Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX 20240704 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX 20240704

president donald trump set to appear in washingtoned to claiming he knowingly made false statements from the 2020 election. >> carley: now his team is moving the case out of washington d.c., arguing he won't get a fair trial there. brooks, brook, good morning. >> that's right, president trump and attorneys are warning of a potential bias, jury could have against him, trump taking to his truth social writing, "the latest fake case brought by crooked joe biden and deranged jack smith will hopefully be moved to an impartial venue, west virginia, impossible to get a fair trial in washington d.c.." we are learning about the six coconspirators listed in the former president's indictment brought by special counsel jack smith. a lawyer for attorney john eastman tells fox news he believes eastman is coconspirator number two. the memo cited in the indictment claims eastman's legal memos to former president trump contributed to his alleged attempt to over throw the 2020 election. but eastman's attorney maintains there was nothing illegal about them and he stands by the former president. listen. >> eastman's advice was perfectly within the realm of good faith legal advice. if eastman is charged, he is going to trial, if he is convict he is going to appeal. we will never ever make a deal. >> this is the third criminal indictment against former president trump and second by special counsel jack smith. now, let's break down how much it has cost so far. first four months of investigating smith's probe spent $9 million in federal tax dollars. he is on track to spend $25 million a year. here is the former president's son eric trump, watch. >> they want to take him out of the race and we've seen this before. we've seen the fbi be weaponized, we've seen the doj be weapon onized, the dirty games and the dirty tricks, my father's legacy is exposing these frauds for what they are. >> the former president is expected to appear in front of a federal judge at 4:00 p.m. today here in washington d.c., todd, carly. >> carley: let's bring in doug collins, and host of the doug collins podcast. doug, good morning to you, it's great to see you. this trump on the trial venue, just piqued trump, he wants the trial to be moved to an impartial venue such as near by west virginia, impossible to get a fair trial in washington d.c. 5% of washington d.c.'s population voted for trump, ron desantis says he thinks the trial should be moved, too. is that a realistic possibility, if not, what does it mean for the former president in terms of a jury pool? >> well, i mean, it is -- good morning, good to see you all. it is impossible, it is depend on the judge at ruling. it will be the first of many rulings in this case how their defense is going to be able to handle this case. yeah, i do believe it does put an interesting spin on this with the jury pool of dc where it is, you know i think obviously stacked against the former president. look, the true social post, just shows what we talked about before, he is going to fight this with everything he has and bring in every tool he can bring into it and again i think when people are starting to see this, this is why people are looking at this more and more are, are they fixated on trump with all the other things going on in our country. >> todd: legal experts had 36 hours to now your turn, you're a lawyer, in what ways does this indictment fail? is. >> i think, you are looking at the same thing said by great legal minds already. the issue of he knowingly committed this, the fraud issue, the supreme court said how are we -- this is not what they classified under the fraud is how you would do this, deal with money or property. you know, you are looking at assuming things that he knows and then the biggest thing of all here is that seemingly that he cannot question the election. and again, without tying it or at least they are trying to tie it to the then the day of january 6th and the violence that happened on that day, yet they are saying they are trying to have it seems to have their cake and eat it, too, these things are related but not charged. but right now he is simply going on the fact that trump supposedly knew this was not real, but then the question is, but he was believing other legal advice. and i think that's where this case starts to delve into issues, what kind of advice can you give. if your lawyer is wrong, is that kind of visor is it still something that could have been used. so, again, it's going to be interesting to see how trump they play this. >> carley: if you recall when the former president was arraigned in florida, he then went on to buy everybody food at a restaurant and made a big speech about it, how this was a big partisan witch hunt and his poll numbers went up. he posted something on truth social saying in reality they are not after me they are after you, i am just in the way. >> they are right. he has been saying that for a long time. people are actually believing it. as you look at this, you know i think, you know, you hear all the time about the markets, we always hear about the markets and they just believe things about economic numbers is just going to effect, so it doesn't effect the markets as much. from the polling perspective right now, people believe donald trump is going to get charged, those who are going to vote for him is going to vote for him. talking about this hard issue, they'll vote for trump no matter what. those numbers are in the 30s and 40s after all these indictments have come down. in primary states, most of them are not a 50% threshold. so, as long as he gets 30, 40%, the other candidates have really a very narrow pathway to win electors as this primary season kicks it off. i don't think he will see a lot of change in the numbers. >> todd: we'll be watching, doug, thank you so much. >> good to see you all. >> todd: here is how others in the media are covering the latest trump indictment. >> when i first learned about the indictment how proud i felt to be an american at that moment. much in the way that i did when i learned that our military had killed osama bin laden. >> todd: curious comparison, jimmy falla. >> carley: a florida deputy leaps on to a boat at 40 miles per hour, we are going to show you the rest of it right after this. i've always had trouble falling asleep and staying asleep— you know, insomnia. but then i found quviviq, an fda-approved medication for adults with insomnia. and i'm glad i found it. you wouldn't believe some of the things people suggested to help me sleep. nature sounds? 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>> todd: oh, man. a portland woman knocked unconscious in an unprovoked attack, why police did not arrive on scene for more than 20 minutes. >> carley: ashley. >> bloodied from the unprovoked attack. surveillance video shows a man vie rently throwing a large silver bottle at her face right before she drops to the ground. she told fox news digital that she woke up believing she would be killed and immediately called 911. it took place 20 minutes to respond to they are call, by that time she had already gone home. it's not police she is blaming for the slower response time it's city leadership. >> i do not hold the police accountable for this at all, i hold our city accountable for defunding the police and making it, you know, we are in this situation where we don't have enough police force to protect our citizens. and we did this to ourselves. >> carley: the woman says if it were not her friend yelling at the suspect to leave after she was attacked, the outcome could have been much worse. the attack does come though as the city of portland deals with a major drug and homeless crisis. constantine says the crime is so bad she will be voting republican rather than democrat. back to you guys. >> carley: well that picture is really hard to look at. and the fact that she said we did this to ourselves, there aren't enough police to protect our citizens ought all, i see why she is changing her political affiliation. >> carley: stolen car that left ten people hurt in new york city. authorities say the driver and passenger were attempting to flee from the police when they struck a group of pedestrians and collided head-on with another car. good samaritans tackling the driver to the ground before police arrived. >> carley: look at that, taking matters into their own hands, suspect is facing a slew of charges, all ten victims are expected to make a full recovery. >> todd: that is scary. check this out. new body cam footage showing a florida deputy leaping on to an unmanned boat going 41 miles per hour to stop it in its tracks. the video capturing the deputies speeding up next to the run away boat before one officer climbs over the railing and launching himself, do you see that. >> carley: is his name james bond. >> todd: james bond. the goat took off on its own, deputies were able to stop the vessel before the potential crash. the boat's owner was rescued and expected to be okay. i'm glad you mentioned james bond, pinellas county deputy training manual, here is what you do, so what do you do if you are this deputy, going into your mental reserve. i saw this in a bond movie once. >> carley: i think you could probably do that. >> todd: somebody else you are looking at. >> carley: well maybe you could. >> todd: i approach your confidence in my jumping ability. it seems like he is keeping his options open. >> virginia was bottom third in job growth, top 5 now. we impacted back the blue, stood up for parents. >> that contes like a campaign speech. >> todd: that is not a no. >> carley: bud light distributors but one beer's loss is another beer's gain. we are going to tell you which company is cleaning up bud light's spill. my late father-in-law lit up a room, but his vision dimmed with age. he had amd. i didn't know it then, but it can progress to ga, an advanced form of the disease. his struggle with vision loss from amd made me want to help you see warning signs of ga. like straight lines that seem wavy, blurry, or missing visual spots that make it hard to see faces like this one, or trouble with low light that makes driving at night a real challenge. if you've been diagnosed with amd and notice vision changes, don't wait. ga is irreversible. it's important to catch it early. talk to your eye doctor about ga and learn more at frustrated by skin tags? 