Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX 20240703 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX 20240703

[the star-spangled banner] ♪ [the star-spangled banner] ♪ ♪ brian: >> jenny buffett has died. rachel: we are remembering the sender behind margaritaville who turned his love for sailing, surfing and beach life into a billion-dollar business empire. will: marianne rafferty joins us with more. >> reporter: a message was posted on jimmy buffett's social media page saying he passed away peacefully on september 1st surrounded by family, friends, music, and the dog. he lived his life like a song to his last breath and will be missed beyond measure by so many. buffett was a two time grammy nominee recording 50 albums, most of them going gold, platinum or multiplatinum and is best known for his songs like it is 5:00 summer, come monday, cheeseburger in paradise, margaritabill, just to name a few. ♪ ♪ wasted away again ♪ margaritaville ♪ >> reporter: he turned the beach lifestyle into a billion-dollar business empire known for his chain of margaritaville restaurants, land shark beer and an apparel line. 's death comes just months after he was hospitalized for unspecified medical issue. the exact cause of his death is not been released. jimmy buffett leaves behind his wife who he has been married to since 1977 it is three children plus a legion of fans known as carrot heads. is 50 your legacy will live on forever. will: marks a time in most of our moments in life sitting on a beach to the tune of jimmy buffett. no doubt. >> a new war room is being formed in the white house that includes dozens of lawyers and communications experts because they know in impeachment inquiry is pending into not just the guy on the left, hunter biden, but the guy on the right, the one the house will be inquiring whether or not to impeach. the question is not whether but when and how, the process by which that impeachment would occur and a lot of pressure on kevin mccarthy, speaker of the house to determine do they do it like democrats having the last couple times against donald trump or is it a more deliberate process. here's a portion of what the speaker has revealed this morning about that impeachment inquiry, saying to breitbart news to open in impeachment inquiry is a serious matter. house republicans would not take it lightly or use it for political purposes. the american people deserve to be heard on this matter through their elected representatives. that's why you've we move forward with impeachment inquiry it would be through a vote on for the people's house, not a declaration by one person. the reason he says that is the first and second impeachment of donald trump were not done with the house vote. rachel: this is a flashback to how they handled things back then. >> it's a requirement we have a vote -- we are here to find the truth is not a game for us, this is deadly serious. rachel: she says it is deadly serious but there are a lot of calls not just for kevin mccarthy to impeach president biden but for kevin mccarthy to nullify the impeachment, the second one, the first one he received, impeachment number one which was about a phone call to the ukrainian president zelenskyy the donald trump described as perfect, get more information on the corruption of president biden and looks perfect, it seems joe biden and hunter biden have dirty deals and zelenskyy knew about them and it was right to get those deals were going to have a lot of implications should president biden get elected and people should have known about it. people are saying you should nullify that but i am of the mindset to them what they do to us. i think this -- we had sean davis on, the only way to stop this weaponization of government is mutually assured destruction. unless they think they will do what they do to you, that's the only way to stop it. rachel: the white house -- pete: it started to heat up the minute the republicans took the majority in the house anticipating the impeachment process. of course they anticipate a fight as you said comparing it to the impeachment of donald trump was one white house aide is part of this war room saying comparing this to past impeachments is not apples to apples or apples to oranges, it's apples to elephants. never in modern history has in impeachment been based on no evidence whatsoever. later in the morning we will play a clip from a podcast with a washington post reporter where he attempts to address these issues. they seem to believe circumstantial evidence is no evidence. it is true to this point there's not a smoking gun piece of direct evidence that points at president biden but that's not how you absolve someone. that's not absence of evidence. our jails are full of crooks who were convicted on circumstantial evidence. circumstantial