Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Jesse 20240704 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Jesse 20240704

truly believe that they aredreno our children, they are the children of our country. >> i'm not going to let parents come intf o schools and actuallymake take a child, make their own decision. i don'n decit think parents shoh be telling schools what they should teach and no placate. ani is this fight more evident than in virginia, where parents have gounrginia wnts d the vessel tor their rights? governor glenn youngkivernor gn in july, youngkin department of education released new school guidelines's depar to keep parents in charge of their kids. chw, under these new rulesds, school personnel will have to call children by the pronouns listed in their officialy the school record, nt whatever they feel like identifying as that dat whatevy kids will also have to use the bathroom that corresponds with their, not their chosen gender. no theirw, these seem like comme sense guidelines to keep our children safe. rebut the state's largest school district doesn't think so. fairfat scho x county, virginia,, is defying duncan's orders, and parentvirgss are petrified f what that means for their kids. >>that it's a safety threat to e shared spaces that are vulnerable. it's very, very dangerous for females to open this door. as we learn from loudounis sonsn county. my sons and their friends and most of the other kidsei thi i know across fairfax county, completely mortified by th acroi idea of being inn a bathroom or a locker room in the presencesec of a female. >> that mothere of has every right to be concerned because just next doorto in loudoun county, virginia, one poor young girl was sexually assaulted poor you in her school bathroom by a boy wearing a skirt. ringthe district tried to coverr up, and when her father tried to get justice for his little girl, he was tackled and arrested. that schoos tackled l cared mori virtue signaling than keeping kidsrtueha safe. there are real world consequences to these issues. e are reorldbut fairfax county t care. they're going ahead and ignoring the governor's the new rules. as the county superintendent, michelle ree govr's ne the couds statement saying, quote, we believe that supportin,g our students and working with parents and caregivers are not mutually exclusivecarega and any student who has a need or desire for increased privacy ,regardless of the underlying reason, shall be provided with reasonable non stigmatizing reason accommodations. so that's gobbledygook for the school staff won't tell you if your kid wants to change their gender. fairfax county just told the parents these kids belong yg to the government. well, governor youngkin didn't take that lying down and hiskits administration responded saying, quote, the fairfax county public schooladminists py perpetuate a false notion thatea knows what's better for a child than a child's parent. chithe fairfax county school be is expected to follow the law. >> and it didn't take long forbe the biden administration to rusn th to the aid of virgia marxists. with everything going on ind th ukraine and the border fires in hawaii, this is what the biden administration is worried about. >> we know this doj has already labeled parents as domestic terroristsd parent, and nowand o they're pushing themselves right into the middle of this virginiaw are puslves rig debax it's not just fairfax county. according to emails obtainedly by the daily wire, the biden doj reached out to roanoke county school board members in southern virginia to sa iy they were, quote, aware ofre of ongoing community tensions in roanoke followingoncommunfolw the release of the new model policies for transgender students. th anoth >> and with another email offering, quote, support and services as you work to manage conflict within your community, someongee needs to tell joe biden to leave these parents alone. to leavebut this problem isn'tle exclusive to virginia because just a short write up the interstate is new jersey, insah is engulfed in its ownis g gender insanity. three districts in the state passed new policie. ree dists requiringg th that schools notify parents if i a student wants to change. their gender. seems simple enough. the school board e enough just wants to empower parents. listen to what one school board president had to say. >> we cannot get the proper help for these children unless their parents are involved in the conversatio un. and why do we hold any secrets back from our parents? why do we not want to let the parents know what the thoughts are going through these children's minds? it's such a bigger picture's mie to think that we're actually contemplating havingusn this discussion about if a our children should be wanting e to change their identity, if we should notify identit the pa >> but believe it or not, philly murphy is suing the school districts. both sides made their arguments iny, and we'reesda s still awaiting the decision from the judge. but parents in the e judg garden stateto aren't waiting to make their voices heard. versus t >> it just shouldn't be ane. us versus them anymore. it just needs to b needse about thechildr children. none of us ever signed u p to parent with the government, and they're consistently getting involved in our daily lives and what we thinn our dak and feel and believe in our private homes. >> now, the questionbein our h o will win? the parents or the governmenwin and what does this mean forchil our children? let's turndren? to bruce pedulla.iddl he is the board attorney foretow middletown and minneapolis and jeannie isaacson. she is the isaac mom of four. i'm going to start with you, jeannie, first of all. h jeanniit's not you know, a lof us are really concerned, angry about what we see happening. but very few people stand up and put a public face forward. so first of all, i jusdt want to commend you for your courage. and my question to you is,paren are other parents standing with you? , ra thank you, rachel, for having me on tonight. and yer havis, there are parentt are starting to stand up and realize that they're thee to voices for their children. and if they don't do it,use at t who will? because at this poinhis point, you know, every politician out there, political figure is kind of trying to get in the way of the family unit and they needt to back up. yeah. are you seeing bipartisan support, jeannie ? yes, you are. good. yeah. bruce, you know, first of all, o from a public relations perspective, i just can't imagine why the governor would gove on parents. n't se it just doesn't seem like a good look. bueme a got from a legal point , how do you think this will end ? >> well, rachel, first, thanks for having me on. and i think tuesday was the first battle in a long road. there't s two separate actions going on. we still have an administrative complaint to dea.e l with. the primary issue, however, is that the state's position sta compels the school district as a governmental entity to violateco parents fundamental rights under the 14th amendment. and if we get suedndment. , i don'te know if the state's going to be there to come in and defend and indemnify us. sur i'm pretty sure i knowknow the answer to that. anl, n a more practical leve the it also compels us to violate other aspects of new jersey student records laws. for example, gender isnd a mandated student record, and parents are thre thee only s with access to their child's student record. and nochil w the state is telling keep us to keep a separate confidential student record, which is going conl to result in material omissions and lying to parents essentially. yeah, it's just it's unbelievable. jeannie, i've so >> many questionsha for you. first, have you had any kind of neug callattacks or are yove y d being called a bigot, a transphobe, etc.? no, not at all. i mean, i, i do get it from both points of view. when it comes to wanting to protect our children, because everyone wants to protectchildren their childrb i do wanact to backtrack to something that you just spok e about regarding bathrooms. so in our districts, wg bae hadh elementary school issue where a little girl was usin g the boys bathroom but was going into these bathrooms and asking the other little boys in there to see their . theithis caused a lot of the yog children to not want to use the bathroom because they were scared, too. o.and i mean, if we bring that l to a high school level where these kids are verse kidsy horml and, you know, they're going to test the limits og tof what . can get away with. where does the line get drawwhen with, you know, like sexual harassment and just there's so much that can happeon at an older age. yes. and it's it's sad. yeah, it's really sad. we're putting all of our kidalse the girls who are in danger, fhe boys who are in danger o being accused of sexual harassment because we're putting them in bathrooms with girls are putm in and creas kinds of situation. and the fact that in new jerse y ,starting in kindergarten, kindergarten, they're teaching sex ed in a very explicit way that i frankly, i live in new jersey. i don' in t send my kids to pubc school. this is partly why. but it jus is pat seems like ant it's stealing children's innocence and really getting n of from the missio the public school. jeannie, i really want to thank you for joining us. jeanniyou foi know it's hard toh a public face on this, but you're doinge it for all thenky right reasons. your kids, bruce, thanks for your work as well. appreciateour work it. thank you. rachel, thanks a lot. have a good night. you too.p demo >> all right. coming up, democrats reveal their 2024 campaign strategy to keep trump in court . america, can we talk? this is a talk show because nobody does it better than talk nation on fox nation. just imagine this scenario. talk nation is the only place you can get all of these shows. let's be really clear. i think he's going a little bit too far. will cain podcast. the scandal feels like it's . talk nation has all the shows. i'm your leader, 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america samoa go to the polls to cast their primaryt ballots. and if a candidate cleans up t and winsherimary b big, they'reh closer to clinching their party's nomination. candidates need to make a big impression. so if they want to win, they have to campaign hard in eacn theyh and every one of e states. so guess who will have a hardd time holding ralliesing and meetings and meeting up with. upwith. with voters and diners? donald trump, because of his loomin g court date. whatcom county districtfu attorney fani willis wantss ge trump's georgia election trial to start march 4th, the day before super tuesday. can you say electionsay el interferenceec? and it's not the only trial that will interfere with trump's campaign. ll interbiden's doj wants trumpn court for his january six case on january 2nd, right whenght wn the iowa caucuses start, the nevada primary, the neww hap hampshire primary and the south carolina primarysh will occur. oh, and in may, trump will have to sit for trial in florida for the mar a lago document case. maare you seeing a pattern here? this super tuesday prosecution should tell you everything you need to know about the democrat to s motivation. this is election interferenceaww and the democrats are getting away with it. this is a democrat hypocrisy.pos this is abouy.t asserting the democrat hierarchy. this is about asserting their dominance. the government says