Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Hannity 20240704 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Hannity 20240704

election resultsdare. if you do, there will be a special prosecutor in atlantan or an atlanta d.a. that mighttat try to put you in prison to the day you die. as a matter of fact, he's facing all just 791 years. when you add all the counts up together, murderers, they spend 5 minutes in jail. donaldd five m trump, they put o lock them up, throw away the key. but if you're a democratw awkey trumper, remember the media mob? you pretty much do and say anything you want. and we've got the tape to prove it. ounator marcgoo rubio actually tweeted this out from a group associated with journalis gwitht matt taib. >> you know the guy fromtw twitter. take a look. my biggest feaitter. r that he's goingis to do it again with the help of vlad, his best pals, terrifiedbe would you be my vice presidential candidate? >> donald trump is an illegitimatepresid president, legitimate president? >> this wasn't on the level. yes, trump cheated presi trump cheated the 2016 election. he's an illegitimate president. anger at what some see as an i illegitimate president. a number of incidents turned violent. protesters hurled trash cans >>, and flash mobs and objects at police, several officers injured, protesters with rocksg and smashed windows, leading to more confrontations, injuries and arrests.>> t the chaotic scene just blockshe outside the secure area ofaugura the inauguration. >> you may have seen it on social media. tion.more than 4 million peoplee signed a petition focusing on hillary clinton's signed ine popular vote. they're holding on to hope, asking members. are of the elecl college to back clinton instead ofco trump. okay, now you got the democratic media mob, the only candidate, by the way, who colluded with russia. we found way, out in 2016 was hillary clinton when she paidwa for a dirty russian dir disinformation dossier, paid for by an ex foreign spy and first used against donald trump in that election. and then, of course, to delegitimize donald trump after the election. >> illegitimate, illegitimate, illegitimate. e elthey took out the part of the tape that i wanted. anyway, we can get that to you later in the sho t iw hillary clinton never faced legal consequences. hillars the democrat who objected to the 2016ed results and attempte td discredt our elections. they never faced consequences. rwhatsoever.he even the people involved in efforts thaeoplt literally we calling for alternate electors . in 2016, they faced zero consequences. very few of the violent anti-trump rioters were ever charge d with a crime. even those who attacked federal courthouses them on fire nighteh after night after night. in portland, 574 right. summer of 2020, we had two dozen americans dead, thousands of cops pelted with bricks, bottles, molotov cocktails. bricks,you name it. 2000 cops injured. 2000ey held accountabl billions in property damage. nobody held accountable. in georgian , want to be governor stacey abrams. she frequently accused republican to be gs of g the 2018 gubernatorial election and she pressured state officials to action againstssio phantom vote voter suppression claims. and she refused. as wcle all know, to concede fos years. but no charges out of atlantan against stacey abrams. >> you decide if this is equal justice under the labrams.w. >> this is not a speech of concession. was the election a speech of gea statewide a free and fair election? it was notction of a free and ft election, said she lost. >> i'm like, no, i just didn't d wi nn because we don't know what really happened because of the miasma of voter suppression. for me, concessionth there's a legal and moral naturee accep to conceding. it means you accept that something is right, that itjust is just that it is proper. what happened was not just a i may not have won this election or at least, but i didn't lose. bu i got the votes. but we won't know exactlyhow we hmany because of how they cheated. >> we had this little election t back ihis lin 2018, and despite the final tally and the inauguration and the we finds ourselves in, i do have one very affirmative statementon to make. >> we won, i believe was a stolen election.e. >> and i'm not saying they stole it from me. they stole it from the voters of georgia t, again, if you are a prominent democrat, you pretty much dot whatever you want because the liberal lawyers that dominate what is nol lawyw a weaponized doj, joe biden's, they will have hav your back. in fact, they're going to even whyon your campaign while you enjoy some rest and relaxationu enjoy at the b. and allow me to explain. remember, soon after joe biden,e he will now soon embark on a leisurely trip to lake tahoe in california. this is shortly after his weekend atortly afr beachbe in delaware, which, by the way, it wasn't a week, week and a wt half agoek and. he beach he was on a ten day vacation on the beach and it was having a hard time draggingas hav his i chair around him. but tonight, joe biden's reelection that is in full gear. he doesn't need to lifthe the finger doesn. becaus why? because this election season, he's going to allow his own of justice and the justice system to do all thand the e heavy lifr him. on march 14th, donalg fod trumpm sorry, march 4th. donald trump well, according to thear filing down in atlantat they want to start that trialt in atlanta on march the fourth. well, the very next day, lo and behold, what a coincidence that would be march 5th. th will also be super tuesday. donald trump will also face a court date to be determined during the campaign season in washington, dc, one in florida and one in new york. ington, and while donald trump s nonstop negative press joe biden, he'llnsto just remain in hiding, just like he did in 2020. and tht like e mob candidate protection program. that's what they offer him. the greatest campaign contribution. anybody running foras a m president ever want or need. as a matter of fact, over the past few months, everyatda a biden scandal emerged while trump suddenly faced a new lega trumpl challenge., ask yourself, is this a mere coincidence? juneis the fbi finally gives the congress that 1023 form. they had to, of course, threaten to bring in christopher wray and hold him in contempt of congresholds because he wouldn't hand it over. that was the one that .ocumented farm briber y allegations against joe biden and hunter biden from that credible fbi source becausethe the fbi had paid this guy hundreds of thousandfbs dollars. the very next day, juneda doe eighth, doy,j special counsl jack smith indicts trump in the mar-a-lago documenj,t. then, on july 26, hunter biden's unprecedented sweetheart deal with the doj was introduced in courwitht and then rejected by that federal judge who did a great jodge whb the very next day, ju. oh, look at this. specia the special counsel added evenl more charges onto. donald trump's mar-a-lago case, mere coincidences, right? and then on july 31st, hunter biden's former business partner ,that would be devin archer,bu testified before congress. and in fact,sineevon arc joe noh on phone calls with some of hunter biden and devin's business some of partners, some0 malls, but he also met the in person a number of times, cafe milano. and the very next day after woud that, well, that would b be august well, here we go again. the specia we gol indicted trume again over the january sixth issue in washington, dc, which , ings us to last friday a sham special counsel was appointed to slow ofcial couf tt investigation and cover up misconduct aert. the department of justice, the very next working day that woulf justicd go friday to mond. and then we got you got it. new charges against donald trump this time out of atlanta. it's crazy how thaout works out. i'm sure, as everyone agree with me, those are miraclee agre incidences, right? you all agree? oh, you're all . oh, okay. thank you. the mob, the media is once again obsessing over trump. 24/7 365 and joe biden is doddering along under the radar today during his brief remarks about thise devastation in mauie he couldn't even remember commname of the island this is after he wouldn't even comment. no comment. what do you have to say to the people of hawaii? no comment, reallypeophawaii dit know what was going on? and by the way, the nameon? is maui joe. >> anyway, take a look. the rv helicopters help fire suppression efforts and, the big island, because there's still some burning on the big islandstil. not the one is not the one you see on television all the timetime. ia mob the media mobs cover for tha it guy biden that he can't go to hawaii quite yet because yet he believes just going to be in the way. now, how do we know thatway. ths an outright lie? well, everything is already , have you not seen the devastation that our fellow americans have been going through in maui, in hawaii, ans and businesses burned to the ground. joe, a short visit to thevisi islandt to, i promise you, you're not going to get in the way because nobody's theree wa. they've all had to evacuate. they've all lost their homes. they've all lost their life's investment. and we're still missint g many as 1300 people, over 105irmed people already confirmed dead. way? at the devastation. you think you're going to get in the way there? there's nobody there. it would help ifere isy there. y ,you know, was giving the hawaiian people the aid joanthat they need to quickly recover. joe is committed. well, okaye has co. ehold in $700 per household in maui, by the way, in ukraine, e the people there have receivedhe overre rec 20 $600 in aid per pp from biden. persoso far. >> does that seem right to to yo you anyway? does iu? t? >> but unlike, you know, president bush in katrina orunli president trump and the media mob going after him over puerto ricob gointo r, there'll be no e coverage of joe biden. they're too busy talkingy talkin about donald trump obsessively, compulsively and the dozen s new charges that he faces. and it's all according to plan . >> here with reaction, south carolina senator linsey graham. senator, great to have lindsey you. thank you. all right. all right. let me let everybody everybody everybody's been to the bar hasa good well, we like to take care of our guests when they come and make surn e they laugh at my dumb jokes. listen, this is serious though,o i have a photo. it looks likuge the doj is doing the bidding that what we're going to have for trials wet, donald trump in the middle of a primary season and a presidential election year. and i'm i'm kind of guessing that he's not going to have the faires kin ghet of juries iw york city, in washington, dc, in fulton countycity and, heavir democratic areas. i mean, big timegia.. d be so he could be found guilty. and then his appeal will beentil after the presidential election, where he would be likeln why to succeed legall. >> is that a good theory? s what yeah, i think so. here's what i want people to understand that president trump is being prosecuted in manhattan, where he got 70% t of the vote, the district of columbia, where he gotdistrict n the vote in fulton county, co he got 24% of the vote. he's being prosecuted in a way to make challenging election or crime just for him. staceye ch abrams con it best is hard to concede whene you think you were cheated. well, here's here's the standard. you can claim we were cheatee se if you're a democrat, if you claim you're cheated as republican, they're going to try cy will t to put you in . remember the russian hoax, the mueller investigation, one of the overt acts against donald trump, is he tweete e of thed, watch o.j. in the nighte tw about the georgia hearing on the election. they're charging that as a crimthey aree. they're charging him with a criminal act of telling al act opeopleh a show about the election. if that becomes a crimoute, i you know, adam schiff will be in jail for a thousand yearsil. how many times did he go on television, msnbc and cnnonal and tell us that donald trump was a russian agent? dange this is very dangerous what they're doing for our countr y. let me ask you about the double standard as it comes to the issue of top secret classified documents. hillary clinton, i believe, hatd and then the infamous presser in july of 2016. no reasonable prosecutor would prosecut16osecutore. durha but we now know from the durham report we learned a lot fromport the horowitz report, but the durable report said that operatio n hurricane neverneve should have happened. he couldn't corroborate a singleave ha item in the steee dossier, but neither could the fbi prior to using that dossier in four or pfizer warrants. and it says verified. chr and they offered christopheris steele $1,000,000 to corroborate that. how come nobody got held accountabl e and by the way, didn't we have top secret classified documents and follow actions that joe biden had? well, i think the answer's pretty obvious. you know, the clinton people took a hammer to inton pea computer, right? >> they took a hammer to the hard drive. they tooa k bit to wipe away emails and nothing happened to her . so in the end, the mueller investigation, the fbi lawyerrmo sent false information to the fisa court. urt.e fisa cthe court rebuked, d the department of justice, and really nothing reb ever. happened to those people. there are no rules when it comes to donalhen itd trump hapn in georgia is criminalizing contestingg in an election. stacey abrams went on television night after nighte saying she was cheated and nothing happened to her or hillary clinton when that was enouy hillary clinton said the election was stolen. she said repeatedly, donalas std trump was an illegitimate president. there were groups supporting her that illegitimate actuallyd in money raising for, quote, alternate elected elector schemes. nothin schemes.g happens there. well, apparently not. the way you fix this is to to elect a republica ndonald president. it will be donald trump, the nominee if they're trying to give donald thenomine they a nomination, they're doing a hell of a good job. >> i think republicansa hellund are rallying around president trump. i thought he was a great