Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Jesse 20240704 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Jesse 20240704

antelopes plus, gutfeld gets gordon. -- gets gored. it was the great recession. when our government wasn't bailing out banks they were in vegas partying. the obama administration's general services administration spent almost $1 million for a weekend conference on the strip. government bureaucrats were spending your tax dollars popping champagne. dancing with chain-smoking clowns and enjoying napa valley cab in a bubble bath. have they learned anything? it doesn't look like it. after fire raged through hawaii, 850 americans missing, 115 dead, from what is the deadliest wildfire in over a century, the government is disrespecting us. according to a report and photos obtained by the daily mail, fema, the team that is supposed to be digging through the ashes and delivering aid, has turned the tragedy into a junket. they booked themselves into five-star luxury hawaiian resorts, knocking back drinks, 45 minutes away from the city consumed by an inferno. they are shacking up at the mall way for seasons beachfront. rooms are $1,000 a night. the presidential suite goes for $29,000 a night. hopefully officials are not getting spa treatments like the one at the massage. we hope they are not poolside sipping champagne. the mai tai at the maui for seasons is . spies tell us they may have seen a fema foursome enjoying 18 holes. it is not just the four seasons. agents are also posting up at the fairmont, where rooms range from $1300 to $4500 a night. do you have to stay limber to hold deletion of your cadaver dog? i don't know. they are crashing at another five-star hotel, where hula and snorkel lesson set you back. the healing garden, it is a m must. are these the hotels the official should be staying in, gallivanting around in and drinking in as search and rescue operations are underway with kids still missing? fema has has confirmed they are staying at these hotels. biden is giving fire victims $700 while fema officials sleep at luxury resorts. were these the only hotels available? we understand it is a small island and it is chaotic. "the five" star resorts 45 minutes away were not the only options. fema officials could stay at the days inn for $250 a night. rooms are still available there. days inn is in a bad spot. it doesn't have the aromatherapy sessions. it seems to make sense. if fema wanted to respect the taxpayer, expedia shows plenty of air b&bs for less than $200 a night. when did fema develop this taste for the finer things in life? the administrator is complaining they don't have enough money. >> we are watching the fund closely. our estimates state we may have a depletion of our fund now. we will move some of our recovery projects and delay them until the next fiscal year. >> fema has a $25 billion budget. they are saying female is close to running out of funds? they will have to delay operations if congress doesn't send them billions of dollars? if i were trying to cut costs so i wouldn't have to delay emergency operations, i might not have hundreds of employees staying at luxury hotels. this tragedy was preventable. the government is using it as an excuse to dine out. emergency crews refused to set off the emergency sirens because they thought they would confuse people. the water commissioner would not share the water with the fire company because water equity means indigenous plants get the water, not fighting fires. this cluster of incompetence is coupled with an embarrassing federal response that make freeloaders look . these people may have lost everything but what they haven't lost is their dignity. that is something some of these bureaucrats will never have. how insulting. >> it is horrendous. the president was on vacation and he tells the press no comment after hundreds are dead and missing and he goes on another vacation and proposes a couple billion dollars more to ukraine and goes to hawaii. he goes back to his million dollar house where he is vacationing and we have this with fema. if they need money, may be get some of the billions that they are giving to the ukraine. >> they are getting strong armed into ponying up more cash. what about the optics. when there is something like this going up, you lay low. you don't want to show off while people are suffering and cannot find their kids. you go to the days inn and you call it a night. why can't they do that? >> because they are government. i wasn't shocked to hear they were staying at these five-star hotels. that was the first thing i thought of. i bet they are going to stay at the four seasons. i said it as a joke and they are they are, staying at the four seasons. they have -- they are horrible stewards of the public's money. good on the residence for calling them out. these people have nothing to go to. they don't have shelter. maybe they should invite them to go with them. >> fema has not given us a clear statement about what is going on. maybe i should not expect that. this is what they do. unbelievable. thank you. shame on them. after saying no comment and heading back to the beach, president biden decided to leave his 2nd of august vacation. 70% of august has been spent on vacation. he is doing what presidents always do, hug, cry, listen, and say it is going to be okay. president biden should have been well rested, couldn't even pull it off. things got off to a bad start the minute he hit the ground. >> he is finally here. thanks for nothing. [bleep] [bleep] [bleep] >> jesse: this has nothing to do with politics. these people expected presidential attention and compassion and received a man looking lost, mouth agape. joe biden no longer has the spirit and the energy required to perform even ceremonial duties. the people of hawaii saw this and the whole country sees it now. joe biden looked terrifyingly unwell. we are concerned for his health. no president or man shouldn't serve in this capacity when he is projecting a lackluster vibe. biden told people one time he almost lost his cat. >> i don't want to compare difficulties. we have a little sense of what it is like to lose a home. 15 years ago, i was in washington, it was a sunny sunday and lightning struck at home on a little lake outside of our home. it hit a wire and came up underneath our home, into the heating ducts. i almost lost my wife, my 67 corvette, and my cat. >> jesse: this did not go over well. >> hearing you talk about your house that had a little fire. he almost lost her cat and corvette. there were children incinerated to ash. the only way you can establish commonality with them is to live. how dare you speak this way. you talk to them about their loss and you can't imagine what it is light, that you can't imagine what it is like never to find the bodies of the children who were sent home from schools that died alone. alone. >> jesse: not only is the story disgustingly inappropriate, it is also made up. 20 years ago, he had a small fire in his kitchen. the fire chief said it was under control in 20 minutes. the cranston heights fire company released a statement saying, this could be considered an insignificant fire as it did not lead to multiple alarms and did not need a response throughout the county. this is like telling katrina victims, i know how you feel. my bathtub overflowed and it almost overflowed the persian rug. this is what an insecure narcissistic serial plagiarist does. he makes everything about himself and a clumsy attempt at real human connection. whether it is meeting with gold star families are lying about his son being killed in action or claiming he has everything to everybody. that is what con artists do. in america, we call them shallow politicians. >> used to go to 7:30 mass every morning before i went to the black church. >> i was involved in these civil rights movement. >> pittsburgh is a city of bridges. i watched that bridge collapsed, got there, saw it collapsed. i was raised in the puerto rican community at home politically. >> jesse: at least he didn't toss a hurricane survivor a roll of paper towels. you have an emotional reaction to the biden visit. it was what? >> appalled. last night i was watching prime time, watching you and you broke in with the latest sound of him comparing children incinerated to him almost losing his 67 corvette. i was appalled. joe biden is old. i can forgive him for getting there and stumbling and bumbling and getting the mayor's name wrong in making stupid jokes