trump's tweets and media appearances are part of a criminalo conspiracy to change the results of georgia's electionange the. do they what do they have to say s about this, then? cayou can run the best campaign. you can even become the nominee. >> and you can have >>e election stolen from you. >> was the election in georgia statewide a free and fair election? >> it was not a free and fair ad election. how can you win with russian interference fair, though? >> that's what i'm scared about in 2020, but rightly, because i think it's an illegitimate president thatst t didn't really win. so how do you, you know, fight against that in 2020? hayou are absolutely right. >> but this is par for the course. do prett democrats can do pretty much anything they want and face noce consequences. they'll lock up old ladies who walk the halls of congress d ladieset on january 6th, but let rioters and looters during the george floy riod protests walk free. they'll let their constituents deny electionsthey wil while trn to put trump in jail for doingg the same thing. and the power grab gets even get crazier. the georgis a judge handling thi case once worked forng t fani willis, the current fulton county d.a. so the d.a. was da. once this man's boss and he's not recusing himself. is that weird to you? the democrats are using all of their resources to put urcetheir strongest political opponent in jail. and what are republicans doing about it? they just sit back and take it. a lot of people think republicans need to go on offense dueans needoffens toe left does to us use republican state ags to go after all themot democrats who contested and denied elections like hillary and stacey abrams. and like eric holder says, when they go low, kick on. well, senator ted cruz, who i l like a lot, doesn't agreae and i share massive frustration over that. now, now, let me be clear. i understand the sentiment of it, if these are going to weaponize the justice system and try to lock up republicans d for running against them, we ought to weaponize the justice system and lock up democratsin for being democrats. i understand that that's a very human reaction. i don't agree with it. i don't agree with abusing law enforcement, whether it is for my team or the other team. >> sean davis is the founder and ceo of the federalist and he joins me now. >> sean, ted cruz, he's a smart guy. l sc he's a constitutional scholar. but is he missing the moment ? does he not get that they thet t democrats want d to destroy the republican party, that they want to consolidate totalay political power? >> yeah, i love ted. he's smart guy. i think he's wrong on this. and i think that thing that he and others should look at is the cold war. the cold how did the u.s. win a war against an evil empire? they had nukes. we hadpire? nukes. we were worried about them nuking us. we used a policy called mutuallysed ly assured destruction m that said, if you so much as even think about launching somethinucasg against us, we will nuke you in your entire country. and if we all go and down, soo i be it. and it was that doctrine, that fear that was instillet. d in both sides that, hey, we better watch it or we're both going to get nuked. that h ge actually led to something h of a detente and then the eventual fall of the sovieet . you got to do the same thinghe here. you can't tie your hands behinrd your back, let them punch you in the face and throw you in prison and say, well, you know, i could respond, but that would be icky and it wouldn't make me feel good. you're interested in winningther as a politician and putting points on the boar intg as a pd. a loser. and for too long, republicans have been contenngt to be loser. they're happy to beat the spread, but they don't really want to win. don't rand i think the time fot kind of stuff is over. >> yeah, i couldn't agre e more.ointin i think they think that just by pointing out the hypocrisy thatk. at will do the tricg e hr it clearly isn't. and i think you're absolutely right. you laid it out perfectly. ht. i want to move to something else, which is the gop primary debate, which will be on fox next week. we're getting a little previewek of the fireworks. a consultant for desantis's superpac laid out his debate strategy and it got four basic must do's. it said one, by the way,st talk william, talk about how weird it is that this actually came out, sean but let's just talk about what the what the strategy is. theit says one attack joe biden in the media 3 to 5 timestate h to state his positive vision for the americisa for america, 2 to 3 times three. henry ramos warn me and four defend donald trump to an attack from chris christie. so this is so weird that thisdou got dropped. first of all, do you think this was a mistaknk this e. this was meant fore only? the candidate only and and then also just these it seems so formulaic and just not natural, which is what he's being accused of. >> no, it wasn't an accident. there's rules about superpacs therupert being able to coordinc with candidates. so instead of coordinating quietlandidates.y behind closed, they dumped these memos out in the public so that the people they're rootingle thr can see them. i guess the advice that i would give to everyone on that debate stage is none of your voters, none of your base, republican votere s are interested in hearing you all beat each other up and take pot shots at each other. othand take the base republican voter cares about two things. what are you going to do to beast two t joe biden and who are you going to do to crush the left once you're president? and they need to understan to od that. on yet they're running for the gop nomination, but they're not running against eacht no other. they are running against joe biden and the corrupt doj and the deep stateoe. will you and what voters want to hear is how they are going to take care of that. we don't hav e any interest in the kind of internecine nonsense thathe not they do. well, he's more conservative or he's less conservative. they all need a knock it offess tell us what you're going to do to win and then tell us what you're going to do to crush crus. ft youill do t >> and whoever does that best is going to be the one who wins the primary. i agrewin e. the person who actually points out what a weird moment we are in thad momentt. i am and by the way, sean, i'm so sick of people saying banana republic. i don'et think this is a banana republic stuff. refhink this is communist stuf . locking up your opponent. i think whoever points out the obvious, what we're wh the obv is the one who will win. and yet the strategy says that ron desantis should attack vivek ramaswamy. what do you think will happen if ron desantis actually does that? lly doesi think whichever candie decides that his strategy is to attackdidate everyone else, thay candidates are not going to go very far. >> and it's interestin.g to look at how vivek has been doing. the guy who's got no big background doesn'tng. have a lot of name id, he's kind of come out of nowhere. and then a lot of people are really t of now interested in him because he goes out there and he talks about what he wants to dowant and he talksl about how bad things are thatng the left is doing, which from you really don't hear a lot from washington republicans. they kind ofwashin get used to t defending the system. and so there's a reason vivek is kine is a rd of surging and e like him. it's because he's not taking the people on his own side. >> he's talking about what he wants to do's talkit . i agree.. i think there's something else, sean. i think they're both. can' omething else.t donald trump any are outsiders. arr and i actually have to say i'm very proud of the republican party. they are actually choosing w with their heart who they theit. wanit and it's showing up in the polls. i think vivek is now as. vit number two, but boy, donald trump is taking it away. mp is tasean, thanks for joinin. always insightful with you and good luck at the federalist, a great site, mh too. >> thank you so much. you got it. up next, an update on the devastation in hawaii as the death toll continuei ass rise. >> south dakota is hiring. we're inviting people from across america to get in on the action. we have more jobs than people. that's why i'm helping out. south dakota recognizes most out of state professional licenses our industries, except other states, apprenticeship programs. and to ease the financial burden, we're investing in scholarships to get people trained and on the job. governor, no. 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away. call 845 1700. that's 845 1700. the death toll the death fromfie the wildfires in maui have now1i reached 111, as over 3000s ng remain missing. residents from the town of lahaina are being asked to takes dna tests in hopes of identifying any missing loved ones. g any missing lo is on the groud in maui with more. r: it it's been well ovehar a weekl since the tragic fire struck the island of maui, specifically historicifical town of lahaina, and the searclh dogs are out there looking for any remains of human beingsrumm and souls. people rummaging through the town. that is justagrough th charredal and decimated. block after blocock. as i drove through, i saw it with my own eyesugh i sa. are wl it is gone. there are well over 100 people that are confirmed dead, and they expec edt that number to continue to go up as president biden is expectedbe to be here on the ground this coming monday to see the disaster aftermath with his ow n eyes and potentially try to install some hope into this area. others, like people in femape who are on the ground stillof ay searching for the remains of any human beings. >> describe what they're going through. but have you ever seen anything like this? never. this is the absolute worst seen. disaster i've ever seen. even though they're deceasedoug there are still bodies. there are people. and that's why you give them re peopl the respect that they deserve. >> and so now the peopleat of loss maui mourning the loss of their loved ones stillofones searching for hundreds of people who are unaccounted forhs ,many without homesse and and clothes and water. and they're trying to figure out what they're going to do here on the great island ofan maui. as many questions loom as to quo how the fire started, where the sirens were, where the alerts were.people people do want answers as the search for human d beingsues. continue in maui. robert fox, weather. thank you, robert. well, while life in west maui remains uncertain, one thing is for sure residentuncertaisrei are furious over the local government's response. you see, typicallydeer the whens a fire, you use water to put it out. put itbut maui's department of d and natural resources delayed the release of water to land owners to help protect their property from to. hey even in fact, they even disputed the release of water for hours after the west maui landaf company made a request to release iter thto ma maui survivors are even telling reporters they had to grab are l water out of their toiletsnd to fend off the flames. the was grabbing water out of the toilet. i was grabbing water out otoilef my bread up filter and the refrigerator. it's kind of disconcertingth feeling when the fire guys show up and they don't have water. >> according to the deputy director of the department of land and natural resources, kaleo manuel. water isn't a tool,. >> we've become used to looking at. water is like something which we use and not