Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The 20240704 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The 20240704

lot of people claiming to be this just because they want to be that the company vampire side unity as the reason for dropping the deal with the musician posting on instagram in light of the recent statements by alice cooper we will no longer be doing the makeup collaboration. we stayed with members of the lgbtq i plus community and believe everyone should have access to healthcare. in addition santana seems to be trying not to get canceled after he said a woman is a woman and a man is a man. he's apologizing on facebook saying this, i'm sorry for my insensitive comments, they don't reflect that i want to honor and respect all persons ideals and beliefs. i realized what i said at people and that was not my intent. i sincerely apologize to the transgender community and everyone i offended. here we are again, people were famous making comments that seem to be common sense yet they are under the microscope cancellation. >> let's start with alice cooper who others pointed out is a man who goes by alice and has a makeup deal so i don't think this guy is a real hater of the lgbtq mary, he just made a statement and there's a longer, if you read the full transcript, he talked about a concern involving children. >> let's bring that up quickly and then get back to your comments. this is what he said, quote, i find it wrong when you've got a 6-year-old kid who has no idea what he just wants to play in your confusing him you are avoidable could be a girl if you want to be. that's confusing to a kid and confusing even to a teenager. >> think back to your awkward preteen years and teen years, this dropping identity, he's not arguing that trans people don't exist, he saying let's be careful when it comes to children. perhaps people are objecting to the word that but there's evidence of social contagion especially among girls of a certain age on this issue so most americans poll after poll shows we are a compassionate welcoming people, most have a live and let live mentality for adults but involving minors should be careful before greenlining dramatic in some cases, you reversible medical intervention for kids and there's no reason for him to apologize for that or for some company to run for the hills because he said something rather thoughtful that roughly 80% of the country agrees with but of course they call it they are the ones, they are the ones promoting unity. >> social contagion, there's evidence to show that's exactly what a lot of this is, it's alarming there's a study recently that showed young people specifically teenagers, 13 and older identifying as transgender doubled in the past five years which is out of touch with how many people who are transgender in the country so is that something people should pay attention to in terms of teenagers go through things, they change their styles and help color and piercings, anything and everything you change when you are a team if they act like this is something that should be permanent. >> studies are great but we all know obviously there's a social contagion going on and it's not just affecting young children or teens but people of all ages and something if you care about your fellow man, you should care about this so it's interesting alice cooper has not even though he's lost his makeup contract deal, he's not bow down to that and it's not great carlos santana was bullied. it is true when they come for you it's too scary and these powerful mobs, they might represent most of the country but they do have outsized influence in places that matter and corporate media, you can be destroyed if you say something obvious about biological distinctions and what they mean carlos santana wasn't able to stand up to the mall and it's sad but to be commended. >> listen to what carlos santana had to say. >> before we came out of the womb, you know who you are and what you are. [cheering] when you grow up and see things, you start believing you could be something that sounds good but you know it's not right because it woman is a woman and a man is a man. [cheering] >> he got a lot of applause and cheers and dave chapelle who's done a lot of comedy on this, they tried to cancel him as well unsuccessfully. >> here's the deal, he talked about a man is a man and a woman is a woman and clearly he's thinking about how he wants to explain his stock on his mind and it struck me because thursday i went to maryland where a judge ruled against parents being able to get an opt out of classes both christian and muslim families feel the lessons are contrary to their religious beliefs, specifically in regard to gender issues and a mom said these lessons are kindergarten through elementary school and these kids, i don't care what my kids become but they don't understand this, they are too young and is starting as such a young age. she said it not fair i don't have a say to how my child develops and santana talk about how you know something sounds good and you learn how they are so it's interesting santana -- he's going to walk away and be like i got bit by cancel culture animal and i don't want it again but good for him for speaking up and act to alice cooper, he's not going to get out of it and where he talks about a level of absurdity, that's where we are getting too. if you get older and decide you identify as something different than your gender, great but don't identify as a tree or a kat or a bud light can. >> that sounds peaceful actually, just hang out in the forest. >> it's not just about a debate or an opinion about men being men and women things women. when it comes to teens, they are suing doctors who permanently change their bodies. the media has been dishonest about what this means, gender affirming care, they don't talk about how is life altering and essentially castrate men and women and unable to have children later in life does not just about having an opinion about the issue, young people's lives are permanently altered at the hands of adults while hiding from the parents. >> i'm struck by alice cooper in particular thinking more on what he said, it's similar to what we've heard from a number of courageous prominent d transition nurse who went through this as children and there are people who identify as trans as minors and trans the rest of their lives and they live happily that way but there are others who do not and end up funneled in that direction in some cases saying they felt pressured to go in that direction and major altering interventions and regretted and are trying to spread the word, this is another element because it's personal to them, their lived experience is the phrase we hear on the left, do those voices not count in the lgbtq -- the long growing acronym -- do those people count as part of the community? to their voices matter? if you care about inclusive or inclusivity if that's the claim, do we exclude those people and their experience is? alice cooper said almost spot on exactly what you hear from them. it is not everyone's experience but some of there's and that should matter. >> it falls on the side of being skeptical about changing the lives of young people forever into their adulthood. the term transition is used but it's not an honest term because no girl is going back, once you go down the road and take hormones and have the surgery, you can't change and go back to what you were. >> that's why it is so important when you are a teenager and doctors or school officials will your parents into helping you transition and give you puberty blockers or life altering surgery, you are not in a position to be able to know the repercussions until it's too late. you do not understand when you are a teen girl to no longer be able to reproduce or not have sexual health the rest of your life. people are tiptoeing around this, gentle about radical trends, it's monstrous actually. grievous harm to people and we should not just push back against that but speak about the beauty of sexual distinction and it's a wonderful thing to be made male or female and we should make that a good thing rather than just say you should cut off healthy body parts of the kit. >> is also typical in society and our system, our legal system to draw distinctions between adults and minors because they don't have full understanding of consequences and why certain laws are on the books. that's an element of our discussion. >> your reporting