Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Big Saturday Show 20240707 : com

Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Big Saturday Show 20240707

conservatives. >> finally tammy. >> alright it is a baby formula feeding frenzy as supply runs low parents are in panic mode. resident biden says the economy is great. >> will get all those issues first are pro- abortion protesters already delivering on their promise to target churches on this mother's day weekend. oco ♪ ♪ [cheering] many on the left as you are seeing a melting down over the leaked supreme court draft opinion signals the justices could overturn roe versus wade in the upcoming dobbs decision. that draft data back to february but remains unclear if the court will actually overturn roe. justice clarence thomas says the supreme court will not be intimidated telling the 11th circuit judicial conference this quote what cannot be an institution that can be bullied into you just getting the outcomes that you want. new benton earlier this week are a symptom of that. contaminant want to start with the was as to broaden out this conversation. a lot of the abortion debate is winning hearts and minds but i don't think interrupting churches service sser ovices org houses of worship. >> guy benson you are not. lot of americans.o work for a we've also heard this from the white house. jen psaki tangled a little bit with our colleague peter doocy earlier in the week about this. and then doubled down yesterday board air force one thing basically the president, president biden does not have a view on whether or not protesters ought to show up at the private homes of supreme court justices, watch this. >> the president believes in peaceful protest. he believes part of our democracy and part of the history of the united states in this country but he also respects and understands the independence of the third branch of government and also the role of the supreme court and with a plate. i would say he has a view on that. >> he is agnostic on this question whether or not activa should agitate that people's houses, to meet this should be a layup for the white house to say look at their certain lines that should not be crossed this is one of them and they should not be doing it. >> as a result they are saying do it, right? this is permission by what is omitted. and they know what they are not saying this is wrong even on face it's wrong it's also a crime it. whether it is peaceful or not it is a crime to go and protest or parade in front of a justices home or at a court within intent of influencing the decisions or the actions of that judgment. this is very, very clear. they know it is clear. i sanely don't have an opinion on if you're going to break the law. those people's lives could perhaps be ruined. in the meantime this is as we note my activism on the left began with abortion rights my opinion on this has shifted dramatically in the decades in which i was doing this. this is not the 70s the 80s or even the '90s. the supreme court does not make law. this is about the nature of a decision about the constitution. states have their own laws they have their own cultures the people in california are going to be fine there are some states that have other laws that are on the trigger if roe versus wade was changed but my goodness you guys, the left is constantly complaining about old men judges people who are conservatives on courts in. this is a way to remove the issue from the hands of the few unelected people back into the hands of the people of their state. the majority of voters are women in this country. this puts it right back where you have the most influence which is with your state legislatures. you can solve this problem forever and get the left and the rate the extremes on both sides do not want that because it is just like there's too much money to be made this kind of thing they love dragon people around whether ears. as a former feminist and a person who understands the importance the privacy issue and the independence of women's lives, but they are doing now is an outrage it's an embarrassment to all of us. they are threatening justices has nothing to do with abortion and everything to do with the striking at the foundation of this nation and our institution. >> i would note the roe decision back in seventh or is rendered by seven men so we get into those games sometimes but i guess it is fine to men to wait on this other times. charlie, tammy was just document breaking the law. on that front i caught up with bill barr the former u.s. attorney general on my radio show just yesterday. he says not only did the person who leaked this draft opinion do something very unethical and appalling he believes i think this matters it carries weight coming from him he believes the leaker broke the law and should be in jail, listen. >> i think that it was a crime. it appears to have been done and i hope then shall be shown to have been done in order to derail the opinion and upset the deliberations of the court. and so i think ultimately that belongs in the criminal justice side of things in the person who did this should go to jail. >> art charlie your reaction first of all to that and secondly, just on the discussion were having with tammy i wonder if jen psaki over at the white house at least for now, would she be so nonchalant of a right wing groups posted her personal home address approval to god and protest a well we don't really have a view on that for think they might have of you on that, charlie. >> will exactly. it would be all anybody would be talking about it people on the left had men docs in this matter. these kind of threats were being made to people on the left. it is very hard to improve on anything that you just said, tammy. but i think you are exactly right. the idea that the white house does not have an opinion on lawbreaking tells you everything you need to know about the administration's position not only in this case in particular but there a larger view of a lawfulness in terms of when it comes to a fight they want to win. they don't care, they don't care about justice they just care about winning. that is becoming increasingly clear. the other thing i think is important to also remember because obviously not only do we have a court decision coming up, we will also have an election in another six months and a few months after that, six months i think from tomorrow. the important thing about that is, as tammy said it's going to go to the voters in the voters are going to get to make their decision. the hot take right after its draft opinion elite among democrats was this was going to energize democrat voters. it may, i think it's probably going to energize a little bit of everybody for a lot of various reasons. but i can tell you this, this kind of behavior from the far left, picketing justices homes when you talk to judge barr, ag barr about it is against the law it is absolutely against the law but politically speaking it is disgusting. when you have protesters going around chanting thank god for abortion and my all-time favorite abortion saves lives, that kind of thing is increasingly going to turn off voters and become a big issue in november. i don't think is going to turn away democrats are predicting it will. >> and on that point aishah quickly there is a fox news poll taken right for this leaked and republicans are up seven points on the generic ballot heading into november. new cnn poll taken after the leak republicans are up seven points on the generic bout on that pole maybe this isn't that needle moving game changer some on the left had been predicting? >> i am not convinced yet, guy this is going to be the galvanizing moment for democrats to be able to gain that voter enthusiasm they so desperately want and november. i will point to a tweet really quickly by senator chris murphy who tried this just today by alluding to this case in writing this democrats should a loudly run on that mean spirited dangerous right wing turn of the gop starting now. guy here some of the responses from apparently democrats. or maybe actually use the power you were given in the last election and other and writes november is months away we need to know what the plan is right now. and i think that is the problem. voters do not really know what the plan is right now for democrats. they're going to struggle mightily to try to codify it roe. they will not be able to blow up the filibuster to be able to do that. and i think charlie is right. it's going to be hard so we are six months away you and i know in a politics that is a forever a lot can happen in the next six months but. >> the bill they are pushing the democrats in congress is unlimited abortion on demand through nine months which is just really radical and wild and out there. look we will be watching the election is months away. i love this idea that's like a novel concept may be the democrats should just call the republicans nasty names? that will finally work for them they've never tried that before. [laughter] one of the issues that is coming up on the election is a top-tier issue for a lot of people. on that front the radical d.a. in los angeles saying he will not charge dave chapelle's attacker with a felony. now the comedian has a message for him and that is next. ♪ ubrelvy helps u fight migraine attacks. u put it all on the line. u do it all. so u bring ubrelvy. it can quickly stop migraine in its tracks within 2 hours... without worrying if it's too late or where you are. unlike older medicines, ubrelvy is a pill that directly blocks a protein believed to be a cause of migraine. do not take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. most common side effects were nausea and tiredness. migraine pain relief starts with