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Indictment so lame and overtly political that its guarantied to galvanize every trump voter like funnel cake at a stock car race. Theres less meet on this indictment than a you are i can carcass in joy behars trash can. Stelter has a better chance of winning a wet tshirt contest. Dont Bother Reading it i can summit up for you. Donald trump disagreed with the election outcome. Oh, you thought there would be more . Sorry, these are democrats, they dont have to work hard when the media gives them cover and yes there is a second part, to forget about the hunter and joe show. Make news to conceal the real news. Yes, the doj and jack smith apparently believe that trumps Thought Crimes are more insidious than the International Racketeering gang known as the biden clan. Instead they chase Thought Crimes and if Thought Crimes were fromable we would all be screwed. Kat would be on death row complaining about wearing orange. But, see, we dont do Thought Crimes in this country. This isnt canada. Theres a reason the First Amendment is first. Its the thing that makes our constitution and our nation exceptional. That and ice machines. See, the First Amendment means you can think and even say things that others find objectionable. Like if someone says i love brian kilmeade. Its wrong, its gross, disgusting even, but you cant arrest someone for it. This also holds true for donald trump and if it doesnt, then youre next. Trump endorsed a protest at the white house on january 6th. Things went bad that day, a collection of yahoos rushed the capitol and stole nancys laptop. By the way, has anybody, you know, got a copy of that hard drive because imagine the stock tips on that one. But just because he endorsed the original protest doesnt mean hes libel for the actions of a horned sha man, even judge jeanine wouldnt convict san she thinks side burns are illegal. If endorsing that protest means trumps guilty most democrats should be in jail too does anyone recall the summer of 2020 love, 25 deaths damages, federal courthouse on fire, a Police Station destroyed, and kamalas reaction promoting a bail fund and asking for donations. Setting fire to a federal courthouse attacking the white house isnt that like obstructing official proceedings. Thats one of the charges, by the way, obstructing oh officialing proceedings, or oops for sure. Thats right donald trump has been charged with two counts of oops, almost as serious as one charge of whoops. But legally thats known and stacking charges, you know, like nadler does with depends. But in laymans terms, its [bleep]. They throw the kitchen sink at him but biden just banned kitchen sinks. Take this charge, conspiracy against rights. Jack smith who is every wild eyed professor with Library Breath and blm Bumper Sticker had to reach back to Civil War Times for this charge for the keep the clan from suppressing the black vote in 1920. This is a bigger stretch than when tyrus does yoga. Whats smith going to charge trump with next, Felony Witch Craft Tcasting of spells . Lets throw trump in the potomac to see if he sinks or floats t random judge randomly selected to oversee the case sent all 11 defendants from january 6th to prisonen a for several of those defendants, prosecutors didnt even seek prison time, but she still put them behind bars. And, instead of spitting, the media just swallows. One of, if not the most significant case in United States his torques it is up there about dred scott, it is up there with brown versus board of education. This is the gravest political crime since sus session. From time to time america faces threats from monsters who want to destroy our democracy. That happened in 1861. Pearl har works 1941. 9 11, 2001. Donald trump threatening to do it all again but even more effectively saying hes going to institute a president ial dictatorship that we may assume is going to take our democracy away. Greg quick someone call msnbc they need more people on screen. The worlds ugliest year book. So why the hyperbole . Because so called media cant be seen attacking free speech so they call free speech something else. Bottom line, stacey abrams, hillary, nancy, joe, all denied electoral outcomes, oh bomb appear challenged Ballot Signatures in illinois. And there is no evidence trump did more than that, denied the outcome. So since our Justice System is currently operating like a tijuana traffic court, its really about the next election. Winning a case against a republican in new york and dc is so much easier than Ballot Harvesting but it tells you what happens when you dare to fight, it upsets those in power, this indictment sends a message that there will be no trump, or another one like him, ever. And by waiting until the archer stuff came out that pulled the curtain back and showed us how this machine operates. They went too far because they thought they could. Now, if youre inside this story, you dont get the story. But if you step outside of it, you see its just a Political Machine trying to crush its challengers. Now im not here to tell you how to vote but as i said at the top, whether they realize it or not, i think joe and merrick the doj, and jack, just did. Period greg lets welcome tonights guests his way with words entertains