Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX 20240704 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX 20240704

a reminder of the service undertaken by personnel and are looking at the cause of the crash. >> this comes after -- this has been a bad stretch. there was a marine pilot killed off the coast of san diego just a couple days ago. so you've got an f-18 and osprey in australia. >> there's a lot of training that goes on around the world. you've got to have pilots, maintenance and funding. we don't know what happened here, but there will a lot of eyes on the marine corps and pay lots and we pray for those families as they're notified. >> despite claiming he wants to be independent or neutral and denying involvement into the investigations into donald trump there's reporting out that the office of joe biden counsel involved in joe biden's office coordinated or met with the special counsel, prosecutor jack smith, before the indictment of donald trump. >> they met before and after the naming of the special counsel. i think we can take a visual of the time line. jay brat, who is in the white house counsel's office, the lawyers for the white house effectively met multiple times with people who were about to be a part of the special counsel, and then the key one is on the right there, march 31st, there was a third meeting held but this is after the special counsel was created and the intention of a special counsel is to maintain that independence, that detachment. it's what joe biden promised. it's what merrick garland promised. this is a special counsel looking into donald trump, jack smith, and will have no connection and what we know based on might white house visitor logs is there's was a connection, first before, then after, which is far more damning, did it have an impact, what did they discuss? we don't know what happened in the meeting. wwe know the meetinghappened a. it's the perception of collusion, in reality, what were they talking about? rachel: these are questions that need to be answered. i spoke with monica crowley earlier. we also spoke with shi van fleet as well, she is something who survived the communist cultural revolution, lived under communism and said there's a lot that can be learned from what happened in her experience. she sees a lot of parallels here. >> america is quickly becoming a communist country and our rule of law has been turning into what markist call dictatorship. what's happening in america is that the party in power is abusing their power and going after any opposition. now it's donald trump. now it's maga. but eventually it's everybody. because communist regime would not tolerate any opposition, any dissending voices. they're coming after all of us. we are all -- will become victims if we let them succeed. rachel: it's so interesting. she says americaning really need to start -- americans really need to start reading their history. many of the groups that were protected during the communist thing in china under mao, she said those groups later were targeted. they cheered at one point and became the targets later. no one's safe. she makes a point that communism, people think of it so much in economic terms but it really is an ideology of authoritarianism, tyranny, crushing opposition, no back and forth. she is so afraid for america. what you see happening here, the consolidation of people in power, trying to control elections, this seems very familiar to her. >> that's why i think the campaign line that donald trump uses rings true for so many people, they're coming after you, i'm just standing in the way. in the meantime. and that's why i think people sometimes observers in the media have a hard time connecting the dots as to why trump's popularity would go up while the indictments go up. it's because they see him as the highest, most profile avatar of what they believe. they've seen small wins, whether at school boards or facebook page or at their employer or mandates or vaccines, small ways their freedoms have been encroached upon. they're nothing they can do -- there's nothing they can do about it. if they're going after him at this kind of weight, if they can get trump it opens the flute gates for anyone else - flood gates for anyone else to be a target. >> that's why it adds up. rachel: she also mentioned the political prisoners, january 6th prisoners, many in solitary confinement, the treatment they're receiving doesn't match what happened to them, doesn't match what happened to those in the summer of 2020, the summer of love, the way those protesters were treated. >> the mug shot of donald trump from last week has raised $7.1 million. it's been turned into t-shirts and mugs, for campaign raising, i think the largest single day raise, 7.1 million. >> it was 4 in one day, it's been 7 since. rachel: got it. >> we had a discussion two hours ago on the show, the three of us, on what the casual political observer and i y mean casual political observer will take away from all of this, the trump indictment, the investigation into joe biden. i'll have people say to me they'll make the argument that donald