and where it's going, parental rights have come up as a huge issue in new jersey and virginia and ireland all over the country, a photographer cash. where do you see this going over the next six months? >> voices being heard and in that stump they say parents can opt kids out because it's offensive to the trans kids and one said the problem is the schools acknowledging trans kids are more valuable than the kids want to opt out so you do have to take into consideration as different policies developed, you are being fair to the voices even if they are the ones of kids being pulled out of class because their parents believe in values. >> certainly a big topic that will continue to be discussed, cancel culture and the debate over issues are explored on fox tomorrow night 10:00 p.m. eastern. coming up, president biden ways and former president trump moksha, a sarcastic wit as former ukrainian prosecutor revealing new bombshell claims of corruption of next. ♪ (horn honks) i'm the team mascot, and boy, am i running late. but i've got lead in my foot and spirit in my fingers. woo! ha ha what a hit! and if you have cut rate car insurance the cost to cover that, might tank your season. so, get allstate and be better protected from mayhem... like me. (laughing) woo! mr. senna's into nature. professor kot's into science. but together, we work! like our senokot laxatives. to relieve occasional constipation, senokot's made from the senna plant. refined by science to be reliable. perfect match! just like us! hmph! senokot. ♪ >> we've never left austin texas burn. welcome to the big weekend show, the mug shot having the world talking including president biden marking trump in front of a crowd while on vacation in lake tahoe. >> i did see him on television. handsome guy. >> biden facing own accusations that could get him in trouble with the law in a new upcoming interview with the former ukrainian prosecutor biden once bragged about writing to fire victor says there's evidence biden or hunter took rides. >> i did not want to deal on unproven facts but my personal conviction is yes, this was the case, they were being bribed. the fact that joe biden gave away $1 billion in u.s. money in exchange for my dismissal, my firing, isn't that alone the case? >> bombshell exclusive interview by brian kilmeade coming up 8:00 p.m. eastern you will see more of that. we are going to play a clip in a moment but first, i want to start, guy, either joe biden is the most ever person in the world and did nothing wrong or the dumbest, did something wrong and bragged about it in 2018. take a listen here. >> the prosecutors not fire, you're not getting the money. son of a bleak. [laughter] they put in place someone who was solid. >> as the investigation by david weiss goes deeper into the hunter biden business dealings overseas, is likely to get him in trouble? >> it remains to be seen if the investigation is going deeper on anything because he seems to not want to investigate or prosecute anyone named biden and we will see if that changes, i'm skeptical. it's important to remember not only did joe biden want that prosecutor who brian has and we are talking about this in the right, brian kilmeade in the next hour, this interview is wild no one talked to this man given his significant on the issue with known about for years but it wasn't just joe biden who successfully used u.s. foreign policy to get him fired, the people paying joe biden's son hunter 1 million a year for no apparent reason, they wanted him fired and got their wish knowing they were employing the son of the big guy who sweeten and got the deal done. whether that is evidence, rocksalt evidence of bribery, we are not quite in the final link but there is this document the fbi had buried for a while where their informant says that's exactly what happened, that's the allegation and some other claims from that have been corroborated by the fbi and others so this is legitimate and an active question and everyone in the media should follow and chase it down and that's not the case in most cases. >> we are just now learning these things. he says i don't have the exact hard facts but i believe in my experience there was a ride and he talks about he knows he was fired because of the investigative burisma. here is a little more of the interview. >> i have said repeatedly in my previous interviews schenkel fired me at the assistance of then vice president biden because i wasn't investigating burisma because he understood and so did vice president biden had i continued to oversee burisma investigation, we would have found the facts about corruptive the they were engaging in that included both hunter biden and overture and others. >> what you think? >> a stunning development here, not for many people who lived through the first impeachment of trump but to revisit these. people. people close to the biden family including hunter at least a few million dollars. there were allegations it was more, there's written evidence burisma wanted this man fired. there's a videotape showed of joe biden bragging about getting this man fired and we have all of these people saying do you think there's something to this? it's all out there, guns are smoking everywhere that we had to live through years of the russia collusion hopes where people are like there's no evidence supporting anything but we are going to have this elaborate theory. when the first impeachment happened, joe biden and allies came out and said no, we didn't fire him because he was looking into burisma even though he was, we fired him because he wasn't looking into them enough everyone in the media set that checks out, that sounds good, let's go into this impeachment and lived through that, it affected elections, many things about the health of our country and now we have explosive stuff. >> now we have the mug shot seen around the world and president biden making the handsome guy crack, i'm not sure that does anybody any good. we have a short montage i want to play, the media gushing about the mug shot. >> or not. i'll tell you what -- >> he looked like he'd been beat up. as you say -- [laughter] three people have lost their lives over the last month, jail is where the disgraced ex-president of the united states is heading right now. >> 175. [laughter] >> 215. >> people pointed out the exact dimensions, i don't know if the control room has the. >> the resemblance is uncanny if that's what you're trying to s say. [laughter] >> i feel an hour and 20 minutes ago i said the whole thing is a sham. >> everything these people say how they care about moxie, rule of law, it's fundamentally not true. we have an election coming up, they could allow people to decide the election but they are laughing about drawing president joe biden's number one political opponent behind bars and they think it's funny, not a bad moment historically for the country whether it's republican or democrat but she he's simply bolstering what we know already was glaringly obvious, joe biden was hunter biden's as his partner everyone wants to try to deny that but there's enough traffic and fbi traffic, many traffic and the last thing hunter biden was making money on art which the state department say is a perfect way to launder money in their own policies so we can say it's not obvious but it is. >> meanwhile, the bus, biden administration loading strict alcohol limit for you but that's not the only liberal hysteria brewing, that straight ahead. ♪ listen up, you dogs with allergic itch! today's talking lesson is just one word: apoquel. ap--o--quel. ♪ you can't teach your itchy dog to talk..., talk to your vet about apoquel. apoquel is for the control of allergic itch in dogs. do not use apoquel in dogs with serious infections. apoquel may increase the chances of developing serious infections... ...and may cause existing parasitic skin infections or pre-existing cancers to worsen. new neoplasias have been observed. i'm glad we speak the same language. ask your vet for apoquel. ♪ ♪ welcome back to the big weekend show. it is a time for last call? it might have to be as the biden administration stricter recommendations on foods. president biden's fault calls are says the administration has new guidelines 75 people to limit alcohol consumption to just to drink the week. doctor explain the reasoning behind the potential guidelines thing quote if there's health benefits, i think people will reevaluate we are in the u.s. and went on to say is alcohol consumption