Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Faulkner Focus 20240708 : compar

Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Faulkner Focus 20240708

took a picture of my face at some point and made joke about it to my friend about how bad i looked. >> objection, hearsay. >> sustain the objection. >> just don't say what you told a friend, okay? let's take you to the adderall diaries, when did you start filming that? >> i believe may. i filmed another movie in new york march, april, april, may i went straight from that movie to another movie. independent film will james franco, i had -- i went from one to the other and saw johnny in between. if i got a long weekend or i would fly home to be with him and then fly back. it was kind of like that. >> where were you filming those? >> in new york. >> where was mr. depp at the time? >> he was in l.a. at the time and eventually went on location for his movie, black mask in boston. >> you were in new york and mr. depp was in boston at some point. >> by may of 2014. >> what, if any, discussions or arguments did you have with mr. depp relating to james franco in that time frame of may 2014? >> this is a nightmare. i wanted to do this independent film. i liked the story, i liked the character, i told him i won't wear makeup in the thing. >> objection, hearsay. >> can we approach, please? [attorneys and judge conversing off the record] >> you have been watching the defamation trial of johnny depp and amber heard. amber heard has been testifying for the past while now. this is day two of her testimony. obviously at times getting into full detail to the extent of their relationship. to the extent it got violent at times. to the extent that both of them had some pretty troubled lives while they were together during the course of their marriage. i'm sandra smith and this is "the faulkner focus". jonna spilbor joining us now. this the defamation case that amber heard is taking on from johnny depp who says in that opinion piece that she defamed him by calling him out for what he did over the course of their marriage. what do you think of what we have heard so far? >> you know, some people are calling this testimony -- i'm calling it an audition. a well rehearsed line of questioning and not less well rehearsed as the case goes along. i don't know if she is coming across as credible. i'll be honest with you. we'll see what the jury thinks about that. >> we'll get back into the $50 million defamation case. amber heard is now speaking. let's listen back. >> so i'm going to take you to the boston plane incident. we've heard about that early year may 24. can you describe for the jury what took place on may 24 relating to the plane incident? >> well, i had spoken to johnny. he is in boston, i'm in new york. i spoke to him. he had already been upset with me and accused me in like many arguments about not telling him about scenes that i had. if i had a kissing scene. any sort of romantic scene and i wasn't explicit about what i was going to do. >> all right. so we are going to get back to that trial when it's underway again. jonna spilbor back to you on all of this. obviously he is trying to defend himself and we heard quite a bit from him and his testimony. this is her response and all to the opinion piece she penned in the "washington post" making the case he abused her during the course of their marriage, jonna. >> yeah, there is something very -- i'm going to say odd or off about her testimony. one of the things i'm picking up. i put myself in the jury box whenever we have situations like this. they are the ones who will be assessing her credibility. i find it strange or maybe even off putting she describes johnny depp, this love for him and cries and it was the best thing ever and they were falling in love. with that same connotation she'll describe something very untoward or disgusting or some other detail about their relationship that really is a jab to johnny depp. now, if these things are true, then nobody is going to win this trial. but really what the jury is tasked with doing right now is determining whether they are going to believe her. and you know, i have to till, when johnny depp was on the stand it is what you see is what you get situation. with her on the stand, i find myself kind of twisting and turning and i am just not sure she is being really truthful. that's a big deal in a defamation case. that is the deal in this case. who is telling the truth and who is not? because they both can't be telling the truth at the same time. >> what's also interesting you don't see them talking about each other with really specific disdain. as amber heard has been taking the stand, speaking very lovely about moments in their relationship. resuming and now let's get back to fairfax, virginia. >> he would have been sobered up the next day, assuming the work would make him feel like he had to pull it together. i get on the plane. he sent the plane so i assumed he is not that mad at me. he is over it. we're moving on. he sobered up. there had been a lot of talk about a sober plan, a full detox, a full recovery, a doctor, the whole plan. there were talks of that following what had happened in london. so i was feeling like okay, well, maybe we're here and i get on the plane. it touches down and the s.u.v. pulls up and sits on the tarmac for a very long time. he knows i am on the plane waiting for him. so i kind of started to anticipate that things weren't as i hoped, meaning that he was sober and had slept it off. and i get -- i'm sitting on the plane for a long time waiting for him. he opens the door and i see him get out of the s.u.v. and i can guess by how he is moving and walking. i didn't realize at the time i had become really sensitive to these little changes because my life changed depending on what he was on. and he gets on the plane and i just knew in every cell of my body something was wrong. and he comes straight up to me. doesn't say anything to me. is looking at me with the glasses on and he takes them off in this aggressive manner and sits down across from me. not in the usual spot. we kind of have our places on his plane where you get used to sitting. i remember i got up and moved to accommodate him getting by so he could sit in the normal seat per usual. he didn't. he sat across from me. at some point i don't really remember the exact sequence of it. we take off and at some point he -- he asks me what's wrong with me. do i have something to tell him? do i have something to tell him? you want to talk to me about your day yesterday and then it gets -- i already know that he is drunk. i already know he is using. he wreaks of weed and alcohol. his breath smelled so bad and i could -- i could anticipate that there was a no-win situation here. there was no me talking myself out of this or talking him down or any -- a lot of my arguments and involvement in them are me trying to diffuse by explaining. >> objection, non-responsive. >> she is telling the story. >> i'll sustain the objection. go ahead. >> so he is asking me questions and i know to not engage. i was polite. i made sure to answer minimal amount of, you know, the minimal amount that i could. i moved slowly. i was trying to be polite but not engage because there was no win. and he kept going, kept asking me. eventually went from do you have something to tell me to you want to tell me how much you liked it? did you slip a tongue? it got worse and worse, just it went from asking me about how my kissing scene went or how the sex skeen went to asking me what james rank -- james had done in the scene being really explicit about my body. he was talking about my saying really disgusting things about my body, about how i liked it. how i responded. then he started straight up taunting me. i know you liked it. he called me a go-getter. he called me a slut. also this is happening with security and his assistance on the plane. >> she continues to describe how she makes the case that johnny depp abused her during the course of their marriage saying she was in a no-win situation when johnny depp was high. a state of mind that she has described him in at many points during their relationship. jonna spilbor back with us. saying amber heard it changed my life describing this alleged abuse by depp in this $50 million defamation trial. jonna. >> i think we need a new definition of abuse. i don't mean that in any sort of sarcastic way. i'm saying it. listening to the last piece of testimony she is describing johnny depp getting mad because she had a kissing scene in james franco. is that abusive? she is describing it and abusive in her mind because she is testifying to it. or is this just kind of the lifestyle of two celebrities who have big major motion picture roles and have to kiss other celebrities because it is part of their job? so i guess maybe i'm shaking my head because where is this part of it going? i can understand the other testimony when he is in a drug-fueled rage according to her and the arguing and any sort of battery, of course, that makes sense. but what is this? is it just filler and garnering sympathy with a your eave who doesn't know what this lifestyle is like? i assume none of them are famous actors or actresses. this is cure oufs to me and allowed to continue and also curious to me. >> we'll continue to monitor the courtroom. jonna, thank you for staying with us through that. we'll continue to monitor it. thank you. preliminary data obtained by the "washington post" on migrant encounters shoefs