Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX 20240704 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX 20240704

first date and always a chance to escape reality of the crazy world we live in but apparently we forgot the rules of what it is to go to the movies the pandemic killed moviegoing and hot and we want to catch up with but instead of escaping, we walk into a karen and becky low rumble. people are fighting over seas because no one apparently can read anymore and every movie offend someone and they feel the need to let us all know how offended they are. you want to sit at home and complain about netflix while binge watching serial killer documentaries, it's fine, that's your bag but just like a baby, is leave that in your bag as a home when you go to the movies. some of the summer's biggest movies brought out the woke and super maga mommy, we've got going on both side. i love going to the movies and always have and i like to bring my kids to the movies and most of the time i let my kids take the movies so i don't always love the selections that i am a dad and it's not about me so whether you have kids or not the movies are not about you either. save your opinion for your blog or podcast. the first movie to the summer was barbie or white people's black panther. barbie forever. >> barbie. >> hi, barbie. >> hi, barbie. >> hi, barbie. >> what it is, barbie. there was outrage. the men were dominant barbies were attacking masculinity. if you go to a movie about dolls and come away opinion about family, who have way more problems long before barbie. the woke would not be outdone, every movie with a white man in it or fictional character avatars. ♪ >> is not fair to the oppressed the fake 9-foot blue people portrayed by 9-foot. i guess they were auditioning for smoke excel. you don't like the movie? going to keep it to yourself. ruin it for else i saw barbie and fell asleep but my daughter and wife loved it. when we are tribute to a toy of their childhood and i'm fine with that. then i took my kids to see make two and no, it was not a large, it's a short movie. they don't address the effects of global warming on sharks. >> everybody back to the stati station. >> climate change got big self but a short swim, shark eat and killed what is it and is pregnant but it was no jaws because they forgot about the score. ♪ it was the music of jaws that brought you in. i still get goosebumps when i hear it. i know in the theater is so wrong, how many composers have to starve before you have good music to a shark flick? i'm a grown man who doesn't need to be heard at every when opinions will have to be rushed on the x or the graham then took my kids to see disney's haunted manchin and yes, anything disney these days is up there with nothing by my neighbor's house to watch a game and they bring me a bud light. i'm not a fan but my kids love the ride so i went at it and it was a nice surprise. i was shocked. usually a house full of black people a ghost shows a would be a short movie but fun seeing possible ride in the movie, the kid was cool. the headless woman in the crystal ball, i still can't look at her, it gives me the creeps and i woke i'm sure will be upset because you can't make out the sexuality so boy is not triggering. next, we are going to see the nuclear bomb movie and i hope it's a nice story and not sad. ♪ i think they should change the ending swiss dance off instead of the bomb going off. could you imagine? sadly, yes. at the end of the day issues are not that important, it's just a movie. enjoy the movie or don't but please shut up. some talking is okay like laughing at a joke or clapping for your don't go in there. could you imagine the data card strikes back, look, i am is a deadbeat dad and now he do? i am your father, you know it to be true. >> asked the problem with toxic males, they think they can do what they want. what about our faith? it's fine and sends the wrong message about selling drugs. it wasn't okay then and not okay now. if you can't play well with others because you are in the spectrum of being a jerk, stay home and watch it for you can be miserable by yourself or at least the longest home. otherwise, enjoy your diabetes size coke and popcorn and take two steps back and shut up and enjoy the movies and turn off your phone. if movies aren't your thing but you still want to escape the madness, check me out and see me live on my tour. we got a great show tonight, one and only afro man to talk about bringing hip-hop to the white house normal but for loch ness monster plus the world title is on the line. ec three previous was about to go on of the nwa c5. the world is working man about folks returning to the office of take a look at what folks have to see. >> i wish i did, right now i'm looking for an online job. working from home is easier and it doesn't mean you're not doing your job. it's much more relaxed and you can take a break when you need to. you have someone over your shoulder saying what are you doing? that was three minutes. it makes things worse so it's definitely better to work from home. >> my job is work from home so i am so lucky. i am a flight attendant, it would be difficult to be on a flight from home. >> yes it would be. that's next. ♪ what it is, welcome back. time to bring the ruckus. fifty years since the birth of hip-hop rap is officially older than your old on but no less important. starting at a basement party now dominant music was on the planet on planet earth and its most slowing down anytime soon one matter trying to gain all the way to the oval office. trina to discuss, 2024 is a mental candidate and seven-time grammy nominated rap artist afro man, what is. thank you for joining us today. >> how are you doing? >> maintaining. president? >> yes, sir. >> going to run as an independent, democrat or republican critics. >> more to the republican side, i need tax breaks more tax breaks for others. >> we all have democrats and get our first check and when you get the first big check and you see all those zeroes, all of a sudden you think a smaller government would sure be nice right now. besides the fact that you have an iconic rap song, if you play it now, it doesn't matter what age, that's one of the cool things about your music, there's no time constraint on it. especially back then when the song came out, because i got high, when that came out, it was a rebellious song but weed is pretty much legal everywhere so do you get calls from music shops wanting to make your song their theme song? >> yes. the entire industry, the cannabis industry close to song and even anti- love that song because they say everybody with that song, the cops bought it because they say what look what happens when you get high cannabis people are quiet because they liked it. sure it was a song for everybody weirdly. >> when you are putting the song together, is it something that came to you one night or something i got to write a song about getting high or sometimes as things happen on accident, was this the situation? a little bit the all that. i was going to clean my house one day and my friend came over and we played -- he played this song i never heard called one day your here and the next day you're gone so that song was one of those songs that stops you and did that thing to your, you know what i mean? we smoked a blunt and i played over and over. long story short, i never got the house clean, the girls came over. i was wondering, how come i never got the house clean? it was because i got high. >> and it went from there. let's get back to politics. what is your platform, what are you running on? the american voters looking for a lot of things and what's going on with your top two things most important president to fix your first day in office? >> number one -- >> i agree because i think -- i'm all for decriminalization but we kind of lost the idea of what it's about. somebody on drugs should be in jail, they should be in rehab. but somehow the current administration seems to think carjackings and things like that follow, that's crime. don't open nobody who get recreational smoke and drink and we can accompany ruining somebody's life and stealing their belongings and to separate the two might take someone in the game who can speak on make that message heard. >> yes. medical cannabis and recreational doing a lot of stuff, it's helping with cancer and epilepsy and autism and all kinds of stuff. now it is legal in a lot of states, it's important it's legalized everywhere. prison for doing the same thing the government and states are doing right now you can't do this but we can. >> more people get us about alcohol and weed, the difference is alcohol was first. >> i got this joke, i say i never got on a flight with a person after we smoked a joint but i have had a bottle of gin and beat the crap out of them. >> i too, that man is so aggressive, how much we did he smoke? i wish you the best of luck, you got my vote and please come back anytime, thanks, afro man. fox news got a minute, are you ready for pumpkin spice? i know i am. should kids be banned from social media and should a restaurant be able to kick you out because you have tattoos? the panel is here to tackle that next. ♪ my dad was a hard worker. he used to do side jobs installing windows, charging something like a hundred bucks a window when other guys were charging four to five-hundred bucks. he just didn't wanna do that. he was proud of the price he was charging. ♪ my dad instilled in me, always put the people before the money. be proud of offering a good product at a fair price. i think he'd be extremely proud of me, yeah. ♪ >> woman: why did we choose safelite? >> vo: for us, driving around is the only way we can get our baby to sleep, so when our windshield cracked, we needed it fixed right. we went to there's no one else we'd trust. their experts replaced our windshield, and recalibrated our car's advanced safety system. they focus on our safety... so we can focus on this little guy. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ every day, more dog people, and more vets are deciding it's time for a fresh approach to pet food. they're quitting the kibble. and kicking the cans. and feeding their dogs dog food that's actually well, food. developed with vets. made from real meat and veggies. portioned for your dog. and delivered right to your door. it's smarter, healthier pet food. get 50% off your first box at ♪ >> we are back, how soon is too soon? august 12 in the summer is in full swing for some think is the perfect time to sell full treats. krispy kreme this week's kicking off pumpkin spice season with a new line of donuts. 711 selling pumpkin spice latte's and t.j. maxx already has halloween decorations for sale. not one single leaf has fallen and it's still hot outside so why are they forcing fall on us? joining me now is my super panel comedian michael loftus, cohost outnumbered weekends at noon on fox and 7000 other jobs here. [laughter] comedian and my entourage, joe devito. >> pumpkin spice. why the mystery? is it a special plant that only grows a certain time of thee year-round? >> it is the american coal mine, they figure out is the smell of pumpkin that takes you back to happy times, pumpkin pie, thanksgiving, christmas, the more you like pumpkin spice, the worst your home life was. [laughter] >> have you seen anyone eating a pumpkin? >> you don't have to wait all year. this is like catnip for white women when this comes around, pumpkin spice season. people are dying of dehydration, it's summertime. you don't need to give me something to drink that tastes like a yankee candle. just eat a pumpkin, fly the filling. >> nobody eats the pumpkin, i saved the sinema, you never see anyone chewing on a pumpkin. >> isn't it weird how pumpkins have been around thousands of years but 2005 it popped off the something else going on. >> no one is the insides of a pumpkin. >> zoo video, i never drink those things, beautiful, awesome to think about but in reality, i have drip coffee every day and dessert in the forms of whatever it is. one of the don't companies, i held myself and i have the new pumpkin spice cream cheese, it was amazing, probably 23 hours but for coffee, i don't agree with it for the 8-dollar price tag. >> pumpkin spice, no one knows what it is. we have the orange refresher back but moving on, how young is too young for social media? lawmakers are hoping to pass a bill mandating his get there parents permission to join things like to talk an instagr instagram. the state is looking into join arkansas, louisiana, texas and utah which passed similar laws. the measure requires verifying an account of the holders agent if they are under 18, mom and dad decides to be on this. it's great. you got to be 18 to buy a cigarette and 20 want to have a beer and you are dealing with adults and people you don't know, kids are not equipped to deal with this. >> i would pump up to 21. i would have -- the people who run facebook and apple, they don't let's her children on these eskimos didn't want them having tablets because they know it starts messing with her friends. i want like one magically when you turn, you can get a gun, lose and do social media. the reverse purged like jimmy is 21 on the roof with no pants and a shotgun, he's doing and tik tok video. >> at 21, fine, and ago. >> and it can get weird. [laughter] >> when you turn 21. >> a good combination. i think this is a step in the right direction and send a good message but on the first person to be anticoagulation but wine sites where you click a different age, kids find a way to get around it and it will be a group of kids will be obedient and find but the bigger messages social media is toxic and its impact on mental health suicide rate so why can't we approach it with the constellation of behavior and it forces out and acknowledges china is behind toxic at and they only let the kids on for 2.5 hours a day. >> one thing, even when i picked the perfect child program for game on apple, they will be interrupted with the commercial for something else. my golf was watching something on a hollowing kitten and then a woman came in as it is my woman or man cheating on me? it was like going crazy like this set for kids, they set traps to get you to go down the wormhole. >> i like to think you're never too young to be exploited by the chinese communist party but i feel bad for young people because when i was growing up, one day of the year you worry about social media and that was when the high school yearbook came out and you sweat it and you just think there is a picture of me and then you look at the picture and you think it's good and you wait another year. >> it should be figure, everyone should have to be verified and submit an id or driver's license against social media because that would stop the trafficking and everyone will be held accountable and the people who attacked us on the weekend would be accountable. >> you have to make it uncool so more old people on these platforms. i want to see people in their 80s tik tok and. >> fifty -year-olds in the now. >> the kids will be like this is for old people. >> this next story hits me to the core. a woman in australia turned away because she has a tattoo. the woman has three chinese symbols on her upper back which she translates to family, love and happiness. regardless, she went to the restaurant to celebrate fran's 45th birthday but when the doorman saw tattoos, who escorted her out claiming the restaurant for bit intimidating aggressive offensive inc. and the woman pleaded for case and to this day she's been denied, should someone be denied for tattoos? i would like to see them try. >> here's what i found fascinating. i went to the restaurant's website and they described themselves as casual, fun. there's nothing casual turning people away for tattoos especially cases, true story, personal story, i was in hong kong and i did have a tattoo i went to a woman's spa and there was no tattoo rule because of the chinese mafia but there were tattoos the members would have to deter and prevent them from coming in so when i saw wings on my back they said that's fine but it's discretion, a reason why it's for the safety of the public and not for the preservation of the fun casual speech five in australia. >> couldn't she put a star or knocking on? she walked in climb so he turned around and watched her walk away, isn't that a form of harassment? [laughter] >> a quarter turn. i have tattoos, i got my first one the biker dude said at the time they wouldn't do public skin and the advice he gave was don't get him anywhere a judge can see them but it impacted my court appearances. [laughter] will allow these things and it used to be you didn't get those because it was jailhouse or gang but now we've pushed the envelope on what's considered extreme appears and people get them on the basis. maybe go to a place where that's not part of the culture that restaurant, go somewhere else. >> it's amazing. if you have hand tattoos, it is a deterrent if you want to murder -- [laughter] >> i think the restaurant, obviously is australia, it is america, he would have a lawsuit today but look at the tattoos and it is -- you see that a lot so i think he was trying to encourage her to be more artistic. the chinese symbols on your neck, you got to go. a butterfly on the lower back? you got to go. listen on the ankle? actually got to go. >> you judge people on the top of their back associate. i think she did something to upset him we don't have the time or the inclination or the energy to looking but it's inappropriate. president biden once again showing us he's the courageous dude in d.c. and ranting a one-on-one interview with the weather channel of course about to be asked about climate change and gave an answer and how things got weird. >> are you to prepared to declare a national emergency in respect to climate change? >> already did that. we joined the paris, a court and passed $368 billion climate control facility, we are moving. it is the existential threat. >> you've already declared a national emergency. >> you got a bug on your. >> you've declared the national emergency. >> practically speaking, yes. >> that's right, he shoot above off the chest. does he understand personal space? it could have been jiminy cricket, fiona. >> i can't believe he didn't try to sniff it off her. >> i remember in 2019 when he filmed a video of himself that said in retrospect, i acted inappropriately with women and i will do better and i understand now there's founders, something i haven't observed for 50 years in office, cut to that. any excuse to put his hands on a woman or child, it's so unbecoming, i can't stand it. >> i can't see a guy anywhere these days would say -- you kn know, text a friend to come over and say there's a bug. >> the woman could have a tarantula crawling on her, i'm not going to reach out and take care of the situation. >> especially if it's her comfort trying to the. [laughter] >> i have to have this, or i will have anxiety attacks. >> the president needs to add extra threat. existential? you don't need the extra. you are president. it's like a doctor saying you are dying, existentially. [laughter] i'm dying. [laughter] >> existential terminal -- >> your dying is going to result in death. speaking of death, we are done here. don't go anywhere, slowly heading back to the office. will ai replace them before they get a chance? we have new yorkers talking about what they thought. >> they are automated generated, unnecessary in some respects. the writing is already on the wall. overturn will adapt. i don't think ai would do anything in my job but certainly for other people surely puts fear in our hearts. ♪ you can't leave without cuddles. but, you also can't leave covered in hair. with bounce pet, you can cuddle and brush that hair off. bounce. it's the sheet. remember the things you loved... ...before asthma got in the way? fasenra is an add-on treatment for asthma driven by eosinophils. it's designed to target and remove them and helps prevent asthma attacks. fasenra is not for sudden breathing problems or other eosinophilic conditions. allergic reactions may occur. don't stop your asthma treatments without talking with your doctor. tell your doctor if your asthma worsens. headache and sore throat may occur. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. get back to better breathing. ask your doctor about fasenra. the america's best celebrity sale is here. with picture-worthy designer frames at a fly price from sofia vergara you're in my shot! sure to get my good side! get two pairs of celebrity frames for $89.95 for a limited time at america's best. book an exam today. i like, they survived. welcome back to fox news saturday night. during the pandemic we learned how to use zoom that made it possible for millions to do work from home. the company is mandating employees who live within 15 miles of the office returned to work at least two days a week is that too much to ask? i decided to track down the busiest guy at fox news besides me, brian kilmeade to get his thoughts. he may see our cage match earlier this week, that was must-see tv. i was able to pin him down in his office were rare interview. check it out. >> i know you are in between jobs and appreciate you taking the time to see me especially after what happened to "fox & friends". thank you for being a good spo sport, i'm proud of you but i need to talk to you about something important, you are the hardest working man here, no days off and recently zoom put their foot down and has demanded workers come in two days a week. >> how could that be? >> a man like you who doesn't take a day off it is in the bullpen on the weekends and get called to come in all the time, could you be okay with working two days a week at fox? >> for the people who work at zoom, they probably said i looked the job, i don't even have to buy can't fairly quickly have to do a lifestyle change. for me, i have to come to work. i don't care what happens in the future, i have to come to work. >> zoom is not for you, you show up every day, you have no empathy for somebody being at work two days a week. >> there's a lot of people suffered in the hospital and fought their way back his head you had to endure during the pandemic. i think i have it worse, i never got it, i was never fearful, i was in the city with you, i never wanted to be on satellite studio, nobody wanted me to be in a home studio so i came into work. >> people cannot work from home. that guy -- >> backbreaking work, he has a bad day, band-aid falling off to his death and you hear someone crying for being at work two days a week, not a giant office like this with all kinds of award-winning sports illustrated covers and you and the preside president, i'm probably the second busiest guy here and i commute from another state to work but the guy who carries the flag banner for missing no days off is you. >> the big difference between us is i don't have to defend my title. >> they are fans. >> thanks for watching. [laughter] >> the guy was in the mirror going like this. thanks for watching, window guy. appreciate you. should everyone return to work or get the genie in the bottle? by panel is back. what are your thoughts? could you imagine working only two days a week? >> i love it but as a comedian, that's kind of -- >> friday saturday kind of the. >> but i show up and work hard even for five minutes. >> comedy show to remote joe. >> we did from the pandemic and they were weird, the good news, you bombs that, you turn off and your back in your living room so you don't have to mull it over. how did you refrain from smashing kill me through the table? that's what i kept waiting for. >> if you talk the rest of the tape, everything was settled there, i told him he had the heart of a tiger and a body of a chihuahua. >> you couldn't do that on zoom. the hardest hit from people not using zoom anymore. jeffrey toobin, it's different if you do that in an in person meeting. >> could you practice law or get outnumbered? >> i guess sort of but i feel the answer is everything is better in person so if they have an accommodation make a short but 50% of what it could be and that's where we experienced during the pandemic and the box screen for the network, there's nothing like that in person energy and position dependent and i totally agree, i'm sure i am dating myself but i agree with the older generation that's aghast at the notions you could have a fulfillment, a company successful without that synergy, how does that happen over the phone and a computer screen? one minute together is more than two hours over e-mail or the like. some physicians short, state home in your pajama but i don't understand generations that live like that. >> you can't tell jokes with a 32nd delay, impossible. you are officially now dying. [laughter] check out the beetle together august 25 through 26 coming up in the went for a loch ness monster is coming up, search about to get underway and i'm talking to one guy at the center of the action. don't miss out. ♪ okay everyone, our mission is complete balanced nutrition. together we provide nutrients to support immune, muscle, bone, and heart health. yaaay! woo hoo! ensure with 25 vitamins and minerals and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. ♪ let innovation refunds help with your erc tax refund so you can improve your business however you see fit. rosie used part of her refund to build an outdoor patio. clink! dr. marshall used part of his refund to give his practice a facelift. emily used part of her refund to buy... i run a wax museum. let innovation refunds help you get started on your erc tax refund. stop waiting. go to you really got the brows. struggling with the highs and lows of bipolar 1? ask about vraylar. because you are greater than your bipolar 1, and you can help take control of your symptoms - with vraylar. some medicines only treat the lows or highs. vraylar treats depressive, acute manic, and mixed episodes of bipolar 1 in adults. proven, full-spectrum relief for all bipolar 1 symptoms. and in vraylar clinical studies, most saw no substantial impact on weight. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. call your doctor about unusual changes in behavior or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants can increase these in children and young adults. report fever, stiff muscles or confusion which may mean a life-threatening reaction, or uncontrollable muscle movements which may be permanent. high blood sugar, which can lead to coma or death, weight gain and high cholesterol may occur. movement dysfunction and restlessness are common side effects. sleepiness and stomach issues are also common. side effects may not appear for several weeks. ask about vraylar and learn how abbvie could help you save. week back. loch ness monster is the loch ness monster real? we may know by the end of the summer in a few weeks scientists launching the biggest search for nessie at least in the last 50 years and they are using all kinds of new technology that didn't exist back in the day. will be enough to locate the mystical east? joining me to discuss, paul nixon thank you for joining us today. >> good evening. >> i am a big fan, i have followed this closely, i have a certain mystery another major, i am curious to what, if any animal you would think this is because the common thing is everything is the plesiosaur but we know from glaciers over there, probably does not it. i feel that's my opinion and i think loch ness has a good population of that. what say you, good sir? >> i'm blown away by how much you know about the loch ness monster. >> you think i would have box saturday night and not have my game together? >> giant catfish, nobody actually knows what nessie is. but we are certain of is there is a phenomena happening and we end up with loch ness exploration to get to the bottom of this mystery because of massive. >> let me ask you this and i'm not being facetious, the united states recently our government can clean about ufos and lifeforms and one thing especially in america we have bigfoot are of course we are claiming you can never find an wonder if there's a connection, could it be, we know octopus, finding out that they might have came from another planet, is it possible this could be an extraterrestrial being? be out of the realm of possibilities? >> i'm in the anything is possible kat. the giant squid doesn't exist only to find giant squid swimming in the sea so signs can be wrong. we reached out to nasa to give us a hand put their resource behind it because we are stopped to what this might be. >> sometimes they need to listen to people. fishermen for years so sperm whales with suction cup marks a guy from a phase numeral was not doing that as a reason they were swimming