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i think they have a legitimate concern on their hands. since this whole slip has started in the trends, we have yet to see any notable or solid picture of returning to stability or growth. so, right now the concern is legitimate and the concern is real. >> todd: dave, anheuser-busch shares down 10.7% in quarter 2, obviously matching with the rise in maul s molson coors, do you think they could go even lower? >> i think at least what we've seen in terms of the magnitude of declines in off premise sales, grocery stores, convenience stores, et cetera, the magnitude has seemed to stabilize a bit, it hadn't gotten significantly worse or shown any sharper declines. so, i think we -- i don't want to say we sort of bottomed out right now, but things aren't getting worse at least from the day that we are -- data we are looking at. >> todd: i understand why this is happening, when i go into a liquor store i am not going to buy bud light and the reason is, not because i hate bud light because i am not going to be seen with the can. it's non-gratta at this point, somebody brought miller light over to my house, i liked it, i thought it was good. now i'm considering making that switch. my worry though is for the distributors. because they have done nothing wrong in all this, they are not responsible for what some executive has done in some ivory tower somewhere. can these distributors, wholesalers, can they survive this? >> i think they are doing the best they can exploring any and all options to weather this storm, to maintain a place for their employees so they don't have to let anybody go. but it is becoming extremely tough to survive and make it through a magnitude of the crime that we've seen. and a lot of the times we are talking on a national average, there are certain markets across the u.s. that are steeper than that. it's tough and it's varying degrees of struggle across the country. >> todd: the big take away not just for bud light and beers, have companies learned their lessons, in other words don't alienate your true customer base just to go on this hail mary past in an attempt to attract a few young people have they learned that lesson, dave. >> it really makes companies and brands think about their loyal consumer base and just how important that is to establishing a solid foundation for our your sales. it's to get more shoppers into your brand family and marketing and advertising is certainly a with which to do that as is innovation. a lot of that you cannot risk jeopardizing your core foundation of consumers because that's what keeps the lights on, that's what keeps those reliable trends coming in week in and week out. >> todd: don't alienate the old guy like me, i don't see a lot of 20-year-olds walking around with bud light cans either right now. dave williams, thank you so much for your time. >> thank you. >> carley: the biden-harris biden made comments like this. >> there is much too much money that flows in the shadows to influence our elections, it's called dark money, dark money erodes public trust. we need to protect public trust. >> todd: we'll separate what biden says and what he does with patrice next. >> carley: new records indicate the biden-harris campaign is poised to take in tens of millions of dollars from unnamed donors so far this election cycle and that's despite the president making comments like this. >> there is something i always cared about, as best our democracy serves democracy equally no matter wealth. there is too much money that flows in the shadows, called dark money, erodes public trust, we need to protect public trust and i am determined to do that. >> todd: he is determined to do that. director of the center for economic opportunity at the womens forum, what changed, does dark money no longer erode the public trust? >> good morning, guys. what has changed, democrats learned how to out spend conservatives when it comes to using political action money and so-called dark money. so, i think they figured out, this is a great game we went to play so we are going to play it really well. in 2019, president -- at that time vice president biden was on the campaign trail with all of his other condominium tenders, saying we are not going to take outside money, they wanted to beat trump, not surprising we are seeing them to turn to outside funding sources. as conservatives do frankly at this time around. >> carley: president biden about a week ago, week or two ago, he announced he raised $72 million in 3 months. which is good but then yesterday a "new york times" sienna college poll came out shows 20% of democrats say they are enthusiastic about his nomination, versus 26% about kamala harris. kamala harris is beating joe biden. what does that mean when it comes to future fundraising for the president. >> i think it's going to be more difficult for him to get those small dollar done arrests on board with his campaign. you are not going to stick your hand in your pocket to give to his campaign. he is going to continue to rely a lot more on the super pac money to fund his campaign. you know where that money is coming from? a lot of mega donors, hollywood types, a lot of corporations obviously, and so people who want to shape the narrative coming out of the administration and unfortunately the downstream of that are the policy that we are forced to feel today. >> todd: speaking of money, speak of the downstream of those policies, the markets have been sent into mayhem following the u.s. credit down grading by fitch. let's take a look at dow futures, pop that fancy thing up on your screen. that's yesterday. you saw the futures right before that. let's summarize. a lot of red arrows pointing down, that is not good. patrice, a lot of people are saying, this isn't that big of a deal. the white house is saying they shouldn't have done this. "shark tank" host who knows something about making money explains this does matter, listen. >> what happened in the last 48 hours, there is no way to sugar coat this, it's bad news. it's basically a rating agency saying, your faith in the american government to pay you back has been diminished from a aaa to a aa, this is very concerning because the way it affects you and me sean, and everybody listening, the cost of capital to america, the costs in other words we borrow money from other sovereign nations, to pay our deficits, just went up. >> todd: of course biden blamed trump, trump is blamed for every malady in our world. how did biden himself and his administration really cause this down grade to happen? >> well, reckless massive unnecessary spending. i mean, we can start with the american rescue plan that was passed in 2021. and so we've seen that continuation that chips at the myth leading -- inflation reduction act, all of these are compounding the federal spending in this country right now. let's not forget just this week, the treasury department said they are going to need to increase their borrowing by a trillion dollars much more than they expected. and the deficit is up 169% from this time the year before in the fiscal year. so, spending has not slowed as president biden has claimed and that is having an effect which is why the credit rating has been downgraded for what, the second time in the past 20, 30 years. it's dangerous and it is indictment on like the lack of stewardship coming from the white house and frankly coming from congress. >> carley: thank you so much for joining us, we appreciate it. >> thank you, guys. >> todd: virginia governor youngkin addresses rumors about a 2024 presidential bid. >> i am so focused on virginia this year, we have huge elections. and we have a chance in 24 months to take a stays that was completely blue, state wide led legislature and in 24 months turn it republican. and i think we must get this done. we have to hold our house, flip our senate. people are noticing what we are doing in virginia and that's why we get so much attention. >> todd: youngkin gaining national attention, focusing on parental rights, the education, and the economy, no plans to throw his hat in the race, including of course former president trump, ron desantis and vivek. i know you work here, i know you know this i am going to remind you this month, augusn only on fox. >> todd: more than 56,000 asylum seekers are flooding new york city and the roosevelt hotel in particular has become the epicenter of this crisis. >> carley: councilman vikki is live outside that hotel you just saw and she is going to show us exactly what is happening in this sanctuary city, don't go anywhere. so many hotels. ah! ah! ah! trouble booking the family vacay? come on. comfort has free hot breakfast for the whole fam. they have waffles! and splendid pools. cannonball! book direct at hi, i'm stacey, and i've lost 60 pounds on golo. (guitar music) i decided to try golo when i had an international flight coming up, and i realized i couldn't fly being the size that i was. my sister-in-law tried golo and had lost 50 pounds, so i thought i'd give golo a try. i didn't expect the results i got on golo. i was hopeful, but i did not expect it to be like this. golo just makes sense. this plan works. 