guidelines go in any direction, it would be toward canada which already has a limit of two a week but the alcoholics are himself may not be the best role model is even he admitted to enjoy a couple of glasses of wine week. i'm sorry -- [laughter] i thought this was america, doesn't this seem like an insane limit? >> go right to the beer drinking kid to steal a phrase will get the third beer from me you pry it out of my cold dead hands. are you kidding me? who thought this up and who takes advice from canada not to mention you to can go to a gas station and buy a 40. both times 12 is 24, are you going to get rid of 40s? >> 144. >> 12-ounce drink and you only get to soak 24 ounces so a 40-ounce drink -- no. >> i was told there would be no math. >> i clearly need a drink to get the math. >> got 12 times 12. >> three beers by 8:01 a.m. just to honor him because this quite frankly is the dumbest thing i've ever heard. our government should solve problems we are facing. if you thought americans are at each other's throats right now, limit us to two drinks and see how it works out, a terrible idea and that's where i stand. >> i can't help but agree but is saturday so maybe that's affecting my thinking but two drinks a week, is that an appropriate amount? >> it's going to be a recommendation for now is what they tell us. i will ignore it if that comes down the pike. i've written in my notes here, cold dead hands, the exact same thing, what a riot he must be at parties. i love the quote of him being like if people were aware of the health implications -- have you met us? have you met america? >> we are not the healthiest people. >> i sometimes will be to beers deep by noon at a college football tailgate and no apology for that. yes, drink responsibly, don't be an idiot and all of that but this is a hard no. >> you say is the recommendation but the promise, all of these recommendations turn into actual loss, beer here but the gotten rid of effective dishwashing, coming after gas stoves and there's word there might be mask mandate coming back. joe rogan talked about that this week. >> you people, you are loving this, it doesn't make sense because if you are a college, that means you are an institute for higher education, if you are an institute for higher education, wouldn't you pay attention to the latest data? it's not healthy to brief through this cloth thing all day, it's stupid. insane these people want to get back into this mania, it's like they miss it. it's weird, right? >> first, i think the got to find the cocaine in the white house before they can tell americans how much booze they are allowed to have and everything in moderation, don't drink and drive but when it comes to the government, i have a message, they don't care about you or your well-being or making healthy, they'd rather you not be healthy and they've been wrong for decades. the same government you gave the food pyramid that told us to eat 15 pieces of bread every day and protein at the top and now we have an obesity problem. the biggest health crisis we have in this country when it comes to the mask mandate we now know masks don't work, masks we buy at the drugstore literally say on the box with printed out red communist star the mask does not prevent the transmission of covid-19 yet they mandate we use it for our own good and mandate the vaccine the president wanted to fire everyone who didn't take it if they did not comply even though doesn't prevent transmission and we relied for months to in the efficacy of the vaccine so leave people's booze alone, they are stressed out, all in moderation but the government doesn't care much about you and after covid, i have no trust in government doctors especially. >> i wanted to grab a couple of drinks and watch this interview. >> a great idea. [laughter] >> saved by the posted, kidnapped woman passes a note to a stranger and ends up getting rescued how the story unfolded when the big weekend show continues. ♪ hi! need new glasses? buy one pair, get one free at visionworks! how can you see me squinting? i can't! i'm just telling everyone!...hey! buy one pair, get one free for back to school. visionworks. see the difference. okay, again, this is a status bar. this is a search bar. let's know the difference, okay? social media, it can be overwhelming for a young homeowner turning into their parents. what does it mean to slide into someone's dms? -mm. -it sounds like a lot of fun. okay, we're not ready for that. as a team, we'll get there. it might be a fruit emoji, but that doesn't mean they're talking about fruit. -oh. progressive can't save you from becoming your parents, but we can save you money when you bundle home and auto with us. do you really think we need 47 photos of fun dinner at pam's? -yes. -no. the all-new tempur-pedic breeze makes sleep feel cool. so, no more sweating all night... ...or blasting the air conditioning. because the tempur-breeze feels up to 10° cooler, all night long. for a limited time, save up to $700 on select tempur-pedic adjustable mattress sets. - you know, you don't have to wear your pt gear anymore, right? - it's comfortable. - so, how's civilian life treating you? - it's fine. - when i got out, i didn't wanna admit that there was anything wrong because i felt like a failure. and then, i realized there's nothing to be ashamed of. so, i started talking to someone. maybe you are fine, but if you're not, it's okay. - thank you. - if you or a veteran you know needs support, don't wait. reach out. find resources at ♪ >> welcome back, thanks for watching. a wild story, arizona woman saved by a post it after she's affected by a guy posing as an uber driver in this band you are looking at a gas station, the woman managed to slip this note to a fellow customer alerting this person she been affected, police tracked down the car and the driver and arrested him. it turns out he's a person of interest in a separate kidnapping case as well so this happened in arizona so let's go to the arizona gal here. very, very scary. good for this woman for potentially saving her own life by taking some agency in the moment. thank goodness the other person didn't think it was upright, they picked up the phone and make that fateful important phone call. >> terrifying to think this could happen, this is why uber encourages people to make sure you match the license plate with the vehicle. you have the driver ask your name so they don't know your name, they can't get you in the car but things like this do happen so for the woman to get out without having harm done to her outside of course the mental implications of this happening, it's huge and the fact that she helped get the suspect arrested and now we know they are a suspect in a kidnapping will help the sheriff's department with that so glad she's safe but you got to check to make sure you get in the right car. >> if she thought this was her uber driver, that means she had her cell phone when she got in but clearly something happened because she's not using her cell phone to get help so it showed she really had to have quick thinking. >> maybe she was too scared. >> could be put on this green the note itself because what i am impressed with by this potential victim is some of the presence of mind, a direct action, call 911 and describing the vehicle and also the destination, it's not just hey, i'm in trouble, help me, it really laid bread crumbs for someone to do the right thing to help her. i'm impressed by what she was able to do. >> if law enforcement it to lo look, she put in their going toward kingman, las vegas and that's what they needed, i spent so much time writing along with texas dps and the border in a different situation but i've got videos bailing out and chasing -- you realize quickly when we chased down smugglers, oftentimes it's a tip, we saw a blue honda such and such roads and the tips coming in from people where they give that detail law enforcement needs, time is of the essence. he would have been with this woman and she gets an a+ plus, hopefully more than two drinks after she gets rescued. but this is a real lesson for everyone to listen to the segment and here that should ever you get in a situation you have minimal way to put a note to law enforcement and the most pressing details that make a difference with respect to time. >> to give a few more details of what happened, this one was abducted from a car dealership in the phoenix area and uber driver pretending to be an uber driver was wearing