the rable and has him undefeated at scrabble. Novelist and literary critic walter kirn [cheers and applause] s killed more people than covid former cia operative mike baker shes like an aboveground pool, refreshing but often found in bad neighbors. Fox news contributor kat timpf mom mom my dad has an aboveground pool. Greg and finally mars sent rovers to explore him. My massive side kick and the nwa World Champion tyrus [cheers and applause]. Greg walter, i have a question for you but i just want you to speak your mind about this. What are you thinking right now about all of this . The timing is interesting. The charges are based on mind reading. What are your thoughts . Mike you know, historians like to call america the american experiment. And by that they mean we try things. But im afraid The American Experiment Iss about to blow up the laboratory. This is a little too much. Were now going to have 12 people, rather than 80, 75 million, decide our elections. And it concerns me. But what concerns me more is that we now know what american president s cant do. They cant say, i was robbed. You know, they can do that in pro wrestling, they can do that in every other sport but they cant say i was robbed. What they can do is they can put, you know, Hundreds Of Thousands of japanese citizens in Concentration Camps in world war ii. They can start wars looking for Weapons Of Mass Destruction that arent found. They did, you know, do all sorts of things, but they cant say i was robbed. Thats going to be illegal. Greg right. Mike so at least well have crossed one crime off the list. It concerns me that about half of america right now is looking for a way out of america, and its not a good thing. Greg it is true, like the guy didnt start one war, but you know what . He thought he got ripped off so hes in trouble. I thought, and you look as rugged as ever. Thank you. Im concerned we seem to be saying starting a war is a bad thing. Is that what youre saying walter . Greg its bad for your business. Walter its bad for my son. Greg great point made by ann culture the medias obsessed with january 6th because its the first mob weve ever sthooen wasnt left wing. Yeah. I guess the part that fascinates me the most, right, because ive always the problem ive always had with donald trump is, is that its a selfinflicted wound that he usually engages in, right . So his behavior on january 6th, the things that he did, he could have done it better. I agree, the indictment is full of nothing, right, theres nothing there. But, you know, the former president has a tendency to create situations that are unnecessary. If he would just step if he could reign himself in. Greg but thats why he got elected. Tyrus exactly. Greg he elected because he fights and you cant turn the faucet off. Mike thats the problem we have. The policies were great, again im a small government guy, worry about national security, worry about the boarders, financial responsibility if we could find folks interested in that. But i guess the part again that i find most fascinating about the whole story is the randomly selected judge who previously, prior to being a judge, worked for the most democratlinked law firm in this country, right . And greg linkeded to burisma. Mike linked to burisma and also a place where hunter biden was of counsel for five years and the medias trying to blow that one over. Right . Theres no connection there, just like Everything Else involving president bidens son. And so theres so many problems here. But deep down i keep im disappointed because i keep thinking we could have avoided a lot of this chaos if President Trump could have reigned himself and been more disciplined but i dont disagree with your point thats why people voted for him. Greg i disagree no matter what you do theyre going to come after you. Wasnt january 6th, they impeached him before that for a phone call. Kat whats your take, i know youre a legal scholar kat well, yeah, everybody thinks theyre a legal scholar now so i might as well hop on. Greg well you watched a lot of la law growing up kat i dont know what that is. [laughter] kat i kept reading it and i was pretty confused because i guess they have to prove that he knew he lost the election and was saying all this stuff anyway. I dont think that he thinks he lost, first of all. Greg yeah kat i know that he would never say that he lost because he doesnt even say that about golf. Greg yeah, exactly. Kat so how are they intending to prove this . I really dont understand and i have the same concerns everybody does as a First Amendment absolutist, regardless how you feel about any of this, that should be concerning to see this case that basically hinges on what i believes pretty clearly free speech. Greg uhhuh. Last word tyrus. What are your thoughts . Tyrus i always try to take things and look at it from my perspective if i went to work every day and somebody did something to me to try to make me lose my job the entire four years i worked there, every day gutfeld put something in my desk, some drug paraphernalia, a kidnap victim, just like nonstop got together with half the office i dont have lunch with and they all voted to have me fired, i would be not trusting any of them come christmas time with gifts. And i think everyone in here