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i'm seeing what it's come down in number but they are expecting more as you can see out here on the street sleeping anyway they can, barricaded in. and you know, the sanitation guys are doing their job. everybody is out here but the overcrowding is absolutely absolutely out of control. >> carley: so many questions for you. how many people would you say is sleeping outside right now and have you spoken to any of them? what are they saying, can you tell their country of origin? >> i cannot tell their country of origin, no. there is a lot of south american, there is a lot of blacks, there are a lot of -- i mean we have people here also from russia, they are coming from everywhere. and approximately how many people are left out on the street right now, more buses are due to arrive, but right now i say we have about 100 to 150 out on the streetcar car it is heartbreaking to see, people sleeping on the street. >> it really is. >> carley: in new york city. >> 100% is. >> carley: this is a policy decision where the president opened the borders, a lot of people came into the united states and then a lot of those people want to come into new york because the sanctuary city policies. >> well, the -- yes, exactly. the sanctuary city policy and the state of emergency needs to be declared here now, carly. as you can see with your own eyes we've got hotels overflowing, we have parks being filled, we've got space every -- nothing is off the table. as the mayor said. so, now nothing is off the table how much further are we going to take this before we -- this is enough. close the border, we know that's not going to happen, let's face it. while biden is in office, that's not going to happen. it needs to happen, it's not going to happen. so, what should new york do? turn the buses around. lift the sanctuary city status and the governor of state of new york, i'm tired about hearing about money, stop, turn the people around. get the buses out of here. they can't come here anymore. there is no more room. it's ruining new yorkers' quality life. >> carley: what we are seeing is not compassionate or humane, the cameras are trained on you right now, you walked this area. would you say the people are wrapped around the block, how far does this go? >> well for today, no. i've been here before where it's gone completely around the block. this goes directly from the entrance to the roosevelt straight down to vanderbilt and 45th streetcar car vikki, what does their future look like, how long will they be sleeping on the streets, once they get into the shelter then what? >> there is no way of knowing how long they will be sleeping on the street at this point. you know, we're waiting. this is the way it's working out. they as the one or two or ten or 20 or 120, because that's a thousand rooms, 1000 rooms. as they are emptying out they are taking the people off the street and putting them in or taking the people off the street and busing them to the outer boros, elsewhere in manhattan. so, how long is this going to go on for ever until this city and this state makes their decision that we're not going to do this anymore. we cannot do this anymore. and -- now we have another issue, we have our own homeless, over 70,000 homeless, new yorkers on the street and we are going to compound it for those we are busing in. this is unsustainable. >> carley: the city's deputy mayor says there are 107,000 migrants in their care that includes 56,000 asylum seekers, how much is this costing taxpayers to care for this people, what does this over crowded facility do to the sour rounding community. >> good point, good question. right now the deputy mayor said 107,000,000. >> carley: 107,000 migrants are in new york city. >> exactlily correct. that jumped from last week's number, five days that jumped from the number they gave us which was 94,000. now it's 107,000. i gotta get the question, sorry my ear bud. >> carley: i was wondering what this would do, how this impact the community where this hotel is in. >> we are in a high end community. we just passed the helmsman palace, it's down grading everything. we are literally downgraded -- as i'm here, you know, i'm born and raised new yorker, this is old new york, we are in the heart of old new york. and when you see what they're doing to old new york, what new york should be, the heartbeat of this country, and they are killing it. they are killing the heartbeat of this country. we cannot do this any longer. they are doing their best to keep it clean. everybody is trying to keep some sort of order here. but for how much longer and it's an intermittently. for example, today we have one hundred something out here. by noon this could be passed 150 people. >> carley: we hear you. it's the reality of the day. councilwoman paladino, we appreciate. >> thank you, carley, appreciate you. >> todd: i walk by it every day, there is a coffee shop right there. they are getting vero business. >> carley: washington post give president biden four. >> my son has not made money in terms of this thing about what are you talking about, china. >> carley: i wonder what took so long. jimmy failla with his fact check. >> steve: former president donald trump set to appear before a judge and hear the charges against him in special counsel's jack smith in 2020 interference probe. four of the 78 total criminal counts mr. trump faces. we have live coverage on the ground in washington d.c. >> steve: could two governors be going head to head, ron desantis and gavin newsom, each agreeing to debate on fox news. the details behind the dual coming up. >> steve: and check this video out, a california jewelry store raided by robbers nearly million dollars in glamour gone, poof. the owner says his whole collection is wiped out. he is going to join us with the efforts to put criminals behind bars. first he has to find whoever did that, the guy with the hammer. >> steve: the great one, mark levin, the environmental u.s., brian kicks off exactly 9 minutes, 25 seconds from right now. you trust for your morning news. todd and carley back in a couple, fox and friends first. i don't. new cascade platinum plus... with double the dawn grease fighting power and double the scrubbing power. for a no rewash clean... and a cabinet ready shine. upgrade to new cascade platinum plus. dare to dish differently. . i've run this place for 20 years, but i still need to prove that i'm more than what you see on paper. struggling with the highs and lows of bipolar 1? 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liberty mutual customizes your car insurance... so you only pay for what you need. that's my boy. now you get out there, and you make us proud, huh? ♪ bye, uncle limu. ♪ stay off the freeways! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ >> todd: president biden's claims that hunter never made felony china finally getting a fact-check. >> bad president. he made a fortune in china and moscow and various other places. >> that is not true. my son has not made money in terms of this thing about -- what are you talking about? china? i have not had -- the only guy that made money from china is this guy, the only one. nobody else has made money from china. >> todd: "the washington post" now giving that claim by the president four pinocchios. way to while the irons are hot and writing nearly three years later hunter's assertions rebutted. in testimony last week the younger biden had in fact been paid substantial sums in china. >> carley: by substantial sums we mean a million bucks. jamey failla joins us now. >> jimmy: to be fair hunter been the make the money in china, it was sent to our country 15 bank bank accounts to the grandkids like all reasonable transactions are. hey venmo me but send it through 15 accounts then to my grand grandkids. him never making money on the china is like never falling up the stairs. we have proof. obviously they knew this two and three years ago. the reason they are here now is the democrats are starting they realize we have all been to a wedding where you don't stay out loud really these two are getting married? does anyone think it's a good idea. they are in that speak now or forever hold your peace moment when it documents biden and kamala running again look at how historically unpopular they are. people in the party are starting to whisper in the church before they get a chance to walk down that aisle. that's why you are starting to seat scrutiny. which disney character would you like to be tied to. >> it changed the characters peter pansexual. not the same disney we grew up with so i don't know. >> todd: serious topic one cnn analyst officer on capitol hill january 6th made this comment about the new charges trump is facing. watch. >> when i first learned about the indictment. i had a conversation with a friend of mine ryan reilly and i told him how proud i felt to be an american at that moment. much in the way that i