Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Americas 20240704 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Americas 20240704

the surging migrant crisis now begging for help to get themselves out of it. good morning, i'm dana perino. bill is off today. good morning, aishah, thanks for being here. love having you here. >> i'm aishah hosni, this is "america's newsroom." with the worsening migrant crisis pushing her state to the breaking point governor hochul trekked down to the white house hat in hand but apparently president biden just could not squeeze in a meeting with the leader of one of the nation's biggest states. >> dana: instead she was passed off to the chief of staff and dozens of the nations most prominent leaders call on the biden administration to get a handle on the chaos. critics comparing this fiasco to a farce. >> well, rough times because it's like the three stooges. you got biden, hochul, you got adams. which way did they go? they wanted them. they kept saying come in. we're a sanctuary city and state. now they don't know what to do. >> a lot of critics there. "new york post" is capturing the public's mood. republicans saying it is high time for staten island to break away to become its own city and mark meredith is live at the white house for the latest on this unfolding drama. mark. >> aishah and dana, good morning. a lot of drama. for years we've heard from border state republicans arguing the white house needs to spend more time on the migrant crisis. today it's democrats from solid blue states urging the white house to get more involved finding a solution and fast. estimated over 100,000 migrants have moved to new york city within the last year alone. new york's top business leaders sending the president a letter just this week calling the situation overwhelming. on wednesday new york's governor hochul traveled to d.c. to meet with the white house chief of staff. following the meeting aides say they reviewed a dhs assessment of the situation basically finding not enough migrants have been able to get access to work permits. the white house says it is ready to prepare more resources to help with that. they'll dispatch some from dhs and the department of education, housing as well as the department of the interior. the white house says it wants a whole lot more money to deal with this. $6 hundred million. new york's governor says help can't come soon enough. >> i know the frustration of new yorkers who are seeing something that they never expected. their soccer fields being used for migrants and facilities in their neighborhood. a whole knew dynamic for residents of new york and exasperateing for many of them. >> not just the governor is dealing with this. pressure is continuing to build on secretary mayokas to address a migrant surge but what's happening across the country. >> why would we write a check to mayokas to leave us exposed? i don't think we should. republicans hold the line. i hope we will. >> when it comes to the blame game the white house says don't point at us. it is up to congress to come up with an immigration reform package. no indication that will be happening any time soon. >> aishah: we're ready for a showdown. thanks, mark. >> dana: i understand what happens when you ask for a meeting with the president and don't get it. the governor of new york and the democrats looking at these kind of numbers in new york politically that the president wouldn't meet with her? basically meeting with the chief of staff says we hear you but there is nothing we'll do about it. >> aishah: they are in a tough spot because they have arizona, texas, some of these actual border states that also would like a meeting with the president or would like him to come down to the border and talk to them there. not going to happen. i don't know what the mayor and the governor expect from the white house when texas and arizona aren't getting much, either. >> dana: we'll see. voters might demand it. i'm excited i'll be moderating the second presidential debate along with stuart varney. i talked with her last night and you can watch that debate live on september 27th at 9:00 p.m. eastern on the fox business channel. people might not remember, you might not remember stuart varney and i did a hit on hannity every tuesday for five years. >> aishah: wow. we're so proud of you. we say the whole newsroom team so excited. we're buzzing. >> dana: thank you. it will take a village and see how it all goes down. looking forward to that september 27th. president biden telling his staff the job is wearing him down. author writes in his book the last politician that the 80-year-old commander-in-chief told aides he feels tired. this comes as a new poll reveals 77% of americans feel biden is too old for another term. let's bring in our panel. reince prieb us and matt bennett. i want to read this excerpt. franklin forbe is not a right wing guy and written for publications that no one would consider conservative. he wrote this. it was striking he took so few morning meetings or presided over so few public events before 10:00 a.m. public persona reflected physical decline. no pill or exercise regime can resist. in private he would occasionally admit he felt tired. his advanced years were a hindrance depriving him of the energy for the ability to conjure a name. both of you know when a book comes out, one that the white house has cooperated with, there will be news about it and the press secretary will get questions. listen to this and i'll get your take. call for number four here. >> we've had those -- because of this excerpt? >> the book is suggesting the president tells aides he is tired. and that's why there are no public events before 10:00 a.m. >> that's a ridiculous assumption to make. >> dana: i understand she is in a tight spot. there has to be a better answer than we can't keep up with him when he is on a plane? >> first of all, i've worked in the white house. it is a hard job and presidents are usually pretty tired. the fact that joe biden is tired is not exactly news. moreover, as i recall in the trump administration, he would have executive time on his schedule every day until noon. i don't think it's news he doesn't have public events on his schedule early, either. the president goes home at night with a large briefing book. a lot of reading and things to do. the fact he is not doing things in public before ten when he is getting briefed and catching up on what's happening i don't think is news at all. this does not strike me as a problem for the biden white house. >> dana: reince. 77% of the american people say they think the president is too old to serve again. is that a problem? >> good morning. yeah, it is a problem because if you look at the polling behind that 77%, look at what democrats, what words they use to describe their own party nominee realistically. 41% of democrats called biden confused, slow, and bumbling. that's the issue. age is important but the reality about biden is that when american people are using words like bumbling and confused to describe their president, that does play a role in the election. on top of it, joe biden is 20 points lower today in his approval rating than he was in 2020. last thing. only 100,000 people in five states will decide this election. so the reality is that we're talking about razor thin margins even if the popular vote is different. there is only a few people swinging one way or the other that decide who the president is going to be. of course if people think the president is confused and bumbling it will play a role. >> dana: here is dan henninger from the "wall street journal" sounding an alarm about both candidates. both frontrunners, trump and then joe biden for re-election. he says this. matt, let's get your take. to win in 2024 they meaning the democrats will pull the plug on joe biden. democrats can't explicitly throw over kamala harris but open up primaries to various governors. i want you to expand more on this. on a scale of 1-10 with ten being the most likely, how likely do you think that scenario is? >> 0 on a scale of 1 to 10 that scenario is 0. joe biden is a very successful incumbent president. successful incumbent presidents tend to win unless they're facing a serious primary threat which he is not. a lunatic named rfk junior running against him. not like ted kennedy running in 1980. so joe biden will be our nominee. joe biden is going to win the election. i agree with reince it will be close and 100,000 people deciding the election. i like our chances. remember that donald trump is up by almost 40 points in the republican primary facing 91 criminal counts and i think tired against 91 criminal felony counts i'll take it on any day. >> dana: reince, final word about that match-up. that potential match-up or rematch of trump and biden. how likely do you think that is? >> actually i agree with matt. it is about a 0 to 1. i agree with him because keep in mind. the details of the boring stuff that people don't follow. 