Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Jesse 20240704 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Jesse 20240704

democrat. but as you know, biden's not looking so goothe leadd these d. democrat insiders are increasingly talking out and speakingso goo out about hi. health, which has been obvious, but now they're talking about it. lking aband now, with house investigators breaking, breathing down joe's neck, , an he's in more trouble. so let's say joe drops out. who jumps in? well, can't be kamala. she fizzled out in the primaries. >> her campaign ran out of cash before super tuesdaspy and all. by the way, she's a terrible vice president. the passag bright e of time, s, has not has had a significant impact on her chances and not a good one. the dnc is not going to let rfk on the ticket. they'd lose big pharma and their foreign wars. there's only one guy waitinge is in the wings, and that's california governor gavin newsom. s calihe's got almost everythin a presidential candidate needs money, looks ate need good hair, t and he's related to pelosi. >> there's just one problem. ga is a governor andcomple the state he governs is a complete mess. being california's governor should be a layup. they have a giant tech sector, film industry, natural resources, international ports, warm weather, tourism. >> i could go on and >> but newsom took the state from a $100 billion surplus to a $25 billion deficit. he scared hundreds of thousands of caliper. phones away, sent him to u-haul with lockdowns, vaccine mandates and, of course, ridiculous taxes. but most significantly, he gaves criminals control of the streets. now, that record might get you elected again in california, but it's not going to play welil on a national level. >> and now gavin seems to havenh some regrets. >> politico reports that newsom poli newn back his old job, acting as the shadow mayor of h' san francisco. >> so you see, he's trying to clean up the city. sos tryingup the that we'll all forget that his liberal policies don't work. >> gavinrk. knows he can'tfornia defend california on the campaign trail either. in thi oe campai s cycle or the next. make america california. it's not going to pass muster. you see this white lexusat driving down the street. it's a nice car, right? when you see the guy running in and out of out of smashing car windows and snatching whatever's in sight. they call that dipping and boosting. it happens in san franciscod dal all the time in broad daylight. a driver slowly rolls down as the street as their passengers jump in and out. >> looting parkefickerd cars. they're not speeding. they're not hiding . they know they're not going to get arrested. and if they do, they'l and if tt out right away. now, sometimes citizens try to stosometimep these thieves, t they're outgunned. >> well who? just another day in the life. this is what gavinthis is campaigning i on right thereo in front of you. frozen food being chained up because store ownersu.ned up t p shoplifters. federal buildings. we reported on this earlier this week telling employees to work from home because it's simplfromy not safe to come to work. shops going out of business because nobody feels safe downtown. how about junkies smoking dope in the middle of the day in front of kids? >> i've got to stop smoking at the kids, man. >> you got the kids right here, man. you said so. out of pocket. ou ht here. >> it's crazy. you got children in a family over here, and they are justen smokin and fg fentanyl in the s. and then when you try to call them on it, they wanreets.t to t crazy. boy, i almost lost my cool right there. >> it's not just san francisco. the entire state. is a danger zone, a sanctuary city for insanity. in los angeles, some creep beat the tar out of an 86-year-old woman on a bus left her for dead on the side of the street. and while blood was pouring out bl her head, someone else walked up and stole her wallet, stolead.e stores are being lootg left and right. >> so a mob of hooded thievesn ran in and grabbed everything they could and sprinted out. astolthey stole over 100 grandh of merchandise from this nordstrohandism and a luxury st yves saint laurent never heard of it. >> sounds fancy. got looted to 300 thousand arree dollars out the door. now, police arrested ivan ramirezan ramir a couple o later. and guess what? he was let outzero bil on zero . >> newsom has to own that.that,n and he says he will. >> difference between me and most politicians is i own this. i take responsibilitn this.y fo. this is personal. me. i love this state and i like what's happening with the encampments. >> everything that's happened, the streets and sidewalks. okay, so talks cheap, though,p r gavin. if you want to clean up your state, take actio n and take on your lunatic base or you'll never survive a national campaign. but first tip. keep watching fox. >> do you occasionally turn on fox news time occasio and see what happens? just to see? not occasionally. o seevery night. my staff is quite literally inteng to have interventions with me about it. they say i'm too obsessed with it, but i need they i'm. and itith me a >> okay, gavin, then we know you're watching, so listen up. how about tear down the drug dens? tear down the homeless encampment? the drug tourism is over. now, tell your cities to get rid of zero bail. you need consequences if you want to stop crime. >> how about get rid of this shoplifting sanctuary chargeiece people who steal. allow the police to do their job. pay them more. and allow citizens to defend themselves if they have to. and maybe lower taxes, too. so your people are not taxed to no end. maybe then you'll have a shot of playing in presidential politics. >> let's turn now to richie>> l greenberg. he's the former is a former d cisco mayoral candidate. >> richie, thanks for being here. first of all, he's the reports are the gavin newsom. e thatyou know, all overisco san francisco now because he knows it's a problem for him. >> how icause he knos that cityn he was the mayor? i hello, peter. you know, the the situation with gavin newsom is that he's in denial. you know, he had a very strong voter base. a people loved him here a couple of decades ago when he campaign . but then when he moved to sacramento, that's where he loshen he went the narrativei with his cohorts, along with a lot ofth his other people, the mayor, london breed and others in city hall. here we are now in a situation where it's us, the voters and the residents and business. a san francisco against the government. that's the problem now. that's his problem. and i hope he's watching because he really, really needs to get its act together and he's going to have a heck of a time if he really sincerely want s to run forha president. what do you what do you mean when you say he lost the narrative? did he gt when ho there and gett up in far left-wing policies when he wasn't before? i mean, san francisco hasyou always been a liberal place. >> what do you mean by he lost his wahyy? >> well, that's correct. that he was considered moderate for many years. and then all of a suddenmany yen he got word that he survived that recall attemp t to almost two years ago, that emboldened we, m and there was a sudden change in him, we can see it. it was very palpable. and he just slipped to the left. and i don't know, it's as if he has some sort of early onset political dementia. i don't know what's goings poin on with it. there's some. but at this point, is t, there o way that he could do anything dr help unless he takes drastic ,drastic measures to turn things around, such as reallyg reining in the rogue district. attorneys around the state . he needs to bring in actual law enforcement to help with with the fentanyl and other criminal elements. he there is so much that he can do that he needs to dneed o and he'sg just not doing it. >> it's all lip service. well, can you do that insidewit. the modern democrat party in california, run by leftists t who they would decry him right,o as a as a racist or whatever it is for for being willingbe to enforce the law and bine. >> could he do it? let's say he does have thesehave ambitions and he wants to clean up the state. >> could he? well, it's going to be really tough because we even have activist judge,.ing to bs that the bench and they're very much responsible for noible fort the prosecutors will bring the case and the judge sem will just let them go. he has the ability. newsom hashe the ability, with the stroke of a pen, to make emergency declarationses . there are things that he can do. he can also bring in the national guard. he cancan do ca bring in chp to really, in c really reign in. i there are things he can do. yes. and he can pushings heh back at the different city councils with the people that are that are electe the d in city hall an the state. he can put pressur put presse rg >> he's not doing that. so if you were the mayor orow my the shadow mayor, if you were gavin newsom right now, what would you dregathero? >> well, well, first of all, weg have to secure our our cities. we have to go after the federal dealers. we have to go after the homeless encampments. we hav have toe to rein in these activist judges starting next year in march, there are elections. we have to put the word oute th name who should not be on the bench anymore, who should nobench ant be in office anymor? who do we have to oppose then? we've got to secure where the tourists go. san francisco is a very important tourist destination. and how can we allow touriststat to be targeted? we can't. we need to put law enforcement whatever that would be, state, federal, local at the tourist locations that are like, you know, pier 39, fisherman's wharkef, alamo square. we have to secure that. so that wa we y we don't have the criminals, as you saw before, as as a smorgasbord. e a well, he's got the hair now. he just neednos the backbone.lyy and ultimately, you can't runou on the record. un ohe has. e >> you feel like though, he would the temptation would woulo keep going along the way he is and try to whitewash it, clean it up a little bit and say it's all fixed, which, of courswashd e, it isn't. >> richard greenberg, thank you for your insight. we appreciate it. eagemy pleasure. >> my pleasure. you got it. all right. coming up, copups under attack, shots fired, three officers up. three officers out south.everyb everybodody. >> back in my day, we don't have all of these types of fancy chicken for sure. you have buffalo wings and fried chicken. well, we didn't have garlic farm or sweet bourbon barbecue, and he had to walk uphill both ways. >> and it's not every time. yeah, right. where are you from? my. >> there are more ways than ever for identity thieves to steal your information. >> lifelock alerts you and works to fix problems with a dedicated restoration specialist. go to lifelock .com. >> you're still looking good. i'm still feeling good. you know, i've got all your mypillow products. mattress topper, bed sheets, my pillows, towels, slippers, blankets, sleepwear. >> oh, 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of those illegals is accused of and anotheaccusedr accused of assaulting a hotel worker. well, it happened agaiulting ny, new in delaware county, new york, where cruz garci ya, an illegalc immigrant, is charged with and strangulatiohan of a woman. >> and this isn't this guy's first rodeo. he's got a rap sheet. previously, he was arresteanswen in orange county, new york, on a string of felonies. >>genew yorka string he was alsp prior to these felonies. >>ri but since new york is a sanctuary state, they released him without turning him over. can't tell the immigration folks. and the main reason he was back on the streets. allowing him to someonerape is because of new york state's bail reform laws. rk sta new york bail reform is tea disgrace not only to new york, w ast america's justice system as whole as if it needse more reasons to be a disgrace. right noons to w in new york, yn be released without bail for aih as but not limited we to. you're seeing the list right there move pretty quick. well, roll it agai it a second degree manslaughter, aggravated vehiculardegree homi. third degree assault, promoting orault, an obscene performanca child. how about making a terroristic threat and criminalla y homicide so killersne and out on the street. no bail necessary. you should feel real safe now. well, speaking of safety, the newly released body cam video shows a syrian asylum seeker and murderer taken down by fargo police in north dakota. 