Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox 20240704 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox 20240704

temperatures batter the areas and dozens of cities could hit record highs tomorrow. fox weather meteorologist adam klotz is here now9 with the forecast. adam. adam: hey, jon. we just got a new update from the national hurricane center just an hour ago. this storm is continuing to sit off the coast of the yucatan peninsula. not a lot of movement so far. there the have been tropical storm warnings across areas of mexico as this system's been something we've been paying very close attention to as it kind of sits there stuck, moving there just 3 miles an hour. here are our storm paths as the storm, ultimately, is going to lift up through the gulf of mexico. you see all of those paths ultimately taking it into the big bend of florida. there's still a little bit of time where you could see this moving to the north here in the next 12 hours or so. that's why we have our cone of uncertainty, but it gives us a good idea of where this forecast is ultimately going to be. that is wednesday at 1 a.m., winds at 100 miles an hour make this a category two hurricane, and you're looking at an area between tampa and over towards pan panama i city or apalachicola, all areas where the storm could be making landfall. again, very late tuesday into very early wednesday morning. we now have tropical storm, hurricane watches, advisories up and down the entire west coast of florida here, all areas where, remember, on the right-hand side of the storm it's going to be pushing rounds of rain and very heavy surf all along the west coast. so this is a larger area than just where that landfall would be that are going to be seeing the impacts of this storm as we make it see that move. as i said, it's been kind of stuck off the yucatan peninsula, eventually starting to make that move up north. and even though we're talking about talking about landfall around the big bend, it stretches off a huge area. this is our in the-house model before, ultimately, this is going to drag a whole lot of moisture, jon, across portions of the southeast. this could be a flooding concern for a whole lot of folks. additionally, you're talking about some of that extreme heat that folks have been seeing across the south, or potentialle in texas. these are our current temperatures, highs in the 90s, it actually feels quite a bit warmer, and that's why we've got all of these heat alerts. some of these areas are the spots that are going to be dealing with this hurricane in the next couple of days. very active weather pattern, jon, of course something we're going to be watching here. tuesday evening, we say morning, that's the timeline. jon: yeah. the folks in the florida panhandle do not want another hurricane. they're still recovering from the last couple. meteorologist adam clos, thanks. florida governor ron desantis declaring a state of emergency and florida's response team is rushing to help residents prepare for the storm. fox weather's brandy campbell explains from miami beach. >> reporter: with tropical storm idalia headed for florida, governor ron desantis issued a state of emergency for 33 counties making resources available to those impacted. meanwhile, emergency management across the state has been triggering alerts to their county residents and even schools like the university of florida doing the same as they could likely be in the path of this storm. >> if you look at the this big bend region, the models are probably more in agreement than when we had ian last year. if you are in the path of this storm the, you should expect power outages. >> reporter: as for residents who immediate to get personal resources together, the timing of florida's second newly-added disaster sales tax preparedness holiday is in time. floridians can buy certain items with no sales tax now going through september 8th. they can buy flashlights, batteries, portable radios, portable generators, house cleaning items and pet evacuation supplies. >> and so this year we're expecting floridians to have $144 million of tax relief with those two sales tax holidays, and that's compared to only $25 # million that they benefited from last year with that one sales tax holiday. the time for action is now, and if you haven't already, we encourage floridians to develop a plan, to build your disaster supply kit. >> reporter: continuing with preparations, we have several locations activated to help residents prepare for flooding in the st. petersburg, tampa area and in costs north and even further inland near orlando. again, anybody in the path of idalia, now is the time to go ahead and buy the items that you're missing for your preparedness kit, maybe a flashlight. but if you're out of that zone, you have more time, you have until september 8th before that opportunity expires. reporting from miami, florida, brandy campbell, back to you, jon. jon: for continuing coverage of the incoming storm, get out your phone camera and and scan the qr code on your screen right now. you can also download it at the people of jacksonville, florida, coming together tonight holding a vigil right now for the three people kill in yesterday's racially-motivated shooting. police have identified the victims and the shooter, and they say they are still investigating to see if this, if there was any way to prevent this tragedy. bryan llenas has more. >> reporter: jon, good evening. jacksonville's sheriff identified all three black victims as 52-year-old angela carr, 29-year-old gerald galleon and 19-year-old a. a j. leguere jr. all three gunned down by a 211-year-old white man who lived with his parents and had no prior arrests. police say he was spotted putting on a bulletproof vest and mask at a nearby historically black college before going to the dollar general store and firing 11 rounds into a vehicle, killing ms. carr. he then shot the two men inside the store before killing himself. the shooter used an ar-15 assault-type rifle with swastika cans drawn on it, he also had a glock handgun. the sheriff said the guns were purchased by him legally. the shooter left behind manifestos that said he hated and wanted to kill black people. >> the manifesto is, quite frankly, the diary of a madman. he was, i mean, he was just completely irrational. but with irrational thoughts, he knew what he was doing. he was 100% lucid. he knew what he was doing. >> reporter: president joe biden released a statement the saying in part, quote, we must state clearly and forcefully that white supremacy has no place in america, we must refuse to live in an american where black families or students live in fear of being gunned down because of the color of their skin. hate must have no safe harbor, silence is complicity, and we must not remain silent. florida governor ron desantis added this earlier today -- >> we're not going to allow in the state of florida our hbcus to be targets for hateful lunatics like the guy yesterday. >> reporter: there was a 2017 incident where the gunman was baker acted or held temporarily for 72 hours because of a mental health emergency. the sheriff said today though they knew of no red flags and that there was nothing in his background check that would have kept him from buying those guns legally. jon? jon: bryan llenas, thanks. finish the three u.s. marines are dead after their aircraft crashed in australia. 23 the marines were onboard during a training exercise. investigators are a trying to figure out what went wrong. al sand i drink ya of has that story. >> reporter: on top of the 3 who have died, we know that 5 marines were transported to the hospital in serious condition. others received treatment right there on the ground. the crash happened at a 9:# 30 a.m. local time on melville island about 35 miles off the darwin coast. no civilians were with injured. australian officials say that two u.s. marine osprey had taken off head toward the tiwi islands when reports of a crash came in. >> we acknowledge that this is a terrible incident. the government stands by to offer whatever assistance is required. we have stood up a number of systems in the northern territory to respond to this incident. we are well resourced and well practiced in the northern territory in responding to emergencies. >> reporter: according to the marine row takal force darwin, the u.s. marines were flying as a part of a joint training with australia and other countries that was called exercise predators run. toes pray is the primary transport aircraft for the marines. since 2012 the tilt rotor aircraft has seen six fatal crashes causing at least 19 marine corps deaths. three similarly died in 2017 off of australia's coast. now, this is the second is aircraft crash of the week for the marine corps. on thursday major andrew metler died in an f-18 hornet crash during a training exercise near san diego. the commanding of the 2nd marine aircraft wing stated, quote: we mourn the loss of one of our brothers who was devoted to the marine corps' mission, and it is our duty to continue forward the in a manner that would reflect his devotion. australia ya's prime minister and defense secretary offered their condolences, and so far this year 18 u.s. service members will be have been killed in military aircraft crashes. jon? jon: alexandria hoff, thanks. the federal aviation with administration reportedly is investigating whether nearly 5,000 pilots lied about their health so they could continue flying. according to "the washington post", the faa says those pilots did not self-report they were receiving disability benefits. the paper says 600 of them are licensedded to fly passenger plan planes, only 60 payments were deem to pose -- pilots were deemed to pose a clear danger to aviation safety. they have been temporarily grounded. it's a federal crime to conceal mental health disorders and other serious conditions that could make those pilots unfit to fly. ♪ jon: new york governor kathy hochul is coming urn fire