Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Your 20240704 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Your 20240704

sununu on why he's pushing to see this gop field narrowing. welcome, everybody. i'm neil cavuto. happy to have you. let's go to bill melugin with the latest from the badger state as we get ready for the big show down. bill? >> neil, good afternoon to you. as you said, we're now one day away from this republican debate. this campaign is about to shift in to another gear entirely. this field is officially set. let's take a look at it. the rnc confirming earlier today eight candidates will be on the stage tomorrow night. they're showing us the positions that these candidates will be in. you can see governor ron desantis and vivek ramaswamy will take center stage. ramaswamy is next to nikki haley who was attacking him over his foreign policy ideas calling them unsafe for american. notice donald trump won't be there. these candidates are reacting to that news quite differently. take a listen. >> if you think the truth matters, the truth needs to have a truth teller to be out on the stage. if he shows up at the third one, which i suspect he might. he will get pretty damaged in the first two by not being there. >> he's been a u.s. president for 4 years. if he wants to skip the first couple, i have no issue with that. he should be on the debate stage at some point throughout the course of the year. >> last night ron desantis was holding a predebate party in fort walton, beach. his campaign say they expect knives to be out for him tomorrow night. most polls have him in second place behind donald trump. vivek ramaswamy has been moving up in the polls as well. governor desantis says he's focus tomorrow night will be on president biden. take a listen. >> when we get in january of 2025, we will going to reverse bidenomics on day one. we're going to take all of his executive orders, a all of he it's regulations, we're going to grab them and we're going to throw them in the trash can. >> earlier today, chris christ tee actually took a little shot at governor ron desantis on twitter camming him a politician that memorizes lines from his consultants. we'll see if they have an opportunity to hash that out with each other sometime tomorrow night, neil. back to you. >> neil: could be a marco rubio moment. we'll watch closely, bill. thanks. bill melugin. be careful addressing your frontrunners and frontrunners for life. that's not always the case. scott walker knew it for awhile. in 2016, he was the guy to beat and considered an inevitable nominee. that was then. the former governor with us. america's foundation president now. governor, always great to have you. i do remember that there was much follow-through and excitement about your candidacy and given what you had done and surviving recall elections and the like that you were a favorite son and then you weren't. what happened? >> we made the mistake that i'd advise any candidates to do, don't listen to the consultants. they told me to run on my record, stay focused on that. your record, whatever it is, whether it's governor desantis or whatever it is, your record gets you on the stage. then you have to make the stage to the voters about what you're going to do and how it will make their lives better. it's different than the head-to-head debate. you have to stand out, be bold and be believable. >> neil: the problem or the challenge for governor desantis, governor walker, he too has been addressing that record like your own when you were running. but it takes more than that. what specifically will it take? especially on a debate stage. >> martha: . >> he's going to come out with two or three big, bold ideas. the first couple debates, then candidate donald trump started to talk about building the wall. i talked about draining the swamp. these were things that he articulated aggressively with passion. then he burned it in on the campaign trail. so far none of the candidates have done that for desantis or anybody else to break through. they have to have those kind of moments. forget about the script. get out and look into the camera and look at the millions of people tuning in to fox and tell your story and why your candidacy will be better in the years to come. >> neil: you were a target because of your frontrunner status. governor desantis could take that and even vivek ramaswamy. how do you play that as the target? >> i advised for months now, not only governor desantis but any of those focus their time and attention about biden. why they're a better candidate. how they're going to fix the problems. it's a lot harder when people are saying it to your face and attacking you. people, they don't want to hear about your attacks against donald trump. the only person that will change voters' decisions, their opinion about donald trump is donald trump himself. so spend your time telling people about why you're the best candidate to defeat joe biden and why you're going to be just as bold as donald trump was during his four years as president. that's the only thing that will change the gap that we see in the polling today. >> neil: governor, donald trump won't be there tomorrow night. he might skip debates for a while. what do you think about that? what other candidates should do? they seem almost -- not all of them, but a good men are afraid to tick off his supporters. >> there's two parts. it's a mistake. i understand from the d.c. bubble why you try to avoid it. he has a big lead. that's what the folks in washington it would tell someone to do donald trump has never been a d.c. insider. he's the opposite. he's draining the swamp and talks about doing it again. he's been an unconventional candidate. it would have been well for him to come here to milwaukee and continue to come to future debates to take charge, take command as he did in the past. that would put an end for the other candidates. again, i've suggested, maybe vivek, tim scott. he's largely side-stepped any attacks on the former president. instead not only talks about things he would do, but tim scott went on "the view." people have admiration for candidates willing to go to places where others haven't been before. >> neil: governor, we know that donald trump will surrender to authorities in georgia thursday morning. the morning after the debate. some could read into that, he's trying to steal thunder from any potential candidates that make an impression. what do you think of that? >> oh, i think that's part of it. he's a master at controlling the headlines as part of the reason why anybody that will have a shot against him has to be just as bold and just as dynamic. my point to any of them would be go out, make your case, be bold, lay out ideas. if that happens the next day, voters -- whether donald trump is their number 1 pick, this is a family member under attack and they don't want any other people attacking him and attacking the process. >> neil: got it. thanks, governor walker. thanks very much. >> thanks, neil. >> neil: what is at stake tomorrow? franchesca, we talk about the timing of the president surrenders in atlanta. some say it's curious when it's the morning after the big debate when the buzz will be about various candidates, who performed, who rose, who didn't. what do you think of that? >> well, neil, it could cut into any attention that they might get the following day. we have seen that every time he has one of these indictments, there's a lot of media attention and focus paid on that. if you look at the polling, it does show that republican voters feel sympathetic to his position a agreeing with his position on these indictments and it has helped him in many cases. >> neil: so what is your take on how the president's not here tomorrow and now some saying, you know, that has raised what joe biden might do in a general election. would be interested in debating donald trump or use it as an excuse, especially dealing with these suits and court trials. that he doesn't want to honor him by a debate, period. could this be, i guess, a general election where there's no general election presidential debates? >> it's a very real possibility if donald trump is the republican nominee. the rnc has said that they will boycott any debates that are held by the presidential commission on debates, which is the nonpartisan organization that is a nonprofit that traditionally has hosted debates in the general election going back to 1988. they said they'll do debates, but not if that organization is sponsoring them. that