Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Americas 20240704 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Americas 20240704

hope you had a grand weekend. i'm bill hemmer live in new york. hello to you. >> dana: good morning to you. we want to hear more about your weekend and america's best kept secret. i didn't give it away. i gave it a tease. i'm dana perino. this is "america's newsroom." the u.s. navy was forced to react in what is being called as a blatant act of aggression. military activists say the combined flotilla is, perhaps, the largest to approach u.s. soil. they point out the maneuver was no mistake with moscow and beijing taking advantage of the biden administration's setbacks overseas. >> this is a very dangerous situation, and i've said since the beginning of the war in eastern europe between ukraine and russia the real danger of what the biden administration is blundering us towards is a closer union between the two great powers of the urasian land mass which are russia and china. it's really the one thing that we can't allow to happen in terms of larger geopolitics. >> bill: sets us up live in the northwest bureau with more today. dan, hello. good morning. >> good morning, bill. this joint naval drill is another troubling sign of the growing military cooperation between russia and china and it was perceived as a potential threat by the u.s. which sent four of its own destroyers to shadow the operation. it happened in the bearing sea not far from alaska's islands. military exercise stayed in international waters. 11 warships from russia and china have been conducting this joint drill since late july starting in the sea of japan. they worked on communications and destroying a mock enemy submarine with missiles. russia gave this video the exercise to the associate press which couldn't verify the date or location. china has the largest navy in the world and not the first time they've conducted training with russia. it is, by far, the closest to the u.s. and the u.s. did respond sending the u.s.s. benfold along with three other destroyers and p.a. aircraft to shadow the operation and make sure it did not enter u.s. waters. alaska senator dan sullivan was happy with the u.s. response but said in a statement "we have entered a new era of authoritarian aggression led by the dictators in beijing and moscow." we also spoke with the retired general jack keen. >> china has considerably more ships than our navy does. they have more airplanes. they have more missiles. and we have got to catch up and we have to move with a sense of urgency. >> and congressman mike walz who sits on the house armed services committee tweeted "china and russia send 11 warships off the coast of alaska. we can pull together four to respond to defend the homeland. biden's defense budget is retiring more ships than it is building." the russia-china joint drill has ended but the fallout, bill, is just beginning. >> bill: certainly is. nice to see you. dan springer in seattle. thank you. >> dana: russia unleashing an intense missile and drone barrage against ukraine and now extending its brutal assault to the front lines in the new areas. moscow's military following through on its promise to retaliate for an attack on the russian tanker at a naval port in the black sea even targeting a corn facility in a country where food is in short supply. greg palcott has the latest. good morning. >> hey, dana. we have been on the ground for three days now and already getting the sense that this is becoming a different kind of war with the front lines between ukraine and russian held territory holding pretty static. counteroffensive going slower than hoped. fighting boundaries are being stretched by both sides. late yesterday, ukraine used western long range missiles to knock out two bridges making russian occupied crimea in the western ukraine in recent days. they have been hitting russia ships, ports, ammunition dumps and using drones to reach moscow and russia is unrelenting. overnight shelling apartment buildings in the southern city leaving civilian casualties. moscow is pounding the black sea ports and warehouses. they're trying to ravage ukraine's grain trade. that was a topic of a so-called peace summit in saudi arabia this past weekend. representatives of 40 countries there including the united states, china, india, ukraine but not russia. they called the meeting productive. moscow called it a hoax. with all of this, no wonder that ukraine needed a patriotic pick me up. take a look. this soviet statue has been towering over kyiv for over 40 years. it's getting a make-over in tune with these warring times. the 350 foot tall woman warrior dominates the landscape. the hitch is the old soviet hammer and sickle was on her shield. now, politically incorrect, it had to go. >> symbol of aggression. symbol of terrorism. >> replaced with a coat of arms of ukraine not easy even for hardened workers. >> my heart was beating out of my chest. we're very proud. >> the public is getting their first glimpse of this new sign of an independent ukraine which faces moscow. they're pleased. >> i think, yeah, for ukraine, really big deal. >> it's very important in this time during the war to do this. >> very important that fellow says. by the way, some quibbled about this monument make-over that maybe the money should have been spent in other ways. as we know, for the ukraine government, the message is everything. back to you. >> dana: greg palcott, stay safe and thank you. >> bill: thank you. is foreign policy still on voters' minds as we go to election 2024? former speechwriter for president bush. good morning to you, mark. >> good morning. >> bill: when you think about china and russia and yew crepe, how do you think they are playing in this nomination battle? what will we hear in milwaukee in a few weeks' time? >> well, what we know is that foreign policy has a tendency, most voters don't vote on foreign policy as their number one issue but foreign policy has a tendency to assert itself through the actions of dictators and tyrants who force it on to our agenda. what we see as we look at what's happening in alaska, the biden defense budget is going down to 2.7% of g.d.p. for the first time since the end of world war ii. that is the lowest we've ever had. republicans didn't raise it. they had a chance to do it. so i'd like to hear what the presidential candidates are going to say about raising defense spending because 2.7% of g.d.p., we mock nato countries for not reaching 2%. we're heading down into the twos. second of all, it gives lie to the anti-ukraine republicans who say that we should stop wasting time focusing on ukraine and focus on china. china and russia are tied at the hip. they have met with vladimir putin 40 times since 2012 when he took power. they are waging a new cold war against us and ukraine is a critical front in the new cold war. if russia wins, that will be a huge victory not just for russia but for china. if putin loses, it is a blow against the soviet anning -- axis that is emerging against us. if we want to deter china from getting us into a war in the pacific where american forces will have to fight, we have to help ukraine. >> dana: that will be an issue. but the issue leading up to that debate is what's dominating the news and that's president trump. the legal indictments against him and how that takes up a lot of attention for everyone, actually. all of us. and here are a couple of the g.o.p. candidates talking about how they want to move on from president trump. watch here. >> there's an entire industry built around commenting on president trump. and i'll just leave it to the pundits. when we're out talking to voters in iowa and new hampshire, they're not asking about the indictments. >> what we should be focused on is talking about joe biden and his record and that's why he cannot be the nominee. >> dana: if you are one of the candidates and made the debate stage which both of them have, how do you think they try to figure out how to maneuver in the next two weeks to try to stay on the radar? >> it's really, really hard. i mean, think about this. we're not going to have one trump trial. we're not going to have two trump trials. we're going to have three trump trials going on next year and possibly four if he's indicted in georgia. that's going to suck all the oxygen out of everything. and the reality is it's helping donald trump. before the first indictment, the bragg indictment, he was polling in the mid 40's and, you know, ron desantis was in the 30's within striking distance. after that indictment, trump got into the low 50's and hasn't turned back and desantis is now in the 15's and none of the other candidates are above 10. so this indictment, these indictments, these series of indictments have certainly helped donald trump because a lot of republicans who are open to another candidate who are open to the argument that we should nominate somebody else still don't like to see the justice system weaponized against their political opponents and so there's a rallying effect around donald trump and the more they indictment him, the more the voters -- the republican voters are going to rally around him. >> bill: one of his lead attorneys did the full ginsburg over the weekend and hit all five talk shows. pretty good. here is his take on why he wants cameras in the federal courtroom and more. >> i want the public to see the evidence. if you ask me what my personal opinion is, the answer is absolutely, i'd like to see that. what i'm concerned about is the government has already signalled that they don't want the press and the american people to see the evidence in this case because they filed an emergency protective order to prevent that from happening. >> i don't know what you would need to get a camera in a federal courtroom. maybe a fight at the u.s. supreme court. >> well, it would be a multibillion dollar in kind contribution of the trump campaign if they did it. nothing but that video on television all this time. but look, here's how why this helps trump and helps the democrats. because every time republican voters see that, they'll rally around the president. buzz it also is a daily reminder to the swing voters who don't like donald trump about why they don't like donald trump. this makes him more popular with republicans who rally around him and more toxic with swing voters and this election is going to be decided by couple of hundred thousand voters in five states and this doesn't help the republicans with