Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox 20240704 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox 20240704

with exclusive and images from our southern board there appear to show cartel members with rifles crossing. >> illegal crossing once again starting to surge along the southern border and there are new troubling photos tonight that show the danger is right at america's doorstep, a group of suspected cartel gun men seen crossing into texas in the rio grande valley. law enforcement source telling fox it happened saturday night. the men were armed with rifles had body armor around border patrol agents couldn't find them. miles away in arizona president biden is having climate discussions. >> these historic measures put us on track to cut all american emissions in half, in half by 2030. we are well on our way. >> however, critics argue the u.s. is not well on its way to geting a grip on the migrant and fentanyl crisis facing the grand canyon state with is cbp seizing over a hundred thousand pills in one day as democratic new york city mayor adams is building a large migrant shelter converting turf fields into housing for some 2,000 unvetted migrants. trace that move is obviously angering a group of moms in manhattan who say that housing these migrants next to their children and taking away their fields will hurt their emotional well being. it is a very contentious issue the city and counties and municipalities are facing all over the country. >> those mom have a good point. kevin thank you. let's bring in former acting dhs acting secretary chad wolf. the concept here is you have the president in arizona talking about climate change. maybe he should be concerned with the 113 temperatures that some of these migrants are getting in cages in arizona. if it were trump it would be on wall to wall coverage. >> this administration can go straight to hell. i'm tired of republicans giving lip service to it and years supporting it because they want cheap labor. >> the bottom line is open borders have many point out is cruel to these people. what do you think jeff? >> well absolutely, trace. you know, we have a raging crisis on the southern border and the president is in arizona heavily impacted border community, and he's talking about climate change and a failed inflation reduction act. he needs to be talking about what's gripping places like new york city places like obviously texas massachussetts who has declared a state of emergency there. are communities across this country that are in crisis and the president should be addressing the crisis but instead continues to ignore it. the vice-president continues to ignore it and they continue down this failed strategy of over two and a half years now and unfortunately american communities are paying the price for it. >> yes they are. north dakota governor doug was on our show last night. he made a pair point. >> so far, right here in this sector, 98 different countries people crossing including syria iran china, china with direct flights into mexico direct to mexico then coming into our country. the national security cost of this open border is going to be around for decades in our country. >> i mean the crossing has dipped but they're heading back up and could be higher than have the next 2-3 weeks. >> that's exactly right and the impacts that americans are going to feel he's exactly right will be years in the making. from the national security crisis the public safety crisis the trafficking crisis the fentanyl crisis the list goes on and on and on. and the consequences of not securing that border and continuing the failed strategy, americans have been gripped by this two and a half years, we are going to see this for another unfortunately year and a half to two years unless policy changes are made and this administration has shown no signs of it. instead they continue to double down on a lot of these policies that just are not are benefitting american people. it's an american last strategy and i think a lot of americans are sitting out there saying, enough is enough. when are they going to change course? >> i've got about 20 seconds left. this is southwest border encounters and i'm putting it up because outstanding. you look at the numbers this fiscal year. 478 increase from 2020, 5.7 million encounters at the southern border since biden took office. that's encounters. that's not the unknown got aways and the rest of them. about ten seconds for you jeff. >> yeah americans should just know this is historic. we have never seen anything like this. we are unprepared for the millions of individuals coming into communities places like new york massachussetts texas are demonstrating that today. >> they can handle it sanctuary cities cannot handle it. they're saying maybe we should leave this sanctuary status behind. chad wolf great to have you on. new push to find alternative to mcroberts for next year's election except this time the push includes maybe half the democratic party. anita is live in the new york news room with polls and questions about the president's vovt in his son's business neatings good evening. >> good evening trace certainly lot going on the smej from some democrats is they would rather see an actual contest than a coronation of president biden in the 2024 race. >> we have 12 republicans as options for republican voters and we are the democratic party. democracy means the freedom to make choice. >> democratic voters seem to agree with almost half saying the party should nominate some one other than president biden. in recent days the washington post has floated democratic governors gretchen whitmer, gavin newsom, andy beshear in kentucky as challengers. after the august recess house republicans are expected to ramp up attention on how involved the president was with his son hunter's business dealings including visits to the obama white house but former hunter biden associate eric sherwin. that's not the only headache for the president. >> president biden never ittes the word afghanistan. he refuses to talk about it. he sends out people to say he's sorry for what happened. when we see these gold star families it's tragic. >> yesterday at field hearing we heard emotional testimony from gold star families who spoke about the pain of loving loved ones in that deadly attack by a suicide bomber in the exit from afghanistan. republicans want more accountability for what happened. the state department and pentagon held regular briefings the testimony from the gold star families was not mentioned in either un. trace. >> but it was compelling. pete peterson welcome to you both. "new york times" poll shows these numbers we have been talking about with anita nominate biden 45 percent nominate someone else 50 percent if you're a democrat and half your party doesn't want you to run leslie it's a bits of a pickle. >> i guess donald trump has the same pickle because polls show republicans between 44 and 51 percent don't want donald trump to run. i don't put stock in polls in joe biden donald trump going to run or not because polls say so. as a democrat i think it's funny a newspaper is putting out people they would like to run against him and you may have a handful of congress people saying we need to have more competition, but that's just not going to happen. that doesn't happen with the incumbent. we are slow to change our history. >> it's the new york stiems and the democratic party runs on the "new york times" and when "new york times" says of that party doesn't want you and your incumbent president it's trouble. >> one thing about the poll is i'm improving polls we have seen on polls by democrats toward president biden. we might forget but cnn had a poll of democratic voters saying 75 percent didn't want biden to run. earlier this year we saw in abc news poll two thirds of democrats didn't want biden to run so it feels like democrats might be moving through the stages of grief here they went from denying that biden was going to be their candidate to maybe acceptance although i'll say i do believe our governor here in california, gavin newsom, will be the democratic