u. learn how abbvie can help you save. ask about ubrelvy, the anytime, anywhere migraine medicine. emerald city there will come back to "the big saturday show" liberal run cities an uptick in violent crime, like this horrifying scene unfolded upscale chicago neighborhood. a robert shooting a man three times just to get his cell phone. an older mensing chicago is declining into quote criminal lawlessness. and in l.a. dave chapelle outrage district attorney george it will not charge us onstage attacker with the felony. suppose a lawyer trying the "new york post" quote it is a travesty of justice d.a. is refusing to prosecute this case as a felony. entertainers in l.a. need to know this is a justice system that will protect them. i am wondering if this would've happened if chris rock had decided to file charges against will smith that this would've been a conversation we would've been having instead. charlie i want to come to you first. can media attention, can celebrity influence this prosecutor to maybe change his mind? >> i kinda am hard-pressed to imagine is going to change his mind is so committed to this kind of what i would argue as lawlessness. these are of course these high-profile opportunities are the important moments where you demonstrate to the world that it doesn't matter who you are, what your station in life is if you break the law you are going to be charged to the fullest extent of the law and that is kind of the way this whole thing works. it is such an important political issue become such an important political issue when these crimes start hitting people at home and their neighborhoods the only thing out there, the only political issue out there that is more important than the economy itself is people's personal safety. on people's personal safety they feel like it is being violated and they feel like people in power are not doing enough about it or don't care about it, really bad things happen to politicians and people in power when that happens. >> tammy obviously feels like a lot of people in los angeles county are fed up including the sheriff. here's what alex said. >> he showed up like moses with the ten commandment with his tablets here's my special orders. that does not promote a productive working relationship. everything boils around that damn awoke -ism. it has infected a local politics here in l.a. we need to get back to rational common sense solutions. and here everyone's voice is very. >> tammy is now a recall effort in los angeles county, do you think this is a referendum on a local politics? >> this is what's very strange about california and the country i'm native los angeles. he ran honestly about what he was going to do. he was not some frail candidate. it's like this is what we are doing now california, the voters in los angeles, hollywood votes all the celebrities vote. here's the problem with the democrats, these are ideas they don't never take the next step to reality to what is going to happen when this gets implemented that don't think about at the federal level they have no idea the got plan a and they don't have what you do after plan a. obama never had a plan for after obamacare. hillary never had a plan for after sierra. nobody has a plan it's a little box in their head about theories, seminars and these good ideas and marxism for they don't realize what is going to happen per it's a hollywood is sitting back and i know many actors who lived in los angeles and hollywood they are petrified and confused. and i kept saying he ran, he ran on this issue you knew what you're voting for. but they were lied to with biden that was a lie when it came to who biden was. gus cohen is another matter i think mostly people do not like to be fooled. and they feel like they were fools he was saying it just to get elected. so i think this recall the same in san francisco the same thing happened in san francisco school board members. this is a way to say don't lie to us. we are not sure box. we misinterpreted you and it's not going to happen again. >> guy, piggybacking on what damages said you were in california. do people in california it really want to change are they for real about this recall? >> i did see people with signs to recall as if driving and parts of los angeles county. i don't know this is what californians generally vote for. this is specifically what they voted for in the case of los angeles as tammy points out. but you can only push people so far. sheet mention the recall election up in san francisco with that very extreme effectively pro- crime d.a. up there there's a recall election in a few weeks we will see with great interest at least on my level, my and what is going to happen in san francisco that could have an echo about additional efforts along these lines perhaps in los angeles but she also reference, tammy did those elections on the recall of school board members in san francisco. these are very left wing voters in the bay area of california and they were pushed so far to the limit that schools that were closed for a year end have for the adults in charge were debating renaming the schools because abraham lincoln was too offensive. that was enough of people san francisco to say enough they not only kicked those board members out they kicked them out by decisive margins. that's probably something that might worry someone like d.a. in los angeles for. >> remember they did not recall gavin newsom. >> not even close. alright so the left claims to be inclusive, right? maybe not when they're talking about conservatives the shocking insult to millions of black and latina republicans courtesy of the view, next. oco you're a one-man stitchwork master. but your staffing plan needs to go up a size. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit when i'm on my hands and knees and i'm digging through the dirt, i feel something in me, like a fire, that's just growing. i feel kinder, when nature is so kind to me. find more ways to grow with miracle-gro. oh, hey. buying a car from vroom is so easy, all you need is a phone and a finger. just go to, scroll through thousands of cars. then, tap to buy. that's it. no sales speak. no wasted time. just, straight up great cars. right from your phone to your driveway. go to and pick your favorite. wooo. oh yeah, she digs it. buy your car on vroom. get in. no matter who you are, being yourself can be tough when you have severe asthma. buy your car on triggers can pop up out of nowhere, causing inflammation that can lead to asthma attacks. but no matter what type of severe asthma you have, tezspire™ can help. tezspire™ is a new add-on treatment for people 12 and over... that proactively reduces inflammation... ...which means you could have fewer attacks, breathe better, and relieve your asthma symptoms. so, you can be you, whoever you are. tezspire™ is not a rescue medication. don't take tezspire™ if you're allergic to it. allergic reactions like rash or an eye allergy can happen. don't stop your asthma treatments unless your doctor tells you to. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection or your asthma worsens. sore throat, joint and back pain may occur. avoid live vaccines. by helping control your asthma, tezspire™ can help you be you. no matter who you are, ask your asthma specialist about tezspire™ today. >> welcome back to "the big saturday show". outrage is growing tonight after the view insulted millions of a black and latino conservatives. check out this insanity. >> were standing by you look at your network that you are standing behind you are saying you look at chris cuomo for. >> at sub oxymoron for a black republican protective file gets up oxymoron your friend or here's a republican. by don't understand latina republicans. x you note this is one of those issues where i find it beyond enraging pretty think it is from having spent about 15 years covering capitol hill and of course the people that endured the most bitter alt from democrats were black and latino conservatives on capitol hill. it's really disgusting. it really is hard to believe people can say that kind of thing in public. but whatever. aishah obviously democrats have relied for a long time on minority voters in order to get elected. in the last couple of elections he started see some cracks in that sort of voting pattern. should democrats work harder? should they be concerned about this? >> really quickly did you see how fast they went to break after that? even anna was like wait what was just said? she did not even have an excuse or some reasoning or evidence to back up whatever she just said. look, two quick things it is 2022. if you can't add something informative or smart into a conversation just sit it out just it happens to the best of it for like a moment she didn't have anything else to say and she probably should have just bowed out of the conversation instead of saying something out of a motion which is what it kind of felt like but also in 2022 and people should not be shamed for the politics they choose. i think that politics is exchanging thought and opinion and information and ideas to make our world a better place it should not matter what you look like. it should not matter the color of your skin it is america this is why we live here it is what makes this country so great. and for someone to suggest that you cannot think a certain way or you cannot feel a certain way because of the way you look is outrageous. >> yes, your skin color in fact does not define your politics or who you are. tammy, listen to this montage from meet the press and i want to ask you something. >> do i have to? okay. quick to fill the democratic party has done much for black people? [laughter] [inaudible] >> you do realize a lot of black people feel like democrats of kept no promises since