a wig and restrained the victim with zip ties on the way to las vegas and spent the night in lake mead park and the sheriff's department was they found the person, clearly got in the car and pulled over and restrained the woman and allowed her to go to the restroom and she was able to hand the know over. >> something out of a movie. >> human trafficking does happen, you mentioned the border, human trafficking across the border -- not a lot but it happens and she will people should be aware. >> straight ahead on the big weekend show, the man who brought you the fire festival, remember that debacle? is out of prison gearing up for another fire festival. i wonder if those cheese sandwiches might be on the menu. he's speaking out and talked to jesse watters and we will tell you what he said next. ♪ it's because of tiktok that i had to go out and get a website. i'm at a point now where i've outgrown my house. growing up, every time i'd get out of the shower, i would itch. my first experience with goat milk soap, it kinda was like a light bulb moment. tiktok is a fantastic platform for diy. if you'd have told me three years ago that i would own my own business and be expanding into a separate building, i would've told you you'd lost your mind. i need it cool at night. you trying to ice me out of the bed? baby, only on game nights. you know you are retired right? am i? ya! the queen sleep number c2 smart bed is now only $999. plus, 60-month financing on all smart beds. shop now only at sleep number. so much more now? other companies are charging you more and more for less and less. and we hate that! that's why force factor has partnered with walmart to provide amazing supplements at great prices for all americans. force factor products use clinically studied patented ingredients to powerfully improve your health. they're also delicious, easy to use and affordable. that's why force factor is now the number one best selling herbs and supplements brand at walmart. rush to walmart and unleash your potential with force factor. ♪ ♪ >> a gorgeous evening in nashville, here in new york, welcome back to the big weekend show. one of the biggest fails in music festival history, attendees of the 2017 event that with rain and fake cheese sandwiches from the big time performers, they were promised it turns out, all a big con. >> all these models in the bahamas. >> the biggest festival the world has seen. >> would not take no for an answer and kept pulling money and somehow. >> desperate people do great things. >> they make it seemed like they are making a ton of money when they were. >> the guy behind the scheme spent four years in prison for defrauding millions from festival investors but he's back with fire festival to end tickets are selling out but specifics are sketchy. >> end of next year i hope they let me come. [laughter] >> you don't have a date? >> end of next year. >> you have a date and people bought tickets? >> fire one is a cultural moment where people left comfort zones and embarked on this adventure, people who impacted their life and that is what i'm trying to build, too. >> where's the party? >> caribbean. >> where? >> a cultural moment. are you kidding me? good for sitting down with him but who's more unbelievable here? the fact that he's back out of jail trying again, the people who would pay and sign up for this. >> i hope he's not sending is wonderful assistant johnny to the fire festival, he's got to have protection or at least wait to get out to evacuate, we have to make sure there's a real helicopter because maybe the economy is not that bad, $500 to go to fire festival to when you know what happened the first time, are you stupid? they get what they deserve. >> johnny may be going. >> we need estate root for him and navy seals to get him out. what a disaster. why would you pay to go to this? >> at least you know what they are getting into. >> they knew last time, to. >> people like to go to nascar races because they like to see racing and also people go to nascar, a horrific crash, these people are hoping for something chaotic to happen. >> before i go to you guys, we have a little more -- listen here. >> nothing is going to take away from the decisions i made five years ago and that's not okay but i'm here to pay people back and make my mark. >> it while but i have professional support this time and they are not letting me -- [laughter] >> you didn't have professional support last time? >> that is one of the problems. >> are you promising things are going to go right this time? >> i'm getting proper help and staying far away from the areas i suck. [laughter] >> does not of problem that is going to work this time. no date, no place, won't promise it will work this time because it didn't work last time and he actually said the first clip is like was a wonderful bonding experience. it's crazy. we are reporting, tickets are sold out, according to him? did he sell any tickets, are the tickets at all? maybe is totally made-up. >> maybe the greatest : artist ever. i will eat a fake cheese sandwich on the beach if i'm surrounded by other supermodels dancing but the experience was like lord of the flies survival. >> he has professional help this time, he had professional help last time to the tune of millions of dollars and it was a disaster. how is this allowed? >> the professional help he got was prison. >> baby he needs more prison because it this is ridiculous. >> $500, would you go? >> absolutely not. i don't like big festival even if i could go for free. i'm too old for that, i want a small concert and small venue where i can get home at night. >> all right, we'll leave it there. big weekend fox our next. ♪ providing for your family is a top priority. but what happens when you need affordable health care? 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sean frshot from tweeting on x2e x. they want to be moderate so let iggy be even if she has a janet jackson progressed she probably could put some thought into her wardrobe event where she is a >> this is news that saudi arabia is like this but she might have wanted to have a little bit mo more. >> maybe not. i think they have this in saudi arabia. a peanut scientist in belgium find paper straws are being forced on us in restaurants and stores everywhere are harmful to people and the environment. may be more dangerous than plastic ones but i've been saying since 2008 team they tried to ban all of the straws pretty posted a photo of it on the cup that has don't tread on me flight on it with a bunch of plastic straws and started curing them everywhere but paper straws bad for your? you cannot recycle them they do not work in your drinks. >> yes exactly they don't work is the most important fact. paper stress the fact they might actually poisonous? another reason. >> it by demonstration latest home appliance target is ceiling fans with new proposed rules that would require them to be more energy-efficient. both could increase costs for manufacturers by $86 million a year. by the way, the savings associate with the ceiling fan would be $39 over the entire lifetime of the fan. >> no air conditioning and no fan. >> guy? >> present by nicks and his vacation his second vacation in as many weeks. i wish i had his vacation schedule frankly. when the processes missing the white house visit of that wnba champions the las vegas aces he sent the vice president said justificatijust vacation after n after vacation. i'm a little bit envious but he is the leader of the free world. texans are going so on the country too. he deserves some time off given the economy, war, everything. doctor cannot measure public and president skipping a championship for a female orthotic team are not getting completely mold for it. >> baby is having more than two drinks for his vacation stint as government wants to end up for you. that doesn't trust you tomorrow state tu kilmeade show it now. ♪. brian: hi everyone welcome to "one nation" i am brian kilmeade big show tonight include why she left espn why she feels better than ever about the trajectory of her career, great courage there. greg hardened may be america's best life ghostly's tom brady think so. at greg gutfeld i don't who booked him i'l all try to make t work. first some serious stuff. it is been a week of major events. the republican presidential debate is there, for the indictment against a former president, famous faces popping up on mugshots