37-year-old muhammad brockett was on his way to carry out a mass casualty attack when he tragically killed the fargo police officer and war veteran n jake wallen and wounded three others before he was killedand woun . he got shots fired. certainly got shots fired. we got a man with an ak-47 shooting at us. t central. shots fired. shots fired. we got three officers out. three officers dow n. >> sound, everybody. and god bless with these officers do. luckily, police were on the scene responding to a traffic crash when he started shooting. if they weren't there, many more could. died. brackett was armed with a rifle. you heard it. ak-47 handgun and 800 rounds of ammunition. a grenade and enough explosives to kill. >> a whole crowd were foundl in his found i car. brockett came to the u.s. from syria in 2021 as an asylumn 20 seeker and became a u.s. citizen in 2019. >> over the last five years, his internet searche thes have included phrases like mass shooting events kill fast k explosive ammo, incendiary rounds and area events where there are crowds. just last year, police interviewed brockett after a fire was started in his kitchen and firefighters noticed a dozen guns, thousands of rounds of ammunition gunsd props. o beca >> now, he was free to gous because police said everything was obtainedy everyt legally, be were signs. but that was the second timee police had interviewed him back id n 2021, the fbi received an anonymous tip that he was in a concernin when thg mental n was using threatening language and had a lot of guninals. the fbi said no further action was taken because there was noen evidence of an immediate threat. york stanton is a former new york city police officer. bill, thanks for being here. ce offic.i mean, we lose a war n at the hands of a seriously seeker and an ak-47. i mean, there's there's nothinga more tragithc than that part of this story, but also the warning. i mean, what do you if guns are obtained legally? i get it. but this but th seems to be thed of thing hopefully, that someone could have seen. >> yes, it's tough as long as you obtain these things legally. if someone is committedg to taking life or committing a criminal act, unfortunatelli law enforcement has to be reactive. it's very hard to go proactiveew until someone breaks the law. as far as i'm concerned, over al so what? while an officer robinson of, all the officers t they should receive that department's highest honor. >> what does it take in thatne thi moment? and it's one thing when you're when you're in a wang whr zone and you're trained to prepare to react. that's what we dide to rea in to infantry, react to react to contact. but how do you put yourselutf in the mode to go after someone who's got an ak-47 in thean street when a moment earlier you're dealing with a traffic stopwith i? >> pete that i still have gooset bumps. binson officer robinson could have stayed behind. cover stayed could safe or as se as he could. he decided to cross open an open shot. open, wide opes open an field, g himself between himself and the officers that were down,n putting his life on the line, not only trying to protect his brother officers, but everyone in that area. he is a true hero, in myy opinio opinion. >> he sure is.n. and you know what? >> when you look at the totality of this story, anyt other takeaways you have as someone who's been in this field, either fbi beforehand, reaction to it, how many lives might have been saved? oh, my god. countless. you know, he did a tacticalhe dd reload. he did everything and for those that are saying there may have been excessive force, they have no idea this. we don't live in the world of w movies foror what? what officer robinson did, not knowing if he had body armor on. and it turned out he had explosives. the hundreds and thousands of rounds. this storys, thi could have beew far worse if not for the officers who had sworn to protect and serve. >> they did a phenomenal job and all thos e folks, all those politicians talking about defunding the policetalki they should watch this video and be ashamed of themselves. it's absoluteldeo and y staggern it's pure heroism. if you've ever been on the business end of what it like to be shot out with an ak-47 to charge toward it with with what appear to be a handgun, even if you had a rifl be, eventually you areput putting your life on the line to savin thee others, save inno, that's the definition of bravery. it's why these and women shouldn be as revered as anyone in our society. and sham an should be on those . down their profession. bill stanton, you represent them well. than k you. >> thank you, sir. you got it. all right. joe biden said sending you ukraine fighter jets would world war three. remember when he said that? so why are we giving him a bunch of f-16 fighter jets? america, can we talk? this is a talk show because nobody does it better than talk nation on fox nation. just imagine this scenario. talk nation is the only place you can get all of these shows. let's be really clear. i think he's gone a little bit too far. if the world came podcast, the scandal feels like it's . plus, talk nation has all the outkick shows cheerleader clay travis. welcome back to the games for girls podcast. tomi lahren is fearless, starts right now and so much more wildly unscripted to >> the good news talk nationchar only on fox nation. hate >> why do vitaminsth and supplements cost so much more now? othe's why force facr companiess you more and more for less and less. less. and we hate 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like pinching off a porcupine,en sto you're sweating your next trip to the loo call says the brand for to soften stools. we're all agreed. number two should be easy to do ,just to soften stools with no stimulants for comfortable relief. now, according to joe biden, world war three may soon be upon us. senior national correspondent kevin corke is here to explain why. kevin, help me out. well, let met. tell you, thislvn is an interesting story, pete, because it keeps evolving as wga go. now, you've probably heard the biden administration has already approved sayti, $619illn million of a potential arms sale to taiwan, including hundreds of missiles for f-16 fighter jets. the way well, this is all happening, by the way, as the administration has nowed it's officially decided it's okay, apparently to sendsend f-16s to ukraine. and i say that because i want you to keep in mind, it was just last year that, yesar tha,d the president, joe biden, said something along the lines ofng sending f-16s to ukraine, which is in the throes oukf a brutal war with russia, couldw cause world waarr three. >> the idea that we're goingequn to send in offensive equipment and have planes and tanks and trains going in with american pilots and american crewrican pis. just understand and don't kid yourself, no matter what youwora all say. that's called world wai.r. ex i can't wait to hear him explain. if he said, then that exploit, that would be world war three. well, what changed e world ? then again, that was then. this is now. apparently the metrics have shifted for the white house, or so it would seem. meantime, back here stateside, n of course, the president, as you saw, hosted the leaders of japan and, south korea, today at camp david. >> it's a summit was notit was about china. that was not the purpose of the meetin not the pg. but it did come. china obviously came up. not to say we don't share concerns about the economic coercion or heightened tensions ab china. summi but this summit was reallyt about our relationship with eac with eah other and deepeningopt cooperation across our entirioe range of issues. >> all right. so we've got a hot war already happening between ukraine and russia. we've goppening between t u.s. n administration, pete, sending f-16 to ukraine. and now they're also sending munitions for f-16als, missiles in this case to taiwan. this could notta be any more complicated and frankly, it could not be any more dangerous if you think about where we are. and unfortunately, my friend, where we could be if things continue to escalate like this. >> you're exactly. have we driven russia and china into each other's arms in the process. >> kevin, real quick, you asked the right question. what did she say it was the world war three. >> now they must have it. is this doy you think? what's your best guess? this is mission creep. like the war machine hasth to. >> we have to keep feeding it. you know, i haven't hear>>d that expression for a while. we certainly played that out many, many times., you and i, in conversations about ukraine, or rather, iraq. yeah. and afghanistan. this is a classic example of mission creep. if you only look at the words of the administration previouslyyoe word on what chan? what's different now? well, they always tell you when you ask. >> facts on the ground dictate what's happening at the policy onl. t >> this is certainly the classic definition, pete. oh, it's a phrase we heardthcy. many, many, many time over multiple decades. >> and the war just kept growinweg. apprec >> kevin corke, thanks for the report. we appreciate it. recovery efforts continue on the hawaiian island of maui following the catastrophic wildfirehawaiians. the official death toll still remains at 111, but locallocal hawaiians are claiming that number couldhaare be much high, with the daily mail reporting that the real number of fatalitiesl repo is actually clr to 500. this all comes as joe biden is set to visit maui on monday. but so far he's been short ons n details on how he'll actually support actuall the is we can talk about the hawaii response. mr talk . president.t no, not now. and now the blame game starts. the new york times is already s pointing a finger at big oil. but really, the failures come from the ground level. yesterday'fis maui's emergency management chief, herman andaya ,resigned, and i was heavily scrutinized for not sounding the warninfor nog sirens as thee moved closer, a move he says. he doesn't regret. >> do you regret not sounding the sirens>> d? i do not.sile the sirens, as i mentioned earlier, is usednce ned earl prr tsunamis and isn't the onlybein official being held accountable for their actions. we tol antable fd you yesterdayb about kaleo manuel, the obama backed deputouy director of hawaii's department of land and natural resources. accordinrtmentg to reports, kalo refused to release water to help figheaset the fires. >> he had some interesting reasons, a move that potentialling y