that things are only getting worse. there were reportedly 13,000 more border apprehensions in april than in march, which was also a record breaker with nearly a quarter of a million arrests then. lawmakers worry things will get worse when the biden administration eventually ends title 42 restrictions and they are putting both the president and secretary mayorkas on full blast. >> clearly not having title 42 will lead to a lot more folks coming to the border unlawfully and being allowed into the country. the first administration that sat there and done nothing to secure the board. >> can you sit there and testify that the root cause of the current crisis isn't how you dismantled what worked under the previous administration? >> that's my position. >> a new op-ed takes the criticism of mayorkas further calling on voters not to believe him when he says the border is secure. pete hegseth "fox & friends" weekend co-host and author of the upcoming back battle for the american mind. and battle for the american border. we have seen a porous border while the secretary is saying it is secured. we have seen thousands pouring over that border per day and that number is only expected to grow. >> the department of homeland security is now launching a disinformation governance board while at the same time mayorkas will look into the camera and say the border is secure as thousands and thousands breaking records of the amount of illegals coming across the border. that is by definition a, not troou, and b, by their definition misinformation. the american people can see with their own eyes. the only thing the administration doesn't like about the border is when our own reporters are there showing the american people. >> there is eagle pass, texas. no one else is covering it. >> the american people realize the gravity of this and it was donald trump who frankly woke people to the reality if you don't have borders, you don't have a country. right now with title 42, which is not a policy at all anyway. with that going away the numbers will only spike. and yet you had mayorkas also in the hearing saying we aren't following the inhumane practices of the trump administration. how inhumane is the drug trafficking, sex trafficking, child trafficking and the deaths that are happening >> and the drownings in the river there. national guardsman who passed away trying to save some of those passing through. pete, it is quite something and becoming a political issue. the republican governor's association campaign hitting biden over the border crisis. one of the signs reading days spent in delaware, 118. days spent at the southern border zero, the border needs you, mr. president. okay, what about a visit to the border to see what's really happening there, pete? >> don't we wish. i don't see it. remember when nancy pelosi and the congressional delegation ain ukraine? fine. i saw them pounding the podium in ukraine and supporting zelenskyy. all i saw would once would we have that type of investment and interest in our oren southern border in our own sovereignty? you saw what was it. kamala harris stand up and say how dare they? how dare they do this with roe versus wade. not once have we seen that kind of passion from her on the issue of the southern border and they are the border czar. they want it to happen. they believe no person can be illegal. that's the mantra of the far left and therefore borders are yesterday. it is not about votes anymore. the globalist view that -- the irony is if america was such a racist, terrible place, why does everyone want to come here? we should preserve and protect that for the people that play by the rules and do it the right way. instead we are doing the opposite. >> they are also ripping mayorkas over the disinformation governance board as you mentioned leading to this fiery exchange about the woman tapped to head it. watch. >> when the department picked her, did it know that she had said that mr. hunter biden's laptop is russian disinformation? >> i was not aware of that. we do not discuss the internal hiring process. uflt matly it's the secretary that's spoinls. >> that was a stunner. they slammed the whole idea of the board calling it the new big brother saying it's reminiscent of the ministry of truth in the orwell classic 1984 and something that would make hitler's propaganda minister proud. this and the border crisis hawley calling for mayorkas to step down. >> during the calendar year we have 245,390 illegal crossings just this year in the rio grande valley. and your priority is setting up a board and hiring someone who has gone to tiktok to talk about stopping speech, to say your priorities are misplaced is a dramatic understatement and the time has come i think, mr. secretary, for you to resign. >> one thing to run an extensive background check which one would think they would do. another thing you could have just googled her. >> i bet they probably did. they know exactly who she is. she is a misinformant police on their behalf. mayorkas -- listen to what joe biden said yesterday. the most extremist organization in american history is the maga crowd and also saying the single biggest threat to our homeland white nationalism and trying to conflate the two and say political opponents are extreme and dangerous. what do you do with them? you have to shut them up. if you have a disinformation board with a very loyal 30 something d.c. creature who played the game an loves to talk about misinformation but when she talks about it, it is always things that republicans or conservatives -- when her herself multiple times as we pointed out has spread misinformation herself. look at the dhs mission statement. after 9/11 it was formed to protect our homeland. now it is facilitating at the attorney border and silence and censor political opponents. >> it is one of the top issues as we head to the mid-term elections. we care about you. great to sigh, pete hegseth. thank you. the white house refusing to condemn the leak of the supreme court's draft opinion overturning roe versus wade. chief justice robbers condemned the leaker in the strongest terms and launched an investigation. senator ted cruise's take. >> over 200 years of our nation's history that has never happened and one woke little left wing twit who decided to hell with his or her obligations to the justice they work for, to hell with their obligations to the work, to hell with their obligations to the rule of law, that they would instead try to sneak it out in order to put political pressure on the justices and intimidate them into changing their vote. >> disturbing development a progressive group published the addresses of six conservative supreme court justice thes, a memo urging protestors to show up on their doorstep causing concerns for the justice's safety and safety of their families. peter doocy is live at the white house. this could be dangerous as there were growing calls and threats to these justices. >> sandra, we have already sent news gathering crews by the justice's homes this morning. so far nobody gathering there yet. activists appear to be staging or planning for a protest or protests next week and so that's got texas senator john cornyn filing a new bill hoping to get federal funding to give the justices and their families around the clock protection. he says the events of the past week have intensified the focus on the supreme court justice's families who are facing threats to their safety and n today's increasingly polarized political climate. the concern about personal security for justices recalls comments four years ago from maxine waters. now the chairwoman of the powerful house financial services committee who said this about trump officials. >> make sure we show up wherever we have to show up and if you see anybody from that cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you is call them out. and you tell them they are not welcome anymore anywhere. >> as for how this happened, biden officials don't seem too concerned. >> do you guys think -- does the president think the leaker should be punished? >> again, that's up for the department of justice and others to determine. what our focus is on is not getting our distracted or eye off the ball of what is most important to people across the country here, which is not the leak. the story of the leak. it is the fact that women's healthcare is at risk for millions people across this country. >> and my experience in the briefing room for many months has been this white house generally does not comment on leaks or hacks, so they are making an exception here. >> we'll dig that. peter doocy at the white house. host of get tammy bruce and dig into it for us, tammy. >> what is happening is outrageous. my left wing activism began with abortion rights. it involved democrat poll situations and it involved the establishment. nothing was organic. nothing was like a natural outrage because this is the only issue that would raise money. the only issue that would generate passion on the base. this is -- 20, 30 years later they have nothing new. it's the same thing. what i'm seeing here now is the outrageousness. it is never about the issue for the left. it's about power, money and influence. in this case this is about the institutions of the country. that they have decided they don't like. the country itself is the problem. this really is a denigration of the supreme court itself. the willingness to dox supreme court justices with a made-up monitor, which i used to do. even ruth bader