Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox 20240704 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox 20240704

more than 50 lives. almost 2,000 buildings. in moments, we'll talk to a local pastor about what the church is doing to help, but first to the senior national correspondent william lajeunesse live for us on the ground in maui with the very latest. william. >> reporter: trace, we're in the harbor about ten miles south of la hind a and this is also where the police roadblock is and the check point. people can't get into lahina because they're still looking for bodies but if you want to go you have to go by boat but that's supposed to be illegal. we heard some incredible stories today from people who were in the water for eight hours or more, waited to be picked up and had jumped to avoid the flames in lahina per se. one thing i heard today over and over, the speed of this fire was so great, people could just not -- they couldn't get out in time. they couldn't even see the flames, the smoke was so thick. traffic was backed up. people literally died in their cars. now, lahina is of course the hardest hit the heart of the island, commercial heart, and they may have lost several hundred homes in lahina per se. also a hundred boats in the harbor, we're told only six survived that. the break water down to the wharf is only maybe a few hundred yards, and in many cases we were told there were flames on the water that prevented people from getting out. >> i had no clue the devastation really until we hopped on the bus and saw just this carnage with all the homes burned and all the businesses burnt down. >> reporter: about 10,000 are still without power, no cell or land lines. so people don't know if their friends and families survived or not. that's one of the reasons they're trying to get in, even illegally. many people we are told did survive but they are not leaving because they can't get back in. also we are told the governor's looking for about a thousand, 2,000 hotel rooms because of these displaced people. also they are saying there will be some reimbursement for that. also the shelters we are told is full. as for the fires they are not a hundred percent contained but largely no longer a threat to life. the weather is improving but the governor says the recovery, even with federal help, is a long way off. >> it's a heart-breaking day, without a doubt. what we've seen today has been catastrophic. what we saw was likely the largest natural disaster in hawaii's state history. >> reporter: now, we're also told, trace, there's been some looting and i've toqued some merchants who have tried to use boats to get up and check on their stuff and get things out before people get in, and also we're told that there are long, long lines from the people in the con to say who don't have the benefit of a full service hotel, and there's been looting up there as well and lines outside of grocery stores there. but by in large aloha spirit here and people are taking care of each other. we went to a shelter and saw a lot of people being delivered, food and diapers and blankets and towels and that kind of thing. but again, in earlies the of the final death toll, that's probably a few days away. back to you. >> trace: been there a dozen times william, i have never seen anything like that. william lajeunesse live on the scene, back on to him as the news breaks. the local pastor james morocco, great to have you on william said the aloha spirit. wondering how you're consulting your members who might be missing loved ones right now pastor. >> well, we have no idea who they are right now. they're still finding bodies all over lahina. the death count is growing. communications have been off and people can't find their families so that's been difficult to know who's lost a loved one or not. but we're not just administering to our church community, we're administering to the entire island and god has been very kind. a number of people have been helping. we've got food coming from city serve. we've got hope is wanting to hitchings other groups wanting to help and it's -- we're reaching the entire island because of the unique position god's placed us in as a church at the very crossroads of the island. >> trace: i'm wondering pastor how the island is doing for resources. do you know what is needed right now. >> we set up a fund, a relief fund right now because you don't know what the needs are and we do know a lot of people are displaced, trying to put up temporary shelters for people. we have a piece of property we're going to be working with our social service arm to try to help as man people as we can. so we do have a fund called the maui relief fund, they can help by getting ahold of kings and clicking it. one of the problems you are aware of, when you have a tragedy like this a lot of people try to use it to take advantage of getting money for projects we have no idea about. so i'm thankful that we have a lot of people that are starting to help and, so, we will cross the bridge of resources when it comes, so... . >> trace: yeah, pastor, very quickly, lastly, you know, i've covered a lot of these types of things. i always worry about the kids. kids take this very hard, psychologically, physically. is there help to be had there as far as resources go? >> well, i know that everybody in this county is trying to help. schools are trying to help. our government offices are trying to help. everybody's trying to do that. i know as far as the church, we do have children's ministries and we want to do everything we can to be a blessing. it's so difficult to know, because every family's different. everybody's having their own unique struggles. and so we're just here to be a source of blessing for them. >> trace: all the best to you pastor and your people there. we will check back in with you. best of luck to you the. thank you for coming on. >> thank you for letting us be there. bye-bye. >> trace: meantime five americans held in iran will soon be heading home after president biden struck a prisoner swap with iranian assets. kevin corke is live in dc with the very latest on this kevin good evening. >> reporter: evening trace. once the five americans imprisoned in iran are allowed to return to the u.s. the biden administration has agreed to release a handful of iranian nationals serving prison sentences for violating sanctions in that country. this is not your run of the mill prisoner swap. see, the u.s. has also agreed to unfreeze nearly $6 billion of iran's assets currently in south korea transferring the funds into an account into the central bank of cutter. >> i'm also not going to get not any of the details about what we're doing or engaged on because i don't want to jeopardize the completion of this process of the return home of our fellow citizens. in any event, in any respect, iran will not be receiving any sanctions relief. >> reporter: but that's a bit of slight of hand argues form secretary of state mike pompeo who is panning this move. >> we're now about a billion dollars a hostage, that price will be recognized by the russian and north koreas who hold an american that came across the border and the fact iranians will take further hostages only increases because of this. >> reporter: sources tell fox news tonight that this process is likely to take weeks to unfold before the folks return here back to the u.s. and we can only hope for the very best trace. >> trace: indeed we can kevin corke live for us in dc >> the iowa state fair is under way and many of the 2024 gop hopefuls are on ground including hopeful donald trump who said he won't participate in pretty much everything. chief correspondent jonathan hunt is live with what we can expect from the political pit stop good evening. >> reporter: good evening trace. iowa state far is a vital part for anyone vying for the nomination and this year the republican candidates not named trump are hoping it can give them a much needed boost to get anywhere near the former president's poll numbers. >> i stand before you today because i know we need new leadership in the white house but i also believe we need new leadership in the republican party. >> reporter: wile the former vice-president makes the case he's the true conservative in this i say ra, florida governor ron desantis trail trump by some 24 points, according to the latest new york times sienna pole is making the claim that he rather than trump is best placed to win the general election. >> with me as the candidate, you're going to have somebody that will beat biden. >> reporter: the former president will head to iowa saturday, but says he won't take part in the fair side chats with the iowa governor that candidates traditionally take part in. trump has been feuding with republican governor kim reynolds but she was staying studiously stoic today. >> well, that's his choice. i would love to have the opportunity to interview him. >> reporter: and we still don't know trace whether trump will choose to take the stage at the first gop presidential primary debate on august 23rdrd. fox is hosing it. bret baier and martha maccallum. form president says he will tell them and the rest of us next week freyss. >> trace: jonathan hunt live for us. heritage foundation senior fellow jonathan isaacs. victoria great to have you on there. you saw jonathan's report or you heard it at least and the whole concept is you have the former president on the ground in iowa not really participating in a lot of things. is that a mistake. is that surprising to you? >> reporter: no, this is the same kind of political theater we have every four years, and i have to say i'm not sad not to be in iowa. i mean, as fun as it is this year, and to be working for a 501-c 3 and watching this from a little bit of a distance but you do point out a really interesting challenge for president trump which is does he engage, does he not engage. so that's the question that we're all going to be debating over the next couple of weeks. and that's a strategy for that campaign. >> trace: i wonder if, moving to a different topic, this picture released today by congresswoman elise stefanik, it is a picture of president biden on the plane with a man who was a former advisor. i'm wondering if you think that this is a big deal. stefanik wrote, at the time of this photo, hawkstein was in communication with hunter biden and burisma where hunter served on the board. we know this photo was taken on air force two ahead of biden's meeting with poroshenko if he would have aid withheld if the prosecutor was not fired. do you share stefanik's concern here. >> this is the key concern for all of this hunter biden stuff. it is not personal about what demons hunter biden may or may not have contended with, it's whether or not the biden family was in some way compromised by the business dealings that hunter biden engaged in. and amos hochstein has been the highest level for the biden administration administration he has gone out of the white house. you have to worry that in some way the energy policy of this administration is being driven by the family's business interests. and all americans should have an interest in finding out what the answer to those questions are. >> trace: yeah, but they don't. i mean that's kind of the problem. lastly i want to talk to you about the department of justice, i'm sorry, the fishings you know, christopher wray said that they only went after these catholics, it was one office, right, these traditionalist catholics, it was only in virginia, now we find out it was also portland oregon and los angeles. final thoughts on that. >> no, they've just gone after people of faith, and this is absolutely outrages. you know, that is not the business of the department of justice. the whole premise of the united states is that we are on freedom of religion. and the fact that they would start going after folks for this, and then try to cover it up is just shameful and i think this is another thing that the house republicans are going to have to have another investigation into. >> trace: i think they might. victoria coates great to have you on as always. thank you. >> thank you. >> trace: meantime president biden's justice department inserting itself into local school board meetings again. many of which are getting more contention over transgender student policy. the virginia governor now accusing the doj of acting as a political arm of the democratic party. anita vogel is live in our new york news room with more on this. anita good evening. >> reporter: good evening, trace. just when parents thought it was safe to go back to their local school board meeting, turns out the federal government still wants to be involved in their conversations. especially