president. i thoughrumpast he got it right. he secured our border. he. illed the terrorists we're energy independent. we've lost all that. this is an effort to destroy alltrumpe trump because they fear in the move. that's what this is about. they've got s what thit prosecur prosecution right in the middle of the primary seasohen. they take this guy down and they do the same thing and nothing happens to them. ae right? well, that's not the america i want to pass on to the nexrit generation. >> how do you fix it? fire the people in charg thee. all right. senator linsey graham, thank you. just bringing her back the election lies with them. our truth doesn't seem to matte,err. olors >> and they showed their true colors after 2016. hereon more from the montage that marco rubio posted on twitter. >> take a look aitter. t gang the us election hacking the u.s. election. >> russia hacked our elections. the russians. . ked ou hacked our elections. russia hacked our election. russia hacked our election. hacking of our election. hacking of our of our election. . sal asacked our election universal assessment that russia hacked our elections. we will see how ilse russial legitimate his victory actually was. >> he's an illegitimate president. russia hacked our election. russians hacking our nextans our election russihacka hacking our election as president elect as a legitimate president. >> thes gitimaten million peopl4 already signed a petition on change.or mignedg for the els of the electoral college to, quote, ignore their state's votes and cast their ballots for secretary clinto n. >> let's bring in paxos legal analyst gregg jarrett, former acting attorney general. did the russia hacker electiones was the trump russia collusion true? >> because i reaiaond the durham report and said, no, no, i wrote two books. number one, way back in 2018 thr was the first one. >> and i said it was all a hoax, that the dossier was phony. >> you know, americans livedllar not just through hillary clinton getting away with crimes in hery cl scandal,t they watched as hillary clinton inventedy watche the russia hoa, financed the phony dossier. james comey and others finan at the fbi lied to the american public, to congress, to the fise ama court, and they all got away with it. they tried to drive trump from office with a hoax, and now they see the same sort of thing unfolding unscrupulous, unprincipled prosecutors whosel sole goal is not the merits ofe the they're bringing, but they hope to gain a conviction. or to smear and sully trump sufficiently to enable biden to win. the mantra is biden can't wintie legitimately on his own. so we will help hily m by hook orse by crook. >> and that's what's behind . ese four indictments you agree with that? matt whitaker yeah, yeah, i do. >> and remember, they've nowav scheduled thise first trial on the day before super tuesday where 15 states plusr american samoa are going to goyo vote. and if you're thinking you can prepare for a trial and visit 15 states in the lead up to super tuesday, i mean, that's going to be impossibln th so obviously, what gregg saying is absolutely right. this is all planneatd and coordinated in order to try to prevent donalordinated trumpm being strong enough to win the election in november. but knowing the guy like telect, i don't think they're going to stop him. >> what i mean, i do agree with me. >> i don't think you can get a fair trial in nek he cw city oro in d.c. or fulton county. do you?e fact >> they're counting on the fact these prosecutors that he won't get a fair trial and that he'll be convicted and they realiz tre fully that they will likely be overturned in a court of appeals trial, go before the election. >> car thee about getting overturned later. >> they care about stoppin g trump now to help joe biden. >> so that means timeline wise, that the trial will be held in the election year and the appeal will be after the election. >> yeah, but fani willis downun in fulton county, georgia, you know, is scuppered by her own schemeges because she was dumb enough to charge 100 and 61 conspiratorial actsx, 4 41 criminal charges, 19 defendants. >> i1 criminalt is impossible tm all together with. let's say there's two lawyers per defendant you're talkingwo about 60 people just litigating the case. >> complete rights issues.mplexs she's overcomplicated, thu know, a smart prosecutor. streamlines the case, just a handful of charges. e one defendant but no,fendan fani willis ain't smart. >>t.bu and been hoisted by her n petard in this casne. jar >> all right. greg jarrett, matt whitaker, thank you both. we appreciate it. all right. new fallouhitaker,barth.t tonig vivek ramaswamy is surging >>t fox news primaryil poll. wait to see the latest numbers he will join us next. and also a lot more coming up. glads ne you're with us tonight are maddening and even a little unhinged. some of these stories are too controversial to even mention, but we're going to anyway. join me as fox nation investigates. some of the biggest ones around in fox files. part. we're diving into the tragically unsolved, the case of the missing malaysian airlines plane. there's a huge vacuum of information here. the question now is, will we ever find the internet's trendiest movement? the government killed, every single bird, and replace them with robots as a surveillance tactic? they wanted to surveil everybody all the time, and there was no camera on this pigeon. and the people convinced the king still. the death of elvis presley has inspired more speculation. any other? no one wanted to believe that was even possible. he's still with us, even though he's 88. question everything. fox files part two streaming now on fox nation, america streaming all that's not good. >> hey, joe, how come your justice department goes after trump endlessly yet they cover for your family hunter's laptop? yeah, that was censored. but we know that laptops real. and it's not just filled with photos of hunter's drug fueled debauchery, either. yeah, it showed. hunter pocketed millions from foreign partners, cash from ukrainian and chinese interests accused of bribery and fraud. and remember when you claimed your family never made money from china? well, hunter admitted in court he took their cash. his chinese business partner was tied to the communist party . how did hunter's partners get meetings at the white house? your brother, even nieces and nephews, got paid from foreign deals. your family and their cronies raked in over 17 million from these schemes. and you, joe, went from being one of the poorest in congress to a millionaire in the white house. come on, joe. all this a coincidence or corruption? make america great again inc is responsible for the content . >> this advertising itch itch scratch must not itch. stop the itch. sanity with cortisone stands for bug bites, poison ivy and other itches. cortisone ten is number one doctor recommended it works fast and lasts 4 hours. cortisone. >> what's this? that's for pepper. >> you keep dog food in your fridge. it's not dog food. it's freshpet real meat or veggies. >> it's dog food. fresh pet. it's not dog food. it's food. food. the president's concerning priorities as melanie roesgen. and a great crowd we have.d all right. brand new fox pollbrand-xhole on on the republican primary shows vivek ramaswamy is now surging k at . take a look at these numbers. he has not. donald trump still up by a significant amount up by 53%. governor desantis is in second place, 16 and the vet groundmasm swarming for the first time with double digits, 11%. and by the way, you know, pretty healthy growth anyway. joining us now is vivek ramaswam g us nowy. before >> but before that, let' ts take a look at him and athat h confrontation he had. it's gone viral. an exchangase with voter, i believe this was in iowa. >> take a look. why do you know i don't have>> d a negative view? a ne same sex couples. but i do have a negative view of a tyranny vie of the minorit. i believe that we live in a country where free adults and should be free to dress how they want, behave how they want. that's finve hy wante. but you don't oppress. you don't become oppressive by foisting that on others . and that especially includes kids, because kids aren't the same as adults. and so i think adults are freece to make whatever choices they want. i respect that you may have a differens they want.t and tha. it's part of what makes our country great is that you and i can be civil and have this conversation. >> now i at hasn't all been wor, but the backhoes have found some time to a little bit of fun on the campaign trail, dropping a little bit of eminem. >> let's see how he does opens his mouth. but the word thwon't come out. he's joking. half everybody's joking now. the clock's running out. time's up. over. snap back. >> reality. okay. hoyway, so zach ramaswamy joins right now. >> sir, how are you? how you look? i wiainly better job than i could do. i'm not going to be critical be but i wouldn't quit your day job on the rapping thing. you know, i thought you said something very nice. i think i thought you said something very key in that exchange with that voter that. adults, consenting adults, nonef americans believe in freedom. >> that's none of our business. i agree with you on that issuee. . the question is and where the controversy comes in i isone people on the left. they want to indoctrinate our children. they feet want tl that their vas are superiors to parental values. e me and i say, excuse me, teach them reading, writing, math, science and computers, and thenc keep your personale, viewsself d to yourself. and the parents instill the values let p they cherish. and believe in. is that a fair summationha of where you stand? spot o >> absolutely. spot on, sean. and the reality is, kids aren'ts the same as adults. so if gender dysphoria is such a condition of suffering, then why on earth are we going out of our waye goin to create eveny more of it by spreading this ideology through young kids in our schools? >> what's really happened, sean, is we have a tyranny of the minority in this country. >> we used to protect against the tyranny of the majority. and so that's where the lgbt the majrights movement came fr, is protect their right. so my view is if you're an e adult, live how you want. but what we have in this we have ofa new tyranny a fringe minority. and i refuse to say that that somehow changefuses the languago use, changes how women compete in sports, changesmen comp with bathrooms people use, and let alone change the way we indoctrinated children. no, i stand against that kind of tyranny and i will do it with civility. i will do it with respect for every human being. paat was a self-describebin.d pansexual who confronted me with what she thought were some difficult questionsed me w she and i disagreed. and so it's not that i look down on her as a humanhat a lo , but i refuse to abide by this new tyranny of this cult. for >> and that's what i stand for. let me ask you, i know the issue of of your votingrecod record has come up quite a bit h lately. bit >> election records in ohio's franklin county, where you live show that you registered re vote in november 28, 21, not as a republican, but as unaffiliated. you did say you voted for the libertarian presidential candidatelibertar four and didn't vote in the presidential election. agaiin didn until 2020 when youn for donald trump. whu y? i mean, why did you have a lack of the truth is, sean, i have.fy well, the truth is, for most ofe my twenties, like so many people, their twenties, i understand where they're coming from. young people are disaffectedar itlitici from professional politicians. george bush john kerry didn't inspirangeorged johne me. john mccain. barack obama didn't inspire me. mitt romney. barack obama did not inspiree me me. so like so man.y youn g people, i was badly disaffected from professional politicians. i think donald was the singleen greatest president we've had in my lifetimet we. ury. >> the single greatest place in the 21st century. and so when he's deliverin g, 2020. i voted for him in 2020. and why would you not? >>d you not vote for him in 2016? >> did you not see the potential? i because i didn't believe it. exactly. i was skeptical. i walieve it.s skeptis a jaded y twenties and like so many people in their twenties s. sean, i get it. i'm not a professional politician. i' tell from the eminem rap or otherwise. we are reaching young people in this campaign in droves. sean. many of my supporters are young ,bringing them to our partypart and our movement for the first time. and a part of the reason why is i understanhyd it.lennia i get it.l. i'm a millennial. i got my first job in 2007, right on the eve of the 2008 financial crisis in new york city. so8 fina i understand why manymy millennials are jaded. minn the 2008 bailouts that camu under a republican administration, which was just crony capitalism to me. i don't care much about the distinctionsi between traditional republicans or traditional democrats. the truth isans or tonal, in ma, i could care less for either of them. i stand for eir the america firt movement, putting the interests of this nation first.e inte >> that means puttingrefi all americans first, even those in hawairst.i, even those on the south side of chicago, where i visited, or kensingtonsd ,the inner city ofiladelph philadelphia, where traditional republican candidates don'e t g. i think that putting america first means putting all americanputting s first.s, a and yes, i'm using the republican party as a vehicle to advance that agenda, not as a professional politician, but as a a profe sul businessman, an outsider, and, yes, somebodn ouy who a member f that different generation. >> let me ask you one laste la question and might be a point of disagreement betweeestion anu in one of your books, you talked about the inheritance tax rate t th being as high as 59%, and you supporting that, saying wealth from parents to children breeds inequality and hereditary aristocracy. >> this this all moneyople hav people have already paid taxes on. why woulady paidd you lety take the government basically take another bite of the apple and steal more money