Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Americas 20240704 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Americas 20240704

>> gillian: 4:00 a.m. thanks for having me. i'm gillian turner and this is "america's newsroom." the threat a repeating third grade now is being designed to motivate students to work harder in school as some schools are struggling to overcome major setbacks lingering from the pandemic. >> bill: third grade is a critical benchmark. those who can't read are four times more likely to drop out of school. >> gillian: memphis, tennessee, 76% of third graders there right now not proficient in reading. only 1% of those students were held back a year. >> bill: at problem chronic absenteeism. more than a quarter of students are missing at least 10% of the school year. it puts them of greater risk of dropping out. the governor from arkansas sarah huckabee sanders with us yesterday. >> we have to get back to the basics of teaching math, reading, writing and american history. we cannot perpetuate a lie to our students and push this propaganda leftist agenda teaching our kids to hate america and hate one another. it's one of the reasons we put into law banning things like indoctrination and crt. we want our kids to receive a quality education and make sure every student has access to it and a pathway to prosperity. >> bill: very critical issue. lydia hu has more. >> governor sanders is a proponent of requiring third graders to repeat the grade if they don't pass a reading requirement. she recently signed a sweeping education bill in arkansas that creates a reading requirement and also funds literacy coaches and provides grants for tutors and also increases teacher salaries. that move in arkansas comes as more states and schools try to make up for pandemic learning loss. schools grappling with plummeting standardized test scores. they show only 33% of students are proficient or higher in reading. that's why more states are considering making students repeat the third grade if they don't meet testing requirements. now, according to education commission of the states at least 16 states and d.c. require retention for third graders if they don't meet testing requirements. many of those states do have exceptions for students learning english or test well on other assessments. listen here. >> these third grade retention laws are great motivators for parents to become involved in their child's experience. students are not learning to read by third grade they're sent back and may not recover. it could be something that contributes to later problems. >> some states are moving in the opposite direction. michigan is ending the required retention of third graders no matter what their grades are on tests. instead the schools will offer tutoring that change coming after critics said a disimportant potion gnat number of minority or disadvantaged students were receiving low schools. mississippi's retention policy is a success for the model. officials have received calls from more than two dozen other states looking for information about how they have do it there. perhaps a sign of growing national curiosity as we try to boost the test scores and recover the learning loss. >> bill: put a spotlight on it the stunning results. not good. thank you for that. we want to share some results of a poll we did. put it on screen here. our fox news poll what we found. a lot of numbers on the screen. focus on the middle number here. the first category reading and writing. in that category reading and writing 54% say too little. good citizenship 70% say too little. math, science, tech, 50% say too little. it comes to racism in the u.s., 44% say it's too little. highest number of the three. at the bottom sexual orientation and gender is at 48% in the too much column. that's what we're finding from americans that we polled just this week. >> gillian: that reading metric, bill, that lydia was talking about is the fundamental key to everything else. if you can't read proficiently in third grade, as you mentioned before, you are probably not going to graduate high school or be able to do math, science or any other academic subject. >> bill: we'll see what comes up next wednesday on stage in milwaukee. we have this now. >> gillian: president biden preparing to host the leaders of japan and south korea later today. the first gathering of world leaders during his term at his country retreat. his goal and the goal of all the three countries is to present the united front against the growing military and economic threats posed by china. we have fox team coverage. former secretary of state mike pompeo is here to talk about the big strategic picture. first we go to peter doocy joining us from the north lawn of the white house. what do you expect later? >> the three all have problems with china. military threats, cyber threats, unfair trade practices. so they are getting together to try to confront china as one. and china is not happy about it. >> we've already seen some comments out of beijing out of the prc denouncing this meeting. there is no reason for an overreaction. this isn't about china. it is really about the region. it's about the area and the fact that these three countries can deepen their cooperation is good for everybody in the region. no reason for china to overreact. >> foreign policy is not on anybody's radar. 