did when i learned that our military had killed usama bin laden. usama bin laden was a terrorist who committed a horrific act against american people and against our republic and i believe that donald trump is a terrorist who committed horrific acts against the american people. >> you can imagine that is a very eyebrow raising statement. >> todd: once you lower your eyebrow. >> jimmy: better time that mic gets caught. embarrassing. denigrating to the suffering caused on 9/11 but also speaks to how out of touch they are with reality. like there is no comparison between 9/11 and anything to be honest. but, when you find yourself going there, when you need to rope in that bigger comparison, it's because the gravity of what you are trying to sell the american people isn't really doing the job. we all agreed in real time january 6th was terrible. but to equate it to something like that is shameful. it's embarrassing. >> carley: police have already put up fencing around are the capitol ahead of the arraignment. working with capitol police to make sure everyone including the former president stays safe. >> i expect a peaceful situation and i obviously hope for one. message has been sent grandmothers stroll the capitol death row exaggerating. disproportional response to some of the january #ers, i expect a peaceful day. >> todd: invoking 9/11 it's never cause for laughter. take a look at this, one runner sparking outrage after finishing dead last at the world university games. trailing so far behind she is out of the frame for most of the race. turns out, jim, she is actually not a runner. she is the niece of the athletic's head with no experience. the chairwoman has since been suspended for nepotism and abuse of power. i understand why she was convinced because her niece was known as lightning. >> she should have run this race in america because she would have got a trophy for that congratulations everybody tied. >> so many people angered by. this i saw this i was laughing uncontrollably. >> jimmy: thank you, todd piro. thank you. "fox & friends" begins right now. they are trying to strip rights and throw him in jail over political speech. >> bret: former president donald trump is set to appear in federal court following third federal indictment. >> they will use any threat they can. >> debate with ron desantis. >> i would make it three. >> the gloves are off. desantis and the rest of the g.o.p. primary field have a long way to go. a new poll shows trump rushing his 2024 rivals. >> i got hit and knocked to the ground unconscious. it happened out of n

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX 20240704

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president donald trump set to appear in washingtoned to claiming he knowingly made false statements from the 2020 election. >> carley: now his team is moving the case out of washington d.c., arguing he won't get a fair trial there. brooks, brook, good morning. >> that's right, president trump and attorneys are warning of a potential bias, jury could have against him, trump taking to his truth social writing, "the latest fake case brought by crooked joe biden and deranged jack smith will hopefully be moved to an impartial venue, west virginia, impossible to get a fair trial in washington d.c.." we are learning about the six coconspirators listed in the former president's indictment brought by special counsel jack smith. a lawyer for attorney john eastman tells fox news he believes eastman is coconspirator number two. the memo cited in the indictment claims eastman's legal memos to former president trump contributed to his alleged attempt to over throw the 2020 election. but eastman's attorney maintains there was nothing illegal about them and he stands by the former president. listen. >> eastman's advice was perfectly within the realm of good faith legal advice. if eastman is charged, he is going to trial, if he is convict he is going to appeal. we will never ever make a deal. >> this is the third criminal indictment against former president trump and second by special counsel jack smith. now, let's break down how much it has cost so far. first four months of investigating smith's probe spent $9 million in federal tax dollars. he is on track to spend $25 million a year. here is the former president's son eric trump, watch. >> they want to take him out of the race and we've seen this before. we've seen the fbi be weaponized, we've seen the doj be weapon onized, the dirty games and the dirty tricks, my father's legacy is exposing these frauds for what they are. >> the former president is expected to appear in front of a federal judge at 4:00 p.m. today here in washington d.c., todd, carly. >> carley: let's bring in doug collins, and host of the doug collins podcast. doug, good morning to you, it's great to see you. this trump on the trial venue, just piqued trump, he wants the trial to be moved to an impartial venue such as near by west virginia, impossible to get a fair trial in washington d.c. 5% of washington d.c.'s population voted for trump, ron desantis says he thinks the trial should be moved, too. is that a realistic possibility, if not, what does it mean for the former president in terms of a jury pool? >> well, i mean, it is -- good morning, good to see you all. it is impossible, it is depend on the judge at ruling. it will be the first of many rulings in this case how their defense is going to be able to handle this case. yeah, i do believe it does put an interesting spin on this with the jury pool of dc where it is, you know i think obviously stacked against the former president. look, the true social post, just shows what we talked about before, he is going to fight this with everything he has and bring in every tool he can bring into it and again i think when people are starting to see this, this is why people are looking at this more and more are, are they fixated on trump with all the other things going on in our country. >> todd: legal experts had 36 hours to now your turn, you're a lawyer, in what ways does this indictment fail? is. >> i think, you are looking at the same thing said by great legal minds already. the issue of he knowingly committed this, the fraud issue, the supreme court said how are we -- this is not what they classified under the fraud is how you would do this, deal with money or property. you know, you are looking at assuming things that he knows and then the biggest thing of all here is that seemingly that he cannot question the election. and again, without tying it or at least they are trying to tie it to the then the day of january 6th and the violence that happened on that day, yet they are saying they are trying to have it seems to have their cake and eat it, too, these things are related but not charged. but right now he is simply going on the fact that trump supposedly knew this was not real, but then the question is, but he was believing other legal advice. and i think that's where this case starts to delve into issues, what kind of advice can you give. if your lawyer is wrong, is that kind of visor is it still something that could have been used. so, again, it's going to be interesting to see how trump they play this. >> carley: if you recall when the former president was arraigned in florida, he then went on to buy everybody food at a restaurant and made a big speech about it, how this was a big partisan witch hunt and his poll numbers went up. he posted something on truth social saying in reality they are not after me they are after you, i am just in the way. >> they are right. he has been saying that for a long time. people are actually believing it. as you look at this, you know i think, you know, you hear all the time about the markets, we always hear about the markets and they just believe things about economic numbers is just going to effect, so it doesn't effect the markets as much. from the polling perspective right now, people believe donald trump is going to get charged, those who are going to vote for him is going to vote for him. talking about this hard issue, they'll vote for trump no matter what. those numbers are in the 30s and 40s after all these indictments have come down. in primary states, most of them are not a 50% threshold. so, as long as he gets 30, 40%, the other candidates have really a very narrow pathway to win electors as this primary season kicks it off. i don't think he will see a lot of change in the numbers. >> todd: we'll be watching, doug, thank you so much. >> good to see you all. >> todd: here is how others in the media are covering the latest trump indictment. >> when i first learned about the indictment how proud i felt to be an american at that moment. much in the way that i did when i learned that our military had killed osama bin laden. >> todd: curious comparison, jimmy falla. >> carley: a florida deputy leaps on to a boat at 40 miles per hour, we are going to show you the rest of it right after this. i've always had trouble falling asleep and staying asleep— you know, insomnia. but then i found quviviq, an fda-approved medication for adults with insomnia. and i'm glad i found it. you wouldn't believe some of the things people suggested to help me sleep. nature sounds? 