evidence is everything around you. it is smoke. when there's smoke in a 360 degree circle around you it is safe to presume there are flames. pete: you are looking at what's apps messages, 1023s, whistleblowers, the first -- it was about a whistleblower. and inquiry gives them subpoena power to connect all those dots and although people are frustrated it is good republicans are using a deliberate process. maybe you point to democrats on the ground who say this is bad, this has the potential to be real as opposed to the ukrainian phone call at what happened after january 6th, real process. rachel: it's important to say the only reason we have circumstantial evidence, we have a lot of circumstantial evidence unless the connecting of the dots you are talking about is because the doj, the fbi, and the special counsel had been blocking, why the whistleblowers came forward, every time we tried to get hard evidence and follow something, if it would lead to president biden they would block us. that's why the evidence isn't there. it is nice republicans always try to do things a little nicer and by the books but people are getting tired of it. maranda devine talking about how president biden, donald trump's first impeachment was an example of donald trump being impeached. >> in comparison donald trump was impeached -- incredible nancy pelosi and the democrats got away with that particularly now when the information there, like the prosecutor in ukraine who was fired on president biden's behest as he was closing in on the correct energy company burisma that was thank hunter biden $5 million a year. now we see the laptop showing there was pressure from burisma onto hunter biden demanding deliverable's and high-level people from the united states. pete: we move onto a second topic, women sports have become women sports plus men option and it has happened that a lot of high profile levels including the tops. plus mediocre male athletes when they decide they want to participate. leah thomas had a teammate who confessed to having nightmares for weeks for having to share a changing room with a man pretending to be a woman, now she is speaking out and spoke to the telegraph and the headline of that article is i swam with trans athlete ian thomas, woke left don't care about women's rights and she goes on to say one might wonder what happened to me too movement, a movement that seems ideally positioned to advocate regarding women safety from physical and sexual violence in the recent gender debates. me too was absorbed, so has the case for many other organizations into the democratic party, prioritize the advancement of trans rights over the concerns of women and somehow believe this is more compassion. oftentimes movements like this become political when the point in the past was women's voting for equality, then it becomes about something else. rachel: women's rights should be a bipartisan issue book from abortion to trans rights these things have become a part of democratic party dogma. this week i was filling in for ainsley during the weekend interviewed a mother and daughter who this mother won a landmark case against her school district because her daughter was socially transition without her knowing, she was socially transition prior to covid. she went to the counselor and said i am upset and the counselor said it might be because you are in the wrong body and this whole thing started and started giving her different pronouns letting her go to the bathroom but then covid hit and she went home and said she broke from the spell and realized it was not an easy process, but she did. i interviewed them. here's the explanation of how it went down and what the family went through. >> it was a counselor that i went to, that counselor and that up working with the school as well to socially transition me. after covid hit i ended up being out of the control of the school and really figured out that who the school said i was i was not. i was a girl and i was alecia. >> do your research on the schools, on the school boards, i think parents no matter what should go with their gut feelings, they know their intuition, they would know if something was wrong with her children. if you see a rapid change with your child, try to build a relationship on talking with them. asking what's going on, parents have the right to raise their own kids. rachel: paul scanlan said what you build an ideology based on victimhood or virtue on the side of the marginalized you're going to head down this path. those identities will conflict. in other words if you as a voter buy into i'm always on the side of virtue and always on the side of the marginalized what happens when you're marginalized identities interests conflict with one another. me too got trumped by a smaller community, small