Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The 20240704 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The 20240704

student debt. we have charles payne host of "making money" on fox business. first we go to hillary vaughn. she joins us from capitol hill this afternoon. hi, hillary. >> back to school, back to reality for people with student loan debt. uncle sam coming to collect interest starting to accrue today. payments officially start next month despite president biden insisting up until now that he would forgive student loans. >> my campaign for president, i made a commitment, i made it that we would provide student debt relief. i'm honoring that commitment today. using the authority congress granted through the department of education, we will forgive $10,000 in outstanding federal student loans. >> the white house is not giving up on sweeping forgiveness just yet. the department of education says they're recruiting people to a special committee tasked with figuring out other ways to pay off student loan debt that are legal. the biden administration making moves to down side people's monthly payments so more people can participate in a program that adjusting your student payment to your income and family size. that will save some people money every month but cost us taxpayers a lot over the years. penn wharton says that loan will cost taxpayers $475 billion the next decade. >> joe biden was violating federal law. this is the same guy that ignored the fact that you cannot pass a student loan bail-out did it anyway. the supreme court slapped him down and now they're trying to find a new way to do the same proposal. >> so payments start back in october. if you're worried about how to fit this in your budget, there's a great period of a year. if you miss a payment, you won't be put into default. gillian? >> thanks, hillary. let's bring in charles payne now, host of "making money" on fox business. charles, let's start here with younger american adults, a lot of challenges facing them particularly at this moment. as you know, mortgage rates are historically high. wages have been increasing obviously. but not keeping pace with inflation. now today a whole lot -- a whole late of people, millions will have to start making these hefty monthly payments once again. >> yeah, listen, it's a little -- it's tougher for them, but also the ones that have college degrees, it's not as tough. we got the jobs report. what i found to be interesting, 736,000 people got back in the labor force. they decided to look for a job. every group, every educational group i studied got back except college grads. they didn't have to. they have the lowest unemployment rate, make the most money, live the longest and enjoy the best lives. so this is an obligation that a lot of people made willingly because if you graduate particularly from an american university, you are absolutely the most blessed person on the entire planet earth. here's where they messed up, gillian. when they weren't paying these student loans, they were taking on additional debt. 50% had more credit card debt. 37% had more stored debt. auto debt went up. the trips went up. trips this weekend to cabo. so a lot of these borrowers settle themselves up for extraordinary pain. not only do they have to pay back the student loans, they'll probably become delinquent on other loans as well. >> take a listen to president biden in his own words earlier today on jobs, the work force and the economy. i want your response. >> we recovered all the jobs lost during the pandemic. we've added a million more new jobs. more than 700,000 people joined the labor force last month, which means the highest share of working age americans are in the work force now than at any time in the past 20 years. >> what do you say to that? >> well, i know it's interesting that he admitted that he recovered jobs. it's the first time i think i've heard him use that language. essential through there's a trend line. we were so far below that trend line, we're finally caught up to it. that's good news. labor participation, i like to see people get in to the work force. what i'm concerned about is the number of people that have to work more than one job. still, it's tough for people to keep up. 215,000 of the folks that hit -- that were unemployed just in the last five weeks. so we're starting to see this unemployment thing bubble up. it jumped to 3.8%. that's a huge increase. normally don't see that month to month. so i'm a little concerned where we are right now. some of this is the federal reserve, which is trying to tamp down inflation. at the same time, we hope we get what they call a soft landing. it's going to be tough. i'm glad to see people going back to work. i hope that they can get these jobs. >> what do you think is the biggest challenge for folks that are a little further down the road right now? we think student borrowers, we think young people. there's people in their 40s, 50s, still have bucket loads of students loans. many are on 30-year payment plans. what do you think the biggest challenge that age group is facing? >> the biggest challenge is the sort of sense of patience. we live in a world right now where people want things instantaneously. this yell he world has dominated our economy for a long time. you know, i'm not going to ever get things that my parents had, so we're going to spend the money now. you see that reflected in a lot of economic data like airlines and trips. we have to get back to patience. it's going to require patience that people don't have or we lost along the way. these are obligations that we should pay. i'll tell you, if we keep pushing these schemes, like the scheme to get banks outs of this in the first place is one of the first reasons you saw tuitions go through the roof. if we were to just make nobody -- if nobody had to pay the consequences, all you'd see is tuition go up even higher. this is a scheme that could make college even more unattainable for people in the future if it goes -- if people pay back their loans and we start to tamp down on what college tuition is, it could be better for everyone. >> which is the reverse of what everybody america wants. have to leave it there. have a great weekend. >> you too. thanks a lot. >> president biden ignored shouted questions about his son hunter's foreign business deals. listen. [unintelligible]. >> house republicans are sharpening their knives. james comer says the gop is now ready to launch an impeachment inquiry. how the white house is reportedly planning to fight back. that coming up next. >> there's consensus in our conference that we have to go to impeachment inquiry. that will speaker mccarthy's call. i feel like that's imminent. so you only pay for what you need. that's my boy. ♪ stay off the freeways! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ our ears connect us to the moments that matter. give them the nutrients they need with lipo. it's formulated with ingredients clinically shown to protect your ears from dizziness, ear ringing, and even hearing loss. never miss a moment with lipo flavonoid. the all-new ergo smart base from tempur-pedic automatically responds to snoring. so, no more hiding under your pillow. because this system actually detects snoring then adjusts to help reduce it. for a limited time, save up to $700 on 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president's defense strategy is none other than bill clinton's 1998 impeachment battle plan. in a moment, we'll bring in michael waltz to weigh-in. first, lucas tomlinson from 1600 pennsylvania avenue. sounds like they're mowing the grass, lucas. >> that's right, gillian. ahead of the long weekend, of course. shows how serious the white house is reportedly taking this impeachment inquiry that they think could be coming. they're staffing it with a tune of staffers that will be handling nothing but questions from reporters and capitol hill. the republicans on this issue. president biden spoke earlier about the jobs numbers. he didn't answer any questions from reporters. >> you want to talk to me about -- let's talk about why i'm here. >> when congress returns, some republicans want speaker mccarthy to launch an impeachment inquiry. 