Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX 20240704 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX 20240704

♪ [national anthem] ♪ ♪ [national anthem] ♪ ♪ pete: welcome to "fox & friends" on this saturday morning, our nation's anthem and your photos. they continue to pour in, and we thank you for them. keep serving them, [email protected], and welcome to the show. it's august 5th, year of our lord 2023, and it's rachel campos duffy and will cain. rachel: we're all back -- the band's back together. pete: it was never apart, but it's together. great to see you guys. rachel: great to see both of you. loved the photos today, especially the photo of the virgin mary right behind the american flag. thanks for sending that. will: we want to say happy birthday this morning to louis anthony izino, he's a world war ii hero who turned 100. pete: that is awesome. rachel: he looks great, by the way. look at that, playing the piano. pete: we're until toll he plays 30 minutes a day at his retirement home in ocala, florida. on a daily basis. other folks there look forward to him plague. world war ii vet, still kicking. love it. rachel: yes, that is awesome. happy birthday. pete: we appreciate it. rachel: all right. former president trump hitting campaign trail yesterday in alabama, slamming protectors of president biden for what he says is direct interference, election interference. will: trump saying the indictment this week in d.c. was ridiculous and an ab act of desperation by the president and allies. pete: alexandria hoff joining us from washington with the latest. >> reporter: good morning. logistically, the former president's court appearance appeared like a blip on his campaign calendar. hours after pleading not guilty, trump traveled to alabama delivering remarks at a dinner hosted by the state party. here's what he had to say. >> this ridiculous indictment against us, it's not a legal case, it's an act of desperation by a failedded, a disgraced, crooked joe biden and his radical left thugs to preserve their grip on power. they want to do anything they can to preserve it. biden and his protectors know he cannot win this race any other way, so now they're trying something that hasn't been tried in this country, election interference. >> reporter: the four criminal charges the former president faces here in washington stem from his alleged efforts to overturn the 2020 presidential election results. he feels additional legal jeopardy will only bolster his support in the '24 campaign and that the charges represent an unfair legal treatment of him versus president biden's family. >> every one of these many fake charges filed against me by the corrupt biden doj could have been filed two and a half years ago. they waited right to the middle of an election. every time they file an indictment, we go way up in the polls. [applause] one more indictment, and this election is closed out, nobody has even a chance. >> reporter: well, last night special counsel jack smith requested a protective order in the latest case writing this: all the proposed order seeks to prevent is the improper dissemination or use of discovery material it is including to the public. such a restriction is particularly important in this case because defendant the has previously issued public statements on social media regarding witnesses, judges, attorneys and and others associated with legal matters pending against him. now, the post that's being cited there in that legal form is a truth social post where the former president wrote this: if you go after me, i'm coming after you. smith argued that witnesses and the case itself could be compromised if trump were the post discovery documents op line. will, rachel, pete? rachel: it's getting silly. so he posts you come after me, i'm coming after you -- pete: well, they'd love to give him a gag order to, if they could. this is a protective order saying materials pertinent to the case can can't be released. if they could, they'd shut him up entirely, which is the point. we're callous to the fact that this last week was like nothing we've ever seen in this country. rachel: i'm not call out to it concern. pete: i didn't mean that, we all are. oh, another indictment. what we are seeing is absolutely unprecedented targeting of a political opponent. rachel: it's interesting, this week also we see alexei navalny, putin's biggest critic and opponent, getting put in jail. britain, the e.u. all issuing statements about how bad it is that putin is trying to jail his opponent. wonder if those same organizations will come to the defense of donald trump. probably not. will: it's almost like the slightly indirect shots of an indictment of a president are so loud and explosive that the direct shots go unnoticed. president trump saying if you come after me, i come after you and it's a direct shot and in surprise. it's sort of been his ethos. if you after me, i go after you. pete: i'm a counterpuncher. will: but there is another fascinating set of sound, and i hope we'll grab it later in the morning. doris kerns goodwin on msnbc said something to the effect of we have to do anything we can to stop him from winning the election. that's a direct shot. you are saying you need to subvert the democratic process. you're acknowledging donald trump's not just potential, but perhaps probability of winning an election and saying we'll do anything we can to to stop him from being president of the united states. and it's not just doris kerns goodwin, there's sound of president biden saying the same -- pete: saying the very same thing. will: -- when asked what will you do about your rival, we will do anything we can to protect this democracy. rachel: her comments were mt. context of the left's, the democratic party's, we're still stunned. we've indicted him three times and his poll numbers go up? they're freak out. then basically she said if this whole indictment doesn't work and everything else we've try on him, we have to figure out some way because it's just not tenable for us to have that guy be elected. pete: yeah. and it's staggering what he's endured. he's facing hundreds of years of potential jail time. so we went from investigations to impeachment, to to indictments, to the potential of imprisonment. this is what we're talking about, the imprisonment of a political opponent before an election. and here's a protective order, they'd love to do more than that if they could, they want to silence him. they certainly don't want him to the to look under the hood any more than he already has. and they're starting to point out his only defense is to point at hunter. it's not about me, what about hunter. but with as victor davis hansen pointed out last night on "the bottom with line," he's pointing to a two-tiered justice system that do does exist in america right now. >> none of these elites are ever subject to the consequences of their the own directive ideology. we have gavin newsom here in california that dines without a mask and then he's telling people that you've got to shut down your small flower shop because you didn't wear a mask or we've got john kerry reckturing on why we're going -- lecturing on why we're going to have to give up agriculture as he gulfstreams here and there to help us us. it's not just the unequal application of the laws, it's a haughtiness, an a arrogance that we, because of the alphabetic letters or the titles behind our name or what zip code we live many or who we associate, we're entitled to exemptions. this is going to be a reckoning, there always is. it's just a a matter of the longer we prolong it, the more, i think, the more severe and the more sustainedded it's going to be. people are reaching a boiling point. rachel: yeah. pete: it's true. rachel: i agree, people are reaching a boiling point. and the best exhibit of what he's showing, of course, is hunter biden. whoever would have thought that donald trump would be indict canned and facing all of this -- indicted and facing all of this and then joe biden and hunter biden who have taken millions of dollars from ukraine and russia, nothing's happening to them. and by the way, let's also not forget that what joe and hunter biden are trading on, let's rook at, for example, the firing of the prosecutor, you know, with this whole in ukraine and burisma and all this, they're trading on our money. so when he says, you know, you're not going to get a trillion dollars, that's a trillion dollars of our money -- pete: billion. rachel: i'm sorry, a billion dollars. might as well -- [laughter] pete: we're in the bs, what does it really -- rachel: yes. it's a billion dollars. that's a lot of money, and they're trading on our money and enriching themselves. pete: exactly right. and this week with as will and i are going to show on off the wall later in the show, confirmed the system, how it is it has worked. the moment there's information about hunter biden, here comes an indictment. the moment the plea deal falls apart, here comes an indictment. we're going to go off the wall talking about the timing of this it's week and how they've come after donald trump. rachel: meanwhile, a social media influencer is causing or caused a riot in new york city yesterday after promising to give away gaming systems and gaming accessories. pete: great. he was taken into police custody for causing that chaos as his young fans turned to destruction, even attacking police officers. will: ashley strohmier's here with the story. >> reporter: hi, guys, the twitch streamer was released from the the manhattan precinct late are last night after being charged for inciting a riot in union square. the 21-year-old has a huge following of more than 20 million people online and thousands of those followers crowded the downtown square after he announced a giveaway claiming he would hand out computers, playstation 5s and microphones from a truck. it is the unclear if he was able to give any of those things away. the crowd quickly turned to a riot with people throwing things at nypd can officers, destroying stores and jumping on parked cars. police calling it a a level four response after the crowd began to swell yesterday afternoon. police also made dozens of arrests as the situation got worse. about 65 people were taken into custody, that does include 30 minors. at least 3 police officers were reportedly hurt, but they're expected to be okay. the nypd chief of department spoke on violence against police after incident. watch. >> our officers were attacked. we were crushed, we were pushed. i had officers on the floor. as you see, i'm a little embarrassed because i'm very dirty right here, but i was mt. middle of the crowd. i was hit with multiple objects as well. >> reporter: also charged with unlawful assembly since he had no permit. he was issued a desk appearance ticket to appear in criminal court at a future date. back to you guys. if. will: what's fascinating about this story beyond the violence and rioting which is just, again, a travesty for the city of new york and is once again an example of one of the most dangerous things you can run into in life is a group of rowdy teenagers, is the pied piper effect of these online celebrities. pete: is that him? i'll. will: the turnout to union square and thousands show up. rachel: he has millions of followers. pete: 20 million. will: never heard of him. pete: i haven't either, that's the thing -- rachel: there's a whole subculture that we're just not part of, you guys. pete: we're old. [laughter] it's true, and he puts out a post about a giveaway free playstations -- rachel: and