identity and ran it out. she's been there asking what happened to me too. a movement whose only moral compass is i am for the little guy, found the smaller guy, literally a guy, as shifting target. finding yourself on the side of principal you are going to chase this. we will ride the trans racialism, we will ride the trans age -- anything as long as you are chasing the next hero complex for yourself to find the next marginalized -- she says i am 60. she has been 64 a wild. rachel: a lot of trans ages him for a long time. that has been around for ages but i would say this just to put a bullet on this with the last interview there are real consequences was what happened to that family and that little girl is serious and every parent before the school year starts should send a note to the school saying you are not allowed to talk to my child about gender ideology, you are not allowed -- a counselor can't see my child unless i sign off of it because a lot of this is happening in secret. pete: police in pennsylvania searching for, did killer who escaped from prison days after being sentenced to life in prison. he escaped -- an illegal immigrant found guilty of killing his ex-girlfriend in 2024. 's want on murder charges in his home country of brazil. no word yet on how he escaped. law enforcement is offering a $10,000 reward for information leading to his arrest. president biden is scheduled to florida today to tour the devastation left behind by hurricane dolly -- idolly him. the republican has no plans to meet today as it would complicate ongoing recovery efforts. and coins more than two centuries old discovered a west point time capsule. buried in the year 1828. the lead box was cracked open earlier this week at the military academy. at first archaeologists could only find dust and had. but six over american coins some dating back to 1795 which the capital and its contents replaced a campus monument by cadets. some foresight there. those are your headlines. coming up two brothers stepped up to help their maui community following the wildfires that devastated that island. rachel: the fight for faith on appeal. coach joe kennedy returned to the gridiron after his year-long battle that reached the high court. he is going to join us later on. pete: abby horner sack is with tcu. >> that's right. some pretty excited guests coming up. that and so much more so stick around on "fox and friends". lowe's knows that fall's shorter days call for bigger deals. get the most out of your projects by getting the most out of our fall savings now. shop labor day deals under $90 now, in store or online. >> woman: why did we choose safelite? 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>> there is no doubt that our neighborhood knows our neighbors best and our community was tight before all this and we are tighter together now more than ever. it is quite amazing to see how our humble little neighborhood has stepped up to become an organized supply and distribution chain and much more. growing up we were surrounded not just with practices around resource management but also a process a thought process and philosophy that are deep tied to ancient wisdom and culture so we could apply to today's present day challenges. with everybody in our community, their unique backgrounds and skills, everyone stepped up as my brother mentioned, quite amazing, we are continuing to make sure our community has what they need, short-term and long-term goals are in sync. will: you have been plugged into west maui for so long, how are people doing this? 80% or more of the housing stock is gone so where is everybody living? if i dropped in today, where is everybody? >> everybody is in the hotel currently. come october most of those residents will be displaced once more. our efforts are primarily focusing on modular homes we can get going in an efficient fashion with our community workforce, building these modular homes on trailers and being able to have them transition between properties that are available, two and four year leases, 100 acres of property currently, working to secure more long-term land, we need to displace over 10,000 locals, not just that but school and medical and everything with it. will: cnbc reported hawaii has the highest cost of living, $400,000 a year, how do you rebuild what is lost which is all the affordable housing. >> housing has been such an issue making ends meet. it's difficult so we are really hoping the community comes together, the government steps up, all we can do is have faith that there is enough spotlight and enough community outcry right now that we hope and pray the community and the government does the right thing and take the right steps. will: i don't know these guys personally but i know when i tell you the following, with these guys