17 states will have filing deadlines done by the end of the year. one state's filing deadline opens up in utah and it already opened up last week. so what that means is you cannot get on the ballot unless you complete your filings in each of these states. these filings are 15,000 people in michigan, 10,000 people in north carolina. we're talking california, texas. so this magical person that is going to show up will have to have a field operation and a lot of money in the bank unless they want to get into a convention chaos where they unbind the delegates and have a fight like the old days in fact delegates choose their nominee, not the voters. the reality is this is not happening. >> dana: at least no one asked me to bring up whether michelle obama will be running for president. i'm a firm no on it. chances are below 0 that's ever happening. thank you so much. great to have you this morning matt and reince. have a great day. >> thank you. >> aishah: mitch mcconnell appearing to freeze again for a second time. watch this. >> what are my thoughts about what? >> running for re-election in 2025. >> oh. that's -- >> did you hear the question, senator, running for re-election in 2026? >> yes. >> aishah: it happened in kentucky. an aide for the 81-year-old senator says he is feeling fine today. a similar incident you will recall happened back in july at a press conference on capitol hill. his team says both incidents were due to light-headedness. more on that coming up. meanwhile tropical storm idalia barreling through georgia and the carolinas bringing high tides and flooding to coastal communities. katie burn is live from charleston, south carolina with a look at the damage there. hi, katie. >> hi. the good news here, i know the storms are heading to north carolina. in charleston this is one of the last streets that still had some water on it in downtown charleston. most of the water has receded so far already but at peak about 50 roads in the city were closed because of flooding. some of the water was hip deep last night. what happened was it moved into charleston at high tide and top five peak tide recorded in the charleston harbor. they reached over nine feet. that only happened four other times during hurricanes and it breached the sea wall where we are. flooded downtown streets surrounded by beautiful historic homes when you picture charleston and businesses. people who live in the area this morning, some say they've been out already for hours working on cleaning up. also working on stripping down some of the storm preps they have had out. remember seeing all those sandbags lining up homes and businesses in the last couple of days. a lot of people tell us storms are something they are used to but now they have to see what the damage really looks like as city crews step outside this morning and assess all of it. aishah. >> aishah: how are folks feeling now? folks in florida are trying to get their heads wrapped around what just came through. what about there where you are? >> well, aishah, a lot of it happened overnight in the evening hours after the sun was down. this is really the first time people are able to see what things look like. i can tell you driving around town you will see a lot of debris on the ground, pieces of trees. when the roads were flooded last night we saw debris floating in the water. things like tires, trash cans, tarps. all kinds of things lifted off people's property. people are trying to figure out where everything is and if there is damage to their homes right now. >> aishah: what a great community and great town. one of my girlfriends just moved there. thank you for being there for us. stay safe. >> dana: the hits keep coming in the hunter biden investigation. did the justice department leave an i.r.s. whistleblower high and dry? the new allegations ahead plus this. >> i respect everyone's decision, i really do. this mandate is sick. and it is scary. >> aishah: the battle over free speech and the first amendment at espn. why sage steele called it quits over there at the network. >> dana: saying goodbye to the american dream? the cost of buying a home drifting even further out of reach. why are houses so expensive and what can be done about it? that's coming up. ♪ i'd like to take a moment to address my fellow veterans, because i know so many of you have served our country honorably. one of the benefits that we as a country give you as a veteran is the eligibility for a va loan for up to 100% of your home's value. if you need cash for your family, call newday usa. with automatic authority from the va, we can say yes when banks say no. give us a call. directv sports central gives you access to every game. but terry doesn't have directv. come on. work for dad- here... now, you can find the game easy. my barbecue is saved! get in the redzone with sports pack. call 1-800-directv my barbecue is ruined. i brought in ensure max protein of education is working with those big bend counties to get them back up and running as quickly as possible. we're also fulfilling missions for counties. there have been 1100 missions that have been fulfilled or in process of being fulfilled. so the things that may be necessary particularly in some of these hard-hit areas, fuel, water, mres, tarps, we have an abundance of and provide it to the affected communities as needed. if you want to help out there is a way to do it at the florida disaster fund. this has already raised millions of dollars. we'd love to raise millions more to help those hard-hit areas. go to florida disaster if you would like to make a contribution. i know we have had a lot of folks in the business community express interest in doing that and we certainly would welcome that and it will make a big difference for people in this time of need. we're going to continue working and doing whatever needs to be done to get people back on their feet. i will be traveling down touring some of the hard-hit areas like cedar key and some of the other areas to get assessment. we were not able to access those areas yesterday cleanly. now we will be able to do it and we'll report back on what we see and any actions necessary as a follow-up. i want to thank administrators. >> aishah: you are watching governor ron desantis in tallahassee giving an update to the state and entire country on the resources available that he is making available to floridians as they clean up now from the damage from hurricane idalia. a cat four when it made landfall in the big bend area. steve harrigan is live in newport ritchie, florida just north of tampa. steve, what is it looking like over there? >> the cleanup here has begun. most of these houses and businesses were 2 or 3 feet under water yesterday and getting initial estimates as to how serious the storm was from an economic point of view. overall damage estimates are about $9 billion right now. the death toll, though, much lower than initially expected in part because of where the storm hit in a lightly populated area. two people killed according to florida highway patrol. both of those people were driving on the highway when they crashed during the storm. compare this to hurricane ian 11 months ago that killed 150 people in florida. we heard governor desantis say several times florida learned a deadly and painful less kwon about lesson about the storm surge. people were drowning in their own homes calling for help. that didn't happen this time around because of the lessons from the storm surge. the big challenge remains electric power. the governor saying they have restored electricity to more than 500,000 homes but still 140,000 people without power. when you drive along the coast. some of the coastal towns are 100% blacked out and cleaning up 2 or 3 feet of floodwater without power doing it by hand. no easy job. aishah, back to you. >> aishah: steve harrigan live for us. thank you. >> dana: in some ways because that was that low population area it just went right through almost like two bowling balls. the ball goes between. not lucky for me but a good thing in this situation. >> aishah: a cat four would hit anywhere. you hate for hit anywhere on the coastline but a lot of folks got lucky. >> dana: still more to do. pay attention to local officials on that. this next on the housing market. >> housing is astronomical. look at the difference in the years. >> aishah: don't you hate it? i hate looking at those numbers. for some the housing market is becoming an american nightmare. middle income home buyers being priced out across the country. ceo and owner of the rogers healey companies joining me now to break this down for us. this is so painful. buying a house is the american dream. everybody wants to do it. i just did it. had great credit, rogers, and still got hit by 6.2% which you would call me lucky right about now. what is happening? >> i think again we've been stuck in this cycle now really since covid. people are kind of waiting for things to change and it might not ever change. i think we've just seen everything change. buying a home is still the american dream. the people we were blaming five years prior, the ones leaving the market is millennials. >> aishah: people out there i hear these stories that will buy the house because they feel this is the time to do it but then the mortgage winds up being more than 50% of their income and so now they are putting groceries and everything else that they've got. bills coming quick and fast, they are putting it on credit card. people are getting -- might be buying a house but might be house poor. >> yeah. again it is all relative. people, the trends have changed drastically in the even past year, year and a half. people are buying a house with the anticipation of not staying there more than 2 to 3 years. in a situation like you maybe you go refinance to get your interest rates under 4% if it continues to be the dream. >> you think i'll refinance in a year down to 4%? >> we have an election year coming up. real estate continues to drive our economy. people will hopefully find a way to bring out some kind of miracles in the world of real estate. it will be around interest rates, if not other options as well. i think that people are looking at real estate as more of an investment. even their primary residents. the emotional attachment is not there like it used to be. >> aishah: i'm not giving up this place. we have an inventory problem and why so many folks are saying buy now. even if interest rates drop to hopefully 4% by next year, you are going to be in a bidding war with so many people because builders can't keep up. >> and again here is the thing. millennials are the largest generation in the entire country. baby boomers are right behind them. 74 million millennials and 72 million baby boomers. those people will be driving the market. if you find something you like enough, go ahead and get it. get the house and realize it is not a forever thing and again that's really not what the mindset was five years ago and prior. so we just cannot keep up with it and as millennials start to go and have families and grow families we'll need larger spaces. the demand for real else state will continue. >> aishah: we'll need more space and houses are getting smaller. since 2018 the average unit size for new housing starts has decreased 10% nationally to 2400 square feet. it is just crazy what's happening. now we're hearing about bidding wars on rentals. i had a girlfriend that put a house up for rent and she got five people within the first 24 hours all trying to outbid each other. it is rough out there. >> yeah. i guess two points to that. the one thing you can't build is more land. if you think about it they'll maximize their dollars and have smaller houses on smaller land and also on top of that, too, the