caused immeasure damage. well, now kaleo has beencan't reassigned, so he can't stand in the way of first responders anymorp first e. so what does this mean for hawaii? let's bring in co-host of fox friendr s weekend, will cain. >> will, your reporting therewi was wall, s second to none.groud >> you were on the ground talking to the people. we were talking beforealking t the segment. it's hard to know. do you look backward on the blame game? do you look forward to what happens nextow, you to what ha nowne thatw york you're here in new york reflecting on it? where do people point the blame fo r r this? well, there's going to be plenty of blame to go around. you know, it's pretty insulting that herman andaya said that the sirens were held back because people migh assignt believe it was a tsunami. and emergency management system is designed for all emergencies . and this is an island out in the middle of the pacific, which its threats includindle oe tsunami, hurricane, war. it's the closest to north korea and to china. that siren doesn't mean run necessarily towardt s the. and i think people are smart enough to see flames and not run into the flameto ps. flames people try to run away from c the flames. they ran to the water. and back to that numbehere wasrf that. here's what i was told. okay. i talked to a lot of, people al over west maui, including a lot of guyng a s who dove into that fire to fight it. thisding to what i've been tol . the number is going to be way higher. all of those guys said tha by of these guys sat reluctantly to me. they didn't want to put numbers on it. they did seen they saw many,nt many bodies. now, i want you to know thatou t therelell, when i tell you this, there were a lot of children that were sent home from school that dayen rom scho. we need to find outppened what happened to all of those kids. i will say tkids in all of my dt over there this past week, having talking to a lot of people, you don't hear people saying, i still can't find this person or i still can't find tha pro t person. there's not a great outcry of a missing child or a missing cousin that does exist. but i'm just telling you, if the numbers are in the 500 to 1000, i would have thought i would have heard thahoughtt m. so that does leave me with one last potentiality, which is entire families are gone, entire groups of people who could noamilies t escape, and no one left to say, where is my cousin? where is my uncl to e? where is my child?i do i do think and i am concerned it's going to be a story that gets worse before it ever looks better. tragicit. at does and as you look at the future, what does the future look like for that community?e reco where do they start? i mean, i know it's immediate recoveryve and address immediat needs, but what about the next step? conversations of developmenthe > what the city looks like? so first, accountability to your point. that's the point of the blamite game is not just cathartic, is to get it right for next time to put the right to people inr gove charge of our government. i will tell you, i am sorn.d inspiredsa by community in theu. place of government. every failure of government was matched by some privateeppi citizens stepping up from elon musk to local communitngy leades going forward. how is this land developed? it needs to remain in the hands of people who are born and raised to remain in lahaina. it cannot be taken over by the t government. it cannot be taken oveakenr by h developers. it has to remain just like you'd want your home, just like tennessee or texas, just like alabama or wyoming. likit needs to stay in the homf in the hands of hawaiians. i know you've done your part. you've raised a lot of money. you're going to you're going to stay on top of it. thank you for everythingfor ev h done that. >> you've talked a lot about heroes, too. yeah. well, tomorrow morningerto mornt i are going to be in the company of heroes, navy sealhehs in the river in the hudson river, because we're doing the navy seals swim, raise money for the navy seal foundation, live on fox and friends. now, las hudsont year on our program, b you made a very bold claim. >> here it is. y >> i'll make you guys just promise if bill will put me through a swim test, not tomorrowomise, n. year fro i can't make it tomorrow. but maybe a year from now, i'll be one of those guys to your left o r right. we'll go through this together. if you carry me along. well, we got to do bette prinan exxon. >> but not a bold claim. but a claim. t. a proclaso i have better thantor you tomorrow. are you confident? yeah. soow i barely survived the first year i did it. i did it mildly competently. the second year. you have a track record as a swimmer? well, you're feeling good. yeah. i mean, before i took offe to maui and did notrr.t sleep and ate cheetos and ripped heaters all week in order to get through a stressful, stressful week of reporting in maui, o i your hands down no. i've beat up my body for a week. so the biggest disappointment, though, won't be me or my swim or pete or his swim is that he's not going to join me atr the bar afterwards, apparently. but no very important, good s. ghborly family obligation bunch of navy seals and pete and will tomorrow morning on fox and friends. you gofirst.t to tune in tomorrw morning. the swim starts at eight, but the live programing starts at six. >> and we're both jumping in the river and they going to follow us all the way across. let's do i t.e way ac >> let >> florida, get read'sy for a political showdown for the ages. >> i'm matthew. i'm melissa. and together we started by playing through. since day one, our freshly in tears were made to offer a flattering fit for all body types and not break the bank. unleash your confidence at fresh clean threads .com. >> do you struggle to fall asleep and stay asleep? tune all sleep support has a unique blend of five key ingredients that can help you fall asleep faster. stay asleep longer so you can wake up 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or point when you can't listen. get the latest news business and news headlines on sirius xm anytime, anywhere. fox news radio on sirius xm america is listening. more risky biden business. james comer has the latest on the family's dealings. and access available treatments. if you or your famil y are noticing changes, it could be alzheimer's. talk about seeing a doctor together. >> here's a friday night brain teaser for you. do you remember this lady? heher name is patricia krenzel, but you might knowr name her bet as tan mom. >> back in 2012, she tookess yo the media world, i guess you would say maybe by stormu r >> patricia crenshaw, looking very bronzed, defended. her controversial habit of tanning. mother of w jersey, five, has been the focus of national attention after her six year old daughter appeared to have a sunburn and told the school nurse her mom had taken her to a tanning salon. crenshawher to, charged with sed degree child endangerment. she pled not guilty. >> she says she never put i her daughter in a tanning bed. >> well, she wasn't chargeder after a new jersey grand jury declined a new to indict her.,h and we all thought that probably the end of tan moend o story, 15 minutes. but guess again, because the mother oagain,f five has her sights set on a new career, united states senator.tor. this week, tan mom filed paperwork in floridascott to challenge rick scott in 2024. she's running as a republican, but says her campaign would focus on pro lgb, , cu and pro diversity issues. >> so there's that platform.e oy the overly bronzed mother says m shothee her tanning addiction and claims that her internet fame will actuallyning add helps a candidate. telling fox news, yes, wemment. reached out for comment. the thing with my campaign is that, you know, everything wg about me from the start. do we? there's no skeletons or hidden secrets or shocking dirt to be revealed. what you see is what you get.u e >> because my life hast be been documented and beautifully tanned. so florida voters, it looks like you've got quite the choice. >> next novemberte the choice..o >> well, the saying goes, if you don't learn from history, u do you're doomed to repeat it. but if we leave it to radical progressives, there won'ter be any history left to studystor becausy lee liberals have made t their mission to erase america's past. everything from teddy roosevelt to the washington redskins to christopher columbus, all one the chopping block. and now they've got a new targetbloc, minutemen. >> now, i'm sure you remember yu minutemen from your history books. they were the citizen soldierseo who powered america to victory over the british in the revolutionary war. hethey were simple men, farmers, merchants, blacksmiths who rose to meemen, t an extraordinarytr challenge. >> their sacrifice laiaordinaryd the foundation for the greatest nation on god's green earth. mea >> so you would think americans would share a reverencns e for these colonial icons, right? well, california begs to differ, as they often do, concurrethd high school, which is about 30 miles outside of san francisco and is literallyye named after the revolutionary war battle of lexington and concord. hence concord high school decided to ditch minutemen as the school's mascot. instead, the school board voted on wednesday night to change the team names to the bears because there aren't any of those saying that that move is more inclusive. >> it's time for new attitudes. and if changing a mascotke stude will make students feel emlcome, embraced and, empower them to participate more at their school, then i will support this. the majority of that school is latino. >> so they don't really know much about the minutemen and it's not really in their culture and they don't feel represented with that mascot that is so, so, so racist, ing h condescending that if you're of latin or hispanic descent, you can'at if yot to the foundig principles of our country, including men who stood on the bridge and created this whole opportunity that we have. no, you're defined by youry. background only as amazing. and they use every buzz word in the process. moe move is set to cost the district $200,000 and of course, is a colossal waste of taxpayer money and schoo >> concord high school alumni, of course, they're up in arms over the move, but the district is standing by it. >> it's just another page torn out of america's history books . >> kylie griswald is the federalist editor director, and she joins me now. kylie, thanks for being here. i mean, hearing the words of the school board members, it it's staggering the lens, it ish they see the world. it's insane. and you know, what's really shocking is that anyon re all w is talking about mascots at all when we have such majowercan issues plaguing public education in this country that are not so frivoloushi as mascos in california, i mean, we're still recovering from covered learning losses in california. just lasest year. two and three students could to i math standards. more than half couldn't meet basic english standards. and to really expose the hypocrisy of these leftist e ,it's even worse amongn g nonwhite students who they're not trying to help at all. of coursnonwstudentse, by changg their mascot. some 80% of both black and hispanic ascot. students couldn't meett a basic math standards either. and, of course, the democrats and the teachers unions will say, well, if we just had some more money, if we just had some more funding, we could close these learning gaps. we could help