necessarilywhiche something that we revere. but that's totally different in this. thistotally differen western cac of economy that we livapitale. it's very extractive, individualistic approaches, let water connect us and not divide us like we we can share it, but it requires true conversations about equity. >> last time i checked, water puts out fires. progressive mumbo jumbo doesn't . water wasn't the only issue during the wildfires that swept through west mauy issuhe wildf residents had no idea a fire w was coming untilas they stepped outside their homes and saw the flames on their doorsteps. i did not receive a warning w untiarl i was already getting in my truck to get out of there. not single one of my roommates got a warning at all. we got the only the notice we had was just screaming from the streets. edia >> many took to social media begging for answers as to whswef the local government refused to sound the alarm that a wildfiree alar was rapidlythet approaching. but the state officials say no regretatofficials. >> d >> do you regret not sounding the sirens? you regrot soundi do not.d the sirens, as i mentioned earlier, is used primarily for tsunamis. >> officials neglectedy fo their duties to protect the people they claim to represent. im tthey had other priorities, t like in 2019, when hawaiianst i electric vowed to invest in fire resistant technology. fit technoand instead they inved nearly $85 million in climate change policies, like divestinnn from oil and investing in renewables. now, that same company is underi heavy scrutiny, over indication that its power lines maynyr inde ignited the wildfires that has now taken overno 100 lives. and the people of the oncee pe beautiful town of lahaina. many of them are left to fende t for themselves and theirwith neighbors with very little answers and a whol ve lot of miscommunication. and now they have to fight off vulture capitalists from tricking people into buying their property. things some of the things that's already been happening beens are calling families who lost everything, offering them to buy their thei fferinr property and theire fo home for pennies on the dollar . just pennies on the dollar. so it's pretty offensive to us.h that people won't even give us some time to grieve properly. to griegreedy vulture capitalit aren't the only ones eyeing the property. vulture bureaucrats are peeking around the corneekingr to someoe people may feel the need to relocate. and i'm already thinking about ways for the state to acquire that land so that we can put it into workforce housing, to put it back into familiesor t, or to make it open spaces in perpetuity as a memorial to peopleuity as were. >> marc morano is the publisher of the climate depot and the author of the great reset, ou o and he joins us now. marc, always great to have you on the show. you hearshow d the words of of hawa the governor of hawaii. whatl you?that tel well, you know, the words come to mind have never let a crisis go to waste. i mean, it's kind of g to heartin the governor talk about the government coming in to buy up lands. he laterment com theyrified that to say that they were going to just use that government to protect it from, you know, equity assett purchases. but the whole scenario o'hair of just it's a comedy of woke, t eras from beginning to end.. the idea that you can'te idea get water released t to put out fire because you have to have a conversation about equity first. conversautthe idea that you cans on making cable safer because hawaiimaking was the first statf the entire united states to declare itselhe entirf carbon neutral or net zero by 2045re pt as they're patting themselves on the back. and the grid operators are worrietiemselves on d aboute green energy, instead of shoring up the energy which they'dnsteadring o been multiplt warned about, that needed to be shored to fight wildfires, the land management issues, all of these areas . the wa and yet "the washington post", rachel, will still come out stily, climate came from maui and it's coming for you next. i mean, they're still doing climate boogeyman as the cause of this and not the gross mismanagement from a to z here. >> and so some reporters on the ground from abc the situation and saw that there were just some really obvioust errors made by governor government officials who should have known betteo shr. and they had a headline that basically stated that it says why climate change can't be blamed entirely for the maui wildfires, because, of course, we knoui wildf.w as soon as thep a wildfire, the climate people come in and say that, you know, it's all green. eoe you global warming.. >> but they saw what happened. they were on the ground. they put that out. and then what happened after they put up that that headline in that story? >> well, they did this story, first of all, as a fantastic story coming from abc news. om abc nthey quoted the governog this was a fire hurricane that caused this. and then abc news says the obvious, there's no suchs bu as a fire hurricane. it was like a mike drop thisit outrage that climate activists so much that professors climate activist they were using f-bombs on twitter going after abc news. they had o to take out climate a change wasn't responsible. add the word entirely, completelyte back off this majorjo element of the story because the science police came in and said, you can't go with that narrative. that narraas the corporate media bowing to the green new deal activists. and it was it was an amazing sight to see because abc news actually dit to seed rg climate journalism for a change and then it quickly had paid dearly for for it. it. >> yeah, this is how big green gets, quote unquote consensus. they bully everyone, threatened them with all kinds of things really quick . f are you afraid of this being used as a climate emergency, a climateth ed as lockdown?? i know you've been warning that about that happening in the very near future. >> i mean, we already have the green new deal network using the hawaiian fires in maui to urge joe biden to declare a nationai to ul cli. emergency that would give him, according to center for biological diversity give m acc0 new executive powers ala covidd ,where they could literally bypass democracy once again. theypass is the end goal. they're weaponizing every single weathereaponizi event and they're not taking responsibility to prevent something like this in the future tthing li. instead, it's the boogeyman of climd manda we nee b more mandates and we need more emergency powers. and if joe biden gets this, we are looking at a very restrictive culture. well, mark morano, you're always raising the flagks ,warning us of what's to come. i think i'm afraid you're right on this one. mark, thanks for joining us. >> thank you, rachel. you got it. coming up, the left wants this to be the future of pregnancy. >> this is a conservative voter alert. bernie sanders is at it again, this time with a radical plan to increase government control of 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assistant health secretarye cha rachel levine, has been pushing for kids to be able to changdsee their genders. >> and while levine is perfectly okay with children gettinrfectlg changes, levine confesses that he's gladx that he wasn't castrated until he was an adult. >> i have no regrets becauseav i transitioned when i was young and i wouldn't have my childreef . i can't imagine a life without my children. and soe without every experience led me so to hear and so how couldld i regret that? ilevine has made it his top mission to push radical ideas on america. and just last week, levine visited identity alaska,on a so-called gender clinic that calls for eliminatining the wors mother, woman and female from k through 12 science classes. you wouldn't want little kids thinking thau t mothersll. are females after all. levine praisedvine the clinic, saying, quote, these inspiring people work tirelessly these to create a more equitable future where all those living in thewhere us have equal accel lifesaving medical care. is s the same biden approved gender clinic teaches kindergartners, quote, gender inclusive biologyes kindh says that doctors assign worders to babies by guessing. >> the lesson also says that the word mother should be used when talking about birth. instead, you should say egg producer carrier or gestationalt parent. and that's what women and mothers are now reduceomen d to by joe biden and the left egg producersleft. and for that reason, they're even looking for ways lookske sure that egg producer don't have to give birth anymore. the creepy people fundingscienc big science are more than happy take miraclebiological of pregnancy away from women by creating artificial wombs through a process called ectoa genesiprocess. >> once the baby is conceived, the woman in her would no longers concein and be needed. the children's hospital of philadelphia actually developedi an artificial uterus which carried land fetuses to full term, successfulciterus wh. it's called the bio bag. and companies like googl bage are already pouring money into it for humans. >> scientists across the globe are extremely close to having artificial wombs ready to go for humans. this would f major implications not just for women, but also babies. baby's growth and well-being are directly impacted by the emotional and spiritual connection to their mother in the. but bizarrely, liberal media like wired magazine seem to only care about what effectgy will this technology will have on get this abortion rights. that's right. the central bioethics question r wired magazine is how i thro this affect the abortion debate through viability, not the separation fronot the m motr and child in the most human and beautiful experience on earth birth. l oand to further mockus, these evil transhumanists are now suggestinge that taxpayers should pay $300,000 to get uterus transplants for transgender women to get help in getting pregnant. when will this madness end? m >> lila rose is the livead actin founder and president.d welcome, lila. i mean, this sounds like something right out of science fiction. >> we are on the roaout d to ito it is going to happen. what concerns you the mostappen. in this issue? i mean, it is u the a wholesalme attack on what it means to bean a woman. and women are under attack today. we are being deconstructed and attacked our very ability, our superpoweronstruct, our to g life into the world has been attacked for decades. been is being celebrated as some sort of empowerment when it's the destruction ofsor that superpower bringing life into the world that our own children. and, you know, it's -- it' the i offensive. and quite frankly, most americans agree it is totally ridiculouste a, lis, to reduce a woman, a mother, to an egg donor or to a a gestational unit of some kind. this a human being, a woman that has that unique power, which shouldthat has be celebrad and protected, not attacked. and the fact tha t a one of our highest ranking government officials, a man who is masquerading as a woman, is doing this to now attack all biological women by saying we can't even call them mothers anymorsaying w cale, the ones t. it's absolutely ridiculous. and everybody shoulds be offended and upset about this and it should not upuld not . this sort of attack on women, is especially coming from government officials. yeah. if anyone sends me a happy egg c producer day card, i'm going to slap them in the face , even if it's my kid. so let's talk about