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Us too depressing for the change seems to be the reason why some news helps be silly and stupid, but you dont. Its true. Its true. In the summer, the news gets slower than aoower thac playing jeopardy. Jeopk about me. I just got my back waxed. Shout oushoutout to the yankeee company. Heres the before. I know and heres the after. Not bad. Yeah. Than you. K you. Do those are my sisters. But why did i do this . Its make myself more attractive, if thats even possible. But i wonder. As i get better looking. What about Everybody Else . I believouy e its time forar you failed Scientific Institute presents or people getting uglier. So is our imagination overactive or are people . Becoming less attractive . Its something that ive noticed. Its somvego anywhere and you se how fitness has become fatness. Meanwhilhas becoe, Take Perfectd hair and dyed blue or purple. Mm while others just let themselves go. But now science is proving me right. S let its the Theory Presented Ba Fellow named shafee hassan, who apparently is a facial ly is analyst. St a facial analyst sounds like the most prized job. Pornhub. Yeah. Yeahd. Actually, mr. Hassan runs an australian facial esthetics Consultancy Firm that uses Artificial Intelligenc faciae to analyze peoples faces in response to a question about why old high tificial yearbooksn so many attractive people compared to todaycontain he writes, quote, the average persons face ise is becoming increasingly disadvantaged by modern dietntaged b, sleeping patterns, pollutants in oral facial habits, creating a greater inequality in the Attractivenesss Versus the unattractive. So there you go. Asas predicted. Now even faces are disadvantaged. Maybe we can bust them on totivo more attractive people. But if were all getting uglier, the democrat would call that equity. Hassan breaks it down. Ar boo have you ever looked at the Old5 Yearbook from the 1950s and wondered why teenagers or High Schoolers look so much older than they do today . There are multiplelook so for why this one is the case, but the one thatt o makes the most intuitive sense, at least to me, is presented in Contemporar My By Prophet and colleagues using whats known as the functional matrix e hypothesis. Lets get to the point, s. Fn what is the functional matrix hypothesis m . In simple terms . In simple terms, these in si states that the development of the face is dependent on the forces thats you put upr on it, but the upper and lowerw jawithw, with 70 of the western world having some kind of Mal Occlusion recession much like this, its a very good explanation for why facescoming are becoming less and less attractive as time goes wit on, and much of it has to do with the modern lifestyle. Interestingstyl. Pronou so apparently we have less pronounced jaws than previous generation because hash never watched the wnbaed, butr e also older generations putneprob more force on their facial bones, probably from gritting their teetting theh, you know, and fighting wars and hunting wild animals or dating. Think pelosi. Gh now, i thinkt he mighbet be ri. Just look at the average woman from the 50s. Talk about about beauty. What d now, what have we got on the bright . N th you could open a bud light on those Jaw Linesosjaw li but s look at the average women of today. No, thats not fair. You could apply this theory to men as well. Remember when men looked like thised like . Now were stuck with this . Yep. I theres so much estrogenn in those dudes just lookindudeg. Them gave me menstrual cramps. Of coursof course, will tell yot people getting gas earlier is actually a good thing. If ws is ae to control populatin growth, why not make ourselves rowth whw a or maybe its a ruse to keep us Wearing Masks forever. U and the media says all bodies are beautiful even when frefrmenour eyes but theres be a rebellion against beauty which is feltheret in art and culture biology. Heck, think about how previous generationogy. S used to dress in public to go to a Sporting Event or take a flightg even me women would get dressed up a full suit or a dress. Now its allwould ge yoga pants, sandals and hairy toes. R these days, entire ad campaigns are built around models you wouldnt look at twices ina wal mart. Walthat ive ever been in a wal mart. Well, wants to buy a shovel, a bag of lye and a bone saw at three in the morning. T no but thats a conversation for later. But noe toldw told that our Inne Disposition to find certain people more attractive than others is actually a form of bigotry called look ism, even though its normal b to be sick attracted to people who dont look sick or tired, Puffy Oriredand obese or all of the a its now discrimination to find some people hotter than othersor. Or maybe, just maybe, people look better years ago because they took pride in their appearanck pride. Eens they had demanding jobs instead of staring at tiny screens all day. They didnt gorge themselves crapcrocthen blame fat shaming. And they didnt wallow around in crocs in pajamas like they were inmates at a mentaksa it feels as if we as a societye have given uasp. Cities look at the citiesent in entertainment and travel. ,we dont even expecand t our oe the cover of Swimsuit Rags