so deep for the food source. i wish you the best of luck. when will we get information? when does this start? >> it's never stopped to be honest but this will be the largest search but you've already said, we will fly drones, we will use thermal imaging and dropping hydrophone and 60 feet off to listen to sounds, nessie singing in the bathtub, who knows? >> i wish you best of luck and can't wait to see the results. >> figure. >> coming up, i'm getting ready for one of the biggest wrestling matches of my career. my favorite championship on the line. going to chat with my great worthy opponent i'm about to take on. the third, easy three joining the next. ♪ age is just a number, and mine's unlisted. try boost® high protein with 20 grams of protein for muscle health versus 16 grams in ensure® high protein. boost® high protein. now available in cinnabon® bakery-inspired flavor. learn more at directv sports central gives you access to every game. but terry doesn't have directv. come on. work for dad- here... now, you can find the game easy. my barbecue is saved! get in the redzone with sports pack. call 1-800-directv my barbecue is ruined. an unthinkable genocide took the lives of six million jews and thousands of jewish survivors are still suffering in poverty today. god calls on people who believe in him to act on his word. "comfort ye, comfort my people." these elderly jews are weak and they're sick. they're living on $2 a day which is impossible. they don't have enough money to buy food. it is a miserable situation and they have nowhere else to turn but to us for help. this now, is how god's children are living. take this time to send a survival food box to these forgotten jews. the international fellowship of christians and jews urgently need your gift of $25 now to help provide one survival food box with all of the essentials they critically need for their diet for one month. no vitamins and no protein so my legs and hands are very weak. oh, oh, oh let's make sure that we bring them just a little bit of hope. by bringing them a little bit of food. become a part of the fellowship today by reaching out to bless these precious people of god. for just $25, you can help supply the essential foods they desperately need for one month. your support will provide them with a box overflowing with nourishing food and the knowledge that faithful christians around the world care about them. god tells us to take care of them, to feed the hungry. and i pray holocaust survivors will be given the basic needs that they so desperately pray for to survive. ♪ ♪ welcome back. you all should know, if you don't you better ask somebody from the mixing up in the t squared circle for nearly two decades. coming up on laying it all onn the line against my olthd nemess a fight lose i will retire andti here will win in wa 12 pounds of gold the most prestigious title in the history of all wrestling. how is this match going to go down question chumming up tol discuss formerof national wrestling alliance heavyweight, champion mmyy main man and great worthy opponent, you see three. welcome. >> thank you for having me.g thank you fothr bestowing the opportunity of my very first hit on your show.e we have gohat a big hit coming august 27. >> before we get into the meat and potatoes of what is about too go down. so you have been through my w entire career restarted together in the wwe and we debuted together on a little show called an ecstasy we shocked the world. and then we ended up dancing and impact spread pretty much every where our paths cross we always have the same vision.e weth want to be the guy. you're huge a fox news event f you've been one of my biggest supporters. in fact, after wrestling career you have eyes on the prize that is this table and chair, correct? >> i was a just dislike of the eyes on the prize of the heavyweight championship i saw two -- three years i should be beating jesse watters for the official ranking of top hunk onf oxfox news. >> wait excuse me you might've taken too many bumps that you say said jesse watters was top ? >> he is in the running. >> over at kilmeade, doocy orn dovery own? tyrus is pretty nice on the eyes all the ladies from 70 -- 90dies years old are my fans out there they also would concur that. >> i would agree of been to your live show. it is excellent, it is comedicco brilliance and themey do love y. something about jesse watters the slicked back hair and the y charming eyes apart you caoun gt get lostin jesse watters eyes. >> or end up using -- at buying a used cart let's get down to it. this i s not any ordinary match i lay down the stipulations. we are in what is an old-schoola wrestlinn,g fans once evolve nw, this is a bowl rope match probably the most famous boat t herope match of the american drm dusty rose superstar billy graham at madison square garden. you and i will be tied together hand to hand with eight larger rope i think it is 9 feet long and with a giant cowbell in the middle or basically whoever getw the belt can do whatever they want with it. disqualifications. it's one of the most physical demanding matches. to get you to do it i put my career on the line. are you feeling any pressure at this point?ag >> to feelai pressure to go against you, the man at the world's heavyweight champion, my colleague, my friend, myer partner, my brother but now my sworn enemy because you have what i want do i feel pressure? i feel pressure each and every day. but pressure is what makesre i diamonds. >> i feel the child's i'mli challenging myself ing want to i how bad i still wanted. i want to see if i've still got it want to sit the end of the match are we having fun or whatn because if i don't not only what they live the fact my last match was against argument biggest nemesis my entire career yout e the rick flirt of my dusty roads. may the best man win but it's going to take everything you've got because wi am one 100%t, physical i feel great, put post one workout picture online just like you did it i know you like the back of my hand you know mel like the bacikk of your hand soh let's do it. to ask you know what, let's do it. clerks are at me and take care see you soon. >> the grace nwa match of all time. click see you soon. thanks for watching fox news saturday night but set your dvr 10:00 p.m. eastern every saturday right here on fox news. e out life of my upcoming shows. i am tyrus, good night from newg york go to bed. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪. jon: number of dead in hawaii is rising as the wildfires raged on. so far at least 93 people are known dead. search and rescue mission still underway. meantime the white house is screaming to keep up with the latest massive surge of migrants at our southern border. what they are banking on to help combat the spiraling humanitarian crisis. plus. [inaudible] 4000 rescued beagles bread for research in terrible conditions. find a hap

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, Question , Formerof , Up Tol , Me G , National Wrestling Alliance Heavyweight , Opportunity , Potatoes , Gohat A Big Hit Coming August 27 , Show E , August 27 , 27 , Ecstasy , Dancing , Paths , Spread , Wwe , Vision E Weth , Eyes , Eyes On The Prize , Wrestling Career , Supporters , Prize , Chair , Dislike , Jesse Watters , Bumps , Hunk , Ranking , Onf Oxfox News , Ladies , Running , Doocy Orn Dovery , 90 , 70 , Brilliance , Comedicco , Slicked Back Hair , Love Y , Themey , Caoun Gt Get Lostin , Let S Get Down , Schoola Wrestlinn , Stipulations , Bowl Rope Match , Rope , Famous Boat T Herope Match Of The American , Madison Square Garden , Drm Dusty Rose , Eight , Matches , Giant , Belt , Cowbell , Disqualifications , Point Ag , Feelai , Partner , Champion , Colleague , Brother , Myer , Enemy , Makesre I Diamonds , Nemesis , Argument , Win , Career Yout E , Whatn , The Rick , Dusty Roads , Hand , Hand Soh , Bacikk , 100 , Nwa , Clerks , Shows , Dvr , Newg York City Ht , Go To Bed , 00 , 10 , Jon , Surge , Border , Migrants , Banking , Search And Rescue , 93 , Hap , Combat , Crisis , Research , Inaudible , 4000 ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX 20240704 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX 20240704