trump, despite the evidence we just pointed out, pete, and the sales off his mug shot, the p popularity in the base, the argument is that he'll have trouble winning a general election, because of the perception of the casual observer and fatigue on the stories. my response to that has been, i can't say that's not true. there's an incredible amount of fatigue when it comes to joe biden. i think that's what's different, you know, when you talk about general election, you can't just talk about it through the prizm of donald trump. there's four years of joe biden. there's a great amount of fatigue on no comment in maui or the economy or the declining mental competency of. all of those things are weighing on the casual observer, also creating fatigue and changing the dynamic of a general election. >> recent polls have also shown that donald trump polls the best in a one on one matchup with donald trump amongst t republicans. >> with joe biden. >> the last one i saw was 38 trump, 32 biden, 30 undecided. so there's that big chunk of the country that maybe could go in either direction. rachel: it will be interesting to see, will the fatigue that you talk about work against donald trump or will as we even move in, you did that story on covid mandates coming back, we have wonder what that's about as well, maybe at some point people go wow, there is this deep state, the system, the man if you will, that's trying to control things and as you said, donald trump is sort of this avatar, maybe they're going to vote for the one person with all his flaws you may take and legal problems around it, you know, somebody who is willing to fight. that's why i think you saw that mug shot and underneath he said never surrender. >> 14 months to the general election. a lot can and will happen between now and then. rachel: we'll be following all of it step by step. this morning fans across america are mourning the loss of an iconic tv game show legend. >> now here's the star of the new price is right, bob barker. >> thank you very, very much for inviting me into your home for the last 50 years. rachel: hollywood tributes pouring in from rob schneider who says one of the nicest things i ever heard from show business was bob barker saying i moved to hollywood to be an actor and the only person who ever let me do it is adam sandler. here's a clip from his iconic cameo in happy gilmore. >> there is no way you could have been as bad at hockey as you are in golf. >> all right, let's go. you like had that, old man, you want a piece of me? >> i want a piece of you. i want the whole thing. >> the price is wrong, bob. [laughter] >> actor and comedian rob schneider joins us now. rob, great to see you. give us your reflections on bob barker, an icon. >> first of all, we all remember watching him with our parents and he was just this guy you were -- it's important to like when you're watching tv you can relax and see this guy. this is bob barker a guy you invite into your bedroom, bedroom, sorry, into the living room with everybody. it was so fun to see him doing something you never would expect, punching someone in the face and swearing. [laughter] >> it was just so -- i think it was the best use of a famous person ever in a movie. i think adam did great, you know, and it was fun for us to watch and -- but the thing that really struck me, when he said -- when he was talking when the movie came out, like i didn't move to hollywood to be a game show host. i moved to be an actor. this is something that happened. so i can really -- you know, you can -- i really feel for the guy. like he always wanted to be an actor. this was the one shot. he was genuinely grateful to him. years later he did another one in the hospital which is also really funny, that was a charity event that they filmed. so i really think that he could have been a movie star. he ended up being a star for us, for people watching with their parents in their house with the family and being a superstar at that but i get it. like he wanted to be an actor and it was really nice that he got a chance to do that and that's such a hilarious scene. that's a really funny movie. maybe adam's funniest movie. and that's the funniest scene. that's the big laugh, so i'm so glad he got to actually have his dream. rachel: he seemed like a really good actor. he had great comedic timing. hard to believe he didn't have a chance before that. he seemed like such a class act. nipping you want to talk about -- anything you want to talk about with regard to that sort of old, i don't know -- i you know he wasn't an actor before. he had that old hollywood sense about him. >> i think when you watch that, you realize he could have been a movie star, he could have been an actor, could have been a comedian. it's being given the opportunity. the ability to run 50 years as a game show host and a really good one, that was a fun one, you got to see crazy people jumping up and down. it ran for years. it was a really fun show and he was witty and great with the people and he was the -- a guy very much i felt like johnny carson, a guy that you can just sit back and relax and you know