Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Outnumbered 20240704 : comparemela.

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Outnumbered 20240704

former president donald trump. house democrats sent a letter to judicial conference in effort to rewrite federal standard. democrats claim televising the trial will be beneficial. the letter was spearheaded by california senate hopeful adam schiff, who wrote, given historic nature of the charges brought forth in cases, it is hard to imagine more powerful circumstance for televised proceedings. it will be vitally important for the public to witness how the trials are conducted. the credibility of witnesses. critics slammed the move as a partisan slump, trump's officials invite the idea. >> i would love to see that, i'm convinced biden administration doesn't want people to see the truth. they want to keep important information about this case from the press. >> emily: "wall street journal" argues cameras should stay far away from the courtroom, cameras can be distraction from seeking fair justice, particular risk in trump trial that will be a global media circus in any case, that is precisely what democrats want, a long-running o.j. simpson style that gets political attention, especially if it takes place before election day in 2024. steve doocy, so much to unpack, what are your thoughts on it all? >> steve: i get why democrats want it on tv on trial, they think he will look terrible. i get why his lawyer says i would love to have it on tv, he thinks it would help exonerate his client. both sides know it is precedent not go the '40s, not to televise it. the georgia trial could be televised because it is state trial. i will be selfish, i would love to see it on tv, both sides would like to see it. ratings would be through the roof. forget about televising it or not, then you have the president's former president's social media and got to figure his social media account is giving his lawyering a headache, what did he just tweet? >> or truth social. >> steve: exactly. his lawyer said there is a system in place, got to figure out, he has a first amendment opportunity to say what it on his mind, he has to be careful not to dig himself into a hole. >> emily: focus on what was sfwing, how adam schiff, with surprised expression said for the public to accept the results. that is a dangerous notion that we somehow wouldn't accept what occurs in a trial, that is democrat way of doing a play book. for most americans we accept what judges levee. >> we do. i was around to cover the o.j. simpson and that was televised cover to cover, beginning to end. >> steve: it was fantastic. >> michele: great television at times, sometimes boring as you know what. even then with people, all evidence available to everyone watching, not everyone accepted the outcome, they were biassed one way or the other. i think same will happen here. i'm with you, i'm a television person and want to be a fly on the wall in there. that sets a precedence we don't want, it turns into a total clown show and the prosecution dramatizing and trying to make the president look bad and gives the president billions of dollars of free publicity that is going to help his campaign. i don't think either of those is good for the country. for somebody like adam schiff or anybody to say this would be good for the country, we're as divided as we can possibly be. this will make this fish fisure bigger. >> emily: i cut class to watch the o.j. simpson. >> carley and i were like how old, seven or eight? >> carley: i wasn't born yet. >> michele: okay. >> steve: oh, michele. michele tafoya let's hold hands. >> emily: the press and role they are playing in this. >> kayleigh: i filled in on sean hannity the other night and there is a "new york times" piece from april of this year. i find these sentences interesting, it was katy rogers, she is a very credible reporter and here is what she had to say, he, biden, does have opinion. in the past mr. biden privately told his close circle of advisors mr. trump posed a threat to democracy and should be prosecuted for his role in the events of january 6, according to people familiar with his comments and told confidants he wanted merrick garland to stop acting like a ponderous judge. there is no assertion biden told this to merrick garland, it ended in the "new york times" in april and soon thereafter we get two federal indictments. when i was a reporter and when i was a press assigner, i would say this is your reporting. "new york times" love to brag, jonathan swan and habberman, our reporting confirmed in this jack smith reporting and that one. there is a gaggle on air force one after 4 p.m., will anyone in the press ask this question? they should. ellen pages of "new york times" should ask is this is biden's view and was it communicated to merrick garland. >> saving oldest for last. >> carley: i was born in the o.j. simpson, i wanted everybody to think i wasn't. former president facing 48 felony charges if convicted, he will face 641 years in prison and steve just mentioned georgia pending indictment there. so the number of charges could go up and there could be cameras in the courtroom and could be getting a mug shot in georgia, just that one picture alone. it is notable whenever