would be like, yes, i would not believe one thing that came out of that other side after they did to you for four years. Literally everything they could possibly do with no criminal connection, he was putins pitch, then he was putins life partner then he was a Dance Partner in north korea. Mike can you be a bitch and a light partner at the same time . Tyrus its a graduation. Started out he was a side chick then they got to know each other they had so much in common and then one day came home told his wife its trumps time he gets me. Greg and they stopped having sex. Tyrus thats what happens when you communicate. You guys know. And then one day something happens and you dont believe it because you had four years of everything you did was destroyed, ruined, his entire presidency was one big cue and then you have the tamerity to think the election was rigged . Take yourself out of the presidency, theyre going to get a conviction, thats what theyre going to do. What do they have 73 counts on him now . They just need one and thats all theyre after but the couper, the work is not done. And this is now sitting in dc. Tyrus yeah. Im saying regardless whether hes convicted or not hes going to get elected president because the American People see it. I said it last night ill say it again. He changed things. Greg on that note we shall move on. I always leave when people are clapping, including in the bedroom. [laughter]. Tyrus we were doing so well. Greg i know we were. A donor whos tainted Buying Crap Hunter painted. [cheers and applause] you cant leave without cuddles. But, you also cant leave covered in hair. With bounce pet, you can cuddle and brush that hair off. Bounce. Its the sheet. Inspirational Music [narrator] Wounded Warrior project helps post9 11 veterans realize whats possible. With Generous Community support. Aaron, how you doing buddy . [narrator] we bring warriors together and empower them to become stronger inside and out. Its possible to begin healing to get the help you need. To find peace. [narrator] and as each warriors needs evolve, so do we. Because these last 20 years are just the beginning. [cheers and applause] greg thank you. Thank you. Buy art from a slob, youll get a nice job. Have your kids donate to a dem and watch the offers roll in. Were learning more about elizabeth hearst. Nah tally a democratic donor and Biden Commission appointee who actually bought hunters [bleep] art. And we do mean [bleep]. Ive seen better stuff sprayed on canvas from a lactose intolerant chimp. Turns out not only did she donate her children did, too. These crazy kids when i was a kid i spent my Paper Rout Money on Candy Cigarettes not greasing the wheels of political appointments. According to the Washington Free beacon when she was maxed out for hillarys primary campaign in 2017 her 17yearold daughter made her own 2700 contribution, 1,700 from a 17yearold. Even at a dollar apiece, thats a lot of dixie cups of lemonade to sell. But oddly a year later, the daughter got a spot on hillarys finance committee. Then she served as a Tech Consultal for the dnc while in college. It was the greatest thing hillary did for a younger woman since she called off the hit on monica. Crazy, right . She worked for Hillary Clinton and shes still alive. But its a perfect example of what it takes to get ahead in dc. But better a spot on hillarys committee than a spot on an interns dress. Whoa. Greg whoa. Ha ha. All right, nathalis teen also also contributed a few grand to a congressman and kamala harris. So you see how this works. Shell out big bucks to dems find loopholes to get around Donation Limits by putting the cash under your kids names and they get rewarded. Theres more mutual Back Scratching than kudlows last hot tub party. The biden scheme, ill sniff your back if youll sniff mine. Joe once said there would be a wall between his official duties and his familys Family Business and looks like that barriers just like the one at the southern border, it doesnt stop crime. But maybe theres no connection between getting a commission and hunters blow art. But thats like saying theres no connection between my appearance and women fainting. Its what some call quid pro quo which is latin forgive me cocaine. Kat, this should disgust you. Its all a big game almost like the a block replayed. Certain people are allowed to play a certain game if they pay and if youre not part of that elite group, you get nothing kat i didnt even know about this. Greg yeah kat theres all this rich people stuff im finding out. Im like i wish i would have had this generational wealth. Then i may have been a tool so maybe im not sure. You have your career and you have kids and if you want kids you might sacrifice some of your career but if youre super rich you have kids that can then make you money. Greg exactly kat thats crazy to me. She had these kids who had these trust funds who certainly did not decide on their own to spend their money by donating it to democrats, right . But you can actually buy influence using your children. Why dont rich people have even more kids . Greg i know. And that leads me to ask you, tyrus, have you been considering . You could create a mountain of wealth. Tyrus well that was the plan, thats why i diversified. I had the asian one because i