18 republicans represent districts biden won. here's james comer earlier this week on why he thinks a probe is necessary. >> joe biden lies every day about his involvement and his knowledge and his family's crooked business dealings and the day has come for the press to step up and accept responsibility that they got the story wrong and joe biden does deserve to go through an impeachment inquiry to find out 100% of all the crimes that were committed by his family. >> your next guest knows well, the two-year anniversary of the haasty withdrawal of the u.s. from afghanistan. biden went against the recommendations from top military advisers and nato leaders. his approval rating has never recovered. gillian, we reached out to the white house on that nbc story about this supposed war room where this platoon of staffers will gather to handle the impeachment inquiry. we're waiting for a response. >> thanks, lucas. from the north lawn of the white house. thank you. >> sandra: let's bring in florida republican congressman michael waltz. now congressman, thanks for being with us. so according to this nbc news report, there's two dozen lawyers, plus a bunch of legislative folks and communication staffers. you can reasonably infer from that reporting that the white house is taking the threat of impeachment from house republicans seriously. >> yeah, gillian. they're taking a play out of the obama playbook. you remember the famous quote from ben rhodes, obama's deputy chief of staff saying that they created a positive echo chamber with all of their friendly think tanks and friendly media outlets. that was over the iran deal. out of the clinton playbook where they know in 1998, as republicans were bringing impeachment articles, clinton enjoyed a 73% approval rating. president trump enjoyed his highest approval rating during impea impeachment. by the way, they're going to jump on the narrative that every family kind of has a screw-up. maybe has somebody with an addiction problem or somebody that embarrasses the family and biden is a sympathetic. the key is the connections to biden. i don't know how much more we need to move to an impeachment inquiry at this point. when you have e-mails from ukrainian oligarchs thanking hunter for the dinner and meeting with dad, you have texts saying i'm sitting next to dad. either deliver or else. you have informants that have been around for years that are highly credible alleging $5 million bribery payments and biden bragging about the policy change that he enacted. i for one certainly think it's time to take to it the next level. i'll remind everyone, this is an inquiry. it gives us greater standing in court, gives our subpoenas greater strength. this platoon of lawyers biden ie courts. we need that precedent and that greater standing to get the transparency that americans deserve. i have to tell you, i've been spending time with gold star families. lucas mentioned the anniversary. the amount of gross negligence that goes to the white house that we are uncovering should be considered as well. he was absolutely negligent as commander-in-chief. these families suffered and paid a price that they shouldn't have had to pay. we have the worst military debacle since saigon and that needs to be looked into as well. >> gillian: to your point, the house speaker said that -- said this week the next natural step would be go to an impeachment inquiry. it's also the reality if he had the votes lined up he would have launched one already. >> here's the genie out of the bottle that pelosi released. we said at the time that she was breaking precedent, breaking norms by not going to a vote. he did it anyway. that genie is out of the bottle. that norm is broken. that precedent is gone. that may be what you see going forward. i'll leave that to speaker mccarthy. again, that's why norms matter. that's why they're gone. if the senate got rid of the filibuster, i don't know you'd see us demanding to return to it. that's why we are at this point. >> gillian: all right. congressman, thanks for taking time this labor day friday. we hope you have a great vacation day weekend. >> thanks, gillian. >> gillian: thanks. coming up next, we just got an update from pennsylvania police about that man hunt that is underway right now for a convicted murderer who has been on the run for 30 hours at this point, this after he escaped prison yesterday morning. we'll bring you the details. stick with us. >> we've had boots on the ground and state police resources deployed since the on set. i can assure you we plan on going nowhere until he's captured. with my psoriatic arthritis symptoms. but just ok isn't ok. and i was done settling. if you still have symptoms after a tnf blocker like humira or enbrel, rinvoq is different and may help. rinvoq is a once-daily pill that can dramatically relieve ra and psa symptoms, including fatigue for some. it can stop joint damage. and in psa, can leave skin clear or almost clear. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal; cancers, including lymphoma and skin cancer; 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extremely dangerous. craig cane is standing by to join us. first, we go to nate foy. he has all the breaking details out of new york. hi, nate. >> hi, gillian. local state and federal investigators are all asking for help trying to track down a convicted murderer that according to u.s. marshals entered illegally and escaped prison yesterday morning. if you see the 34-year-old, call 911. don't approach him. he's extremely dangerous. his escape happened days after he received a life sentence after murdering his former girlfriend in front of her two children. prosecutors say he did it because she found out about a murder that he did in brazil. >> they have a homicide warrant relating to a 2017 murder which he fled brazil to puerto rico and entered the country illegally. this is a very dangerous man. >> so he's still believed to be in the chester county area. authorities think that he's alone. they're telling everybody nearby, look your doors, be extra careful. >> people need to be on high alert. this person is dangerous. he's killed someone. he's alleged to have killed another person. law enforcement is still utilizing helicopters, drones and dogs. we believe that he is still in the general area. >> so the d.a. confirmed another inmate previously escaped from this same prison a few months ago. the prison warden would not explain how he escaped. the convicted killer has been on the run 30 hours. there's a $10,000 reward for information leading to his arrest. authorities believe he's headed south. if you see him, contact the u.s. marshals at 1-877-wanted2. back to you, gillian. >> gillian: thanks, nate. let's bring in craig cane a retired u.s. marshall. he has lots of experience in crime investigations like this, sir. thanks for taking time with us. do you have any idea, a best guest, as to how somebody who is convicted of murder and sentenced to life in prison escaped about a week after being admitted? >> totally bizarre. you know, look of staff, underpaid correctional officers, lack of security. this has been going on with a lot of prisons throughout the country over the last several months. so you know, they got to shore up their prison system and security. prevent these things from happening again. >> gillian: yeah, i understand that he was deemed to not be a flight risk, which is why he was in this county prison as opposed to a higher security or maximum security prison. can you explain to us the decision making that goes into that process? >> again, totally bizarre. you have a person that already has escaped custody once. you think think they would designate him as a flight risk. i just don't get it. you know, i would like to know whether this was an escape of opportunity, did he see like a crack in the security system and say to himself, listen, i'm done. i got a warrant here. sentenced for a murder. i have a provisional arrest warrant possibly out of brazil. i have nothing to lose. or was it a planned escape. that's a question that would be in the back of my head. it could take it to a next level as far as the investigative techniques that law enforcement will use. >> gillian: i was going to ask you about tools of the trade. what kind of techniques is law enforcement using right now in this investigation. >> that's a secret. i can't get into what they would use. because you know, it could jeopardize their investigation. we keep our secrets close to our vest. there's a ton of tools that we have available to us. resources. i'm sure the marshalls in p.a. and the state police and the local authorities are using those means right now. >> gillian: all right, sir. thanks for taking time with us an this investigation is unfolding. we hope to stay in touch with you. >> thank you, gillian. >> gillian: well, nikki haley yesterday with us on "the story" sounded off on the aging class of politicians. >> we need to know they're at the top of the game. you can't say that now >> gillian: coming up next, our friday panel will debate whether or not it's time for some of america's leaders need to quit. and up next, are car makers to blame in a spike in car thefts? that's next. >> the criminals will do the crime. >> it's a lot of factors. it would be better if it would be harder on criminals. >> if we put more things in place to -- for these youth that are stealing the cars, then we would have less crime. d. so today let's stain, with behr, the #1 rated stain. and make your deck, yours. behr. exclusively at the home depot. 