a special unit within the doj called the crs, the community relations service, been around since the 1960s, is offering to mediate any heated argument between school boards and parents. a recent meeting in roanoke virginia saw two people arrested during a discussion of the state's new policy relating to transgender students that says participation in sports or any school program separated by sex will be based on biological sex rather than gender identity. that also applies to locker rooms and bathrooms. but the state's republican governor, glenn youngkin says, president biden's justice department should stay in their lane. >> the department of justice, once again, is demonstrating, just like they did in hound county, that they are exercising political expression, and i wouldn't be surprised if the teachers unions are behind it once again. >> reporter: virginia school officials turned down the help from the crs saying they've got this situation under control. also important to note the crs is not a litigating arm and they have no enforcement ability. they just say they want to help keep the peace. but the answer from school officials in roanoke virginia was no thanks. trace. >> trace: not happy. anita vogel live for us in knockr new york, anita thank you. ♪ >> trace: speaking of education, the fox news at night common sense department is stunned by a new national survey that shows only 20% of teachers are very satisfied with their jobs. 2 out of 10 of the people educating your child like what they do. and 1 out of ever 3 teachers plans to quit in the next three years. that means police officers, villainized every single day are more satisfied than temps. one of the biggest in unhappiness is not having control of the classroom. instead of reading writing and arithmetic it's diversity equity and inclusion. and instead of discipline teachers now indicator and coddle. in the school district north of san diego they call it resist fortive justice that focuses on repairing harm instead of punishing rule prorex. bottom line bad or dangerous kids are no longer suspended or expelled. now they're given, quote, caring connections sessions. you know beat up a teacher do a little immediate teethes. common sense realizes that most public school students in america can't read or do math at grade level but they're not dumb. they fully understand we live in a time of zero consequences. maybe a paddle to the back side or a ruler to the knuckles is way too much, but does anyone think the answer is caring connections? hmm. let's bring in school board president of the chino valley unified school district sonja shaw president and ferrand of parents defending education nah nicole neily. ladies thank you for coming on we appreciate it. sonja to you first to make them happy you have to give them control of the classroom and offer discipline for the kids not doing the right thing. >> absolutely. we had a similar thing happen in our district where we were trying do this restorative justice stuff and it didn't work. we had fights break out and as soon as i took the seat in january we fixed that. we started to push back, although the state doesn't like that we're suspending and expelling with necessary means. the fights stopped. the kids got the message. discipline works. we need to make sure we continue that because otherwise it's creating chaos and our kids can't learn in a chaotic environment. >> trace: nicole your thoughts on this. >> it reminds me on ronald reagan you tax what you want less of and subsidize what you want more on. we are not taxing bad behavior we're incentivizing it. we are not teaching it you act out and there are consequences, you go sing kumbaya. are there any surprise children are acting out none whatsoever. >> trace: back to anita vogel story, in the crs e-mailed to the school board in roanoke, crs is aware of ongoing community tensions following radio release of the new policy with transgender students. i'd like to connect to see if we might be able to offer support and services as you work to manage conflict within the community related to this. manage conflict? why is the doj involved until this sonya? >> why are they involved in anything i think it's again government overreach. they've been sticking their hands in all these different issues including our policy lately. it just doesn't make sense. i mean, they can't even do their job and prosecute criminals and send the message and here we are with our own children. >> trace: i mean they did this before, that's the whole thing nicole, they have done this before. they have been pilloried before for doing this and they're kind of sneaking back in the game. >> i mean where was this mediation service when attorney general merrick garland sent a memo to the department of justice weaponizing the federal bureau of investigations against parents. that letter, the memo by garland, was sent at the pretext. of the national school board associations letter. they've since retracted their letter the department of justice has not. the department of justice memo is still in force so for this agency to claim it is a bipartisan -- it is a totally neutral mediator is garbage. >> trace: yeah going to alaska now because anchorage alaska school district like many others across alaska is now allowed to hide gender identity from parents and says, quote, the school district also has a confidential form students can dill out that allows them to include their birth and preferred name along with bathroom preferences. it will remain confidential only accessible with those with a legitimate need to know. apparently the parents don't have a legitimate need to know that their child might be transitioning. >> this is absolutely insane. why wouldn't they? we drop our kids off at school to be educated not to keep secrets. it doesn't even make sense. they're creating another environment that we need to push back on. i mean, does any parent go and say, oh, i'm going to drop off suzie to have a weird secret relationship with their teacher? absolutely not. >> trace: nicole i have ten seconds for us. wrap us up. >> we've identified over a thousand districts across the country with similar policies in place, we have several open court cases in courts against this. it's appalling unconstitutional and immoral. >> trace: nicole neily sonja shaw thank you both >> tired of big name brands pushing woke values on you? there now there's an alternative to at least one. nba star jonathan isaac joins us next to talk about his new faith based company and later the nightcap crew is allowing you to go ten years into the future and you have one minute to google whatever you want except for lotto numbers because that's lame, right? so would you take us up on the trip and what would you google? let us know on x, formerly twitter and instagram at trace gallagher, share your thoughts with us and we'll share them with the rest of the country. coming up in the nightcap. but first it's 8:21 on the west coast. a fox news at night trip across america, live look now, the iconic space needle in seattle. and to minneapolis, you can see u.s. bank stadium home to the vikings, could be quite good this year. and ocean drive still open for business tonight in miami beach. if you can't join us live, don't forget to set your dvr and watch us anytime. the sooner the better. ♪ ♪ but, you also can't leave covered in hair. with bounce pet, you can cuddle and brush that hair off. bounce. it's the sheet. ♪ ♪ we're reinventing our network... ...with smarter, more efficient routes... you can deliver more value to your customers. fast. reliable. perfectly orchestrated. the united states postal service. struggling with the highs and lows of bipolar 1? ask about vraylar. because you are greater than your bipolar 1, and you can help take control of your symptoms - with vraylar. some medicines only treat the lows or highs. vraylar treats depressive, acute manic, and mixed episodes of bipolar 1 in adults. proven, full-spectrum relief for all bipolar 1 symptoms. and in vraylar clinical studies, most saw no substantial impact on weight. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. call your doctor about unusual 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at last, a diet pill that actually works. go to to get yours. ♪ listen up, you dogs with allergic itch! today's talking lesson is just one word: apoquel. ap--o--quel. ♪ you can't teach your itchy dog to talk..., talk to your vet about apoquel. apoquel is for the control of allergic itch in dogs. do not use apoquel in dogs with serious infections. apoquel may increase the chances of developing serious infections... ...and may cause existing parasitic skin infections or pre-existing cancers to worsen. new neoplasias have been observed. i'm glad we speak the same language. ask your vet for apoquel. >> trace: first up in tonight's real news roundup the sound of freedom continues to perform at the box office racking up more than $150 million since its release and now reaching a new audience. nfl star odell beckham jr. baltimore ravens wide receiver posted a short review on x saying sound of freedom, i don't even know what to say. that's heavy. >> the immigration system in this nation is broken. new york city has been left to pick up the pieces. new yorkers could be left with a $12 billion bill. >> trace: new york city mary eric adams says without more help from the federal government his city will be on the hook, as you heard for billions of dollars to than crisis. nearly 3,000 asylum seekers entered the city's shelter system just last week alone on top of the 54,000 migrants already in the city's care. well, advanced auto parts will give ten incoming freshmen the chance to win free rides or four years worth of paid gas. the promotion allows a new survey or follows a new survey that says paying for gas is a financial strain to 67% of college students >> it almost seems that major retailers these days are looking for a fight seeking to divide us rather than unite us. our next guest has a solution and the name of his brand is very fitting. let's bring in nba star orlando manly i can forward jonathan isaac. jonathan great to have you on. your grand is called unites. i want to play a clip from one of your ads and we'll get your goal on the other side. watch. >> it's celebrating faith, family and freedom and honoring the dignity of those who disagree. it's having principles and striving to live by them. it's walking the walk wearing your values on your sleeve. >> trace: you wonder, is the goal here to make a lot of money or is the goal really here, this noticeable cause, to really try to unite people? >> absolutely the goal is to create a community of people who are emboldened and strengthened in their values and bring them together through high-quality super dope merch and allow them to freely express that. in today's day there are plenty of companies movinging in an opposite direction and what i wanted to do was instead of just complain about it, do something about it. have some action, step into the marketplace and give faith loving americans, freedom loving americans the freedom to buy with their jules listen i want to wish you the best of luck in your super-dope merch because i think it will be a brand people will recognize. this is something that caught my eye and i thought you might be interested. fox news writes former senior writer at a major golf outlet steve eubanks claimed he resigned after his editors demanded he cut the pro life and christian elements from an interview he did with professional golfer amy olson who is competing while pregnant and steve eubanks quit. i mean, he quit because they would not allow this in the article? why? >> yeah, that's terrible. i think it speaks to, again, the times that we're in in our country. i think it's not a secret certain values and perspectives are allowed in main stream media and there are values and perspectives that aren't. and it speaks to where we are and i think that what he did by quitting was commendable. and i've had my fair share of run-ins with the main stream media. back in 2020 i didn't take the covid vaccine and i had an article in rolling stone where i was completely misrepresented. so i think alternatives will be the answer. >> trace: msnbc is hitting you all the time jonathan, just nothing new, just kind of the way it is. amy olson in the unpublished interview with steven eubanks said it's very tough being a christian, always tough political because christianity is supposed to touch every aspect of your life. i believe in comprehensive christianity which dictates how you treat people how you see the world and the decisions you make. i think that's a good assessment right there. what do