this is the reaction. pete: turns into that. will: i mean, honestly, is it a a subculture in i bet my shops know who he is. -- my sons know who he is. rachel: i'm positive my kids do. pete: new york city. you want to hope you're not on that block. rachel: it was right here at union station -- can. pete: union square, you mean? rachel: yeah. pete: we're going to go from new york to alabama because there's a public library in alabama that, so kirk cameron and riley gaines, but kirk cameron really and rare books -- rachel: brave books. pete: excuse me, have been doing see you at the library events where they are reading faith-based books or books about god, values or family. rachel: and it was a reaction to the drag queen story hours. pete: absolutely. if you can read drag queen story hours, then we can read actual books with traditional values in them at library libraries. free country, right? and a local public library said, no, we can't do it, too many people, can't host an event here. and i think did that after kirk cameron said he would be appearing at that event. will: what was the excuse? pete: not prepare to host -- rachel: those rowdy christians. [laughter] pete: we can only have 250 people, and it looks like more than that are coming, and we have to shut down the whole vent. navy had massive responses at these events, but it's going to happen. the news on this is that they tried to turn it away, but they're now saying the event will happen. here's a statement from the huntsville madison county public library in alabama to fox news digital. they with wrote: the huntsville madison county public library has agreed to accommodate the planned meeting on saturday, august a 5th, at the madison library with a limit of 25225 the -- 225 attendees. there will be over 300 libraries in 46 statements today -- states today that will be doing see you at the library event. and talking to kirk about this, he said the response has been like nothing he's ever seen. parents just want good stuff, and why can't we have that in the public square. rachel: yeah. it's an incredible thing that brave books is doing and the first time that kirk cameron tried to go to a library, the footage we just showed of this huntsville library is gorgeous. what the heck else is that beautiful facility for than to host a bunch of kids with a good, wholesome message of a book? i guarantee you they wouldn't have turned them away if these were drag queens, at least wouldn't have given the -- pete: that's a nice library. rachel: it's gorgeous. pete: why don't we fill it with people? [laughter] rachel: nice parents who wanted to do something good for their parents. riley gaines is also part of this. a lot of people we know, nicole staff fife has a brave book,ing -- nicole saphier, so does sara carter, riley gaines has one, and here's what she had to say about it. she said we've seen this before, the library has come up with an excuse to prevent us from sharing wholesome messages to children and their families because they don't want to be associated with it. the people have shown that they want to attend the event and support the mission of brave books. it's situations like in that embolden activists and antifa. i'm happy to say the event now is a go again, and we will continue forward with full force. it's times like this where we must stand our ground as conservatives, but more importantly, as christians. so brave books partnering with moms for liberty, two great organizations, and just trying to push back a little bit on the culture. pete: yeah. stick around later in the program because kirk cameron and riley gaines will be joining us live at 8:30 a.m. central time, they'll be live outside the library in tennessee where they'll be doing the first of multiple events that they'll be attending as they crisscross the cup. will: look forward to that interview. rachel: yeah, that'll be great. turning to your headlines starting with a fox news alert. two florida police officers are in critical condition after a being shot during a traffic stop in oral. in orlando. >> officers were investigating a vehicle wanted for a homicide in meme. during the stop the suspect -- in meme. during the stop, the suspect shot our officers. this is a sad day for our department. for the suspects out there, we will find you, and you will be brought to justice. rachel: police have not released the identities of the injured officers or possible suspects, but the shooters remain on the loose. with senator tim scott now pledging to finish the border e wall if he wins the 2024 presidential election. while visiting an arizona border city yesterday, he said he would continue the trump era construction. >> as president of the united states, i will finish this wall, and i will use the available technology to surveil our border to stop fentanyl from killing another 70,000 americans in the next 12 months. rae rae the move follows republicans calling for the reversal of biden era policies on border security. so far this year border patrol has reported more than 1.7 million migrant encounters. i'm sure that number's probably higher. donny osmond fans lining up around the block yesterday for one of our biggest crowds ever for "fox & friends" summer concert series, and he put on an amazing show. check this out. ♪ ♪ you and me together, you and me, you and me ♪ rachel: donny didn't miss a beat and even helped us celebrate national chocolate chip cookie day. will: what's going on there? pete: who smashed him in the face? rachel: that's not cool, that's donny osmond -- the. pete: oh, he took a bug bite out of it like a champ. will: oh, my gosh. rachel: wow. a highlight of the summer if concert series, for sure. that was right out of the pete hegseth playbook. were you and donny talking, pete in. pete: maybe, but we could also pull up the clip of will cain throwing husband face into that blue cheese dip. [laughter] aggressively. will: least favorite things i've ever done. pete: we'll cue that up -- will: you were right beside me. you did it too. rachel: the absolute grossest thing. will: i agree rachel. pete: still ahead, chinese biohazards in america's backyard, how authorities uncovered a dangerous illegal lab in california with ties to the communist nation. congressman carlos jimenez joins us next. will: plus, cone chaos, a construction worker thankfully okay after being struck by an orange traffic barrel. that high-speed collision next. ♪ all this time i was finding myself -- ♪ and i didn't know i was lost ♪ that's why, we've we pull our favorite looks together in-store and in in the app. so it is easy to get the look you want for less. you got this. we got you. we're carvana we created a brand new way for you to sell your car go to carvana answer a few questions and our techno wizardry calculates your car's value and gives you a real offer in seconds we'll come to you pay you on the spot then pick up your car that's it at carvana let innovation refunds help with your erc tax refund so you can improve your business however you see fit. rosie used part of her refund to build an outdoor patio. clink! dr. marshall used part of his refund to give his practice a facelift. emily used part of her refund to buy... i run a wax museum. let innovation refunds help you get started on your erc tax refund. stop waiting. go to you really got the brows. i told myself i was ok with my moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis symptoms. with my psoriatic arthritis symptoms. but just ok isn't ok. and i was done settling. if you still have symptoms after a tnf blocker like humira or enbrel, rinvoq is different and may help. rinvoq is a once-daily pill that can dramatically relieve ra and psa symptoms, including fatigue for some. it can stop joint damage. and in psa, can leave skin clear or almost clear. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal; cancers, including lymphoma and skin cancer; death, heart attack, stroke, and tears in the stomach or intestines occurred. people 50 and older with at least one heart disease risk factor have higher risks. don't take if allergic to rinvoq as serious reactions can occur. tell your doctor if you are or may become pregnant. done settling? 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>> we don't know much about it at this point. what we do know is that it was operating illegally, out poses a threat to the -- it poses a threat to the people of california and the united states. they were testing for covid and, like you said, aids and everything else, and the rats and the mice there, 2200 of them were found -- 200 of them were found dead out of 1,000. all kinds of medical equipment, medical testing equipment and human blood, and they were testing for a lot of agents. so we don't know what they were doing or why they were doing it, but apparently they're tied to the ccp and the chinese-linked firms. will: how is it this type of thing normally regulated should be urn the guidance of what -- under the guyen dance of what and what made this particular one illegal? >> well, i'm sure that, you know, you have to get -- you have to follow. >> cdc guidelines, you have to be registered, and you have to be licensed by the state and probably your local authorities, and i'm sure that this lab had none of that. and so they were operating illegally, but that's norm for chinese-linked companies. they will cut corners, and they will ott not play by the rules, and this is just another example of that. not only are they not playing by the rules, those companies that operate here in the united states, but around the world. the chinese-linked companies, because they're tied to the ccp, just don't play by the rules to get an advantage, whatever advantage they can get they'll try to get. and and that's why, you know, that's one of the things that we're investigating in our committee, how they do business here and around the world. and what we're finding is we don't like what we see. will: no doubt. and i know you said you're still in the investigation phase of this, but, you know, after what we now think is a probability that covid came from a lab leak in china, i'm not sure the answer to this question is operatively different, but i think we still want to know. you know, is this, as you said, a company linked to ccp looking to just cut corners and is sloppy if haphazard in which case we could have a big disaster, or is it more nefarious where there's a reason they're trying to avoid government oversight in which case it's more intentional? >> that's a great question, and that's something that needs to be found out. what is it that they were doing, and why were they doing it there. and what kind of a threat it poses to, again, like i said, posed to the people of california and then the people of the united states. no secret that they tried to hide for a long time that the wuhan lab was not the cause of, you know, the covid-19 when, in fact, in all probability, 99% it was. and so what are they doing there, and and what are they testing for, and what kind of threat does it pose, again, to the people of that area and eventually to the people of the united states. that's something we have to find out. will: absolutely are. this one's on our home soil. congressman carlos gimenez, thank you for being with us and helping us begin to understand this story. >> thank you, appreciate it. will: all right. still ahead, as prosecutors continue to build their case, police identify yet another victim linked to the notorious gilgo beach murders. we'll bring the the latest next. plus, more hunter headaches. shocking revelations