Transcripts For FOXNEWSW America 20240704 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW America 20240704

inaction. >> sandra: the new york city mayor has been saying that for the last year. nearly 100,000 migrants have arrived here. so many that families are now sleeping on sidewalks and in makeshift tent cities that are popping up. that's all expected to cost a whopping $12 billion down the line. >> gillian: perhaps most surprising is the mayor's lack of communication with the commander in chief. >> have you talked to the president directly? >> we had a conversation last year, we communicated with the white house several times. we have a body, a contingent from homeland security here now. >> gillian: last year? chaos up north stems from the chaos unfolding down south. illegal border crossings are surging in the rio grande valley. bill melugin, what kind of activity is the border patrol seeing today? >> gillian, good afternoon to you. cbp source tells me as of this morning, more than 19,000 migrants in federal custody nationwide and that all four of their main border patrol sectors are already almost at capacity or over capacity, and we had a busy night here. take a look at the video, 3:00 a.m. in fronton, texas, came across this group of several hundred migrants. more than 300 who crossed illegally. family units, a lot of parents with little kids and toddlers. a lot of unaccompanied children and teenagers who made the journey alone. it was mostly honduran, a lot of babies out there crying. sources tell me a large majority of the family units are being released into the u.s. with a future court date. the migrants know that, that's why they turn themselves in to border patrol. an hour later, we came across another large group. this time near sullivan city. once again, more family units. a lot of parents with little kids. keep in mind, the biden administration has been promising consequences for crossing illegally, the migrants are not worried about that, they are expecting to be released into the united states. and this video out of roma, illegal immigrant hiding in a residential neighborhood, arrested by texas dps, hiding near someone's garage after crossing illegally. had a cartel wristband on, and paid $1,200 to cartel smugglers to enter the united states. and just after that, another group of migrants crossed illegally. once again, family units, toddlers, little kids and parents as the illegal crossings are surging big time down here in the rio grande valley and finish off in kinney county, dash cam video showing a trooper pulling up behind a human smuggler who stops in the middle of the high, doors fly open and eight illegal immigrants bail off running off into the brush to try to escape. the trooper decides to go after the driver, the smuggler who is running down the road. is able to arrest him. but seven out of the eight did end up escaping. they are known as got-aways. and as we are looking at the groups last night, i picked up a lot of the cartel wristbands. all over the place on the ground like leaves on the ground. they say enter or arrive, because the cartels consider the migrants human cargo, and everybody who crosses down here is wearing one of these. they are all over the ground. it's a pretty remarkable sight to see, guys. back to you. >> gillian: wow, bill melugin in texas, thank you. >> this is outrageous. they are putting nonamerican before american. >> ymca there, we have a charter school behind us, a preschool on the side. >> this whole thing is only gonna -- is gonna snowball because the schools are going to open in about two weeks. and we are totally unprepared to handle that. >> sandra: hundreds of protestors in new york city outraged over mayor adams opening a new migrant center in their neighborhood. brian kilmeade, this is getting to the blue cities who called themselves sanctuary cities, we welcome all the migrants with open arms. well, they are coming and now you have the mayors saying we cannot handle any more. what's going to happen here? >> i don't have to tell you how this story has accelerated. you remember when the former president of the united states said we are going to stop the sanctuary city things, and they said no you are not, they sued and were successful and the busses arrived from texas, said i don't like your little stunts. but we are going to welcome everyone, show you what great hearts we have and now eric adams says we have big hearts, we can't afford it. almost 100,000 people have passed through, 56,000 are still here. they have taken 194 sites. now, in randall's island in particular, as a guy who coached soccer on long island, i must have coached soccer there, about 45 games, between manhattan, asphalt green and downtown united, their home field. >> sandra: kids come in from all over the state. >> they have no other place to play. just in their last weeks of summer and you said hey, you know when you show up for a game, it's now tent city and nothing against illegal immigrants, we have no idea who we are. would you send your kids to play in that park anymore because you have no idea who is living there, what they are doing and how they got there. >> sandra: and the ones there are single male immigrants. to your point, we don't know who they are. but that's one aspect that the city is dealing with, right. you walk by the roosevelt hotel, the businesses, people who are trying to commute to go to grand central, they are encountering problems everywhere and the mayor has finally had it. and jamal bowman is saying democrats are looking bad over the growing crisis. called on the president to show some leadership. that's where this has gotten. we had the sound, here is bowman blasting thes ght now. >> we need leadership from president biden, period. we need that leadership here in new york state. because you know, new york state is struggling, we are struggling to provide housing and all the supports the migrants need. here is the thing. democrats are looking bad right now in new york state, and that's unacceptable. >> that is important stuff. >> chip roy, texas congressman, and have you talked to democrats, there are so many, 15 to 20 that have come out and said you are hurting my chances of re-election, most importantly should be you are hurting the city. hurting the people. >> sandra: and i'm thinking to myself, where is kamala harris, by the way. remember, she's the border czar. polled for you number of days passed since president biden named her the border czar. 869 days and where we are today. >> this is how clueless she said. instead of complaining, show some leadership. you are supposed to be leading and well i want to go to the root causes, ok, where are the root causes, two zoom calls and one visit and asking pepsi to open up a plant in some diminished country? this is costing $4.7 billion by the next june, 9.8 million a day in a city that's overdrawn, the governor of massachusetts has come out and called on the people of massachusetts to open up their homes and bring in illegal immigrants, let alone the schools. insane. >> sandra: no doubt, it has reached a level i don't think many predicted it would. this is the new york city mayor adams, he says it's not his job to fix the root of the problem. listen. >> this is a moment where people need to stop asking, eric, what are you doing? this is a moment we need to ask what are we doing? this is not mayor adams' job. this is the job of the people of the city of new york. >> sandra: you know who else says that, a lot of communities dealing with this. but they have to deal with it, the border communities that have been dealing with it. wall street journal nails it today with the blue state migrant crisis. political stunt of claiming to be sanctuary cities is not fun anymore. they are learning how texas and florida feel. if they want relief, put more pressure on the biden administration by being honest of the immigration failures. and sinema calling out big city mayors on the border. >> i hear from folks in other parts of the country say it's hard, our shelters overwhelmed, come live a day in the life of yuma, summerton or san luis. >> sandra: you mentioned arizona. >> will this election make democrats and republicans take note their border matters. i thought it was going to matter in 2022 but abortion was number one issue. bad enough where you will say it's not good, not for my party, and eric adams said i didn't run for mayor, i didn't run for the job. you want to pay my amx bill, change my tires, you consider a biden disciple, you can't control your own president, what do you expect us to do? >> sandra: this weekend, what do you have coming up. >> a funny comedian and jordan peterson, part 1 of 2 parts, with the deep thinker. he makes you think so hard your brain hurts but i think you will benefit from it and like it. >> sandra: i feel inspired, i'll watch. brian, thank you. good to have you here today, gillian. >> gillian: monitoring deadly devastating fires on the island of maui, the fires have tragically killed 36 people, making it the deadliest u.s. wildfire in years. side-by-side images here show the destruction. our next guest evacuated when the situation deteriorated rapidly on tuesday. rachel zimmerman joins us from the island of maui. thank you for taking time out to talk about all of this with us. we hope you are ok, hope your loved ones are ok. maybe start by telling us what you've been through the last 48 hours, what has it been like for you? >> horrific. we woke up at 2:00 a.m. on tuesday morning to windows, screen being blown off due to high winds and went back to sleep. at 4:45, woke up again, looked out my window towards the mountain and saw a fire, very small, which point i called 911, the fire department called me a few minutes later looking for the fire, said they could not see it at which point i could no longer see the fire but they did tell me that the transformer on a power box had blown and they had it contained. so went back to sleep until about 5:00 a.m., i'm sorry, 8:00 a.m., and the wind was really bad, dog was scared, we were out of power since 5, and we were just kind of hanging out, my partner was working, he's a mental health therapist. at 3:20ish p.m. we smelled smoke and looked outside and saw a little bit of light gray and decided we needed to pack and leave immediately. so we grabbed a few things, our dog, went outside and the winds were howling. it was hard to keep car doors open. and got