from leaders in her own state on her handling of the migrant crisis. new york congresswoman nicole malliotakis who represents part ofs -- parts of brooklyn and staten island, is here to tell us what's going on in her district and beyond. she's next. ♪ ♪ neutrogena® retinol? yes! it evens skin tone, and smooths fine lines, with visible results in just one week. sounds like you've said that before. once or twice. neutrogena® retinol (vo) ultimate endless shrimp is here with a limited time flavor drop. new crispy dragon shrimp. one of seven endless choices for just $20. right now, only at red lobster. welcome to fun dining. >> my name is shannon bream, and i'll be out in the field and leading coverage for democracy 2024. i pinch myself all the time that i actually get to do this. it feels like such a privilege. we begin with the direction of the country under president biden. i feel a weight with it too to make sure that we get it right and people know that we are asking the questions they would want answered. jon: two key hearings tomorrow involving former president donald trump's 2020 election interference cases. in washington mr. trump's legal team and special counsel jack smith's team of prosecutors will fight over when the fall trial should begin. special counsel smith wants january 2nd which is less than two weeks before the iowa caucuses. trump has requested april of 2026. trump will not be in court for the hearing. meantime in georgia, attorneys for trump's former chief of staff mark meadows will push to have his charges moved to federal court so he can assert immunity. this could impact trump and some of the other 17 defendants charged by fulton county d.a. fani willis. georgia ec taffe of -- secretary of state brad reffens pirger has been subpoenaed to testify in tomorrow's hearing. well, the biden administration sent scrambling as explosive new allegations are made against the president and his son this week. a a former ukrainian prosecutor accuses mr. biden of taking bribes to get him fired. the president and first lady returning to washington last night to prepare for what could be a challenging week ahead. lucas tomlinson is live from the white house with more for us. lucas. >> reporter: jon, that's right, president biden landing on the south lawn not long after the show ended last night. we were there to greet him. the president did not answer any of our questions. mr. president, anything on jacksonville? victor smoke isen says you accepted bribes, is that true? -- victor smoke isen. are you okay with your son accepting millions of dollars from russia, china and ukraine? >> translator: poroshenko fired me at the insistence of the then-vice president, biden. there were no complaints whatsoever, no problems with how i was performing at my job. >> reporter: poroshenko being the former ukrainian president, of course. now, the irs whistleblowers think biden's attorney general would not have appointed the special counsel if not for their testimony. looking at those overseas business payments from ukraine and other countries like china and russia, but he says hunter and donald trump are not his focus. >> the president has said from the beginning that he wanted an independent justice department, and we have just that. we're not going to comment, we're not going to focus on donald trump's legal problems. >> reporter: on "fox news sunday," joe lieberman, one of the found's of the no the labels group and the vice presidential nominee more than 20 years ago says his group intends to move forward with a nominating convention in april. here's the reason why he said that, jon. >> 63% say that they're open to a moderate, independent third choice. and, now, i understand that's not a ticket. but it hoes how much the american people don't want to just have to vote for trump and biden. >> reporter: now, the most important issue facing americans, according to the latest fox news poll, jon, the economy, of course. the average american family spent more than $700 in july for the same goods and services as they did more than two years ago. that is according to that old poll. and that accounts to more than $8,000 per year if those trends continue, jon. jon: yeah. lucas tomlinson, it's getting expensive out there. thanks, lucas. >> we cannot and will not force other parts of our state to shelter a migrants. nor are we going to be asking these migrants to move to other parts of the state against their will. this crisis originated with the federal government, and it must be resolved through the federal government. this humanitarian crisis and our work force crises is so crystal clear and common sense. let them get the work authorizations, let them work legally, let them work. jon: well, that is new york democratic governor kathy hochul on her state's worsening migrant crisis. according to a new sienna poll, 832% of new yorkers say it's either -- 822% -- 82% say it's a somewhat or very serious problem. people added they are fed up with bearing the brunt of the nation's crisis. 58% said new yorkers have done enough and should work to stop the flow of migrants. the problem is spilling out of manhattan and into the other boroughs. staten island rz residents are upset that a former school has been converted into a migrant housing shelter. their congresswoman, republican nicole mall what tackies, joins us now. so it looked for a time earlier in the week that, i guess late last week i should say, that the school was going to be closed to migrants, but then a judge said you've got to leave it open. >> yeah, myself and my other colleagues from staten island sued. we were granted a temporary restraining order and a ray candidate order, but the mayor quickly filed an appeal, and a judge appointed by kathy hochul overturned our restraining order. and so we are going to go back to court on september 66th and -- ofth -- 6th and fight this. the reality is the governor, the mayor9 and the president are doing everything they can to continue incentivizing illegal immigration. every time there's a lawsuit, they're so quick to appeal the decision. look what happened with texas trying to secure their borders and the department of justice is out there fighting it to remove the barriers that texas put in place to secure their borders. here in new york we are in a court case, this is very important because as you heard the governor say, she wants work authorization. well, in new york city we're right now battling the mayor as well on a noncitizen voting law which would allow people who have work authorization and reside in new york city for 30 days to register to vote in municipal elections. we won the initial round, and the mayor is appealing that lawsuit as well. so if these individuals get work authorization, they will be able to vote in new york city elections. jon: perhaps that's parking lot of the reason the governor wants to give them work permits. that's exactly the wrong thing to do according to brandon judd. he's the national border patrol council president. listen. >> she is encouraging more people to come across our borders. if she says that we should be granting work permits to people that violate our laws, she's talking about rewarding them. and anytime that we reward people for violating our laws, we can expect them to continue to violate those laws. our border is never going to be secure if politicians continue to pander to a base rather than what's best for the united states. jon: and what about the workers who are already here? i mean, we were just talking about inflation in this country, it's a terrible problem. now you're going to throw this if competition from immigrants who are going to be willing to work for bargain basement wages? >> yeah. people having a hard enough time keeping their own roof over their head, and now the government is saying you have to pay to house these individuals. brandon judd is absolutely right, new york has incentivized this. kathy hochul's already offering free college for those in the country illegally. health care, she wrote a letter to president biden asking for more federal money, more federal land to open up more migrant shelters and end camp. s. -- encampments. she's asking for section 8 vouchers. think about that. we have a years-long waiting list for domestic violence victims, veterans who are waiting for those vouchers, and she's asking the president to allow these people to cut the line and take away from citizens. it's unbelievable. not to mention, she wants free metro cards for the ability for these individuals to ride our subways and buses for free after she just raised our tolls and fares and wants to implement a $23 tax to enter into manhattan for citizens. again, these people are bending over backwards to provide for ill israel immigrants -- illegal immigrants what their own citizens aren't even receiving in terms of benefits, and i say this: the federal house of representatives, my colleagues, we cannot allow another federal dollar to go to this nonsense that the is city of new york doing. we must stand and draw a line in the sand and say not another federal penny to go to continue this disaster that the president has created and our mayor and and our governor here in new york continue to ands whatser -- exacerbate. jon: i just want to put up a tweet from new york city's current mayor, eric adams, who when he was running for office in october of 20321 wrote: we should protect our immigrants, period. yes, new york city will remain a sanctuary city turned an adams administration. interesting. he might wish to take back those words now. >> elections matter. jon: congresswoman nicole malliotakis, we appreciate you coming on. >> thank you. jon: still to come, a san francisco bakery has informed city police officers that they are not welcome inside. the department calls the policy half-baked. that story ahead. ♪ ♪ i'm coming out of hibernation after the best nap of my life... and papa is hungry. and while you're hittin' the trail, i'm hitting your cooler. oh, cheddar! i've got hot dog buns! and your cut-rate car insurance might not pay for all this. so get allstate, and be better protected from mayhem, like me. roar. 