Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The 20240704 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The 20240704

shady business dealings. known aliases include robin whether, robert l. peters and j. r. beware. i guess mclovin was already taken. >> so it's just mclovin? >> yeah. >> bad ass. >> it is bad ass. >> lot of people with weird names nowadays. >> you think that's bad. hunter biden's grip seems to be going strong. the white house is refusing to rule out the first son is still cashing in on his dad's name. >> we know that from hunter biden associate that he sold the appearance of access to then vice president biden. are you confidence he had stopped doing that? >> that is a question for hunter biden. >> if someone is selling -- that's a question for the white house. >> that is your, i don't know, how you are perceiving that. >> it's sworn testimony. >> i am just not -- peter, i'm just not going to get into this. i'm not. >> the evidence against biden is piling up. democrats are finding new ways to embarrass themselves while defending the first family. watch. >> one day he's sleepy joe. the next day he's corrupt joe. i know people who are sleepy, corrupt. i don't know anyone who is both. these guys just know they are reflectively anti-anything biden is doing. >> are you confident when you look at what the justice department has done, when you look at the investigations into hunter biden that republicans have pursued at this point, that there hasn't been any wrongdoing? anything has been above board? >> i am confident. the american people know fundmentally that joe biden is a good and decent man. >> you were in the federal government. how often do people use alias e-mails to correspond? >> i would love for the reporters who were in the briefing room when i was press secretary to revisit the stories that they did when there was minor issue about people who were trying to do the right thing to make sure when they were dealing with the rnc if they had a political job at the white house, that they used the right e-mail. it became a gigantic scandal. we answered all the questions. turned over all the documents. the rnc to this day still has all of them archived. turned out to be absolutely nothing. i would love to see curiosity from the media on this one. i don't think they're going to get it. when eric swalwell is your first line of defense, you are not in a good place. you are really not in a good place. then he said, i can't imagine he could be sleepy and corrupt at the same time. this might be something biden can do. this could actually happen. other thing, i was thinking about you earlier. you've utilized the freedom of information act requests in order to get information for stories you are pursuing. it's available to the american public. it's also available to media organizations. sometimes they use it. in this particular story, where have all the news nuggets come from? it's not from the media filing a foya request asking to find out if joe biden had organizations, it's coming from private organizations, sometimes partisan organizations. the media is so incurious, it bothers me. >> what do you think he was hiding with 5,400 e-mails over eight years? >> i come from a different place than dana. for me, it's basically the same. it's a clear attempt to avoid transparency, sharing information allegedly about his schedule but issues of ukraine at the time when joe biden was point man on energy in ukraine. according to the national archives, 5,400 such e-mails. 5,400 such e-mails. i'll say it again. it was during the years joe biden was vice president, '14 and '15. those were the years that david weiss, now special counsel, allowed the statute of limitations to run. the years under the 1023, the bidens were pretty much demanding $5 million from the head of buresma. by the way, who was copied on the e-mails? the staff member is told to send it to hunter biden. and that shows that the immediate staffer around joe biden knew hunter biden was involved in this. we already know obama's people and obama's state department said you gotta watch out for your son. we all know he's a dirt bag, drug addict, sex crazed lunatic and he's playing around with you and this has to stop. but, you know, this is really in the end, it's a story of a father's deep love for his son. i mean, who among us hasn't done 5,400 e-mails using a different name for any reason? >> i know what your secret name is. >> i don't want to ask. >> judge makes an interesting point if now staffers were being copied on these e-mails, this is an administration wide scandal. would you expect house oversight to maybe subpoena some of these people? >> yeah. again, they're next. i imagine they're going do that. it was the southeastern legal foundation that asked for it a year ago. june 2022 they say, you've got these three aliases. can you tell us what e-mails went out during the obama years? okay, i'll get back to you, okay, a year. so we get back. turns out 5,400. we'll get them to you eventually. we do know this. ten of those e-mails were copied to hunter between may 18 and june 15. and so we also understand, too, that there was an explanation when obama had an alias. they said, we have to throw off the chinese or would be hackers by using a different e-mail. i'm thinking to myself, if we can't protect the president of the united states' e-mail, we're all doomed. no wonder north korea was able to bring movie studios to their knees. big surprise. you like him better. for me, i thought for sure you go to piers, you eat up all the time. >> wanted you to be my warm-up guy. very smart of you. >> we've got 4 1/2 minutes, piers. >> i realize the occupant in this particular chair has to try and muster some form of defending the indefensible when it comes to president biden and this scandal. i have nothing. because this stinks. the whole thing just stinks. i think with any political scandal, you go back right to the start. what's the nugget? what's the fact? what's the catalyst for all this? the catalyst for this is hunter biden, with zero experience, possibly less, lands a job on the board of a major ukrainian energy company. and he gets paid 83,333 a month to offer his zero expertise to this ukrainian energy company. just when his father is vice president of the united states with special responsible for ukraine. if you just take that one fact at the start of this scandal, that's his corruption. so everything that follows is unsurprising to me because you know there's a scandal. you know it's corruption. you know hunter biden got that job because of his dad. you know they're making loads of money as a family. the biden brand was fleecing ukraine for gazillions. >> it's not hypothetical. we know exactly in season 2014, hunter enlisted schiller flexner group, this law firm, how to stop the investigation into the ceo of buresma. >> of course. >> this guy gets fired. shocken takes over. they say, how do we stop shocken? that's why hunter was hired. he actually did something for the job. >> if you just substitute biden for trump and this was donald trump jr. with donald trump as president. if you just substitute the two names around, what would all the people trying to defend biden be saying about trump? >> absolutely. >> if they had done this? they would have been screaming for impeachment, for indictments and everything else. ins instead, there's a deafening silence. with the mainstream media, i have to say, as a journalist, that is as corrupt as the actual scandal itself. they're not treating this the way they would if it was someone on the other side. >> same story that got him impeached. rudy giuliani was pursuing this story, and he shouldn't have. they should have done it this way. we know that. but this is the same story. what was biden doing in ukraine when trump was there? can you find out because i'm gonna send my guy over. two years later, we're pursuing a story and they are definitely trying to slow it down. >> one of the interesting things, you say they hired the law firm of david boyd then shocken comes in and they figure out they can't figure out way to get rid of him so joe biden says, i'll get rid of him myself. >> i'll brag about it. >> i'll admit it on television. >> it's a scandal, folks! >> a provable one. >> coming up next a judge ruling a sorority can't boot a biological male despite claims of creepy behavior. if you struggle. and struggle. and struggle with cpap. you should check out inspire. no mask. no hose. just sleep. learn more and view important safety information at every day, more dog people are deciding it's time for a fresh approach to pet food. developed with vets. made from real meat and veggies. portioned for your dog. and delivered right to your door. it's smarter, healthier pet food. 