from devon archer's testimony shows the extent of biden family influence in foreign business deals. monica crowley says this could have major national security implications, and she joins us next. they say seeing is believing, but with stearns & foster® that's only part of the story. we handcraft every stearns & foster® using the finest materials, like indulgent memory foam, and ultra-conforming intellicoils®, for a beautiful mattress, and indescribable comfort... every single night. stearns & foster® what comfort should be. for a limited time, bring home incredible comfort with $400 in savings on select mattresses. learn more at listen up, you dogs with allergic itch! today's talking lesson is just one word: apoquel. ap--o--quel. ♪ you can't teach your itchy dog to talk..., talk to your vet about apoquel. apoquel is for the control of allergic itch in dogs. do not use apoquel in dogs with serious infections. apoquel may increase the chances of developing serious infections... ...and may cause existing parasitic skin infections or pre-existing cancers to worsen. new neoplasias have been observed. i'm glad we speak the same language. ask your vet for apoquel. rachel: highly anticipated interview transcripts from former hunter biden business partner devon archer released this week detailing the alleged influence that the biden family wielded in the foreign business deals. archer saying the so-called brand was a major part of hunter's value in securing business partners, later confirming that he met the biden family -- he meant the biden family name when using the word brand. joining us now is former assistant treasury secretary and host of the monica crowley podcast, a great podcast, monica crowley. first of all, good morning. they say they're selling the brand, the name. but really aren't they just selling out the american people? >> well, good morning to you, rachel, and hi, everybody. yes, that's exactly what's going on here. look, devon archer's testimony was incredibly illuminating. he spoke of the bidens leveraging the biden brand, and by that they mean that there is no brand without joe biden in hue office. that is what they exploited to secure tens of millions of dollars for the biden crime family by selling influence and accesses. but, rachel, it wasn't just influence and access, it was also policy changes. rachel: yes. >> we all know, right, that when joe biden was vice president, he leanedded on -- leaned on the obama administration as well as the ukrainian are regime to fire the prosecutor that was looking into burisma and all of the corruption involved there. that led right to the doorstep of joe biden. finish and what we now know is that natalie winters yesterday broke a huge story that hunter biden was a managing director of cefc, china energy, which is a huge ccp-controlled energy firm that's not just all about energy in china and dictating global energy policy or trying to, but it's also a stated object is global domination and to neutralize the united states of america. hunter biden was a managing director of that company. so when we talk about leveraging joe bidens' high office, we're talking about manipulating and changing american foreign policy to suit the bidens' personal interests. and now joe biden is not just vice president, but he's president, and he's commander in chief. and so, therefore, this biggest corruption scandal in history has huge national security implications. rachel: yeah. i mean, let's put aside for just one second the irony, right in as they hut down american energn energy, taking us from being can significant to now having to beg for oil from other countries, they're making money off of other countries' energy deals. it's just incredible. but let's talk about how having someone who's compromised, so we know that the chinese, you know, communist party knows exactly what these dirty deals are. you know, zelenskyy in ukraine who's been getting lots of money that we can't even track, you know, is getting a lot more money. he also has the goods on joe biden. how does having a president compromised in that way to foreign leaders and, as you say, having it affect our policy? >> it's extremely dangerous for obvious reasons. rachel: yeah. >> look, all of us, rachel, that we have seen over last couple of years with mountains of evidence of joe biden, first of all, lying that he had nothing to do with hunter biden's international business transactions. well, joe biden was the reason for hunter biden's international business transactions, trading off the biden name and, again, changing american foreign policy to i suit their own family's interests. that means that the current commander in chief is not representing americans and america's interests around the world, but in high likelihood representing his own. and now he's spending so much time trying to cover up what he has done in the past, selling the united states out for his own personal interests, that you have to wonder how far of down the track we are that he has really put america on the back foot selling out not just to our worst enmies like the ccp and china, but also corrupt regimes in ukraine and elsewhere. rachel: yeah. it's so troubling. it's probably -- it is the most important story we're facing right now. monica, thanks for breaking it down for us. >> pleasure. thanks, rachel. rachel: you got it. all right, still ahead, chaos in ney's union square after -- new york's union square after a playstation 5 giveaway quickly became a riot. former nypd officer bill stanton joins us next to the react. but first, our own rick reichmuth having a fantastic time hanging out with the dolphins at florida's discovery cove. we're going to catch up with him on the flip side. ♪ ♪ -- if you feel like happiness is your truth ♪ genius! like 2.5% cash back on purchases of $5,000 or more, so sam can make smart ideas, a brilliant reality! chase for business. make more of what's yours. try killing bugs the worry-free way. not the other way. zevo traps use light to attract and trap flying insects with no odor and no mess. they work continuously, so you don't have to. zevo. people-friendly. bug-deadly. hi, i'm todd. i'm a veteran of 23 years. i served three overseas tours. i love to give back to the community. i offer what i can when i can. i started noticing my memory was slipping. i saw a prevagen commercial and i did some research on it. i started taking prevagen about three years ago. i feel clearer in my thoughts, my memory has improved and generally just more on point. prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription. 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(announcer) change your life at that's i just always thought, “dog food is dog food” i didn't really piece together that dogs eat food. as soon as we brought the farmer's dog in, her skin was better, she was more active. if i can invest in her health and be proactive, i think it's worth it. visit pete: a chaotic scene yesterday in new york city after a popular twitch streamer, kai sin net p. man alive, held a playstation giveaway that turned into a riot. rachel: police say 65 people were arrested including 30 kids. will: the streamer will be charged with at least with two counts of inciting a riot and unlawful assembly. joining us now is former nypd officer and safety and security consultant bill stanton, great to see you this morning. >> thanks for having me. will: in all your ears -- years working for nypd, many said i've never epstein anything like this. >> the donny gathering you guys had the other day -- [laughter] no, this is breakdown in cultural grace, in my opinion. rachel: amen, thank you for saying it. >> you know, where we see this happening. we had the jackson five or elvis, you know, now we go, we have a large gathering, and you have a select few that look to stir the pot to cause the chaos. and once that chaos is called, they'll look to take advantage of it, looting, causing destruction, etc., etc. rachel: yeah, just a lack of support. when you said elvis, i think about all the girls dying for elvis. they were dying for elvis, they weren't, like, beating up the cops. >> right. they weren't looting, they weren't destroying property. pete: how do you deal with a situation like that if you're the n nypd? you're probably not monitoring this, he's going to give away playstations, he shows up in an suv and then thousands -- how do you approach getting your arms around that? >> well, these are symptoms, we have to look at the cause. was there a security audit done before this happened? it's my opinion that this was done to cause this. now, we're all talking about this streamer, this individual. he's increasing liz street cred, if you -- his street cred, if you will. the nypd does have social monitoring, but they were never expecting this. heir going to learn and evolve as this happens. will: so you mentioned it starts with, you know, whatever, a critical mass of people, thousands, they said, and then a few bad actors in the group. but i would imagine like a mob situation like that, then that goes kind of viral. meaning these guys show up over here, before you know it, it's everywhere. and some of them who may not have come with those intentions is now swept up. >> right. it goes like a brush fire. to your point, there's a tipple point, and then things go in different directions. there were to no safety corridors for the pedestrians to go through. this wasn't well thought out. you know, how many of these playstations were actually given away -- will: right. >> you know, was playstation the, was sony involved in this? there are much bigger questions. the only way to stop this is make the person actually pay for damages, then there won't be, hopefully, there won't be copycatters -- pete: you mean an actual deterrent effect. actual consequences. >> exactly. and follow up on the scene, what happened to these people who were arrested. are they going to be prosecuted or let out. rachel: yeah. he's probably making millions of dollars from all the new followers because, as you said, we're talking about it right now. there'll be copycats sod good thing to figure out. will: great to see you this morning. a few additional headlines, investigators announcing they have identified a woman whose partial remains were found in new york's fire island 27 years ago. >> we were able to identify fire island jane doe as karen who was 34 years old at the time of her disappearance. she went missing at approximately february 14th, 19 is 96 -- 1996. at the time, she lived on west 45th street in manhattan and was believed to be working as an escort. will: officials would not say whether accused serial killer rex heuermann is a suspect in her death, calling the investigation ongoing. now a minnesota construction worker gets hit with a flying orange barrel after a car plows through a closed lane. the worker didn't immediately see the driver ignoring the road signals. the driver going on to knock over eight additional traffic barrels as he continued down the road. the worker who was taken to the hospital is expected to recover. police say they're working to identify the driver who left the scene. boom, boom, boom, you'd think -- and the mega millions jackpot hits a new record at $1.55 billion after no one winning, no winning ticket was sold last night, at last might's drawing, before the drawing. and even though you didn't win the big prize, be sure still to check your numbers. they were 111, 30, 45, 52, 56 and yellow megaball 20. the next drawing is tuesday night. rachel: i think i'm going to have to -- will: those are