nationwide rental average is approaching $2 a foot. we're going to keep talking about this until we're blue in the face but there won't be a real estate crash any time in the near future. >> aishah: okay. we'll watch it. rogers healey, thank you for your time. have a great morning. >> dana: very interesting and important story there. nevada tribal ranger who drew his weapon on climate protestors is now under scrutiny. watch here. >> get down now. get down on the ground. >> dana: that incident is under review. so who is to blame? plus this. >> there are so very few people, whether it's in sports, in academia, corporate america, the medical profession and even in the church, so very few people willing to stand for what is right. but sage is one of those. >> dana: sage steele settled a lawsuit with the network and left espn. she joins us with reaction. ♪ we start with sustainably grown cotton from the rich red soul of north alabama, here on our family farm. then we partner with family owned mills from maine to mississippi to manufacture our cotton into quality american made fabrics that become our heirloom inspired bedding, towels, blankets and apparel. experience our 100% american made luxury linens for yourself. go to red line cotton dot com and receive 15% off your order with code fox news. about two years ago, i realized that jade was overweight. i wish i would have introduced the fresh food a lot sooner. after farmer's dog, she's a much healthier weight. she's a lot more active. and she's able to join us on our adventures. get started at let innovation refunds help with your erc tax refund so you can improve your business however you see fit. rosie used part of her refund to build an outdoor patio. clink! dr. marshall used part of his refund to give his practice a facelift. emily used part of her refund to buy... i run a wax museum. let innovation refunds help you get started on your erc tax refund. stop waiting. go to you really got the brows. hi, i'm michael, i've lost 70 pounds on golo. i spent thousands on other diets that didn't work. on golo, i spent a couple hundred bucks and got back down to my high school weight. you're not gonna believe this thing is possible but it is. >> aishah: right now a nevada tribal ranger is under review after this. plowing through a blockade of environmental protestors and drawing his weapon on them. the demonstrators were blocking miles of traffic headed to the burning man festival. >> this review into the ranger is ongoing. four days after it was first announced by the tribe in the immediate after math of the incident. here is what happened. there is one road into the nevada desert site of the annual burning man festival. when the road gets blocked it causes chaos which is what the activists wanted. with signs reading abolish capitalism. ban private jets, the protestors put a trailer across the road and refused to move. the burning man festival, anti-establishment event have upset the activists because its -- it resulted the commodification of the event. whether or not it's a valid argument the tribal rangers who are responsible for the desert area where the event takes place were having none of it. after warning the protestors to clear the road and getting no cooperation they did this. >> get on the ground. don't move. >> now as we reported earlier this week on this show, the tribal rangers immediately ordered that review of the officers' conduct. protestors have gone online creating a petition seeking 10,000 signatures demanding that burners of the world unite. as of this morning, aishah, that petition had been signed by a whopping 280 people. >> there was a big scene in washington, d.c. on a highway earlier this week, too, because of these climate protestors. jonathan hunt, thank you so much. >> what's the band-aid for? >> well, i got my shot today. i didn't want to do it but i work for a company that mandates it and i had until december 30th to get it done. i respect everyone owes decision, i do. this mandate is sick. and it's scary. i'm not surprised it got to this point especially with disney. a global company. i feel like defeated. >> dana: sage steele sued espn and opening up about her ordeal after a settlement. >> they've agreed to part ways and thank her for her contributions over the years. never easy to end something but it is beginning of something for you. >> i hope it is, dana. i think it's just -- i'm still in shock, once you file a lawsuit against your employer you know it will come to an end before the end of my contract in another year. it was not a way i dreamt of it ending. i talked to my bosses and various presidents of the company wanting it to be my last job ever. it wasn't meant to be. i believe god always has a plan. i'm trying to figure out the plan now. i feel like i'm right where i am supposed to be, even a little bit uncomfortable. it took a long time to get to the point where i was okay standing up for myself. >> dana: those are not comfortable times and sometimes you end eating alone at the lunch table but realize your integrity is in tact and that's what matters. riley gaines had wonderful words to say about you. let's listen to her call for number two. >> these battles that i'm facing, that sage has faced are spiritual battles. for her to take a strong stand in her faith as well as loving her country which again those two things. how can they be continual? >> dana: interesting, right? you would think the issue she deals with mostly biological males playing in women's sports what you have dealt with, why would this ever be a controversy? did it surprise you? >> the transgender -- >> dana: what she is dealing with but also even your reluctance on the covid shot, an understandable thing. then it turned into this huge controversy that leads to a lawsuit and you and i talking today. >> yes and yes and yes and yes. also because most importantly i can fight and have an opinion about things especially if i'm complying with the rules to get the shot that i did not want to get. adamantly did not want to get and things are coming back i still won't get any shots. at the end of the day it was just about consistency and lack of. and as my peers are allowed to go on any network versus me on a day off on a separate contest and give their opinions that are political and then i can't talk about my experiences as a bi racial woman or a shot needing to keep my job. i need consistency. i'm a parent of three kids. even if you don't like the rules and it's consistent and clear. i think that's what makes me the most sad but it doesn't have to be this way. but i have tried to stop asking why. here we are now and now maybe if i google this more people can -- more employers can be more careful and more consistent. >> dana: stephen smith defended you. i want to play this from the white house. you picked up on it the issue of trans playing in women's sports brought up at the white house yesterday. this is a hot topic across the country and for good reason. listen to the white house yesterday. >> that gives schools the flexibility to establish their own athletic policies. >> does he care that girls are allowed to compete in sports without fear of injuries, does it think it's fair for gifls to have to compete against biological males? >> i just answered the question. it is a truly complicated issue with a wide range of views, a wide range of views. >> dana: how complicated do you think it is, sage? >> this is so ridiculous. the more i hear it, the more angry i get. it is not complicated. all these people who have been preaching science for the last three plus years with covid are now ignoring science for something so basic. even if you talk to people, i have a lot of people come up to me and different opinions about a lot of things but i feel like on both sides of the aisle the vast majority of americans agree this is ridiculous. we know the differences between boys and girls, men and women and i'm disappointed and a lot of people, a lot of companies, etc. , that are -- they were preaching women and supporting women's sports etc. and title ix work and we're forgetting it and ignoring it and people who agree with us that are being silenced. why? because it is easier and safer. i feel if we don't speak up. by the way, i mean men and athletes with big platforms as well. i almost feel like we'll have blood on our hands here. what is the line? all i know is as a mother and someone with a little bit of a platform. i don't know what that is right now but here i am. if we don't do this, we've wasted 50 years of work in trying to uplift women. i don't get it. this is pathetic that it is still an issue and shame on these people in leadership positions for not being willing to give an honest answer. >> dana: especially those women who made millions, worked hard, got the championships, they succeeded and now they don't stand up for girls that are younger than them. it is mind blowing. i hope you and i get off camera we'll talk about it one day. i hope we see you again and more often on fox news. sage steele, thank you so much. have a great day. >> thank you for having me. >> dana: take care. >> dana reads sports. >> dana: speaking of sports, did you know this? a volleyball match in the hartland making history in the stands. the university of nebraska, look at this. setting a world record for the largest crowd to watch a women's sporting event. more than 92,000 fans packing memorial stadium in lincoln and for good measure, the corn huskers won beating omaha 3-0. >> aishah: that's the midwest. we like to support our people. >> dana: that's right. you are indiana. >> aishah: i'm a hoosier. they fled brutality of the taliban in afghanistan after the disastrous u.s. withdrawal. now some very brave afghan women are forging ahead. you start right here in america. their inspring stories coming up next. going one-on-one with the son of a convicted killer buster murdaugh opens up in an exclusive tell-all interview with martha maccallum on fox nation. we'll bring you a little bit of that. >> i do not worry, i am not a thief, liar or manipulator. in those regards i'm nothing like him. for what you need. you could save $700 dollars just by switching. ooooh, let me put a reminder on my phone. on the top of the pile! oh. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ mlb chooses t-mobile for business for 5g solutions... not only enhance the fan experience, but to advance how the game is played. now's the time to see what america's largest 5g network can do for your business. at pnc bank, you can find us in big cities and small towns across the us, where our focus is to always support the people who live and work there. because you call these communities home, and we do too. pnc bank. your best defense against erosion and cavities is strong enamel- nothing beats it. new pronamel active shield actively shields the enamel to defend against erosion and cavities. i think that this product is a gamechanger for my patients- it really works. ♪ (upbeat music) ♪ ( ♪ ) constant contact's advanced automation lets you send the right message at the right time, every time. ( ♪ ) constant contact. helping the small stand tall. >> dana: afghan womening making an escape living safely in america thanks to the mayo family foundation. the foundation's founder vickie mayo is here. amazing the story. we could have kept talking to you for an hour. listen to one of these young women. call for number two, please. >> i'm really happy being escaped to a place where i get education. but my heart -- the women in afghanistan and don't have a chance to get education or go to school. >> dana: it's one of the many young women. tell us about the program and your story and how they got here. >> thank you so much. i'm pleased to share the story of these 147 women. they were targeted by the taliban because they are of a minority sect. we were able to do an evacuation, a mission where we were able to bring them to america. it was a pretty arduous mission. three attempts and it took us 147 hours to get these women out. 147 of them. >> aishah: i remember that like it was yesterday. so difficult for so many of us trying to get these people out in the middle of the night. vickie, this is so personal for me. i not only think about what the women are going through now becoming americans and what it is like to earn everything brand-new but to think back to the people they left behind. there has to be a little bit of that survivor's guilt in them. what are your biggest hopes and dreams and aspirations for them? i know you probably feel like their mom. >> absolutely. they are thriving. they are doing wonderful. doing internships. moving forward with their lives but they can't stop and look over their shoulder at the women left behind and families left behind. what would be incredible would be able to somehow support and hopefully eventually get their families here with them. that's their biggest concern. they want to move forward but they are concerned about them back in afghanistan. >> dana: how many are here? >> 147 in the united states. >> dana: are they all studying? >> they are all in university. currently doing internships. one of the biggest things for us is helping them to see they have a future here. that's what makes this country so great. the ability for private citizens to be able to make a difference in their lives but for them to have an opportunity to have a great life here. >> dana: what are some of the things they text you about and ask you for? >> internships are huge right now. advice on meeting this person, what do i say and do? >> dana: what do i wear? >> absolutely. a boy was in my class and they looked at me. they are focusing on their families and how to assimilate and be successful in america. >> dana: have you had help from the biden administration at all? >> they were a key part of helping to get the girls out. we were one of the last planes to depart from afghanistan and there was some cooperation with the administration to get planes out. it is really important no matter what administration it is we don't forget about our friends and allies in afghanistan. >> dana: there 150,000 applicants to the special immigrant visa program. people who helped us and family members. at this point it would take 31 years to process them all. that is not right. that is not fair. and you are doing amazing work and we thank you on behalf of the two of us we thank you and those young women and keep us in mind. we would love to keep in touch. >> absolutely, thank you. >> dana: vickie mayo, thank you. >> aishah: a knew deadline in the hunter biden probe. what a federal judge is telling both sides about that collapsed plea deal. some lenders charge hundreds upfront for your appraisal and other fees. not at newday. a veteran shouldn't have to come up with money to get money. you can't leave without cuddles. but, you also can't leave covered in hair. with bounce pet, you can cuddle and brush that hair off. bounce. it's the sheet. i brought in ensure max protein with 30 grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks! uuuhhhh... here, i'll take that! woohoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams of protein, 1 gram of sugar. enter the $10,000 powered by protein max challenge. ♪ ♪ my little family is me, aria, and jade. just the three of us girls. i never thought twice about feeding her kibble. but about two years ago, i realized she was overweight. she was always out of breath. that's when i decided to introduce the farmer's dog to her diet. it's just so fresh that she literally gets bubbles in her mouth. now she's a lot more active, she's able to join us on our adventures. and we're all able to do things as a family. ♪ get started at how can you sleep on such a firm setting? gab, mine is almost the same as yours. almost is just another word for not as good as mine. save 50% on the sleep number limited edition smart bed. plus, free home delivery when you add a base. shop now only at sleep number. >> aishah: the united states is now accusing russia and north korea of actively moving forward with an arms deal to support the invasion of ukraine. the kremlin is looking for new weapons, resources after the u.s. committed more military aid to kiev just this week. greg palkot live from london with the latest on this. hi, greg. >> hi. russia is looking for help in any place that it can find it in its war with ukraine. new reports say it might have luck with one source. russian defense minister went to north korea. some friendly letters were exchanged between putin and kim jong un. they need artillery shells, bullets, raw material for arms and the north could be coming through. this is counter to u.n. sanctions against north korean military trade. the u.s. u.n. ambassador is called troubling the planned transfer of munitions. not the only rogue country. iran is a steady supplier of drones and has been trying to get beijing to pitch in as well. ukraine has been burning through its arms. word another $250 million worth of u.s. military aid is on its way has to be reassuring and the biden administration is attempting to assembly long-term mill tear commitments in case there is a change in the political front line in the u.s. after next year's presidential elections. aishah. >> aishah: greg palkot live in london, thanks. >> dana: an attorney is calling out the justice department over the hunter biden case. the lawyer for garry shapley now alleges a top doj official promised his client protection that never materialized. welcome to another hour of "america's newsroom." i'm dana perino. the hour flew by with you. >> aishah: happy to be here for bill hemmer. shapley's attorney said he spokes with assistant attorney general back in april and he says that winesheimer expressed interest in hearing about claims of a cover-up in the hunter biden probe and assured him of the d.o.j.'s commitment to protect whistleblowers from retaliation. shapley's attorney says winesheime

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Americas 20240704 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Americas 20240704

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the surging migrant crisis now begging for help to get themselves out of it. good morning, i'm dana perino. bill is off today. good morning, aishah, thanks for being here. love having you here. >> i'm aishah hosni, this is "america's newsroom." with the worsening migrant crisis pushing her state to the breaking point governor hochul trekked down to the white house hat in hand but apparently president biden just could not squeeze in a meeting with the leader of one of the nation's biggest states. >> dana: instead she was passed off to the chief of staff and dozens of the nations most prominent leaders call on the biden administration to get a handle on the chaos. critics comparing this fiasco to a farce. >> well, rough times because it's like the three stooges. you got biden, hochul, you got adams. which way did they go? they wanted them. they kept saying come in. we're a sanctuary city and state. now they don't know what to do. >> a lot of critics there. "new york post" is capturing the public's mood. republicans saying it is high time for staten island to break away to become its own city and mark meredith is live at the white house for the latest on this unfolding drama. mark. >> aishah and dana, good morning. a lot of drama. for years we've heard from border state republicans arguing the white house needs to spend more time on the migrant crisis. today it's democrats from solid blue states urging the white house to get more involved finding a solution and fast. estimated over 100,000 migrants have moved to new york city within the last year alone. new york's top business leaders sending the president a letter just this week calling the situation overwhelming. on wednesday new york's governor hochul traveled to d.c. to meet with the white house chief of staff. following the meeting aides say they reviewed a dhs assessment of the situation basically finding not enough migrants have been able to get access to work permits. the white house says it is ready to prepare more resources to help with that. they'll dispatch some from dhs and the department of education, housing as well as the department of the interior. the white house says it wants a whole lot more money to deal with this. $6 hundred million. new york's governor says help can't come soon enough. >> i know the frustration of new yorkers who are seeing something that they never expected. their soccer fields being used for migrants and facilities in their neighborhood. a whole knew dynamic for residents of new york and exasperateing for many of them. >> not just the governor is dealing with this. pressure is continuing to build on