Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Jesse 20240704 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Jesse 20240704

his base, he is the leading democrat, but biden isn't looking so good these days. they're talking about speaking out about this is health. now they're talking about it. they are breathing down jo's neck, and he's in trouble. led state that joe drops out, jumps in, it can't be kamala, she fizzled out in the primary spreadsheet rental to cash before super tuesday and she's terrible bright vice president. the passage of time has had a significant impact on the chances. the dnc is not going to let her have k on the table. there is only one guy waiting i the wings and that is californi governor gavin newsom. he's got almost everything a candidate needs, there is just one problem. gavin newsom is a governor, and the state he governs is a complete mess. being california governor shoul be they have a giant film industry, natural resources, warm weather, tourism, i could go on and on. newsom took the state from $100 billion surplus to a $25 billion deficit. he has hundreds of thousands away, send it to u-haul with lockdowns, vax mandates and of course ridiculous texas. most significantly he gave criminals control of the streets . that might get you elected agai in california, but it's not going to point well on a national level. now, he seems to have some regrets. political reports that newsom has taken back his old job acting as though shadow mayor o san francisco. ec he's trying to clean up the city that we will all forget that his political policies don't work. he knows he can't defend california on the campaign trail , make a malic or california, it's not going to pass muster. you see this white lexus drivin down the street? you see that guy running in and out of they call that, boosting. it happened in san francisco al the time in broad daylight the driver slowly rolls down the street as their traffickers passengers jump in and out spar they're not speeding or hiding. they know they're not going to get arrested and if they do, they will get let out right awa birth sometimes citizens try to stop these thieves, but they ar outgunned. ♪ >> just another day in the life. this is what he is campaigning on. right there in front of you. being chained up to store owners . being reported earlier this week , telling employees to work from home because it simply not safe to commute to work. shrubs going out of business because nobody feel safe downtown. how about smoking dope in the middle of the day in front of kids. >> yogh baptist stop smoking that leap in front of kids. there are kids right here. it is crazy as leap, you have got children and family over here. you are over here smoking fentanyl in the streets. when you try to call them on it they want to get crazy. i was lost my cool right there. the entire state is a danger zone. the creep beat the tar out of 8 woman year-old woman on a bus. blood pouring out of her head. someone else woke up and stole her wallet. stores are being looted left an right. ♪ >> a mob of thieves ran in and stole over $100,000 worth of merchandise. alexa restored, gave them the rent. >> $300,000 out the door. please arrested ivan ramirez at couple of hours later. he was let out on zero bill. he was surpassed on that, and h says look. >> the difference between me an most politicians is i own this. i take responsibility for this. i love the states, i don't like what's happening. talk is cheap. if you want to clean up your state, take action and take on your lunatic base or you will never survive a national campaign. first, keep watching fox. >> i occasionally turn on fox t see what happens. just to see. >> not occasionally, every night . my staff has tried to have interactions with me about it, they say i'm too obsessed with it. >> we know you're watching. listen up. how about tear down the drug debt, tear down the drug encampments. we will tell you to get rid of serial bill. you need consequences if you want to stop crime. charge people who steal. allow that piece, please, to do their job and allow citizens to defend themselves. there may be lower taxes too. so you're people are not taxed to know in. >> let's turn to richie greenberg. he is mayoral candidate. richie, thanks for being here. the reports are that gavin newsom is all over san francisc because he know it's proper for him. how was the city run when he wa the mayor? >> hello, you know, the situation with gavin newsom is that he is in denial. he had a strong base. people left him here a couple o decades ago when he campaigned, but then when he went to sacramento that's where he lost the narrative along with his cohorts, along with a lot of people in others in city hall here. we are not in a situation where it is us, the voters and the residences and businesses of sa francisco against the government . that is the problem now. he really really needs to get his act together. he is going to have a heckuva time if he really sincerely wants to be president. >> what you see when he wants t lost the narrative. did he get caught up in right-wing narrative, which you mean why he lost his way. >> that is correct. he was considered moderate for many years, and then all of a sudden, when he got word that h survived that recall attempt, that embolden him and there was a sudden change in it. we could see it, it was palatable. he's slipped to the left in. it's like he had some onset early political dementia. at this point, there is no way that he could do anything to help unless he takes drastic drastic measures to turn things around such is really raining i the rule of district attorneys around the state. he needs to bring in law enforcement to deal with fennel and other elements. there is so much he needs to do that he is just not doing with. >> can you do that inside the moderate democrat party with th leftists who decry him as a racist or whatever it is for being able to enforce the law. could he do it? let say he does have these ambitions in he wants to clean at the state,. >> it's going to be tough because we have activist judges on the bench and they are very much responsible for not prosecutors will bring the case and the judges both just let them go. he has the ability to, newsom has the ability with the stroke of the pen to make emergency declarations. there are things he can do that can bring in the national guard he can bring in chp to really rein in, there are things he ca do. and he can push back at the different city councils with th people that are elected in city hall around the state. he can put pressure right now h is not doing that. >> if you were the mayor or at the shadow mayor, if you regather gavin make newsom, wha would you do right now? >> we have to secure our cities. we have to go off during the fentanyl dealers. we have to go after the homeles encampments. we have to read and these activist judges started next year in march, there are elections we have to get the word out of who should not be o the bench anymore. he should not be in office anymore. then we've got to secure where the tourists go. seemed cisco is important tourist destination. how can we allow tourists to be targeted? we can't. we have to pull law enforcement state, federal local at the tourist locations like peer 39, fisherman's wharf, we have to secure it so that that way we don't have the criminals as you saw before, as a smorgasbord. >> he's got the hair, now we just need the backbone and ultimately you can't run on the record he has. you feel like the temptation would be keep going along the way he is. to whitewash it and say it is all fixed. thank you for eager inside, we appreciate it. >> coming up, tops under attack. >> three officers down. >> send everybody. are you tired of clean clothes that just don't smell clean? downy unstopables in-wash scent boosters keep your laundry smelling fresh waaaay longer than detergent alone. if you want laundry to smell fresh for weeks, make sure you have downy unstopables in-wash scent boosters. 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(avo) ask your doctor about once-weekly mounjaro. oh, oh, oh...i'll be the judge of that. oh, that's nice... oh!! searchable, verified reviews. that's better than the ham, and i've never said that. booking.yeah ♪ >> pete: within 5 million illegals have flooded the unite states border under joe biden. who are these people? a lot of them we don't know. some of them are causing a lot of trouble now that they are here. we reported the other day that new york city mayor shipped illegals upstate. one of those is accused of raping and another of assaulting . it happened again. and delaware county, new york, where crews and illegal immigrant, was charged withrape answer regulation of a woman. he was arrested and orange county, new york on a string of felony spread he was also wante by ice prior to these felonies, but since new york is a sanctuary state, they released him without turning him over. and the main reason he was back on the streets allowing him to r rape someone is because the ne york state's real reform laws freight it's a disgrace not onl to new york, but america's justice system as a whole. as if it needs more reasons to be a it is grace brady can be released without fail for crime such as, but not limited to, we will roll it again, second degree manslaughter, aggravated vehicular homicide. third-degree assault, crossing up seen sexual performance by a child, how about making a terroristic threat in a negligently criminal homicide. criminals and child pornographers on the street, with no built necessary. speaking of safety, newly released body cam video shows i asylum-seekers in murderer take down by police in north dakota. 