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>> todd: oh, man. a portland woman knocked unconscious in an unprovoked attack, why police did not arrive on scene for more than 20 minutes. >> carley: ashley. >> bloodied from the unprovoked attack. surveillance video shows a man vie rently throwing a large silver bottle at her face right before she drops to the ground. she told fox news digital that she woke up believing she would be killed and immediately called 911. it took place 20 minutes to respond to they are call, by that time she had already gone home. it's not police she is blaming for the slower response time it's city leadership. >> i do not hold the police accountable for this at all, i hold our city accountable for defunding the police and making it, you know, we are in this situation where we don't have enough police force to protect our citizens. and we did this to ourselves. >> carley: the woman says if it were not her friend yelling at the suspect to leave after she was attacked, the outcome could have been much worse. the attack does come though as the city of portland deals with a major drug and homeless crisis. constantine says the crime is so bad she will be voting republican rather than democrat. back to you guys. >> carley: well that picture is really hard to look at. and the fact that she said we did this to ourselves, there aren't enough police to protect our citizens ought all, i see why she is changing her political affiliation. >> carley: stolen car that left ten people hurt in new york city. authorities say the driver and passenger were attempting to flee from the police when they struck a group of pedestrians and collided head-on with another car. good samaritans tackling the driver to the ground before police arrived. >> carley: look at that, taking matters into their own hands, suspect is facing a slew of charges, all ten victims are expected to make a full recovery. >> todd: that is scary. check this out. new body cam footage showing a florida deputy leaping on to an unmanned boat going 41 miles per hour to stop it in its tracks. the video capturing the deputies speeding up next to the run away boat before one officer climbs over the railing and launching himself, do you see that. >> carley: is his name james bond. >> todd: james bond. the goat took off on its own, deputies were able to stop the vessel before the potential crash. the boat's owner was rescued and expected to be okay. i'm glad you mentioned james bond, pinellas county deputy training manual, here is what you do, so what do you do if you are this deputy, going into your mental reserve. i saw this in a bond movie once. >> carley: i think you could probably do that. >> todd: somebody else you are looking at. >> carley: well maybe you could. >> todd: i approach your confidence in my jumping ability. it seems like he is keeping his options open. >> virginia was bottom third in job growth, top 5 now. we impacted back the blue, stood up for parents. >> that contes like a campaign speech. >> todd: that is not a no. >> carley: bud light distributors but one beer's loss is another beer's gain. we are going to tell you which company is cleaning up bud light's spill. my late father-in-law lit up a room, but his vision dimmed with age. he had amd. i didn't know it then, but it can progress to ga, an advanced form of the disease. his struggle with vision loss from amd made me want to help you see warning signs of ga. like straight lines that seem wavy, blurry, or missing visual spots that make it hard to see faces like this one, or trouble with low light that makes driving at night a real challenge. if you've been diagnosed with amd and notice vision changes, don't wait. ga is irreversible. it's important to catch it early. talk to your eye doctor about ga and learn more at frustrated by skin tags? 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(announcer) aerotrainer's ergodynamic design and four patented air chambers create maximum muscle activation for better results in less time, all while maintaining safe, correct form and allows for over 20 exercises. do the aerotrainer super crunch. the pre-stretch works your abs even harder, engaging the entire core. then it's the back extension, super rock, and lower back traction stretch to take the pressure off your spine and stretch muscles. planks are the ultimate total body exercise. build your upper body with pushups. work your lower body with the aerosquat. the aerotrainer is tested to support over 500 pounds. it inflates and deflates in less than 30 seconds using the electric pump. head to now. now it's your turn to lose weight, look great, and be healthy. get off the floor and get on the aerotrainer. go to, that's >> carly told me a great story during the commercial break, about her becoming a waitress for a day. >> carley: maybe on the podcast. >> janice: , janice dean podcast. heat alert the, we are talking about the weather here because the heat continue to be anchored across the southern tier from phoenix, through texas, across the gulf coast states, that remains in place. scorching heat, temperatures well above 100 degrees and with the humidity it's oppressive and dangerous, it's like a broken record, it's been like this for weeks, a tiny break on monday as the cooler air tries to sync across portions of the southern plains i think it's going to remain in place the next few weeks. streaks here, days above 100 degrees. 50 days without rain. 133, man they need a cooldown and moisture in the area. ridge across texas, and around that ridge of high pressure is where we are starting to see the storms fire up. so, these areas of low pressure riding that area of high pressure and the potential for showers, thunderstorms, heavy rainfall, the haves and have notes here for the south and then parts of the ohio valley, the central plains, the midwest, that's where we are getting the rain and even the potential for flooding, we have flood watches and warnings in place for some of these areas across the st. louis region and that is going to be ongoing for the next 24 to 48 hours. these areas of low pressure riding that high pressure and the potential for the stronger storms, we have a couple places i want to make mention as we move on over, here is the rain still to come for some of these areas, we could actually see severe storms on friday for the northeast, we'll keep you posted on that. carly, can't wait to hear about your story. >> todd: we are we were talking about her waitress tories connected to wings, connected to beer which ties into our next segment. >> carley: what a segway. thank you janice. >> todd: bud light, giving up, drove them away from the brand. one exec at a texas based distributor telling, consumers made a choice, they have left bud light and that's how it's going to be. i don't envision a big percentage of them coming back. and other companies are capitalizing on that situation, maul son coors reporting an 11.8 surge in net sales in the second quarter when the brew ha ha with dylan mulvaney went down. bump williams company, are these distributors right, will bud light recover or are customers going to maul son coors. >> how are you doing? i think they have a legitimate concern on their hands. since this whole slip has started in the trends, we have yet to see any notable or solid picture of returning to stability or growth. so, right now the concern is legitimate and the concern is real. >> todd: dave, anheuser-busch shares down 10.7% in quarter 2, obviously matching with the rise in maul s molson coors, do you think they could go even lower? >> i think at least what we've seen in terms of the magnitude of declines in off premise sales, grocery stores, convenience stores, et cetera, the magnitude has seemed to stabilize a bit, it hadn't gotten significantly worse or shown any sharper declines. so, i think we -- i don't want to say we sort of bottomed out right now, but things aren't getting worse at least from the day that we are -- data we are looking at. >> todd: i understand why this is happening, when i go into a liquor store i am not going to buy bud light and the reason is, not because i hate bud light because i am not going to be seen with the can. it's non-gratta at this point, somebody brought miller light over to my house, i liked it, i thought it was good. now i'm considering making that switch. my worry though is for the distributors. because they have done nothing wrong in all this, they are not responsible for what some executive has done in some ivory tower somewhere. can these distributors, wholesalers, can they survive this? >> i think they are doing the best they can exploring any and all options to weather this storm, to maintain a place for their employees so they don't have to let anybody go. but it is becoming extremely tough to survive and make it through a magnitude of the crime that we've seen. and a lot of the times we are talking on a national average, there are certain markets across the u.s. that are steeper than that. it's tough and it's varying degrees of struggle across the country. >> todd: the big take away not just for bud light and beers, have companies learned their lessons, in other words don't alienate your true customer base just to go on this hail mary past in an attempt to attract a few young people have they learned that lesson, dave. >> it really makes companies and brands think about their loyal consumer base and just how important that is to establishing a solid foundation for our your sales. it's to get more shoppers into your brand family and marketing and advertising is certainly a with which to do that as is innovation. a lot of that you cannot risk jeopardizing your core foundation of consumers because that's what keeps the lights on, that's what keeps those reliable trends coming in week in and week out. >> todd: don't alienate the old guy like me, i don't