a of? w ho >> you know how this game works, shawn. that's an opposition research bo photograph of the book. lift out. put it on twitter. the realit y is the contextg th i was going through in that book was a thought experiment ex bring the income taxo down to a flat tax as low as possible. and in that context, that's how high the inheritance tax the up ford be to make hig it. >> to be clear, i didn't write candidate books. i wrote it thoughtfunot writcani i wrote three thoughtful books. and i was honest in doing thought experiments in those bookingought exs s. but the opposition research is now, as you know well, and you didn'ttr th get any. you do not support that. do you support any inheritance t tax? >> absolutely. do not support that. i absolutely rejecely do nt tha that's a separate question. that just to be aware, you suppore clt no low tax, no doubt fact, no death tax at no h all. no change to the status that'so the st what i support on the status quo. zodiacs. the status quo 40 anything you support 40%. do you support nothing? noth i support a 12% flat tax across the board of every kind, including from inheritance to incom the boae to capital gas to you would lower $0.01 to 12. >> you can. on every measuremear across the board income to estate. >> 12 and a half percent across the board. all right. the background my swami, thank you. >> appreciate you being with us. coming up next, biden celebratin up nextg, the e year anniversary of that so-called wonderfulreduct biden inflation reduction act with a bizarre, gaffe filled speech as americans, of course,i are getting killed by his economicca disaster. we'll check in with precious lento and brian straight ahead . >> hi, i'm mike huckabee, former governor of arkansas, and i'm here today to tell you about a hidden health crisis. currently nearly every american. sleep deprivation. and that's why you need to know about relaxium sleep. you see, getting a good night's sleep helps support a healthy immune system, helps maintain healthy blood pressure, healthy cardiovascular system, and a double blind placebo. clinical trial relaxium sleep help people asleep faster, stay asleep longer and wake up feeling refreshed. >> when i take relaxium sleep, i sleep better than i have in years. i wake up feeling alert like i've had the best night's sleep. >> call today and get your very own risk free bottle of relaxium sleep. take control of your health. stop struggling with restless 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look. and i want to say one thingyour to your children. i know some really greatldren. ice cream places around and daddy owes you. yeah. talk to me afterwards. bles, father. i. going t mem going to be a good boy. i'm going to keep the irish and me down a little bit. . >> the financial times and the "wall street journal" initially called my plan by nomics . i'm not sure they meant a totally complimentary wait y time, but guess what? it's working. r thin >> why does he do that creepy whisper thing? i don't like it. anyway, biden-nomics is not working. a quick review here. recent "wall street journal" analysis finding that the u.s. anals seen a record increase in homelessness this year. mortgageord incr rates now have surpassed well over 7% under trump that we're even in the twos and threes. a majority of americans say get the economy is getting worse. they're right. gas wellting. ahead, right back up to four bucks a gallon. it's already over $5 a gallon in many states. average family now over $700 more every single month because of biden's economy. in other words, you're paying $700 more a month for everything you paid forr less under donald trump. meanwhile, biden's treasury secretarundey, well, she's tellg the world that she loved doing magic mushroomats in china. no wonder why biden-nomicsnomics is failing i. on th and her comments on the economy have been wrong. every time y have. by the way, biden-nomics is ons the balloton in november of 202. here with reaction, chair ofer 2 the metropolitan02and fo republican club, patricia lanzo is with us and fox business halftime membex bur. my audience knows that polls l everybody. >> i mean, i started out my adult life living paycheck to paychecife pk and struggling. to pay rent and it. and but i fought through it forl many years and you know coankfully i live in a greativ country and god has blessed me more than i deserve. but a lot of people are struggling. >> not fun. not fun at all. and this anniversary of the inflation reduction act is not happy for americans. it's notation re happy annivers. to your point about living paycheck to paycheck ove.r percent of americans are livingf paycheck to paycheck and thethen inflation reduction act, as we know, is a misnomer. it's biden'sn failed economy act. and just because he's whispering into saying biodynamicsis is working does not mean it is. so w aboue joe manchin talking about the fact that it's a transfer of wealth from oil and gas to biden's radical electric vehicle policies and all sorts of policies whic h are not working. so at all levels, inflation is ticking back up on thisyear one year anniversary. >> it's a complete failure. ryi mean, it's one thing to live paycheck to paycheck. it's thing when you're puttingn it all on a card. and that's what's happeningnow. right now. and worse, what we're seeing is delinquency. so can you make your payments on your card? so your auto loan, the rep caro man bac is back, too. he's back and those rates >> t and people are pulling money out of their 401k. so this is a president who promises breathing room. what he's giveomises bm.n you ir budgets than anybody has seen in a generation. i and everybody knows it, which is why when he pitches by nomic s they say those magice made mushrooms must have made their way to the to th us becaue you could only do that kind of pitch if you read in that stuf fuff. . think joe might actually be more coherent if he had oherens? mushroom i don't know. but you know, you think about it and ii don't itf you pm money on a credit card, you got problems because you're paying, you know, astronomical interest rates. but now homebuilders have never had less confidence becaus e what the mortgage rates are now, you know, two, two and a half times what they wero andh and so nobody's going to sell their home. that means they're not going to build homes. that meansomt build they can'td to build homes because people can't afford the mortgage afterhoe people. >> all these years of low interest rates, certainly millennials can't afford to buyt homes. i think at this point in time, even thinking about that downsie the line is almost unfeasible. >> a year longer than you've been around. >> okay. i mean, like, i'm just thinking of my friendt thinf my group ane who are in that age range. it's the mortgage rates are astronomically high. we also have rents going u p and. real estate is is really >> inext potential decline here. >> it's pretty simple. homeownership is independentretr >> if you're in the renter class, it's easier to controlyoi what do you'll be in the city where the city politics will dominate life?i thin i think that's the project here. and they don't have any problem with mortgage rates at 7% because it means you're not looking at an independse life somewhere out there. they're sticking you right here. it is. the mas >> you look at the massmigrat migration people iion new york,s new jersey, california, california, to arizona and texas, you know, people in wisconsin, michigan, all going to florida, all going tennesseea or the carolinas because they don't like high taxesndcarn burdensome regulation. and it's a cheaper lifestyle and better weather you can't lose. >> anyway. great time. yeah, and less crimeme, by thege way, warning to everyone in the studio when you leave here. we are not responsible thereere are a lot of criminals cri and muggers and people with knives thatmi don't likepoe you. and police are on vacation because they're not allowed to do their jon vaey areb. >> good to see you both, bryan, thank you. straight ahead tonight, the low five has hit a new low, waiting to hear about a new gender that they actually created. i learned something todat theyyw i will pass this learning on to you as we continuee the with allegra allergies don't hold us back. allegra starts working two times faster than claritin . and unlike star trek, it won't make us drowsy. allegra gives you the fastest er non-drowsy 24 hour allergy relief. voice spea you live your . >> every so often, the voice speaks the truth over a sea of malarkey. both the democrats and r republicans cause this debt crisisoblehnson' by to say thatn solves the problem. solves the problem. if washington cuts just 2% a year. problem solved. henry johnson's genius helped save the american automobile industry. now it's our turn. his simple truths will bring america back. i'm perry johnson, and i approve. >> this message, these bills are crazy. all o >> she has no idea.r she's sitting on a goldmine. she doesn't know pa that if she owns a life insurance policy of $100,000 or more, she can a tern all or part of it to coventry for cash, even a term policy, even term policy even afterall policy. >> find out if you're sitting on a gold mine. call coventry direct today at 804 nine six 9200 or visit coventry direct .com. >> hey pal, you can eat that sweet, delicious old quinn next year. >> what now? at least you got a mouth. >> you know what to do. good. oh, that's good. we got a pie dish. islam. we got to figure this out. >> this is crime scene kitchen . your challenge is to recreate the mystery dessert as best you can using only the clues left. it has to be a pie. this is my kind of cake. were you trying to make it messy or did it just turn out that way? what is that so good? crime scene kitchen. mondays at nine on fox thursday. >> it's baseball night in america on fox. new york and saint louis. and . now these two iconic franchises face off as alonzo and the mets take on goldschmidt and the cardinals. guerrero leads the tigers against the miracles and the cardinals who are fighting for the top spot in the al six. it's baseball night in america thursday at seven eastern on fox. bill barr, your world. from trump's fourth indictment to the hunter biden investigatio best flavor. visit us at info for pie, dawg . all right. sadly, the woke mob, they have now hit a new low. profesone medical school profesr now says trans children can identify as, quote, gender minotaur. minotaur. >> i don't even know what it means. like the mythological creature is half human on the top horse. on the bottom. e on bottom.whatever. and children, she says, can identify as one gender on top and another on the bottom. e welcome to your public school system. anywayic, meanwhile, transgender assistant health secretary rachel levine is praising an waaskan gender, gender-affirming care clinic, which wants the word motheher replaced with, quote, egg producer. >> i know. of ada think i'm full of adam schiff. i knowmi know. i'm not making this up. and the american medical association, they're under fire for floating taxpayer funded uterus transplants fortig biological men, which can costta hundreds of thousands of dollars. >> probably they want you to pay fo dolhey wantr it with rea. she is the host of fearlesson on outkick tomi lahren and fox news contributor dr. nicole saphier. all right, dr. saphier,a medi you're a medical doctor. >> i'm going to start with you. caca i wiln you please explain whate minotaur is or a minotaur orxphu what do you. >> have you heard of it before?h becauseally ole i'm really old w and i this is a new term for me . >> now, come on, sean. i have three kids. of course, i know the mythology . it's like when you have a bull head and a tail and a human in between. no, i know a human in that's hard, but this is. >> they're making me want.edical >> the thing is, it has nothing to do with the medical community, and it is jusjust abt absurd that she's coming up with this new vocabulary to describe childrencominghis ny all it is doing is essentially making these children even more confused and exacerbatingnf a possible underlying, you know, mentalused that maybe needs some attention. >> you know, when you start seeingme they havingconversa conversations about requiring hormone, you know, the hormonetr treatments and now even the surgeries and everything, and they're even going as fa su as to insist that healthth insurance is an evenes and e yo, federal government funded health insurance is actually fundedpay for some of this stufr you know, this is taking it to a very different level. and we'rt level.e in a very bade when it comes to health care. we spend over $4 trillion everyv year here in the united states. that'ser as much as any otherwealth wealthy country. y 25% of that is wasted dollars. if you look at the big picturete here, by continuing to require these insurance companies and taxpayers to pay for these medical treatments, you're going to makese medica health care so expensive no one can afford it. and it'll it'll forcord ite intd socialized medicine. and maybe that's their goal all alonedicine.g. >> all right. we're going to exchange the word mothe>> all rr for egg producer tommy. so you know. excuse me. egg producer. can i please have scrambleg prod eggs for breakfast? or maybe i'd like. lucky charms, madam egg producer, can you please get me this? help me out, tommy. i just. >> you know. yeah. this is part of the process of t erasing women from society.y. and, you know, going further, one of the other stories that you mentioned was the american storgal association wantin to have a uterus transplants for dudes who think they are wometranspla dudesn, that they i have children, or so they can just feel more likldren te a wo. and it costs between 100,000 and $300,000. sometimes more so.l stage is this the final stage of biodynamics? sean ifinnt to find that's what's coming. if you reelect joe biden or jow be paying forr uterus transplants for men and quite franklransplany i find ite insulting that they try to take caay everythiny tog from women. i mean, is there nothing sacred? can we just have our uteruses? can we produce eggs and still be women and just call