this. this, this, this pod thatd that they're now creating, these artificial wombs that i guessg d are going to displace women as welise womel. i'm kind of thinking there's a lot of good corporate interesting ther in this. >> i mean, you can get women only have to give maternityking leave. a lot of profit making canro be made from removinm remog womn from the child birthing experience altogether. alto i mean, listen, justge because science may be able to do something doesn't mean it is good for it to do it. goonuclear weaponry is somethig that has to be used very carefully, if used at all. i mean, there has to be ethicsse to control how we use any sort of technological developments. similarly with artificiaofl, babies belong with their mothers. they need to be nourished biologically by thei mor mothers to sever that deep connection, that spiritual and physical connectionthers.t deep. r is a you said earlier, rachel, is an attack on motherhood and the child. so, ye moths we should be looking very carefully and hesitatingly at an artificial woman shoul and said, celebrate the actual wombs of mothers and do everythingd th can to improve bonding between mothers and their children instead of separating e bondin them.separa absolutely. well, it's a it's a very interesting questiontihem.. odd that wired magazine would be thinking about abortion be t as we as we really have to discuss very deeply the thee bioethics of this and the implications for the human racbi e ,frankly. leila, always grealit to havla,l you on the show. ur thank you for your thoughts. thanks, rachel. tgod bless. >> coming up, the man behindp, e the song of the summer breaksf h his silence. it's the show that has americans on the edge of their seat and has criminals thinking twice. americans all standing up to protect their rights. crime came 24/7 with sean sticks larkin. your new true crime obsession hosted by the man who can break it down like no one else. one of the craziest things we've ever seen on camera. catch the final four episodes starting this friday and binge the entire season right now. on the only place to catch crime cam. 24/7. fox nation america is streaming. >> back in my day, we don't have all these types of fancy chicken for sure. you have buffalo wings and fried chicken. well, we didn't have garlic farm or sweet bourbon barbecue and he had to walk uphill both ways. >> and it's not every time. yeah, right where i'm here from my award winning neck to sleep . 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reality. you've only got one life. don't mess with your melon. >> if you hit it, get it checked. you know where you are. i'm in a dream. and in my dream, bring yourself back on fox news at night has you covered. >> we begin with breaking information from critical events here at home to the global conflict shaping our world. we will cover it in full. don't miss trace gallagher weeknights at 11 on fox news at night. >> all right it's time for thiss week's headline roundup. let's bring in co-host oadline f the bottom line on fox business and my good looking husband,y. sean. so first up over in california, a woman was woken up at 6 a.m. when she thought she heard some. e climbing on her roof but when she stepped outside, she saw something thatth will hauntatill haun for the ref her life. >> watch this. i'm standing a t the front door and i'm like peeking out and i i se over here.nving there is a whole man living here for months, livingdernea underneath the houseth. reepy >>it you know how creepy it is o see an arm come out of this? i get.that i >> all right. that's why i sens y d you when . a sound in the night downstairs. >> so this is a nightmare? it is a nightmare. is.s ha and it's scary. but this is happening in california. so in california, they've liberalized their drug laws. to dore people are addicted to drugs and more people areaveh homeless. and here you had this guy under the porch and he wasis the as hh as a kite. that's what the cop said. so she's concerned about the homeless ut the, really. first comes drugs and drug abuse. and so first comes if californis act together, rolled back its drug laws and actually put people in prisond pu dealing and doing drugs, we're way better off. yo well, this is like nextd level. >> so you expect squatters and maybe an empty house. but the squatters, they'veu expy under the house. >> yeah, that's right. okay. well, oliver, anthony has become a fololiver any hask here release of his breakthrough hit richmond, north of richmond. ond nortand the money is callin. >> anthony says he's received several multimillion dollar record dealss rece the last twos alone. >> but according to a facebook post, he's turned down every penny stating, i'm just an idioi amt with the guitar. >> just a couple of hours ago,oo john rich told youhn, sean ontht the bottom line that anthony made the right call. >> liste aghn, this boy would he would have never been heard if he'd had a record deal prior to him putting this song out. i mean, he's accomplished. labl with no record label, no funding, no marketing department, nothin fundig. , noh he's accomplished a thousand times what any record labeinl could pull off. >> agree, sean. gr ee?the bottom line at 6 p.m. on fox business, just to get that. hey, listen, he's the songttingo is about hitting the richmond arthur richmond, but the rich marichmof rin from nashville cag to make a lot of money off of all our country. >> it's true. and the problem is these these corporate labelsproble they're leftist. they're woke. these are the bud lights of labels. these are the targetls.s of of these labels. good for him for saying no, john. which is saying surround yourself by a bunch of good people and go solo. go on your ownlo, make a lot more money, have a lot more freedom, and stay true to your beliefs and principlese . >> yeah, maybe. maybe make a good friend like john rich because you'll give him some good advica good . e. >> that's a good investment. that's a good man. all right, well, make sure that boe check ouout t the bottom lih on fox business. also make sure you check our podcast from the kitchen table. it's the fastest growing podcast at fox podcast k.s. thank you for watching jesse watters prime time. i'm rachel campos-duffy. >> thanks for joining us tonight. great to see j you, sean. all right. let's go home and welcome the.>m hannity thank you all for being here. great. t that see you. caok at that shirtless guy has s the weed doing iso on him. what a shirt. this guy in the fron thit right here. i love that shirt. well, we'll get that on tvats sn as soon as we can. welcome back to live studio audience. the only few norma on hisl people thatnew yo live in new york city or they're visiting from out of town. the smartestrkhey people in them are from states like florida, tennessee, texas and the carolina

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This E , Memos , Superpacs Therupert , Coordinating Quietlandidates Y , Coordinc , Wasn T An Accident , Thr , Things , Base , Beast Two T , Debate Stage , Shots , Advice , Votere S , Voter , Othand , Care , We Don T Hav E , No Other , Deep Stateoe , To Od , Eacht , Conservative , Best , Interest , Nonsense , Agrewin E The Person , Knock It Offess , Crus , Obvious , Banana Republic , Obv , Thad Momentt , Refhink This Is Communist Stuf , Lly Doesi , Attackdidate , Candie , Everyone Else , Vivek Ramaswamy , Guy , Doing , Come Out Of Nowhere , Interestin G , Name , Id , Background Doesn Tng , Dowant , Ofwashin , Rd , Kine , Him , The System , Washington , Omething Else T , Side , Talkit , Outsiders , Arr Favorites No , Site , They Theit , Mp , Luck , Vit Number Two , Thanks For Joinin , Tasean , Wanit , Mh Too , Up Next , Ass Rise , South Dakota , Devastation , Death Toll Continuei , Action , Apprenticeship Programs , State Professional , Industries , Burden , Jobs , Floors , Scholarships 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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Jesse 20240704 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Jesse 20240704

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truly believe that they aredreno our children, they are the children of our country. >> i'm not going to let parents come intf o schools and actuallymake take a child, make their own decision. i don'n decit think parents shoh be telling schools what they should teach and no placate. ani is this fight more evident than in virginia, where parents have gounrginia wnts d the vessel tor their rights? governor glenn youngkivernor gn in july, youngkin department of education released new school guidelines's depar to keep parents in charge of their kids. chw, under these new rulesds, school personnel will have to call children by the pronouns listed in their officialy the school record, nt whatever they feel like identifying as that dat whatevy kids will also have to use the bathroom that corresponds with their, not their chosen gender. no theirw, these seem like comme sense guidelines to keep our children safe. rebut the state's largest school district doesn't think so. fairfat scho x county, virginia,, is defying duncan's orders, and parentvirgss are petrified f what that means for their kids. >>that it's a safety threat to e shared spaces that are vulnerable. it's very, very dangerous for females to open this door. as we learn from loudounis sonsn county. my sons and their friends and most of the other kidsei thi i know across fairfax county, completely mortified by th acroi idea of being inn a bathroom or a locker room in the presencesec of a female. >> that mothere of has every right to be concerned because just next doorto in loudoun county, virginia, one poor young girl was sexually assaulted poor you in her school bathroom by a boy wearing a skirt. ringthe district tried to coverr up, and when her father tried to get justice for his little girl, he was tackled and arrested. that schoos tackled l cared mori virtue signaling than keeping kidsrtueha safe. there are real world consequences to these issues. e are reorldbut fairfax county t care. they're going ahead and ignoring the governor's the new rules. as the county superintendent, michelle ree govr's ne the couds statement saying, quote, we believe that supportin,g our students and working with parents and caregivers are not mutually exclusivecarega and any student who has a need or desire for increased privacy ,regardless of the underlying reason, shall be provided with reasonable non stigmatizing reason accommodations. so that's gobbledygook for the school staff won't tell you if your kid wants to change their gender. fairfax county just told the parents these kids belong yg to the government. well, governor youngkin didn't take that lying down and hiskits administration responded saying, quote, the fairfax county public schooladminists py perpetuate a false notion thatea knows what's better for a child than a child's parent. chithe fairfax county school be is expected to follow the law. >> and it didn't take long forbe the biden administration to rusn th to the aid of virgia marxists. with everything going on ind th ukraine and the border fires in hawaii, this is what the biden administration is worried about. >> we know this doj has already labeled parents as domestic terroristsd parent, and nowand o they're pushing themselves right into the middle of this virginiaw are puslves rig debax it's not just fairfax county. according to emails obtainedly by the daily wire, the biden doj reached out