about whether or not he can play defensive tackle. i can forgive that it would be hard on an octogenarian. old age doesn't forgive you for lies. it doesn't forgive you for being a con man. the story he told about his kitchen fire. he said it was a sunny day. he said he was doing it on "meet the press" and he got home to delaware in time to see the firefighters doing heroic work. beyond being a liar and a con man, the truth is revealed in your age. you are a narcissist. if the only way you can connect with people that lost an entire town, children, families, is b by -- you are not fit for the office of the presidency of the united states. >> this is the moment the country recognize this man is not fit. tell us how we can help, if someone wants to help, how they can make an impact in maui. >> i hope you understand, my authenticity when i say this, i appreciate the opportunity. my friends and family have put together a gofundme because of the generosity of the fox news viewers, it has approached $2 million. you are going to help entire neighborhoods. for what it is worth, you are approaching the amount that the biden administration said verse $700 per household. >> jesse: we hope everything works out down there. covid is back. so are the masks and the shots. and that provides a challenge to keep the entire class engaged. schools came to us with this challenge of how do we find a way to hold students interest in attention to address this. we assembled an experienced team to professionally film video lessons using some of the best cinematic equipment and technology available, acellus breaks the course material into short video lessons that keeps the students attention. students advance through each concept at their own pace and can rewatch videos on demand. acellus gold incorporates 3di, which is a new method of instruction designed specifically for hard to grasp concepts. with 3di, we can take students into the molecular level when needed or slow down mechanical processes, making them much easier to grasp. every student has a natural curiosity and that can spark an excitement for learning. as a teacher, when i see students engaged and excited about learning, it gets me excited as well. here's why you should switch fro to duckduckgo on all your device duckduckgo comes with a built in engine like google, but it's pri and doesn't spy on your searches and duckduckgo lets you browse like chrome, but it blocks cooki and creepy ads that follow you a from google and other companies. and there's no catch. it's free. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you around showing the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. >> jesse: biden declared covid over last year but the media is begging for a comeback tour. >> covert is making a comeback. cases are once again on the rise. >> cases of covid are on the rise. they have gone up four weeks in the room. >> jesse: nbc is deceiving you. covid follows seasonal and regional patterns. every year there are three ways. one is in the spring, the second travels north from mexico and the third travels in all directions from the dakotas in the fall. deaths and hospitalizations are down from last year. more people are hospitalized for falling down that hospitalized for covid. 6,000 more people are in the hospital because they tripped and fell. nbc news isn't telling everybody to buy walkers. the less you know, the easier you are to subjugate. there is a college requiring students to wear a mask. they haven't reported a single case of covid. these are healthy 18-year-olds wearing a mask in class and making out all night. lionsgate is making their employees where and 95's. in los angeles, you have a better chance of catching a bullet. doctors won't leave the limelight. be aware of the highly mutated strain. >> a highly mutated strain has just shown up in michigan. how concerned does the public need to be? >> virologists are concerned. put this in perspective, this variant is as different from all micron as it was from the original strain. this is a highly mutated variant. that is scott, the man is on the board of pfizer. >> there is a booster shot pfizer has talked about. it is still not available. when do we expected and doesn't protect against these variants? >> consumers will know how well it covers the new variant and we will know the strain. >> and madonna has one. >> older americans may need them. that is fine. cbs, owned by viacom, is doing free advertising for pfizer and drumming up false fears. pharmaceutical companies are getting paid and doctors get a cut from the boosters given. this time, the insurance companies foot the bill instead of us. biden is giving pharmaceutical companies over $1 billion so uninsured americans can get free shots. we are beginning to wonder if the mutant variant scare tactic is less about saving lives and more about lining corporate pockets. let's turn it over to rand paul. are you as concerned as scott is about this mutated variant this fall? >> perhaps cbs might want to put a conflict of interest statement, saying he makes a lot more money when we sell vaccines and by the way, i like it when the government mandates they buy my product. this is a tragedy. these people are so conflicted and it is so dishonest to put people like that on the air to promote a product. this defies all logic, science, common sense. that university that wants to mask up, zero cases. worse than that, when covid was more potent in 2020, the death rate for young, healthy people turned out to be close to zero. we know that germany released all of their data and not one young, healthy person died. vaccines do have some risks. to see this coming up again, these people have no shame. we are not going to lay down and take it again. there will be more resistance the next time. we will point out they are making money off of this. they are making money off of us and also generating hysteria. >> we have this tomorrow night and you participated in a bunch of debates. there you are in 2016. does rand paul have advice for these politicians who are going to face off against each other tomorrow night? >> the same sort of strategies come up now. do you attack trump or not? i was in the periphery and my staff said don't attack trenton. the very first question, i attacked trump. if you are sitting on the periphery, you don't get as many questions, as much time, and your only chance is to jump in and go after their front runner. i go against the logic people say. there will be things you have to argue that you could do better and if you can't make that argument, you don't have a chance. go after their front runner. it will be more interesting. >> sage advice. thanks, as always. joe biden opened up 100 holes in the border wall so antelopes could get through. those don't look like antelopes to me. introducing power homeschool the official provider of online line >> jesse: when joe biden took office, he immediately stopped construction on the border wall. the biden administration is auctioning off the border wall for a loss. $212 a pop. the auction site is not allowed to mention they are selling parts of the border wall or they will be fired. if trump wants to finish the wall and is reelected, we are going to have to spend even more. biden is not just selling our border wall, he is opening holes in it. he is claiming he is opening holes for antelopes. the endangered antelope must be able to migrate into mexico. they were airlifted to the border. the new migration patterns must not be disrupted, which is weird because biden says walls don't work. apparently they work on antelopes. officials have welded open 114 gates on the border to let it grow more freely. the cartel seized the opportunity and smuggled thousands of migrants through these openings. more than 42,000 migrants crossed into arizona using the doggy doors. most of them found no problem entering. migrants told reporters we just walked in, it was so easy. we thought there was going to be more security. tom, you are the expert here. does this antelope actually need gaping holes in the border wall? >> they can run 60 miles an hour. they can run around the wall. the tex-mex border, you have the rio grande. in arizona, you have no such landmark. from the reservation to the national forest, it is just landscape. the only thing you have is the wall. the biden administration let it be known they are concerned about these wildfire issues, they sent a team of welders to open 110 gates. it doesn't hold