what you're going to get and it's fun every time and it was a tremendous career, a lot of people -- 50-year career. >> could you do the same thing for 50 years? >> i don't know. i mean, i guess it depends. i think it was a high, well paid gig, i think he liked it. i think when you get 80 that's enough and seeing how gracefully he retired, reminded me or johnnijohnny carson, jay leno, t era is gone. to see him have his dream come true, being an actor in one movie that will be remembered forever. >> we learned that rachel was one of those contestants. rachel: i was. >> she swore she wouldn't scream like a crazy person. rachel: i did. i kissed him on the cheek. that's what you did. it was really exciting to meet him in person. he was so gracious and nice. >> she got on stage, rob. she spun the dial. rachel: i almost made it to the showcase showdown. >> didn't make the show glown wow. so that was an amazing thing, giving away of this stuff. everybody would watch this and your mom and dad, what would you do if you got that tractor-trailer or whatever he was giving away. rachel: i won a stove. i won a stove and a trip to brazil. by the way, rob, one interesting thing about bob is that he was an animal activist and they were giving away furs and he said i can't be part of this and they stopped giving away fur coats on the show because of his, you know, devotion to animals and animal rights. >> he did that early. rachel: yeah. >> he was very much into neutering your pets and making sure there's not an over-population out there. he's a good guy. i'm just glad that-for other people to watch it, there's a clip on youtube about -- with adam sandler in a hospital bed, bob's in the hospital bed and it was just as funny. it's a much more obscure one than the happy gilmore scene but it's really funny. if you want a good laugh, look at this this morning. >> speaking of funny and again, we remember bob barker this morning, may he rest in peace, people can also get tickets for your comedy tour that's ongoing, where are you going to be next? >> i'm going to be mcallen, texas and i'm going to be in corpus christi, texas, mcallen arts center and s selena auditorium. >> rachel: come east coast, let us know. >> will do. you look good blonde, by the way. don't give up on that. >> thanks, rob. >> thanks, pete, thanks, will. rachel: all right. >> i think it's kind of cool that rob schneider knows my name. rachel: me too. >> he said will and then i was like he's not going to say my name. >> so exciting. rachel: it's the way i feel every week when maria says rachel, hi, rach. okay. turn now to a -- we turn to a fox news alert. three people are dead after a man opened fire at a florida dollar general store, the gunman taking his own life after barricading himself inside the store. >> the individual, we have not yet officially identified, in a dollar tree in jacksonville, outfitted with a tactical test, ar style rifle and handgun, the shooter killed three people before turning the gun on himself. rachel: police calling the shooting racially motivated. governor ron desantis calling it horrific. >> we condemn what happened in the strongest possible terms. we've offered support for sheriff waters and the city of jacksonville. and we send our condolences to the victims and their families who were the victims of a very cowardly act. rachel: the justice department said it is being viewed as a hate crime. texas sending a bus of migrants to los angeles yesterday as they look for solutions so the rice s sis at the southern border. la's mayor said the busses are not welcome, saying la has not extended an invitation having i- invitation asking for people to come. a mother telling the new york post s she is forbidding his sn from getting a job. we asked whether you think tunes should get work experience or just be kids. trent says no, work for kids. theresa saying she's torn because they are supposed to be the fun years but jobs help build strong work ethics and mike says having a job in his youth made him a better person, says he started mowing grass at age 10 for $2 and worked at least two jobs until retirement. those are your headlines. guys. your thoughts? >> yeah, no, i think -- i don't know when the line is. what are you smiling at. >> nothing. i thought you would have a strong take. >> i have a lot of takes. had are times -- i think that -- you want to hang onto childhood for a while. i think lazy summers are good, jobs are good. you cross the line, i'm not sure what age it's time to man up and start sweating. rachel: i started to see my teen son start to lay around a little bit too much this summer. >> it's time. rachel: and then i told him to get a job and he claimed he applied online and then i kicked him out of the house and told him don't come back until you get a job and he came back with a job. >> does he still have it. rachel: he still has it. he took a couple weeks off, we went to the cabin up north, he had the lazy time but he has a job and i think it's good for hypothetical. him.rac. >> age. rachel: 16. >> there's a point where you say if i see you laying on the couch -- rachel: exactly. >> your kid's age. >> 12, 13, i'm talking about chores. we'll do this and this, we'll do it together. 