2% say it is the most important issue facing the country in a new fox poll. president biden registers a 41% approval rating on foreign policy. the only issue he is better on is climate change. this morning we're being told that president biden and japan and south korea will commit to an annual meeting. officials are telling us they expect most of the stuff at the press conference to happen during substantial down time when they're telling us the leaders are going to be at camp david about an hour and 15 minutes away from here at the white house just walking around, gillian. >> gillian: peter doocy at the white house. all eyes on the summit later today. >> bill: former secretary of state mike pompeo with us now. welcome back to our program. good to have you on. big and important issues here. let's talk about japan and china first. japan's ministry of foreign affairs said this going into this meeting. in a briefing yesterday one of the issues that they're negotiating is whether or not we'll insert the word china. we're still discussing how and how much we describe china in the tri lateral documents. what do you think of that negotiating tactic going in? >> well, bill, it's pretty clear we heard mr. kirby say this isn't really about china. the truth of the matter is this meeting is all about the threat from the chinese communist party. i think it's great these leaders are getting together, the south koreans, japanese and americans are working on the strategic threat. but less important the process issues, far less importance than the substance. if they talk and nothing comes from it the chinese will view it as an accelerator of the risk to the united states and to the west. but if they come out with a set of understandings. things we'll do together to build our economies and push back against the various military and naval threats in the region. if they do that well and build out the partnership it will be a good thing for the american people. >> gillian: in the lead-up the chinese government has been talking in quite an aggressive way. they don't like the summit is happening. this caught our eye. the foreign minister today urging japan and south korea not to get too close to the united states. he says no matter how blond you die your hair, how sharp you shape your nose you can never become a yuri -- european or westerner. we need to understand where our roots lie. how is that being received by south korea and japan? >> i know this guy. this guy is a bad actor their foreign minister who made that statement. those are just antithetical to those of us in the west whether it's europe or those of us who hold ideas of basic human dignity in asia. those won't sit well in south korea and japan and won't sit well with the chinese people who live in taiwan or american citizens of asian descent. this is ideas, not race and ethnicity in the way the chinese want to put it. those are the things the chinese government does when they're worried that those of us who are pushing back against the chinese communist party beginning to develop partnerships around the world that threat en the idea that xi has, total global -- it makes me happy when i see him go nuts like that and say silly things. make no mistake, we have the right end of the stick. peace and prosperity are what we're pushing for. if they get it right today we'll be closer to that. >> bill: approval or disapproval for biden foreign policy. 51% disapprove. call for number five. thanks. we are five days away from our big debate and part of this foreign policy, mr. secretary, as you know, deals with the war in ukraine. to many there hasn't been a national conversation as to what our commitment should be, whether it's 30 billion, 130 billion, 500 billion. where is the future course of our involvement in this war? and these republicans on stage some of them are all in and some are not. there are nuances in their arguments. how do you think it will go? as i see it, this will be the first moment that we begin a national conversation about this war in ukraine. how do you see it? >> that's a really good point. president biden has never at 8:00, 9:00 at night gone to the oval office and told the american people what it is we're doing and why it matters to the american people. i wish he would have made that case. it is very important what we're doing there. i think pushing back against vladimir putin having control of a european capital would be disastrous for the united states. you are right. president biden hasn't made the case and reflected in the polling numbers. we shouldn't forget we're two years on now from the disaster that killed 13 americans in afghanistan. it was president biden who said a minor incursion in ukraine might be okay. american leadership is failing around the world and you see it in the polling numbers and