trump's team and adam schiff agree on everything, this is like the one thing. trump is saying, i want the cameras because so far all of this, being out in the open and indictments have worked politically, keep the ball rolling. i think there are some republicans who may have shopped around for another candidate in the primary who see the doj so politically motivated they are saying best way to fight back is to vote for the guy they are going against and going after. that is the primary. how does this play in the general election with independents who might be more interested in the issue than the indictment and that has yet to be determined. >> great question, we must have full some discussion about the economy, that is what it will come down to. >> kayleigh: >> carley: trump could use that to his benefit. >> emily: so much more to come, including this, democrats up in arms over kids in cages story while trump administration was in office, what about migrants in cages now outside in the 115-degree arizona heat? not so much. more on that next. stay with us. okay everyone, our mission is complete balanced nutrition. together we provide nutrients to support immune, muscle, bone, and heart health. yaaay! woo hoo! ensure with 25 vitamins and minerals and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. ♪ veteran homeowners, need to save money every month? call newday. pay off your high rate credit cards and car loan with an affordable va home loan from newday. you can save $500 every month. rates on credit cards have gone up to 22%. for late payments, as much as 30%, more than three times higher than a newday va loan. pay off your credit cards and car with a newday100 va loan and save. ♪ when you have chronic kidney disease... there are places you'd like to be. like here. and here. not so much here. if you have chronic kidney disease, farxiga can help you keep living life. ♪ farxiga ♪ and farxiga reduces the risk of kidney failure, which can lead to dialysis. farxiga can cause serious side effects including dehydration, urinary tract or genital yeast infections in women and men, and low blood sugar. ketoacidosis is a serious side effect that may lead to death. a rare life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this bacterial infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. farxiga can help you keep living life. ask your doctor for farxiga for chronic kidney disease. if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. ♪ farxiga ♪ let me be direct... you're watching football wrong! what do you call a guy in face paint that can't get the game? 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where is the squad? where is the media? >> carley: good question and we talk about cages built. remember the obama/biden administration built them first and trump used them when there was increase in illegal immigration and there was whole outcry when he used them and not when the prior administration did. the cartels are aware of where majority of border patrol and resources are going. they are sending large groups to areas that are less manned and being in more desolate area of arizona and this portion of the border, border patrol can't deal with it, trying to get out of cages quickly as possible. everybody is being affected by this. r.f.k. jr. just released docu-series, where he went to yuma. everybody does interviews and campaign ads, he is doing docu-series on the issues he wants to cover and says after visiting the border, i understand open-border policy is way of funding drug and trafficking -- drug and human trafficking operation for the mexican drug cartel. >> kayleigh: it is very sad, steve, this is because incompetence of the biden administration. cbp talking about the caged inirria, reduced time in custody to 15 hours that basically male adults are rotated as needed, given shade and monitored, given bathrooms and meals. sad nonetheless. >> steve: this is our federal government doing that. here in new york, if you leave a kid in a car, really hot, you will get arrested and here is our government doing it. the government is pushing back and saying, look, there are too many people and blame smugglers on doing this. one thing going on with all of the emphasis on the migration and all the people being dumped on the streets of new york city is people in new york who haven't engaged on the issue of our southern border. now it is like what are all those people doing here? who let them all in? that is personifying it for a lot of people. you don't hear much from so many about what is going on down there. and then it becomes political. whereas, if they look at it and look at the situation, some people would go, that is so bad about what is happening to those people down there. i blame global climate change. >> kayleigh: of course, to steve's point, the economy, you can't hide, it is in bank accounts. you can hide illegal immigration, it was a problem you could hide unless you had r.f.k. jr. or trump putting a spotlight on it. >> emily: this administration can try to hide, behind it is biggest dumpster fire and where is the border czar? kamala harris cam parented on fixing the border crisis and made it sound like there was an easily attainable solution. there is, enforce the laws. since then, she's