ourselves women? anll ourse too much to askch tos for? well, i think you can tell by the applause. n >> i think most of america is in full agreement with both of you. anyway, wefull a of you. reallye you both being with us. tomi is less outkick and dr. nicole saphier. when we come back, country son.t about working class struggles. >> it's viral. we got a bit of the tapeworking. and we'll check in with pete hegseth and kelly mackey straight ahead. white. >> back in my day, we don't have all of these types of fancy chicken for sure. you have buffalo wings and fried chicken. well, we didn't have garlic farm or sweet bourbon barbecue, and he had to walk uphill. both ways. >> and it's not every time. yeah, right. where here from my south dakota's hiring. we're people from across america to get in on the action. we have more than people. that's why i'm helping out south dakota. most out of state professional licenses are industriel burden, we're investing in scholarships to get people trained and on the job. governor. no. yes. you missed the spot. south dakota freedom works here. >> an unthinkable took the lives of 6 milliongod call and thousands of jewish survivors are still 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even in the world with his whole soul. rich man. rich man lord knows how to want to have total control. want to know what you think? know you do in the house. think think you know y how you do with your dollar and his taxes b . no, man. congress manse, rich man. >> love that song. i watch that a ton anyway, here with real action, washington examiner opinion editor kelly mcgee, white fox and friends weekend co-host. >> hey, so i just love the song awesome pipes. >> why is this viral?wh the message is resonating with the american people. >> look, i'm from the midwest. my husband is as well. my mother in law has worked in the exact same factory since she waked in ts. as so i understand what kind of what you what kind of factory in automotiv >>e. factory? yeah, my mother in law. and so i understand the songment behindory? because this idea of living in a new world with an auto applies to so many parts off society. you know what? if you want to wor k hard and just pay your bills, raise your kids according to your values. well, tongo bad the biden administration is also going gofforce you to pay of the student loan debt of college graduates who decided that they didn't want to pay dbt their debt anymore. it's also going to force you to buy an electric vehicle. it's going to restricte. your use of a gas stove. you want to send your kids to a good school. tod they're goingol? to get their heads filled with nonsense about and gender that no one believed until 2 seconds ago. you want to live accordingwith h to your faith. you want to be a practicing christian. too bad you're going to be forced, you ar to a cake. you're going to be restricted from fostering or adopting. >> i mean, there are so many, but you're by the way, you're doing great. i just some short on time. i want to get pete in here.lovet pete, i just love that songha and i love that guy. and he says he's not, you know, left to right, but i don't care. i think that song is resonating for a reason son big time.r joey jones is the first personoi who sent to me what i saw. i thought, man, this is thisoug, going to catch on? and the first thing i thought was i thought of bob dylan's master s war in the sixties and creedence creedence clearwater revival fortunate son, these left-wing anthems that spoke about the rulin" g class that controlled our lives and manipulated things. turn" s out we're the onesg out looking out for the rule. the working clasfor ths that bee that an honest day's pay and hard work and innocents hard and actual freedom is an important thing. this will this has become an anthem. it will be an anthem because an. recognize the left has gone with the globalists with the openne with borders.t ever they don't care about everyday workers. alsoyd, in a new world, it turne out old souls are we need more of them, we need more home and we need more of those values in america today. >> well, certainly for the future. thank you. all right. tomorrow night, live, ticket ons show. tickets are free. hannity, dcoms set your dvr monday through nine eastern so you never miss an episode. in the meantime, that's all the ntime,th. e trou let not your heart be trouble. why? greg gutfeld is standing by his guy. >> he's going to put a smile on my face. we'll see you tomorrow night. or you can. yes. happy wednesday, everyone. a yo >> i had you with that mkne wha a symbol together. , >> one place. the greatest segment in cable televisionnt in ca trends tuesd. it ideif

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Alternate Elected Elector , Groups , Actuallyd , Enouy , Money Raising For , Job , Nomination , Thenomine , Republicansa Hellund , Republica Ndonald , Effort , Alltrumpe Trump , Move , Border , Terrorists , Energy Independent , Illed , Thing , Guy , Thit Prosecur Prosecution , Primary Seasohen , Nexrit Generation , The Truth , Doesn T , Montage , Matte , Charg Thee , Marco Rubio , Err , Colors , Olors , 2016 Hereon , Elections , Hacking , Russians , Our , Take A Look Aitter , Ked , T Gang , Ou , Sal Asacked , Elect , Nextans , Victory , Ilse Russial , Assessment , Thes Gitimaten , Change , Gregg Jarrett , Els , Secretary Clinto , Estate , Acting , Attorney General , Ballots , Electoral College To , Mignedg , Former , Paxos , Books , Hacker Electiones , Collusion , Thr , Durham Report , Number One , Crimes , Hillary Clinton Inventedy Watche , Americans Livedllar , Hery Cl , Russia Hoa , Others , Office , Fise Ama Court , Public , James Comey , Goal , Prosecutors , Conviction , Sort , Merits , Whosel , Mantra Is Biden , Hily M , Wintie , Hook Orse , Crook , Trial , Thise First Trial , Goyo Vote , Matt Whitaker , American Samoa , Plusr , 15 , States , Order , Donalordinated Trumpm , Saying , Planneatd , Lead , Impossibln Th , Telect , Nek , He Cw City Oro In D C , Court Of Appeals Trial , Tre , Car , Fani Willis Downun , Timeline , Stoppin G Trump , Criminal Charges , Schemeges , I1 Criminalt , Defendants , Conspiratorial Actsx , 41 , 19 , 61 , 100 , Defendant , Smart Prosecutor , Rights , Thu Know , Issues Mplexs She S Overcomplicated , 60 , New Fallouhitaker , Casne , Jar , Barth T Tonig , Willis Ain T Smart , Fendan Fani , Fox News , Numbers , Vivek Ramaswamy Is Surging T , Poll , Next , Glads Ne , Stories , Case , Ones , Fox Nation , Fox Files , Government , Question , Movement , Internet , Vacuum , Airlines , Robots , Surveillance Tactic , Bird , Malaysian , No One , Speculation , Elvis Presley , Mother , Death , Camera , Pigeon , King , Department , Question Everything , Family Hunter , 88 , Cash , Either , Fueled Debauchery , Millions , Photos , Hunter , Laptop , Laptops , Hunter Pocketed , Censored , Family , Interests , Court , Communist Party , Bribery , China , Fraud , Chinese , Millionaire , Meetings , White House , Deals , Nieces , Nephews , Brother , Cronies , Poorest , 17 Million , Itch , Make America Great Again Inc Is Responsible , Content , Come On , Advertising Itch Scratch , Bug Bites , Corruption , Sanity , Cortisone Stands , Poison Ivy , Dog Food , Doctor , Itches , , Fridge , Pepper , Meat , Freshpet , Food , Veggies , Pet , Priorities , Melanie Roesgen , Crowd , Primary , Brand New , We Have D , Pollbrand Xhole , Desantis , Time , Look , Place , Vet , Digits , Vivek Ramaswamy , Groundmasm Swarming , 53 , 11 , 16 , Voter , Ts Take A Look , Growth , Vivek Ramaswam G , Exchangase , Athat H Confrontation , Nowy , Tyranny , View , Couples , Sex , Vie , Minorit , Iowa , Country , Adults , Kids , Don T Oppress , Freece , Foisting , Finve Hy Wante , Bit , Backhoes , Hasn T , Conversation , Wor , Choices , Differens , Tha , Word , Thwon T , Mouth , Reality , Half , Joking , Time S Up , Snap Back , Clock S Running Out , Fun , Over , Eminem , Campaign Trail , Sir , Zach Ramaswamy , Hoyway , Exchange , Consenting Adults , Rapping Thing , Day Job , Children , Freedom , Values , Feet , Controversy , Me , Left , None , Superiors , Tl , Vas , Issuee , Parents , Computers , Summationha , Writing , Math , Science , Viewsself D , Personale , Reading , Thenc , Eveny , Condition , Gender Dysphoria , Spot On , Suffering , Waye , Spot O , Earth , Minority , Schools , Lgbt , Ideology , Tyranny Of The Majority , The Majrights Movement Came Fr , Women , Right , Use , Adult , Sports , Changesmen Comp , Tyranny A Fringe , Languago , Kind , Paat , Pansexual , Bathrooms , Human Being , Civility , Respect , Questionsed Me W , Record , Cult , Humanhat A Lo , Franklin County , Ohio , 28 , November 28 21 , 21 , Twenties , Black , Didn T Vote , Youn , Ofe , Fy Well , Agaiin , Whu , Politicians , Youn G People , Didn T Inspirangeorged Johne Me , Barack Obama , John Kerry , John Mccain , Mitt Romney , Disaffectedar Itlitici , Lifetimet , Deliverin G , Singleen , Ury , Politician , Y Twenties , Potential , Twenties S Sean , Skeptis , Reason , Supporters , Rap , Droves , Administration , Minn , Millennial , Crisis , Eve , Bailouts , Manymy Millennials , So8 Fina , 2007 , 2008 , Capitalism , Distinctionsi , Tonal , Nation First E Inte , America Firt Movement , Isans , Hawairst I , Candidates , Americanputting S First , Inner City , All Americans First , America First , Chicago , South Side , Ofiladelph Philadelphia , Kensingtonsd , La Question , Vehicle , Generation , Member , Agenda , Outsider , Sul Businessman , Aa Profe , Who , Somebodn Ouy , Wealth , Point , Inheritance Tax Rate T Th Being , Inequality , Aristocracy , Disagreement Betweeestion Anu , 59 , Money A , Game Works , Bite , Apple , Taxes , Moneyople , Woulady Paidd , You Lety , Shawn , Opposition Research Bo , Low , Book , Flat Tax , Context , Inheritance Tax , Realit Y , Photograph , Thought Experiment Ex , Contextg Th , Lift Out , Taxo , Ford , Inheritance , Thoughtfunot Writcani , Candidate Books , Opposition Research , Thought Experiments , Bookingought Exs S , Three , Wall , Tax , Nt Tha , Death Tax , Status Quo An That So , No Doubt , Suppore Clt , Board , Noth , Anything , Boae To Capital Gas , Status Quo , Zodiacs , 40 , 12 , Background , The E , Measuremear , Board Income , Swami , Biden Celebratin , Up Nextg , 01 , 0 01 , Wonderfulreduct Biden Inflation Reduction Act , Gaffe , Bizarre , Lento , Economicca Disaster , Brian , Mike Huckabee , Health Crisis , Arkansas , Relaxium Sleep , Night , Blood Pressure , Support , Cardiovascular System , Immune System , Clinical Trial , Double Blind Placebo , Sleep Deprivation , Feeling Refreshed , Control , Bottle , Health , Risk , Weight , Golo , Measures , Relaxium Dot Com Natua , Abouthe Las A Natural Solution , 1000 , 3220404 , Eight , Ways , Gastric Bypass Surgery , Solution , Goto Ts , It Wos On The Verge , 300 , Meal , Hunger , Shirt Off , Balancefic , Ability , Ef , Sugar , Cravings , Efficiency , The Sun , Tr Hunger Cominglic , Angulo , Weight Loss , Galloig , Pas , 80 , 0 , Prescription , Starvationme , In My Life , Natural , Gallo , Release , Product , Si , Jitters , Iy , Levels , Hormones , Muscle Ls , Keeping , Healthy N , 424 , Shirt , Break , Weight Loss Surgery , Stairs , Ak , 50 , Bath , Shower , Bath Remodel , Jacuzzi , Com , Offer , G Hollow , Price , Installation Costs , Payments , Interest , Stress , Water , 65 , Mess , Step , Safer , Home , News Business , News , Anywhere , Audio , Sirius Xm , Seven , 348286 , 800 , Anniversary , America Is Listening , Debt , Paycheck , Acan61 , Paycheckerican , Fellowello Americans , Average American , Shareth , Nothingyouh , 4000 , 37 Trillion , 54000 , Whatever , Biden Didn T Talk About Inflatiotalkn , Share , Talk Mumble , Bumbled , Father , Mem , Ice Cream , Bles , Nomics , Boy , Plan , Wall Street Journal , Irish , Whisper Thing , Bideing Ke , Biden Nomics , Review , Economy , Homelessness , Majority , Increase , Analysis Finding , Threes , Twos , Gas Wellting , Anals , Mortgageord Incr , 7 , Gallon , Words , Four Bucks , World , Wonder , Biden Nomicsnomics , Treasury Secretarundey , Magic Mushroomats , Comments , Balloton , Chair , Is Ons , Fox Business Halftime Membex Bur , Fo Republican Club , Patricia Lanzo , 202 , 2 , Polls , Rent , My Adult Life Living Paycheck , Coankfully , Greativ , Audience , Paychecife Pk , Word God , Notation , Happy Annivers , Biodynamicsis , Misnomer , Whispering , Thethen Inflation Reduction Act , Economy Act , Livingf , Policies , Inflation , Transfer , Gas , Sorts , Soil , Whic H , Electric Vehicle , Aboue , Joe Manchin , Card , Ticking , Failure , Ryi Mean , Happeningnow , Auto Loan , Rates , Delinquency , Caro Man Bac , Rep , 401k , Mushrooms , Nomic S , Becaue , Anybody , Magice , Breathing Room , Giveomises Bm N You Ir , Credit Card , Mushroom , Pitch , Coherent , Problems , Stuf Fuff , Oherens , Don T Itf , Mortgage Rates , Interest Rates , Homebuilders , Confidence , Meansomt , Mortgage Afterhoe , Friendt Thinf My Group Ane , Downsie , Millennials , Buyt Homes , Homeownership , Rents , Real Estate , Problem , Class , In The City , Politics , Controlyoi , City , Renter , Project , Independse , Mas , Somewhere Out There , Wisconsin , Texas , Arizona , New Jersey , Massmigrat Migration People Iion , Michigan , Lifestyle , Studio , Thereere , Less Crimeme , Tennesseea , Regulation , Warning , High Taxesndcarn , Carolinas , Criminals , Vacation , Muggers , Knives Thatmi Don T Likepoe You , Jon Vaey Areb , Bryan , Gender , Learning , Todat Theyyw , Allegra , Don T , Allergy , Voice Spea , Claritin , Allergies , Star Trek , Drowsy , Big Time R , Republicans , Malarkey , Sea , Thatn , Debt Crisisoblehnson , The Voice , Henry Johnson , Genius , Truths , Turn , America Back , Perry Johnson , American Automobile Industry , More , Message , Bills , Life Insurance Policy , O , Goldmine , Pa , Idea R , 100000 , 00000 , Term , Mine , Call Coventry , Six , 804 , Nine , 9200 , Sweet , Pal , Least , Coventry Direct , Delicious Old Quinn , Crime Scene Kitchen , Challenge , Clues , Dessert , Islam , Pie Dish , Cake , Pie , Mondays At Nine On Fox Thursday , Franchises , Baseball Night In America On Fox , Alonzo , Saint Louis , Cardinals , Spot , Mets , Baseball Night In America Thursday