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The 20240704 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The 20240704

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lot of people claiming to be this just because they want to be that the company vampire side unity as the reason for dropping the deal with the musician posting on instagram in light of the recent statements by alice cooper we will no longer be doing the makeup collaboration. we stayed with members of the lgbtq i plus community and believe everyone should have access to healthcare. in addition santana seems to be trying not to get canceled after he said a woman is a woman and a man is a man. he's apologizing on facebook saying this, i'm sorry for my insensitive comments, they don't reflect that i want to honor and respect all persons ideals and beliefs. i realized what i said at people and that was not my intent. i sincerely apologize to the transgender community and everyone i offended. here we are again, people were famous making comments that seem to be common sense yet they are under the microscope cancellation. >> let's start with alice cooper who others pointed out is a man who goes by alice and has a makeup deal so i don't think this guy is a real hater of the lgbtq mary, he just made a statement and there's a longer, if you read the full transcript, he talked about a concern involving children. >> let's bring that up quickly and then get back to your comments. this is what he said, quote, i find it wrong when you've got a 6-year-old kid who has no idea what he just wants to play in your confusing him you are avoidable could be a girl if you want to be. that's confusing to a kid and confusing even to a teenager. >> think back to your awkward preteen years and teen years, this dropping identity, he's not arguing that trans people don't exist, he saying let's be careful when it comes to children. perhaps people are objecting to the word that but there's evidence of social contagion especially among girls of a certain age on this issue so most americans poll after poll shows we are a compassionate welcoming people, most have a live and let live mentality for adults but involving minors should be careful before greenlining dramatic in some cases, you reversible medical intervention for kids and there's no reason for him to apologize for that or for some company to run for the hills because he said something rather thoughtful that roughly 80% of the country agrees with but of course they call it they are the ones, they are the ones promoting unity. >> social contagion, there's evidence to show that's exactly what a lot of this is, it's alarming there's a study recently that showed young people specifically teenagers, 13 and older identifying as transgender doubled in the past five years which is out of touch with how many people who are transgender in the country so is that something people should pay attention to in terms of teenagers go through things, they change their styles and help color and piercings, anything and everything you change when you are a team if they act like this is something that should be permanent. >> studies are great but we all know obviously there's a social contagion going on and it's not just affecting young children or teens but people of all ages and something if you care about your fellow man, you should care about this so it's interesting alice cooper has not even though he's lost his makeup contract deal, he's not bow down to that and it's not great carlos santana was bullied. it is true when they come for you it's too scary and these powerful mobs, they might represent most of the country but they do have outsized influence in places that matter and corporate media, you can be destroyed if you say something obvious about biological distinctions and what they mean carlos santana wasn't able to stand up to the mall and it's sad but to be commended. >> listen to what carlos santana had to say. >> before we came out of the womb, you know who you are and what you are. [cheering] when you grow up and see things, you start believing you could be something that sounds good but you know it's not right because it woman is a woman and a man is a man. [cheering] >> he got a lot of applause and cheers and dave chapelle who's done a lot of comedy on this, they tried to cancel him as well unsuccessfully. >> here's the deal, he talked about a man is a man and a woman is a woman and clearly he's thinking about how he wants to explain his stock on his mind and it struck me because thursday i went to maryland where a judge ruled against parents being able to get an opt out of classes both christian and muslim families feel the lessons are contrary to their religious beliefs, specifically in regard to gender issues and a mom said these lessons are kindergarten through elementary school and these kids, i don't care what my kids become but they don't understand this, they are too young and is starting as such a young age. she said it not fair i don't have a say to how my child develops and santana talk about how you know something sounds good and you learn how they are so it's interesting santana -- he's going to walk away and be like i got bit by cancel culture animal and i don't want it again but good for him for speaking up and act to alice cooper, he's not going to get out of it and where he talks about a level of absurdity, that's where we are getting too. if you get older and decide you identify as something different than your gender, great but don't identify as a tree or a kat or a bud light can. >> that sounds peaceful actually, just hang out in the forest. >> it's not just about a debate or an opinion about men being men and women things women. when it comes to teens, they are suing doctors who permanently change their bodies. the media has been dishonest about what this means, gender affirming care, they don't talk about how is life altering and essentially castrate men and women and unable to have children later in life does not just about having an opinion about the issue, young people's lives are permanently altered at the hands of adults while hiding from the parents. >> i'm struck by alice cooper in particular thinking more on what he said, it's similar to what we've heard from a number of courageous prominent d transition nurse who went through this as children and there are people who identify as trans as minors and trans the rest of their lives and they live happily that way but there are others who do not and end up funneled in that direction in some cases saying they felt pressured to go in that direction and major altering interventions and regretted and are trying to spread the word, this is another element because it's personal to them, their lived experience is the phrase we hear on the left, do those voices not count in the lgbtq -- the long growing acronym -- do those people count as part of the community? to their voices matter? if you care about inclusive or inclusivity if that's the claim, do we exclude those people and their experience is? alice cooper said almost spot on exactly what you hear from them. it is not everyone's experience but some of there's and that should matter. >> it falls on the side of being skeptical about changing the lives of young people forever into their adulthood. the term transition is used but it's not an honest term because no girl is going back, once you go down the road and take hormones and have the surgery, you can't change and go back to what you were. >> that's why it is so important when you are a teenager and doctors or school officials will your parents into helping you transition and give you puberty blockers or life altering surgery, you are not in a position to be able to know the repercussions until it's too late. you do not understand when you are a teen girl to no longer be able to reproduce or not have sexual health the rest of your life. people are tiptoeing around this, gentle about radical trends, it's monstrous actually. grievous harm to people and we should not just push back against that but speak about the beauty of sexual distinction and it's a wonderful thing to be made male or female and we should make that a good thing rather than just say you should cut off healthy body parts of the kit. >> is also typical in society and our system, our legal system to draw distinctions between adults and minors because they don't have full understanding of consequences and why certain laws are on the books. that's an element of our discussion. >> your reporting