know how to make things happen in the community, they will be over the long-term, they have asked to take a look at these sites. a visit you can give back directly to the community on your screen right now are a list of charities that will directly help individuals in lahaina. you are in pacific time so it is the middle of the night so thank you for getting up early or staying up late. i wish you guys the best of luck in maui. we will be talking. coming up. record number of families crossed the border illegally last month but the biden administration sees it differently. >> the president has done more to secure the border, to deal with this issue, than anybody else. he really has. will: the director of the texas immigration for public safety strongly disagrees. trapping you in an endless craving loop. nicorette reduces cravings until they're gone for good. they say seeing is believing, but with stearns & foster® that's only part of the story. we handcraft every stearns & foster® using the finest materials, like indulgent memory foam, and ultra-conforming intellicoils®, for a beautiful mattress, and indescribable comfort... every single night. stearns & foster® ... what comfort should be during our labor day sale, bring home incredible comfort with savings up to $800 on select adjustable mattress sets. learn more at before my doctor and i chose breztri for my copd, i had bad days, (cough cough) flare-ups that could permanently damage my lungs. with breztri, things changed for me. breztri gave me better breathing. starting within 5 minutes, i noticed my lung function improved. it helped improve my symptoms, and breztri was even proven to reduce flare-ups, including those that could send me to the hospital. so now i look forward to more good days. breztri won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. it is not for asthma. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. don't take breztri more than prescribed. breztri may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. can't afford your medication? astrazeneca may be able to help. ask your doctor about breztri. will: welcome back. pete: los angeles the council unanimously voting to pursue a criminal probe against texas as governor abbott sends them an eleventh bus of migrants of illegals to the sanctuary city. the white house raising calls to do more while protect their karine jean-pierre talks up biden's border handling. >> the president has done more to secure this border than anybody else, he really has. >> don't know what we will do in the face of failure, ramp up the hyperbole. lieutenant chris olivarez, let's take this as a two, this lawsuit from the los angeles city council, there have been 435 to date illegals sent to los angeles since june, 35,000 to democrat lead threes across the country but the city council says they are overwhelmed and will charge the government, what do you say? >> nothing surprising about a sanctuary city trying to file a lawsuit against texas, trying to do something about the border crisis but city council should direct their complaints and frustrations to because of the border crisis and that this administration. the fact they've not take any action to prevent illegal border crossings between port of entry this is a result of that, that's why these sanctuary cities result in a direct impact. the fact these illegal immigrants don't want to stay in texas, they want to go to sanctuary cities you have to be careful what you ask for because now these illegal immigrants get 1/4 step, some type of overwhelming system in the city, a fraction of what we deal with in texas. 4000 alien encounters a day, illegal border crossings, nothing compared to what we've been dealing with for two years. they should direct their complaints to those who cause the border crisis. pete: how about the statement from the press secretary, no one has done more in history, reminiscent of afghanistan and the debacle there, the greatest airlift in history. they have a way of spinning their failures. >> what i heard, i was shocked to hear those comments from our own government, from our leadership saying they have done more for the border, that is a blatant lie, slap in the face to the american people, slap in the face to first responders dealing with the border crisis and most importantly victims because of fentanyl. we know the numbers have increased. there's been a 30% increase the past two months, one hundred 77,000 illegal border crossings in the month of august alone, illegal border crossings between ports of entry, now you have armed gunmen make across the borders and impeded, cartel operatives, heavily armed, wearing tactical gear, armor piercing rounds coming across the borders, influx of human smuggling, fentanyl, across the border. to say they have done more is a