37 -year-old mohammed brockett, on his way to a mass casualty attack when he tragically kille fargo police officer and war veteran and wounded three order others before he was killed. ♪ shots fired! shots fired! a man with an ak-47 in shooting at us. ♪ >> central, shots fired, shots fired. officers down. send everybody. >> luckily, police were on the scene refunding to a traffic crash when he started shooting. if they weren't there, many mor could have died. he was armed with a rifle, an ak-47. 1800 rounds of ammunition and enough explosives to kill the whole crowd were found in the card. he came from syria in 2021 as i asylum-seekers he became a u.s. citizen in 2019. over the last five years is internet searches have included phrases like kill fast, incendiary modes and areas wher there are crowds. just last year police interviewed him after a fire wa started in his kitchen and firefighters noticed a dozen guns, and propane tanks freight he was free to go because polic say everything was obtained legally. that was the second time police had interviewed temperate and 2020 when the police received and that he was in a concerning mental straight. he had a lot of guns for the fb said no further action was take because there was no evidence o an immediate threat. bill stanton is a former new york city police officer. bill, thank you for being here. if he was a war veteran at the hands of syria's asylum-seekers there is nothing more tragic than that part of the story, bu the warning signs, if guns are obtained legally i get it, but this seems to be the kind of thing that someone could see. >> it is tough. as long as you obtain these things legally, if someone is committed to taking life or committing a criminal act, unfortunately, law enforcement has to be reactive freight it's hard to go proactive until someone breaks the law. as far as i'm concerned, all th officers that receive that should receive the highest honor . >> what does it take in that moment. it's one thing when you're in a war zone, we are trained to prepare to react in the infantr is to react to contacts, but ho do you put yourself in the mode to go after someone who's got a ak-47 in the street when a woma earlier dealing with it. >> pete, i still have goosebump freight officer robinson could have stayed behind cover, staye safe or as safe as he could. he decided to cross open and open start, an open field, putting himself between himself and the officers that were down. putting his life on the line no only protect his brother officers, but everyone in that area. he is a true hero in my opinion. >> he is. when you look at the totality, you take away that have been in this field either fbi before hand reaction to it or how many lives have been saved? >> countless. he did at tactical reload. he did everything right freight and for those that are saying i may have been excessive force, they have no idea, we don't liv in a world of movies, what officer robinson did, without knowing if he had body armor on and it turned out he had explosives, hundreds of thousands of rounds, this story could have been far worse, if not for the officers who had sworn to protect and serve freight they did a phenomenal job. all those politicians talking about defending the police, the should watch this video and be ashamed of themselves. >> it is staggering. it is pure heroism. to charge toward an ak-47 with what appeared to be a handgun and a rifle eventually, you are putting your life on the line t save others, save and incense, that is the definition of bravery that's why these men an women should be as revered as anyone in our society. you represent them well, thank you. >> thank you, sir. >> joe biden said his sending ukraine fighter jets would caus world war iii mac, why are we giving them f-16s? 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explain why. kevin? help me out. >> this is an interesting story because it keeps evolving as we go. you probably heard the bite in the ministration has approved state $619 million at the potential arms sale to taiwan including hundreds of missiles from f-16 fighter jets. this is happening by the way as the administration has now officially decided it's okay to send f-16s to ukraine. i say that because i want you t keep in mind it was just last year that yes, the president jo biden said something along the lines of sending f-16s do ukraine, which is in the throes of a butte brutal war with russia could cause world war iii . >> the idea were going to send an offense of equipment and hav going at it with american pilot and american crews, just understand, that don't kid yourself, no matter what you say , it's called world war iii. >> can't wait to hear him explain in what he said then what would be world war iii and what changed. so it would seem, back time, th president as you saw, hosted th leaders of japan and south kore today. >> this summit was not about china. it was not the purpose of being china enviously came up. obviously we share concerns about economic coercion or tensions caused by china. this summit was really about ou relationship with each other an the cooperation across the entire region range of issues. >> we have got a hot war alread happening between ukraine in russia. we've got the u.s. under the biden administration sending f-16s to ukraine and now they'r also sending munitions for f-16s , missiles in this case to taiwan. this could not be any more complicated and frankly could not be any more dangerous if yo think about where we are and unfortunately, my friend where we could be if things continue to escalate right that. >> we have driven russia in china into each other's arms. u.s. to great question, it was world war iii, now they must have it, is it, what is your best guess, the war machine has we have to keep feeding it? >> i haven't heard that expression for a while. we certainly played that out many times in conversations about ukraine, iraq, afghanistan . this is the classic example if you look at the words of the previous administration. with chains, what is different now. they tell you when you ask, fax on the ground, dictate what the policy. this is the definition. >> it is a phrase we have heard multiple times very thank you. appreciated. recovery efforts continue on th hawaiian island of maui, following the catastrophic wildfires. local hawaiians are claiming that the number could be much higher. what the daily mail reported th number of fatalities is actuall closer to 500. this comes as joe biden is set to visit maui on monday. so far he has been short on details on how he will actually support. >> mr. president, any comments on the death will? >> you can talk about that? >> any comments come up mr. president? >> not now, and now the blame game starts. the new york times is pointing finger at david boyle, but the fingers come from the ground up. yesterday's emergency managemen chief resigned, and he was heavily scrutinized for not sounding the warning sirens as the blaze moved closer and a move he says he doesn't regret to. >> do you regret not sounding the sirens? >> i do not break the silence a i mentioned earlier, is used primarily for synonymy spread. >> that's not the only official being held accountable for thei actions. we told you yesterday about manwell, the obama back department of land and natural resources freight according to reports, he refused to release water to help fight the fires. interesting reasons. potentially caused immeasurable damage. now he has been reassigned so h can't stand in the way up first responders anymore. what does this mean for hawaii? let's bring in will kane. will, the reporting there was second to none, we were on the ground talking to the people. we were talking it was hard to know, you look forward to what happens next, now that you're here in new york reflecting on it, where are people pointing the fingers? >> there will be plenty of game to go around freight assignment will hud back because people might believe it's as you nami. it was designed for all emergencies. this is not out in the middle o the pacific great tsunami, hurricane or that simon doesn't mean run towards the mountains, i think people are short enough to people try to run away from the flames come up but there wa a number because of that. here's what i was told, i talke to a lot of people. all over west maui including a lot of guys who delve into that fire to fight it. this is what i've been told. the numbers are going to be way higher. all of these guys said that the didn't want to put numbers on it , they did see many many bodies, i want you to know that as well when i tell you this. there were a lot of children that we're from school that day. we need to find out what happened to all those kids. i will say and all of my days over there this last week i've talked to a lot of people. you don't help proposing i can' find this person or not that person. that does exist, but if the numbers are in the 500-1,000, i would have thought i would have heard that number. that deals with one potentiality , in tyler families are gone. in tyler groups of people they could not escape. you want to say where is my uncle, where is my child. i do think and i am concerned that it's going to be a story that gets work before it gets better. >> as you look at the future, what does the future look like for that community? i know it's immediate recovery, and the immediate needs, but what about the next step conversations. >> first accountability, that i part of the plane game. its to get it right for next people. to put the competent people in charge of our government. i would say i'm so inspired by community. every failure of government was matched by some private citizen stepping up, from elon musk to local community leaders. going forward, how is this plan developed? it needs to remain in the peopl of people that were born and raised. they cannot be taken over by th government or rich developers freight it has to remain like tennessee or texas, just like alabama or wyoming, it needs to stay in the hands of hawaii. >> eve done your part and raise a lot of money. thank you for everything you've done. you talk about heroes to bear tomorrow morning, you and i are going to be in the company of heroes. navy seals in the river, in the hudson river. they were raised money for the hudson. last year on our program we mee a very bold print. >> i'll make you guys this promise, not tomorrow, i can't make it tomorrow, but maybe a year from now, i will be when you guys to go through the standard. i got to do better than hudson print. >> what a proclaim. >> i have confidence in you tomorrow? >> i barely survived the first year i did that. i did it mildly competently the next year. you have a competence track record as a swimmer. >> repeaters all week to get through a stressful week of reporting in maui. i had you hands down. the biggest disappointment won' be me or my swim repeats, is no going to join me at the bar afterwards apparently, but very important good neighborly famil obligations first. >> tune and tomorrow morning, the swim starts at 8:00 a.m. follows all the way across. >> let's do it. >> florida, get ready for the show down. ♪ if you have moderate to severe crohn's disease skyrizi is the first and only il-23 inhibitor that can deliver clinical remission and endoscopic improvement. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to. liver problems may occur in crohn's disease. control of crohn's means everything to me. ask your gastroenterologist about skyrizi. ♪ control is everything to me ♪ learn how abbvie could help you save. >> here is a friday night brainteaser for you. you're number this lady? her name is patricia. you might know her best as tan mom. back in 2012 she took the world i guess you would say by storm. >> patricia looking very bronze defended her controversial habi of taming and that late, new jersey, mother of four to national attention after his si -year-old daughter appeared to have a sunburn and told the scrollbars her mother had taken her to attend this long braid she was treacherous second-grad child endangerment she pled not guilty. she says he/she never put her daughter in a tanning bed. >> she was in charge after a ne jersey grand jury declined to indict her, the end of the tan mom story, 15 minutes freight guess again, because the mother of five has her sights set on a new career, united states senator. this week, tan mom filed paperwork to challenge rick scott in 2024. cheese running as a republican, but says her campaign focused o pro- lgbtq and pro diversity issues, so there is that. the overly bronzed mother so sh kicked her tanning addition and claims that her internet fame will help her as a candidate. telling fox news, yes, we reached out for comment. the thing with my campaign is you know everything about me from this dark. there is no skeletons or hidden secrets to be revealed, what yo see is what you get because my life has been documented. florida voters, it looks like you've got quite the choice. >> the same goes if you don't loan from history, you are doomed to repeat it. if you leave it to radical progressives, there won't be an history less to study. liberals have made it there to erase the past. everything from the washington redskins to christopher columbus , all on the chopping block. now they've got a new target. i'm sure you remember it minutemen from your history books. they were the citizen soldiers who covered america to victory over the they were simple men, farmers, merchants, they made a extraordinary challenge. and their sacrifice lead the foundation for the greatest nation on gods green earth. so you think americans would share a reverence for these icons. california, begs to differ as they do. concorde high school, which is about 30 miles outside of san francisco in is literally named after the revolutionary war battle of lexington in concorde decided to ditch minutemen is the school's mascot. instead, the school board voted on wednesday night to change th names to the bears. saying that is more inclusive. >> it is time for it new attitudes and if changing the mascot will make students feel welcome, embraced, and empowerment to participate more at their school, then i will support this. >> the majority of that school is latin, so they don't really know much about the minutemen. it's not really in their culture . >> it so racist and condescending that if you are o latin or hispanic consent, no, you are defined by your background only. it's amazing and is everybody words in the process for the move is set to cost the distric $200,000 and of course it's a colossal waste of money. concord high school the distric is standing by. the federalist editor and director joins me now. i've been hearing the words of the school board members, it is staggering though blends to which they see the world. >> it is insane. what's really shocking is that anyone is talking about mascots at all when we have such major issues plaguing public educatio in this country that are not as frivolous as mascots freight in california, we are recovering from covid learning losses. and california just last year, to in three students could not meet basic math standards. and to really expose the hook for accuracy of these leftist, it's even worse among nonwhite students. they're not helped at all by changing their mascot. some 80 percent are still couldn't meet mass standards either. why are they throwing $200,000 at such a frivolous thing as changing their mascot. it's not going to help single student part it's only going to cost the taxpayer. what we see return, absolutely nothing. >> we are all used away from brilliance as they peddle educational philosophy that's not. >> if you're a nun young kid, isn't it useful to learn about the courage of. >> of course, so much to be learned from it. it is truly baffling to me, the left gets mad when you have a mascot like the redskins or the chief because you're not supposed to appropriate nonwhit culture, but then they get mad about a mascot like minutemen who are a bunch of white men, make it make sense. so of course that minutemen, let's have a little bit of historical literacy here, maybe we should stop condemning every little thing as cultural appropriation and have a little cultural appreciation for it of course the minutemen were it no gender inclusive, they were men. of course they carried guns, they were militia. the raft left really hates them because they existed to fight tierney tyranny. that is they m embody that list about american exceptionalism. they were ready and willing to fight. it's not surprising that it is sad that today's justice social justice warriors are ready to dispense with mascot. >> we would live rather have made it people. thank you very much, and appreciate it. >> thank you. >> up next, our first real, prime time investigates. booking.yeah the long-lasting scent of gain flings made it smell like dave was in his happy place... ...the massage chair at the mall. but...he wasn't. gain flings with oxi boost and febreze. let me be direct... you're watching football wrong! what do you call a guy in face paint that can't get the game? ...a clown! sorry, what app was it again? no, no. just give me a second... amateurs. ohhh! sorry everybody. directv sports central gives you access to every game... you never have to compromise on gameday. ...was that necessary? i was just illustrating a point. oh. get in the redzone with sports pack. call 1-800-directv (vo) in two seconds, eric will realize (man) [laughs] (vo) they're gonna need more space... gotta sell the house. 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( ♪ ♪ ) it's the best part about this land. and to those of you who hear the call - answer. save big on top quality gear during the fall hunting classic. at bass pro shops and cabela's. your adventure starts here. >> the question is, are birds real? i would say yes. others seem to not agree. they believe the government replace birds with deep state agents who surveyed the american citizenry. is it crazy?sure it is. it's also the subject of a new fox nation special, birds are fake.the conspiracy. take a look. >> birds are dirty, smelly. >> the extermination of our pigeon population. >> were human beings, or here in a dungeon and birds or robots. >> it is a bird brain theory. >> just because it's a theory doesn't mean it's a bunch of nonsense. >> 2 to 6 years i've been doing these pigeons. i think i know what i'm talking about. >> this is a corrugated effort to systematically remove all of the birds. >> should i be concerned about that? >> birds are fake. the conspiracies out on fox nation. peter mcadoo is a public information officer of birds aren't real. so peter, you're telling me you believe that there are no living birds? >> i believe it.i know it. >> you know it? >> i know it is proof. yes. >> all birds? >> every bird of the us. >> does not include chickens? >> is a chicken a bird? >> a chicken is a bird. >> i just fed my chickens back home. he didn't seem to be robots. >> yeah, that's how biotechnology works. the government is making bio hybrids. where there are birds and robots that the government is combining any jacobson has done some great work on them . >> human characteristics, thighs and wings. >> not human characteristics. the bird characteristics. they systematically replaced every bird in the sky with the government surveillance drone replica that looks identical to a real bird. spies on us every day. many walk outside there's probably 100 cameras in here. more cameras outside. >> hold on we can't win foreign wars and run a dmv but we can control every bird of the sky? >> i can. i appreciate you allowing me to show this information. a lot of the media won't let me talk about it. >> is associate? >> to really in your heart b. >> why would be a shtick week works are birds everywhere. >> you report ufos on the show, yes? >> well i don't. >> your letting bird robots on the show. >> i could see the government using some birds may be as it drones to disguise them. you're saying all birds? the pigeons here new york city? >> every bird. every bird and every pigeon here in new york city and, i mean it's really an epidemic. it's a bird to make. >> there are real people out there. >> are real third that's been since 80s. it's on the media. you can find it. it's like everything else out there. the truth is subjective. there's different proof for different things. if you do your own research, look into it. you might find that out. >> there you go. go to fox nation, birds are fake. we are looking into this sperry. >> not a conspiracy theory. >> thank you for your time.>> thank you tucker. >> all right, the page of morris by the way is a special event, is coming up on november 16 and tickets go on sale tomorrow. we are in nashville this year. music city. don't miss it. there until tomorrow morning. grendel operate. they will go quick. please join us. it will be hosted by yours truly. hannity, coming up next. [music] >> hi everyone. welcome to the special addition of hannity. i'm tammy bruce and for sean. we begin with more bad news for joe biden. the balls are actually closing in. house republicans are now demanding records regarding 3 pseudonyms biden used to conduct official business as vice president. this includes government emails about ukraine, mysteriously sent to both joe and hunter biden. meanwhile, 2 former vice president of aids to joe