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a federal judge dismissed the lawsuit saying the sorority, by law, can't define what a woman is. this explained to laura ingraham why they had to file the lawsuit. >> never thought this would happen to me, especially in a sorority in the space of women. there were a lot of uncomfortable moments here. it goes to show the importance of women's spaces. >> we were promised from the beginning we would have a sisterhood, meaning only females. our national sorority has failed us. they have blatantly ignored us and ignored our values and valued someone else over us in this uncomfortable situation. >> it's very disheartening that when you are 6' 2", 260 pound man, you are treated as the victim. >> the white house weighing in on whether biological boys should be playing in girls sports. it was a total copout. >> it's a complicated issue and there are a wide range of views on this from the department of education. >> does he care that girls are allowed to compete in sports without fear of injuries. does he think it's fair for girls to have to compete against biological males? >> i just answered the question. it is a complicated issue. it is truly a complicated issue with a wide range of views, a wide range of views. there is no question or no answer to this. it is complicated. >> no, it's not! >> piers, why don't you kick off with this. this sorority situation. >> i watched that press conference live actually. apart from the fact she is unique and her inability to answer a straight question and to pretend this is a complicated issue and there's no easy solution. it is not a complicated issue and there's a very easy solution on the issue of trans athletes in women's sports. it is biological unfair, they gain an unfair advantage. the only sensible solution to that is to ban them from women's sport. that doesn't mean trans athletes shouldn't be allowed to compete. either they have their own trans competition or they compete against their biological sex which is another option that they could do. but the idea that you allow biological males to compete against women is a complete farce. the white house knows that. the fact that the white house press secretary won't even answer that question and pretends it's complicated and says there's a range of opinions. i have not met any human being, honestly, i have not met a human being who has said to me about this issue that they think it's fair. so if it's not fair, why is it being allowed? >> megan rapinoe -- >> she wanted to have a trans athlete in the women's national soccer team but only once she retired. so she can't take her place. imagine what she would say -- you were fanning all over lionel messi the other day pretending he's a better player than christian no reynaldo. putting aside that terrible error in judgment on your part. what if messi says tomorrow, i identify as a woman. is he gonna go play in the united states women's national team? and if not, then we all know the answer to that question. the truth is, if he did, he would destroy all women's records and would be pretending to be a she. then, i'm afraid, it's a ridiculous situation. >> it's so obvious to us, but that doesn't mean it's obvious to them. dana, do you think she ducked? i thought the administration's policy was accepting and she would say trans athletes would be accepted. i was surprised she even hedged. >> they did a dodge earlier. i'm surprised she didn't bring it up. the president, used to be the vice president, signed an executive order. remember this? it was about boys playing on boys sports teams. it was basically trying to thread like a little line right there. at the end, they basically said, so this should be up to the school districts. it was a total dodge. that's not leadership in any way. i would rephrase the question to her and to these companies who sponsor some competitions. i would say do you think it's fair? does the president of the united states or the vice president of the united states think it is fair for women in sports to lose to a biological male and lose prize money? do you think that's fair? get more specific. ask these companies that are sponsoring some of these events that you might not even think about. do you think it's fair, sir, mr. ceo? do you think it's fair? one of the things you have to do is figure out a way to get at it in terms of the money. young women are losing scholarship tunes and prizes. >> jesse, could i ask you to answer the question about the sorority? >> sure. >> here we have a man doing lewd things, making everybody feel uncomfortable. the judge says she can stay. >> because the nationals said you can accepted trans. and so this chapter has to accept trans. this male pledged, rushed was initiated. they accepted him or her, whatever. so they're living with her and now she's leering and she's peeping and she's sexually ar roused while she's watching her sisters undress? forget about whether she belongs there or not. i'd expel her just on sexual harassment. they should have just knocked her out that way. the sorority itself has by laws. if you're disruptive and obnoxious and don't adhere to the values of the sorority. you write a letter, hold a hearing. good-bye. i don't know why they don't do that. i don't know why jean pierre can't answer the question. first she can't answer whether hunter biden making money off his dad still. then can't answer whether navy biden should be playing field hockey against boys. will the president be canceling halloween? so sorry, can't answer. complicated. >> very complicated. >> judge, what do you do? do you quit the sorority? do you leave the biological male to live there by himself and move to motel 6? >> first thing you do is amend the by laws of the local sorority. that's real easy. i don't understand why they didn't do it. look, women have a biological reality that deserves to be recognized and respected. and for generations, women have fought for equality. we have fought for everything from not being battered, not being raped, to having equal pay. all of the things we have fought for and i myself have fought for for decades. now we're living in a world where women are not only being supressed by men who are getting aroused as they're getting undressed by a guy who's got to put a pillow on his lap most of the time. but these women, they're literally being erased in sports. this lawsuit, unfortunately, involved a judge who did not recognize the overall and over arching reality that women are biologically women. this guy is not transgender. so if the national sorority said we're going to allow transgendering, he only identified. we already know what he looked like when they undressed that he has not transgendered. therefore, the decision and the question before the court should then be more narrow. can a guy who identifies as a woman be in that sorority? and that would have been an absolute win for the local. i don't know who your lawyer was, but you should have fine tuned the question. >> piers, let me add this. wrexham won. are they the best club team in england? >> shouldn't be for men to debate. what i hate about this debate is women are being silenced over this. they're being shamed and villified and told they cannot have a view. if they do, it is concern. >> martina navratalova. >> right. she got cancelled because she said the men's number 300 tennis player who identifies as a woman can destroy women's tennis. she was right. absolutely right. >> all right. i really enjoyed this segment. we have a lot more show to go. 36 minutes. one of the sorority sisters involved, i should add, will be on the ingraham angle tonight 7:00 p.m. eastern time. up next democrats go silent after their climate change narrative. what's the matter? >> terrible. ♪ especially when it comes to your child's education. introducing power homeschool the official provider of online acellus courses for parents independently homeschooling their children. i really love how flexible the program is. it allows my child to work at her own pace and on her own schedule. join the growing community of parents who have discovered the power of power homeschool. visit our website at power homeschool dot org to learn more and start your child's educational journey. ♪ limu emu & doug ♪ what do we always say, son? 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inflation reduction act was a give away to the green energy companies. in the end, it's not about global warming and it's not about climate change. it's about negligence. pure and simple. it's about ineptitude. it's about an area that didn't keep up with what was going on because they were trying to get to the green energy next step. so they were too busy working on green energy. they ignored the obligation of the current situation. they didn't fill the water reservoir. they didn't turn off the power lines. they failed to follow protocol to shut down the live power lines. what we've got now is the power lines are igniting dry grass and brush and people died as a result of it. they didn't set off the sirens. the guy said he was worried people would run toward the fire if they turned the sirens on. it's about an excuse. we live in a world that's all about excuses, in terms of ideology. it's all tribalism. you're on this side or this side. facts are irrelevant. >> they had all of this money, brian -- they knew about the wild fire threats. they had money they could use to deal with the wild fire threat. instead they used it on green energy projects and didn't do anything to mitigate a problem like this one. >> right. the guy that came out and said, we don't want to put the sirens out because we didn't want people running inland. i'm sure they wouldn't run into a fire. number two, he resigned the next day. they call it nonnative grass. they said the grass is highly flammable. got to thin it got to get rid of it. they left it. the time the winds, the hurricane, it was the perfect storm. it burned everything. they said this grass is the thing that ignited the whole thing. if you want to talk about climb change and you want to be effective, pick your spots. when you say it all the time, people turn off. is there anybody less interesting to talk climate change than anthony fauci. was terry bradshaw not available? if you want to ruin my night, anthony fauci speaking on anything. >> remember when he said, if you question me, you are questioning the science. that was about covid but i guess it could apply here. piers, to you. >> a, i was stunned to see him there. my idea of a personal disaster is my family is on a desert island the rest of my natural life around fauci and karen jean-pierre. both looking at me morning, noon and night. climate change is real. i believe that. i believe manmade contributions