ginsburg questioned and was not happy with the nature of the roe versus wade decision. as reminder here as everyone is manipulated and lied to by the left especially democrats. the supreme court doesn't make law. we know this. but nobody watching this seems to know it. this is about what the constitution stands for and simply that allowing the states to make their own decisions on this issue. but what you are seeing is this -- this will backfire. the left never knows when to stop. they always go too far. i'm with the americans there should be restrictions. limited restrictions but certain access, absolutely. to have riots and then to publish the addresses of supreme court justices has nothing to do with -- it should never be tolerated. the fact that the white house is not condemning it encourages it. that's a statement that they are behind it and that they support it. >> i'm sure they would push back on the encouragement part of that but at a minimum they should be condemning it. you didn't see jen psaki do it in the clip. >> she could have said we don't encourage this but. they didn't do that. that's an encouragement, underligand couragement for people doing it. this media is saying it could be a mid-term game changer. watch this. >> animate voters in the mid-terms. >> in november will it move votes? >> i think it will. my sense would be that this is something that will cost republicans some seats. >> this is completely altered by all likelihood the makeup of the mid-term electorate. >> "politico" meanwhile is reporting they're skeptical it will save the party in november. one pollster saying it will help at the margins but to regain control we need inflation to go away. interesting to frame it as that. >> right. >> inflation is not helping this party one bit. it is where they are struggling the most in the polls. do you believe this roe versus wade leak will turn things around? >> i think they hope it would be the 80s like when i was an activist. they've lost me and this generation. because this is about extremism. we've learned it has nothing to do with the issues. that kind of framing is confirming that this is just a political strategy. this is an effort to drag people along by the ears who in fact are being harmed. their lives are being harmed by inflation, by nothing on the shelves, food problems will increase. the nature of the job environment. the chaos on the world stage, war, discussion of limited nuclear exchanges. it is insane. a president who clearly is unaware of the nature of what's going on. we don't know who is running the country. americans realize they were lied to in 2020. they realize that when the democrats told them and what biden told them was not true and this is the democrats are dealing with. they hope -- i want every democrat out there and feminist to realize you are being used like a fetish, like a game piece because they want to maintain their own power. this has nothing to do with abortion rights which in every state of this union, women in this country are the majority of voters now. women can have an should have an impact. when it's in the courts you don't. that's what they've wanted. they wanted you to be hanging the tinder hook and to use this to move you around. don't be a game piece. be in charge. >> we'll see if we hear anything further from the white house on the issue and if they step up and condemn these calls for violence and particularly condemning the doxing of the supreme court justices. >> this is all they have and it's what the democratic party has become in my humble opinion. >> president biden's plan to -- there is a former obama white house official who says this student loan debt reduction could be a -- >> the fed is not treating this seriously. >> the fed is making moves on inflation but it may be too late as we tick closer to the mid-terms. fox business correspondent jackie deangelis is in "focus" next. ubrelvy helps u fight migraine attacks. u put it all on the line. u do it all. so u bring ubrelvy. it can quickly stop migraine in its tracks within 2 hours... without worrying if it's too late or where you are. unlike older medicines, ubrelvy is a pill that directly blocks a protein believed to be a cause of migraine. do not take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. most common side effects were nausea and tiredness. migraine pain relief starts with u. learn how abbvie can help you save. ask about ubrelvy, the anytime, anywhere migraine medicine. 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>> i think it is and larry is right. what will end up happening it's painful for the american people. jerome powell is in a tough spot. he could have done more. he didn't. he said he won't be too aggressive and that we'll have a soft landing. that means inflation at 8 1/2% will stay with us and american families longer and continue to feel it. what i'm also worried about. supply chain shortages. labor market right now. we get a new report tomorrow and watching for that. you have 11 million job openings in this country. that number was going down. it is going up. in march 4 1/2 million people quit their jobs. we have to watch what happens with wages here. they aren't keeping in pace with inflation and that's where the rub is. >> wages are going up. inflation faster. you are seeing negative wage growth in the country, something else that larry kudlow continues to point out. cnn piece says the fed ras late to inflation. will it miss the next big risk? arriving late to the scene will have consequences boosting rates as growth starts flowing comes with a heightened risk of cooling activities and sends an important signal. it takes 12 for 18 months for a move to have an effect. to bring down prices you raise interest rates and raises the cost of borrowing to slow the economy. the balance is not throwing the american economy into a recession. historically we've seen that can easily happen. the question is, is the fed up to the job? >> well, many people would say it's not. i don't typically agree with cnn but i do in this particular case. what you have here if you look at the stock market, yesterday's stock market said jerome powell i'm a baby, you gave me a pacifier and not too much of a steep rate rise as i was expecting. i'm happy. market goes up 900 points. today mr. market is saying wait a second, if we go into recession and see interest rates rise slowly and inflation persist it will have a chilling impact on corporations and the economy overall. on both, right? we already contracted our gdp for one quarter. if we see two quarters it means recession. >> extreme volatility. dow down 860 points in the past week. the biggest jump in the stock market in years and we've also seen the biggest drop. that's volatility. former top obama officials issuing a big warning about student debt cancellation. in the first quarter of this year hit 1.6 trillion included by 43 million people nationwide. the obama official writes if the issue is litigated the analysis tends to support the conclusion that the executive branch likely does not have the unilateral authority to engage in mass student debt cancellation. critics again hitting the move as a mid-term ploy. >> bottom line is joe biden is unpopular with just about everybody in the country right now but he is eptionly unpopular with young people. his attempt to buy votes . >> he worked in the trump white house and we spoke to him about it. the current white house when jen psaki was pressed this week if the president moves in this direction have you calculated the potential impact on inflation? the answer was no. so they are not prepared for what may come as a result of continued and increased government spengd. >> what they are willing to do is throw the baby out here, spend as much as they can to get the votes to hold onto power. i will quote larry when he says stop spending. stop spengd. you are not helping the problem. you are putting jerome powell in a hard position and this administration doesn't take responsibility for the spending it does an wants to continue to do and the problem that americans are facing now. >> the number one mid-term election issue now is inflation. the fed has a big job to tackle it. a culture war is underway in the classroom as some schools insist on teaching very young kids about gender and sexuality. new fox news poll shows what american parents think about that president biden characterizing his political rivals as the most extreme organization in american history. but is it smart to insult half the country? >> in case joe biden is interested in who the maga crowd is, these are people that love america. these are people that want to achieve the american dream and don't want the government smothering it for them. did you know there's only been two times in american history - two - when the national debt was larger than gross domestic product? 