needed him good at math. I had the mexican one because shell get a job no matter what i need. I had the regular white one for political appearances. And then i had the black black one for, you know, sports and what not. So ive got it all kat you do have the United Nations of kids. The shows already gotten the color bars we can stop at this point. Tyrus i did what i have to do, someone has to push me in the wheelchair when im 60, i know its not the one i go home to right now, shell push me if the corner and i need sunlight and get smacked. I need my children to take care of me. This is what, and we go back to President Trump, this is what his presidency brought to light, the transparency of the swamp. When he said drain the swamp, that is the swamp. You put money into their pockets and they if you do it enough, you do it often, youll be rewarded because then your influence and then you ask for favors. This art scheme is the same blueprint that he used in china, romania, everywhere, ukraine. Its the same thing except theres bigger numbers overseas. So the fact that we can put theres no expert in the doj that can put together what i just got put into trying to get the fact i went out and picked children for labor based off race, it was love, too. But is the swamp and they want so desperately to go back the way, because theyve been hungry a few years now and now theyre not even hiding it anymore because theyre thinking well just keep blaming trump and go back to what it is. Thats a small thing. But every republican, democrat, congressman, theyre all wanting to get back to that body of business and thats why we need term limits to get them out. Greg there you go. What do you think mikey . [cheers and applause]. Mike to tyruss point about how come nobody as the doj figured this out. You may know this greg but i run a global and intelligence and investigations security firm, Foreman Square Group thank you very much. Greg they obviously never heard of it because anybody who does is dead. When you hear where mike baker works, that means youre about to die. Thats their motto. Mike but its quick and its peaceful. Greg usually back of the head. Mike and so the point being is that, look, ive got investigators that, you know, within a couple of months would have put this together. And i think, assuming that those folks on capitol hill that are responsible for this investigation dont get bored, theyll do it as well because its money. And the great thing about an Asset Tracing Exercise or Money Laundering is that the trail is there. Its a heavy lift, its labor intensive, you have to work for it. But you can do it. And this is i dont know how else to explain it. Its Money Laundering. Its pay for play. And the medias spin on this now, now theyre talking about like, well, okay, maybe the president got on a couple calls but thats just like you walk in the room and say hello and then you leave. He doesnt know. So theyre slowly starting to lose their ability to defend this or to hide it. And if they keep the investigation going, there will be enough paper trail to prove whats been going on. But this stinks out loud. Greg except that the medias just not that interested in this. Mike theyre not interested. Greg because its their side breaking the law which means it doesnt scombrooift heres my take on this story, i looked at hunters art this afternoon. The dude paints flowers. Would you think given the outrages life he leads that his art would be better, but hes basically kind of a psychodelic Greeting Card artist. And so you never see anybody displaying his art proudly. You hear about them buying it but you never see it in anybodys house. I think that the notion that hes being paid off is inevitable given how bad it is, but, as i say, he paints flowers. Thats whats going on in his head. You know . Greg Hunter Biden Paints Flowers and bill clinton painted jennifer flowers. What a call back, huh . Mike wow. Greg thank you kat so i really enjoyed your point. I did. Greg i soiled it with a terrible joke. I dont care though, thats why im here, to destroy peoples lives. Take that out of context. All right, up next, a duchess behind the Resolute Desk and why americans think the news is a mess. [cheers and applause] kidney disease. There are places youd like to be. Like here. And here. Not so much here. If you have chronic kidney disease, farxiga can help you keep living life. Farxiga and farxiga reduces the risk of kidney failure, which can lead to dialysis. Farxiga can cause serious side effects including dehydration, Urinary Tract or genital Yeast Infections in women and men, and low blood sugar. 