came up on a biden campaign call with officials were asked if president biden would debate trump if trump was the nominee. they haven't had any substantial conversations about that yet. it does raise the possibility of whether or not president biden and former president trump would even share a debate stage at that point. >> neil: while i still have you, your thoughts, your expertise, about the effect of polls on the sentiment that builds. donald trump has substantial leads. not only here but in iowa and new hampshire. that feeling that it's inevitable. history will tell you, it's not always inevitable. a sure winner doesn't always materialize that way. further more in iowa, there's numbers that show more than half of the voters there are open to someone else. so they're not locked in. what is your data and research telling you? >> you're referring there to the des moines register poll, a "usa today" network paper that showed that 52% of iowa caucus goers could be persuaded to support another republican if they had been on the ground in iowa, trying to convince voters on one. tomorrow they will have an opportunity on the debate stage without the former president there to each make a case for themselves and their message. >> neil: got it. thanks, franchesca. meantime, present new hampshire governor, chris sununu has been talking about free advice of this candidates that will take it, that will debate tomorrow. know your facts, know your substance but show some charm. a lot of charm. after this. >> it's not just issue and policy based. it's not a tack mode either. they have to show the likability. it's so important in a race like this. remington. he's a member of the family, for sure. we always fed him kibble it just seemed like the thing to do. but he was getting picky, and we started noticing some allergy symptoms. we heard about the farmer's dog and it was a complete transformation. his allergies were going away and he just had amazing energy. it's a no-brainer that remi should have the best nutritious and delicious food possible. i'm investing in my dog's health and happiness. ♪ get started at i'm saving with liberty mutual, mom. they customize your car insurance so you only pay for what you need. you could save $700 dollars just by switching. ooooh, let me put a reminder on my phone. on the top of the pile! oh. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ age is just a number, and mine's unlisted. try boost® high protein with 20 grams of protein for muscle health versus 16 grams in ensure® high protein. boost® high protein. now available in cinnabon® bakery-inspired flavor. learn more at with the price of just about everything going up during inflation, we thought we'd bring our prices down. so to help us, we brought in a reverse auctioneer. which is apparently a thing. mint mobile, unlimited premium wireless. can i get 30, 30 bidder get 30 bidder get 20, 20, 20, bidder get 20, 20, bidder get 15, 15, 15, 15. just 15 bucks a month. sold! mint mobile premium wireless. let's check his tongue for steroids. mint mobile premium wireless. 15, 15, bidder bid 15, bidder bid 15 15 15 and... sold! what brand of coffee do you drink? it's true, though - you won't overpay for glasses if you shop at america's best. they offer two pairs and a free, quality eye exam starting at just $79.95. the exam alone is worth at least 59 bucks. i can see from your expression that you find that shocking. and you're actually speechless. ...aaaaaaaaand, you don't have ears. two pairs and a free exam for just $79.95. book an exam today at it's true, though - you won't overpay for glasses if you shop at america's best. here's why you should switch fro to duckduckgo on all your device duckduckgo comes with a built in engine like google, but it's pri and doesn't spy on your searches and duckduckgo lets you browse like chrome, but it blocks cooki and creepy ads that follow you a from google and other companies. and there's no catch. it's free. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you around showing the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. >> neil: you really love the movie rocky 3. tell me it's not true. >> listen, i won't bust you up, sucker. that's what mr. t said to rocky. here's what we know. of course, the response to that of course was, go for it. so i would just say, let's go. i love rocky 3. >> neil: all right. there we go. i pity that thinks otherwise. >> i pity the fool. >> neil: that was a media trending moment after that interview with tim scott. we got into his reference in movies as a kid growing up and loved rocky 3. don't ask, but do tell. he revealed something in himself. a good sense of humor. if my next guest is right, other candidates can do as well. cry sununu, kind enough to join us. you talk about charm. you try to break out in a funny and revealing humanizing way. senator scott exhibited that. i don't know that they have to do mr. t impressions or that. what do you make of that, the idea that these guys are so issue bound that sometimes they -- they're not themselves. that could be a big draw. >> yeah, there's no doubt about it. governor walker put it best. as a candidate, you can get wrapped up with consultants. you hear voices from a hundred different directions. policy this, use this right word there. at the end of the day, be yourself. be genuine. be authentic. it's this rare thing that everybody wants to see. it's something that works well for donald trump to his credit in 2016. he was who he was. he was unabashedly authentic, whether you thought he was rude or whatever. that was a disrupter to the system. that propelled him through 2016. they don't have to act like donald trump. they have to act like themselves. that's an opportunity. i think all of our hope this isn't like a debate that is the trump show. it's a debate about these new candidates, the future of the party, new ideas, new faces. a lot of these individuals have not had a great opportunity to introduce themselves to the rest of the republican party across the country. it's an awesome opportunity for them to show that the country not where they are on policy but who they are as people and made that connection. >> neil: i go back to ronald reagan in 1984. i'm sure you remember this, governor, this is from 1984. take a look. >> you are the oldest president in history. some say you should retire after your encounter with mondale. i recall president kennedy had to go without sleep for many days during the cuban missile crisis. is there any doubt that you could function? >> not at all. i want to let you know, i will not make age an issue of this campaign. i'm not going to exploit for political purposes my opponent's youth and inexperience. [laughter] >> neil: i think that election ended there, governor. your thoughts. >> that was the winner right there. absolutely was. look, there's really something to that. america and the republican party are looking for a generational change. so whether it's just on youth or new ideas or faces, new energy, whatever it is, you know, with all due respect to the former president, he ain't got his fastball anymore. this is not the a game of former president trump. his rallies are like 90 minutes of going on about his legal battles as opposed to getting people excited about disrupting a system. he was president, went to washington. he didn't disrupt it. it's an opportunity to show humor. i don't know if they have to attack trump aggressively. the less they say the t word the better off they are. they to have to show separation that they're not just on team trump. they have to make sure to show that they're worthy to step on the stage and run the free world. it's a big job. >> neil: you don't want to tick those donald trump voters off, right? not all of them -- chris christie stands out and others are willing to take donald trump on. but you know, it can boomerang on you as well. so how do you handle that? >> humor. you razz them a little. a little charge. vivek has a great opportunity to show this massive age difference and we're coming forward with a new reinvigorated republican party that will help the ticket up and down. so you don't have to go nuclear on the guy. >> neil: you mentioned vivek ramaswamy. he's got another fitness video out. that could be a new cottage industry for him if the presidential thing doesn't work out. he's working out with his wife a day after playing tennis shirtless. what do you think about that? candidates that try to show another side of themselves. >> i think it's okay. you