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[laughter] we've been patronizing businesses there a lot longer than that business has been open. stop with the whole woke b.s. stuff because, you know what? it's tired now. >> reporter: mcrae says she's learned of the bakery's rule after an officer was refused service last weekend in the bakery in san francisco. in a statement, that officer said, quote: after working back to back shifts of 14-16 hours, i just wanted to get a cup of coffee to get me through my lift that saturday. instead, a cashier told me that i was not welcome by the company's management. mcrae followed up with the bakery to find out why the officer was refused service. she says reams california responded that with this e-mail, it reads: we do have a policy to not serve anyone that is armed in a uniform if. all officers are welcome to come to our establishment when they are off duty and not armed. mcrae says the business should own up to their policy and post a sign on their establishment notifying the public of their rule. >> let all the deputy sheriffs who wear a uniform now. let all the california highway patrol, you know, know. let people who are in the military who are out there fighting for your freedoms know that if they're in uniform, they're not welcome, right in just own it, right in we don't have to play these games. >> reporter: we've reached out to the bakery for a response, we are waiting to hear back. jon? jon: christina coleman, thank you. still to come on "the fox report," south floridians bracing for a potential hurricane. meteorologist adam klotz returns with the very latest on the path of tropical storm idalia next. ♪ ♪ well, i hear the whistle, but i can't roll. ♪ take it down to mexico ♪ dude, what're you doing? i'm protecting my car. that's too much work. weathertech is so much easier... laser-measured floorliners up here, seat protector and cargoliner back there... nice! out here, side window deflectors... and mud flaps... and the bumpstep, to keep the bumper dent-free. cool! it's the best protection for your vehicle, new or pre-owned. great. but where do i---? order. sfx: bubblewrap bubble popped sound. she runs and plays like a puppy again. his #2s are perfect! he's a brand new dog, all in less than a year. when people switch their dog's food from kibble to the farmer's dog, they often say that it feels like magic. but there's no magic involved. 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"the wall street journal" reporter was jailed on espionage charges back in march. no trial date do has been set which means his incarceration will continue for now. despite the u.s. and the "wall street journal," a fox news corporate cousin, heatedly denying moscow's false allegations against the wared-winning reporter. award-winning reporter. and russian authorities say the remains found at the site of a deadly plane crash include wagner mercenary group yevgeny prigozhining. on wednesday a plane went down over western russia. he was instrumental in a rebellion against russian president vladimir putin back in june. trey yingst as more. >> reporter: jon, good evening. russian investigators say they've identified all 10 people who were onboard that private jet that crashed last week outside of moscow. the committee responsible for looking into the incident explained forensic testing matched the flight manifest that included wagner leader yevgeny prigozhin. russian officials have collected debris including two black boxes that should the include flight data as well as audio recordings from the cockpit as questions remain about the exact cause of the crash. a kremlin spokesman denied any involvement of russian president vladimir putin, calling speculation a complete lie. american officials believe a bomb or similar act of sabotage brought down the business jet, not a surface to air missile as originally thought. on thursday putin sent his condolences to prigozhin's family explaining he'd known him since the early 1990s. the russian leader added that the former mercenary general made serious mistakes in his life but got results when asked. putin did not directly address the coup attempt in late june. the developments out of moscow come as russian forces are reportedly on the defensive in southern ukraine. a slow and grinding counteroffensive has seemingly allowed ukrainian forces to break through lines in the zaporizhzhia region, an area occupied by russians since the start of the war. with the death of prigozhin, there are questions about what will happen to the house no of wagner fighters in belarus and whether or not they'll be used again during the invasion of ukraine. jon? scwp jon trey yingst reporting. trey, thank you. here are some other headlines from around the globe. in north korea, severe covid restrictions are easing as citizens who were abroad during the pandemic are finally being allowed to return home. crews are sanitizing airports in preparation. in japan water tests near the fukushima nuclear power plant show no signs of radioactivity despite days of dumping radioactive water from the plant into the pacific. still, china is banning all seafood from japan, supposedly out of caution. [background sounds] jon: in zimbabwe, the president wins re-election for a final 5-year term after a tense vote. the results came much earlier than expected. the opposing party claims the declaration was done hastily and without verifying the votes. ♪ jon: in mongolia, the country is preparing to welcome pope pope francis. it is the first ever visit by a pontiff to an east asian country. in antarctica, record low levels of sea ice have apparently caused a catastrophic breeding a failure of the emperor penguins. four colonies unable to produce any chicks. researchers say it could lead to extinction by the end of the century. in scotland, loch ness monster hunters are catching eyes around the world. locke necessary was overrun with teams leading the largest ever search for the mythical beast, and that's a look at some stories from around the globe. ♪ jon: coming up, lionel messi did not disappoint. >> oh! >> and the crowds went wild. the play-by-play on messi's mesmerizing appearance at red bull arena in new jersey last night. that's just ahead. ♪ ♪ >> oh, my god. ♪ jon: plus, bud light, bud light launches yet another new ad campaign to try to salvage its image in the wake of the dylan mulvaney disaster. will it work? fox news contributor joe concha makes some predictions next. ♪ ♪ ghed down? could be a sign you're not getting enough daily fiber. metamucil capsules can help. psyllium fiber gels to trap and remove the waste that weighs you down. promoting digestive health, for a better you. metamucil capsules an easy way to get more daily fiber. i need it cool at night. you trying to ice me out of the bed? baby, only on game nights. you know you are retired right? am i? ya! the queen sleep number c2 smart bed is now only $999. plus, 60-month financing on all smart beds. shop now only at sleep number. ♪ if it hurts when you poop sometimes like pinching off ♪ ♪ a porcupine and you're sweatin' your ♪ ♪ next trip to the loo ♪ ♪ colace is the brand you need ♪ ♪ to soften stools we're all agreed ♪ ♪ #2 should be easy to do ♪ trust colace to soften stools, with no stimulants, for comfortable relief. jon: superstar the lionel messi made his major league soccer debut last night scoring a late goal to help inter miami beat the red bulls 2-0. >> oh! >> messi! [cheers and applause] jon: fans gathered in times square to watch the match which was played in front of a soldout crowd at red bull arena in new jersey. messi didn't start the match, instead, he came on as a 60th minute substitute. ♪ ♪ [inaudible conversations] [applause] jon: and from soccer to football, that is the bud light's newest ad campaign for the upcoming nfl season. the beer brand is desperate to troy to rescue sales -- try to rescue sales and etc. stock price after its controversial partnership with trans-influencer or dylan mulvaney. modelo is is now the nation's top selling beer, at least so far this year. bud light has held the top spot for about two decades. let's bring in joe concha, fox news contributor and columnist for the messenger. so bud light had some great ad campaigns over the years. then all of a sudden it z decided to feature daryl land mulvaney, and the fans turned their back on the brand. can an ad campaign like this, football, or you know, barbecues, can that bring back the customers, joe? >> jon, it's almost impossible to see bud light rebrand itself at this point successfully. in the age of social media boycotts, right? so the numbers in terms of losses are staggering. budweiser has lost more than $40 0 million since this boycott began all over an unforced error by aligning with tiktok star dylan mulvaney. so putting the toothpaste back in the tube use to be easier in these situations. but bud light, once the most popular beer in the country for decades that no one ever saw as controversial, it's sudden will hi now the poster child for political correctness and all things woke. and it's become this lightninged rod, jon, of a brand that takes away the escapism that so many fans crave at a bash due, tailgate or sporting event. it's going to be an uphill battle the likes any company has ever seen in terms of recovery. and here's why. not too long ago there used to be just a few beers to choose from, budweiser, miller, coors, schafer, pabst, schlitz, that was basically it. now we're talking dozens of choices, there's s.t.e.m. stella, coroma, yuengling, blue moon, sam adams, guinness. once that option is explored out of a boycott, it's hard to win those consumers back especially when you could get red called simply for holding -- ridiculed for holding a bud light in my hand over the summer. people were, like, what are you doing drinking that? i