your headlines. pete: chances are getting better. [laughter] all right. let's hand it over to the chief, chief meteorologist rick reichmuth, who's back on the road this weekend with. he's live in orlando, florida, at discovery cove's dolphin poo. rick, what's up? rick: good morning. yeah, back on the road, back in florida, which is great. sorry, i've got a mosquito who's attacking me. there's a few here -- [laughter] >> it's all about the animal experience. rick: well done. tell us about discovery cove. >> first of all, welcome to paradise. discovery cove is in the heart of orlando, and we are a tropical oasis. it's a resort-type feel, all inclusive here at our park, and you're really just immersing yourself with all of the animals. so between being able to shock? ifing with -- snorkel with fish and rays and sharks, you can be in the bird aviary and, honestly, one of my favorites is the dolphin experience. so right behind us here we have our dolphin lagoon. our guests get to come in and experience and interact with the animals. they are up close, they are truly immersed in their environment, and it gives our trainers ap opportunity to really highlight our passion and care for the animals. and it's just such an amazing experience for the guests. and, like, their take from that and what they go home with, the message and the connection with the animals is just incredible. rick: how did you become a person who takes care of dolphins? what's the path from -- >> how did i get here. i always had a passion for animals and the ocean, and i studied marine biology in school, and i knew that i wanted to come down to orlando and work at discovery cove because my favorite part of what we get to do here is the guest interaction and the connection with the animals. there's no place like discovery cove. just that experience with the guests is truly one of a kind. rick: yeah. it's a great place for your family to come in and enjoy and be able to be with the animals and learn something and enjoy a tropical paradise, exactly what she said. she's from new hampshire -- >> i am. [laughter] no mosquitoes, right? rick: i don't disagree. buys -- guys, back to you. will: thank you, rick. pete: still ahead, house oversight chair james comer reacts to the latest bombshell in the hunter biden influence scandal. rachel: but first, actor kirk cameron highlighting faith, family and patriotism. we talk with one of the hosts straight ahead. ♪ -- meet me in the middle ♪ ♪ ♪ limu emu & doug ♪ what do we always say, son? liberty mutual customizes your car insurance... so you only pay for what you need. that's my boy. now you get out there, and you make us proud, huh? ♪ bye, uncle limu. ♪ stay off the freeways! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ ♪ when you have chronic kidney disease... there are places you'd like to be. like here. and here. not so much here. if you have chronic kidney disease, farxiga can help you keep living life. ♪ farxiga ♪ and farxiga reduces the risk of kidney failure, which can lead to dialysis. farxiga can cause serious side effects including dehydration, urinary tract or genital yeast infections in women and men, and low blood sugar. ketoacidosis is a serious side effect that may lead to death. a rare life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this bacterial infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. farxiga can help you keep living life. ask your doctor for farxiga for chronic kidney disease. if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. ♪ farxiga ♪ pete: today american families coast to coast will gather at their local libraries for the first ever see you at the library reading event sharing stories of faith, family and freedom. lauren white, who's the pastor of -- wife of pastor jonathan white, will be hosting one of the events in virginia, and she joins us now. lauren, thank you very much for being here. you're hosting an event at the local library. why has this caught on? what was the reaction and how many people do you think will be attending? >> yes, thank you so much for having me. yes, when i initially sign up to host, there were only about 20 the other people sign up. so to see that it has grown to this magnitude is amazing to me. i'm so excited to be a part of it. it shows what the interest of so many people wanting to host that there is a need for books that our children can read that are strong in conviction and truth. if that parents -- and that parents and churches around the country are gathering together for this purpose, it's super exciting. pete: absolutely. you know, a lot of this came about when drag queen story hour was the cause du jour at public libraries, and and it almost felt like what can we do about it. and here -- does this also break down the idea that you can't have faith in the public square? how could god be in those places? >> yeah, you know, it's so sad that we have gotten to that point because our country was founded on christian principles. and without the solid truth of therd wore of god -- the word of god, there's not a steady places to stand. so that's why we have gotten to the point that we have, because christians have remained silent -- pete:9 amen. >> so this is an amazing opportunity for us to go, for us to read these brave books are amazing. they teach such great character stories with bibly -- biblical principles in a fun and exciting way for kids. so to be able to do that and share the light of christ in our community is just an amazing opportunity. pete: well, we tip our hat to you. i think the response of hundreds of people showing up shows a thirst for this in a very real way, and we appreciate you coming on the program, and we're going to have kirk cameron later on to talk about another spot across the country where they're sharing those traditional values. thank you so much, lauren. god bless. >> thank you. pete: you got it. don't go anywhere, we're beating the heat all morning with some outdoor gear the whole family can enjoy. chip wade joins us live on fox square. ♪ ♪ let innovation refunds help with your erc tax refund so you can improve your business however you see fit. rosie used part of her refund to build an outdoor patio. clink! dr. marshall used part of his refund to give his practice a facelift. emily used part of her refund to buy... i run a wax museum. let innovation refunds help you get started on your erc tax refund. stop waiting. go to you really got the brows. somedays, i cover up because of my moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. now i feel free to bare my skin, thanks to skyrizi. ♪(uplifting music)♪ ♪nothing is everything♪ i'm celebrating my clearer skin... my way. with skyrizi, 3 out of 4 people achieved 90% clearer skin at 4 months. in another study, most people had 90% clearer skin, even at 5 years. and skyrizi is just 4 doses a year, after 2 starter doses. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine, or plan to. thanks to clearer skin with skyrizi - this is my moment. there's nothing on my skin and that means everything! ♪nothing is everything♪ now's the time. ask your doctor about skyrizi, the #1 dermatologist-prescribed biologic in psoriasis. learn how abbvie could help you save. ♪ ♪ ♪ i get around, get around ♪ rachel: good morning, everybody. it's 7:00 here in new york city, can and we're so happy to be here with you sharing the morning. that's a good picture, by the way, of myrtle beach. will: that's a great picture. how far do you think you can walk out? rachel: i don't know. will: i bet you can walk out really far. pete: you mean on the beach? will: before the water -- yeah, no, i mean out -- let's put that back up. you see the pier? rachel: i see what you're saying. will: you were just in florida -- pete: you can walk out really far in the gulf of mexico. i don't know, maybe out close to the pier there. what is surf line? is that a channel for surfers to watch -- will: i happen to know the answer to this. president you do? is. will: yeah, i've got it on the phone. i don't even know the words that came out of your

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Libraries , Response , Library Event , Attendees , Stuff , 46 , 300 , 225 , Library , Time , Public Square , Footage , Huntsville Library Is Gorgeous , Isn T , Ing , Message , Drag Queens , Wouldn T Have Given The , Bunch , Good , Facility , Heck , Nicole Saphier , Why Don T , Staff , It S Gorgeous , Fife , Children , Families , Messages , Before , Sara Carter , Go , Situations , Mission , Activists , Antifa , Conservatives , Liberty , Ground , Force , Culture , Moms , Bit , Central Time , Program , First , Tennessee , 8 , Headlines , Interview , Traffic Stop , Cup , Oral , Condition , Fox News Alert , Suspect , Stop , Vehicle , Meme , Orlando , Homicide , Suspects , Tim Scott , Justice , Shooters , Identities , Loose , Construction , Border City Yesterday , Border E Wall , Arizona , 2024 , Border Security , Border , Technology , Reversal , Fentanyl , Republicans , Rae , The Move , 70000 , 12 , Donny Osmond , Crowds , Number , Migrant Encounters , Border Patrol , 1 7 Million , Concert 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Death , Reactions , Intestines , Risks , Skin Cancer , Heart Disease Risk Factor , Stroke , Tears , Heart Attack , Lymphoma , Stomach , 50 , Rheumatologist , Lines , Speed , Service , Price , Xfinity Mobile , Xfinity , At Home , Services , Door , Bye , 0 Bucks , Investigators Discovering A Horrific Scene , Black , Mice , Agents , Guest , Warehouse , Communist China , House Strategic Committee On China , Packs , Waste , Biolab , 20 , Covid , Congressman Carlos Gimenez , Topic , Estimation , Threat , China , Diseases , Connections , Hiv , Aids , Rats , Everything Else , 2200 , 200 , Ccp , Testing , Equipment , Human Blood , Kinds , 1000 , What , Type , Guidance , Firms , Urn , Guyen Dance , Companies , Estate , Cdc Guidelines , Corners , Rules , Around The World , Advantage , Just Don T Play By The Rules , Committee , Investigation Phase , Lab Leak , No Doubt , Company , Question , Reason , Disaster , Government Oversight , Haphazard , Kind , Doing , Cause , Secret , Wuhan , 99 , 19 , It Pose , Area , Home Soil , Prosecutors , Victim , Notorious Gilgo Beach Murders , Monica Crowley , Testimony , Security , Business Deals , Devon Archer , Implications , Family Influence , Hunter Headaches , Revelations , Extent , Comfort , Ultra Conforming Intellicoils , Stearns Foster That , Beautiful Mattress , Seeing Is Believing , Memory Foam , Mattresses , Savings , 400 , 00 , Word , Apoquel , Dogs , Dog , Lesson , Ap , Itch , Control , O , Quel , Chances , Skin Infections , Neoplasias , Language , Business Partner , Former , Interview Transcripts , Influence , Business Partners , Biden Family , Assistant Treasury Secretary , Family Name , Podcast , Monica Crowley Podcast , Everybody , Brand , Aren T , Hi , Joe Biden In Hue Office , Selling Influence , Policy Changes , Know , Wasn T , Accesses , Access , Biden Crime Family , Tens , Vice President , He Leanedded On , Administration , Ukrainian , Corruption , Doorstep , Regime , Led , Obama , Burisma , Managing Director , Energy Firm , Finish , China Energy , Cefc , Energy Policy , Energy , Domination , Object , Dictating , Office , Bidens , American Foreign Policy , Leveraging , Commander In Chief , Interests , Corruption Scandal , Countries , Energy Deals , Money Off , Irony , Soil , Hut Down American Energn Energy , Being Energy Com , Someone , Communist Party , Deals , Lots , Zelenskyy , Policy , Goods , Leaders , All Of Us , Reasons , Mountains , Evidence , International Business Transactions , Trading , Likelihood , Regimes , Foot , Track , Enmies , Elsewhere , Right , Monica , Pleasure , Chaos In Ney , Rick Reichmuth , Bill Stanton , Playstation , React , Discovery Cove , Dolphins , Flip Side , Happiness , Killing , Reality , Cash , Purchases , Sam , Smart Ideas , Zevo , Chase For Business , 000 , 2 5 , 5000 , Mess , Odor , Insects , Friendly , Veteran , Tours , Todd , 23 , Community , Prevagen , Memory , Research , Prescription , Thoughts , Weight Gain , Weight Loss , Golo , Aidyl , 90 , I M On My Way , Sizes , Yo , Five , Dog Food , Announcer , Golo Com , Dog In , Visit Betterforthem Com Pete A Chaotic Scene Yesterday , Food , Farmer , Health , Playstation Giveaway , Kai Sin Net P Man Alive , Streamer , Officer , Counts , Least , Safety , Many , Ears , Opinion , Breakdown , Happening , Grace , Jackson Five , Few , Looting , Gathering , Pot , Elvis , Girls , They Weren T , They Weren T Looting , Causing Destruction , Cops , Etc , Suv , They Weren T Destroying Property , N , Individual , Security Audit , Arms , Liz Street Cred , Monitoring , Does , Heir , Critical Mass , Intentions , Everywhere , Actors , Mob , Directions , Safety Corridors , Brush Fire , Pedestrians , Wasn T Well Thought Out , Person , Sony , There Won T Be Copycatters , Playstations , Damages , Playstation The , Won T Be , Scene , Deterrent Effect , Investigators , Remains , Sod , Woman , Jane Doe , Fire Island , 27 , 34 , West 45th Street In Manhattan , Disappearance , Escort , Officials , 1996 , 14 , 45 , 96 , February 14th 19 , Worker , Rex Heuermann , Didn T , Investigation , Barrel , Lane , Minnesota , Driver , Road , Hospital , Traffic Barrels , Road Signals , Eight , Boom , Ticket , Winning , Record , Mega Millions Jackpot , 1 55 Billion , 55 Billion , Drawing , Numbers , Big Prize , 56 , 111 , 52 , Back On The Road , Weekend , Mosquito , Dolphin Poo , Animal Experience , Heart , Feel , Oasis , Welcome To Paradise , Animals , Inclusive , Sharks , Park , Fish , Snorkel , Rays , Ifing , Guests , Experience , Dolphin Experience , Favorites , Bird Aviary , Dolphin Lagoon , Passion , Opportunity , Care , Connection , Environment , Trainers , Marine Biology , Path , School , Ocean , Place , Guest Interaction , Work , Paradise , New Hampshire , Rick , Back To You , Mosquitoes , I Don T Disagree , Buys , House Oversight Chair , James Comer , Faith , Scandal , Patriotism , Bombshell , Hosts , That S My Boy , Son , Emu , Car Insurance , Huh , Uncle Limu , Liberty Mutual , Freeways , Pay , Chronic Kidney Disease , Places , Stop Taking Farxiga , Risk , Yeast Infections , Side Effects , Kidney Failure , Urinary Tract , Dialysis , Women , Dehydration , Infection , Ketoacidosis , Side Effect , Blood Sugar , Men , Perineum , Farxiga , Medication , Astrazeneca , Farxiga Pete Today American Families Coast To , Stories , Library Reading , Lauren White , Pastor , Freedom , Virginia , Jonathan White , Interest , Magnitude , Need , Conviction , Churches , Purpose , Story Hour , Idea , Cause Du Jour , Principles , Word Of God , Christian , Therd , Character Stories , Silent , To Go , 9 , Christ , Light , Bibly , Hat , Thirst , Anywhere , Gear , Live On Fox Square , Don T Go , Heat , God Bless , Chip Wade , Innovation , Skyrizi , Plaque Psoriasis , Somedays , Music , Study , 4 , Starter Doses , Vaccine , Plan , 2 , Psoriasis , 1 , 7 , Picture , Morning , On The Beach , I Don T Know , Myrtle Beach , Pier , Water , Gulf Of Mexico , Words , Surf Line , Channel , Phone ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX 20240704

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♪ [national anthem] ♪ ♪ [national anthem] ♪ ♪ pete: welcome to "fox & friends" on this saturday morning, our nation's anthem and your photos. they continue to pour in, and we thank you for them. keep serving them,, and welcome to the show. it's august 5th, year of our lord 2023, and it's rachel campos duffy and will cain. rachel: we're all back -- the band's back together. pete: it was never apart, but it's together. great to see you guys. rachel: great to see both of you. loved the photos today, especially the photo of the virgin mary right behind the american flag. thanks for sending that. will: we want to say happy birthday this morning to louis anthony izino, he's a world war ii hero who turned 100. pete: that is awesome. rachel: he looks great, by the way. look at that, playing the piano. pete: we're until toll he plays 30 minutes a day at his retirement home in ocala, florida. on a daily basis. other folks there look forward to him plague. world war ii vet, still kicking. love it. rachel: yes, that is awesome. happy birthday. pete: we appreciate it. rachel: all right. former president trump hitting campaign trail yesterday in alabama, slamming protectors of president biden for what he says is direct interference, election interference. will: trump saying the indictment this week in d.c. was ridiculous and an ab act of desperation by the president and allies. pete: alexandria hoff joining us from washington with the latest. >> reporter: good morning. logistically, the former president's court appearance appeared like a blip on his campaign calendar. hours after pleading not guilty, trump traveled to alabama delivering remarks at a dinner hosted by the state party. here's what he had to say. >> this ridiculous indictment against us, it's not a legal case, it's an act of desperation by a failedded, a disgraced, crooked joe biden and his radical left thugs to preserve their grip on power. they want to do anything they can to preserve it. biden and his protectors know he cannot win this race any other way, so now they're trying something that hasn't been tried in this country, election interference. >> reporter: the four criminal charges the former president faces here in washington stem from his alleged efforts to overturn the 2020 presidential election results. he feels additional legal jeopardy will only bolster his support in the '24 campaign and that the charges represent an unfair legal treatment of him versus president biden's family. >> every one of these many fake charges filed against me by the corrupt biden doj could have been filed two and a half years ago. they waited right to the middle of an election. every time they file an indictment, we go way up in the polls. [applause] one more indictment, and this election is closed out, nobody has even a chance. >> reporter: well, last night special counsel jack smith requested a protective order in the latest case writing this: all the proposed order seeks to prevent is the improper dissemination or use of discovery material it is including to the public. such a restriction is particularly important in this case because defendant the has previously issued public statements on social media regarding witnesses, judges, attorneys and and others associated with legal matters pending against him. now, the post that's being cited there in that legal form is a truth social post where the former president wrote this: if you go after me, i'm coming after you. smith argued that witnesses and the case itself could be compromised if trump were the post discovery documents op line. will, rachel, pete? rachel: it's getting silly. so he posts you come after me, i'm coming after you -- pete: well, they'd love to give him a gag order to, if they could. this is a protective order saying materials pertinent to the case can can't be released. if they could, they'd shut him up entirely, which is the point. we're callous to the fact that this last week was like nothing we've ever seen in this country. rachel: i'm not call out to it concern. pete: i didn't mean that, we all are. oh, another indictment. what we are seeing is absolutely unprecedented targeting of a political opponent. rachel: it's interesting, this week also we see alexei navalny, putin's biggest critic and opponent, getting put in jail. britain, the e.u. all issuing statements about how bad it is that putin is trying to jail his opponent. wonder if those same organizations will come to the defense of donald trump. probably not. will: it's almost like the slightly indirect shots of an indictment of a president are so loud and explosive that the direct shots go unnoticed. president trump saying if you come after me, i come after you and it's a direct shot and in surprise. it's sort of been his ethos. if you after me, i go after you. pete: i'm a counterpuncher. will: but there is another fascinating set of sound, and i hope we'll grab it later in the morning. doris kerns goodwin on msnbc said something to the effect of we have to do anything we can to stop him from winning the election. that's a direct shot. you are saying you need to subvert the democratic process. you're acknowledging donald trump's not just potential, but perhaps probability of winning an election and saying we'll do anything we can to to stop him from being president of the united states. and it's not just doris kerns goodwin, there's sound of president biden saying the same -- pete: saying the very same thing. will: -- when asked what will you do about your rival, we will do anything we can to protect this democracy. rachel: her comments were mt. context of the left's, the democratic party's, we're still stunned. we've indicted him three times and his poll numbers go up? they're freak out. then basically she said if this whole indictment doesn't work and everything else we've try on him, we have to figure out some way because it's just not tenable for us to have that guy be elected. pete: yeah. and it's staggering what he's endured. he's facing hundreds of years of potential jail time. so we went from investigations to impeachment, to to indictments, to the potential of imprisonment. this is what we're talking about, the imprisonment of a political opponent before an election. and here's a protective order, they'd love to do more than that if they could, they want to silence him. they certainly don't want him to the to look under the hood any more than he already has. and they're starting to point out his only defense is to point at hunter. it's not about me, what about hunter. but with as victor davis hansen pointed out last night on "the bottom with line," he's pointing to a two-tiered justice system that do does exist in america right now. >> none of these elites are ever subject to the consequences of their the own directive ideology. we have gavin newsom here in california that dines without a mask and then he's telling people that you've got to shut down your small flower shop because you didn't wear a mask or we've got john kerry reckturing on why we're going -- lecturing on why we're going to have to give up agriculture as he gulfstreams here and there to help us us. it's not just the unequal application of the laws, it's a haughtiness, an a arrogance that we, because of the alphabetic letters or the titles behind our name or what zip code we live many or who we associate, we're entitled to exemptions. this is going to be a reckoning, there always is. it's just a a matter of the longer we prolong it, the more, i think, the more severe and the more sustainedded it's going to be. people are reaching a boiling point. rachel: yeah. pete: it's true. rachel: i agree, people are reaching a boiling point. and the best exhibit of what he's showing, of course, is hunter biden. whoever would have thought that donald trump would be indict canned and facing all of this -- indicted and facing all of this and then joe biden and hunter biden who have taken millions of dollars from ukraine and russia, nothing's happening