that group. >> dana: great to see you. thanks for being here. >> bill: nice to see you. so what, four days ago, was it? we were sitting here and the transcript was released from devon archer. >> dana: thursday morning. >> bill: we're at 96 hours. >> dana: you can still count. >> bill: this is the primetime coverage of the devon archer transcript since the release on thursday on all the other networks. >> dana: it's so funny. >> bill: nearly goose eggs with the exception of msnbc and we wanted to figure if the sunday show coverage of the transcript. here it is. goose eggs across the board. zero minutes of coverage on cbs, abc, nbc or cnn. >> dana: they're trying to starve the story of any attention. but it does continue like president trump has legal troubles, we can all see them. president biden's and hunter biden's they continue as well just quietly. but if you're watching here, you get to find out a little bit more about it. we'll bring you more developments as they happen this week indeed and check this out as well. >> when i hear from folks in other parts of the country say oh, it's hard. our shelters are overwhelmed. yeah, come live a day in the life. >> bill: frustration hits a boiling point. new york city getting a lion's share of money to deal with migrants while border states in the front lines are forced to fend for themselves. that was arizona senator kiersten cinema there in that soundbite. >> dana: and billionaire battle taking shape. elon musk and mark zuckerberg taking jabs on line. >> bill: the ground shifting in college sports yet again, several schools leaving the pac 12 so is in the end of a storied conference? what does that mean? will cain has it coming up on this monday morning. veteran homeowners to combat today's rising prices. lower your monthly payments with the three c's: pay down your credit cards, pay off your car loan, consolidate your debt with a va home loan from from newday. okay everyone, our mission is complete balanced nutrition. together we provide nutrients to support immune, muscle, bone, and heart health. yaaay! woo hoo! ensure with 25 vitamins and minerals and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. ♪ which hotel? ah! did somebody say “which hotel?” i'm great at this. dance to your faves in the spa-like bathroom! or enjoy local craft beers, with breathtaking views at the cambria. >> woman: why did we choose safelite? >> vo: for us, driving around is the only way we can get our baby to sleep, so when our windshield 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that sounds like one of the algebra problems to me. will cain, you have the job of trying to explain what is this? does it matter? what do i need to know? >> i think it matters. i think it's a massive change in what we've known at least in mine and probably all three of our lifetimes as college football. it's sad. in my estimation, it's probably the death of college football. now, we may love what comes next, bill and dana. i may love this semipro super conference of college football where we have great games like usc vs. penn state and texas vs. georgia on a regular basis. but what i grew up understanding as college football which was, you know, local rivalries, divided families, families that sent kids to baylor, tcu, texas tech and texas and argued over the thanksgiving table over which school was the best. tradition. that college football is dead. we'll see what rises from these ashes. it looks like semipro super league football. >> bill: it might. deion sanders is in the college game, as you know. i think he put his finger on it, right, they're chasing money. he said i don't care what conference, who we're playing against, we're trying to win. all this is about money. you know that. it's about a bag. everybody is chasing the bag. then you get mad at players when they chase it. how's that? how do the grown-ups get mad at the players when they chase it when the colleges are chasing it as well. strikes me that he's right about that because a lot of this is tv contracts that dole out the money to the colleges. but the big 10 is now becoming america's conference because they're going to run from coast to coast in every time zone, will? >> will: ok, america's conference, i see what you did there with the geography of it, you're right. it's a long way from oregon to maryland and feel bad for that, you know, college volleyball player that isn't raking in nil hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions of dollars. has to get back for that exam the next day. it is all about money, bill, and to answer dana's original question, pac 12 is dead. it's a four team conference. cal, stanford, oregon state and washington state. that's not a conference. they have to find the home. pac 12 is the last one to the table on the tv rights that you're referencing, bill. pac 12 commissioners was awful. big 12 got their first. of course, the sec and the big 10 to your point which is now 18 teams for what it's worth, big 10 is 18 teams from, again, oregon to maryland. they got the bag, as deion says, they got the money. here's the thing that i would say about this. it's like anything in america. capitalism makes things great and then wrings every last dollar out of it until it's unrecognizable. the thing is, where we are today, i think, bill and dana, is a weigh station. i don't know where it's going. it's not -- if it's all about the money in teams like texas are tired of sharing their money with, say, kansas state, they think they bring in a disproportionate percentage and they do. we're hearing from that florida state right now in the acc. florida state wants out. why should we share our money with wake forest? we bring in way more. then how long until we get to the place where georgia or lsu say why are we sharing our money with mississippi state? we bring in way too much. where we are today is simply, you know, a quick little pause. the end result will be i don't know. i don't know, but the programs that bring in the absolute best money come together in some type of english premier league relegation environment? i don't know. >> dana: i understand that. >> bill: i imagine changes a couple of years again, too. >> dana: glad you explained all of that. now i feel like i have a lot more to think about. i wanted to ask you about this. women's world cup did not come home to us this year. megan rapinho missed a penalty kick. sweden went on. and the women's team, they're disappointed, and america is grateful for all the players. but just felt like sometimes it was a hard time to root for. >> will: i think that's right. i think there's probably many people watching who just couldn't root for a team that doesn't seem to root for america. now, that's not going to be true of every girl on that team. and i want to be clear. i don't root against team u.s.a. that's not my choice. i always root for team u.s.a. nobody made it harder than this u.s. women's national team. they seemed to show shame in the united states. they're defined by celebrity activists who became victims in order to achieve celebrity. they told falsehoods about equal pay. they were defined by megan rapinho. that made it really, really hard to root for this team. when you act like you're a celebrity activist, you better win. that's your job. you better win! because it doesn't look very good when you leave the world cup at the earliest stage ever in history for the united states women's national team. i hope the next team is defined on people who love america and focus on soccer. >> bill: disappointing turnout. will, nice to see you. >> dana: thanks for joining us. >> bill: come back any time, ok? will cain, elon musk apple pie, cheeseburger, total calories 2600. >> dana: not necessarily buying that. i also wonder, these two have been rivals for a long time and i wonder if this is giving them a chance to be have a little bit more of a friendly rivalry. they both have a lot at stake and we need them to do really well in our race against china and artificial intelligence. so maybe they'll be able to strike up a friendship after that. >> bill: do you think this is going to happen? >> dana: no. >> bill: neither do i. >> dana: we agreed on the first thing this morning! >> bill: i know. >> dana: hunter biden's ex-associate tells lawmakers the president lied about knowledge of his son's overseas business ventures. that is next. plus a "new york times" columnist says the end of the summer vacation can be blamed on only one thing. climate change. we start with sustainably grown cotton from the rich red soul of north alabama, here on our family farm. then we partner with family owned mills from maine to mississippi to manufacture our cotton into quality american made fabrics that become our heirloom inspired bedding, towels, blankets and apparel. experience our 100% american made luxury linens for yourself. go to red line cotton dot com and receive 15% off your order with code fox news. i suffer with psoriatic arthritis and psoriasis. i was on a journey for a really long time to find some relief. cosentyx works for me. cosentyx helps real people get real relief from the symptoms of psoriatic arthritis or psoriasis. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or lowered ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to or if ibd symptoms develop or worsen. i move so much better because of cosentyx. ask your rheumatologist about cosentyx. what do we always say, son? 