to roanoke county school board members in southern virginia to sa iy they were, quote, aware ofre of ongoing community tensions in roanoke followingoncommunfolw the release of the new model policies for transgender students. th anoth >> and with another email offering, quote, support and services as you work to manage conflict within your community, someongee needs to tell joe biden to leave these parents alone. to leavebut this problem isn'tle exclusive to virginia because just a short write up the interstate is new jersey, insah is engulfed in its ownis g gender insanity. three districts in the state passed new policie. ree dists requiringg th that schools notify parents if i a student wants to change. their gender. seems simple enough. the school board e enough just wants to empower parents. listen to what one school board president had to say. >> we cannot get the proper help for these children unless their parents are involved in the conversatio un. and why do we hold any secrets back from our parents? why do we not want to let the parents know what the thoughts are going through these children's minds? it's such a bigger picture's mie to think that we're actually contemplating havingusn this discussion about if a our children should be wanting e to change their identity, if we should notify identit the pa >> but believe it or not, philly murphy is suing the school districts. both sides made their arguments iny, and we'reesda s still awaiting the decision from the judge. but parents in the e judg garden stateto aren't waiting to make their voices heard. versus t >> it just shouldn't be ane. us versus them anymore. it just needs to b needse about thechildr children. none of us ever signed u p to parent with the government, and they're consistently getting involved in our daily lives and what we thinn our dak and feel and believe in our private homes. >> now, the questionbein our h o will win? the parents or the governmenwin and what does this mean forchil our children? let's turndren? to bruce pedulla.iddl he is the board attorney foretow middletown and minneapolis and jeannie isaacson. she is the isaac mom of four. i'm going to start with you, jeannie, first of all. h jeanniit's not you know, a lof us are really concerned, angry about what we see happening. but very few people stand up and put a public face forward. so first of all, i jusdt want to commend you for your courage. and my question to you is,paren are other parents standing with you? , ra thank you, rachel, for having me on tonight. and yer havis, there are parentt are starting to stand up and realize that they're thee to voices for their children. and if they don't do it,use at t who will? because at this poinhis point, you know, every politician out there, political figure is kind of trying to get in the way of the family unit and they needt to back up. yeah. are you seeing bipartisan support, jeannie ? yes, you are. good. yeah. bruce, you know, first of all, o from a public relations perspective, i just can't imagine why the governor would gove on parents. n't se it just doesn't seem like a good look. bueme a got from a legal point , how do you think this will end ? >> well, rachel, first, thanks for having me on. and i think tuesday was the first battle in a long road. there't s two separate actions going on. we still have an administrative complaint to dea.e l with. the primary issue, however, is that the state's position sta compels the school district as a governmental entity to violateco parents fundamental rights under the 14th amendment. and if we get suedndment. , i don'te know if the state's going to be there to come in and defend and indemnify us. sur i'm pretty sure i knowknow the answer to that. anl, n a more practical leve the it also compels us to violate other aspects of new jersey student records laws. for example, gender isnd a mandated student record, and parents are thre thee only s with access to their child's student record. and nochil w the state is telling keep us to keep a separate confidential student record, which is going conl to result in material omissions and lying to parents essentially. yeah, it's just it's unbelievable. jeannie, i've so >> many questionsha for you. first, have you had any kind of neug callattacks or are yove y d being called a bigot, a transphobe, etc.? no, not at all. i mean, i, i do get it from both points of view. when it comes to wanting to protect our children, because everyone wants to protectchildren their childrb i do wanact to backtrack to something that you just spok e about regarding bathrooms. so in our districts, wg bae hadh elementary school issue where a little girl was usin g the boys bathroom but was going into these bathrooms and asking the other little boys in there to see their . theithis caused a lot of the yog children to not want to use the bathroom because they were scared, too. o.and i mean, if we bring that l to a high school level where these kids are verse kidsy horml and, you know, they're going to test the limits og tof what . can get away with. where does the line get drawwhen with, you know, like sexual harassment and just there's so much that can happeon at an older age. yes. and it's it's sad. yeah, it's really sad. we're putting all of our kidalse the girls who are in danger, fhe boys who are in danger o being accused of sexual harassment because we're putting them in bathrooms with girls are putm in and creas kinds of situation. and the fact that in new jerse y ,starting in kindergarten, kindergarten, they're teaching sex ed in a very explicit way that i frankly, i live in new jersey. i don' in t send my kids to pubc school. this is partly why. but it jus is pat seems like ant it's stealing children's innocence and really getting n of from the missio the public school. jeannie, i really want to thank you for joining us. jeanniyou foi know it's hard toh a public face on this, but you're doinge it for all thenky right reasons. your kids, bruce, thanks for your work as well. appreciateour work it. thank you. rachel, thanks a lot. have a good night. you too.p demo >> all right. coming up, democrats reveal their 2024 campaign strategy to keep trump in court . america, can we talk? this is a talk show because nobody does it better than talk nation on fox nation. just imagine this scenario. talk nation is the only place you can get all of these shows. let's be really clear. i think he's going a little bit too far. will cain podcast. the scandal feels like it's . talk nation has all the shows. i'm your leader, 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everything's homemade. it's partially homemade. partially. i mix it with cheez. are you joking with me right now? having gordon ramsay here? i'm terrified. turn around and do a moment of nice, but just blaming each other. what is that smell? oh, my god. this place is a death trap. n ac shut it down. kitchen nightmares returns mondayc island, september 25th s >> attacks against asian americans and pacific islanders are on the rise. >> my simple solution to the problem was remove people from the scene and help them feel safer. in terms of hate crimes. in terms of hate crimes. i think there is so much more work to be done. >> we really need to comusic) e together and tackle this issue as a community to help the fox as a community to help the fox and friends wake u goli, taste your goals. employee retention credit program. find out if you're eligible at wunder trust .com. one of the biggest days on the presidential election calendar is super tuesday. voters in 15 states andtuesda the america samoa go to the polls to cast their primaryt ballots. and if a candidate cleans up t and winsherimary b big, they'reh closer to clinching their party's nomination. candidates need to make a big impression. so if they want to win, they have to campaign hard in eacn theyh and every one of e states. so guess who will have a hardd time holding ralliesing and meetings and meeting up with. upwith. with voters and diners? donald trump, because of his loomin g court date. whatcom county districtfu attorney fani willis wantss ge trump's georgia election trial to start march 4th, the day before super tuesday. can you say electionsay el interferenceec? and it's not the only trial that will interfere with trump's campaign. ll interbiden's doj wants trumpn court for his january six case on january 2nd, right whenght wn the iowa caucuses start, the nevada primary, the neww hap hampshire primary and the south carolina primarysh will occur. oh, and in may, trump will have to sit for trial in florida for the mar a lago document case. maare you seeing a pattern here? this super tuesday prosecution should tell you everything you need to know about the democrat to s motivation. this is election interferenceaww and the democrats are getting away with it. this is a democrat hypocrisy.pos this is abouy.t asserting the democrat hierarchy. this is about asserting their dominance. the government says trump's tweets and media appearances are part of a criminalo conspiracy to change the results of georgia's electionange the. do they what do they have to say s about this, then? cayou can run the best campaign. you can even become the nominee. >> and you can have >>e election stolen from you. >> was the election in georgia statewide a free and fair election? >> it was not a free and fair ad election. how can you win with russian interference fair, though? >> that's what i'm scared about in 2020, but rightly, because i think it's an illegitimate president thatst t didn't really win. so how do you, you know, fight against that in 2020? hayou are absolutely right. >> but this is par for the course. do prett democrats can do pretty much anything they want and face noce consequences. they'll lock up old ladies who walk the halls of congress d ladieset on january 6th, but let rioters and looters during the george floy riod protests walk free. they'll let their constituents deny electionsthey wil while trn to put trump in jail for doingg the same thing. and the power grab gets even get crazier. the georgis a judge handling thi case once worked forng t fani willis, the current fulton county d.a. so the d.a. was da. once this man's boss and he's not recusing himself. is that weird to you? the democrats are using all of their resources to put urcetheir strongest political opponent in jail. and what are republicans doing about it? they just sit back and take it. a lot of people think republicans need to go on offense dueans needoffens toe left does to us use republican state ags to go after all themot democrats who contested and denied elections like hillary and stacey abrams. and like eric holder says, when they go low, kick on. well, senator ted cruz, who i l like a lot, doesn't agreae and i share massive frustration over that. now, now, let me be clear. i understand the sentiment of it, if these are going to weaponize the justice system and try to lock up republicans d for running against them, we ought to weaponize the justice system and lock up democratsin for being democrats. i understand that that's a very human reaction. i don't agree with it. i don't agree with abusing law enforcement, whether it is for my team or the other team. >> sean davis is the founder and ceo of the federalist and he joins me now. >> sean, ted cruz, he's a smart guy. l sc he's a constitutional scholar. but is he missing the moment ? does he not get that they thet t democrats want d to destroy the republican party, that they want to