secretary mayokas to address a migrant surge but what's happening across the country. >> why would we write a check to mayokas to leave us exposed? i don't think we should. republicans hold the line. i hope we will. >> when it comes to the blame game the white house says don't point at us. it is up to congress to come up with an immigration reform package. no indication that will be happening any time soon. >> aishah: we're ready for a showdown. thanks, mark. >> dana: i understand what happens when you ask for a meeting with the president and don't get it. the governor of new york and the democrats looking at these kind of numbers in new york politically that the president wouldn't meet with her? basically meeting with the chief of staff says we hear you but there is nothing we'll do about it. >> aishah: they are in a tough spot because they have arizona, texas, some of these actual border states that also would like a meeting with the president or would like him to come down to the border and talk to them there. not going to happen. i don't know what the mayor and the governor expect from the white house when texas and arizona aren't getting much, either. >> dana: we'll see. voters might demand it. i'm excited i'll be moderating the second presidential debate along with stuart varney. i talked with her last night and you can watch that debate live on september 27th at 9:00 p.m. eastern on the fox business channel. people might not remember, you might not remember stuart varney and i did a hit on hannity every tuesday for five years. >> aishah: wow. we're so proud of you. we say the whole newsroom team so excited. we're buzzing. >> dana: thank you. it will take a village and see how it all goes down. looking forward to that september 27th. president biden telling his staff the job is wearing him down. author writes in his book the last politician that the 80-year-old commander-in-chief told aides he feels tired. this comes as a new poll reveals 77% of americans feel biden is too old for another term. let's bring in our panel. reince prieb us and matt bennett. i want to read this excerpt. franklin forbe is not a right wing guy and written for publications that no one would consider conservative. he wrote this. it was striking he took so few morning meetings or presided over so few public events before 10:00 a.m. public persona reflected physical decline. no pill or exercise regime can resist. in private he would occasionally admit he felt tired. his advanced years were a hindrance depriving him of the energy for the ability to conjure a name. both of you know when a book comes out, one that the white house has cooperated with, there will be news about it and the press secretary will get questions. listen to this and i'll get your take. call for number four here. >> we've had those -- because of this excerpt? >> the book is suggesting the president tells aides he is tired. and that's why there are no public events before 10:00 a.m. >> that's a ridiculous assumption to make. >> dana: i understand she is in a tight spot. there has to be a better answer than we can't keep up with him when he is on a plane? >> first of all, i've worked in the white house. it is a hard job and presidents are usually pretty tired. the fact that joe biden is tired is not exactly news. moreover, as i recall in the trump administration, he would have executive time on his schedule every day until noon. i don't think it's news he doesn't have public events on his schedule early, either. the president goes home at night with a large briefing book. a lot of reading and things to do. the fact he is not doing things in public before ten when he is getting briefed and catching up on what's happening i don't think is news at all. this does not strike me as a problem for the biden white house. >> dana: reince. 77% of the american people say they think the president is too old to serve again. is that a problem? >> good morning. yeah, it is a problem because if you look at the polling behind that 77%, look at what democrats, what words they use to describe their own party nominee realistically. 41% of democrats called biden confused, slow, and bumbling. that's the issue. age is important but the reality about biden is that when american people are using words like bumbling and confused to describe their president, that does play a role in the election. on top of it, joe biden is 20 points lower today in his approval rating than he was in 2020. last thing. only 100,000 people in five states will decide this election. so the reality is that we're talking about razor thin margins even if the popular vote is different. there is only a few people swinging one way or the other that decide who the president is going to be. of course if people think the president is confused and bumbling it will play a role. >> dana: here is dan henninger from the "wall street journal" sounding an alarm about both candidates. both frontrunners, trump and then joe biden for re-election. he says this. matt, let's get your take. to win in 2024 they meaning the democrats will pull the plug on joe biden. democrats can't explicitly throw over kamala harris but open up primaries to various governors. i want you to expand more on this. on a scale of 1-10 with ten being the most likely, how likely do you think that scenario is? >> 0 on a scale of 1 to 10 that scenario is 0. joe biden is a very successful incumbent president. successful incumbent presidents tend to win unless they're facing a serious primary threat which he is not. a lunatic named rfk junior running against him. not like ted kennedy running in 1980. so joe biden will be our nominee. joe biden is going to win the election. i agree with reince it will be close and 100,000 people deciding the election. i like our chances. remember that donald trump is up by almost 40 points in the republican primary facing 91 criminal counts and i think tired against 91 criminal felony counts i'll take it on any day. >> dana: reince, final word about that match-up. that potential match-up or rematch of trump and biden. how likely do you think that is? >> actually i agree with matt. it is about a 0 to 1. i agree with him because keep in mind. the details of the boring stuff that people don't follow. 17 states will have filing deadlines done by the end of the year. one state's filing deadline opens up in utah and it already opened up last week. so what that means is you cannot get on the ballot unless you complete your filings in each of these states. these filings are 15,000 people in michigan, 10,000 people in north carolina. we're talking california, texas. so this magical person that is going to show up will have to have a field operation and a lot of money in the bank unless they want to get into a convention chaos where they unbind the delegates and have a fight like the old days in fact delegates choose their nominee, not the voters. the reality is this is not happening. >> dana: at least no one asked me to bring up whether michelle obama will be running for president. i'm a firm no on it. chances are below 0 that's ever happening. thank you so much. great to have you this morning matt and reince. have a great day. >> thank you. >> aishah: mitch mcconnell appearing to freeze again for a second time. watch this. >> what are my thoughts about what? >> running for re-election in 2025. >> oh. that's -- >> did you hear the question, senator, running for re-election in 2026? >> yes. >> aishah: it happened in kentucky. an aide for the 81-year-old senator says he is feeling fine today. a similar incident you will recall happened back in july at a press conference on capitol hill. his team says both incidents were due to light-headedness. more on that coming up. meanwhile tropical storm idalia barreling through georgia and the carolinas bringing high tides and flooding to coastal communities. katie burn is live from charleston, south carolina with a look at the damage there. hi, katie. >> hi. the good news here, i know the storms are heading to north carolina. in charleston this is one of the last streets that still had some water on it in downtown charleston. most of the water has receded so far already but at peak about 50 roads in the city were closed because of flooding. some of the water was hip deep last night. what happened was it moved into charleston at high tide and top five peak tide recorded in the charleston harbor. they reached over nine feet. that only happened four other times during hurricanes and it breached the sea wall where we are. flooded downtown streets surrounded by beautiful historic homes when you picture charleston and businesses. people who live in the area this morning, some say they've been out already for hours working on cleaning up. also working on stripping down some of the storm preps they have had out. remember seeing all those sandbags lining up homes and businesses in the last couple of days. a lot of people tell us storms are something they are used to but now they have to see what the damage really looks like as city crews step outside this morning and assess all of it. aishah. >> aishah: how are folks feeling now? folks in florida are trying to get their heads wrapped around what just came through. what about there where you are? >> well, aishah, a lot of it happened overnight in the evening hours after the sun was down. this is really the first time people are able to see what things look like. i can tell you driving around town you will see a lot of debris on the ground, pieces of trees. when the roads were flooded last night we saw debris floating in the water. things like tires, trash cans, tarps. all kinds of things lifted off people's property. people are trying to figure out where everything is and if there is damage to their homes right now. >> aishah: what a great community and great town. one of my girlfriends just moved there. thank you for being there for us. stay safe. >> dana: the hits keep coming in the hunter biden investigation. did the justice department leave an i.r.s. whistleblower high and dry? the new allegations ahead plus this. >> i respect everyone's decision, i really do. this mandate is sick. and it is scary. >> aishah: the battle over free speech and the first amendment at espn. why sage steele called it quits over there at the network. >> dana: saying goodbye to the american dream? the cost of buying a home drifting even