nominee in 2024. >> a lot of people share that. peter suiteser who wrote the book on hunter biden's shady deals, everything he wrote by the way corroborated in this book he said the following, watch him. >> if devin archer was the deal guy in how you structure this eric was the guy that moved money around and based on the hunter biden laptop he had access not only to hunter biden's accounts but joe biden's account. >> his testimony could be interesting because everybody says you got to follow the money and this is the money guy. >> right and we do have recordings or text messages between him and biden showing that swairn was aware of tax refunds coming back to joe biden. >> i know my kids aren't hunter biden's age. i guess in politics there's a different set of rules and we have testimony that's going to come up. i think the world is interested in what's going to be said. let's be honest and republicans need something or reason to impeach the president. they're going to impeach him no matter what and the reason is because they need to save face and said they were going to do that and i don't think it's going to help them. >> this is from the gold star families we saw yesterday. i want to play one more sound bite. >> he's disrespected all 13 of our kids. he spend time and honor our kids. you don't check your watch. if you had somewhere else to be you shouldn't have been there. it's important for the american people and the public to know the truth. >> all 13 families, got about 10 second for each, all 13 families are disappointed that president biden has won made excuses for afghanistan and two not given them any respected for their loved ones. >> that is cheryl's testimony before the house was gut wrenching she mentioned in a conversation with the president at the time when her son came back in a flag draped coffin that somehow president biden had sympathy because he had been through the same thing with his son beau coming back in a flag drapd could have. >> final thoughts. >> heart wrenching testimony. there's norv been a president that said, we screwed up. presidents like to talk about victory. president biden should be meeting with all the families. any president i don't care if democrat or republican and nobody should stairj gold star families. >> kennedy said he screwed up but that was a long time ago. thank you. compelling video 7-eleven clerks in stockton, california defending their store against repeat robber, d.a. says the clerks will face no penalties but the local media say the clerks should be punished. jonathan hunt is live with more. >> good evening. by now we are familiar with the video the brazen robbery and the violent reaction. watch here. >> don't do that. don't do that, man. [screaming] >> the man who shot the video a business owner in stockton, says the 7-eleven employees did what thread to do. >> they were protecting their store. they didn't hit the guy above the waist. i believe every they done was courageous and they was brave for it. >> he says something has to ch change. >> it's been enough a long time ago. now the city comes out, two courageous men when they've protected their store so this is a sign of enough is enough. >> honors and workers at other 7-eleven stores in the area say they understand the from you trace fueled by ongoing theft and violence and him action from law enforcement. >> we are tired of this. like we are here to do a business and we are here to serve the community. we are here to work, serve and feed our families and i'm so scared. i'm like not feeling good. >> i don't feel like cominger who going back to work. but i have to, just to feed my family's. >> now the local district attorney said the 7-eleven employees quote are not and have never been suspects and will not be charged. he said the investigation is purely aimed at the man who threatened the employees and tried to rob them and i think most of us would agree that is the correct action. >> jonathan thank you. "fox news at night" common sense department has thoughts of the 7-eleven clerks in stockton, california who defnded their store and are accused of assault. modesto bee said the clerks said the suspect who hit is suspects with sticks went too far and are village labties. the thief walked in, threatened to shoot the clerks and began filling a garbage bag with cigarettes saying quote ain't nothing can you do and it's the same suspect who in the previous 24 hours robbed the store twice before both times threatening to shoot any employee who tried to stop him. all the while, a police station sits across the street. common is it's a good bet this suspect had zero concern about cops courts on consequences and thigh they're supposed to take it easy on the guy threatening to kill him? it's worth noting in the past year hundreds of california 7-elevens have been robbed, several collection shot. including three in one day. common sense thinks before newspapers start condemning clerks they should walk and aisle in their shoes. let's bring in prosecutor why bad looks good wendy patrick the d.a. was saying, wendy is not going prosecute this case. he's looked at it that's in stockton. if you were in los angeles or sfran the d.a. would see it differently. >> the narrative has shifted from battery to the back story hand isn't it a good idea for to us know the back story before examineing a snapshot in time and arresting charging convicting somebody in the court of public opinion? most of us would like to wait until court or until we know as much as the investigators looking what happened before this attack and you mentioned twice in 24 hours then to have a gun, you can't call it an attack once you add in the factors the clerks knew we didn't. >> when you threaten to kill somebody repeatedly and say anybody in my way i will shoot you that's a threat. >> and holding a gun. >> it's a threat against your life. speaking of 7-eleven thieves are targeting stores all the time stealing cigarettes jewels things tobacco and what happens is they're going repeatedly in these stores and you saw the owners saying we can't do business like this but cvs target stores and 7-elevens getting hit repeatedly because these retail gangs know who to hit what to get with no consequences. >> bold brazen burglaries those bankrupt businesses but they know the resale value of a lot of these items so whether it's cigarettes cigar booze whatever it is this is something that's been very strategic and lawless nissen dangers criminals and community members caught in the crossfire and i mean that literally because we have armed burglars and armed will be list with these convenience stores especially middle of the night. >> we just talked about this the whole concept is there was a day july 11th last year three 7-elevens in southern california went in and fired shots at three kwlerks and one was killed. california some parts homeless areas they're calling it drug tourism where they came here and the founder of nablors together old wrote. it really is amazing when you come to california you know you're going to get drugs, you know can steal to get drugs and there's going to be no consequences and you can shoot up or light up in broad daylight and nobody bothers. >> you narcotics tourism is a cash business. that's exactly why you can never call it a victimless crime. how are you going to get that cash or commodities whether you're going to barter trade or sell? it spurs all kinds of other crime from arson to assault from burglary to battery and everything in between. there's nothing about simply using drugs that say this is just my own problem. it endangers the community. >> great to have you. >> thank you into california governor gavin newsom saying that teaching slavery is no big deal. director of braeger u says he's not telling the truth. she and cory deane jealous will join us. a scotland base's organization is recruiting next generation of monster hunters to uncover the truth about loch ness monster. tell us your thoughts and we will read them live to the rest of america. it's 8:20 on the west coast. fox news trip across america live look at st. louis, missouri the gateway arch in the background and know a barbecue is cooking somewhere. charlotte, north carolina captain ron sleeting in a live look at seaside it's new jersey i spent many a summer night there. if you can't join us live remember to set your dvr and watch us any time. the sooner the better. we are coming right back. a confident day... a never-hide-my-smile day... a life-of-the-party day... a take-on-the-world day... a believe-in-myself day... a flash-my-new-teeth day. because your clearchoice day is the day you get your confidence back for good. a clearchoice day changes every day. schedule a free consultation. i'm javi, i'm 31, and i'm a fitness instructor. i saw myself in a photograph. and we were all smiling, and i looked closer, and i was like that- that's what everybody sees? 