injuries charged with assault and ordered not to have contact with the roommate. how do you defend this, mike? >> in the law there's a principle but for causation what it means if the injury was going to happen regardless of the crime, then you can't be held responsible for it many that case that hot pocket would destroy his butt anyway all right we've had hot pockets so shooting him in the butt did no further damage. >> might have done hail favor but for causation is that with two t's -- >> in this instance but for causation not guilty. >> guilty or not guilty? >> guilty. sorry. >> yeah, guilty. >> i'm sorry i have to side with our jurors here. shooting -- >> whole panel of jurors. never had hot pockets. eaten hot pockets -- >> you know you can destroy somebody's life -- >> destroy someone's life by shooting their butt. here you go case number two indiana man arrested for driving power wheels jeep while intoxicated john mcghee pulled over for driving a power wheels jeep in the road at 9 p.m. police say the vehicle didn't have any light or reflecters for car to see and he surprisingly failed to sobriety test and later determined he was under the influence of an indiana speedball meth and marijuana. how do you defend? >> look, that i think i'm going to appeal to jurors because they don't like the hot pocket defense but like one. if he's charged with operating a power wheels vehicle under the influence, then any child driving one should be charged with underage driving or driving without a license so is it or not a vehicle i say it is not a vehicle. so he can't be held liability for -- >> that's a great defense guilty or not guilty? >> not guilty. i agree with you. very good. >> he's a great lawyer not guilty. >> not guilty we're all calling him when we get pulled over for meth and marijuana driving child's vehicle -- case number three you door to door salesmen for knocking too hard. 39-year-old andrew lester was fed up with children playing ding dong ditch and attack a salesman for knocking too hard and sales man claims he took his sun glasses to break them punched him knocked him to the floor and stood over him shouting. mike that seems bit aggressive can you defend that behavior? >> ladies and gentlemen of the jury -- have you ever bought anything that you needed somebody to come to your door to sell? have they ever been selling something you didn't already know existed knives, windows, magazines i don't think so i think this is extension of the american stand your ground rule salesmen knocking on your door you should be able to do whatever you please with that person. so i say not guilty. >> whatever you choose like chain them to a radiator. >> car animal -- >> this is a dicey one for you i've had people knock on the door it startles you and i get -- i think -- makes dog bark. >> why knock that hard? >> at the same time, while i wanted to take them to the ground and break their sunglasses that is illegal but he's guilty. >> split decision here clayton? >> even a religious zealot bang on the door you're not justified in hurting them i'll go guilty as charged. >> i'll say guilty as well. okay we'll see if this is very quick we have to do this quickly case four california man accused of sneaking in resort condo and fondling women's seat with burglary and battery ?eebing into lake tahoe and rubbed feet of two adult women and ran away. >> gig economy my client is a freelance pro bono masseuse okay not guilty. [laughter] >> michelle. >> guilty. >> clayton, of course guilty. >> not guilty -- >> i defend the gig economy -- for that is a victory thank you guys so much mike chase brilliant michelle clayton beautifully done. coming up on fox news saturday night climate activist have their next targets. jets golf courses and yachts will the madness ever end? i'll ask the star of blow deck mediterranean captain sandy is with me. she's next. ♪ ♪ the day you get your clearchoice dental implants makes every day... a "let's dig in" day... mm. ...a "chow down" day... a "take a big bite" day... a "perfectly delicious" day... - mm. [ chuckles ] - ...a "love my new teeth" day. because your clearchoice day is the day everything is back on the menu. a clearchoice day changes every day. schedule a free consultation. kennedy: hello luscious and welcome back to what kind of lunatic doesn't want a yacht? i want a yacht. if i can't have a yacht i would lying to go an a yacht but i won't get one in the climate crazies have their way. amid recent string of global protest activist have spray painted a yacht in spain, that they they belongs to the areas of wal-mart if that was my yawt well i might take matters into my own hands how do we stop irrational people from ruining nice thengs and what is it really like on a mega yacht joining me now to discuss captain sandy from the wildly popular reality show -- below deck mediterranean most popular show on braf bravo captain sandy nice to see you again. smg really happy to be here and especially to talk about this. soanchts what is driving these people? they say that you assume others suffer motto of one of these extremist groups but it seems like they're motivated by jealousy? >> you know honestly i think you think about the industry as a whole -- we do consume and pollute, however, there's another part of that where the maritime industry has done everything and continues to innovate where we're more emission friendly, and they give back in so many dichght ways let's think about how long the trades have been going for years for 15bc shipping has been a thing when you think about clothes that we wear it all comes on a ship so -- there are 5,000 yachts roughly in the world. there are over 100,000 ships in the world target yachts i don't think it is very fair in to use paint on top of it to spray a boat i don't think that's very environmentally friendly, do you? j i don't think it changes anyone's behavior. but to your point people on yachts who do what you