further out of reach. why are houses so expensive and what can be done about it? that's coming up. ♪ i'd like to take a moment to address my fellow veterans, because i know so many of you have served our country honorably. one of the benefits that we as a country give you as a veteran is the eligibility for a va loan for up to 100% of your home's value. if you need cash for your family, call newday usa. with automatic authority from the va, we can say yes when banks say no. give us a call. directv sports central gives you access to every game. but terry doesn't have directv. come on. work for dad- here... now, you can find the game easy. my barbecue is saved! get in the redzone with sports pack. call 1-800-directv my barbecue is ruined. i brought in ensure max protein of education is working with those big bend counties to get them back up and running as quickly as possible. we're also fulfilling missions for counties. there have been 1100 missions that have been fulfilled or in process of being fulfilled. so the things that may be necessary particularly in some of these hard-hit areas, fuel, water, mres, tarps, we have an abundance of and provide it to the affected communities as needed. if you want to help out there is a way to do it at the florida disaster fund. this has already raised millions of dollars. we'd love to raise millions more to help those hard-hit areas. go to florida disaster if you would like to make a contribution. i know we have had a lot of folks in the business community express interest in doing that and we certainly would welcome that and it will make a big difference for people in this time of need. we're going to continue working and doing whatever needs to be done to get people back on their feet. i will be traveling down touring some of the hard-hit areas like cedar key and some of the other areas to get assessment. we were not able to access those areas yesterday cleanly. now we will be able to do it and we'll report back on what we see and any actions necessary as a follow-up. i want to thank administrators. >> aishah: you are watching governor ron desantis in tallahassee giving an update to the state and entire country on the resources available that he is making available to floridians as they clean up now from the damage from hurricane idalia. a cat four when it made landfall in the big bend area. steve harrigan is live in newport ritchie, florida just north of tampa. steve, what is it looking like over there? >> the cleanup here has begun. most of these houses and businesses were 2 or 3 feet under water yesterday and getting initial estimates as to how serious the storm was from an economic point of view. overall damage estimates are about $9 billion right now. the death toll, though, much lower than initially expected in part because of where the storm hit in a lightly populated area. two people killed according to florida highway patrol. both of those people were driving on the highway when they crashed during the storm. compare this to hurricane ian 11 months ago that killed 150 people in florida. we heard governor desantis say several times florida learned a deadly and painful less kwon about lesson about the storm surge. people were drowning in their own homes calling for help. that didn't happen this time around because of the lessons from the storm surge. the big challenge remains electric power. the governor saying they have restored electricity to more than 500,000 homes but still 140,000 people without power. when you drive along the coast. some of the coastal towns are 100% blacked out and cleaning up 2 or 3 feet of floodwater without power doing it by hand. no easy job. aishah, back to you. >> aishah: steve harrigan live for us. thank you. >> dana: in some ways because that was that low population area it just went right through almost like two bowling balls. the ball goes between. not lucky for me but a good thing in this situation. >> aishah: a cat four would hit anywhere. you hate for hit anywhere on the coastline but a lot of folks got lucky. >> dana: still more to do. pay attention to local officials on that. this next on the housing market. >> housing is astronomical. look at the difference in the years. >> aishah: don't you hate it? i hate looking at those numbers. for some the housing market is becoming an american nightmare. middle income home buyers being priced out across the country. ceo and owner of the rogers healey companies joining me now to break this down for us. this is so painful. buying a house is the american dream. everybody wants to do it. i just did it. had great credit, rogers, and still got hit by 6.2% which you would call me lucky right about now. what is happening? >> i think again we've been stuck in this cycle now really since covid. people are kind of waiting for things to change and it might not ever change. i think we've just seen everything change. buying a home is still the american dream. the people we were blaming five years prior, the ones leaving the market is millennials. >> aishah: people out there i hear these stories that will buy the house because they feel this is the time to do it but then the mortgage winds up being more than 50% of their income and so now they are putting groceries and everything else that they've got. bills coming quick and fast, they are putting it on credit card. people are getting -- might be buying a house but might be house poor. >> yeah. again it is all relative. people, the trends have changed drastically in the even past year, year and a half. people are buying a house with the anticipation of not staying there more than 2 to 3 years. in a situation like you maybe you go refinance to get your interest rates under 4% if it continues to be the dream. >> you think i'll refinance in a year down to 4%? >> we have an election year coming up. real estate continues to drive our economy. people will hopefully find a way to bring out some kind of miracles in the world of real estate. it will be around interest rates, if not other options as well. i think that people are looking at real estate as more of an investment. even their primary residents. the emotional attachment is not there like it used to be. >> aishah: i'm not giving up this place. we have an inventory problem and why so many folks are saying buy now. even if interest rates drop to hopefully 4% by next year, you are going to be in a bidding war with so many people because builders can't keep up. >> and again here is the thing. millennials are the largest generation in the entire country. baby boomers are right behind them. 74 million millennials and 72 million baby boomers. those people will be driving the market. if you find something you like enough, go ahead and get it. get the house and realize it is not a forever thing and again that's really not what the mindset was five years ago and prior. so we just cannot keep up with it and as millennials start to go and have families and grow families we'll need larger spaces. the demand for real else state will continue. >> aishah: we'll need more space and houses are getting smaller. since 2018 the average unit size for new housing starts has decreased 10% nationally to 2400 square feet. it is just crazy what's happening. now we're hearing about bidding wars on rentals. i had a girlfriend that put a house up for rent and she got five people within the first 24 hours all trying to outbid each other. it is rough out there. >> yeah. i guess two points to that. the one thing you can't build is more land. if you think about it they'll maximize their dollars and have smaller houses on smaller land and also on top of that, too, the nationwide rental average is approaching $2 a foot. we're going to keep talking about this until we're blue in the face but there won't be a real estate crash any time in the near future. >> aishah: okay. we'll watch it. rogers healey, thank you for your time. have a great morning. >> dana: very interesting and important story there. nevada tribal ranger who drew his weapon on climate protestors is now under scrutiny. watch here. >> get down now. get down on the ground. >> dana: that incident is under review. so who is to blame? plus this. >> there are so very few people, whether it's in sports, in academia, corporate america, the medical profession and even in the church, so very few people willing to stand for what is right. but sage is one of those. >> dana: sage steele settled a lawsuit with the network and left espn. she joins us with reaction. ♪ we start with sustainably grown cotton from the rich red soul of north alabama, here on our family farm. then we partner with family owned mills from maine to mississippi to manufacture our cotton into quality american made fabrics that become our heirloom inspired bedding, towels, blankets and apparel. experience our 100% american made luxury linens for yourself. go to red line cotton dot com and receive 15% off your order with code fox news. about two years ago, i realized that jade was overweight. i wish i would have introduced the fresh food a lot sooner. after farmer's dog, she's a much healthier weight. she's a lot more active. and she's able to join us on our adventures. get started at let innovation refunds help with your erc tax refund so you can improve your business however you see fit. rosie used part of her refund to build an outdoor patio. clink! dr. marshall used part of his refund to give his practice a facelift. emily used part of her refund to buy... i run a wax museum. let innovation refunds help you get started on your erc tax refund. stop waiting. go to you really got the brows. hi, i'm michael, i've lost 70 pounds on golo. i spent thousands on other diets that didn't work. on golo, i spent a couple hundred bucks and got back down to my high school weight. you're not gonna believe this thing is possible but it is. >> aishah: right now a nevada tribal ranger is under review after this. plowing through a blockade of environmental protestors and drawing his weapon on them. the demonstrators were blocking miles of traffic headed to the burning man festival. >> this review into the ranger is ongoing. four days after it was first announced by the tribe in the immediate after math of the incident. here is what happened. there is one road into the nevada desert site of the annual burning man festival. when the road gets blocked it causes chaos which is what the activists