and where it's going, parental rights have come up as a huge issue in new jersey and virginia and ireland all over the country, a photographer cash. where do you see this going over the next six months? >> voices being heard and in that stump they say parents can opt kids out because it's offensive to the trans kids and one said the problem is the schools acknowledging trans kids are more valuable than the kids want to opt out so you do have to take into consideration as different policies developed, you are being fair to the voices even if they are the ones of kids being pulled out of class because their parents believe in values. >> certainly a big topic that will continue to be discussed, cancel culture and the debate over issues are explored on fox tomorrow night 10:00 p.m. eastern. coming up, president biden ways and former president trump moksha, a sarcastic wit as former ukrainian prosecutor revealing new bombshell claims of corruption of next. ♪ (horn honks) i'm the team mascot, and boy, am i running late. but i've got lead in my foot and spirit in my fingers. woo! ha ha what a hit! and if you have cut rate car insurance the cost to cover that, might tank your season. so, get allstate and be better protected from mayhem... like me. (laughing) woo! mr. senna's into nature. professor kot's into science. but together, we work! like our senokot laxatives. to relieve occasional constipation, senokot's made from the senna plant. refined by science to be reliable. perfect match! just like us! hmph! senokot. ♪ >> we've never left austin texas burn. welcome to the big weekend show, the mug shot having the world talking including president biden marking trump in front of a crowd while on vacation in lake tahoe. >> i did see him on television. handsome guy. >> biden facing own accusations that could get him in trouble with the law in a new upcoming interview with the former ukrainian prosecutor biden once bragged about writing to fire victor says there's evidence biden or hunter took rides. >> i did not want to deal on unproven facts but my personal conviction is yes, this was the case, they were being bribed. the fact that joe biden gave away $1 billion in u.s. money in exchange for my dismissal, my firing, isn't that alone the case? >> bombshell exclusive interview by brian kilmeade coming up 8:00 p.m. eastern you will see more of that. we are going to play a clip in a moment but first, i want to start, guy, either joe biden is the most ever person in the world and did nothing wrong or the dumbest, did something wrong and bragged about it in 2018. take a listen here. >> the prosecutors not fire, you're not getting the money. son of a bleak. [laughter] they put in place someone who was solid. >> as the investigation by david weiss goes deeper into the hunter biden business dealings overseas, is likely to get him in trouble? >> it remains to be seen if the investigation is going deeper on anything because he seems to not want to investigate or prosecute anyone named biden and we will see if that changes, i'm skeptical. it's important to remember not only did joe biden want that prosecutor who brian has and we are talking about this in the right, brian kilmeade in the next hour, this interview is wild no one talked to this man given his significant on the issue with known about for years but it wasn't just joe biden who successfully used u.s. foreign policy to get him fired, the people paying joe biden's son hunter 1 million a year for no apparent reason, they wanted him fired and got their wish knowing they were employing the son of the big guy who sweeten and got the deal done. whether that is evidence, rocksalt evidence of bribery, we are not quite in the final link but there is this document the fbi had buried for a while where their informant says that's exactly what happened, that's the allegation and some other claims from that have been corroborated by the fbi and others so this is legitimate and an active question and everyone in the media should follow and chase it down and that's not the case in most cases. >> we are just now learning these things. he says i don't have the exact hard facts but i believe in my experience there was a ride and he talks about he knows he was fired because of the investigative burisma. here is a little more of the interview. >> i have said repeatedly in my previous interviews schenkel fired me at the assistance of then vice president biden because i wasn't investigating burisma because he understood and so did vice president biden had i continued to oversee burisma investigation, we would have found the facts about corruptive the they were engaging in that included both hunter biden and overture and others. >> what you think? >> a stunning development here, not for many people who lived through the first impeachment of trump but to revisit these. people. people close to the biden family including hunter at least a few million dollars. there were allegations it was more, there's written evidence burisma wanted this man fired. there's a videotape showed of joe biden bragging about getting this man fired and we have all of these people saying do you think there's something to this? it's all out there, guns are smoking everywhere that we had to live through years of the russia collusion hopes where people are like there's no evidence supporting anything but we are going to have this elaborate theory. when the first impeachment happened, joe biden and allies came out and said no, we didn't fire him because he was looking into burisma even though he was, we fired him because he wasn't looking into them enough everyone in the media set that checks out, that sounds good, let's go into this impeachment and lived through that, it affected elections, many things about the health of our country and now we have explosive stuff. >> now we have the mug shot seen around the world and president biden making the handsome guy crack, i'm not sure that does anybody any good. we have a short montage i want to play, the media gushing about the mug shot. >> or not. i'll tell you what -- >> he looked like he'd been beat up. as you say -- [laughter] three people have lost their lives over the last month, jail is where the disgraced ex-president of the united states is heading right now. >> 175. [laughter] >> 215. >> people pointed out the exact dimensions, i don't know if the control room has the. >> the resemblance is uncanny if that's what you're trying to s say. [laughter] >> i feel an hour and 20 minutes ago i said the whole thing is a sham. >> everything these people say how they care about moxie, rule of law, it's fundamentally not true. we have an election coming up, they could allow people to decide the election but they are laughing about drawing president joe biden's number one political opponent behind bars and they think it's funny, not a bad moment historically for the country whether it's republican or democrat but she he's simply bolstering what we know already was glaringly obvious, joe biden was hunter biden's as his partner everyone wants to try to deny that but there's enough traffic and fbi traffic, many traffic and the last thing hunter biden was making money on art which the state department say is a perfect way to launder money in their own policies so we can say it's not obvious but it is. >> meanwhile, the bus, biden administration loading strict alcohol limit for you but that's not the only liberal hysteria brewing, that straight ahead. ♪ listen up, you dogs with allergic itch! today's talking lesson is just one word: apoquel. ap--o--quel. ♪ you can't teach your itchy dog to talk..., talk to your vet about apoquel. apoquel is for the control of allergic itch in dogs. do not use apoquel in dogs with serious infections. apoquel may increase the chances of developing serious infections... ...and may cause existing parasitic skin infections or pre-existing cancers to worsen. new neoplasias have been observed. i'm glad we speak the same language. ask your vet for apoquel. ♪ ♪ welcome back to the big weekend show. it is a time for last call? it might have to be as the biden administration stricter recommendations on foods. president biden's fault calls are says the administration has new guidelines 75 people to limit alcohol consumption to just to drink the week. doctor explain the reasoning behind the potential guidelines thing quote if there's health benefits, i think people will reevaluate we are in the u.s. and went on to say is alcohol consumption