don't know, somebody handed it to me. [laughter] jon: it use to be a brand that appealed to football fans and blue collar types. then they, then they, you know, throw their advertising dollars at a woman who was born a man and now pretends to be sort of a preteen girl. i mean, it's just, it's maybe understandable why so many people said, hey, no more bud light for me. >> sure. and we saw with target as well, right -- jon: yeah. >> -- doing the same exact thing. in the end, budweiser, if you're that company and you're that marketing department, all you have to do is say, look, all right, we offer a good brand which people know and they've known for decades, so just treat your consumers well, offer something that people like. obviously, they like bud light. and don't get into these controversies. you don't have to get into them. major league baseball, the nfl, they did the same thing as far as aligning themselves with black lives matter, and suddenly some folks didn't want to watch the sport anymore because, again, it's about escapism and enjoying yourself and not thinking about anything political. and that's what bud light stepped into here, unfortunately, and i don't think they're going to step out of it. jon: can't let you go without touching on this topic. let's9 put up the all full screen, guys. the president's health czar told the daily the department of agriculture could advise its alcohol advice to match canada's where people are advised to have just two drinks a week. dr. george koob says that's really all you should drink, joe. what do you think? >> well, it's hard to take dr. k can oob seriously when he's this elitist who admits to drinking a few glasseses of chardonnay a week. educating americans on the dangers of drinking alcohol excessively is needed, that's for sure. it's currently the fourth leading preventable cause of death behind tobacco, poor diet, no physical activity and illicit drugs. it's really just a suggest -- suggestion, it's not a law and, therefore, should be taken as such. in terms of consumption by almost every american, i don't think many folks are going to be following this suggestion. they'll do what they want, make their own decisions based on their health and based on what they want to do. but let's be clear, this is not a law that's going to go into place where if you have three drinks in a week, sudden. ly you're facing a fine or jail time, it is just a suggestion to keep people healthy. jon: joe joe concha, we appreciate it. >> thank you, sir. have a good night. jon: things are just ducky now, but it wasn't so rosy earlier when this little quacker got caught in a sewage pipe if. how it all panned out when we return. ♪ ♪ learn to live with what you can't rise above -- ♪ if you want to ride on down, down into this tunnel of love ♪ has two layers of relief. the first is fast, the second is long-lasting. we give you your day back, so you can give it everything. tylenol. number one doctor recommended for arthritis pain. trying to control my asthma felt anything but normal. ♪ ♪ enough was enough. i talked to an asthma specialist and found out my severe asthma is driven by eosinophils, a type of asthma nucala can help control. now, fewer asthma attacks and less oral steroids that's my nunormal with nucala. nucala is a once-monthly add-on injection for severe eosinophilic asthma. nucala is not for sudden breathing problems. allergic reactions can occur. get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue, or trouble breathing. infections that can cause shingles have occurred. don't stop steroids unless told by your doctor. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. may cause headache, injection site reactions, back pain, and fatigue. talk to your asthma specialist to see if once-monthly nucala may be right for you. and learn about savings at there's more to your life than asthma. find your nunormal with nucala. jon: across the pond in k england. a block in the sewer system, a decduck was caught wanderings the pipes, a robotic camera sent underground to find where it was, it was looking for algae to eat and got stuck in the sewage system, it was safely removed. we're happy to say. jon: a boston man had a real excluse for almost missing his wedding in italy, his dog ate his passport. he says when he and his bride-to-be went to get their marriage license his dog clued up his passport, he got help from a local lawmaker to get a new one, they will be married on thursday. >> jon, i think he p put peanut butter on it he had cold feetz. feet. jon: that is how fox reports i am jon scott thank you for joining us. ♪ ♪ >> good evening guy benson benson with mollie whelming way, katie pavlich and give jenkins, welcome to big weekend show, accusations against president biden and his alleged involve am in hhunter biden's overseas business dealings. the president seems to have nothing to say. >> mr. president, anything on

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Angeles , 39 , 21 , Ty Gibbs , Drivers , Ryan Blaney , The Big One , Nose , Wreck , Wall Hard Goes , Nascar , Coke Zero Sugar , 400 , 16 , Zero , Stories , Car , Times , Priest , App , Voters , Candidates , Nikki Haley , Momentum , Campaign Trail , Debate , Iowa , Vivek Ramaswamy , Look , Cotton , Polls , Debate Stage , Performances , Post Debate , Chris Christie , C B , U N , Campaigning , Primary , Desantis Didn T , Contenders , Race , Racist , Policies , Skin Color , Issues , Government Spending , Ideas , On Biden , Foreign Affairs , Access , Abortion , Ukraine , Fight , Proxy War , Let , Fact , Contraception , Jail , Adoptions , Women , Ea Mains The Front Runner , Election , Efforts , Georgia Jail , 202020 , Election Interference , Innocence , Booking , Feel , Beat Biden , Million , 7 1 Million , 4 Million , 1 Million , Courtroom , Campaign Tail , Kamala Harris , Four , Stage , Bar , Second Republican Primary Debate , Fox Business , September 27th Hosted , 27 , September 27th , Uniform , Officers , Policeman , Cup , Coffee , San Francisco Police Association , Bay Area , Business , Instagram The Bakery , Reams California , Christina Coleman , Chris E , Tracy Mcrae , Establishment , Rule , Restaurant Safer , Law Enforcement , Police Union , Laughter , Businesses , Restaurant , Community , Stop , Whole , B S , Bakery , Officer , Stuff , Shifts , 14 , Company , Management , Lift , Cashier , Policy , Anyone , E Mail , Sign , Deputy Sheriffs , Public , Know , California Highway Patrol , Military , Response , Games , Freedoms , Thank You , Whistle , Tropical Storm Idalia Next , Side Window Deflectors , Seat Protector , Dude , Work , Weathertech , Cargoliner , Floorliners , Nice , Mud Flaps , Protection , Pre Owned , Bubblewrap Bubble Popped Sound , Bumpstep , Dog , Magic , Food , Dog Bark , Puppy , Kibble , Farmer , Brand New , Fresh Meat , Nutrients , Vegetables , Dogs , Packs , Dried Pellets , Heart , Aah , Hearts , Who , Honking , I Don T Know , Wh , Get Kardiamobile , Ekg , Checkup , It Doesn T , Manual , Pads , Fingers , 20000 , Anywhere , Causes , Bradycardia , Atrial Fibrillation , Stroke , Heart Rhythm , Hundreds , Fda , Tachycardia , Tank , Gas , Don T Wait , Kardia Com , Amazon , 79 , Barrels , It Battles , Fox Weather Correspondent , Strength , 24 , Cone , Winds , Uncertainty , Eye Wall , Sort , Energy , Lawyers , Set , Detention , Espionage Charges , Incarceration , Wagner , Plane Crash , Mercenary Group , Site , Heatedly Denying Moscow , Yevgeny Prigozhining , Cousin , Wared , Authorities , Scwp Jon Trey Yingst , Plane , Rebellion , Vladimir Putin , Flight Manifest , Jet , Forensic Testing , Committee , Moscow , Cause , Yevgeny Prigozhin , Boxes , Audio Recordings , Flight Data , Debris , Cockpit , Involvement , Business Jet , Speculation , Lie , Missile , Spokesman , Sabotage , Surface , Bomb , Kremlin , Leader , General , Mercenary , Mistakes , 1990 , Counteroffensive , Forces , Developments , Coup , Attempt , Defensive , Death , House , Prigozhin , Start , War , Fighters , Invasion , Russians , Zaporizhzhia Region , Globe , Restrictions , Pandemic , North Korea , Covid , Preparation , Water Tests , Home , Water , Radioactivity , Crews , Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant , Airports , Japan , Signs , Plant , Seafood , Caution , Re Election , Background Sounds , Pacific , Zimbabwe , Party , Declaration , Vote , Votes , Mongolia , Pope Francis , Levels , Pontiff , Sea Ice , East Asian , Antarctica , Chicks , Colonies , Failure , Breeding , Emperor Penguins , Extinction , Scotland , Loch Ness Monster Hunters , Researchers , Teams , Overrun , Lionel Messi , World , Eyes , Largest , Coming Up , Mythical Beast , Locke , Crowds , Red Bull Arena , New Jersey , Play By On Messi S Mesmerizing Appearance , Bud Light , Ad Campaign , Jon Plus , God , Joe Concha , Fiber , Wake , Image , Predictions , Dylan Mulvaney Disaster , Ghed Down , Capsules , Waste , Daily Fiber , Bed , Fiber Gels , Trap , Baby , Game Nights , Metamucil , Sleep Number , Smart Bed , Queen , C2 , Financing , Smart Beds , 999 , 99 , Pinching , Porcupine , Brand , Stools , Trust Colace , Stimulants , Loo Colace , Superstar , Major League Soccer Debut Last Night , Fans , Match , Applause , Beat , Goal , Cheers , Red Bulls , Inter Miami , Times Square , Messi Didn T , Crowd , Front , Substitute , Football , Soccer , Season , Inaudible Conversations , Nfl , Sales , Stock Price , Beer Brand , Partnership , Modelo , Tiktok Star Dylan Mulvaney , Troy , Beer , Campaigns , Contributor , Ad , Spot , Selling , Columnist , The Messenger , Campaign , Customers , It Z , Barbecues , Back , Feature Daryl Land Mulvaney , Bud Light Rebrand , Numbers , Social Media Boycotts , Losses , Budweiser , Point , Age , 40 , Boycott , Toothpaste Back , Aligning , Error , Situations , Tube Use , 0 Million , Things , Escapism , Poster Child , Correctness , Bash Due , Lightninged Rod , Coors , Event , Beers , Recovery , Tailgate , Miller , Sam Adams , Stem Stella , Option , Pabst , Schlitz , Schafer , Yuengling , Coroma , Guinness , Blue Moon , Consumers , Red , Hand , Holding , Summer , Woman , Somebody , Blue Collar , Football Fans , Types , Advertising , Target , Well , Right , Preteen Girl , In The End , Marketing Department , Major League Baseball , Controversies , Don T , Sport , Matter , Lives , Department Of Agriculture , Match Canada S , Alcohol Advice , Topic , Health Czar , Let S9 , Guys , Daily Mail Com , Elitist , Chardonnay , Dr , Oob , Glasseses , George Koob , Drinking Alcohol , Dangers , Activity , Diet , Tobacco , Drugs , Sure , Law , Suggestion , Consumption , Decisions , Sir , Ly , Fine , Drinks , Night , Sewage Pipe , Quacker , It Wasn T So Rosy , First , Layers , Tunnel Of Love , Down , Rise Above , Doctor , Arthritis Pain , Day Back , It Everything , Tylenol , Asthma , Steroids , Eosinophils , Control , Type , Enough , Nucala , Asthma Attacks , My Nunormal , Infections , Help , Breathing , Breathing Problems , Add On Injection , Reactions , Face , Trouble , Mouth , Tongue , Swelling , Shingles , Headache , Back Pain , Asthma Specialist , Savings , Injection Site Reactions , Infection , Fatigue , Don T Stop Steroids , Nunormal , Pond , Wanderings The Pipes , Sewer System , Block , Decduck , England , Passport , Sewage System , Algae , Excluse , Wedding , Boston , Italy , Marriage License , Lawmaker , P Put , Peanut Butter , Feet , Cold Feetz , Accusations , Mollie Whelming Way , Guy Benson , Big Weekend Show , Katie Pavlich , Give Jenkins , Hhunter Biden , Overseas Business Dealings ,