to be in shape, much cov less tn. And when were forced to accept it as appealing, it just shame doesnt ring true. So this isnt about ugliness. Its about a denial of truth. Ea as keats said, beauty is truth. The truth is Beautis Truy Beautr an aspiration for it somehow always leads you to a aboutlikes life. Like shakira said,hakira the dot lie, especially when theyre in different area codes. Lets welcome where shes at a comedy club. They make sure exits are clearly marked. Rosa parks across america. A, Heers Anjimmy the liberals run r when they see this political maven, former deputy foy k. T. Securit mcfarland. Her fiery rant[cs makes, snowflakes wet their pads. Fox contributor news get Evers Goapt To and hes never had to rent a Forklift My Massived M Side Kick in the Nwa World Heavyweight champion pidirect direct. Off, so first off Jimi What Waterbed did you steal that sheet from. U, nice to see you too. Can i you some insight into whye i do this just really quick. Really. Okay. Ay, but i is the deal. Okay. Yes. I dressed like an affordable male stripper. Would we not all agree, right . Because its 2023. Age. You never know when youre going to get canceled in this day and age. So you have to have a side hustle lined up. Yeahyou haveid. An like if you get canceled, you can make money at Dwarf Tossing events. The minute this is ove r, you show up, they throw you, you make ten grand. Madont have that option. So i got to go with my tragicke mike. Look. But nice to see you, too. I cant tha g, let me ask you,o you feel like youve been discriminated against because ofo yo your looks . T all. Not a lo, not at all. Because of the thing. Okayok. First of all, when it comes to attractiveness, people arent attracted to looks. Becaust of alltheyre attracted. Mm. Okay. Everyone has left a ten behindd at the bar to go home with a six who had something about themto. T yeah, i only know because i waso the five and a half masquerading as the six. You know hom a, im saying. But you say you were the five and a half. Well thats it. Depending on how the went home went. I mean, maybe on the front end. But hes right to say attraction has changedmy mayb , sorry about that. He is right to say attractive has changed. Like real. My 45. De for real . G yeah. My sixth grade girlfriend still looks younird stils g. I mean, it may change when sheh, gets the seven, you know what i mean . But. But the point is, this is why people have gotten worse lookiny e gotten wg. All because of instagram, because there are so many filters now. Everybodinstagraso many filteryr looking than they are because theyre manipulating photos. Instagram should be called. Ould this is wha bt i would lookeo like if i was hot and that should be it i. I think thats what we callat alcohol boom. Katie, do you believe Thatha Evers A Society have given up . I feel like if you look at everything, no one cares anymore. I mean, i see People Littering now. Ople l i Thought Littering was so 1970s. You knowitght littg wa, im mar o wears a bow tie and boa cotton iron shirt to bed and it does get a little up. Oh, yeah. D well, even standards, but but where does he where does he wear that he that to dinner or. F th good morning but sait goes to play a little tennisenhe goes to the desk fiddles with the tie. Oh good. Yeahl od. Wow. To sayi woulou trying after 40 years of marriage, i got kind of used to it. And so ive beeny be upset if you look like the guy with the, you know, shower sandals, flip around. But how would you think he did 80 . So, i meani i , guess thatstr something people are people less attractive now than when you were gettinactiveg people make less of an effort. Yes. Its more about their own as Aonal Comfortout Theirsonal , less about the impression they give to others. You know, as a woman who came of age whe wn Women Shouldbe H be attractive but not too attractive, they should be harat errking, but not to a hard working. It was a very different era noa. Wproble cares, right . Yeah. And thats a problem. Cao back old, huh . K to the days . Huh . I wont say that to taurus taurus[l. You know what he did . He just toldld on himselfd have the good old days. Could have been like when everyone sang songs. Had candy. Apparently with him, it was when slavery was fashionable ita that had. I defer to you . No, thats great. Yeah. The y badove looking reall at the airport. I dont want to go back to the whatever days of having a i look. I know, i know not only wearr sa sweats and put makeup on and dont do my hair by also never take off oo nevef mypillow. Mys yeah. El and i posted a reel ofat myself the airport on instagram, and people were commenting like a bunch of, you know, call me g melike, actually what they wer saying was, i was brave for posting that, which is like the meanest thing you can say because its like just my face ont but i actually, i think i dont care that much. You cant really hurt me by commenting on my appearance. I dont care because its going to be changing all the Timdot Is Eok as years go on. And i feel like if you look good, thats great. Funny but if you look bad thatsan funny. Mhm. And thats something that s better. Plus you go somewhere like l. A. And everyones so obsessed with looking perfect likssed wie everyone