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first date and always a chance to escape reality of the crazy world we live in but apparently we forgot the rules of what it is to go to the movies the pandemic killed moviegoing and hot and we want to catch up with but instead of escaping, we walk into a karen and becky low rumble. people are fighting over seas because no one apparently can read anymore and every movie offend someone and they feel the need to let us all know how offended they are. you want to sit at home and complain about netflix while binge watching serial killer documentaries, it's fine, that's your bag but just like a baby, is leave that in your bag as a home when you go to the movies. some of the summer's biggest movies brought out the woke and super maga mommy, we've got going on both side. i love going to the movies and always have and i like to bring my kids to the movies and most of the time i let my kids take the movies so i don't always love the selections that i am a dad and it's not about me so whether you have kids or not the movies are not about you either. save your opinion for your blog or podcast. the first movie to the summer was barbie or white people's black panther. barbie forever. >> barbie. >> hi, barbie. >> hi, barbie. >> hi, barbie. >> what it is, barbie. there was outrage. the men were dominant barbies were attacking masculinity. if you go to a movie about dolls and come away opinion about family, who have way more problems long before barbie. the woke would not be outdone, every movie with a white man in it or fictional character avatars. ♪ >> is not fair to the oppressed the fake 9-foot blue people portrayed by 9-foot. i guess they were auditioning for smoke excel. you don't like the movie? going to keep it to yourself. ruin it for else i saw barbie and fell asleep but my daughter and wife loved it. when we are tribute to a toy of their childhood and i'm fine with that. then i took my kids to see make two and no, it was not a large, it's a short movie. they don't address the effects of global warming on sharks. >> everybody back to the stati station. >> climate change got big self but a short swim, shark eat and killed what is it and is pregnant but it was no jaws because they forgot about the score. ♪ it was the music of jaws that brought you in. i still get goosebumps when i hear it. i know in the theater is so wrong, how many composers have to starve before you have good music to a shark flick? i'm a grown man who doesn't need to be heard at every when opinions will have to be rushed on the x or the graham then took my kids to see disney's haunted manchin and yes, anything disney these days is up there with nothing by my neighbor's house to watch a game and they bring me a bud light. i'm not a fan but my kids love the ride so i went at it and it was a nice surprise. i was shocked. usually a house full of black people a ghost shows a would be a short movie but fun seeing possible ride in the movie, the kid was cool. the headless woman in the crystal ball, i still can't look at her, it gives me the creeps and i woke i'm sure will be upset because you can't make out the sexuality so boy is not triggering. next, we are going to see the nuclear bomb movie and i hope it's a nice story and not sad. ♪ i think they should change the ending swiss dance off instead of the bomb going off. could you imagine? sadly, yes. at the end of the day issues are not that important, it's just a movie. enjoy the movie or don't but please shut up. some talking is okay like laughing at a joke or clapping for your don't go in there. could you imagine the data card strikes back, look, i am is a deadbeat dad and now he do? i am your father, you know it to be true. >> asked the problem with toxic males, they think they can do what they want. what about our faith? it's fine and sends the wrong message about selling drugs. it wasn't okay then and not okay now. if you can't play well with others because you are in the spectrum of being a jerk, stay home and watch it for you can be miserable by yourself or at least the longest home. otherwise, enjoy your diabetes size coke and popcorn and take two steps back and shut up and enjoy the movies and turn off your phone. if movies aren't your thing but you still want to escape the madness, check me out and see me live on my tour. we got a great show tonight, one and only afro man to talk about bringing hip-hop to the white house normal but for loch ness monster plus the world title is on the line. ec three previous was about to go on of the nwa c5. the world is working man about folks returning to the office of take a look at what folks have to see. >> i wish i did, right now i'm looking for an online job. working from home is easier and it doesn't mean you're not doing your job. it's much more relaxed and you can take a break when you need to. you have someone over your shoulder saying what are you doing? that was three minutes. it makes things worse so it's definitely better to work from home. >> my job is work from home so i am so lucky. i am a flight attendant, it would be difficult to be on a flight from home. >> yes it would be. that's next. ♪ what it is, welcome back. time to bring the ruckus. fifty years since the birth of hip-hop rap is officially older than your old on but no less important. starting at a basement party now dominant music was on the planet on planet earth and its most slowing down anytime soon one matter trying to gain all the way to the oval office. trina to discuss, 2024 is a mental candidate and seven-time grammy nominated rap artist afro man, what is. thank you for joining us today. >> how are you doing? >> maintaining. president? >> yes, sir. >> going to run as an independent, democrat or republican critics. >> more to the republican side, i need tax breaks more tax breaks for others. >> we all have democrats and get our first check and when you get the first big check and you see all those zeroes, all of a sudden you think a smaller government would sure be nice right now. besides the fact that you have an iconic rap song, if you play it now, it doesn't matter what age, that's one of the cool things about your music, there's no time constraint on it. especially back then when the song came out, because i got high, when that came out, it was a rebellious song but weed is pretty much legal everywhere so do you get calls from music shops wanting to make your song their theme song? >> yes. the entire industry, the cannabis industry close to song and even anti- love that song because they say everybody with that song, the cops bought it because they say what look what happens when you get high cannabis people are quiet because they liked it. sure it was a song for everybody weirdly. >> when you are putting the song together, is it something that came to you one night or something i got to write a song about getting high or sometimes as things happen on accident, was this the situation? a little bit the all that. i was going to clean my house one day and my friend came over and we played -- he played this song i never heard called one day your here and the next day you're gone so that song was one of those songs that stops you and did that thing to your, you know what i mean? we smoked a blunt and i played over and over. long story short, i never got the house clean, the girls came over. i was wondering, how come i never got the house clean? it was because i got high. >> and it went from there. let's get back to politics. what is your platform, what are you running on? the american voters looking for a lot of things and what's going on with your top two things most important president to fix your first day in office? >> number one -- >> i agree because i think -- i'm all for decriminalization but we kind of lost the idea of what it's about. somebody on drugs should be in jail, they should be in rehab. but somehow the current administration seems to think carjackings and things like that follow, that's crime. don't open nobody who get recreational smoke and drink and we can accompany ruining somebody's life and stealing their belongings and to separate the two might take someone in the game who can speak on make that message heard. >> yes. medical cannabis and recreational doing a lot of stuff, it's helping with cancer and epilepsy and autism and all kinds of stuff. now it is legal in a lot of states, it's important it's legalized everywhere. prison for doing the same thing the government and states are doing right now you can't do this but we can. >> more people get us about alcohol and weed, the difference is alcohol was first. >> i got this joke, i say i never got on a flight with a person after we smoked a joint but i have had a bottle of gin and beat the crap out of them. >> i too, that man is so aggressive, how much we did he smoke? i wish you the best of luck, you got my vote and please come back anytime, thanks, afro man. fox news got a minute, are you ready for pumpkin spice? i know i am. should kids be banned from social media and should a restaurant be able to kick you out because you have tattoos? the panel is here to tackle that next. ♪ my dad was a hard worker. he used to do side jobs installing windows, charging something like a hundred bucks a window when other guys were charging four to five-hundred bucks. he just didn't wanna do that. he was proud of the price he was charging. ♪ my dad instilled in me, always put the people before the money. be proud of offering a good product at a fair price. i think he'd be extremely proud of me, yeah. ♪ >> woman: why did we choose safelite? >> vo: for us, driving around is the only way we can get our baby to sleep, so when our windshield cracked, we needed it fixed right. we went to there's no one else we'd trust. their experts replaced our windshield, and recalibrated our car's advanced safety system. they focus on our safety... so we can focus on this little guy. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ every day, more dog people, and more vets are deciding it's time for a fresh approach to pet food. they're quitting the kibble. and kicking the cans. and feeding their dogs dog food that's actually well, food. developed with vets. made from real meat and veggies. portioned for your dog. and delivered right to your door. it's smarter, healthier pet food. get 50% off your first box at ♪ >> we are back, how soon is too soon? august 12 in the summer is in full swing for some think is the perfect time to sell full treats. krispy kreme this week's kicking off pumpkin spice season with a new line of donuts. 