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temperatures batter the areas and dozens of cities could hit record highs tomorrow. fox weather meteorologist adam klotz is here now9 with the forecast. adam. adam: hey, jon. we just got a new update from the national hurricane center just an hour ago. this storm is continuing to sit off the coast of the yucatan peninsula. not a lot of movement so far. there the have been tropical storm warnings across areas of mexico as this system's been something we've been paying very close attention to as it kind of sits there stuck, moving there just 3 miles an hour. here are our storm paths as the storm, ultimately, is going to lift up through the gulf of mexico. you see all of those paths ultimately taking it into the big bend of florida. there's still a little bit of time where you could see this moving to the north here in the next 12 hours or so. that's why we have our cone of uncertainty, but it gives us a good idea of where this forecast is ultimately going to be. that is wednesday at 1 a.m., winds at 100 miles an hour make this a category two hurricane, and you're looking at an area between tampa and over towards pan panama i city or apalachicola, all areas where the storm could be making landfall. again, very late tuesday into very early wednesday morning. we now have tropical storm, hurricane watches, advisories up and down the entire west coast of florida here, all areas where, remember, on the right-hand side of the storm it's going to be pushing rounds of rain and very heavy surf all along the west coast. so this is a larger area than just where that landfall would be that are going to be seeing the impacts of this storm as we make it see that move. as i said, it's been kind of stuck off the yucatan peninsula, eventually starting to make that move up north. and even though we're talking about talking about landfall around the big bend, it stretches off a huge area. this is our in the-house model before, ultimately, this is going to drag a whole lot of moisture, jon, across portions of the southeast. this could be a flooding concern for a whole lot of folks. additionally, you're talking about some of that extreme heat that folks have been seeing across the south, or potentialle in texas. these are our current temperatures, highs in the 90s, it actually feels quite a bit warmer, and that's why we've got all of these heat alerts. some of these areas are the spots that are going to be dealing with this hurricane in the next couple of days. very active weather pattern, jon, of course something we're going to be watching here. tuesday evening, we say morning, that's the timeline. jon: yeah. the folks in the florida panhandle do not want another hurricane. they're still recovering from the last couple. meteorologist adam clos, thanks. florida governor ron desantis declaring a state of emergency and florida's response team is rushing to help residents prepare for the storm. fox weather's brandy campbell explains from miami beach. >> reporter: with tropical storm idalia headed for florida, governor ron desantis issued a state of emergency for 33 counties making resources available to those impacted. meanwhile, emergency management across the state has been triggering alerts to their county residents and even schools like the university of florida doing the same as they could likely be in the path of this storm. >> if you look at the this big bend region, the models are probably more in agreement than when we had ian last year. if you are in the path of this storm the, you should expect power outages. >> reporter: as for residents who immediate to get personal resources together, the timing of florida's second newly-added disaster sales tax preparedness holiday is in time. floridians can buy certain items with no sales tax now going through september 8th. they can buy flashlights, batteries, portable radios, portable generators, house cleaning items and pet evacuation supplies. >> and so this year we're expecting floridians to have $144 million of tax relief with those two sales tax holidays, and that's compared to only $25 # million that they benefited from last year with that one sales tax holiday. the time for action is now, and if you haven't already, we encourage floridians to develop a plan, to build your disaster supply kit. >> reporter: continuing with preparations, we have several locations activated to help residents prepare for flooding in the st. petersburg, tampa area and in costs north and even further inland near orlando. again, anybody in the path of idalia, now is the time to go ahead and buy the items that you're missing for your preparedness kit, maybe a flashlight. but if you're out of that zone, you have more time, you have until september 8th before that opportunity expires. reporting from miami, florida, brandy campbell, back to you, jon. jon: for continuing coverage of the incoming storm, get out your phone camera and and scan the qr code on your screen right now. you can also download it at the people of jacksonville, florida, coming together tonight holding a vigil right now for the three people kill in yesterday's racially-motivated shooting. police have identified the victims and the shooter, and they say they are still investigating to see if this, if there was any way to prevent this tragedy. bryan llenas has more. >> reporter: jon, good evening. jacksonville's sheriff identified all three black victims as 52-year-old angela carr, 29-year-old gerald galleon and 19-year-old a. a j. leguere jr. all three gunned down by a 211-year-old white man who lived with his parents and had no prior arrests. police say he was spotted putting on a bulletproof vest and mask at a nearby historically black college before going to the dollar general store and firing 11 rounds into a vehicle, killing ms. carr. he then shot the two men inside the store before killing himself. the shooter used an ar-15 assault-type rifle with swastika cans drawn on it, he also had a glock handgun. the sheriff said the guns were purchased by him legally. the shooter left behind manifestos that said he hated and wanted to kill black people. >> the manifesto is, quite frankly, the diary of a madman. he was, i mean, he was just completely irrational. but with irrational thoughts, he knew what he was doing. he was 100% lucid. he knew what he was doing. >> reporter: president joe biden released a statement the saying in part, quote, we must state clearly and forcefully that white supremacy has no place in america, we must refuse to live in an american where black families or students live in fear of being gunned down because of the color of their skin. hate must have no safe harbor, silence is complicity, and we must not remain silent. florida governor ron desantis added this earlier today -- >> we're not going to allow in the state of florida our hbcus to be targets for hateful lunatics like the guy yesterday. >> reporter: there was a 2017 incident where the gunman was baker acted or held temporarily for 72 hours because of a mental health emergency. the sheriff said today though they knew of no red flags and that there was nothing in his background check that would have kept him from buying those guns legally. jon? jon: bryan llenas, thanks. finish the three u.s. marines are dead after their aircraft crashed in australia. 