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i'm sure you do. it wasn't too long ago when he promised to be the great unifier. he has changed his tune. >> president biden: what happens if you have states change the law saying that children who are lgbtq can't be in classrooms with other children? is that legit under the way the decision is written? what are the next things that are going to be attacked? because this maga crowd is really the most extreme political organization that's existed in american history, in recent american history. >> when pressed for details on exactly which states biden was talking about, no specifics from the white house spokesperson. listen. >> we have seen extreme laws that target lgbtq families, their kids across the country and i this i what he is saying is we don't know what they are capable of given what they've done to date. >> which state is trying to segregate lgbtq kids in the classroom? >> we've seen laws that are discriminatory. that's what the president is referring to. >> they're blasting it and suggesting biden's rhetoric is an attempt to distract from his other problems. the abortion disinformation campaign, don't believe that other rights are in jeopardy of roe versus wade falls. our panel is here. glad to have you both. a lot to dig into there. but matt, it seems that the president has in a big way changed his tune from someone who campaigned on uniting this country. >> we have two serious constitutional questions here. not just obviously roe versus wade but this leak from the supreme court is outrageous and hasn't happened in 250 years. clearly the leak is done to try to affect justices that are still trying to figure out where they are on this question of overturning roe. but sandra, for the president of the united states in the midst of this to use that platform which we all pay for to try to manipulate and harass those justices, to intimidate them who are still in their deliberative process, is a real, real breach of his oath. his job as president is not to intimidate the supreme court. it is to execute the laws when they are written and when they come down. and so i find this to be a very troubling part. this is not unifying in any way. abortion is a tough, tough issue for people, i understand there are people with passionate opinions on it. we should all agree on this. it should not have been leaked and the president of the united states should stay out of this deliberation skoufrment he has no role. >> if he does step in perhaps to condemn the calls for violence against the conservative justices and the publishing of their home addresses and people showing up at them. laura, it's a tough environment. no doubt. a very divisive country that continues right now. this is a president that vowed, that promised he would unite the country. in that speech, though, calling out the maga crowd and calling it the most extreme organization in u.s. history. does that help anything in this moment and does it show he is significantly changing his tune in wanting to unite the american people? >> i think what it shows and matt touched on this. there are extremist laws being passed across the country and here we saw for the first time in history this week with a constitutional right taken away from more than half the population. abortion now will be overturned in more than 20 states. >> to be clear the supreme court -- >> let's talk about that. we keep talking about the other things. we're not talking about the fundamental fact that women's's lives will be impacted and die from back alley abortion. >> i asked you a specific question. does the president risk alienating half the country by calling the maga crowd -- >> we talk about these things in a divisive way when you pass legislation that bans abortion and condemns lgbtq kids. it is very divisive. >> confronting it by legislation. >> i would like to address this question about abortion. if you believe that the constitution does not speak to abortion and anybody who reads the constitution can see that the word abortion or anything close to that is in the constitution. >> no word women. >> i get to talk. that means that the states have to adjudicate these questions when the constitution doesn't explicitly talk about it. joe biden said it is adoin kicking lgbtq kids out of classrooms. he wants to kick maga kids out of classrooms. if you are pro-life you are proper life no matter what sexual orientation of the child. >> it is a conversation that will continue in this country. meanwhile as the fight rages across america for parents to get a say in their kids' education and the classroom. news fox news polling show a majority of are favor of a ban on sex and gender discussions for young children. 55% to 41%. "new york post" op-ed argues that anti-racism for 4-year-olds shows how destructive the ideology is while the daily caller has a piece titled weaponizing words in the war for america's children. parental rights in america are under assault by so-called experts and exhausting and insurmountable amount of time and money under the guise of expertise to push their wokeness onto the children. laura, to you on this one. is this going to be a losing issue for the democratic party come the mid-term elections? parents are showing very clearly that they need to be in charge of what their kids are learning in the classroom because a lot of what they are trying to learn in the classroom should be taught at home feel some of those parents. >> here is the wild thing. not zwlus j*us about the classroom and the believes of people and how what is done in an age appropriate way. 70% of americans believe that same-sex marriage is a good thing. and even more believe that lgbtq individuals should be able to be parents and raise children. that means gay parents have kids in public schools. that means that gay families should be represented. books about gay families shouldn't be banned and people at every age shouldn't be prohibited from talking about these families and these kids because they are americans too. and so these extremist laws that say you can't -- >> to be clear, do you support teaching -- do you support teaching 4-year-olds in the classroom about sexuality? >> i think 4-year-olds know when they have a classmate with two moms. you have to talk about it. >> the moms can't do that? >> what are you going to say. >> this is the great hypocrisy of the left. on abortion they say it's a private matter. government should stay out of it. let me make my priefrn at decision. when it comes to our kids the left steps up and says you don't have the right as a family to make these decisions on what you want to teach them and not teach them. we will dictate it through the curriculum in the schools. why can't a family have the ability to teach their kids their values? we go back to the schools not teaching sexuality or teaching moral questions concerning sex, but -- excuse me but schools go back to teaching them to read and write and to learn geography. >> especially at a time of lost learning. many parents feel that same way. shaking up to be one of the biggest issues for the mid-term elections. thank you for joining us. appreciate the discussion. thank you for watching "the faulkner focus". pleasure to be here with you today. i'm sandra smith and back at 1:00 p.m. eastern with john roberts on america reports. thanks for joining us. 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Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Faulkner Focus 20240708 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Faulkner Focus 20240708

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took a picture of my face at some point and made joke about it to my friend about how bad i looked. >> objection, hearsay. >> sustain the objection. >> just don't say what you told a friend, okay? let's take you to the adderall diaries, when did you start filming that? >> i believe may. i filmed another movie in new york march, april, april, may i went straight from that movie to another movie. independent film will james franco, i had -- i went from one to the other and saw johnny in between. if i got a long weekend or i would fly home to be with him and then fly back. it was kind of like that. >> where were you filming those? >> in new york. >> where was mr. depp at the time? >> he was in l.a. at the time and eventually went on location for his movie, black mask in boston. >> you were in new york and mr. depp was in boston at some point. >> by may of 2014. >> what, if any, discussions or arguments did you have with mr. depp relating to james franco in that time frame of may 2014? >> this is a nightmare. i wanted to do this independent film. i liked the story, i liked the character, i told him i won't wear makeup in the thing. >> objection, hearsay. >> can we approach, please? [attorneys and judge conversing off the record] >> you have been watching the defamation trial of johnny depp and amber heard. amber heard has been testifying for the past while now. this is day two of her testimony. obviously at times getting into full detail to the extent of their relationship. to the extent it got violent at times. to the extent that both of them had some pretty troubled lives while they were together during the course of their marriage. i'm sandra smith and this is "the faulkner focus". jonna spilbor joining us now. this the defamation case that amber heard is taking on from johnny depp who says in that opinion piece that she defamed him by calling him out for what he did over the course of their marriage. what do you think of what we have heard so far? >> you know, some people are calling this testimony -- i'm calling it an audition. a well rehearsed line of questioning and not less well rehearsed as the case goes along. i don't know if she is coming across as credible. i'll be honest with you. we'll see what the jury thinks about that. >> we'll get back into the $50 million defamation case. amber heard is now speaking. let's listen back. >> so i'm going to take you to the boston plane incident. we've heard about that early year may 24. can you describe for the jury what took place on may 24 