consolidate totalay political power? >> yeah, i love ted. he's smart guy. i think he's wrong on this. and i think that thing that he and others should look at is the cold war. the cold how did the u.s. win a war against an evil empire? they had nukes. we hadpire? nukes. we were worried about them nuking us. we used a policy called mutuallysed ly assured destruction m that said, if you so much as even think about launching somethinucasg against us, we will nuke you in your entire country. and if we all go and down, soo i be it. and it was that doctrine, that fear that was instillet. d in both sides that, hey, we better watch it or we're both going to get nuked. that h ge actually led to something h of a detente and then the eventual fall of the sovieet . you got to do the same thinghe here. you can't tie your hands behinrd your back, let them punch you in the face and throw you in prison and say, well, you know, i could respond, but that would be icky and it wouldn't make me feel good. you're interested in winningther as a politician and putting points on the boar intg as a pd. a loser. and for too long, republicans have been contenngt to be loser. they're happy to beat the spread, but they don't really want to win. don't rand i think the time fot kind of stuff is over. >> yeah, i couldn't agre e more.ointin i think they think that just by pointing out the hypocrisy thatk. at will do the tricg e hr it clearly isn't. and i think you're absolutely right. you laid it out perfectly. ht. i want to move to something else, which is the gop primary debate, which will be on fox next week. we're getting a little previewek of the fireworks. a consultant for desantis's superpac laid out his debate strategy and it got four basic must do's. it said one, by the way,st talk william, talk about how weird it is that this actually came out, sean but let's just talk about what the what the strategy is. theit says one attack joe biden in the media 3 to 5 timestate h to state his positive vision for the americisa for america, 2 to 3 times three. henry ramos warn me and four defend donald trump to an attack from chris christie. so this is so weird that thisdou got dropped. first of all, do you think this was a mistaknk this e. this was meant fore only? the candidate only and and then also just these it seems so formulaic and just not natural, which is what he's being accused of. >> no, it wasn't an accident. there's rules about superpacs therupert being able to coordinc with candidates. so instead of coordinating quietlandidates.y behind closed, they dumped these memos out in the public so that the people they're rootingle thr can see them. i guess the advice that i would give to everyone on that debate stage is none of your voters, none of your base, republican votere s are interested in hearing you all beat each other up and take pot shots at each other. othand take the base republican voter cares about two things. what are you going to do to beast two t joe biden and who are you going to do to crush the left once you're president? and they need to understan to od that. on yet they're running for the gop nomination, but they're not running against eacht no other. they are running against joe biden and the corrupt doj and the deep stateoe. will you and what voters want to hear is how they are going to take care of that. we don't hav e any interest in the kind of internecine nonsense thathe not they do. well, he's more conservative or he's less conservative. they all need a knock it offess tell us what you're going to do to win and then tell us what you're going to do to crush crus. ft youill do t >> and whoever does that best is going to be the one who wins the primary. i agrewin e. the person who actually points out what a weird moment we are in thad momentt. i am and by the way, sean, i'm so sick of people saying banana republic. i don'et think this is a banana republic stuff. refhink this is communist stuf . locking up your opponent. i think whoever points out the obvious, what we're wh the obv is the one who will win. and yet the strategy says that ron desantis should attack vivek ramaswamy. what do you think will happen if ron desantis actually does that? lly doesi think whichever candie decides that his strategy is to attackdidate everyone else, thay candidates are not going to go very far. >> and it's interestin.g to look at how vivek has been doing. the guy who's got no big background doesn'tng. have a lot of name id, he's kind of come out of nowhere. and then a lot of people are really t of now interested in him because he goes out there and he talks about what he wants to dowant and he talksl about how bad things are thatng the left is doing, which from you really don't hear a lot from washington republicans. they kind ofwashin get used to t defending the system. and so there's a reason vivek is kine is a rd of surging and e like him. it's because he's not taking the people on his own side. >> he's talking about what he wants to do's talkit . i agree.. i think there's something else, sean. i think they're both. can' omething else.t donald trump any are outsiders. arr and i actually have to say i'm very proud of the republican party. they are actually choosing w with their heart who they theit. wanit and it's showing up in the polls. i think vivek is now as. vit number two, but boy, donald trump is taking it away. mp is tasean, thanks for joinin. always insightful with you and good luck at the federalist, a great site, mh too. >> thank you so much. you got it. up next, an update on the devastation in hawaii as the death toll continuei ass rise. >> south dakota is hiring. we're inviting people from across america to get in on the action. we have more jobs than people. that's why i'm helping out. south dakota recognizes most out of state professional licenses our industries, except other states, apprenticeship programs. and to ease the financial burden, we're investing in scholarships to get people trained and on the job. governor, no. 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away. call 845 1700. that's 845 1700. the death toll the death fromfie the wildfires in maui have now1i reached 111, as over 3000s ng remain missing. residents from the town of lahaina are being asked to takes dna tests in hopes of identifying any missing loved ones. g any missing lo is on the groud in maui with more. r: it it's been well ovehar a weekl since the tragic fire struck the island of maui, specifically historicifical town of lahaina, and the searclh dogs are out there looking for any remains of human beingsrumm and souls. people rummaging through the town. that is justagrough th charredal and decimated. block after blocock. as i drove through, i saw it with my own eyesugh i sa. are wl it is gone. there are well over 100 people that are confirmed dead, and they expec edt that number to continue to go up as president biden is expectedbe to be here on the ground this coming monday to see the disaster aftermath with his ow n eyes and potentially try to install some hope into this area. others, like people in femape who are on the ground stillof ay searching for the remains of any human beings. >> describe what they're going through. but have you ever seen anything like this? never. this is the absolute worst seen. disaster i've ever seen. even though they're deceasedoug there are still bodies. there are people. and that's why you give them re peopl the respect that they deserve. >> and so now the peopleat of loss maui mourning the loss of their loved ones stillofones searching for hundreds of people who are unaccounted forhs ,many without homesse and and clothes and water. and they're trying to figure out what they're going to do here on the great island ofan maui. as many questions loom as to quo how the fire started, where the sirens were, where the alerts were.people people do want answers as the search for human d beingsues. continue in maui. robert fox, weather. thank you, robert. well, while life in west maui remains uncertain, one thing is for sure residentuncertaisrei are furious over the local government's response. you see, typicallydeer the whens a fire, you use water to put it out. put itbut maui's department of d and natural resources delayed the release of water to land owners to help protect their property from to. hey even in fact, they even disputed the release of water for hours after the west maui landaf company made a request to release iter thto ma maui survivors are even telling reporters they had to grab are l water out of their toiletsnd to fend off the flames. the was grabbing water out of the toilet. i was grabbing water out otoilef my bread up filter and the refrigerator. it's kind of disconcertingth feeling when the fire guys show up and they don't have water. >> according to the deputy director of the department of land and natural resources, kaleo manuel. water isn't a tool,. >> we've become used to looking at. water is like something which we use and not necessarilywhiche something that we revere. but that's totally different in this. thistotally differen western cac of economy that we livapitale. it's very extractive, individualistic approaches, let water connect us and not divide us like we we can share it, but it requires true conversations about equity. >> last time i checked, water puts out fires. progressive mumbo jumbo doesn't . water wasn't the only issue during the wildfires that swept through west mauy issuhe wildf residents had no idea a fire w was coming untilas they stepped outside their homes and saw the flames on their doorsteps. i did not receive a warning w untiarl i was already getting in my truck to get out of there. not single one of my roommates got a warning at all. we got the only the notice we had was just screaming from the streets. edia >> many took to social media begging for answers as to whswef the local government refused to sound the alarm that a wildfiree alar was rapidlythet approaching. but the state officials say no regretatofficials. >> d >> do you regret not sounding the sirens? you regrot soundi do not.d the sirens, as i mentioned earlier, is used primarily for tsunamis. >> officials neglectedy fo their duties to protect the people they claim to represent. im tthey had other priorities, t like in 2019, when hawaiianst i electric vowed to invest in fire resistant technology. fit technoand instead they inved nearly $85 million in climate change policies, like divestinnn from oil and investing in renewables. now, that same company is underi heavy scrutiny, over indication that its power lines maynyr inde ignited the wildfires that has now taken overno 100 lives. and the people of the oncee pe beautiful town of lahaina. many of them are left to fende t for themselves and theirwith neighbors with very little answers and a whol ve lot of miscommunication. and now they have to fight off vulture capitalists from tricking people into buying their property. things some of the things that's already been happening beens are calling families who lost everything, offering them to buy their thei fferinr property and theire fo home for pennies on the dollar . just pennies on the dollar. so it's pretty offensive to us.h that people won't even give us some time to grieve properly. to griegreedy vulture capitalit aren't the only ones eyeing the property. vulture bureaucrats are peeking around the corneekingr to someoe people may feel the need to relocate. and i'm already thinking about ways for the state to acquire that land so that we can