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The worlds 1 Sleep Aid Brand for a better night sleep. sfx ding, ding, ding. so now, he wakes up feeling like himself. sfx Crowd Cheering the reigning family room middleweight champion. get the rest to be your best with zzzquil. Its nonhabit forming and powered by the makers of nyquil. Better days start with zzzquil nights. And try zzzquil purezzzs melatonin gummies. Mock it and move on. Greg mock it or move on, first story. According to the daily mail, joe bidens sistory. Sistory . Sister mallory said Meghan Markle would make a good president ial candidate one day. Well i can tell that went over well. Tyrus are they just doing this to make kamala feel bad . Tyrus no, theyre making us all feel bad. Were all stupider for hearing that. What was it that shes doing that is it the way she brings people together . Is it her Awesome Charity work with a the orphans and children around the world that she brings no. She whines for meants her poor husband drags him all over the country with jussie shoal lay like body guards. First time we had a High Speed Chase in new york city. I dont know if any of you have been outside but the chances are slim and none and none left town. So yeah she would be a great president ial candidate. For what . Greg i dont know. Walter, what do you think . Walter well, the question in america rise now is who isnt qualified to be president. [laughter] walter i mean, besides the guy who is. You know, i think that Meghan Markle is at least as qualified as kamala harris. Greg oh, of course. Walter and theres only one way to find out and thats the way we always find out whos qualified to be president , we elect them and then we find out they arent. And so we should try with her. She might surprise on the upside. You know, i wasnt expecting much from the young george bush. You know. I wasnt expecting much from donald trump. But the world didnt fall apart. So greg . Greg its an easy job when you think about it. Not a lot to do, you go to some funerals usually caused by you. Its like being the pope right . Its a title. Its harder to be one of those girls on deal or no deal, which she was. With the briefcases. You have to point first of all. Walter vanna white for president. Greg there you go. Mike with meghan, i can say this because im a dual citizen, british citizen. Prince harrys a [bleep]. Right . And, you know, i think the idea that Meghan Markle could one day be president , aspirationally i get. We all want our kids to grow up in the country where, you know, maybe i, too, could be president. But we didnt really mean it. Right . I mean, look. Greg if my parents were alive and thought i was running for president theyd kill me. Mike well, they would have called me and i would have done it for free. But i forget what we were talking about but Meghan Markle. Greg you have that affect when we hear you talk. Kat, does this thrill you. Wouldnt it be fun to have Meghan Markle run for president . I think it would be great for show and thats how i think about Everything Kat no. Greg no . Kat im already tired of talking about her. Greg really . Kat yes and shes not tired of it. She loves it. I dont think this is real, i think she told her to say that or she would write about her in her next book. Greg interesting point kat yeah. Greg thats it . Kat i think so. Again, she supposedly left, right, because she hated the attention, and now its like, we werent talking about her for like five minutes and now all of a sudden she would make a great president . Greg good point. If you like the story about meghan though talking about this because they reference the fact that, well, when she left being a royal. Whether the hell was she a royal . Greg royal pain in the ass. All right, a new study shows what . Kat no, its like shes a professional victim and her whole victim origin story is i was a princess and it was like, not that fun. Greg yeah. Talk about the School Of Hard Knocks Kat yeah. Greg all right. I like how you didnt have much to say and then all of a sudden you had a lot to say. Typical chick, right . A sexist would say. Tyrus sexist named greg. Greg yes. All right, finally, i think its finally. Mike is it chick or broad . Do we say broads anymore kat i just love this. Greg this audience kat yeah, you guys like im literally going to be fine, so greg im never going to get to this story. Thats a great segment, how i never get to the next story. New study shows roughly 40 of americans sometimes avoid or often avoid the news because it causes depression, anger, anxiety and helplessness. Isnt that true . I would think it would be more, mike. Mike yeah. Im staring at the huge graphic behind you right now. It depends on what you call news, right . Most people nowadays i suspect get a lot of their news from twitter, other social media sites. Its not like the old days they had three networks and they would play the news at set times of day, 5 00 news, 11 00 news. And everybody had to tune in to those three networks essentially to get so they were having a shared experience in a manner of speaking and we dont get that now. Im sorry, am i boring you . Greg yes walter . Walter see the news is supposed to depress you thats why they advertise antidepressants. Its a perfect circumstanceical and now its breaking up. Because the antidepressants arent working greg that is such a great point. We make you feel bad and then try this drug that will make you feel better. Perfect. Tyrus no, not perfect, because looking for news is like going on a Treasure Hunt through stupidity. Like you just want the news, and then the socalled anchor then gives you their opinion. I didnt ask for that. Just tell me the weather, the Sidewalk Winding and where the killers are at so i can plan my vacation, sir. Like they just you go to watch the news and then theyll have a panel of experts who arent experts telling you their opinions and what they think. And