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(vo) ask your doctor about once-weekly mounjaro. >> gillian: welcome back. senator mitch mcconnell's latest freeze-up is renewing debate about aging politicians. president biden himself, the oldest president in history, told reporters he's confident the senate leader will get back to his old serve. meanwhile, an a.p. poll finds 77% of americans say biden is too old to serve a second term. that includes 69% of democrats. let's bring in our panel. mike huckabee, former arkansas governor and presidential candidate. lee marshall, democratic strategist and a fox news contributor and tomi lahren, fox news contributor, host of "tomi lahren is fearless." thanks for being here. leslie, let's start with you on the stat for democrats. 69% think the president is too old to serve a second term. >> but he's the incumbent. he will be the democratic nominee. most democrats will vote for him when you look at the exit polling data after the last general elections. pretty much we have a split in our nation almost divided down the middle. left is left, right is right and that's how they vote. you have the five swing states and the independent voters in those states that put one of those people over the finish line. i'm not surprised about this on the one side. the other, it's interesting. you have people on the right like rand paul that says look, you should only serve two terms as a senator. he's starting his third notice, right? he would be grandfathered in. nikki haley who says that people like tomi's age should work longer and retire later but too old to be president. so i'm hearing mixed signals not only from my side but certainly the other side regarding age especially with politicians. >> gillian: governor, take a listen to what nikki haley told me yesterday. i want your reaction. >> what i'll say, right now the senate is the most privileged nursing home in the country. mitch mcconnell has done some great things. he deserves credit. but you have to know when to leave. that's why i'm strongly in support of term limits in this country. >> gillian: what to you say to that? >> i agree with her on term limits. i wish we had them in all branches of government. we only have them in the executive branch. nobody ought to go to government and serve a lifetime there and then go home and live under the laws that they passed for us. what is being missed here, not so much age. mick jagger and paul mccartney are up in age. clint eastwood is in his 90s and still doing movies, producing, directing. acting. it's not age. it's competency. when a person is being paid by taxpayers, it's a little different than if they're in the private sector. we're paying for their salaries. we need to pay for someone that can function in the job. i don't care whether they're democrats or republicans. they need to show up for work and put in a full day. >> gillian: tomi, what do you think about nikki haley floating an acuity test for presidential candidates at least? >> i don't think that that should be necessary quite honestly. i have a little more faith in the american voter that we would need something like that. i do think there's an interesting question surrounding term limits. it's selfish for some of these leaders, the senators, the representatives that believe in taking their seats to the gray. it's not just mitch mcconnell or joe biden. it's senator dianne feinstein. john fetterman is another one what's age is not an issue but his ability to perform. it's selfish that these people take these sold -- seats and hold on to them. we're paying their salaries. we deserve to have someone that can serve. i just turned 31. the united states government tells me that i'm too yong to run for president because i'm not experienced enough. so if there's an age minimum, there should be an age maximum for those that are clearly able to serve their country. when you look at joe biden day in and day out, it's obvious that he's not able to serve. when asked about mitch mcconnell, he turned around to his dhs secretary and asked him if he was going to run for office. it's bizarre what is happening. age is certainly going to be an issue moving forward. young voters are particularly concerned about it i believe from looking at the reactions we're seeing a cross social media and especially when young people are polled on this issue. >> gillian: the problem, leslie with term limits is that the congressional system is built to encourage longevity in office, right? the longer you stay, the older you are, the more senior you become. you accrue all kinds of political benefits when it comes to committee assignments, all kinds of things. there's very little incentive for lawmakers to step aside once they're seated. >> it's shocking that i could agree with the governor and tomi on a lot of what they just said. one of the things that bothers me, we have term limits. it's called voting. and the problem with voters is again and again, whether it is local election, state election, a federal election, you have people on both sides of the aisle just re-electing the same person over and over and over and over. you don't get to be a joe biden or a mitch mcconnell without those votes from the people. so i think it's kind of sad that we the people, the voter, have the power to make term limits a possibility without having to have legislation. obviously we have dropped the ball on that. i also want to remind everyone on the right, even if left and right can agree on this like they did infrastructure and other things, it won't affect joe biden and obviously with an election coming up, he's the target. he's the guy that they talk about with age. for the future, i agree with tomi. if you have a minimum age, you should have a maximum age. but also to the governor's point, there's people that age differently. i've said this before. i worked in my husband's office. he's a physician. i've seen 90-year-olds that play tennis and dance and travel the world and 90-year-olds that don't know who they are, don't know who their family is. they're in a nursing home. we all age differently. >> gillian: governor, last word to you. >> i worked really hard for this great hair and gray period but i'm not ready to be put out to pasture yet. if i can't read from the teleprompter, can't answer a simple question, then hopefully i'll have the good sense to step aside. one point about people who stay in office, the reason people stay in office is because once you're in, it's hard to get you out. you have the money advantage. term limits would be great if you voted people out. once you get elected, you can stay elected because you have such power or any challenger that comes against you. >> gillian: it's a powerful platform. tomi, i owe you one for next time. put it on the checklist. she will be co hosting the big weekend show this saturday and sunday. panel, thanks so much. coming up next, michael shellenberger said a new bill being voted on today could give thieves a license to steal. stick with us. 