water. >> jesse: you are saying they don't need to get to mexico. they don't have to go to mexico. they can run freely. >> there are only 200 miles of the border wall in place. the analyst is going to take about an hour and a half out of his day to run around it. they are good at it. >> 60 miles per hour at 200 miles of border wall, but i think they can figure it out. the question is, can joe biden? >> the concerning migration is the migrants, the smugglers and cartel members that will flow through the wall. perforating that wall and 114 places is in excess of the needs of the antelope, i promise you. >> maybe give them six holes. unbelievable. >> public safety is the biggest priority of government but we were low on the priorities of the biden administration. >> jesse: thanks for filling us in. we appreciate it. >> have a good one. thanks for having me on. >> jesse: the magic mushroom is on deck. my name is caron and i'm from brooklyn. i work for the city of new york as a police administrator. i oversee approximately 20 people and my memory just has to be sharp. i always hear people say, you know, when you get older, you know, people lose memory. i didn't want to be that person. i decided to give prevagen a try. my memory became much sharper. i remembered more! i've been taking prevagen for four years now. prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription. ♪i'm hearing different ways for me to screen for colon cancer.♪ ♪it's time to use my voice,♪ ♪i've got a choice, more than one answer.♪ ♪i sat down with my doc.♪ we had a talk. ♪knew just what to say.♪ ♪i asked for cologuard and did it my way.♪ cologuard is a one-of-a kind way to screen for colon cancer that's effective and non-invasive. it's for people 45 plus at average risk, not high risk. false positive and negative results may occur. ask your provider for cologuard. ♪i did it my way!♪ >> jesse: cilla simon magic mushrooms gaining acceptance in society, being studied for treatment of ptsd while others use it for religion. >> my most spiritual experiences one where i was ripped out of my body, went through heaven,, everything in between and ended up in a space of pure light. nothing existed but this one consciousness. that is the consciousness i called god. >> not everybody is eating mushrooms. sometimes take -- people take it to reduce anxiety. others take it to be more present and mindful. one mom says microdosing is helping her become a better parent. she has a new perspective on life. she is spreading the magic to other moms, creating a group called moms on mushrooms, and to help with parenting. let's talk to the magic mushroom mom herself. she is the founder of moms on mushrooms. why not a glass of chardonnay? >> we know by now that a glass of chardonnay doesn't help most things, although no dig against chardonnay. to be present, to fix the stuff that is down deep inside, alcohol isn't going to do that. >> jesse: how did shrooms help you fix what is wrong deep down inside? >> the use of microdosing, taking small doses over time intentionally with the practice of being more mindful, more spiritual, it involves prayer and journaling and talking to god. the micro dose helps open up your heart is the best way to describe it. you can get underneath the things that are blocking you, the toxic traits, the bad traits you don't love. it is a great ally to health. >> now your child, how old is she? >> she is 12. >> jesse: she is thriving? >> i never said she was a thriving. i didn't feel like i was the best version of myself. a lot of moms are dealing with anxiety, stress, pressure, that is not sustainable now. it is not about kids not thriving. it is about moms thriving to be better. my mom did not have much -- my daughter did not have much to do with it. >> jesse: you are not going to tell me who sells you the shrooms? >> i will not. >> jesse: i'm sure you have a guy. everybody does. >> who said it was a guy? >> jesse: greg gutfeld at the water cooler, he is next. #1 isn't a status earned overnight. it's earned in every wash, and re-earned every day. tide. america's #1 detergent. let me be direct... you're watching football wrong! what do you call a guy in face paint that can't get the game? ...a clown! sorry, what app was it again? no, no. just give me a second... amateurs. ohhh! sorry everybody. directv sports central gives you access to every game... you never have to compromise on gameday. ...was that necessary? i was just illustrating a point. oh. get in the redzone with sports pack. call 1-800-directv my active psoriatic arthritis can make me feel like i'm losing my rhythm. with skyrizi to treat my skin and joints, i'm getting into my groove. ♪(uplifting music)♪ along with significantly clearer skin... skyrizi helps me move with less joint pain, stiffness, swelling, and fatigue. and is just 4 doses a year, after 2 starter doses. skyrizi attaches to and reduces a source of excess inflammation that can lead to skin and joint symptoms. with skyrizi 90% clearer skin and less joint pain are possible. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine, or plan to. thanks to skyrizi, there's nothing like clearer skin and better movement... and that means everything. ♪nothing is everything♪ now's the time to ask your doctor about skyrizi. learn how abbvie could help you save. >> jesse: look how cool i look right there. greg gutfeld is here looking handsome as ever. >> i do. speak to he is in -- vegan fetterman's fashion. he's complaining he can prepare for his trial without cucumbers and adhd medication. do you feel any sympathy? >> why do you need your attention deficit meds in prison. i don't want to pay attention to anything. this is the first i heard about the diary. he leaked the diary? that's kind of disgusting. >> the guy who stole billions of dollars is a bad guy? >> this is the last straw for me. leaking diary stuff, that's bad. he's a freak. i say execute him. >> jesse: execute him without trial. >> execute him with love. >> jesse: that's your pickup line. the running of the bulls has been a tradition in spain since the early 14th century. that is the 1300s for you, greg. each year someone gets impaled by a horn and violently thrust onto the cobblestones. why? i found out it's a religious ceremony and it happened again. >> yeah. >> jesse: a lot of america wishes that was you. >> if that's a religious ceremony. you've got to admit it's more fun than baptism. >> jesse: baptism by horn. >> the fact is this is one of those cases where somebody is injured and almost nobody feels sympathy. no one cares. don't put yourself in danger. i feel bad for these confused animals. >> jesse: you feel bad for the bull? >> of course. he just wants to live a decent life. he's in a small village. >> jesse: what town is that in spain? >> palermo. i >> jesse: i think that's italy. >> pam walmart. greg has another "new york times" best seller. available where books are sold. this is a good book. i was surprised at how well-written it was. >> i'm surprised you can read. >> jesse: i can't read which is why i went straight to the pictures. what do we have? that is you on your 40th birthday. what happened? >> it was my 40th birthday. to say that i was tripping is to put it mildly. >> jesse: where were you a question mark >> of the -- ibiza. >> jesse: this caught my attention. johnny is there. that's the widest birthday party i've ever seen. >> there is somebody in there that's a member of the misfits but you probably don't know who it is. he doesn't look like he normally does. that's the cast and crew of the "gutfeld!" show. >> jesse: you invited your producers to your birthday party. >> just because you weren't invited doesn't mean it was somehow a tradition. you weren't invited because no one could stand you. no one liked you. you were voted five years in a row at fox the man with the most punctual face. >> jesse: that was at fox? i thought it was the liberal media. >> we started it at fox. >> jesse: you started a rumor that i have plugs. that's not true. look at my hair compared to your hair. look at my hair on my book. it's beautiful. your hair is obviously fake. >> jesse: my hair is about as real as your pecs. >> this was on "the new york times" best seller list. >> jesse: are going to get it back on here tonight. the king of late night, greg gutfeld. >> it's a great labor day gift. >> jesse: it is so thin you can probably read it over labor day. >> that's true. not much labor. >> jesse: it's a labor of love. greg gutfeld, congratulations. >> yeah, whatever. ♪ ♪ >> jesse: congrats to all of her anthony. rich men north of number one on the billboard charts. ♪ ♪ ♪ they want to have total control want to know what you think want to know what you do ♪ ♪ if you don't think you know but i know that you do ♪ >> jesse: listened to that song about 30 times on vacation. it gets better every single time. congratulations. let's do texts. maryland from columbus, ohio. why aren't those posh resorts putting up the people who need a room and a shower. that's a great question. we are going to put it to some of those resorts tomorrow. diane. why does fema stay at a five-star hotel. can't the national guard to set up a tent? that's another good one. frank, new mexico. as recently retired military officer i can say confidently those fema people can and should be sleeping in a tent. bill from countryside illinois. jesse, my wife and i can't afford a vacation. where can we get an application to work for fema? it's another junket. every single time. carolyn from nevada. what happened to the giant government ships we used it to help people during covid. that's right. we could just park those things right off the coast. easier access as well. helen from oregon. i'm actually on my way to hawaii for 16 nights to volunteer. i booked a place yesterday for $100 a night. thank you. tina. georgia. jesse, i'm a liberal but if the four seasons didn't have empty rooms, fema wouldn't be staying there. gloria from las vegas. jesse, it's taro, not pharaoh. love the show. so it's like a tarot card? you eat that? i don't know anything about those types of crops. mary from palm beach, florida. you know, will cain took apart that line pretty well. happened at night. happened on sundays. trisha. mom is on mushrooms on president is on vacation. no wonder we can't get anything done. that's all for us. i am waters, this is my world. ♪ ♪ >> sean: welcome to "hannity" and thank you for being with us. coming up, all bombshell new twist in the joe biden bribery and money laundering i allegations scandal. john solomon will join us with a full investigative report. also outrages growing surrounding joe biden's plan a handout plea deals to the al qaeda five. the people responsible for 9/11, ks have included. we

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News , 6000 , Walkers , They Haven T , College , Subjugate , Lionsgate , Case , Night , , 95 , Doctors , Chance , Limelight , Bullet , Los Angeles , Strain , Need , Public , Michigan , Virologists , Variant , Perspective , Micron , Scott , Pfizer , Booster , Board , Variants , Madonna , Consumers , Older Americans , Cbs , Pharmaceutical Companies , Boosters , Insurance Companies , Cut , Advertising , Fears , Viacom , Bill , Billion , 1 Billion , Mutant Variant Scare Tactic , Saving , Pockets , Rand Paul , Conflict Of Interest , Product , Vaccines , Common Sense , University , Hair , Science , Zero , Young , Death Rate , Data , Germany , 2020 , Person , Risks , Money Off , Resistance , Advice , Hysteria , Bunch , Debates , 2016 , Trump , Strategies , Sort , Mother , Question , Periphery , Questions , Staff , Don T Attack Trenton , Runner , Argument , Sage Advice , 100 , Antelopes , Don T , Provider , Power , Line Jesse , Auctioning , Construction , Parts , Pop , Auction Site , 12 , 212 , Wall , Holes , Border , Migration Patterns , Endangered Antelope , Walls Don T Work , 114 , Migrants , Cartel , Arizona , Openings , Doors , Thousands , 42000 , Most , Reporters , Expert , Problem , Security , Tom , Antelope , 60 , Landmark , Tex Mex Border , Forest , Reservation , Rio Grande , Landscape , Wildfire Issues , Welders , It Doesn T Hold Water , 110 , It , Place , Analyst , Half , Migration , Smugglers , Members , Places , Excess , Needs , Priority , Safety , Priorities , Six , Thanks For Filling Us In , Magic Mushroom , Deck , Caron , My Name , Brooklyn , Memory , Police Administrator , New York , Prevagen , Prescription , Stores , Try , Colon Cancer , Talk , Answer , Voice , Choice , Doc , Risk , Cologuard , Results , Non Invasive , Magic Mushrooms , Cilla Simon , Others , Experiences , Acceptance , Treatment , Society , Ptsd , Religion , Consciousness , Space , Body , God , Heaven , Mushrooms , Anxiety , Mom , Moms , Microdosing , Magic , Parent , Group , Magic Mushroom Mom , Founder , Parenting , Let S Talk , Chardonnay , Glass , Stuff , Dig , Alcohol Isn T , Use , Fix , Doses , Practice , Prayer , Journaling , Traits , Micro Dose , Heart , Child , Ally , Lot , Pressure , Thriving , Version , Stress , Daughter , Guy , Shrooms , Isn T A Status , Water Cooler , 1 , Wash , Re Earned , Detergent , Tide , Game , Paint , Directv Sports Central , Clown , App , Second , Amateurs , Football , Gameday , Sports , Point , Redzone , 1 800 Directv , 800 , Psoriatic Arthritis , Skyrizi , Skin , Joint Pain , Rhythm , Groove , Joints , Music , Swelling , Stiffness , Fatigue , Symptoms , Source , Starter Doses , Inflammation , 90 , 4 , Reactions , Doctor , Infections , Plan , Vaccine , Infection , Ability , Movement , Trial , Fashion , Cucumbers , Vegan Fetterman , Sympathy , First , Medication , Adhd , Prison , Attention Deficit Meds , Diary , Straw , Kind , Leaking Diary Stuff , Disgusting , Tradition , Pickup Line , Love , Freak , Spain , Running Of The Bulls , 14 , Ceremony , Greg , Horn , Cobblestones , Somebody , Fact , Baptism , Fun , Nobody , Baptism By Horn , Bull , Course , Danger , Animals , No One Cares , Village , Palermo , Italy , Pam Walmart , Book , Books , Best Seller , New York Times , Birthday , Pictures , 40 , Where Were You , Question Mark , Birthday Party , Member , Misfits , Johnny , Ibiza , Show , Weren T , Producers , Crew , Cast , Face , Row , Punctual , No One , Rumor , Plugs , Pecs , Labor , Late Night , King , Labor Day Gift , Labor Of Love , Congratulations , Anthony , Men , Billboard Charts , Times , Texts , Song , Aren T , Stay , Shower , Maryland , Columbus , Ohio , Diane , Tent , Military Officer , Frank , Can T The National Guard , Application , Carolyn , Countryside Illinois , Nevada , Access , Coast , Well , Oregon , Helen , 16 , Fema Wouldn T , Tina , Georgia , Taro , Tarot Card , Types , Crops , Las Vegas , Gloria , Line , Palm Beach , Mary , Sundays , Will Cain , Florida , World , Wonder , Trisha , Hannity , Twist , Scandal , Allegations , Money Laundering , Bombshell New , Coming Up , Sean , Joe Biden Bribery , John Solomon , Deals , Ks Have , Al Qaeda , Plan A Handout Plea , We , 9 11 ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Jesse 20240704 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Jesse 20240704

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antelopes plus, gutfeld gets gordon. -- gets gored. it was the great recession. when our government wasn't bailing out banks they were in vegas partying. the obama administration's general services administration spent almost $1 million for a weekend conference on the strip. government bureaucrats were spending your tax dollars popping champagne. dancing with chain-smoking clowns and enjoying napa valley cab in a bubble bath. have they learned anything? it doesn't look like it. after fire raged through hawaii, 850 americans missing, 115 dead, from what is the deadliest wildfire in over a century, the government is disrespecting us. according to a report and photos obtained by the daily mail, fema, the team that is supposed to be digging through the ashes and delivering aid, has turned the tragedy into a junket. they booked themselves into five-star luxury hawaiian resorts, knocking back drinks, 45 minutes away from the city consumed by an inferno. they are shacking up at the mall way for seasons beachfront. rooms are $1,000 a night. the presidential suite goes for $29,000 a night. hopefully officials are not getting spa treatments like the one at the massage. we hope they are not poolside sipping champagne. the mai tai at the maui for seasons is . spies tell us they may have seen a fema foursome enjoying 18 holes. it is not just the four seasons. agents are also posting up at the fairmont, where rooms range from $1300 to $4500 a night. do you have to stay limber to hold deletion of your cadaver dog? i don't know. they are crashing at another five-star hotel, where hula and snorkel lesson set you back. the healing garden, it is a m must. are these the hotels the official should be staying in, gallivanting around in and drinking in as search and rescue operations are underway with kids still missing? fema has has confirmed they are