At Seven Eastern On Fox , Miracles , Fighting , Tigers , Goldschmidt , Al Six , Guerrero , Indictment , Flavor , Hunter Biden Investigatio , Bill Barr , Visit Us , At Info For Pie , Mob , Profesone Medical School Profesr , Dawg , Human , Bottom , Minotaur , Creature , Horse , Gender Minotaur , E On Bottom Whatever , E , Rachel Levine , Public School System , Another , Anywayic , Care Clinic , Egg Producer , Motheher , Ada , American Medical Association , Costta Hundreds Of Thousands , Up , Dollars , Fire , Taxpayer , Transplants Fortig Biological Men , Fo Dolhey Wantr , Contributor , Host , Dr , Nicole Saphier , Tomi Lahren , Fearlesson On Outkick , Medi , Orxphu , Whate Minotaur , Caca , Community , Bull Head , Mythology , Tail , Childrencominghis , Vocabulary , Underlying , Doing , Attention , Exacerbatingnf , Mentalused , Treatments , Health Insurance , Insurance , Surgeries , Stufr , Healthth , E Yo , Evenes , Fa Su , Hormone , Health Care , 25 , Level , We Rt Level E , That Ser , Otherwealth , Trillion , 25 , 4 Trillion , Makese Medica , Socialized Medicine , Taxpayers , Insurance Companies , Big Picturete , Ite Intd , Producer , Mothe , Egg , Breakfast , Rr , Alonedicine G , Egg Producer Tommy , Scrambleg Prod Eggs , Madam Egg Producer , Part , Process , Lucky Charms , T Erasing Women , Tommy , Society Y , Dudes , Transplants , Likldren Te A , American Storgal Association Wantin , Wometranspla Dudesn , Stage , Men , It Costs , Biodynamics , Jow , Forr Uterus , You Reelect , 300000 , Eggs , Uteruses , Caay Everythiny , Tog , Nothing Sacred , Askch Tos , Anll Ourse , Both , Agreement , Outkick , Being , Applause , Ni , Reallye , Wefull A , Working Class Struggles , Tapeworking , Fancy Chicken , Types , White , Kelly Mackey , Pete Hegseth , Fried Chicken , Barbecue , Garlic Farm , Hiring , South Dakota , Buffalo Wings , Sweet Bourbon , Action , Helping Out South Dakota , Licenses , Scholarships , South Dakota Freedom Works , Survivors , Milliongod Call , Poverty , Comfort Me , Jewish , 6 , Moneyf , Situation , Whictuation H , Buyor Food , Survival Food , Boxntlyn , Hate , Forgottenee , Christians , Fellowship , Food Box , Essentials , Ofinweak , Gift , Urgentlyonth , Protein , Hands , Diet , Vitamins , Legs , Ow , Yo , Fellowship Todayom , Becoe , Knowledge , Suppord , Worldrs Care , Box Overflowing , Faithful , Needs , Hungry , Holocaust , Golf , Nature , Balance , Someone , Holes , Let S Go , Lunch , 18 , Trouble , Friends , Prices , Shipping , Discount Code , 2468751 , 1 800 2468751 , 35 , Annie , Plus Thousands , Jewelry Exchange , Carat Studs , Diamonds , Jewelry , Carat Solitaire , 749 , 1590 , 349 , 549 , Smart Biz Loans , Bank , Loan , School For Dogs , Rate , Loans , Sba , Tv , Apply Today S Barber , Slash , New World , At Night , Country Song , Events , Conflict , Oliver Anthony , Trace Gallagher Weeknights , Veiled Referencit , Rich Man , North , Richmond , Soul , Lord , Man , In The House , Dollar , Taxes B , Congress Manse , Song , Kelly Mcgee , Ton , Pipes , Examiner , Weekend Co Host , Factory , Law , Resonating , Husband , Automotiv E Factory , Ts , Midwest , Parts , Auto , Society , Idea , Wor K Hard , Tongo Bad , Songment Behindory , School , Student Loan Debt , Gofforce , Gas Stove , Tod , Goingol , Restricte , Faith , Nonsense , Accordingwith H , Practicing Christian , Heads , Personoi , Don T Care , Songha , Here Lovet Pete , Joey Jones , Anthems , Thisoug , Creedence , Fortunate Son , Creedence Clearwater Revival , Bob Dylan , Master S War In The Sixties , Work , Lives , Rule , Pay , Innocents , Bee , Working Clasfor , Onesg , The Rulin , Anthem , Workers , Borders T , Globalists , Openne , Alsoyd , Souls , Ticket Ons Show , Tickets , Dvr , Dcoms Set , Greg Gutfeld , Heart , Episode , Smile , Face , E Trou Have , Ntime , Segment , Cable Televisionnt , Wha A Symbol Together , Ca Trends Tuesd , Mkne , It Ideif ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Hannity 20240704 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Hannity 20240704

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election resultsdare. if you do, there will be a special prosecutor in atlantan or an atlanta d.a. that mighttat try to put you in prison to the day you die. as a matter of fact, he's facing all just 791 years. when you add all the counts up together, murderers, they spend 5 minutes in jail. donaldd five m trump, they put o lock them up, throw away the key. but if you're a democratw awkey trumper, remember the media mob? you pretty much do and say anything you want. and we've got the tape to prove it. ounator marcgoo rubio actually tweeted this out from a group associated with journalis gwitht matt taib. >> you know the guy fromtw twitter. take a look. my biggest feaitter. r that he's goingis to do it again with the help of vlad, his best pals, terrifiedbe would you be my vice presidential candidate? >> donald trump is an illegitimatepresid president, legitimate president? >> this wasn't on the level. yes, trump cheated presi trump cheated the 2016 election. he's an illegitimate president. anger at what some see as an i illegitimate president. a number of incidents turned violent. protesters hurled trash cans >>, and flash mobs and objects at police, several officers injured, protesters with rocksg and smashed windows, leading to more confrontations, injuries and arrests.>> t the chaotic scene just blockshe outside the secure area ofaugura the inauguration. >> you may have seen it on social media. tion.more than 4 million peoplee signed a petition focusing on hillary clinton's signed ine popular vote. they're holding on to hope, asking members. are of the elecl college to back clinton instead ofco trump. okay, now you got the democratic media mob, the only candidate, by the way, who colluded with russia. we found way, out in 2016 was hillary clinton when she paidwa for a dirty russian dir disinformation dossier, paid for by an ex foreign spy and first used against donald trump in that election. and then, of course, to delegitimize donald trump after the election. >> illegitimate, illegitimate, illegitimate. e elthey took out the part of the tape that i wanted. anyway, we can get that to you later in the sho t iw hillary clinton never faced legal consequences. hillars the democrat who objected to the 2016ed results and attempte td discredt our elections. they never faced consequences. rwhatsoever.he even the people involved in efforts thaeoplt literally we calling for alternate electors . in 2016, they faced zero consequences. very few of the violent anti-trump rioters were ever charge d with a crime. even those who attacked federal courthouses them on fire nighteh after night after night. in portland, 574 right. summer of 2020, we had two dozen americans dead, thousands of cops pelted with bricks, bottles, molotov cocktails. bricks,you name it. 2000 cops injured. 2000ey held accountabl billions in property damage. nobody held accountable. in georgian , want to be governor stacey abrams. she frequently accused republican to be gs of g the 2018 gubernatorial election and she pressured state officials to action againstssio phantom vote voter suppression claims. and she refused. as wcle all know, to concede fos years. but no charges out of atlantan against stacey abrams. >> you decide if this is equal justice under the labrams.w. >> this is not a speech of concession. was the election a speech of gea statewide a free and fair election? it was notction of a free and ft election, said she lost. >> i'm like, no, i just didn't d wi nn because we don't know what really happened because of the miasma of voter suppression. for me, concessionth there's a legal and moral naturee accep to conceding. it means you accept that something is right, that itjust is just that it is proper. what happened was not just a i may not have won this election or at least, but i didn't lose. bu i got the votes. but we won't know exactlyhow we hmany because of how they cheated. >> we had this little election t back ihis lin 2018, and despite the final tally and the inauguration and the we finds ourselves in, i do have one very affirmative statementon to make. >> we won, i believe was a stolen election.e. >> and i'm not saying they stole it from me. they stole it from the voters of georgia t, again, if you are a prominent democrat, you pretty much dot whatever you want because the liberal lawyers that dominate what is nol lawyw a weaponized doj, joe biden's, they will have hav your back. in fact, they're going to even whyon your campaign while you enjoy some rest and relaxationu enjoy at the b. and allow me to explain. remember, soon after joe biden,e he will now soon embark on a leisurely trip to lake tahoe in california. this is shortly after his weekend atortly afr beachbe in delaware, which, by the way, it wasn't a week, week and a wt half agoek and. he beach he was on a ten day vacation on the beach and it was having a hard time draggingas hav his i chair around him. but tonight, joe biden's reelection that is in full gear. he doesn't need to lifthe the finger doesn. becaus why? because this election season, he's going to allow his own of justice and the justice system to do all thand the e heavy lifr him. on march 14th, donalg fod trumpm sorry, march 4th. donald trump well, according to thear filing down in atlantat they want to start that trialt in atlanta on march the fourth. well, the very next day, lo and behold, what a coincidence that would be march 5th. th will also be super tuesday. donald trump will also face a court date to be determined during the campaign season in washington, dc, one in florida and one in new york. ington, and while donald trump s nonstop negative press joe biden, he'llnsto just remain in hiding, just like he did in 2020. and tht like e mob candidate protection program. that's what they offer him. the greatest campaign contribution. anybody running foras a m president ever want or need. as a matter of fact, over the past few months, everyatda a biden scandal emerged while trump suddenly faced a new lega trumpl challenge., ask yourself, is this a mere coincidence? juneis the fbi finally gives the congress that 1023 form. they had to, of course, threaten to bring in christopher wray and hold him in contempt of congresholds because he wouldn't hand it over. that was the one that .ocumented farm briber y allegations against joe biden and hunter biden from that credible fbi source becausethe the fbi had paid this guy hundreds of thousandfbs dollars. the very next day, juneda doe eighth, doy,j special counsl jack smith indicts trump in the mar-a-lago documenj,t. then, on july 26, hunter biden's unprecedented sweetheart deal with the doj was introduced in courwitht and then rejected by that federal judge who did a great jodge whb the very next day, ju. oh, look at this. specia the special counsel added evenl more charges onto. donald trump's mar-a-lago case, mere coincidences, right? and then on july 31st, hunter biden's former business partner ,that would be devin archer,bu testified before congress. and in fact,sineevon arc joe noh on phone calls with some of hunter biden and devin's business some of partners, some0 malls, but he also met the in person a number of times, cafe milano. and the very next day after woud that, well, that would b be august well, here we go again. the specia we gol indicted trume again over the january sixth issue in washington, dc, which , ings us to last friday a sham special counsel was appointed to slow ofcial couf tt investigation and cover up misconduct aert. the department of justice, the very next working day that woulf justicd go friday to mond. and then we got you got it. new charges against donald trump this time out of atlanta. it's crazy how thaout works out. i'm sure, as everyone agree with me, those are miraclee agre incidences, right? you all agree? oh, you're all . oh, okay. thank you. the mob, the media is once again obsessing over trump. 24/7 365 and joe biden is doddering along under the radar today during his brief remarks about thise devastation in mauie he couldn't even remember commname of the island this is after he wouldn't even comment. no comment. what do you have to say to the people of hawaii? no comment, reallypeophawaii dit know what was going on? and by the way, the nameon? is maui joe. >> anyway, take a look. the rv helicopters help fire suppression efforts and, the big island, because there's still some burning on the big islandstil. not the one is not the one you see on television all the timetime. ia mob the media mobs cover for tha it guy biden that he can't go to hawaii quite yet because yet he believes just going to be in the way. now, how do we know thatway. ths an outright lie? well, everything is already , have you not seen the devastation that our fellow americans have been going through in maui, in hawaii, ans and businesses burned to the ground. joe, a short visit to thevisi islandt to, i promise you, you're not going to get in the way because nobody's theree wa. they've all had to evacuate. they've all lost their homes. they've all lost their life's investment. and we're still missint g many as 1300 people, over 105irmed people already confirmed dead. way? at the devastation. you think you're going to get in the way there? there's nobody there. it would help ifere isy there. y ,you know, was giving the hawaiian people the aid joanthat they need to quickly recover. joe is committed. well, okaye has co. ehold in $700 per household in maui, by the way, in ukraine, e the people there have receivedhe overre rec 20 $600 in aid per pp from biden. persoso far. >> does that seem right to to yo you anyway? does iu? t? >> but unlike, you know, president bush in katrina orunli president trump and the media mob going after him over puerto ricob gointo r, there'll be no e coverage of joe biden. they're too busy talkingy talkin about donald trump obsessively, compulsively and the dozen s new charges that he faces. and it's all according to plan . >> here with reaction, south carolina senator linsey graham. senator, great to have lindsey you. thank you. all right. all right. let me let everybody everybody everybody's been to the bar hasa good well, we