relating to the plane incident? >> well, i had spoken to johnny. he is in boston, i'm in new york. i spoke to him. he had already been upset with me and accused me in like many arguments about not telling him about scenes that i had. if i had a kissing scene. any sort of romantic scene and i wasn't explicit about what i was going to do. >> all right. so we are going to get back to that trial when it's underway again. jonna spilbor back to you on all of this. obviously he is trying to defend himself and we heard quite a bit from him and his testimony. this is her response and all to the opinion piece she penned in the "washington post" making the case he abused her during the course of their marriage, jonna. >> yeah, there is something very -- i'm going to say odd or off about her testimony. one of the things i'm picking up. i put myself in the jury box whenever we have situations like this. they are the ones who will be assessing her credibility. i find it strange or maybe even off putting she describes johnny depp, this love for him and cries and it was the best thing ever and they were falling in love. with that same connotation she'll describe something very untoward or disgusting or some other detail about their relationship that really is a jab to johnny depp. now, if these things are true, then nobody is going to win this trial. but really what the jury is tasked with doing right now is determining whether they are going to believe her. and you know, i have to till, when johnny depp was on the stand it is what you see is what you get situation. with her on the stand, i find myself kind of twisting and turning and i am just not sure she is being really truthful. that's a big deal in a defamation case. that is the deal in this case. who is telling the truth and who is not? because they both can't be telling the truth at the same time. >> what's also interesting you don't see them talking about each other with really specific disdain. as amber heard has been taking the stand, speaking very lovely about moments in their relationship. resuming and now let's get back to fairfax, virginia. >> he would have been sobered up the next day, assuming the work would make him feel like he had to pull it together. i get on the plane. he sent the plane so i assumed he is not that mad at me. he is over it. we're moving on. he sobered up. there had been a lot of talk about a sober plan, a full detox, a full recovery, a doctor, the whole plan. there were talks of that following what had happened in london. so i was feeling like okay, well, maybe we're here and i get on the plane. it touches down and the s.u.v. pulls up and sits on the tarmac for a very long time. he knows i am on the plane waiting for him. so i kind of started to anticipate that things weren't as i hoped, meaning that he was sober and had slept it off. and i get -- i'm sitting on the plane for a long time waiting for him. he opens the door and i see him get out of the s.u.v. and i can guess by how he is moving and walking. i didn't realize at the time i had become really sensitive to these little changes because my life changed depending on what he was on. and he gets on the plane and i just knew in every cell of my body something was wrong. and he comes straight up to me. doesn't say anything to me. is looking at me with the glasses on and he takes them off in this aggressive manner and sits down across from me. not in the usual spot. we kind of have our places on his plane where you get used to sitting. i remember i got up and moved to accommodate him getting by so he could sit in the normal seat per usual. he didn't. he sat across from me. at some point i don't really remember the exact sequence of it. we take off and at some point he -- he asks me what's wrong with me. do i have something to tell him? do i have something to tell him? you want to talk to me about your day yesterday and then it gets -- i already know that he is drunk. i already know he is using. he wreaks of weed and alcohol. his breath smelled so bad and i could -- i could anticipate that there was a no-win situation here. there was no me talking myself out of this or talking him down or any -- a lot of my arguments and involvement in them are me trying to diffuse by explaining. >> objection, non-responsive. >> she is telling the story. >> i'll sustain the objection. go ahead. >> so he is asking me questions and i know to not engage. i was polite. i made sure to answer minimal amount of, you know, the minimal amount that i could. i moved slowly. i was trying to be polite but not engage because there was no win. and he kept going, kept asking me. eventually went from do you have something to tell me to you want to tell me how much you liked it? did you slip a tongue? it got worse and worse, just it went from asking me about how my kissing scene went or how the sex skeen went to asking me what james rank -- james had done in the scene being really explicit about my body. he was talking about my saying really disgusting things about my body, about how i liked it. how i responded. then he started straight up taunting me. i know you liked it. he called me a go-getter. he called me a slut. also this is happening with security and his assistance on the plane. >> she continues to describe how she makes the case that johnny depp abused her during the course of their marriage saying she was in a no-win situation when johnny depp was high. a state of mind that she has described him in at many points during their relationship. jonna spilbor back with us. saying amber heard it changed my life describing this alleged abuse by depp in this $50 million defamation trial. jonna. >> i think we need a new definition of abuse. i don't mean that in any sort of sarcastic way. i'm saying it. listening to the last piece of testimony she is describing johnny depp getting mad because she had a kissing scene in james franco. is that abusive? she is describing it and abusive in her mind because she is testifying to it. or is this just kind of the lifestyle of two celebrities who have big major motion picture roles and have to kiss other celebrities because it is part of their job? so i guess maybe i'm shaking my head because where is this part of it going? i can understand the other testimony when he is in a drug-fueled rage according to her and the arguing and any sort of battery, of course, that makes sense. but what is this? is it just filler and garnering sympathy with a your eave who doesn't know what this lifestyle is like? i assume none of them are famous actors or actresses. this is cure oufs to me and allowed to continue and also curious to me. >> we'll continue to monitor the courtroom. jonna, thank you for staying with us through that. we'll continue to monitor it. thank you. preliminary data obtained by the "washington post" on migrant encounters shoefs that things are only getting worse. there were reportedly 13,000 more border apprehensions in april than in march, which was also a record breaker with nearly a quarter of a million arrests then. lawmakers worry things will get worse when the biden administration eventually ends title 42 restrictions and they are putting both the president and secretary mayorkas on full blast. >> clearly not having title 42 will lead to a lot more folks coming to the border unlawfully and being allowed into the country. the first administration that sat there and done nothing to secure the board. >> can you sit there and testify that the root cause of the current crisis isn't how you dismantled what worked under the previous administration? >> that's my position. >> a new op-ed takes the criticism of mayorkas further calling on voters not to believe him when he says the border is secure. pete hegseth "fox & friends" weekend co-host and author of the upcoming back battle for the american mind. and battle for the american border. we have seen a porous border while the secretary is saying it is secured. we have seen thousands pouring over that border per day and that number is only expected to grow. >> the department of homeland security is now launching a disinformation governance board while at the same time mayorkas will look into the camera and say the border is secure as thousands and thousands breaking records of the amount of illegals coming across the border. that is by definition a, not troou, and b, by their definition misinformation. the american people can see with their own eyes. the only thing the administration doesn't like about the border is when our own reporters are there showing the american people. >> there is eagle pass, texas. no one else is covering it. >> the american people realize the gravity of this and it was donald trump who frankly woke people to the reality if you don't have borders, you don't have a country. right now with title 42, which is not a policy at all anyway. with that going away the numbers will only spike. and yet you had mayorkas also in the hearing saying we aren't following the inhumane practices of the trump administration. how inhumane is the drug trafficking, sex trafficking, child trafficking and the deaths that are happening >> and the drownings in the river there. national guardsman who passed away trying to save some of those passing through. pete, it is quite something and becoming a political issue. the republican governor's association campaign hitting biden over the border crisis. one of the signs reading days spent in delaware, 118. days spent at the southern border zero, the border needs you, mr. president. okay, what