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, Muster , Malic , Guy Running , White Lexus Drivin Down The Street , Campaign Trail , Street , Driver , Traffickers , Al , Citizens , Passengers , Thieves , Hiding , Birth , Life , Front , Home , Employees , Business , Being , Owners , Shrubs , Kids , Leap , Feel , Safe Downtown , Middle , Nobody , Smoking Dope , Yogh Baptist , Children , Family , Fentanyl , Woman , Creep , Danger Zone , Cool , Bus , Tar , 8 , Someone Else , Stores , Right , Blood , Head , Wallet , Mob , Ivan Ramirez , Merchandise , Rent , Door , Alexa , 300000 , 100000 , 00000 , Politicians , Bill , Difference , H , Zero , States , Action , Talk Is Cheap , Responsibility , Lunatic Base , What S Happening , Campaign , Staff , First , Watching Fox , Fox T See , It , Interactions , Drug Encampments , Drug , Debt , People , Crime , Job , Serial Bill , Consequences , Piece , Who , Taxes , Let , Reports , Wa , Over San Francisc , Thanks , Richie Greenberg , Situation , Denial , Hello , Lot , Narrative , Sacramento , Others , Cohorts , City Hall , Government , U S , Voters , Businesses , Residences , Sa Francisco , Fact , Way , Word , Moderate , Of A Sudden , Recall Attempt , In , Change , Left , Onset , Point , Anything , Measures , Dementia , Rule , District Attorneys , Law Enforcement , Th Leftists , Elements , Fennel , Law , Racist , Say , Ambitions , Judges , Case , Bench , Both , Prosecutors , Ability , Pen , Stroke , Guard , Emergency Declarations , Chp , City Councils , Pressure , Cities , Fentanyl Dealers , Homeles Encampments , Wha , Office , O , Elections , Law Enforcement State , Tourists , Tourist Destination , Cisco , Tourist , Smorgasbord , Hair , Fisherman S Wharf , 39 , Record , Backbone , Temptation , Inside , Everybody , Officers , Coming Up , Tops Under Attack , Three , Clothes , Laundry , Scent Boosters , Detergent , Waaaay , Downy Unstopables , Guys , Opendoor , Space Station , Timeline , Kitchen , House , Intercom , Space , Ethan , Flightdeck , The One , Flexibility , Janet , Tanya , Brian , House Warming , Diabetes , Man , Mounjaro , Avo , Type 2 Diabetes , Isn , 2 , Food , Don T Take Mounjaro , Body , Blood Sugar , You , A1c , Mounjaro Lost , 4 , 25 , 3 , Doctor , Type 1 Diabetes , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Stop Mounjaro , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome Type 2 , 1 , Side Effects , Reaction , Gallbladder Problems , Taking Mounjaro , Vision Changes , Stomach Pain , Blood Sugar Risk , Swelling , Lump , Pancreatitis , Sulfonylurea , Insulin , Diabetic Retinopathy , Kidney Problems , Oh , Judge , Nausea , Vomiting , Dehydration , Diarrhea , Booking Com , Reviews , Ham , Searchable , Illegals , Some , Border , Don T Know , Unite , 5 Million , New York City , Another , Assaulting , Raping , Delaware County , Answer , Immigrant , Withrape , Felonies , Sanctuary State , Felony Spread , String , Ice , Him , Orange County , Someone , Reason , Real Reform Laws Freight , Rape , Disgrace , Justice , Reasons , Fail , System , Whole , Degree Manslaughter , Grace Brady , Child , 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, Plaque Psoriasis , Pill , Chance , Finding Psoriasis , Splendor , Infections , Don T , Reactions , Muscle Problems , Cancers , Tb , Lymphoma , Tyk2 Inhibitor , Infection , Vaccine , Changes , Liver , Jak Family , Find , Risks , Labs , Triglycerides , Jak Inhibitors , Dermatologist , Worl War Iii , Correspondent , Kevin , Missiles , Ministration , Taiwan , Arms Sale , 19 Million , 619 Million , Administration , Mind , Lines , World War Iii , Of A Butte Brutal War , Russia , Kid Yourself , Hav , Offense , Equipment , Pilot , Matter , American Crews , Summit , Saw , Purpose , China , Th , Th Leaders Of Japan , South Kore , China Enviously , Issues , Tensions , Concerns , Coercion , Cooperation , Region , Relationship , Alread , Munitions , Friend , Dangerous , Question , Guess , War Machine , Arms , Times , Haven T , Conversations , Expression , Example , Iraq , Afghanistan , Words , Ground , Fax , Policy , Chains , Recovery Efforts , Phrase , Hawaiians , Wildfires , Appreciated , Th 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, Promise , Hudson , Standard , Track Record , Swimmer , Repeaters , Maui , Swim Repeats , Disappointment , Bar , Obligations , Show , Florida , Tune , Crohn S Disease Skyrizi , Risk , Remission , Symptoms , Il 23 , Endoscopic Improvement , 23 , Control , Liver Problems , Abbvie , Crohn S , Crohn S Disease , Gastroenterologist , Friday Night Brainteaser , Lady , Name , Storm , Tan Mom , 2012 , Habi , Daughter , Attention , Taming , Sunburn , Scrollbars , New Jersey , Four , Braid , Child Endangerment , Tanning Bed , The End , Ne Jersey , Grand Jury , Paperwork , Mom Story , Career , Sights , United States Senator , Rick Scott , 15 , 2024 Cheese , 2024 , Cheese Running , Campaign Focused O Pro , Tanning Addition , Diversity , Lgbtq , Sh , Internet Fame , Comment , Skeletons , Dark , Yes , Yo , Secrets , Choice , Same , History , Won T , Progressives , Liberals , You Don T Loan , History Books , Washington Redskins , Target , Christopher Columbus , Chopping Block , Citizen Soldiers , Nation , Sacrifice , Merchants , Farmers , Challenge , Gods , Foundation , Earth , Victory , Concorde High School , Reverence , Icons , 30 , Mascot , Concorde , Ditch Minutemen , Revolutionary War Battle Of Lexington , School Board , Students , Th Names , Bears , Attitudes , Majority , Empowerment , Minutemen , Consent , Culture , Hispanic , O Latin , Background , Distric , Process , Waste , Distric Is Standing , 200000 , Director , School Board Members , Editor , Federalist , Mascots Freight , Mascots , Country , Public Educatio , Hook , Math Standards , Learning Losses , Accuracy , Covid , Couldn T Meet Mass Standards , 80 , Philosophy , Student Part , Return , Taxpayer , Brilliance , Nun Young Kid , Courage Of , Bunch , Chief , Redskins , It Make Sense , Nonwhit Culture , Appropriation , Appreciation , Literacy , Bit , Gender Inclusive , Militia , Raft , Fight Tierney Tyranny , American Exceptionalism , Sad , Social Justice , Warriors , Up Next , Dave , Scent , Flings , Place , Gain , Paint , He Wasn T , Boost , Guy , Massage Chair , Mall , Football , Gain Flings , But , Febreze , Oxi , Directv Sports Central , Gameday , App , Clown , Second , Amateurs , Sports , Redzone , 1 800 Directv , 800 , Vo , Laughs , Gotta , Two , Hassles , Confidence , Cash Offer , Opendoor Dot Com , Priority , Health Care , Convenience , Provider , Health Care Ministries , Member , Network Restrictions , Anytime Enrollment , Expenses , Christian , 40 , Peace , Chm Dot Org , Fruited Plains , Birds , Adventure , Fall Hunting Classic , Save Big , Cabela S , Bass Pro Shops , Agents , Deep State , Conspiracy , Citizenry , Take A Look , Subject , Fox Nation Special , Pigeon Population , Extermination , Smelly , Pigeons , Theory Doesn T , Robots , Bird Brain Theory , Effort , Human Beings , Dungeon , 6 , Public Information Officer , Conspiracies , On Fox Nation , Birds Aren T Real , Peter Mcadoo , Bird , Chickens , Chicken A Bird , Chicken , Human Characteristics , Bird Characteristics , Work , Jacobson , Biotechnology Works , Bio Hybrids , Sky , Cameras , Surveillance , Drone Replica , Spies , Walk , 100 , Wars , Information , Dmv , Ufos , Works , Media , Associate , Shtick , Heart B , Pigeon , Truth , Proof , Epidemic , Research , Conspiracy Theory , Go To Fox Nation , Sperry , Time , Event , Page , Sale , Tickets , You Tucker , Morris , November 16 , Music City , Hannity , Grendel Operate , Records , Addition , Bad News , Balls , House Republicans , Tammy Bruce , Sean , Pseudonyms Biden , Hunter Biden , Emails , Aids ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Jesse 20240704 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Jesse 20240704