you think? >> i'd agree. i try to allow my faith in jesus christ to be my leading principle on the decisions i've made and it's been that. so her definition on a comprehensive christianity was really good. >> trace: i just want to very quickly, i've got to go but why is it there's so much and tip think towards the u.s. women's national soccer team? is it because there's this feeling they don't really care about america? what do you think it is? >> i think there's definitely a sentiment that they aren't necessarily proud to be there in terms of supporting or wearing the american flag on their sleeves and supporting that. i think they've been, you know, kind of negative or derogatory towards the flag and what not, not singing the national anthem. and that does have a lot of americans up in arms. so i understand it. i think if you are going to and represent the country you should take pride in the country that you're representing. >> trace: jonathan isaac good luck with the dope merch we'll see you in the nightcap. >> thank you so much. >> trace: kids are being targeted by online predators at an alarming rate. what to be on the look out first. but first the latest in public transportation is hitting the streets of las vegas, and a once in a lifetime experience for some lucky individuals. it was out of this world. the day's best viral videos next but first a live look, downtown atlanta. the skyline lit up and looking great. ♪ pepcid complete works fast and lasts for powerful heartburn relief. with an antacid that starts working in seconds- and a acid reducer that relieves occasional heartburn all day. other brands can't do both. pepcid complete. a mystery! jessie loves playing detective. but the real mystery was her irritated skin. so, we switched to tide pods free & gentle. it cleans better, and doesn't leave behind irritating residues. and it's gentle on her skin tide free & gentle is epa safer choice certified. it's got to be tide ♪ . >> trace: well, we all know the internet is not the safest place for our children and now new data shows the problem is only getting worse. here's correspondent cb cotton. >> they bee friend them. they talk their language. or they can be totally deceitful and they can pretend to be the opposite sex or they could pretend to be younger. >> reporter: agent craig vander hoff with homeland security investigations new jersey field office says kids are being exploited in online chat rooms over social media and through online gaming programs every single day. and the numbers spiked during the pandemic. >> they're sitting at home all day during covid and they're finding new ways to target these kids. so, yeah, i would say double edged sword on that. kids are certainly on line more and so are the bad guys. >> reporter: according to the national center for missing and exploited children, between 2020 and 2022, reports of online enticement of children for sexual acts increased by nearly 113%. >> once you see that first picture it's like ammunition that they have and it just doesn't stop. he used the threat of, if you don't comply i'm going to kill your sister. >> reporter: brianna, now 21, says she was targeted online during middle school by someone she thought was a student. >> at first it was sending explicit photos but then his demands became more and more where he would have me get on skype every night and basically perform and what we didn't find out until later within the investigation was he was live streaming me and ultimately trafficking me over the internet. >> reporter: for three years, she stayed silent until her parents found out and went to police. now, she warns of the dangers. >> i believe that if me parents knew what sort of apps i was dealing with and if they knew how to navigate it, i believe they would have been able to detect it a lot sooner. >> reporter: this week homeland security investigations announced the results of a first of its kind effort called operation renewed hope. the agency says the operation led to the identification of more than 300 people who are likely victims of online child sexual exploitation or abuse. trace. >> trace: cb cotton, thank you. let's bring in psychiatrist dr. yalda safai. it's great to have you on. it seems like listening to that piece that you have these young kids being exploited and they don't really know how to fight back. they don't know what to do. they think they'll get in trouble if they tell their parents so they i guess comply right. >> reporter: exactly unfortunately the technology revolution has made it unsafe for a kid. it's almost safer to play alone in a park than at home with their own devices. it's important to know if your kid has a device you need to be cautious and hyper vigilant. there's no sister typical victim or predator, anybody can fall prey to this. it's important to educate and raise awareness, tell your kid, educate them, let them know any image they put on the internet will live forever and haunt until their adulthood and create an environment where a child can come to you if distress. >> trace: when you say educate your child what ages are we talking about. >> this is complicated, kids are having devices as four or five years old. obviously a four or 5-year-old is not going to fall into this. but the most vulnerable age is 10-stiffly that's when you start right. >> yes. >> trace: crazy. this is a story that captured the nation's attention, tiffany gomez, the woman on the plane who said this, watch. >> i'm telling you i'm getting the [bleep] off and there's the reason why i'm getting the [bleep] off and everyone can either believe it or they cannot believe it. i don't give two [bleep]s but i am telling you right now [bleep], that [bleep] back there is not real. >> reporter:. >> trace: we've seen the rest of the video and we know there's more context, she first was much calmer now they're stocking her house doxing her doing all kinds of stuff. she said the following, no one knows anyone else's story and no one should judge. no one knows what it's like. they're staking out my house, they're staking out my neighborhoods, they're going through my mail. so much of what's out there is inaccurate. she clearly had some kind of a little issue there and now she's being villainized by a lot of people. >> poor girl, i feel for her. she was having a bad day. we've all had bad days, all situations where we had one or two nervous breakdowns in our lifetime. the problem as a society whenever we see a person in distress we record it. this poor woman should not have had her nervous break down recorded and gone viral. i feel for her. >> trace: do you think at some point in time maybe she was right in this thing? >> i mean i don't know what her mental state was. i cannot comment on that, but i definitely feel for her. >> trace: finally page six says reality star's going war against bravo, revenge porn depraved treatment, they sent an illegal letter, they're saying they have satisfy giving them alcohol depriving them of food and sleep and taking this video during the show and putting it on line as some type of pornography. this has got been very to be mentally destabilizing. >> hundred percent. i'm not going to talk about the bravo stars, but generally you get involved in the field in entertainment. they have a goal and want to reach their goal so bad they're willing to put up with anything, often times abuse or exploitation like this. so i feel for them and it's just they're in a vulnerable position and people are tank advantage of them so it's really important. >> trace: dr. yalda safai, great to have you on as always. >> thank you. >> trace: thank you. first up in tonight's viral videos, a georgia sheriff threw a pool party for pups waiting for adoption. the dogs are part of the bondable pups program that pairs stray dawes overly fearful or have behavior problems with inmates who foster and train them until they are ready for their forever homes. >> it's a garage design where the city said basically facing each other. we have by directionality, which means you could be traveling in either direction depending with i way you're going. >> trace: the horseless carriage has lost its driver along with the steering wheels and pedals, a company has deployed the latest before the launch, they say each taxi has 100 safety measures not found in traditional cars. time will tell if that's enough to keep up with vegas traffic which is always bad >> meantime sec meant offensive line police now on the hunt for a pair of would-be robberies who tried to steal an atm machine with a fork lift. they were able to get it onto the truck but then it fell back into traffic moments later and the suspects fled. thousands of people on hand for chicago's annual duck derby to watch a thousand ducks race down the delaware river. onlooks were invited to adopt a duck or several ducks for a what happens to win a car. proceeds from the event are donated to the special olympics. always a good cause. virgin galactic did their first test tour, out of earth's atmosphere. two of the passengers were a mom and daughter duo who won the tickets through a fund raising draw. whole flight took maybe an hour. the memories clearly will last much longer than that. if you have a rye val video to share share it with us at trace gallagher or fox news at night on social media. and let's say you get access to time traveling delorien sends you ten clears the future but you only have one minute to google something. whatever you want except lot 0 numbers, what do you look up? because then you have to come right back to this year. there's still time to weigh in on x and instagram on trace gallagher. the nightcap crew is next but first a live look at london just before sunrise. ♪ we'll be right back. ♪ >> i'm meteorologist marissa torres here's your fox weather friday forecast. heat alerts from texas all the way lou the gulf coast and all across florida. we have the severe threat in through areas of missouri into minneapolis so really areas of the upper midwest into the great lakes and then also things quieting down for the northeast and dryer for the pacific northwest. you can download the fox weather app or stream fox weather from your favor connected tv device. e taking antacid after antacid all day long but with prilosec otc just one pill a day blocks heartburn for a full 24 hours. for one and done heartburn relief, prilosec otc. one pill a day, 24 hours, zero heartburn. beautiful. you see how the light catches the hubcap? stunning. you sure you don't want your family in the family photos? they helped us save money when we bundled, so... yeah. same difference. okay. this one's going on the mantle. ♪ >> trace: okay, this is fun. we are back with the nightcap crew, anita vogel, keystroke jonathan hunt, dr. yalda safai and sonja shaw. tonight's topic, searching the future. if you could time travel ten years in the future for one minute, in fact we're allowing you to go to the future for one minute and someone handed you a phone and you could google one wet, but you can't do lotto numbers, what would it be and i think we're going to have some surprising answers here. i have to start with anita vogel because i think you're going to go in and i'm channelling what i think you're going to say. go ahead anita. >> i have two trace. i couldn't break the tie. who's the president and what's the value of my house? what's my house worth in 10 years. >> trace: good, okay. that's a tie. kevin corke what are you going to google in your future life? >> super bowl winner. >> trace: that's what i was going to say. >> top performing stock this year. >> trace: i was going to say what's the best company in america in 2023, but that's a good one. so yalda safai. >> i was going to say the stock market, the most important financial thing you can google. >> trace: it's kind of like cheating, kind of the whole lotto thing. if you're going to do the stock market it is tea same thing it's the basis of cheating. here it is we had a cameo tonight, we have with us jonathan isaac with the orlando magic and his google would be, watch. >> honestly i would google myself. i would want to know what i've done in the last 10 years, primarily if i've stuck to the faith, what i've done in terms of my family, basketball, and unites, i would want to know what we've done to create change in our communities. >> trace: i was doing research and kevin was talking about super bowls and really the number one thing that people are talking about in this thing is they would google world series winners and nba winners, speaking of jonathan isaac. and they would go through and sports things and i guess the idea would be you go back and you bet on your team or you tell your buddies i think the raiders are going to