have to be careful that you don't get silly. it's good to be humorous and genuine. don't go so far that you're not yourself anymore. don't go that far that you're not -- i'm in the gym. who has a camera in the gym? you have to be careful. was it john kerry wind surfing or something like that? making a complete ass of himself in the day. >> neil: it wasn't a popular sport. it seemed elite and fed that narrative. >> of course it did. >> neil: let's get your sense of donald trump's strategy not to be here. what do you think of that? he's ahead. he said his record is clear. success as president is clear. doesn't need to do this. what do you think? >> i think he's going to regret it. i do. you can't say i'm going to lead the free world and not be willing to get up and talk to those that will challenge you and also want the job. you can't do that. it's not fair to the system. it's not doing respect to your voters and your base. saying i'm not going to talk to you. i'm not going to be able to show you one-on-one that i'm the one for the job with there new generation of competition. so i i don't don't think it's going to do well. i'm not saying his polls will plummet. my sense is maybe he skips one or two. he won't skip more than that without hitting a poll and hitting in to his ego. let's face it. he's not one to watch people on television tear him apart and sit in the back room. it will get to him and then he will be forced on stage. it's going to look weak like he was forced there. so i don't know how it's going to play out. i don't see it getting any better for him. the one thing that we all acknowledge, former president has a floor. 32, 33% but he also has a ceiling. it's about 47%, 48%. he's ten points lower in the polls compared to the national polls. he will poll at 54%. new hampshire and high what, he's at 44%. where he's being challenged, where new ideas are being sprouted, he's not doing so well. if you're a former president and you can't garner 50% of your own party, you're yesterday's news. >> neil: thanks, governor. great catching up with you. >> thank you. >> neil: governor sununu. meantime, forget hillary. ready for harold? 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>> i'd say the tropical congo line has formed. here's harold, hillary. 30% shot. that's old emily that was around 18 hours. they're forming and dispaiding. the one we're watching, the heavy rain across south texas that is harold. the next in the line is franklin. tropical storm right now. 50 miles per hour winds moving to the northwest at seven miles per hour. looks like haiti and the dominican republic will take the brunt of this. tropical storm warnings for haiti. you can see the path. it goes up, lays over and meander around the atlantic over the next several days. this is sunday. hasn't moved, made much head way. looks like it's going to gain strength. 80 miles per hour winds. it's going to get pushed away from the east coast. what we're worried about, heavy rain, puerto rico, more rain for the dominican republic. they could get 5 to 6 inches of rain, a 30% shot of this turning into anything. it's curbing away from the u.s. the one is a new one forming. this has a shot at changing direction and moving to the northwest, but only a little shot. look at it. we're ramping up. september 10. that's the peak. we still have a good shot of the season left to go. neil, i'll be here for a few afternoons for you covering this stuff. >> neil: thank goodness. we need the perspective and expertise. thanks. bob van dillen. you heard these reports of near misses with airplanes on the runways and in the sky. they have picked up considerly. so much so that the faa is conducting safety meetings at some 90 airports. what is up with that? 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there might be pilots that might ignore an order. but these have picked up steam. what is prompting that? >> there's no one cause. there's multiple causes to this. it really all started at the 2020s. when the pandemic began, it was furloughing of a lot of pilots. a lot of pilots of retirement age started retiring. there was a stressor on the pilot, availability system. the air traffic controllers suffered the same loss of very experienced controllers. there's an air traffic controller shortage. equipment that could be installed on the runways that would prevent or eliminate many of the risks of collisions during take off and landing. there were delays in installing that equipment. the good news is that aircraft have very sophisticated anti-collision systems. very experienced pilots. that's really what has helped prevent a lot of the collisions. unfortunately, there's such a surge in travel after the pandemic. so many more aircraft in the sky. those aircraft are all flying in congested periods. vacation periods, some work time, holidays. that really is stressing the shortage of pilots and air traffic controllers. i believe that is where we're seeing most of these incidents occur. >> neil: we haven't had any serious air crashes in this country in quite some time. you think psychologically some people have gotten cocky about it? can't happen, won't happen? these are abnormalities? nothing to worry about? >> i don't think that's the case at all. i think all of us who are in the flight deck, are extremely concerned about the high congestion periods. it does create stresses. add on that, passenger misbehavior and passenger illegal behavior, that causes stresses in the cockpit and distractions sometimes during critical phases of flight. there's a lot of these factors that are congealing together in very, very busy travel times. and we just need more personnel. more pilots, more experienced pilots. now, the congress has -- the house has just passed a bill, you know, allowing the pilot retirement age to increase to 67. now we're waiting to see what the senate does. that will help alleviate a little bit of the problem. but right now it's going to take a few years to resolve it. >> neil: all right. we'll watch it closely. anthony roman, thanks very much. to anthony's point, a lot of the airlines have just signed contracts with pilots that are very generous to keep them on board. the f.a.a. is looking to increase personnel. we'll keep you posted on that and also keeping you posted on crime at a lot of stores right now and retailers reporting earnings. it's a big part of their cause and hitting their bottom line. something the candidates no doubt will have to respond to tomorrow night. ♪ limu emu & doug ♪ what do we always say, son? 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more of the retailers that have reported the past week have indicated that guidance still looks okay, just not off the charts. used to be, not long ago looking off the charts. what's going on? >> yeah, the consumer is more price conscious, looking for value. t.j. maxx had a blow-out quarter. consumers are being smart about how they're spending their money. but they're still spending. the issues that i'm saying, macy's, they released their earnings. credit card delinquencies have gone up substantially. if you look at capital one, default rates, those are almost double where they were a year ago. that is typically capital one is from my standpoint, represents lower income consumers. american express would represent hiring consumers. american express is seeing the same thing. i feel like the american consumer, the american shopper is doing everything he or she can to continue to spend and probably more on services than goods. at some point you run out of limit on your credit card and it comes time to pay the piper unfortunately. >> neil: watch it closely. mark tepper, thank you. strategic wealth partners. very good read of the markets. mark touched on this idea of the blue state crime wave that we're seeing not exclusive to blue states but here's something that lightly has been exclusive to a good many of them. the exodus of talent to the tune of trillions of dollars after this. ♪ they say seeing is believing, but with stearns & foster® that's only part of the story. we handcraft every stearns & foster® using the finest materials, like indulgent memory foam, and ultra-conforming intellicoils®, for a beautiful mattress, and indescribable comfort... every single night. stearns & foster® ... what comfort should be during our labor day sale, bring home incredible comfort with savings up to $800 on select adjustable mattress sets. learn more at -dad, what's with your toenail? 