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his base, he is the leading democrat, but biden isn't looking so good these days. they're talking about speaking out about this is health. now they're talking about it. they are breathing down jo's neck, and he's in trouble. led state that joe drops out, jumps in, it can't be kamala, she fizzled out in the primary spreadsheet rental to cash before super tuesday and she's terrible bright vice president. the passage of time has had a significant impact on the chances. the dnc is not going to let her have k on the table. there is only one guy waiting i the wings and that is californi governor gavin newsom. he's got almost everything a candidate needs, there is just one problem. gavin newsom is a governor, and the state he governs is a complete mess. being california governor shoul be they have a giant film industry, natural resources, warm weather, tourism, i could go on and on. newsom took the state from $100 billion surplus to a $25 billion deficit. he has hundreds of thousands away, send it to u-haul with lockdowns, vax mandates and of course ridiculous texas. most significantly he gave criminals control of the streets . that might get you elected agai in california, but it's not going to point well on a national level. now, he seems to have some regrets. political reports that newsom has taken back his old job acting as though shadow mayor o san francisco. ec he's trying to clean up the city that we will all forget that his political policies don't work. he knows he can't defend california on the campaign trail , make a malic or california, it's not going to pass muster. you see this white lexus drivin down the street? you see that guy running in and out of they call that, boosting. it happened in san francisco al the time in broad daylight the driver slowly rolls down the street as their traffickers passengers jump in and out spar they're not speeding or hiding. they know they're not going to get arrested and if they do, they will get let out right awa birth sometimes citizens try to stop these thieves, but they ar outgunned. ♪ >> just another day in the life. this is what he is campaigning on. right there in front of you. being chained up to store owners . being reported earlier this week , telling employees to work from home because it simply not safe to commute to work. shrubs going out of business because nobody feel safe downtown. how about smoking dope in the middle of the day in front of kids. >> yogh baptist stop smoking that leap in front of kids. there are kids right here. it is crazy as leap, you have got children and family over here. you are over here smoking fentanyl in the streets. when you try to call them on it they want to get crazy. i was lost my cool right there. the entire state is a danger zone. the creep beat the tar out of 8 woman year-old woman on a bus. blood pouring out of her head. someone else woke up and stole her wallet. stores are being looted left an right. ♪ >> a mob of thieves ran in and stole over $100,000 worth of merchandise. alexa restored, gave them the rent. >> $300,000 out the door. please arrested ivan ramirez at couple of hours later. he was let out on zero bill. he was surpassed on that, and h says look. >> the difference between me an most politicians is i own this. i take responsibility for this. i love the states, i don't like what's happening. talk is cheap. if you want to clean up your state, take action and take on your lunatic base or you will never survive a national campaign. first, keep watching fox. >> i occasionally turn on fox t see what happens. just to see. >> not occasionally, every night . my staff has tried to have interactions with me about it, they say i'm too obsessed with it. >> we know you're watching. listen up. how about tear down the drug debt, tear down the drug encampments. we will tell you to get rid of serial bill. you need consequences if you want to stop crime. charge people who steal. allow that piece, please, to do their job and allow citizens to defend themselves. there may be lower taxes too. so you're people are not taxed to know in. >> let's turn to richie greenberg. he is mayoral candidate. richie, thanks for being here. the reports are that gavin newsom is all over san francisc because he know it's proper for him. how was the city run when he wa the mayor? >> hello, you know, the situation with gavin newsom is that he is in denial. he had a strong base. people left him here a couple o decades ago when he campaigned, but then when he went to sacramento that's where he lost the narrative along with his cohorts, along with a lot of people in others in city hall here. we are not in a situation where it is us, the voters and the residences and businesses of sa francisco against the government . that is the problem now. he really really needs to get his act together. he is going to have a heckuva time if he really sincerely wants to be president. >> what you see when he wants t lost the narrative. did he get caught up in right-wing narrative, which you mean why he lost his way. >> that is correct. he was considered moderate for many years, and then all of a sudden, when he got word that h survived that recall attempt, that embolden him and there was a sudden change in it. we could see it, it was palatable. he's slipped to the left in. it's like he had some onset early political dementia. at this point, there is no way that he could do anything to help unless he takes drastic drastic measures to turn things around such is really raining i the rule of district attorneys around the state. he needs to bring in law enforcement to deal with fennel and other elements. there is so much he needs to do that he is just not doing with. >> can you do that inside the moderate democrat party with th leftists who decry him as a racist or whatever it is for being able to enforce the law. could he do it? let say he does have these ambitions in he wants to clean at the state,. >> it's going to be tough because we have activist judges on the bench and they are very much responsible for not prosecutors will bring the case and the judges both just let them go. he has the ability to, newsom has the ability with the stroke of the pen to make emergency declarations. there are things he can do that can bring in the national guard he can bring in chp to really rein in, there are things he ca do. and he can push back at the different city councils with th people that are elected in city hall around the state. he can put pressure right now h is not doing that. >> if you were the mayor or at the shadow mayor, if you regather gavin make newsom, wha would you do right now? >> we have to secure our cities. we have to go off during the fentanyl dealers. we have to go after the homeles encampments. we have to read and these activist judges started next year in march, there are elections we have to get the word out of who should not be o the bench anymore. he should not be in office anymore. then we've got to secure where the tourists go. seemed cisco is important tourist destination. how can we allow tourists to be targeted? we can't. we have to pull law enforcement state, federal local at the tourist locations like peer 39, fisherman's wharf, we have to secure it so that that way we don't have the criminals as you saw before, as a smorgasbord. >> he's got the hair, now we just need the backbone and ultimately you can't run on the record he has. you feel like the temptation would be keep going along the way he is. to whitewash it and say it is all fixed. thank you for eager inside, we appreciate it. >> coming up, tops under attack. >> three officers down. >> send everybody. are you tired of clean clothes that just don't smell clean? downy unstopables in-wash scent boosters keep your laundry smelling fresh waaaay longer than detergent alone. if you want laundry to smell fresh for weeks, make sure you have downy unstopables in-wash scent boosters. 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(avo) now you can with once-weekly mounjaro. mounjaro helps your body regulate blood sugar, and mounjaro can help decrease how much food you eat. 3 out of 4 people reached an a1c of less than 7%. plus people taking mounjaro lost up to 25 pounds. mounjaro is not for people with type 1 diabetes or children. don't take mounjaro, if you're allergic to it, you or your family have medullary thyroid cancer, or multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2. stop mounjaro, and call your doctor right away, if you have an allergic reaction, a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, vision changes, or diabetic retinopathy. serious side effects may include pancreatitis and gallbladder problems. taking mounjaro with sulfonylurea or insulin raises low blood sugar risk. tell your doctor if you're nursing, pregnant, or plan to be. side effects include nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea which can cause dehydration and may worsen kidney problems. (woman) i can do diabetes differently with mounjaro. (avo) ask your doctor about once-weekly mounjaro. oh, oh, oh...i'll be the judge of that. oh, that's nice... oh!! searchable, verified reviews. that's better than the ham, and i've never said that. booking.yeah ♪ >> pete: within 5 million illegals have flooded the unite states border under joe biden. who are these people? a lot of them we don't know. some of them are causing a lot of trouble now that they are here. we reported the other day that new york city mayor shipped illegals upstate. one of those is accused of raping and another of assaulting . it happened again. and delaware county, new york, where crews and illegal immigrant, was charged withrape answer regulation of a woman. he was arrested and orange county, new york on a string of felony spread he was also wante by ice prior to these felonies, but since new york is a sanctuary state, they released him without turning him over. and the main reason he was back on the streets allowing him to r rape someone is because the ne york state's real reform laws freight it's a disgrace not onl to new york, but america's justice system as a whole. as if it needs more reasons to be a it is grace brady can be released without fail for crime such as, but not limited to, we will roll it again, second degree manslaughter, aggravated vehicular homicide. third-degree assault, crossing up seen sexual performance by a child, how about making a terroristic threat in a negligently criminal homicide. criminals and child pornographers on the street, with no built necessary. speaking of safety, newly released body cam video shows i asylum-seekers in murderer take down by police in north dakota. 