i hope when they take the debate stage next week they connect the two ideas. we were talking on the show about education. you can't teach third graders to read, the chinese communist party will walk all over us. the distinction between national security and american prosperity and the education system are deeply tied. why their vision of how we execute our work at home and abroad are connected and why it matters that america leads in every one of those categories. >> gillian: all eyes on a couple days from now. mr. secretary, thank you for being here. >> bill: thank you for your time. going to be really interesting next wednesday night. we have a debate coming up if you haven't heard. true story. in milwaukee martha and bret will handle the moderating at 9:00 eastern. pre-game show at 8:30 with dana and me. feels like fox sports sunday at 8:30. we'll be up in milwaukee for our program on wednesday morning, on thursday morning and again as i mentioned on wednesday night prior to the big deal. so tune in. it will be fascinating. we'll see who shows up and who does not. >> dana: make sure to set your clk for the pre-game. >> bill: southern california bracing for something that has been very rare. possible hurricane. what a latest storm track is telling us. plus there is this. >> for 547 days we've hoped and prayed this day would come. shanna's arrest ends one horrific chapter of our pursuit for justice for jared and now we open a new one. this next chapter will be excruciating. >> gillian: emotions running high after the stunning arrest in the murder of a microsoft executive who is now in custody. where the case goes from here. >> bill: cracking down on flash mob robberies happening everywhere. what to do in one big city and why critics have their doubts as to whether or not it is going to work. 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>> unprecedented you're right. category 4 storm awaiting the next outlook for the national hurricane center coming later this afternoon. what a powerful storm. almost 500 miles, large and powerful. we have the alerts up for the southern baja of california including tropical storm warnings and hurricane watches likely extended northward as the day goes on today. here is the latest forecast track. shifted a little further east this morning but still some question on where exactly this is going to go. we have confidence in that the category 4 hurricane will weaken on approach to california. that's good news. we'll consider a weaker storm but the impacts remain the same. flooding rain is a really big problem and that is what's led to this extreme risk for flash flooding in southern california. san diego, los angeles, all the way up to boise idaho in cone. monday and into tuesday the remnants of this storm as land rips it apart. in the rain forecast why it is so unprecedented. to see 3 to 5 inches in the forecast. typically southern california averages 0 inches in august. it will lead to potentially life threatening flooding. landslides, mudslides. power outages. depending where the storm comes in the threat for the mountains will bring in more in the way of rain. tracking it on the exclusive fox model. things pick up tomorrow but the peak is sunday into monday. >> bill: something to watch throughout the weekend. nice to see you. >> this investigation has uncovered the truth of jared's murder. henry did not act alone. fernandez did not plan alone and shanna's indictment acknowledges her role in the cold, calculated and pre-medicated murder of jared bride >> gillian: his ex-wife has been charged. she along with her current husband and his former tenant. prosecutors say she and her husband planned the killing and the tenant actually pulled the trigger. all three now facing first degree murder charges. joining us now jared's widow kirsten bridegan and his brother adam. our heartfelt condolences. thank you for talking to us about today. must be incredibly difficult. kirsten, starts with you and want to know how you are coping 18 months later and how you felt learning shanna was charged in jared's murder. >> when i was told it stopped me in my tracks and made me catch my breath. we've been waiting for this for a long time. we've been praying and hoping for it. at the same time, we wanted to make sure it's done right. a mix of emotions of so glad we're here and we are just putting our faith that this is the right step at the right time and it will work out in the court system. >> gillian: adam, the charges against her are severe. they also are not limited to just murder. there is also conspiracy, solicitation to commit a capital felony, and child abuse. does this cover the bases? >> yeah, it is just shocking to us as a family and to be honest we're still trying to process what this means for us and the ripple effect this is going to have on our family and jared's children. so it is a very mixed bag of emotions. we feel a sense of peace that we are beginning to receive answers, but we are just ripped apart emotionally with the charges and what this means and how this was planned and calculated. it is shocking