remedy these students. that's always the answer. so then why are they throwing $200,000 at such a frivolous thinowing $2g as changing their? it's absolutely absurd. it's not going to help a singlie student. pa and of course, it's only going to cost the taxpayer. and whatrtly going are we goinge in return? >> absolutely not. yeah, i mean, according to the unions, we're always, absolute $1,000,000,000 away from brilliance as they peddle educ new educational philosophy . that's just stupid. what could kids learn for the minutemeational philosn, by you're a young kid, regardless of your background, like, isn't it usefu about l to learn aboute courage of men of old? oh, of course. there's so much to be learned from them. and you know what else? it's truly baffling to me. the left gets mad when you have a mascot like the redskins ords the chiefs becausekins o you'res supposed to appropriate nonwhite culture. but then they geedpropriathite a mascot like minutemen who were a bunch of white men. make it make sense. but of course, they can learn something from them. so ookay. so the minutemen, i mean, let's let's have a little bit of historical literacy here.uld st maybe we should stop condemning every littleop thing as culturan appropriation. have a little cultural appreciationd have a. have some historical historical literacy. of course, the minutemen were not gender inclusive. they were men. of course, they carried guns. they were a militia. but. but you're right. you know why? the left really hates them, the. rse theys, ? fight because they existed to fight tyranny. that was the whole point. they instructey. d the best e about american exceptionalism. they were dutiful. they were strong, brave. they were ready and willing to fight. and so it's not surprising. but it is sad that today's social justice warriors are so ready and willintice socg to die with such a meaningful mascot. >> don't remind people that there are things worth fightineg for and worth standing up for. >> we'd rather have people that throw out their pronouns. thank you very much, caleb. appreciate iyou t. >> thank you. all right. up next, our bird's real primetime investigates. there are more identity threats than you realize. >> lifelock alerts you and works to fix problems with a dedicated restoration specialist. go to lifelock e-commerce. >> still tying your shoes. it's 2023. hands free shoes are the next big thing. 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nation america is streaming . >> fox news at night has you covered. we begin with breaking information from critical events here at home to the global conflict shaping our world. we will cover it in full. don't miss trace gallagher weeknights at 11 on fox news at night. >> the question is, are birds real now? i would say yes. but others seem to not agree. >> they believe the government replaced birds with deep state agents who surveil the american citizenry. is it crazy? >> sure it is. it's also the subject of a new nation. special birds are fake, the conspiracy. take a look look. the birds are dirty, smelly. the extermination of our population. >> they're human beings who are here in a dungeon. and birds are robots. it is a bird brained theory. just because it's theory doesn't mean that it is a bunch of nonsense. 56 years i've been doing these pigeons. i think i know what i'm talking about. this is a coordinated effort to systematically remove all of the birds. why should we be concerned about that? birds fake. the conspiracy is out now on fox nation. and peter mcadoo is the public information officer of birds aren't real. >> so, peter, you're telling me you believe there are no living birds? i believe it. i know it. you know it. i know it as proof. yes. all birds. >> every bird in the u.s. that include chickens is a chicken. >> a bird, a chickens, a bird. a chickens, a bird. so i just fed my chickens back home. >> they didn't seem to be robots. >> yeah, that's kind of how biotechnology works. the government government's making bio hybrids where there are birds and robots that the governments combined and any jacobsen's done some great work on. >> so you're saying they have human characteristics? the eyes, the wing on human characteristics have bird characteristics. what government did it from 1959 through 2001, they systematically replaced every bird in the sky with a government surveillance drone replica that looks identical to a real bird. spies on us every day. >> so when you walk outside, i mean, there's probably 100 cameras in here as more cameras outside than there are. so hold on. we can't win foreign wars and we can't run a dmv, but we can control every bird in the sky. >> we can. i mean, and i appreciate you allowing me to share this information. >> i hear a lot of the media won't let me talk about, is this a shtick? i mean, do you really? i mean, do you really in your heart, why would it be a stick? >> because, i mean, do you everywhere you report on ufos in the show? >> yes. well, i don't report. on ufos or i mean, i respect what you guys talk about on here. you're letting bird on the show. >> you're a ufo. and so do you think that i can see the government using some birds, maybe as drones, to disguise them? but you're saying all birds, the pigeons here in new york city, every every bird. every bird in every pigeon here in new york city. and i mean, it's -- it's really an epidemic. it's a bird down. >> this is a real theory. there are real people out there. yes. the real theory. it's been going on since the 80s. it's on the media. you can find it. it's just like really everything else out there. >> truth, subjective. there's different truth for different things. >> and if you do your own research, look into it. you might find that out. >> there you go. go to fox nation. birds are fake. is we're looking into this theory or conspiracy theory, whatever. >> want not not, not a conspiracy theory. thank you for your time. all right. the patriot awards, by the way, is a special event. >> it's coming up on november 16th and tickets go on sale tomorrow. >> we're in nashville this year. >> music city. don't miss it. they're on sale tomorrow morning. >> grand old opry. they're going to go quick. please join us. it'll be hosted by yours truly. hannity coming up next. hi, everyone, and welcome to this special ofition of "hannity". i'm tammy bruce, in for sean. and we begine and with morefo s for joe biden. the walls are actually closing in. house are now demanding recordsd regardin ng three pseudonyms. r biden used to conduct official business as vice president. e this includes government emails about ukrainmails e mysteriouslt to both joe and hunter biden.ou meanwhile, two former vice ter presidential aides to jo

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Criminalla Y Homicide , Performanca , Asylum Seeker , Safety , Murderer , Body Cam Video , Syrian , Muhammad Brockett , Police Officer , Fargo Police , Casualty , War Veteran , 37 , Jake Wallen , Killedand Woun , Shooting , Ak 47 , Man , T Central , 47 , God , Everybody , Sound , Scene , Traffic Crash , Dow , Luckily , More , Handgun , Explosives , Crowd , Foundl , Rifle , Ammunition , I , Grenade , Brackett , 800 , Events , Seeker , Citizen , Internet , Phrases , Asylumn 20 , Mass Shooting , Searche Thes , 2021 , 20 , Five , 2019 , Fire , Guns , Rounds , Explosive Ammo , Thousands , Area , Firefighters , Crowds , Kitchen , Props , O Beca , Ammunition Gunsd , Concernin , Obtainedy Everyt , Thg Mental N , Signs , Id N 2021 , Language , Fbi , Gous , Guninals , Timee , Bill , Action , Ce Offic , War N , York Stanton , Evidence , Tan Moend O Story , Hands , Part , Th , Warning , Thed , Nothinga , Thing , Unfortunatelli Law Enforcement , Committedg , Criminal Act , Officer , Proactiveew , Thatne , Al , Robinson Of , Department S Highest Honor , Yourselutf , Mode , Traffic Stopwith , Infantry , Thean Street , Wang Whr Zone , Robinson , Cover , Gooset Bumps , Binson , Hero , Brother Officers , Open , Life On The Line , G , Wide Opes Open An Field , Myy Opinio Opinion , Takeaways , Totality , Field , Lives , Reaction , Idea , Everything Right It , Force , Countless , Tacticalhe Dd , The World Of W Movies Foror , Storys , Hundreds And Thousands , Body Armor On , Beew , Thi , Business End , Policetalki , Video , Thos E , Folks , Y Staggern It S Pure Heroism , Absoluteldeo , Save Inno , Line , Definition , Bravery , Women , Rifl Be , Sir , Fighter Jets , Ukraine , Bill Stanton , Society , Sham , Profession , Bunch , World War Three , Talk Show , 16 , World , Nation , Shows , Scenario , Podcast , Nation On Fox , Talk Nation , Scandal , Fox Nation , Games , Supplements , Vitaminsth , The Good News , Girls Podcast , Nationchar , Hate , Tomi Lahren Is Fearless , Clay Travis , Outkick Shows Cheerleader , Me Ar , Ingredients , Prices , Factors , Othe , Stack , Force Facr Companiess You , Amazing Supplementstu , Clinicallynd Affor , Four , Starters , Force Factor , Matters , Potential , Herbs , Walmart , One Bselling , That S Why , Risk , Sleep , Nectar Mattress , Sweet , Nectar , 365 , Everything , Warranty , Shipping , Visit Nectar Sleep , Deal , Unheard , Suite Won T Last , 34 , 33 , 4 , Mypillow Guy , 20th Anniversary , Elegance , Mop Levels , Drivable , Machine Washable , Size , Queen , Retails , Individual , Mypillow Works , Mypillow Rt Com , Credit , Nothing To Lose , 1998 , 98 , 6998 , 19 , 60 , App , Credit Builder , Truckload , Quick , Lift , Rate , Five Star Bank , Go , Track , Hand , Interest Rates , Credit Up , Struggle , Fees , 100 Million , Grade Oxygen , Recipients , Portable Oxygen Concentrator May , Credit Up Builder Economy , Credit Attention Medicare , Aria , Credit Builder Rt Com , Um , Tanks , Cost , Technology , Everywhere , Unit , Units , Battery , Costs , Medicare , Flight , Hundreds , Battery Life , Sense Technology , Flow Rates , Industry , Ergonomic , Design , 30 , Aria Portable Oxygen Concentrator , E That Sve , Likeest , 800 8649128 , 649128 , 8649128 , Exam , Attention , Social Media , Fairs , Tons , Trendingr , 795 , 7995 , 95 , Stools , Loo Call , Pinching , Porcupine , Stimulants , Trip , Kevin Corke , Thislvn , Let Met , Administration , Missiles , Arms Sale , Wga Go , Taiwan , Sayti , Illn Million , 619 , Happening , Yesar Tha , Sendsend F 16s , Revolutionary War , Lines , Throes , Russia , Couldw , Goingequn , F 16s , World Waarr , Don T , Trains , Pilots , Equipment , Say , Planes , Kid Yourself , World Wai R Ex , Crewrican Pis , Exploit , Metrics , White House , Summit , China , Leaders , Meetin , Notit , Purpose , Pg , South Korea , Japan , Camp David , You Saw , Concerns , Eah Other , Coercion , Tensions , Cooperation , Entirioe , Eac , Relationship , Summi , Deepeningopt , Munitions , F 16als , Arms , Friend , Process , Question , Mission Creep , Guess , Doy , War Machine Hasth , Haven T , Many , Words , Times , Conversations , Expression , Iraq , Afghanistan , Ground , Previouslyyoe Word On , Facts , Phrase , We Heardthcy , Policy Onl , Recovery Efforts , Report , Death Toll , Wildfirehawaiians , Locallocal Hawaiians , Apprec , Growinweg , Hawaiian Island Of Maui , 111 , Reporting , Short Ons N , Details , Fatalitiesl Repo , Maui On Monday , Daily Mail , 500 , Talk , Response , Hawaii , Mr , President T No , Herman Andaya , New York Times , Failures , Finger , Blame Game Starts , Yesterday Fis Maui , Emergency Management Chief , Big Oil , Move , Sirens , Warninfor , Resigned , Not Sile , Land , Actions , Department , Director , Isn T The Onlybein Official Being , Kaleo Manuel , Usednce Ned , You Yesterdayb , Prr Tsunamis , Obama , We Tol Antable Fd , Deputouy , Water , Kalo , Potentialling Y , Fires , Now Kaleo , Accordinrtmentg , Immeasure Damage , Beencan T Reassigned , Way , Mean , Beforealking T , Fox Friendr S Weekend , Co Host , Second To None Groud You , Reporting Therewi , Will Cain , First Responders Anymorp E , Assignt , Blame Game , Blame , Thatw York , Segment , Nextow , Includindle Oe Tsunami , Emergency Management System , Island , Emergencies , Tsunami , Towardt S The , Closest , North Korea , Siren Doesn T Mean Run , Pacific , The Flames , Flames , Guyng , People Al Over West Maui , Flameto Ps , Numbehere Wasrf , Numbers , Tha , Guys , Bodies , I Want You , Thisding , Thatou T Therelell , Tol , Guys Sat , The School , Outppened , Dayen Rom Scho , Tkids , Dt , Potentiality , Cousin , Person , Families , Pro T Person , Outcry , Thahoughtt M , 1000 , Groups , Uncl , Noamilies T Escape , Step , Reco , Immediat Needs , Community , Tragicit , Developmenthe , People Inr , Game , Accountability , Failure , Community In Theu , Inspiredsa , Privateeppi , T Government , Local Communitngy Leades , Oveakenr By H Developers , Elon Musk , Lahaina , Hawaiians , Top , Homf , Texas , Tennessee , Alabama , Wyoming , Likit , Swim , River , Foundation , Live On Fox And Friends , Heroes , Morningerto Mornt , Everythingfor Ev H , The Company Of Heroes , Hudson River , Navy Sealhehs , Navy Seals , Claim , Program , Swim Test , Fro , B You , Las Hudsont , Soow , Swimmer , Track Record , Proclaso , Thantor You , Bette Prinan Exxon , Order , Cheetos , Heaters , Notrr T Sleep , Body , Won T , Pete , Will , Disappointment , Bar , Good S Ghborly Family , Obligation Bunch , Starts , Showdown , You Gofirst T , Jumping , Ages , Tomorrw , Florida , Read Sy , Six , Eight , Tears , Bank , Body Types , Day One , Fit , Matthew , Melissa , Sleep Support , Threads , Confidence , Blend , Good , Meghan , Tune , Looks , Better , Commercial , Success , King Size , Percale Bed Sheets , Support , Manufacturing , Queens , Jobs , Chair , Room , Offer , Bed Sheets Unds On W , 35 , Lossst , Weight Gain , Golo , Adeel , Yo Dietingr Agao , 50 , 0 , 90 , Places , I M On My Way , Slices , Goal , Income , Dvd , Dream , I M In A Dream , September 27th On Fox , Singer , September 27th , 27 , Yep , Data Point , Veterinaryli , Treatment , Injection , Itch , Fun , Allergicte Dermatitis , 48 , News Business , News Headlines , Veterinarian , Site , Biden Business , Sirius Xm , America Is Listening , Dealings , Latest , James Comer , Famil , Changes , Treatments , Doctor , Alzheimer S , Friday Night Brain Teaser , Patricia Krenzel , Patricia Crenshaw , She Tookess Yo The Media World , Mom , Stormu , Heher Name , Bet , Lady , 2012 , W Jersey , Daughter , Tanning , Habit , Tanning Salon , Sunburn , Focus , School Nurse , Thought , Tanning Bed , Sed Degree , Crenshawher To , Child Endangerment , She Wasn T Chargeder , New Jersey , Grand Jury , Paperwork , Career , Sights , Tan Mom , Senator Tor , Oagain , Rick Scott , 2024 , 15 , Internet Fame , Tanning Addiction , Running , Diversity , Cu , Pro Lgb , Platform E Oy , Comment , Start , Secrets , Skeletons , Actuallyning 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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Jesse 20240704 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Jesse 20240704

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democrat. but as you know, biden's not looking so goothe leadd these d. democrat insiders are increasingly talking out and speakingso goo out about hi. health, which has been obvious, but now they're talking about it. lking aband now, with house investigators breaking, breathing down joe's neck, , an he's in more trouble. so let's say joe drops out. who jumps in? well, can't be kamala. she fizzled out in the primaries. >> her campaign ran out of cash before super tuesdaspy and all. by the way, she's a terrible vice president. the passag bright e of time, s, has not has had a significant impact on her chances and not a good one. the dnc is not going to let rfk on the ticket. they'd lose big pharma and their foreign wars. there's only one guy waitinge is in the wings, and that's california governor gavin newsom. s calihe's got almost everythin a presidential candidate needs money, looks ate need good hair, t and he's related to pelosi. >> there's just one problem. ga is a governor andcomple the state he governs is a complete mess. being california's governor should be a layup. they have a giant tech sector, film industry, natural resources, international ports, warm weather, tourism. >> i could go on and >> but newsom took the state from a $100 billion surplus to a $25 billion deficit. he scared hundreds of thousands of caliper. phones away, sent him to u-haul with lockdowns, vaccine mandates and, of course, ridiculous taxes. but most significantly, he gaves criminals control of the streets. now, that record might get you elected again in california, but it's not going to play welil on a national level. >> and now gavin seems to havenh some regrets. >> politico reports that newsom poli newn back his old job, acting as the shadow mayor of h' san francisco. >> so you see, he's trying to clean up the city. sos tryingup the that we'll all forget that his liberal policies don't work. >> gavinrk. knows he can'tfornia defend california on the campaign trail either. in thi oe campai s cycle or the next. make america california. it's not going to pass muster. you see this white lexusat driving down the street. it's a nice car, right? when you see the guy running in and out of out of smashing car windows and snatching whatever's in sight. they call that dipping and boosting. it happens in san franciscod dal all the time in broad daylight. a driver slowly rolls down as the street as their passengers jump in and out. >> looting parkefickerd cars. they're not speeding. they're not hiding . they know they're not going to get arrested. and if they do, they'l and if tt out right away. now, sometimes citizens try to stosometimep these thieves, t they're outgunned. >> well who? just another day in the life. this is what gavinthis is campaigning i on right thereo in front of you. frozen food being chained up because store ownersu.ned up t p shoplifters. federal buildings. we reported on this earlier this week telling employees to work from home because it's simplfromy not safe to come to work. shops going out of business because nobody feels safe downtown. how about junkies smoking dope in the middle of the day in front of kids? >> i've got to stop smoking at the kids, man. >> you got the kids right here, man. you said so. out of pocket. ou ht here. >> it's crazy. you got children in a family over here, and they are justen smokin and fg fentanyl in the s. and then when you try to call them on it, they wanreets.t to t crazy. boy, i almost lost my cool right there. >> it's not just san francisco. the entire state. is a danger zone, a sanctuary city for insanity. in los angeles, some creep beat the tar out of an 86-year-old woman on a bus left her for dead on the side of the street. and while blood was pouring out bl her head, someone else walked up and stole her wallet, stolead.e stores are being lootg left and right. >> so a mob of hooded thievesn ran in and grabbed everything they could and sprinted out. astolthey stole over 100 grandh of merchandise from this nordstrohandism and a luxury st yves saint laurent never heard of it. >> sounds fancy. got looted to 300 thousand arree dollars out the door. now, police arrested ivan ramirezan ramir a couple o later. and guess what? he was let outzero bil on zero . >> newsom has to own that.that,n and he says he will. >> difference between me and most politicians is i own this. i take responsibilitn this.y fo. this is personal. me. i love this state and i like what's happening with the encampments. >> everything that's happened, the streets and sidewalks. okay, so talks cheap, though,p r gavin. if you want to clean up your state, take actio n and take on your lunatic base or you'll never survive a national campaign. but first tip. keep watching fox. >> do you occasionally turn on fox news time occasio and see what happens? just to see? not occasionally. o seevery night. my staff is quite literally inteng to have interventions with me about it. they say i'm too obsessed with it, but i need they i'm. and itith me a >> okay, gavin, then we know you're watching, so listen up. how about tear down the drug dens? tear down the homeless encampment? the drug tourism is over. now, tell your cities to get rid of zero bail. you need consequences if you want to stop crime. >> how about get rid of this shoplifting sanctuary chargeiece people who steal. allow the police to do their job. pay them more. and allow citizens to defend themselves if they have to. and maybe lower taxes, too. so your people are not taxed to no end. maybe then you'll have a shot of playing in presidential politics. >> let's turn now to richie>> l greenberg. he's the former is a former d cisco mayoral candidate. >> richie, thanks for being here. first of all, he's the reports are the gavin newsom. e thatyou know, all overisco san francisco now because he knows it's a problem for him. >> how icause he knos that cityn he was the mayor? i hello, peter. you know, the the situation with gavin newsom is that he's in denial. you know, he had a very strong voter base. a people loved him here a couple of decades ago when he campaign . but then when he moved to sacramento, that's where he loshen he went the narrativei with his cohorts, along with a lot ofth his other people, the mayor, london breed and others in city hall. here we are now in a situation where it's us, the voters and the residents and business. a san francisco against the government. that's the problem now. that's his problem. and i hope he's watching because he really, really needs to get its act together and he's going to have a heck of a time if he really sincerely want s to run forha president. what do you what do you mean when you say he lost the narrative? did he gt when ho there and gett up in far left-wing policies when he wasn't before? i mean, san francisco hasyou always been a liberal place. >> what do you mean by he lost his wahyy? >> well, that's correct. that he was considered moderate for many years. and then all of a suddenmany yen he got word that he survived that recall attemp t to almost two years ago, that emboldened we, m and there was a sudden change in him, we can see it. it was very palpable. and he just slipped to the left. and i don't know, it's as if he has some sort of early onset political dementia. i don't know what's goings poin on with it. there's some. but at this point, is t, there o way that he could do anything dr help unless he takes drastic ,drastic measures to turn things around, such as reallyg reining in the rogue district. attorneys around the state . he needs to bring in actual law enforcement to help with with the fentanyl and other criminal elements. he there is so much that he can do that he needs to dneed o and he'sg just not doing it. >> it's all lip service. well, can you do that insidewit. the modern democrat party in california, run by leftists t who they would decry him right,o as a as a racist or whatever it is for for being willingbe to enforce the law and bine. >> could he do it? let's say he does have thesehave ambitions and he wants to clean up the state. >> could he? well, it's going to be really