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i don't see the problem. >> well, in our time we view slavery as being evil and terrible. >> oh, that's wonderful. i'm glad humanity has reached such a time. >> but gavin newsom writes the following in a tweet or x. did not teach slavery is no big deal but there they go. >> this is an example of what happens over and over and over again. you know it's interesting because what governor newsom tweeted or communicated on x i should say is an out right lie. >> right. >> anyone who goes to a web site prager u kids will see it's not included, it's not the message of the video. if you watch the video if gavin newsom watched the video you would see columbus told the kids i'm glad you deem slavery as evil because in my time that's not what it was seen as. >> the video is 12 minutes and 30 seconds. the whole thing here corey is it's kinds of the pattern, right? it's like don't say gay bill as they go after it. they don't read the bill. you just make something up and hope people believe. >> right. gavin newsom can't be that stupid. if he is he should watch more prager u videos for education. the left throwing at the wall see what would stick. his tweet or x his post took everything out of context, didn't include the video saying slavery was evil. he doesn't like desantis so is doing everything he can just like the left does with everything else. >> president biden tweeted the poli~, quoting. >> it is shows there's about 800 or a lot the number of for teacher raises is like 8 percent and the question is where is the money going and that's the question to you corey. >> right. i mean where's all the money going, joe? it's not going toward the classroom because we live in a society where you're assigned to a government school monopoly that has no incentive to spend additional dollars wisely. the administrators had grown 88 percent since 2000 so we are putting more people in buildings more dues paying members for unions. it's not so good for teachers and kids. >> the "new york post" writes. most parents totally disagree with this stuff but in california and new jersey they coop eight it. >> i should say the new jersey department education might want to pay attention to all the students they're failing because in new jersey for the '21-oo 22 school year less half the students in new jersey were proficient in math or language art so instead of focusing and all these nonsensical untruths they're trying to jam down everyone's thoughts over there why don't i pay attention to educating the students so they can pass and be proficient in useful skills like math reading history? >> teach kids to read and write parents will be happy. jill corey thank you. >> thank. >> arrest warrants issued for some of those involved in that brawl that broke out on a riverfront dock in alabama. here is correspondent brian. >> [yelling]. >> arrest warrants for third degree assaults issued for three men police say are responsible for the montgomery, alabama brawl that went viral on social media. police say it started on saturday night when the hair yet 2 river boat carrying more than 220 guests was unable to dock because of a family's pontoon boat blocking its representative front space. >> the captain remained away from the dock nearly 45 somebody minutes as they attempted to contact the operators of the private boat, via p.a. system. they were only responded to with obscene gestures curse words antawning. >> the cocaptain of the harriet went ashore and confronted the family. police say he was attacked by several members. 48-year-old richard roberts turned himself in charged with two counts of assault. several people jumped in to defend the black cocaptain. police say this was not a hate crime. >> based on the way the statutes read and the laws are crafted, we were unable to present any incitement to riot or racially biased charges. >> the montgomery police chief says the investigation continues and more charges are likely. they specifically want to speak to the black man who hit a white woman in the head with a folding chair. trace. >> coming up, update on major new york beach that shut down after a shark attack. and later, bath time for this little dog turned into a rescue effort by emergency responders and a driver gets creative to beat the traffic. but the cops said no, not this time. the day's best viral video's coming up and live look at sedona, arizona. it's down to 100 degrees now. if you've never been there, it's nice. e game is played. now's the time to see what america's largest 5g network can do for your business. my frequent heartburn had me taking antacid after antacid all day long but with prilosec otc just one pill a day blocks heartburn for a full 24 hours. for one and done heartburn relief, prilosec otc. one pill a day, 24 hours, zero heartburn. before my doctor and i chose breztri for my copd, i had bad days, (cough cough) flare-ups that could permanently damage my lungs. with breztri, things changed for me. breztri gave me better breathing. starting within 5 minutes, i noticed my lung function improved. it helped improve my symptoms, and breztri was even proven to reduce flare-ups, including those that could send me to the hospital. so now i look forward to more good days. breztri won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. it is not for asthma. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. don't take breztri more than prescribed. breztri may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. can't afford your medication? 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(announcer) change your life at that's >> live look at rockaway beach where a woman was hospitalized after a shark attack that took about 20 pounds of her flesh carrey stuff. >> brutal. this is being called an extremely rare instance den. officials say the first confirmed shark bite in new york city since the 1950s. in this case a 65-year-old had been swimming alone near beach 59th street when lifeguards her her screaming for help and they were able to quickly carry out of the water. they administered first aid and applied a tourniquet to her bleeding left leg but not before she is said to have lost 20 pounds of flesh. immediately after everyone was ordered out of the water and helicopters searched for the shark in the waters below but there were no sharks spotted. meantime other beachgoers say they were in absolute shock. >> i don't have my kids in the water but we walk the shoreline to just to know that shark was that close i don't want to shoreline anymore. we will stick with the pools. >> according to the web site wes tracking there have been 31 shark attacks in 2023 including 16 in florida 3 in hawaii 6 in new york two in south carolina. rockaway beach was closed to swimming and surfing today. the woman remained in the hospital in serious but stable condition. her injuries said to be non-life-threatening. the new york city parks department is wishing this woman a full and speedy recovery. they say they know this was very scary but repeat the message shark attacks in this area are extremely rare. >> unless it happens to you. anita vogel thank you. dr. mark siegel great to have you and with a shark attack like this anita talked about 20 pounds of flesh is it the bite the blood loss is it the trauma? what do you worry about here? >> well