711 selling pumpkin spice latte's and t.j. maxx already has halloween decorations for sale. not one single leaf has fallen and it's still hot outside so why are they forcing fall on us? joining me now is my super panel comedian michael loftus, cohost outnumbered weekends at noon on fox and 7000 other jobs here. [laughter] comedian and my entourage, joe devito. >> pumpkin spice. why the mystery? is it a special plant that only grows a certain time of thee year-round? >> it is the american coal mine, they figure out is the smell of pumpkin that takes you back to happy times, pumpkin pie, thanksgiving, christmas, the more you like pumpkin spice, the worst your home life was. [laughter] >> have you seen anyone eating a pumpkin? >> you don't have to wait all year. this is like catnip for white women when this comes around, pumpkin spice season. people are dying of dehydration, it's summertime. you don't need to give me something to drink that tastes like a yankee candle. just eat a pumpkin, fly the filling. >> nobody eats the pumpkin, i saved the sinema, you never see anyone chewing on a pumpkin. >> isn't it weird how pumpkins have been around thousands of years but 2005 it popped off the something else going on. >> no one is the insides of a pumpkin. >> zoo video, i never drink those things, beautiful, awesome to think about but in reality, i have drip coffee every day and dessert in the forms of whatever it is. one of the don't companies, i held myself and i have the new pumpkin spice cream cheese, it was amazing, probably 23 hours but for coffee, i don't agree with it for the 8-dollar price tag. >> pumpkin spice, no one knows what it is. we have the orange refresher back but moving on, how young is too young for social media? lawmakers are hoping to pass a bill mandating his get there parents permission to join things like to talk an instagr instagram. the state is looking into join arkansas, louisiana, texas and utah which passed similar laws. the measure requires verifying an account of the holders agent if they are under 18, mom and dad decides to be on this. it's great. you got to be 18 to buy a cigarette and 20 want to have a beer and you are dealing with adults and people you don't know, kids are not equipped to deal with this. >> i would pump up to 21. i would have -- the people who run facebook and apple, they don't let's her children on these eskimos didn't want them having tablets because they know it starts messing with her friends. i want like one magically when you turn, you can get a gun, lose and do social media. the reverse purged like jimmy is 21 on the roof with no pants and a shotgun, he's doing and tik tok video. >> at 21, fine, and ago. >> and it can get weird. [laughter] >> when you turn 21. >> a good combination. i think this is a step in the right direction and send a good message but on the first person to be anticoagulation but wine sites where you click a different age, kids find a way to get around it and it will be a group of kids will be obedient and find but the bigger messages social media is toxic and its impact on mental health suicide rate so why can't we approach it with the constellation of behavior and it forces out and acknowledges china is behind toxic at and they only let the kids on for 2.5 hours a day. >> one thing, even when i picked the perfect child program for game on apple, they will be interrupted with the commercial for something else. my golf was watching something on a hollowing kitten and then a woman came in as it is my woman or man cheating on me? it was like going crazy like this set for kids, they set traps to get you to go down the wormhole. >> i like to think you're never too young to be exploited by the chinese communist party but i feel bad for young people because when i was growing up, one day of the year you worry about social media and that was when the high school yearbook came out and you sweat it and you just think there is a picture of me and then you look at the picture and you think it's good and you wait another year. >> it should be figure, everyone should have to be verified and submit an id or driver's license against social media because that would stop the trafficking and everyone will be held accountable and the people who attacked us on the weekend would be accountable. >> you have to make it uncool so more old people on these platforms. i want to see people in their 80s tik tok and. >> fifty -year-olds in the now. >> the kids will be like this is for old people. >> this next story hits me to the core. a woman in australia turned away because she has a tattoo. the woman has three chinese symbols on her upper back which she translates to family, love and happiness. regardless, she went to the restaurant to celebrate fran's 45th birthday but when the doorman saw tattoos, who escorted her out claiming the restaurant for bit intimidating aggressive offensive inc. and the woman pleaded for case and to this day she's been denied, should someone be denied for tattoos? i would like to see them try. >> here's what i found fascinating. i went to the restaurant's website and they described themselves as casual, fun. there's nothing casual turning people away for tattoos especially cases, true story, personal story, i was in hong kong and i did have a tattoo i went to a woman's spa and there was no tattoo rule because of the chinese mafia but there were tattoos the members would have to deter and prevent them from coming in so when i saw wings on my back they said that's fine but it's discretion, a reason why it's for the safety of the public and not for the preservation of the fun casual speech five in australia. >> couldn't she put a star or knocking on? she walked in climb so he turned around and watched her walk away, isn't that a form of harassment? [laughter] >> a quarter turn. i have tattoos, i got my first one the biker dude said at the time they wouldn't do public skin and the advice he gave was don't get him anywhere a judge can see them but it impacted my court appearances. [laughter] will allow these things and it used to be you didn't get those because it was jailhouse or gang but now we've pushed the envelope on what's considered extreme appears and people get them on the basis. maybe go to a place where that's not part of the culture that restaurant, go somewhere else. >> it's amazing. if you have hand tattoos, it is a deterrent if you want to murder -- [laughter] >> i think the restaurant, obviously is australia, it is america, he would have a lawsuit today but look at the tattoos and it is -- you see that a lot so i think he was trying to encourage her to be more artistic. the chinese symbols on your neck, you got to go. a butterfly on the lower back? you got to go. listen on the ankle? actually got to go. >> you judge people on the top of their back associate. i think she did something to upset him we don't have the time or the inclination or the energy to looking but it's inappropriate. president biden once again showing us he's the courageous dude in d.c. and ranting a one-on-one interview with the weather channel of course about to be asked about climate change and gave an answer and how things got weird. >> are you to prepared to declare a national emergency in respect to climate change? >> already did that. we joined the paris, a court and passed $368 billion climate control facility, we are moving. it is the existential threat. >> you've already declared a national emergency. >> you got a bug on your. >> you've declared the national emergency. >> practically speaking, yes. >> that's right, he shoot above off the chest. does he understand personal space? it could have been jiminy cricket, fiona. >> i can't believe he didn't try to sniff it off her. >> i remember in 2019 when he filmed a video of himself that said in retrospect, i acted inappropriately with women and i will do better and i understand now there's founders, something i haven't observed for 50 years in office, cut to that. any excuse to put his hands on a woman or child, it's so unbecoming, i can't stand it. >> i can't see a guy anywhere these days would say -- you kn know, text a friend to come over and say there's a bug. >> the woman could have a tarantula crawling on her, i'm not going to reach out and take care of the situation. >> especially if it's her comfort trying to the. [laughter] >> i have to have this, or i will have anxiety attacks. >> the president needs to add extra threat. existential? you don't need the extra. you are president. it's like a doctor saying you are dying, existentially. [laughter] i'm dying. [laughter] >> existential terminal -- >> your dying is going to result in death. speaking of death, we are done here. don't go anywhere, slowly heading back to the office. will ai replace them before they get a chance? we have new yorkers talking about what they thought. >> they are automated generated, unnecessary in some respects. the writing is already on the wall. overturn will adapt. i don't think ai would do anything in my job but certainly for other people surely puts fear in our hearts. ♪ you can't leave without cuddles. but, you also can't leave covered in hair. with bounce pet, you can cuddle and brush that hair off. bounce. it's the sheet. remember the things you loved... ...before asthma got in the way? fasenra is an add-on treatment for asthma driven by eosinophils. it's designed to target and remove them and helps prevent asthma attacks. fasenra is not for sudden breathing problems or other eosinophilic conditions. allergic reactions may occur. don't stop your asthma treatments without talking with your doctor. tell your doctor if your asthma worsens. headache and sore throat may occur. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. get back to better breathing. ask your doctor about fasenra. the america's best celebrity sale is here. with picture-worthy designer frames at a fly price from sofia vergara you're in my shot! sure to get my good side! get two pairs of celebrity frames for $89.95 for a limited time at america's best. book an exam today. i like, they survived. welcome back to fox news saturday night. during the pandemic we learned how to use zoom that made it possible for millions to do work from home. the company is mandating employees who live within 15 miles of the office returned to work at least two days a week is that too much to ask? i decided to track down the busiest guy at fox news besides me, brian kilmeade to get his thoughts. he may see our cage match earlier this week, that was must-see tv. i was able to pin him down in his office were rare interview. check it out. >> i know you are in between jobs and appreciate you taking the time to see me especially after what happened to "fox & friends". thank you for being a good spo sport, i'm proud of you but i need to talk to you about something important, you are the hardest working man here, no days off and recently zoom put their foot down and has demanded workers come in two days a week. >> how could that be? >> a man like you who doesn't take a day off it is in the bullpen on the weekends and get called to come in all the time, could you be okay with working two days a week at fox? >> for the people who work at zoom, they probably said i looked the job, i don't even have to buy can't fairly quickly have to do a lifestyle change. for me, i have to come to work. i don't care what happens in the future, i have to come to work. >> zoom is not for you, you show up every day, you have no empathy for somebody being at work two days a week. >> there's a lot of people suffered in the hospital and fought their way back his head you had to endure during the pandemic. i think i have it worse, i never got it, i was never fearful, i was in the city with you, i never wanted to be on satellite studio, nobody wanted me to be in a home studio so i came into work. >> people cannot work from home. that guy -- >> backbreaking work, he has a bad day, band-aid falling off to his death and you hear someone crying for being at work two days a week, not a giant office like this with all kinds of award-winning sports illustrated covers and you and the preside president, i'm probably the second busiest guy here and i commute from another state to work but the guy who carries the flag banner for missing no days off is you. >> the big difference between us is i don't have to defend my title. >> they are fans. >> thanks for watching. [laughter] >> the guy was in the mirror going like this. thanks for watching, window guy. appreciate you. should everyone return to work or get the genie in the bottle? by panel is back. what are your thoughts? could you imagine working only two days a week? >> i love it but as a comedian, that's kind of -- >> friday saturday kind of the. >> but i show up and work hard even for five minutes. >> comedy show to remote joe. >> we did from the pandemic and they were weird, the good news, you bombs that, you turn off and your back in your living room so you don't have to mull it over. how did you refrain from smashing kill me through the table? that's what i kept waiting for. >> if you talk the rest of the tape, everything was settled there, i told him he had the heart of a tiger and a body of a chihuahua. >> you couldn't do that on zoom. the hardest hit from people not using zoom anymore. jeffrey toobin, it's different if you do that in an in person meeting. >> could you practice law or get outnumbered? >> i guess sort of but i feel the answer is everything is better in person so if they have an accommodation make a short but 50% of what it could be and that's where we experienced during the pandemic and the box screen for the network, there's nothing like that in person energy and position dependent and i totally agree, i'm sure i am dating myself but i agree with the older generation that's aghast at the notions you could have a fulfillment, a company successful without that synergy, how does that happen over the phone and a computer screen? one minute together is more than two hours over e-mail or the like. some physicians short, state home in your pajama but i don't understand generations that live like that. >> you can't tell jokes with a 32nd delay, impossible. you are officially now dying. [laughter] check out the beetle together august 25 through 26 coming up in the went for a loch ness monster is coming up, search about to get underway and i'm talking to one guy at the center of the action. don't miss out. ♪ okay everyone, our mission is complete balanced nutrition. together we provide nutrients to support immune, muscle, bone, and heart health. yaaay! woo hoo! ensure with 25 vitamins and minerals and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. ♪ let innovation refunds help with your erc tax refund so you can improve your business however you see fit. rosie used part of her refund to build an outdoor patio. clink! dr. marshall used part of his refund to give his practice a facelift. emily used part of her refund to buy... i run a wax museum. let innovation refunds help you get started on your erc tax refund. stop waiting. go to you really got the brows. struggling with the highs and lows of bipolar 1? ask about vraylar. because you are greater than your bipolar 1, and you can help take control of your symptoms - with vraylar. some medicines only treat the lows or highs. vraylar treats depressive, acute manic, and mixed episodes of bipolar 1 in adults. proven, full-spectrum relief for all bipolar 1 symptoms. and in vraylar clinical studies, most saw no substantial impact on weight. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. call your doctor about unusual changes in behavior or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants can increase these in children and young adults. report fever, stiff muscles or confusion which may mean a life-threatening reaction, or uncontrollable muscle movements which may be permanent. high blood sugar, which can lead to coma or death, weight gain and high cholesterol may occur. movement dysfunction and restlessness are common side effects. sleepiness and stomach issues are also common. side effects may not appear for several weeks. ask about vraylar and learn how abbvie could help you save. week back. loch ness monster is the loch ness monster real? we may know by the end of the summer in a few weeks scientists launching the biggest search for nessie at least in the last 50 years and they are using all kinds of new technology that didn't exist back in the day. will be enough to locate the mystical east? joining me to discuss, paul nixon thank you for joining us today. >> good evening. >> i am a big fan, i have followed this closely, i have a certain mystery another major, i am curious to what, if any animal you would think this is because the common thing is everything is the plesiosaur but we know from glaciers over there, probably does not it. i feel that's my opinion and i think loch ness has a good population of that. what say you, good sir? >> i'm blown away by how much you know about the loch ness monster. >> you think i would have box saturday night and not have my game together? >> giant catfish, nobody actually knows what nessie is. but we are certain of is there is a phenomena happening and we end up with loch ness exploration to get to the bottom of this mystery because of massive. >> let me ask you this and i'm not being facetious, the united states recently our government can clean about ufos and lifeforms and one thing especially in america we have bigfoot are of course we are claiming you can never find an wonder if there's a connection, could it be, we know octopus, finding out that they might have came from another planet, is it possible this could be an extraterrestrial being? be out of the realm of possibilities? >> i'm in the anything is possible kat. the giant squid doesn't exist only to find giant squid swimming in the sea so signs can be wrong. we reached out to nasa to give us a hand put their resource behind it because we are stopped to what this might be. >> sometimes they need to listen to people. fishermen for years so sperm whales with suction cup marks a guy from a phase numeral was not doing that as a reason they were swimming so deep for the food source. i wish you the best of luck. when will we get information? when does this start? >> it's never stopped to be honest but this will be the largest search but you've already said, we will fly drones, we will use thermal imaging and dropping hydrophone and 60 feet off to listen to sounds, nessie singing in the bathtub, who knows? >> i wish you best of luck and can't wait to see the results. >> figure. >> coming up, i'm getting ready for one of the biggest wrestling matches of my career. my favorite championship on the line. going to chat with my great worthy opponent i'm about to take on. the third, easy three joining the next. ♪ age is just a number, and mine's unlisted. try boost® high protein with 20 grams of protein for muscle health versus 16 grams in ensure® high protein. boost® high protein. now available in cinnabon® bakery-inspired flavor. learn more at directv sports central gives you access to every game. but terry doesn't have directv. come on. work for dad- here... now, you can find the game easy. my barbecue is saved! get in the redzone with sports pack. call 1-800-directv my barbecue is ruined. an unthinkable genocide took the lives of six million jews and thousands of jewish survivors are still suffering in poverty today. god calls on people who believe in him to act on his word. "comfort ye, comfort my people." these elderly jews are weak and they're sick. they're living on $2 a day which is impossible. they don't have enough money to buy