15, 16, let's find something where you understand a paycheck. rachel: i was a baby-sitting since the age of 12. i loved making money. i think it had a big influence. >> i'm sick of giving him. rachel: exactly. >> a christian nonprofit accusing p bank of america of religious discrimination. the claims, next. >> we're having one last hurrah of summer, bringing the fair to fox square. stick around. ♪ to duckduckgo on all your device duckduckgo comes with a built in engine like google, but it's pri and doesn't spy on your searches and duckduckgo lets you browse like chrome, but it blocks cooki and creepy ads that follow you a from google and other companies. and there's no catch. it's free. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you around showing the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. rachel: a tennessee based christian ministry serving impoo impoverished children in uganda accusing bank of america of discrimination. the senior counsel is representing the christian nonprofit and he joins us now. jeremy, thank you for joining us this morning. debanking is real. we've had nigel feraz on our show the other week, he experienced this in england. we saw what happened with the canadian truck drivers. tell us what happened with the rise chan group and why you think -- what happened with the christian group and why you think it happened. >> they closed down a group that feeds and clothes orphans in uganda and closed the account of a memphis church that gives to the charity. they gave no reason for it, citing the policies that say risk tolerance or we don't do business with your business type anymore. those aren't reasons. those a are evasions. our client asked for four months for the reasons and the employees read back the vague reasons. we fired a complaint with the tennessee attorney general's office, asking for them to look into the situation, a situation that appears to be debanking based on viewpoint. >.rachel: this is similar to te chinese communist system, if you run afoul of the powers that be or the narrative they want. your clie client has no idea, ty must have some suspicion. i want to read a statement from bank of america. they said we are proud to provide banking services to nonprofit organizations, affiliated with diverse faith communities, religious beliefs are not a factor in account closing divisions. our u.s. division doesn't offer services to organizations that provide debt collection services for risk related considerations and doesn't serve small businesses operating outside of the united states so what do you make of that? this doesn't sound like anything that your client has done, they're not operating outside. they are from tennessee, they're obviously a charity working in uganda. what do you think is going on here. >> >> what's going on here, they're making up reasons after the fact to try to cover their r bad actions. they gave these reasons four months after they closed the accounts. they came up with excuses after the media tried to out23450eus e them. you look at the reasons, none of them add up, don't withstand scrutiny. the only way to understand the situation is you close their account because of religious beliefs or activities. this is something we're concerned about. debanking is on the rise, you mentioned nigel, there's other debanking things going on, jp morgan chase debanged a relidge -- debanked a religious nonprofit last year. americans shouldn't have to fear they could lose their bank account because of religious or political beliefs. in this situation, real people in uganda suffered harm. the charity couldn't pay their employees for a week and in uganda people don't live paycheck to paycheck, they usually live meal to meal. when you can't get a paycheck for a week it harms your ability to put food on the table for yourself and a your family. rachel: real life consequences for the charity and mostly those they serve in an impoverished country. this is a very serious and growing problem in america. >> thank you. rachel: thank you. we hope others reach out to you if they are experiencing the same thing. still ahead, a former ukrainian prosecutor who was fired while investigating burisma is accusing the biden family of corruption. maria bartiromo on the bribery allegations, next. after advil dual action back pain... yo! uh! ha! ha! 