live. if you want to look who's done more for border security, what we've done in texas with operation lone star indifferent infrastructures in place because of that. pete: they've always done more for the other side of the border. thanks what you do, appreciate you. we will toss it to will for some headlines. >> headlines beginning with fox wildfire a lot, thousands in south texas being urged to flee from their homes as a massive wildfire burn through walker county north of houston. the fire has charred 12,000 acres, 1200 acres and is only 10% contained. no word yet on what sparked the fire. the nypd will use drones to make sure large events are safe this labor day weekend including flying devices over private events. officials say unmanned drones will respond to nonemergency calls and broadcast messages from an nypd commander. those drones will be in the skies monday. now to a victory for joe kennedy back on the field in washington state following his years long fight for religious freedom. you lost his job as high school football coach in 2015 after praying with his team. he took his case to the supreme court and won. 's return ending in a victory for rumors of a ton high and he knelt in prayer following the win. he will join us later this morning to tell us about his return to the sideline and those are your headlines. coming up the new bill will allow farmers to bring home the bacon literally. kentucky congressman thomas massey introduced a bill to allow ranchers to sell their meat locally next. college football, in fort worth, texas, out of colorado tcu. >> they are looking good forward to it. so nice to wake up early with us as different rounds, that and more coming up on "fox and friends". eakthrough you've been waiting for. the first fda-cleared at-home skin tag remover clinically proven to remove skin tags safely in as little as one treatment. ♪ chevy silverado has what it takes to do it all. with up to 13 camera views. and the z71 off-road package. ♪ you ok? yeah. any truck can help you make a living. this one helps you build a life. chevy silverado. - i'm sherry - and i'm john. i'm a pharmacist. as we were starting to age, it's like, well how can we help our cognitive abilities? we saw prevagen. i did read the clinical study and went ahead and gave it a try. i feel that prevagen is helping me with overall clarity and as a pharmacist, i've recommended it to, not only just customers, but also to friends and family as a safe product to try. prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription. hi, i'm stacey, and i've lost 60 pounds on golo. 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(announcer) change your life at that's rachel: local farmers might bring home the bacon. the separate discussion in congress allowing small farmers and ranchers to sell their meat locally. it would also allow more transparency into how your food is processed. kentucky congressman thomas massie reintroduced the act and he joins us now. thank you for joining us, this bill, this act is being touted as the greatest opportunity in food freedom in decades. it says you don't need a federal bureaucrat on the premises of a slaughterhouse for food to be safe. what say you? >> there two trends in america at odds with each other, you got moms who want to know where the food is coming from they are feeding their children, they long for the whole some nutrient food our grandparents used to eat. meanwhile you've got four companies, multinational companies that control meat processing in the united states, 85% of the meat process done by one of these copies, one owned by china, one and by brazil. my prime act is catching on in the house and senate. it says if you are not crossing state lines, if you're engaged in local commerce than a farmer should be able to use a local processor and sell to local consumer. it's that simple. i'm asking people when you are firing up the grill's on labor day weekend think about where that came from and the farmer down the road and why wouldn't you use a local process. rachel: i do purchase my meat from the farmer down the road and i trust him. they wants my business. if he chooses a custom slaughterhouse citizen his interests to make sure the places safe and there hasn't been a foodborne illness in youth since 2012. a lot of people trying to eat more meat in their diet, be more animal-based. at the same time the government is telling them not to eat meat. tell us about that debate. >> they want you to eat bugs for some kind of fake meat but we don't want food that's made in a factory. we want food that comes from a farm, right? that is what the prime act allows. that's what our bodies are geared for. we got so many autoimmune issues these days, diseases i don't think our grandparents had. you are what you eat. we need to