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>> yeah, that's right, this is basically pouring gasoline on the fire. politicians, mostly progressive democrats have decided that the criminals are the victims and therefore that the people they're persecuting are in some way oppressors. when you defund the police, demoralize the police, effectively decriminalized and have decriminalized all theft below $950, the situation is so chaotic in our cities right now that what they basically are saying is that they don't want the workers to be at risk by behaving like security guards, but therefore they're leaving the businesses helpless to defend themselves against these smash and grabs and these -- these mobs that are looting stores. so it's hard to overstate how bad the crisis has got. the oakland district attorney's office put out a memo that said staff didn't need to deal with white victims if they don't want to. they're turning the victims of crime in to the enemy and criminals in to the victims. >> gillian: anecdotally, have you seen in california that more small businesses, more and more businesses are hiring private security as their visible evidence of the response to this forthcoming legislation? >> yeah, there is, although i'll point out, not everybody can afford it. what you're seeing on the screen is the department stores that usually have the money to afford security guards. what you saw at the press conference were many small business owners. immigrant small business owners, people of color, minorities that people have -- progressives that say they care the most about. they're being victimized by this law. they're going to have to spend extra money the hire security guards and to be defenseless. it's appalling behavior here. this is being persecuted really by democrat -- progressive democrats that say they care the most about poor people and the people of color. these are the victims of the crimes and will be a victim of this law, which will leave them helpless and burdened with extra financial costs. >> gillian: well, michael, on that note, i have to leave you. thanks for joining us. we appreciate it. >> thanks for having me. >> gillian: you bet. the pentagon now is rolling out a one stop shop for ufos giving americans the first look at some of the identified aircraft that have been uncovered and investigated in the past. the question though that still remain are pretty astounding. we'll dig into them next. >> you have any personal knowledge of people that have been harmed or injured in efforts to cover up or conceal these extra terestrial technology? >> you know of anybody being murdered? >> i have to be careful with that. i directed people with knowledge to the appropriate authorities. using the finest materials, like indulgent memory foam, and ultra-conforming innersprings, for a beautiful mattress, and indescribable comfort. for a limited time, save up to $800 on select stearns & foster® adjustable mattress sets. our ears connect us to the moments that matter. give them the nutrients they need with lipo. it's formulated with ingredients clinically shown to protect your ears from dizziness, ear ringing, and even hearing loss. never miss a moment with lipo flavonoid. ♪ chevy silverado has what it takes to do it all. with up to 13 camera views. and the z71 off-road package. ♪ you ok? yeah. any truck can help you make a living. this one helps you build a life. chevy silverado. every piece of land has a story - written by those who work it. like the caggianos, who are brewing their own legacy. or the wrens, with their drama free plot - tranquil and serene. the upshaws? they diy, all the time. while the nelson's play lead in their own adventure, 150 years in the making. there's a story in every piece of land. run with us and start telling yours. i'll always take care of you. ♪ i'm gonna hold you forever... ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ be by your side... ♪ ♪ i'll be there... ♪ >> oh, my gosh, dude. >> gillian: well, the proof is out there. now the pentagon is making it easier for us to find it. they're launching a new website of ufo sightings and letting americans report what they themselves are seeing in the sky. let's bring in jennifer griffin. she joins us from the pentagon this afternoon. jen jennifer, what can you tell us? >> the issue of whether there is life out there, whether ufos exist or the pentagon likes to call them, uaps has obsessed the public since the first airman came forward five years ago and said that they were seeing things that they couldn't understand. now after months of delay, the pentagon has launched a website where the public and members of the military can report any suspected ufos. they were required to do so by congress under the 2023 national defense authorization act after videos like the one you played here began to appear. the website for what is being called the pentagon's all-domain resolution office has finally been made public. >> what you see today is what has been declassified to date. it's focused on the facts, taking in information, reviewing facts and when possible, declassifying that information and making it available. >> it was so popular the website crashed last nights. it's back up now. this website will provide information around including videos and photos on unresolved uap cases that are declassified. the website's other content includes recording trends and frequently asked questions section as well as links to official reports, transcripts, press releases and other resources. kathleen hicks is now overseeing the pentagon's ufo investigation team. she will have weekly meetings overseeing the congressionally mandated website, which will provide a security mechanism by which users is submit their own reports of unidentified aerial phenomena. gillian? >> gillian: the american public has always been obsessed with this. why is the pentagon digging in now? >> there's videos that go back to 1945. there's been sightings. if you look at the hotspots for where most of the sightings are now, they are off the coast of the east coast and west coast of the united states where there's many military installations, also in the middle east and the asia pacific corridor near taiwan and those other areas. that suggested in the wake of the chinese spy balloon, which surprised the pentagon last january, i think everyone wants to make sure there aren't spy craft, if you will, our technological advances of the nation's adversaries. >> gillian: thanks, jennifer. we appreciate it as always. buster murdaugh is talking to martha maccallum. it's his first interview since his father, alec, was convicted of killing his mother maggie and brother paul. buster said he doesn't think it was a fair trial. does he have any doubts about his dad she will ask him. the fall of the house of murdaugh is available now on fox nation. that's "the story" of friday, september 1, 2023. as always, "the story" goes on. martha will be back next week. "your world" starts right now. >> this week send capping what tsa reports is the busiest summer travel period on record. >> i'm going to my sister i 30th birthday. we're going over. >> i usually stay at home to stay out of the crowds and all the traffic. >> together with our grown kids and grandkids and we just have a good time. >> neil: all right. just have a good time. the labor day travel rush is indeed on. reports are half of us are

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student debt. we have charles payne host of "making money" on fox business. first we go to hillary vaughn. she joins us from capitol hill this afternoon. hi, hillary. >> back to school, back to reality for people with student loan debt. uncle sam coming to collect interest starting to accrue today. payments officially start next month despite president biden insisting up until now that he would forgive student loans. >> my campaign for president, i made a commitment, i made it that we would provide student debt relief. i'm honoring that commitment today. using the authority congress granted through the department of education, we will forgive $10,000 in outstanding federal student loans. >> the white house is not giving up on sweeping forgiveness just yet. the department of education says they're recruiting people to a special committee tasked with figuring out other ways to pay off student loan debt that are legal. the biden administration making moves to down side people's monthly payments so more people can participate in a program that adjusting your student payment to your income and family size. that will save some people money every month but cost us taxpayers a lot over the years. penn wharton says that loan will cost taxpayers $475 billion the next decade. >> joe biden was violating federal law. this is the same guy that ignored the fact that you cannot pass a student loan bail-out did it anyway. the supreme court slapped him down and now they're trying to find a new way to do the same proposal. >> so payments start back in october. if you're worried about how to fit this in your budget, there's a great period of a year. if you miss a payment, you won't be put into default. gillian? >> thanks, hillary. let's bring in charles payne now, host of "making money" on fox business. charles, let's start here with younger american adults, a lot of challenges facing them particularly at this moment. as you know, mortgage rates are historically high. wages have been increasing obviously. but not keeping pace with inflation. now today a whole lot -- a whole late of people, millions will have to start making these hefty monthly payments once again. >> yeah, listen, it's a little -- it's tougher for them, but also the ones that have college degrees, it's not as tough. we got the jobs report. what i found to be interesting, 736,000 people got back in the labor force. they decided to look for a job. every group, every educational group i studied got back except college