has the exact same job, the exact same nose, the exac t samet same veneers sometimes, you know, the girl with the a corpse in the overbite actually stands out in that situatiocuovern. There you go. I its weird though, you know. Okayugh, you. Im a little older than you,w h iris. I dont know how much, but remember, farrahch. Fawcett, cheryl ladd, jaclyn smith. Our magic was like we when wesm were growing up, we wanted them. T thingdos st have tha for like like anil aspirational hot beauty or is it all just now instagram models and see this this report is very factor. Misleading because theyre taking out the x factor becausbecause always had bottomf the barrel in the food chain lisbon ugly people generational and all theres been a group of people that were just ugly and they avoided pictures just for the sake of Everyoneoided Pw they were polite about it. Switproblem is now all the ugly people had two cameras. So its swish. Its like the dr. Seus s. Now. All the stars dont want to take pictures now. Good looking people dont want to take picturese dont to do theyre not doing the shading and theyre not doing that stuff. They dont have to do it likuff. They just are who they are at the airport. And the arand the ugly people iu one saying youre ugly, the other becaus are ause e youu have to put on £45 of makeup, four hairs and a small childd to go somewhere to look bettere under the guise. The problem is jusproblet norma, good looking people who are too busy working and doing Nd Doingtheir thing to take. Down ive watched this go down. Ive been at the Beverly Hillslt hotel at, the pool people who dont have a room, theyre Taking Sho 9000 Pictures for one shot. And then when you see the picture, you gotcture yo, t know, man, youre still ugly. Thatsth what it is good lookine people dont take pictures anymore. Its all the ugly people. Interestin, its allg i never hf that theory. Oh, thats a really proliferation. When was the last timereg int garfield, you went out . So you know what . I need a picture of myself today Doing Somethinyo Sg you complimented me because youll buy it if i say it to you. Yeah. Have you ever done that . Now, i dont take pictures of me. Than me. Tyrus if ik you. Yeah, except a few times atpr the club. Well, Wees O Buddies for a secod seco the good old days. Think again. I just think attractiveness does require diligence and disciplineagai. And you want to find out if youre attractive, not take a polaroid. Yeahattracti, no filter. You dont shake. You want it all. Take it and see if. Ane what you. See if you want to knowac whether or not youre attractive. Ask someone to set you up on a blintivek someone to setd date,e what theyre saying to you is this is what you look likiseo ha ha ha. Not neces. I dont know. I feel like men dont care fee. Attractive. You are . Yeah. We really all know the manyeah o will. Do anything. So do you. Dr and then. Yeah. So. Ah, do you dresses wome other Women Orling G about feeling good yourself or. It depends. Like right now. Im in my fox news costume. Yeah. Airport and in the airport i havellow a neck pillow right. Mm. A well, was no where else to putk a neck pole. You got to kind of have to wear it. So i see the girls on the street wearing like the stilettos on the subway. Im like, you dont have to dopi su ke that right . Yeah. Its hard to run. Trust me. Yeah. In new yoru do to dk. Yeah no. So we got some sleep. Gt ofnextig news up n nex. O but first, a Liberal Fello But W with iq of jello. Yeah, hes conversational name is josey wales. Wanted wales. Youre a bounty hunter, and hes got to do something for a living diet. A improved. Hello. Im former arkansas governor huckabee. Did you know that a lack of sleep can lead to very Serious Health problems . I know its scary. You cant fall asleep or tossing and turning all night. You cant get the sleep you need. Stay healthy unless you use Relaxium Sleep relaxium. Sleep is a product thats made from Natural Ingredients and it usually from the very first night you try it, it helps you asleep, stay asleep and wake up refreshed, earning your body those quality hours of sleep that desperately needs to prevent so many Health Issues. Im dr. Eric ciliberti and i developed Relaxium Sleep, a clinically tested sleep supplement shown to contain proven ingredients that help patients fall asleep, stay asleep and wake refreshed in the mornings. Its no longer hearing that he doesnt want even begin his day. Im telling you, relaxium is the real deal. 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Cortisone ten is number one doctor recommended it works fast and, lasts 4 hours. Cortisone ten want to see gutfeld live in new york . Come be a part of our studio come be a part of our studio Audienceevery Business deserves a great deal. Thats why Comcast Business is launching the mobile made free event. With our business internet, new and existing customers can get one year of unlimited mobile for free. Its our best internet. Powered by The Next Generation 10g network and with 99. 9 reliability. Plus one line of free mobile for an entire year. Its the mobile made free eventhappening now. Get started for just 49. 