wanted. with signs reading abolish capitalism. ban private jets, the protestors put a trailer across the road and refused to move. the burning man festival, anti-establishment event have upset the activists because its -- it resulted the commodification of the event. whether or not it's a valid argument the tribal rangers who are responsible for the desert area where the event takes place were having none of it. after warning the protestors to clear the road and getting no cooperation they did this. >> get on the ground. don't move. >> now as we reported earlier this week on this show, the tribal rangers immediately ordered that review of the officers' conduct. protestors have gone online creating a petition seeking 10,000 signatures demanding that burners of the world unite. as of this morning, aishah, that petition had been signed by a whopping 280 people. >> there was a big scene in washington, d.c. on a highway earlier this week, too, because of these climate protestors. jonathan hunt, thank you so much. >> what's the band-aid for? >> well, i got my shot today. i didn't want to do it but i work for a company that mandates it and i had until december 30th to get it done. i respect everyone owes decision, i do. this mandate is sick. and it's scary. i'm not surprised it got to this point especially with disney. a global company. i feel like defeated. >> dana: sage steele sued espn and opening up about her ordeal after a settlement. >> they've agreed to part ways and thank her for her contributions over the years. never easy to end something but it is beginning of something for you. >> i hope it is, dana. i think it's just -- i'm still in shock, once you file a lawsuit against your employer you know it will come to an end before the end of my contract in another year. it was not a way i dreamt of it ending. i talked to my bosses and various presidents of the company wanting it to be my last job ever. it wasn't meant to be. i believe god always has a plan. i'm trying to figure out the plan now. i feel like i'm right where i am supposed to be, even a little bit uncomfortable. it took a long time to get to the point where i was okay standing up for myself. >> dana: those are not comfortable times and sometimes you end eating alone at the lunch table but realize your integrity is in tact and that's what matters. riley gaines had wonderful words to say about you. let's listen to her call for number two. >> these battles that i'm facing, that sage has faced are spiritual battles. for her to take a strong stand in her faith as well as loving her country which again those two things. how can they be continual? >> dana: interesting, right? you would think the issue she deals with mostly biological males playing in women's sports what you have dealt with, why would this ever be a controversy? did it surprise you? >> the transgender -- >> dana: what she is dealing with but also even your reluctance on the covid shot, an understandable thing. then it turned into this huge controversy that leads to a lawsuit and you and i talking today. >> yes and yes and yes and yes. also because most importantly i can fight and have an opinion about things especially if i'm complying with the rules to get the shot that i did not want to get. adamantly did not want to get and things are coming back i still won't get any shots. at the end of the day it was just about consistency and lack of. and as my peers are allowed to go on any network versus me on a day off on a separate contest and give their opinions that are political and then i can't talk about my experiences as a bi racial woman or a shot needing to keep my job. i need consistency. i'm a parent of three kids. even if you don't like the rules and it's consistent and clear. i think that's what makes me the most sad but it doesn't have to be this way. but i have tried to stop asking why. here we are now and now maybe if i google this more people can -- more employers can be more careful and more consistent. >> dana: stephen smith defended you. i want to play this from the white house. you picked up on it the issue of trans playing in women's sports brought up at the white house yesterday. this is a hot topic across the country and for good reason. listen to the white house yesterday. >> that gives schools the flexibility to establish their own athletic policies. >> does he care that girls are allowed to compete in sports without fear of injuries, does it think it's fair for gifls to have to compete against biological males? >> i just answered the question. it is a truly complicated issue with a wide range of views, a wide range of views. >> dana: how complicated do you think it is, sage? >> this is so ridiculous. the more i hear it, the more angry i get. it is not complicated. all these people who have been preaching science for the last three plus years with covid are now ignoring science for something so basic. even if you talk to people, i have a lot of people come up to me and different opinions about a lot of things but i feel like on both sides of the aisle the vast majority of americans agree this is ridiculous. we know the differences between boys and girls, men and women and i'm disappointed and a lot of people, a lot of companies, etc. , that are -- they were preaching women and supporting women's sports etc. and title ix work and we're forgetting it and ignoring it and people who agree with us that are being silenced. why? because it is easier and safer. i feel if we don't speak up. by the way, i mean men and athletes with big platforms as well. i almost feel like we'll have blood on our hands here. what is the line? all i know is as a mother and someone with a little bit of a platform. i don't know what that is right now but here i am. if we don't do this, we've wasted 50 years of work in trying to uplift women. i don't get it. this is pathetic that it is still an issue and shame on these people in leadership positions for not being willing to give an honest answer. >> dana: especially those women who made millions, worked hard, got the championships, they succeeded and now they don't stand up for girls that are younger than them. it is mind blowing. i hope you and i get off camera we'll talk about it one day. i hope we see you again and more often on fox news. sage steele, thank you so much. have a great day. >> thank you for having me. >> dana: take care. >> dana reads sports. >> dana: speaking of sports, did you know this? a volleyball match in the hartland making history in the stands. the university of nebraska, look at this. setting a world record for the largest crowd to watch a women's sporting event. more than 92,000 fans packing memorial stadium in lincoln and for good measure, the corn huskers won beating omaha 3-0. >> aishah: that's the midwest. we like to support our people. >> dana: that's right. you are indiana. >> aishah: i'm a hoosier. they fled brutality of the taliban in afghanistan after the disastrous u.s. withdrawal. now some very brave afghan women are forging ahead. you start right here in america. their inspring stories coming up next. going one-on-one with the son of a convicted killer buster murdaugh opens up in an exclusive tell-all interview with martha maccallum on fox nation. we'll bring you a little bit of that. >> i do not worry, i am not a thief, liar or manipulator. in those regards i'm nothing like him. for what you need. you could save $700 dollars just by switching. ooooh, let me put a reminder on my phone. on the top of the pile! oh. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ mlb chooses t-mobile for business for 5g solutions... not only enhance the fan experience, but to advance how the game is played. now's the time to see what america's largest 5g network can do for your business. at pnc bank, you can find us in big cities and small towns across the us, where our focus is to always support the people who live and work there. because you call these communities home, and we do too. pnc bank. your best defense against erosion and cavities is strong enamel- nothing beats it. new pronamel active shield actively shields the enamel to defend against erosion and cavities. i think that this product is a gamechanger for my patients- it really works. ♪ (upbeat music) ♪ ( ♪ ) constant contact's advanced automation lets you send the right message at the right time, every time. ( ♪ ) constant contact. helping the small stand tall. >> dana: afghan womening making an escape living safely in america thanks to the mayo family foundation. the foundation's founder vickie mayo is here. amazing the story. we could have kept talking to you for an hour. listen to one of these young women. call for number two, please. >> i'm really happy being escaped to a place where i get education. but my heart -- the women in afghanistan and don't have a chance to get education or go to school. >> dana: it's one of the many young women. tell us about the program and your story and how they got here. >> thank you so much. i'm pleased to share the story of these 147 women. they were targeted by the taliban because they are of a minority sect. we were able to do an evacuation, a mission where we were able to bring them to america. it was a pretty arduous mission. three attempts and it took us 147 hours to get these women out. 147 of them. >> aishah: i remember that like it was yesterday. so difficult for so many of us trying to get these people out in the middle of the night. vickie, this is so personal for me. i not only think about what the women are going through now becoming americans and what it is like to earn everything brand-new but to think back to the people they left behind. there has to be a little bit of that survivor's guilt in them. what are your biggest hopes and dreams and aspirations for them? i know you probably feel like their mom. >> absolutely. they are thriving. they are doing wonderful. doing internships. moving forward with their lives but they can't stop and look over their shoulder at the women left behind and families left behind. what would be incredible would be able to somehow support and hopefully eventually get their families here with them. that's their biggest concern. they want to move forward but they are concerned about them back in afghanistan. >> dana: how many are here? >> 147 in the united states. >> dana: are they all studying? >> they are all in university. currently