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>> it's great to see you, neil. we've seen anecdotal ed of companies leaving places like california and new york especially in the financial district. now we have hard data behind it, a new study from bloomberg news. i want to share it with you. zooming out between the beginning of 2020 and march 2023 over 370 investment companies moved their head quarters to a new state. that equals roughly 2.7 trillion in assets going from one state to another. the question is where are they move something the numbers show they're moving from new york and california to the sunbelt states. so the states that were highlighted on the map, they show the biggest movement. other states saw outflow. new york and california saw a net loss of a trillion dollars there assets under management. texas gained a bunch, tennessee and north carolina both saw over $600 billion net gain. florida saw close to a trillion dollars in net gain. the big question because why? the studies show that weather was a big reason. also taxes. right? texas, florida, they don't have state income tax. so it's an attractive draw for industries that can be lucrative. and your house gold further in florida than in new york city or l.a. what that means for the west coast, thousands of high paying jobs have left. that zaps the tax revenue and created troubles with losing the valuable tenants and means that the financial industry footprint is charges. when i graduated, everybody wanted to go to new york and l.a. now you can go to dallas or miami. your money goes further and that's very attractive to young talent, neil. back to you. >> neil: i graduated a little earlier than you, kelly. electricity was the big thing at the time. so it's different strokes for different folks. kelly, thank you for that. kelly o'grady. karl rove here. that's an issue that will probably will come up in tomorrow's debate about high tax states and the republican alternative to move away from that. who would that benefit if indeed it does come up, karl? >> well, obviouslish florida has been a great destination point. but look, it's going to be to the advantage of every republican that talks about the republican agenda of less government, lower taxes, sensible regulation, maximum freedom, support of free markets. you mentioned the investment firms. texas has gained schwab, which moved from san francisco. fisher investments moved from seattle to dallas. it's not just investment firms. think about this. caterpillar is now head quartered in dallas, texas. a lot -- a number of other major manufacturing companies have either expanded their operations in texas or moved their headquarters there. one of the largest apple and google facilities will be located in the center of texas. it's not just investment houses. >> neil: with that wave of people that go to these states, does it change the complexion of the state? in texas, does it get less red and florida a little less >> i am not sure if that is the case. an enormous boom over the last four or five years, republicans have added half a million registered republicans into the rules. when my favorite headlines in 2020 i was in "the new york times." first time in 20 years there are more registered republicans in florida and then there are democrats. first time in history of florida that had effort have been, similarly and texas we see that we are getting a lot of economic refugees. there was a poll done and 2022 that was registered since november of 2020, 36, 38% republicans, 20% democrats, and the rest were independents. in the ballot 22 election. right now, at least the migration we are seeing in texas our people are coming there because they don't want a california texas, they want low taxes, good schools, strong business climate and real opportunity to enjoy prosperity. >> neil: it was to big debate tomorrow night you know donald trump is not going to be there. i don't know what the impact will be when he rises studio location. i know it the next day donald trump will be surrendering to georgia authorities with their latest indictment case, and they might steal some of the thunder with good performance as the night. >> there is something to that. on the other hand, a lot of people will be turning into this debate and seen these candidates for the first time up close and personal. if you do not live in iowa, new hampshire, south carolina, you have not seen a lot of these candidates and your local communities. iowa and new hampshire allow. what is interesting is that donald trump is to perform significantly less well in iowa and new hampshire that he is actually because people are seeing the other candidates. wednesday night will be a chance for these candidates to shine, question is, did it but their emphasis on the thing that will make them shine, that is sharing their values, agenda, diffuse for what ought to be done and their future in this country or waste their time taking cheap shots at each other. >> neil: it real quickly. we noted that the former president leads by a lot and actually an end these new hampshire and iowa polls, having said that, and individual states their margins are not as expensive. in iowa more than half the voters are open and still looking at potentially other candidates. >> well, i think that is a sign that the candidates who are focusing on iowa and new hampshire are getting an opportunity to appear before the voters in a way that they are saying, i like what donald trump has done, but he has a lot of baggage. the question is with those lines as they are moving with trump declining from his nationwide number in these early states and other candidates collectively rising do no cross in time for the january election? we have five months roughly before we get to serious voting and that is plenty of time and politics, we have seen in this point in 2008 rudy giuliani was leading, and a month before at the iowa caucuses newt gingrich was ahead. >> neil: it's things can change and it fast. karl rove is falling to big debate and before now. ♪ ♪ >> hello, i am greg gutfield along with judge jeanine pirro, jesse watters. "the five." president biden a trip to maui is getting blasted as a live debacle laced with bizarre stories about himself and of course that time. democrats and immediate think it was oozing with emphasis. they are interruptin

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Your 20240704

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sununu on why he's pushing to see this gop field narrowing. welcome, everybody. i'm neil cavuto. happy to have you. let's go to bill melugin with the latest from the badger state as we get ready for the big show down. bill? >> neil, good afternoon to you. as you said, we're now one day away from this republican debate. this campaign is about to shift in to another gear entirely. this field is officially set. let's take a look at it. the rnc confirming earlier today eight candidates will be on the stage tomorrow night. they're showing us the positions that these candidates will be in. you can see governor ron desantis and vivek ramaswamy will take center stage. ramaswamy is next to nikki haley who was attacking him over his foreign policy ideas calling them unsafe for american. notice donald trump won't be there. these candidates are reacting to that news quite differently. take a listen. >> if you think the truth matters, the truth needs to have a truth teller to be out on the stage. if he shows up at the third one, which i suspect he might. he will get pretty damaged in the first two by not being there. >> he's been a u.s. president for 4 years. if he wants to skip the first couple, i have no issue with that. he should be on the debate stage at some point throughout the course of the year. >> last night ron desantis was holding a predebate party in fort walton, beach. his campaign say they expect knives to be out for him tomorrow night. most polls have him in second place behind donald trump. vivek ramaswamy has been moving up in the polls as well. governor desantis says he's focus tomorrow night will be on president biden. take a listen. >> when we get in january of 2025, we will going to reverse bidenomics on day one. we're going to take all of his executive orders, a all of he it's regulations, we're going to grab them and we're going to throw them in the trash can. >> earlier today, chris christ tee actually took a little shot at governor ron desantis on twitter camming him a politician that memorizes lines from his consultants. we'll see if they have an opportunity to hash that out with