failed and this weekend, subjected to any type of criticism of her failure is because she is a black woman and history maker. she made history in her failings, the fact she alined herself, i'm a champion for daughters and for women who are victims of crime. what about those young women in the sweltering heat enduring sexual assault, there is not enough time in the show to cite all of the facts of the abysmal situation down there our vice president pretended to care about and has turned the other cheek, result of failing compassion is cruel policy. >> emily: michele, trump got criticized for the cages and kamala harris had thoughts. ap said, you are half right contrasting your policy with the trump administration, she did not say the same cages were used in her husband's administration to hold migrant kids temporarily. if images in arizona surfaced on republican watch, it would be different. >> michele: no question and it is stunning hypocrisy of someone like aoc not going to visit now. it is politics. as far as kamala and everything she said and ran on, line from hamilton, winning is easy, governoring is harder, governoring is hard and has nothing to do with color of her skin or fact she is a female. i would vote for condoleeza rice in a heart beat, she would be more competent than kamala harris. what i would love to see is united states disentangle manufacturing from china and put in central and south american countries we can relate with and keep people down there working and give them jobs and hope and give them a reason to stay in the countries. to blame all this on the cbp is insane to me, they have such a difficult job down there. you are asking them to do the impossible. to take care of everybody's needs, health and otherwise and try to manage the border and nowhere is the federal government stepping in to help out in any way. >> kayleigh: they will continue to demonize them. remember the fake border whipping incident that turned out not to be true. after world cup soccer -- unlikeable and risk becoming irrelevant. age is just a number, and mine's unlisted. try boost® high protein with 20 grams of protein for muscle health versus 16 grams in ensure® high protein. boost® high protein. now available in cinnabon® bakery-inspired flavor. learn more at i'm sholeh, and i lost 75 pounds with golo. i went from a size 20 to a size 6. before golo, nothing seemed to work. i was exercising for over an hour every day. it was really discouraging. but golo's so easy, the weight just falls off. more shopping? 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[ting] ♪ live in the moment. ask your doctor about otezla. ♪ >> emily: after yesterday's stunning world cup eshg elimination at the hands of sweden issue u.s. women's soccer team is being accused of putting political activism ahead of winning. this moment from the team's most controversial player megan rapinoe. >> megan rapinoe over the bar. [cheering] >> emily: rapinoe drew backlash from fans aftershe was spotted laughing after that crucial miss. chuckles turned to tears as the team suffered fastest ever exit from the world cup stage. critics are calling out the team for putting woke politics ahead of our country, with many pointing out team reluctance to sing for the national anthem. and alex says the women's woke politics are alienating americans. don't kill the messenger, this u.s. women's soccer team is polarizing, politics, stances have made this team unlikeable to a portion of america. this team built brand and derived its name from winning, if that goes away, they risk being irrel not va. michele, curious your thoughts on this. >> michele: i covered women's oshg limpic soccer in 2012 in manchester and it was a very patriotic team and easy to cheer for team. my daughter is an avid soccer player, waking up in the middle of the games. she didn't appreciate they wouldn't sing. it doesn't make them bad americans for not singing and i say, that is not the point. this is shot of megan rapinoe kneeling at one point. learn the lesson i saw up front that n.f.l. and n.b.a. learned, when you go anti-merp on your fans, a lot of fans are very patriotic and you lose them. not only the anthem stuff, you are there on that platform, competing for the united states in the world cup, not like you are on a pro team, you are competing for the united states of america and you are shunning the anthem and acting as though you are ashamed to be there representing your country and that is your platform and why you are there, representing the nation. megan rapinoe said trans athletes should be able to compete against woman, i don't think they are putting that ahead of winning and i think she laughed after that goal like you would if you get a sick kick in the gut, she was not laughing like this is funny. she was laughing like are you kidding me, this is sick, i give her that. that is all i will give her. she has almost single-handedly brought the reputation of this team to where it is now. they better, it is a cautionary tale. >> emily: kayleigh, it is luxury to play a sport for a living and many argue this player got presidential medal for being activist for lgbtq rights and the like. what did that look like? for filing a lawsuit. wouldn't cheerleaders of the n.f.l. received the same