trace you're right on. good evening. it's actually the blood loss and first i doubt it was 20 pounds of flesh but the problem is there was a lot of bleeding associated with it because you hit a imagine or artery, and jamaica hospital hats off for emergency responders to get that bleeding that artery tied off and the blood replaced. that's what she almost died from. it wasn't even the wound. it was the actual loss of blood. to the other point she makes only the first shark attack in new york city since the 1950s, there's average about 50-60 a year in united states. you heard the beach goer. it's fear. once you hear these things you think it's going to happen to you and that's when you are "jaws" came from. the reason it happens because the sharks think it's their home that you're invading. it isn't they're going out there looking for us. >> it is their home we are invading. the first ever pill treating post partum depression writes the drugmaker delayed the decision until later in the year saying it could be impacted . . . does it work? does it cost too much? what do you think? >> i'm very impressed with it. i took a close look at it tonight. you have about 500,000 wimpier year suffering from this, one out of 8 women, 9 percent of the deaths is due to mtsz issues this is really needed. it affects the gaba resetter in the brain and works really quickly so you might say what about the other anti-depressants, they've been proven but may take a week or two to work. this works right wade and maybe what you have to do because somebody once they deliver may get the problem right away. here's two issues with it quickly, hasn't been proven safe when you breastfeed and the reason it didn't get approval for major depress i have disorder is it's only been tested for 45 days. that hits the market piece of this. we don't want it to be used for major depression because we don't know how long it works. >> the indiana man mom of two who died after drinking too much water. just bizarre give me ten seconds why this happened. >> because the kidneys get the water out of there. when you look in the blood stream, it's water and salt. it's got to be equal balance. so if you drink and drink and drink you're diluting your blood too much. if you overdo it, the kidney can't do its work. >> great stuff. thanks doctor. >> thanks trace. >> drone video of a house in alaska getting washed into a river after a glacier barrier failed. eight buildings in total condemned, nobody hurt. bart the chihuahua was taking a bath when his paw got stuck in the drain. firefighters today chip away the tub and dismantle the drain. mark was not hurt but vowed to never bathe den. finally a driver who couldn't deal with drivers anymore put clothes on a mannequin and tried to sneak by in the car pool lane. the drive got a $500 ticket but was allowed to keep the decorated doll. if you have a viral show to share, you should share it at trace gallagher or fox news night on social media. if you had a chance to rent for the loch ness monster would you take it or is searching for mythical creatures not your style? there's time to weigh in on x, formerly known as twitter and instagram at trace gallagher the nightcap crew is next and live look tonight at region. who says we never take you anywhere? we are coming back with the nightcap. to sleep, so when our windshield cracked, we needed it fixed right. we went to there's no one else we'd trust. their experts replaced our windshield, and recalibrated our car's advanced safety system. they focus on our safety... so we can focus on this little guy. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ the cost of homeownership has been a struggle. 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[ sobbing ] sorry. she's just really good at that. he snores like an angry rhino. you've never heard an angry rhino. baby i hear one every night... every night. okay. i'll work on that. save 50% on the sleep number limited edition smart bed. plus, 36 month financing on select smart beds. shop now only at sleep number. >> we are back with the nightcap group. tonight topic, monster hundredors the loch ness center in scotland putting on the biggest search in over 50 years looking for new monster hundredors. would you join the hunt and if so what would your plan or advice be to find nessie? >> i grew up in the u.k. i was fascinated by nessie my whole life. they go with submarines sonar, snacks. that's all you need to bring nessie out. >> i believe she's real but i don't want to be involved in the accept for her. >> i want to see what she looks like. >> kevin cork nessie would you join the search and what's your tack sync. >> brothers ain't getting in no water. no i wouldn't do it. i would gladly raise the glass after they found her. >> you know what? that's what i think it is. why would you go look for nessie when there's a bar across the street and you can have a dram or two of whiskey? anita vogel you're thoughts on nessie and whether you would join the search. >> you know trace i love this story because in was all the rage when we were growing up, right? >> right. >> there are more than a thousand recorded sightings of this thing. is it mythical any don't know. i wouldn't want to be on the boat but i'll be on if shore reporting. >> i told you there's a bar across the street. did i mention that? that plays a strong theme in this. very quickly, hold on. go ahead. >> there are over 1100 official sightings of nessie. monday stur tourism is great and i would defendantly be on the boat before the bar. >> would you join the hunt yes on x, 30 percent no 70 percent instagram yes 29 no and now the comments michael says born and raised in vermont where they have champ in the deep waters of lake champlain. i would chum the waters with maple syrup tyler i would definitely join, remember giant skwidz were thought to be a sailor's tale. i would merge divers and map every nook and cranny of the coast. >> i was staying at the dipping lugar. i drank scotch whiskey. forget about going after the monster. raise a glass. >> raise a glass. thank you all for joining the nightcap. thank you for watching america's late news "fox news at night." i'm trace gallagher in los angeles. see you here tomorrow. get one free for back to school. visionworks. see the difference. we used to struggle with greasy messes. now, we just freak, wipe, and we're done! with mr. clean clean freak, conquering messes is that easy. clean freak's mist is three times more powerful, and it works on contact. clean freak, just freak, wipe, done. when migraine strikes, you're faced with a choice. ride it out with the tradeoffs of treating? or push through the pain and symptoms? with ubrelvy, there's another option. one dose works fast to eliminate migraine pain. treat it anytime, anywhere without worrying where you are or if it's too late. do not take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. allergic reactions to ubrelvy can happen. most common side effects were nausea and sleepiness. migraine pain relief starts with u. ask about ubrelvy. learn how abbvie could help you save. time for "the five." ♪ >> jesse: hello everybody i'm jesse watters along with katie pavlich, harold ford jr. dana perino and greg gutfeld. it's 5:00 in new york city and this is the five. ♪ >> jesse: joe biden getting blasted for refusing to stand up to the left's woke nonsense. bill maher thinks it's time for the president to grow a spine. >> one of the things i hate the most about biden is that he never stands up to woke nonsense in his party. he also doesn'

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox 20240704 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox 20240704