each other sometime tomorrow night, neil. back to you. >> neil: could be a marco rubio moment. we'll watch closely, bill. thanks. bill melugin. be careful addressing your frontrunners and frontrunners for life. that's not always the case. scott walker knew it for awhile. in 2016, he was the guy to beat and considered an inevitable nominee. that was then. the former governor with us. america's foundation president now. governor, always great to have you. i do remember that there was much follow-through and excitement about your candidacy and given what you had done and surviving recall elections and the like that you were a favorite son and then you weren't. what happened? >> we made the mistake that i'd advise any candidates to do, don't listen to the consultants. they told me to run on my record, stay focused on that. your record, whatever it is, whether it's governor desantis or whatever it is, your record gets you on the stage. then you have to make the stage to the voters about what you're going to do and how it will make their lives better. it's different than the head-to-head debate. you have to stand out, be bold and be believable. >> neil: the problem or the challenge for governor desantis, governor walker, he too has been addressing that record like your own when you were running. but it takes more than that. what specifically will it take? especially on a debate stage. >> martha: . >> he's going to come out with two or three big, bold ideas. the first couple debates, then candidate donald trump started to talk about building the wall. i talked about draining the swamp. these were things that he articulated aggressively with passion. then he burned it in on the campaign trail. so far none of the candidates have done that for desantis or anybody else to break through. they have to have those kind of moments. forget about the script. get out and look into the camera and look at the millions of people tuning in to fox and tell your story and why your candidacy will be better in the years to come. >> neil: you were a target because of your frontrunner status. governor desantis could take that and even vivek ramaswamy. how do you play that as the target? >> i advised for months now, not only governor desantis but any of those focus their time and attention about biden. why they're a better candidate. how they're going to fix the problems. it's a lot harder when people are saying it to your face and attacking you. people, they don't want to hear about your attacks against donald trump. the only person that will change voters' decisions, their opinion about donald trump is donald trump himself. so spend your time telling people about why you're the best candidate to defeat joe biden and why you're going to be just as bold as donald trump was during his four years as president. that's the only thing that will change the gap that we see in the polling today. >> neil: governor, donald trump won't be there tomorrow night. he might skip debates for a while. what do you think about that? what other candidates should do? they seem almost -- not all of them, but a good men are afraid to tick off his supporters. >> there's two parts. it's a mistake. i understand from the d.c. bubble why you try to avoid it. he has a big lead. that's what the folks in washington it would tell someone to do donald trump has never been a d.c. insider. he's the opposite. he's draining the swamp and talks about doing it again. he's been an unconventional candidate. it would have been well for him to come here to milwaukee and continue to come to future debates to take charge, take command as he did in the past. that would put an end for the other candidates. again, i've suggested, maybe vivek, tim scott. he's largely side-stepped any attacks on the former president. instead not only talks about things he would do, but tim scott went on "the view." people have admiration for candidates willing to go to places where others haven't been before. >> neil: governor, we know that donald trump will surrender to authorities in georgia thursday morning. the morning after the debate. some could read into that, he's trying to steal thunder from any potential candidates that make an impression. what do you think of that? >> oh, i think that's part of it. he's a master at controlling the headlines as part of the reason why anybody that will have a shot against him has to be just as bold and just as dynamic. my point to any of them would be go out, make your case, be bold, lay out ideas. if that happens the next day, voters -- whether donald trump is their number 1 pick, this is a family member under attack and they don't want any other people attacking him and attacking the process. >> neil: got it. thanks, governor walker. thanks very much. >> thanks, neil. >> neil: what is at stake tomorrow? franchesca, we talk about the timing of the president surrenders in atlanta. some say it's curious when it's the morning after the big debate when the buzz will be about various candidates, who performed, who rose, who didn't. what do you think of that? >> well, neil, it could cut into any attention that they might get the following day. we have seen that every time he has one of these indictments, there's a lot of media attention and focus paid on that. if you look at the polling, it does show that republican voters feel sympathetic to his position a agreeing with his position on these indictments and it has helped him in many cases. >> neil: so what is your take on how the president's not here tomorrow and now some saying, you know, that has raised what joe biden might do in a general election. would be interested in debating donald trump or use it as an excuse, especially dealing with these suits and court trials. that he doesn't want to honor him by a debate, period. could this be, i guess, a general election where there's no general election presidential debates? >> it's a very real possibility if donald trump is the republican nominee. the rnc has said that they will boycott any debates that are held by the presidential commission on debates, which is the nonpartisan organization that is a nonprofit that traditionally has hosted debates in the general election going back to 1988. they said they'll do debates, but not if that organization is sponsoring them. that came up on a biden campaign call with officials were asked if president biden would debate trump if trump was the nominee. they haven't had any substantial conversations about that yet. it does raise the possibility of whether or not president biden and former president trump would even share a debate stage at that point. >> neil: while i still have you, your thoughts, your expertise, about the effect of polls on the sentiment that builds. donald trump has substantial leads. not only here but in iowa and new hampshire. that feeling that it's inevitable. history will tell you, it's not always inevitable. a sure winner doesn't always materialize that way. further more in iowa, there's numbers that show more than half of the voters there are open to someone else. so they're not locked in. what is your data and research telling you? >> you're referring there to the des moines register poll, a "usa today" network paper that showed that 52% of iowa caucus goers could be persuaded to support another republican if they had been on the ground in iowa, trying to convince voters on one. tomorrow they will have an opportunity on the debate stage without the former president there to each make a case for themselves and their message. >> neil: got it. thanks, franchesca. meantime, present new hampshire governor, chris sununu has been talking about free advice of this candidates that will take it, that will debate tomorrow. know your facts, know your substance but show some charm. a lot of charm. after this. >> it's not just issue and policy based. it's not a tack mode either. they have to show the likability. it's so important in a race like this. remington. he's a member of the family, for sure. we always fed him kibble it just seemed like the thing to do. but he was getting picky, and we started noticing some allergy symptoms. we heard about the farmer's dog and it was a complete transformation. his allergies were going away and he just had amazing energy. it's a no-brainer that remi should have the best nutritious and delicious food possible. i'm investing in my dog's health and happiness. ♪ get started at i'm saving with liberty mutual, mom. they customize your car insurance so you only pay for what you need. you could save $700 dollars just by switching. ooooh, let me put a reminder on my phone. on the top of the pile! oh. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ age is just a number, and mine's unlisted. try boost® high protein with 20 grams of protein for muscle health versus 16 grams in ensure® high protein. boost® high protein. now available in cinnabon® bakery-inspired flavor. learn more at with the price of just about everything going up during inflation, we thought we'd bring our prices down. so to help us, we brought in a reverse auctioneer. which is apparently a thing. mint mobile, unlimited premium wireless. can i get 30, 30 bidder get 30 bidder get 20, 20, 20, bidder get 20, 20, bidder get 15, 15, 15, 15. just 15 bucks a month. sold! mint mobile premium wireless. let's check his tongue for steroids. mint mobile premium wireless. 15, 15, bidder bid 15, bidder bid 15 15 15 and... sold! what brand of coffee do you drink? it's true, though - you won't overpay for glasses if you shop at america's best. they offer two pairs and a free, quality eye exam starting at just $79.95. the exam alone is worth at least 59 bucks. i can see from your expression that you find that shocking. and you're actually speechless. ...aaaaaaaaand, you don't have ears. two pairs and a free exam for just $79.95. book an exam today at it's true, though - you won't overpay for glasses if you shop at america's best. here's why you should switch fro to duckduckgo on all your device duckduckgo comes with a built in engine like google, but it's pri and doesn't spy on your searches and duckduckgo lets you browse like chrome, but it blocks cooki and creepy ads that follow you a from google and other companies. and there's no catch. it's free. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you around showing the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. >> neil: you really love the movie rocky 3. tell me it's not true. >> listen, i won't bust you up, sucker. that's what mr. t said to rocky. here's what we know. of course, the response to that of course was, go for it. so i would just say, let's go. i love rocky 3. >> neil: all right. there we go. i pity that thinks otherwise. >> i pity the fool. >> neil: that was a media trending moment after that interview with tim scott. we got into his reference in movies as a kid growing up and loved rocky 3. don't ask, but do tell. he revealed something in himself. a good sense of humor. if my next guest is right, other candidates can do as well. cry sununu, kind enough to join us. you talk about charm. you try to break out in a funny and revealing humanizing way. senator scott exhibited that. i don't know that they have to do mr. t impressions or that. what do you make of that, the idea that these guys are so issue bound that sometimes they -- they're not themselves. that could be a big draw. >> yeah, there's no doubt about it. governor walker put it best. as a candidate, you can get wrapped up with consultants. you hear voices from a hundred different directions. policy this, use this right word there. at the end of the day, be yourself. be genuine. be authentic. it's this rare thing that everybody wants to see. it's something that works well for donald trump to his credit in 2016. he was who he was. he was unabashedly authentic, whether you thought he was rude or whatever. that was a disrupter to the system. that propelled him through 2016. they don't have to act like donald trump. they have to act like themselves. that's an opportunity. i think all of our hope this isn't like a debate that is the trump show. it's a debate about these new candidates, the future of the party, new ideas, new faces. a lot of these individuals have not had a great opportunity to introduce themselves to the rest of the republican party across the country. it's an awesome opportunity for them to show that the country not where they are on policy but who they are as people and made that connection. >> neil: i go back to ronald reagan in 1984. i'm sure you remember this, governor, this is from 1984. take a look. >> you are the oldest president in history. some say you should retire after your encounter with mondale. i recall president kennedy had to go without sleep for many days during the cuban missile crisis. is there any doubt that you could function? >> not at all. i want to let you know, i will not make age an issue of this campaign. i'm not going to exploit for political purposes my opponent's youth and inexperience. [laughter] >> neil: i think that election ended there, governor. your thoughts. >> that was the winner right there. absolutely was. look, there's really something to that. america and the republican party are looking for a generational change. so whether it's just on youth or new ideas or faces, new energy, whatever it is, you know, with all due respect to the former president, he ain't got his fastball anymore. this is not the a game of former president trump. his rallies are like 90 minutes of going on about his legal battles as opposed to getting people excited about disrupting a system. he was president, went to washington. he didn't disrupt it. it's an opportunity to show humor. i don't know if they have to attack trump aggressively. the less they say the t word the better off they are. they to have to show separation that they're not just on team trump. they have to make sure to show that they're worthy to step on the stage and run the free world. it's a big job. >> neil: you don't want to tick those donald trump voters off, right? not all of them -- chris christie stands out and others are willing to take donald trump on. but you know, it can boomerang on you as well. so how do you handle that? >> humor. you razz them a little. a little charge. vivek has a great opportunity to show this massive age difference and we're coming forward with a new reinvigorated republican party that will help the ticket up and down. so you don't have to go nuclear on the guy. >> neil: you mentioned vivek ramaswamy. he's got another fitness video out. that could be a new cottage industry for him if the presidential thing doesn't work out. he's working out with his wife a day after playing tennis shirtless. what do you think about that? candidates that try to show another side of themselves. >> i think it's okay. you have to be careful that you don't get silly. it's good to be humorous and genuine. don't go so far that you're not yourself anymore. don't go that far that you're not -- i'm in the gym. who has a camera in the gym? you have to be careful. was it john kerry wind surfing or something like that? making a complete ass of himself in the day. >> neil: it wasn't a popular sport. it seemed elite and fed that narrative. >> of course it did. >> neil: let's get your sense of donald trump's strategy not to be here. what do you think of that? he's ahead. he said his record is clear. success as president is clear. doesn't need to do this. what do you think? >> i think he's going to regret it. i do. you can't say i'm going to lead the free world and not be willing to get up and talk to those that will challenge you and also want the job. you can't do that. it's not fair to the system. it's not doing respect to your voters and your base. saying i'm not going to talk to you. i'm not going to be able to show you one-on-one that i'm the one for the job with there new generation of competition. so i i don't don't think it's going to do well. i'm not saying his polls will plummet. my sense is maybe he skips one or two. he won't skip more than that without hitting a poll and hitting in to his ego. let's face it. he's not one to watch people on television tear him apart and sit in the back room. it will get to him and then he will be forced on stage. it's going to look weak like he was forced there. so i don't know how it's going to play out. i don't see it getting any better for him. the one thing that we all acknowledge, former president has a floor. 32, 33% but he also has a ceiling. it's about 47%, 48%. he's ten points lower in the polls compared to the national polls. he will poll at 54%. new hampshire and high what, he's at 44%. where he's being challenged, where new ideas are being sprouted, he's not doing so well. if you're a former president and you can't garner 50% of your own party, you're yesterday's news. >> neil: thanks, governor. great catching up with you. >> thank you. >> neil: governor sununu. meantime, forget hillary. ready for harold? 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>> i'd say the tropical congo line has formed. here's harold, hillary. 