tough because we even have activist judge,.ing to bs that the bench and they're very much responsible for noible fort the prosecutors will bring the case and the judge sem will just let them go. he has the ability. newsom hashe the ability, with the stroke of a pen, to make emergency declarationses . there are things that he can do. he can also bring in the national guard. he cancan do ca bring in chp to really, in c really reign in. i there are things he can do. yes. and he can pushings heh back at the different city councils with the people that are that are electe the d in city hall an the state. he can put pressur put presse rg >> he's not doing that. so if you were the mayor orow my the shadow mayor, if you were gavin newsom right now, what would you dregathero? >> well, well, first of all, weg have to secure our our cities. we have to go after the federal dealers. we have to go after the homeless encampments. we hav have toe to rein in these activist judges starting next year in march, there are elections. we have to put the word oute th name who should not be on the bench anymore, who should nobench ant be in office anymor? who do we have to oppose then? we've got to secure where the tourists go. san francisco is a very important tourist destination. and how can we allow touriststat to be targeted? we can't. we need to put law enforcement whatever that would be, state, federal, local at the tourist locations that are like, you know, pier 39, fisherman's wharkef, alamo square. we have to secure that. so that wa we y we don't have the criminals, as you saw before, as as a smorgasbord. e a well, he's got the hair now. he just neednos the backbone.lyy and ultimately, you can't runou on the record. un ohe has. e >> you feel like though, he would the temptation would woulo keep going along the way he is and try to whitewash it, clean it up a little bit and say it's all fixed, which, of courswashd e, it isn't. >> richard greenberg, thank you for your insight. we appreciate it. eagemy pleasure. >> my pleasure. you got it. all right. coming up, copups under attack, shots fired, three officers up. three officers out south.everyb everybodody. >> back in my day, we don't have all of these types of fancy chicken for sure. you have buffalo wings and fried chicken. well, we didn't have garlic farm or sweet bourbon barbecue, and he had to walk uphill both ways. >> and it's not every time. yeah, right. where are you from? my. >> there are more ways than ever for identity thieves to steal your information. >> lifelock alerts you and works to fix problems with a dedicated restoration specialist. go to lifelock .com. >> you're still looking good. i'm still feeling good. you know, i've got all your mypillow products. mattress topper, bed sheets, my pillows, towels, slippers, blankets, sleepwear. >> oh, 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of those illegals is accused of and anotheaccusedr accused of assaulting a hotel worker. well, it happened agaiulting ny, new in delaware county, new york, where cruz garci ya, an illegalc immigrant, is charged with and strangulatiohan of a woman. >> and this isn't this guy's first rodeo. he's got a rap sheet. previously, he was arresteanswen in orange county, new york, on a string of felonies. >>genew yorka string he was alsp prior to these felonies. >>ri but since new york is a sanctuary state, they released him without turning him over. can't tell the immigration folks. and the main reason he was back on the streets. allowing him to someonerape is because of new york state's bail reform laws. rk sta new york bail reform is tea disgrace not only to new york, w ast america's justice system as whole as if it needse more reasons to be a disgrace. right noons to w in new york, yn be released without bail for aih as but not limited we to. you're seeing the list right there move pretty quick. well, roll it agai it a second degree manslaughter, aggravated vehiculardegree homi. third degree assault, promoting orault, an obscene performanca child. how about making a terroristic threat and criminalla y homicide so killersne and out on the street. no bail necessary. you should feel real safe now. well, speaking of safety, the newly released body cam video shows a syrian asylum seeker and murderer taken down by fargo police in north dakota. 37-year-old muhammad brockett was on his way to carry out a mass casualty attack when he tragically killed the fargo police officer and war veteran n jake wallen and wounded three others before he was killedand woun . he got shots fired. certainly got shots fired. we got a man with an ak-47 shooting at us. t central. shots fired. shots fired. we got three officers out. three officers dow n. >> sound, everybody. and god bless with these officers do. luckily, police were on the scene responding to a traffic crash when he started shooting. if they weren't there, many more could. died. brackett was armed with a rifle. you heard it. ak-47 handgun and 800 rounds of ammunition. a grenade and enough explosives to kill. >> a whole crowd were foundl in his found i car. brockett came to the u.s. from syria in 2021 as an asylumn 20 seeker and became a u.s. citizen in 2019. >> over the last five years, his internet searche thes have included phrases like mass shooting events kill fast k explosive ammo, incendiary rounds and area events where there are crowds. just last year, police interviewed brockett after a fire was started in his kitchen and firefighters noticed a dozen guns, thousands of rounds of ammunition gunsd props. o beca >> now, he was free to gous because police said everything was obtainedy everyt legally, be were signs. but that was the second timee police had interviewed him back id n 2021, the fbi received an anonymous tip that he was in a concernin when thg mental n was using threatening language and had a lot of guninals. the fbi said no further action was taken because there was noen evidence of an immediate threat. york stanton is a former new york city police officer. bill, thanks for being here. ce offic.i mean, we lose a war n at the hands of a seriously seeker and an ak-47. i mean, there's there's nothinga more tragithc than that part of this story, but also the warning. i mean, what do you if guns are obtained legally? i get it. but this but th seems to be thed of thing hopefully, that someone could have seen. >> yes, it's tough as long as you obtain these things legally. if someone is committedg to taking life or committing a criminal act, unfortunatelli law enforcement has to be reactive. it's very hard to go proactiveew until someone breaks the law. as far as i'm concerned, over al so what? while an officer robinson of, all the officers t they should receive that department's highest honor. >> what does it take in thatne thi moment? and it's one thing when you're when you're in a wang whr zone and you're trained to prepare to react. that's what we dide to rea in to infantry, react to react to contact. but how do you put yourselutf in the mode to go after someone who's got an ak-47 in thean street when a moment earlier you're dealing with a traffic stopwith i? >> pete that i still have gooset bumps. binson officer robinson could have stayed behind. cover stayed could safe or as se as he could. he decided to cross open an open shot. open, wide opes open an field, g himself between himself and the officers that were down,n putting his life on the line, not only trying to protect his brother officers, but everyone in that area. he is a true hero, in myy opinio opinion. >> he sure is.n. and you know what? >> when you look at the totality of this story, anyt other takeaways you have as someone who's been in this field, either fbi beforehand, reaction to it, how many lives might have been saved? oh, my god. countless. you know, he did a tacticalhe dd reload. he did everything and for those that are saying there may have been excessive force, they have no idea this. we don't live in the world of w movies foror what? what officer robinson did, not knowing if he had body armor on. and it turned out he had explosives. the hundreds and thousands of rounds. this storys, thi could have beew far worse if not for the officers who had sworn to protect and serve. >> they did a phenomenal job and all thos e folks, all those politicians talking about defunding the policetalki they should watch this video and be ashamed of themselves. it's absoluteldeo and y staggern it's pure heroism. if you've ever been on the business end of what it like to be shot out with an ak-47 to charge toward it with with what appear to be a handgun, even if you had a rifl be, eventually you areput putting your life on the line to savin thee others, save inno, that's the definition of bravery. it's why these and women shouldn be as revered as anyone in our society. and sham an should be on those . down their profession. bill stanton, you represent them well. than k you. >> thank you, sir. you got it. all right. joe biden said sending you ukraine fighter jets would world war three. remember when he said that? so why are we giving him a bunch of f-16 fighter jets? america, can we talk? this is a talk show because nobody does it better than talk nation on fox nation. just imagine this scenario. talk nation is the only place you can get all of these shows. let's be really clear. i think he's gone a little bit too far. if the world came podcast, the scandal feels like it's . plus, talk nation has all the outkick shows cheerleader clay travis. welcome back to the games for girls podcast. tomi lahren is fearless, starts right now and so much more wildly unscripted to >> the good news talk nationchar only on fox nation. hate >> why do vitaminsth and supplements cost so much more now? othe's why force facr companiess you more and more for less and less. less. and we hate 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like pinching off a porcupine,en sto you're sweating your next trip to the loo call says the brand for to soften stools. we're all agreed. number two should be easy to do ,just to soften stools with no stimulants for comfortable relief. now, according to joe biden, world war three may soon be upon us. senior national correspondent kevin corke is here to explain why. kevin, help me out. well, let met. tell you, thislvn is an interesting story, pete, because it keeps evolving as wga go. now, you've probably heard the biden administration has already approved sayti, $619illn million of a potential arms sale to taiwan, including hundreds of missiles for f-16 fighter jets. the way well, this is all happening, by the way, as the administration has nowed it's officially decided it's okay, apparently to sendsend f-16s to ukraine. and i say that because i want you to keep in mind, it was just last year that, yesar tha,d the president, joe biden, said something along the lines ofng sending f-16s to ukraine, which is in the throes oukf a brutal war with russia, couldw cause world waarr three. >> the idea that we're goingequn to send in offensive equipment and have planes and tanks and trains going in with american pilots and american crewrican pis. just understand and don't kid yourself, no matter what youwora all say. that's called world wai.r. ex i can't wait to hear him explain. if he said, then that exploit, that would be world war three. well, what changed e world ? then again, that was then. this is now. apparently the metrics have shifted for the white house, or so it would seem. meantime, back here stateside, n of course, the president, as