get back to eating healthy. eating local is the best way to do that and local processors are equipped to do this, during covid the meat industrial complex let us down but the small processors won't let us down. that's what the prime act does. call your representative, call your senators. the lead sponsor is senator angus king. rachel: you are sponsoring this in the house, bipartisan issue. i love -- this is never been introduced by an urban representative. i see what is slaughtered for me. i love knowing where my meat comes from. more moms want that. you mentioned the supply-chain. an important point. the supply chain for meat fell apart during covid. there are humane reasons for this. better treatment for animals. >> less stress on the animals. you don't have to ship a cow from kentucky to nebraska, take the truck ride or train ride and a bus ride back. it is greener to purchase local. you are not using as much fuel. it is more humane. you can know the person who raised the animal. people can purchase meat from a local farm but they have to purchase the whole animal or half of the animal. it is $1000 to purchase meat. the prime act lets you purchase it by the cut. rachel: food, food freedom, food safety, freedom from the processed food we are eating, control of these big companies you mentioned are going to be the sleeper issue of the next presidential election. i think you are in the forefront of that, appreciate what you are doing and people are catching on to this. thanks a lot. let's turn to chief meteorologist rick reichmuth. >> reporter: i am hungry now. look at this. hurricane idaidalia, still aro 66,000 households without power, they are doing a good job getting that back in at most of that will be done by the end of the weekend, forecast for cedar key, the area hit pretty hard, a lot of rain the last couple days, we start to dry out, improved conditions following the recovery of to, we are not at the peak of hurricane season yet, 70% of hurricane season still left, hurricane activity statistically. all the storms out here, idalia still has coastal impacts. this way of coming off the coast of africa will move to the west, next one we will watch, plenty of time to monitor, not saying we are going to be impacted but it's the next potential one we are looking at. because of idalia all the swells pulling towards the eastern seaboard and it will be a dangerous time. enjoyed the last unofficial weekend of summer, the beaches will be pretty dangerous and the heat is coming, really warm temperatures covering most of the country all weekend long. feeling very much like summer. back to you. pete: college football is here. will: and it kicks off today at noon eastern time. pete: abbi harness sec is live at tcu and joins us now. >> reporter: we are as excited as you are in new york. some new boys are here to talk about what they are excited about. how's it going? [years and applause] >> reporter: they are all freshman except you, you are a junior but since you are a freshman what are you most excited about today in the game? >> i'm excited to see chandler morris get out there. i'm looking forward to that, and i'm looking forward to the tailgate. >> i like this energy, didn't need coffee this morning. have you been to a game before? >> i have not. >> will be the best thing later today? >> first touchdown as a tcu student, i will get excited. >> you think they will score? not you. your team. >> we will cover it. >> 20.5, you guys got that. you are the junior here and you brought all these freshman. what does game day look like? >> game day is exciting, there's a ton of energy, ton of people everybody crowding the stadium, getting really active. really happy to have everybody, we are excited to do it, excited to bring the energy. it will be huge. [applause] >> reporter: we will stick around the rest of the morning. pete: what his name right next you? we will be watching. >> make sure heat sticks around for the rest of the show today. got to make it through the tailgate. thank you. colorado tcu 10 am eastern time, big noon kickoff show, coach prime, that's dion taking on number 17 tcu. pete: we are celebrating american jobs and what better way to do it than with allegiance flag supply coming up next. ♪ your fall projects... by getting the most out of our deals now. and with lowe's pay, it's never been easier to shop at lowe's. labor day savings are here. in-store and online. a mystery! jessie loves playing detective. but the real mystery was her irritated skin. so, we switched to tide pods free & gentle. it cleans better, and doesn't leave behind irritating residues. and it's gentle on her skin tide free & gentle is epa safer choice certified. it's got to be tide i'm jayson. i'm living with hiv and i'm on cabenuva. it helps keep me undetectable. for