as much as we could in. our neighbors were around, unsure of what to do, and we were told that it was a gridlock on front street, which is where i live. and we were unable to turn northbound and we are not sure where the smoke was coming from, where the fire was. it was turning black very quickly and we turned south, we are heading down front street, and we are passing historic buildings, unsure of which way to go, calling friends to see if we could see where the fire was, our phones were only working -- and we turned the wrong way and were stuck in lahaina methodist church parking lot and then were able to go south on front street and power lines were down, roofs were off, people were unsure what to do, the traffic was bumper to bumper. i had been hyperventilating for, i don't know, 15 minutes, calling our parents saying we would stay near the ocean in case we had to jump in the water. and we don't know where a lot of people are. five minutes ago i just found out my neighbor is alive, barely made it out, and it happened so fast and leaving the house i knew it would be gone, and the whole town is gone. >> sandra: rachel, so sorry for everything you've gone through. incredible to hear that phone call to your parents about plan b, if you couldn't get out. as far as keeping in touch with neighbors and friends and family members, how are you going about that? how are you tracking down people and checking on people right now? >> our news is very limited here. everything is very community-driven. we check facebook groups, we check instagram, where we found out most information. there are spread sheets of names now in the thousands trying to figure out who is alive. we just heard horrific things that there are hundreds of people in the ocean, hoping that boats would be picking them up. boats have been picking them up, but the entire harbor was on fire, boats were on fire due to fuel, and it's just -- it's awful. i've started a spreadsheet for my complex to figure out who's alive. there's no cell service still on the entire west side, so i was calling people for the last 48 hours and have not been able to locate a lot of people. the roads have been closed going back to lahaina, and it's a 1-way situation road. you can either go south or all the way around north to get out. we thought we would die. it's just unbelievable how quickly this happened and these buildings are -- they have been around since the 1700s. this was the royal kingdom of hawaii and it's gone. >> gillian: rachel, a long road ahead of you to rebuild your life. stay in touch with us. if we can be helpful to you, please let us know. thank you for talking about this. i can imagine it's incredibly difficult but it is helpful to all of us to know what you are going through. thank you so much. >> sandra: rachel, our prayers with you. >> thank you. >> sandra: and everyone affected by that. we are staying on this breaking news at this hour on that prisoner deal and the details of it. brand-new reaction from mike pompeo, the former secretary of state just sending out this statement via twitter, releasing $6 billion to the butchers in tehran just so american hostages can go to a different type of prison is a terrible deal. iran should not profit from holding americans hostage. this as we still await further details on what is happening here and if the americans will indeed come home. >> gillian: yeah, it's important to point out, sandra, none of the details have been confirmed by the united states side, a lot of the reporting is out of foreign media outlets. only confirming they are happy that five iranian americans have been moved from a prison and transferred to house arrest. we will keep everybody up to speed. >> sandra: and dan hoffman, former station chief in moscow, fox news contributor will be joining us with reaction as we learn more coming up. >> gillian: republicans are digging deeper into the biden family bank records. and the names of several companies are showing up repeatedly, they tell us. republicans say the companies are being used as fronts. >> sandra: plus, president biden addressing testimony given by his son's one-time business partner, and close friend devon archer, thanks to a question by peter doocy. we will be joined on that next. >> this is always going to end with the bidens coming in front of the committee. we are going to subpoena the family. i mean, we are putting the case together to win in court. obviously with all the opposition and obstruction we are getting from the biden 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about the americans released in iran to house arrest, whether or not he will add additional detail to that but we are going to watch and listen for that. brigadier general ryder on your left, screen left at the pentagon, just spoke a few moments ago about the situation in hawaii. he did update that the guard is activated, 134 national guard personnel, 99 from the army national guard, 35 from the air national guard to assist with the hawaii wildfire response. and listen for any further detail on what we are hearing about the americans released in iran. we will bring you the news from them as we get it. gillian. >> gillian: thank you, sandra. house republicans say newly released bank records expose the names of multiple shell companies associated with hunter biden's business ventures and they say russia, kazakhstan used it. and chad, what can you tell us? >> gillian, good afternoon. names like rosemount seneca partners are among the nearly two dozen firms tied to the bidens, but unclear what the firms do. still, millions of dollars moved between these firms. >> is there a good provided for the money received or paid, is there a service. it's an easy way to transfer money. but when you look underneath the consulting agreement there are no services actually provided. it's just a cover to move money from one entity to another and either for tax fraud or other if you were purposes. >> it's hard to tell exactly what the companies did. consulting is sometimes cited as the purpose of the firm but really just shell companies. that's where money is moved from one company and then to another. here is an example. >> money that came in from a russian oligarch, $3.5 million. that money moved to related entities and ultimately money goes out to hunter biden and devon archer. so again, you have to question why is the $3.5 million coming in from a russian oligarch, why is the money then less than a month later, almost in identical amounts paid out to two principals of these entities. >> some demand impeachment, it helps congress investigate but house must vote to begin an impeachment inquiry. >> we are hopefully opening an impeachment inquiry soon, it gives us more tools to look into the biden family corruption. right now, stewart, i would say we are at a preponderance of the evidence threshold. >> james comer believes the only commodity they offered was access to the president. comer promises more information every two weeks. gillian. >> gillian: chad pergram on capitol hill for us, thank you. president biden responded to a question about testimony from hunter biden's former business partner devon archer. white house correspondent peter doocy asked the president about his involvement. here is what he said. >> there is this testimony now where one of your son's former business associates is claiming that you were on speaker phone a lot with them talking business. is that -- >> never talked business with anybody, and i new you would have a lousy question. >> why is that a lousy request he? >> because it's not true. >> thank you, mr. president. >> gillian: bring in nick l langworthy, serves on the house oversight committee. the president has maintained he never talked to anybody, including his son, about his former business deals. your reaction to what he said yesterday. >> he runs away from the camera every time he gets a difficult question in front of him. i think it's rather pathetic to have the leader of the free world running and saying ah, shucks, and saying that everyone is lying. here we had devon archer under sworn oath of lying to congress go and say that the then vice president of the united states on 20 different occasions -- >> gillian: he was not under oath when he gave his deposition to the house committee, i thought. >> here he is in front of congress and saying the vice president of the united states conference called in 20 different times to business meetings for hunter biden, to show off this access. and in the same testimony says burisma sold a brand, and the brand was biden. and access to power and access to the vice president. they have made it an industry as a family of monetising access to high people in government and very sad to see the president react like this. we are going to continue to gather the facts on the oversight committee, and put together the financial documents. you can't refute the fact we have $20 million accounted for from foreign entities yet hunter was never a registered foreign agent, that would certainly be a crime right there. and the evidence just continues to pile up but it's a web of lies and deceit as the president continues to deny this involvement or knowledge. >> gillian: well, sir, democrats have pointed out, byron york in studio with my last hour pointed out that despite nearly two years now of an investigation into the president's son, while you have certainly unearthed the trove of evidence the committee says proves the president's association, there has not been produced a smoking gun. clear-cut, undeniable proof of the president's involvement with his son's foreign business deals. what do you say to that? >> well, we have never claimed we have direct money going to the president, but many members of his family have received money from foreign governments. and this is something that is very important for the american people to know. we have not been at this for two years, the house oversight committee, the investigation has been going on for eight months and accomplished more in eight months than it's taken some entities years to achieve. the banking records speak for themselves. no one does business like this unless you are up to no good. 20 different shell companies, swirling the money around from foreign entities and transferring out to family members. here is a family where -- none of the members have saleable skills or background. they are selling their name, selling their access. >> gillian: a point you made a moment ago, you said we never claimed that any money was funneled directly to the president. that is precisely the claim that the chairman of your committee, james comer and also jim jordan have made many times on the public record here on this network. >> we are putting an investigation together, laying out the facts between, on the business dealings of this family. we are going to continue this investigation. i believe impeachment inquiry would give us more tools to get the job done but i think the speaker of the house has been methodical, and the chairman of the committee, in the way we are presenting the facts as we get them. that's why it's the third memo of financial documents that has been released this week and we have kept the american people up to speed in the work of this committee. you have not seen memos officially claiming the president has received direct funds, that has not been said. and as we continue this investigation, we'll continue to release this information, but you know, where there is smoke there is typically a raging inferno, and when you have $20 million based on no saleable skills and no background that this family has in the businesses that they were in. they were literally selling a name and selling a powerful brand that was senior in government to foreign agencies, foreign governments in foreign businesses. the fact that archer said burisma would have been belly up but for the biden family protection i think says an awful lot. >> gillian: we have to clarify the chairman of your committee and multiple colleagues of yours have made the direct claim that money has been funneled to the president or profited directly off his son's business deals. thank you for taking time with us. we appreciate it. >> thank you. >> i'm proud to say the word, i'm proud to be the most pro union president in american history. i promised you i would be. >> sandra: remember that, that was the president last month saying he is the most pro union president in our country's history. but he is struggling to get the support of the united auto workers union as he's been pushing his green agenda. why is that? larry kudlow is standing by to give his take and we have some brand-new numbers on the economy just out. he will make sense of them for us. s spring semester at over 13,000 us school districts, which have become top targets for ransomware attacks. but there's never been a reported ransomware attack on a chromebook. which is why thousands of schools like the fairfield-suisun unified school district switched to google tools for education. so they can focus on teaching and 22,000 students can focus on learning, knowing that their data is secure. 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( ♪ ) ( ♪ ) can't stop adding stuff to your cart? get the bank of america customized cash rewards card, choose the online shopping category and earn 3% cash back. >> gillian: live to des moines, iowa, where doug burgum is speaking at the iowa state fair. a moment ago he signed on to the rnc debate pledge supporting the eventual gop nominee. as of now, vivek ramaswamy, nikki haley have signed on and met the fundraising qualifications for the debate stage, and join fox stage on august 23rd. >> in north dakota one thing over and over. it's innovation not regulation. innovation built this nation and our economy and we need to get our economy going, we are in a cold war with china. we are in an actual proxy war with russia, and the way that we win those cold wars and those wars is that we get our economy going. so we got to cut red tape. in north dakota this last year, we passed 51 out of 52 bills -- >> gillian: that's doug burgum speaking at the iowa state fair in des moines. we'll check back in later in the hour. >> sandra: interesting stuff. 2024 is happening. inflation ticking up 3.2% last month, roughly reflecting the high cost of housing and rent. those prices are still high and putting more americans behind on their bills, credit card debt is soaring to a record high $1 trillion in the last quarter. economic woes keep piling up, the president keeps pushing bidenomics, says the economy is working. but one key union is not buying it. auto workers union new threatening to strike as biden forges ahead in the e.v. resolution and the pro union president did not get endorsement from them. how big of a deal is that? larry kudlow is here, host of kudlow on fox business. because they say this is killing jobs for them, right? >> it will, there's no question about it. the obsession with climate and so-called e.v.s. you have to redo all your assembly lines. jobs are going to be slashed left and right. they already have. the big car companies like ford motor company losing $4 billion on electric vehicles. can you imagine? >> sandra: they were told to go big and prepare for the demand that never came about. >> general motors, mary berra bet the entire company and they have not worked out. you know what you'll get, the uaw leadership very far left will wind up endorsing biden, not on these issues, but probably because of social woke issues but the rank and file will vote republican. and the rank and file love trump. and the rank and file like gasoline-powered cars. rank and file likes oil and natural gas and coal throughout the economy. so that's going to be -- you'll see that split. we saw a lot of it in 2016, some of it in 2020, you are going to see even more in 24. >> sandra: you heard it here first. here is the president in his own words pledging to be the most pro union president ever. >> you've heard me many times say i'm going to be the most pro union president. >> campaigned to restore the backbone the middle class and unions. >> i'm proud to say the word, proud to be the most pro union president in american history. i promised you i would be. >> sandra: clearly the uaw has something to say about that. opinion these ohio workers feel betrayed by trump, that gives biden an opening. a battle royale. >> the long time congresswoman from ohio, marcy captore, been in 40 years, she has been warning they are losing the hard hat vote, losing the working class vote for the reasons we were talking about before and another point, the unemployment rate is low, this is a good thing. wages over the last two years have still fallen way behind inflation despite the fact yearly inflation has come down, it's not even close. growth is slumping. i mean, look, if you go back 2022, the first full year of biden's presidency, this year 23, you have six quarters. two of them are negative, first half of last year was a recession. but together the six quarters, 18 months, the growth rate of the economy is 1.3% at an annual rate. that's all it is. >> sandra: how can you have wages going up and low unemployment? >> that's correct. it's an unsustainable position and i will say to you, even though wall street is talking about a soft landing now, get that, short rate higher than long rates on their head, 65% probability that you are going to have a recession in the next 12 months and that probability has been erased by wall street. >> sandra: we hope that's not the case. can we avoid it? >> you have to have a big change in policies. look, he's coming out now, they have stopped drilling, let's just take that for one thing. did this interview with the weather channel and says -- you haven't made your promises, he says i want to stop drilling on the coasts, stop drilling in the gulf. the reality, they have stopped drilling everywhere. the other reality, they have stopped drilling for stuff they need for their electric car batteries, for heaven sakes. a china subsidy problem. >> sandra: they have not stopped drilling, they are asking other countries to drill more as if their oil is cleaner. i don't get it. >> the rig count is way down. if i knew you were going to ask that question, i would have brought my rig count picture. >> sandra: come prepared next time. >> i have so much stuff i can't carry it around. >> sandra: i don't think we have seen an economic time like this before. >> it's a dicey situation. it's not all bad but shaky. we need to grow the economy by 3, 4, 5%, ok, and from my experience, you need lower taxes, fewer regulations, sound dollar and stop all this crazy spending. joe biden is on the wrong track. >> sandra: if you watch larry at 4:00, you hear that every day. >> it sells, you know. people like it. >> sandra: it's doing great. people like it. >> gillian: kids are befriending people online whose real identities are hidden. folks they have never met in real life. are they unknowingly exposing themselves to criminal sex traffickers? di details on a troubling trend. >> we have mach 2 and 3 and cutoff. >> sandra: virgin galactic blasting off to the edge of space with the first group of tourists. but did the mission go as planned? live from the launch site just ahead. safelite came right to us, and we could see exactly when they'd arrive with a replacement we could trust. that's service the way we want it. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ veteran homeowners. are you applying for a car loan? the monthly payments can be expensive. with an affordable home loan from newday, you can pay cash and own the car or truck of your dreams. hi! need new glasses? buy one pair, get one free at visionworks! how can you see me squinting? i can't! i'm just telling everyone!...hey! buy one pair, get one free for back to school. visionworks. see the difference. ♪ i wanna hold you forever ♪ hey little bear bear. ♪ ♪ ♪ i'm gonna love you forever ♪ to have and to hold from this day forward. ♪ you don't... ♪ c'mon, bear. ♪ you don't have to worry... ♪ ♪ be by your side.. ♪ ♪ i'll be there.. ♪ ♪ with my arms wrapped around... ♪ >> sandra: well, it is a sign of the times. more and more children living life online, especially during the summer when social media, kids are coming into contact with adults who make a living off keeping their real criminal identities hidden. now there are new warnings that sex traffickers are stepping up their use of social media platforms to target children and gain their trust. c.b. cotton has more from the new york city newsroom. >> homeland security investigations just rescued several children who they say were victims of online child sexual exploitation or abuse. agency also identified hundreds more children who were also likely victims. it was all part of their summer enforcement campaign called "operation renewed hope". as we dug into this, we learned numbers spiked during the pandemic. between 2020 and 2022, reports of online enticement of children for sexual acts increased by nearly 113%. homeland security investigations agent says predators are taking advantage of children who are using the internet. >> these guys are out there and they will put themselves wherever they can get closest to children. befriend them, talk their language, or totally deceitful and pretend to be the opposite sex or be younger. >> a woman, now 21, says she was targeted during middle school by a man she thought was a fellow student. the man groomed her and asked for explicit photos. over a period of three years she says his demands increased and she stayed silent after he threatened to kill her family. eventually her parents found out and went to the police. now she warns others to be vigilant. >> there is no stereo typical victim but also no stereotype of a predator as well. it can happen to anyone. >> she has started a non-profit, stopping traffic, to speak out about the dangers. sandra. >> sandra: c.b. could -- cotton live in new york city. gillian. >> gillian: the state department, antony blinken is speaking right now. we are going to keep an eye on his remarks to see if he says anything about the hostage situation we are following out of iran. the white house confirming so far that five americans illegally detained there have now been moved out of prison and into house arrest. they have yet, though, to confirm any other details about the prisoners' release or comment on reporting there has been in fact been a prisoner exchange. while the national security council says the release is far from done and negotiations are still going. bring in dan hoffman, former cia station chief and fox news contributor. dan, we don't know a lot more than we do know at this hour. what is your sense of things unfolding? would you bet this is some kind of a prisoner exchange or not, what do you think? >> it looks like a prisoner exchange. look, when we allow iran to do it, they practice foreign policy by extortion and we should remember that they have had the $7 billion being held in two south korean banks in their cross hairs for a couple of years. just back in january of 2021, iran illegally detained a south korean oil tanker in the strait of hormuz and only after south korea transferred 1 billion of the 7 billion did iran free the tanker in april of 2021. and so this is kind of the continuation of the extortion. as morgan ortagus rightly noted, when you give iran $6 billion for food and medicine, that's going to free up money to spend on their nuclear program, proxy militants in iraq, and what about bob levinson detained and possibly murdered, or another detained in syria, and rumors they have transferred him to iran. capitol hill is focused i think on the trade. >> gillian: sounds you are pretty concerned about the national security implications of that amount of money allegedly as much as 6 to $7 billion being freed up for the iranian government's use. do you not sort of trust in the u.s. government's ability to oversee how that money is spent? they certainly believe they will, they'll be able to limit it to certain kind ever expenditure. is that unrealistic? >> listen, i think it's cause for celebration when we bring americans home but the same time, the concern again that i would have is when we give iran $6 billion to use on food and other supplies it frees up money they would have spent on food or medicine to be spent on military and it's a gun and butter question. free up money for the butter, you'll have more money for the guns and that's what we are doing is propping up the iranian economy. and there are consequences for doing that. >> gillian: very interesting. dan, thanks for joining us to weigh in with the latest on this. we'll check back with you. appreciate it. >> our crew looks like they are having an absolutely incredible time and they are officially astronauts. welcome to space. >> sandra: big moment, a landmark day for space tourism. virgin galactic blasts off. live from the launch site after this. 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, Someone , Crossing , Smugglers , Garage , Cartel Wristband On , Hiding , Illegal Immigrant Hiding , Texas Dps , Roma , 200 , 1200 , Crossings , Big Time , Human Smuggler , Trooper , Doors , Middle , High , Kinney County , Dash Cam , Smuggler , Immigrants , Road , Eight , Brush , Seven , Wall , Ground , Place , Leaves , Cartel Wristbands , Got Aways , Everybody , These , Cartels , Sight , Guys , Migrants Human Cargo , Wow , One , Thing , Gonna , Side , Preschool , Snowball , Charter School , Nonamerican , Ymca , Schools , Hundreds Of Protestors , Sanctuary Cities , Brian Kilmeade , Migrant Center , Arms , Blue , Things , More , Mayors , Story , Sanctuary City , Everyone , Hearts , Eric Adams , Stunts , Busses , People , Guy , Particular , Sites , Randall S Island , 194 , 56000 , Estate , Soccer , Games , Downtown United , Home Field , Long Island , Asphalt Green , Manhattan , 45 , Game , Idea , Tent City , Nothing , Point , Ones , Aspect , It , Businesses , Everywhere , Problems , 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Dealings , Jim Jordan , Speaker Of The House , Memo , Work , Memos , Inferno , Funds , Agencies , Belly , Biden Family Protection , Colleagues , Word , Pro Union , American History , History , Larry Kudlow , Support , Agenda , United Auto Workers Union , Economy , Numbers , Sense , Ransomware Attacks , Attack , Targets , School Districts , Ransomware , S Spring Semester , 13000 , Students , Data , Chromebook , Education , Teaching , Fairfield Suisun Unified School District , 22000 , Mission , Nutrition , Heart Health , Muscle , Support Immune , Minerals , Vitamins , Nutrients , Bone , Yaaay , Woo Hoo , 25 , Protein , Flaky , Ned S Plaque Psoriasis , Camera Shutter Sfx , Car Screech , City Ambience Sounds , Car Door Slam , 30 , Skin , Blood Tests , Plaque Psoriasis , Flaking , Otezla , Itching , Patches , Ned , Doctors , Psoriatic Arthritis , Nausea , Diarrhea , Vomiting , Headache , Thoughts , Upper Respiratory Tract Infection , Depression , Weight Loss , Movie , Ting , Crowd Gasp , Speaker , Wounded Warrior Project , First , Camaraderie , Narrator , Community Support , Warriors , Mental Health Services , Life Skill Training , Advocacy , Career Assistance , Satellite , Satellite Internet , Viasat , Viasat Com Have Fun , Plans , Rewards Card , Cart , Bank Of America , Category , Cash Back , Shopping , Des Moines , Doug Burgum , Iowa , Debate , Nominee , Iowa State Fair , Rnc , Gop , Vivek Ramaswamy , North Dakota , Innovation , Nation , Debate Stage , Regulation , Fundraising Qualifications , Nikki Haley , Fox Stage On August 23rd , August 23rd , 23 , Wars , Red Tape , Proxy War , China , Cold War , Bills , Speaking , 52 , 51 , Inflation Ticking , 3 2 , 2024 , Rent , Credit Card Debt , Woes , Piling Up , Pushing Bidenomics , Trillion , 1 Trillion , Union , Pro , Endorsement , Resolution , E V , Biden Forges , Jobs , It Will , Host , Fox Business , Kudlow , Killing , Climate , Obsession , Evs , Demand , Car Companies , Assembly Lines , Ford Motor Company , Vehicles , 4 Billion , General Motors , Mary Berra Bet , Issues , Rank And File , Love Trump , Soil , Some , File , Rank , Cars , Coal , Natural Gas , Split , 2016 , Words , 24 , 2020 , Unions , Backbone , Class , Workers , Opinion , Ohio , Marcy Captore , Trump , Biden , Opening , Battle Royale , Unemployment Rate , Wages , Low , Working Class Vote , Hard Hat Vote , Warning , Reasons , 40 , Inflation , Growth , Quarters , Recession , Presidency , Growth Rate , Negative , Half , 1 3 , 18 , Six , Wall Street , Unemployment , Landing , Position , Head , Probability , 12 , 65 , Drilling , Policies , Interview , Change , Reality , Weather Channel , Coasts , Promises , Gulf , Haven T , Drilling Everywhere , Electric Car Batteries , Rig Count , Countries , Subsidy Problem , Heaven Sakes , Picture , Experience , Track , Regulations , Sound Dollar , Taxes , Spending , Identities , In Real Life , Sex Traffickers , Trend , Di , Space , Edge , Tourists , Cutoff , Mission Go , Virgin Galactic , Safelite , 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Policy , South Korean , 7 Billion , Oil Tanker , Couple , Hairs , Strait Of Hormuz , 2021 , January Of 2021 , 1 Billion , Food , Medicine , Morgan Ortagus , Continuation , Tanker , April Of 2021 , Militants , Program , Iraq , Bob Levinson , Rumors , Trade , Capitol Hill , Syria , Security , Amount , Implications , 6 , Expenditure , Concern , Celebration , Butter , Supplies , Gun , Guns , Doing , Latest , Crew Looks , Space Tourism , Astronauts , Big Moment , Vyvgart , Positive , Myasthenia Gravis , Participants , Activities , Muscle Weakness , Gmg Treatment , Clinical Trial , Infection , Side Effects , Study , Risk , Symptoms , Respiratory Tract Infections , Vyvgart Treatment Schedule , Injection Site Reactions , Subcutaneous Injection , Neurologist , Vyvgart Hytrulo , Feeling , Vibes , Policy , Term , Goldmine , Life Insurance Policy , Call Coventry , 00000 , Number , Visit Coventrydirect Com , Veterans , Inspirational Music , Aaron , 9 11 , Warrior , Help , Needs , Peace , Beginning , Running , Infrastructure , Target , Networks , Megawatts , Rails , Cyberattacks , Open Road , Systems Running America , Google , 336 Million , Dogs , Feeding Food , Good , Living Being , Real Food , Eating , Farmer , Care , Meal , Better , Plane , Trait , Richards Branson , Excitement , Gosh , Kelly O Grady , New Mexico , Mothership , Flights , Runway , Front Row Seat , Airplane , Weightlessness , Ear , Detaches , Space Capsule , Outer Rim , John Goodwin , Ticket Cost , Ticket , Space Flight , Daughter Duo , Ten , 500000 , Parkinson S , Hug , 50000 18 , 250000 18 , Spear , The Story , Martha , Guys Good Afternoon , Charlie Arnold , Dome Xp , Martha Maccallum , Katie Pavlic , Five Americans , Prisoner Swap ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW America 20240704 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW America 20240704