you saw, hosted the leaders of japan and, south korea, today at camp david. >> it's a summit was notit was about china. that was not the purpose of the meetin not the pg. but it did come. china obviously came up. not to say we don't share concerns about the economic coercion or heightened tensions ab china. summi but this summit was reallyt about our relationship with eac with eah other and deepeningopt cooperation across our entirioe range of issues. >> all right. so we've got a hot war already happening between ukraine and russia. we've goppening between t u.s. n administration, pete, sending f-16 to ukraine. and now they're also sending munitions for f-16als, missiles in this case to taiwan. this could notta be any more complicated and frankly, it could not be any more dangerous if you think about where we are. and unfortunately, my friend, where we could be if things continue to escalate like this. >> you're exactly. have we driven russia and china into each other's arms in the process. >> kevin, real quick, you asked the right question. what did she say it was the world war three. >> now they must have it. is this doy you think? what's your best guess? this is mission creep. like the war machine hasth to. >> we have to keep feeding it. you know, i haven't hear>>d that expression for a while. we certainly played that out many, many times., you and i, in conversations about ukraine, or rather, iraq. yeah. and afghanistan. this is a classic example of mission creep. if you only look at the words of the administration previouslyyoe word on what chan? what's different now? well, they always tell you when you ask. >> facts on the ground dictate what's happening at the policy onl. t >> this is certainly the classic definition, pete. oh, it's a phrase we heardthcy. many, many, many time over multiple decades. >> and the war just kept growinweg. apprec >> kevin corke, thanks for the report. we appreciate it. recovery efforts continue on the hawaiian island of maui following the catastrophic wildfirehawaiians. the official death toll still remains at 111, but locallocal hawaiians are claiming that number couldhaare be much high, with the daily mail reporting that the real number of fatalitiesl repo is actually clr to 500. this all comes as joe biden is set to visit maui on monday. but so far he's been short ons n details on how he'll actually support actuall the is we can talk about the hawaii response. mr talk . president.t no, not now. and now the blame game starts. the new york times is already s pointing a finger at big oil. but really, the failures come from the ground level. yesterday'fis maui's emergency management chief, herman andaya ,resigned, and i was heavily scrutinized for not sounding the warninfor nog sirens as thee moved closer, a move he says. he doesn't regret. >> do you regret not sounding the sirens>> d? i do not.sile the sirens, as i mentioned earlier, is usednce ned earl prr tsunamis and isn't the onlybein official being held accountable for their actions. we tol antable fd you yesterdayb about kaleo manuel, the obama backed deputouy director of hawaii's department of land and natural resources. accordinrtmentg to reports, kalo refused to release water to help figheaset the fires. >> he had some interesting reasons, a move that potentialling y caused immeasure damage. well, now kaleo has beencan't reassigned, so he can't stand in the way of first responders anymorp first e. so what does this mean for hawaii? let's bring in co-host of fox friendr s weekend, will cain. >> will, your reporting therewi was wall, s second to none.groud >> you were on the ground talking to the people. we were talking beforealking t the segment. it's hard to know. do you look backward on the blame game? do you look forward to what happens nextow, you to what ha nowne thatw york you're here in new york reflecting on it? where do people point the blame fo r r this? well, there's going to be plenty of blame to go around. you know, it's pretty insulting that herman andaya said that the sirens were held back because people migh assignt believe it was a tsunami. and emergency management system is designed for all emergencies . and this is an island out in the middle of the pacific, which its threats includindle oe tsunami, hurricane, war. it's the closest to north korea and to china. that siren doesn't mean run necessarily towardt s the. and i think people are smart enough to see flames and not run into the flameto ps. flames people try to run away from c the flames. they ran to the water. and back to that numbehere wasrf that. here's what i was told. okay. i talked to a lot of, people al over west maui, including a lot of guyng a s who dove into that fire to fight it. thisding to what i've been tol . the number is going to be way higher. all of those guys said tha by of these guys sat reluctantly to me. they didn't want to put numbers on it. they did seen they saw many,nt many bodies. now, i want you to know thatou t therelell, when i tell you this, there were a lot of children that were sent home from school that dayen rom scho. we need to find outppened what happened to all of those kids. i will say tkids in all of my dt over there this past week, having talking to a lot of people, you don't hear people saying, i still can't find this person or i still can't find tha pro t person. there's not a great outcry of a missing child or a missing cousin that does exist. but i'm just telling you, if the numbers are in the 500 to 1000, i would have thought i would have heard thahoughtt m. so that does leave me with one last potentiality, which is entire families are gone, entire groups of people who could noamilies t escape, and no one left to say, where is my cousin? where is my uncl to e? where is my child?i do i do think and i am concerned it's going to be a story that gets worse before it ever looks better. tragicit. at does and as you look at the future, what does the future look like for that community?e reco where do they start? i mean, i know it's immediate recoveryve and address immediat needs, but what about the next step? conversations of developmenthe > what the city looks like? so first, accountability to your point. that's the point of the blamite game is not just cathartic, is to get it right for next time to put the right to people inr gove charge of our government. i will tell you, i am sorn.d inspiredsa by community in theu. place of government. every failure of government was matched by some privateeppi citizens stepping up from elon musk to local communitngy leades going forward. how is this land developed? it needs to remain in the hands of people who are born and raised to remain in lahaina. it cannot be taken over by the t government. it cannot be taken oveakenr by h developers. it has to remain just like you'd want your home, just like tennessee or texas, just like alabama or wyoming. likit needs to stay in the homf in the hands of hawaiians. i know you've done your part. you've raised a lot of money. you're going to you're going to stay on top of it. thank you for everythingfor ev h done that. >> you've talked a lot about heroes, too. yeah. well, tomorrow morningerto mornt i are going to be in the company of heroes, navy sealhehs in the river in the hudson river, because we're doing the navy seals swim, raise money for the navy seal foundation, live on fox and friends. now, las hudsont year on our program, b you made a very bold claim. >> here it is. y >> i'll make you guys just promise if bill will put me through a swim test, not tomorrowomise, n. year fro i can't make it tomorrow. but maybe a year from now, i'll be one of those guys to your left o r right. we'll go through this together. if you carry me along. well, we got to do bette prinan exxon. >> but not a bold claim. but a claim. t. a proclaso i have better thantor you tomorrow. are you confident? yeah. soow i barely survived the first year i did it. i did it mildly competently. the second year. you have a track record as a swimmer? well, you're feeling good. yeah. i mean, before i took offe to maui and did notrr.t sleep and ate cheetos and ripped heaters all week in order to get through a stressful, stressful week of reporting in maui, o i your hands down no. i've beat up my body for a week. so the biggest disappointment, though, won't be me or my swim or pete or his swim is that he's not going to join me atr the bar afterwards, apparently. but no very important, good s. ghborly family obligation bunch of navy seals and pete and will tomorrow morning on fox and friends. you gofirst.t to tune in tomorrw morning. the swim starts at eight, but the live programing starts at six. >> and we're both jumping in the river and they going to follow us all the way across. let's do i t.e way ac >> let >> florida, get read'sy for a political showdown for the ages. >> i'm matthew. i'm melissa. and together we started by playing through. since day one, our freshly in tears were made to offer a flattering fit for all body types and not break the bank. unleash your confidence at fresh clean threads .com. >> do you struggle to fall asleep and stay asleep? tune all sleep support has a unique blend of five key ingredients that can help you fall asleep faster. stay asleep longer so you can wake up 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she never put i her daughter in a tanning bed. >> well, she wasn't chargeder after a new jersey grand jury declined a new to indict her.,h and we all thought that probably the end of tan moend o story, 15 minutes. but guess again, because the mother oagain,f five has her sights set on a new career, united states senator.tor. this week, tan mom filed paperwork in floridascott to challenge rick scott in 2024. she's running as a republican, but says her campaign would focus on pro lgb, , cu and pro diversity issues. >> so there's that platform.e oy the overly bronzed mother says m shothee her tanning addiction and claims that her internet fame will actuallyning add helps a candidate. telling fox news, yes, wemment. reached out for comment. the thing with my campaign is that, you know, everything wg about me from the start. do we? there's no skeletons or hidden secrets or shocking dirt to be revealed. what you see is what you get.u e >> because my life hast be been documented and beautifully tanned. so florida voters, it looks like you've got quite the choice. >> next novemberte the choice..o >> well, the saying goes, if you don't learn from history, u do you're doomed to repeat it. but if we leave it to radical progressives, there won'ter be any history left to studystor becausy lee liberals have made t their mission to erase america's past. everything from teddy roosevelt to the washington redskins to christopher columbus, all one the chopping block. and now they've got a new targetbloc, minutemen. >> now, i'm sure you remember yu minutemen from your history books. they were the citizen soldierseo who powered america to victory over the british in the revolutionary war. hethey were simple men, farmers, merchants, blacksmiths who rose to meemen, t an extraordinarytr challenge. >> their sacrifice laiaordinaryd the foundation for the greatest nation on god's green earth. mea >> so you would think americans would share a reverencns e for these colonial icons, right? well, california begs to differ, as they often do, concurrethd high school, which is about 30 miles outside of san francisco and is literallyye named after the revolutionary war battle of lexington and concord. hence concord high