adults who are undetectable, cabenuva is the only complete, long-acting hiv treatment you can get every other month. cabenuva is two injections, given by my healthcare provider, every other month. it's really nice not to have to rush home and take a daily hiv pill. don't receive cabenuva if you're allergic to its ingredients or if you taking certain medicines, which may interact with cabenuva. serious side effects include allergic reactions post-injection reactions, liver problems, and depression. if you have a rash and other allergic reaction symptoms, stop cabenuva and get medical help right away. tell your doctor if you have liver problems or mental health concerns, and if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or considering pregnancy. some of the most common side effects include injection-site reactions, fever, and tiredness. if you switch to cabenuva, attend all treatment appointments. ready to treat your hiv in a different way? ask your doctor about every-other-month cabenuva. every other month, and i'm good to go. .. >> this labor day weekend celebrating american jobs. >> our next get started a company to do just that, crafting the highest quality american flags right here in america, nothing made in china. pete: joining us is katie line and max. when do you realize this is accompanied got to start? >> we started this company when we were buying flags for our own houses and were shocked so many american flags were being made overseas and we thought if there is one product in the world that deserves to be made in america, it's the american flag. why don't we start a company, just figuring it out, maybe a little ignorant, let's start a small business and let's make a flag sourced in america, made in america and really supports american jobs. we did that 5 years ago, started, katie's husband, 5 years later, here we are in new york city so thanks for having us. rachel: the quality and craftsmanship is impressive. we were talking in the break, this is the kind of flag you fly inside your home. people underestimate, flag is great the core. wanting to have a big giant flag, you do all sizes. >> we fly all sizes on our website. we have smaller flags and 5 x 8 flag, also made in america, supporting american jobs. everyone back home with us, really fine craftsman. all these flags. it is one little red, it won't fall apart. we are supporting an american supply-chain beginning to end. will: where are you making them? >> charleston, south carolina. >> 50 employees. our goal is to play a small part in bringing american textile manufacturing back. i am sure you know it got moved overseas and we are excited, let's hire the seamstresses and craftsmen and do great work hand sewing these flags. rachel: these are important crafts. pete: where can folks get more information? >> and they brought us something. thank you for that. thank you. all right. pete: coming up, a huge show, get yourself a flag and we will see you at the top of the hour. ♪ the all-new ergo smart base from tempur-pedic automatically responds to snoring. so, no more hiding under your pillow. because this system actually detects snoring then adjusts to help reduce it. for a limited time, save up to $700 on select tempur-pedic adjustable mattress sets. >> woman: why did we choose safelite? we were loading our suv when... crack! safelite came right to us, and we could see exactly when they'd arrive with a replacement we could trust. that's service the way we want it. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ (vo) in two seconds, eric will realize (man) [laughs] (vo) they're gonna need more space... gotta sell the house. 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Distribution , Process A Thought , Culture , Resource Management , Philosophy , Practices , Wisdom , Everybody , Craftsman , Backgrounds , Brother , Challenges , Skills , Goals , Sync , Housing Stock , Hotel , 80 , Modular Homes , Community Workforce , Efforts , Fashion , Properties , Land , Trailers , Property , Leases , Four , 100 , Cnbc Reported Hawaii , Cost Of Living , Housing , Ends Meet , 400000 , 00000 , Spotlight , Community Outcry , Steps , Following , Look , Sites , Charities , Screen , Visit Mauicommunityalliance Com , List , Middle , Night , Best , Pacific Time , Individuals , Lahaina , Border , Coming Up , Administration , Record Number , Families , Luck , South Texas , Safety , Immigration , Anybody Else , Director , Nicorette , Cravings , Good , Craving Loop , Story , Materials , Stearns Foster , Stearns Foster That , Seeing Is Believing , Comfort , Labor Day Sale , Ultra Conforming Intellicoils , Beautiful Mattress , Memory Foam , Mattress Sets , 800 , Flare Ups , Breztri , Cough , My Copd , Breathing , Lungs , Lung Function , Won T , High Blood Pressure , Breathing Problems , Heart