see a lot of 20-year-olds walking around with bud light cans either right now. dave williams, thank you so much for your time. >> thank you. >> carley: the biden-harris biden made comments like this. >> there is much too much money that flows in the shadows to influence our elections, it's called dark money, dark money erodes public trust. we need to protect public trust. >> todd: we'll separate what biden says and what he does with patrice next. >> carley: new records indicate the biden-harris campaign is poised to take in tens of millions of dollars from unnamed donors so far this election cycle and that's despite the president making comments like this. >> there is something i always cared about, as best our democracy serves democracy equally no matter wealth. there is too much money that flows in the shadows, called dark money, erodes public trust, we need to protect public trust and i am determined to do that. >> todd: he is determined to do that. director of the center for economic opportunity at the womens forum, what changed, does dark money no longer erode the public trust? >> good morning, guys. what has changed, democrats learned how to out spend conservatives when it comes to using political action money and so-called dark money. so, i think they figured out, this is a great game we went to play so we are going to play it really well. in 2019, president -- at that time vice president biden was on the campaign trail with all of his other condominium tenders, saying we are not going to take outside money, they wanted to beat trump, not surprising we are seeing them to turn to outside funding sources. as conservatives do frankly at this time around. >> carley: president biden about a week ago, week or two ago, he announced he raised $72 million in 3 months. which is good but then yesterday a "new york times" sienna college poll came out shows 20% of democrats say they are enthusiastic about his nomination, versus 26% about kamala harris. kamala harris is beating joe biden. what does that mean when it comes to future fundraising for the president. >> i think it's going to be more difficult for him to get those small dollar done arrests on board with his campaign. you are not going to stick your hand in your pocket to give to his campaign. he is going to continue to rely a lot more on the super pac money to fund his campaign. you know where that money is coming from? a lot of mega donors, hollywood types, a lot of corporations obviously, and so people who want to shape the narrative coming out of the administration and unfortunately the downstream of that are the policy that we are forced to feel today. >> todd: speaking of money, speak of the downstream of those policies, the markets have been sent into mayhem following the u.s. credit down grading by fitch. let's take a look at dow futures, pop that fancy thing up on your screen. that's yesterday. you saw the futures right before that. let's summarize. a lot of red arrows pointing down, that is not good. patrice, a lot of people are saying, this isn't that big of a deal. the white house is saying they shouldn't have done this. "shark tank" host who knows something about making money explains this does matter, listen. >> what happened in the last 48 hours, there is no way to sugar coat this, it's bad news. it's basically a rating agency saying, your faith in the american government to pay you back has been diminished from a aaa to a aa, this is very concerning because the way it affects you and me sean, and everybody listening, the cost of capital to america, the costs in other words we borrow money from other sovereign nations, to pay our deficits, just went up. >> todd: of course biden blamed trump, trump is blamed for every malady in our world. how did biden himself and his administration really cause this down grade to happen? >> well, reckless massive unnecessary spending. i mean, we can start with the american rescue plan that was passed in 2021. and so we've seen that continuation that chips at the myth leading -- inflation reduction act, all of these are compounding the federal spending in this country right now. let's not forget just this week, the treasury department said they are going to need to increase their borrowing by a trillion dollars much more than they expected. and the deficit is up 169% from this time the year before in the fiscal year. so, spending has not slowed as president biden has claimed and that is having an effect which is why the credit rating has been downgraded for what, the second time in the past 20, 30 years. it's dangerous and it is indictment on like the lack of stewardship coming from the white house and frankly coming from congress. >> carley: thank you so much for joining us, we appreciate it. >> thank you, guys. >> todd: virginia governor youngkin addresses rumors about a 2024 presidential bid. >> i am so focused on virginia this year, we have huge elections. and we have a chance in 24 months to take a stays that was completely blue, state wide led legislature and in 24 months turn it republican. and i think we must get this done. we have to hold our house, flip our senate. people are noticing what we are doing in virginia and that's why we get so much attention. >> todd: youngkin gaining national attention, focusing on parental rights, the education, and the economy, no plans to throw his hat in the race, including of course former president trump, ron desantis and vivek. i know you work here, i know you know this i am going to remind you this month, augusn only on fox. >> todd: more than 56,000 asylum seekers are flooding new york city and the roosevelt hotel in particular has become the epicenter of this crisis. >> carley: councilman vikki is live outside that hotel you just saw and she is going to show us exactly what is happening in this sanctuary city, don't go anywhere. so many hotels. ah! ah! ah! trouble booking the family vacay? come on. comfort has free hot breakfast for the whole fam. they have waffles! and splendid pools. cannonball! book direct at hi, i'm stacey, and i've lost 60 pounds on golo. (guitar music) i decided to try golo when i had an international flight coming up, and i realized i couldn't fly being the size that i was. my sister-in-law tried golo and had lost 50 pounds, so i thought i'd give golo a try. i didn't expect the results i got on golo. i was hopeful, but i did not expect it to be like this. golo just makes sense. this plan works. (announcer) change your life at that's every business that's why comcast business de is launching theal. mobile made free event. with our business internet, new and existing customers can get one year of unlimited mobile for free. it's our best internet. powered by the next generation 10g network and with 99.9% reliability. plus one line of free mobile for an entire year. it's the mobile made free event-happening now. get started for just $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get one free line of unlimited mobile. comcast business, powering possibilities. >> todd: the state department is urging americans to avoid travel to haiti due to gang violence, kid napping and unrest as the search continues for the american nurse, alex dorsenville kidnapped in that country last week. last seen providing medical care at this clinic when a group of armed men stormed in and took her and her daughter. sources claim the captors are asking for $1 million for their return, they are doing everything they can to bring them home safety. >> todd: new york city officials are reportedly weighing the option of housing migrants in central park. yes, the tourist location and attraction known as central park, the mayor's office says nothing is off the table to deal with the influx of migrants pouring into the big apple, officials set up hospital tents in the park at the height of the pandemic. sanctuary cities says current shelters are at capacity as it's seen 95,000 migrants arrive since last spring with a daily average of about 500. >> carley: because of that hundreds of migrants have been sleeping on the sidewalk in midtown manhattan. a new york city councilwoman right here grand central station, the morning commute is getting into full swing, this hotel has been turned into a now over crowded shelter because so many immigrants are flooding into new york city, councilwoman, tell us what you're seeing. >> good morning, carly, how are you? i'm seeing what it's come down in number but they are expecting more as you can see out here on the street sleeping anyway they can, barricaded in. and you know, the sanitation guys are doing their job. everybody is out here but the overcrowding is absolutely absolutely out of control. >> carley: so many questions for you. how many people would you say is sleeping outside right now and have you spoken to any of them? what are they saying, can you tell their country of origin? >> i cannot tell their country of origin, no. there is a lot of south american, there is a lot of blacks, there are a lot of -- i mean we have people here also from russia, they are coming from everywhere. and approximately how many people are left out on the street right now, more buses are due to arrive, but right now i say we have about 100 to 150 out on the streetcar car it is heartbreaking to see, people sleeping on the street. >> it really is. >> carley: in new york city. >> 100% is. >> carley: this is a policy decision where the president opened the borders, a lot of people came into the united states and then a lot of those people want to come into new york because