23 the marines were onboard during a training exercise. investigators are a trying to figure out what went wrong. al sand i drink ya of has that story. >> reporter: on top of the 3 who have died, we know that 5 marines were transported to the hospital in serious condition. others received treatment right there on the ground. the crash happened at a 9:# 30 a.m. local time on melville island about 35 miles off the darwin coast. no civilians were with injured. australian officials say that two u.s. marine osprey had taken off head toward the tiwi islands when reports of a crash came in. >> we acknowledge that this is a terrible incident. the government stands by to offer whatever assistance is required. we have stood up a number of systems in the northern territory to respond to this incident. we are well resourced and well practiced in the northern territory in responding to emergencies. >> reporter: according to the marine row takal force darwin, the u.s. marines were flying as a part of a joint training with australia and other countries that was called exercise predators run. toes pray is the primary transport aircraft for the marines. since 2012 the tilt rotor aircraft has seen six fatal crashes causing at least 19 marine corps deaths. three similarly died in 2017 off of australia's coast. now, this is the second is aircraft crash of the week for the marine corps. on thursday major andrew metler died in an f-18 hornet crash during a training exercise near san diego. the commanding of the 2nd marine aircraft wing stated, quote: we mourn the loss of one of our brothers who was devoted to the marine corps' mission, and it is our duty to continue forward the in a manner that would reflect his devotion. australia ya's prime minister and defense secretary offered their condolences, and so far this year 18 u.s. service members will be have been killed in military aircraft crashes. jon? jon: alexandria hoff, thanks. the federal aviation with administration reportedly is investigating whether nearly 5,000 pilots lied about their health so they could continue flying. according to "the washington post", the faa says those pilots did not self-report they were receiving disability benefits. the paper says 600 of them are licensedded to fly passenger plan planes, only 60 payments were deem to pose -- pilots were deemed to pose a clear danger to aviation safety. they have been temporarily grounded. it's a federal crime to conceal mental health disorders and other serious conditions that could make those pilots unfit to fly. ♪ jon: new york governor kathy hochul is coming urn fire from leaders in her own state on her handling of the migrant crisis. new york congresswoman nicole malliotakis who represents part ofs -- parts of brooklyn and staten island, is here to tell us what's going on in her district and beyond. she's next. ♪ ♪ neutrogena® retinol? yes! it evens skin tone, and smooths fine lines, with visible results in just one week. sounds like you've said that before. once or twice. neutrogena® retinol (vo) ultimate endless shrimp is here with a limited time flavor drop. new crispy dragon shrimp. one of seven endless choices for just $20. right now, only at red lobster. welcome to fun dining. >> my name is shannon bream, and i'll be out in the field and leading coverage for democracy 2024. i pinch myself all the time that i actually get to do this. it feels like such a privilege. we begin with the direction of the country under president biden. i feel a weight with it too to make sure that we get it right and people know that we are asking the questions they would want answered. jon: two key hearings tomorrow involving former president donald trump's 2020 election interference cases. in washington mr. trump's legal team and special counsel jack smith's team of prosecutors will fight over when the fall trial should begin. special counsel smith wants january 2nd which is less than two weeks before the iowa caucuses. trump has requested april of 2026. trump will not be in court for the hearing. meantime in georgia, attorneys for trump's former chief of staff mark meadows will push to have his charges moved to federal court so he can assert immunity. this could impact trump and some of the other 17 defendants charged by fulton county d.a. fani willis. georgia ec taffe of -- secretary of state brad reffens pirger has been subpoenaed to testify in tomorrow's hearing. well, the biden administration sent scrambling as explosive new allegations are made against the president and his son this week. a a former ukrainian prosecutor accuses mr. biden of taking bribes to get him fired. the president and first lady returning to washington last night to prepare for what could be a challenging week ahead. lucas tomlinson is live from the white house with more for us. lucas. >> reporter: jon, that's right, president biden landing on the south lawn not long after the show ended last night. we were there to greet him. the president did not answer any of our questions. mr. president, anything on jacksonville? victor smoke isen says you accepted bribes, is that true? -- victor smoke isen. are you okay with your son accepting millions of dollars from russia, china and ukraine? >> translator: poroshenko fired me at the insistence of the then-vice president, biden. there were no complaints whatsoever, no problems with how i was performing at my job. >> reporter: poroshenko being the former ukrainian president, of course. now, the irs whistleblowers think biden's attorney general would not have appointed the special counsel if not for their testimony. looking at those overseas business payments from ukraine and other countries like china and russia, but he says hunter and donald trump are not his focus. >> the president has said from the beginning that he wanted an independent justice department, and we have just that. we're not going to comment, we're not going to focus on donald trump's legal problems. >> reporter: on "fox news sunday," joe lieberman, one of the found's of the no the labels group and the vice presidential nominee more than 20 years ago says his group intends to move forward with a nominating convention in april. here's the reason why he said that, jon. >> 63% say that they're open to a moderate, independent third choice. and, now, i understand that's not a ticket. but it hoes how much the american people don't want to just have to vote for trump and biden. >> reporter: now, the most important issue facing americans, according to the latest fox news poll, jon, the economy, of course. the average american family spent more than $700 in july for the same goods and services as they did more than two years ago. that is according to that old poll. and that accounts to more than $8,000 per year if those trends continue, jon. jon: yeah. lucas tomlinson, it's getting expensive out there. thanks, lucas. >> we cannot and will not force other parts of our state to shelter a migrants. nor are we going to be asking these migrants to move to other parts of the state against their will. this crisis originated with the federal government, and it must be resolved through the federal government. this humanitarian crisis and our work force crises is so crystal clear and common sense. let them get the work authorizations, let them work legally, let them work. jon: well, that is new york democratic governor kathy hochul on her state's worsening migrant crisis. according to a new sienna poll, 832% of new yorkers say it's either -- 822% -- 82% say it's a somewhat or very serious problem. people added they are fed up with bearing the brunt of the nation's crisis. 58% said new yorkers have done enough and should work to stop the flow of migrants. the problem is spilling out of manhattan and into the other boroughs. staten island rz residents are upset that a former school has been converted into a migrant housing shelter. their congresswoman, republican nicole mall what tackies, joins us now. so it looked for a time earlier in the week that, i guess late last week i should say, that the school was going to be closed to migrants, but then a judge said you've got to leave it open. >> yeah, myself and my other colleagues from staten island sued. we were granted a temporary restraining order and a ray candidate order, but the mayor quickly filed an appeal, and a judge appointed by kathy hochul overturned our restraining order. and so we are going to go back to court on september 66th and -- ofth -- 6th and fight this. the reality is the governor, the mayor9 and the president are doing everything they can to continue incentivizing illegal immigration. every time there's a lawsuit, they're so quick to appeal the decision. look what happened with texas trying to secure their borders and the department of justice is out there fighting it to remove the barriers that texas put in place to secure their borders. here in new york we are in a court case, this is very important because as you heard the governor say, she wants work authorization. well, in new york city we're right now battling the mayor as well on a noncitizen voting law which would allow people who have work authorization and reside in new york city for 30 days to register to vote in municipal elections. we won the initial round, and the mayor is appealing that lawsuit as well. so if these individuals get work authorization, they will be able to vote in new york city elections. jon: perhaps that's parking lot of the reason the governor wants to give them work permits. that's exactly the wrong thing to do according to brandon judd. he's the national border patrol council president. listen. >> she is encouraging more people to come across our borders. if she says that we should be granting work permits to people that violate our laws, she's talking about rewarding them. and anytime that we reward people for violating our laws, we can expect them to continue to violate those laws. our border is never going to be secure if politicians continue to pander to a base rather than what's best for the united states. jon: and what about the workers who are already here? i mean, we were just talking about inflation in this country, it's a terrible problem. now you're going to throw this if competition from immigrants who are going to be willing to work for bargain basement wages? >> yeah. people having a hard enough time keeping their own roof over their head, and now the government is saying you have to pay to house these individuals. brandon judd is absolutely right, new york has incentivized this. kathy hochul's already offering free college for those in the country illegally. health care, she wrote a letter to president biden asking for more federal money, more federal land to open up more migrant shelters and end camp. s. -- encampments. she's asking for section 8 vouchers. think about that. we have a years-long waiting list for domestic violence victims, veterans who are waiting for those vouchers, and she's asking the president to allow these people to cut the line and take away from citizens. it's unbelievable. not to mention, she wants free metro cards for the ability for these individuals to ride our subways and buses for free after she just