are a significant factor and what is going on overheating the planet. but i also think there are two other massive problems in this debate. hysteria and hypocrisy. what these things do, like they do with covid, they discourage large sways of the public from trusting people they should be trusting. got to have trust in public officials. you don't get it by blaming stuff like this on the wrong thing. you actually increase distrust in public officials. >> jesse waters. >> on primetime we have the researcher who authored the initial report, saying manmade climate change was creating more ferocious and more deadly hurricanes. she's now come out and said she's got her facts wrong and there is no connection. now nobody in the scientific community wants to talk to her. they're just running with the junk science. this has been imposed on us by these politicians. when you go to climb change during a tragedy, it divides everybody. everybody goes to their corners and start fighting each other when you should be trying to get to the bottom of this investigation that proves that, you and you said, this was negligent homicide on a mass murderous scale by hawaii electric. >> no comment. that is the biggest story nobody is talking about. president of the united states did nothing. didn't comment for three days. when asked about it said no comment. >> he doesn't want an investigation into this. >> why is that? >> rather blame it on the republicans. >> over 100 people dead and -- >> complicated and there's no easy answer. that's what you have to remember. >> let's get to this. the left is smearing nikki haley as racist for not wanting kamala harris to be president. let innovation refunds help with your erc tax refund so you can improve your business however you see fit. rosie used part of her refund to build an outdoor patio. clink! dr. marshall used part of his refund to give his practice a facelift. emily used part of her refund to buy... i run a wax museum. let innovation refunds help you get started on your erc tax refund. stop waiting. go to you really got the brows. >> republican candidate nikki haley is getting smeared as a racist after warning how o vote for joe biden would lead to a president harris. jamel hill saying, quote, part of the reason racism is such a terrible sickness in this country is because politicians like this know they can rally a certain base with the fear of, oh my god, a black woman might be president if you don't vote for me. haley defending herself against the vicious attack. >> this has nothing to do with kamala's gender or race. this has everything to do with kamala's incompetence. that's what this is about. every american knows that if kamala harris becomes president, we are in serious trouble of losing our country. >> okay. i'll start with you, piers. the latest fox news poll shows that 60% of americans have an unfavorable view of kamala harris. does that mean 60% of americans are racist? >> we're all racist. no one thinks she should be president. therefore, we're a bunch of racists. i didn't think there would be any racism story to match the story that came out of australia that chess is racist because the white pieces go first. congratulations. we have finally reached a new level of absurdity. the idea nikki haley, the daughter of two indian immigrants to this country, would use someone's gender or skin color in the way that is inferred here is utterly ridiculous. it's indicative of the society we live in. if you question trans athletes, you are transphobic. if you question a ussless vice president's ability to be president, kamala harris, then you must be racist. like a meghan markle debacle when my criticism of her lying about the royal family, i was accused -- obviously i was a racist. that could be the only reason that i would find her so unbelievable was because i must be racist. it was complete b.s. actually, it's shameful. that should not be allowed, that kind of thing. nikki haley answered it well, but she shouldn't be subjected to such ridiculous allegations. she is a woman and the daughter of two indian immigrants. it's offensive. >> the interesting part of all of this is kamala harris was picked because of identity politics. >> biden was open about that. he said this is what's going to happen. it's interesting, because if you read nikki haley's book. it's called "with all due respect." it was after she had been at the u.n. and then governor. if you read that and you read about her childhood, i would think jamel would want to take that back. they did deal with a lot of racism. they were one of the first indian immigrants in south carolina. she loves that place. she calls it home. but they did go through a lot. this is actually on the merits. i think it's very smart. nikki haley didn't all of a sudden start going after kamala harris. they only picked up on it because she had a good debate performance. she was smart early on. she knew this was a differentiating topic and one republicans would really pay attention to. 77% of americans in the ap poll, all americans, think joe biden is too old to be president. what's the next logical thing you would think of? if he isn'ted able to perform his duties and she is vice president, she would become the president. that is smart. i would ask jamel hill to do this. match up nikki haley's legislative record against kamala harris'. they both served, governor, senator, in state government, see where you end up. on the merits they would be able to show competence versus incompetence. >> as dana was saying, jesse, 69% of democrats think joe biden is too old to be president. certainly someone like gavin newsom is waiting in the wings. why doesn't he just announce? >> he will if joe falls again. i'm not kidding about that. one more fall and gavin basically starts charging the mound. this country is teetering. you listen to it at cocktail parties. everyone is whispering about it on vacation. democrats are openly talking about whether or not joe biden is gonna make it. that's why gavin's been warming up. when is he debating desantis? and kamala's not happy that that debate is going on. she feels one upped. she's next in line, allegedly, and you have this charismatic white guy with great hair in california with a lot of money basically trying to inch up onto the stage while everybody's talking badly about her. listen, to the question at hand, ben carson, herman caine, nikki haley. republicans fall in love with conservative minority candidates. some of those guys were 20% for the republican nomination. that's nothing to do with race. i don't want jamel hill as president. that doesn't make any racist. just makes me smart. >> aren't you sick of racism? does it have any meaning? >> i have seen your show. nobody is inviting you to cocktail parties. i was shocked that it was back to the future with some of president obama's administration wrench was a racist who was critical of him. harry reid said anybody's opposition to obama care was racist. jimmy carter accused republicans of opposing obama care because of racism. this is a copout. it was brought up, i'll steal it from you, piers. you know the way desantis was called racist. black people don't go to florida. you brought that up. the next person up after trump, and maybe there isn't an after trump. maybe now, maybe in four years. is going to be a racist, sexist. it doesn't matter who it is. just understand, everybody, it's not really a donald trump problem. it's everyone on the other side. what it's doing, everyone really showing racism in society, it's blurring the line and selling it because we all know what racism is. we're talking about jamel hill when she writes stuff like this. i'm wondering does she really believe what she wrote? >> why else would we be talking about it? >> she's not very genuine, if she doesn't. coming up, eminem threatening vivek over his rap rendition. ♪ we face as educators is how do we motivate students to invest themselves in learning? when we set out to develop acellus gold. we decided to take this challenge head on. what would happen if student motivation was built directly into the dna of the learning experience? the first time i saw students learning on a acellus gold. i could immediately tell this was going to be a game changer. we designed a series of immersive learning activities that are locked until the student completes their daily assignments. these activities, such as the write a book feature, are tailored to the student's grade level and offer engaging learning experiences in a less structured environment. i love the way acellus integrated social interaction between students taking the same classes. the system connects students by allowing them to share positive messages about each other's achievements, and it leverages peer encouragement to propel students forward. acellus gold has helped our school create an environment that fosters excitement and enthusiasm for learning. frustrated by skin tags? 