to them. and by the way, let's also not forget that what joe and hunter biden are trading on, let's rook at, for example, the firing of the prosecutor, you know, with this whole in ukraine and burisma and all this, they're trading on our money. so when he says, you know, you're not going to get a trillion dollars, that's a trillion dollars of our money -- pete: billion. rachel: i'm sorry, a billion dollars. might as well -- [laughter] pete: we're in the bs, what does it really -- rachel: yes. it's a billion dollars. that's a lot of money, and they're trading on our money and enriching themselves. pete: exactly right. and this week with as will and i are going to show on off the wall later in the show, confirmed the system, how it is it has worked. the moment there's information about hunter biden, here comes an indictment. the moment the plea deal falls apart, here comes an indictment. we're going to go off the wall talking about the timing of this it's week and how they've come after donald trump. rachel: meanwhile, a social media influencer is causing or caused a riot in new york city yesterday after promising to give away gaming systems and gaming accessories. pete: great. he was taken into police custody for causing that chaos as his young fans turned to destruction, even attacking police officers. will: ashley strohmier's here with the story. >> reporter: hi, guys, the twitch streamer was released from the the manhattan precinct late are last night after being charged for inciting a riot in union square. the 21-year-old has a huge following of more than 20 million people online and thousands of those followers crowded the downtown square after he announced a giveaway claiming he would hand out computers, playstation 5s and microphones from a truck. it is the unclear if he was able to give any of those things away. the crowd quickly turned to a riot with people throwing things at nypd can officers, destroying stores and jumping on parked cars. police calling it a a level four response after the crowd began to swell yesterday afternoon. police also made dozens of arrests as the situation got worse. about 65 people were taken into custody, that does include 30 minors. at least 3 police officers were reportedly hurt, but they're expected to be okay. the nypd chief of department spoke on violence against police after incident. watch. >> our officers were attacked. we were crushed, we were pushed. i had officers on the floor. as you see, i'm a little embarrassed because i'm very dirty right here, but i was mt. middle of the crowd. i was hit with multiple objects as well. >> reporter: also charged with unlawful assembly since he had no permit. he was issued a desk appearance ticket to appear in criminal court at a future date. back to you guys. if. will: what's fascinating about this story beyond the violence and rioting which is just, again, a travesty for the city of new york and is once again an example of one of the most dangerous things you can run into in life is a group of rowdy teenagers, is the pied piper effect of these online celebrities. pete: is that him? i'll. will: the turnout to union square and thousands show up. rachel: he has millions of followers. pete: 20 million. will: never heard of him. pete: i haven't either, that's the thing -- rachel: there's a whole subculture that we're just not part of, you guys. pete: we're old. [laughter] it's true, and he puts out a post about a giveaway free playstations -- rachel: and this is the reaction. pete: turns into that. will: i mean, honestly, is it a a subculture in i bet my shops know who he is. -- my sons know who he is. rachel: i'm positive my kids do. pete: new york city. you want to hope you're not on that block. rachel: it was right here at union station -- can. pete: union square, you mean? rachel: yeah. pete: we're going to go from new york to alabama because there's a public library in alabama that, so kirk cameron and riley gaines, but kirk cameron really and rare books -- rachel: brave books. pete: excuse me, have been doing see you at the library events where they are reading faith-based books or books about god, values or family. rachel: and it was a reaction to the drag queen story hours. pete: absolutely. if you can read drag queen story hours, then we can read actual books with traditional values in them at library libraries. free country, right? and a local public library said, no, we can't do it, too many people, can't host an event here. and i think did that after kirk cameron said he would be appearing at that event. will: what was the excuse? pete: not prepare to host -- rachel: those rowdy christians. [laughter] pete: we can only have 250 people, and it looks like more than that are coming, and we have to shut down the whole vent. navy had massive responses at these events, but it's going to happen. the news on this is that they tried to turn it away, but they're now saying the event will happen. here's a statement from the huntsville madison county public library in alabama to fox news digital. they with wrote: the huntsville madison county public library has agreed to accommodate the planned meeting on saturday, august a 5th, at the madison library with a limit of 25225 the -- 225 attendees. there will be over 300 libraries in 46 statements today -- states today that will be doing see you at the library event. and talking to kirk about this, he said the response has been like nothing he's ever seen. parents just want good stuff, and why can't we have that in the public square. rachel: yeah. it's an incredible thing that brave books is doing and the first time that kirk cameron tried to go to a library, the footage we just showed of this huntsville library is gorgeous. what the heck else is that beautiful facility for than to host a bunch of kids with a good, wholesome message of a book? i guarantee you they wouldn't have turned them away if these were drag queens, at least wouldn't have given the -- pete: that's a nice library. rachel: it's gorgeous. pete: why don't we fill it with people? [laughter] rachel: nice parents who wanted to do something good for their parents. riley gaines is also part of this. a lot of people we know, nicole staff fife has a brave book,ing -- nicole saphier, so does sara carter, riley gaines has one, and here's what she had to say about it. she said we've seen this before, the library has come up with an excuse to prevent us from sharing wholesome messages to children and their families because they don't want to be associated with it. the people have shown that they want to attend the event and support the mission of brave books. it's situations like in that embolden activists and antifa. i'm happy to say the event now is a go again, and we will continue forward with full force. it's times like this where we must stand our ground as conservatives, but more importantly, as christians. so brave books partnering with moms for liberty, two great organizations, and just trying to push back a little bit on the culture. pete: yeah. stick around later in the program because kirk cameron and riley gaines will be joining us live at 8:30 a.m. central time, they'll be live outside the library in tennessee where they'll be doing the first of multiple events that they'll be attending as they crisscross the cup. will: look forward to that interview. rachel: yeah, that'll be great. turning to your headlines starting with a fox news alert. two florida police officers are in critical condition after a being shot during a traffic stop in oral. in orlando. >> officers were investigating a vehicle wanted for a homicide in meme. during the stop the suspect -- in meme. during the stop, the suspect shot our officers. this is a sad day for our department. for the suspects out there, we will find you, and you will be brought to justice. rachel: police have not released the identities of the injured officers or possible suspects, but the shooters remain on the loose. with senator tim scott now pledging to finish the border e wall if he wins the 2024 presidential election. while visiting an arizona border city yesterday, he said he would continue the trump era construction. >> as president of the united states, i will finish this wall, and i will use the available technology to surveil our border to stop fentanyl from killing another 70,000 americans in the next 12 months. rae rae the move follows republicans calling for the reversal of biden era policies on border security. so far this year border patrol has reported more than 1.7 million migrant encounters. i'm sure that number's probably higher. donny osmond fans lining up around the block yesterday for one of our biggest crowds ever for "fox & friends" summer concert series, and he put on an amazing show. check this out. ♪ ♪ you and me together, you and me, you and me ♪ rachel: donny didn't miss a beat and even helped us celebrate national chocolate chip cookie day. will: what's going on there? pete: who smashed him in the face? rachel: that's not cool, that's donny osmond -- the. pete: oh, he took a bug bite out of it like a champ. will: oh, my gosh. rachel: wow. a highlight of the summer if concert series, for sure. that was right out of the pete hegseth playbook. were you and donny talking, pete in. pete: maybe, but we could also pull up the clip of will cain throwing husband face into that blue cheese dip. [laughter] aggressively. will: least favorite things i've ever done. pete: we'll cue that up -- will: you were right beside me. you did it too. rachel: the absolute grossest thing. will: i agree rachel. pete: still ahead, chinese biohazards in america's backyard, how authorities uncovered a dangerous illegal lab in california with ties to the communist nation. congressman carlos jimenez joins us next. will: plus, cone chaos, a construction worker thankfully okay after being struck by an orange traffic barrel. that high-speed collision next. ♪ all this time i was finding myself -- ♪ and i didn't know i was lost ♪ that's why, we've we pull our favorite looks together in-store and in in the app. so it is easy to get the look you want for less. you got this. we got you. we're carvana we created a brand new way for you to sell your car go to carvana answer a few questions and our techno wizardry calculates your car's value and gives you a real offer in seconds we'll come to you pay you on the spot then pick up your car that's it at carvana let innovation refunds help with your erc tax refund so you can improve your business however you see fit. rosie used part of her refund to build an outdoor patio. clink! dr. marshall used part of his refund to give his practice a facelift. emily used part of her refund to buy... i run a wax museum. let innovation refunds help you get started on your erc tax refund. stop waiting. go to you really got the brows. i told myself i was ok with my moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis symptoms. with my psoriatic arthritis symptoms. but just ok isn't ok. and i was done settling. if you still have symptoms after a tnf blocker like humira or enbrel, rinvoq is different and may help. rinvoq is a once-daily pill that can dramatically relieve ra and psa symptoms, including fatigue for some. it can stop joint damage. and in psa, can leave skin clear or almost clear. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal; cancers, including lymphoma and skin cancer; death, heart attack, stroke, and tears in the stomach or intestines occurred. people 50 and older with at least one heart disease risk factor have higher risks. don't take if allergic to rinvoq as serious reactions can occur. tell your doctor if you are or may become pregnant. done settling? 