raised our tolls and fares and wants to implement a $23 tax to enter into manhattan for citizens. again, these people are bending over backwards to provide for ill israel immigrants -- illegal immigrants what their own citizens aren't even receiving in terms of benefits, and i say this: the federal house of representatives, my colleagues, we cannot allow another federal dollar to go to this nonsense that the is city of new york doing. we must stand and draw a line in the sand and say not another federal penny to go to continue this disaster that the president has created and our mayor and and our governor here in new york continue to ands whatser -- exacerbate. jon: i just want to put up a tweet from new york city's current mayor, eric adams, who when he was running for office in october of 20321 wrote: we should protect our immigrants, period. yes, new york city will remain a sanctuary city turned an adams administration. interesting. he might wish to take back those words now. >> elections matter. jon: congresswoman nicole malliotakis, we appreciate you coming on. >> thank you. jon: still to come, a san francisco bakery has informed city police officers that they are not welcome inside. the department calls the policy half-baked. that story ahead. ♪ ♪ i'm coming out of hibernation after the best nap of my life... and papa is hungry. and while you're hittin' the trail, i'm hitting your cooler. oh, cheddar! i've got hot dog buns! and your cut-rate car insurance might not pay for all this. so get allstate, and be better protected from mayhem, like me. roar. 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[laughter] we've been patronizing businesses there a lot longer than that business has been open. stop with the whole woke b.s. stuff because, you know what? it's tired now. >> reporter: mcrae says she's learned of the bakery's rule after an officer was refused service last weekend in the bakery in san francisco. in a statement, that officer said, quote: after working back to back shifts of 14-16 hours, i just wanted to get a cup of coffee to get me through my lift that saturday. instead, a cashier told me that i was not welcome by the company's management. mcrae followed up with the bakery to find out why the officer was refused service. she says reams california responded that with this e-mail, it reads: we do have a policy to not serve anyone that is armed in a uniform if. all officers are welcome to come to our establishment when they are off duty and not armed. mcrae says the business should own up to their policy and post a sign on their establishment notifying the public of their rule. >> let all the deputy sheriffs who wear a uniform now. let all the california highway patrol, you know, know. let people who are in the military who are out there fighting for your freedoms know that if they're in uniform, they're not welcome, right in just own it, right in we don't have to play these games. >> reporter: we've reached out to the bakery for a response, we are waiting to hear back. jon? jon: christina coleman, thank you. still to come on "the fox report," south floridians bracing for a potential hurricane. meteorologist adam klotz returns with the very latest on the path of tropical storm idalia next. ♪ ♪ well, i hear the whistle, but i can't roll. ♪ take it down to mexico ♪ dude, what're you doing? i'm protecting my car. that's too much work. weathertech is so much easier... laser-measured floorliners up here, seat protector and cargoliner back there... nice! out here, side window deflectors... and mud flaps... and the bumpstep, to keep the bumper dent-free. cool! it's the best protection for your vehicle, new or pre-owned. great. but where do i---? order. sfx: bubblewrap bubble popped sound. she runs and plays like a puppy again. his #2s are perfect! he's a brand new dog, all in less than a year. when people switch their dog's food from kibble to the farmer's dog, they often say that it feels like magic. but there's no magic involved. 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"the wall street journal" reporter was jailed on espionage charges back in march. no trial date do has been set which means his incarceration will continue for now. despite the u.s. and the "wall street journal," a fox news corporate cousin, heatedly denying moscow's false allegations against the wared-winning reporter. award-winning reporter. and russian authorities say the remains found at the site of a deadly plane crash include wagner mercenary group yevgeny prigozhining. on wednesday a plane went down over western russia. he was instrumental in a rebellion against russian president vladimir putin back in june. trey yingst as more. >> reporter: jon, good evening. russian investigators say they've identified all 10 people who were onboard that private jet that crashed last week outside of moscow. the committee responsible for looking into the incident explained forensic testing matched the flight manifest that included wagner leader yevgeny prigozhin. russian officials have collected debris including two black boxes that should the include flight data as well as audio recordings from the cockpit as questions remain about the exact cause of the crash. a kremlin spokesman denied any involvement of russian president vladimir putin, calling speculation a complete lie. american officials believe a bomb or similar act of sabotage brought down the business jet, not a surface to air missile as originally thought. on thursday putin sent his condolences to prigozhin's family explaining he'd known him since the early 1990s. the russian leader added that the former mercenary general made serious mistakes in his life but got results when asked. putin did not directly address the coup attempt in late june. the developments out of moscow come as russian forces are reportedly on the defensive in southern ukraine. a slow and grinding counteroffensive has seemingly allowed ukrainian forces to break through lines in the zaporizhzhia region, an area occupied by russians since the start of the war. with the death of prigozhin, there are questions about what will happen to the house no of wagner fighters in belarus and whether or not they'll be used again during the invasion of ukraine. jon? scwp jon trey yingst reporting. trey, thank you. here are some other headlines from around the globe. in north korea, severe covid restrictions are easing as citizens who were abroad during the pandemic are finally being allowed to return home. crews are sanitizing airports in preparation. in japan water tests near the fukushima nuclear power plant show no signs of radioactivity despite days of dumping radioactive water from the plant into the pacific. still, china is banning all seafood from japan, supposedly out of caution. [background sounds] jon: in zimbabwe, the president wins re-election for a final 5-year term after a tense vote. the results came much earlier than expected. the opposing party claims the declaration was done hastily and without verifying the votes. ♪ jon: in mongolia, the country is preparing to welcome pope pope francis. it is the first ever visit by a pontiff to an east asian country. in antarctica, record low levels of sea ice have apparently caused a catastrophic breeding a failure of the emperor penguins. four colonies unable to produce any chicks. researchers say it could lead to extinction by the end of the century. in scotland, loch ness monster hunters are catching eyes around the world. locke necessary was overrun with teams leading the largest ever search for the mythical beast, and that's a look at some stories from around the globe. ♪ jon: coming up, lionel messi did not disappoint. >> oh! >> and the crowds went wild. the play-by-play on messi's mesmerizing appearance at red bull arena in new jersey last night. that's just ahead. ♪ ♪ >> oh, my god. ♪ jon: plus, bud light, bud light launches yet another new ad campaign to try to salvage its image in the wake of the dylan mulvaney disaster. will it work? fox news contributor joe concha makes some predictions next. ♪ ♪ ghed down? could be a sign you're not getting enough daily fiber. metamucil capsules can help. psyllium fiber gels to trap and remove the waste that weighs you down. promoting digestive health, for a better you. metamucil capsules an easy way to get more daily fiber. i need it cool at night. you trying to ice me out of the bed? baby, only on game nights. you know you are retired right? am i? ya! the queen sleep number c2 smart bed is now only $999. plus, 60-month financing on all smart beds. shop now only at sleep number. ♪ if it hurts when you poop sometimes like pinching off ♪ ♪ a porcupine and you're sweatin' your ♪ ♪ next trip to the loo ♪ ♪ colace is the brand you need ♪ ♪ to soften stools we're all agreed ♪ ♪ #2 should be easy to do ♪ trust colace to soften stools, with no stimulants, for comfortable relief. jon: superstar the lionel messi made his major league soccer debut last night scoring a late goal to help inter miami beat the red bulls 2-0. >> oh! >> messi! [cheers and applause] jon: fans gathered in times square to watch the match which was played in front of a soldout crowd at red bull arena in new jersey. messi didn't start the match, instead, he came on as a 60th minute substitute. ♪ ♪ [inaudible conversations] [applause] jon: and from soccer to football, that is the bud light's newest ad campaign for the upcoming nfl season. the beer brand is desperate to troy to rescue sales -- try to rescue sales and etc. stock price after its controversial partnership with trans-influencer or dylan mulvaney. modelo is is now the nation's top selling beer, at least so far this year. bud light has held the top spot for about two decades. let's bring in joe concha, fox news contributor and columnist for the messenger. so bud light had some great ad campaigns over the years. then all of a sudden it z decided to feature daryl land mulvaney, and the fans turned their back on the brand. can an ad campaign like this, football, or you