and i think it is shocking the world to learn about this story. >> gillian: it certainly is. kirsten, we know that shanna first became a person of interest to police or a suspect on the tip from the tattoo parlor artist. when did you start having suspicions about her culpability in the murder? >> the night that shared was killed. >> gillian: wow. what about you, adam? >> we never wanted to believe that someone could go to this length to destroy a life, right? it is just gut wrenching to think how it was planned and executed and again, how selfish this is when you think about the children and that they are robbed of the loving father and what this means for us as a family. so it is heartbreaking and unfortunately it is our reality. it feels like a terrible nightmare that we are living and that we have to live with on a daily basis, that we wake up to but it's real and we're just so thankful and grateful for all of those who have been helping us fight for justice and receive answers. we feel very blessed. >> dana: kirsten, becksly was with jared that day. how is she doing? >> she is doing so much better than i could have ever hoped. she is a happy girl. she loves to learn. she just started school, is loving it. she is resilient and she has been through one of the hardest things a child could go through. losing a parent and being present when that parent was taking. losing siblings. she has gone through all of it and continues to amaze me at how much love that she can still give, the hope that she holds out to talk to her siblings. she is an amazing girl. >> gillian: kirsten and adam we have to leave it there. thank you so much for sharing this with us. incredibly helpful to hear it from you. as difficult as it is. we really appreciate it and godspeed to you both. >> thank you very much. >> thank you. >> president biden: they call my plan bidenomics. i'm not sure they meant it in a totally complimentary way at the time. but guess what? it's working. >> bill: this week president biden praising bidenomics. are americans buying what he is selling. days before the first debate the economy is issue number one by a long shot. a teenager takes on a python more than twice his size. how did it turn out? 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>> i've been surprised at how little the republican candidates have been talking about the economy. biden is on the right track. he has to talk his economy up. he needs a better economy but the summer. we did it in 1996. none of the republican candidates have a balanced budget, a program to bring down fuel, food, housing prices, interest rates. the kind of everyday expenses that voters are really concerned about. >> bill: here is what we found for you, doug. how do you feel things are going in the u.s. today? 70% say they are dissatisfied. what do you think? >> that's republicans and democrats. independents as well. two reasons for it. one reason ultimately, that's inflation. the job market is good and it is something that biden is and should be talking about especially with african-americans. but if you go to the grocery store you see the price increase on something every time you go. if you go out to a restaurant, whether it's a sandwich at lunch or somewhere nice on a weekend you get sticker shock. then you look at the big ticket items. that's looking at brand-new cars, used cars, houses. these big ticket items, durable goods voters have a sticker shock when they see them. part of that is the interest rates. if you want to buy a house right now, those interest rates scare the heck out of you. >> bill: mark, the number stuns me among democrats only, among democrats only dissatisfied back in april it was 20%, all right? that was two years ago, right? april of 2021. today it's 43%. so what are those democrats not happy with? >> well, voters are just not happy with inflation. they are happy with the jobs number. they think that their own economic condition is worsening. almost half the country thinks it's worsening and when you ask them in depth they say it's food prices, gasoline prices. everyday living prices. so that's where i just haven't seen anybody come forward with an anti-inflation plan or a pro-growth plan or anything really in economics. everybody is talking about cultural and wedge issues and are failing to talk about what voters really care about. >> bill: that would be an interesting point for wednesday night. another topic to talk about, gentlemen. you see the story in the "new york times" yesterday? apparently there was a leak online what ron desantis's strategy is. the net sum for next wednesday defend donald trump and hammer vivek ramaswamy. you both saw it. doug, you start. what did you think about what you saw in that memo if they believe the memo to be true? >> yeah. that is the real point. my first thought was this must be or should be a head fake or pump fake. if this is the plan moving forward i think it symbolizes why desantis has been stuck so far. i'm a fan of "star wars." luke skywalker had to confront darth vader. i think it is smart for trump not to be there. he is