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with exclusive and images from our southern board there appear to show cartel members with rifles crossing. >> illegal crossing once again starting to surge along the southern border and there are new troubling photos tonight that show the danger is right at america's doorstep, a group of suspected cartel gun men seen crossing into texas in the rio grande valley. law enforcement source telling fox it happened saturday night. the men were armed with rifles had body armor around border patrol agents couldn't find them. miles away in arizona president biden is having climate discussions. >> these historic measures put us on track to cut all american emissions in half, in half by 2030. we are well on our way. >> however, critics argue the u.s. is not well on its way to geting a grip on the migrant and fentanyl crisis facing the grand canyon state with is cbp seizing over a hundred thousand pills in one day as democratic new york city mayor adams is building a large migrant shelter converting turf fields into housing for some 2,000 unvetted migrants. trace that move is obviously angering a group of moms in manhattan who say that housing these migrants next to their children and taking away their fields will hurt their emotional well being. it is a very contentious issue the city and counties and municipalities are facing all over the country. >> those mom have a good point. kevin thank you. let's bring in former acting dhs acting secretary chad wolf. the concept here is you have the president in arizona talking about climate change. maybe he should be concerned with the 113 temperatures that some of these migrants are getting in cages in arizona. if it were trump it would be on wall to wall coverage. >> this administration can go straight to hell. i'm tired of republicans giving lip service to it and years supporting it because they want cheap labor. >> the bottom line is open borders have many point out is cruel to these people. what do you think jeff? >> well absolutely, trace. you know, we have a raging crisis on the southern border and the president is in arizona heavily impacted border community, and he's talking about climate change and a failed inflation reduction act. he needs to be talking about what's gripping places like new york city places like obviously texas massachussetts who has declared a state of emergency there. are communities across this country that are in crisis and the president should be addressing the crisis but instead continues to ignore it. the vice-president continues to ignore it and they continue down this failed strategy of over two and a half years now and unfortunately american communities are paying the price for it. >> yes they are. north dakota governor doug was on our show last night. he made a pair point. >> so far, right here in this sector, 98 different countries people crossing including syria iran china, china with direct flights into mexico direct to mexico then coming into our country. the national security cost of this open border is going to be around for decades in our country. >> i mean the crossing has dipped but they're heading back up and could be higher than have the next 2-3 weeks. >> that's exactly right and the impacts that americans are going to feel he's exactly right will be years in the making. from the national security crisis the public safety crisis the trafficking crisis the fentanyl crisis the list goes on and on and on. and the consequences of not securing that border and continuing the failed strategy, americans have been gripped by this two and a half years, we are going to see this for another unfortunately year and a half to two years unless policy changes are made and this administration has shown no signs of it. instead they continue to double down on a lot of these policies that just are not are benefitting american people. it's an american last strategy and i think a lot of americans are sitting out there saying, enough is enough. when are they going to change course? >> i've got about 20 seconds left. this is southwest border encounters and i'm putting it up because outstanding. you look at the numbers this fiscal year. 478 increase from 2020, 5.7 million encounters at the southern border since biden took office. that's encounters. that's not the unknown got aways and the rest of them. about ten seconds for you jeff. >> yeah americans should just know this is historic. we have never seen anything like this. we are unprepared for the millions of individuals coming into communities places like new york massachussetts texas are demonstrating that today. >> they can handle it sanctuary cities cannot handle it. they're saying maybe we should leave this sanctuary status behind. chad wolf great to have you on. new push to find alternative to mcroberts for next year's election except this time the push includes maybe half the democratic party. anita is live in the new york news room with polls and questions about the president's vovt in his son's business neatings good evening. >> good evening trace certainly lot going on the smej from some democrats is they would rather see an actual contest than a coronation of president biden in the 2024 race. >> we have 12 republicans as options for republican voters and we are the democratic party. democracy means the freedom to make choice. >> democratic voters seem to agree with almost half saying the party should nominate some one other than president biden. in recent days the washington post has floated democratic governors gretchen whitmer, gavin newsom, andy beshear in kentucky as challengers. after the august recess house republicans are expected to ramp up attention on how involved the president was with his son hunter's business dealings including visits to the obama white house but former hunter biden associate eric sherwin. that's not the only headache for the president. >> president biden never ittes the word afghanistan. he refuses to talk about it. he sends out people to say he's sorry for what happened. when we see these gold star families it's tragic. >> yesterday at field hearing we heard emotional testimony from gold star families who spoke about the pain of loving loved ones in that deadly attack by a suicide bomber in the exit from afghanistan. republicans want more accountability for what happened. the state department and pentagon held regular briefings the testimony from the gold star families was not mentioned in either un. trace. >> but it was compelling. pete peterson welcome to you both. "new york times" poll shows these numbers we have been talking about with anita nominate biden 45 percent nominate someone else 50 percent if you're a democrat and half your party doesn't want you to run leslie it's a bits of a pickle. >> i guess donald trump has the same pickle because polls show republicans between 44 and 51 percent don't want donald trump to run. i don't put stock in polls in joe biden donald trump going to run or not because polls say so. as a democrat i think it's funny a newspaper is putting out people they would like to run against him and you may have a handful of congress people saying we need to have more competition, but that's just not going to happen. that doesn't happen with the incumbent. we are slow to change our history. >> it's the new york stiems and the democratic party runs on the "new york times" and when "new york times" says of that party doesn't want you and your incumbent president it's trouble. >> one thing about the poll is i'm improving polls we have seen on polls by democrats toward president biden. we might forget but cnn had a poll of democratic voters saying 75 percent didn't want biden to run. earlier this year we saw in abc news poll two thirds of democrats didn't want biden to run so it feels like democrats might be moving through the stages of grief here they went from denying that biden was going to be their candidate to maybe acceptance although i'll say i do believe our governor here in california, gavin newsom, will be the democratic nominee in 2024. >> a lot of people share that. peter suiteser who wrote the book on hunter biden's shady deals, everything he wrote by the way corroborated in this book he said the following, watch him. >> if devin archer was the deal guy in how you structure this eric was the guy that moved money around and based on the hunter biden laptop he had access not only to hunter biden's accounts but joe biden's account. >> his testimony could be interesting because everybody says you got to follow the money and this