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[ laughter ] >> do you have a specific question? >> not really. >> eminem had a nice career. he's on the back nine clearly. to lower himself to say you shouldn't even run the track, but he's not even allowed to rap the lyrics? you're better than that, eminem. >> brian, you're not better than that. we know that. is there a merit to what ramaswamy is doing? with the eminem rapping. is he getting traction with younger people by doing this kind of thing? >> i don't know what he's doing in the polls but he opened himself up as a target. when he said i am not the only one bought and sold on this stage, he opened himself up and helped ron desantis. today we watched a video from him at 21 years old asking a fat al sharpton a question, what about a guy -- he's thin now. what about a guy who had no experience? now they're diving into his book. chuck todd read this like "the tale of two cities." he found excerpts that show he is no longer the same person he was when he was five years ago when he published this book. the scrutiny, he seems to be enjoying himself. lot of people have taken the negatives. shirtless player, black socks hitting ball. >> it was the black socks. >> you can't have black socks. i thought he rapped quite well. >> he did. also, if i was eminem, i would say now all of these republicans know and like my song. i also think vivek likes this kind of distraction because the past ten days haven't been a great distraction. he can take any opportunity and take it to his advantage. i want to know if the letter rhymes. cease and desist. >> your verdict on the eminem/vivek rap? >> i think slim shady himself, you would think he would be happy 20 years later people are still rapping to his song. i love that song. i thought about vivek and said, he probably feels terrible. i would like to be a fly on the wall to know what kim reynolds was thinking when vivek was rapping to that song. what's going on here? >> takes big tennis balls. one more thing. . . (ella) fashion moves fast. setting trends is our business. we need to scale with customer demand... real time. (jen) so we partner with verizon to take our operations to the next level. (marquis) with a custom private 5g network. (ella) with verizon business, we get more control of production, efficiencies, and greater agility. (marquis) so our customers get what they want, when they want it. (jen) it's not just a network. it's enterprise intelligence. (vo) learn more. it's your vision, it's your verizon. ♪ >> jesse: time now for "one more thing." this ising is they don't have in england. a gator. not just anyone. 14 feet long. 800 pounds. it's prehistoric. they caught it in mississippi. the girth of the belly, they say girth matters over 5 feet. can swallow you whole for breakfast. i'm talking about you, pierce. congrats. keep mississippi safe. tonight "jesse watters primetime" i take a walk in the park with rfk jr. >> dana: unexpected visitor at candy store in washington. check this out. deer walks right into this candy store and thinks wow, this looks pretty tasty and then he panicked. so, i don't know. that's like a wild animal video. anyway, tonight, i'm in for gutfeld, parrino double exclamation point, filling in for him. so wish me luck. >> jesse: two exclamations. brian? >> brian: so tyrus came on our show this morning because we heard he retired. i had no idea he was going to get this emotional but i really understand how much wrestling means him. he made a huge announcement. no longer in the wwe. champion of the nwa if i lose the title i will retire. he lost the title, he retired. he talked about what wrestling meant to him and how he turned around his life. watch. >> wrestling for 20 years. and it's been -- it opened so many doors for me. i was nwa champion. that's a small list. they can never take that away from me. it was just time. >> brian: he says he had a chance. this is me and him when we actually went one-on-one. we were losing our tempers and we f went at it. i was surprised to see he was getting so emotional. >> did you throw the chair? >> brian: it would have broken on his back. no question. tyrus, congratulations on a great career. >> piers: great man. >> that's great. you may be wondering where greg and harold are they are in england right now at a pub doing the world gravy wrestling championship. wrestlers suit up in fancy outfits. battle it out in the 2,000-liter gravy filled pool. those who dare to take part have to wrestle in gravy for two minutes. all funds raised go to local hospice. >> piers: normal friday night in england. show you a scene of a brazilian adventure group. i think of me and you, jesse, hanging there for hours on end. reaching points of agreement. >> jesse: make a reservation. that's it for us. have a great night everybody. >> brian: stay within yourself. ♪ ♪ >> bret: good evening, welcome to washington. i'm bret baier. a monster storm, a once in a lifetime event for the big bend of florida. and potentially devastating. that's what florida emergency officials are saying as they prepare for hurricane idalia. it's expected to make landfall tomorrow along the western, florida coast as a category 3 storm or potentially stronger because of the super charging warm waters in the gulf. meteorologists anticipate rapid strengthening as it surges closer to the sunshine state. idalia could bring with it up

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The 20240704 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The 20240704

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shady business dealings. known aliases include robin whether, robert l. peters and j. r. beware. i guess mclovin was already taken. >> so it's just mclovin? >> yeah. >> bad ass. >> it is bad ass. >> lot of people with weird names nowadays. >> you think that's bad. hunter biden's grip seems to be going strong. the white house is refusing to rule out the first son is still cashing in on his dad's name. >> we know that from hunter biden associate that he sold the appearance of access to then vice president biden. are you confidence he had stopped doing that? >> that is a question for hunter biden. >> if someone is selling -- that's a question for the white house. >> that is your, i don't know, how you are perceiving that. >> it's sworn testimony. >> i am just not -- peter, i'm just not going to get into this. i'm not. >> the evidence against biden is piling up. democrats are finding new ways to embarrass themselves while defending the first family. watch. >> one day he's sleepy joe. the next day he's corrupt joe. i know people who are sleepy, corrupt. i don't know anyone who is both. these guys just know they are reflectively anti-anything biden is doing. >> are you confident when you look at what the justice department has done, when you look at the investigations into hunter biden that republicans have pursued at this point, that there hasn't been any wrongdoing? anything has been above board? >> i am confident. the american people know fundmentally that joe biden is a good and decent man. >> you were in the federal government. how often do people use alias e-mails to correspond? >> i would love for the reporters who were in the briefing room when i was press secretary to revisit the stories that they did when there was minor issue about people who were trying to do the right thing to make sure when they were dealing with the rnc if they had a political job at the white house, that they used the right e-mail. it became a gigantic scandal. we answered all the questions. turned over all the documents. the rnc to this day still has all of them archived. turned out to be absolutely nothing. i would love to see curiosity from the media on this one. i don't think they're going to get it. when eric swalwell is your first line of defense, you are not in a good place. you are really not in a good place. then he said, i can't imagine he could be sleepy and corrupt at the same time. this might be something biden can do. this could actually happen. other thing, i was thinking about you earlier. you've utilized the freedom of information act requests in order to get information for stories you are pursuing. it's available to the american public. it's also available to media organizations. sometimes they use it. in this particular story, where have all the news nuggets come from? it's not from the media filing a foya request asking to find out if joe biden had organizations, it's coming from private organizations, sometimes partisan organizations. the media is so incurious, it bothers me. >> what do you think he was hiding with 5,400 e-mails over eight years? >> i come from a different place than dana. for me, it's basically the same. it's a clear attempt to avoid transparency, sharing information allegedly about his schedule but issues of ukraine at the time when joe biden was point man on energy in ukraine. according to the national archives, 5,400 such e-mails. 5,400 such e-mails. i'll say it again. it was during the years joe biden was vice president, '14 and '15. those were the years that david weiss, now special counsel, allowed the statute of limitations to run. the years under the 1023, the bidens were pretty much demanding $5 million from the head of buresma. by the way, who was copied on the e-mails? the staff member is told to send it to hunter biden. and that shows that the immediate staffer around joe biden knew hunter biden was involved in this. we already know obama's people and obama's state department said you gotta watch out for your son. we all know he's a dirt bag, drug addict, sex crazed lunatic and he's playing around with you and this has to stop. but, you know, this is really in the end, it's a story of a father's deep love for his son. i mean, who among us hasn't done 5,400 e-mails using a different name for any reason? >> i know what your secret name is. >> i don't want to ask. >> judge makes an interesting point if now staffers were being copied on these e-mails, this is an administration wide scandal. would you expect house oversight to maybe subpoena some of these people? >> yeah. again, they're next. i imagine they're going do that. it was the southeastern legal foundation that asked for it a year ago. june 2022 they say, you've got these three aliases. can you tell us what e-mails went out during the obama years? okay, i'll get back to you, okay, a year. so we get back. turns out 5,400. we'll get them to you eventually. we do know this. ten of those e-mails were copied to hunter between may 18 and june 15. and so we also understand, too, that there was