the sanctuary city policies. >> well, the -- yes, exactly. the sanctuary city policy and the state of emergency needs to be declared here now, carly. as you can see with your own eyes we've got hotels overflowing, we have parks being filled, we've got space every -- nothing is off the table. as the mayor said. so, now nothing is off the table how much further are we going to take this before we -- this is enough. close the border, we know that's not going to happen, let's face it. while biden is in office, that's not going to happen. it needs to happen, it's not going to happen. so, what should new york do? turn the buses around. lift the sanctuary city status and the governor of state of new york, i'm tired about hearing about money, stop, turn the people around. get the buses out of here. they can't come here anymore. there is no more room. it's ruining new yorkers' quality life. >> carley: what we are seeing is not compassionate or humane, the cameras are trained on you right now, you walked this area. would you say the people are wrapped around the block, how far does this go? >> well for today, no. i've been here before where it's gone completely around the block. this goes directly from the entrance to the roosevelt straight down to vanderbilt and 45th streetcar car vikki, what does their future look like, how long will they be sleeping on the streets, once they get into the shelter then what? >> there is no way of knowing how long they will be sleeping on the street at this point. you know, we're waiting. this is the way it's working out. they as the one or two or ten or 20 or 120, because that's a thousand rooms, 1000 rooms. as they are emptying out they are taking the people off the street and putting them in or taking the people off the street and busing them to the outer boros, elsewhere in manhattan. so, how long is this going to go on for ever until this city and this state makes their decision that we're not going to do this anymore. we cannot do this anymore. and -- now we have another issue, we have our own homeless, over 70,000 homeless, new yorkers on the street and we are going to compound it for those we are busing in. this is unsustainable. >> carley: the city's deputy mayor says there are 107,000 migrants in their care that includes 56,000 asylum seekers, how much is this costing taxpayers to care for this people, what does this over crowded facility do to the sour rounding community. >> good point, good question. right now the deputy mayor said 107,000,000. >> carley: 107,000 migrants are in new york city. >> exactlily correct. that jumped from last week's number, five days that jumped from the number they gave us which was 94,000. now it's 107,000. i gotta get the question, sorry my ear bud. >> carley: i was wondering what this would do, how this impact the community where this hotel is in. >> we are in a high end community. we just passed the helmsman palace, it's down grading everything. we are literally downgraded -- as i'm here, you know, i'm born and raised new yorker, this is old new york, we are in the heart of old new york. and when you see what they're doing to old new york, what new york should be, the heartbeat of this country, and they are killing it. they are killing the heartbeat of this country. we cannot do this any longer. they are doing their best to keep it clean. everybody is trying to keep some sort of order here. but for how much longer and it's an intermittently. for example, today we have one hundred something out here. by noon this could be passed 150 people. >> carley: we hear you. it's the reality of the day. councilwoman paladino, we appreciate. >> thank you, carley, appreciate you. >> todd: i walk by it every day, there is a coffee shop right there. they are getting vero business. >> carley: washington post give president biden four. >> my son has not made money in terms of this thing about what are you talking about, china. >> carley: i wonder what took so long. jimmy failla with his fact check. >> steve: former president donald trump set to appear before a judge and hear the charges against him in special counsel's jack smith in 2020 interference probe. four of the 78 total criminal counts mr. trump faces. we have live coverage on the ground in washington d.c. >> steve: could two governors be going head to head, ron desantis and gavin newsom, each agreeing to debate on fox news. the details behind the dual coming up. >> steve: and check this video out, a california jewelry store raided by robbers nearly million dollars in glamour gone, poof. the owner says his whole collection is wiped out. he is going to join us with the efforts to put criminals behind bars. first he has to find whoever did that, the guy with the hammer. >> steve: the great one, mark levin, the environmental u.s., brian kicks off exactly 9 minutes, 25 seconds from right now. you trust for your morning news. todd and carley back in a couple, fox and friends first. i don't. new cascade platinum plus... with double the dawn grease fighting power and double the scrubbing power. for a no rewash clean... and a cabinet ready shine. upgrade to new cascade platinum plus. dare to dish differently. . i've run this place for 20 years, but i still need to prove that i'm more than what you see on paper. struggling with the highs and lows of bipolar 1? 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liberty mutual customizes your car insurance... so you only pay for what you need. that's my boy. now you get out there, and you make us proud, huh? ♪ bye, uncle limu. ♪ stay off the freeways! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ >> todd: president biden's claims that hunter never made felony china finally getting a fact-check. >> bad president. he made a fortune in china and moscow and various other places. >> that is not true. my son has not made money in terms of this thing about -- what are you talking about? china? i have not had -- the only guy that made money from china is this guy, the only one. nobody else has made money from china. >> todd: "the washington post" now giving that claim by the president four pinocchios. way to while the irons are hot and writing nearly three years later hunter's assertions rebutted. in testimony last week the younger biden had in fact been paid substantial sums in china. >> carley: by substantial sums we mean a million bucks. jamey failla joins us now. >> jimmy: to be fair hunter been the make the money in china, it was sent to our country 15 bank bank accounts to the grandkids like all reasonable transactions are. hey venmo me but send it through 15 accounts then to my grand grandkids. him never making money on the china is like never falling up the stairs. we have proof. obviously they knew this two and three years ago. the reason they are here now is the democrats are starting they realize we have all been to a wedding where you don't stay out loud really these two are getting married? does anyone think it's a good idea. they are in that speak now or forever hold your peace moment when it documents biden and kamala running again look at how historically unpopular they are. people in the party are starting to whisper in the church before they get a chance to walk down that aisle. that's why you are starting to seat scrutiny. which disney character would you like to be tied to. >> it changed the characters peter pansexual. not the same disney we grew up with so i don't know. >> todd: serious topic one cnn analyst officer on capitol hill january 6th made this comment about the new charges trump is facing. watch. >> when i first learned about the indictment. i had a conversation with a friend of mine ryan reilly and i told him how proud i felt to be an american at that moment. much in the way that i did when i learned that our military had killed usama bin laden. usama bin laden was a terrorist who committed a horrific act against american people and against our republic and i believe that donald trump is a terrorist who committed horrific acts against the american people. >> you can imagine that is a very eyebrow raising statement. >> todd: once you lower your eyebrow. >> jimmy: better time that mic gets caught. embarrassing. denigrating to the suffering caused on 9/11 but also speaks to how out of touch they are with reality. like there is no comparison between 9/11 and anything to be honest. but, when you find yourself going there, when you need to rope in that bigger comparison, it's because the gravity of what you are trying to sell the american people isn't really doing the job. we all agreed in real time january 6th was terrible. but to equate it to something like that is shameful. it's embarrassing. >> carley: police have already put up fencing around are the capitol ahead of the arraignment. working with capitol police to make sure everyone including the former president stays safe. >> i expect a peaceful situation and i obviously hope for one. message has been sent grandmothers stroll the capitol death row exaggerating. disproportional response to some of the january #ers, i expect a peaceful day. >> todd: invoking 9/11 it's never cause for laughter. take a look at this, one runner sparking outrage after finishing dead last at the world university games. trailing so far behind she is out of the frame for most of the race. turns out, jim, she is actually not a runner. she is the niece of the athletic's head with no experience. the chairwoman has since been suspended for nepotism and abuse of power. i understand why she was convinced because her niece was known as lightning. >> she should have run this race in america because she would have got a trophy for that congratulations everybody tied. >> so many people angered by. this i saw this i was laughing uncontrollably. >> jimmy: thank you, todd piro. thank you. "fox & friends" begins right now. they are trying to strip rights and throw him in jail over political speech. >> bret: former president donald trump is set to appear in federal court following third federal indictment. >> they will use any threat they can. >> debate with ron desantis. >> i would make it three. >> the gloves are off. desantis and the rest of the g.o.p. primary field have a long way to go. a new poll shows trump rushing his 2024 rivals. >> i got hit and knocked to the ground unconscious. it happened out of n