i've been in office, really? >> yes. really? >> is kind of work that wasn't it? >> yes it was thank you. this entire conversation and what happened on the view, the problem was someone could not imagine that is her problem. that is the limitation of the democrats as they are being stuck in this box. the fact is that's also a condemnation of people of color and even frankly gay conservatives. people who are expected to conform and we don't. that we are supposed to all be the same. that is the races in the expectation we are going to think the same because we have a similarity in our complexion or because in the nature of how we identify. that is the problem here. >> it is really amazing the way they try to categorize everybody into these groups and divide them and put them against one another. gaia, i think not so long ago you were down at the border. one i would argue the most racist things we've ever heard from politicians is this idea that somehow borders are racist at borders are anti- hispanic. from your time down there, are hispanics anti- border? are the anti- border security or do they care about the same things the rest of us americans do? >> amazingly they care about the same things everyone else cares about that's what we're seeing a shift among hispanics not just at the texas border but around the country pretty think the democrats have miscalculated here. going back to the view clip, i just have to say we heard from sunny a few different times she cannot possibly understand people who have a certain skin color and vote a certain way. with all the respect i think they're quite a few things that elude the understanding of some of the ladies on that show from time to time this would maybe be one of them. but tammy made this point as well. she and i, between the two of us we represent half of the lgbt acronym here on the show right now. we hear this all the time, to meet we cannot fathom how you guys could possibly think a certain way or vote a certain way or support certain candidates. my response is, again respectfully, try harder then. talk to us we are right here. we can have that conversation. if you cannot wrap your brain at all around the possibility someone does not fit into a box that you want him to fit into, then maybe it's a lack of imagination or understanding on your part and you need to get out more. >> could i add a really quick addendum to that, it is the conservative ideal that benefits people of color, women and gay people. it is a dynamic that requires personal responsibility. personal independence. the freedom of the individual and the ability to shape our own lives as we see fit. you hear from the democrats, only the democrats this notion people are supposed to conform. you are supposed to be the same. that is what we were fighting against and every civil rights action in this country was this attempt for the government and others to force us into a box. those days are over at the democrats cannot let go of that bigotry that is what you hear every day from this party. >> preacher. nice. it is true you do get the feel the air of identity politics is dying. great point. next up, fox news alerts, you kain president zelensky has a message for president biden as he sits down for an exclusive interview with fox news. we are live on the ground in ukraine straightahead. 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>> it is important. i think is very important. in our minds, and our society president biden, the president of the biggest democratic civilization for ukraine for understanding that our partners our strategic partners. i think it would be a great signal, very important signal. >> and now it is interesting to point out that obviously speaker pelosi did not require the same security that president biden would need if he came. however speaker pelosi is two years old she is 82 biden is only 80 paid the first lady jill biden by the way is going to spend on mother's day and slovakia nearby was in romania before that pretty think you're going to hear the calls continued for president biden to come here. >> grip i think he makes a great point there is a symbolism that goes along the president visiting rather than a speaker of the house it. i want to ask about this upcoming parade that russia has planned on monday to show off its nuclear readiness, third federal nuclear ballistic missiles expected to be in full display did you get it sensor and president zelensky howe possibly thanks it might be that russia could come at some point, resort to using a nuke in ukraine? >> well, he never ukrainian official i've talked to in the last week say do not underestimate vladimir putin. i spoke to former ukrainian higgs dick dube who knew putin and said look you cannot underestimate this guy pay when i asked specifically about what may happen on may 9, on monday, here is some of what he had to say. take a listen. >> what do you think will happen on may 9 and if it declares or what will that change? works for us this is not going to change anything. for us a war is going on for eight years now. they are wounding an entire city this will be like in a bad hollywood movie, is that the victory that they are striving for? then they're going to remember it in the world as the tragedy, as a bloodied day. and certainly not the day to forget. >> and buy a victory he says if mariupol is held up as a victory will be anything but a victory. but rather a day of tragedy. what has happened there the mayor in mariupol since 20000 civilians have been killed there, guys. >> griff, it is guy benson. i am curious day 74 this thing has just been brutal day in and day out, week in and week out at this point. what do you gleaming not from just zelensky but the people of ukraine you encounter on a daily basis. is there crisis fatigue? if got to be wearing on them inferring their nerves. how are they holding up? how is the resolve? >> is a great question, guy. we think the ukrainian people will be worn torn and exhausted but even president zelensky expected to see a very tired later with the weight of the world on him. that is what it is prints a battle for freedom tickets to urinate. yet he sat for 57 minutes was intergenic and that inspiration is felt by every ukrainian in this country. every tragedy masquerade that they find it only steals the resolve of the ukrainian people. the customer 74 days of volodymyr zelensky state fought and ride this nation and rallied world leaders to give them the weapons they need to continue to not only resist but now go on the counteroffensive and driver russian forces out. it is a story perhaps of our lifetimes to see this obscure politician that was not a politician before stand up to what former president george w. bush says now is the churchill of our time. >> hey griff, tammy bruce here. i know you spoke with him about the food crisis. alva said that is impacting the rest of the world because of this war. what did he say to you? did he elaborate? what was his point? >> he really broke some news there, tammy. it's not talked much about but one the challenges that is ultimately going to be a continued problem is the fact the embargo and the black sea of the food and the grains getting out for president zelensky says they have caught two countries he would not name them that are stealing -- the russian are selling the grains and negotiations to buy stolen grains of the same time publicly saying they stand with ukraine and trying to call for sanctions. a lot of hypocrisy on that behalf there, guys. >> all right. okay, griff jenkins thank you so much coming to us live from lviv, ukraine bristol come the baby formula shortage hitting new heights now. warning for parents everywhere, next. ♪ well, the stock is bubbling in the pot ♪ ♪ just till they taste what we've got ♪ [ tires squeal, crash ] when owning a small business gets real, progressive gets you right back to living the dream. now, where were we? 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yes so look you guys, we knew there is going to be food shortages we know there's a supply chain shortage. but there still something that is outstanding that is contributing to this, look at the statistic, charlie. u.s. a baby pharma how much of it is produced by china? 44%. we are in the biggest and best nation and the world we cannot get formula for moms and kids, just tell me your thoughts on this at this point. >> and know it is absolutely incredible. it is appalling for the sum of the greatest national security threats that we face. it is not just baby formula it's medicine, it's vitamin c so many of the things we need to have for regular normal daily life that we rely on china for. and encase politicians in washington are not aware they are out to destroy us. they want to overtake us and destroy us. i'm as much a free-market guy as you can be. this is a real problem when it gets the point to begin national security problem as this is, then we need to take it seriously and figure out how do we protect ourselves as a country so that our food supply, our baby formula supply, our medicine supply we do not have to rely on and as extensional enemy to give it to us. >> you know guy, we talked about an election coming up in the mood of americans the democratic party devolved into protesting at catholic churches on mother's day. they think of that issue is going to a clip so what happens when a mother or a dad goes into a store and could not find baby food and cannot find formula. what you think the impact of that is going to be? >> is going to be immediate it's very frightening at think for parents. you know what it's interesting, tammy the clip it paid of biden boasting about the economy jen who was not at that event in ohio the democratic party nominee for senate in that state, tim ryan is a sitting congressman. this guy has voted one 100% of the time with the biden agenda, literally one 100% according to 5:30 eight. and yet he was nowhere to be found to welcome his parties president to his state the guy with whom he votes one 100% of the time i think that tells you everything you need to know about the problems the democrats are facing. when a nominee in the state does not want to be seen with the guy at the very top of his own party for. >> they all own at this point. aishah americans are having a lot of different things affecting them on every single front does this seemed like it's may be the tip of the iceberg that really brings it home about the fact this affects individuals, their families and even their infants. >> look i think people forget the economy can be doing while you can have a job growth does not mean that low and middle-class americans are doing well. if i can, tammy let's pop up the inflation graphic here let's talk about that for a second period when you have sky high prices for gas and literally everything that has to do with your daily life, how can you expect americans not to complain? let me bring up the census bureau stat reported last month 34% of americans that were surveyed by the census bureau found it was somewhat or very difficult to pay their usual household expenses. that is in a strong economy. 