an explanation when obama had an alias. they said, we have to throw off the chinese or would be hackers by using a different e-mail. i'm thinking to myself, if we can't protect the president of the united states' e-mail, we're all doomed. no wonder north korea was able to bring movie studios to their knees. big surprise. you like him better. for me, i thought for sure you go to piers, you eat up all the time. >> wanted you to be my warm-up guy. very smart of you. >> we've got 4 1/2 minutes, piers. >> i realize the occupant in this particular chair has to try and muster some form of defending the indefensible when it comes to president biden and this scandal. i have nothing. because this stinks. the whole thing just stinks. i think with any political scandal, you go back right to the start. what's the nugget? what's the fact? what's the catalyst for all this? the catalyst for this is hunter biden, with zero experience, possibly less, lands a job on the board of a major ukrainian energy company. and he gets paid 83,333 a month to offer his zero expertise to this ukrainian energy company. just when his father is vice president of the united states with special responsible for ukraine. if you just take that one fact at the start of this scandal, that's his corruption. so everything that follows is unsurprising to me because you know there's a scandal. you know it's corruption. you know hunter biden got that job because of his dad. you know they're making loads of money as a family. the biden brand was fleecing ukraine for gazillions. >> it's not hypothetical. we know exactly in season 2014, hunter enlisted schiller flexner group, this law firm, how to stop the investigation into the ceo of buresma. >> of course. >> this guy gets fired. shocken takes over. they say, how do we stop shocken? that's why hunter was hired. he actually did something for the job. >> if you just substitute biden for trump and this was donald trump jr. with donald trump as president. if you just substitute the two names around, what would all the people trying to defend biden be saying about trump? >> absolutely. >> if they had done this? they would have been screaming for impeachment, for indictments and everything else. ins instead, there's a deafening silence. with the mainstream media, i have to say, as a journalist, that is as corrupt as the actual scandal itself. they're not treating this the way they would if it was someone on the other side. >> same story that got him impeached. rudy giuliani was pursuing this story, and he shouldn't have. they should have done it this way. we know that. but this is the same story. what was biden doing in ukraine when trump was there? can you find out because i'm gonna send my guy over. two years later, we're pursuing a story and they are definitely trying to slow it down. >> one of the interesting things, you say they hired the law firm of david boyd then shocken comes in and they figure out they can't figure out way to get rid of him so joe biden says, i'll get rid of him myself. >> i'll brag about it. >> i'll admit it on television. >> it's a scandal, folks! >> a provable one. >> coming up next a judge ruling a sorority can't boot a biological male despite claims of creepy behavior. if you struggle. and struggle. and struggle with cpap. you should check out inspire. no mask. no hose. just sleep. learn more and view important safety information at every day, more dog people are deciding it's time for a fresh approach to pet food. developed with vets. made from real meat and veggies. portioned for your dog. and delivered right to your door. it's smarter, healthier pet food. 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a federal judge dismissed the lawsuit saying the sorority, by law, can't define what a woman is. this explained to laura ingraham why they had to file the lawsuit. >> never thought this would happen to me, especially in a sorority in the space of women. there were a lot of uncomfortable moments here. it goes to show the importance of women's spaces. >> we were promised from the beginning we would have a sisterhood, meaning only females. our national sorority has failed us. they have blatantly ignored us and ignored our values and valued someone else over us in this uncomfortable situation. >> it's very disheartening that when you are 6' 2", 260 pound man, you are treated as the victim. >> the white house weighing in on whether biological boys should be playing in girls sports. it was a total copout. >> it's a complicated issue and there are a wide range of views on this from the department of education. >> does he care that girls are allowed to compete in sports without fear of injuries. does he think it's fair for girls to have to compete against biological males? >> i just answered the question. it is a complicated issue. it is truly a complicated issue with a wide range of views, a wide range of views. there is no question or no answer to this. it is complicated. >> no, it's not! >> piers, why don't you kick off with this. this sorority situation. >> i watched that press conference live actually. apart from the fact she is unique and her inability to answer a straight question and to pretend this is a complicated issue and there's no easy solution. it is not a complicated issue and there's a very easy solution on the issue of trans athletes in women's sports. it is biological unfair, they gain an unfair advantage. the only sensible solution to that is to ban them from women's sport. that doesn't mean trans athletes shouldn't be allowed to compete. either they have their own trans competition or they compete against their biological sex which is another option that they could do. but the idea that you allow biological males to compete against women is a complete farce. the white house knows that. the fact that the white house press secretary won't even answer that question and pretends it's complicated and says there's a range of opinions. i have not met any human being, honestly, i have not met a human being who has said to me about this issue that they think it's fair. so if it's not fair, why is it being allowed? >> megan rapinoe -- >> she wanted to have a trans athlete in the women's national soccer team but only once she retired. so she can't take her place. imagine what she would say -- you were fanning all over lionel messi the other day pretending he's a better player than christian no reynaldo. putting aside that terrible error in judgment on your part. what if messi says tomorrow, i identify as a woman. is he gonna go play in the united states women's national team? and if not, then we all know the answer to that question. the truth is, if he did, he would destroy all women's records and would be pretending to be a she. then, i'm afraid, it's a ridiculous situation. >> it's so obvious to us, but that doesn't mean it's obvious to them. dana, do you think she ducked? i thought the administration's policy was accepting and she would say trans athletes would be accepted. i was surprised she even hedged. >> they did a dodge earlier. i'm surprised she didn't bring it up. the president, used to be the vice president, signed an executive order. remember this? it was about boys playing on boys sports teams. it was basically trying to thread like a little line right there. at the end, they basically said, so this should be up to the school districts. it was a total dodge. that's not leadership in any way. i would rephrase the question to her and to these companies who sponsor some competitions. i would say do you think it's fair? does the president of the united states or the vice president of the united states think it is fair for women in sports to lose to a biological male and lose prize money? do you think that's fair? get more specific. ask these companies that are sponsoring some of these events that you might not even think about. do you think it's fair, sir, mr. ceo? do you think it's fair? one of the things you have to do is figure out a way to get at it in terms of the money. young women are losing scholarship tunes and prizes. >> jesse, could i ask you to answer the question about the sorority? >> sure. >> here we have a man doing lewd things, making everybody feel uncomfortable. the judge says she can stay. >> because the nationals said you can accepted trans. and so this chapter has to accept trans. this male pledged, rushed was initiated. they accepted him or her, whatever. so they're living with her and now she's leering and she's peeping and she's sexually ar roused while she's watching her sisters undress? forget about whether she belongs there or not. i'd expel her just on sexual harassment. they should have just knocked her out that way. the sorority itself has by laws. if you're disruptive and obnoxious and don't adhere to the values of the sorority. you write a letter, hold a hearing. good-bye. i don't know why they don't do that. i don't know why jean pierre can't answer the question. first she can't answer whether hunter biden making money off his dad still. then can't answer whether navy biden should be playing field hockey against boys. will the president be canceling halloween? so sorry, can't answer. complicated. >> very complicated. >> judge, what do you do? do you quit the sorority? do you leave the biological male to live there by himself and move to motel 6? >> first thing you do is amend the by laws of the local sorority. that's real easy. i don't understand why they didn't do it. look, women have a biological reality that deserves to be recognized and respected. and for generations, women have fought for equality. we have fought for everything from not being battered, not being raped, to having equal pay. all of the things we have fought for and i myself have fought for for decades. now we're living