99 a month. Plus, ask how to get one free line of unlimited mobile. Comcast business, powering possibilities. Who this idiot tonight . And who is this idiot . New York Democratic congressman dan goldman. Hes the heir to levgoldmai strs and dumb comes out o tf his mouh. Goldman emerging from yesterdays deposition of Hunter Bidens former associate devon archer, came up as a total idiot. Le formert me put it this way he mm jerry nadler seem like a member of mensaak n. Hes so dumb. His nickname on the hill is aoc. At issue, Hunter Puttingputtn then vp Joe On Speaker Phonen Hs During Business Meetings when he was on the Burisma Boarn Thde with the only shocker being that either of the bidens was smart enough bs to works a Speakerphone Left on his own. Joe is mor more likely to getjon his foot stuck in a toaster. Joe on a speakerphone. A i bet that was like Showingma Fire to a caveman during thosen. Calls. Hunter was always on his best behavior. Somasterp. E might sto thats two now. But goldman is denying any influence peddling. I wonder if it was all casualnd wenversationeras, though, or whether whats going on. It was all casual conversation, niceties is the weather. Whats going on . There wasnt a singls goineling conversation about any of the Business Dealings that hunter hadr. Oh, so its just. Hows it going, pops . Getting enough son s. Any new heads lately . Its a beautifullate to fall off a bicycle and take any trips lately . I dont know. And i bet most of the time. B dist oidf the time by didnten n know who the people were at dinner. Most of the timnne now,ve President Biden didnt even who who the people he was atd o dinner. He was just asked to say hello s and he would, you know, talk e de about the way he described several times they asked over and over and over, he described what the weather wast again,wih with the weather. Weathe the last time joe cared about the weather, noah was wranglinrg animals to beat the flood. I guess dan goldman thinkss dan is dumb as he is. But maybe they were talking about the weather like , whether or not to squeeze more cash out of those chumps. Katie, eat this. Too . Oh, i going to read this, too. Meanwhile, former President Trump has been indicted for the murder. Elvis presley. So 80. Yeah, it was taught you goton you cantt. 20 phone call. Thats 24 talking about the weather. Okay. So here. T. okay, so hes this. Vice president president United States is getting on the phone with somebodyunitnh. Im just like, pick up the phone and say, hi, how you doing . Hows the weather . Theres a bi you doing howsg ts you get the bullet point. What are you going to talk about . Thy, his son has said that, you know, do this when i give you the wink, say thiss so say that. G so theres no way. A the other thing is that theres always a record keptrd. A so somebody has a transcript of these conversations or at least a summary ofy of thesemp conversations. Number two, the trump indictment. You know what . This is alindictme, you kn l. Its the couldnt get rid of trump. President trumet rid ope othe with impeachment and all the other stuff. Now they want to bankrupt hiw tm because he has to pay for his own legal defense. Hes already spent 60 million defending himself. He will get to 100 million in a very short period of time. And even for a billionaire. U you know, 100 billion,pa you kind of inch that. Thats a lot of golf. Thats a lot of golf club tires. I dont mean im not even a bige fan impeaching biden, but when i see what theyre doing to trumpin, this is a political prosecution. You got it. Yout. Got to figh this is where you have to stay the course, especially if youre a republican senator c or congressman, because if beh biden and you dont have the moderate democrats on board, youre lessening, bw of the crimes that were committed before the attack. The Basicalllly Thy four year cp to get him out of office, all the things that they did. And weo t hi in the now if and the republicans do it now, its basically whitewashingas what was done. So you dont let the people d vote oon votn biden. But the because were seeingatto america, trump changed things and they cant go back no go bh they to go back peopl to behind the door deals and getting American People to argue ac race and abortiont and things that dont always affect everybody every daye made and let them make their money. And trump changed things. He made it transparent. So theyre comin it t. G him. 71 was it 71 counts basically all pretty much the same thingta you change the sentences around three or four times because get they got to get him on one because ones worth 12 years are just long enough to keep him upcaus, which is going to bw awesome because going to be the first time theyre probably tig to have a president in the penthouse instead of the white house like its going to bthouseinstea e. And im assuming hes going to pardon himself. Im not a Legal Adviser on his team, but when you get elected, my first move would be go ahead and pardon yourself, go brad,tn the first, because theyre not going to stop. But, you know, im saying likeg ,let msoe get arrested. Yeah, i loveme o that. T, i love the idea. Eat a president in prison, its like a great sitcom, still you know. Do they still have sitcoms . I dont know. Im very oldhams . T know, but thu be a great show. What do you think that what