guidelines go in any direction, it would be toward canada which already has a limit of two a week but the alcoholics are himself may not be the best role model is even he admitted to enjoy a couple of glasses of wine week. i'm sorry -- [laughter] i thought this was america, doesn't this seem like an insane limit? >> go right to the beer drinking kid to steal a phrase will get the third beer from me you pry it out of my cold dead hands. are you kidding me? who thought this up and who takes advice from canada not to mention you to can go to a gas station and buy a 40. both times 12 is 24, are you going to get rid of 40s? >> 144. >> 12-ounce drink and you only get to soak 24 ounces so a 40-ounce drink -- no. >> i was told there would be no math. >> i clearly need a drink to get the math. >> got 12 times 12. >> three beers by 8:01 a.m. just to honor him because this quite frankly is the dumbest thing i've ever heard. our government should solve problems we are facing. if you thought americans are at each other's throats right now, limit us to two drinks and see how it works out, a terrible idea and that's where i stand. >> i can't help but agree but is saturday so maybe that's affecting my thinking but two drinks a week, is that an appropriate amount? >> it's going to be a recommendation for now is what they tell us. i will ignore it if that comes down the pike. i've written in my notes here, cold dead hands, the exact same thing, what a riot he must be at parties. i love the quote of him being like if people were aware of the health implications -- have you met us? have you met america? >> we are not the healthiest people. >> i sometimes will be to beers deep by noon at a college football tailgate and no apology for that. yes, drink responsibly, don't be an idiot and all of that but this is a hard no. >> you say is the recommendation but the promise, all of these recommendations turn into actual loss, beer here but the gotten rid of effective dishwashing, coming after gas stoves and there's word there might be mask mandate coming back. joe rogan talked about that this week. >> you people, you are loving this, it doesn't make sense because if you are a college, that means you are an institute for higher education, if you are an institute for higher education, wouldn't you pay attention to the latest data? it's not healthy to brief through this cloth thing all day, it's stupid. insane these people want to get back into this mania, it's like they miss it. it's weird, right? >> first, i think the got to find the cocaine in the white house before they can tell americans how much booze they are allowed to have and everything in moderation, don't drink and drive but when it comes to the government, i have a message, they don't care about you or your well-being or making healthy, they'd rather you not be healthy and they've been wrong for decades. the same government you gave the food pyramid that told us to eat 15 pieces of bread every day and protein at the top and now we have an obesity problem. the biggest health crisis we have in this country when it comes to the mask mandate we now know masks don't work, masks we buy at the drugstore literally say on the box with printed out red communist star the mask does not prevent the transmission of covid-19 yet they mandate we use it for our own good and mandate the vaccine the president wanted to fire everyone who didn't take it if they did not comply even though doesn't prevent transmission and we relied for months to in the efficacy of the vaccine so leave people's booze alone, they are stressed out, all in moderation but the government doesn't care much about you and after covid, i have no trust in government doctors especially. >> i wanted to grab a couple of drinks and watch this interview. >> a great idea. [laughter] >> saved by the posted, kidnapped woman passes a note to a stranger and ends up getting rescued how the story unfolded when the big weekend show continues. ♪ hi! need new glasses? buy one pair, get one free at visionworks! how can you see me squinting? i can't! i'm just telling everyone!...hey! buy one pair, get one free for back to school. visionworks. see the difference. okay, again, this is a status bar. this is a search bar. let's know the difference, okay? social media, it can be overwhelming for a young homeowner turning into their parents. what does it mean to slide into someone's dms? -mm. -it sounds like a lot of fun. okay, we're not ready for that. as a team, we'll get there. it might be a fruit emoji, but that doesn't mean they're talking about fruit. -oh. progressive can't save you from becoming your parents, but we can save you money when you bundle home and auto with us. do you really think we need 47 photos of fun dinner at pam's? -yes. -no. the all-new tempur-pedic breeze makes sleep feel cool. so, no more sweating all night... ...or blasting the air conditioning. because the tempur-breeze feels up to 10° cooler, all night long. for a limited time, save up to $700 on select tempur-pedic adjustable mattress sets. - you know, you don't have to wear your pt gear anymore, right? - it's comfortable. - so, how's civilian life treating you? - it's fine. - when i got out, i didn't wanna admit that there was anything wrong because i felt like a failure. and then, i realized there's nothing to be ashamed of. so, i started talking to someone. maybe you are fine, but if you're not, it's okay. - thank you. - if you or a veteran you know needs support, don't wait. reach out. find resources at ♪ >> welcome back, thanks for watching. a wild story, arizona woman saved by a post it after she's affected by a guy posing as an uber driver in this band you are looking at a gas station, the woman managed to slip this note to a fellow customer alerting this person she been affected, police tracked down the car and the driver and arrested him. it turns out he's a person of interest in a separate kidnapping case as well so this happened in arizona so let's go to the arizona gal here. very, very scary. good for this woman for potentially saving her own life by taking some agency in the moment. thank goodness the other person didn't think it was upright, they picked up the phone and make that fateful important phone call. >> terrifying to think this could happen, this is why uber encourages people to make sure you match the license plate with the vehicle. you have the driver ask your name so they don't know your name, they can't get you in the car but things like this do happen so for the woman to get out without having harm done to her outside of course the mental implications of this happening, it's huge and the fact that she helped get the suspect arrested and now we know they are a suspect in a kidnapping will help the sheriff's department with that so glad she's safe but you got to check to make sure you get in the right car. >> if she thought this was her uber driver, that means she had her cell phone when she got in but clearly something happened because she's not using her cell phone to get help so it showed she really had to have quick thinking. >> maybe she was too scared. >> could be put on this green the note itself because what i am impressed with by this potential victim is some of the presence of mind, a direct action, call 911 and describing the vehicle and also the destination, it's not just hey, i'm in trouble, help me, it really laid bread crumbs for someone to do the right thing to help her. i'm impressed by what she was able to do. >> if law enforcement it to lo look, she put in their going toward kingman, las vegas and that's what they needed, i spent so much time writing along with texas dps and the border in a different situation but i've got videos bailing out and chasing -- you realize quickly when we chased down smugglers, oftentimes it's a tip, we saw a blue honda such and such roads and the tips coming in from people where they give that detail law enforcement needs, time is of the essence. he would have been with this woman and she gets an a+ plus, hopefully more than two drinks after she gets rescued. but this is a real lesson for everyone to listen to the segment and here that should ever you get in a situation you have minimal way to put a note to law enforcement and the most pressing details that make a difference with respect to time. >> to give a few more details of what happened, this one was abducted from a car dealership in the phoenix area and uber driver pretending to be an uber driver was wearing