you can go stand out you can turn around and ask your wife her opinion, you know, for the same thing. Its just ridiculous. Its not news. The problem is people arent depressed because of news, its hard to get real information because you have to go through people who pretend to be news people but theyre opinion posts. Like we have newsmen and news women and its hard to find them especially when you actually need to know. Try finding a weather report. Like you have to go to a specific station that says weather and even then you have to wait for the world tour to end to be like is it raining or not today . Do i need glogs and an umbrella. Like getting sports news and going to espn and not getting Sports News Kat i hate it when that happens snoop last word kat kat of course the news is dprefshgs what isnt . Anything is depressing once you learn about it. Greg everything starts out nice but then the more you read the worst it goes. Especially me, the more you get to know me the better, right . Kat sure, ill go with that publicly. Greg thank you. Up next a missing bull and a group of whales in local news that never fails. Verzenio reduces the risk of recurrence of hrpositive, her2negative, nodepositive, early Breast Cancer with a high chance of returning, as determined by your doctor when added to hormone therapy. Hormone Therapy Works outside the cell. While Verzenio Works Inside to help stop the growth of cancer cells. Diarrhea is common, may be severe, or cause dehydration or infection. At the first sign, call your doctor, start an antidiarrheal, and drink fluids. 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Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. For moms, from centrum. This new mom here i go i am strong and brave i know with a little time for me no doubt i will get through loving me is loving you new from centrum. The womens choice multivitamin brand. Coast to coast with stories that matter most. Youre watching local news, with People Magazines sexiest man alive from 19942007, Chet Van Jansen. And now, heres chet greg thank you. Thank you. All right. Yep, its local news where each guest has to share a story wherever theyre from and then i vote on a winner and that person gets to we interrupt gutfeld for this breaking news. Serial streaker and disgraced newsman Chet Van Jansen has been stripped of nearly all his sexiest man alive titles. This after he was arrested for lewd behavior at a Golf Tournament in arizona. Stunned witnesses say he could be heard shouting, who wants to see my hole in one . Surprisingly, editors at People Magazine allowed chet to keep his 2007 crown because he deserved that one. Well keep you updated on this developing story. Now back to gutfeld. [cheers and applause] greg another tough break for chet. Were praying that he gets better. Kat, why dont you go first kat yes in the detroit area, there are about a hundred cats and kittens available for adoption because they were found in a disgusting hoarding situation. And thats sad. But let me just say, you dont know what love is until youve been loved by a feral cat because they hate, theyre hateful creature and arent bound by any normal constraints of society they bite and claw and dont care but then theyll love you and only you. Greg this was your philosophy when you were date going kat i think its nice to be obsessed over yes. Greg all right. What about you my sffriend . Walter Well Out In Montana A Bull has gone missing not just any bull a bull with a blond shaking hair cut which makes it especially mysterious that it hasnt been found. But as montanans know theres a way to find a bull. You put a cow out in the field. So i think before she runs for president , Meghan Markle should be brought to montana. Greg look at that hair. Youre right. Thats like a bulls version of justin bieber. Hes got bangs. Walter exactly. Its a rock star. Drop Meghan Markle in a field and stand back with tell cops and wait for it to appear snoop sounds like a Fun Television show. Greg mike whats your local news. Mike walter i didnt see that Meghan Markle tie in at all. Idaho is the place and im proud to say that the people of idaho are drinking more than ever. And in 2022, idahoians broke Sales Records at Liquor Stores by topping 300 million onin the fiscal year of 2022 and as you know the fiscal year ends june 30th or whatever, but they broke the record again this year, 2023 by purchasing some 322 million worth of booze. Greg what do you attribute that to . Living in idaho . Mike no, just being good citizens and wanting to keep the economy moving. Greg thats good. Mike what theyre saying is were actually drinking less in idaho but spending more on the booze were drinking. Titos vodka comes in number one, i dont get number three which is fireball cinnamon whiskey. Tyrus i just was in idaho they know how to party. I did a standup show. I kept hearing clank because everybody brought a bottle. Mike gin was nowhere to be found but if youre drinking in idaho you should be drinking at the stage coach in boise the finest Bar Restaurant establishment in the country kat ughh. I dont like fine bars. Mike my gosh theres a picture of the stage coach right there. Look at that. Greg all right tyrus. Tyrus all right, once again arrogant people in massachusetts, three