are your Thoughtr Thoughs in genera you say about your idea for the show . My thoughts and i guess im confused a little bit about the biden phone calls. S gu so is this guy is saying thats a 20 times he just hunter called his dad to talk about the weather essentially. A meeting, right . Yes. He needed to know. Has anyone een that in a meeting . Yes. Yes. Every Mob Boss Tyrus very movin america. I have like well, i just think i cant believ noboe nobodys asking the one question that i would ask, which would be did anybodidy else call their dad . Yeah. Mmhmm. Cause if not, then clearly they were just calling the guy whose da guyd . The Vice President. Right . Yeah. And i feel likat yeah like the thoughtsread on the trump indictment, its like, didnt we already talky about about the last one another . No. Nobody changes their min thesd, sees it the exact same way as theyve seen every other thing. And were just goingin t keep yelling at each other and yelling at each other until we die. Yesl , we just grabbed cable news. Oh, yeahyou ju, yeah. O jimmy, last word to you. Try to make it intelligent. S oh, stop it, gutfeld. First of all, its sous preposterous that they had 20 phone calls and he wasnt involved. W yeah, like, where is that ever happen . Like, youre walking down the street. The guys a clipboard. Or clima like, you have a minute for Climate Change now, so im going to calo l 20 times. Just so you know, i dont have a minute, but can you imagine talking to biden about the weather, like, imagine its sunny out. Ohbiather. , he was great in the godfather. I loved him. He was amazing. Yeah. Nobody ther i has any its a totally preposterous like i would buy that he didntt k know who he h at dinner with if it happened yesterday. Right. Because he has no ideano idea b this is a fiveyearold, you know, charge. Yeah. So its clearly a scam. That there was some type of a fixcal in, and i just love you. Keep calling out, hunter, because theres no market for yom to get thithis ms money unls his dad is the Vice President of the United States. You know, youve i mean youh the laptop. Okay. Hes more catholic than joe. Olic he celebrating palm sunday every day, you know . Yea h, just saying thats why he got the money. Yeah, exactly. I was like, clea money k. T. nt be messy. Heres the thing. They have really up the stakes now because they havent gone after hunter biden. And so they are desperate. Ifrete, ifald donald trump get again or if any republican, theyre going to go after thost . Yeah. So you get election interference. You see nothing yet. We got yoseen n yet. We have to on. 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Its called a woman with a itsa womae that save all youl and save all your conversation argument. Trust me. Bring the air on your cup of water. Shi p ofe gonna make it. N you but, boy, whegen they getnscu consciousnessns, you spill wate. On them. Thats murder. Tave Tog Theselayin stupid games. Its a robot mades by dumbit people. And their thing is the a. I. Mighhe at t blackmail you. A you have bigger problems. Youre banging a Toaster Ove Ton looking for love. Okay , well, everybody in the s hotel didntee see with the giat suitcase. Yeah, and your hand justhe guy g the guy for an Extension Cord to get her closer to the bed. Come on, man. Thri look, this is. Di this is ridiculous gre. The this is such a great point, katie, because they never tell you p thp the doll. Like when youre having people over. Are you glad tha closet you rant of it . You run out of the room going with the wife. Hands down the wifat are we. Jus oh, god, what are we goingtu to do like this stupid couple . Not going to possibly competeexi with that. I mean, terrorists. This is so exciting that that y] in these ways. Yeah, well, shes tried i t. Wan shes tried not to compliment john. She doesnt want to respon d to the topic. But i think youre i mean, this is something you are so familiar with. U wereyou were you got in, you , he got on an early ground floor of just inflatable dolls. Y butou i will say this because if youve seen them in person, like doll these dolls are actuay so realistic. The only way to stop them from st thehaving is to marry them. H oh, yeah, i. Nicely done. I mean, jenny cyru. S makes a a brilliant point, okay . You cant blackmail a guy whos banging a dollg because human he clearly doesnt have any humans in his life to be embarrassein his bd in front. You know what im saying . Nobody wants to watch a calledy debbie wan. A porn does tech support. You know what im saying . That deb sounds like fun. Tion its diy. Yeah, that was not to mention, im sure every family thatlved hes involved with, hes always borrowing the dishwasher at weird hours of the night. I meanurs of t n, you got to cl. Did it . It is. O. S s we should move on now. This is getting gross is gross hes banging a robot . Yes, its gross. Is i t get you havent heardug this part. All right. Hugh granth grant, get this Hasn Cast As An Oompa Loompa in the c upcoming wonka movie, angering Little People think the rolee to should have gone to me by now. Think about it, though. Thank you. Thank you, theresa. Who shouldth should be in . I should be in opa. No tyrus, im. On im there. You should not. You should not