like to take care of our guests when they come and make surn e they laugh at my dumb jokes. listen, this is serious though,o i have a photo. it looks likuge the doj is doing the bidding that what we're going to have for trials wet, donald trump in the middle of a primary season and a presidential election year. and i'm i'm kind of guessing that he's not going to have the faires kin ghet of juries iw york city, in washington, dc, in fulton countycity and, heavir democratic areas. i mean, big timegia.. d be so he could be found guilty. and then his appeal will beentil after the presidential election, where he would be likeln why to succeed legall. >> is that a good theory? s what yeah, i think so. here's what i want people to understand that president trump is being prosecuted in manhattan, where he got 70% t of the vote, the district of columbia, where he gotdistrict n the vote in fulton county, co he got 24% of the vote. he's being prosecuted in a way to make challenging election or crime just for him. staceye ch abrams con it best is hard to concede whene you think you were cheated. well, here's here's the standard. you can claim we were cheatee se if you're a democrat, if you claim you're cheated as republican, they're going to try cy will t to put you in . remember the russian hoax, the mueller investigation, one of the overt acts against donald trump, is he tweete e of thed, watch o.j. in the nighte tw about the georgia hearing on the election. they're charging that as a crimthey aree. they're charging him with a criminal act of telling al act opeopleh a show about the election. if that becomes a crimoute, i you know, adam schiff will be in jail for a thousand yearsil. how many times did he go on television, msnbc and cnnonal and tell us that donald trump was a russian agent? dange this is very dangerous what they're doing for our countr y. let me ask you about the double standard as it comes to the issue of top secret classified documents. hillary clinton, i believe, hatd and then the infamous presser in july of 2016. no reasonable prosecutor would prosecut16osecutore. durha but we now know from the durham report we learned a lot fromport the horowitz report, but the durable report said that operatio n hurricane neverneve should have happened. he couldn't corroborate a singleave ha item in the steee dossier, but neither could the fbi prior to using that dossier in four or pfizer warrants. and it says verified. chr and they offered christopheris steele $1,000,000 to corroborate that. how come nobody got held accountabl e and by the way, didn't we have top secret classified documents and follow actions that joe biden had? well, i think the answer's pretty obvious. you know, the clinton people took a hammer to inton pea computer, right? >> they took a hammer to the hard drive. they tooa k bit to wipe away emails and nothing happened to her . so in the end, the mueller investigation, the fbi lawyerrmo sent false information to the fisa court. urt.e fisa cthe court rebuked, d the department of justice, and really nothing reb ever. happened to those people. there are no rules when it comes to donalhen itd trump hapn in georgia is criminalizing contestingg in an election. stacey abrams went on television night after nighte saying she was cheated and nothing happened to her or hillary clinton when that was enouy hillary clinton said the election was stolen. she said repeatedly, donalas std trump was an illegitimate president. there were groups supporting her that illegitimate actuallyd in money raising for, quote, alternate elected elector schemes. nothin schemes.g happens there. well, apparently not. the way you fix this is to to elect a republica ndonald president. it will be donald trump, the nominee if they're trying to give donald thenomine they a nomination, they're doing a hell of a good job. >> i think republicansa hellund are rallying around president trump. i thought he was a great president. i thoughrumpast he got it right. he secured our border. he. illed the terrorists we're energy independent. we've lost all that. this is an effort to destroy alltrumpe trump because they fear in the move. that's what this is about. they've got s what thit prosecur prosecution right in the middle of the primary seasohen. they take this guy down and they do the same thing and nothing happens to them. ae right? well, that's not the america i want to pass on to the nexrit generation. >> how do you fix it? fire the people in charg thee. all right. senator linsey graham, thank you. just bringing her back the election lies with them. our truth doesn't seem to matte,err. olors >> and they showed their true colors after 2016. hereon more from the montage that marco rubio posted on twitter. >> take a look aitter. t gang the us election hacking the u.s. election. >> russia hacked our elections. the russians. . ked ou hacked our elections. russia hacked our election. russia hacked our election. hacking of our election. hacking of our of our election. . sal asacked our election universal assessment that russia hacked our elections. we will see how ilse russial legitimate his victory actually was. >> he's an illegitimate president. russia hacked our election. russians hacking our nextans our election russihacka hacking our election as president elect as a legitimate president. >> thes gitimaten million peopl4 already signed a petition on change.or mignedg for the els of the electoral college to, quote, ignore their state's votes and cast their ballots for secretary clinto n. >> let's bring in paxos legal analyst gregg jarrett, former acting attorney general. did the russia hacker electiones was the trump russia collusion true? >> because i reaiaond the durham report and said, no, no, i wrote two books. number one, way back in 2018 thr was the first one. >> and i said it was all a hoax, that the dossier was phony. >> you know, americans livedllar not just through hillary clinton getting away with crimes in hery cl scandal,t they watched as hillary clinton inventedy watche the russia hoa, financed the phony dossier. james comey and others finan at the fbi lied to the american public, to congress, to the fise ama court, and they all got away with it. they tried to drive trump from office with a hoax, and now they see the same sort of thing unfolding unscrupulous, unprincipled prosecutors whosel sole goal is not the merits ofe the they're bringing, but they hope to gain a conviction. or to smear and sully trump sufficiently to enable biden to win. the mantra is biden can't wintie legitimately on his own. so we will help hily m by hook orse by crook. >> and that's what's behind . ese four indictments you agree with that? matt whitaker yeah, yeah, i do. >> and remember, they've nowav scheduled thise first trial on the day before super tuesday where 15 states plusr american samoa are going to goyo vote. and if you're thinking you can prepare for a trial and visit 15 states in the lead up to super tuesday, i mean, that's going to be impossibln th so obviously, what gregg saying is absolutely right. this is all planneatd and coordinated in order to try to prevent donalordinated trumpm being strong enough to win the election in november. but knowing the guy like telect, i don't think they're going to stop him. >> what i mean, i do agree with me. >> i don't think you can get a fair trial in nek he cw city oro in d.c. or fulton county. do you?e fact >> they're counting on the fact these prosecutors that he won't get a fair trial and that he'll be convicted and they realiz tre fully that they will likely be overturned in a court of appeals trial, go before the election. >> car thee about getting overturned later. >> they care about stoppin g trump now to help joe biden. >> so that means timeline wise, that the trial will be held in the election year and the appeal will be after the election. >> yeah, but fani willis downun in fulton county, georgia, you know, is scuppered by her own schemeges because she was dumb enough to charge 100 and 61 conspiratorial actsx, 4 41 criminal charges, 19 defendants. >> i1 criminalt is impossible tm all together with. let's say there's two lawyers per defendant you're talkingwo about 60 people just litigating the case. >> complete rights issues.mplexs she's overcomplicated, thu know, a smart prosecutor. streamlines the case, just a handful of charges. e one defendant but no,fendan fani willis ain't smart. >>t.bu and been hoisted by her n petard in this casne. jar >> all right. greg jarrett, matt whitaker, thank you both. we appreciate it. all right. new fallouhitaker,barth.t tonig vivek ramaswamy is surging >>t fox news primaryil poll. wait to see the latest numbers he will join us next. and also a lot more coming up. glads ne you're with us tonight are maddening and even a little unhinged. some of these stories are too controversial to even mention, but we're going to anyway. join me as fox nation investigates. some of the biggest ones around in fox files. part. we're diving into the tragically unsolved, the case of the missing malaysian airlines plane. there's a huge vacuum of information here. the question now is, will we ever find the internet's trendiest movement? the government killed, every single bird, and replace them with robots as a surveillance tactic? they wanted to surveil everybody all the time, and there was no camera on this pigeon. and the people convinced the king still. the death of elvis presley has inspired more speculation. any other? no one wanted to believe that was even possible. he's still with us, even though he's 88. question everything. fox files part two streaming now on fox nation, america streaming all that's not good. >> hey, joe, how come your justice department goes after trump endlessly yet they cover for your family hunter's laptop? yeah, that was censored. but we know that laptops real. and it's not just filled with photos of hunter's drug fueled debauchery, either. yeah, it showed. hunter pocketed millions from foreign partners, cash from ukrainian and chinese interests accused of bribery and fraud. and remember when you claimed your family never made money from china? well, hunter admitted in court he took their cash. his chinese business partner was tied to the communist party . how did hunter's partners get meetings at the white house? your brother, even nieces and nephews, got paid from foreign deals. your family and their cronies raked in over 17 million from these schemes. and you, joe, went from being one of the poorest in congress to a millionaire in the white house. come on, joe. all this a coincidence or corruption? make america great again inc is responsible for the content . >> this advertising itch itch scratch must not itch. stop the itch. sanity with cortisone stands for bug bites, poison ivy and other itches. cortisone ten is number one doctor recommended it works fast and lasts 4 hours. cortisone. >> what's this? that's for pepper. >> you keep dog food in your fridge. it's not dog food. it's freshpet real meat or veggies. >> it's dog food. fresh pet. it's not dog food. it's food. food. the president's concerning priorities as melanie roesgen. and a great crowd we have.d all right. brand new fox pollbrand-xhole on on the republican primary shows vivek ramaswamy is now surging k at . take a look at these numbers. he has not. donald trump still up by a significant amount up by 53%. governor desantis is in second place, 16 and the vet groundmasm swarming for the first time with double digits, 11%. and by the way, you know, pretty healthy growth anyway. joining us now is vivek ramaswam g us nowy. before >> but before that, let' ts take a look at him and athat h confrontation he had. it's gone viral. an exchangase with voter, i believe this was in iowa. >> take a look. why do you know i don't have>> d a negative view? a ne same sex couples. but i do have a negative view of a tyranny vie of the minorit. i believe that we live in a country where free adults and should be free to dress how they want, behave how they want. that's finve hy wante. but you don't oppress. you don't become oppressive by foisting that on others . and that especially includes kids, because kids aren't the same as adults. and so i think adults are freece to make whatever choices they want. i respect that you may have a differens they want.t and tha. it's part of what makes our country great is that you and i can be civil and have this conversation. >> now i at hasn't all been wor, but the backhoes have found some time to a little bit of fun on the campaign trail, dropping a little bit of eminem. >> let's see how he does opens his mouth. but the word thwon't come out. he's joking. half everybody's joking now. the clock's running out. time's up. over. snap back. >> reality. okay. hoyway, so zach ramaswamy joins right now. >> sir, how are you? how you look? i wiainly better job than i could do. i'm not going to be critical be but i wouldn't quit your day job on the rapping thing. you know, i thought you said something very nice. i think i thought you said something very key in that exchange with that voter that. adults, consenting adults, nonef americans believe in freedom. >> that's none of our business. i agree with you on that issuee. . the question is and where the controversy comes in i isone people on the left. they want to indoctrinate our children. they feet want tl that their vas are superiors to parental values. e me and i say, excuse me, teach them reading, writing, math, science and computers, and thenc keep your personale, viewsself d to yourself. and the parents instill the values let p they cherish. and believe in. is that a fair summationha of where you stand? spot o >> absolutely. spot on, sean. and the reality is, kids aren'ts the same as adults. so if gender dysphoria is such a condition of suffering, then why on earth are we going out of our waye goin to create eveny more of it by spreading this ideology through young kids in our schools? >> what's really happened, sean, is we have a tyranny of the minority in this country. >> we used to protect against the tyranny of the majority. and so that's where the lgbt the majrights movement came fr, is protect their right. so my view is if you're