about a visit to the border to see what's really happening there, pete? >> don't we wish. i don't see it. remember when nancy pelosi and the congressional delegation ain ukraine? fine. i saw them pounding the podium in ukraine and supporting zelenskyy. all i saw would once would we have that type of investment and interest in our oren southern border in our own sovereignty? you saw what was it. kamala harris stand up and say how dare they? how dare they do this with roe versus wade. not once have we seen that kind of passion from her on the issue of the southern border and they are the border czar. they want it to happen. they believe no person can be illegal. that's the mantra of the far left and therefore borders are yesterday. it is not about votes anymore. the globalist view that -- the irony is if america was such a racist, terrible place, why does everyone want to come here? we should preserve and protect that for the people that play by the rules and do it the right way. instead we are doing the opposite. >> they are also ripping mayorkas over the disinformation governance board as you mentioned leading to this fiery exchange about the woman tapped to head it. watch. >> when the department picked her, did it know that she had said that mr. hunter biden's laptop is russian disinformation? >> i was not aware of that. we do not discuss the internal hiring process. uflt matly it's the secretary that's spoinls. >> that was a stunner. they slammed the whole idea of the board calling it the new big brother saying it's reminiscent of the ministry of truth in the orwell classic 1984 and something that would make hitler's propaganda minister proud. this and the border crisis hawley calling for mayorkas to step down. >> during the calendar year we have 245,390 illegal crossings just this year in the rio grande valley. and your priority is setting up a board and hiring someone who has gone to tiktok to talk about stopping speech, to say your priorities are misplaced is a dramatic understatement and the time has come i think, mr. secretary, for you to resign. >> one thing to run an extensive background check which one would think they would do. another thing you could have just googled her. >> i bet they probably did. they know exactly who she is. she is a misinformant police on their behalf. mayorkas -- listen to what joe biden said yesterday. the most extremist organization in american history is the maga crowd and also saying the single biggest threat to our homeland white nationalism and trying to conflate the two and say political opponents are extreme and dangerous. what do you do with them? you have to shut them up. if you have a disinformation board with a very loyal 30 something d.c. creature who played the game an loves to talk about misinformation but when she talks about it, it is always things that republicans or conservatives -- when her herself multiple times as we pointed out has spread misinformation herself. look at the dhs mission statement. after 9/11 it was formed to protect our homeland. now it is facilitating at the attorney border and silence and censor political opponents. >> it is one of the top issues as we head to the mid-term elections. we care about you. great to sigh, pete hegseth. thank you. the white house refusing to condemn the leak of the supreme court's draft opinion overturning roe versus wade. chief justice robbers condemned the leaker in the strongest terms and launched an investigation. senator ted cruise's take. >> over 200 years of our nation's history that has never happened and one woke little left wing twit who decided to hell with his or her obligations to the justice they work for, to hell with their obligations to the work, to hell with their obligations to the rule of law, that they would instead try to sneak it out in order to put political pressure on the justices and intimidate them into changing their vote. >> disturbing development a progressive group published the addresses of six conservative supreme court justice thes, a memo urging protestors to show up on their doorstep causing concerns for the justice's safety and safety of their families. peter doocy is live at the white house. this could be dangerous as there were growing calls and threats to these justices. >> sandra, we have already sent news gathering crews by the justice's homes this morning. so far nobody gathering there yet. activists appear to be staging or planning for a protest or protests next week and so that's got texas senator john cornyn filing a new bill hoping to get federal funding to give the justices and their families around the clock protection. he says the events of the past week have intensified the focus on the supreme court justice's families who are facing threats to their safety and n today's increasingly polarized political climate. the concern about personal security for justices recalls comments four years ago from maxine waters. now the chairwoman of the powerful house financial services committee who said this about trump officials. >> make sure we show up wherever we have to show up and if you see anybody from that cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you is call them out. and you tell them they are not welcome anymore anywhere. >> as for how this happened, biden officials don't seem too concerned. >> do you guys think -- does the president think the leaker should be punished? >> again, that's up for the department of justice and others to determine. what our focus is on is not getting our distracted or eye off the ball of what is most important to people across the country here, which is not the leak. the story of the leak. it is the fact that women's healthcare is at risk for millions people across this country. >> and my experience in the briefing room for many months has been this white house generally does not comment on leaks or hacks, so they are making an exception here. >> we'll dig that. peter doocy at the white house. host of get tammy bruce and dig into it for us, tammy. >> what is happening is outrageous. my left wing activism began with abortion rights. it involved democrat poll situations and it involved the establishment. nothing was organic. nothing was like a natural outrage because this is the only issue that would raise money. the only issue that would generate passion on the base. this is -- 20, 30 years later they have nothing new. it's the same thing. what i'm seeing here now is the outrageousness. it is never about the issue for the left. it's about power, money and influence. in this case this is about the institutions of the country. that they have decided they don't like. the country itself is the problem. this really is a denigration of the supreme court itself. the willingness to dox supreme court justices with a made-up monitor, which i used to do. even ruth bader ginsburg questioned and was not happy with the nature of the roe versus wade decision. as reminder here as everyone is manipulated and lied to by the left especially democrats. the supreme court doesn't make law. we know this. but nobody watching this seems to know it. this is about what the constitution stands for and simply that allowing the states to make their own decisions on this issue. but what you are seeing is this -- this will backfire. the left never knows when to stop. they always go too far. i'm with the americans there should be restrictions. limited restrictions but certain access, absolutely. to have riots and then to publish the addresses of supreme court justices has nothing to do with -- it should never be tolerated. the fact that the white house is not condemning it encourages it. that's a statement that they are behind it and that they support it. >> i'm sure they would push back on the encouragement part of that but at a minimum they should be condemning it. you didn't see jen psaki do it in the clip. >> she could have said we don't encourage this but. they didn't do that. that's an encouragement, underligand couragement for people doing it. this media is saying it could be a mid-term game changer. watch this. >> animate voters in the mid-terms. >> in november will it move votes? >> i think it will. my sense would be that this is something that will cost republicans some seats. >> this is completely altered by all likelihood the makeup of the mid-term electorate. >> "politico" meanwhile is reporting they're skeptical it will save the party in november. one pollster saying it will help at the margins but to regain control we need inflation to go away. interesting to frame it as that. >> right. >> inflation is not helping this party one bit. it is where they are struggling the most in the polls. do you believe this roe versus wade leak will turn things around? >> i think they hope it would be the 80s like when i was an activist. they've lost me and this generation. because this is about extremism. we've learned it has nothing to do with the issues. that kind of framing is confirming that this is just a political strategy. this is an effort to drag people along by the ears who in fact are being harmed. their lives are being harmed by inflation, by nothing on the shelves, food problems will increase. the nature of the job environment. the chaos on the world stage, war, discussion of limited nuclear exchanges. it is insane. a president who clearly is unaware of the nature of what's going on. we don't know who is running the country. americans realize they were lied to in 2020. they realize that when the democrats told them and what