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[ting] ♪ live in the moment. ask your doctor about otezla. >> welcome back to "fox & friends." tracking the tropics, a lot of activity going on especially for florida, not much time to watch this. take a look at the weather map. we're heading towards the meeting time of hurricane season. we've got 78% of our general hurricane activity ahead of us but we're headed towards the peak which is september 10th. when you look across the tropics, a lot going on. the one that is very concerning is where you see the word 10, that's across parts of the western carribean, this is a system that's going to develop into a tropical storm likely later on today and going to continue to pull out towards the north. when you see it, the national hurricane center forecasting a category 1 hurricane making landfall sometime tuesday night into wednesday morning across the northern part of florida. plenty of time to see this forecast tweaked a little bit. not a lot of time for preparation. because this is happening without a lot of warning, if you're on the western side of florida, you need to prepare. we'll see storm surge up and down the western seaboard. tampa will definitely sea storm surge. the worst will be where the storm comes onshore. on sundays i like to show how much precipitation is coming to your area. we'll see rain across the four corners and much needed rain in the pacific northwest. across the east, the orange, that is moisture that will be coming from what will tropical storm and possibly hurricane idalia. watch for this, flooding concerns for this, too much rain, too fast and obviously strong wind conditions with this. not much time to prepare. today is probably the day if you're in the northern part of florida, beginning all your preparations in place for this impending storm. back to you inside. >> a lot coming. thank you, rick. well, in a fox news exclusive, ukraine's former prosecutor general who was fired while investigating burisma sharing shocking allegations about the biden family corruption scandal. >> i have no doubt that there were illegal activities engaged in by burisma. it continued to expand and zlochevsky started bringing in people who could provide protection for him. hunter biden was among them and the corruption network expanded as a result. >> here to react, sunday morning futures anchor, maria bartiromo. maria, thanks for being here. and he also mentioned in the interview no one reached out to him, no one is trying to get to the bottom of what he might know. maria: it's extraordinary. this is the same exact bribery allegation that we heard from the fbi whistleblower who told us that the head of burisma said 5 million to one biden, 5 million to another biden so the allegations of bribery seem to be getting louder. the issue for the republicans now is they need to identify that $5 million. they need to find the $5 million to prove to the american people that in fact there is bribery here and this is cause for impeachment so that's what i think is going to take place in the coming weeks. i think you're going to have a new effort to get joe biden's credit card receipts, get joe biden and biden family members' bank records and in fact joe biden's bank records. an impeachment inquiry gives them more power to do so. pete: it's not for a lack of trying, they're pushing and pushing but you need more tools to get that stuff. maria: you need more tools to convince some of these republicans who still will not vote for an impeachment inquiry. the last time i spoke with members of the oversight and judiciary committee they told me right now they do not have the votes. it seems to me that kevin mccarthy, the speaker, has been speaking with members this entire recess about what they're hearing fromconstituents. i speak with the house speaker today, speaker mccarthy will join me live. that's the question, do the allegations of bribery, bank records, witness testimony, suspicious activity reports, all 176 of them, does that raise to the occasion of it's time for digging in and an impeachment inquiry. that's my first question. >> right now, your sense is republicans in bluer areas that are still reticent to sign on. rachel: i heard some of the guys from new york, california, they're reticent. they want more evidence. they want to dig in. that's exactly what an inquiry is about. so the question is, do you have enough already to actually just do the inquiry. then you -- and then they may make the case, we need an inquiry now that david weiss is in charge. arguably david weiss could say the information flow is stopping, now it's in my hands, it's my investigation, no more information flow to the oversight committee. if that's the case, it becomes more important to get that inquiry going so i think it is likely we are going to get an impeachment inquiry in c the speaker of the house has other battles. the government runs out of money on september 30. he has to get enough votes to get appropriation bills finished so he can have more leverage going into the september 30th funding deadline. so there's that. there's also what's going on in hawaii, the death and devastation. i think speaker mccarthy is going to launch an investigation into that as well. we're talk bought that and the de-- talk about that and the debate. nikki haley is getting positive remarks about her performance. she's going to join us, is it enough to take down donald trump in the general? we'll talk about that. michael mccall has an interesting angle on the biden family scandal. michael mccall, the chairman of the house foreign affairs committee was a prosecutor during the bill clinton election and during the bill clinton election he was investigating the communist party of china trying to interfere in the election, support clinton