be. None of the children we of chil looking for him everywhere. Find him with wine, talking opal. It was about revolution and everything else. And theyre not getting enough theyges. And hes not enough for opal looper. And wed have to offer oomp omewher you this is stupid, opal. It was not a real thing last. Time i checked. Theres no orange, green hair, people on purpose that were born Thare Nge Grt way looking s job. Hes an actor. Thats like saying elf cant ano be elf any more because the onet who played the little elf buddy or the father was the wrong he it isperson. Its a movie, barbie, all that stuff. Leeir moviesbarbie that st, it. You let it go mm thats actorort got the job. Y hes a legendary actor. Hell be great. I dont know. You know, jimmy, thill beat. S the second wonka reboot. Why are we rebooting reboots . I know we lost a lot of ideask there. Third. Yeah, thisll be the third one. I think youre missing the point too that hollywoods now so woke its a peanut free chocolatyourew e factory. Choc they dont want kidols so sick but you know i hate this like i agree that hes a great actor but its like In The Name Of this type of inclusion thing there now taking away likehat ex the seven jobs that exist for dwarfs in hollywooisd. Know, we talked about thisd b with snow white. Its like In The Name Of equitot ,were going to cut the amount of dwarf jobs in hollywood down to one. You know what i amount of mew which is not feel better about the fact. Yeah, like wokeism actually always hurtpeoplesfter the people it goes after. That is true. But you would have been in thet movi world. E. Heryou woin its just so man y more already orange. I know, but theres so many theres so many kids. Man they dont want your ankleet g bracelet going off every time you go neaoingr one haiti. Im going to lik te doing here. Thats a tough one becauseau some tough lovghter]e. Sex look, were moving. We moved away from the now were talking about hugh grant. This is easy. Oh, hugh grants. Good. I mean , its a really nice guy. Gre oh, have you met him . Oh, he plays golf with mg yylyh husband. Know the guy wears a bow tie. And my. My sweet old question. No, really, why didnt you . Sure got you. So, you know, hugh grant is very nice person. Hes a lovely ma t,n. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. And hes a good golfer, too, if very earnest about his gol st aboutf. Well, i dont like him then. K yeah. Kat, dnoo know hugh grant. Do you know Anybody Names . You know kno . No, neither do i. I dont know any. Oh, maybe one. Pd buon t he passed on. Well, first of all, r. I. P. R. Yes. Than k you. Spectful you dont want to be disrespected. You dont have to spell the word rip in front of me. Yeahg you dont, i. I dont think we need more wonka. No, no, you have enough. Wonka. Yeah. Come up with something mor you know, its like what they did. Wonka then they remade wonka. And this is like how Wonka Becamed then yeah, its the howu keep the origin story because everybodys on strike, right . Ause eve. Origint to read it they already tell you the origin story. And the last one. Yeah sthe last , they have made Him Wearhated braces. So he hated them and fell in love with candyhim an. Yeah, yeah. Oh, yeah. Seein well thats, thats im not see in that movie spoiler alert. 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That smells good to. If you love all the birds and trees, all the fishes in the seas. If you think videosos pets is as good as it gets, this sick man is you. We hope your furry dreams come true. Its time to celebrate that, my friends. Oh, hes a. Welcome back. Yest gregs Animal Friends. The joyous part of the show Ofe Creatures Ofanimal the animal kingdom. Katie, i bet you have a greato h Animal Friends story to share with all oare all f us. Yeah. You know, america is such a terrific country. It really is. , because in alaska, dogs, we put dogs front of sledslorida and they pull people. But in florida, you know what they do but people get and the dog on paddleboard and the guy is pedaling away to make sure the dog is happy. Look at this. Hes doing this on a bike in water go wrong. Wh right that really is florida in a nutshell. Yeah. Why is it . Could you do that . I guess its electric bikes are fine. Do you want to know why desantis isnt closing the gap againso know wt trump that vides its like, i dont know ifhew we could do this to the whole country. We love it, but its a lot. Hole we its a lot of florida. I think this is ingenuity. The dogs having the time of his lifea loof. E about hisl m your animal video. Mine is from my own home. No way. Yeah. Oh, boy. Lets analyz kat ie the ino w the background. Yeah, look at this. Look at this. Reg let goes the door and cal goes the door and he says, you know what . I dont want to be in this room. Goes to th youre going to be i. He just leaves and its a power move. Because you know what she meansr was there first. You dont look at this. See . Look. Hes like, whos at the door . I hatei this pat muc person at much that i even want to be in this room anymoreore. An that is a power move. And chains. D its is is you know, he tomorrow is actuallymet. The 13th Year Anniversary of the day we met. Oh, really . Yeah, its there rea. Ung i am. Look how young