an e adult, live how you want. but what we have in this we have ofa new tyranny a fringe minority. and i refuse to say that that somehow changefuses the languago use, changes how women compete in sports, changesmen comp with bathrooms people use, and let alone change the way we indoctrinated children. no, i stand against that kind of tyranny and i will do it with civility. i will do it with respect for every human being. paat was a self-describebin.d pansexual who confronted me with what she thought were some difficult questionsed me w she and i disagreed. and so it's not that i look down on her as a humanhat a lo , but i refuse to abide by this new tyranny of this cult. for >> and that's what i stand for. let me ask you, i know the issue of of your votingrecod record has come up quite a bit h lately. bit >> election records in ohio's franklin county, where you live show that you registered re vote in november 28, 21, not as a republican, but as unaffiliated. you did say you voted for the libertarian presidential candidatelibertar four and didn't vote in the presidential election. agaiin didn until 2020 when youn for donald trump. whu y? i mean, why did you have a lack of the truth is, sean, i have.fy well, the truth is, for most ofe my twenties, like so many people, their twenties, i understand where they're coming from. young people are disaffectedar itlitici from professional politicians. george bush john kerry didn't inspirangeorged johne me. john mccain. barack obama didn't inspire me. mitt romney. barack obama did not inspiree me me. so like so man.y youn g people, i was badly disaffected from professional politicians. i think donald was the singleen greatest president we've had in my lifetimet we. ury. >> the single greatest place in the 21st century. and so when he's deliverin g, 2020. i voted for him in 2020. and why would you not? >>d you not vote for him in 2016? >> did you not see the potential? i because i didn't believe it. exactly. i was skeptical. i walieve it.s skeptis a jaded y twenties and like so many people in their twenties s. sean, i get it. i'm not a professional politician. i' tell from the eminem rap or otherwise. we are reaching young people in this campaign in droves. sean. many of my supporters are young ,bringing them to our partypart and our movement for the first time. and a part of the reason why is i understanhyd it.lennia i get it.l. i'm a millennial. i got my first job in 2007, right on the eve of the 2008 financial crisis in new york city. so8 fina i understand why manymy millennials are jaded. minn the 2008 bailouts that camu under a republican administration, which was just crony capitalism to me. i don't care much about the distinctionsi between traditional republicans or traditional democrats. the truth isans or tonal, in ma, i could care less for either of them. i stand for eir the america firt movement, putting the interests of this nation first.e inte >> that means puttingrefi all americans first, even those in hawairst.i, even those on the south side of chicago, where i visited, or kensingtonsd ,the inner city ofiladelph philadelphia, where traditional republican candidates don'e t g. i think that putting america first means putting all americanputting s first.s, a and yes, i'm using the republican party as a vehicle to advance that agenda, not as a professional politician, but as a a profe sul businessman, an outsider, and, yes, somebodn ouy who a member f that different generation. >> let me ask you one laste la question and might be a point of disagreement betweeestion anu in one of your books, you talked about the inheritance tax rate t th being as high as 59%, and you supporting that, saying wealth from parents to children breeds inequality and hereditary aristocracy. >> this this all moneyople hav people have already paid taxes on. why woulady paidd you lety take the government basically take another bite of the apple and steal more money a of? w ho >> you know how this game works, shawn. that's an opposition research bo photograph of the book. lift out. put it on twitter. the realit y is the contextg th i was going through in that book was a thought experiment ex bring the income taxo down to a flat tax as low as possible. and in that context, that's how high the inheritance tax the up ford be to make hig it. >> to be clear, i didn't write candidate books. i wrote it thoughtfunot writcani i wrote three thoughtful books. and i was honest in doing thought experiments in those bookingought exs s. but the opposition research is now, as you know well, and you didn'ttr th get any. you do not support that. do you support any inheritance t tax? >> absolutely. do not support that. i absolutely rejecely do nt tha that's a separate question. that just to be aware, you suppore clt no low tax, no doubt fact, no death tax at no h all. no change to the status that'so the st what i support on the status quo. zodiacs. the status quo 40 anything you support 40%. do you support nothing? noth i support a 12% flat tax across the board of every kind, including from inheritance to incom the boae to capital gas to you would lower $0.01 to 12. >> you can. on every measuremear across the board income to estate. >> 12 and a half percent across the board. all right. the background my swami, thank you. >> appreciate you being with us. coming up next, biden celebratin up nextg, the e year anniversary of that so-called wonderfulreduct biden inflation reduction act with a bizarre, gaffe filled speech as americans, of course,i are getting killed by his economicca disaster. we'll check in with precious lento and brian straight ahead . >> hi, i'm mike huckabee, former governor of arkansas, and i'm here today to tell you about a hidden health crisis. currently nearly every american. sleep deprivation. and that's why you need to know about relaxium sleep. you see, getting a good night's sleep helps support a healthy immune system, helps maintain healthy blood pressure, healthy cardiovascular system, and a double blind placebo. clinical trial relaxium sleep help people asleep faster, stay asleep longer and wake up feeling refreshed. >> when i take relaxium sleep, i sleep better than i have in years. i wake up feeling alert like i've had the best night's sleep. >> call today and get your very own risk free bottle of relaxium sleep. take control of your health. stop struggling with restless 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look. and i want to say one thingyour to your children. i know some really greatldren. ice cream places around and daddy owes you. yeah. talk to me afterwards. bles, father. i. going t mem going to be a good boy. i'm going to keep the irish and me down a little bit. . >> the financial times and the "wall street journal" initially called my plan by nomics . i'm not sure they meant a totally complimentary wait y time, but guess what? it's working. r thin >> why does he do that creepy whisper thing? i don't like it. anyway, biden-nomics is not working. a quick review here. recent "wall street journal" analysis finding that the u.s. anals seen a record increase in homelessness this year. mortgageord incr rates now have surpassed well over 7% under trump that we're even in the twos and threes. a majority of americans say get the economy is getting worse. they're right. gas wellting. ahead, right back up to four bucks a gallon. it's already over $5 a gallon in many states. average family now over $700 more every single month because of biden's economy. in other words, you're paying $700 more a month for everything you paid forr less under donald trump. meanwhile, biden's treasury secretarundey, well, she's tellg the world that she loved doing magic mushroomats in china. no wonder why biden-nomicsnomics is failing i. on th and her comments on the economy have been wrong. every time y have. by the way, biden-nomics is ons the balloton in november of 202. here with reaction, chair ofer 2 the metropolitan02and fo republican club, patricia lanzo is with us and fox business halftime membex bur. my audience knows that polls l everybody. >> i mean, i started out my adult life living paycheck to paychecife pk and struggling. to pay rent and it. and but i fought through it forl many years and you know coankfully i live in a greativ country and god has blessed me more than i deserve. but a lot of people are struggling. >> not fun. not fun at all. and this anniversary of the inflation reduction act is not happy for americans. it's notation re happy annivers. to your point about living paycheck to paycheck ove.r percent of americans are livingf paycheck to paycheck and thethen inflation reduction act, as we know, is a misnomer. it's biden'sn failed economy act. and just because he's whispering into saying biodynamicsis is working does not mean it is. so w aboue joe manchin talking about the fact that it's a transfer of wealth from oil and gas to biden's radical electric vehicle policies and all sorts of policies whic h are not working. so at all levels, inflation is ticking back up on thisyear one year anniversary. >> it's a complete failure. ryi mean, it's one thing to live paycheck to paycheck. it's thing when you're puttingn it all on a card. and that's what's happeningnow. right now. and worse, what we're seeing is delinquency. so can you make your payments on your card? so your auto loan, the rep caro man bac is back, too. he's back and those rates >> t and people are pulling money out of their 401k. so this is a president who promises breathing room. what he's giveomises bm.n you ir budgets than anybody has seen in a generation. i and everybody knows it, which is why when he pitches by nomic s they say those magice made mushrooms must have made their way to the to th us becaue you could only do that kind of pitch if you read in that stuf fuff. . think joe might actually be more coherent if he had oherens? mushroom i don't know. but you know, you think about it and ii don't itf you pm money on a credit card, you got problems because you're paying, you know, astronomical interest rates. but now homebuilders have never had less confidence becaus e what the mortgage rates are now, you know, two, two and a half times what they wero andh and so nobody's going to sell their home. that means they're not going to build homes. that meansomt build they can'td to build homes because people can't afford the mortgage afterhoe people. >> all these years of low interest rates, certainly millennials can't afford to buyt homes. i think at this point in time, even thinking about that downsie the line is almost unfeasible. >> a year longer than you've been around. >> okay. i mean, like, i'm just thinking of my friendt thinf my group ane who are in that age range. it's the mortgage rates are astronomically high. we also have rents going u p and. real estate is is really >> inext potential decline here. >> it's pretty simple. homeownership is independentretr >> if you're in the renter class, it's easier to controlyoi what do you'll be in the city where the city politics will dominate life?i thin i think that's the project here. and they don't have any problem with mortgage rates at 7% because it means you're not looking at an independse life somewhere out there. they're sticking you right here. it is. the mas >> you look at the massmigrat migration people iion new york,s new jersey, california, california, to arizona and texas, you know, people in wisconsin, michigan, all going to florida, all going tennesseea or the carolinas because they don't like high taxesndcarn burdensome regulation. and it's a cheaper lifestyle and better weather you can't lose. >> anyway. great time. yeah, and less crimeme, by thege way, warning to everyone in the studio when you leave here. we are not responsible thereere are a lot of criminals cri and muggers and people with knives thatmi don't likepoe you. and police are on vacation because they're not allowed to do their jon vaey areb. >> good to see you both, bryan, thank you. straight ahead tonight, the low five has hit a new low, waiting to hear about a new gender that they actually created. i learned something todat theyyw i will pass this learning on to you as we continuee the with allegra allergies don't hold us back. allegra starts working two times faster than claritin . and unlike star trek, it won't make us drowsy. allegra gives you the fastest er non-drowsy 24 hour allergy relief. voice spea you live your . >> every so often, the voice speaks the truth over a sea of malarkey. both the democrats and r republicans cause this debt crisisoblehnson' by to say thatn solves the problem. solves the problem. if washington cuts just 2% a year. problem solved. henry johnson's genius helped save the american automobile industry. now it's our turn. his simple truths will bring america back. i'm perry johnson, and i approve. >> this message, these bills are crazy. all o >> she has no idea.r she's sitting on a goldmine. she doesn't know pa that if she owns a life insurance policy of $100,000 or more, she can a tern all or part of it to coventry for cash, even a term policy, even term policy even afterall policy. >> find out if you're sitting on a gold mine. call coventry direct today at 804 nine six 9200 or visit coventry direct .com. >> hey pal, you can eat that sweet, delicious old quinn next year. >> what now? at least you got a mouth. >> you know what to do. good. oh, that's good. we got a pie dish. islam. we got to figure this out. >> this is crime scene kitchen . your challenge is to recreate the mystery dessert as best you can using only the clues left. it has to be a pie. this is my kind of cake. were you trying to make it messy or did it just turn out that way? what is that so good? crime scene kitchen. mondays at nine on fox thursday. >> it's baseball night in america on fox. new york and saint louis. and . now these two iconic franchises face off as alonzo and the mets take on goldschmidt and the cardinals. guerrero leads the tigers against the miracles and the cardinals who are fighting for the top spot in the al six. it's baseball night in america thursday at seven eastern on fox. bill barr, your world. from trump's fourth indictment to the hunter biden investigatio best