in the white house. is the chinese communist party doing the same thing right now for joe biden? we're going to get into it. pete: you have carrie lake. maria: carrie lake is asking for people to get behind donald trump given the fact we're looking at two systems of justice, two applications of the law. pete: we'll be watching in 22 minutes. still ahead, famous rockers speaking out about transgender ideology, speaking out about the so smooth reception for santana ♪ it takes two to make it outta sight ♪ ♪ it takes two to make a thing go right ♪ ♪ it takes two to make it outta sight ♪ ♪ one, two, get loose now ♪ ♪ it takes two to make a... ♪ ♪ it takes two to make a... ♪ ♪ it takes two to make a... ♪ ♪ it takes two to make a... ♪ ♪ it takes two to make a... ♪ ♪ it takes two to make a... ♪ stay two nights and get a $ 50 best western gift card. book now at they say seeing is believing, but with stearns & foster® that's only part of the story. we handcraft every stearns & foster® using the finest materials, like indulgent memory foam, and ultra-conforming intellicoils®, for a beautiful mattress, and indescribable comfort... every single night. stearns & foster® ... what 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to be another situation where the public relations people goes ahead and trying to clean up before they actually clear what they're cleaning up very much with the artist and i think it is some small measure of things moving in the right direction that he was willing to say this, will, and also that he then refused or at least deleted the apology. but how ridiculous of a world are we in when simply saying that there are two genders is considered so controversial that you have to apologize? is the sun setting and the sun rising also worthy of apology. biological fact is real and saying so shouldn't be controversial to apol apologize. >> i heard someone say rock stars used to throw tvs out of hotel rooms. now that's controversial. alice cooper has said something similar, had the debate. do these guys have the money to liberate them to tell the truth or are you just old because when you're old you tell the truth. >> i think he comes from an era where there were only two genders for the majority of his life and you heard how the audience reacted when he said a man is a man and woman is a woman, everybody erupted with cheers. the core of his base identifies with that and additionally i think the fact that he's posting on facebook shows the generation he's from, he's not on instagram, not on twitter. that was a little bit of a joke, a poke at older people using facebook but i just feel like we saw with neo he was forced to take down his apology. we're seeing this in the music industry because the music industry for the large part ah has gotten woke. there's that group of people when they hear something, they are screaming and kicking, that's what happened to carlos santana. i firmly believe that he does not mean it, he did not actually intend to apologize. i probably think he truly believes what he said on the stage. >> it's been deleted. stand with the truth. clay, big night tonight, 10:00 p.m. eastern time on the fox news channel, the premier of outkick on fox. tell us what we can expect. >> i hope people are really going to enjoy it. it's me and charlie as you sees us right now this morning, tommy lehren, enes kanter, mary katherine and we're going to do what's happening too irregularly, not regularly enough, we're going to tell the truth. will, i love what you said about rock stars. ozzi osborn used to bite the head off bats. too live crew got arrested because lyrics were too controversial. i think we're going to see where true rebellion isn't coming out and saying there are two genders and then you have to apologize. it's a testament to how broken our society is that rebellion consists of saying things that are 100% fact. i mean, if i start coming on and will and charlie on the outkick show and i come on and say listen up, water freezes at 32 degrees and everybody loses their minds, i think it's a sign that actual science and truth is so rare that people are craving it. >> so we can expect that? >> it's going to be a fun show. we got into the hot topic issues, you, myself, tommy, we all have similar takes as far as they go but we come at it from different angles and obviously with the addition of riley and enes kanter freedom, they add more perspective. it's going to be so much fun. hopefully everyone tunes in tonight, 10:00 on fox. >> we'll see you tonight. thank you. >> thank you, all. >> remember to check out what's clicking at coming up, we brought you the fair to fox square, stick with us for our end of the summer carnival celebration. ♪ my a1c was up here; now, it's down with rybelsus®. his a1c? it's down with rybelsus®. my doctor told me rybelsus® lowered a1c better than a leading branded pill and that people taking rybelsus® lost more weight. i got to my a1c goal and lost some weight too. rybelsus® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't take rybelsus® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop rybelsus® and get 