the frontrunner. the desantis campaign said he was the frontrunner a few weeks ago. you have to catch him. no time to worry about moving into third or fourth place. this isn't reshuffling the chairs on the titanic. reshuffling the chairs on a boat that hasn't left dock yet. >> bill: i smelled a rat in that story. coming from somewhere. your take, mark. >> look, i think that the voters will see these candidates for the first time. do you want to see them attacking or do you want to see positivity, policy? it seems to me the smarter debate strategy is that we already know that about half the republican electorate doesn't want to vote for trump but they don't know who to vote for. you want to stand out as the choice of those voters. you don't want to just be attacking everybody else. vivek so far is the only candidate who has really moved up and he seems to be the most policy oriented one. >> bill: by thursday morning someone will stick out. it always happens that way. we don't know who. thank you, mark, nice to see you. doug, you as well. thank you. a reminder to viewers, wednesday night, 9:00 live from milwaukee, wisconsin. that will be a battleground state yet again. martha and bret kick it off at 9:00. dana and i have the pre-game at 8:30. before that we have "america's newsroom" on wednesday morning and also thursday morning for the post-game show live from milwaukee. so a big week next week stay tuned. all right. >> dana: set your dvrs. also this now. maui's emergency services chief has resigned. this amid heavy criticism after he decided not to activate warning sirens across the island during last week's wildfires. robert ray joins us from maui this hour. hi, robert. >> hi, yeah, good morning. the 3:00 a.m. hour here in hawaii and indeed breaking news. yesterday evening the emergency management chief resigned citing health reasons as criticism has been mounting. the attorney general of hawaii putting out an independent investigation into the way that everything was handled here a week and a half ago as the fires raged on lahaina, the historic town. let's listen to what the chief said just two days ago defending the fact that he did not have those sirens put into place. >> the sirens i mentioned earlier is used primarily for sue nam east. i had sounded the siren that night we were afraid people would have gone to the mountain. if that was the case they would have gone into the fire. >> you look at some of this drone video from lahaina, the historic town used to be 12,000 people. you see the cars that are burned out and the sea wall there. many of the people that escaped got out of those vehicles, jumped the sea wall and ended up in the pacific ocean waiting upwards for 6 and 7 hours inhaling the smoke. others unfortunately died right there. 111 people confirmed dead at this point. and the search and cadaver dogs will be out again searching for human remains. 60% of lahaina has been combed over at this point. we've been talking to residents and red cross on the ground and many residents thinking they are taking things into their own hands, guys, trying to do their own thing right now. not trusting the government and officials. meanwhile red cross on the ground trying to assist and help many people. i'm told by a federal source last night that they expect these numbers of the dead to go up in the coming days. gillian. >> gillian: robert wray on the island of maui for us. >> bill: tough stuff. the idaho murder suspect brian kohberger due back in court today. what his lawyers want from a trial scheduled to begin on october 2nd. nancy grace is here and we'll talk to nancy on that. the battle over transgender athletes in women's sports coming to the great and ancient game of chess. can't make it up. tyrus has his take and he is coming in now. ♪ febreze! your bathroom... needs febreze small spaces... the always-on, odor-fighting air freshener you set and forget. no outlets used, no batteries needed, no effort required. so your bathroom stays continuously fresh for 45 days. that's the power of febreze small spaces. subway's now slicing their meats fresh. that's why subway's proffered by this champ. and this future champ. and if we proffer it, we know you'll proffer it too. he's cocky for a nineteen year old. ♪ limu emu & doug ♪ what do we always say, son? 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why do you need to leap? if it's about the competition and nothing to do with physicality, there is no reason to leave. i would think a transgender woman winning in the men's division would say more about equality than having to hop over to the women's division. why? there is no reason to. only reason we're seeing is seeing mediocre, biological men transition and all of a sudden they become star athletes when they switch to women's sports. i commend them for the way they're doing that. >> bill: if you are a titleholder and you change your gender back, you would get reinstated. if you don't all previous titles are abolished. they've gone the rabbit hole. >> good for them. instead of making snap judgments for the p.c. or mob they take their