34% for this was the issue of moderate democrats had when the biden demonstration is trying to push bill back better. this is giant trillion dollar attacks and social spending plan. why are we talking about this thing when americans aren't even worried about that right now. they're worried about like you said feed their kids and put food on the table. where are we talking about that? >> that is what's fascinating charlie be like with their head out of the they want to ignore this. we are warned that this is going to get worst of the year do you see this unfolding? >> honestly i don't see any way this doesn't get anything but worse between now and november. >> especially when we are looking at literally physically in your face empty shelves. we do have to go stick around everybody the big saturday flops are coming up next. i brought in ensure max protein, with thirty grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks! (sighs wearily) here i'll take that! (excited yell) woo-hoo! ensure max protein. with thirty grams of protein, one gram of sugar, and nutrients to support immune health. hi! one gram of sugar, need new glasses? get 50% off a complete pair at visionworks! how can you see me squinting? i can't! i'm just telling everyone!... hey! for a limited time, get 50% off a complete pair. visionworks. see the difference. your spirit is stronger than your highs and lows. your creativity can outshine any bad day. because you are greater than your bipolar i, and you can help take control of your symptoms - and ask about vraylar. some medicines only treat the lows or highs. once-daily vraylar is proven to treat depressive, acute manic, and mixed episodes of bipolar i in adults. full-spectrum relief for all bipolar i symptoms. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. call your doctor about unusual changes in behavior or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants can increase these in children and young adults. report fever, stiff muscles or confusion which may mean a life-threatening reaction, or uncontrollable muscle movements which may be permanent. high cholesterol and weight gain, and high blood sugar, which can lead to coma or death, may occur. movement dysfunction and restlessness are common side effects. sleepiness and stomach issues are also common. side effects may not appear for several weeks. you are greater than your bipolar i. ask about vraylar and learn how abbvie could help you save. what's welcome back to "the big saturday show" time now for big saturday flops are picked for the biggest fails of the week and i will go first. senator elizabeth warren answering questions on the view about her push to get the president to forgive the student loan debt, watch. >> really only 13% of americans even have federal student loan debt. what you say to someone like me who worked two jobs for a decade to pay off other student loans just finished, or do i senate for reimbursement? >> about 40% of the folks with student loans don't have a college diploma. more than half have negative wealth. this is about saying look, it's tough we understand that. >> she did not actually answer the question there because there is no good answer to that challenge and the democrats need to realize here if they are going to move forward with this they are going to be a lot of people really ticked off because issues of the basic fairness spread or write to are up. already well an antique dealer from texas bought a bus to from a thrift store for just $34.99, there he is. turns out it's actually 82000-year-old roman a relic. we can go back to that is in the backseat of the seat belt bought at least he had his seatbelt on he is 2000 years old who knew he would do that. but with the flock. apparently was brought to the united states by a world war ii soldier who got it from germany and brought home as a momento in ways like 50 pounds. the antiques dealer figured he doesn't belong here he's going to live in san antonio museum for about a year then be shipped back to germany. i think the flop is whoever had the best originally did not know what it was worth it. and then secondly, you brought this for my friend charlie hurt he's going to have to live in germany and not texas at the problem in and of itself, charlie. >> that is the greatest story of the week. i love that. this story on the other hand is definitely the worst story of the week. associated press has updated their official style guide which now includes the term pregnant people to covid trans or non- binary i don't know what that means, people who can get pregnant but don't identify as women. the ap stuffer book for anyone who doesn't know the closest we have to a language police in this country they are the ones that determine the style for newspapers like the "new york times" and the "washington post" to use. it is kind of amazing also by the way happy mother's day. i think the biggest thing here is this is proof for white nobody trusts the media anymore. aishah what have you got? >> okay charlie pennsylvania bride was stunned when she received her wedding photo because a photographer by the shop to crazy eyes onto all of her guests when their photos were taken. okay so many questions. how atrocious are these pictures? [laughter] i am frightened just looking at them and i feel terrible for these people. i think this woman deserves her money back i think this is no reason number 563 for why i will elope and not spend thousands of dollars on a wedding because of that exactly. i don't crazy eyes. >> lucky parents. [laughter] alright guys thank you so much that does it for us but will see you back here tomorrow at 5:00 p.m. for the big sunday show right now the fabulous anita bogle is in for jon scott on the fox report. it starts right now. historic supreme court draft opinion the sparking pro-choice activists heading to the homes of several conservative justices at this hour. planning to target catholic churches tomorrow. good evening, i am anita vogel in for jon scott and this is the fox report. ♪♪ >> abortion rights activists are expected to gather outside the private residences of six conservative justices this hour. manning the high court not

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Big Saturday Show 20240707 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Big Saturday Show 20240707

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conservatives. >> finally tammy. >> alright it is a baby formula feeding frenzy as supply runs low parents are in panic mode. resident biden says the economy is great. >> will get all those issues first are pro- abortion protesters already delivering on their promise to target churches on this mother's day weekend. oco ♪ ♪ [cheering] many on the left as you are seeing a melting down over the leaked supreme court draft opinion signals the justices could overturn roe versus wade in the upcoming dobbs decision. that draft data back to february but remains unclear if the court will actually overturn roe. justice clarence thomas says the supreme court will not be intimidated telling the 11th circuit judicial conference this quote what cannot be an institution that can be bullied into you just getting the outcomes that you want. new benton earlier this week are a symptom of that. contaminant want to start with the was as to broaden out this conversation. a lot of the abortion debate is winning hearts and minds but i don't think interrupting churches service sser ovices org houses of worship. >> guy benson you are not. lot of americans.o work for a we've also heard this from the white house. jen psaki tangled a little bit with our colleague peter doocy earlier in the week about this. and then doubled down yesterday board air force one thing basically the president, president biden does not have a view on whether or not protesters ought to show up at the private homes of supreme court justices, watch this. >> the president believes in peaceful protest. he believes part of our democracy and part of the history of the united states in this country but he also respects and understands the independence of the third branch of government and also the role of the supreme court and with a plate. i would say he has a view on that. >> he is agnostic on this question whether or not activa should agitate that people's houses, to meet this should be a layup for the white house to say look at their certain