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(vo) subaru is the national park foundation's largest corporate donor, helping expand access for all. >> dana: more questions over president biden's involvement in his son's foreign business dealings after a former associate told lawmakers last week that hunter used his dad's name to market the biden brand. peter doocy live at the white house with more. hi, peter. >> there's something else. a report of dinner between president biden and some of these overseas business partners of hunter biden. here's the big question, though, if president biden then vice president biden had dinner with a burisma executive while he was v.p., then why was he trying to make it sound like he didn't know about burisma until after he left? >> nothing was unethical. here's what the deal. with regard to ukraine, we had this whole question about whether or not because he was on the board, i later learned of burisma. >> he's not explaining that and not deconflicted. the sworn testimony of a hunter associate who claims it's categorically false that biden never spoke to his son about overseas business with past biden claims that he had no awareness at all of his son's overseas business. while he's been on vacation in delaware, this is all we've got. >> have you talked, mr. president? >> probably not. >> the oversight committee chair is saying that joe biden lied to the american people when he said he had no knowledge about his son's business dealings and was not involved. his son's business dealings actually may turn out to be too much for at least one house democrat. >> if hunter biden committed crimes, hunter biden should face justice and buaccountability fo those crimes which is a sentence that i've heard few republicans say about donald trump for much more massive crimes. >> white house aides have scheduled a presidential visit with the houston astros today, and then some time out west for basically the rest of the week. so we have no idea when president biden plans to address some of these inconsistencies. dana? >> dana: we'll see if it happens this week. thank you, peter. >> bill: and if, right? columnist and author of the covid lies, good morning to you, david. thanks for coming back here. i want to read a headline from national review much the miraculously changing narrative, he writes, around biden's involvement in hunter and the media committed to defending the first family no matter what facts emerge. he may be right about the last point. if you look at the sunday coverage of the transcripts since the release last thursday, zero coverage across the board. nbc, abc, cbs, or cnn. >> good morning, bill. it's incredible. nasa doesn't have a telescope that can find how far the democrats have moved the goal posts on this story now. we're expected to believe that joe biden had no idea that all these phone calls and all these dinners with his son's business associates were being used to show access and sell influence. we're supposed to believe he had no idea there were 12 shell companies accepting foreign money and distributing them not to one or two but nine of his family members. we're expected to believe that he had no idea that his son was texting chinese executives saying i'm here with my father and we want answers. joe biden has spent more time in washington, d.c. than the lincoln memorial. he knows the score. the idea that all of this was happening and he was in the dark is absurd and it's insulting to even suggest. >> bill: in granite, apparently. here is a quote. i don't know if this makes democrats feel better or not. but representative goldman, the democrat from manhattan was in a meeting. is it fair to say that hunter biden number five, guys, is it fair to say that hunter biden was selling the illusion of access to his father? that was the question in the transcript. and then devon archer said, yes. and then a bit later, archer said i think burisma would have gone out of business if it didn't have the brand attached to it. that's my like only honest opinion because people would be intimidated and mess with them legally. i tell you what, if you're a viewer, check out the transcript that was released last week. i mean, this is an endlessly fascinating interview that they conducted. >> yes, and there's no question left as to whether joe biden was involved in hunter biden's scheme to sell influence. joe biden was absolutely involved. the only question is did he know he was involved? and that's what representative comer and people like jim jordan are going to keep hammering out and i think you're likely to see a kevin mccarthy speaker of the house move closer to an impeachment inquiry at least for the very reason the department of justice continues to say this is an ongoing investigation. i mean, we can't say anything about this. these eggs are cracking. and there's really nothing that the biden administration can do to stop it. >> bill: see what happens when they come back to work in september. david marcus, good to have you on today. thanks for coming back. we'll speak again. thank you. >> thanks. >> dana reads sports! >> dana: golfer justin thomas just missed the fed ex cup playoffs in the most excruciating way possible. watch here. >> oh! >> come on now! you can't be serious! >> dana: the former world number one and two time major champ collapsing to the ground and covering his eyes in disbelief after that gut wrenching chip shot it's called. on a final hole. and then over at the windham cup, different ending. check out this super cute moment when lucas glover's kids congratulated him for winning the tournament. they are happy, happy for their dad. >> bill: very cute. >> dana: happy tears are the worst tears. >> bill: good plan, i would say. >> dana: how was my reading? >> bill: pretty good. you know what they showed over the weekend? text your mom. >> dana: mom, let me find that. >> bill: first time it's happened ever. that's a tease. >> dana: literally have no idea. i don't know whether to say 150 or 18. >> bill: it's 58, give or take. this happened in new york city. check it out. some call it a madhouse in manhattan. there's a giveaway event that turned into absolute chaos and now the new york city mayor is saying others are to blame. we'll explain that coming up. maryland officials say they may have found the remains of a woman said to be missing after going for a walk. nancy grace is on that case. coming up live. veterans, if you're applying for a home loan to get cash...surprise. some lenders charge hundreds upfront for your appraisal and other fees. not at newday. a veteran shouldn't have to come up with money to get money. oh, ♪ i'm going to somewhere, anywhere. ♪ ♪ a beach house, a treehouse, ♪ ♪ honestly i don't care ♪ find the perfect vacation rental for you, booking. yeah. i've struggled with generalized myasthenia gravis. but the picture started changing when i started on vyvgart. vyvgart is for adults with generalized myasthenia gravis who are anti-achr antibody positive. in a clinical trial, vyvgart significantly improved most participants' ability to do daily activities when added to their current gmg treatment. most participants taking vyvgart also had less muscle weakness. and your vyvgart treatment schedule is designed just for you. in a clinical study, the most common side effects included urinary and respiratory tract infections, and headache. vyvgart may increase the risk of infection. tell your doctor if you have a history of infections or symptoms of an infection. vyvgart can cause allergic reactions. available as vyvgart for iv infusion and now as vyvgart hytrulo for subcutaneous injection. additional side effects for vyvgart hytrulo may include injection site reactions. talk to your neurologist about vyvgart. >> dana: is climate change cancelling summer vacation? "the new york times" thinks so. here's its headline from the weekend. is this the summer vacation as we know it? the cognitive dissidence of summer travel and a warming world is catching up to us. it's hot. travel has been difficult for a lot of people. there are many places that don't have enough workers. there are some shark attacks. >> bill: hasn't ruined my summer at all. not for a second actually. >> dana: yeah. other things that could help, if you have legal immigration, you could have more workers. that means more places could be open. >> bill: legal. >> dana: i'm saying legal immigration. you have people like some people they come for six months and leave and that's what they want to do. we could do more of that if the biden administration addressed the border you could get comprehensive immigration reform. >> bill: how much has it destroyed your summer vacation? >> dana: i'm all good. i really haven't had one. i like being here. i like being here. >> bill: devastating toll on president biden's botched withdrawal out of kabul being seen up close and personal. for the first time the gold star families of the 13 service member families killed at the airport will come together to share their stories. wow. on the hill with more on that, hello. >> it's going to be a big day in california and this is starting the process of closure for these families. quite frankly many of these folks felt like they never got closure from the biden administration. here's what's on tap today. later this afternoon, the congressman darrell issa from california will hold a bipartisan hearing near camp pendleton which is where the majority of these heroes came from. now, while this isn't an official congressional hearing, it will be the first opportunity for these families to come together and testify in a public forum. the 13 soldiers died in a suicide bombing at the entrance of kabul's airport as they helped to evacuate afghans. some of the parents felt their children never got acknowledged properly by the biden administration. the congressman says some of these men and women haven't received awards that they deserve. families are missing personal belongings and others really just want to know why it all happened so it doesn't happen again. >> some of them are very angry, even still. others want answers that they haven't had. these are the family members saying what they've experienced and what they want from their government. and, you know, nobody deserves more of whatever they want than our gold star families. >> in the last two years, bill, no biden administration official has been held accountable for this botched withdrawal. we'll watch and see if any of these parents make any demands of this administration today. >> bill: what a meeting that will be. thanks, on capitol hill. >> you got it. >> dana: the search for a maryland woman just turned into a homicide investigation. and the sheriff is now awaiting the medical examiner's report on the body of a woman found near the trail where rachel morin reportedly disappeared. her boyfriend reporting her missing friday night after he said she went for a walk on the ma and pa trail and never made it back. nancy grace joins us now. nancy will tell us what happened here. here's a comment. this is number one, this is the boyfriend who said i love rachel. i would never do anything to her. let the family and i grieve. yes, i have a past but i also have 15 months clean and have changed as a person. please. and then i just want to put up on the screen for every one to see, i'm sure you're familiar with it. richard tobin's lengthy rap sheet from domestic offense to resisting arrest, intoxication, etc. nancy grace, what do you think happened here? >> well, right now, i'm torn. and i'll tell you why. in the majority of cases when a woman goes missing and is murdered, you look immediately to the love object. it can be the husband, the ex, the ex-boyfriend. then you start moving out so naturally, cops are going to look at him first and it doesn't help that he's got quite the resume. 