time. they said they'd research it and take about two years. i love that. i think everyone should have that across the board. women's sports should take 15 years to research it, get a good base and come back with a formula. until then buy lodge calls stay in their own areas while we sort it. >> bill: apparent there a study done in etiquette on an airplane. should you lower your seat? >> the more etiquette would be everyone has to wear sleeves than whether the seat goes back or not. i also tell them pre-flight you won't be able to come back or you have two big knees in your back and i don't know how comfortable it is. there is no reason to lean back. save leaning back for later. >> bill: two suspects in custody over a sextortion ring accused of causing a michigan high school football teenager to kill himself. an awful story. his father will join us today on the dangers of a terrifying trend that started out of africa and came here to the u.s. rising mortgage rates putting the american dream out of reach. it could deliver a big blow on the economy. watch this story. ♪ the america's best celebrity sale is happening now. and it's making quite the spectacle. for a limited time, get two pairs of celebrity-inspired frames by privé revaux co-founder jamie foxx for only $89.95 book your exam today. veteran homeowners. have you looked at the interest rates on your credit cards lately? 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sounds good to me. ask your doctor for farxiga for heart failure. if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. ♪ farxiga ♪ >> gillian: big chain stores are relying more an more on self-check out these days. one, however, says it is not going to follow suit. that's trader joe's. the company's president saying the store believes in people and it is not trying to get rid of them. he also slammed the automated kiosks everywhere else as, quote, not fun. i agree with him. >> bill: bucking the trend. the american dream is becoming a financial nightmare for more and more americans. mortgage rates now at a 21-year high topping 7% for a 30-year fixed plan. we haven't seen numbers like this in decades. madison is live from one home in hillsborough township, new jersey. what are you hearing? >> what i'm hearing is this is a pretty good seller's market. you put a house on the market and within eight days they have multiple offers. the challenge is then the sellers have to find a home of their own. inventory is so tight because the only people that are selling right now are those that absolutely have to. >> you are really only going to be selling if you have a major life event such as a job transfer, divorce, death in the family, something like that will cause you to sell. right now you won't be selling to go down the road and get a new backyard. >> inventory is tight and expected to only get tighter now that mortgage rates have officially hit 7%, the highest we've seen in over 20 years. chief economists warn it could go higher if the fed is not done raising rates. when you look at the real estate market a balanced market is when you have 6 or 7 months of inventory available. right now there is two months. the owners purchased this home in 2021 for about $360,000. just two years plus renovation later they could be getting half a million for this home. that is why the ceo of red finn has said the housing market has hit rock bottom. the only ones moving are those that have to. right now 60% of homeowners have a mortgage rate of 3.5% or lower. so if they sell that home, they are giving up their 3 1/2% mortgage rate for a 7% mortgage. you understand why homeowners are not really giving up those homes. it makes it difficult for millennials and first time home buyers to get into the market. we have a stalemate. things not getting better now that rates keep going up. >> bill: there is a developing story with long-reaching repercussions. good to have you on it from new jersey. going to become an election issue coming up to campaign season. >> gillian: we bought our house five years ago and my husband is like we're never moving, gillian, never. >> bill: smart man maybe, right? hour two starts now and we have a high stakes court appearance for the man accused of murdering four college students in idaho last november. this story is brutal. the defense asking for more information about genetic evidence and how it was used to identify potential suspects. also pointing to possible problems with the grand jury. going to watch every twist and turn on this. good morning, everybody. it's friday. welcome. dana has the day off. i'm bill