37 -year-old mohammed brockett, on his way to a mass casualty attack when he tragically kille fargo police officer and war veteran and wounded three order others before he was killed. ♪ shots fired! shots fired! a man with an ak-47 in shooting at us. ♪ >> central, shots fired, shots fired. officers down. send everybody. >> luckily, police were on the scene refunding to a traffic crash when he started shooting. if they weren't there, many mor could have died. he was armed with a rifle, an ak-47. 1800 rounds of ammunition and enough explosives to kill the whole crowd were found in the card. he came from syria in 2021 as i asylum-seekers he became a u.s. citizen in 2019. over the last five years is internet searches have included phrases like kill fast, incendiary modes and areas wher there are crowds. just last year police interviewed him after a fire wa started in his kitchen and firefighters noticed a dozen guns, and propane tanks freight he was free to go because polic say everything was obtained legally. that was the second time police had interviewed temperate and 2020 when the police received and that he was in a concerning mental straight. he had a lot of guns for the fb said no further action was take because there was no evidence o an immediate threat. bill stanton is a former new york city police officer. bill, thank you for being here. if he was a war veteran at the hands of syria's asylum-seekers there is nothing more tragic than that part of the story, bu the warning signs, if guns are obtained legally i get it, but this seems to be the kind of thing that someone could see. >> it is tough. as long as you obtain these things legally, if someone is committed to taking life or committing a criminal act, unfortunately, law enforcement has to be reactive freight it's hard to go proactive until someone breaks the law. as far as i'm concerned, all th officers that receive that should receive the highest honor . >> what does it take in that moment. it's one thing when you're in a war zone, we are trained to prepare to react in the infantr is to react to contacts, but ho do you put yourself in the mode to go after someone who's got a ak-47 in the street when a woma earlier dealing with it. >> pete, i still have goosebump freight officer robinson could have stayed behind cover, staye safe or as safe as he could. he decided to cross open and open start, an open field, putting himself between himself and the officers that were down. putting his life on the line no only protect his brother officers, but everyone in that area. he is a true hero in my opinion. >> he is. when you look at the totality, you take away that have been in this field either fbi before hand reaction to it or how many lives have been saved? >> countless. he did at tactical reload. he did everything right freight and for those that are saying i may have been excessive force, they have no idea, we don't liv in a world of movies, what officer robinson did, without knowing if he had body armor on and it turned out he had explosives, hundreds of thousands of rounds, this story could have been far worse, if not for the officers who had sworn to protect and serve freight they did a phenomenal job. all those politicians talking about defending the police, the should watch this video and be ashamed of themselves. >> it is staggering. it is pure heroism. to charge toward an ak-47 with what appeared to be a handgun and a rifle eventually, you are putting your life on the line t save others, save and incense, that is the definition of bravery that's why these men an women should be as revered as anyone in our society. you represent them well, thank you. >> thank you, sir. >> joe biden said his sending ukraine fighter jets would caus world war iii mac, why are we giving them f-16s? 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[music “this little light of mine”] in the world's poorest places, children with cleft conditions live in darkness and shame. they're shunned, outcast, living in pain. you can reach out and change the life of a suffering child right now. a surgery that take as little as forty five minutes and your act of love can change a child's life forever. please call, scan or go online to give a new smile. thousands of children are waiting. many holocaust survivors are impoverished and suffering today in their final years. at this holocaust museum in israel, you see the names; the faces, of jews that were brutally murdered. this great cloud of witnesses cries out to us "comfort, comfort my people." we're in a race against time to reach every holocaust survivor in israel and the former soviet union. many are poor and hungry and they have nowhere to turn. naroj has had such a hard life from the day that she was born into the holocaust. we were so hungry that we would go with my mother and find the leaves and grass nd we would pick them up and eat it. still today, she's suffering with no one there to help her. dare we turn our back on her now? for $25 you can rush a food box to a holocaust survivor or an elderly jew. the international fellowship of christians and jews brings them urgently needed food and comfort in their final years. let's do what we know god has called us to do. call the number on your screen now and help save jewish lives. no organization helps holocaust survivors and the elderly jewish people as much as they do. valeria is saying that, she didn't receive love her whole life. you seem so full of love, and not of hate. just $25 helps to rush a food box to a holocaust survivor. i hope you'll join me at the international fellowship of christians and jews. g to relieve their suffering. please, do something now. she found it. the feeling of finding the psoriasis treatment she's been looking for. sotyktu is the first-of-its-kind, once-daily pill for 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explain why. kevin? help me out. >> this is an interesting story because it keeps evolving as we go. you probably heard the bite in the ministration has approved state $619 million at the potential arms sale to taiwan including hundreds of missiles from f-16 fighter jets. this is happening by the way as the administration has now officially decided it's okay to send f-16s to ukraine. i say that because i want you t keep in mind it was just last year that yes, the president jo biden said something along the lines of sending f-16s do ukraine, which is in the throes of a butte brutal war with russia could cause world war iii . >> the idea were going to send an offense of equipment and hav going at it with american pilot and american crews, just understand, that don't kid yourself, no matter what you say , it's called world war iii. >> can't wait to hear him explain in what he said then what would be world war iii and what changed. so it would seem, back time, th president as you saw, hosted th leaders of japan and south kore today. >> this summit was not about china. it was not the purpose of being china enviously came up. obviously we share concerns about economic coercion or tensions caused by china. this summit was really about ou relationship with each other an the cooperation across the entire region range of issues. >> we have got a hot war alread happening between ukraine in russia. we've got the u.s. under the biden administration sending f-16s to ukraine and now they'r also sending munitions for f-16s , missiles in this case to taiwan. this could not be any more complicated and frankly could not be any more dangerous if yo think about where we are and unfortunately, my friend where we could be if things continue to escalate right that. >> we have driven russia in china into each other's arms. u.s. to great question, it was world war iii, now they must have it, is it, what is your best guess, the war machine has we have to keep feeding it? >> i haven't heard that expression for a while. we certainly played that out many times in conversations about ukraine, iraq, afghanistan . this is the classic example if you look at the words of the previous administration. with chains, what is different now. they tell you when you ask, fax on the ground, dictate what the policy. this is the definition. >> it is a phrase we have heard multiple times very thank you. appreciated. recovery efforts continue on th hawaiian island of maui, following the catastrophic wildfires. local hawaiians are claiming that the number could be much higher. what the daily mail reported th number of fatalities is actuall closer to 500. this comes as joe biden is set to visit maui on monday. so far he has been short on details on how he will actually support. >> mr. president, any comments on the death will? >> you can talk about that? >> any comments come up mr. president? >> not now, and now the blame game starts. the new york times is pointing finger at david boyle, but the fingers come from the ground up. yesterday's emergency managemen chief resigned, and he was heavily scrutinized for not sounding the warning sirens as the blaze moved closer and a move he says he doesn't regret to. >> do you regret not sounding the sirens? >> i do not break the silence a i mentioned earlier, is used primarily for synonymy spread. >> that's not the only official being held accountable for thei actions. we told you yesterday about manwell, the obama back department of land and natural resources freight according to reports, he refused to release water to help fight the fires. interesting reasons. potentially caused immeasurable damage. now he has been reassigned so h can't stand in the way up first responders anymore. what does this mean for hawaii? let's bring in will kane. will, the reporting there was second to none, we were on the ground talking to the people. we were talking it was hard to know, you look forward to what happens next, now that you're here in new york reflecting on it, where are people pointing the fingers? >> there will be plenty of game to go around freight assignment will hud back because people might believe it's as you nami. it was designed for all emergencies. this is not out in the middle o the pacific great tsunami, hurricane