biden told them was not true and this is the democrats are dealing with. they hope -- i want every democrat out there and feminist to realize you are being used like a fetish, like a game piece because they want to maintain their own power. this has nothing to do with abortion rights which in every state of this union, women in this country are the majority of voters now. women can have an should have an impact. when it's in the courts you don't. that's what they've wanted. they wanted you to be hanging the tinder hook and to use this to move you around. don't be a game piece. be in charge. >> we'll see if we hear anything further from the white house on the issue and if they step up and condemn these calls for violence and particularly condemning the doxing of the supreme court justices. >> this is all they have and it's what the democratic party has become in my humble opinion. >> president biden's plan to -- there is a former obama white house official who says this student loan debt reduction could be a -- >> the fed is not treating this seriously. >> the fed is making moves on inflation but it may be too late as we tick closer to the mid-terms. fox business correspondent jackie deangelis is in "focus" next. ubrelvy helps u fight migraine attacks. u put it all on the line. u do it all. so u bring ubrelvy. it can quickly stop migraine in its tracks within 2 hours... without worrying if it's too late or where you are. unlike older medicines, ubrelvy is a pill that directly blocks a protein believed to be a cause of migraine. do not take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. most common side effects were nausea and tiredness. migraine pain relief starts with u. learn how abbvie can help you save. ask about ubrelvy, the anytime, anywhere migraine medicine. 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>> i think it is and larry is right. what will end up happening it's painful for the american people. jerome powell is in a tough spot. he could have done more. he didn't. he said he won't be too aggressive and that we'll have a soft landing. that means inflation at 8 1/2% will stay with us and american families longer and continue to feel it. what i'm also worried about. supply chain shortages. labor market right now. we get a new report tomorrow and watching for that. you have 11 million job openings in this country. that number was going down. it is going up. in march 4 1/2 million people quit their jobs. we have to watch what happens with wages here. they aren't keeping in pace with inflation and that's where the rub is. >> wages are going up. inflation faster. you are seeing negative wage growth in the country, something else that larry kudlow continues to point out. cnn piece says the fed ras late to inflation. will it miss the next big risk? arriving late to the scene will have consequences boosting rates as growth starts flowing comes with a heightened risk of cooling activities and sends an important signal. it takes 12 for 18 months for a move to have an effect. to bring down prices you raise interest rates and raises the cost of borrowing to slow the economy. the balance is not throwing the american economy into a recession. historically we've seen that can easily happen. the question is, is the fed up to the job? >> well, many people would say it's not. i don't typically agree with cnn but i do in this particular case. what you have here if you look at the stock market, yesterday's stock market said jerome powell i'm a baby, you gave me a pacifier and not too much of a steep rate rise as i was expecting. i'm happy. market goes up 900 points. today mr. market is saying wait a second, if we go into recession and see interest rates rise slowly and inflation persist it will have a chilling impact on corporations and the economy overall. on both, right? we already contracted our gdp for one quarter. if we see two quarters it means recession. >> extreme volatility. dow down 860 points in the past week. the biggest jump in the stock market in years and we've also seen the biggest drop. that's volatility. former top obama officials issuing a big warning about student debt cancellation. in the first quarter of this year hit 1.6 trillion included by 43 million people nationwide. the obama official writes if the issue is litigated the analysis tends to support the conclusion that the executive branch likely does not have the unilateral authority to engage in mass student debt cancellation. critics again hitting the move as a mid-term ploy. >> bottom line is joe biden is unpopular with just about everybody in the country right now but he is eptionly unpopular with young people. his attempt to buy votes . >> he worked in the trump white house and we spoke to him about it. the current white house when jen psaki was pressed this week if the president moves in this direction have you calculated the potential impact on inflation? the answer was no. so they are not prepared for what may come as a result of continued and increased government spengd. >> what they are willing to do is throw the baby out here, spend as much as they can to get the votes to hold onto power. i will quote larry when he says stop spending. stop spengd. you are not helping the problem. you are putting jerome powell in a hard position and this administration doesn't take responsibility for the spending it does an wants to continue to do and the problem that americans are facing now. >> the number one mid-term election issue now is inflation. the fed has a big job to tackle it. a culture war is underway in the classroom as some schools insist on teaching very young kids about gender and sexuality. new fox news poll shows what american parents think about that president biden characterizing his political rivals as the most extreme organization in american history. but is it smart to insult half the country? >> in case joe biden is interested in who the maga crowd is, these are people that love america. these are people that want to achieve the american dream and don't want the government smothering it for them. did you know there's only been two times in american history - two - when the national debt was larger than gross domestic product? 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i'm sure you do. it wasn't too long ago when he promised to be the great unifier. he has changed his tune. >> president biden: what happens if you have states change the law saying that children who are lgbtq can't be in classrooms with other children? is that legit under the way the decision is written? what are the next things that are going to be attacked? because this maga crowd is really the most extreme political organization that's existed in american history, in recent american history. >> when pressed for details on exactly which states biden was talking about, no specifics from the white house spokesperson. listen. >> we have seen extreme laws that target lgbtq families, their kids across the country and i this i what he is saying is we don't know what they are capable of given what they've done to date. >> which state is trying to segregate lgbtq kids in the classroom? >> we've seen laws that are discriminatory. that's what the president is referring to. >> they're blasting it and suggesting biden's rhetoric is an attempt to distract from his other problems. the abortion disinformation campaign, don't believe that other rights are in jeopardy of roe versus wade falls. our panel is here. glad to have you both. a lot to dig into there. but matt, it seems that the president has in a big way changed his tune from someone who campaigned on uniting this country. >> we have two serious constitutional questions here. not just obviously roe versus wade but this leak from the supreme court is outrageous and hasn't happened in 250 years. clearly the leak is done to try to affect justices that are still trying to figure out where they are on this question of overturning roe. but sandra, for the president of the united states in the midst of this to use that platform which we all pay for to try to manipulate and harass those justices, to intimidate them who are still in their deliberative process, is a real, real breach of his oath. his job as president is not to intimidate the supreme court. it is to execute the laws when they are written and when they come down. and so i find this to be a very troubling part. this is not unifying in any way. abortion is a tough, tough issue for people, i understand there are people with passionate opinions on it. we should all agree on this. it should not have been leaked and the president of the united states should stay out of this deliberation skoufrment he has no role. >> if he does step in perhaps to condemn the calls for violence against the conservative justices and the publishing of their home addresses and people showing up at them. laura, it's a tough environment. no doubt. a very divisive country that continues right now. this is a president that vowed, that promised he would unite the country. in that speech, though, calling out the maga crowd and calling it the most extreme organization in u.s. history. does that help anything in this moment and does it show he is significantly changing his tune in wanting to unite the american people? >> i think what it shows and matt touched on this. there are extremist laws being passed across the country and here we saw for the first time in history this week with a constitutional right taken away from more than half the population. abortion now will be overturned in more than 20 states. >> to be clear the supreme court -- >> let's talk about that. we keep talking about the other things. we're not talking about the fundamental fact that women's's lives will be impacted and die from back alley abortion. >> i asked you a specific question. does the president risk alienating half the country by calling the maga crowd -- >> we talk about these things in a divisive way when you pass legislation that bans abortion and condemns lgbtq kids. it is very divisive. >> confronting it by legislation. >> i would like to address this question about abortion. if you believe that the constitution does not speak to abortion and anybody who reads the constitution can see that the word abortion or anything close to that is in the constitution. >> no word women. >> i get to talk. that means that the states have to adjudicate these questions when the constitution doesn't explicitly talk about it. joe biden said it is adoin kicking lgbtq kids out of classrooms. he wants to kick maga kids out of classrooms. if you are pro-life you are proper life no matter what sexual orientation of the child. >> it is a conversation that will continue in this country. meanwhile as the fight rages across america for parents to get a say in their kids' education and the classroom. news fox news polling show a majority of are favor of a ban on sex and gender discussions for young children. 