grads. they didn't have to. they have the lowest unemployment rate, make the most money, live the longest and enjoy the best lives. so this is an obligation that a lot of people made willingly because if you graduate particularly from an american university, you are absolutely the most blessed person on the entire planet earth. here's where they messed up, gillian. when they weren't paying these student loans, they were taking on additional debt. 50% had more credit card debt. 37% had more stored debt. auto debt went up. the trips went up. trips this weekend to cabo. so a lot of these borrowers settle themselves up for extraordinary pain. not only do they have to pay back the student loans, they'll probably become delinquent on other loans as well. >> take a listen to president biden in his own words earlier today on jobs, the work force and the economy. i want your response. >> we recovered all the jobs lost during the pandemic. we've added a million more new jobs. more than 700,000 people joined the labor force last month, which means the highest share of working age americans are in the work force now than at any time in the past 20 years. >> what do you say to that? >> well, i know it's interesting that he admitted that he recovered jobs. it's the first time i think i've heard him use that language. essential through there's a trend line. we were so far below that trend line, we're finally caught up to it. that's good news. labor participation, i like to see people get in to the work force. what i'm concerned about is the number of people that have to work more than one job. still, it's tough for people to keep up. 215,000 of the folks that hit -- that were unemployed just in the last five weeks. so we're starting to see this unemployment thing bubble up. it jumped to 3.8%. that's a huge increase. normally don't see that month to month. so i'm a little concerned where we are right now. some of this is the federal reserve, which is trying to tamp down inflation. at the same time, we hope we get what they call a soft landing. it's going to be tough. i'm glad to see people going back to work. i hope that they can get these jobs. >> what do you think is the biggest challenge for folks that are a little further down the road right now? we think student borrowers, we think young people. there's people in their 40s, 50s, still have bucket loads of students loans. many are on 30-year payment plans. what do you think the biggest challenge that age group is facing? >> the biggest challenge is the sort of sense of patience. we live in a world right now where people want things instantaneously. this yell he world has dominated our economy for a long time. you know, i'm not going to ever get things that my parents had, so we're going to spend the money now. you see that reflected in a lot of economic data like airlines and trips. we have to get back to patience. it's going to require patience that people don't have or we lost along the way. these are obligations that we should pay. i'll tell you, if we keep pushing these schemes, like the scheme to get banks outs of this in the first place is one of the first reasons you saw tuitions go through the roof. if we were to just make nobody -- if nobody had to pay the consequences, all you'd see is tuition go up even higher. this is a scheme that could make college even more unattainable for people in the future if it goes -- if people pay back their loans and we start to tamp down on what college tuition is, it could be better for everyone. >> which is the reverse of what everybody america wants. have to leave it there. have a great weekend. >> you too. thanks a lot. >> president biden ignored shouted questions about his son hunter's foreign business deals. listen. [unintelligible]. >> house republicans are sharpening their knives. james comer says the gop is now ready to launch an impeachment inquiry. how the white house is reportedly planning to fight back. that coming up next. >> there's consensus in our conference that we have to go to impeachment inquiry. that will speaker mccarthy's call. i feel like that's imminent. so you only pay for what you need. that's my boy. ♪ stay off the freeways! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ our ears connect us to the moments that matter. give them the nutrients they need with lipo. it's formulated with ingredients clinically shown to protect your ears from dizziness, ear ringing, and even hearing loss. never miss a moment with lipo flavonoid. the all-new ergo smart base from tempur-pedic automatically responds to snoring. so, no more hiding under your pillow. because this system actually detects snoring then adjusts to help reduce it. for a limited time, save up to $700 on 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president's defense strategy is none other than bill clinton's 1998 impeachment battle plan. in a moment, we'll bring in michael waltz to weigh-in. first, lucas tomlinson from 1600 pennsylvania avenue. sounds like they're mowing the grass, lucas. >> that's right, gillian. ahead of the long weekend, of course. shows how serious the white house is reportedly taking this impeachment inquiry that they think could be coming. they're staffing it with a tune of staffers that will be handling nothing but questions from reporters and capitol hill. the republicans on this issue. president biden spoke earlier about the jobs numbers. he didn't answer any questions from reporters. >> you want to talk to me about -- let's talk about why i'm here. >> when congress returns, some republicans want speaker mccarthy to launch an impeachment inquiry. 18 republicans represent districts biden won. here's james comer earlier this week on why he thinks a probe is necessary. >> joe biden lies every day about his involvement and his knowledge and his family's crooked business dealings and the day has come for the press to step up and accept responsibility that they got the story wrong and joe biden does deserve to go through an impeachment inquiry to find out 100% of all the crimes that were committed by his family. >> your next guest knows well, the two-year anniversary of the haasty withdrawal of the u.s. from afghanistan. biden went against the recommendations from top military advisers and nato leaders. his approval rating has never recovered. gillian, we reached out to the white house on that nbc story about this supposed war room where this platoon of staffers will gather to handle the impeachment inquiry. we're waiting for a response. >> thanks, lucas. from the north lawn of the white house. thank you. >> sandra: let's bring in florida republican congressman michael waltz. now congressman, thanks for being with us. so according to this nbc news report, there's two dozen lawyers, plus a bunch of legislative folks and communication staffers. you can reasonably infer from that reporting that the white house is taking the threat of impeachment from house republicans seriously. >> yeah, gillian. they're taking a play out of the obama playbook. you remember the famous quote from ben rhodes, obama's deputy chief of staff saying that they created a positive echo chamber with all of their friendly think tanks and friendly media outlets. that was over the iran deal. out of the clinton playbook where they know in 1998, as republicans were bringing impeachment articles, clinton enjoyed a 73% approval rating. president trump enjoyed his highest approval rating during impea impeachment. by the way, they're going to jump on the narrative that every family kind of has a screw-up. maybe has somebody with an addiction problem or somebody that embarrasses the family and biden is a sympathetic. the key is the connections to biden. i don't know how much more we need to move to an impeachment inquiry at this point. when you have e-mails from ukrainian oligarchs thanking hunter for the dinner and meeting with dad, you have texts saying i'm sitting next to dad. either deliver or else. you have informants that have been around for years that are highly credible alleging $5 million bribery payments and biden bragging about the policy change that he enacted. i for one certainly think it's time to take to it the next level. i'll remind everyone, this is an inquiry. it gives us greater standing in court, gives our subpoenas greater strength. this platoon of lawyers biden ie courts. we need that precedent and that greater standing to get the transparency that americans deserve. i have to tell you, i've been spending time with gold star families. lucas mentioned the anniversary. the amount of gross negligence that goes to the white house that we are uncovering should be considered as well. he was absolutely negligent as