14 arrests since 2014 including, as you said, assault, disorderly conduct, refusing arrest and drugs. however, if you look at history, think of eliza fletcher who goes jogging in memphis or on long island. molly tibbetts. they're out exercising and it's a stranger on stranger attack. now, here in bel air, maryland, population about 10,600, very, very low crime rate which tells me that it was not a targeted -- that it was a targeted attack because it's a low crime rate and a small population. however, it's about a 30-minute drive to baltimore. very high crime rate. so all of that has to be taken into account. statistics go both ways in this case. but i'm very concerned. these two had only become social media official four days before she's killed. that's a problem. >> dana: also interesting, nancy, i know that people like solitude and solitary walks, can be really good. hiking alone might be something you want to rethink. >> yes, especially on a remote trail. this trail is about 6.5 miles long. her car was parked there at the williams street trailhead. this is where i would be doing right now. i would be looking for surveillance video. not only of the trailhead but beyond. remember when alex murdoch, where he shot himself. there was no surveillance. but at the corner, there was a church where there was surveillance. i would be looking at homes, businesses, tolls, red lights, anybody that has surveillance. her social media. who knew she was going there? anybody? and her nav system. i would be looking to find out if anyone saw anyone on that trail. >> dana: here in new york last week on thursday, new york authorities or friday identified another gilgo beach murder victim. her name is karen vergatta. they did not link the alleged killer, rex heuermann to her death in the announcement saying there's a confidential investigation. where does this go from here? >> well, i've got to tell you something, it's very disturbing. a 34-year-old woman, karen vergatta. her legs were found in davis park. her skull is found at gilgo where the other bodies are, where rex heuermann's other alleged victims were disposed of like trash. so how likely is it that somebody else disposed body parts of a female that roughly is similar to the other females alleged victims of heuermann's right there on the same beach? she was known to be living on 45th street not too far from where you are right now in manhattan. last seen on valentine's day, 1996, when she goes out to meet a customer. she's a sex worker. and is never seen again. it really fits heuermann's m.o. method of operation. doesn't it? >> dana: sure feels like it to me, nancy. i look to you and we're always grateful to have your expertise on our show as these families do grieve and we all hope that there is justice in these cases. nancy grace, have a great week and thank you. >> bill: a lot to learn about that case. all right? a little girl got ice cream with her father over the weekend before someone shot her dead outside of her own home. she was one of the more two dozen victims of another bloody weekend at a summer in chicago. meet the robot that is helping kids develop their social skills. you heard that right. check it out. hi! need new glasses? buy one pair, get one free at visionworks! how can you see me squinting? i can't! i'm just telling everyone!...hey! buy one pair, get one free for back to school. visionworks. see the difference. with a majority of my patience with sensitivity, i see irritated gums and weak enamel. sensodyne sensitivity gum & enamel relieves sensitivity, helps restore gum health, and rehardens enamel. i'm a big advocate of recommending things that i know work. veteran homeowners know it's getting harder and harder to make ends meet. credit card rates are averaging 22% and still climbing. even car and truck loans can be 15%. but newday's rates are a fraction of that. the newday 100 va cash out loan lets you use the equity in your home to pay off high rate credit cards and car loans. and you can save $500 a month. that's $6,000 a year. >> bill: now another violent weekend rocking chicago. sounds like a broken record. some two dozen shots, six fatally including an 8-year-old girl who had just gotten ice cream with her father. mike tobin on a monday morning is back live in chicago now. mike? >> that's exactly, bill. here we are again on a monday morning talking about weekend bloodshed in chicago. this time it's different than the typical gang or street violence. an 8-year-old girl was gunned down, shot in the head. what we have from witness information, it looks like she was the target of the violence. it was saturday evening. the area where it happened portage park is not free from violence but it's also not one of the areas where we expect bloodshed every weekend. the 8-year-old was doing what kids do. she was out playing on the sidewalk. witnesses say a neighbor appeared from his apartment with a gun. came rapidly for the 8-year-old girl. shot her in the head. people in the neighborhood say that the suspect had complained in the past about kids making too much noise out on the street. >> of the neighbor, he would always come out and kind of yell at all the kids on the block any time they were playing, he would yell at them about being too loud, too noisy. some people in the unit said he was schizophrenic. >> witnesses say her father saw the whole thing and tackled the gunman and in the process, the gun went off. the suspect was shot in the face. he's currently in critical condition. police have not identified him pending charges. now, she was pronounced dead as soon as she got to the hospital. she was preparing to start fourth grade and one of seven murders across chicago over the weekend. 27 people were shot. 25 shooting incidents. bill? >> bill: mike, thanks. mike tobin in chicago. thank you for that. chicago has a new mayor and the mayor has talked a lot about giving more money to social programs and not to cops. he was asked the question about a mob and this was his answer. >> talked about mob actions, i didn't say that. this is not to talk about what is taking place. to refer to children as baby al ca capones isn't appropriate. >> bill: that's the answer that he gave. >> dana: you can almost feel the weight of the issue on him. he's kind of a soft spoken guy anyway. he sounds gravely worried. but he's got a set of viewpoint and he's going to keep pushing it and the people of chicago will have to deal with it. >> bill: a lot of people think he's not been nearly as responsive as expected given the amount of shootings that have happened there. we'll see whether or not that continues with a new mayor in chicago. >> dana: former president trump drawing a straight line between his multiple indictments and his presidential campaign. he says all the legal action targeting him is only boosting his bid to return to the white house for another term in office. welcome to a brand new hour of "america's newsroom." i'm dana perino. good morning! >> bill: hope you had a good weekend. >> dana: great, you? >> bill: absolutely. bill hemmer, good morning. former president pointing to the latest polls showing him neck in neck with joe biden saying it's only energizing his supporters. trump wearing the charges against him as a badge of honor saying anymore wil

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Process , Many , Tap Today , Camp Pendleton , Majority , Darrell Issa , Hearing , Opportunity , Heroes , Isn T An Official Congressional Hearing , California , Soldiers , Entrance , Suicide Bombing , Kabul , Public Forum , Afghans , Men And Women Haven T , Children , Awards , Belongings , Withdrawal , Whatever , Official , Any , Sheriff , Body , Search , Homicide , Medical Examiner , Demands , Capitol Hill , Ma And Pa Trail , Boyfriend Reporting , Nancy , Rachel Morin , Boyfriend , Comment , Number One , Person , Arrest , Offense , Rap Sheet , Intoxication , Richard Tobin , Etc , Cases , Ex Boyfriend , Love Object , Cops , Arrests , Disorderly Conduct , Help , 2014 , 14 , Eliza Fletcher , Drugs , Jogging , Long Island , Memphis , Molly Tibbetts , Crime Rate , Population , Stranger On Attack , Bel Air , 10600 , Statistics , Drive , Account , Baltimore , Problem , Social Media , Car , Walks , Solitude , Hiking , 6 5 , Surveillance , Alex Murdoch , Trailhead , Surveillance Video , Corner , Williams Street Trailhead , Anybody , Homes , Church , Businesses , Nav System , Tolls , Red Lights , Gilgo Beach Murder Victim , Anyone , Karen Vergatta , Rex Heuermann , Go , Killer , Announcement , 34 , Gilgo , Legs , Skull , Bodies , Davis Park , Body Parts , Females , Beach , Female , Trash , 45th Street , Sex Worker , Customer , Valentine S Day , 1996 , 45 , Expertise , Method , Feels , M O , Little Girl , Ice Cream , Hope , Week , Someone , Chicago , Robot , Summer , Outside , Social Skills , Pair , Sensitivity , Visionworks , Difference , Patience , Back To School , Rehardens Enamel , Sensitivity Gum , Work , Enamel , Gums , Advocate , Sensodyne , Restore Gum Health , Rates , Truck Loans , Credit Card , Ends Meet , Fraction , Newday 100 Va Cash Out , 22 , Car Loans , Rate , Equity , 500 , 000 , 6000 , Shots , Rocking , 8 , Bloodshed , Street Violence , Gang , Mike Tobin , Violence , Area , Target , Portage Park , Old Girl , Witness Information , Suspect , Neighbor , Gun , Sidewalk , Shot , Neighborhood , Apartment , Doing , Witnesses , Kids On The Block , Playing , Unit , Noise , The Street , Yell , Charges , Police , Condition , Gunman , Face , Mike , Murders , Fourth Grade , Hospital , Shooting Incidents , Seven , 27 , Mob Actions , Mob , Capones Isn T Appropriate , Baby Al Ca , Viewpoint , Set , Action , Campaign , Shootings , Office , Bid , Neck , Supporters , Polls , Badge , Honor , Wil ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Americas 20240704 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Americas 20240704