put it into workforce housing, to put it back into familiesor t, or to make it open spaces in perpetuity as a memorial to peopleuity as were. >> marc morano is the publisher of the climate depot and the author of the great reset, ou o and he joins us now. marc, always great to have you on the show. you hearshow d the words of of hawa the governor of hawaii. whatl you?that tel well, you know, the words come to mind have never let a crisis go to waste. i mean, it's kind of g to heartin the governor talk about the government coming in to buy up lands. he laterment com theyrified that to say that they were going to just use that government to protect it from, you know, equity assett purchases. but the whole scenario o'hair of just it's a comedy of woke, t eras from beginning to end.. the idea that you can'te idea get water released t to put out fire because you have to have a conversation about equity first. conversautthe idea that you cans on making cable safer because hawaiimaking was the first statf the entire united states to declare itselhe entirf carbon neutral or net zero by 2045re pt as they're patting themselves on the back. and the grid operators are worrietiemselves on d aboute green energy, instead of shoring up the energy which they'dnsteadring o been multiplt warned about, that needed to be shored to fight wildfires, the land management issues, all of these areas . the wa and yet "the washington post", rachel, will still come out stily, climate came from maui and it's coming for you next. i mean, they're still doing climate boogeyman as the cause of this and not the gross mismanagement from a to z here. >> and so some reporters on the ground from abc the situation and saw that there were just some really obvioust errors made by governor government officials who should have known betteo shr. and they had a headline that basically stated that it says why climate change can't be blamed entirely for the maui wildfires, because, of course, we knoui wildf.w as soon as thep a wildfire, the climate people come in and say that, you know, it's all green. eoe you global warming.. >> but they saw what happened. they were on the ground. they put that out. and then what happened after they put up that that headline in that story? >> well, they did this story, first of all, as a fantastic story coming from abc news. om abc nthey quoted the governog this was a fire hurricane that caused this. and then abc news says the obvious, there's no suchs bu as a fire hurricane. it was like a mike drop thisit outrage that climate activists so much that professors climate activist they were using f-bombs on twitter going after abc news. they had o to take out climate a change wasn't responsible. add the word entirely, completelyte back off this majorjo element of the story because the science police came in and said, you can't go with that narrative. that narraas the corporate media bowing to the green new deal activists. and it was it was an amazing sight to see because abc news actually dit to seed rg climate journalism for a change and then it quickly had paid dearly for for it. it. >> yeah, this is how big green gets, quote unquote consensus. they bully everyone, threatened them with all kinds of things really quick . f are you afraid of this being used as a climate emergency, a climateth ed as lockdown?? i know you've been warning that about that happening in the very near future. >> i mean, we already have the green new deal network using the hawaiian fires in maui to urge joe biden to declare a nationai to ul cli. emergency that would give him, according to center for biological diversity give m acc0 new executive powers ala covidd ,where they could literally bypass democracy once again. theypass is the end goal. they're weaponizing every single weathereaponizi event and they're not taking responsibility to prevent something like this in the future tthing li. instead, it's the boogeyman of climd manda we nee b more mandates and we need more emergency powers. and if joe biden gets this, we are looking at a very restrictive culture. well, mark morano, you're always raising the flagks ,warning us of what's to come. i think i'm afraid you're right on this one. mark, thanks for joining us. >> thank you, rachel. you got it. coming up, the left wants this to be the future of pregnancy. >> this is a conservative voter alert. bernie sanders is at it again, this time with a radical plan to increase government control of 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assistant health secretarye cha rachel levine, has been pushing for kids to be able to changdsee their genders. >> and while levine is perfectly okay with children gettinrfectlg changes, levine confesses that he's gladx that he wasn't castrated until he was an adult. >> i have no regrets becauseav i transitioned when i was young and i wouldn't have my childreef . i can't imagine a life without my children. and soe without every experience led me so to hear and so how couldld i regret that? ilevine has made it his top mission to push radical ideas on america. and just last week, levine visited identity alaska,on a so-called gender clinic that calls for eliminatining the wors mother, woman and female from k through 12 science classes. you wouldn't want little kids thinking thau t mothersll. are females after all. levine praisedvine the clinic, saying, quote, these inspiring people work tirelessly these to create a more equitable future where all those living in thewhere us have equal accel lifesaving medical care. is s the same biden approved gender clinic teaches kindergartners, quote, gender inclusive biologyes kindh says that doctors assign worders to babies by guessing. >> the lesson also says that the word mother should be used when talking about birth. instead, you should say egg producer carrier or gestationalt parent. and that's what women and mothers are now reduceomen d to by joe biden and the left egg producersleft. and for that reason, they're even looking for ways lookske sure that egg producer don't have to give birth anymore. the creepy people fundingscienc big science are more than happy take miraclebiological of pregnancy away from women by creating artificial wombs through a process called ectoa genesiprocess. >> once the baby is conceived, the woman in her would no longers concein and be needed. the children's hospital of philadelphia actually developedi an artificial uterus which carried land fetuses to full term, successfulciterus wh. it's called the bio bag. and companies like googl bage are already pouring money into it for humans. >> scientists across the globe are extremely close to having artificial wombs ready to go for humans. this would f major implications not just for women, but also babies. baby's growth and well-being are directly impacted by the emotional and spiritual connection to their mother in the. but bizarrely, liberal media like wired magazine seem to only care about what effectgy will this technology will have on get this abortion rights. that's right. the central bioethics question r wired magazine is how i thro this affect the abortion debate through viability, not the separation fronot the m motr and child in the most human and beautiful experience on earth birth. l oand to further mockus, these evil transhumanists are now suggestinge that taxpayers should pay $300,000 to get uterus transplants for transgender women to get help in getting pregnant. when will this madness end? m >> lila rose is the livead actin founder and president.d welcome, lila. i mean, this sounds like something right out of science fiction. >> we are on the roaout d to ito it is going to happen. what concerns you the mostappen. in this issue? i mean, it is u the a wholesalme attack on what it means to bean a woman. and women are under attack today. we are being deconstructed and attacked our very ability, our superpoweronstruct, our to g life into the world has been attacked for decades. been is being celebrated as some sort of empowerment when it's the destruction ofsor that superpower bringing life into the world that our own children. and, you know, it's -- it' the i offensive. and quite frankly, most americans agree it is totally ridiculouste a, lis, to reduce a woman, a mother, to an egg donor or to a a gestational unit of some kind. this a human being, a woman that has that unique power, which shouldthat has be celebrad and protected, not attacked. and the fact tha t a one of our highest ranking government officials, a man who is masquerading as a woman, is doing this to now attack all biological women by saying we can't even call them mothers anymorsaying w cale, the ones t. it's absolutely ridiculous. and everybody shoulds be offended and upset about this and it should not upuld not . this sort of attack on women, is especially coming from government officials. yeah. if anyone sends me a happy egg c producer day card, i'm going to slap them in the face , even if it's my kid. so let's talk about this. this, this, this pod thatd that they're now creating, these artificial wombs that i guessg d are going to displace women as welise womel. i'm kind of thinking there's a lot of good corporate interesting ther in this. >> i mean, you can get women only have to give maternityking leave. a lot of profit making canro be made from removinm remog womn from the child birthing experience altogether. alto i mean, listen, justge because science may be able to do something doesn't mean it is good for it to do it. goonuclear weaponry is somethig that has to be used very carefully, if used at all. i mean, there has to be ethicsse to control how we use any sort of technological developments. similarly with artificiaofl, babies belong with their mothers. they need to be nourished biologically by thei mor mothers to sever that deep connection, that spiritual and physical connectionthers.t deep. r is a you said earlier, rachel, is an attack on motherhood and the child. so, ye moths we should be looking very carefully and hesitatingly at an artificial woman shoul and said, celebrate the actual wombs of mothers and do everythingd th can to improve bonding between mothers and their children instead of separating e bondin them.separa absolutely. well, it's a it's a very interesting questiontihem.. odd that wired magazine would be thinking about abortion be t as we as we really have to discuss very deeply the thee bioethics of this and the implications for the human racbi e ,frankly. leila, always grealit to havla,l you on the show. ur thank you for your thoughts. thanks, rachel. tgod bless. >> coming up, the man behindp, e the song of the summer breaksf h his silence. it's the show that has americans on the edge of their seat and has criminals thinking twice. americans all standing up to protect their rights. crime came 24/7 with sean sticks larkin. your new true crime obsession hosted by the man who can break it down like no one else. one of the craziest things we've ever seen on camera. catch the final four episodes starting this friday and binge the entire season right now. on the only place to catch crime cam. 24/7. fox nation america is streaming. >> back in my day, we don't have all these types of fancy chicken for sure. you have buffalo wings and fried chicken. well, we didn't have garlic farm or sweet bourbon barbecue and he had to walk uphill both ways. >> and it's not every time. yeah, right where i'm here from my award winning neck to sleep . 