medal? they received and restored justice. for someone that enjoyed benefit of this country, for them to not stand for the anthem, the women's team in afghanistan had to be airlifted out and are playing in refugee games in australia, it flies in the face of representing what this country stands for. hard to root for that player and anyone like her. >> kayleigh: stunning contrast you draw. sports are supposed to unite us, usa listed most patriotic moments, miracle on ice and after 9/11, george w bush pitch at world series and when the gulf war began and whitney houston sang. and usa, usa, sports at its greatest and megan rapinoe has chosen a different route. she said i am not going to the bleeping white house when trump was president. it was a huge honor. the kneeling of the anthem, she said i'm an athlete entitled to my opinion. yes, you are and we are entitled to say your opinion does not represent our country. >> emily: and espn praised megan rapinoe for patriotism. >> wherever she's gone, she's represented best of the united states. her patriotism has driven her to lend her voice for racial inequality. she did it because she loved america and believed it could be better version of itself. >> carley: megan rapinoe has supporters. things that shouldn't be political or divisive are, what is best thing about watching sports competition, oslympics ad world cup, it is hearing the stories of those who work so hard to live out their dream and represent the country they love. not because they are die-hard for track and field or wrestling or figure skating, they love to hear stories. when you inject politics, whether kneeling for national anthem or saying i'm not going to the f-ing white house, a lot of people tune it out. for "fox and friends first," i went to the lovely trip. i can tell you megaof had majority of this soccer players are super di-hard patriotic world stage. one or two players, reputation for the entire team. big football, soccer, country, you have lionel messi who is electrifying people and didn't know they liked soccer. i can't figure out what off sides means. i was a coach for five years. you have that going on and you have this going on. i know the women's whole world cup was on fox, i don't know one person excited about watching it and would talk about it the next day. i think maybe going forward a condition of being on the national team is you should probably be a fan of the nation. >> bingo. >> steve: i know i am 70% swedish, for the fact the swedish team won, i'm okay. >> emily: definitely red card megan rapinoe. coming up, after friday's teen riot in new york city, mayor eric adams says thousands of rowdy young people are not to blame for tearing up an iconic neighborhood, that is next. the first time your sales reached 100k with godaddy was also the first time your profits left you speechless. at the counter or on the go, save 20% with the lowest transaction fees and keep more of what you make. start saving today at there are currently more than 750,000 unfilled cybersecurity jobs in the u.s. the google cybersecurity certificate was made to fill that gap and help grow the workforce that's keeping us all safe. >> kayleigh: new york city mayor adams is passing blame. friday's riot began after influencer promised to give away game consoles at the spot. thousands of teenage followers showed up and didn't take long for things to get violent. the teens jumped on top of cars, smashed windshields and screamed obscenities. some threw america-80 fireworks. mayor adams had this afterward. >> what is happening to our youth in this country, specifically here in new york city is something we should all be alarmed about. our children cannot be raised by social media. our children cannot get their value and beliefs from social media and other outside entities. our children are inundated by influencers. this is not a police issue, this is a parenting issue. we need to be clear on that. police is the response after the incident happened, should be proactive approach. >> kayleigh: he said he texted his son on friday afternoon and said where are you, in union square? he said, i wonder what the children that were disrespecting the residents and attacking each other, how many texted their children? good question. >> steve: it is good question, power of social media, i'm giving away a ps5, come on down. they had no idea that many would show up. parental responsibility, you hope every kid in america would know, if i want a free ps5, i probably shouldn't attack a cop. flash mob, only flash mob i will take part in at 5:00 is one for free chardonney. chick-fil-a and chardonney. >> kayleigh: people showed up with smoke bombs and one witness said it looked like war, how does this happen? >> michele: parenting is part of the issue. he can say it is not a policing issue. it kind of is. they are not being supported to do the right thing to punish people and hold them to account in these sorts of situations. they run through the turnstile that is the police department. i was in boston and amazed how clean and safe that entire place is, we covered every place in boston. we saw 10,000 fine if you litter and my kids were like, that seems steep. you see litter on the ground? the point, they are like, how does it get enforced? you want