know, barbecues, can that bring back the customers, joe? >> jon, it's almost impossible to see bud light rebrand itself at this point successfully. in the age of social media boycotts, right? so the numbers in terms of losses are staggering. budweiser has lost more than $40 0 million since this boycott began all over an unforced error by aligning with tiktok star dylan mulvaney. so putting the toothpaste back in the tube use to be easier in these situations. but bud light, once the most popular beer in the country for decades that no one ever saw as controversial, it's sudden will hi now the poster child for political correctness and all things woke. and it's become this lightninged rod, jon, of a brand that takes away the escapism that so many fans crave at a bash due, tailgate or sporting event. it's going to be an uphill battle the likes any company has ever seen in terms of recovery. and here's why. not too long ago there used to be just a few beers to choose from, budweiser, miller, coors, schafer, pabst, schlitz, that was basically it. now we're talking dozens of choices, there's s.t.e.m. stella, coroma, yuengling, blue moon, sam adams, guinness. once that option is explored out of a boycott, it's hard to win those consumers back especially when you could get red called simply for holding -- ridiculed for holding a bud light in my hand over the summer. people were, like, what are you doing drinking that? i don't know, somebody handed it to me. [laughter] jon: it use to be a brand that appealed to football fans and blue collar types. then they, then they, you know, throw their advertising dollars at a woman who was born a man and now pretends to be sort of a preteen girl. i mean, it's just, it's maybe understandable why so many people said, hey, no more bud light for me. >> sure. and we saw with target as well, right -- jon: yeah. >> -- doing the same exact thing. in the end, budweiser, if you're that company and you're that marketing department, all you have to do is say, look, all right, we offer a good brand which people know and they've known for decades, so just treat your consumers well, offer something that people like. obviously, they like bud light. and don't get into these controversies. you don't have to get into them. major league baseball, the nfl, they did the same thing as far as aligning themselves with black lives matter, and suddenly some folks didn't want to watch the sport anymore because, again, it's about escapism and enjoying yourself and not thinking about anything political. and that's what bud light stepped into here, unfortunately, and i don't think they're going to step out of it. jon: can't let you go without touching on this topic. let's9 put up the all full screen, guys. the president's health czar told the daily the department of agriculture could advise its alcohol advice to match canada's where people are advised to have just two drinks a week. dr. george koob says that's really all you should drink, joe. what do you think? >> well, it's hard to take dr. k can oob seriously when he's this elitist who admits to drinking a few glasseses of chardonnay a week. educating americans on the dangers of drinking alcohol excessively is needed, that's for sure. it's currently the fourth leading preventable cause of death behind tobacco, poor diet, no physical activity and illicit drugs. it's really just a suggest -- suggestion, it's not a law and, therefore, should be taken as such. in terms of consumption by almost every american, i don't think many folks are going to be following this suggestion. they'll do what they want, make their own decisions based on their health and based on what they want to do. but let's be clear, this is not a law that's going to go into place where if you have three drinks in a week, sudden. ly you're facing a fine or jail time, it is just a suggestion to keep people healthy. jon: joe joe concha, we appreciate it. >> thank you, sir. have a good night. jon: things are just ducky now, but it wasn't so rosy earlier when this little quacker got caught in a sewage pipe if. how it all panned out when we return. ♪ ♪ learn to live with what you can't rise above -- ♪ if you want to ride on down, down into this tunnel of love ♪ has two layers of relief. the first is fast, the second is long-lasting. we give you your day back, so you can give it everything. tylenol. number one doctor recommended for arthritis pain. trying to control my asthma felt anything but normal. ♪ ♪ enough was enough. i talked to an asthma specialist and found out my severe asthma is driven by eosinophils, a type of asthma nucala can help control. now, fewer asthma attacks and less oral steroids that's my nunormal with nucala. nucala is a once-monthly add-on injection for severe eosinophilic asthma. nucala is not for sudden breathing problems. allergic reactions can occur. get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue, or trouble breathing. infections that can cause shingles have occurred. don't stop steroids unless told by your doctor. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. may cause headache, injection site reactions, back pain, and fatigue. talk to your asthma specialist to see if once-monthly nucala may be right for you. and learn about savings at there's more to your life than asthma. find your nunormal with nucala. jon: across the pond in k england. a block in the sewer system, a decduck was caught wanderings the pipes, a robotic camera sent underground to find where it was, it was looking for algae to eat and got stuck in the sewage system, it was safely removed. we're happy to say. jon: a boston man had a real excluse for almost missing his wedding in italy, his dog ate his passport. he says when he and his bride-to-be went to get their marriage license his dog clued up his passport, he got help from a local lawmaker to get a new one, they will be married on thursday. >> jon, i think he p put peanut butter on it he had cold feetz. feet. jon: that is how fox reports i am jon scott thank you for joining us. ♪ ♪ >> good evening guy benson benson with mollie whelming way, katie pavlich and give jenkins, welcome to big weekend show, accusations against president biden and his alleged involve am in hhunter biden's overseas business dealings. the president seems to have nothing to say. >> mr. president, anything on

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Death , House , Prigozhin , Start , War , Fighters , Invasion , Russians , Zaporizhzhia Region , Globe , Restrictions , Pandemic , North Korea , Covid , Preparation , Water Tests , Home , Water , Radioactivity , Crews , Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant , Airports , Japan , Signs , Plant , Seafood , Caution , Re Election , Background Sounds , Pacific , Zimbabwe , Party , Declaration , Vote , Votes , Mongolia , Pope Francis , Levels , Pontiff , Sea Ice , East Asian , Antarctica , Chicks , Colonies , Failure , Breeding , Emperor Penguins , Extinction , Scotland , Loch Ness Monster Hunters , Researchers , Teams , Overrun , Lionel Messi , World , Eyes , Largest , Coming Up , Mythical Beast , Locke , Crowds , Red Bull Arena , New Jersey , Play By On Messi S Mesmerizing Appearance , Bud Light , Ad Campaign , Jon Plus , God , Joe Concha , Fiber , Wake , Image , Predictions , Dylan Mulvaney Disaster , Ghed Down , Capsules , Waste , Daily Fiber , Bed , Fiber Gels , Trap , Baby , Game Nights , Metamucil , Sleep Number , Smart Bed , Queen , C2 , Financing , Smart Beds , 999 , 99 , Pinching , Porcupine , Brand , Stools , Trust Colace , Stimulants , Loo Colace , Superstar , Major League Soccer Debut Last Night , Fans , Match , Applause , Beat , Goal , Cheers , Red Bulls , Inter Miami , Times Square , Messi Didn T , Crowd , Front , Substitute , Football , Soccer , Season , Inaudible Conversations , Nfl , Sales , Stock Price , Beer Brand , Partnership , Modelo , Tiktok Star Dylan Mulvaney , Troy , Beer , Campaigns , Contributor , Ad , Spot , Selling , Columnist , The Messenger , Campaign , Customers , It Z , Barbecues , Back , Feature Daryl Land Mulvaney , Bud Light Rebrand , Numbers , Social Media Boycotts , Losses , Budweiser , Point , Age , 40 , Boycott , Toothpaste Back , Aligning , Error , Situations , Tube Use , 0 Million , Things , Escapism , Poster Child , Correctness , Bash Due , Lightninged Rod , Coors , Event , Beers , Recovery , Tailgate , Miller , Sam Adams , Stem Stella , Option , Pabst , Schlitz , Schafer , Yuengling , Coroma , Guinness , Blue Moon , Consumers , Red , Hand , Holding , Summer , Woman , Somebody , Blue Collar , Football Fans , Types , Advertising , Target , Well , Right , Preteen Girl , In The End , Marketing Department , Major League Baseball , Controversies , Don T , Sport , Matter , Lives , Department Of Agriculture , Match Canada S , Alcohol Advice , Topic , Health Czar , Let S9 , Guys , Daily Mail Com , Elitist , Chardonnay , Dr , Oob , Glasseses , George Koob , Drinking Alcohol , Dangers , Activity , Diet , Tobacco , Drugs , Sure , Law , Suggestion , Consumption , Decisions , Sir , Ly , Fine , Drinks , Night , Sewage Pipe , Quacker , It Wasn T So Rosy , First , Layers , Tunnel Of Love , Down , Rise Above , Doctor , Arthritis Pain , Day Back , It Everything , Tylenol , Asthma , Steroids , Eosinophils , Control , Type , Enough , Nucala , Asthma Attacks , My Nunormal , Infections , Help , Breathing , Breathing Problems , Add On Injection , Reactions , Face , Trouble , Mouth , Tongue , Swelling , Shingles , Headache , Back Pain , Asthma Specialist , Savings , Injection Site Reactions , Infection , Fatigue , Don T Stop Steroids , Nunormal , Pond , Wanderings The Pipes , Sewer System , Block , Decduck , England , Passport , Sewage System , Algae , Excluse , Wedding , Boston , Italy , Marriage License , Lawmaker , P Put , Peanut Butter , Feet , Cold Feetz , Accusations , Mollie Whelming Way , Guy Benson , Big Weekend Show , Katie Pavlich , Give Jenkins , Hhunter Biden , Overseas Business Dealings ,

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