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>> we don't know much about it at this point. what we do know is that it was operating illegally, out poses a threat to the -- it poses a threat to the people of california and the united states. they were testing for covid and, like you said, aids and everything else, and the rats and the mice there, 2200 of them were found -- 200 of them were found dead out of 1,000. all kinds of medical equipment, medical testing equipment and human blood, and they were testing for a lot of agents. so we don't know what they were doing or why they were doing it, but apparently they're tied to the ccp and the chinese-linked firms. will: how is it this type of thing normally regulated should be urn the guidance of what -- under the guyen dance of what and what made this particular one illegal? >> well, i'm sure that, you know, you have to get -- you have to follow. >> cdc guidelines, you have to be registered, and you have to be licensed by the state and probably your local authorities, and i'm sure that this lab had none of that. and so they were operating illegally, but that's norm for chinese-linked companies. they will cut corners, and they will ott not play by the rules, and this is just another example of that. not only are they not playing by the rules, those companies that operate here in the united states, but around the world. the chinese-linked companies, because they're tied to the ccp, just don't play by the rules to get an advantage, whatever advantage they can get they'll try to get. and and that's why, you know, that's one of the things that we're investigating in our committee, how they do business here and around the world. and what we're finding is we don't like what we see. will: no doubt. and i know you said you're still in the investigation phase of this, but, you know, after what we now think is a probability that covid came from a lab leak in china, i'm not sure the answer to this question is operatively different, but i think we still want to know. you know, is this, as you said, a company linked to ccp looking to just cut corners and is sloppy if haphazard in which case we could have a big disaster, or is it more nefarious where there's a reason they're trying to avoid government oversight in which case it's more intentional? >> that's a great question, and that's something that needs to be found out. what is it that they were doing, and why were they doing it there. and what kind of a threat it poses to, again, like i said, posed to the people of california and then the people of the united states. no secret that they tried to hide for a long time that the wuhan lab was not the cause of, you know, the covid-19 when, in fact, in all probability, 99% it was. and so what are they doing there, and and what are they testing for, and what kind of threat does it pose, again, to the people of that area and eventually to the people of the united states. that's something we have to find out. will: absolutely are. this one's on our home soil. congressman carlos gimenez, thank you for being with us and helping us begin to understand this story. >> thank you, appreciate it. will: all right. still ahead, as prosecutors continue to build their case, police identify yet another victim linked to the notorious gilgo beach murders. we'll bring the the latest next. plus, more hunter headaches. shocking revelations from devon archer's testimony shows the extent of biden family influence in foreign business deals. monica crowley says this could have major national security implications, and she joins us next. they say seeing is believing, but with stearns & foster® that's only part of the story. we handcraft every stearns & foster® using the finest materials, like indulgent memory foam, and ultra-conforming intellicoils®, for a beautiful mattress, and indescribable comfort... every single night. stearns & foster® what comfort should be. for a limited time, bring home incredible comfort with $400 in savings on select mattresses. learn more at listen up, you dogs with allergic itch! today's talking lesson is just one word: apoquel. ap--o--quel. ♪ you can't teach your itchy dog to talk..., talk to your vet about apoquel. apoquel is for the control of allergic itch in dogs. do not use apoquel in dogs with serious infections. apoquel may increase the chances of developing serious infections... ...and may cause existing parasitic skin infections or pre-existing cancers to worsen. new neoplasias have been observed. i'm glad we speak the same language. ask your vet for apoquel. rachel: highly anticipated interview transcripts from former hunter biden business partner devon archer released this week detailing the alleged influence that the biden family wielded in the foreign business deals. archer saying the so-called brand was a major part of hunter's value in securing business partners, later confirming that he met the biden family -- he meant the biden family name when using the word brand. joining us now is former assistant treasury secretary and host of the monica crowley podcast, a great podcast, monica crowley. first of all, good morning. they say they're selling the brand, the name. but really aren't they just selling out the american people? >> well, good morning to you, rachel, and hi, everybody. yes, that's exactly what's going on here. look, devon archer's testimony was incredibly illuminating. he spoke of the bidens leveraging the biden brand, and by that they mean that there is no brand without joe biden in hue office. that is what they exploited to secure tens of millions of dollars for the biden crime family by selling influence and accesses. but, rachel, it wasn't just influence and access, it was also policy changes. rachel: yes. >> we all know, right, that when joe biden was vice president, he leanedded on -- leaned on the obama administration as well as the ukrainian are regime to fire the prosecutor that was looking into burisma and all of the corruption involved there. that led right to the doorstep of joe biden. finish and what we now know is that natalie winters yesterday broke a huge story that hunter biden was a managing director of cefc, china energy, which is a huge ccp-controlled energy firm that's not just all about energy in china and dictating global energy policy or trying to, but it's also a stated object is global domination and to neutralize the united states of america. hunter biden was a managing director of that company. so when we talk about leveraging joe bidens' high office, we're talking about manipulating and changing american foreign policy to suit the bidens' personal interests. and now joe biden is not just vice president, but he's president, and he's commander in chief. and so, therefore, this biggest corruption scandal in history has huge national security implications. rachel: yeah. i mean, let's put aside for just one second the irony, right in as they hut down american energn energy, taking us from being can significant to now having to beg for oil from other countries, they're making money off of other countries' energy deals. it's just incredible. but let's talk about how having someone who's compromised, so we know that the chinese, you know, communist party knows exactly what these dirty deals are. you know, zelenskyy in ukraine who's been getting lots of money that we can't even track, you know, is getting a lot more money. he also has the goods on joe biden. how does having a president compromised in that way to foreign leaders and, as you say, having it affect our policy? >> it's extremely dangerous for obvious reasons. rachel: yeah. >> look, all of us, rachel, that we have seen over last couple of years with mountains of evidence of joe biden, first of all, lying that he had nothing to do with hunter biden's international business transactions. well, joe biden was the reason for hunter biden's international business transactions, trading off the biden name and, again, changing american foreign policy to i suit their own family's interests. that means that the current commander in chief is not representing americans and america's interests around the world, but in high likelihood representing his own. and now he's spending so much time trying to cover up what he has done in the past, selling the united states out for his own personal interests, that you have to wonder how far of down the track we are that he has really put america on the back foot selling out not just to our worst enmies like the ccp and china, but also corrupt regimes in ukraine and elsewhere. rachel: yeah. it's so troubling. it's probably -- it is the most important story we're facing right now. monica, thanks for breaking it down for us. >> pleasure. thanks, rachel. rachel: you got it. all right, still ahead, chaos in ney's union square after -- new york's union square after a playstation 5 giveaway quickly became a riot. former nypd officer bill stanton joins us next to the react. but first, our own rick reichmuth having a fantastic time hanging out with the dolphins at florida's discovery cove. we're going to catch up with him on the flip side. ♪ ♪ -- if you feel like happiness is your truth ♪ genius! like 2.5% cash back on purchases of $5,000 or more, so sam can make smart ideas, a brilliant reality! chase for business. make more of what's yours. try killing bugs the worry-free way. not the other way. zevo traps use light to attract and trap flying insects with no odor and no mess. they work continuously, so you don't have to. zevo. people-friendly. bug-deadly. hi, i'm todd. i'm a veteran of 23 years. i served three overseas tours. i love to give back to the community. i offer what i can when i can. i started noticing my memory was slipping. i saw a prevagen commercial and i did some research on it. i started taking prevagen about three years ago. i feel clearer in my thoughts, my memory has improved and generally just more on point. prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription. 