to see? will you take the risk and see if you have to pay 10 grand? this is -- if you set accountability, you can have people go, i don't want to do that and they won't. in this case, there was none. >> kayleigh: witness told "new york post," someone threw a bottle and the bottles never stopped and bottles turned into chairs and chairs turned into tables and tables turned into cones. >> emily: i agree with the mayor in parts, but there need to be more accountability levied to these people. media does a poor job or argue good job of fan liesing them and continuing to say teens and youth and the like and i do firmly believe that the current criminal system in new york accounted for that and made room for it. we've raised age of youth, family court system is abysmal, they get let out and highest proportion of felony arrests have been youth. to me, if criminals are criminaling, treat them as such and we need parents to step in and text and raise their kids right. kids are running the streets. remember when chicago mayor brandon johnson chastised a reporter for calling it a mob action. if the square fits, i see it like it is. that doesn't matter teenager or adult, that is crime. >> mayor johnson has done that twice, blame game, deflection. part is defund the police. i appreciate mayor adams bringing up parenting. >> i think mayor eric adams was spot on in this response, this was not a policing issue. police had no idea this many kids would reek havoc, this is inner paing, where are the kids parents? in chicago, mayor johnson recently was critical of media for calling this group of kids descending upon 7-11, and reeking havoc a mob. he said it should be a large gathering, how is this possible, where are the parents? something larry elder talks about, he says there is fatherless issue in this country. >> kayleigh: mayor adams said not having prayer issue god and faith is at the root, he has his moments. coming up, what goes even beyond cancel culture? pretending the person doesn't exist. seattle museum scrubbed jk rowling. they are calling her, she who must not be named. more on that next. life, diabetes. each day is a unique blend of going, doing, and living. glucerna protein smart with 30 grams of protein to help keep you moving. uniquely designed with carbsteady to help manage blood sugar response. glucerna, bring on the day. ah, these bills are crazy. she has no idea she's sitting on a goldmine. well she doesn't know that if she owns a life insurance policy of $100,000 or more she can sell all or part of it to coventry for cash. even a term policy. even a term policy? even a term policy! find out if you're sitting on a goldmine. call coventry direct today at the number on your screen, or visit >> land around a u.s. air force base? we have thoughts. why is a black doctor forcing doctors to take bias training? join us for can the america reports. >> a museum taking cancel culture to a whole new level bee removing and and all traces of harry potter j.k. rowling from their exhibit about harry potter. the decision is to "reduce her impact about her comments about the transgender community," they call her she who can't be mentioned. there is a certain cold heartless joy-sucking entity in the world of harry potter, this person is too vocal with hateful and divisive views to be ignored. the white wizarding world, fat shaming, lack lgbtq representation and those who don't fit into the wizardry world and so much more. steve, the irony is if they are trying to reduce her impact why amplify something of holy her creation. >> steve: my daughter mary studied at oxford and we went to pick her up in the summer and she wanted to show the big dining hall where they filmed harry potter. look at this, this is where they did harry potter. she read all the books, i used to take her to costco to buy the books, they were selling out everywhere. they have had an impact on people. hard to believe a museum would try to erase a part of history. j.k. rowling, if you believe google, in top 10 highest grossing selling authors of all time. how do you -- she's in top five with shakespeare in number of books sold, how do you erase her from pop culture? it is a museum about pop culture. >> and so performative, michele. if you care, you would say i will not amplify content from this person, they like it too much, dipping the toe in the water. >> michele: everything they listed was how bad the series is. listen, j.k. rowling is liberal and been supportive of politics and labor party in the uk and so forth. she has a specific disagreement with this trans movement and does not like being called a person who menstruates, she thinks you ought to be called a woman. this is what they do, call you hateful, bigotted and everything they can call you to shut you up and this is insane to me. don't go to that museum, okay. just don't. it is wrong. they will be cancelling shakespeare, count on it. >> emily: kayleigh gave me assignment to watch the movie. >> carley: steve, my husband and i went to england and my husband booked a harry potter tour for me and it ended up being like 3-1/2 hours. i love harry potter, but this is a lot. point is, what she created is incredible, it is her creation, she's made her mark and part of me originally thought this poor woman has