staying at these hotels. biden is giving fire victims $700 while fema officials sleep at luxury resorts. were these the only hotels available? we understand it is a small island and it is chaotic. "the five" star resorts 45 minutes away were not the only options. fema officials could stay at the days inn for $250 a night. rooms are still available there. days inn is in a bad spot. it doesn't have the aromatherapy sessions. it seems to make sense. if fema wanted to respect the taxpayer, expedia shows plenty of air b&bs for less than $200 a night. when did fema develop this taste for the finer things in life? the administrator is complaining they don't have enough money. >> we are watching the fund closely. our estimates state we may have a depletion of our fund now. we will move some of our recovery projects and delay them until the next fiscal year. >> fema has a $25 billion budget. they are saying female is close to running out of funds? they will have to delay operations if congress doesn't send them billions of dollars? if i were trying to cut costs so i wouldn't have to delay emergency operations, i might not have hundreds of employees staying at luxury hotels. this tragedy was preventable. the government is using it as an excuse to dine out. emergency crews refused to set off the emergency sirens because they thought they would confuse people. the water commissioner would not share the water with the fire company because water equity means indigenous plants get the water, not fighting fires. this cluster of incompetence is coupled with an embarrassing federal response that make freeloaders look . these people may have lost everything but what they haven't lost is their dignity. that is something some of these bureaucrats will never have. how insulting. >> it is horrendous. the president was on vacation and he tells the press no comment after hundreds are dead and missing and he goes on another vacation and proposes a couple billion dollars more to ukraine and goes to hawaii. he goes back to his million dollar house where he is vacationing and we have this with fema. if they need money, may be get some of the billions that they are giving to the ukraine. >> they are getting strong armed into ponying up more cash. what about the optics. when there is something like this going up, you lay low. you don't want to show off while people are suffering and cannot find their kids. you go to the days inn and you call it a night. why can't they do that? >> because they are government. i wasn't shocked to hear they were staying at these five-star hotels. that was the first thing i thought of. i bet they are going to stay at the four seasons. i said it as a joke and they are they are, staying at the four seasons. they have -- they are horrible stewards of the public's money. good on the residence for calling them out. these people have nothing to go to. they don't have shelter. maybe they should invite them to go with them. >> fema has not given us a clear statement about what is going on. maybe i should not expect that. this is what they do. unbelievable. thank you. shame on them. after saying no comment and heading back to the beach, president biden decided to leave his 2nd of august vacation. 70% of august has been spent on vacation. he is doing what presidents always do, hug, cry, listen, and say it is going to be okay. president biden should have been well rested, couldn't even pull it off. things got off to a bad start the minute he hit the ground. >> he is finally here. thanks for nothing. [bleep] [bleep] [bleep] >> jesse: this has nothing to do with politics. these people expected presidential attention and compassion and received a man looking lost, mouth agape. joe biden no longer has the spirit and the energy required to perform even ceremonial duties. the people of hawaii saw this and the whole country sees it now. joe biden looked terrifyingly unwell. we are concerned for his health. no president or man shouldn't serve in this capacity when he is projecting a lackluster vibe. biden told people one time he almost lost his cat. >> i don't want to compare difficulties. we have a little sense of what it is like to lose a home. 15 years ago, i was in washington, it was a sunny sunday and lightning struck at home on a little lake outside of our home. it hit a wire and came up underneath our home, into the heating ducts. i almost lost my wife, my 67 corvette, and my cat. >> jesse: this did not go over well. >> hearing you talk about your house that had a little fire. he almost lost her cat and corvette. there were children incinerated to ash. the only way you can establish commonality with them is to live. how dare you speak this way. you talk to them about their loss and you can't imagine what it is light, that you can't imagine what it is like never to find the bodies of the children who were sent home from schools that died alone. alone. >> jesse: not only is the story disgustingly inappropriate, it is also made up. 20 years ago, he had a small fire in his kitchen. the fire chief said it was under control in 20 minutes. the cranston heights fire company released a statement saying, this could be considered an insignificant fire as it did not lead to multiple alarms and did not need a response throughout the county. this is like telling katrina victims, i know how you feel. my bathtub overflowed and it almost overflowed the persian rug. this is what an insecure narcissistic serial plagiarist does. he makes everything about himself and a clumsy attempt at real human connection. whether it is meeting with gold star families are lying about his son being killed in action or claiming he has everything to everybody. that is what con artists do. in america, we call them shallow politicians. >> used to go to 7:30 mass every morning before i went to the black church. >> i was involved in these civil rights movement. >> pittsburgh is a city of bridges. i watched that bridge collapsed, got there, saw it collapsed. i was raised in the puerto rican community at home politically. >> jesse: at least he didn't toss a hurricane survivor a roll of paper towels. you have an emotional reaction to the biden visit. it was what? >> appalled. last night i was watching prime time, watching you and you broke in with the latest sound of him comparing children incinerated to him almost losing his 67 corvette. i was appalled. joe biden is old. i can forgive him for getting there and stumbling and bumbling and getting the mayor's name wrong in making stupid jokes about whether or not he can play defensive tackle. i can forgive that it would be hard on an octogenarian. old age doesn't forgive you for lies. it doesn't forgive you for being a con man. the story he told about his kitchen fire. he said it was a sunny day. he said he was doing it on "meet the press" and he got home to delaware in time to see the firefighters doing heroic work. beyond being a liar and a con man, the truth is revealed in your age. you are a narcissist. if the only way you can connect with people that lost an entire town, children, families, is b by -- you are not fit for the office of the presidency of the united states. >> this is the moment the country recognize this man is not fit. tell us how we can help, if someone wants to help, how they can make an impact in maui. >> i hope you understand, my authenticity when i say this, i appreciate the opportunity. my friends and family have put together a gofundme because of the generosity of the fox news viewers, it has approached $2 million. you are going to help entire neighborhoods. for what it is worth, you are approaching the amount that the biden administration said verse $700 per household. >> jesse: we hope everything works out down there. covid is back. so are the masks and the shots. and that provides a challenge to keep the entire class engaged. schools came to us with this challenge of how do we find a way to hold students interest in attention to address this. we assembled an experienced team to professionally film video lessons using some of the best cinematic equipment and technology available, acellus breaks the course material into short video lessons that keeps the students attention. students advance through each concept at their own pace and can rewatch videos on demand. acellus gold incorporates 3di, which is a new method of instruction designed specifically for hard to grasp concepts. with 3di, we can take students into the molecular level when needed or slow down mechanical processes, making them much easier to grasp. every student has a natural curiosity and that can spark an excitement for learning. as a teacher, when i see students engaged and excited about learning, it gets me excited as well. here's why you should switch fro to duckduckgo on all your device duckduckgo comes with a built in engine like google, but it's pri and doesn't spy on your searches and duckduckgo lets you browse like chrome, but it blocks cooki and creepy ads that follow you a from google and other companies. and there's no catch. it's free. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you around showing the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. >> jesse: biden declared covid over last year but the media is begging for a comeback tour. >> covert is making a comeback. cases are once again on the rise. >> cases of covid are on the rise. they have gone up four weeks in the room. >> jesse: nbc is deceiving you. covid follows seasonal and regional patterns. every year there are three ways. one is in the spring, the second travels north from mexico and the third travels in all directions from the dakotas in the fall. deaths and hospitalizations are down from last year. more people are hospitalized for falling down that hospitalized for covid. 6,000 more people are in the hospital because they tripped and fell. nbc news isn't telling everybody to buy walkers. the less you know, the easier you are to subjugate. there is a college requiring students to wear a mask. they haven't reported a single case of covid. these are healthy 18-year-olds wearing a mask in class and making out all night. lionsgate is making their employees where and 95's. in los angeles, you have a better chance of catching a bullet. doctors won't leave the limelight. be aware of the highly mutated strain. >> a highly mutated strain has just shown up in michigan. how concerned does the public need to be? >> virologists are concerned. put this in perspective, this variant is as different from all micron as it was from the original strain. this is a highly mutated variant. that is scott, the man is on the board of pfizer. >> there is a booster shot pfizer has talked about. it is still not available. when do we expected and doesn't protect against these variants? >> consumers will know how well it covers the new variant and we will know the strain. >> and madonna has one. >> older americans may need them. that is fine. cbs, owned by viacom, is doing free advertising for pfizer and drumming up false fears. pharmaceutical companies are getting paid and doctors get a cut from the boosters given. this time, the insurance companies foot the bill instead of us. biden is giving pharmaceutical companies over $1 billion so uninsured americans can get free shots. we are beginning to wonder if the mutant variant scare tactic is less about saving lives and more about lining corporate pockets. let's turn it over to rand paul. are you as concerned as scott is about this mutated variant this fall? >> perhaps cbs might want to put a conflict of interest statement, saying he makes a lot more money when we sell vaccines and by the way, i like it when the government mandates they buy my product. this is a tragedy. these people are so conflicted and it is so dishonest to put people like that on the air to promote a product. this defies all logic, science, common sense. that university that wants to mask up, zero cases. worse than that, when covid was more potent in 2020, the death rate for young, healthy people turned out to be close to zero. we know that germany released all of their data and not one young, healthy person died. vaccines do have some risks. to see this coming up again, these people have no shame. we are not going to lay down and take it again. there will be more resistance the next time. we will point out they are making money off of this. they are making money off of us and also generating hysteria. >> we have this tomorrow night and you participated in a bunch of debates. there you are in 2016. does rand paul have advice for these politicians who are going to face off against each other tomorrow night? >> the same sort of strategies come up now. do you attack trump or not? i was in the periphery and my staff said don't attack trenton. the very first question, i attacked trump. if you are sitting on the periphery, you don't get as many questions, as much time, and your only chance is to jump in and go after their front runner. i go against the logic people say. there will be things you have to argue that you could do better and if you can't make that argument, you don't have a chance. go after their front runner. it will be more interesting. >> sage advice. thanks, as always. joe biden opened up 100 holes in the border wall so antelopes could get through. those don't look like antelopes to me. introducing power homeschool the official provider of online line >> jesse: when joe biden took office, he immediately stopped construction on the border wall. the biden administration is auctioning off the border wall for a loss. $212 a pop. the auction site is not allowed to mention they are selling parts of the border wall or they will be fired. if trump wants to finish the wall and is reelected, we are going to have to spend even more. biden is not just selling our border wall, he is opening holes in it. he is claiming he is opening holes for antelopes. the endangered antelope must be able to migrate into mexico. they were airlifted to the border. the new migration patterns must not be disrupted, which is weird because biden says walls don't work. apparently they work on antelopes. officials have welded open 114 gates on the border to let it grow more freely. the cartel seized the opportunity and smuggled thousands of migrants through these openings. more than 42,000 migrants crossed into arizona using the doggy doors. most of them found no problem entering. migrants told reporters we just walked in, it was so easy. we thought there was going to be more security. tom, you are the expert here. does this antelope actually need gaping holes in the border wall? >> they can run 60 miles an hour. they can run around the wall. the tex-mex border, you have the rio grande. in arizona, you have no such landmark. from the reservation to the national forest, it is just landscape. the only thing you have is the wall. the biden administration let it be known they are concerned about these wildfire issues, they sent a team of welders to open 110 gates. it doesn't hold water. >> jesse: you are saying they don't need to get to mexico. they don't have to go to mexico. they can run freely. >> there are only 200 miles of the border wall in place. the analyst is going to take about an hour and a half out of his day to run around it. they are good at it. >> 60 miles per hour at 200 miles of border wall, but i think they can figure it out. the question is, can joe biden? >> the concerning migration is the migrants, the smugglers and cartel members that will flow through the wall. perforating that wall and 114 places is in excess of the needs of the antelope, i promise you. >> maybe give them six holes. unbelievable. >> public safety is the biggest priority of government but we were low on the priorities of the biden administration. >> jesse: thanks for filling us in. we appreciate it. >> have a good one. thanks for having me on. >> jesse: the magic mushroom is on deck. my name is caron and i'm from brooklyn. i work for the city of new york as a police administrator. i oversee approximately 20 people and my memory just has to be sharp. i always hear people say, you know, when you get older, you know, people lose memory. i didn't want to be that person. i decided to give prevagen a try. my memory became much sharper. i remembered more! i've been taking prevagen for four years now. prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription. ♪i'm hearing different ways for me to screen for colon cancer.♪ ♪it's time to use my voice,♪ ♪i've got a choice, more than one answer.♪ ♪i sat down with my doc.♪ we had a talk. ♪knew just what to say.♪ ♪i asked for cologuard and did it my way.♪ cologuard is a one-of-a kind way to screen for colon cancer that's effective and non-invasive. it's for people 45 plus at average risk, not high risk. false positive and negative results may occur. ask your provider for cologuard. ♪i did it my way!