food. it is a miserable situation and they have nowhere else to turn but to us for help. this now, is how god's children are living. take this time to send a survival food box to these forgotten jews. the international fellowship of christians and jews urgently need your gift of $25 now to help provide one survival food box with all of the essentials they critically need for their diet for one month. no vitamins and no protein so my legs and hands are very weak. oh, oh, oh let's make sure that we bring them just a little bit of hope. by bringing them a little bit of food. become a part of the fellowship today by reaching out to bless these precious people of god. for just $25, you can help supply the essential foods they desperately need for one month. your support will provide them with a box overflowing with nourishing food and the knowledge that faithful christians around the world care about them. god tells us to take care of them, to feed the hungry. and i pray holocaust survivors will be given the basic needs that they so desperately pray for to survive. ♪ ♪ welcome back. you all should know, if you don't you better ask somebody from the mixing up in the t squared circle for nearly two decades. coming up on laying it all onn the line against my olthd nemess a fight lose i will retire andti here will win in wa 12 pounds of gold the most prestigious title in the history of all wrestling. how is this match going to go down question chumming up tol discuss formerof national wrestling alliance heavyweight, champion mmyy main man and great worthy opponent, you see three. welcome. >> thank you for having me.g thank you fothr bestowing the opportunity of my very first hit on your show.e we have gohat a big hit coming august 27. >> before we get into the meat and potatoes of what is about too go down. so you have been through my w entire career restarted together in the wwe and we debuted together on a little show called an ecstasy we shocked the world. and then we ended up dancing and impact spread pretty much every where our paths cross we always have the same vision.e weth want to be the guy. you're huge a fox news event f you've been one of my biggest supporters. in fact, after wrestling career you have eyes on the prize that is this table and chair, correct? >> i was a just dislike of the eyes on the prize of the heavyweight championship i saw two -- three years i should be beating jesse watters for the official ranking of top hunk onf oxfox news. >> wait excuse me you might've taken too many bumps that you say said jesse watters was top ? >> he is in the running. >> over at kilmeade, doocy orn dovery own? tyrus is pretty nice on the eyes all the ladies from 70 -- 90dies years old are my fans out there they also would concur that. >> i would agree of been to your live show. it is excellent, it is comedicco brilliance and themey do love y. something about jesse watters the slicked back hair and the y charming eyes apart you caoun gt get lostin jesse watters eyes. >> or end up using -- at buying a used cart let's get down to it. this i s not any ordinary match i lay down the stipulations. we are in what is an old-schoola wrestlinn,g fans once evolve nw, this is a bowl rope match probably the most famous boat t herope match of the american drm dusty rose superstar billy graham at madison square garden. you and i will be tied together hand to hand with eight larger rope i think it is 9 feet long and with a giant cowbell in the middle or basically whoever getw the belt can do whatever they want with it. disqualifications. it's one of the most physical demanding matches. to get you to do it i put my career on the line. are you feeling any pressure at this point?ag >> to feelai pressure to go against you, the man at the world's heavyweight champion, my colleague, my friend, myer partner, my brother but now my sworn enemy because you have what i want do i feel pressure? i feel pressure each and every day. but pressure is what makesre i diamonds. >> i feel the child's i'mli challenging myself ing want to i how bad i still wanted. i want to see if i've still got it want to sit the end of the match are we having fun or whatn because if i don't not only what they live the fact my last match was against argument biggest nemesis my entire career yout e the rick flirt of my dusty roads. may the best man win but it's going to take everything you've got because wi am one 100%t, physical i feel great, put post one workout picture online just like you did it i know you like the back of my hand you know mel like the bacikk of your hand soh let's do it. to ask you know what, let's do it. clerks are at me and take care see you soon. >> the grace nwa match of all time. click see you soon. thanks for watching fox news saturday night but set your dvr 10:00 p.m. eastern every saturday right here on fox news. e out life of my upcoming shows. i am tyrus, good night from newg york go to bed. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪. jon: number of dead in hawaii is rising as the wildfires raged on. so far at least 93 people are known dead. search and rescue mission still underway. meantime the white house is screaming to keep up with the latest massive surge of migrants at our southern border. what they are banking on to help combat the spiraling humanitarian crisis. plus. [inaudible] 4000 rescued beagles bread for research in terrible conditions. find a hap

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Designer Frames , Fly Price , Pairs , Shot , Celebrity Frames , America S Best , Exam Today , Sofia Vergara , 89 95 , 9 95 , Zoom , Saturday Night , Millions , Company , Employees , 15 , Thoughts , Brian Kilmeade , Cage Match , Tv , Sport , Fox Friends , Spo , Workers , Foot , Bullpen , Lifestyle Change , Empathy , Satellite Studio , Head , City , Hospital , Home Studio , Bad Day , Band Aid , Sports Illustrated , Flag Banner , Fans , Watching , Window Guy , Mirror , Genie , Kind , Table , News , Comedy Show , Bombs , Kill , Living Room , Remote Joe , Everything , Rest , Heart , On Zoom , Body , Tape , Tiger , Chihuahua , Hit , Meeting , Law , Jeffrey Toobin , Accommodation , Screen , Network , Generation , Fulfillment , Notions , Synergy , Generations , State Home , Computer Screen , Physicians , E Mail , Like , Pajama , Loch Ness Monster , Coming Up , Delay , Beetle , 32 , August 25 , 26 , 25 , Miss , Center , Action , Protein , Mission , Vitamins , Nutrition , Muscle , Heart Health , Minerals , Support Immune , Nutrients , Bone , Yaaay , Woo Hoo , 30 , Part , Help , Refund , Tax Refund , Marshall , Rosie , Patio , Facelift , Innovation , Business , Dr , Practice , Erc , Emily , Innovation Refunds , Brows , Stop Waiting , Wax Museum , Bipolar , Highs , Lows , Symptoms , Medicines , Take Control , Vraylar , 1 , Studies , Weight , Patients , Episodes , Relief , Dementia , Risk , Manic , Muscle Movements , Muscles , Reaction , High Blood Sugar , Coma , Changes , Stroke , Antidepressants , Fever , Confusion , Side Effects , Abbvie , Restlessness , Cholesterol , Sleepiness , Weight Gain , Stomach , Movement Dysfunction , Loch Ness Monster Real , The End , Nessie , Search , East , Technology , Paul Nixon , Big Fan , Major , Animal , Loch Ness , Plesiosaur , Glaciers , Population , Happening , Bottom , Phenomena , Giant Catfish , Lifeforms , Massive , Ufos , Bigfoot , Octopus , Finding Out , Connection , Wonder , Realm , Extraterrestrial Being , Swimming , Signs , Squid , Possibilities , Sea , Giant Squid , Kat , Nasa , Resource , Sperm Whales , Fishermen , Hand Put , Luck , Numeral , Best , Phase , Food Source , Suction Cup , Information , Hydrophone , Thermal Imaging , Drones , Feet , Results , Nessie Singing In The Bathtub , Sounds , 60 , Career , Championship , Opponent , Wrestling Matches , Third , Number , High Protein , Muscle Health , Boost Com Tv Directv Sports Central , Flavor , Boost , Cinnabon , 16 , Terry Doesn T Have Directv , Barbecue , Jews , Sports , Genocide , Lives , Come On , Redzone , Directv , 1 800 Directv , Six Million , 800 , Survivors , God , Poverty , Word , Comfort Ye , , 2 , Survival Food Box , Now , International Fellowship Of Christians And Jews , Diet , Essentials , Gift , 5 , Legs , Hope , Oh , Oh Let , Foods , Supply , Support , Knowledge , Box Overflowing , Hungry , Christians , Needs , Holocaust , Mixing Up In The T Squared Circle , Match , Wrestling , Onn , History , Olthd Nemess , Wa , Andti , Champion Mmyy Main Man , Question , Formerof , Up Tol , Me G , National Wrestling Alliance Heavyweight , Opportunity , Potatoes , Gohat A Big Hit Coming August 27 , Show E , August 27 , 27 , Ecstasy , Dancing , Paths , Spread , Wwe , Vision E Weth , Eyes , Eyes On The Prize , Wrestling Career , Supporters , Prize , Chair , Dislike , Jesse Watters , Bumps , Hunk , Ranking , Onf Oxfox News , Ladies , Running , Doocy Orn Dovery , 90 , 70 , Brilliance , Comedicco , Slicked Back Hair , Love Y , Themey , Caoun Gt Get Lostin , Let S Get Down , Schoola Wrestlinn , Stipulations , Bowl Rope Match , Rope , Famous Boat T Herope Match Of The American , Madison Square Garden , Drm Dusty Rose , Eight , Matches , Giant , Belt , Cowbell , Disqualifications , Point Ag , Feelai , Partner , Champion , Colleague , Brother , Myer , Enemy , Makesre I Diamonds , Nemesis , Argument , Win , Career Yout E , Whatn , The Rick , Dusty Roads , Hand , Hand Soh , Bacikk , 100 , Nwa , Clerks , Shows , Dvr , Newg York City Ht , Go To Bed , 00 , 10 , Jon , Surge , Border , Migrants , Banking , Search And Rescue , 93 , Hap , Combat , Crisis , Research , Inaudible , 4000 ,

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