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hope you had a grand weekend. i'm bill hemmer live in new york. hello to you. >> dana: good morning to you. we want to hear more about your weekend and america's best kept secret. i didn't give it away. i gave it a tease. i'm dana perino. this is "america's newsroom." the u.s. navy was forced to react in what is being called as a blatant act of aggression. military activists say the combined flotilla is, perhaps, the largest to approach u.s. soil. they point out the maneuver was no mistake with moscow and beijing taking advantage of the biden administration's setbacks overseas. >> this is a very dangerous situation, and i've said since the beginning of the war in eastern europe between ukraine and russia the real danger of what the biden administration is blundering us towards is a closer union between the two great powers of the urasian land mass which are russia and china. it's really the one thing that we can't allow to happen in terms of larger geopolitics. >> bill: sets us up live in the northwest bureau with more today. dan, hello. good morning. >> good morning, bill. this joint naval drill is another troubling sign of the growing military cooperation between russia and china and it was perceived as a potential threat by the u.s. which sent four of its own destroyers to shadow the operation. it happened in the bearing sea not far from alaska's islands. military exercise stayed in international waters. 11 warships from russia and china have been conducting this joint drill since late july starting in the sea of japan. they worked on communications and destroying a mock enemy submarine with missiles. russia gave this video the exercise to the associate press which couldn't verify the date or location. china has the largest navy in the world and not the first time they've conducted training with russia. it is, by far, the closest to the u.s. and the u.s. did respond sending the u.s.s. benfold along with three other destroyers and p.a. aircraft to shadow the operation and make sure it did not enter u.s. waters. alaska senator dan sullivan was happy with the u.s. response but said in a statement "we have entered a new era of authoritarian aggression led by the dictators in beijing and moscow." we also spoke with the retired general jack keen. >> china has considerably more ships than our navy does. they have more airplanes. they have more missiles. and we have got to catch up and we have to move with a sense of urgency. >> and congressman mike walz who sits on the house armed services committee tweeted "china and russia send 11 warships off the coast of alaska. we can pull together four to respond to defend the homeland. biden's defense budget is retiring more ships than it is building." the russia-china joint drill has ended but the fallout, bill, is just beginning. >> bill: certainly is. nice to see you. dan springer in seattle. thank you. >> dana: russia unleashing an intense missile and drone barrage against ukraine and now extending its brutal assault to the front lines in the new areas. moscow's military following through on its promise to retaliate for an attack on the russian tanker at a naval port in the black sea even targeting a corn facility in a country where food is in short supply. greg palcott has the latest. good morning. >> hey, dana. we have been on the ground for three days now and already getting the sense that this is becoming a different kind of war with the front lines between ukraine and russian held territory holding pretty static. counteroffensive going slower than hoped. fighting boundaries are being stretched by both sides. late yesterday, ukraine used western long range missiles to knock out two bridges making russian occupied crimea in the western ukraine in recent days. they have been hitting russia ships, ports, ammunition dumps and using drones to reach moscow and russia is unrelenting. overnight shelling apartment buildings in the southern city leaving civilian casualties. moscow is pounding the black sea ports and warehouses. they're trying to ravage ukraine's grain trade. that was a topic of a so-called peace summit in saudi arabia this past weekend. representatives of 40 countries there including the united states, china, india, ukraine but not russia. they called the meeting productive. moscow called it a hoax. with all of this, no wonder that ukraine needed a patriotic pick me up. take a look. this soviet statue has been towering over kyiv for over 40 years. it's getting a make-over in tune with these warring times. the 350 foot tall woman warrior dominates the landscape. the hitch is the old soviet hammer and sickle was on her shield. now, politically incorrect, it had to go. >> symbol of aggression. symbol of terrorism. >> replaced with a coat of arms of ukraine not easy even for hardened workers. >> my heart was beating out of my chest. we're very proud. >> the public is getting their first glimpse of this new sign of an independent ukraine which faces moscow. they're pleased. >> i think, yeah, for ukraine, really big deal. >> it's very important in this time during the war to do this. >> very important that fellow says. by the way, some quibbled about this monument make-over that maybe the money should have been spent in other ways. as we know, for the ukraine government, the message is everything. back to you. >> dana: greg palcott, stay safe and thank you. >> bill: thank you. is foreign policy still on voters' minds as we go to election 2024? former speechwriter for president bush. good morning to you, mark. >> good morning. >> bill: when you think about china and russia and yew crepe, how do you think they are playing in this nomination battle? what will we hear in milwaukee in a few weeks' time? >> well, what we know is that foreign policy has a tendency, most voters don't vote on foreign policy as their number one issue but foreign policy has a tendency to assert itself through the actions of dictators and tyrants who force it on to our agenda. what we see as we look at what's happening in alaska, the biden defense budget is going down to 2.7% of g.d.p. for the first time since the end of world war ii. that is the lowest we've ever had. republicans didn't raise it. they had a chance to do it. so i'd like to hear what the presidential candidates are going to say about raising defense spending because 2.7% of g.d.p., we mock nato countries for not reaching 2%. we're heading down into the twos. second of all, it gives lie to the anti-ukraine republicans who say that we should stop wasting time focusing on ukraine and focus on china. china and russia are tied at the hip. they have met with vladimir putin 40 times since 2012 when he took power. they are waging a new cold war against us and ukraine is a critical front in the new cold war. if russia wins, that will be a huge victory not just for russia but for china. if putin loses, it is a blow against the soviet anning -- axis that is emerging against us. if we want to deter china from getting us into a war in the pacific where american forces will have to fight, we have to help ukraine. >> dana: that will be an issue. but the issue leading up to that debate is what's dominating the news and that's president trump. the legal indictments against him and how that takes up a lot of attention for everyone, actually. all of us. and here are a couple of the g.o.p. candidates talking about how they want to move on from president trump. watch here. >> there's an entire industry built around commenting on president trump. and i'll just leave it to the pundits. when we're out talking to voters in iowa and new hampshire, they're not asking about the indictments. >> what we should be focused on is talking about joe biden and his record and that's why he cannot be the nominee. >> dana: if you are one of the candidates and made the debate stage which both of them have, how do you think they try to figure out how to maneuver in the next two weeks to try to stay on the radar? >> it's really, really hard. i mean, think about this. we're not going to have one trump trial. we're not going to have two trump trials. we're going to have three trump trials going on next year and possibly four if he's indicted in georgia. that's going to suck all the oxygen out of everything. and the reality is it's helping donald trump. before the first indictment, the bragg indictment, he was polling in the mid 40's and, you know, ron desantis was in the 30's within striking distance. after that indictment, trump got into the low 50's and hasn't turned back and desantis is now in the 15's and none of the other candidates are above 10. so this indictment, these indictments, these series of indictments have certainly helped donald trump because a lot of republicans who are open to another candidate who are open to the argument that we should nominate somebody else still don't like to see the justice system weaponized against their political opponents and so there's a rallying effect around donald trump and the more they indictment him, the more the voters -- the republican voters are going to rally around him. >> bill: one of his lead attorneys did the full ginsburg over the weekend and hit all five talk shows. pretty good. here is his take on why he wants cameras in the federal courtroom and more. >> i want the public to see the evidence. if you ask me what my personal opinion is, the answer is absolutely, i'd like to see that. what i'm concerned about is the government has already signalled that they don't want the press and the american people to see the evidence in this case because they filed an emergency protective order to prevent that from happening. >> i don't know what you would need to get a camera in a federal courtroom. maybe a fight at the u.s. supreme court. >> well, it would be a multibillion dollar in kind contribution of the trump campaign if they did it. nothing but that video on television all this time. but look, here's how why this helps trump and helps the democrats. because every time republican voters see that, they'll rally around the president. buzz it also is a daily reminder to the swing voters who don't like donald trump about why they don't like donald trump. this makes him more popular with republicans who rally around him and more toxic with swing voters and this election is going to be decided by couple of hundred thousand voters in five states and this doesn't help the republicans with that group. >> dana: great to see you. thanks for being here. >> bill: nice to see you. so what, four days ago, was it? we were sitting here and the transcript was released from devon archer. >> dana: thursday morning. >> bill: we're at 96 hours. >> dana: you can still count. >> bill: this is the primetime coverage of the devon archer transcript since the release on thursday on all the other networks. >> dana: it's so funny. >> bill: nearly goose eggs with the exception of msnbc and we wanted to figure if the sunday show