lines that should not be crossed this is one of them and they should not be doing it. >> as a result they are saying do it, right? this is permission by what is omitted. and they know what they are not saying this is wrong even on face it's wrong it's also a crime it. whether it is peaceful or not it is a crime to go and protest or parade in front of a justices home or at a court within intent of influencing the decisions or the actions of that judgment. this is very, very clear. they know it is clear. i sanely don't have an opinion on if you're going to break the law. those people's lives could perhaps be ruined. in the meantime this is as we note my activism on the left began with abortion rights my opinion on this has shifted dramatically in the decades in which i was doing this. this is not the 70s the 80s or even the '90s. the supreme court does not make law. this is about the nature of a decision about the constitution. states have their own laws they have their own cultures the people in california are going to be fine there are some states that have other laws that are on the trigger if roe versus wade was changed but my goodness you guys, the left is constantly complaining about old men judges people who are conservatives on courts in. this is a way to remove the issue from the hands of the few unelected people back into the hands of the people of their state. the majority of voters are women in this country. this puts it right back where you have the most influence which is with your state legislatures. you can solve this problem forever and get the left and the rate the extremes on both sides do not want that because it is just like there's too much money to be made this kind of thing they love dragon people around whether ears. as a former feminist and a person who understands the importance the privacy issue and the independence of women's lives, but they are doing now is an outrage it's an embarrassment to all of us. they are threatening justices has nothing to do with abortion and everything to do with the striking at the foundation of this nation and our institution. >> i would note the roe decision back in seventh or is rendered by seven men so we get into those games sometimes but i guess it is fine to men to wait on this other times. charlie, tammy was just document breaking the law. on that front i caught up with bill barr the former u.s. attorney general on my radio show just yesterday. he says not only did the person who leaked this draft opinion do something very unethical and appalling he believes i think this matters it carries weight coming from him he believes the leaker broke the law and should be in jail, listen. >> i think that it was a crime. it appears to have been done and i hope then shall be shown to have been done in order to derail the opinion and upset the deliberations of the court. and so i think ultimately that belongs in the criminal justice side of things in the person who did this should go to jail. >> art charlie your reaction first of all to that and secondly, just on the discussion were having with tammy i wonder if jen psaki over at the white house at least for now, would she be so nonchalant of a right wing groups posted her personal home address approval to god and protest a well we don't really have a view on that for think they might have of you on that, charlie. >> will exactly. it would be all anybody would be talking about it people on the left had men docs in this matter. these kind of threats were being made to people on the left. it is very hard to improve on anything that you just said, tammy. but i think you are exactly right. the idea that the white house does not have an opinion on lawbreaking tells you everything you need to know about the administration's position not only in this case in particular but there a larger view of a lawfulness in terms of when it comes to a fight they want to win. they don't care, they don't care about justice they just care about winning. that is becoming increasingly clear. the other thing i think is important to also remember because obviously not only do we have a court decision coming up, we will also have an election in another six months and a few months after that, six months i think from tomorrow. the important thing about that is, as tammy said it's going to go to the voters in the voters are going to get to make their decision. the hot take right after its draft opinion elite among democrats was this was going to energize democrat voters. it may, i think it's probably going to energize a little bit of everybody for a lot of various reasons. but i can tell you this, this kind of behavior from the far left, picketing justices homes when you talk to judge barr, ag barr about it is against the law it is absolutely against the law but politically speaking it is disgusting. when you have protesters going around chanting thank god for abortion and my all-time favorite abortion saves lives, that kind of thing is increasingly going to turn off voters and become a big issue in november. i don't think is going to turn away democrats are predicting it will. >> and on that point aishah quickly there is a fox news poll taken right for this leaked and republicans are up seven points on the generic ballot heading into november. new cnn poll taken after the leak republicans are up seven points on the generic bout on that pole maybe this isn't that needle moving game changer some on the left had been predicting? >> i am not convinced yet, guy this is going to be the galvanizing moment for democrats to be able to gain that voter enthusiasm they so desperately want and november. i will point to a tweet really quickly by senator chris murphy who tried this just today by alluding to this case in writing this democrats should a loudly run on that mean spirited dangerous right wing turn of the gop starting now. guy here some of the responses from apparently democrats. or maybe actually use the power you were given in the last election and other and writes november is months away we need to know what the plan is right now. and i think that is the problem. voters do not really know what the plan is right now for democrats. they're going to struggle mightily to try to codify it roe. they will not be able to blow up the filibuster to be able to do that. and i think charlie is right. it's going to be hard so we are six months away you and i know in a politics that is a forever a lot can happen in the next six months but. >> the bill they are pushing the democrats in congress is unlimited abortion on demand through nine months which is just really radical and wild and out there. look we will be watching the election is months away. i love this idea that's like a novel concept may be the democrats should just call the republicans nasty names? that will finally work for them they've never tried that before. [laughter] one of the issues that is coming up on the election is a top-tier issue for a lot of people. on that front the radical d.a. in los angeles saying he will not charge dave chapelle's attacker with a felony. now the comedian has a message for him and that is next. ♪ ubrelvy helps u fight migraine attacks. u put it all on the line. u do it all. so u bring ubrelvy. it can quickly stop migraine in its tracks within 2 hours... without worrying if it's too late or where you are. unlike older medicines, ubrelvy is a pill that directly blocks a protein believed to be a cause of migraine. do not take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. most common side effects were nausea and tiredness. migraine pain relief starts with u. learn how abbvie can help you save. ask about ubrelvy, the anytime, anywhere migraine medicine. emerald city there will come back to "the big saturday show" liberal run cities an uptick in violent crime, like this horrifying scene unfolded upscale chicago neighborhood. a robert shooting a man three times just to get his cell phone. an older mensing chicago is declining into quote criminal lawlessness. and in l.a. dave chapelle outrage district attorney george it will not charge us onstage attacker with the felony. suppose a lawyer trying the "new york post" quote it is a travesty of justice d.a. is refusing to prosecute this case as a felony. entertainers in l.a. need to know this is a justice system that will protect them. i am wondering if this would've happened if chris rock had decided to file charges against will smith that this would've been a conversation we would've been having instead. charlie i want to come to you first. can media attention, can celebrity influence this prosecutor to maybe change his mind? >> i kinda am hard-pressed to imagine is going to change his mind is so committed to this kind of what i would argue as lawlessness. these are of course these high-profile opportunities are the important moments where you demonstrate to the world that it doesn't matter who you are, what your station in life is if you break the law you are going to be charged to the fullest extent of the law and that is kind of the way this whole thing works. it is such an important political issue become such an important political issue when these crimes start hitting people at home and their neighborhoods the only thing out there, the only political issue out there that is more important than the economy itself is people's personal safety. on people's personal safety they feel like it is being violated and they feel like people in power are not doing enough about it or don't care about it, really bad things happen to politicians and people in power when that happens. >> tammy obviously feels like a lot of people in los angeles county are fed up including the sheriff. here's what alex said. >> he showed up like moses with the ten commandment with his