be pretty good this this year. who do we have? sonja. >> reporter: i'm a realist and i don't mean to burst anybody's bubble but will they even exist in ten years. with all the misinformation i don't think they'll be there. >> trace: really. >> reporter: i'm not going to waste my time googling. >> trace: you're passing on the google thing. >> yeah. >> trace: no shot? i'm going to look at the poll the pole is would you want to google anything ten years in the future, look at the numbers, on x 64 say yes 36 no, on instagram 49% say yes, 51 say, you know what, i'm going to pass on this. scott williams said how much did elon musk pay for the land where disney world used to be. tommy says will elvis return. and then dylan bostick who won the 2024 presidential election. dan mac, hey google what caused the complete nuclear a nile layings of the planet in 2024. >> imimthe guy who said who won the presidency in 2024 and if i didn't like the answer i would burn the time machine to the ground and stay in 2032. >> i would take a page from jonathan's book i would google my kids to see if they did what they were supposed to do and if not there would be trouble at home. thank you for watching the nightcap and watching america's late news. fox news at night. i'm trace gallagher in los angeles. dvr if you can't watch us live. we'll see you right back here tomorrow ♪ ♪ we used to struggle with greasy messes. now, we just freak, wipe, and we're done! with mr. clean clean freak, conquering messes is that easy. clean freak's mist is three times more powerful, and it works on contact. clean freak, just freak, wipe, done. ♪ ♪ we're reinventing our network... ...with smarter, more efficient routes... you can deliver more value to your customers. fast. reliable. perfectly orchestrated. the united states postal service. >> hello oil jesse watters and this is "the five." heartbreaking devastation in hawaii at least 36 lives lost after hurricane force winds whipped up wildfires that raged across the island reducing towns to rubble. one resident watching as the flames

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Greg , Trace , Fox News , Thanks , Trace Gallagher , Martha Maccallum , Kat Timpf , Jamie Lissow , Tyrus , Los Angeles , I Love You America , East Coast , 8 , 11 , 00 , Candidate , Nomination , America , Name , News , Support , Hopefuls , At Night , Gop , One , Hunter Biden , Parents , Devastation , Doj , Maui , Policies , Wildfires , Have , School Board Meetings , Help , Pastor , Ground , Church , William Lajeunesse , Lives , Buildings , 2000 , 50 , People , Reporter , Boat , Harbor , Check Point , Police Roadblock , Bodies , La Hind , Ten , Flames , Water , More , Stories , Per Se , Eight , Thing , Traffic , Cars , Course , Smoke , Lahina , Speed , Fire , Over And , Island , Heart , Homes , Boats , Six , A Hundred , Cases , Wharf , Saw , Businesses , Bus , Carnage , Families , Land Lines , Power , Reasons , Friends , Cell , 10000 , Governor , Shelters , Hotel Rooms , Reimbursement , A Thousand , Way , Threat , Life , Weather , Recovery , Doubt , Merchants , Natural Disaster , State History , Looting , Hawaii , Catastrophic , We Still Don T Know Trace Whether Trump , Things , Stuff , Service , Lines , Hotel , Benefit , The Con , Lot , Kind , Food , Each Other , Grocery Stores , Shelter , Care , Diapers , Blankets , Towels , Earlies , Anything , News Breaks , Death Toll , Scene , Times William , Pastor James Morocco , Idea , Members , Loved Ones , Aloha Spirit , Communications , Death Count , Loved One , Church Community , Number , City Serve , God , Hope , Position , Groups , Crossroads , Maui Relief Fund , Resources , Relief Fund , Piece , Needs , Arm , Property , Man , Ahold , Problems , Kings Cathedral Com , Money , Tragedy , Advantage , Projects , Of , Kids , Bridge , Types , Everybody , Schools , County , Government Offices , Children , Family , Everything , Blessing , Ministries , Struggles , Luck , Best , Five Americans , Source , Iran , Bye , Five , Loving Americans , Evening , Kevin Corke , Prisoner Swap , Assets , Home , Evening Trace , Dc , Country , Administration , Sanctions , Nationals , Handful , Prison Sentences , Run Of The Mill , Funds , Account , Cutter , Central Bank , South Korea , Billion , 6 Billion , Process , Completion , Return , Details , Citizens , Event , Hand , Relief , Bit , Form , Secretary Of State , Move , Respect , Slight , Mike Pompeo , Fact , American , North Koreas , Border , Hostages , Price , Hostage , Iranians , Russian , A Billion , A Billion Dollars , Folks , In Dc , Sources , The Very Best , Iowa State Fair , Jonathan Hunt , Donald Trump , Many , Pit Stop , 2024 , Part , Trump , Candidates , Iowa State , Anyone , Boost , Leadership , Poll Numbers , White House , Florida , Conservative , Anywhere , Vice President , Case , Ra , Election , Somebody , Points , Claim , New York Times , Trail Trump , Sienna Pole , Ron Desantis , 24 , President , Side , Iowa , Feuding , Stage , Choice , Opportunity , Kim Reynolds , It , Rest , August 23rdrd , Senior Fellow Jonathan Isaacs , Bret Baier , Freyss , Heritage Foundation , 23 , Concept , Mistake , Victoria , Theater , Fun , Four , 501 , 3 , Point , Distance , Question , Challenge , Plane , Picture , Topic , Strategy , Campaign , Congresswoman Elise Stefanik , Photo , Hawkstein , Communication , Deal , Advisor , Burisma , Meeting , Board , Prosecutor , Aid , Air Force Two , Poroshenko , Two , Wall , Concern , Hunter Biden May , Demons , Hunter Biden Stuff , Business Dealings , Amos Hochstein , Business Interests , Energy Policy , Level , Problem , Answer , Fishings You Know , Interest , I M Sorry , Questions , Christopher Wray , Faith , Thoughts , Traditionalist Catholics , Roanoke Virginia , Office , Portland Oregon , Business , Premise , Freedom Of Religion , Investigation , Republicans , House , Victoria Coates , Department Inserting , Justice , Student Policy , Contention , School Board , Acting , Government , Anita Vogel , News Room , New York , Democratic Party , School Board Meeting , School Boards , Unit , Offering , Crs , Conversations , Argument , Community Relations Service , 1960 , Students , Policy , Gender Identity , Sex , Sports , Estate , Discussion , School Program , Biden S Justice Department , Glenn Youngkin , Hound County , Locker Rooms , Bathrooms , Lane , Teachers , Virginia School Officials , Situation , Expression , Unions , Litigating Arm , School Officials , Enforcement Ability , Peace , Survey , Education , Common Sense Department , Knockr , Jobs , 20 , Child , Police Officers , Teachers Plans , 2 , 10 , 1 , Three , Control , Classroom , Discipline Teachers , Reading Writing , Indicator , Temps , Unhappiness , Biggest , Inclusion , Diversity Equity , Coddle , School District North , Bottom Line , Harm , Rule Prorex , Fortive , San Diego , Teacher , Quote , Consequences , Public School , America Can T , Teethes , Math , Grade Level , Connections Sessions , Common Sense , Zero , Nicole Neily Sonja Shaw , Connections , Paddle , Ruler , Knuckles , Chino Valley Unified School District , Ladies , Nicole Neily , Ferrand , Fights , Restorative Justice , District , Discipline , Seat , Didn T Work , Message , Chaos , Doesn T , Means , Discipline Works , Environment , Behavior , Ronald Reagan , Anita Vogel Story , None , Sing Kumbaya , Radio Release , Community Tensions , School Board In Roanoke , Community , Conflict , Services , Government Overreach , Sonya , Issues , Job , Before , Hands , Doesn T Make Sense , Criminals , Memo , Mediation Service , Merrick Garland , Sneaking , Game , Letter , Investigations , Bureau , Pretext , National School Board Associations , School District , Agency , Mediator , Bipartisan , Garbage , Force , Others , Anchorage Alaska , Birth , Need , Transitioning , Bathroom Preferences , Say , School , Parent , It Doesn T , Secrets , Sense , Back On , Place , Districts , Nicole , Secret , Relationship , Up , Suzie , Values , Court , Courts , Alternative , Nightcap Crew , Numbers , Nba Star Jonathan Isaac , Lotto , Company , Nightcap , Know On X , Instagram , Trip , West Coast , Twitter , 21 , Vikings , Space Needle , Seattle , To Minneapolis , Ocean Drive , U S Bank Stadium , Dvr , Hair , Better , Bounce Pet , Live , Miami Beach , Value , Network , Routes , Smarter , Customers , Hair Off , Bounce , Sheet , Bipolar , Lows , Highs , United States Postal Service , Fast , Vraylar , Adults , Symptoms , Take Control , Medicines , Episodes , Manic , Weight , Death , Studies , Changes , Impact , Dementia , Stroke , Doctor , Antidepressants , Risk , Patients , Muscle Movements , Side Effects , Muscles , Restlessness , Sleepiness , Confusion , Cholesterol , High Blood Sugar , Fever , Reaction , Weight Gain , Coma , Stomach , Movement Dysfunction , Abbvie , Reason , Insulin Resistance , Most , Starvation , Stress , Release , They Don T Work , Eating , Fat , Golo , Sugar Cravings , At Last , Apoquel , Word , Lesson , Itch , O , Quel , Ap , Dogs , Infections , Vet , Dog , Chances , Skin Infections , Language , Cancers , Neoplasias , The Sound Of Freedom , Box Office , First Up In Tonight S , Odell Beckham Jr , Immigration System , Audience , Review , Wide Receiver , Nfl , Baltimore Ravens , 50 Million , 150 Million , Nation , Pieces , Bill , 12 Billion , 2 Billion , City , Mary Eric Adams , Asylum Seekers , Billions , Top , Hook , Crisis , Migrants , Shelter System , 54000 , 3000 , Gas , Promotion , Advanced Auto Parts , Chance , Rides , Freshmen , Brand , College Students , Strain , Solution , Guest , Fight Seeking , Retailers , Nba , Star Orlando Manly , 67 , Goal , Unites , Watch , Grand , Ads , Clip , Freedom , Principles , Dignity , Walk , Cause , Sleeve , Something , Direction , Merch , Companies , Marketplace , Action , Step , Freedom Loving Americans , Jules , Senior Writer , Editors , Eye , Golf Outlet , Elements , Steve Eubanks , Christian , Article , Interview , Amy Olson , Times , Perspectives , Main Stream Media , Aren T , Covid , Share , Back , Run Ins , 2020 , Rolling Stone , Alternatives , Nothing , Msnbc , Christianity , Aspect , Steven Eubanks , Decisions , World , Assessment , Jesus Christ , Think , Principle , Definition , Tip , U S Women National Soccer Team , Flag , Sentiment , Terms , Sleeves , Feeling , Pride , Anthem , Arms , Dope Merch , Good Luck , Predators , Rate , Look , Videos , Out Of This World , Latest , Streets , Transportation , Individuals , Experience , Once In A Lifetime , Las Vegas , Downtown Atlanta , Heartburn , Antacid , Acid Reducer , Pepcid Complete Works Fast , Skyline , Powerful Heartburn Relief , Both , Brands , Jessie , Mystery , Skin , Residues , Playing Detective , Gentle , Tide Pods , Doesn T Leave , Safer Choice Certified , Internet , Correspondent Cb Cotton , Bee Friend , Data , Agent Craig Vander Hoff , Field Office , Social Media , Chat Rooms , Gaming , Homeland Security , New Jersey , Line , Ways , Pandemic , Sword , Guys , Acts , Enticement , Ammunition , National Center For Missing And Exploited Children , 113 , 2022 , Someone , Brianna , Sister , Student , Middle School , Doesn T Stop , Photos , Demands , Skype , Dangers , Apps , First , Results , Identification , Effort , Operation Led , Homeland Security Investigations , Operation Renewed Hope , 300 , Dr , Exploitation , Yalda Safai , Cb Cotton , Victims , Abuse , Psychiatrist , Listening , Trouble , Technology Revolution , They Don T , Kid , Anybody , Devices , Prey , Victim , Device , Predator , Distress , Adulthood , Raise , Awareness , Image , Age , Ages , 5 , Woman , Story , Crazy , Bleep , Attention , Yes , Tiffany Gomez , Everyone , Video , No One , Kinds , Context , Following , Anyone Else , Issue , Mail , Neighborhoods , Girl , Lifetime , Breakdowns , Person , Situations , Society , Break , Page , Sleep , Alcohol Depriving , Revenge Porn Depraved Treatment , Reality Star S Going War Against Bravo , Bravo Stars , Pornography , Type , Show , Tank Advantage , Field , Entertainment , Pool Party , Sheriff , Pups Waiting For Adoption , Georgia , Inmates , Garage Design , Behavior Problems , Pairs , Pups , Forever Homes , Bondable , Driver , Pedals , Steering Wheels , Horseless Carriage , Directionality , Offensive Line Police , Taxi , Launch , Safety Measures , Sec , 100 , Hunt , Thousands , Pair , Would , Atm Machine , Fork Lift , Robberies , Suspects , Truck , Thousand , Duck , Ducks , Proceeds , Car , Chicago , Duck Derby , Delaware River , Special Olympics , Onlooks , Virgin Galactic , Duo , Test Tour , Atmosphere , Passengers , Tickets , Fund Raising Draw , Mom , Daughter , Earth , Memories , Share It , Flight , At Night On Social Media , Rye Val , Whatever , 0 , Sunrise , London , Areas , Heat Alerts , Gulf Coast , Marissa Torres , All The Way Lou , Texas , Upper Midwest , Great Lakes , Missouri , Stream Fox , Favor , Tv Device , Dryer , Pacific Northwest , E Taking Antacid , Heartburn Relief , Zero Heartburn , Prilosec Otc , Hubcap , Catches , Beautiful , Stunning , Save Money , Difference , Mantle , Keystroke , Lotto Numbers , Answers , Google One Wet , Phone , Tie , House Worth , Winner , Stock , Good , Super Bowl , Stock Market , Google , 2023 , Cheating , Cameo Tonight , Basis , Orlando Magic , Basketball , Communities , Change , Super Bowls , Research , World Series , Winners , Raiders , Team , Buddies , I M A Realist , Googling , Bubble , Misinformation , Pole , Poll , Shot , Say Yes , 36 , 49 , 64 , 51 , Dylan Bostick , Land , Pay , Scott Williams , Disney World , Elvis Return , Elon Musk , Tommy , Imimthe Guy , Presidency , Planet , Nuclear A Nile Layings , Time Machine , Stay , Dan Mac , 2024 Imimthe , 2032 , Book , Freak , Messes , Mist , Powerful , Mr , Contact , Jesse Watters , Resident , Towns , Rubble , Hurricane Force Winds ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox 20240704