in a world where women are not only being supressed by men who are getting aroused as they're getting undressed by a guy who's got to put a pillow on his lap most of the time. but these women, they're literally being erased in sports. this lawsuit, unfortunately, involved a judge who did not recognize the overall and over arching reality that women are biologically women. this guy is not transgender. so if the national sorority said we're going to allow transgendering, he only identified. we already know what he looked like when they undressed that he has not transgendered. therefore, the decision and the question before the court should then be more narrow. can a guy who identifies as a woman be in that sorority? and that would have been an absolute win for the local. i don't know who your lawyer was, but you should have fine tuned the question. >> piers, let me add this. wrexham won. are they the best club team in england? >> shouldn't be for men to debate. what i hate about this debate is women are being silenced over this. they're being shamed and villified and told they cannot have a view. if they do, it is concern. >> martina navratalova. >> right. she got cancelled because she said the men's number 300 tennis player who identifies as a woman can destroy women's tennis. she was right. absolutely right. >> all right. i really enjoyed this segment. we have a lot more show to go. 36 minutes. one of the sorority sisters involved, i should add, will be on the ingraham angle tonight 7:00 p.m. eastern time. up next democrats go silent after their climate change narrative. what's the matter? >> terrible. ♪ especially when it comes to your child's education. introducing power homeschool the official provider of online acellus courses for parents independently homeschooling their children. i really love how flexible the program is. it allows my child to work at her own pace and on her own schedule. join the growing community of parents who have discovered the power of power homeschool. visit our website at power homeschool dot org to learn more and start your child's educational journey. ♪ limu emu & doug ♪ what do we always say, son? 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inflation reduction act was a give away to the green energy companies. in the end, it's not about global warming and it's not about climate change. it's about negligence. pure and simple. it's about ineptitude. it's about an area that didn't keep up with what was going on because they were trying to get to the green energy next step. so they were too busy working on green energy. they ignored the obligation of the current situation. they didn't fill the water reservoir. they didn't turn off the power lines. they failed to follow protocol to shut down the live power lines. what we've got now is the power lines are igniting dry grass and brush and people died as a result of it. they didn't set off the sirens. the guy said he was worried people would run toward the fire if they turned the sirens on. it's about an excuse. we live in a world that's all about excuses, in terms of ideology. it's all tribalism. you're on this side or this side. facts are irrelevant. >> they had all of this money, brian -- they knew about the wild fire threats. they had money they could use to deal with the wild fire threat. instead they used it on green energy projects and didn't do anything to mitigate a problem like this one. >> right. the guy that came out and said, we don't want to put the sirens out because we didn't want people running inland. i'm sure they wouldn't run into a fire. number two, he resigned the next day. they call it nonnative grass. they said the grass is highly flammable. got to thin it got to get rid of it. they left it. the time the winds, the hurricane, it was the perfect storm. it burned everything. they said this grass is the thing that ignited the whole thing. if you want to talk about climb change and you want to be effective, pick your spots. when you say it all the time, people turn off. is there anybody less interesting to talk climate change than anthony fauci. was terry bradshaw not available? if you want to ruin my night, anthony fauci speaking on anything. >> remember when he said, if you question me, you are questioning the science. that was about covid but i guess it could apply here. piers, to you. >> a, i was stunned to see him there. my idea of a personal disaster is my family is on a desert island the rest of my natural life around fauci and karen jean-pierre. both looking at me morning, noon and night. climate change is real. i believe that. i believe manmade contributions are a significant factor and what is going on overheating the planet. but i also think there are two other massive problems in this debate. hysteria and hypocrisy. what these things do, like they do with covid, they discourage large sways of the public from trusting people they should be trusting. got to have trust in public officials. you don't get it by blaming stuff like this on the wrong thing. you actually increase distrust in public officials. >> jesse waters. >> on primetime we have the researcher who authored the initial report, saying manmade climate change was creating more ferocious and more deadly hurricanes. she's now come out and said she's got her facts wrong and there is no connection. now nobody in the scientific community wants to talk to her. they're just running with the junk science. this has been imposed on us by these politicians. when you go to climb change during a tragedy, it divides everybody. everybody goes to their corners and start fighting each other when you should be trying to get to the bottom of this investigation that proves that, you and you said, this was negligent homicide on a mass murderous scale by hawaii electric. >> no comment. that is the biggest story nobody is talking about. president of the united states did nothing. didn't comment for three days. when asked about it said no comment. >> he doesn't want an investigation into this. >> why is that? >> rather blame it on the republicans. >> over 100 people dead and -- >> complicated and there's no easy answer. that's what you have to remember. >> let's get to this. the left is smearing nikki haley as racist for not wanting kamala harris to be president. let innovation refunds help with your erc tax refund so you can improve your business however you see fit. rosie used part of her refund to build an outdoor patio. clink! dr. marshall used part of his refund to give his practice a facelift. emily used part of her refund to buy... i run a wax museum. let innovation refunds help you get started on your erc tax refund. stop waiting. go to you really got the brows. >> republican candidate nikki haley is getting smeared as a racist after warning how o vote for joe biden would lead to a president harris. jamel hill saying, quote, part of the reason racism is such a terrible sickness in this country is because politicians like this know they can rally a certain base with the fear of, oh my god, a black woman might be president if you don't vote for me. haley defending herself against the vicious attack. >> this has nothing to do with kamala's gender or race. this has everything to do with kamala's incompetence. that's what this is about. every american knows that if kamala harris becomes president, we are in serious trouble of losing our country. >> okay. i'll start with you, piers. the latest fox news poll shows that 60% of americans have an unfavorable view of kamala harris. does that mean 60% of americans are racist? >> we're all racist. no one thinks she should be president. therefore, we're a bunch of racists. i didn't think there would be any racism story to match the story that came out of australia that chess is racist because the white pieces go first. congratulations. we have finally reached a new level of absurdity. the idea nikki haley, the daughter of two indian immigrants to this country, would use someone's gender or skin color in the way that is inferred here is utterly ridiculous. it's indicative of the society we live in. if you question trans athletes, you are transphobic. if you question a ussless vice president's ability to be president, kamala harris, then you must be racist. like a meghan markle debacle when my criticism of her lying about the royal family, i was accused -- obviously i was a racist. that could be the only reason that i would find her so unbelievable was because i must be racist. it was complete b.s. actually, it's shameful. that should not be allowed, that kind of thing. nikki haley answered it well, but she shouldn't be subjected to such ridiculous allegations. she is a woman and the daughter of two indian immigrants. it's offensive. >> the interesting part of all of this is kamala harris was picked because of identity politics. >> biden was open about that. he said this is what's going to happen. it's interesting, because if you read nikki haley's book. it's called "with all due respect." it was after she had been at the u.n. and then governor. if you read that and you read about her childhood, i would think jamel would want to take that back. they did deal with a lot of racism. they were one of the first indian immigrants in south carolina. she loves that place. she calls it home. but they did go through a lot. this is actually on the merits. i think it's very smart. nikki haley didn't all of a sudden start going after kamala harris. they only picked up on it because she had a good debate performance. she was smart early on. she knew this was a differentiating topic and one republicans would really pay attention to. 77% of americans in the ap poll, all americans, think joe biden is too old to be president. what's the next logical thing you would think of? if he isn'ted