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Trouble , Adults , Some , Fda , Ahh , Thanks , Nature Sounds , Sleep , Idea , Friend , Night , Counting Sheep , Carpet , One , Studies , Wake Signals , Medications , Quviviq Nightly , Taye , Drive , Alcohol , Hallucinations , Inability , Narcolepsy , Don T Drink , Machinery , Sleepiness , Side Effects , Thoughts , Activities , Headaches , Food , Walking , Eating , Depression , Quviviq May , Woman , Story , Vie Rently , Home , Kidnapper , Undercover Cop , Seattle , 450 , Suspect , Order , Kid Napping , Hands , Someone , Blood , Door , Nevada , Sexual Assaults , Investigators , 9 11 , Attack , Victims , Scene , Man , Ashley , Ground , Bottle , Surveillance Video , 911 , Place , Wall , City Accountable , Accountable , Call , Situation , Citizens , Police Force , Constantine , Crisis , Deals , Drug , Outcome , Guys , Crime , There Aren T , Democrat , Car , Group , Driver , Affiliation , Passenger , Pedestrians , Authorities , Head On , Samaritans , Charges , Matters , Slew , Recovery , Video , Body Cam Footage , Deputies , Tracks , Deputy Leaping , Run Away Boat , 41 , Officer , James Bond , Goat , Climbs , Railing , Owner , Pinellas County , Crash , Vessel , Bond , Reserve , Movie , Options , Confidence , Job Growth , Jumping Ability , Beer , No , Contes , Campaign Speech , Loss , Bud Light Distributors , Blue , Parents , Will Bud Light , Company , Gain , Spill , Ga , Room , Form , Vision , Disease , Amd , Father In Law Lit , Struggle , Lines , Warning Signs , Vision Loss , Faces , Spots , Wavy , Vision Changes , Light , Challenge , Don T Wait , Skin , Eye Doctor , Breakthrough , Scholl S , Skin Tags , Dr , Remover , Gawontwait Com , Treatment , Weight , Announcer , It S Time , Aerotrainer , Health , Body Fitness Solution , Air Chambers , Design , Ergodynamic , Safe , Results , Muscle Activation , Exercises , Core , Pre Stretch , Abs , Aerotrainer Super Crunch , Pressure , Muscles , Body , Super Rock , Planks , Lower Back , Spine , Back Extension , Pushups , Aerosquat , Body Exercise , 500 , Head , Floor , Electric Pump , Break , Heat , Waitress , Janice Dean Podcast , Podcast , Weather , Record , Texas , Humidity , Southern Tier , Gulf Coast , Phoenix , 100 , Streaks , Portions , Southern Plains , Areas , Rain 133 , Area , Bridge , Moisture , Cooldown , Storms Fire Up , 133 , Potential , Midwest , High Pressure , Parts , Rainfall , South , Showers , Haves , Notes , Thunderstorms , Riding , Central Plains , Ohio Valley , Flooding , Region , Flood Watches , Warnings , Louis , 24 , 48 , Storms , Couple , Over , Northeast , Mention , Wings , Segment , Segway , Can T Wait , Consumers , Brand , Up , Choice , Exec , Distributor Telling , Companies , Sales , Reporting , Percentage , Surge , Maul Son Coors , 11 8 , Distributors , Customers , Brew , Ha , Williams , Dylan Mulvaney , Concern , Trends , Slip , Son Coors , Dave Williams , Growth , Shares , Stability , Rise , Anheuser Busch , 10 7 , 2 , Magnitude , Declines , Grocery Stores , Convenience Stores , Molson Coors , Et Cetera , Hadn T , Bit , Least , Reason , Liquor Store , Can , Happening , Data , Point , House , Somebody , Worry , Switch , Miller Light , Best , Executive , Somewhere , Ivory Tower , Employees , Storm , Anybody Go , Average , Times , Beers , Degrees , Words , Customer Base , Lessons , Lesson , Hail Mary , Brands , Consumer Base , Foundation , Advertising , Shoppers , Family , Core Foundation , Innovation , Marketing , The Lights On , I Don T , Guy , Cans , Don T Alienate , Shadows , Comments , Biden Harris , Elections , Dark Money , Public Trust , Patrice Next , Donors , Kamala Harris , Campaign , Records , Millions , Election Cycle , Tens , Democracy , Matter Wealth , Money , Trust , Center , Opportunity , Director , Forum , Game , Action , Vice President Biden , 2019 , Condominium Tenders , Campaign Trail , Conservatives , Funding Sources , 3 , 2 Million , 72 Million , New York Times , Nomination , Sienna College Poll , 26 , Dollar , Hand , Arrests , Fundraising , Pocket , Types , Corporations , Hollywood , Administration , Policies , Policy , Downstream , Narrative , Futures , Take A Look , Mayhem , Screen , Credit Down Grading , Dow Futures , Fitch , White House , Down , Big , Isn T , Red Arrows , Shark Tank , Matter , Government , Rating Agency , Bad News , Everybody , Capital , Costs , Listening , To A Aa , Me Sean , Down Grade , Course , Deficits , World , Nations , Malady , Spending , Rescue Plan , Continuation , Myth Leading , Inflation Reduction , 2021 , Treasury Department , Deficit , Borrowing , What , Credit Rating , 169 , Stewardship , Black , Congress , Chance , Youngkin , Rumors , Bid , 2024 , Estate , Legislature , Done , Led , Republican , Senate , Attention , Rights , Plans , Economy , Education , Hat , Augusn , Hotel , Councilman Vikki , Asylum Seekers , Epicenter , Fox , 56000 , Sanctuary City , Anywhere , Don T Go , Hotels , Breakfast , Come On , Fam , Waffles , Family Vacay , Pools , Choicehotels Com , Golo , Coming Up , Size , Guitar Music , Stacey , 60 , Sister In Law , Sense , Try , Tried Golo , Life , Golo Com , Plan Works , Event , Mobile , Business Internet , Business , Internet , Reliability , Network , Launching Theal , Comcast Business De , 10g , The Next Generation , 10 , 99 9 , Line , Plus One , Comcast Business , Powering Possibilities , 9 99 , 49 99 , Search , Unrest , The American , State Department , Sources , Care , Captors , Nurse , Men , Daughter , Alex Dorsenville , Officials , Housing , Option , Home Safety , Return , Central Park , Yes , Tourist Location , 1 Million , Table , Office , Mayor , Influx , Attraction , Height , Hospital Tents In The Park , Shelters , Pandemic , 95000 , Morning Commute , Councilwoman , Sidewalk , Grand Central Station , Swing , Midtown Manhattan , Shelter , Immigrants , Number , Job , Sanitation Guys , The Street , Overcrowding , Any , Control , Questions , Origin , Blacks , South American , Buses , Everywhere , Russia , 150 , Borders , Policy Decision , Hotels Overflowing , Sanctuary City Policies , Sanctuary City Policy , State Of Emergency , Eyes , Parks , Space , Sanctuary City Status , Border , Governor , Stop , Cameras , Block , Vanderbilt , And 45th Streetcar Car Vikki , Roosevelt , Entrance , Streets , 45 , Emptying , 120 , 1000 , A Thousand , Busing , City , Elsewhere , Decision , Manhattan , Outer Boros , Homeless , 70000 , The City , Deputy Mayor , 107000 , Community , Taxpayers , Facility , Exactlily , 107000000 , Ear Bud , Five , 94000 , Impact , Helmsman Palace , Grading Everything , Heartbeat , Old New York , Heart , New Yorker , Sort , Intermittently , Example , One Hundred , Coffee Shop , Councilwoman Paladino , Son , China , Biden Four , Vero Business , Washington Post , Jimmy Failla , Steve , Special Counsel , Interference Probe , Mr , Coverage , 78 , Governors , Details , Gavin Newsom , Store , Collection , Criminals , Jewelry , Robbers , Efforts , Poof , California , The Great One , Bars , Hammer , Brian , Mark Levin , 9 , Morning News , Platinum Plus , Fox And Friends First , 25 , Scrubbing Power , Cabinet , The Dawn Grease Fighting , No Rewash , Dare , Paper , Bipolar , Lows , Highs , Vraylar , 1 , Symptoms , Take Control , Medicines , Relief , Episodes , Manic , Death , Changes , Saw , Stroke , Dementia , Behavior , Children , Antidepressants , Risk , Patients , Muscle Movements , Restlessness , Cholesterol , High Blood Sugar , Confusion , Weight Gain , Reaction , Fever , Coma , Movement Dysfunction , Liberty Mutual , Abbvie , Stomach , Car Insurance , Limu Emu , That S My Boy , Huh , Uncle Limu , Freeways , Pay , Hunter , Places , Felony , Fortune , Moscow , Nobody , Claim , Irons , Testimony , Four Pinocchios , Assertions Rebutted , Three , Sums , Jamey Failla , A Million , A Million Bucks , Bank Accounts , Accounts , Grandkids , Transactions , Grand Grandkids , 15 , Stairs , Democrats , Wedding , Anyone , Peace , Party , Seat Scrutiny , Church , Aisle , Character , Disney , Characters Peter Pansexual , Friend Of Mine Ryan Reilly , Comment , Watch , Conversation , Don T Know , Analyst , Cnn , Capitol Hill , Terrorist , Republic , Horrific Act Against American People , Eyebrow Raising Statement , Acts , Eyebrow , Mic , Suffering , Denigrating , Anything , Embarrassing , In Real Time , American People Isn T , Gravity , Everyone , Capitol , Arraignment , Fencing , Grandmothers , Death Row , Message , Ers , Response , Runner , Last , Look , Laughter , Outrage , World University Games , Chairwoman , Niece , Athletic S , Turns , Experience , Frame , Nepotism , Abuse , Jim , Lightning , Congratulations , Trophy , Jail , Threat , Debate , Federal Court , Bret , Of N , Poll Shows , Rivals , Gloves , Primary Field ,

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