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more than 50 lives. almost 2,000 buildings. in moments, we'll talk to a local pastor about what the church is doing to help, but first to the senior national correspondent william lajeunesse live for us on the ground in maui with the very latest. william. >> reporter: trace, we're in the harbor about ten miles south of la hind a and this is also where the police roadblock is and the check point. people can't get into lahina because they're still looking for bodies but if you want to go you have to go by boat but that's supposed to be illegal. we heard some incredible stories today from people who were in the water for eight hours or more, waited to be picked up and had jumped to avoid the flames in lahina per se. one thing i heard today over and over, the speed of this fire was so great, people could just not -- they couldn't get out in time. they couldn't even see the flames, the smoke was so thick. traffic was backed up. people literally died in their cars. now, lahina is of course the hardest hit the heart of the island, commercial heart, and they may have lost several hundred homes in lahina per se. also a hundred boats in the harbor, we're told only six survived that. the break water down to the wharf is only maybe a few hundred yards, and in many cases we were told there were flames on the water that prevented people from getting out. >> i had no clue the devastation really until we hopped on the bus and saw just this carnage with all the homes burned and all the businesses burnt down. >> reporter: about 10,000 are still without power, no cell or land lines. so people don't know if their friends and families survived or not. that's one of the reasons they're trying to get in, even illegally. many people we are told did survive but they are not leaving because they can't get back in. also we are told the governor's looking for about a thousand, 2,000 hotel rooms because of these displaced people. also they are saying there will be some reimbursement for that. also the shelters we are told is full. as for the fires they are not a hundred percent contained but largely no longer a threat to life. the weather is improving but the governor says the recovery, even with federal help, is a long way off. >> it's a heart-breaking day, without a doubt. what we've seen today has been catastrophic. what we saw was likely the largest natural disaster in hawaii's state history. >> reporter: now, we're also told, trace, there's been some looting and i've toqued some merchants who have tried to use boats to get up and check on their stuff and get things out before people get in, and also we're told that there are long, long lines from the people in the con to say who don't have the benefit of a full service hotel, and there's been looting up there as well and lines outside of grocery stores there. but by in large aloha spirit here and people are taking care of each other. we went to a shelter and saw a lot of people being delivered, food and diapers and blankets and towels and that kind of thing. but again, in earlies the of the final death toll, that's probably a few days away. back to you. >> trace: been there a dozen times william, i have never seen anything like that. william lajeunesse live on the scene, back on to him as the news breaks. the local pastor james morocco, great to have you on william said the aloha spirit. wondering how you're consulting your members who might be missing loved ones right now pastor. >> well, we have no idea who they are right now. they're still finding bodies all over lahina. the death count is growing. communications have been off and people can't find their families so that's been difficult to know who's lost a loved one or not. but we're not just administering to our church community, we're administering to the entire island and god has been very kind. a number of people have been helping. we've got food coming from city serve. we've got hope is wanting to hitchings other groups wanting to help and it's -- we're reaching the entire island because of the unique position god's placed us in as a church at the very crossroads of the island. >> trace: i'm wondering pastor how the island is doing for resources. do you know what is needed right now. >> we set up a fund, a relief fund right now because you don't know what the needs are and we do know a lot of people are displaced, trying to put up temporary shelters for people. we have a piece of property we're going to be working with our social service arm to try to help as man people as we can. so we do have a fund called the maui relief fund, they can help by getting ahold of kings and clicking it. one of the problems you are aware of, when you have a tragedy like this a lot of people try to use it to take advantage of getting money for projects we have no idea about. so i'm thankful that we have a lot of people that are starting to help and, so, we will cross the bridge of resources when it comes, so... . >> trace: yeah, pastor, very quickly, lastly, you know, i've covered a lot of these types of things. i always worry about the kids. kids take this very hard, psychologically, physically. is there help to be had there as far as resources go? >> well, i know that everybody in this county is trying to help. schools are trying to help. our government offices are trying to help. everybody's trying to do that. i know as far as the church, we do have children's ministries and we want to do everything we can to be a blessing. it's so difficult to know, because every family's different. everybody's having their own unique struggles. and so we're just here to be a source of blessing for them. >> trace: all the best to you pastor and your people there. we will check back in with you. best of luck to you the. thank you for coming on. >> thank you for letting us be there. bye-bye. >> trace: meantime five americans held in iran will soon be heading home after president biden struck a prisoner swap with iranian assets. kevin corke is live in dc with the very latest on this kevin good evening. >> reporter: evening trace. once the five americans imprisoned in iran are allowed to return to the u.s. the biden administration has agreed to release a handful of iranian nationals serving prison sentences for violating sanctions in that country. this is not your run of the mill prisoner swap. see, the u.s. has also agreed to unfreeze nearly $6 billion of iran's assets currently in south korea transferring the funds into an account into the central bank of cutter. >> i'm also not going to get not any of the details about what we're doing or engaged on because i don't want to jeopardize the completion of this process of the return home of our fellow citizens. in any event, in any respect, iran will not be receiving any sanctions relief. >> reporter: but that's a bit of slight of hand argues form secretary of state mike pompeo who is panning this move. >> we're now about a billion dollars a hostage, that price will be recognized by the russian and north koreas who hold an american that came across the border and the fact iranians will take further hostages only increases because of this. >> reporter: sources tell fox news tonight that this process is likely to take weeks to unfold before the folks return here back to the u.s. and we can only hope for the very best trace. >> trace: indeed we can kevin corke live for us in dc >> the iowa state fair is under way and many of the 2024 gop hopefuls are on ground including hopeful donald trump who said he won't participate in pretty much everything. chief correspondent jonathan hunt is live with what we can expect from the political pit stop good evening. >> reporter: good evening trace. iowa state far is a vital part for anyone vying for the nomination and this year the republican candidates not named trump are hoping it can give them a much needed boost to get anywhere near the former president's poll numbers. >> i stand before you today because i know we need new leadership in the white house but i also believe we need new leadership in the republican party. >> reporter: wile the former vice-president makes the case he's the true conservative in this i say ra, florida governor ron desantis trail trump by some 24 points, according to the latest new york times sienna pole is making the claim that he rather than trump is best placed to win the general election. >> with me as the candidate, you're going to have somebody that will beat biden. >> reporter: the former president will head to iowa saturday, but says he won't take part in the fair side chats with the iowa governor that candidates traditionally take part in. trump has been feuding with republican governor kim reynolds but she was staying studiously stoic today. >> well, that's his choice. i would love to have the opportunity to interview him. >> reporter: and we still don't know trace whether trump will choose to take the stage at the first gop presidential primary debate on august 23rdrd. fox is hosing it. bret baier and martha maccallum. form president says he will tell them and the rest of us next week freyss. >> trace: jonathan hunt live for us. heritage foundation senior fellow jonathan isaacs. victoria great to have you on there. you saw jonathan's report or you heard it at least and the whole concept is you have the former president on the ground in iowa not really participating in a lot of things. is that a mistake. is that surprising to you? >> reporter: no, this is the same kind of political theater we have every four years, and i have to say i'm not sad not to be in iowa. i mean, as fun as it is this year, and to be working for a 501-c 3 and watching this from a little bit of a distance but you do point out a really interesting challenge for president trump which is does he engage, does he not engage. so that's the question that we're all going to be debating over the next couple of weeks. and that's a strategy for that campaign. >> trace: i wonder if, moving to a different topic, this picture released today by congresswoman elise stefanik, it is a picture of president biden on the plane with a man who was a former advisor. i'm wondering if you think that this is a big deal. stefanik wrote, at the time of this photo, hawkstein was in communication with hunter biden and burisma where hunter served on the board. we know this photo was taken on air force two ahead of biden's meeting with poroshenko if he would have aid withheld if the prosecutor was not fired. do you share stefanik's concern here. >> this is the key concern for all of this hunter biden stuff. it is not personal about what demons hunter biden may or may not have contended with, it's whether or not the biden family was in some way compromised by the business dealings that hunter biden engaged in. and amos hochstein has been the highest level for the biden administration administration he has gone out of the white house. you have to worry that in some way the energy policy of this administration is being driven by the family's business interests. and all americans should have an interest in finding out what the answer to those questions are. >> trace: yeah, but they don't. i mean that's kind of the problem. lastly i want to talk to you about the department of justice, i'm sorry, the fishings you know, christopher wray said that they only went after these catholics, it was one office, right, these traditionalist catholics, it was only in virginia, now we find out it was also portland oregon and los angeles. final thoughts on that. >> no, they've just gone after people of faith, and this is absolutely outrages. you know, that is not the business of the department of justice. the