coverage of the transcript. here it is. goose eggs across the board. zero minutes of coverage on cbs, abc, nbc or cnn. >> dana: they're trying to starve the story of any attention. but it does continue like president trump has legal troubles, we can all see them. president biden's and hunter biden's they continue as well just quietly. but if you're watching here, you get to find out a little bit more about it. we'll bring you more developments as they happen this week indeed and check this out as well. >> when i hear from folks in other parts of the country say oh, it's hard. our shelters are overwhelmed. yeah, come live a day in the life. >> bill: frustration hits a boiling point. new york city getting a lion's share of money to deal with migrants while border states in the front lines are forced to fend for themselves. that was arizona senator kiersten cinema there in that soundbite. >> dana: and billionaire battle taking shape. elon musk and mark zuckerberg taking jabs on line. >> bill: the ground shifting in college sports yet again, several schools leaving the pac 12 so is in the end of a storied conference? what does that mean? will cain has it coming up on this monday morning. veteran homeowners to combat today's rising prices. lower your monthly payments with the three c's: pay down your credit cards, pay off your car loan, consolidate your debt with a va home loan from from newday. okay everyone, our mission is complete balanced nutrition. together we provide nutrients to support immune, muscle, bone, and heart health. yaaay! woo hoo! ensure with 25 vitamins and minerals and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. ♪ which hotel? ah! did somebody say “which hotel?” i'm great at this. dance to your faves in the spa-like bathroom! or enjoy local craft beers, with breathtaking views at the cambria. >> woman: why did we choose safelite? >> vo: for us, driving around is the only way we can get our baby to sleep, so when our windshield 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that sounds like one of the algebra problems to me. will cain, you have the job of trying to explain what is this? does it matter? what do i need to know? >> i think it matters. i think it's a massive change in what we've known at least in mine and probably all three of our lifetimes as college football. it's sad. in my estimation, it's probably the death of college football. now, we may love what comes next, bill and dana. i may love this semipro super conference of college football where we have great games like usc vs. penn state and texas vs. georgia on a regular basis. but what i grew up understanding as college football which was, you know, local rivalries, divided families, families that sent kids to baylor, tcu, texas tech and texas and argued over the thanksgiving table over which school was the best. tradition. that college football is dead. we'll see what rises from these ashes. it looks like semipro super league football. >> bill: it might. deion sanders is in the college game, as you know. i think he put his finger on it, right, they're chasing money. he said i don't care what conference, who we're playing against, we're trying to win. all this is about money. you know that. it's about a bag. everybody is chasing the bag. then you get mad at players when they chase it. how's that? how do the grown-ups get mad at the players when they chase it when the colleges are chasing it as well. strikes me that he's right about that because a lot of this is tv contracts that dole out the money to the colleges. but the big 10 is now becoming america's conference because they're going to run from coast to coast in every time zone, will? >> will: ok, america's conference, i see what you did there with the geography of it, you're right. it's a long way from oregon to maryland and feel bad for that, you know, college volleyball player that isn't raking in nil hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions of dollars. has to get back for that exam the next day. it is all about money, bill, and to answer dana's original question, pac 12 is dead. it's a four team conference. cal, stanford, oregon state and washington state. that's not a conference. they have to find the home. pac 12 is the last one to the table on the tv rights that you're referencing, bill. pac 12 commissioners was awful. big 12 got their first. of course, the sec and the big 10 to your point which is now 18 teams for what it's worth, big 10 is 18 teams from, again, oregon to maryland. they got the bag, as deion says, they got the money. here's the thing that i would say about this. it's like anything in america. capitalism makes things great and then wrings every last dollar out of it until it's unrecognizable. the thing is, where we are today, i think, bill and dana, is a weigh station. i don't know where it's going. it's not -- if it's all about the money in teams like texas are tired of sharing their money with, say, kansas state, they think they bring in a disproportionate percentage and they do. we're hearing from that florida state right now in the acc. florida state wants out. why should we share our money with wake forest? we bring in way more. then how long until we get to the place where georgia or lsu say why are we sharing our money with mississippi state? we bring in way too much. where we are today is simply, you know, a quick little pause. the end result will be i don't know. i don't know, but the programs that bring in the absolute best money come together in some type of english premier league relegation environment? i don't know. >> dana: i understand that. >> bill: i imagine changes a couple of years again, too. >> dana: glad you explained all of that. now i feel like i have a lot more to think about. i wanted to ask you about this. women's world cup did not come home to us this year. megan rapinho missed a penalty kick. sweden went on. and the women's team, they're disappointed, and america is grateful for all the players. but just felt like sometimes it was a hard time to root for. >> will: i think that's right. i think there's probably many people watching who just couldn't root for a team that doesn't seem to root for america. now, that's not going to be true of every girl on that team. and i want to be clear. i don't root against team u.s.a. that's not my choice. i always root for team u.s.a. nobody made it harder than this u.s. women's national team. they seemed to show shame in the united states. they're defined by celebrity activists who became victims in order to achieve celebrity. they told falsehoods about equal pay. they were defined by megan rapinho. that made it really, really hard to root for this team. when you act like you're a celebrity activist, you better win. that's your job. you better win! because it doesn't look very good when you leave the world cup at the earliest stage ever in history for the united states women's national team. i hope the next team is defined on people who love america and focus on soccer. >> bill: disappointing turnout. will, nice to see you. >> dana: thanks for joining us. >> bill: come back any time, ok? will cain, elon musk apple pie, cheeseburger, total calories 2600. >> dana: not necessarily buying that. i also wonder, these two have been rivals for a long time and i wonder if this is giving them a chance to be have a little bit more of a friendly rivalry. they both have a lot at stake and we need them to do really well in our race against china and artificial intelligence. so maybe they'll be able to strike up a friendship after that. >> bill: do you think this is going to happen? >> dana: no. >> bill: neither do i. >> dana: we agreed on the first thing this morning! >> bill: i know. >> dana: hunter biden's ex-associate tells lawmakers the president lied about knowledge of his son's overseas business ventures. that is next. plus a "new york times" columnist says the end of the summer vacation can be blamed on only one thing. climate change. we start with sustainably grown cotton from the rich red soul of north alabama, here on our family farm. then we partner with family owned mills from maine to mississippi to manufacture our cotton into quality american made fabrics that become our heirloom inspired bedding, towels, blankets and apparel. experience our 100% american made luxury linens for yourself. go to red line cotton dot com and receive 15% off your order with code fox news. i suffer with psoriatic arthritis and psoriasis. i was on a journey for a really long time to find some relief. cosentyx works for me. cosentyx helps real people get real relief from the symptoms of psoriatic arthritis or psoriasis. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or lowered ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to or if ibd symptoms develop or worsen. i move so much better because of cosentyx. ask your rheumatologist about cosentyx. what do we always say, son? 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(vo) subaru is the national park foundation's largest corporate donor, helping expand access for all. >> dana: more questions over president biden's involvement in his son's foreign business dealings after a former associate told lawmakers last week that hunter used his dad's name to market the biden brand. peter doocy live at the white house with more. hi, peter. >> there's something else. a report of dinner between president biden and some of these overseas business partners of hunter biden. here's the big question, though, if president biden then vice president biden had dinner with a burisma executive while he was v.p., then why was he trying to make it sound like he didn't know about burisma until after he left? >> nothing was unethical. here's what the deal. with regard to ukraine, we had this whole question about whether or not because he was on the board, i later learned of burisma. >> he's not explaining that and not deconflicted. the sworn testimony of a hunter associate who claims it's categorically false that biden never spoke to his son about overseas business with past biden claims that he had no awareness at all of his son's overseas business. while he's been on vacation in delaware, this is all we've got. >> have you talked, mr. president? >> probably not. >> the oversight committee chair is saying that joe biden lied to the american people when he said he had no knowledge about his son's business dealings and was not involved. his son's business dealings actually may turn out to be too much for at least one house democrat. >> if hunter biden