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inaction. >> sandra: the new york city mayor has been saying that for the last year. nearly 100,000 migrants have arrived here. so many that families are now sleeping on sidewalks and in makeshift tent cities that are popping up. that's all expected to cost a whopping $12 billion down the line. >> gillian: perhaps most surprising is the mayor's lack of communication with the commander in chief. >> have you talked to the president directly? >> we had a conversation last year, we communicated with the white house several times. we have a body, a contingent from homeland security here now. >> gillian: last year? chaos up north stems from the chaos unfolding down south. illegal border crossings are surging in the rio grande valley. bill melugin, what kind of activity is the border patrol seeing today? >> gillian, good afternoon to you. cbp source tells me as of this morning, more than 19,000 migrants in federal custody nationwide and that all four of their main border patrol sectors are already almost at capacity or over capacity, and we had a busy night here. take a look at the video, 3:00 a.m. in fronton, texas, came across this group of several hundred migrants. more than 300 who crossed illegally. family units, a lot of parents with little kids and toddlers. a lot of unaccompanied children and teenagers who made the journey alone. it was mostly honduran, a lot of babies out there crying. sources tell me a large majority of the family units are being released into the u.s. with a future court date. the migrants know that, that's why they turn themselves in to border patrol. an hour later, we came across another large group. this time near sullivan city. once again, more family units. a lot of parents with little kids. keep in mind, the biden administration has been promising consequences for crossing illegally, the migrants are not worried about that, they are expecting to be released into the united states. and this video out of roma, illegal immigrant hiding in a residential neighborhood, arrested by texas dps, hiding near someone's garage after crossing illegally. had a cartel wristband on, and paid $1,200 to cartel smugglers to enter the united states. and just after that, another group of migrants crossed illegally. once again, family units, toddlers, little kids and parents as the illegal crossings are surging big time down here in the rio grande valley and finish off in kinney county, dash cam video showing a trooper pulling up behind a human smuggler who stops in the middle of the high, doors fly open and eight illegal immigrants bail off running off into the brush to try to escape. the trooper decides to go after the driver, the smuggler who is running down the road. is able to arrest him. but seven out of the eight did end up escaping. they are known as got-aways. and as we are looking at the groups last night, i picked up a lot of the cartel wristbands. all over the place on the ground like leaves on the ground. they say enter or arrive, because the cartels consider the migrants human cargo, and everybody who crosses down here is wearing one of these. they are all over the ground. it's a pretty remarkable sight to see, guys. back to you. >> gillian: wow, bill melugin in texas, thank you. >> this is outrageous. they are putting nonamerican before american. >> ymca there, we have a charter school behind us, a preschool on the side. >> this whole thing is only gonna -- is gonna snowball because the schools are going to open in about two weeks. and we are totally unprepared to handle that. >> sandra: hundreds of protestors in new york city outraged over mayor adams opening a new migrant center in their neighborhood. brian kilmeade, this is getting to the blue cities who called themselves sanctuary cities, we welcome all the migrants with open arms. well, they are coming and now you have the mayors saying we cannot handle any more. what's going to happen here? >> i don't have to tell you how this story has accelerated. you remember when the former president of the united states said we are going to stop the sanctuary city things, and they said no you are not, they sued and were successful and the busses arrived from texas, said i don't like your little stunts. but we are going to welcome everyone, show you what great hearts we have and now eric adams says we have big hearts, we can't afford it. almost 100,000 people have passed through, 56,000 are still here. they have taken 194 sites. now, in randall's island in particular, as a guy who coached soccer on long island, i must have coached soccer there, about 45 games, between manhattan, asphalt green and downtown united, their home field. >> sandra: kids come in from all over the state. >> they have no other place to play. just in their last weeks of summer and you said hey, you know when you show up for a game, it's now tent city and nothing against illegal immigrants, we have no idea who we are. would you send your kids to play in that park anymore because you have no idea who is living there, what they are doing and how they got there. >> sandra: and the ones there are single male immigrants. to your point, we don't know who they are. but that's one aspect that the city is dealing with, right. you walk by the roosevelt hotel, the businesses, people who are trying to commute to go to grand central, they are encountering problems everywhere and the mayor has finally had it. and jamal bowman is saying democrats are looking bad over the growing crisis. called on the president to show some leadership. that's where this has gotten. we had the sound, here is bowman blasting thes ght now. >> we need leadership from president biden, period. we need that leadership here in new york state. because you know, new york state is struggling, we are struggling to provide housing and all the supports the migrants need. here is the thing. democrats are looking bad right now in new york state, and that's unacceptable. >> that is important stuff. >> chip roy, texas congressman, and have you talked to democrats, there are so many, 15 to 20 that have come out and said you are hurting my chances of re-election, most importantly should be you are hurting the city. hurting the people. >> sandra: and i'm thinking to myself, where is kamala harris, by the way. remember, she's the border czar. polled for you number of days passed since president biden named her the border czar. 869 days and where we are today. >> this is how clueless she said. instead of complaining, show some leadership. you are supposed to be leading and well i want to go to the root causes, ok, where are the root causes, two zoom calls and one visit and asking pepsi to open up a plant in some diminished country? this is costing $4.7 billion by the next june, 9.8 million a day in a city that's overdrawn, the governor of massachusetts has come out and called on the people of massachusetts to open up their homes and bring in illegal immigrants, let alone the schools. insane. >> sandra: no doubt, it has reached a level i don't think many predicted it would. this is the new york city mayor adams, he says it's not his job to fix the root of the problem. listen. >> this is a moment where people need to stop asking, eric, what are you doing? this is a moment we need to ask what are we doing? this is not mayor adams' job. this is the job of the people of the city of new york. >> sandra: you know who else says that, a lot of communities dealing with this. but they have to deal with it, the border communities that have been dealing with it. wall street journal nails it today with the blue state migrant crisis. political stunt of claiming to be sanctuary cities is not fun anymore. they are learning how texas and florida feel. if they want relief, put more pressure on the biden administration by being honest of the immigration failures. and sinema calling out big city mayors on the border. >> i hear from folks in other parts of the country say it's hard, our shelters overwhelmed, come live a day in the life of yuma, summerton or san luis. >> sandra: you mentioned arizona. >> will this election make democrats and republicans take note their border matters. i thought it was going to matter in 2022 but abortion was number one issue. bad enough where you will say it's not good, not for my party, and eric adams said i didn't run for mayor, i didn't run for the job. you want to pay my amx bill, change my tires, you consider a biden disciple, you can't control your own president, what do you expect us to do? >> sandra: this weekend, what do you have coming up. >> a funny comedian and jordan peterson, part 1 of 2 parts, with the deep thinker. he makes you think so hard your brain hurts but i think you will benefit from it and like it. >> sandra: i feel inspired, i'll watch. brian, thank you. good to have you here today, gillian. >> gillian: monitoring deadly devastating fires on the island of maui, the fires have tragically killed 36 people, making it the deadliest u.s. wildfire in years. side-by-side images here show the destruction. our next guest evacuated when the situation deteriorated rapidly on tuesday. rachel zimmerman joins us from the island of maui. thank you for taking time out to talk about all of this with us. we hope you are ok, hope your loved ones are ok. maybe start by telling us what you've been through the last 48 hours, what has it been like for you? >> horrific. we woke up at 2:00 a.m. on tuesday morning to windows, screen being blown off due to high winds and went back to sleep. at 4:45, woke up again, looked out my window towards the mountain and saw a fire, very small, which point i called 911, the fire department called me a few minutes later looking for the fire, said they could not see it at which point i could no longer see the fire but they did tell me that the transformer on a power box had blown and they had it contained. so went back to sleep until about 5:00 a.m., i'm sorry, 8:00 a.m., and the wind was really bad, dog was scared, we were out of power since 5, and we were just kind of hanging out, my partner was working, he's a mental health therapist. at 3:20ish p.m. we smelled smoke and looked outside and saw a little bit of light gray and decided we needed to pack and leave immediately. so we grabbed a few things, our dog, went outside and the winds were howling. it was hard to keep car doors open. and got as much as we could in. our neighbors were around, unsure of what to do, and we were told that it was a gridlock on front street, which is where i live. and we were unable to turn northbound and we are not sure where the smoke was coming from, where the fire was. it was turning black very quickly and we turned south, we are heading down front street, and we are passing historic buildings, unsure of which way to go, calling friends