whole premise of the united states is that we are on freedom of religion. and the fact that they would start going after folks for this, and then try to cover it up is just shameful and i think this is another thing that the house republicans are going to have to have another investigation into. >> trace: i think they might. victoria coates great to have you on as always. thank you. >> thank you. >> trace: meantime president biden's justice department inserting itself into local school board meetings again. many of which are getting more contention over transgender student policy. the virginia governor now accusing the doj of acting as a political arm of the democratic party. anita vogel is live in our new york news room with more on this. anita good evening. >> reporter: good evening, trace. just when parents thought it was safe to go back to their local school board meeting, turns out the federal government still wants to be involved in their conversations. especially a special unit within the doj called the crs, the community relations service, been around since the 1960s, is offering to mediate any heated argument between school boards and parents. a recent meeting in roanoke virginia saw two people arrested during a discussion of the state's new policy relating to transgender students that says participation in sports or any school program separated by sex will be based on biological sex rather than gender identity. that also applies to locker rooms and bathrooms. but the state's republican governor, glenn youngkin says, president biden's justice department should stay in their lane. >> the department of justice, once again, is demonstrating, just like they did in hound county, that they are exercising political expression, and i wouldn't be surprised if the teachers unions are behind it once again. >> reporter: virginia school officials turned down the help from the crs saying they've got this situation under control. also important to note the crs is not a litigating arm and they have no enforcement ability. they just say they want to help keep the peace. but the answer from school officials in roanoke virginia was no thanks. trace. >> trace: not happy. anita vogel live for us in knockr new york, anita thank you. ♪ >> trace: speaking of education, the fox news at night common sense department is stunned by a new national survey that shows only 20% of teachers are very satisfied with their jobs. 2 out of 10 of the people educating your child like what they do. and 1 out of ever 3 teachers plans to quit in the next three years. that means police officers, villainized every single day are more satisfied than temps. one of the biggest in unhappiness is not having control of the classroom. instead of reading writing and arithmetic it's diversity equity and inclusion. and instead of discipline teachers now indicator and coddle. in the school district north of san diego they call it resist fortive justice that focuses on repairing harm instead of punishing rule prorex. bottom line bad or dangerous kids are no longer suspended or expelled. now they're given, quote, caring connections sessions. you know beat up a teacher do a little immediate teethes. common sense realizes that most public school students in america can't read or do math at grade level but they're not dumb. they fully understand we live in a time of zero consequences. maybe a paddle to the back side or a ruler to the knuckles is way too much, but does anyone think the answer is caring connections? hmm. let's bring in school board president of the chino valley unified school district sonja shaw president and ferrand of parents defending education nah nicole neily. ladies thank you for coming on we appreciate it. sonja to you first to make them happy you have to give them control of the classroom and offer discipline for the kids not doing the right thing. >> absolutely. we had a similar thing happen in our district where we were trying do this restorative justice stuff and it didn't work. we had fights break out and as soon as i took the seat in january we fixed that. we started to push back, although the state doesn't like that we're suspending and expelling with necessary means. the fights stopped. the kids got the message. discipline works. we need to make sure we continue that because otherwise it's creating chaos and our kids can't learn in a chaotic environment. >> trace: nicole your thoughts on this. >> it reminds me on ronald reagan you tax what you want less of and subsidize what you want more on. we are not taxing bad behavior we're incentivizing it. we are not teaching it you act out and there are consequences, you go sing kumbaya. are there any surprise children are acting out none whatsoever. >> trace: back to anita vogel story, in the crs e-mailed to the school board in roanoke, crs is aware of ongoing community tensions following radio release of the new policy with transgender students. i'd like to connect to see if we might be able to offer support and services as you work to manage conflict within the community related to this. manage conflict? why is the doj involved until this sonya? >> why are they involved in anything i think it's again government overreach. they've been sticking their hands in all these different issues including our policy lately. it just doesn't make sense. i mean, they can't even do their job and prosecute criminals and send the message and here we are with our own children. >> trace: i mean they did this before, that's the whole thing nicole, they have done this before. they have been pilloried before for doing this and they're kind of sneaking back in the game. >> i mean where was this mediation service when attorney general merrick garland sent a memo to the department of justice weaponizing the federal bureau of investigations against parents. that letter, the memo by garland, was sent at the pretext. of the national school board associations letter. they've since retracted their letter the department of justice has not. the department of justice memo is still in force so for this agency to claim it is a bipartisan -- it is a totally neutral mediator is garbage. >> trace: yeah going to alaska now because anchorage alaska school district like many others across alaska is now allowed to hide gender identity from parents and says, quote, the school district also has a confidential form students can dill out that allows them to include their birth and preferred name along with bathroom preferences. it will remain confidential only accessible with those with a legitimate need to know. apparently the parents don't have a legitimate need to know that their child might be transitioning. >> this is absolutely insane. why wouldn't they? we drop our kids off at school to be educated not to keep secrets. it doesn't even make sense. they're creating another environment that we need to push back on. i mean, does any parent go and say, oh, i'm going to drop off suzie to have a weird secret relationship with their teacher? absolutely not. >> trace: nicole i have ten seconds for us. wrap us up. >> we've identified over a thousand districts across the country with similar policies in place, we have several open court cases in courts against this. it's appalling unconstitutional and immoral. >> trace: nicole neily sonja shaw thank you both >> tired of big name brands pushing woke values on you? there now there's an alternative to at least one. nba star jonathan isaac joins us next to talk about his new faith based company and later the nightcap crew is allowing you to go ten years into the future and you have one minute to google whatever you want except for lotto numbers because that's lame, right? so would you take us up on the trip and what would you google? let us know on x, formerly twitter and instagram at trace gallagher, share your thoughts with us and we'll share them with the rest of the country. coming up in the nightcap. but first it's 8:21 on the west coast. a fox news at night trip across america, live look now, the iconic space needle in seattle. and to minneapolis, you can see u.s. bank stadium home to the vikings, could be quite good this year. and ocean drive still open for business tonight in miami beach. if you can't join us live, don't forget to set your dvr and watch us anytime. the sooner the better. ♪ ♪ but, you also can't leave covered in hair. with bounce pet, you can cuddle and brush that hair off. bounce. it's the sheet. ♪ ♪ we're reinventing our network... ...with smarter, more efficient routes... you can deliver more value to your customers. fast. reliable. perfectly orchestrated. the united states postal service. struggling with the highs and lows of bipolar 1? ask about vraylar. because you are greater than your bipolar 1, and you can help take control of your symptoms - with vraylar. some medicines only treat the lows or highs. vraylar treats depressive, acute manic, and mixed episodes of bipolar 1 in adults. proven, full-spectrum relief for all bipolar 1 symptoms. and in vraylar clinical studies, most saw no substantial impact on weight. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. call your doctor about unusual changes in behavior or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants can increase these in children and young adults. report fever, stiff muscles or confusion which may mean a life-threatening reaction, or uncontrollable muscle movements which may be permanent. high blood sugar, which can lead to coma or death, weight gain and high cholesterol may occur. movement dysfunction and restlessness are common side effects. sleepiness and stomach issues are also common. side effects may not appear for several weeks. ask about vraylar and learn how abbvie could help you save. so many people are overweight now and asking themselves, "why can't i lose weight?" for most, the reason is insulin resistance, and they don't even know they have it. conventional starvation diets don't address insulin resistance. that's why they don't work. now there's release from golo. it naturally helps reverse insulin resistance, stops sugar cravings, and releases stubborn fat, all while controlling stress and emotional eating. at last, a diet pill that actually works. go to to get yours. ♪ listen up, you dogs with allergic itch! today's talking lesson is just one word: apoquel. ap--o--quel. ♪ you can't teach your itchy dog to talk..., talk to your vet about apoquel. apoquel is for the control of allergic itch in dogs. do not use apoquel in dogs with serious infections. apoquel may increase the chances of developing serious infections... ...and may cause existing parasitic skin infections or pre-existing cancers to worsen. new neoplasias have been observed. i'm glad we speak the same language. ask your vet for apoquel. >> trace: first up in tonight's real news roundup the sound of freedom continues to perform at the box office racking up more than $150 million since its release and now reaching a new audience. nfl star odell beckham jr. baltimore ravens wide receiver posted a short review on x saying sound of freedom, i don't even know what to say. that's heavy. >> the immigration system in this nation is broken. new york city has been left to pick up the pieces. new yorkers could be left with a $12 billion bill. >> trace: new york city mary eric adams says without more help from the federal government his city will be on the hook, as you heard for billions of dollars to than crisis. nearly 3,000 asylum seekers entered the city's shelter system just last week alone on top of the 54,000 migrants already in the city's care. well, advanced auto parts will give ten incoming freshmen the chance to win free rides or four years worth of paid gas. the promotion allows a new survey or follows a new survey that says paying for gas is a financial strain to 67% of college students >> it almost seems that major retailers these days are looking for a fight seeking to divide us rather than unite us. our next guest has a solution and the name of his brand is very fitting. let's bring in nba star orlando manly i can forward jonathan isaac. jonathan great to have you on. your grand is called unites. i want to play a clip from one of your ads and we'll get your goal on the other side. watch. >> it's celebrating faith, family and freedom and honoring the dignity of those who disagree. it's having principles and striving to live by them. it's walking the walk wearing your values on your sleeve. >> trace: you wonder, is the goal here to make a lot of money or is the goal really here, this noticeable cause, to really try to unite people? >> absolutely the goal is to create a community of people who are emboldened and strengthened in their values and bring them together through high-quality