flavor. visit us at info for pie, dawg . all right. sadly, the woke mob, they have now hit a new low. profesone medical school profesr now says trans children can identify as, quote, gender minotaur. minotaur. >> i don't even know what it means. like the mythological creature is half human on the top horse. on the bottom. e on bottom.whatever. and children, she says, can identify as one gender on top and another on the bottom. e welcome to your public school system. anywayic, meanwhile, transgender assistant health secretary rachel levine is praising an waaskan gender, gender-affirming care clinic, which wants the word motheher replaced with, quote, egg producer. >> i know. of ada think i'm full of adam schiff. i knowmi know. i'm not making this up. and the american medical association, they're under fire for floating taxpayer funded uterus transplants fortig biological men, which can costta hundreds of thousands of dollars. >> probably they want you to pay fo dolhey wantr it with rea. she is the host of fearlesson on outkick tomi lahren and fox news contributor dr. nicole saphier. all right, dr. saphier,a medi you're a medical doctor. >> i'm going to start with you. caca i wiln you please explain whate minotaur is or a minotaur orxphu what do you. >> have you heard of it before?h becauseally ole i'm really old w and i this is a new term for me . >> now, come on, sean. i have three kids. of course, i know the mythology . it's like when you have a bull head and a tail and a human in between. no, i know a human in that's hard, but this is. >> they're making me want.edical >> the thing is, it has nothing to do with the medical community, and it is jusjust abt absurd that she's coming up with this new vocabulary to describe childrencominghis ny all it is doing is essentially making these children even more confused and exacerbatingnf a possible underlying, you know, mentalused that maybe needs some attention. >> you know, when you start seeingme they havingconversa conversations about requiring hormone, you know, the hormonetr treatments and now even the surgeries and everything, and they're even going as fa su as to insist that healthth insurance is an evenes and e yo, federal government funded health insurance is actually fundedpay for some of this stufr you know, this is taking it to a very different level. and we'rt level.e in a very bade when it comes to health care. we spend over $4 trillion everyv year here in the united states. that'ser as much as any otherwealth wealthy country. y 25% of that is wasted dollars. if you look at the big picturete here, by continuing to require these insurance companies and taxpayers to pay for these medical treatments, you're going to makese medica health care so expensive no one can afford it. and it'll it'll forcord ite intd socialized medicine. and maybe that's their goal all alonedicine.g. >> all right. we're going to exchange the word mothe>> all rr for egg producer tommy. so you know. excuse me. egg producer. can i please have scrambleg prod eggs for breakfast? or maybe i'd like. lucky charms, madam egg producer, can you please get me this? help me out, tommy. i just. >> you know. yeah. this is part of the process of t erasing women from society.y. and, you know, going further, one of the other stories that you mentioned was the american storgal association wantin to have a uterus transplants for dudes who think they are wometranspla dudesn, that they i have children, or so they can just feel more likldren te a wo. and it costs between 100,000 and $300,000. sometimes more so.l stage is this the final stage of biodynamics? sean ifinnt to find that's what's coming. if you reelect joe biden or jow be paying forr uterus transplants for men and quite franklransplany i find ite insulting that they try to take caay everythiny tog from women. i mean, is there nothing sacred? can we just have our uteruses? can we produce eggs and still be women and just call ourselves women? anll ourse too much to askch tos for? well, i think you can tell by the applause. n >> i think most of america is in full agreement with both of you. anyway, wefull a of you. reallye you both being with us. tomi is less outkick and dr. nicole saphier. when we come back, country son.t about working class struggles. >> it's viral. we got a bit of the tapeworking. and we'll check in with pete hegseth and kelly mackey straight ahead. white. >> back in my day, we don't have all of these types of fancy chicken for sure. you have buffalo wings and fried chicken. well, we didn't have garlic farm or sweet bourbon barbecue, and he had to walk uphill. both ways. >> and it's not every time. yeah, right. where here from my south dakota's hiring. we're people from across america to get in on the action. we have more than people. that's why i'm helping out south dakota. most out of state professional licenses are industriel burden, we're investing in scholarships to get people trained and on the job. governor. no. yes. you missed the spot. south dakota freedom works here. >> an unthinkable took the lives of 6 milliongod call and thousands of jewish survivors are still 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even in the world with his whole soul. rich man. rich man lord knows how to want to have total control. want to know what you think? know you do in the house. think think you know y how you do with your dollar and his taxes b . no, man. congress manse, rich man. >> love that song. i watch that a ton anyway, here with real action, washington examiner opinion editor kelly mcgee, white fox and friends weekend co-host. >> hey, so i just love the song awesome pipes. >> why is this viral?wh the message is resonating with the american people. >> look, i'm from the midwest. my husband is as well. my mother in law has worked in the exact same factory since she waked in ts. as so i understand what kind of what you what kind of factory in automotiv >>e. factory? yeah, my mother in law. and so i understand the songment behindory? because this idea of living in a new world with an auto applies to so many parts off society. you know what? if you want to wor k hard and just pay your bills, raise your kids according to your values. well, tongo bad the biden administration is also going gofforce you to pay of the student loan debt of college graduates who decided that they didn't want to pay dbt their debt anymore. it's also going to force you to buy an electric vehicle. it's going to restricte. your use of a gas stove. you want to send your kids to a good school. tod they're goingol? to get their heads filled with nonsense about and gender that no one believed until 2 seconds ago. you want to live accordingwith h to your faith. you want to be a practicing christian. too bad you're going to be forced, you ar to a cake. you're going to be restricted from fostering or adopting. >> i mean, there are so many, but you're by the way, you're doing great. i just some short on time. i want to get pete in here.lovet pete, i just love that songha and i love that guy. and he says he's not, you know, left to right, but i don't care. i think that song is resonating for a reason son big time.r joey jones is the first personoi who sent to me what i saw. i thought, man, this is thisoug, going to catch on? and the first thing i thought was i thought of bob dylan's master s war in the sixties and creedence creedence clearwater revival fortunate son, these left-wing anthems that spoke about the rulin" g class that controlled our lives and manipulated things. turn" s out we're the onesg out looking out for the rule. the working clasfor ths that bee that an honest day's pay and hard work and innocents hard and actual freedom is an important thing. this will this has become an anthem. it will be an anthem because an. recognize the left has gone with the globalists with the openne with borders.t ever they don't care about everyday workers. alsoyd, in a new world, it turne out old souls are we need more of them, we need more home and we need more of those values in america today. >> well, certainly for the future. thank you. all right. tomorrow night, live, ticket ons show. tickets are free. hannity, dcoms set your dvr monday through nine eastern so you never miss an episode. in the meantime, that's all the ntime,th. e trou let not your heart be trouble. why? greg gutfeld is standing by his guy. >> he's going to put a smile on my face. we'll see you tomorrow night. or you can. yes. happy wednesday, everyone. a yo >> i had you with that mkne wha a symbol together. , >> one place. the greatest segment in cable televisionnt in ca trends tuesd. it ideif

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, Didn T Vote , Youn , Ofe , Fy Well , Agaiin , Whu , Politicians , Youn G People , Didn T Inspirangeorged Johne Me , Barack Obama , John Kerry , John Mccain , Mitt Romney , Disaffectedar Itlitici , Lifetimet , Deliverin G , Singleen , Ury , Politician , Y Twenties , Potential , Twenties S Sean , Skeptis , Reason , Supporters , Rap , Droves , Administration , Minn , Millennial , Crisis , Eve , Bailouts , Manymy Millennials , So8 Fina , 2007 , 2008 , Capitalism , Distinctionsi , Tonal , Nation First E Inte , America Firt Movement , Isans , Hawairst I , Candidates , Americanputting S First , Inner City , All Americans First , America First , Chicago , South Side , Ofiladelph Philadelphia , Kensingtonsd , La Question , Vehicle , Generation , Member , Agenda , Outsider , Sul Businessman , Aa Profe , Who , Somebodn Ouy , Wealth , Point , Inheritance Tax Rate T Th Being , Inequality , Aristocracy , Disagreement Betweeestion Anu , 59 , Money A , Game Works , Bite , Apple , Taxes , Moneyople , 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Johnson , Genius , Truths , Turn , America Back , Perry Johnson , American Automobile Industry , More , Message , Bills , Life Insurance Policy , O , Goldmine , Pa , Idea R , 100000 , 00000 , Term , Mine , Call Coventry , Six , 804 , Nine , 9200 , Sweet , Pal , Least , Coventry Direct , Delicious Old Quinn , Crime Scene Kitchen , Challenge , Clues , Dessert , Islam , Pie Dish , Cake , Pie , Mondays At Nine On Fox Thursday , Franchises , Baseball Night In America On Fox , Alonzo , Saint Louis , Cardinals , Spot , Mets , Baseball Night In America Thursday At Seven Eastern On Fox , Miracles , Fighting , Tigers , Goldschmidt , Al Six , Guerrero , Indictment , Flavor , Hunter Biden Investigatio , Bill Barr , Visit Us , At Info For Pie , Mob , Profesone Medical School Profesr , Dawg , Human , Bottom , Minotaur , Creature , Horse , Gender Minotaur , E On Bottom Whatever , E , Rachel Levine , Public School System , Another , Anywayic , Care Clinic , Egg Producer , Motheher , Ada , American Medical Association , Costta Hundreds Of Thousands , Up , Dollars , Fire , Taxpayer , Transplants Fortig Biological Men , Fo Dolhey Wantr , Contributor , Host , Dr , Nicole Saphier , Tomi Lahren , Fearlesson On Outkick , Medi , Orxphu , Whate Minotaur , Caca , Community , Bull Head , Mythology , Tail , Childrencominghis , Vocabulary , Underlying , Doing , Attention , Exacerbatingnf , Mentalused , Treatments , Health Insurance , Insurance , Surgeries , Stufr , Healthth , E Yo , Evenes , Fa Su , Hormone , Health Care , 25 , Level , We Rt Level E , That Ser , Otherwealth , Trillion , 25 , 4 Trillion , Makese Medica , Socialized Medicine , Taxpayers , Insurance Companies , Big Picturete , Ite Intd , Producer , Mothe , Egg , Breakfast , Rr , Alonedicine G , Egg Producer Tommy , Scrambleg Prod Eggs , Madam Egg Producer , Part , Process , Lucky Charms , T Erasing Women , Tommy , Society Y , Dudes , Transplants , Likldren Te A , American Storgal Association Wantin , Wometranspla Dudesn , Stage , Men , It Costs , Biodynamics , Jow , Forr Uterus , You Reelect , 300000 , Eggs , Uteruses , Caay Everythiny , Tog , Nothing Sacred , Askch Tos , Anll Ourse , Both , Agreement , Outkick , Being , Applause , Ni , Reallye , Wefull A , Working Class Struggles , Tapeworking , Fancy Chicken , Types , White , Kelly Mackey , Pete Hegseth , Fried Chicken , Barbecue , Garlic Farm , Hiring , South Dakota , Buffalo Wings , Sweet Bourbon , Action , Helping Out South Dakota , Licenses , Scholarships , South Dakota Freedom Works , Survivors , Milliongod Call , Poverty , Comfort Me , Jewish , 6 , Moneyf , Situation , Whictuation H , Buyor Food , Survival Food , Boxntlyn , Hate , Forgottenee , Christians , Fellowship , Food Box , Essentials , Ofinweak , Gift , Urgentlyonth , Protein , Hands , Diet , Vitamins , Legs , Ow , Yo , Fellowship Todayom , Becoe , Knowledge , Suppord , Worldrs Care , Box Overflowing , Faithful , Needs , Hungry , Holocaust , Golf , Nature , Balance , Someone , Holes , Let S Go , Lunch , 18 , Trouble , Friends , Prices , Shipping , Discount Code , 2468751 , 1 800 2468751 , 35 , Annie , Plus Thousands , Jewelry Exchange , Carat Studs , Diamonds , Jewelry , Carat Solitaire , 749 , 1590 , 349 , 549 , Smart Biz Loans , Bank , Loan , School For Dogs , Rate , Loans , Sba , Tv , Apply Today S Barber , Slash , New World , At Night , Country Song , Events , Conflict , Oliver Anthony , Trace Gallagher Weeknights , Veiled Referencit , Rich Man , North , Richmond , Soul , Lord , Man , In The House , Dollar , Taxes B , Congress Manse , Song , Kelly Mcgee , Ton , Pipes , Examiner , Weekend Co Host , Factory , Law , Resonating , Husband , Automotiv E Factory , Ts , Midwest , Parts , Auto , Society , Idea , Wor K Hard , Tongo Bad , Songment Behindory , School , Student Loan Debt , Gofforce , Gas Stove , Tod , Goingol , Restricte , Faith , Nonsense , Accordingwith H , Practicing Christian , Heads , Personoi , Don T Care , Songha , Here Lovet Pete , Joey Jones , Anthems , Thisoug , Creedence , Fortunate Son , Creedence Clearwater Revival , Bob Dylan , Master S War In The Sixties , Work , Lives , Rule , Pay , Innocents , Bee , Working Clasfor , Onesg , The Rulin , Anthem , Workers , Borders T , Globalists , Openne , Alsoyd , Souls , Ticket Ons Show , Tickets , Dvr , Dcoms Set , Greg Gutfeld , Heart , Episode , Smile , Face , E Trou Have , Ntime , Segment , Cable Televisionnt , Wha A Symbol Together , Ca Trends Tuesd , Mkne , It Ideif ,

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