doing internships. one of the biggest things for us is helping them to see they have a future here. that's what makes this country so great. the ability for private citizens to be able to make a difference in their lives but for them to have an opportunity to have a great life here. >> dana: what are some of the things they text you about and ask you for? >> internships are huge right now. advice on meeting this person, what do i say and do? >> dana: what do i wear? >> absolutely. a boy was in my class and they looked at me. they are focusing on their families and how to assimilate and be successful in america. >> dana: have you had help from the biden administration at all? >> they were a key part of helping to get the girls out. we were one of the last planes to depart from afghanistan and there was some cooperation with the administration to get planes out. it is really important no matter what administration it is we don't forget about our friends and allies in afghanistan. >> dana: there 150,000 applicants to the special immigrant visa program. people who helped us and family members. at this point it would take 31 years to process them all. that is not right. that is not fair. and you are doing amazing work and we thank you on behalf of the two of us we thank you and those young women and keep us in mind. we would love to keep in touch. >> absolutely, thank you. >> dana: vickie mayo, thank you. >> aishah: a knew deadline in the hunter biden probe. what a federal judge is telling both sides about that collapsed plea deal. some lenders charge hundreds upfront for your appraisal and other fees. not at newday. a veteran shouldn't have to come up with money to get money. you can't leave without cuddles. but, you also can't leave covered in hair. with bounce pet, you can cuddle and brush that hair off. bounce. it's the sheet. i brought in ensure max protein with 30 grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks! uuuhhhh... here, i'll take that! woohoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams of protein, 1 gram of sugar. enter the $10,000 powered by protein max challenge. ♪ ♪ my little family is me, aria, and jade. just the three of us girls. i never thought twice about feeding her kibble. but about two years ago, i realized she was overweight. she was always out of breath. that's when i decided to introduce the farmer's dog to her diet. it's just so fresh that she literally gets bubbles in her mouth. now she's a lot more active, she's able to join us on our adventures. and we're all able to do things as a family. ♪ get started at how can you sleep on such a firm setting? gab, mine is almost the same as yours. almost is just another word for not as good as mine. save 50% on the sleep number limited edition smart bed. plus, free home delivery when you add a base. shop now only at sleep number. >> aishah: the united states is now accusing russia and north korea of actively moving forward with an arms deal to support the invasion of ukraine. the kremlin is looking for new weapons, resources after the u.s. committed more military aid to kiev just this week. greg palkot live from london with the latest on this. hi, greg. >> hi. russia is looking for help in any place that it can find it in its war with ukraine. new reports say it might have luck with one source. russian defense minister went to north korea. some friendly letters were exchanged between putin and kim jong un. they need artillery shells, bullets, raw material for arms and the north could be coming through. this is counter to u.n. sanctions against north korean military trade. the u.s. u.n. ambassador is called troubling the planned transfer of munitions. not the only rogue country. iran is a steady supplier of drones and has been trying to get beijing to pitch in as well. ukraine has been burning through its arms. word another $250 million worth of u.s. military aid is on its way has to be reassuring and the biden administration is attempting to assembly long-term mill tear commitments in case there is a change in the political front line in the u.s. after next year's presidential elections. aishah. >> aishah: greg palkot live in london, thanks. >> dana: an attorney is calling out the justice department over the hunter biden case. the lawyer for garry shapley now alleges a top doj official promised his client protection that never materialized. welcome to another hour of "america's newsroom." i'm dana perino. the hour flew by with you. >> aishah: happy to be here for bill hemmer. shapley's attorney said he spokes with assistant attorney general back in april and he says that winesheimer expressed interest in hearing about claims of a cover-up in the hunter biden probe and assured him of the d.o.j.'s commitment to protect whistleblowers from retaliation. shapley's attorney says winesheime

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Back To You , Floodwater , Coast , Ways , Ball , Bowling Balls , Population , Anywhere , Hit , Housing Market , Attention , Officials , Coastline , Buyers , Owner , Ceo , American Nightmare , Rogers Healey Companies , House , Down , Credit , Rogers , 6 2 , Waiting , Cycle , Covid , Millennials , Market , Ones , Everything Change , Stories , Bills , Income , Mortgage , Credit Card , Groceries , Relative , Half , Trends , House Poor , Interest Rates , Refinance , Dream , Anticipation , 4 , World , Real Estate , Economy , Miracles , Options , Place , Attachment , More , Inventory Problem , Investment , Bidding War , Builders , Baby Boomers , Generation , 74 Million , 72 Million , Families , Mindset , Demand , Unit Size , Housing Starts , Spaces , Space , 2018 , Girlfriend , House Up , Rentals , Rent , Bidding Wars , Square Feet , 24 , 2400 , Land , Top , Each Other , Won T , Foot , Nationwide Rental Average , Ranger , Story , Weapon , Climate Protestors , Rogers Healey , Scrutiny , Nevada , Review , Sage , Corporate America , Profession , Church , Academia , Lawsuit , Reaction , Cotton , Mills , Family Farm , American , Fabrics , Red Soul , North Alabama , Maine , Fox News , Linens , Order , Blankets , Heirloom , Apparel , Towels , Code , Bedding , Go To Red Line , Cotton Dot Com , 15 , Farmer , Jade , Dog , Adventures , Weight , Food , Betterforthem Com Let Innovation , Business , Refund , Tax Refund , Marshall , Rosie , Emily , Patio , Dr , Facelift , Practice , Erc , Innovation Refunds , Stop Waiting , Brows , Wax Museum , Michael , Diets , Thousands , High School Weight , Didn T Work , Golo , 70 , Blockade , Plowing , Protestors , Traffic , Burning Man Festival , Demonstrators , Road , Math , Tribe , Nevada Desert Site , Activists , Signs , The Burning Man Festival , Capitalism , Trailer , Jets , Rangers , Whether , Desert Area , Commodification , Its , Argument , Cooperation , None , Don T Move , Officers , Show , Conduct , Petition Seeking , Unite , Burners , Signatures , Scene , Petition , Washington D C , 280 , Jonathan Hunt , Band Aid , Shot Today , Company , December 30th , 30 , Point , Disney , Ordeal , Settlement , Employer , Contributions , Shock , Contract , It Ending , Bosses , Plan , It Wasn T , God , Number , Integrity , Matters , Tact , Lunch Table , Riley Gaines , Battles , Stand , Interesting , Facing , Faith , Controversy , Males , Transgender , Women S Sports , Reluctance , Covid Shot , Shot , Rules , Shots , Opinion , Consistency , Peers , Contest , Black , Opinions , Experiences , Woman , Bi , Parent , Kids , Doesn T , Sad , Employers , Stephen Smith , Schools , Topic , Athletic Policies , Reason , Flexibility , Trans Playing In Women S Sports , Girls , Fear , Injuries , Gifls , Views , Range , Angry , Science , Sides , Aisle , Majority , Companies , Differences , Men And Women , Women S Sports Etc , Boys And Girls , Women , Work , Safer , Title Ix , Bit , Someone , Hands , Platforms , Athletes , Blood , Men , Platform , Uplift , Leadership Positions , Shame , Championships , Camera , Take Care , Volleyball Match , World Record , Crowd , Speaking Of Sports , Hartland Making History In The Stands , University Of Nebraska , Sporting Event , Measure , Corn Huskers , Fans Packing Memorial Stadium , Lincoln , 92000 , That S Right , Midwest , Hoosier , Taliban In Afghanistan , Brutality , Indiana , Withdrawal , Son , Convicted Killer Buster Murdaugh , Interview , Manipulator , Thief , Martha Maccallum , Liar , Regards , Switching , Phone , Reminder , Pile , Pay , 700 , 00 Dollars , Liberty , 5g Network , 5g Solutions , Fan Experience , T Mobile , Mlb , 5 , Focus , Cities , Pnc Bank , Erosion , Cavities , Defense , Product , Gamechanger , Enamel , Patients , Shield , Pronamel , Contact , Automation , Music , Message , Constant Contact , Afghan Womening Making An Escape Living Safely In America Thanks , The Foundation S Founder Vickie Mayo , Mayo Family Foundation , Afghanistan , Chance , Heart , Program , 147 , Mission , Evacuation , Attempts , Sect , Minority , Middle , Guilt , Survivor , Lives , Aspirations , Dreams , Doing Internships , Mom , Hopes , Shoulder , Concern , Internships , Citizens , Opportunity , Life , Advice , Boy , Class , Planes , No Matter , Friends , Allies , Immigrant Visa Program , Applicants , Family Members , 31 , 150000 , In Touch , The Two Of Us , Behalf , Lenders , Plea Deal , Judge , Appraisal , Fees , Hundreds , Hunter Biden Probe , Veteran Shouldn T Have , Newday , Hair Off , Hair , Bounce Pet , Cuddles , Bounce , Sheet , Sugar , Uuuhhhh , Kibble , Protein Max Challenge , Aria , 0000 , Diet , Breath , Mouth , Bubbles , Sleep Number , Gab , Setting , Bed , Home Delivery , Base , Russia , North Korea , Ukraine , Arms , Military Aid , Weapons , Latest , Invasion , Greg Palkot , London , Kremlin , Defense Minister , War , Source , Luck , Reports , North , Letters , Sanctions , Putin , Raw Material , Bullets , Artillery Shells , Kim Jong Un , North Korean Military Trade , Rogue Country , Supplier , Transfer , Ambassador , Munitions , Drones , U S N , Iran , Worth , Beijing , U S Military Aid , 50 Million , 250 Million , Attorney , Change , Elections , Front Line , Case , Greg Palkot Live In London , Mill Tear , Protection , Justice , Lawyer , Client , Garry Shapley , Department Over , Hunter Biden Case , Official , Assistant Attorney General , Bill Hemmer , Winesheimer , Commitment , Cover Up , Hearing , Retaliation , Claims , Whistleblowers , Winesheime ,

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