or that simon doesn't mean run towards the mountains, i think people are short enough to people try to run away from the flames come up but there wa a number because of that. here's what i was told, i talke to a lot of people. all over west maui including a lot of guys who delve into that fire to fight it. this is what i've been told. the numbers are going to be way higher. all of these guys said that the didn't want to put numbers on it , they did see many many bodies, i want you to know that as well when i tell you this. there were a lot of children that we're from school that day. we need to find out what happened to all those kids. i will say and all of my days over there this last week i've talked to a lot of people. you don't help proposing i can' find this person or not that person. that does exist, but if the numbers are in the 500-1,000, i would have thought i would have heard that number. that deals with one potentiality , in tyler families are gone. in tyler groups of people they could not escape. you want to say where is my uncle, where is my child. i do think and i am concerned that it's going to be a story that gets work before it gets better. >> as you look at the future, what does the future look like for that community? i know it's immediate recovery, and the immediate needs, but what about the next step conversations. >> first accountability, that i part of the plane game. its to get it right for next people. to put the competent people in charge of our government. i would say i'm so inspired by community. every failure of government was matched by some private citizen stepping up, from elon musk to local community leaders. going forward, how is this plan developed? it needs to remain in the peopl of people that were born and raised. they cannot be taken over by th government or rich developers freight it has to remain like tennessee or texas, just like alabama or wyoming, it needs to stay in the hands of hawaii. >> eve done your part and raise a lot of money. thank you for everything you've done. you talk about heroes to bear tomorrow morning, you and i are going to be in the company of heroes. navy seals in the river, in the hudson river. they were raised money for the hudson. last year on our program we mee a very bold print. >> i'll make you guys this promise, not tomorrow, i can't make it tomorrow, but maybe a year from now, i will be when you guys to go through the standard. i got to do better than hudson print. >> what a proclaim. >> i have confidence in you tomorrow? >> i barely survived the first year i did that. i did it mildly competently the next year. you have a competence track record as a swimmer. >> repeaters all week to get through a stressful week of reporting in maui. i had you hands down. the biggest disappointment won' be me or my swim repeats, is no going to join me at the bar afterwards apparently, but very important good neighborly famil obligations first. >> tune and tomorrow morning, the swim starts at 8:00 a.m. follows all the way across. >> let's do it. >> florida, get ready for the show down. ♪ if you have moderate to severe crohn's disease skyrizi is the first and only il-23 inhibitor that can deliver clinical remission and endoscopic improvement. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to. liver problems may occur in crohn's disease. control of crohn's means everything to me. ask your gastroenterologist about skyrizi. ♪ control is everything to me ♪ learn how abbvie could help you save. >> here is a friday night brainteaser for you. you're number this lady? her name is patricia. you might know her best as tan mom. back in 2012 she took the world i guess you would say by storm. >> patricia looking very bronze defended her controversial habi of taming and that late, new jersey, mother of four to national attention after his si -year-old daughter appeared to have a sunburn and told the scrollbars her mother had taken her to attend this long braid she was treacherous second-grad child endangerment she pled not guilty. she says he/she never put her daughter in a tanning bed. >> she was in charge after a ne jersey grand jury declined to indict her, the end of the tan mom story, 15 minutes freight guess again, because the mother of five has her sights set on a new career, united states senator. this week, tan mom filed paperwork to challenge rick scott in 2024. cheese running as a republican, but says her campaign focused o pro- lgbtq and pro diversity issues, so there is that. the overly bronzed mother so sh kicked her tanning addition and claims that her internet fame will help her as a candidate. telling fox news, yes, we reached out for comment. the thing with my campaign is you know everything about me from this dark. there is no skeletons or hidden secrets to be revealed, what yo see is what you get because my life has been documented. florida voters, it looks like you've got quite the choice. >> the same goes if you don't loan from history, you are doomed to repeat it. if you leave it to radical progressives, there won't be an history less to study. liberals have made it there to erase the past. everything from the washington redskins to christopher columbus , all on the chopping block. now they've got a new target. i'm sure you remember it minutemen from your history books. they were the citizen soldiers who covered america to victory over the they were simple men, farmers, merchants, they made a extraordinary challenge. and their sacrifice lead the foundation for the greatest nation on gods green earth. so you think americans would share a reverence for these icons. california, begs to differ as they do. concorde high school, which is about 30 miles outside of san francisco in is literally named after the revolutionary war battle of lexington in concorde decided to ditch minutemen is the school's mascot. instead, the school board voted on wednesday night to change th names to the bears. saying that is more inclusive. >> it is time for it new attitudes and if changing the mascot will make students feel welcome, embraced, and empowerment to participate more at their school, then i will support this. >> the majority of that school is latin, so they don't really know much about the minutemen. it's not really in their culture . >> it so racist and condescending that if you are o latin or hispanic consent, no, you are defined by your background only. it's amazing and is everybody words in the process for the move is set to cost the distric $200,000 and of course it's a colossal waste of money. concord high school the distric is standing by. the federalist editor and director joins me now. i've been hearing the words of the school board members, it is staggering though blends to which they see the world. >> it is insane. what's really shocking is that anyone is talking about mascots at all when we have such major issues plaguing public educatio in this country that are not as frivolous as mascots freight in california, we are recovering from covid learning losses. and california just last year, to in three students could not meet basic math standards. and to really expose the hook for accuracy of these leftist, it's even worse among nonwhite students. they're not helped at all by changing their mascot. some 80 percent are still couldn't meet mass standards either. why are they throwing $200,000 at such a frivolous thing as changing their mascot. it's not going to help single student part it's only going to cost the taxpayer. what we see return, absolutely nothing. >> we are all used away from brilliance as they peddle educational philosophy that's not. >> if you're a nun young kid, isn't it useful to learn about the courage of. >> of course, so much to be learned from it. it is truly baffling to me, the left gets mad when you have a mascot like the redskins or the chief because you're not supposed to appropriate nonwhit culture, but then they get mad about a mascot like minutemen who are a bunch of white men, make it make sense. so of course that minutemen, let's have a little bit of historical literacy here, maybe we should stop condemning every little thing as cultural appropriation and have a little cultural appreciation for it of course the minutemen were it no gender inclusive, they were men. of course they carried guns, they were militia. the raft left really hates them because they existed to fight tierney tyranny. that is they m embody that list about american exceptionalism. they were ready and willing to fight. it's not surprising that it is sad that today's justice social justice warriors are ready to dispense with mascot. >> we would live rather have made it people. thank you very much, and appreciate it. >> thank you. >> up next, our first real, prime time investigates. booking.yeah the long-lasting scent of gain flings made it smell like dave was in his happy place... ...the massage chair at the mall. but...he wasn't. gain flings with oxi boost and febreze. let me be direct... you're watching football wrong! what do you call a guy in face paint that can't get the game? ...a clown! sorry, what app was it again? no, no. just give me a second... amateurs. ohhh! sorry everybody. directv sports central gives you access to every game... you never have to compromise on gameday. ...was that necessary? i was just illustrating a point. oh. get in the redzone with sports pack. call 1-800-directv (vo) in two seconds, eric will realize (man) [laughs] (vo) they're gonna need more space... gotta sell the house. 