committed crimes, hunter biden should face justice and buaccountability fo those crimes which is a sentence that i've heard few republicans say about donald trump for much more massive crimes. >> white house aides have scheduled a presidential visit with the houston astros today, and then some time out west for basically the rest of the week. so we have no idea when president biden plans to address some of these inconsistencies. dana? >> dana: we'll see if it happens this week. thank you, peter. >> bill: and if, right? columnist and author of the covid lies, good morning to you, david. thanks for coming back here. i want to read a headline from national review much the miraculously changing narrative, he writes, around biden's involvement in hunter and the media committed to defending the first family no matter what facts emerge. he may be right about the last point. if you look at the sunday coverage of the transcripts since the release last thursday, zero coverage across the board. nbc, abc, cbs, or cnn. >> good morning, bill. it's incredible. nasa doesn't have a telescope that can find how far the democrats have moved the goal posts on this story now. we're expected to believe that joe biden had no idea that all these phone calls and all these dinners with his son's business associates were being used to show access and sell influence. we're supposed to believe he had no idea there were 12 shell companies accepting foreign money and distributing them not to one or two but nine of his family members. we're expected to believe that he had no idea that his son was texting chinese executives saying i'm here with my father and we want answers. joe biden has spent more time in washington, d.c. than the lincoln memorial. he knows the score. the idea that all of this was happening and he was in the dark is absurd and it's insulting to even suggest. >> bill: in granite, apparently. here is a quote. i don't know if this makes democrats feel better or not. but representative goldman, the democrat from manhattan was in a meeting. is it fair to say that hunter biden number five, guys, is it fair to say that hunter biden was selling the illusion of access to his father? that was the question in the transcript. and then devon archer said, yes. and then a bit later, archer said i think burisma would have gone out of business if it didn't have the brand attached to it. that's my like only honest opinion because people would be intimidated and mess with them legally. i tell you what, if you're a viewer, check out the transcript that was released last week. i mean, this is an endlessly fascinating interview that they conducted. >> yes, and there's no question left as to whether joe biden was involved in hunter biden's scheme to sell influence. joe biden was absolutely involved. the only question is did he know he was involved? and that's what representative comer and people like jim jordan are going to keep hammering out and i think you're likely to see a kevin mccarthy speaker of the house move closer to an impeachment inquiry at least for the very reason the department of justice continues to say this is an ongoing investigation. i mean, we can't say anything about this. these eggs are cracking. and there's really nothing that the biden administration can do to stop it. >> bill: see what happens when they come back to work in september. david marcus, good to have you on today. thanks for coming back. we'll speak again. thank you. >> thanks. >> dana reads sports! >> dana: golfer justin thomas just missed the fed ex cup playoffs in the most excruciating way possible. watch here. >> oh! >> come on now! you can't be serious! >> dana: the former world number one and two time major champ collapsing to the ground and covering his eyes in disbelief after that gut wrenching chip shot it's called. on a final hole. and then over at the windham cup, different ending. check out this super cute moment when lucas glover's kids congratulated him for winning the tournament. they are happy, happy for their dad. >> bill: very cute. >> dana: happy tears are the worst tears. >> bill: good plan, i would say. >> dana: how was my reading? >> bill: pretty good. you know what they showed over the weekend? text your mom. >> dana: mom, let me find that. >> bill: first time it's happened ever. that's a tease. >> dana: literally have no idea. i don't know whether to say 150 or 18. >> bill: it's 58, give or take. this happened in new york city. check it out. some call it a madhouse in manhattan. there's a giveaway event that turned into absolute chaos and now the new york city mayor is saying others are to blame. we'll explain that coming up. maryland officials say they may have found the remains of a woman said to be missing after going for a walk. nancy grace is on that case. coming up live. veterans, if you're applying for a home loan to get cash...surprise. some lenders charge hundreds upfront for your appraisal and other fees. not at newday. a veteran shouldn't have to come up with money to get money. oh, ♪ i'm going to somewhere, anywhere. ♪ ♪ a beach house, a treehouse, ♪ ♪ honestly i don't care ♪ find the perfect vacation rental for you, booking. yeah. i've struggled with generalized myasthenia gravis. but the picture started changing when i started on vyvgart. vyvgart is for adults with generalized myasthenia gravis who are anti-achr antibody positive. in a clinical trial, vyvgart significantly improved most participants' ability to do daily activities when added to their current gmg treatment. most participants taking vyvgart also had less muscle weakness. and your vyvgart treatment schedule is designed just for you. in a clinical study, the most common side effects included urinary and respiratory tract infections, and headache. vyvgart may increase the risk of infection. tell your doctor if you have a history of infections or symptoms of an infection. vyvgart can cause allergic reactions. available as vyvgart for iv infusion and now as vyvgart hytrulo for subcutaneous injection. additional side effects for vyvgart hytrulo may include injection site reactions. talk to your neurologist about vyvgart. >> dana: is climate change cancelling summer vacation? "the new york times" thinks so. here's its headline from the weekend. is this the summer vacation as we know it? the cognitive dissidence of summer travel and a warming world is catching up to us. it's hot. travel has been difficult for a lot of people. there are many places that don't have enough workers. there are some shark attacks. >> bill: hasn't ruined my summer at all. not for a second actually. >> dana: yeah. other things that could help, if you have legal immigration, you could have more workers. that means more places could be open. >> bill: legal. >> dana: i'm saying legal immigration. you have people like some people they come for six months and leave and that's what they want to do. we could do more of that if the biden administration addressed the border you could get comprehensive immigration reform. >> bill: how much has it destroyed your summer vacation? >> dana: i'm all good. i really haven't had one. i like being here. i like being here. >> bill: devastating toll on president biden's botched withdrawal out of kabul being seen up close and personal. for the first time the gold star families of the 13 service member families killed at the airport will come together to share their stories. wow. on the hill with more on that, hello. >> it's going to be a big day in california and this is starting the process of closure for these families. quite frankly many of these folks felt like they never got closure from the biden administration. here's what's on tap today. later this afternoon, the congressman darrell issa from california will hold a bipartisan hearing near camp pendleton which is where the majority of these heroes came from. now, while this isn't an official congressional hearing, it will be the first opportunity for these families to come together and testify in a public forum. the 13 soldiers died in a suicide bombing at the entrance of kabul's airport as they helped to evacuate afghans. some of the parents felt their children never got acknowledged properly by the biden administration. the congressman says some of these men and women haven't received awards that they deserve. families are missing personal belongings and others really just want to know why it all happened so it doesn't happen again. >> some of them are very angry, even still. others want answers that they haven't had. these are the family members saying what they've experienced and what they want from their government. and, you know, nobody deserves more of whatever they want than our gold star families. >> in the last two years, bill, no biden administration official has been held accountable for this botched withdrawal. we'll watch and see if any of these parents make any demands of this administration today. >> bill: what a meeting that will be. thanks, on capitol hill. >> you got it. >> dana: the search for a maryland woman just turned into a homicide investigation. and the sheriff is now awaiting the medical examiner's report on the body of a woman found near the trail where rachel morin reportedly disappeared. her boyfriend reporting her missing friday night after he said she went for a walk on the ma and pa trail and never made it back. nancy grace joins us now. nancy will tell us what happened here. here's a comment. this is number one, this is the boyfriend who said i love rachel. i would never do anything to her. let the family and i grieve. yes, i have a past but i also have 15 months clean and have changed as a person. please. and then i just want to put up on the screen for every one to see, i'm sure you're familiar with it. richard tobin's lengthy rap sheet from domestic offense to resisting arrest, intoxication, etc. nancy grace, what do you think happened here? >> well, right now, i'm torn. and i'll tell you why. in the majority of cases when a woman goes missing and is murdered, you look immediately to the love object. it can be the husband, the ex, the ex-boyfriend. then you start moving out so naturally, cops are going to look at him first and it doesn't help that he's got quite the resume. 