30% shot. that's old emily that was around 18 hours. they're forming and dispaiding. the one we're watching, the heavy rain across south texas that is harold. the next in the line is franklin. tropical storm right now. 50 miles per hour winds moving to the northwest at seven miles per hour. looks like haiti and the dominican republic will take the brunt of this. tropical storm warnings for haiti. you can see the path. it goes up, lays over and meander around the atlantic over the next several days. this is sunday. hasn't moved, made much head way. looks like it's going to gain strength. 80 miles per hour winds. it's going to get pushed away from the east coast. what we're worried about, heavy rain, puerto rico, more rain for the dominican republic. they could get 5 to 6 inches of rain, a 30% shot of this turning into anything. it's curbing away from the u.s. the one is a new one forming. this has a shot at changing direction and moving to the northwest, but only a little shot. look at it. we're ramping up. september 10. that's the peak. we still have a good shot of the season left to go. neil, i'll be here for a few afternoons for you covering this stuff. >> neil: thank goodness. we need the perspective and expertise. thanks. bob van dillen. you heard these reports of near misses with airplanes on the runways and in the sky. they have picked up considerly. so much so that the faa is conducting safety meetings at some 90 airports. what is up with that? after this. we always had questions. who do we belong to? who are our ancestors? i know we have them. oh my god, here it is. when i found that immigration record on ancestry®, it was amazing. everything was there. the u.s. was in dire need of nurses during world war ii. tía amalia as a nurse in el salvador i feel like a time traveler. alling me. tía amalia as a nurse in el salvador it's a party every time. ♪ >> neil: all right. it's getting scary up there. we're told right now in july alone, there were 36 what they call near miss collisions between planes. its on the rise and not only in the air but on the tarmac. a lot of us are saying what going on here? is it the manpower? not enough? anthony roman joining us right now. thanks for taking the time. what constitutes, if you can help me with this, a near miss? a near miss collision. >> what does that mean? >> well, there's several factors that result in near misses. those are when aircraft come within a close distance to each other that is unsafe. either on the ground or in the take-off and landing phase or in the air. you know, the f.a.a. and the decision makers have been a bit slow in enacting and instancing some of the equipment that is necessary and training up and adding air traffic controllers. it's a bit of a problem right now. >> martha: >> neil: is it the f.a.a.'s fault or not enough personnel? there might be pilots that might ignore an order. but these have picked up steam. what is prompting that? >> there's no one cause. there's multiple causes to this. it really all started at the 2020s. when the pandemic began, it was furloughing of a lot of pilots. a lot of pilots of retirement age started retiring. there was a stressor on the pilot, availability system. the air traffic controllers suffered the same loss of very experienced controllers. there's an air traffic controller shortage. equipment that could be installed on the runways that would prevent or eliminate many of the risks of collisions during take off and landing. there were delays in installing that equipment. the good news is that aircraft have very sophisticated anti-collision systems. very experienced pilots. that's really what has helped prevent a lot of the collisions. unfortunately, there's such a surge in travel after the pandemic. so many more aircraft in the sky. those aircraft are all flying in congested periods. vacation periods, some work time, holidays. that really is stressing the shortage of pilots and air traffic controllers. i believe that is where we're seeing most of these incidents occur. >> neil: we haven't had any serious air crashes in this country in quite some time. you think psychologically some people have gotten cocky about it? can't happen, won't happen? these are abnormalities? nothing to worry about? >> i don't think that's the case at all. i think all of us who are in the flight deck, are extremely concerned about the high congestion periods. it does create stresses. add on that, passenger misbehavior and passenger illegal behavior, that causes stresses in the cockpit and distractions sometimes during critical phases of flight. there's a lot of these factors that are congealing together in very, very busy travel times. and we just need more personnel. more pilots, more experienced pilots. now, the congress has -- the house has just passed a bill, you know, allowing the pilot retirement age to increase to 67. now we're waiting to see what the senate does. that will help alleviate a little bit of the problem. but right now it's going to take a few years to resolve it. >> neil: all right. we'll watch it closely. anthony roman, thanks very much. to anthony's point, a lot of the airlines have just signed contracts with pilots that are very generous to keep them on board. the f.a.a. is looking to increase personnel. we'll keep you posted on that and also keeping you posted on crime at a lot of stores right now and retailers reporting earnings. it's a big part of their cause and hitting their bottom line. something the candidates no doubt will have to respond to tomorrow night. ♪ limu emu & doug ♪ what do we always say, son? liberty mutual customizes your car insurance... so you only pay for what you need. that's my boy. now you get out there, and you make us proud, huh? ♪ bye, uncle limu. ♪ stay off the freeways! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ subway's now slicing their deli meats fresh. that's why the new titan turkey is proferred by this football pro. and proferred by this football pro who actually uses her feet. and if we profer it, we know you'll prefer it too. i use my feet. have you seen me scramble? here's why you should switch fro to duckduckgo on all your device duckduckgo comes with a built in engine like google, but it's pri and doesn't spy on your searches and duckduckgo lets you browse like chrome, but it blocks cooki and creepy ads that follow you a from google and other companies. and there's no catch. it's free. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you around showing the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. >> neil: all right. they say that crime doesn't pay but it cost. ask dick's sporting goods. profits clobbered 26 percent. a lot having to do with theft. they're trying to get it under control. good luck. it's a familiar theme. mark, i notice that a lot of the retailers were under pressure here even though most didn't have problems as severe as dick's sporting goods. it's a problem and costing all of us. >> it's a huge problem. yeah. we've seen it from target, from home depot. now from dick's. this isn't just your run of the mill, you know, stay at home shoplifters that steals two or three items. we're talking about an organized crime ring here. they're going in these places, have trash cans, filling them out and going out and selling them out of the trunk of their car. who wouldn't want to run a business of the no cost of goods sold except the five finger discount. this is not only costing the businesses but costing all of us. all of us law-abiding citizens out there, we have to foot the bill because this is infl inflationary and the stores will jack up the prices on all of us that follow the rules. >> neil: some have taken it to the extreme and leave high crime areas. i'm wondering where you see this going. >> yeah, i mean, look, this is all really -- a product of the inmates running the asylum. when you have people villainizing police officers that are there to protect stop theft from happening, when you have companies firing employees that are actively trying to stop shoplifters, when you have woke prosecutors that won't prosecute, this is what happens. unfortunately you look at some really great blue cities that are just devastated right now. you can see people moving out. you can see the income relocating to texas, arizona, florida. so it's certainly an issue for the people that live there and an issue for these companies. dick's, for example, they have to cut -- i forget how many employees they're cutting. but they have to cut plowees