super dope merch and allow them to freely express that. in today's day there are plenty of companies movinging in an opposite direction and what i wanted to do was instead of just complain about it, do something about it. have some action, step into the marketplace and give faith loving americans, freedom loving americans the freedom to buy with their jules listen i want to wish you the best of luck in your super-dope merch because i think it will be a brand people will recognize. this is something that caught my eye and i thought you might be interested. fox news writes former senior writer at a major golf outlet steve eubanks claimed he resigned after his editors demanded he cut the pro life and christian elements from an interview he did with professional golfer amy olson who is competing while pregnant and steve eubanks quit. i mean, he quit because they would not allow this in the article? why? >> yeah, that's terrible. i think it speaks to, again, the times that we're in in our country. i think it's not a secret certain values and perspectives are allowed in main stream media and there are values and perspectives that aren't. and it speaks to where we are and i think that what he did by quitting was commendable. and i've had my fair share of run-ins with the main stream media. back in 2020 i didn't take the covid vaccine and i had an article in rolling stone where i was completely misrepresented. so i think alternatives will be the answer. >> trace: msnbc is hitting you all the time jonathan, just nothing new, just kind of the way it is. amy olson in the unpublished interview with steven eubanks said it's very tough being a christian, always tough political because christianity is supposed to touch every aspect of your life. i believe in comprehensive christianity which dictates how you treat people how you see the world and the decisions you make. i think that's a good assessment right there. what do you think? >> i'd agree. i try to allow my faith in jesus christ to be my leading principle on the decisions i've made and it's been that. so her definition on a comprehensive christianity was really good. >> trace: i just want to very quickly, i've got to go but why is it there's so much and tip think towards the u.s. women's national soccer team? is it because there's this feeling they don't really care about america? what do you think it is? >> i think there's definitely a sentiment that they aren't necessarily proud to be there in terms of supporting or wearing the american flag on their sleeves and supporting that. i think they've been, you know, kind of negative or derogatory towards the flag and what not, not singing the national anthem. and that does have a lot of americans up in arms. so i understand it. i think if you are going to and represent the country you should take pride in the country that you're representing. >> trace: jonathan isaac good luck with the dope merch we'll see you in the nightcap. >> thank you so much. >> trace: kids are being targeted by online predators at an alarming rate. what to be on the look out first. but first the latest in public transportation is hitting the streets of las vegas, and a once in a lifetime experience for some lucky individuals. it was out of this world. the day's best viral videos next but first a live look, downtown atlanta. the skyline lit up and looking great. ♪ pepcid complete works fast and lasts for powerful heartburn relief. with an antacid that starts working in seconds- and a acid reducer that relieves occasional heartburn all day. other brands can't do both. pepcid complete. a mystery! jessie loves playing detective. but the real mystery was her irritated skin. so, we switched to tide pods free & gentle. it cleans better, and doesn't leave behind irritating residues. and it's gentle on her skin tide free & gentle is epa safer choice certified. it's got to be tide ♪ . >> trace: well, we all know the internet is not the safest place for our children and now new data shows the problem is only getting worse. here's correspondent cb cotton. >> they bee friend them. they talk their language. or they can be totally deceitful and they can pretend to be the opposite sex or they could pretend to be younger. >> reporter: agent craig vander hoff with homeland security investigations new jersey field office says kids are being exploited in online chat rooms over social media and through online gaming programs every single day. and the numbers spiked during the pandemic. >> they're sitting at home all day during covid and they're finding new ways to target these kids. so, yeah, i would say double edged sword on that. kids are certainly on line more and so are the bad guys. >> reporter: according to the national center for missing and exploited children, between 2020 and 2022, reports of online enticement of children for sexual acts increased by nearly 113%. >> once you see that first picture it's like ammunition that they have and it just doesn't stop. he used the threat of, if you don't comply i'm going to kill your sister. >> reporter: brianna, now 21, says she was targeted online during middle school by someone she thought was a student. >> at first it was sending explicit photos but then his demands became more and more where he would have me get on skype every night and basically perform and what we didn't find out until later within the investigation was he was live streaming me and ultimately trafficking me over the internet. >> reporter: for three years, she stayed silent until her parents found out and went to police. now, she warns of the dangers. >> i believe that if me parents knew what sort of apps i was dealing with and if they knew how to navigate it, i believe they would have been able to detect it a lot sooner. >> reporter: this week homeland security investigations announced the results of a first of its kind effort called operation renewed hope. the agency says the operation led to the identification of more than 300 people who are likely victims of online child sexual exploitation or abuse. trace. >> trace: cb cotton, thank you. let's bring in psychiatrist dr. yalda safai. it's great to have you on. it seems like listening to that piece that you have these young kids being exploited and they don't really know how to fight back. they don't know what to do. they think they'll get in trouble if they tell their parents so they i guess comply right. >> reporter: exactly unfortunately the technology revolution has made it unsafe for a kid. it's almost safer to play alone in a park than at home with their own devices. it's important to know if your kid has a device you need to be cautious and hyper vigilant. there's no sister typical victim or predator, anybody can fall prey to this. it's important to educate and raise awareness, tell your kid, educate them, let them know any image they put on the internet will live forever and haunt until their adulthood and create an environment where a child can come to you if distress. >> trace: when you say educate your child what ages are we talking about. >> this is complicated, kids are having devices as four or five years old. obviously a four or 5-year-old is not going to fall into this. but the most vulnerable age is 10-stiffly that's when you start right. >> yes. >> trace: crazy. this is a story that captured the nation's attention, tiffany gomez, the woman on the plane who said this, watch. >> i'm telling you i'm getting the [bleep] off and there's the reason why i'm getting the [bleep] off and everyone can either believe it or they cannot believe it. i don't give two [bleep]s but i am telling you right now [bleep], that [bleep] back there is not real. >> reporter:. >> trace: we've seen the rest of the video and we know there's more context, she first was much calmer now they're stocking her house doxing her doing all kinds of stuff. she said the following, no one knows anyone else's story and no one should judge. no one knows what it's like. they're staking out my house, they're staking out my neighborhoods, they're going through my mail. so much of what's out there is inaccurate. she clearly had some kind of a little issue there and now she's being villainized by a lot of people. >> poor girl, i feel for her. she was having a bad day. we've all had bad days, all situations where we had one or two nervous breakdowns in our lifetime. the problem as a society whenever we see a person in distress we record it. this poor woman should not have had her nervous break down recorded and gone viral. i feel for her. >> trace: do you think at some point in time maybe she was right in this thing? >> i mean i don't know what her mental state was. i cannot comment on that, but i definitely feel for her. >> trace: finally page six says reality star's going war against bravo, revenge porn depraved treatment, they sent an illegal letter, they're saying they have satisfy giving them alcohol depriving them of food and sleep and taking this video during the show and putting it on line as some type of pornography. this has got been very to be mentally destabilizing. >> hundred percent. i'm not going to talk about the bravo stars, but generally you get involved in the field in entertainment. they have a goal and want to reach their goal so bad they're willing to put up with anything, often times abuse or exploitation like this. so i feel for them and it's just they're in a vulnerable position and people are tank advantage of them so it's really important. >> trace: dr. yalda safai, great to have you on as always. >> thank you. >> trace: thank you. first up in tonight's viral videos, a georgia sheriff threw a pool party for pups waiting for adoption. the dogs are part of the bondable pups program that pairs stray dawes overly fearful or have behavior problems with inmates who foster and train them until they are ready for their forever homes. >> it's a garage design where the city said basically facing each other. we have by directionality, which means you could be traveling in either direction depending with i way you're going. >> trace: the horseless carriage has lost its driver along with the steering wheels and pedals, a company has deployed the latest before the launch, they say each taxi has 100 safety measures not found in traditional cars. time will tell if that's enough to keep up with vegas traffic which is always bad >> meantime sec meant offensive line police now on the hunt for a pair of would-be robberies who tried to steal an atm machine with a fork lift. they were able to get it onto the truck but then it fell back into traffic moments later and the suspects fled. thousands of people on hand for chicago's annual duck derby to watch a thousand ducks race down the delaware river. onlooks were invited to adopt a duck or several ducks for a what happens to win a car. proceeds from the event are donated to the special olympics. always a good cause. virgin galactic did their first test tour, out of earth's atmosphere. two of the passengers were a mom and daughter duo who won the tickets through a fund raising draw. whole flight took maybe an hour. the memories clearly will last much longer than that. if you have a rye val video to share share it with us at trace gallagher or fox news at night on social media. and let's say you get access to time traveling delorien sends you ten clears the future but you only have one minute to google something. whatever you want except lot 0 numbers, what do you look up? because then you have to come right back to this year. there's still time to weigh in on x and instagram on trace gallagher. the nightcap crew is next but first a live look at london just before sunrise. ♪ we'll be right back. ♪ >> i'm meteorologist marissa torres here's your fox weather friday forecast. heat alerts from texas all the way lou the gulf coast and all across florida. we have the severe threat in through areas of missouri into minneapolis so really areas of the upper midwest into the great lakes and then also things quieting down for the northeast and dryer for the pacific northwest. you can download the fox weather app or stream fox weather from your favor connected tv device. e taking antacid after antacid all day long but with prilosec otc just one pill a day blocks heartburn for a full 24 hours. for one and done heartburn relief, prilosec otc. one pill a day, 24 hours, zero heartburn. beautiful. you see how the light catches the hubcap? stunning. you sure you don't want your family in the family photos? they helped us save money when we bundled, so... yeah. same difference. okay. this one's going on the mantle. ♪ >> trace: okay, this is fun. we are back with the nightcap crew, anita vogel, keystroke jonathan hunt, dr. yalda safai and sonja shaw. tonight's