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amusements, rides, arcade games, anything you can ththink of we have it. the grills, the fryers, everything. >> walk through the fair, sew show us what you've got. >> this is battle of the drumers. >> you rem respond to callers. >> what is it? >> ips game. >> do you know he what that is? >> it's the electrical system. >> and it records who the winner is. >> we have can smash, down the clown. >> talk while you're looking up. [laughter] >> okay. we have can smash, down the clown. >> despite what everyone says. >> okay. perfect. >> red light. >> green light, yellow light. >> got it. >> ring toss. >> ring toss and then potty toss and hit the bucket. >> we're going to do a competition. there's always a little -- we might need your help. >> you can have this carnival at home, go to rachel: is it affordable to do that? >> yes. rachel: go online, check out. >> thank you so much. more "fox & friends" in a moment. may the best friend win. see you there. ♪ come on over, come on in. ♪ you can unwind. ♪ make a wish, make a move. ♪ make up your mind. ♪ you can choose. ♪ shingles. some describe it as pulsing electric shocks or sharp, stabbing pains. ♪ this painful, blistering rash can disrupt your life for weeks. a pain so intense, you could miss out on family time. the virus that causes shingles is likely already inside of you. if you're 50 years or older, ask your doctor or pharmacist about shingles. this is remington. he's a member of the family, for sure. we always fed him kibble it just seemed like the thing to do. but he was getting picky, and we started noticing some allergy symptoms. we heard about the farmer's dog and it was a complete transformation. his allergies were going away and he just had amazing energy. it's a no-brainer that remi should have the best nutritious and delicious food possible. i'm investing in my dog's health and happiness. ♪ get started at which hotel? [ding] ahh! did somebody say “which hotel?” i'm great at this. [ding] dance to your faves in the spa-like bathroom! [♪] [ding] or enjoy local craft beers, with breathtaking views at the cambria. book direct at ♪ >> really aggressive. hit me in the face on the break. [laughter] >> she walked into my water bottle. >> stop right here. come on. >> let's go, rachel. [inaudible] let's go. have you ever fired a robot? >> yes. >> i don't know if you are getting credit. >> not hitting the target. [inaudible] >> ring toss. oh my goodness. come on. >> oh. >> how long does this go? >> we each have one more. [cheering] yes. >> we have already won. >> we can do that. >> we will share our trophy this week. >> this is what people really like. c. it is their favorite part. >> it is sticky, on your face. >> what are you talking about? [laughter] >> who does he belong to? [laughter] >> thank you all for joining us on sunday morning. go to church and enjoyed the last of summer. ♪ ♪ maria: good sunday morning. welcome to "sunday morning futures." i am maria bartiromo. thank you for joining me. the houses gearing up for battle an impeachment inquiry. just as a speaker of the house has to wrangle enough votes on spending bills or face a government shutdown within a month. the speaker of the house joins me

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Society , Testament , Rebellion , True Rebellion Isn T , 100 , Listen Up , Minds , Water , Sign , Science , Charlie On The Outkick , Issues , Topic , Perspective , Angles , On Fox , Addition , Riley , Stick , Coming Up , Outkick Com , Summer Carnival Celebration , A1c , Stop Rybelsus , Pill , Goal , Me Rybelsus , Help , Stomach Pain , Isn T , Lump , Type 1 Diabetes , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Neck , Swelling , Don T Take Rybelsus , Side Effects , Gallbladder Problems , Changes , Vision Problems , Reaction , Pancreatitis , Insulin , Sulfonylurea , Kidney Problems , Blood Sugar Risk , Provider , Dehydration , Prescription , Most , Customers , Likes , Followers , Their Path Isn T , More , Trinet , Compliance , Benefits , Payroll , Fro , Carnival , Amusements , Fares , Jay Dog , Catering , Carnival To Fox Square , Welcome Denise Martinez , End , Popcorn , Anybody , Cotton Candy , Nice , Everything , Rides , Grills , Fryers , Walking , Arcade Games , Game , Callers , Battle Of The Drumers , You , Ips , Clown , Winner , Ring Toss , Red Light , Green Light , Perfect , Competition , Bucket , Little , Potty Toss , J Dog Com , Best Friend Win , Yes , Shingles , Stabbing Pains , Make A Wish , Come On In , Come On Over , Shocks , Sharp , Move , Mind , Virus , Rash , Member , Pharmacist , Remington , Sure , Dog , Farmer , Him , Allergy Symptoms , Transformation , Energy , No Brainer , Remi , Allergies , Happiness , Health , Longlivedogs Com , Views , Faves , Bathroom , Craft Beers , Spa , Face , Break , Come On , Water Bottle , Inaudible , Robot , Credit , Oh My Goodness , Cheering , Trophy , Sunday Morning , Go To Church , Last , Houses , Battle An Impeachment Inquiry , Sunday Morning Futures , Of The House , Speaker , Bills , Government Shutdown ,

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