do they love being in nature they want to preserve nature as much as possible. and the only thing that is going to save the planet is innovation, it is not bullying people and terrorizing them intoive going up things that they love in their lives. if jeff bezos deem you and said captain sandy be the captain of my superyacht would you do it? >> yes, of course. it is a big yacht and beautiful i love yacht just like you said we care about the ocean. we live and work and play in the water. we care about sea life. like i ran a sea shepherd vessel it takes vessel to save the wales right it takes boats to do research and science. these people who want superyachts they actually put money back into research and science. and a lot of them have labs on their yachts like looking at sea keepers like they're a philanthropic with boats and they do research for science to find out temperature of the ocean. so find out all of these things and yeah. we're not takers we're givers. kennedy: reading your book you know, be the calm or be the storm. i think that's what it is called did i get the title right? >> you sure did. rntion i love your book and writing but i love what you've been through your journey and knowing so much about the ocean. and being so connected to that side of yourself that with all of this technology we get very disconnected from it. so it is like nature is important. museum also important to you, did you listen to yacht rock? >> who doesn't how can you not? >> having music it is like a whale singing to you right so it actually matters and i think -- honestly i really care about the ocean so does the industry. shipyards are doing everything they can to gi become and to take less, and it's innovative. we continue to innovate and i love yacht rock. >> i cannot wait to see the latest season of below deck mediterranean you're been working hard trailer is dropping an you're a legend captain sandy good to see you. >> you too thanks for having me. >> love it coming up next on fox news saturday night country is in dire need of good solid advice who better to give it out than me -- i can set up shop to in part my wisdom it is just for you here's the sneak peek. >> what do you need advice about rick? >> how do i stop she wants to go to soho to spend money. >> your wife -- >> oh. tell her they have a call outbreak in soho -- >> that's like great advice. progress toward global net zero will take big thinking put into even bigger action. it starts with us developing and deploying carbon capture and storage to help lower our carbon intensity. while also developing partnerships to create world-class storage hubs to help other industries, like cement, reduce their emissions too. innovating toward lower carbon solutions today, while helping others do the same for the future... that's energy in progress. ♪ how white do you think your teeth really are? let's try the tissue test. ooof, still yellow. whitening toothpaste can only do so much. there's toothpaste white, and there's crest 3d whitestrips white. so much whiter! crest. kennedy: , back to fox news saturday night. it is 2023, it is so wield out there so maybe we can all use a little therapy i decided to take matters into my own hands so i hit the streets of new york to legend me own world class advice to masses just like lucy from peanuts. watch. >> you need me to point out your faults charlie brown it's for your own good. ♪ ♪ kennedy: hi -- would you like some life advice? >> sure. >> tv star sure -- >> that's right bryan can't be here so it is me. >> what is plaguing you? >> what should your career be? >> a hairdresser -- i actually do history tours down in salem. >> so you immediate to make historic wigs and sell those like benjamin franklin thomas jefferson, queen you immediate to make historical wigs combine your love of history with hair dressing. you want advice never eat apples on the street it is bad luck. ♪ ♪ >> tell me why i'm here first. >> you're here because you -- want something -- ♪ ♪ >> what do you need advice about brian? >> so far -- >> anything. what do you think? >> what do i think? i think that you should travel somewhere you have always wanted to go but been afraid to go there. where is that? >> africa my wife wants to go to africa. >> go to africa i'm going to africa with kat timpf we're going next month that would be weird if y'all went with us. >> i've got successful advice i'm a professional -- this is like emotional that i'm doing. hello my honey hello my baby hello my rag time gal. >> what's your name? >> vick. let's get your information your first historical weeing one of the producers here will be in touch. >> okay. what do you think i should do? what do you think? what's your favorite historical figure? >> kate pearson -- >> my god we should totally do that. life advice. life advice -- you want psychic advice or financial advice? >> political advice -- >> political okay who are you planning on voting for? >> i don't know yet. >> yeah it's -- such a weird time because everyone is kind of horrible right? you don't need any advice you've got some thing figured out you should be giving me advice. why did you never run for office? [laughter] >> i wasn't fast enough. >> slick -- she's got all of the answers. kennedy: for more life changing advice hit me up on x and instagram at kennedy nation, and thank you so much for watching fox news saturday night. always set your dvr 10 p.m. eastern every saturday night right here on fox news and don't forget to follow us on social media, at fn saturday night -- all right be sure to listen to my podcast kennedy save the world five days week fox news -- i'm kennedy and from new york city i say good night. ♪ ♪ a smile on your face. see you tomorrow. happy tuesday, everyone! i am the queen of midmorning dana perino filling in for the king of late-night greg gutfeld who is out recovering from being greg gutfeld. i have come a long way since my days as a humble prison guard.