able to perform his duties and she is vice president, she would become the president. that is smart. i would ask jamel hill to do this. match up nikki haley's legislative record against kamala harris'. they both served, governor, senator, in state government, see where you end up. on the merits they would be able to show competence versus incompetence. >> as dana was saying, jesse, 69% of democrats think joe biden is too old to be president. certainly someone like gavin newsom is waiting in the wings. why doesn't he just announce? >> he will if joe falls again. i'm not kidding about that. one more fall and gavin basically starts charging the mound. this country is teetering. you listen to it at cocktail parties. everyone is whispering about it on vacation. democrats are openly talking about whether or not joe biden is gonna make it. that's why gavin's been warming up. when is he debating desantis? and kamala's not happy that that debate is going on. she feels one upped. she's next in line, allegedly, and you have this charismatic white guy with great hair in california with a lot of money basically trying to inch up onto the stage while everybody's talking badly about her. listen, to the question at hand, ben carson, herman caine, nikki haley. republicans fall in love with conservative minority candidates. some of those guys were 20% for the republican nomination. that's nothing to do with race. i don't want jamel hill as president. that doesn't make any racist. just makes me smart. >> aren't you sick of racism? does it have any meaning? >> i have seen your show. nobody is inviting you to cocktail parties. i was shocked that it was back to the future with some of president obama's administration wrench was a racist who was critical of him. harry reid said anybody's opposition to obama care was racist. jimmy carter accused republicans of opposing obama care because of racism. this is a copout. it was brought up, i'll steal it from you, piers. you know the way desantis was called racist. black people don't go to florida. you brought that up. the next person up after trump, and maybe there isn't an after trump. maybe now, maybe in four years. is going to be a racist, sexist. it doesn't matter who it is. just understand, everybody, it's not really a donald trump problem. it's everyone on the other side. what it's doing, everyone really showing racism in society, it's blurring the line and selling it because we all know what racism is. we're talking about jamel hill when she writes stuff like this. i'm wondering does she really believe what she wrote? >> why else would we be talking about it? >> she's not very genuine, if she doesn't. coming up, eminem threatening vivek over his rap rendition. ♪ we face as educators is how do we motivate students to invest themselves in learning? when we set out to develop acellus gold. we decided to take this challenge head on. what would happen if student motivation was built directly into the dna of the learning experience? the first time i saw students learning on a acellus gold. i could immediately tell this was going to be a game changer. we designed a series of immersive learning activities that are locked until the student completes their daily assignments. these activities, such as the write a book feature, are tailored to the student's grade level and offer engaging learning experiences in a less structured environment. i love the way acellus integrated social interaction between students taking the same classes. the system connects students by allowing them to share positive messages about each other's achievements, and it leverages peer encouragement to propel students forward. acellus gold has helped our school create an environment that fosters excitement and enthusiasm for learning. frustrated by skin tags? 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[ laughter ] >> do you have a specific question? >> not really. >> eminem had a nice career. he's on the back nine clearly. to lower himself to say you shouldn't even run the track, but he's not even allowed to rap the lyrics? you're better than that, eminem. >> brian, you're not better than that. we know that. is there a merit to what ramaswamy is doing? with the eminem rapping. is he getting traction with younger people by doing this kind of thing? >> i don't know what he's doing in the polls but he opened himself up as a target. when he said i am not the only one bought and sold on this stage, he opened himself up and helped ron desantis. today we watched a video from him at 21 years old asking a fat al sharpton a question, what about a guy -- he's thin now. what about a guy who had no experience? now they're diving into his book. chuck todd read this like "the tale of two cities." he found excerpts that show he is no longer the same person he was when he was five years ago when he published this book. the scrutiny, he seems to be enjoying himself. lot of people have taken the negatives. shirtless player, black socks hitting ball. >> it was the black socks. >> you can't have black socks. i thought he rapped quite well. >> he did. also, if i was eminem, i would say now all of these republicans know and like my song. i also think vivek likes this kind of distraction because the past ten days haven't been a great distraction. he can take any opportunity and take it to his advantage. i want to know if the letter rhymes. cease and desist. >> your verdict on the eminem/vivek rap? >> i think slim shady himself, you would think he would be happy 20 years later people are still rapping to his song. i love that song. i thought about vivek and said, he probably feels terrible. i would like to be a fly on the wall to know what kim reynolds was thinking when vivek was rapping to that song. what's going on here? >> takes big tennis balls. one more thing. . . 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(vo) learn more. it's your vision, it's your verizon. ♪ >> jesse: time now for "one more thing." this ising is they don't have in england. a gator. not just anyone. 14 feet long. 800 pounds. it's prehistoric. they caught it in mississippi. the girth of the belly, they say girth matters over 5 feet. can swallow you whole for breakfast. i'm talking about you, pierce. congrats. keep mississippi safe. tonight "jesse watters primetime" i take a walk in the park with rfk jr. >> dana: unexpected visitor at candy store in washington. check this out. deer walks right into this candy store and thinks wow, this looks pretty tasty and then he panicked. so, i don't know. that's like a wild animal video. anyway, tonight, i'm in for gutfeld, parrino double exclamation point, filling in for him. so wish me luck. >> jesse: two exclamations. brian? >> brian: so tyrus came on our show this morning because we heard he retired. i had no idea he was going to get this emotional but i really understand how much wrestling means him. he made a huge announcement. no longer in the wwe. champion of the nwa if i lose the title i will retire. he lost the title, he retired. he talked about what wrestling meant to him and how he turned around his life. watch. >> wrestling for 20 years. and it's been -- it opened so many doors for me. i was nwa champion. that's a small list. they can never take that away from me. it was just time. >> brian: he says he had a chance. this is me and him when we actually went one-on-one. we were losing our tempers and we f went at it. i was surprised to see he was getting so emotional. >> did you throw the chair? >> brian: it would have broken on his back. no question. tyrus, congratulations on a great career. >> piers: great man. >> that's great. you may be wondering where greg and harold are they are in england right now at a pub doing the world gravy wrestling championship. wrestlers suit up in fancy outfits. battle it out in the 2,000-liter gravy filled pool. those who dare to take part have to wrestle in gravy for two minutes. all funds raised go to local hospice. >> piers: normal friday night in england. show you a scene of a brazilian adventure group. i think of me and you, jesse, hanging there for hours on end. reaching points of agreement. >> jesse: make a reservation. that's it for us. have a great night everybody. >> brian: stay within yourself. ♪ ♪ >> bret: good evening, welcome to washington. i'm bret baier. a monster storm, a once in a lifetime event for the big bend of florida. and potentially devastating. that's what florida emergency officials are saying as they prepare for hurricane idalia. it's expected to make landfall tomorrow along the western, florida coast as a category 3 storm or potentially stronger because of the super charging warm waters in the gulf. meteorologists anticipate rapid strengthening as it surges closer to the sunshine state. idalia could bring with it up