commander-in-chief. these families suffered and paid a price that they shouldn't have had to pay. we have the worst military debacle since saigon and that needs to be looked into as well. >> gillian: to your point, the house speaker said that -- said this week the next natural step would be go to an impeachment inquiry. it's also the reality if he had the votes lined up he would have launched one already. >> here's the genie out of the bottle that pelosi released. we said at the time that she was breaking precedent, breaking norms by not going to a vote. he did it anyway. that genie is out of the bottle. that norm is broken. that precedent is gone. that may be what you see going forward. i'll leave that to speaker mccarthy. again, that's why norms matter. that's why they're gone. if the senate got rid of the filibuster, i don't know you'd see us demanding to return to it. that's why we are at this point. >> gillian: all right. congressman, thanks for taking time this labor day friday. we hope you have a great vacation day weekend. >> thanks, gillian. >> gillian: thanks. coming up next, we just got an update from pennsylvania police about that man hunt that is underway right now for a convicted murderer who has been on the run for 30 hours at this point, this after he escaped prison yesterday morning. we'll bring you the details. stick with us. >> we've had boots on the ground and state police resources deployed since the on set. i can assure you we plan on going nowhere until he's captured. with my psoriatic arthritis symptoms. but just ok isn't ok. and i was done settling. if you still have symptoms after a tnf blocker like humira or enbrel, rinvoq is different and may help. rinvoq is a once-daily pill that can dramatically relieve ra and psa symptoms, including fatigue for some. it can stop joint damage. and in psa, can leave skin clear or almost clear. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal; cancers, including lymphoma and skin cancer; 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extremely dangerous. craig cane is standing by to join us. first, we go to nate foy. he has all the breaking details out of new york. hi, nate. >> hi, gillian. local state and federal investigators are all asking for help trying to track down a convicted murderer that according to u.s. marshals entered illegally and escaped prison yesterday morning. if you see the 34-year-old, call 911. don't approach him. he's extremely dangerous. his escape happened days after he received a life sentence after murdering his former girlfriend in front of her two children. prosecutors say he did it because she found out about a murder that he did in brazil. >> they have a homicide warrant relating to a 2017 murder which he fled brazil to puerto rico and entered the country illegally. this is a very dangerous man. >> so he's still believed to be in the chester county area. authorities think that he's alone. they're telling everybody nearby, look your doors, be extra careful. >> people need to be on high alert. this person is dangerous. he's killed someone. he's alleged to have killed another person. law enforcement is still utilizing helicopters, drones and dogs. we believe that he is still in the general area. >> so the d.a. confirmed another inmate previously escaped from this same prison a few months ago. the prison warden would not explain how he escaped. the convicted killer has been on the run 30 hours. there's a $10,000 reward for information leading to his arrest. authorities believe he's headed south. if you see him, contact the u.s. marshals at 1-877-wanted2. back to you, gillian. >> gillian: thanks, nate. let's bring in craig cane a retired u.s. marshall. he has lots of experience in crime investigations like this, sir. thanks for taking time with us. do you have any idea, a best guest, as to how somebody who is convicted of murder and sentenced to life in prison escaped about a week after being admitted? >> totally bizarre. you know, look of staff, underpaid correctional officers, lack of security. this has been going on with a lot of prisons throughout the country over the last several months. so you know, they got to shore up their prison system and security. prevent these things from happening again. >> gillian: yeah, i understand that he was deemed to not be a flight risk, which is why he was in this county prison as opposed to a higher security or maximum security prison. can you explain to us the decision making that goes into that process? >> again, totally bizarre. you have a person that already has escaped custody once. you think think they would designate him as a flight risk. i just don't get it. you know, i would like to know whether this was an escape of opportunity, did he see like a crack in the security system and say to himself, listen, i'm done. i got a warrant here. sentenced for a murder. i have a provisional arrest warrant possibly out of brazil. i have nothing to lose. or was it a planned escape. that's a question that would be in the back of my head. it could take it to a next level as far as the investigative techniques that law enforcement will use. >> gillian: i was going to ask you about tools of the trade. what kind of techniques is law enforcement using right now in this investigation. >> that's a secret. i can't get into what they would use. because you know, it could jeopardize their investigation. we keep our secrets close to our vest. there's a ton of tools that we have available to us. resources. i'm sure the marshalls in p.a. and the state police and the local authorities are using those means right now. >> gillian: all right, sir. thanks for taking time with us an this investigation is unfolding. we hope to stay in touch with you. >> thank you, gillian. >> gillian: well, nikki haley yesterday with us on "the story" sounded off on the aging class of politicians. >> we need to know they're at the top of the game. you can't say that now >> gillian: coming up next, our friday panel will debate whether or not it's time for some of america's leaders need to quit. and up next, are car makers to blame in a spike in car thefts? that's next. >> the criminals will do the crime. >> it's a lot of factors. it would be better if it would be harder on criminals. >> if we put more things in place to -- for these youth that are stealing the cars, then we would have less crime. d. so today let's stain, with behr, the #1 rated stain. and make your deck, yours. behr. exclusively at the home depot. 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(woman) i can do diabetes differently with mounjaro. (vo) ask your doctor about once-weekly mounjaro. >> gillian: welcome back. senator mitch mcconnell's latest freeze-up is renewing debate about aging politicians. president biden himself, the oldest president in history, told reporters he's confident the senate leader will get back to his old serve. meanwhile, an a.p. poll finds 77% of americans say biden is too old to serve a second term. that includes 69% of democrats. let's bring in our panel. mike huckabee, former arkansas governor and presidential candidate. lee marshall, democratic strategist and a fox news contributor and tomi lahren, fox news contributor, host of "tomi lahren is fearless." thanks for being here. leslie, let's start with you on the stat for democrats. 69% think the president is too old to serve a second term. >> but he's the incumbent. he will be the democratic nominee. most democrats will vote for him when you look at the exit polling data after the last general elections. pretty much we have a split in our nation almost divided down the middle. left is left, right is right and that's how they vote. you have the five swing states and the independent voters in those states that put one of those people over the finish line. i'm not surprised about this on the one side. the other, it's interesting. you have people on the right like rand paul that says look, you should only serve two terms as a senator. he's starting his third notice, right? he would be grandfathered in. nikki haley who says that people like tomi's age should work longer and retire later but too old to be president. so i'm hearing mixed signals not only from my side but certainly the other side regarding age especially with politicians. >> gillian: governor, take a listen to what nikki haley told me yesterday. i want your reaction. >> what i'll say, right now the senate is the most privileged nursing home in the country. mitch mcconnell has done some great things. he deserves credit. but you have to know when to leave. that's why i'm strongly in support of term limits in this country. >> gillian: what to you say to that? >> i agree with her on