♪ >> jesse: cilla simon magic mushrooms gaining acceptance in society, being studied for treatment of ptsd while others use it for religion. >> my most spiritual experiences one where i was ripped out of my body, went through heaven,, everything in between and ended up in a space of pure light. nothing existed but this one consciousness. that is the consciousness i called god. >> not everybody is eating mushrooms. sometimes take -- people take it to reduce anxiety. others take it to be more present and mindful. one mom says microdosing is helping her become a better parent. she has a new perspective on life. she is spreading the magic to other moms, creating a group called moms on mushrooms, and to help with parenting. let's talk to the magic mushroom mom herself. she is the founder of moms on mushrooms. why not a glass of chardonnay? >> we know by now that a glass of chardonnay doesn't help most things, although no dig against chardonnay. to be present, to fix the stuff that is down deep inside, alcohol isn't going to do that. >> jesse: how did shrooms help you fix what is wrong deep down inside? >> the use of microdosing, taking small doses over time intentionally with the practice of being more mindful, more spiritual, it involves prayer and journaling and talking to god. the micro dose helps open up your heart is the best way to describe it. you can get underneath the things that are blocking you, the toxic traits, the bad traits you don't love. it is a great ally to health. >> now your child, how old is she? >> she is 12. >> jesse: she is thriving? >> i never said she was a thriving. i didn't feel like i was the best version of myself. a lot of moms are dealing with anxiety, stress, pressure, that is not sustainable now. it is not about kids not thriving. it is about moms thriving to be better. my mom did not have much -- my daughter did not have much to do with it. >> jesse: you are not going to tell me who sells you the shrooms? >> i will not. >> jesse: i'm sure you have a guy. everybody does. >> who said it was a guy? >> jesse: greg gutfeld at the water cooler, he is next. #1 isn't a status earned overnight. it's earned in every wash, and re-earned every day. tide. america's #1 detergent. let me be direct... you're watching football wrong! what do you call a guy in face paint that can't get the game? ...a clown! sorry, what app was it again? no, no. just give me a second... amateurs. ohhh! sorry everybody. directv sports central gives you access to every game... you never have to compromise on gameday. ...was that necessary? i was just illustrating a point. oh. get in the redzone with sports pack. call 1-800-directv my active psoriatic arthritis can make me feel like i'm losing my rhythm. with skyrizi to treat my skin and joints, i'm getting into my groove. ♪(uplifting music)♪ along with significantly clearer skin... skyrizi helps me move with less joint pain, stiffness, swelling, and fatigue. and is just 4 doses a year, after 2 starter doses. skyrizi attaches to and reduces a source of excess inflammation that can lead to skin and joint symptoms. with skyrizi 90% clearer skin and less joint pain are possible. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine, or plan to. thanks to skyrizi, there's nothing like clearer skin and better movement... and that means everything. ♪nothing is everything♪ now's the time to ask your doctor about skyrizi. learn how abbvie could help you save. >> jesse: look how cool i look right there. greg gutfeld is here looking handsome as ever. >> i do. speak to he is in -- vegan fetterman's fashion. he's complaining he can prepare for his trial without cucumbers and adhd medication. do you feel any sympathy? >> why do you need your attention deficit meds in prison. i don't want to pay attention to anything. this is the first i heard about the diary. he leaked the diary? that's kind of disgusting. >> the guy who stole billions of dollars is a bad guy? >> this is the last straw for me. leaking diary stuff, that's bad. he's a freak. i say execute him. >> jesse: execute him without trial. >> execute him with love. >> jesse: that's your pickup line. the running of the bulls has been a tradition in spain since the early 14th century. that is the 1300s for you, greg. each year someone gets impaled by a horn and violently thrust onto the cobblestones. why? i found out it's a religious ceremony and it happened again. >> yeah. >> jesse: a lot of america wishes that was you. >> if that's a religious ceremony. you've got to admit it's more fun than baptism. >> jesse: baptism by horn. >> the fact is this is one of those cases where somebody is injured and almost nobody feels sympathy. no one cares. don't put yourself in danger. i feel bad for these confused animals. >> jesse: you feel bad for the bull? >> of course. he just wants to live a decent life. he's in a small village. >> jesse: what town is that in spain? >> palermo. i >> jesse: i think that's italy. >> pam walmart. greg has another "new york times" best seller. available where books are sold. this is a good book. i was surprised at how well-written it was. >> i'm surprised you can read. >> jesse: i can't read which is why i went straight to the pictures. what do we have? that is you on your 40th birthday. what happened? >> it was my 40th birthday. to say that i was tripping is to put it mildly. >> jesse: where were you a question mark >> of the -- ibiza. >> jesse: this caught my attention. johnny is there. that's the widest birthday party i've ever seen. >> there is somebody in there that's a member of the misfits but you probably don't know who it is. he doesn't look like he normally does. that's the cast and crew of the "gutfeld!" show. >> jesse: you invited your producers to your birthday party. >> just because you weren't invited doesn't mean it was somehow a tradition. you weren't invited because no one could stand you. no one liked you. you were voted five years in a row at fox the man with the most punctual face. >> jesse: that was at fox? i thought it was the liberal media. >> we started it at fox. >> jesse: you started a rumor that i have plugs. that's not true. look at my hair compared to your hair. look at my hair on my book. it's beautiful. your hair is obviously fake. >> jesse: my hair is about as real as your pecs. >> this was on "the new york times" best seller list. >> jesse: are going to get it back on here tonight. the king of late night, greg gutfeld. >> it's a great labor day gift. >> jesse: it is so thin you can probably read it over labor day. >> that's true. not much labor. >> jesse: it's a labor of love. greg gutfeld, congratulations. >> yeah, whatever. ♪ ♪ >> jesse: congrats to all of her anthony. rich men north of number one on the billboard charts. ♪ ♪ ♪ they want to have total control want to know what you think want to know what you do ♪ ♪ if you don't think you know but i know that you do ♪ >> jesse: listened to that song about 30 times on vacation. it gets better every single time. congratulations. let's do texts. maryland from columbus, ohio. why aren't those posh resorts putting up the people who need a room and a shower. that's a great question. we are going to put it to some of those resorts tomorrow. diane. why does fema stay at a five-star hotel. can't the national guard to set up a tent? that's another good one. frank, new mexico. as recently retired military officer i can say confidently those fema people can and should be sleeping in a tent. bill from countryside illinois. jesse, my wife and i can't afford a vacation. where can we get an application to work for fema? it's another junket. every single time. carolyn from nevada. what happened to the giant government ships we used it to help people during covid. that's right. we could just park those things right off the coast. easier access as well. helen from oregon. i'm actually on my way to hawaii for 16 nights to volunteer. i booked a place yesterday for $100 a night. thank you. tina. georgia. jesse, i'm a liberal but if the four seasons didn't have empty rooms, fema wouldn't be staying there. gloria from las vegas. jesse, it's taro, not pharaoh. love the show. so it's like a tarot card? you eat that? i don't know anything about those types of crops. mary from palm beach, florida. you know, will cain took apart that line pretty well. happened at night. happened on sundays. trisha. mom is on mushrooms on president is on vacation. no wonder we can't get anything done. that's all for us. i am waters, this is my world. ♪ ♪ >> sean: welcome to "hannity" and thank you for being with us. coming up, all bombshell new twist in the joe biden bribery and money laundering i allegations scandal. john solomon will join us with a full investigative report. also outrages growing surrounding joe biden's plan a handout plea deals to the al qaeda five. the people responsible for 9/11, ks have included. we