to see if we could see where the fire was, our phones were only working -- and we turned the wrong way and were stuck in lahaina methodist church parking lot and then were able to go south on front street and power lines were down, roofs were off, people were unsure what to do, the traffic was bumper to bumper. i had been hyperventilating for, i don't know, 15 minutes, calling our parents saying we would stay near the ocean in case we had to jump in the water. and we don't know where a lot of people are. five minutes ago i just found out my neighbor is alive, barely made it out, and it happened so fast and leaving the house i knew it would be gone, and the whole town is gone. >> sandra: rachel, so sorry for everything you've gone through. incredible to hear that phone call to your parents about plan b, if you couldn't get out. as far as keeping in touch with neighbors and friends and family members, how are you going about that? how are you tracking down people and checking on people right now? >> our news is very limited here. everything is very community-driven. we check facebook groups, we check instagram, where we found out most information. there are spread sheets of names now in the thousands trying to figure out who is alive. we just heard horrific things that there are hundreds of people in the ocean, hoping that boats would be picking them up. boats have been picking them up, but the entire harbor was on fire, boats were on fire due to fuel, and it's just -- it's awful. i've started a spreadsheet for my complex to figure out who's alive. there's no cell service still on the entire west side, so i was calling people for the last 48 hours and have not been able to locate a lot of people. the roads have been closed going back to lahaina, and it's a 1-way situation road. you can either go south or all the way around north to get out. we thought we would die. it's just unbelievable how quickly this happened and these buildings are -- they have been around since the 1700s. this was the royal kingdom of hawaii and it's gone. >> gillian: rachel, a long road ahead of you to rebuild your life. stay in touch with us. if we can be helpful to you, please let us know. thank you for talking about this. i can imagine it's incredibly difficult but it is helpful to all of us to know what you are going through. thank you so much. >> sandra: rachel, our prayers with you. >> thank you. >> sandra: and everyone affected by that. we are staying on this breaking news at this hour on that prisoner deal and the details of it. brand-new reaction from mike pompeo, the former secretary of state just sending out this statement via twitter, releasing $6 billion to the butchers in tehran just so american hostages can go to a different type of prison is a terrible deal. iran should not profit from holding americans hostage. this as we still await further details on what is happening here and if the americans will indeed come home. >> gillian: yeah, it's important to point out, sandra, none of the details have been confirmed by the united states side, a lot of the reporting is out of foreign media outlets. only confirming they are happy that five iranian americans have been moved from a prison and transferred to house arrest. we will keep everybody up to speed. >> sandra: and dan hoffman, former station chief in moscow, fox news contributor will be joining us with reaction as we learn more coming up. >> gillian: republicans are digging deeper into the biden family bank records. and the names of several companies are showing up repeatedly, they tell us. republicans say the companies are being used as fronts. >> sandra: plus, president biden addressing testimony given by his son's one-time business partner, and close friend devon archer, thanks to a question by peter doocy. we will be joined on that next. >> this is always going to end with the bidens coming in front of the committee. we are going to subpoena the family. i mean, we are putting the case together to win in court. obviously with all the opposition and obstruction we are getting from the biden 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about the americans released in iran to house arrest, whether or not he will add additional detail to that but we are going to watch and listen for that. brigadier general ryder on your left, screen left at the pentagon, just spoke a few moments ago about the situation in hawaii. he did update that the guard is activated, 134 national guard personnel, 99 from the army national guard, 35 from the air national guard to assist with the hawaii wildfire response. and listen for any further detail on what we are hearing about the americans released in iran. we will bring you the news from them as we get it. gillian. >> gillian: thank you, sandra. house republicans say newly released bank records expose the names of multiple shell companies associated with hunter biden's business ventures and they say russia, kazakhstan used it. and chad, what can you tell us? >> gillian, good afternoon. names like rosemount seneca partners are among the nearly two dozen firms tied to the bidens, but unclear what the firms do. still, millions of dollars moved between these firms. >> is there a good provided for the money received or paid, is there a service. it's an easy way to transfer money. but when you look underneath the consulting agreement there are no services actually provided. it's just a cover to move money from one entity to another and either for tax fraud or other if you were purposes. >> it's hard to tell exactly what the companies did. consulting is sometimes cited as the purpose of the firm but really just shell companies. that's where money is moved from one company and then to another. here is an example. >> money that came in from a russian oligarch, $3.5 million. that money moved to related entities and ultimately money goes out to hunter biden and devon archer. so again, you have to question why is the $3.5 million coming in from a russian oligarch, why is the money then less than a month later, almost in identical amounts paid out to two principals of these entities. >> some demand impeachment, it helps congress investigate but house must vote to begin an impeachment inquiry. >> we are hopefully opening an impeachment inquiry soon, it gives us more tools to look into the biden family corruption. right now, stewart, i would say we are at a preponderance of the evidence threshold. >> james comer believes the only commodity they offered was access to the president. comer promises more information every two weeks. gillian. >> gillian: chad pergram on capitol hill for us, thank you. president biden responded to a question about testimony from hunter biden's former business partner devon archer. white house correspondent peter doocy asked the president about his involvement. here is what he said. >> there is this testimony now where one of your son's former business associates is claiming that you were on speaker phone a lot with them talking business. is that -- >> never talked business with anybody, and i new you would have a lousy question. >> why is that a lousy request he? >> because it's not true. >> thank you, mr. president. >> gillian: bring in nick l langworthy, serves on the house oversight committee. the president has maintained he never talked to anybody, including his son, about his former business deals. your reaction to what he said yesterday. >> he runs away from the camera every time he gets a difficult question in front of him. i think it's rather pathetic to have the leader of the free world running and saying ah, shucks, and saying that everyone is lying. here we had devon archer under sworn oath of lying to congress go and say that the then vice president of the united states on 20 different occasions -- >> gillian: he was not under oath when he gave his deposition to the house committee, i thought. >> here he is in front of congress and saying the vice president of the united states conference called in 20 different times to business meetings for hunter biden, to show off this access. and in the same testimony says burisma sold a brand, and the brand was biden. and access to power and access to the vice president. they have made it an industry as a family of monetising access to high people in government and very sad to see the president react like this. we are going to continue to gather the facts on the oversight committee, and put together the financial documents. you can't refute the fact we have $20 million accounted for from foreign entities yet hunter was never a registered foreign agent, that would certainly be a crime right there. and the evidence just continues to pile up but it's a web of lies and deceit as the president continues to deny this involvement or knowledge. >> gillian: well, sir, democrats have pointed out, byron york in studio with my last hour pointed out that despite nearly two years now of an investigation into the president's son, while you have certainly unearthed the trove of evidence the committee says proves the president's association, there has not been produced a smoking gun. clear-cut, undeniable proof of the president's involvement with his son's foreign business deals. what do you say to that? >> well, we have never claimed we have direct money going to the president, but many members of his family have received money from foreign governments. and this is something that is very important for the american people to know. we have not been at this for two years, the house oversight committee, the investigation has been going on for eight months and accomplished more in eight months than it's taken some entities years to achieve. the banking records speak for themselves. no one does business like this unless you are up to no good. 20 different shell companies, swirling the money around from foreign entities and transferring out to family members. here is a family where -- none of the members have saleable skills or background. they are selling their name, selling their access. >> gillian: a point you made a moment ago, you said we never claimed that any money was funneled directly to the president. that is precisely the claim that the chairman of your committee, james comer and also jim jordan have made many times on the public record here on this network. >> we are putting an investigation together, laying out the facts between, on the business dealings of this family. we are going to continue this