tablets here's my special orders. that does not promote a productive working relationship. everything boils around that damn awoke -ism. it has infected a local politics here in l.a. we need to get back to rational common sense solutions. and here everyone's voice is very. >> tammy is now a recall effort in los angeles county, do you think this is a referendum on a local politics? >> this is what's very strange about california and the country i'm native los angeles. he ran honestly about what he was going to do. he was not some frail candidate. it's like this is what we are doing now california, the voters in los angeles, hollywood votes all the celebrities vote. here's the problem with the democrats, these are ideas they don't never take the next step to reality to what is going to happen when this gets implemented that don't think about at the federal level they have no idea the got plan a and they don't have what you do after plan a. obama never had a plan for after obamacare. hillary never had a plan for after sierra. nobody has a plan it's a little box in their head about theories, seminars and these good ideas and marxism for they don't realize what is going to happen per it's a hollywood is sitting back and i know many actors who lived in los angeles and hollywood they are petrified and confused. and i kept saying he ran, he ran on this issue you knew what you're voting for. but they were lied to with biden that was a lie when it came to who biden was. gus cohen is another matter i think mostly people do not like to be fooled. and they feel like they were fools he was saying it just to get elected. so i think this recall the same in san francisco the same thing happened in san francisco school board members. this is a way to say don't lie to us. we are not sure box. we misinterpreted you and it's not going to happen again. >> guy, piggybacking on what damages said you were in california. do people in california it really want to change are they for real about this recall? >> i did see people with signs to recall as if driving and parts of los angeles county. i don't know this is what californians generally vote for. this is specifically what they voted for in the case of los angeles as tammy points out. but you can only push people so far. sheet mention the recall election up in san francisco with that very extreme effectively pro- crime d.a. up there there's a recall election in a few weeks we will see with great interest at least on my level, my and what is going to happen in san francisco that could have an echo about additional efforts along these lines perhaps in los angeles but she also reference, tammy did those elections on the recall of school board members in san francisco. these are very left wing voters in the bay area of california and they were pushed so far to the limit that schools that were closed for a year end have for the adults in charge were debating renaming the schools because abraham lincoln was too offensive. that was enough of people san francisco to say enough they not only kicked those board members out they kicked them out by decisive margins. that's probably something that might worry someone like d.a. in los angeles for. >> remember they did not recall gavin newsom. >> not even close. alright so the left claims to be inclusive, right? maybe not when they're talking about conservatives the shocking insult to millions of black and latina republicans courtesy of the view, next. oco you're a one-man stitchwork master. but your staffing plan needs to go up a size. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit when i'm on my hands and knees and i'm digging through the dirt, i feel something in me, like a fire, that's just growing. i feel kinder, when nature is so kind to me. find more ways to grow with miracle-gro. oh, hey. buying a car from vroom is so easy, all you need is a phone and a finger. just go to, scroll through thousands of cars. then, tap to buy. that's it. no sales speak. no wasted time. just, straight up great cars. right from your phone to your driveway. go to and pick your favorite. wooo. oh yeah, she digs it. buy your car on vroom. get in. no matter who you are, being yourself can be tough when you have severe asthma. buy your car on triggers can pop up out of nowhere, causing inflammation that can lead to asthma attacks. but no matter what type of severe asthma you have, tezspire™ can help. tezspire™ is a new add-on treatment for people 12 and over... that proactively reduces inflammation... ...which means you could have fewer attacks, breathe better, and relieve your asthma symptoms. so, you can be you, whoever you are. tezspire™ is not a rescue medication. don't take tezspire™ if you're allergic to it. allergic reactions like rash or an eye allergy can happen. don't stop your asthma treatments unless your doctor tells you to. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection or your asthma worsens. sore throat, joint and back pain may occur. avoid live vaccines. by helping control your asthma, tezspire™ can help you be you. no matter who you are, ask your asthma specialist about tezspire™ today. >> welcome back to "the big saturday show". outrage is growing tonight after the view insulted millions of a black and latino conservatives. check out this insanity. >> were standing by you look at your network that you are standing behind you are saying you look at chris cuomo for. >> at sub oxymoron for a black republican protective file gets up oxymoron your friend or here's a republican. by don't understand latina republicans. x you note this is one of those issues where i find it beyond enraging pretty think it is from having spent about 15 years covering capitol hill and of course the people that endured the most bitter alt from democrats were black and latino conservatives on capitol hill. it's really disgusting. it really is hard to believe people can say that kind of thing in public. but whatever. aishah obviously democrats have relied for a long time on minority voters in order to get elected. in the last couple of elections he started see some cracks in that sort of voting pattern. should democrats work harder? should they be concerned about this? >> really quickly did you see how fast they went to break after that? even anna was like wait what was just said? she did not even have an excuse or some reasoning or evidence to back up whatever she just said. look, two quick things it is 2022. if you can't add something informative or smart into a conversation just sit it out just it happens to the best of it for like a moment she didn't have anything else to say and she probably should have just bowed out of the conversation instead of saying something out of a motion which is what it kind of felt like but also in 2022 and people should not be shamed for the politics they choose. i think that politics is exchanging thought and opinion and information and ideas to make our world a better place it should not matter what you look like. it should not matter the color of your skin it is america this is why we live here it is what makes this country so great. and for someone to suggest that you cannot think a certain way or you cannot feel a certain way because of the way you look is outrageous. >> yes, your skin color in fact does not define your politics or who you are. tammy, listen to this montage from meet the press and i want to ask you something. >> do i have to? okay. quick to fill the democratic party has done much for black people? [laughter] [inaudible] >> you do realize a lot of black people feel like democrats of kept no promises since i've been in office, really? >> yes. really? >> is kind of work that wasn't it? >> yes it was thank you. this entire conversation and what happened on the view, the problem was someone could not imagine that is her problem. that is the limitation of the democrats as they are being stuck in this box. the fact is that's also a condemnation of people of color and even frankly gay conservatives. people who are expected to conform and we don't. that we are supposed to all be the same. that is the races in the expectation we are going to think the same because we have a similarity in our complexion or because in the nature of how we identify. that is the problem here. >> it is really amazing the way they try to categorize everybody into these groups and divide them and put them against one another. gaia, i think not so long ago you were down at the border. one i would argue the most racist things we've ever heard from politicians is this idea that somehow borders are racist at borders are anti- hispanic. from your time down there, are hispanics anti- border? are the anti- border security or do they care about the same things the rest of us americans do? >> amazingly they care about the same things everyone else cares about that's what we're seeing a shift among hispanics not just at the texas border but around the country pretty think the democrats have miscalculated here. going back to the view clip, i just have to say we heard from sunny a few different times she cannot possibly understand people who have a certain skin color and vote a certain way. with all the respect i think they're quite a few things that elude the understanding of some of the ladies on that show from time to time this would maybe be one of them. but tammy made this point as well. she and i, between the two of us we represent half of the lgbt acronym here on the show right now. we hear this all the time, to meet we cannot fathom how you guys could possibly think a certain way or vote a certain way or support certain candidates. my response is, again respectfully, try harder then. talk to us we are right here. we can have that conversation. if you cannot wrap your brain at all around the possibility someone does not fit into a box that you want him to fit into, then maybe it's a lack of imagination or understanding on your part and you need to get out more. >> could i add a really quick addendum to that, it is the conservative ideal that benefits people of color, women and gay people. it is a dynamic that requires personal responsibility. personal independence. the freedom of the individual and the ability to shape our own lives as we see fit. you hear from the democrats, only the democrats this notion people are supposed to conform. you are supposed to be the same. that is what we were fighting against and every civil rights action in this country was this attempt for the government and others to force us into a box. those days are over at the democrats cannot let go of that bigotry that is what you hear every day from this party. >> preacher. nice. it is true you do get the feel the air of identity politics is dying. great point. next up, fox news alerts, you kain president zelensky has a message for president biden as he sits down for an exclusive interview with fox news. we are live on the ground in ukraine straightahead. 