is the money guy. >> right and we do have recordings or text messages between him and biden showing that swairn was aware of tax refunds coming back to joe biden. >> i know my kids aren't hunter biden's age. i guess in politics there's a different set of rules and we have testimony that's going to come up. i think the world is interested in what's going to be said. let's be honest and republicans need something or reason to impeach the president. they're going to impeach him no matter what and the reason is because they need to save face and said they were going to do that and i don't think it's going to help them. >> this is from the gold star families we saw yesterday. i want to play one more sound bite. >> he's disrespected all 13 of our kids. he spend time and honor our kids. you don't check your watch. if you had somewhere else to be you shouldn't have been there. it's important for the american people and the public to know the truth. >> all 13 families, got about 10 second for each, all 13 families are disappointed that president biden has won made excuses for afghanistan and two not given them any respected for their loved ones. >> that is cheryl's testimony before the house was gut wrenching she mentioned in a conversation with the president at the time when her son came back in a flag draped coffin that somehow president biden had sympathy because he had been through the same thing with his son beau coming back in a flag drapd could have. >> final thoughts. >> heart wrenching testimony. there's norv been a president that said, we screwed up. presidents like to talk about victory. president biden should be meeting with all the families. any president i don't care if democrat or republican and nobody should stairj gold star families. >> kennedy said he screwed up but that was a long time ago. thank you. compelling video 7-eleven clerks in stockton, california defending their store against repeat robber, d.a. says the clerks will face no penalties but the local media say the clerks should be punished. jonathan hunt is live with more. >> good evening. by now we are familiar with the video the brazen robbery and the violent reaction. watch here. >> don't do that. don't do that, man. [screaming] >> the man who shot the video a business owner in stockton, says the 7-eleven employees did what thread to do. >> they were protecting their store. they didn't hit the guy above the waist. i believe every they done was courageous and they was brave for it. >> he says something has to ch change. >> it's been enough a long time ago. now the city comes out, two courageous men when they've protected their store so this is a sign of enough is enough. >> honors and workers at other 7-eleven stores in the area say they understand the from you trace fueled by ongoing theft and violence and him action from law enforcement. >> we are tired of this. like we are here to do a business and we are here to serve the community. we are here to work, serve and feed our families and i'm so scared. i'm like not feeling good. >> i don't feel like cominger who going back to work. but i have to, just to feed my family's. >> now the local district attorney said the 7-eleven employees quote are not and have never been suspects and will not be charged. he said the investigation is purely aimed at the man who threatened the employees and tried to rob them and i think most of us would agree that is the correct action. >> jonathan thank you. "fox news at night" common sense department has thoughts of the 7-eleven clerks in stockton, california who defnded their store and are accused of assault. modesto bee said the clerks said the suspect who hit is suspects with sticks went too far and are village labties. the thief walked in, threatened to shoot the clerks and began filling a garbage bag with cigarettes saying quote ain't nothing can you do and it's the same suspect who in the previous 24 hours robbed the store twice before both times threatening to shoot any employee who tried to stop him. all the while, a police station sits across the street. common is it's a good bet this suspect had zero concern about cops courts on consequences and thigh they're supposed to take it easy on the guy threatening to kill him? it's worth noting in the past year hundreds of california 7-elevens have been robbed, several collection shot. including three in one day. common sense thinks before newspapers start condemning clerks they should walk and aisle in their shoes. let's bring in prosecutor why bad looks good wendy patrick the d.a. was saying, wendy is not going prosecute this case. he's looked at it that's in stockton. if you were in los angeles or sfran the d.a. would see it differently. >> the narrative has shifted from battery to the back story hand isn't it a good idea for to us know the back story before examineing a snapshot in time and arresting charging convicting somebody in the court of public opinion? most of us would like to wait until court or until we know as much as the investigators looking what happened before this attack and you mentioned twice in 24 hours then to have a gun, you can't call it an attack once you add in the factors the clerks knew we didn't. >> when you threaten to kill somebody repeatedly and say anybody in my way i will shoot you that's a threat. >> and holding a gun. >> it's a threat against your life. speaking of 7-eleven thieves are targeting stores all the time stealing cigarettes jewels things tobacco and what happens is they're going repeatedly in these stores and you saw the owners saying we can't do business like this but cvs target stores and 7-elevens getting hit repeatedly because these retail gangs know who to hit what to get with no consequences. >> bold brazen burglaries those bankrupt businesses but they know the resale value of a lot of these items so whether it's cigarettes cigar booze whatever it is this is something that's been very strategic and lawless nissen dangers criminals and community members caught in the crossfire and i mean that literally because we have armed burglars and armed will be list with these convenience stores especially middle of the night. >> we just talked about this the whole concept is there was a day july 11th last year three 7-elevens in southern california went in and fired shots at three kwlerks and one was killed. california some parts homeless areas they're calling it drug tourism where they came here and the founder of nablors together old wrote. it really is amazing when you come to california you know you're going to get drugs, you know can steal to get drugs and there's going to be no consequences and you can shoot up or light up in broad daylight and nobody bothers. >> you narcotics tourism is a cash business. that's exactly why you can never call it a victimless crime. how are you going to get that cash or commodities whether you're going to barter trade or sell? it spurs all kinds of other crime from arson to assault from burglary to battery and everything in between. there's nothing about simply using drugs that say this is just my own problem. it endangers the community. >> great to have you. >> thank you into california governor gavin newsom saying that teaching slavery is no big deal. director of braeger u says he's not telling the truth. she and cory deane jealous will join us. a scotland base's organization is recruiting next generation of monster hunters to uncover the truth about loch ness monster. tell us your thoughts and we will read them live to the rest of america. it's 8:20 on the west coast. fox news trip across america live look at st. louis, missouri the gateway arch in the background and know a barbecue is cooking somewhere. charlotte, north carolina captain ron sleeting in a live look at seaside it's new jersey i spent many a summer night there. if you can't join us live remember to set your dvr and watch us any time. the sooner the better. we are coming right back. a confident day... a never-hide-my-smile day... a life-of-the-party day... a take-on-the-world day... a believe-in-myself day... a flash-my-new-teeth day. because your clearchoice day is the day you get your confidence back for good. a clearchoice day changes every day. schedule a free consultation. i'm javi, i'm 31, and i'm a fitness instructor. i saw myself in a photograph. and we were all smiling, and i looked closer, and i was like that- that's what everybody sees? 