investigation. i believe impeachment inquiry would give us more tools to get the job done but i think the speaker of the house has been methodical, and the chairman of the committee, in the way we are presenting the facts as we get them. that's why it's the third memo of financial documents that has been released this week and we have kept the american people up to speed in the work of this committee. you have not seen memos officially claiming the president has received direct funds, that has not been said. and as we continue this investigation, we'll continue to release this information, but you know, where there is smoke there is typically a raging inferno, and when you have $20 million based on no saleable skills and no background that this family has in the businesses that they were in. they were literally selling a name and selling a powerful brand that was senior in government to foreign agencies, foreign governments in foreign businesses. the fact that archer said burisma would have been belly up but for the biden family protection i think says an awful lot. >> gillian: we have to clarify the chairman of your committee and multiple colleagues of yours have made the direct claim that money has been funneled to the president or profited directly off his son's business deals. thank you for taking time with us. we appreciate it. >> thank you. >> i'm proud to say the word, i'm proud to be the most pro union president in american history. i promised you i would be. >> sandra: remember that, that was the president last month saying he is the most pro union president in our country's history. but he is struggling to get the support of the united auto workers union as he's been pushing his green agenda. why is that? larry kudlow is standing by to give his take and we have some brand-new numbers on the economy just out. he will make sense of them for us. s spring semester at over 13,000 us school districts, which have become top targets for ransomware attacks. but there's never been a reported ransomware attack on a chromebook. which is why thousands of schools like the fairfield-suisun unified school district switched to google tools for education. so they can focus on teaching and 22,000 students can focus on learning, knowing that their data is secure. 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( ♪ ) ( ♪ ) can't stop adding stuff to your cart? get the bank of america customized cash rewards card, choose the online shopping category and earn 3% cash back. >> gillian: live to des moines, iowa, where doug burgum is speaking at the iowa state fair. a moment ago he signed on to the rnc debate pledge supporting the eventual gop nominee. as of now, vivek ramaswamy, nikki haley have signed on and met the fundraising qualifications for the debate stage, and join fox stage on august 23rd. >> in north dakota one thing over and over. it's innovation not regulation. innovation built this nation and our economy and we need to get our economy going, we are in a cold war with china. we are in an actual proxy war with russia, and the way that we win those cold wars and those wars is that we get our economy going. so we got to cut red tape. in north dakota this last year, we passed 51 out of 52 bills -- >> gillian: that's doug burgum speaking at the iowa state fair in des moines. we'll check back in later in the hour. >> sandra: interesting stuff. 2024 is happening. inflation ticking up 3.2% last month, roughly reflecting the high cost of housing and rent. those prices are still high and putting more americans behind on their bills, credit card debt is soaring to a record high $1 trillion in the last quarter. economic woes keep piling up, the president keeps pushing bidenomics, says the economy is working. but one key union is not buying it. auto workers union new threatening to strike as biden forges ahead in the e.v. resolution and the pro union president did not get endorsement from them. how big of a deal is that? larry kudlow is here, host of kudlow on fox business. because they say this is killing jobs for them, right? >> it will, there's no question about it. the obsession with climate and so-called e.v.s. you have to redo all your assembly lines. jobs are going to be slashed left and right. they already have. the big car companies like ford motor company losing $4 billion on electric vehicles. can you imagine? >> sandra: they were told to go big and prepare for the demand that never came about. >> general motors, mary berra bet the entire company and they have not worked out. you know what you'll get, the uaw leadership very far left will wind up endorsing biden, not on these issues, but probably because of social woke issues but the rank and file will vote republican. and the rank and file love trump. and the rank and file like gasoline-powered cars. rank and file likes oil and natural gas and coal throughout the economy. so that's going to be -- you'll see that split. we saw a lot of it in 2016, some of it in 2020, you are going to see even more in 24. >> sandra: you heard it here first. here is the president in his own words pledging to be the most pro union president ever. >> you've heard me many times say i'm going to be the most pro union president. >> campaigned to restore the backbone the middle class and unions. >> i'm proud to say the word, proud to be the most pro union president in american history. i promised you i would be. >> sandra: clearly the uaw has something to say about that. opinion these ohio workers feel betrayed by trump, that gives biden an opening. a battle royale. >> the long time congresswoman from ohio, marcy captore, been in 40 years, she has been warning they are losing the hard hat vote, losing the working class vote for the reasons we were talking about before and another point, the unemployment rate is low, this is a good thing. wages over the last two years have still fallen way behind inflation despite the fact yearly inflation has come down, it's not even close. growth is slumping. i mean, look, if you go back 2022, the first full year of biden's presidency, this year 23, you have six quarters. two of them are negative, first half of last year was a recession. but together the six quarters, 18 months, the growth rate of the economy is 1.3% at an annual rate. that's all it is. >> sandra: how can you have wages going up and low unemployment? >> that's correct. it's an unsustainable position and i will say to you, even though wall street is talking about a soft landing now, get that, short rate higher than long rates on their head, 65% probability that you are going to have a recession in the next 12 months and that probability has been erased by wall street. >> sandra: we hope that's not the case. can we avoid it? >> you have to have a big change in policies. look, he's coming out now, they have stopped drilling, let's just take that for one thing. did this interview with the weather channel and says -- you haven't made your promises, he says i want to stop drilling on the coasts, stop drilling in the gulf. the reality, they have stopped drilling everywhere. the other reality, they have stopped drilling for stuff they need for their electric car batteries, for heaven sakes. a china subsidy problem. >> sandra: they have not stopped drilling, they are asking other countries to drill more as if their oil is cleaner. i don't get it. >> the rig count is way down. if i knew you were going to ask that question, i would have brought my rig count picture. >> sandra: come prepared next time. >> i have so much stuff i can't carry it around. >> sandra: i don't think we have seen an economic time like this before. >> it's a dicey situation. it's not all bad but shaky. we need to grow the economy by 3, 4, 5%, ok, and from my experience, you need lower taxes, fewer regulations, sound dollar and stop all this crazy spending. joe biden is on the wrong track. >> sandra: if you watch larry at 4:00, you hear that every day. >> it sells, you know. people like it. >> sandra: it's doing great. people like it. >> gillian: kids are befriending people online whose real identities are hidden. folks they have never met in real life. are they unknowingly exposing themselves to criminal sex traffickers? di details on a troubling trend. >> we have mach 2 and 3 and cutoff. >> sandra: virgin galactic blasting off to the edge of space with the first group of tourists. but did the mission go as planned? live from the launch site just ahead. safelite came right to us, and we could see exactly when they'd arrive with a replacement we could trust. that's service the way we want it. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ veteran homeowners. are you applying for a car loan? the monthly payments can be expensive. with an affordable home loan from newday, you can pay cash and own the car or truck of your dreams. hi! need new glasses? buy one pair, get one free at visionworks! how can you see me squinting? i can't! i'm just telling everyone!...hey! buy one pair, get one free for back to school. visionworks. see the difference. ♪ i wanna hold you forever ♪ hey little bear bear. ♪ ♪ ♪ i'm gonna love you forever ♪ to have and to hold from this day forward. ♪ you don't... ♪ c'mon, bear. ♪ you don't have to worry... ♪ ♪ be by your side.. ♪ ♪ i'll be there.. ♪ ♪ with my arms wrapped around... ♪ >> sandra: well, it is a sign of the times. more and more children living life online, especially during the summer when social media, kids are coming into contact with adults who make a living off keeping their real criminal identities hidden. now there are new warnings that sex traffickers are stepping up their use of social media platforms to target children and gain their trust. c.b. cotton has more from the new york city newsroom. >> homeland security investigations just rescued several children who they say were victims of online child sexual exploitation or abuse. agency also identified hundreds more children who were also likely victims. it was all part of their summer enforcement campaign called "operation renewed hope". as we dug into this, we learned numbers spiked during the pandemic. between 2020 and 2022, reports of online enticement of children for sexual acts increased by nearly 113%. homeland security investigations agent says predators are taking advantage of children who are using the internet. >> these guys are out there and they will put themselves wherever they can get closest to children. befriend them, talk their language, or