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>> it is important. i think is very important. in our minds, and our society president biden, the president of the biggest democratic civilization for ukraine for understanding that our partners our strategic partners. i think it would be a great signal, very important signal. >> and now it is interesting to point out that obviously speaker pelosi did not require the same security that president biden would need if he came. however speaker pelosi is two years old she is 82 biden is only 80 paid the first lady jill biden by the way is going to spend on mother's day and slovakia nearby was in romania before that pretty think you're going to hear the calls continued for president biden to come here. >> grip i think he makes a great point there is a symbolism that goes along the president visiting rather than a speaker of the house it. i want to ask about this upcoming parade that russia has planned on monday to show off its nuclear readiness, third federal nuclear ballistic missiles expected to be in full display did you get it sensor and president zelensky howe possibly thanks it might be that russia could come at some point, resort to using a nuke in ukraine? >> well, he never ukrainian official i've talked to in the last week say do not underestimate vladimir putin. i spoke to former ukrainian higgs dick dube who knew putin and said look you cannot underestimate this guy pay when i asked specifically about what may happen on may 9, on monday, here is some of what he had to say. take a listen. >> what do you think will happen on may 9 and if it declares or what will that change? works for us this is not going to change anything. for us a war is going on for eight years now. they are wounding an entire city this will be like in a bad hollywood movie, is that the victory that they are striving for? then they're going to remember it in the world as the tragedy, as a bloodied day. and certainly not the day to forget. >> and buy a victory he says if mariupol is held up as a victory will be anything but a victory. but rather a day of tragedy. what has happened there the mayor in mariupol since 20000 civilians have been killed there, guys. >> griff, it is guy benson. i am curious day 74 this thing has just been brutal day in and day out, week in and week out at this point. what do you gleaming not from just zelensky but the people of ukraine you encounter on a daily basis. is there crisis fatigue? if got to be wearing on them inferring their nerves. how are they holding up? how is the resolve? >> is a great question, guy. we think the ukrainian people will be worn torn and exhausted but even president zelensky expected to see a very tired later with the weight of the world on him. that is what it is prints a battle for freedom tickets to urinate. yet he sat for 57 minutes was intergenic and that inspiration is felt by every ukrainian in this country. every tragedy masquerade that they find it only steals the resolve of the ukrainian people. the customer 74 days of volodymyr zelensky state fought and ride this nation and rallied world leaders to give them the weapons they need to continue to not only resist but now go on the counteroffensive and driver russian forces out. it is a story perhaps of our lifetimes to see this obscure politician that was not a politician before stand up to what former president george w. bush says now is the churchill of our time. >> hey griff, tammy bruce here. i know you spoke with him about the food crisis. alva said that is impacting the rest of the world because of this war. what did he say to you? did he elaborate? what was his point? >> he really broke some news there, tammy. it's not talked much about but one the challenges that is ultimately going to be a continued problem is the fact the embargo and the black sea of the food and the grains getting out for president zelensky says they have caught two countries he would not name them that are stealing -- the russian are selling the grains and negotiations to buy stolen grains of the same time publicly saying they stand with ukraine and trying to call for sanctions. a lot of hypocrisy on that behalf there, guys. >> all right. okay, griff jenkins thank you so much coming to us live from lviv, ukraine bristol come the baby formula shortage hitting new heights now. warning for parents everywhere, next. ♪ well, the stock is bubbling in the pot ♪ ♪ just till they taste what we've got ♪ [ tires squeal, crash ] when owning a small business gets real, progressive gets you right back to living the dream. now, where were we? 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no! it can provide lasting relief. xiidra is approved to treat the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease. don't use if you're allergic to xiidra. common side effects include eye irritation, discomfort or blurred vision when applied to the eye, and unusual taste sensation. got any room in your eye? ask your doctor if a 90-day prescription is right for you. and pay as little as $0. i prefer you didn't! xiidra. not today, dry eye. >> are writing welcome back to the big sow to show everyone. supply chain issues along with rising prices are still causing headaches for all americans. one product shorting is causing a serious panic understandably among parents who say they are worried about feeding their infants and their baby formula. some states are seeing at least a 50% shortage including iowa, missouri, tennessee, north dakota and south dakota. but president biden says it's time to celebrate the economy, watch this. >> power plants are producing the largest job creation in modern times of the american economy precooked a boy that generates confidence doesn't it? yes so look you guys, we knew there is going to be food shortages we know there's a supply chain shortage. but there still something that is outstanding that is contributing to this, look at the statistic, charlie. u.s. a baby pharma how much of it is produced by china? 44%. we are in the biggest and best nation and the world we cannot get formula for moms and kids, just tell me your thoughts on this at this point. >> and know it is absolutely incredible. it is appalling for the sum of the greatest national security threats that we face. it is not just baby formula it's medicine, it's vitamin c so many of the things we need to have for regular normal daily life that we rely on china for. and encase politicians in washington are not aware they are out to destroy us. they want to overtake us and destroy us. i'm as much a free-market guy as you can be. this is a real problem when it gets the point to begin national security problem as this is, then we need to take it seriously and figure out how do we protect ourselves as a country so that our food supply, our baby formula supply, our medicine supply we do not have to rely on and as extensional enemy to give it to us. >> you know guy, we talked about an election coming up in the mood of americans the democratic party devolved into protesting at catholic churches on mother's day. they think of that issue is going to a clip so what happens when a mother or a dad goes into a store and could not find baby food and cannot find formula. what you think the impact of that is going to be? >> is going to be immediate it's very frightening at think for parents. you know what it's interesting, tammy the clip it paid of biden boasting about the economy jen who was not at that event in ohio the democratic party nominee for senate in that state, tim ryan is a sitting congressman. this guy has voted one 100% of the time with the biden agenda, literally one 100% according to 5:30 eight. and yet he was nowhere to be found to welcome his parties president to his state the guy with whom he votes one 100% of the time i think that tells you everything you need to know about the problems the democrats are facing. when a nominee in the state does not want to be seen with the guy at the very top of his own party for. >> they all own at this point. aishah americans are having a lot of different things affecting them on every single front does this seemed like it's may be the tip of the iceberg that really brings it home about the fact this affects individuals, their families and even their infants. >> look i think people forget the economy can be doing while you can have a job growth does not mean that low and middle-class americans are doing well. if i can, tammy let's pop up the inflation graphic here let's talk about that for a second period when you have sky high prices for gas and literally everything that has to do with your daily life, how can you expect americans not to complain? let me bring up the census bureau stat reported last month 34% of americans that were surveyed by the census bureau found it was somewhat or very difficult to pay their usual household expenses. that is in a strong economy. 