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Coeds , Bufnlg , Food , Grantst , 500000 , Vodka , Don T Trust , Opinion , Korean , Principle , Criminals , Home , Dating , Ton , Clients , Clink , Psoriasis , Cosentyx , Fail , Try , Crohn S Disease , Tuberculosis , Ability , Vaccine , Move , Dermatologist , Time , Points , Harder , Challenges , Obstacles , Wearing Oofos , Pair , Oofos , Pressure , One Of A Kind , Nothing , Compounding Effect , Aspects , You Re Not Alone , Cycle , Visit , Connection Dot Net , Play , True Crime Story , Rise , Justice , Hits , Eyes , Three , Number One , The Final Verdict Kennedy , Bat Defendants , Butt , Roommate , Hot Pocket , Tiles , Man Shooting , Victim , Shot Hem , Kentucky , Victims , Causation , Injury , Injuries , Nonlife , Assault , Contact , Hail Favor , Crime , Jurors , Guilty , Instance , Two T S , Pockets , Shooting , Case Number Two Indiana Man , Reflecters , Power Wheels Jeep , Road , John Mcghee , Police , 9 , Meth , Influence , Marijuana , Sobriety Test , Indiana Speedball , Defense , Driving , License , Power Wheels Vehicle , Vehicle , Liability , Lawyer , Calling , Door To , Andrew Lester , Salesmen , Salesman , Ding Dong Ditch , 39 , Behavior , Sales , Jury , Glasses , Floor , Mike , Sun , Ladies And Gentlemen , Door , Ground , Magazines , Rule , Extension , Knives , The American , Windows , Car Animal , Whatever , Radiator , Chain , Person , Hard , Dog Bark , Sunglasses , Zealot , Bang , Clayton , Split Decision , Condo , Battery , Feet , Burglary , California Man , Eebing , Lake Tahoe , Gig Economy , Client , Yachts , Victory , Golf Courses , Targets , Michelle Clayton , Saturday Night Climate Activist , Captain Sandy , Madness , The Star Of Blow Deck Mediterranean , Clearchoice , Implants , Bite , Let S Dig In , Chow Down , Teeth , Love , Chuckles , Consultation , Menu , Yacht , Lunatic Doesn T , Hello Luscious , Wal Mart , Climate Crazies , Activist , String , Areas , Yawt , Global Protest , Spain , Hands , Reality Show , Thengs , Braf Bravo Captain Sandy , Smg , Soanchts , Industry , Extremist Groups , Jealousy , Motto , Part , Whole , Shipping , Ship , Clothes , Ways , Trades , 5000 , Paint , Top , 100000 , Nature , Ji Don T , Innovation , Anyone , Captain , Superyacht , Lives , Jeff Bezos , Ocean , Vessel , Sea Life , Water , Yes , Sea Shepherd , Boats , Wales , Sea Keepers , Book , Temperature , Takers , Philanthropic , Storm , Title , Writing , Journey , Rntion , Side , Technology , Museum , Yacht Rock , Gi , Shipyards , Whale , Music , Trailer , Legend Captain Sandy Good , Saturday Night Country , Need , Love It , Wife , Shop , Wisdom , Sneak Peek , Call Outbreak , Soho To Spend Money , Soho , Progress Toward Global Net Zero , Zero , Storage Hubs , Thinking , Carbon Capture , Storage , Partnerships , Industries , Action , Developing , Carbon Intensity , Cement , Same , Emissions , Progress , Innovating Toward Lower Carbon Solutions Today , Tissue Test , Whiter , Whitening Toothpaste , Crest , Crest 3d Whitestrips White , Toothpaste White , Ooof , Therapy , Use , 2023 , Legend , Faults , Streets Of New York , World Class , Peanuts , Lucy , Charlie Brown , Life Advice , Tv Star Sure , Bryan Can T , Good , That S Right , Hi , Wigs , History Tours Down In Salem , Career , Hairdresser , Thomas Jefferson , Benjamin Franklin , Queen , Street , Luck , History , Tell Me Why I M Here , Hair Dressing , Apples , Africa , Kat Timpf , Information , Weeing , Gal , Producers , Vick , Hello My Honey Baby , Touch , Figure , Kate Pearson , Okay , Office , Slick , Answers , Hit Me Up On X , Instagram At Kennedy Nation , 10 , Podcast Kennedy Save The World , On Social Media , Podcast Com , Fn , Smile , New York City , King , Midmorning , Filling , Prison Guard , Greg Gutfeld , Dana Perino ,

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