school decided to ditch minutemen as the school's mascot. instead, the school board voted on wednesday night to change the team names to the bears because there aren't any of those saying that that move is more inclusive. >> it's time for new attitudes. and if changing a mascotke stude will make students feel emlcome, embraced and, empower them to participate more at their school, then i will support this. the majority of that school is latino. >> so they don't really know much about the minutemen and it's not really in their culture and they don't feel represented with that mascot that is so, so, so racist, ing h condescending that if you're of latin or hispanic descent, you can'at if yot to the foundig principles of our country, including men who stood on the bridge and created this whole opportunity that we have. no, you're defined by youry. background only as amazing. and they use every buzz word in the process. moe move is set to cost the district $200,000 and of course, is a colossal waste of taxpayer money and schoo >> concord high school alumni, of course, they're up in arms over the move, but the district is standing by it. >> it's just another page torn out of america's history books . >> kylie griswald is the federalist editor director, and she joins me now. kylie, thanks for being here. i mean, hearing the words of the school board members, it it's staggering the lens, it ish they see the world. it's insane. and you know, what's really shocking is that anyon re all w is talking about mascots at all when we have such majowercan issues plaguing public education in this country that are not so frivoloushi as mascos in california, i mean, we're still recovering from covered learning losses in california. just lasest year. two and three students could to i math standards. more than half couldn't meet basic english standards. and to really expose the hypocrisy of these leftist e ,it's even worse amongn g nonwhite students who they're not trying to help at all. of coursnonwstudentse, by changg their mascot. some 80% of both black and hispanic ascot. students couldn't meett a basic math standards either. and, of course, the democrats and the teachers unions will say, well, if we just had some more money, if we just had some more funding, we could close these learning gaps. we could help remedy these students. that's always the answer. so then why are they throwing $200,000 at such a frivolous thinowing $2g as changing their? it's absolutely absurd. it's not going to help a singlie student. pa and of course, it's only going to cost the taxpayer. and whatrtly going are we goinge in return? >> absolutely not. yeah, i mean, according to the unions, we're always, absolute $1,000,000,000 away from brilliance as they peddle educ new educational philosophy . that's just stupid. what could kids learn for the minutemeational philosn, by you're a young kid, regardless of your background, like, isn't it usefu about l to learn aboute courage of men of old? oh, of course. there's so much to be learned from them. and you know what else? it's truly baffling to me. the left gets mad when you have a mascot like the redskins ords the chiefs becausekins o you'res supposed to appropriate nonwhite culture. but then they geedpropriathite a mascot like minutemen who were a bunch of white men. make it make sense. but of course, they can learn something from them. so ookay. so the minutemen, i mean, let's let's have a little bit of historical literacy here.uld st maybe we should stop condemning every littleop thing as culturan appropriation. have a little cultural appreciationd have a. have some historical historical literacy. of course, the minutemen were not gender inclusive. they were men. of course, they carried guns. they were a militia. but. but you're right. you know why? the left really hates them, the. rse theys, ? fight because they existed to fight tyranny. that was the whole point. they instructey. d the best e about american exceptionalism. they were dutiful. they were strong, brave. they were ready and willing to fight. and so it's not surprising. but it is sad that today's social justice warriors are so ready and willintice socg to die with such a meaningful mascot. >> don't remind people that there are things worth fightineg for and worth standing up for. >> we'd rather have people that throw out their pronouns. thank you very much, caleb. appreciate iyou t. >> thank you. all right. up next, our bird's real primetime investigates. there are more identity threats than you realize. >> lifelock alerts you and works to fix problems with a dedicated restoration specialist. go to lifelock e-commerce. >> still tying your shoes. it's 2023. hands free shoes are the next big thing. 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nation america is streaming . >> fox news at night has you covered. we begin with breaking information from critical events here at home to the global conflict shaping our world. we will cover it in full. don't miss trace gallagher weeknights at 11 on fox news at night. >> the question is, are birds real now? i would say yes. but others seem to not agree. >> they believe the government replaced birds with deep state agents who surveil the american citizenry. is it crazy? >> sure it is. it's also the subject of a new nation. special birds are fake, the conspiracy. take a look look. the birds are dirty, smelly. the extermination of our population. >> they're human beings who are here in a dungeon. and birds are robots. it is a bird brained theory. just because it's theory doesn't mean that it is a bunch of nonsense. 56 years i've been doing these pigeons. i think i know what i'm talking about. this is a coordinated effort to systematically remove all of the birds. why should we be concerned about that? birds fake. the conspiracy is out now on fox nation. and peter mcadoo is the public information officer of birds aren't real. >> so, peter, you're telling me you believe there are no living birds? i believe it. i know it. you know it. i know it as proof. yes. all birds. >> every bird in the u.s. that include chickens is a chicken. >> a bird, a chickens, a bird. a chickens, a bird. so i just fed my chickens back home. >> they didn't seem to be robots. >> yeah, that's kind of how biotechnology works. the government government's making bio hybrids where there are birds and robots that the governments combined and any jacobsen's done some great work on. >> so you're saying they have human characteristics? the eyes, the wing on human characteristics have bird characteristics. what government did it from 1959 through 2001, they systematically replaced every bird in the sky with a government surveillance drone replica that looks identical to a real bird. spies on us every day. >> so when you walk outside, i mean, there's probably 100 cameras in here as more cameras outside than there are. so hold on. we can't win foreign wars and we can't run a dmv, but we can control every bird in the sky. >> we can. i mean, and i appreciate you allowing me to share this information. >> i hear a lot of the media won't let me talk about, is this a shtick? i mean, do you really? i mean, do you really in your heart, why would it be a stick? >> because, i mean, do you everywhere you report on ufos in the show? >> yes. well, i don't report. on ufos or i mean, i respect what you guys talk about on here. you're letting bird on the show. >> you're a ufo. and so do you think that i can see the government using some birds, maybe as drones, to disguise them? but you're saying all birds, the pigeons here in new york city, every every bird. every bird in every pigeon here in new york city. and i mean, it's -- it's really an epidemic. it's a bird down. >> this is a real theory. there are real people out there. yes. the real theory. it's been going on since the 80s. it's on the media. you can find it. it's just like really everything else out there. >> truth, subjective. there's different truth for different things. >> and if you do your own research, look into it. you might find that out. >> there you go. go to fox nation. birds are fake. is we're looking into this theory or conspiracy theory, whatever. >> want not not, not a conspiracy theory. thank you for your time. all right. the patriot awards, by the way, is a special event. >> it's coming up on november 16th and tickets go on sale tomorrow. >> we're in nashville this year. >> music city. don't miss it. they're on sale tomorrow morning. >> grand old opry. they're going to go quick. please join us. it'll be hosted by yours truly. hannity coming up next. hi, everyone, and welcome to this special ofition of "hannity". i'm tammy bruce, in for sean. and we begine and with morefo s for joe biden. the walls are actually closing in. house are now demanding recordsd regardin ng three pseudonyms. r biden used to conduct official business as vice president. e this includes government emails about ukrainmails e mysteriouslt to both joe and hunter biden.ou meanwhile, two former vice ter presidential aides to jo

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Mascots , Education , Mascos , Anyon , Couldn T Meet Basic English , Hypocrisy , Leftist E , Learning Losses , Math Standards , Changg , Of Coursnonwstudentse , Standards , Math , Teachers Unions , Amongn G , Students Couldn T Meett , Ascot , 80 , Student , Thinowing , Funding , Answer , Learning Gaps , Singlie , Pa , , 2 , Whatrtly , Taxpayer , Unions , Brilliance , Educ New Educational Philosophy , Minutemeational Philosn , 1000000000 , 000000000 , Kid , Redskins , Aboute Courage , Isn T It Usefu , Sense , Becausekins O You Res , Ookay , A Have Some Historical Literacy , Appreciationd , Culturan Appropriation , Gender Inclusive , Historical Literacy Here Uld St , Littleop , Brave , Tyranny , Militia , Rse Theys , They Instructey , American Exceptionalism , Dutiful , Sad , Warriors , Worth , Worth Fightineg , Willintice Socg , Bird , Primetime , Iyou T , Pronouns , Up Next , Caleb , Identity , E Commerce , Shoes , Peel Crushing , Star Reviews , Don T Take My Word , 2023 , 13005 , Personality , Shoe , Returns , Style , Color , Kiss , Cars Com Slash Tv , Sleep Mattresses , Sweet Honey Nut , Chance , Worries , Pressure Relief , Layers , Comfort , Dreamland Fast , Cancer Victim , Yours , Nectar Sweet Labor Day , Don T Wait , Night Try , Roundup , The Main Ingredient , Weedkiller Roundup , Billions , Victims , Illness , Non Hodgkin S , Lover , Weedkiller , Case Review , Agriculture Workers , Network , Glyphosate , Human Carcinogen , Users , Significant Financial Compensation , World Health Organization , Call Guardian , Health Risk , Product , Compensation , Manufacturer , Lymphoma , Cancer , Nothing , Form , Don T Win , 25508759 , Power Swaps , Trays , Jonathan Green , Swaps , Smile , Ginger , Stains , Red Wine , Tea , Veneers , Stain Caps , Teeth , Coffee , Areas , Kind , Swap , Stain , Untreated , Swab Precision , Retail Price , Shades , Stick Pin , Dollar , Sunday Morning On Fox , Visit , Wider , Whiter , Bonus , Power Swabs , Countries , Game On , World Cup 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, Truth , Conspiracy Theory , Research , Go To Fox Nation , Whatever , Event , Tickets , Music City , The Patriot Awards , November 16th , Grand Old Opry , Hannity , Walls , Ofition , Morefo S , Hi , Sean , Tammy Bruce , Recordsd Regardin Ng Three Pseudonyms , Vice , Emails , Aides , Hunter Biden Ou Meanwhile , R , Jo , Ukrainmails E Mysteriouslt ,

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