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( ♪ ♪ ) it's the best part about this land. and to those of you who hear the call - answer. save big on top quality gear during the fall hunting classic. at bass pro shops and cabela's. your adventure starts here. >> the question is, are birds real? i would say yes. others seem to not agree. they believe the government replace birds with deep state agents who surveyed the american citizenry. is it crazy?sure it is. it's also the subject of a new fox nation special, birds are fake.the conspiracy. take a look. >> birds are dirty, smelly. >> the extermination of our pigeon population. >> were human beings, or here in a dungeon and birds or robots. >> it is a bird brain theory. >> just because it's a theory doesn't mean it's a bunch of nonsense. >> 2 to 6 years i've been doing these pigeons. i think i know what i'm talking about. >> this is a corrugated effort to systematically remove all of the birds. >> should i be concerned about that? >> birds are fake. the conspiracies out on fox nation. peter mcadoo is a public information officer of birds aren't real. so peter, you're telling me you believe that there are no living birds? >> i believe it.i know it. >> you know it? >> i know it is proof. yes. >> all birds? >> every bird of the us. >> does not include chickens? >> is a chicken a bird? >> a chicken is a bird. >> i just fed my chickens back home. he didn't seem to be robots. >> yeah, that's how biotechnology works. the government is making bio hybrids. where there are birds and robots that the government is combining any jacobson has done some great work on them . >> human characteristics, thighs and wings. >> not human characteristics. the bird characteristics. they systematically replaced every bird in the sky with the government surveillance drone replica that looks identical to a real bird. spies on us every day. many walk outside there's probably 100 cameras in here. more cameras outside. >> hold on we can't win foreign wars and run a dmv but we can control every bird of the sky? >> i can. i appreciate you allowing me to show this information. a lot of the media won't let me talk about it. >> is associate? >> to really in your heart b. >> why would be a shtick week works are birds everywhere. >> you report ufos on the show, yes? >> well i don't. >> your letting bird robots on the show. >> i could see the government using some birds may be as it drones to disguise them. you're saying all birds? the pigeons here new york city? >> every bird. every bird and every pigeon here in new york city and, i mean it's really an epidemic. it's a bird to make. >> there are real people out there. >> are real third that's been since 80s. it's on the media. you can find it. it's like everything else out there. the truth is subjective. there's different proof for different things. if you do your own research, look into it. you might find that out. >> there you go. go to fox nation, birds are fake. we are looking into this sperry. >> not a conspiracy theory. >> thank you for your time.>> thank you tucker. >> all right, the page of morris by the way is a special event, is coming up on november 16 and tickets go on sale tomorrow. we are in nashville this year. music city. don't miss it. there until tomorrow morning. grendel operate. they will go quick. please join us. it will be hosted by yours truly. hannity, coming up next. [music] >> hi everyone. welcome to the special addition of hannity. i'm tammy bruce and for sean. we begin with more bad news for joe biden. the balls are actually closing in. house republicans are now demanding records regarding 3 pseudonyms biden used to conduct official business as vice president. this includes government emails about ukraine, mysteriously sent to both joe and hunter biden. meanwhile, 2 former vice president of aids to joe

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Of Movies , Body Armor , Hundreds Of Thousands , Rounds , Heroism , Video , Save , Handgun , Line T , Incense , Sir , Men , Definition , Anyone , Society , Women , Bravery , F 16s , Ukraine , Bacerk Rosie , Fighter Jets , R , Caus World War Iii Mac , 16 , Refund , Marshall , Emily , Innovation Refunds , Patio , Facelift , Dr , Practice , Wax Museum , Tax Refund , Stop Waiting , Brows , Erc , World , Music , Darkness , Places , Conditions , Shame , This Little Light Of Mine , Suffering , Love , Pain , Surgery , Outcast , Forty Five , Call , Waiting , Scan , Smile , Survivors , Holocaust , Holocaust Museum , Israel , Comfort , Names , Faces , Cries , Witnesses , Cloud , Race , Jews , Survivor , Many , Naroj , Soviet Union , Mother , Leaves , Grass , Back , Food Box , There , Jew , 5 , Number , International Fellowship Of Christians And Jews , Help , Screen , God , Valeria , Organization , Hate , Holocaust Survivor , Sotyktu , Something , Feeling , Psoriasis Treatment , G , Thighs , Skin , Plaque Psoriasis , Pill , Chance , Finding Psoriasis , Splendor , Infections , Don T , Reactions , Muscle Problems , Cancers , Tb , Lymphoma , Tyk2 Inhibitor , Infection , Vaccine , Changes , Liver , Jak Family , Find , Risks , Labs , Triglycerides , Jak Inhibitors , Dermatologist , Worl War Iii , Correspondent , Kevin , Missiles , Ministration , Taiwan , Arms Sale , 19 Million , 619 Million , Administration , Mind , Lines , World War Iii , Of A Butte Brutal War , Russia , Kid Yourself , Hav , Offense , Equipment , Pilot , Matter , American Crews , Summit , Saw , Purpose , China , Th , Th Leaders Of Japan , South Kore , China Enviously , Issues , Tensions , Concerns , Coercion , Cooperation , Region , Relationship , Alread , Munitions , Friend , Dangerous , Question , Guess , War Machine , Arms , Times , Haven T , Conversations , Expression , Example , Iraq , Afghanistan , Words , Ground , Fax , Policy , Chains , Recovery Efforts , Phrase , Hawaiians , Wildfires , Appreciated , Th Hawaiian Island Of Maui , Fatalities , Maui On Monday , Daily Mail , 500 , Comments , Mr , Details , Death , Emergency Managemen Chief , Fingers , Finger , New York Times , Blame Game Starts , David Boyle , Move , Sirens , Warning , Blaze , Manwell , Actions , Ai , Accountable , Synonymy Spread , Thei , Obama , Land , Fires , Water , Damage , Reporting , Mean , Responders , None , Can T Stand , Hawaii , Will Kane , Game , Freight Assignment , The Pacific , Simon Doesn T , Emergencies , Hurricane , Tsunami , Mountains , Flames , Over West Maui , Didn T , Wall , Numbers , Fire , Bodies , Concord High School , Person , Deals , Help Proposing , Exist , Potentiality , 1000 , Families , Groups , Uncle , Community , Recovery , Step , Charge , Plane Game , Failure , Accountability , Peopl , Plan , Leaders , Forward , Local Community , Stepping Up , Elon Musk , Money , Hands Of Hawaii , Tennessee , Wyoming , Alabama , Hudson River , Heroes , The Company Of Heroes , Navy Seals , Print , Program , Promise , Hudson , Standard , Track Record , Swimmer , Repeaters , Maui , Swim Repeats , Disappointment , Bar , Obligations , Show , Florida , Tune , Crohn S Disease Skyrizi , Risk , Remission , Symptoms , Il 23 , Endoscopic Improvement , 23 , Control , Liver Problems , Abbvie , Crohn S , Crohn S Disease , Gastroenterologist , Friday Night Brainteaser , Lady , Name , Storm , Tan Mom , 2012 , Habi , Daughter , Attention , Taming , Sunburn , Scrollbars , New Jersey , Four , Braid , Child Endangerment , Tanning Bed , The End , Ne Jersey , Grand Jury , Paperwork , Mom Story , Career , Sights , United States Senator , Rick Scott , 15 , 2024 Cheese , 2024 , Cheese Running , Campaign Focused O Pro , Tanning Addition , Diversity , Lgbtq , Sh , Internet Fame , Comment , Skeletons , Dark , Yes , Yo , Secrets , Choice , Same , History , Won T , Progressives , Liberals , You Don T Loan , History Books , Washington Redskins , Target , Christopher Columbus , Chopping Block , Citizen Soldiers , Nation , Sacrifice , Merchants , Farmers , Challenge , Gods , Foundation , Earth , Victory , Concorde High School , Reverence , Icons , 30 , Mascot , Concorde , Ditch Minutemen , Revolutionary War Battle Of Lexington , School Board , Students , Th Names , Bears , Attitudes , Majority , Empowerment , Minutemen , Consent , Culture , Hispanic , O Latin , Background , Distric , Process , Waste , Distric Is Standing , 200000 , Director , School Board Members , Editor , Federalist , Mascots Freight , Mascots , Country , Public Educatio , Hook , Math Standards , Learning Losses , Accuracy , Covid , Couldn T Meet Mass Standards , 80 , Philosophy , Student Part , Return , Taxpayer , Brilliance , Nun Young Kid , Courage Of , Bunch , Chief , Redskins , It Make Sense , Nonwhit Culture , Appropriation , Appreciation , Literacy , Bit , Gender Inclusive , Militia , Raft , Fight Tierney Tyranny , American Exceptionalism , Sad , Social Justice , Warriors , Up Next , Dave , Scent , Flings , Place , Gain , Paint , He Wasn T , Boost , Guy , Massage Chair , Mall , Football , Gain Flings , But , Febreze , Oxi , Directv Sports Central , Gameday , App , Clown , Second , Amateurs , Sports , Redzone , 1 800 Directv , 800 , Vo , Laughs , Gotta , Two , Hassles , Confidence , Cash Offer , Opendoor Dot Com , Priority , Health Care , Convenience , Provider , Health Care Ministries , Member , Network Restrictions , Anytime Enrollment , Expenses , Christian , 40 , Peace , Chm Dot Org , Fruited Plains , Birds , Adventure , Fall Hunting Classic , Save Big , Cabela S , Bass Pro Shops , Agents , Deep State , Conspiracy , Citizenry , Take A Look , Subject , Fox Nation Special , Pigeon Population , Extermination , Smelly , Pigeons , Theory Doesn T , Robots , Bird Brain Theory , Effort , Human Beings , Dungeon , 6 , Public Information Officer , Conspiracies , On Fox Nation , Birds Aren T Real , Peter Mcadoo , Bird , Chickens , Chicken A Bird , Chicken , Human Characteristics , Bird Characteristics , Work , Jacobson , Biotechnology Works , Bio Hybrids , Sky , Cameras , Surveillance , Drone Replica , Spies , Walk , 100 , Wars , Information , Dmv , Ufos , Works , Media , Associate , Shtick , Heart B , Pigeon , Truth , Proof , Epidemic , Research , Conspiracy Theory , Go To Fox Nation , Sperry , Time , Event , Page , Sale , Tickets , You Tucker , Morris , November 16 , Music City , Hannity , Grendel Operate , Records , Addition , Bad News , Balls , House Republicans , Tammy Bruce , Sean , Pseudonyms Biden , Hunter Biden , Emails , Aids ,

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