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(announcer) change your life at that's i just always thought, “dog food is dog food” i didn't really piece together that dogs eat food. as soon as we brought the farmer's dog in, her skin was better, she was more active. if i can invest in her health and be proactive, i think it's worth it. visit pete: a chaotic scene yesterday in new york city after a popular twitch streamer, kai sin net p. man alive, held a playstation giveaway that turned into a riot. rachel: police say 65 people were arrested including 30 kids. will: the streamer will be charged with at least with two counts of inciting a riot and unlawful assembly. joining us now is former nypd officer and safety and security consultant bill stanton, great to see you this morning. >> thanks for having me. will: in all your ears -- years working for nypd, many said i've never epstein anything like this. >> the donny gathering you guys had the other day -- [laughter] no, this is breakdown in cultural grace, in my opinion. rachel: amen, thank you for saying it. >> you know, where we see this happening. we had the jackson five or elvis, you know, now we go, we have a large gathering, and you have a select few that look to stir the pot to cause the chaos. and once that chaos is called, they'll look to take advantage of it, looting, causing destruction, etc., etc. rachel: yeah, just a lack of support. when you said elvis, i think about all the girls dying for elvis. they were dying for elvis, they weren't, like, beating up the cops. >> right. they weren't looting, they weren't destroying property. pete: how do you deal with a situation like that if you're the n nypd? you're probably not monitoring this, he's going to give away playstations, he shows up in an suv and then thousands -- how do you approach getting your arms around that? >> well, these are symptoms, we have to look at the cause. was there a security audit done before this happened? it's my opinion that this was done to cause this. now, we're all talking about this streamer, this individual. he's increasing liz street cred, if you -- his street cred, if you will. the nypd does have social monitoring, but they were never expecting this. heir going to learn and evolve as this happens. will: so you mentioned it starts with, you know, whatever, a critical mass of people, thousands, they said, and then a few bad actors in the group. but i would imagine like a mob situation like that, then that goes kind of viral. meaning these guys show up over here, before you know it, it's everywhere. and some of them who may not have come with those intentions is now swept up. >> right. it goes like a brush fire. to your point, there's a tipple point, and then things go in different directions. there were to no safety corridors for the pedestrians to go through. this wasn't well thought out. you know, how many of these playstations were actually given away -- will: right. >> you know, was playstation the, was sony involved in this? there are much bigger questions. the only way to stop this is make the person actually pay for damages, then there won't be, hopefully, there won't be copycatters -- pete: you mean an actual deterrent effect. actual consequences. >> exactly. and follow up on the scene, what happened to these people who were arrested. are they going to be prosecuted or let out. rachel: yeah. he's probably making millions of dollars from all the new followers because, as you said, we're talking about it right now. there'll be copycats sod good thing to figure out. will: great to see you this morning. a few additional headlines, investigators announcing they have identified a woman whose partial remains were found in new york's fire island 27 years ago. >> we were able to identify fire island jane doe as karen who was 34 years old at the time of her disappearance. she went missing at approximately february 14th, 19 is 96 -- 1996. at the time, she lived on west 45th street in manhattan and was believed to be working as an escort. will: officials would not say whether accused serial killer rex heuermann is a suspect in her death, calling the investigation ongoing. now a minnesota construction worker gets hit with a flying orange barrel after a car plows through a closed lane. the worker didn't immediately see the driver ignoring the road signals. the driver going on to knock over eight additional traffic barrels as he continued down the road. the worker who was taken to the hospital is expected to recover. police say they're working to identify the driver who left the scene. boom, boom, boom, you'd think -- and the mega millions jackpot hits a new record at $1.55 billion after no one winning, no winning ticket was sold last night, at last might's drawing, before the drawing. and even though you didn't win the big prize, be sure still to check your numbers. they were 111, 30, 45, 52, 56 and yellow megaball 20. the next drawing is tuesday night. rachel: i think i'm going to have to -- will: those are your headlines. pete: chances are getting better. [laughter] all right. let's hand it over to the chief, chief meteorologist rick reichmuth, who's back on the road this weekend with. he's live in orlando, florida, at discovery cove's dolphin poo. rick, what's up? rick: good morning. yeah, back on the road, back in florida, which is great. sorry, i've got a mosquito who's attacking me. there's a few here -- [laughter] >> it's all about the animal experience. rick: well done. tell us about discovery cove. >> first of all, welcome to paradise. discovery cove is in the heart of orlando, and we are a tropical oasis. it's a resort-type feel, all inclusive here at our park, and you're really just immersing yourself with all of the animals. so between being able to shock? ifing with -- snorkel with fish and rays and sharks, you can be in the bird aviary and, honestly, one of my favorites is the dolphin experience. so right behind us here we have our dolphin lagoon. our guests get to come in and experience and interact with the animals. they are up close, they are truly immersed in their environment, and it gives our trainers ap opportunity to really highlight our passion and care for the animals. and it's just such an amazing experience for the guests. and, like, their take from that and what they go home with, the message and the connection with the animals is just incredible. rick: how did you become a person who takes care of dolphins? what's the path from -- >> how did i get here. i always had a passion for animals and the ocean, and i studied marine biology in school, and i knew that i wanted to come down to orlando and work at discovery cove because my favorite part of what we get to do here is the guest interaction and the connection with the animals. there's no place like discovery cove. just that experience with the guests is truly one of a kind. rick: yeah. it's a great place for your family to come in and enjoy and be able to be with the animals and learn something and enjoy a tropical paradise, exactly what she said. she's from new hampshire -- >> i am. [laughter] no mosquitoes, right? rick: i don't disagree. buys -- guys, back to you. will: thank you, rick. pete: still ahead, house oversight chair james comer reacts to the latest bombshell in the hunter biden influence scandal. rachel: but first, actor kirk cameron highlighting faith, family and patriotism. we talk with one of the hosts straight ahead. ♪ -- meet me in the middle ♪ ♪ ♪ limu emu & doug ♪ what do we always say, son? liberty mutual customizes your car insurance... so you only pay for what you need. that's my boy. now you get out there, and you make us proud, huh? ♪ bye, uncle limu. ♪ stay off the freeways! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ ♪ when you have chronic kidney disease... there are places you'd like to be. like here. and here. not so much here. if you have chronic kidney disease, farxiga can help you keep living life. ♪ farxiga ♪ and farxiga reduces the risk of kidney failure, which can lead to dialysis. farxiga can cause serious side effects including dehydration, urinary tract or genital yeast infections in women and men, and low blood sugar. ketoacidosis is a serious side effect that may lead to death. a rare life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this bacterial infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. farxiga can help you keep living life. ask your doctor for farxiga for chronic kidney disease. if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. ♪ farxiga ♪ pete: today american families coast to coast will gather at their local libraries for the first ever see you at the library reading event sharing stories of faith, family and freedom. lauren white, who's the pastor of -- wife of pastor jonathan white, will be hosting one of the events in virginia, and she joins us now. lauren, thank you very much for being here. you're hosting an event at the local library. why has this caught on? what was the reaction and how many people do you think will be attending? >> yes, thank you so much for having me. yes, when i initially sign up to host, there were only about 20 the other people sign up. so to see that it has grown to this magnitude is amazing to me. i'm so excited to be a part of it. it shows what the interest of so many people wanting to host that there is a need for books that our children can read that are strong in conviction and truth. if that parents -- and that parents and churches around the country are gathering together for this purpose, it's super exciting. pete: absolutely. you know, a lot of this came about when drag queen story hour was the cause du jour at public libraries, and and it almost felt like what can we do about it. and here -- does this also break down the idea that you can't have faith in the public square? how could god be in those places? >> yeah, you know, it's so sad that we have gotten to that point because our country was founded on christian principles. and without the solid truth of therd wore of god -- the word of god, there's not a steady places to stand. so that's why we have gotten to the point that we have, because christians have remained silent -- pete:9 amen. >> so this is an amazing opportunity for us to go, for us to read these brave books are amazing. they teach such great character stories with bibly -- biblical principles in a fun and exciting way for kids. so to be able to do that and share the light of christ in our community is just an amazing opportunity. pete: well, we tip our hat to you. i think the response of hundreds of people showing up shows a thirst for this in a very real way, and we appreciate you coming on the program, and we're going to have kirk cameron later on to talk about another spot across the country where they're sharing those traditional values. thank you so much, lauren. god bless. >> thank you. pete: you got it. don't go anywhere, we're beating the heat all morning with some outdoor gear the whole family can enjoy. chip wade joins us live on fox square. ♪ ♪ let innovation refunds help with your erc tax refund so you can improve your business however you see fit. rosie used part of her refund to build an outdoor patio. clink! dr. marshall used part of his refund to give his practice a facelift. emily used part of her refund to buy... i run a wax museum. let innovation refunds help you get started on your erc tax refund. stop waiting. go to you really got the brows. somedays, i cover up because of my moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. now i feel free to bare my skin, thanks to skyrizi. ♪(uplifting music)♪ ♪nothing is everything♪ i'm celebrating my clearer skin... my way. with skyrizi, 3 out of 4 people achieved 90% clearer skin at 4 months. in another study, most people had 90% clearer skin, even at 5 years. and skyrizi is just 4 doses a year, after 2 starter doses. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine, or plan to. thanks to clearer skin with skyrizi - this is my moment. there's nothing on my skin and that means everything! ♪nothing is everything♪ now's the time. ask your doctor about skyrizi, the #1 dermatologist-prescribed biologic in psoriasis. learn how abbvie could help you save. ♪ ♪ ♪ i get around, get around ♪ rachel: good morning, everybody. it's 7:00 here in new york city, can and we're so happy to be here with you sharing the morning. that's a good picture, by the way, of myrtle beach. will: that's a great picture. how far do you think you can walk out? rachel: i don't know. will: i bet you can walk out really far. pete: you mean on the beach? will: before the water -- yeah, no, i mean out -- let's put that back up. you see the pier? rachel: i see what you're saying. will: you were just in florida -- pete: you can walk out really far in the gulf of mexico. i don't know, maybe out close to the pier there. what is surf line? is that a channel for surfers to watch -- will: i happen to know the answer to this. president you do? is. will: yeah, i've got it on the phone. i don't even know the words that came out of your

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