been ostracized because of her opinion, maybe she feels like she shouldn't have spoken out. she is not poor and there is freedom to express your belief and not be afraid to say how you feel. >> emily: this museum is awesome and i'm surprised they would engage in erasure of an author when they are about attribution. >> kayleigh: this seems like theft, been to the museum, and studied at oxford which statement is hateful, i know and love trans people and respect their right to live any way. i feel compassion for such people and would respect their pronouns. only thing she has said she doesn't want to be called menstruating person and a man may have no surgery, but if he feels he's a woman, the door of every bathroom changes. that is a noncontroversial statement wrapped in her love for the community at large. it is crazy you can steal a woman's work and try to cancel her for a statement like that. >> steve: i've been doing this -- channel for 25 years, my daughter sent me, thanks for the harry potter shout out. you're woman, mary. >> cute. >> "outnumbered," steve. >> more of all of this in just a moment. veteran homeowners to combat today's rising prices. lower your monthly payments with the three c's: pay down your credit cards, pay off your car loan, consolidate your debt with a va home loan from from newday. this is your summer to smile. to raise your glass and reconnect. to reel in the fun and savor every bite. to help you get ready your aspen dental team is celebrating 25 years of affordable care with an epic summer of smiles event. don't miss enjoying a moment, with our onsite labs to help you, fast, and 20% off your denture care. so, whether you need a new look or a quick fix, you can celebrate with a smile all season— always at aspen dental. book today. he snores like an angry rhino. you've never heard an angry rhino. baby i hear one every night. every night. okay. i'll work on that. save up to $500 on the new sleep number® smart bed. plus, free home delivery when you add an adjustable base. shop now only at sleep number®. >> last but not least, democrats have targeted gas stoves, light bulbs, coal and wood-fired pizza ovens, and now targeting ice cream trucks. you know the ones that play the jingle and your kids light up when they hear them coming around the block. they know the ice cream truck is right around the corner. now the traditional truck has got in new york city, bad for the environment. a new york city councilman wants them to ditch fuel powered and switch to solar. >> secretly working for "the new york post" and create headlines for them, you can see it on the cover. i remember when they did the whole pizza oven thing, i interviewed one pizza oven -- pizza store owner and he was like they are giving crack pipes out for free in new york city and they are coming down on me? great point. >> and the question of what our president will do, emily. >> i'm sure support it. >> and not get his ice cream. >> and in no way acknowledge this is just yet another burden and tax on small business owners and law abiding citizens trying to make their way in the city and augment the economy that is failing miserably since no tourists want to come here. >> you know, the irony is, they are trying to crack down on the guy and their business, they are good humor. >> the ice cream, i got that. >> i'm the only one. >> i got that, i got it. >> thank you, kayleigh. >> if you are driving an electric or solar-powered vehicle that is supposed to keep ice cream frozen, right. i can see meltage all over the place in the future but you are right, they are targeting all the small businesses trying to do their thing. they think this sounds nice, electric ice cream truck but they don't go past that level thinking into what it does. >> ice cream is melted, blame global warming. >> i predict this won't get through. president has his green agenda or ice cream, ease picking ice cream. here is "america reports." >> john: kayleigh, thank you. any moment now the gold star families of the 13 service members killed in the biden administration chaotic withdrawal from afghanistan will come together to share their stories. hello, john roberts in washington. good to be back with you. >> sandra: and great to be back with you, welcome back. i'm sandra smith in new york. for nearly two years now those families in that room have been searching for answers and accountability for the loss of their loved ones who were thrown into a tumultuous evacuation at the kabu

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Results , Cover To , Simpson , Michele Great Television At Times , I M With You , Television Person , Mother , Outcome , Evidence , One , Precedence We Don T Want , Fly On The Wall , Clown Show , Prosecution Dramatizing , Country , Billions , Somebody , Publicity , Anybody , Campaign , Class , Fish Fisure Bigger , I Wasn T Born , Seven , Eight , New York Times , Kayleigh , Role , Night , Piece , Let S Hold Hands , Sean Hannity , Reporter , Katy Rogers , Opinion , Sentences , Mr , Threat , Circle , Comments , Democracy , Events , 6 , January 6 , Acting , Ponderous Judge , Assertion , Confidants He Wanted Merrick Garland , Love , Reporting , Indictments , Press Assigner , Two , Question , Anyone , Gaggle , Jack Smith , Air Force One , Habberman , Jonathan Swan , 4 , View , Last , Ellen , Saving Oldest , Everybody , Felony Charges , Prison , Wasn T , 48 , 641 , Number , Indictment , Mug Shot , Georgia , Georgia Pending , Team , Thing , Everything , Saying , Picture , Republicans , Primary , Doj , Candidate , Keep The Ball Rolling , Issue , Guy , Independents , Play , Election , Economy , Benefit , Discussion , Carley , Cages , Kids , Arizona , Migrants , Heat , Office , Arms , 115 , More , Next , Stay , Mission , Nutrition , Heart Health , Muscle , Support Immune , Minerals , Vitamins , Nutrients , Bone , Yaaay , Woo Hoo , 25 , Protein , 30 , Credit Cards , Homeowners , Car Loan , Newday , Affordable Va Home Loan , Rate , Money , Call Newday , 500 , 00 , Car , Times , Payments , Rates , Save , Va Loan , Newday100 Va Loan , 22 , Three , Chronic Kidney Disease , Places , Stop Taking Farxiga , Life , Kidney Failure , Side Effects , Dialysis , Dehydration , Women , Doctor , Ketoacidosis , Skin , Infection , Side Effect , Urinary Tract , Yeast Infections , Blood Sugar , Men , Death , Perineum , Medication , Farxiga , Reaction , Symptoms , Game , Football , Paint , Astrazeneca , Clown , App , Second , Point , Gameday , Directv Sports Central , Amateurs , Sports , Redzone , 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, Crisis , Dumpster Fire , Failure , Criticism , Laws , Solution , Type , Woman , Fact , Crime , Daughters , Failings , Champion , Victims , History Maker , Vice President , Facts , Show , Sexual Assault , Care , Compassion , Cheek , Result , Husband , Ap , Someone , Hypocrisy , Images , Republican , Politics , Nothing , Aoc , Color , Line , Governoring , Ran On , Hamilton , Competent , Female , Heart Beat , United States Disentangle , Condoleeza Rice , Countries , Manufacturing , Reason , Central , Hope , Jobs , South American , China , Job , Needs , Health , Border Whipping Incident , Stepping , Nowhere , World Cup Soccer , Age , High Protein , Muscle Health , Boost , 16 , Size , Flavor , Golo , Boost Com Tv , Cinnabon , Sholeh , 75 , Liberty Mutual , Weight , Spending Honey , Car Insurance , Shopping , Mom , Switching , 700 , 00 Dollars , Pay , Phone , Reminder , Airport , Dad , Ohhhhhh , Ned S Plaque Psoriasis , Camera Shutter Sfx , City Ambience Sounds , Car Screech , Car Door 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Passing Blame , Teens , Cars , Screamed Obscenities , Smashed Windshields , Youth , Some , Fireworks , 80 , Children , Something , Value , Beliefs , Police Issue , Parenting Issue , Entities , Influencers , Police , Response , Incident , Approach , Son , Union Square , Each Other , Residents , Power , Come On Down , Responsibility , Ps5 , Part , Chardonney , Flash Mob , Attack , Cop , 5 , Chick Fil A , Policing Issue , Parenting , Witness , War , Smoke Bombs , It Kind , Turnstile , Police Department , Situations , Ground , Litter , Fine , Boston , 10000 , The Point , 10 , Accountability , Bottles , Bottle , None , New York Post , Tables , Parts , Chairs , Cones , Room , Family Court System , Parents , Criminals , Criminaling , Felony Arrests , Proportion , Brandon Johnson , Streets , Text , Chicago , Blame Game , Mob Action , Adult , Fits , Twice , Deflection , Doesn T Matter Teenager , Group , Havoc , Inner Paing , Gathering , Reeking Havoc A Mob , 7 , 11 , Larry Elder , Faith , Root , Prayer , God , Museum , Culture , Person Doesn T , Seattle , Jk Rowling , Diabetes , Blood Sugar Response , Blend , Glucerna Protein , Living , Doing , Going , Bills , Term , Goldmine , Life Insurance Policy , Cash , Call Coventry , 00000 , 100000 , Screen , Visit Coventrydirect Com , Base , Land , U S Air Force , Bias Training , America Reports , Traces , Level Bee , Harry Potter , Impact , Decision , Exhibit , J K , Community , Entity , Person , World , Views , White Wizarding World , Fat Shaming , Lack Lgbtq Representation , Irony , Wizardry , Amplify , Who Don T Fit , Creation , Summer , Daughter Mary , Big Dining Hall , Oxford , Books , History , Everywhere , Pop Culture , Authors , Shakespeare , Google , Grossing , Content , You Care , Toe , Water , Labor Party , Uk , Movement , Disagreement , Bigotted , Count , Just Don T , Assignment , Tour , England , Mark , 1 2 , 3 , Freedom , Belief , Author , Erasure , Attribution , Statement , Theft , Right , Door , Pronouns , Surgery , Man , Menstruating Person , Bathroom Changes , Channel , Work , Thanks , Shout Out , Cute , Debt , C S , Prices , Epic Summer , Event , Aspen , Glass , Fun , Bite , Denture Care , Aspen Dental , Smile , Labs , Season , Fix , Look , Book Today , Rhino , Sleep Number , Baby , Smart Bed , Home Delivery , Pizza Ovens , Coal , Gas Stoves , Light Bulbs , Ice Cream Truck , Ones , Ice Cream Trucks , Truck , Corner , The Block , Jingle , Councilman , Environment , Solar , Store Owner , Headlines , Pizza Oven Thing , Cover , Pizza Oven , Ice Cream , Crack Pipes , Great Point , Owners , City , Burden , Small Business , Law , Tax , Citizens , Business , Tourists , Humor , Vehicle , I M The Only One , All Over The Place , Ice Cream Frozen , Businesses , Level , John Roberts , Agenda , Gold Star , Service , Members , Withdrawal , Sandra Smith , Washington , 13 , Loved Ones , Loss , Answers , Kabu , Evacuation ,

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