i am. Im a cashier. Whos the ugly boy holding the gas . Exactlishier. Whosy. So that doesnt hurt me. I dont care. I guess i do. Look, i t care. An ugly boy ande what ive done for myself. Yeah, its amazing. Se no, and, like, its great w because he was abandoned by his whole family, you knowas, he wan sick and alone. And now i dont know what the life span of a North Hollywood street cat is, but his whole family must be long dead by now. And he lives in manhattan, has a cardiologist. Yes , hes a cat with i a cardiologist. You dont have a cat that ort cardiologist. Stop it. I always felt seems left his family for they weret he liberal jeans is a really can so hes like staunch hes the most vulgar hes like further right of newsmax all right. B whats your animal story . Its about a bunch of Angryy Hipposhi chasing an alligator op of their pack. There was an alligator that, av tried to make it into the hippo pack. They werent having it. So these. So1 31, they said it was feeding time hungry hippos, w ws chased away the alligator. Now, whats crazy is this went viral. If you google hungry hippos, every link is about the view. Hik e. Bizarr terrible. Its so bizarre. I despise you for that. N but come on, who among us has fw ever been thrown out of a few get togethers . You know what i mean . So i like that one. Should that alligator get eaten . No, he didnt. Oh, no, he didnt. Theyre just like, scream at sc himdgine like, nudging bull hes like, out of the frame. But its great because its in south africa and the narrator canitst stop cursing. So its a fun video. To it happened to me. And its not. Its nonvioleng fut. Yeah. All right, tyrus, youre up. Go ive got another part of my family zoo, zoomy awesome panther, chamelee these are some of the crazy colors. And i get them all fror m my god buddy, a friend, chameleons. And that is a blueberry one. And then you get some wild colors when they get a little. Oh, these are all the males. And males get crazy coy colors gthere are a lot of fun. Are any of those into Alternative Lifestyles . I knowles . , greg. Ter] i dont think it would workua if this because when a chameleon gets nervous, it tr. Goes up the tree again. Youre just going to be lik e ,come down, come down. Yeah, we got some really rare ones with the yellow and stuff. But yeah, from chameleons they hooked up and these are some look at some of my Little Monsters the rad up, myagain. How many do you have now . Chameleons. I got about 30. Wow. Oh tameleons, yeah. O yo how do you keep track of all of them . I have an animal curator. Do you really . Yeah. Who is that . yes. Greg h he had had a a gambling debt. I made an offer he couldnt refuse. Well, thats fantastic g so. Wit with one leg. He takes care of the animals and you dont have any problems. So you all liv e. Togeth what, me and chris . Me no, thats ridiculous. No and, he has his own apartmw i allow him to have his own life. But, yeah, i have. I have a giant zoo in the back of my home. Now that would be ridiculous. Reptiles do reptiles live with me . Yeah. Yeah, its totally normal. All right. The white Indenturedreptilese W no, i allow him to goie outside. Ahnt i allow, hes working of. Yeah. For bo t yeahy. Think what i would have to do for you. If i owed you money. Youd answer the door. Thaif it and say the king of the house has a guest. All right, up next. Now can choose dlist celebsd to break bad news news. If youre a man who makes people afraid and thats dangerous, im getting the feeling i you from someplace. You do sometime. This town has a new sheriff. My little shower, 500. And i dont care who pulls the Trigger Price would be a thousand. Were talking about a gunfighter like that. What do we know about him . Who is he . Where you come from. Why dont you take my call . What does it say . That i got to run doing and answer the phone every time it rings rings. Oh, are you tired of that worn out bath or shower . Now you can have a new one installed in just one day with a new limited time offer from jacuzzi bath remodel. Were waiving all Installation Costs with no interest and no payments for one year. Jacuzzi has been making water feel great for over 65 years. And now you can get a gorgeous custom bath remodel at a price you can afford with no stress, no mess. Ive been trying to get him to remodel that bath for years. I called and they didnt. Just one day and at a price we could afford. Every time i stepped over my old tab, i worried i might fall. I dont have those years anymore. With jacuzzi, you can get a safer, easy entry shower to keep you feeling comfortable and independent at home your new jacuzzi. Bath or shower is waiting. Now is best time to call. Were waiving all Installation Costs with no interest, no payments for one year. Go to jacuzzi, bath remodel,. Com or call 800 3482867 call. Now the Timeless Gift stackable bands 189 Tennis Bracelets for 99 won two hearts become one pendant 699 half carat bands 399 and one carrot top white studs 599 all guaranteed to a place where double the jewelry direct want to see gutfeld live in new york come bw and think you will do. I can be the winds of change. A story in five words. D listers give you bad newsare s cat peoplein are using a Service Called cameo to hire low level