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i don't see the problem. >> well, in our time we view slavery as being evil and terrible. >> oh, that's wonderful. i'm glad humanity has reached such a time. >> but gavin newsom writes the following in a tweet or x. did not teach slavery is no big deal but there they go. >> this is an example of what happens over and over and over again. you know it's interesting because what governor newsom tweeted or communicated on x i should say is an out right lie. >> right. >> anyone who goes to a web site prager u kids will see it's not included, it's not the message of the video. if you watch the video if gavin newsom watched the video you would see columbus told the kids i'm glad you deem slavery as evil because in my time that's not what it was seen as. >> the video is 12 minutes and 30 seconds. the whole thing here corey is it's kinds of the pattern, right? it's like don't say gay bill as they go after it. they don't read the bill. you just make something up and hope people believe. >> right. gavin newsom can't be that stupid. if he is he should watch more prager u videos for education. the left throwing at the wall see what would stick. his tweet or x his post took everything out of context, didn't include the video saying slavery was evil. he doesn't like desantis so is doing everything he can just like the left does with everything else. >> president biden tweeted the poli~, quoting. >> it is shows there's about 800 or a lot the number of for teacher raises is like 8 percent and the question is where is the money going and that's the question to you corey. >> right. i mean where's all the money going, joe? it's not going toward the classroom because we live in a society where you're assigned to a government school monopoly that has no incentive to spend additional dollars wisely. the administrators had grown 88 percent since 2000 so we are putting more people in buildings more dues paying members for unions. it's not so good for teachers and kids. >> the "new york post" writes. most parents totally disagree with this stuff but in california and new jersey they coop eight it. >> i should say the new jersey department education might want to pay attention to all the students they're failing because in new jersey for the '21-oo 22 school year less half the students in new jersey were proficient in math or language art so instead of focusing and all these nonsensical untruths they're trying to jam down everyone's thoughts over there why don't i pay attention to educating the students so they can pass and be proficient in useful skills like math reading history? >> teach kids to read and write parents will be happy. jill corey thank you. >> thank. >> arrest warrants issued for some of those involved in that brawl that broke out on a riverfront dock in alabama. here is correspondent brian. >> [yelling]. >> arrest warrants for third degree assaults issued for three men police say are responsible for the montgomery, alabama brawl that went viral on social media. police say it started on saturday night when the hair yet 2 river boat carrying more than 220 guests was unable to dock because of a family's pontoon boat blocking its representative front space. >> the captain remained away from the dock nearly 45 somebody minutes as they attempted to contact the operators of the private boat, via p.a. system. they were only responded to with obscene gestures curse words antawning. >> the cocaptain of the harriet went ashore and confronted the family. police say he was attacked by several members. 48-year-old richard roberts turned himself in charged with two counts of assault. several people jumped in to defend the black cocaptain. police say this was not a hate crime. >> based on the way the statutes read and the laws are crafted, we were unable to present any incitement to riot or racially biased charges. >> the montgomery police chief says the investigation continues and more charges are likely. they specifically want to speak to the black man who hit a white woman in the head with a folding chair. trace. >> coming up, update on major new york beach that shut down after a shark attack. and later, bath time for this little dog turned into a rescue effort by emergency responders and a driver gets creative to beat the traffic. but the cops said no, not this time. the day's best viral video's coming up and live look at sedona, arizona. it's down to 100 degrees now. if you've never been there, it's nice. e game is played. now's the time to see what america's largest 5g network can do for your business. my frequent heartburn had me taking antacid after antacid all day long but with prilosec otc just one pill a day blocks heartburn for a full 24 hours. for one and done heartburn relief, prilosec otc. one pill a day, 24 hours, zero heartburn. before my doctor and i chose breztri for my copd, i had bad days, (cough cough) flare-ups that could permanently damage my lungs. with breztri, things changed for me. breztri gave me better breathing. starting within 5 minutes, i noticed my lung function improved. it helped improve my symptoms, and breztri was even proven to reduce flare-ups, including those that could send me to the hospital. so now i look forward to more good days. breztri won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. it is not for asthma. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. don't take breztri more than prescribed. breztri may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. can't afford your medication? 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(announcer) change your life at that's >> live look at rockaway beach where a woman was hospitalized after a shark attack that took about 20 pounds of her flesh carrey stuff. >> brutal. this is being called an extremely rare instance den. officials say the first confirmed shark bite in new york city since the 1950s. in this case a 65-year-old had been swimming alone near beach 59th street when lifeguards her her screaming for help and they were able to quickly carry out of the water. they administered first aid and applied a tourniquet to her bleeding left leg but not before she is said to have lost 20 pounds of flesh. immediately after everyone was ordered out of the water and helicopters searched for the shark in the waters below but there were no sharks spotted. meantime other beachgoers say they were in absolute shock. >> i don't have my kids in the water but we walk the shoreline to just to know that shark was that close i don't want to shoreline anymore. we will stick with the pools. >> according to the web site wes tracking there have been 31 shark attacks in 2023 including 16 in florida 3 in hawaii 6 in new york two in south carolina. rockaway beach was closed to swimming and surfing today. the woman remained in the hospital in serious but stable condition. her injuries said to be non-life-threatening. the new york city parks department is wishing this woman a full and speedy recovery. they say they know this was very scary but repeat the message shark attacks in this area are extremely rare. >> unless it happens to you. anita vogel thank you. dr. mark siegel great to have you and with a shark attack like this anita talked about 20 pounds of flesh is it the bite the blood loss is it the trauma? what do you worry about here? >> well trace you're right on. good evening. it's actually the blood loss and first i doubt it was 20 pounds of flesh but the problem is there was a lot of bleeding associated with it because you hit a imagine or artery, and jamaica hospital hats off for emergency responders to get that bleeding that artery tied off and the blood replaced. that's what she almost died from. it wasn't even the wound. it was the actual loss of blood. to the other point she makes only the first shark attack in new york city since the 