34% for this was the issue of moderate democrats had when the biden demonstration is trying to push bill back better. this is giant trillion dollar attacks and social spending plan. why are we talking about this thing when americans aren't even worried about that right now. they're worried about like you said feed their kids and put food on the table. where are we talking about that? >> that is what's fascinating charlie be like with their head out of the they want to ignore this. we are warned that this is going to get worst of the year do you see this unfolding? >> honestly i don't see any way this doesn't get anything but worse between now and november. >> especially when we are looking at literally physically in your face empty shelves. we do have to go stick around everybody the big saturday flops are coming up next. i brought in ensure max protein, with thirty grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks! 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[laughter] i am frightened just looking at them and i feel terrible for these people. i think this woman deserves her money back i think this is no reason number 563 for why i will elope and not spend thousands of dollars on a wedding because of that exactly. i don't crazy eyes. >> lucky parents. [laughter] alright guys thank you so much that does it for us but will see you back here tomorrow at 5:00 p.m. for the big sunday show right now the fabulous anita bogle is in for jon scott on the fox report. it starts right now. historic supreme court draft opinion the sparking pro-choice activists heading to the homes of several conservative justices at this hour. planning to target catholic churches tomorrow. good evening, i am anita vogel in for jon scott and this is the fox report. ♪♪ >> abortion rights activists are expected to gather outside the private residences of six conservative justices this hour. manning the high court not

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Neighborhood , Scene , Quote Criminal Lawlessness , Three , George W Bush , Travesty , Dave Chapelle Outrage , Lawyer , New York Post , Justice System , Charges , Entertainers , Chris Rock , Will Smith , Mind , Prosecutor , Media Attention , Celebrity , World , Course , Lawlessness , Opportunities , Life , Works , Station , Extent , Safety , Crimes , Neighborhoods , Politicians , Alex , Los Angeles County , Tablets , Special Orders , Sheriff , Moses , Commandment , Ten , Solutions , Common Sense , Productive Working Relationship , Damn Awoke Ism , Recall Effort , Referendum , Voice , Candidate , Hollywood , Ideas , Level , Plan A , Step , Reality , Celebrities , Box , Nobody , Head , Marxism , Theories , Seminars , Hillary , Obamacare , Plan A Obama , Sierra , Actors , Gus Cohen , Voting , Lie , Fools , Same , School Board Members , San Francisco , Don T Lie , Signs , Recall , Damages , Piggybacking On , Parts , Recall Election Up , Sheet , Tammy Points Out , Recall Election , Interest , Efforts , Echo , Elections , Reference , Bay Area , Schools , Adults , Board Members , Limit , End , Abraham Lincoln , Someone , Margins , Claims , Gavin Newsom , Courtesy , Latina Republicans , Candidates , Man , Indeed Instant Match , Master , Staffing , Size , Job Description , Fire , Knees , Dirt , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Ways , Miracle Gro , Car , Phone , Cars , Thousands , Vroom , Finger , Sales , Vroom Com , To Buy , Driveway , Favorite , Oh Yeah , Inflammation , Asthma , Out Of Nowhere , Asthma Attacks , Matter , Triggers , Type , Tezspiretm , Attacks , Asthma Symptoms , Add On Treatment , Breathe Better , 12 , Doctor , Rescue Medication , Eye Allergy , Reactions , Sore Throat , Back Pain , Vaccines , Infection , Asthma Specialist , Charlie Hurt , Network , Protective File , Insanity , Chris Cuomo For , Capitol Hill , 15 , Alt , Whatever , Cracks , Public , Minority , Voting Pattern , Sort , Anna , Reasoning , Excuse , Best , Add , Evidence , 2022 , Two , Felt , Motion , Color , Thought , Skin , Information , Place , Fact , Skin Color , Montage , Meet The Press , Office , Promises , Yes , Inaudible , Work , Wasn T , Limitation , Races , We Don T , Condemnation , Expectation , Complexion , Similarity , Border , Borders , Another , Racist , Gaia , Aishah Americans , Security , Rest , Hispanic , Hispanics , Shift , Texas , Point , Show , Some , Respect , Understanding , Ladies , Acronym , Lgbt , Response , Possibility , Brain , Ideal , Addendum , More , Lack , Imagination , Dynamic , Freedom , Individual , Ability , Responsibility , Action , Rights , Fighting , Attempt , Notion , Party , Others , Bigotry , Preacher , Let Go , Nice , Zelensky Howe , Identity Politics , Air , Great Point , You Kain , Fox News Alerts , Interview , Ground , Ukraine Straightahead , Caesar , Hail , Team , Ringcentral , Hi Caesar , Pssst Julius , Infiniti Qx60 , Challenge , Diabetes , Style , Musician , Fingersticks , My Name , Austin James , Libre 2 , A1c , Mystery , System , Glucose Numbers , Scan , 8 2 , 6 7 , Food , Dog , Farmer , Isn T Dry Food , Pellets , Brown , Pet Food , Door , Smarter , Meat , Veggies , Vets , Dog Lovers , Music , Bushes Rustling , Weathertech , Visit Tryfarmersdog Com , Door Opening , Hon , 50 , Protection , Seat Protector , Vehicle , Drill Mudflaps , Floorliners , Cargoliner , Bumpstep , Cupfone , Critics , Ukrainian , Russia , Putin , Rehearsal , Arsenal , Chris Jenkins , Zelensky Calling , Big Parade Being , Hi Griffin , President Putin , Lviv Work Griffin Jenkins , Hi , May 9 , Monday May 9 , 9 , War , Mariupol , Air Raid Sirens , Children , News , City , Plants , Fighters , Elderly , Deputy Prime Minister , Plant , Area , Sit , 74 , Visit , Kyiv , Civilization , Society , Partners , Signal , Speaker Pelosi , Jill Biden , Speaker , 82 , Symbolism , Mother S Day , Calls , Grip , Display , Readiness , House , Missiles , It Sensor , Official , Nuke , Dick Dube , Guy Pay , Say , Vladimir Putin , Ukrainian Higgs , Listen , On Monday , Victory , Bad Hollywood Movie , Eight , Tragedy , Griff Jenkins , Civilians , Mayor , 20000 , Ukraine , Resolve , Crisis Fatigue , Basis , Nerves , Inspiration , Battle For Freedom Tickets , 57 , Tragedy Masquerade , Volodymyr Zelensky State , Customer , Story , World Leaders , Counteroffensive , Weapons , Lifetimes , Forces , Driver , Politician , Food Crisis , Churchill , Challenges , Alva , Grains , Countries , Embargo , Black Sea , Behalf , Sanctions , Negotiations , Hypocrisy , Stealing , Baby Formula , Warning , Heights , Ukraine Bristol , Lviv , Everywhere , Stock , Dream , Small Business , Crash , Tires Squeal , Progressive , Confidence , Help , Support , Glucose Control , Muscle Health , Blood Sugar Levels , Drink , Hunger , Perfect , Friendly , Kitchen , Booking Com , Finding Perfect Isn T Rocket Science , Sorted , Hot Tub , Problems , Grandmother , State Office , Norms , Education , Legacy , Booking Yeah , Eye , Eyes , Symptoms , Relief , Over The Counter , Ancestry , Ache , Burn , Eye Drops , Xiidra , Eye Disease , Eye Irritation , Dry Eye Disease , Prescription , Vision , Taste Sensation , Discomfort , Pay , Room , , 0 , Dry Eye , Writing , Big Sow To Show , Prices , Infants , Product Shorting , Headaches , Supply Chain , Panic , Power Plants , Shortage , Missouri , South Dakota , North Dakota , Tennessee , Iowa , Job Creation , Boy , Supply Chain Shortage , Food Shortages , The American , Biggest , Statistic , Baby , China , 44 , Formula , Kids , Thoughts , Moms , Sum , Medicine , Vitamin C , Washington , Encase , Free Market Guy , Food Supply , Medicine Supply , Clip , Enemy , Mood , Catholic Churches , Baby Food , Store , Impact , Dad , Economy Jen , Nominee , Sitting Congressman , Senate , Event , Tim Ryan , Ohio , Biden Agenda , 30 , 5 , 100 , Families , Tip , Iceberg , Individuals , Inflation Graphic , Gas , Pop , Sky High , Job Growth , Stat , Census , Census Bureau , 34 , Biden Demonstration , Household Expenses , Dollar Attacks , Back , Americans Aren T , Spending , Table , Shelves , Energy , Thirty , Sugar , Pair , Health , Need , Nutrients , Glasses , Sighs Wearily , Excited Yell , Lows , Highs , Spirit , Creativity , Difference , Visionworks , Bipolar , Ask , Medicines , Take Control , Depressive , Vraylar , Death , Antidepressants , Changes , Episodes , Dementia , Stroke , Risk , Patients , Manic , Muscle Movements , Cholesterol , Muscles , Confusion , High Blood Sugar , Restlessness , Fever , Coma , Weight Gain , Stomach , Sleepiness , Movement Dysfunction , Elizabeth Warren , Questions , Flops , Answering , Student Loan Debt , Student Loans , Jobs , 13 , Reimbursement , Folks , Half , College Diploma , Wealth , 40 , Answer , Fairness , Antique Dealer , Thrift Store , Bus , Roman , 4 99 , 34 99 , 82000 , Seat Belt , Relic , Backseat , Flock , United States By A World War Ii , 2000 , Soldier , Dealer , Museum , Momento , Germany , San Antonio , Flop , Originally , He , Associated Press , Hand , Style Guide , Book , Identify , Term , Anyone , Stuffer , Ap , Police , Newspapers , Language , Closest , New York Times , Ones , Washington Post , Okay Charlie Pennsylvania Bride , Media , Wedding Photo , Photographer , Proof , Guests , Shop , Photos , Woman , Number , Money Back , Reason , Pictures , 563 , Wedding , Crazy Eyes , 00 , Big Sunday Show , The Fox Report , Jon Scott On , Fabulous Anita Bogle , Activists , Abortion Rights Activists , Planning , High Court , Residences , Jon Scott , Anita Vogel ,

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