t celebs to make videos for them to deliver bad news like a breakup. Brp. What are your thoughts on this . I did thie s oncebe because my husband told me he hated the word. The phrase spooky seasonphrase. So i texted everyone on my phone and told them to text cam and say spooky season. Pp and then i got a video fromn an the bacheloretted the time telling. Ask him to say spooky season as many times as he possibly a could. The moral of the story is what was he thinking telling me he didnt like something . Yeah iwas he thats true. But it also another moralth to the story is you can get anyt buddy to do anything. Yes. I mean, tyrass like, mean, itn if you like cameo was hitting us up at the timg e right, where they tried to get it for a little bit. But, uh, yeah, i just kepbijf raising my prices. Yes. I figure if i made it ridiculous, nobody would want m a message. Turns out thats false. O but you get, like you can get a guy from the bachelor to g tyro. A you can get anybody thirsty for. Yot again, fellows, thisfellows, is women arent doing this. Guys are doing. This is stupid. You have someone break up fou r youre going to pay them that the womans like 500 bucks. Now just im im not going to do and im going to half do it. Youre going to waste your money on me, so dont do ite youron m. But youre going to have someone do this and then youre going to have to answer yoo the you had to do the the money. You had to pay for it. And youre still going to have to explain why still you thatbra you couldnt be mad enough to break up with yourself. So youre just going a long way to endh her lf. In the same pla. Do i. T the Old Fashioned way. So youre going out for a pack of cigarettes and never come back . Yeah. Its funny. You just made me think that you cant you say that anymore because cigarettes causesay tha. So you have to come up with a new remedy. Like thats what they used to say. No i gw its like when im gog to go get some cigarette ss goig and ill see you guys in two shakes and some raw kale, yod ill be righsomet back. U i guess you dont smoke. Youre stops. You have a smoke. Im going to get kale. Sout what you. Youll this seems something that youll be doing. Well, i dont know. Youre not i y a dlist. Gir youre yet youre like it paid off. Im getting there to go. Ther ooh, like. Oh, poor guy greg . They like i was a cab driver. Its amazing. Hes still alive. They get tha itt is true. That is true. The you know, the best thing about being a Cab Driver Beingp is really quick. People brought it up. Its your fault. I dont like kat you doing. You found me up at a party. A people going into your taxi. This. This pertains to relationships. They know theyre never going to see you again. So they dump all their relationship r s on you . Yes. P and they also dump their conspiracies on you. I had a woman in my taxi who told me obama was an al m qaeda. Shes like, you know, the president of al qaeda. I was like, man, i drive a taxi in new york city. I know most of al qaeda. You know what im sayingt said. But but stick with me, okay . D gettinrig on cameo actually taks the blow out because feel better about your own life when you see what celebrities are willinr owg do for 30. You know what i mean . Youre like, this. Stacy broke up with me, but at least im not. William hung recording a video in a waffle house ucks e and then singing one bar of she bangs to tell me that shes no longer banging. You know what i mean . So i dont know. I like iflust. She william howard. Katie, have you thought of any low level celebrities that you would like to have them make videos for you . Hm, no. You like you give me a minute mid i might come up a with somebodnuy from the 70s,s you know, look, i think this is so terrific. Everybody winssorific,. S yeah. So the dlist celebrity is making a little side hustle, so hes makingma side a littler i just have to go. Unemployment number two, Te Persons The Person who goinr the bad news is probably never going to deliver the bad news because like you said,r deliveee hes going to go out for a packv of cigarettes never show up. So he at least is sort ofer salvinis. I and then finally, the poor person whos getting dumped is dumped. But on the other hand, what a great story to tell everybody. Or pern you dont have to go any to your girlfriend, oh, its terrible. He was t over. You just listen to this. Is it crazy . Isnt this french . I got dumped . Danny bonaduce. Yeah, that that. U gotes the crazy part. Youre getting dumped, but you actually have a shot da you. Ot elebrity dumping yeah. Oh, right, right. Its so true. Its like they get the second part is, what are you doing later . Dont go away. Well be rightth theebrity back. Back in my day, we didnt were out of time, thank you kt mcfarland, kat timpf. I love you america. Laura im ink this is The Ingrahm Angle from washington tonight. I read through this socalled January 6th Charging Document Indicting donald trump on four counts, two counts of obstruction, two counts of conspiracy. This is a complete embarrassment. At this point they might as well hang a banner over that main entrance to the department of Justice Building tonight covering the credo with biden 2024. Now if

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