1950s, there's average about 50-60 a year in united states. you heard the beach goer. it's fear. once you hear these things you think it's going to happen to you and that's when you are "jaws" came from. the reason it happens because the sharks think it's their home that you're invading. it isn't they're going out there looking for us. >> it is their home we are invading. the first ever pill treating post partum depression writes the drugmaker delayed the decision until later in the year saying it could be impacted . . . does it work? does it cost too much? what do you think? >> i'm very impressed with it. i took a close look at it tonight. you have about 500,000 wimpier year suffering from this, one out of 8 women, 9 percent of the deaths is due to mtsz issues this is really needed. it affects the gaba resetter in the brain and works really quickly so you might say what about the other anti-depressants, they've been proven but may take a week or two to work. this works right wade and maybe what you have to do because somebody once they deliver may get the problem right away. here's two issues with it quickly, hasn't been proven safe when you breastfeed and the reason it didn't get approval for major depress i have disorder is it's only been tested for 45 days. that hits the market piece of this. we don't want it to be used for major depression because we don't know how long it works. >> the indiana man mom of two who died after drinking too much water. just bizarre give me ten seconds why this happened. >> because the kidneys get the water out of there. when you look in the blood stream, it's water and salt. it's got to be equal balance. so if you drink and drink and drink you're diluting your blood too much. if you overdo it, the kidney can't do its work. >> great stuff. thanks doctor. >> thanks trace. >> drone video of a house in alaska getting washed into a river after a glacier barrier failed. eight buildings in total condemned, nobody hurt. bart the chihuahua was taking a bath when his paw got stuck in the drain. firefighters today chip away the tub and dismantle the drain. mark was not hurt but vowed to never bathe den. finally a driver who couldn't deal with drivers anymore put clothes on a mannequin and tried to sneak by in the car pool lane. the drive got a $500 ticket but was allowed to keep the decorated doll. if you have a viral show to share, you should share it at trace gallagher or fox news night on social media. if you had a chance to rent for the loch ness monster would you take it or is searching for mythical creatures not your style? there's time to weigh in on x, formerly known as twitter and instagram at trace gallagher the nightcap crew is next and live look tonight at region. who says we never take you anywhere? we are coming back with the nightcap. to sleep, so when our windshield cracked, we needed it fixed right. we went to there's no one else we'd trust. their experts replaced our windshield, and recalibrated our car's advanced safety system. they focus on our safety... so we can focus on this little guy. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ the cost of homeownership has been a struggle. 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Stroke , Permanent , Report Fever , Patients , Support , Savings , Caplyta Com , Goli , Goals , News , Chief Medical Examiner , Landrieu De Niro , Region , Drug Overdose , Food Manufacturers , Estate , Ones , Barbie , Mandates , Gas Ovens , Comedian Podcast Host , Bill Maher , Mark Siegel , Zombie Lie , Movie , Slavery , Prager U Kids , Aim , Lie , Guest , Jill Corey , You Corey , Clip , 15 , Slave , Humanity , Tweet , X , Example , Web Site , Anyone , Xi , Message , Columbus , Pattern , Don T Say Gay , 30 , Bill , Can T , Hope , Prager U Videos For Education , Didn T , Post , Wall , Context , Throwing , Poli , He Doesn T , Left , Everything Else , Desantis , Quoting , 800 , Question , Society , Teacher Raises , Classroom , Government School Monopoly , Administrators , Incentive , 88 , Buildings , Teachers , Members , Unions , Dues , New York Post , Students , It , Department Education , Parents , Stuff , Eight , 21 , Math , Language , Art , Untruths , Proficient , 22 , Everyone , Math Reading , Skills , Brawl , Brian , Some , Arrest , Riverfront Dock , Alabama , Yelling , Degree , Arrest Warrants , Assaults , Hair , Social Media , Police , Montgomery , Men Police , Pontoon Boat , Guests , Dock , Space , River Boat , 220 , Boat , P A , System , Operators , Gestures , Cocaptain , Richard Roberts , Several , Words , Harriet , 48 , Counts , Statutes , Hate Crime , Black Cocaptain , Charges , Police Chief , Incitement , Laws , Shark Attack , Woman , Black Man , Beach , Bath Time , Head , Folding Chair , Coming Up , Driver , Emergency Responders , Rescue , Cops , Dog , Effort , Traffic , Sedona , 100 , Heartburn , Antacid , Game , 5g Network , Prilosec Otc , Heartburn Relief , Zero Heartburn , Breztri , My Copd , Flare Ups , Lungs , Cough , Lung Function , Hospital , Won T , Breathing Problems , Heart Condition , Rescue Inhaler , Asthma , High Blood Pressure , Chest Pain , Swelling , Osteoporosis , Pneumonia , Thrush , Tongue , Mouth , Problems Urinating , Vision Changes , Medication , Astrazeneca , Eye , Scout , Simparica Trio , Protection , No Problem , Drug , Class , Fleas , Wow Heartworm Disease , Simarica Trio , Intestinal Worms , Weight Loss , Disorders , Seizures , Use , Dogs , Caution , Golo , Aidyl , 90 , I M On My Way , Sizes , Yo , Five , Announcer , Golo Com , Rockaway Beach , Flesh Carrey Stuff , Swimming , Instance , Shark Bite , Officials , Brutal , 65 , 1950 , Water , Bleeding , Lifeguards , Tourniquet , Help , Aid , Leg , Beach 59th Street , 59 , Waters , Shark , Sharks , Flesh , Beachgoers , Helicopters , Shoreline , Pools , Shock , Shark Attacks , Florida 3 In Hawaii 6 , Wes Tracking Sharks Com , South Carolina , 16 , 2023 , 6 , New York City Parks Department , Recovery , Surfing , Injuries , Blood Loss , Bite , Trauma , Dr , Artery , Blood , It Wasn T , Loss , Wound , Jamaica , Average , Fear , Beach Goer , 60 , Home , It Isn T , Jaws , Drugmaker , Post Partum Depression , Decision , Pill , 500000 , Mtsz , Deaths , Women , Gaba Resetter , 9 , Brain , Works Right Wade , Hasn T , Issues , Major , Approval , Man Mom , Disorder , Market Piece , Indiana , Kidneys , Drinking , Blood Stream , Salt , Balance , You Overdo , Kidney , Drone Video , Work , Thanks Doctor , Great Stuff , Thanks Trace , Alaska , Bart , River , Bath , Glacier Barrier , Paw , Chihuahua , Nobody Hurt , Drain , Drivers , Chip , Firefighters , Tub , Who Couldn T Deal , Bathe Den , In The Car Pool Lane , Mannequin , Clothes , Ticket , 500 , Share , Doll , Night On Social Media , Creatures , Style , On X , Instagram , Twitter , Nightcap , Windshield , Sleep , Crew , Experts , Safelite Com , Safety System , Recalibrated Our Car , Safety , Singers , Safelite Repair , Voice Breaking , Homeownership , Utility Prices , Sweetie , Struggle , Violin Playing , Progressive Save , Customers , Sobbing , Rhino , Baby , Sleep Number , Bed , Financing , Smart Beds , 36 , Nightcap Group , Hunt , Search , Monster Hundredors The Loch Ness Center In Scotland , Tonight Topic , Nessie , Advice , Plan , Submarines , U K , Sonar , Snacks , Nessie Out , Glass , Brothers Ain T , Tack Sync , Bar , Street , Whiskey , Dram , Story , Sightings , Rage , A Thousand , Wouldn T , Hold On , Don T Know , Shore Reporting , Theme , Monday Stur Tourism , Sightings Of Nessie , 1100 , Comments , Champ , The Deep Waters , Vermont , Michael , 29 , 70 , Maple Syrup , Chum , Lake Champlain , Cranny , Nook , Map , Divers , Sailor S Tale , Giant Skwidz , Monster , Coast , Scotch Whiskey , Dipping Lugar , Difference , Back To School , Visionworks , Freak , Messes , Mr , About Ubrelvy , Mist , Powerful , Contact , Push , Tradeoffs , Migraine Strikes , Migraine Pain , Sleepiness , Option , Anywhere , Dose , Inhibitors , Nausea , Cyp3a4 , Cyp3 , Migraine Pain Relief Starts , Jesse Watters , Katie Pavlich , Harold Ford Jr , Dana Perino , Greg Gutfeld , Nonsense , Spine ,

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