whales caught on Camera Breaching Together In Massachusetts and a Family Fishing off the coast in massachusetts had the gall to say this is so rare and we cant believe we saw this and its once in a lifetime. No they do it all the time they just dont like being individual yesterday by nosy ass people. People always do this they see an animal do something in mother nature. This is the first time. No, you just showed up right place. Thats their weekend. Its choreographed. Obviously the three of them working on some kind of boy band and they have aspirations of greatness and the next greenpeace meeting theyll break out their songs and its all ruined now because the competition can see it because they videotaped it. Its cool, a great moment but dont ruin it with expertise. So many idiots, you saw a cool thing it happens all the time and again it just goes back to how well the fish and Animal Conservation is going in massachusetts with the fishermen have brought the whales back and sharks back overpopulation of seals, we never hear all the things in america, oh, we dont do this and that, our wildlife is doing fine and thriving. [cheers and applause] greg can i see the video again . Its interesting i was looking at that and i want to add my 0. 02 to see its really nice to see the view is going out on the road s up next did Lizzo Heap Abuse on a dancer with a big caboose. Five years clear. Real people with psoriasis look and feel better with cosentyx. Dont use if youre allergic to cosentyx. Before starting get checked for tuberculosis. An increased risk of infection, some serious and a lowered ability to fight them may occur. Tell your doctor about an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. Tell your doctor if your Crohns Disease symptoms develop or worsen. Serious allergic reaction may occur. Best move ive ever made. Ask your dermatologist about cosentyx®. Goli, taste your goals. A story in five words greg holy hell, lizzo fat shames. Kat three of lizzos former dancers accused her of Sexual Harassment claiming a hostile Working Arrangement and body shaming. They say they pressured a performer at a club in amsterdam. Have i ever put you in that kind of awkward position . Kat no youve never pressured me to touch a nude performer in and sister dam. Thank you very much for that. I think okay. We dont know if this is true or not or whatever. But she really did a dangerous thing when she made her whole brand being like im the nice lady and im against bullying and im so nice, which is why i make sure thats not my own brand. Because im actually a very nice person but nobody would ever guess that, so when they see me being nice theyre like wow we didnt expect that. Greg i believe this is a shakedown emphasis on shake walter. Walter have we ever seen lizzo and tyrus in the same room snacked. Tyrus no, im claustrophobic. Greg thank god you guys are friends. Tyrus ends quick. Greg what do you make of this . I think its a Shakedown Tyrus no, we always say this, kat, you back me up. Everyone should be heard. And i read the whole article looking for something, but if its one person . But its several, and the incidents, you have the performers, you have the stripers, you have shakedowns and phones being like one woman was so scared she soiled herself and then they gave her a see through outfit to wear. Heres the thing about you portray, especially with weight. People like to portray for attention that thats how they want to be but when the cameras off theyre unhappy theyre miserable they dont like getting looked at. Deep down she wants to be recognized inform her talent but shes made herself a Circus Spectacle and shes bitter so what do you do . You project and take it out on the other women around you who look just like you but demoral eyes them to feel better about yourself. Lizzo, this is probably my rule is, if its one, it could be a shake down or something shady but in my opinion when you get numbers coming forward thats kind of hard to fight off. So its interesting because shes so quick to want to cancel everybody else, lets see what happens they literally have to eat their own now. Literally on he. Greg dont eat your own. Going to take a long time. Mike i believe she already has. Greg last word mikey. Mike so, yeah, if it turns out to be true ill be sad. I have every lizzo eight track that shes put out. To kats point, i thought it was a real solid one here which is when you put yourself out there to be self righteous and really a good, solid person, better than everyone else, its going to come back and bite you in your really big ass. Greg yes. All right, thats why i have the reputation of a [bleep]. Ha ha. 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On the east coast 8 00 in los angeles and this is americas late news, fox news at night and breaking right now, california lawmakers are now pushing legislation that says if parents speak out at School Board Meetings more than once, they could be breaking the law. Common sense and vik bajaj will both weigh in. The nations Capitol On Alert as President Trump is set to appear in court accused of illegally speaking his mind about the election. But we begin with breaking information on brand new internal documents

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