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Thyroid Eye Disease , Camera , Help , Ted , Bridget , Symptoms , Medicine , Patients , Infusion , Infusion Reactions , Source , Eye Bulging , Blood Sugar , Ibd , Diabetes , High Blood Pressure , Heartbeat , Breath , Planning , Shortness , Muscle Pain , Eye Specialist , Crohn S Disease , Photos , Ulcerative Colitis , Visit Mytepezza Com , The American Dream , Voters , Republican , Friends , Polls , Administration , Drum , Margin , Panel , 80 , Doug High Cabalist , Somewhere , Mark Penn , Former , Clinton Pollster , First , James Carville , 2023 , Candidates , Track , Summer , Interest Rates , Kind , Housing Prices , Expenses , Budget , None , Fuel , 1996 , Democrats , Independents , Job Market , Inflation , Grocery Store , African Americans , Price Increase , Restaurant , Used Cars , Sticker Shock , Ticket Items , Sandwich , Goods , Houses , House , Back , Heck , 20 , 43 , April Of 2021 , 2021 , Jobs , Food Prices , Condition , Depth , Plan , Gasoline Prices , Prices , Haven T , Economics , Anything , Topic , New York Times , Wedge , Leak , Gentlemen , Strategy , Ron Desantis , Memo , Net Sum , Donald Trump , Hammer Vivek Ramaswamy , Thought , Head Fake , Pump Fake , Trump , Luke Skywalker , Fan , Star Wars , Darth Vader , Place , Chairs , Frontrunner , Isn T Reshuffling , Campaign , Titanic , Mark , Boat , Rat , Take , Time , Positivity , Candidate , Doesn T , Electorate , Choice , Everybody Else , We Don T Know Who , Viewers , Reminder , Nice , Battleground State , Wisconsin , Criticism , Emergency Services Chief , Warning Sirens , Island , Big Week , Dvrs , Maui , Wildfires , Hi , Robert Ray , Chief , Health Reasons , Everything , Mounting , Emergency Management , Attorney General Of Hawaii , Sirens , Town , Fires , Half , On Lahaina , Siren , Mountain , Sue Nam East , Fire , Drone Video , Lahaina , 12000 , Smoke , Vehicles , Others , Sea Wall , Pacific Ocean , 6 , 7 , Residents , Dogs , Cadaver , Search , Human Remains , 60 , 111 , Red Cross , Ground , Guys , Hands , Robert Wray , Women S Sports Coming To The Great And Ancient Game Of Chess , Brian Kohberger Due , Battle , Athletes , Lawyers , Trial , Nancy Grace , Nancy , October 2nd , Bathroom , Tyrus , Febreze , Needs Febreze Small Spaces , Subway , Effort , Batteries , Outlets , Power , Meats , Air Freshener , Febreze Small Spaces , 45 , Champ , Limu Emu , Nineteen , Liberty Mutual , That S My Boy , Son , Car Insurance , Huh , Uncle Limu , Pay , Surgery , Freeways , Narrator , Five Billion , Causes , Hospitals , Thousands , Surgeries , Suffering , Mercy Ships , 40 , Psoriasis , Fail , Healing , Mission , Give Today , Try , Infection , Cosentyx , Don T , Tuberculosis , Ability , Reaction , Vaccine , Dermatologist , Sharon , Golo , 52 , 27 , Gab , Body Weight , Setting , Diets , Soft Music , 27 , Base , Sleep Number , Bed , Home Delivery , Flash Mob Smash , Task Force , Mayor , Grabs , Cost , A Million Dollars , A Million , Shops , Karen Bass , Let S Go To L A , Jeff Paul , Lapd , Places , Flash Mob Robberies , Sheriffs Department , Earth , Dmrr One , Crimes , Types , Nordstrom , Police , 1 Hundred Thousand , Hundred Thousand , Arrests , Merchandise , Glendale , 4 Hundred Thousand , Investigate , News Conference , Units , District Attorney , La County , Jurisdictions , George Gascon , Gas Con , Catch And Release , Law Enforcement , Absence , D A , Presser , Support , Bail , The Da , , Radio Station , Luck , Applause , Chess , Women , Gamut Movie , Chess Federation , Scene , Queen , Play The Game , Studies , Effects , Contributor Tyrus , Trend , Games , Requests , Players , Attention , Argument , Men , It Wasn T , Chess Club , Boys , Daughter , Nine , Plays , Leap , Decision , Not Atlanta , Azerbaijan , Division , Competition , Physicality , Woman , Equality , Star Athletes , Mediocre , Gender Back , Titles , Titleholder , Everyone , Mob , Rabbit Hole , Making Snap Judgments , Board , P C , Etiquette , Lodge Calls , Women S Sports , Formula , Areas , Seat , Sleeves , Airplane , Knees , Suspects , Ring , Dangers , High School Football , Sextortion , Mortgage Rates , Out Of Africa , The American Dream Out Of Reach , Blow , Jamie Foxx , Celebrity Sale , Pairs , Spectacle , Frames , PrivÉ Revaux , 9 95 , 89 95 , Veteran , Cards , Shock , Exam , Hundreds , Balances , Peace Of Mind , Veterans , Care , Debt , Va Home Loan , Newday Usa , Pet Food , Dog Food , Vets , Dog People , Approach , Kibble , Cans , Meat , Veggies , Door , Box , Thefarmersdog Com Realfood My Heart Failure Diagnosis , Portioned , My Heart Doesn T , Priorities , Me Farxiga , Heart , Stop Taking Farxiga , Job , Urinary Tract , Yeast Infections , Side Effects , Hospital , Dehydration , Heart Failure , Ketoacidosis , Death , Side Effect , Perineum , Skin , Farxiga , Medication , Astrazeneca , Sounds Good To Me , Chain Stores , Self Check , The Company , Store , Trader Joe S , Kiosks , Quote , Suit , We Haven T , 21 , Market , Hearing , Seller , New Jersey , Hillsborough Township , Madison , Inventory , Sellers , Challenge , Offers , Eight , Selling , Backyard , Job Transfer , Life Event , Divorce , Road , Real Estate Market , Chief Economists , Fed , Highest , Owners , 60000 , 360000 , Ones , Housing Market , Renovation , Ceo , Hit Rock Bottom , Red Finn , Mortgage Rate , Mortgage , Lower , 3 5 , 3 1 2 , Homes , Millennials , Stalemate , Buyers , Election , Repercussions , Campaign Season , Man , College Students , Defense , Court Appearance , High Stakes , Idaho Last November , Twist , Evidence , Grand Jury ,

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