term limits. i wish we had them in all branches of government. we only have them in the executive branch. nobody ought to go to government and serve a lifetime there and then go home and live under the laws that they passed for us. what is being missed here, not so much age. mick jagger and paul mccartney are up in age. clint eastwood is in his 90s and still doing movies, producing, directing. acting. it's not age. it's competency. when a person is being paid by taxpayers, it's a little different than if they're in the private sector. we're paying for their salaries. we need to pay for someone that can function in the job. i don't care whether they're democrats or republicans. they need to show up for work and put in a full day. >> gillian: tomi, what do you think about nikki haley floating an acuity test for presidential candidates at least? >> i don't think that that should be necessary quite honestly. i have a little more faith in the american voter that we would need something like that. i do think there's an interesting question surrounding term limits. it's selfish for some of these leaders, the senators, the representatives that believe in taking their seats to the gray. it's not just mitch mcconnell or joe biden. it's senator dianne feinstein. john fetterman is another one what's age is not an issue but his ability to perform. it's selfish that these people take these sold -- seats and hold on to them. we're paying their salaries. we deserve to have someone that can serve. i just turned 31. the united states government tells me that i'm too yong to run for president because i'm not experienced enough. so if there's an age minimum, there should be an age maximum for those that are clearly able to serve their country. when you look at joe biden day in and day out, it's obvious that he's not able to serve. when asked about mitch mcconnell, he turned around to his dhs secretary and asked him if he was going to run for office. it's bizarre what is happening. age is certainly going to be an issue moving forward. young voters are particularly concerned about it i believe from looking at the reactions we're seeing a cross social media and especially when young people are polled on this issue. >> gillian: the problem, leslie with term limits is that the congressional system is built to encourage longevity in office, right? the longer you stay, the older you are, the more senior you become. you accrue all kinds of political benefits when it comes to committee assignments, all kinds of things. there's very little incentive for lawmakers to step aside once they're seated. >> it's shocking that i could agree with the governor and tomi on a lot of what they just said. one of the things that bothers me, we have term limits. it's called voting. and the problem with voters is again and again, whether it is local election, state election, a federal election, you have people on both sides of the aisle just re-electing the same person over and over and over and over. you don't get to be a joe biden or a mitch mcconnell without those votes from the people. so i think it's kind of sad that we the people, the voter, have the power to make term limits a possibility without having to have legislation. obviously we have dropped the ball on that. i also want to remind everyone on the right, even if left and right can agree on this like they did infrastructure and other things, it won't affect joe biden and obviously with an election coming up, he's the target. he's the guy that they talk about with age. for the future, i agree with tomi. if you have a minimum age, you should have a maximum age. but also to the governor's point, there's people that age differently. i've said this before. i worked in my husband's office. he's a physician. i've seen 90-year-olds that play tennis and dance and travel the world and 90-year-olds that don't know who they are, don't know who their family is. they're in a nursing home. we all age differently. >> gillian: governor, last word to you. >> i worked really hard for this great hair and gray period but i'm not ready to be put out to pasture yet. if i can't read from the teleprompter, can't answer a simple question, then hopefully i'll have the good sense to step aside. one point about people who stay in office, the reason people stay in office is because once you're in, it's hard to get you out. you have the money advantage. term limits would be great if you voted people out. once you get elected, you can stay elected because you have such power or any challenger that comes against you. >> gillian: it's a powerful platform. tomi, i owe you one for next time. put it on the checklist. she will be co hosting the big weekend show this saturday and sunday. panel, thanks so much. coming up next, michael shellenberger said a new bill being voted on today could give thieves a license to steal. stick with us. 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>> yeah, that's right, this is basically pouring gasoline on the fire. politicians, mostly progressive democrats have decided that the criminals are the victims and therefore that the people they're persecuting are in some way oppressors. when you defund the police, demoralize the police, effectively decriminalized and have decriminalized all theft below $950, the situation is so chaotic in our cities right now that what they basically are saying is that they don't want the workers to be at risk by behaving like security guards, but therefore they're leaving the businesses helpless to defend themselves against these smash and grabs and these -- these mobs that are looting stores. so it's hard to overstate how bad the crisis has got. the oakland district attorney's office put out a memo that said staff didn't need to deal with white victims if they don't want to. they're turning the victims of crime in to the enemy and criminals in to the victims. >> gillian: anecdotally, have you seen in california that more small businesses, more and more businesses are hiring private security as their visible evidence of the response to this forthcoming legislation? >> yeah, there is, although i'll point out, not everybody can afford it. what you're seeing on the screen is the department stores that usually have the money to afford security guards. what you saw at the press conference were many small business owners. immigrant small business owners, people of color, minorities that people have -- progressives that say they care the most about. they're being victimized by this law. they're going to have to spend extra money the hire security guards and to be defenseless. it's appalling behavior here. this is being persecuted really by democrat -- progressive democrats that say they care the most about poor people and the people of color. these are the victims of the crimes and will be a victim of this law, which will leave them helpless and burdened with extra financial costs. >> gillian: well, michael, on that note, i have to leave you. thanks for joining us. we appreciate it. >> thanks for having me. >> gillian: you bet. the pentagon now is rolling out a one stop shop for ufos giving americans the first look at some of the identified aircraft that have been uncovered and investigated in the past. the question though that still remain are pretty astounding. we'll dig into them next. >> you have any personal knowledge of people that have been harmed or injured in efforts to cover up or conceal these extra terestrial technology? >> you know of anybody being murdered? >> i have to be careful with that. i directed people with knowledge to the appropriate authorities. using the finest materials, like indulgent memory foam, and ultra-conforming innersprings, for a beautiful mattress, and indescribable comfort. for a limited time, save up to $800 on select stearns & foster® adjustable mattress sets. our ears connect us to the moments that matter. give them the nutrients they need with lipo. it's formulated with ingredients clinically shown to protect your ears from dizziness, ear ringing, and even hearing loss. never miss a moment with lipo flavonoid. ♪ chevy silverado has what it takes to do it all. with up to 13 camera views. and the z71 off-road package. ♪ you ok? yeah. any truck can help you make a living. this one helps you build a life. chevy silverado. every piece of land has a story - written by those who work it. like the caggianos, who are brewing their own legacy. or the wrens, with their drama free plot - tranquil and serene. the upshaws? they diy, all the time. while the nelson's play lead in their own adventure, 150 years in the making. there's a story in every piece of land. run with us and start telling yours. i'll always take care of you. ♪ i'm gonna hold you forever... ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ be by your side... ♪ ♪ i'll be there... ♪ >> oh, my gosh, dude. >> gillian: well, the proof is out there. now the pentagon is making it easier for us to find it. they're launching a new website of ufo sightings and letting americans report what they themselves are seeing in the sky. let's bring in jennifer griffin. she joins us from the pentagon this afternoon. jen jennifer, what can you tell us? >> the issue of whether there is life out there, whether ufos exist or the pentagon likes to call them, uaps has obsessed the public since the first airman came forward five years ago and said that they were seeing things that they couldn't understand. now after months of delay, the pentagon has launched a website where the public and members of the military can report any suspected ufos. they were required to do so by congress under the 2023 national defense authorization act after videos like the one you played here began to appear. the website for what is being called the pentagon's all-domain resolution office has finally been made public. >> what you see today is what has been declassified to date. it's focused on the facts, taking in information, reviewing facts and when possible, declassifying that information and making it available. >> it was so popular the website crashed last nights. it's back up now. this website will provide information around including videos and photos on unresolved uap cases that are declassified. the website's other content includes recording trends and frequently asked questions section as well as links to official reports, transcripts, press releases and other resources. kathleen hicks is now overseeing the pentagon's ufo investigation team. she will have weekly meetings overseeing the congressionally mandated website, which will provide a security mechanism by which users is submit their own reports of unidentified aerial phenomena. gillian? >> gillian: the american public has always been obsessed with this. why is the pentagon digging in now? >> there's videos that go back to 1945. there's been sightings. if you look at the hotspots for where most of the sightings are now, they are off the coast of the east coast and west coast of the united states where there's many military installations, also in the middle east and the asia pacific corridor near taiwan and those other areas. that suggested in the wake of the chinese spy balloon, which surprised the pentagon last january, i think everyone wants to make sure there aren't spy craft, if you will, our technological advances of the nation's adversaries. >> gillian: thanks, jennifer. we appreciate it as always. buster murdaugh is talking to martha maccallum. it's his first interview since his father, alec, was convicted of killing his mother maggie and brother paul. buster said he doesn't think it was a fair trial. does he have any doubts about his dad she will ask him. the fall of the house of murdaugh is available now on fox nation. that's "the story" of friday, september 1, 2023. as always, "the story" goes on. martha will be back next week. "your world" starts right now. >> this week send capping what tsa reports is the busiest summer travel period on record. >> i'm going to my sister i 30th birthday. we're going over. >> i usually stay at home to stay out of the crowds and all the traffic. >> together with our grown kids and grandkids and we just have a good time. >> neil: all right. just have a good time. the labor day travel rush is indeed on. reports are half of us are

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County Prison , Custody , Process , Security System , Opportunity , Crack , Arrest Warrant , Question , Techniques , Head , Tools Of The Trade , Investigation , Secret , Tools , Ton , Secrets , Vest , Marshalls , P A , Nikki Haley , Touch , Politicians , Representatives , Panel , Class , Top , Coming Up Next , Criminals , Crime , Factors , Car Thefts , Spike , Car Makers , Youth , Cars , D So Today Let S Stain , Stain , Deck , Behr , Home Depot , Woman , Type 2 Diabetes , 2 , Diabetes , Vo , Stop Mounjaro , Blood Sugar , Body , Food , A1c , You , 25 , 7 , 4 , 3 , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome Type 2 , Reaction , Type 1 Diabetes , Stomach Pain , Neck , Lump , Swelling , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Diabetic Retinopathy , Vision Changes , Side Effects , Gallbladder Problems , Blood Sugar Risk , Kidney Problems , Insulin , Taking Mounjaro , Pancreatitis , Sulfonylurea , Nausea , Vomiting , Diarrhea , Dehydration , Mitch Mcconnell , Freeze Up , Debate , History , Term , Leader , Serve , Former , Poll , Progressive Democrats , Arkansas , Mike Huckabee , 77 , 69 , Tomi Lahren , Governor , Contributor , Candidate , Strategist , Fox News , Lee Marshall , Tomi Lahren Is Fearless , Stat , Incumbent , Let , Leslie , Nation , Elections , Left , Exit Polling Data , Nominee , Middle , Split , Voters , Mother , Side , Swing States , Terms , Finish Line , Rand Paul , Notice , Age , Signals , Term Limits , Nursing Home , Credit , Support , Government , Branches , Executive Branch , Laws , Lifetime , Paul Mccartney , Mick Jagger , Clint Eastwood , Competency , Movies , Acting , Sector , Producing , Directing , 90 , Care , Salaries , Work , Tomi , Voter , Candidates , Acuity Test , Faith , Something , Seats , Dianne Feinstein , Gray , John Fetterman , United States Government , 31 , Dhs Secretary , Office , Bizarre , Cross Social Media , Kinds , Problem , You Stay , Senior , Longevity , Lawmakers , Incentive , Committee Assignments , Benefits , Election , State Election , Voting , Sides , Aisle , Legislation , Power , We The People , Possibility , Ball , Sad , Right , Target , Infrastructure , Husband , Physician , Don T Know , Word , Tennis , Dance , Pasture , Stay , Hair , Teleprompter , Reason , Money Advantage , Challenger , Platform , Checklist , Bill , Michael Shellenberger , Show , Being , Co Hosting , License , Thieves , Relief , Allergy , Allergy Sprays , Sneeze , Astepro , Shopping , Spending Honey , Mom , Car Insurance , Switching , Reminder , Phone , Liberty Mutual , 00 Dollars , Airport , Ohhhhhh , Nerve Aches , Nervive Nerve , Nerves , Nerve Care Company , Hands , Feet , Ala , B Complex Vitamins , Nervive Pain Relieving Roll , California S , Crime Bill , Critics , State Assembly , Smash , Grabs , Business Owners , Security Officers , Uptick , Thousands , William La Jeunesse , Retailers , Employees , Shoplifters , Opposition , Supporters , Theft , Gas Stations , Police Don T , Misdemeanor , Sacramento , 950 , Worker , Employer , Safety , Say , Jeopardy , Intruder , File , Businesses , Thiefs , Workplace Violence Prevention Plan , Protection , Per Incident , Counselling , Violence , 8000 , 18000 , Actions , William In L A , 0 , Author , San Fransico , Store , Steals , Victims , Fire , Gasoline , Oppressors , Security Guards , Workers , Risk , Saying , Situation , Cities , Memo , Mobs , Looting Stores , Office Put , Crisis , District Attorney , Oakland , Anecdotally , Didn T , Enemy , Screen , Evidence , Color , Department Stores , Immigrant Small Business , Small Business Owners , Owners , Minorities , Press Conference , Progressives , Behavior , Victim , Pentagon , Costs , Note , You Bet , Shop , Look , Aircraft , Efforts , Extra Terestrial Technology , Materials , Anybody , Ultra Conforming Innersprings , Memory Foam , Comfort , Beautiful Mattress , Stearns Foster Adjustable Mattress Sets , 800 , Story Written By , Play Lead , Adventure , Legacy , Drama , Wrens , Diy , Nelson , Serene , Plot Tranquil , Gonna , 150 , I Ll Be There , Proof , Gosh , Dude , Website , Sightings , Jennifer Griffin , Sky , Ufo , Jen Jennifer , Public , Members , Military , Airman , Delay , Videos , Resolution Office , The One , National Defense Authorization Act , 2023 , Facts , Cases , Photos , Kathleen Hicks , Reports , Content , Recording Trends , Section , Press Releases , Links , Transcripts , Users , Meetings , Security Mechanism , Congressionally , The Pentagon S Ufo Investigation Team , The American , Phenomena , Pentagon Digging , 1945 , West Coast , Most , Military Installations , Hotspots , East Coast , Middle East , Areas , Last , Wake , Spy Balloon , Asia Pacific Corridor , Taiwan , Chinese , There Aren T Spy Craft , Advances , Adversaries , Buster Murdaugh , Maggie , Alec , Interview , Trial , Doubts , House , Martha , Murdaugh , Goes On , Fox Nation , Friday , Friday September 1 2023 , Send Capping , Record , Tsa , Sister , Birthday , Crowds , Traffic , Kids , Grandkids , Half , Labor Day Travel Rush , Neil ,

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