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reality. you've only got one life. don't mess with your melon. >> if you hit it, get it checked. you know where you are. i'm in a dream. and in my dream, bring yourself back on fox news at night has you covered. >> we begin with breaking information from critical events here at home to the global conflict shaping our world. we will cover it in full. don't miss trace gallagher weeknights at 11 on fox news at night. >> all right it's time for thiss week's headline roundup. let's bring in co-host oadline f the bottom line on fox business and my good looking husband,y. sean. so first up over in california, a woman was woken up at 6 a.m. when she thought she heard some. e climbing on her roof but when she stepped outside, she saw something thatth will hauntatill haun for the ref her life. >> watch this. i'm standing a t the front door and i'm like peeking out and i i se over here.nving there is a whole man living here for months, livingdernea underneath the houseth. reepy >>it you know how creepy it is o see an arm come out of this? i get.that i >> all right. that's why i sens y d you when . a sound in the night downstairs. >> so this is a nightmare? it is a nightmare. is.s ha and it's scary. but this is happening in california. so in california, they've liberalized their drug laws. to dore people are addicted to drugs and more people areaveh homeless. and here you had this guy under the porch and he wasis the as hh as a kite. that's what the cop said. so she's concerned about the homeless ut the, really. first comes drugs and drug abuse. and so first comes if californis act together, rolled back its drug laws and actually put people in prisond pu dealing and doing drugs, we're way better off. yo well, this is like nextd level. >> so you expect squatters and maybe an empty house. but the squatters, they'veu expy under the house. >> yeah, that's right. okay. well, oliver, anthony has become a fololiver any hask here release of his breakthrough hit richmond, north of richmond. ond nortand the money is callin. >> anthony says he's received several multimillion dollar record dealss rece the last twos alone. >> but according to a facebook post, he's turned down every penny stating, i'm just an idioi amt with the guitar. >> just a couple of hours ago,oo john rich told youhn, sean ontht the bottom line that anthony made the right call. >> liste aghn, this boy would he would have never been heard if he'd had a record deal prior to him putting this song out. i mean, he's accomplished. labl with no record label, no funding, no marketing department, nothin fundig. , noh he's accomplished a thousand times what any record labeinl could pull off. >> agree, sean. gr ee?the bottom line at 6 p.m. on fox business, just to get that. hey, listen, he's the songttingo is about hitting the richmond arthur richmond, but the rich marichmof rin from nashville cag to make a lot of money off of all our country. >> it's true. and the problem is these these corporate labelsproble they're leftist. they're woke. these are the bud lights of labels. these are the targetls.s of of these labels. good for him for saying no, john. which is saying surround yourself by a bunch of good people and go solo. go on your ownlo, make a lot more money, have a lot more freedom, and stay true to your beliefs and principlese . >> yeah, maybe. maybe make a good friend like john rich because you'll give him some good advica good . e. >> that's a good investment. that's a good man. all right, well, make sure that boe check ouout t the bottom lih on fox business. also make sure you check our podcast from the kitchen table. it's the fastest growing podcast at fox podcast k.s. thank you for watching jesse watters prime time. i'm rachel campos-duffy. >> thanks for joining us tonight. great to see j you, sean. all right. let's go home and welcome the.>m hannity thank you all for being here. great. t that see you. caok at that shirtless guy has s the weed doing iso on him. what a shirt. this guy in the fron thit right here. i love that shirt. well, we'll get that on tvats sn as soon as we can. welcome back to live studio audience. the only few norma on hisl people thatnew yo live in new york city or they're visiting from out of town. the smartestrkhey people in them are from states like florida, tennessee, texas and the carolina

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Danger , Situation , Sex Ed , Kidalse , Putm , Jerse Y , Fhe , Danger O Being Accused , The Public School , Stealing Children S , Pubc School , N , It Jus , Innocence , Ant , Democrats , It , Work , Coming Up , Work It , Reasons , Appreciateour , You Too P Demo , Jeanniyou Foi , Trump , Court , Campaign Strategy , 2024 , Nation , Place , Shows , Talk Show , Scenario , Nobody , Bit , Scandal , Nation On Fox , Will Cain Podcast , Clay Travis , Girls Podcast , News Talk Nation , Starts , Games , Unscripted , Fox Nation , Matters , Tomi Lahren Is Fearless , Sleep , Home , Risk , Deal , Sale , Nectar Mattress , Nectar , Shipping , Warranty , Visit Nectar Sleep , Unheard , Suite Won T Last , 4 , 33 , 365 , 34 , Problems , Restoration Specialist , Lifelock , Lifelock Scam , Founders , Customers , Millions , Motion Comfort Therapy , Money Back Guarantee , Cream , 100 , It Doesn T , Pain , Guarantee , Touches , Refund , Arthritis Pain Relief Cream , Australian Dream , 2 3 Billion , No Visimet 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, Districtfu , El Interferenceec , March 4th , Trial , Hap Hampshire , Case , Ll Interbiden , Campaign , Whenght Wn The , Trumpn Court , Neww , Iowa Caucuses , Nevada , January 2nd , Six , 2 , South Carolina Primarysh , May , Pattern , Prosecution , Mar A Lago Document Case , Florida , Maare , Interferenceaww , Abouy T , Motivation , Pos , Hierarchy , Media , Conspiracy , Electionange The , Part , Dominance , Results , Tweets , Appearances , Georgia , Criminalo , Nominee , Cayou , Course , Prett Democrats , Fair , Interference , Thatst T Didn , Par , Russian , Hayou , 2020 , Ladies , Constituents , Congress D , Noce , Halls , Looters , Rioters , Trn , George , Floy Riod , Ladieset On January 6th , Electionsthey Wil , 6 , January 6th , Man , Jail , Power Grab , Doingg , Fulton County , Georgis A , Boss , Forng T Fani Willis , D A , Handling Thi , Da , Republicans , Opponent , Resources , Elections , Use , State Ags , Themot , Stacey Abrams , Hillary , Ted Cruz , Frustration , Low , Doesn T Agreae , Eric Holder , Who Il Like A Lot , Justice System , Republicans D , Lock Up Democratsin , Sentiment , Sean Davis , Law Enforcement , Founder , Team , Human Reaction , Sc He S A Constitutional Scholar , Democrats Want D , Federalist , Ceo , Smart Guy , Others , Totalay , Ted , Policy , Nukes , Launching Somethinucasg , War , Called Mutuallysed Ly Assured Destruction M , Evil Empire , Cold , Nuking , Cold War , We Hadpire , Fear , Doctrine , D , Detente , Sovieet , Nuked , Soo , Instillet , Wouldn T , Back , Loser , Points , Thinghe , Prison , Hands , Say , Pd , Winningther , Boar Intg , Stuff , Couldn T Agre E , Fot , Hypocrisy Thatk , Contenngt , Spread , Don T Rand , Tricg E Hr , Something Else , Debate Strategy , Consultant , Fireworks , Primary Debate , Isn T , Ron Desantis , Superpac , Previewek , Fox Next , Ht , Attack , Strategy , St Talk William , Theit , The Way , Vision , Americisa , Thisdou , Timestate H , Chris Christie , Henry Ramos , 3 , 5 , Fore , Mistaknk This E , Memos , Superpacs Therupert , Coordinating Quietlandidates Y , Coordinc , Wasn T An Accident , Thr , Things , Base , Beast Two T , Debate Stage , Shots , Advice , Votere S , Voter , Othand , Care , We Don T Hav E , No Other , Deep Stateoe , To Od , Eacht , Conservative , Best , Interest , Nonsense , Agrewin E The Person , Knock It Offess , Crus , Obvious , Banana Republic , Obv , Thad Momentt , Refhink This Is Communist Stuf , Lly Doesi , Attackdidate , Candie , Everyone Else , Vivek Ramaswamy , Guy , Doing , Come Out Of Nowhere , Interestin G , Name , Id , Background Doesn Tng , Dowant , Ofwashin , Rd , Kine , Him , The System , Washington , Omething Else T , Side , Talkit , Outsiders , Arr Favorites No , Site , They Theit , Mp , Luck , Vit Number Two , Thanks For Joinin , Tasean , Wanit , Mh Too , Up Next , Ass Rise , South Dakota , Devastation , Death Toll Continuei , Action , Apprenticeship Programs , State Professional , Industries , Burden , Jobs , Floors , Scholarships 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Resources , Response , Residentuncertaisrei , Itbut Maui , Typicallydeer The Whens A Fire , Department Of D , Company , Owners , Survivors , Property , Reporters , Request , West Maui Landaf , Iter Thto , Flames , Fire Guys , Refrigerator , Toiletsnd , Toilet , Bread Up Filter , Deputy Director , Disconcertingth , Land , Department , Kaleo Manuel , Water Isn T A Tool , Thistotally Differen Western Cac , Economy , Individualistic , Equity , Water Wasn T , Progressive Mumbo Jumbo Doesn T , Warning , There , Untiarl , Roommates , Doorsteps , Untilas , Truck , Idea A Fire W , Issuhe Wildf , West Mauy , Answers , Notice , Streets , Wildfiree Alar , Sound The Alarm , Rapidlythet , Whswef , Officials , Do Not D , Tsunamis , Regrot Soundi , Hawaiianst I Electric , Duties , Priorities , Im Tthey , 2019 , Maynyr Inde , Power Lines , Scrutiny , Investing , Indication , Climate Change Policies , Soil , Renewables , Divestinnn , 5 Million , 85 Million , Oncee Pe Beautiful Town Of Lahaina , Fende T , Miscommunication , Ve , Neighbors , Theirwith , Overno 100 , Families , Fferinr , Dollar , Pennies , Beens , Vulture Capitalists , Theire Fo , Aren T The Only Ones , Peeking , Us H , Vulture Capitalit , Vulture Bureaucrats , Ways , Workforce Housing , Familiesor T , Perpetuity , Corneekingr , Show , Words , Marc Morano , Climate Depot , Publisher , Peopleuity , You Hearshow D , Memorial , Author , Ou O , Hawa , The Great Reset , G , Lands , He Laterment Com Theyrified , Heartin , Crisis , Whatl You , Tel Well , Comedy Of , Purchases , You Can Te Idea Get Water Released T , T Eras From Beginning To End , Equity Assett , Scenario O Hair , Statf , Conversation , Cable , Conversautthe , Hawaiimaking , Itselhe Entirf Carbon Neutral , 2045re Pt , 2045 , Zero , Aboute Green Energy , Areas , Energy , Land Management , Shored , Grid Operators , Washington Post , Multiplt , Climate Boogeyman , Cause , Mismanagement , Stily , Abc The Situation , A To Z , Government Officials , Headline , 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, Woman , Mother , Calls , Gender Clinic , Classes , Wors , Eliminatining , Mission , Push Radical Ideas On America , Alaska , 12 , The Clinic , Those Living In Thewhere Us , Thau T Mothersll , Accel Lifesaving Medical Care , Levine Praisedvine , Guessing , Doctors , Gender Inclusive Biologyes Kindh , Worders , Biden Approved Gender Clinic Teaches Kindergartners , Women , Mothers , Birth , Gestationalt Parent , Reduceomen D , Egg Producer Carrier , Lesson , Lookske , Miraclebiological , Egg Producersleft , People Fundingscienc , Egg Producer Don T Have , Children S Hospital Of Philadelphia , Wombs , Baby , Ectoa Genesiprocess , Longers Concein , Humans , Money , Scientists , Companies , Bio Bag , Uterus , Globe , Successfulciterus Wh , Land Fetuses , Googl Bage , Babies , Implications , Well Being , Growth , Wired Magazine , Connection , Abortion Rights , What Effectgy , Human , Abortion Debate , Separation , Viability , Central Bioethics Question , M Motr , Experience , Transplants , 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