totally deceitful and pretend to be the opposite sex or be younger. >> a woman, now 21, says she was targeted during middle school by a man she thought was a fellow student. the man groomed her and asked for explicit photos. over a period of three years she says his demands increased and she stayed silent after he threatened to kill her family. eventually her parents found out and went to the police. now she warns others to be vigilant. >> there is no stereo typical victim but also no stereotype of a predator as well. it can happen to anyone. >> she has started a non-profit, stopping traffic, to speak out about the dangers. sandra. >> sandra: c.b. could -- cotton live in new york city. gillian. >> gillian: the state department, antony blinken is speaking right now. we are going to keep an eye on his remarks to see if he says anything about the hostage situation we are following out of iran. the white house confirming so far that five americans illegally detained there have now been moved out of prison and into house arrest. they have yet, though, to confirm any other details about the prisoners' release or comment on reporting there has been in fact been a prisoner exchange. while the national security council says the release is far from done and negotiations are still going. bring in dan hoffman, former cia station chief and fox news contributor. dan, we don't know a lot more than we do know at this hour. what is your sense of things unfolding? would you bet this is some kind of a prisoner exchange or not, what do you think? >> it looks like a prisoner exchange. look, when we allow iran to do it, they practice foreign policy by extortion and we should remember that they have had the $7 billion being held in two south korean banks in their cross hairs for a couple of years. just back in january of 2021, iran illegally detained a south korean oil tanker in the strait of hormuz and only after south korea transferred 1 billion of the 7 billion did iran free the tanker in april of 2021. and so this is kind of the continuation of the extortion. as morgan ortagus rightly noted, when you give iran $6 billion for food and medicine, that's going to free up money to spend on their nuclear program, proxy militants in iraq, and what about bob levinson detained and possibly murdered, or another detained in syria, and rumors they have transferred him to iran. capitol hill is focused i think on the trade. >> gillian: sounds you are pretty concerned about the national security implications of that amount of money allegedly as much as 6 to $7 billion being freed up for the iranian government's use. do you not sort of trust in the u.s. government's ability to oversee how that money is spent? they certainly believe they will, they'll be able to limit it to certain kind ever expenditure. is that unrealistic? >> listen, i think it's cause for celebration when we bring americans home but the same time, the concern again that i would have is when we give iran $6 billion to use on food and other supplies it frees up money they would have spent on food or medicine to be spent on military and it's a gun and butter question. free up money for the butter, you'll have more money for the guns and that's what we are doing is propping up the iranian economy. and there are consequences for doing that. >> gillian: very interesting. dan, thanks for joining us to weigh in with the latest on this. we'll check back with you. appreciate it. >> our crew looks like they are having an absolutely incredible time and they are officially astronauts. welcome to space. >> sandra: big moment, a landmark day for space tourism. virgin galactic blasts off. live from the launch site after this. 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Agreement , Tax Fraud , Company , Example , Consulting , Purpose , Firm , Entities , Russian Oligarch , 5 Million , 3 5 Million , Amounts , Principals , Impeachment Inquiry , Tools , Demand Impeachment , Congress Investigate , Evidence , Access , Commodity , Threshold , Preponderance , Biden Family Corruption , James Comer , Stewart , Involvement , Speaker Phone , Business Associates , Mr , Anybody , Request , Nick L Langworthy , Business Deals , Leader , Camera , Oath , World , Congress Go , Shucks , House Committee , Occasions , Deposition , Congress , Brand , Business Meetings , Burisma , Government , Facts , React , Vice President , Monetising , Industry , Fact , Agent , Documents , Oversight Committee , Hunter , 20 Million , 0 Million , Knowledge , Byron York , Crime , Deceit , Web , Lies , Sir , Investigation , Studio , Trove , Members , Clear Cut , Smoking Gun , Association , Governments , Banking Records , Business , Background , Name , Skills , Claim , Chairman , Record , Dealings , Jim Jordan , Speaker Of The House , Memo , Work , Memos , Inferno , Funds , Agencies , Belly , Biden Family Protection , Colleagues , Word , Pro Union , American History , History , Larry Kudlow , Support , Agenda , United Auto Workers Union , Economy , Numbers , Sense , Ransomware Attacks , Attack , Targets , School Districts , Ransomware , S Spring Semester , 13000 , Students , Data , Chromebook , Education , Teaching , Fairfield Suisun Unified School District , 22000 , Mission , Nutrition , Heart Health , Muscle , Support Immune , Minerals , Vitamins , Nutrients , Bone , Yaaay , Woo Hoo , 25 , Protein , Flaky , Ned S Plaque Psoriasis , Camera Shutter Sfx , Car Screech , City Ambience Sounds , Car Door Slam , 30 , Skin , Blood Tests , Plaque Psoriasis , Flaking , Otezla , Itching , Patches , Ned , Doctors , Psoriatic Arthritis , Nausea , Diarrhea , Vomiting , Headache , Thoughts , Upper Respiratory Tract Infection , Depression , Weight Loss , Movie , Ting , Crowd Gasp , Speaker , Wounded Warrior Project , First , Camaraderie , Narrator , Community Support , Warriors , Mental Health Services , Life Skill Training , Advocacy , Career Assistance , Satellite , Satellite Internet , Viasat , Viasat Com Have Fun , Plans , Rewards Card , Cart , Bank Of America , Category , Cash Back , Shopping , Des Moines , Doug Burgum , Iowa , Debate , Nominee , Iowa State Fair , Rnc , Gop , Vivek Ramaswamy , North Dakota , Innovation , Nation , Debate Stage , Regulation , Fundraising Qualifications , Nikki Haley , Fox Stage On August 23rd , August 23rd , 23 , Wars , Red Tape , Proxy War , China , Cold War , Bills , Speaking , 52 , 51 , Inflation Ticking , 3 2 , 2024 , Rent , Credit Card Debt , Woes , Piling Up , Pushing Bidenomics , Trillion , 1 Trillion , Union , Pro , Endorsement , Resolution , E V , Biden Forges , Jobs , It Will , Host , Fox Business , Kudlow , Killing , Climate , Obsession , Evs , Demand , Car Companies , Assembly Lines , Ford Motor Company , Vehicles , 4 Billion , General Motors , Mary Berra Bet , Issues , Rank And File , Love Trump , Soil , Some , File , Rank , Cars , Coal , Natural Gas , Split , 2016 , Words , 24 , 2020 , Unions , Backbone , Class , Workers , Opinion , Ohio , Marcy Captore , Trump , Biden , Opening , Battle Royale , Unemployment Rate , Wages , Low , Working Class Vote , Hard Hat Vote , Warning , Reasons , 40 , Inflation , Growth , Quarters , Recession , Presidency , Growth Rate , Negative , Half , 1 3 , 18 , Six , Wall Street , Unemployment , Landing , Position , Head , Probability , 12 , 65 , Drilling , Policies , Interview , Change , Reality , Weather Channel , Coasts , Promises , Gulf , Haven T , Drilling Everywhere , Electric Car Batteries , Rig Count , Countries , Subsidy Problem , Heaven Sakes , Picture , Experience , Track , Regulations , Sound Dollar , Taxes , Spending , Identities , In Real Life , Sex Traffickers , Trend , Di , Space , Edge , Tourists , Cutoff , Mission Go , Virgin Galactic , Safelite , Launch Site , Replacement , Singers , Safelite Repair , Car Loan , Home Loan , Payments , Veteran , Truck , Dreams , Pair , Visionworks , Difference , Glasses , Back To School , Little Bear , I Ll Be There , C Mon , Social Media , Contact , Sign Of The Times , Adults , Use , Trust , Social Media Platforms , Living , Warnings , Cotton , Victims , Homeland Security Investigations , Child , Newsroom , Exploitation , Abuse , C B , Agency , Summer Enforcement Campaign , This , Operation Renewed Hope , Investigations , Enticement , Predators , Pandemic , Acts , 113 , Language , Befriend Them , Advantage , Man , Woman , Student , Sex , She , Photos , Middle School , 21 , Police , Stereo , Others , Three , Anyone , Victim , Stereotype , Predator , Non Profit , Dangers , Remarks , Eye , Antony Blinken , Hostage Situation , Anything , Prisoner Exchange , Release , Comment , Prisoners , Negotiations , National Security Council , Cia , Contributor , Station Chief , Extortion , Banks , Foreign Policy , South Korean , 7 Billion , Oil Tanker , Couple , Hairs , Strait Of Hormuz , 2021 , January Of 2021 , 1 Billion , Food , Medicine , Morgan Ortagus , Continuation , Tanker , April Of 2021 , Militants , Program , Iraq , Bob Levinson , Rumors , Trade , Capitol Hill , Syria , Security , Amount , Implications , 6 , Expenditure , Concern , Celebration , Butter , Supplies , Gun , Guns , Doing , Latest , Crew Looks , Space Tourism , Astronauts , Big Moment , Vyvgart , Positive , Myasthenia Gravis , Participants , Activities , Muscle Weakness , Gmg Treatment , Clinical Trial , Infection , Side Effects , Study , Risk , Symptoms , Respiratory Tract Infections , Vyvgart Treatment Schedule , Injection Site Reactions , Subcutaneous Injection , Neurologist , Vyvgart Hytrulo , Feeling , Vibes , Policy , Term , Goldmine , Life Insurance Policy , Call Coventry , 00000 , Number , Visit Coventrydirect Com , Veterans , Inspirational Music , Aaron , 9 11 , Warrior , Help , Needs , Peace , Beginning , Running , Infrastructure , Target , Networks , Megawatts , Rails , Cyberattacks , Open Road , Systems Running America , Google , 336 Million , Dogs , Feeding Food , Good , Living Being , Real Food , Eating , Farmer , Care , Meal , Better , Plane , Trait , Richards Branson , Excitement , Gosh , Kelly O Grady , New Mexico , Mothership , Flights , Runway , Front Row Seat , Airplane , Weightlessness , Ear , Detaches , Space Capsule , Outer Rim , John Goodwin , Ticket Cost , Ticket , Space Flight , Daughter Duo , Ten , 500000 , Parkinson S , Hug , 50000 18 , 250000 18 , Spear , The Story , Martha , Guys Good Afternoon , Charlie Arnold , Dome Xp , Martha Maccallum , Katie Pavlic , Five Americans , Prisoner Swap ,

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