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Mayor , No Doubt , Bit , Thing Hits , 2 , 3 , Everybody , Many , Floridians , Dana Perrino , Five , Waters , New York City , 5 , Big Guy , E Mails , Joe Biden , Name , Archives , Hunter , Treasure Trove , 5000 , Aliases , Robin Whether , Shady Business Dealings , Robert L Peters , J R , Mclovin , People , Hunter Biden Making Money , Son , Ass , White House , Names , Grip , Dad , Vice President Biden , Access , Appearance , You Question , Someone , Selling , Testimony , Family , Democrats , Ways , Watch , Sleepy Joe , Evidence , One , Investigations , Guys , Anyone , Department , Corrupt Joe , Justice , Corrupt , Point , Republicans , Man , Anything , Fundmentally , Hasn T , Wrongdoing , Stories , Reporters , Alias E Mails , Government , Press Secretary , Briefing Room , Issue , Thing , Scandal , Job , Rnc , E Mail , Questions , Documents , Nothing , Media , Wall , Curiosity , Eric Swalwell , Line , Something , Place , Defense , Information , Public , Media Organizations , Order , Requests , Freedom Of Information Act , American , Story , Organizations , News Nuggets , Request , Media Filing , Same , Hiding , 5400 , Eight , Ukraine , Energy , Transparency , Issues , Schedule , Attempt , The National Archives , Vice President , David Weiss , 15 , 14 , Statute , Special Counsel , Limitations , Bidens , 5 Million , Million , 1023 , The Way , Of Buresma , Staff Member , Staffer , Shows , President Obama , Drug Addict , Dirt Bag , State Department , Sex Crazed Lunatic , Story Of A Father S Deep Love , The End , Judge , Reason , Administration , Staffers , Some , House , Foundation , Turns , Three , June 2022 , 2022 , Alias , Ten , Explanation , 18 , June 15 , May 18 , Movie Studios , President Of The United States , Hackers , Wonder , North Korea , Chinese , Piers , Knees , Big Surprise , Chair , Occupant , Form , 4 1 2 , Fact , Catalyst , Start , Nugget , Experience , Ukrainian Energy Company , Board , 83333 , Zero , Expertise , Father , Money , Everything , Biden Brand , Corruption , Loads , Season , Schiller Flexner Group , Gazillions , 2014 , Investigation , Course , Ceo , Shocken , Trump , President , Donald Trump Jr , Two , Mainstream Media , Impeachment , Indictments , Ins , Silence , Everything Else , Side , Journalist , He Shouldn T Have , Rudy Giuliani , Things , David Boyd , Law Firm , Sorority , It , Claims , Folks , Behavior , Television , Struggle , Safety Information , Inspire , Mask , Hose , Cpap , Pet Food , Dog People , Dog , Door , Approach , Vets , Veggies , Meat , Portioned , Business , Setting Trends , Operations , Fashion , Customer Demand , Level , Ella , Jen , Customers , Marquis , More , Control , Enterprise Intelligence , Network , Vision , Efficiencies , Agility , Production , Verizon , Vo , 5g Network , Uc , Rinvoq , Damage Rinvoq , Check , Symptom Relief , Results , Ulcerative Colitis , Urgency , Leave Bathroom , Chance , Colon Lining , Remission , Infections , Heart Disease Risk Factor , Ability , Intestines , Death , Cancers , Heart Attack , Skin Cancer , Stomach , Blood Clots , Lymphoma , Tears , Fatal , Stroke , Tb , 50 , 1 , Why Don T , Doctor , Abbvie , Reactions , Risks , Gastroenterologist , Devie Duckduckgo , Like Google , Fo , Pi , Searchs , Doesn T Spy , Ads , Companie , Privacy , Blocks Cooi , Catch , Millions , Google , Chrome , Fre , Devices , Duckduckgo , Country , Sorority Sisters , Group , Case , Insanity , University Of Wyoming , Lawsuit , Member , Membership , Claim , Women , Woman , Lot , Can T , Law , Space , Laura Ingraham , Values , Sisterhood , Spaces , Females , Beginning , Importance , Boys , Situation , Victim , 260 , 6 , Sports , Range , Copout , Views , Girls , Fear , Playing In Girls Sports , Injuries , Department Of Education , Answer , Males , Press Conference , Sorority Situation , Solution , Athletes , Inability , Women S Sports , Doesn T Mean Trans Athletes Shouldn , Advantage , Idea , Competition , Option , Farce , Sex , White House Press Secretary , Human Being , Won T , It S Complicated , Opinions , Megan Rapinoe , Athlete , Soccer Team , Lionel Messi , Player , No Reynaldo , Christian , Part , Play , Judgment , Truth , Error , United States Women S National Team , Records , Doesn T Mean It , She , Policy , Dodge , Executive Order , Thread , Boys Sports Teams , Companies , Competitions , School Districts , Leadership , Prize Money , Specific , Sir , Figure , Events , Mr , Jesse , Terms , Prizes , Scholarship Tunes , Chapter , Nationals , Whatever , Laws , Sisters , Sexual Harassment , Letter , Jean Pierre Can T , Hearing , Answer , Navy Biden , Complicated , Playing Field Hockey , Can T Answer , Male , Motel 6 , Reality , Equality , Generations , World , Pay , Men , Pillow , Lap , Supressed , Question , Transgendering , Court , Decision , Local , Lawyer , Win , Debate , England , Club Team , Wrexham , View , Martina Navratalova , Tennis Player , Number , Concern , Villified , 300 , Show , Tennis , Segment , 36 , It Doesn T , Climate Change Narrative , Eastern Time , Terrible , Ingraham Angle , 7 , 00 , Child , Power , Education , Provider , Parents , Community , Children , Courses , Acellus , Power Homeschool , Program , Pace , Liberty Mutual , Website , Journey , Car Insurance , Dot Org , Limu Emu , That S My Boy , Huh , Uncle Limu , Freeways , Medicines , Dovato , Hiv , Treatment , Hiv Pills , Adults , 4 , Help , Side Effects , Stop Dovato , Ingredients , Symptoms , Reaction , Dofetilide , Liver Problems , Buildup , Breastfeeding , Headache , Kidney , Pregnancy , Baby , Tiredness , Nausea , Diarrhea , Anxiety , Lactic Acid , Trouble Sleeping , Gold , Rosland Capital , It Isn T , Metals , Concept , Leader , Process , Lady Liberty , Rosland Guide , Bullion , Proofs , Coins , Wealth , 800 630 8900 , 8900 , 800 , 630 , Shipping , Brochures , Gimmicks , Standard , Keep It Simple , Hassles , Call Rosland Capital , Precious Metals Ira , Fire , Didn T , Maui , Tragic Fire In Hawaii To Texas , Row , 75 , 95 , Carbon Pollution , Words , States , Disasters , Climate Crisis , Jake , Reliance , Fossil Fuels , Reduction Act , Sand Attitude , 300 Billion , 00 Billion , Power Lines , Utility Company , Fires , Narrative , Mismanagement , Flames , Hawaii , Lawmakers , Power Company , Spark , Fox News , Theory Man Made Global Warming , Accountability , Winter , Covid , Horono , Here We Go Again , Kind , Inflation Reduction Act , In The End , Give , Negligence , Ineptitude , Pure And Simple , Nikki Haley Didn T All Of A Sudden , Area , Obligation , Green Energy , Green Energy Next Step , Grass , Water Reservoir , Protocol , Sirens , Result , Excuse , Brush , Brian , Facts , Threats , Excuses , Ideology , Tribalism , Problem , Threat , Green Energy Projects , Wouldn T Run , Storm , Hurricane , Climb Change , Winds , Spots , Anybody , Anthony Fauci , Terry Bradshaw , Science , Disaster , Desert Island , Life , Rest , Karen Jean Pierre , Morning Noon And Night , Contributions , Factor , Problems , Planet , Hypocrisy , Hysteria , Stuff , Officials , Distrust , Sways , Trust , Jesse Waters , Researcher , Hurricanes , Primetime , Report , Saying Manmade Climate Change , Nobody , Politicians , Connection , Junk Science , Each Other , Bottom , Tragedy , Corners , Homicide , Mass Murderous Scale , Hawaii Electric , Comment , Didn T Comment , Nikki Haley , Racist , Kamala Harris , Left , Smearing , 100 , Dr , Refund , Tax Refund , Marshall , Rosie , Emily , Patio , Innovation , Facelift , Practice , Erc , Innovation Refunds , Stop Waiting , Brows , Wax Museum , Racism , Jamel Hill , Saying , Sickness , O Vote , Warning , Quote , Know , Race , Oh My God , Gender , Attack , Incompetence , Trouble , Poll , 60 , No One , Racists , Chess , Bunch , Pieces , Australia , Congratulations , Immigrants , Skin Color , Absurdity , Society , Transphobic , Ussless , Royal Family , Lying , Criticism , Accused , Meghan Markle , She Shouldn T , Daughter , Allegations , B S , Identity Politics , Indian , Book , Governor , With All Due Respect , Childhood , U N , Back , Merits , Deal , South Carolina , Performance , Topic , Attention , Duties , Ap , 77 , State Government , Record , Match Up , Doesn T , 69 , Waiting In The Wings , Gavin Newsom , Joe Falls , Versus , 69 , Everyone , Cocktail Parties , Teetering , Mound , Vacation , Ron Desantis , Stage , Guy , Hair , California , Candidates , Love , Minority , Nomination , Listen , Hand , Ben Carson , Herman Caine , 20 , Meaning , Want Jamel Hill , Aren T You Sick , Opposition , Wrench , Obama Care , Back To The Future , Harry Reid , Care , Black People Don T Go To Florida , Jimmy Carter , Isn T An After Trump , Four , Doing , Blurring , Eminem , Rap Rendition , She Doesn T , Coming Up , Vivek Rap , Students , Learning , Learning Experience , Educators , Acellus Gold , Dna , Head On , Student Motivation , Student , Activities , Series , Time , Game Changer , Assignments , Write A Book Feature , Environment , System , Acellus Integrated Social Interaction , Learning Experiences , Grade Level , Classes , Messages , School , Peer Encouragement , Achievements , Excitement , Enthusiasm , Skin , Breakthrough , Skin Tags , Remover , Scholl S , Fda , Game , Poly , Score , Shop , Saving , 25 Million , 100000 , 00000 , Monopoly Tag , Brand , Game Tickets , Gravity , Rap Battle , Vivek Ramaswamy A Cease And Desist Order , What Ramaswamy , Lyrics , Wishes , Couldn T , Establishment Didn T , Rap Expert , Star , Establishment , Laughter , Real Slim Shady , Let , Yes , Career , Nine , Merit , Track , Rapping , Polls , Traction , Target , A Question , Video , Al Sharpton , 21 , Person , Excerpts , Chuck Todd , The Tale Of Two Cities , Socks , Negatives , Ball , Scrutiny , Shirtless Player , Song , Distraction , Days Haven T , Opportunity , Rhymes , Verdict , Cease And Desist , Fly On The Wall , What S Going On , Kim Reynolds , Tennis Balls , Ising , Gator , Mississippi , Girth , Breakfast , Take A Walk In The Park , Feet , Safe , Pierce , I M Talking About You , Belly , Jesse Watters Primetime , Rfk Jr , Candy Store , Don T Know , Deer , Washington , Gutfeld , Exclamation Point , Exclamations , Animal , Wish Me Luck , Parrino Double , Wrestling , Title , Champion , Nwa , Announcement , Wwe , Doors , List , Tempers , Pub , Harold , Great Man , Tyrus , Greg , Wrestlers , Gravy , Outfits , Pool , Dare , World Gravy Wrestling Championship , Who , 2000 , Me And You , Funds , Brazilian Adventure Group , Go To Local Hospice , Scene , Night Everybody , Points , Monster Storm , Agreement , Reservation , Once In A Lifetime , Bret Baier , Welcome To Washington , Event , Coast , Emergency , Landfall , Florida , Hurricane Idalia , Big Bend Of Florida , Western , Sunshine State , Gulf , Meteorologists ,

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