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Jesse , Us , Both , Dvrs , Seasons , Children , Hawaii , Hundreds , Fema Staying , Four , Joe Biden , Mask , Covid , Comeback , Border Wall , Booster Shots , Vaxxed , Greg Gutfeld , Antelopes Plus , Gordon , Government , Recession , Banks , Wasn , Bailing , Obama Administration , Vegas Partying , Champagne , Weekend Conference , Government Bureaucrats , Tax , General Services Administration , The Strip , 1 Million , Million , Anything , It Doesn T , Clowns , Dancing , Cab , Bubble Bath , Napa Valley , Fire , Wildfire , Dead , 850 , 115 , Fema , Daily Mail , Tragedy , Report , Junket , Aid , Photos , Digging Through The Ashes , Resorts , City , Back Drinks , 45 , Five , Rooms , Suite , Inferno , Seasons Beachfront , Mall Way , Shacking Up , 29000 , 000 , 9000 , 1000 , Officials , Spa Treatments , Massage , Mai Tai , Maui , One , Spies , Foursome , 18 , Fairmont , Agents , 300 , 500 , 4500 , 1300 , Deletion , I Don T Know , Cadaver Dog , Limber , Hotel , Hotels , Official , Lesson , Snorkel , Gallivanting , Healing Garden , Hula , Kids , Operations , Drinking , Search And Rescue , Island , Victims , Luxury Resorts , 700 , 00 , Days Inn , Options , The Five , 50 , 250 , Sense , Spot , Aromatherapy Sessions , Things , Life , Administrator , Expedia , Taxpayer , Taste , Air B Bs , 200 , Money , Fund , Estimates , Depletion , Female , Funds , Recovery Projects , Budget , 5 Billion , 25 Billion , Billions , Employees , Emergency Operations , Costs , Congress , People , Emergency Sirens , Excuse , Emergency Crews , Water , Water Commissioner , Company , Water Equity , Fires , Plants , Incompetence , Cluster , Everything , Response , Something , Haven T , Dignity , Freeloaders , Bureaucrats , President , Vacation , Comment , Press , Dollar House , Ukraine , Optics , Cash , Suffering , Thing , Joke , Residence , Stewards , The Public , Nothing , They Don T Have Shelter , Shame , Statement , Unbelievable , Beach , 2 , 2nd Of August , 70 , Couldn T , Listen , Presidents , Doing , Hug , Cry , Start , Ground , Thanks , Bleep , Politics , Man , Attention , Compassion , Lost , Mouth Agape , Country , Energy , Spirit , Duties , Health , Shouldn T , Lackluster Vibe , Capacity , Cat , Home , Lightning , Difficulties , Washington , 15 , Wife , Lake , It Hit A Wire , Heating Ducts , 67 , Corvette , Hearing , Way , House , Commonality , Ash , Schools , Light , Loss , Bodies , Story , Kitchen , 20 , Cranston Heights Fire Company , Statement Saying , Fire Chief , Bathtub , County , Alarms , Katrina Victims , Plagiarist , Serial , Persian Rug , Families , Attempt , Meeting , Son , Gold Star , Human Connection , Killed In Action , Politicians , Everybody , Artists , 30 , 7 , Bridge , City Of Bridges , Pittsburgh , Civil Rights Movement , Black Church , Least , Hurricane Survivor A Roll , Puerto Rican Community At Home , Paper Towels , Prime Time , Last Night , Reaction , Biden Visit , Appalled , Sound , Jokes , Name , Bumbling , Wrong , Mayor , Tackle , Kitchen Fire , Con Man , Octogenarian , Lies , Firefighters , Work , Meet The Press , Town , Age , Liar , Narcissist , The Truth , Office , Presidency , Someone , Help , Impact , Opportunity , Generosity , Fox News , Family , Authenticity , Viewers , Friends , Gofundme , Administration , Verse , Neighborhoods , Amount , 2 Million , Shots , Household , Masks , Students , Class , Challenge , Video Lessons , Some , Equipment , Course Material , Technology , Acellus , 3di , On Demand , Concept , Grasp Concepts , Acellus Gold , Method , Pace , Instruction , Level , 3 , Learning , Student , Grasp , Processes , Excitement , Curiosity , Teacher , Companies , Duckduckgo , Ads , Device , Searches , Engine , Fro , Spy , Built , Google , Chrome , Pri , Privacy , Devices , Catch , Millions , Media , Comeback Tour , Biden Declared Covid , Cases , Rise , Covert , Room , Ways , Patterns , Nbc , Three , New Mexico , Travels , Directions , Hospitalizations , Deaths , Spring , The Dakotas , Isn T , Hospital , Nbc News , 6000 , Walkers , They Haven T , College , Subjugate , Lionsgate , Case , Night , , 95 , Doctors , Chance , Limelight , Bullet , Los Angeles , Strain , Need , Public , Michigan , Virologists , Variant , Perspective , Micron , Scott , Pfizer , Booster , Board , Variants , Madonna , Consumers , Older Americans , Cbs , Pharmaceutical Companies , Boosters , Insurance Companies , Cut , Advertising , Fears , Viacom , Bill , Billion , 1 Billion , Mutant Variant Scare Tactic , Saving , Pockets , Rand Paul , Conflict Of Interest , Product , Vaccines , Common Sense , University , Hair , Science , Zero , Young , Death Rate , Data , Germany , 2020 , Person , Risks , Money Off , Resistance , Advice , Hysteria , Bunch , Debates , 2016 , Trump , Strategies , Sort , Mother , Question , Periphery , Questions , Staff , Don T Attack Trenton , Runner , Argument , Sage Advice , 100 , Antelopes , Don T , Provider , Power , Line Jesse , Auctioning , Construction , Parts , Pop , Auction Site , 12 , 212 , Wall , Holes , Border , Migration Patterns , Endangered Antelope , Walls Don T Work , 114 , Migrants , Cartel , Arizona , Openings , Doors , Thousands , 42000 , Most , Reporters , Expert , Problem , Security , Tom , Antelope , 60 , Landmark , Tex Mex Border , Forest , Reservation , Rio Grande , Landscape , Wildfire Issues , Welders , It Doesn T Hold Water , 110 , It , Place , Analyst , Half , Migration , Smugglers , Members , Places , Excess , Needs , Priority , Safety , Priorities , Six , Thanks For Filling Us In , Magic Mushroom , Deck , Caron , My Name , Brooklyn , Memory , Police Administrator , New York , Prevagen , Prescription , Stores , Try , Colon Cancer , Talk , Answer , Voice , Choice , Doc , Risk , Cologuard , Results , Non Invasive , Magic Mushrooms , Cilla Simon , Others , Experiences , Acceptance , Treatment , Society , Ptsd , Religion , Consciousness , Space , Body , God , Heaven , Mushrooms , Anxiety , Mom , Moms , Microdosing , Magic , Parent , Group , Magic Mushroom Mom , Founder , Parenting , Let S Talk , Chardonnay , Glass , Stuff , Dig , Alcohol Isn T , Use , Fix , Doses , Practice , Prayer , Journaling , Traits , Micro Dose , Heart , Child , Ally , Lot , Pressure , Thriving , Version , Stress , Daughter , Guy , Shrooms , Isn T A Status , Water Cooler , 1 , Wash , Re Earned , Detergent , Tide , Game , Paint , Directv Sports Central , Clown , App , Second , Amateurs , Football , Gameday , Sports , Point , Redzone , 1 800 Directv , 800 , Psoriatic Arthritis , Skyrizi , Skin , Joint Pain , Rhythm , Groove , Joints , Music , Swelling , Stiffness , Fatigue , Symptoms , Source , Starter Doses , Inflammation , 90 , 4 , Reactions , Doctor , Infections , Plan , Vaccine , Infection , Ability , Movement , Trial , Fashion , Cucumbers , Vegan Fetterman , Sympathy , First , Medication , Adhd , Prison , Attention Deficit Meds , Diary , Straw , Kind , Leaking Diary Stuff , Disgusting , Tradition , Pickup Line , Love , Freak , Spain , Running Of The Bulls , 14 , Ceremony , Greg , Horn , Cobblestones , Somebody , Fact , Baptism , Fun , Nobody , Baptism By Horn , Bull , Course , Danger , Animals , No One Cares , Village , Palermo , Italy , Pam Walmart , Book , Books , Best Seller , New York Times , Birthday , Pictures , 40 , Where Were You , Question Mark , Birthday Party , Member , Misfits , Johnny , Ibiza , Show , Weren T , Producers , Crew , Cast , Face , Row , Punctual , No One , Rumor , Plugs , Pecs , Labor , Late Night , King , Labor Day Gift , Labor Of Love , Congratulations , Anthony , Men , Billboard Charts , Times , Texts , Song , Aren T , Stay , Shower , Maryland , Columbus , Ohio , Diane , Tent , Military Officer , Frank , Can T The National Guard , Application , Carolyn , Countryside Illinois , Nevada , Access , Coast , Well , Oregon , Helen , 16 , Fema Wouldn T , Tina , Georgia , Taro , Tarot Card , Types , Crops , Las Vegas , Gloria , Line , Palm Beach , Mary , Sundays , Will Cain , Florida , World , Wonder , Trisha , Hannity , Twist , Scandal , Allegations , Money Laundering , Bombshell New , Coming Up , Sean , Joe Biden Bribery , John Solomon , Deals , Ks Have , Al Qaeda , Plan A Handout Plea , We , 9 11 ,

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