because they're losing so much money to these shoplifters. >> neil: and fewer workers to address the thiefery going on. it's an endless cycle. what do you make of the american shopper these days whether he or she is slowing down, be more selective? more of the retailers that have reported the past week have indicated that guidance still looks okay, just not off the charts. used to be, not long ago looking off the charts. what's going on? >> yeah, the consumer is more price conscious, looking for value. t.j. maxx had a blow-out quarter. consumers are being smart about how they're spending their money. but they're still spending. the issues that i'm saying, macy's, they released their earnings. credit card delinquencies have gone up substantially. if you look at capital one, default rates, those are almost double where they were a year ago. that is typically capital one is from my standpoint, represents lower income consumers. american express would represent hiring consumers. american express is seeing the same thing. i feel like the american consumer, the american shopper is doing everything he or she can to continue to spend and probably more on services than goods. at some point you run out of limit on your credit card and it comes time to pay the piper unfortunately. >> neil: watch it closely. mark tepper, thank you. strategic wealth partners. very good read of the markets. mark touched on this idea of the blue state crime wave that we're seeing not exclusive to blue states but here's something that lightly has been exclusive to a good many of them. the exodus of talent to the tune of trillions of dollars after this. ♪ they say seeing is believing, but with stearns & foster® that's only part of the story. we handcraft every stearns & foster® using the finest materials, like indulgent memory foam, and ultra-conforming intellicoils®, for a beautiful mattress, and indescribable comfort... every single night. stearns & foster® ... what comfort should be during our labor day sale, bring home incredible comfort with savings up to $800 on select adjustable mattress sets. learn more at -dad, what's with your toenail? 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>> it's great to see you, neil. we've seen anecdotal ed of companies leaving places like california and new york especially in the financial district. now we have hard data behind it, a new study from bloomberg news. i want to share it with you. zooming out between the beginning of 2020 and march 2023 over 370 investment companies moved their head quarters to a new state. that equals roughly 2.7 trillion in assets going from one state to another. the question is where are they move something the numbers show they're moving from new york and california to the sunbelt states. so the states that were highlighted on the map, they show the biggest movement. other states saw outflow. new york and california saw a net loss of a trillion dollars there assets under management. texas gained a bunch, tennessee and north carolina both saw over $600 billion net gain. florida saw close to a trillion dollars in net gain. the big question because why? the studies show that weather was a big reason. also taxes. right? texas, florida, they don't have state income tax. so it's an attractive draw for industries that can be lucrative. and your house gold further in florida than in new york city or l.a. what that means for the west coast, thousands of high paying jobs have left. that zaps the tax revenue and created troubles with losing the valuable tenants and means that the financial industry footprint is charges. when i graduated, everybody wanted to go to new york and l.a. now you can go to dallas or miami. your money goes further and that's very attractive to young talent, neil. back to you. >> neil: i graduated a little earlier than you, kelly. electricity was the big thing at the time. so it's different strokes for different folks. kelly, thank you for that. kelly o'grady. karl rove here. that's an issue that will probably will come up in tomorrow's debate about high tax states and the republican alternative to move away from that. who would that benefit if indeed it does come up, karl? >> well, obviouslish florida has been a great destination point. but look, it's going to be to the advantage of every republican that talks about the republican agenda of less government, lower taxes, sensible regulation, maximum freedom, support of free markets. you mentioned the investment firms. texas has gained schwab, which moved from san francisco. fisher investments moved from seattle to dallas. it's not just investment firms. think about this. caterpillar is now head quartered in dallas, texas. a lot -- a number of other major manufacturing companies have either expanded their operations in texas or moved their headquarters there. one of the largest apple and google facilities will be located in the center of texas. it's not just investment houses. >> neil: with that wave of people that go to these states, does it change the complexion of the state? in texas, does it get less red and florida a little less >> i am not sure if that is the case. an enormous boom over the last four or five years, republicans have added half a million registered republicans into the rules. when my favorite headlines in 2020 i was in "the new york times." first time in 20 years there are more registered republicans in florida and then there are democrats. first time in history of florida that had effort have been, similarly and texas we see that we are getting a lot of economic refugees. there was a poll done and 2022 that was registered since november of 2020, 36, 38% republicans, 20% democrats, and the rest were independents. in the ballot 22 election. right now, at least the migration we are seeing in texas our people are coming there because they don't want a california texas, they want low taxes, good schools, strong business climate and real opportunity to enjoy prosperity. >> neil: it was to big debate tomorrow night you know donald trump is not going to be there. i don't know what the impact will be when he rises studio location. i know it the next day donald trump will be surrendering to georgia authorities with their latest indictment case, and they might steal some of the thunder with good performance as the night. >> there is something to that. on the other hand, a lot of people will be turning into this debate and seen these candidates for the first time up close and personal. if you do not live in iowa, new hampshire, south carolina, you have not seen a lot of these candidates and your local communities. iowa and new hampshire allow. what is interesting is that donald trump is to perform significantly less well in iowa and new hampshire that he is actually because people are seeing the other candidates. wednesday night will be a chance for these candidates to shine, question is, did it but their emphasis on the thing that will make them shine, that is sharing their values, agenda, diffuse for what ought to be done and their future in this country or waste their time taking cheap shots at each other. >> neil: it real quickly. we noted that the former president leads by a lot and actually an end these new hampshire and iowa polls, having said that, and individual states their margins are not as expensive. in iowa more than half the voters are open and still looking at potentially other candidates. >> well, i think that is a sign that the candidates who are focusing on iowa and new hampshire are getting an opportunity to appear before the voters in a way that they are saying, i like what donald trump has done, but he has a lot of baggage. the question is with those lines as they are moving with trump declining from his nationwide number in these early states and other candidates collectively rising do no cross in time for the january election? we have five months roughly before we get to serious voting and that is plenty of time and politics, we have seen in this point in 2008 rudy giuliani was leading, and a month before at the iowa caucuses newt gingrich was ahead. >> neil: it's things can change and it fast. karl rove is falling to big debate and before now. ♪ ♪ >> hello, i am greg gutfield along with judge jeanine pirro, jesse watters. "the five." president biden a trip to maui is getting blasted as a live debacle laced with bizarre stories about himself and of course that time. democrats and immediate think it was oozing with emphasis. they are interruptin

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