Condition , Hospital , Rescue Inhaler , Asthma , Pain , Chest Pain , Medication , Vision Changes , Pneumonia , Thrush , Osteoporosis , Problems Urinating , Eye , Tongue , Mouth , Astrazeneca , The Council , Sanctuary City , Governor , Probe , Illegals , Bus , Migrants , Los Angeles , Jean Pierre Talks Up Biden , Raising , Karine , Border Handling , Los Angeles City Council , Lawsuit , Face , Chris Olivarez , Anybody , Failure , Hyperbole , Threes , 435 , 35000 , Crisis , Complaints , Fact , Action , Frustrations , Immigrants , Border Crossings , Sanctuary Cities , Port Of Entry , Result , Impact , In The City , Step , Type , Fraction , 1 4 , Texas 4000 Alien Encounters , 4000 , No One , History , Debacle , Statement , Press Secretary , Failures , Airlift , Reminiscent , Afghanistan , Comments , Leadership , Slap , Fentanyl , Numbers , Victims , Lie , Responders , Sports , Entry , Increase , Gunmen , Illegal Border Crossings , One Hundred , 30 , 77000 , Borders , Gear , Operatives , Influx , Human Smuggling , Armor Piercing Rounds , Cartel , Live , Operation Lone Star Indifferent Infrastructures , Border Security , Place , Thousands , Fox Wildfire A Lot , Fire , Homes , Wildfire , Houston , Walker County , North , 1200 , 12000 , Drones , Events , Devices , Nonemergency , Nypd , Officials , Victory , Commander , Messages , Field , Washington State , Ton , Job , Freedom , Team , High , Return , Supreme Court , High School Football Coach , Rumors , Prayer , 2015 , Farmers , Bill , Bacon , Win , Sideline , Meat , Ranchers , College Football , Colorado , Kentucky , Congressman Thomas Massey , Fort Worth , Rounds , Forward , Eakthrough , Treatment , Remover , Fda , Chevy Silverado , Camera Views , Package , Z71 Off Road , 13 , Pharmacist , Truck , Living , John , Prevagen , Try , Study , Abilities , Clarity , Golo , Prescription , Stores , Guitar Music , Product , Stacey , Size , Results , Sister In Law , Tried Golo , Plan Works , Golo Com , Announcer , Sense , Congress , Discussion , Thomas Massie , Transparency , Food Freedom , Slaughterhouse , Opportunity , Premises , Bureaucrat , Grandparents , Moms , Trends , Nutrient , Odds , Each Other , My Prime Act , Companies , Meat Process , Meat Processing , 85 , Copies , Senate , China , 85 , Farmer , Processor , State Lines , Consumer , Grill S On Labor Day , Simple , Road , Wouldn T , Animal , Citizen , Youth , Diet , Illness , Hasn T , 2012 , Fake Meat , Factory , Debate , Bugs , Farm , Diseases , Bodies , Processors , Meat Industrial Complex , Eating Local , Representative , Angus King , Lead , Senators , Sponsor , Prime Act Does , Down , Supply Chain , Animals , Reasons , Truck Ride , Bus Ride Back , Stress , Cow , Train Ride , Nebraska , Fuel , Half , 1000 , 000 , Cut , Food , Sleeper Issue , Forefront , Election , Rick Reichmuth , Thanks A Lot , Let , Hurricane Idaidalia , Households , Weekend , Hurricane Activity , Back , Power , Area , The End , Cedar Key , 66000 , Hurricane Season , To , Storms , Recovery , Conditions , Peak , Rain , Idalia , 70 , West , Impacts , Coast , Monitor , Africa , Heat , Summer , Beaches , Swells , Eastern Seaboard , Temperatures , Abbi Harness Sec , Applause , Freshman , Boys , Junior , New York , Tailgate , Get Out There , Chandler Morris , Energy , Touchdown , Didn T , Student , Coffee , Game Day , 20 5 , Stadium , Name , Show , Big Noon Kickoff Show , Jobs , Flag , Number , Dion , Coach Prime , 17 , Labor Day Savings , Pay , Jessie , Mystery , Residues , Playing Detective , Safer Choice Certified , Gentle , Doesn T Leave , Tide Pods , Cabenuva , Hiv , Adults , Hiv Treatment , Injections , Healthcare Provider , Jayson , Pill , Side Effects , Liver Problems , Medicines , Ingredients , Depression , Some , Reaction , Breastfeeding , Help , Mental Health Concerns , Pregnancy , Treatment Appointments , Fever , Tiredness , Company , Crafting The Highest Quality American , Flags , Houses , Overseas , Made In America , World , Small Business , Ignorant , Husband , Katie , Sizes , Break , Craftsmanship , Giant , The Core , Website , American Jobs , 8 , Little Red , Charleston , South Carolina , Goal , Employees , Seamstresses , American Textile Manufacturing Back , Hand , Craftsmen , Great Work , Crafts , Folks , Showallegiance Com , Top , Snoring , Pillow , Base , Hiding , Tempur Pedic , Smart , Adjustable Mattress Sets , 700 , Vo , Hassles , Laughs , Confidence , Space , Opendoor , Gotta , Opendoor Dot Com , Cash Offer , Psoriatic Arthritis Symptoms , Arthritis , Moderate , Settling , Psa , Rinvoq , Tnf Blocker , Ra , Humira , Enbrel , Skin Cancer , Cancers , Damage , Fatal , Blood Clots , Lymphoma , Tb , Intestines , Heart Disease Risk Factor , Risks , Heart Attack , Stroke , Tears , Stomach , Rheumatologist , Showgir ,

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