a wig and restrained the victim with zip ties on the way to las vegas and spent the night in lake mead park and the sheriff's department was they found the person, clearly got in the car and pulled over and restrained the woman and allowed her to go to the restroom and she was able to hand the know over. >> something out of a movie. >> human trafficking does happen, you mentioned the border, human trafficking across the border -- not a lot but it happens and she will people should be aware. >> straight ahead on the big weekend show, the man who brought you the fire festival, remember that debacle? is out of prison gearing up for another fire festival. i wonder if those cheese sandwiches might be on the menu. he's speaking out and talked to jesse watters and we will tell you what he said next. ♪ it's because of tiktok that i had to go out and get a website. i'm at a point now where i've outgrown my house. growing up, every time i'd get out of the shower, i would itch. my first experience with goat milk soap, it kinda was like a light bulb moment. tiktok is a fantastic platform for diy. if you'd have told me three years ago that i would own my own business and be expanding into a separate building, i would've told you you'd lost your mind. i need it cool at night. you trying to ice me out of the bed? baby, only on game nights. you know you are retired right? am i? ya! the queen sleep number c2 smart bed is now only $999. plus, 60-month financing on all smart beds. shop now only at sleep number. so much more now? other companies are charging you more and more for less and less. and we hate that! that's why force factor has partnered with walmart to provide amazing supplements at great prices for all americans. force factor products use clinically studied patented ingredients to powerfully improve your health. they're also delicious, easy to use and affordable. that's why force factor is now the number one best selling herbs and supplements brand at walmart. rush to walmart and unleash your potential with force factor. ♪ ♪ >> a gorgeous evening in nashville, here in new york, welcome back to the big weekend show. one of the biggest fails in music festival history, attendees of the 2017 event that with rain and fake cheese sandwiches from the big time performers, they were promised it turns out, all a big con. >> all these models in the bahamas. >> the biggest festival the world has seen. >> would not take no for an answer and kept pulling money and somehow. >> desperate people do great things. >> they make it seemed like they are making a ton of money when they were. >> the guy behind the scheme spent four years in prison for defrauding millions from festival investors but he's back with fire festival to end tickets are selling out but specifics are sketchy. >> end of next year i hope they let me come. [laughter] >> you don't have a date? >> end of next year. >> you have a date and people bought tickets? >> fire one is a cultural moment where people left comfort zones and embarked on this adventure, people who impacted their life and that is what i'm trying to build, too. >> where's the party? >> caribbean. >> where? >> a cultural moment. are you kidding me? good for sitting down with him but who's more unbelievable here? the fact that he's back out of jail trying again, the people who would pay and sign up for this. >> i hope he's not sending is wonderful assistant johnny to the fire festival, he's got to have protection or at least wait to get out to evacuate, we have to make sure there's a real helicopter because maybe the economy is not that bad, $500 to go to fire festival to when you know what happened the first time, are you stupid? they get what they deserve. >> johnny may be going. >> we need estate root for him and navy seals to get him out. what a disaster. why would you pay to go to this? >> at least you know what they are getting into. >> they knew last time, to. >> people like to go to nascar races because they like to see racing and also people go to nascar, a horrific crash, these people are hoping for something chaotic to happen. >> before i go to you guys, we have a little more -- listen here. >> nothing is going to take away from the decisions i made five years ago and that's not okay but i'm here to pay people back and make my mark. >> it while but i have professional support this time and they are not letting me -- [laughter] >> you didn't have professional support last time? >> that is one of the problems. >> are you promising things are going to go right this time? >> i'm getting proper help and staying far away from the areas i suck. [laughter] >> does not of problem that is going to work this time. no date, no place, won't promise it will work this time because it didn't work last time and he actually said the first clip is like was a wonderful bonding experience. it's crazy. we are reporting, tickets are sold out, according to him? did he sell any tickets, are the tickets at all? maybe is totally made-up. >> maybe the greatest : artist ever. i will eat a fake cheese sandwich on the beach if i'm surrounded by other supermodels dancing but the experience was like lord of the flies survival. >> he has professional help this time, he had professional help last time to the tune of millions of dollars and it was a disaster. how is this allowed? >> the professional help he got was prison. >> baby he needs more prison because it this is ridiculous. >> $500, would you go? >> absolutely not. i don't like big festival even if i could go for free. i'm too old for that, i want a small concert and small venue where i can get home at night. >> all right, we'll leave it there. big weekend fox our next. ♪ providing for your family is a top priority. but what happens when you need affordable health care? 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sean frshot from tweeting on x2e x. they want to be moderate so let iggy be even if she has a janet jackson progressed she probably could put some thought into her wardrobe event where she is a >> this is news that saudi arabia is like this but she might have wanted to have a little bit mo more. >> maybe not. i think they have this in saudi arabia. a peanut scientist in belgium find paper straws are being forced on us in restaurants and stores everywhere are harmful to people and the environment. may be more dangerous than plastic ones but i've been saying since 2008 team they tried to ban all of the straws pretty posted a photo of it on the cup that has don't tread on me flight on it with a bunch of plastic straws and started curing them everywhere but paper straws bad for your? you cannot recycle them they do not work in your drinks. >> yes exactly they don't work is the most important fact. paper stress the fact they might actually poisonous? another reason. >> it by demonstration latest home appliance target is ceiling fans with new proposed rules that would require them to be more energy-efficient. both could increase costs for manufacturers by $86 million a year. by the way, the savings associate with the ceiling fan would be $39 over the entire lifetime of the fan. >> no air conditioning and no fan. >> guy? >> present by nicks and his vacation his second vacation in as many weeks. i wish i had his vacation schedule frankly. when the processes missing the white house visit of that wnba champions the las vegas aces he sent the vice president said justificatijust vacation after n after vacation. i'm a little bit envious but he is the leader of the free world. texans are going so on the country too. he deserves some time off given the economy, war, everything. doctor cannot measure public and president skipping a championship for a female orthotic team are not getting completely mold for it. >> baby is having more than two drinks for his vacation stint as government wants to end up for you. that doesn't trust you tomorrow state tu kilmeade show it now. ♪. brian: hi everyone welcome to "one nation" i am brian kilmeade big show tonight include why she left espn why she feels better than ever about the trajectory of her career, great courage there. greg hardened may be america's best life ghostly's tom brady think so. at greg gutfeld i don't who booked him i'l all try to make t work. first some serious stuff. it is been a week of major events. the republican presidential debate is there, for the indictment against a former president, famous faces popping up on mugshots

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