topic, searching the future. if you could time travel ten years in the future for one minute, in fact we're allowing you to go to the future for one minute and someone handed you a phone and you could google one wet, but you can't do lotto numbers, what would it be and i think we're going to have some surprising answers here. i have to start with anita vogel because i think you're going to go in and i'm channelling what i think you're going to say. go ahead anita. >> i have two trace. i couldn't break the tie. who's the president and what's the value of my house? what's my house worth in 10 years. >> trace: good, okay. that's a tie. kevin corke what are you going to google in your future life? >> super bowl winner. >> trace: that's what i was going to say. >> top performing stock this year. >> trace: i was going to say what's the best company in america in 2023, but that's a good one. so yalda safai. >> i was going to say the stock market, the most important financial thing you can google. >> trace: it's kind of like cheating, kind of the whole lotto thing. if you're going to do the stock market it is tea same thing it's the basis of cheating. here it is we had a cameo tonight, we have with us jonathan isaac with the orlando magic and his google would be, watch. >> honestly i would google myself. i would want to know what i've done in the last 10 years, primarily if i've stuck to the faith, what i've done in terms of my family, basketball, and unites, i would want to know what we've done to create change in our communities. >> trace: i was doing research and kevin was talking about super bowls and really the number one thing that people are talking about in this thing is they would google world series winners and nba winners, speaking of jonathan isaac. and they would go through and sports things and i guess the idea would be you go back and you bet on your team or you tell your buddies i think the raiders are going to be pretty good this this year. who do we have? sonja. >> reporter: i'm a realist and i don't mean to burst anybody's bubble but will they even exist in ten years. with all the misinformation i don't think they'll be there. >> trace: really. >> reporter: i'm not going to waste my time googling. >> trace: you're passing on the google thing. >> yeah. >> trace: no shot? i'm going to look at the poll the pole is would you want to google anything ten years in the future, look at the numbers, on x 64 say yes 36 no, on instagram 49% say yes, 51 say, you know what, i'm going to pass on this. scott williams said how much did elon musk pay for the land where disney world used to be. tommy says will elvis return. and then dylan bostick who won the 2024 presidential election. dan mac, hey google what caused the complete nuclear a nile layings of the planet in 2024. >> imimthe guy who said who won the presidency in 2024 and if i didn't like the answer i would burn the time machine to the ground and stay in 2032. >> i would take a page from jonathan's book i would google my kids to see if they did what they were supposed to do and if not there would be trouble at home. thank you for watching the nightcap and watching america's late news. fox news at night. i'm trace gallagher in los angeles. dvr if you can't watch us live. we'll see you right back here tomorrow ♪ ♪ we used to struggle with greasy messes. now, we just freak, wipe, and we're done! with mr. clean clean freak, conquering messes is that easy. clean freak's mist is three times more powerful, and it works on contact. clean freak, just freak, wipe, done. ♪ ♪ we're reinventing our network... ...with smarter, more efficient routes... you can deliver more value to your customers. fast. reliable. perfectly orchestrated. the united states postal service. >> hello oil jesse watters and this is "the five." heartbreaking devastation in hawaii at least 36 lives lost after hurricane force winds whipped up wildfires that raged across the island reducing towns to rubble. one resident watching as the flames

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Foundation , 23 , Concept , Mistake , Victoria , Theater , Fun , Four , 501 , 3 , Point , Distance , Question , Challenge , Plane , Picture , Topic , Strategy , Campaign , Congresswoman Elise Stefanik , Photo , Hawkstein , Communication , Deal , Advisor , Burisma , Meeting , Board , Prosecutor , Aid , Air Force Two , Poroshenko , Two , Wall , Concern , Hunter Biden May , Demons , Hunter Biden Stuff , Business Dealings , Amos Hochstein , Business Interests , Energy Policy , Level , Problem , Answer , Fishings You Know , Interest , I M Sorry , Questions , Christopher Wray , Faith , Thoughts , Traditionalist Catholics , Roanoke Virginia , Office , Portland Oregon , Business , Premise , Freedom Of Religion , Investigation , Republicans , House , Victoria Coates , Department Inserting , Justice , Student Policy , Contention , School Board , Acting , Government , Anita Vogel , News Room , New York , Democratic Party , School Board Meeting , School Boards , Unit , Offering , Crs , Conversations , Argument , Community Relations Service , 1960 , Students , Policy , Gender Identity , Sex , Sports , Estate , Discussion , School Program , Biden S Justice Department , Glenn Youngkin , Hound County , Locker Rooms , Bathrooms , Lane , Teachers , Virginia School Officials , Situation , Expression , Unions , Litigating Arm , School Officials , Enforcement Ability , Peace , Survey , Education , Common Sense Department , Knockr , Jobs , 20 , Child , Police Officers , Teachers Plans , 2 , 10 , 1 , Three , Control , Classroom , Discipline Teachers , Reading Writing , Indicator , Temps , Unhappiness , Biggest , Inclusion , Diversity Equity , Coddle , School District North , Bottom Line , Harm , Rule Prorex , Fortive , San Diego , Teacher , Quote , Consequences , Public School , America Can T , Teethes , Math , Grade Level , Connections Sessions , Common Sense , Zero , Nicole Neily Sonja Shaw , Connections , Paddle , Ruler , Knuckles , Chino Valley Unified School District , Ladies , Nicole Neily , Ferrand , Fights , Restorative Justice , District , Discipline , Seat , Didn T Work , Message , Chaos , Doesn T , Means , Discipline Works , Environment , Behavior , Ronald Reagan , Anita Vogel Story , None , Sing Kumbaya , Radio Release , Community Tensions , School Board In Roanoke , Community , Conflict , Services , Government Overreach , Sonya , Issues , Job , Before , Hands , Doesn T Make Sense , Criminals , Memo , Mediation Service , Merrick Garland , Sneaking , Game , Letter , Investigations , Bureau , Pretext , National School Board Associations , School District , Agency , Mediator , Bipartisan , Garbage , Force , Others , Anchorage Alaska , Birth , Need , Transitioning , Bathroom Preferences , Say , School , Parent , It Doesn T , Secrets , Sense , Back On , Place , Districts , Nicole , Secret , Relationship , Up , Suzie , Values , Court , Courts , Alternative , Nightcap Crew , Numbers , Nba Star Jonathan Isaac , Lotto , Company , Nightcap , Know On X , Instagram , Trip , West Coast , Twitter , 21 , Vikings , Space Needle , Seattle , To Minneapolis , Ocean Drive , U S Bank Stadium , Dvr , Hair , Better , Bounce Pet , Live , Miami Beach , Value , Network , Routes , Smarter , Customers , Hair Off , Bounce , Sheet , Bipolar , Lows , Highs , United States Postal Service , Fast , Vraylar , Adults , Symptoms , Take Control , Medicines , Episodes , Manic , Weight , Death , Studies , Changes , Impact , Dementia , Stroke , Doctor , Antidepressants , Risk , Patients , Muscle Movements , Side Effects , Muscles , Restlessness , Sleepiness , Confusion , Cholesterol , High Blood Sugar , Fever , Reaction , Weight Gain , Coma , Stomach , Movement Dysfunction , Abbvie , Reason , Insulin Resistance , Most , Starvation , Stress , Release , They Don T Work , Eating , Fat , Golo , Sugar Cravings , At Last , Apoquel , Word , Lesson , Itch , O , Quel , Ap , Dogs , Infections , Vet , Dog , Chances , Skin Infections , Language , Cancers , Neoplasias , The Sound Of Freedom , Box Office , First Up In Tonight S , Odell Beckham Jr , Immigration System , Audience , Review , Wide Receiver , Nfl , Baltimore Ravens , 50 Million , 150 Million , Nation , Pieces , Bill , 12 Billion , 2 Billion , City , Mary Eric Adams , Asylum Seekers , Billions , Top , Hook , Crisis , Migrants , Shelter System , 54000 , 3000 , Gas , Promotion , Advanced Auto Parts , Chance , Rides , Freshmen , Brand , College Students , Strain , Solution , Guest , Fight Seeking , Retailers , Nba , Star Orlando Manly , 67 , Goal , Unites , Watch , Grand , Ads , Clip , Freedom , Principles , Dignity , Walk , Cause , Sleeve , Something , Direction , Merch , Companies , Marketplace , Action , Step , Freedom Loving Americans , Jules , Senior Writer , Editors , Eye , Golf Outlet , Elements , Steve Eubanks , Christian , Article , Interview , Amy Olson , Times , Perspectives , Main Stream Media , Aren T , Covid , Share , Back , Run Ins , 2020 , Rolling Stone , Alternatives , Nothing , Msnbc , Christianity , Aspect , Steven Eubanks , Decisions , World , Assessment , Jesus Christ , Think , Principle , Definition , Tip , U S Women National Soccer Team , Flag , Sentiment , Terms , Sleeves , Feeling , Pride , Anthem , Arms , Dope Merch , Good Luck , Predators , Rate , Look , Videos , Out Of This World , Latest , Streets , Transportation , Individuals , Experience , Once In A Lifetime , Las Vegas , Downtown Atlanta , Heartburn , Antacid , Acid Reducer , Pepcid Complete Works Fast , Skyline , Powerful Heartburn Relief , Both , Brands , Jessie , Mystery , Skin , Residues , Playing Detective , Gentle , Tide Pods , Doesn T Leave , Safer Choice Certified , Internet , Correspondent Cb Cotton , Bee Friend , Data , Agent Craig Vander Hoff , Field Office , Social Media , Chat Rooms , Gaming , Homeland Security , New Jersey , Line , Ways , Pandemic , Sword , Guys , Acts , Enticement , Ammunition , National Center For Missing And Exploited Children , 113 , 2022 , Someone , Brianna , Sister , Student , Middle School , Doesn T Stop , Photos , Demands , Skype , Dangers , Apps , First , Results , Identification , Effort , Operation Led , Homeland Security Investigations , Operation Renewed Hope , 300 , Dr , Exploitation , Yalda Safai , Cb Cotton , Victims , Abuse , Psychiatrist , Listening , Trouble , Technology Revolution , They Don T , Kid , Anybody , Devices , Prey , Victim , Device , Predator , Distress , Adulthood , Raise , Awareness , Image , Age , Ages , 5 , Woman , Story , Crazy , Bleep , Attention , Yes , Tiffany Gomez , Everyone , Video , No One , Kinds , Context , Following , Anyone Else , Issue , Mail , Neighborhoods , Girl , Lifetime , Breakdowns , Person , Situations , Society , Break , Page , Sleep , Alcohol Depriving , Revenge Porn Depraved Treatment , Reality Star S Going War Against Bravo , Bravo Stars , Pornography , Type , Show , Tank Advantage , Field , Entertainment , Pool Party , Sheriff , Pups Waiting For Adoption , Georgia , Inmates , Garage Design , Behavior Problems , Pairs , Pups , Forever Homes , Bondable , Driver , Pedals , Steering Wheels , Horseless Carriage , Directionality , Offensive Line Police , Taxi , Launch , Safety Measures , Sec , 100 , Hunt , Thousands , Pair , Would , Atm Machine , Fork Lift , Robberies , Suspects , Truck , Thousand , Duck , Ducks , Proceeds , Car , Chicago , Duck Derby , Delaware River , Special Olympics , Onlooks , Virgin Galactic , Duo , Test Tour , Atmosphere , Passengers , Tickets , Fund Raising Draw , Mom , Daughter , Earth , Memories , Share It , Flight , At Night On Social Media , Rye Val , Whatever , 0 , Sunrise , London , Areas , Heat Alerts , Gulf Coast , Marissa Torres , All The Way Lou , Texas , Upper Midwest , Great Lakes , Missouri , Stream Fox , Favor , Tv Device , Dryer , Pacific Northwest , E Taking Antacid , Heartburn Relief , Zero Heartburn , Prilosec Otc , Hubcap , Catches , Beautiful , Stunning , Save Money , Difference , Mantle , Keystroke , Lotto Numbers , Answers , Google One Wet , Phone , Tie , House Worth , Winner , Stock , Good , Super Bowl , Stock Market , Google , 2023 , Cheating , Cameo Tonight , Basis , Orlando Magic , Basketball , Communities , Change , Super Bowls , Research , World Series , Winners , Raiders , Team , Buddies , I M A Realist , Googling , Bubble , Misinformation , Pole , Poll , Shot , Say Yes , 36 , 49 , 64 , 51 , Dylan Bostick , Land , Pay , Scott Williams , Disney World , Elvis Return , Elon Musk , Tommy , Imimthe Guy , Presidency , Planet , Nuclear A Nile Layings , Time Machine , Stay , Dan Mac , 2024 Imimthe , 2032 , Book , Freak , Messes , Mist , Powerful , Mr , Contact , Jesse Watters , Resident , Towns , Rubble , Hurricane Force Winds ,

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