14 arrests since 2014 including, as you said, assault, disorderly conduct, refusing arrest and drugs. however, if you look at history, think of eliza fletcher who goes jogging in memphis or on long island. molly tibbetts. they're out exercising and it's a stranger on stranger attack. now, here in bel air, maryland, population about 10,600, very, very low crime rate which tells me that it was not a targeted -- that it was a targeted attack because it's a low crime rate and a small population. however, it's about a 30-minute drive to baltimore. very high crime rate. so all of that has to be taken into account. statistics go both ways in this case. but i'm very concerned. these two had only become social media official four days before she's killed. that's a problem. >> dana: also interesting, nancy, i know that people like solitude and solitary walks, can be really good. hiking alone might be something you want to rethink. >> yes, especially on a remote trail. this trail is about 6.5 miles long. her car was parked there at the williams street trailhead. this is where i would be doing right now. i would be looking for surveillance video. not only of the trailhead but beyond. remember when alex murdoch, where he shot himself. there was no surveillance. but at the corner, there was a church where there was surveillance. i would be looking at homes, businesses, tolls, red lights, anybody that has surveillance. her social media. who knew she was going there? anybody? and her nav system. i would be looking to find out if anyone saw anyone on that trail. >> dana: here in new york last week on thursday, new york authorities or friday identified another gilgo beach murder victim. her name is karen vergatta. they did not link the alleged killer, rex heuermann to her death in the announcement saying there's a confidential investigation. where does this go from here? >> well, i've got to tell you something, it's very disturbing. a 34-year-old woman, karen vergatta. her legs were found in davis park. her skull is found at gilgo where the other bodies are, where rex heuermann's other alleged victims were disposed of like trash. so how likely is it that somebody else disposed body parts of a female that roughly is similar to the other females alleged victims of heuermann's right there on the same beach? she was known to be living on 45th street not too far from where you are right now in manhattan. last seen on valentine's day, 1996, when she goes out to meet a customer. she's a sex worker. and is never seen again. it really fits heuermann's m.o. method of operation. doesn't it? >> dana: sure feels like it to me, nancy. i look to you and we're always grateful to have your expertise on our show as these families do grieve and we all hope that there is justice in these cases. nancy grace, have a great week and thank you. >> bill: a lot to learn about that case. all right? a little girl got ice cream with her father over the weekend before someone shot her dead outside of her own home. she was one of the more two dozen victims of another bloody weekend at a summer in chicago. meet the robot that is helping kids develop their social skills. you heard that right. check it out. hi! need new glasses? buy one pair, get one free at visionworks! how can you see me squinting? i can't! i'm just telling everyone!...hey! buy one pair, get one free for back to school. visionworks. see the difference. with a majority of my patience with sensitivity, i see irritated gums and weak enamel. sensodyne sensitivity gum & enamel relieves sensitivity, helps restore gum health, and rehardens enamel. i'm a big advocate of recommending things that i know work. veteran homeowners know it's getting harder and harder to make ends meet. credit card rates are averaging 22% and still climbing. even car and truck loans can be 15%. but newday's rates are a fraction of that. the newday 100 va cash out loan lets you use the equity in your home to pay off high rate credit cards and car loans. and you can save $500 a month. that's $6,000 a year. >> bill: now another violent weekend rocking chicago. sounds like a broken record. some two dozen shots, six fatally including an 8-year-old girl who had just gotten ice cream with her father. mike tobin on a monday morning is back live in chicago now. mike? >> that's exactly, bill. here we are again on a monday morning talking about weekend bloodshed in chicago. this time it's different than the typical gang or street violence. an 8-year-old girl was gunned down, shot in the head. what we have from witness information, it looks like she was the target of the violence. it was saturday evening. the area where it happened portage park is not free from violence but it's also not one of the areas where we expect bloodshed every weekend. the 8-year-old was doing what kids do. she was out playing on the sidewalk. witnesses say a neighbor appeared from his apartment with a gun. came rapidly for the 8-year-old girl. shot her in the head. people in the neighborhood say that the suspect had complained in the past about kids making too much noise out on the street. >> of the neighbor, he would always come out and kind of yell at all the kids on the block any time they were playing, he would yell at them about being too loud, too noisy. some people in the unit said he was schizophrenic. >> witnesses say her father saw the whole thing and tackled the gunman and in the process, the gun went off. the suspect was shot in the face. he's currently in critical condition. police have not identified him pending charges. now, she was pronounced dead as soon as she got to the hospital. she was preparing to start fourth grade and one of seven murders across chicago over the weekend. 27 people were shot. 25 shooting incidents. bill? >> bill: mike, thanks. mike tobin in chicago. thank you for that. chicago has a new mayor and the mayor has talked a lot about giving more money to social programs and not to cops. he was asked the question about a mob and this was his answer. >> talked about mob actions, i didn't say that. this is not to talk about what is taking place. to refer to children as baby al ca capones isn't appropriate. >> bill: that's the answer that he gave. >> dana: you can almost feel the weight of the issue on him. he's kind of a soft spoken guy anyway. he sounds gravely worried. but he's got a set of viewpoint and he's going to keep pushing it and the people of chicago will have to deal with it. >> bill: a lot of people think he's not been nearly as responsive as expected given the amount of shootings that have happened there. we'll see whether or not that continues with a new mayor in chicago. >> dana: former president trump drawing a straight line between his multiple indictments and his presidential campaign. he says all the legal action targeting him is only boosting his bid to return to the white house for another term in office. welcome to a brand new hour of "america's newsroom." i'm dana perino. good morning! >> bill: hope you had a good weekend. >> dana: great, you? >> bill: absolutely. bill hemmer, good morning. former president pointing to the latest polls showing him neck in neck with joe biden saying it's only energizing his supporters. trump wearing the charges against him as a badge of honor saying anymore wil

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Burisma , Question , Testimony , Hunter Associate , Whether , Overseas Business , Vacation , Awareness , Delaware , Oversight Committee Chair , Mr , Beach House , Crimes , Buaccountability Fo , Sentence , Aides , President , Visit , Time Out , Rest , Plans , Houston Astros , Peter , Headline , Author , Inconsistencies , David Marcus , Covid Lies , Facts , Media , Matter , Narrative , National Review , Transcripts , Release Last Thursday , Telescope , Goal Posts , Nasa , Influence , Shell Companies , Dinners , Business Associates , Phone Calls , Nine , Father , Family Members , Executives , Washington D C , Lincoln Memorial , Quote , Score , Dark , Granite , Manhattan , Illusion , Representative Goldman , Brand , It Didn T , Mess , Interview , Viewer , Scheme , Hammering , Representative Comer , Jim Jordan , Investigation , Department Of Justice , Impeachment Inquiry , Kevin Mccarthy , Speaker Of The House , Fed Ex , Justin Thomas , Playoffs , Champ Collapsing , Gut Wrenching Chip Shot 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Process , Many , Tap Today , Camp Pendleton , Majority , Darrell Issa , Hearing , Opportunity , Heroes , Isn T An Official Congressional Hearing , California , Soldiers , Entrance , Suicide Bombing , Kabul , Public Forum , Afghans , Men And Women Haven T , Children , Awards , Belongings , Withdrawal , Whatever , Official , Any , Sheriff , Body , Search , Homicide , Medical Examiner , Demands , Capitol Hill , Ma And Pa Trail , Boyfriend Reporting , Nancy , Rachel Morin , Boyfriend , Comment , Number One , Person , Arrest , Offense , Rap Sheet , Intoxication , Richard Tobin , Etc , Cases , Ex Boyfriend , Love Object , Cops , Arrests , Disorderly Conduct , Help , 2014 , 14 , Eliza Fletcher , Drugs , Jogging , Long Island , Memphis , Molly Tibbetts , Crime Rate , Population , Stranger On Attack , Bel Air , 10600 , Statistics , Drive , Account , Baltimore , Problem , Social Media , Car , Walks , Solitude , Hiking , 6 5 , Surveillance , Alex Murdoch , Trailhead , Surveillance Video , Corner , Williams Street Trailhead , Anybody , Homes , Church , Businesses , Nav System , Tolls , Red Lights , Gilgo Beach Murder Victim , Anyone , Karen Vergatta , Rex Heuermann , Go , Killer , Announcement , 34 , Gilgo , Legs , Skull , Bodies , Davis Park , Body Parts , Females , Beach , Female , Trash , 45th Street , Sex Worker , Customer , Valentine S Day , 1996 , 45 , Expertise , Method , Feels , M O , Little Girl , Ice Cream , Hope , Week , Someone , Chicago , Robot , Summer , Outside , Social Skills , Pair , Sensitivity , Visionworks , Difference , Patience , Back To School , Rehardens Enamel , Sensitivity Gum , Work , Enamel , Gums , Advocate , Sensodyne , Restore Gum Health , Rates , Truck Loans , Credit Card , Ends Meet , Fraction , Newday 100 Va Cash Out , 22 , Car Loans , Rate , Equity , 500 , 000 , 6000 , Shots , Rocking , 8 , Bloodshed , Street Violence , Gang , Mike Tobin , Violence , Area , Target , Portage Park , Old Girl , Witness Information , Suspect , Neighbor , Gun , Sidewalk , Shot , Neighborhood , Apartment , Doing , Witnesses , Kids On The Block , Playing , Unit , Noise , The Street , Yell , Charges , Police , Condition , Gunman , Face , Mike , Murders , Fourth Grade , Hospital , Shooting Incidents , Seven , 27 , Mob Actions , Mob , Capones Isn T Appropriate , Baby Al Ca , Viewpoint , Set , Action , Campaign , Shootings , Office , Bid , Neck , Supporters , Polls , Badge , Honor , Wil ,

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