55% to 41%. "new york post" op-ed argues that anti-racism for 4-year-olds shows how destructive the ideology is while the daily caller has a piece titled weaponizing words in the war for america's children. parental rights in america are under assault by so-called experts and exhausting and insurmountable amount of time and money under the guise of expertise to push their wokeness onto the children. laura, to you on this one. is this going to be a losing issue for the democratic party come the mid-term elections? parents are showing very clearly that they need to be in charge of what their kids are learning in the classroom because a lot of what they are trying to learn in the classroom should be taught at home feel some of those parents. >> here is the wild thing. not zwlus j*us about the classroom and the believes of people and how what is done in an age appropriate way. 70% of americans believe that same-sex marriage is a good thing. and even more believe that lgbtq individuals should be able to be parents and raise children. that means gay parents have kids in public schools. that means that gay families should be represented. books about gay families shouldn't be banned and people at every age shouldn't be prohibited from talking about these families and these kids because they are americans too. and so these extremist laws that say you can't -- >> to be clear, do you support teaching -- do you support teaching 4-year-olds in the classroom about sexuality? >> i think 4-year-olds know when they have a classmate with two moms. you have to talk about it. >> the moms can't do that? >> what are you going to say. >> this is the great hypocrisy of the left. on abortion they say it's a private matter. government should stay out of it. let me make my priefrn at decision. when it comes to our kids the left steps up and says you don't have the right as a family to make these decisions on what you want to teach them and not teach them. we will dictate it through the curriculum in the schools. why can't a family have the ability to teach their kids their values? we go back to the schools not teaching sexuality or teaching moral questions concerning sex, but -- excuse me but schools go back to teaching them to read and write and to learn geography. >> especially at a time of lost learning. many parents feel that same way. shaking up to be one of the biggest issues for the mid-term elections. thank you for joining us. appreciate the discussion. thank you for watching "the faulkner focus". pleasure to be here with you today. i'm sandra smith and back at 1:00 p.m. eastern with john roberts on america reports. thanks for joining us. 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Situations , Ones , Love , Cries , Connotation , Nobody , Jab , Stand , Situation , Twisting , Turning , Truth , Deal , Disdain , Virginia , Fairfax , Plane , Work , Lot , Plan , Talk , Recovery , Detox , Doctor , Suv , Talks , Following , London , Plane Waiting , Tarmac , Door , Life , Changes , Walking , Doesn T , Body , Cell , Say Anything , Glasses , Spot , Places , Manner , He Didn T , Seat , Sequence , Breath , Weed , Alcohol , No Win Situation , Involvement , Non Responsive , Amount , Win , Tongue , What S Going On , James Rank , Sex Skeen , Security , Assistance , Me A Go Getter , Me A Slut , State Of Mind , U S , Points , Abuse , Amber , It , Way , Piece , Listening , Definition , Mind , Part , Job , Celebrities , Lifestyle , Motion Picture Roles , Head , Sense , Arguing , Battery , Rage , Sympathy , Eave , Filler , Actresses , None , Actors , Cure Oufs , Courtroom , Encounters , Data , Lawmakers , Border Apprehensions , Record Breaker , Arrests , A Million , 13000 , President , Southern Border Zero , Secretary , Administration , Restrictions , Title , Folks , Mayorkas On Full Blast , 42 , Country , Nothing , Board , Crisis Isn T , Root Cause , Voters , Mayorkas , Position , Pete Hegseth , Op Ed , Criticism , Author , Weekend Co Host , Fox Friends , Border , Thousands , Battle , Back Battle For The American , Number , Disinformation Governance Board , Camera , Department Of Homeland Security , Eyes , Records , Definition Misinformation , Definition A , Illegals , B , Gravity , Reality , Reporters , Texas , Eagle Pass , Donald Trump , No One Else , Policy , Hearing , Numbers , Borders , Drug Trafficking , Sex Trafficking , Child Trafficking , Practices , Issue , Some , Deaths , River , National Guardsman , Drownings , Signs , Governor , Crisis , Visit , Association Campaign Hitting Biden , Republican , Delaware , 118 , Zero , Delegation , Fine , Podium , Ain Ukraine , We Wish , Nancy Pelosi , Stand Up , Interest , Oren Southern Border , I Saw , Investment , Sovereignty , Type , Ukraine , Zelenskyy , Kamala Harris , Passion , Roe Versus Wade , Person , Mantra , Border Czar , Votes , Left , Everyone , Irony , Globalist View , Racist , Opposite , Rules , Exchange , Woman , Hunter Biden , Department , Laptop , Watch , Disinformation , Hiring Process , Stunner , Uflt Matly , Spoinls , Reminiscent , Orwell Classic 1984 , Idea , Propaganda Minister , Ministry Of Truth , Big Brother , Hitler , 1984 , Crisis Hawley , Rio Grande Valley , 245390 , Someone , Speech , Understatement , Priority , Priorities , Tiktok , Misinformant , Police , Background Check , Crowd , Joe Biden , Organization , American History , Extremist , Threat , Behalf , Creature , Homeland , Opponents , Disinformation Board , White Nationalism , 30 , Misinformation , Conservatives , Republicans , Game , Dhs Mission Statement , 9 11 , Leak , White House , Supreme Court , Issues , Elections , Attorney Border , Censor , Silence , History , Leaker , Nation , Ted Cruise , Chief Justice , Investigation , Robbers , Terms , 200 , Focus On The Supreme Court Justice , Obligations , Hell , Wing , Rule Of Law , Twit , Justices , Addresses , Pressure , Vote , Six Conservative Supreme Court Justice , Order , Disturbing Development A Progressive Group , Thes , Six , Families , Memo Urging Protestors , Safety , Concerns , Doorstep , Peter Doocy , Calls , Threats , Activists , Homes , Planning , Protest , Morning , News Gathering Crews , John Cornyn , Protests , Protection , Funding , Bill , Events , Concern , Climate , N , Officials , House Financial Services Committee , Chairwoman , Comments , Maxine Waters , Four , Anybody , Gasoline Station , Restaurant , Cabinet , Department Store , Anywhere , Guys , Eye , Focus , Others , Ball , Department Of Justice , Women , Fact , Risk , Healthcare , Experience , Briefing Room , Leaks , Happening , Exception , Dig , Hacks , Host , Tammy , Tammy Bruce , Democrat , Abortion Rights , Activism , Poll Situations , Establishment , Money , Outrage , Base , 20 , Power , Problem , Influence , Outrageousness , Institutions , Denigration Of The Supreme Court , Willingness , Dox Supreme Court , Monitor , Nature , Reminder , Roe Versus Wade Decision , Supreme Court Doesn T Make Law , Ruth Bader Ginsburg , Decisions , States , Constitution Stands , Americans , Access , Riots , Statement , Underligand Couragement , Minimum , Jen Psaki , Clip , Media , Mid Terms , Game Changer , Electorate , Politico , Makeup , Seats , Likelihood , Inflation , Party , Margins , Control , Most , Polls , Activist , Generation , 80 , Extremism , Strategy , Effort , Framing , Ears , Discussion , War , Food Problems , Job Environment , Exchanges , Shelves , Chaos , The World Stage , Democrats , 2020 , Game Piece , Feminist , Fetish , Majority , Impact , Courts , Estate , You Don T , Union , Tinder Hook , Anything , Violence , Opinion , Doxing Of The Supreme Court Justices , Fed , Student Loan Debt Reduction , Obama White House , Jackie Deangelis , Fox Business , Ubrelvy , Migraine Attacks , Protein , Migraine , Side Effects , Pill , Cause , Tracks , Inhibitors , Nausea , Tiredness , Older Medicines , Cyp3a4 , 2 , Cyp3 , Abbvie , Migraine Pain Relief Starts , Children Giggling , Masters , Uh , Barista , K Hmm , Masters Boulevard , Gonna , Buddy , 1111 , 11k , 11 , Eleven , 1k , Energy , Nutrition , Mission , Coincidence , Strength , Clues , Woo Hoo , Heart , Landmarks , Vitamins , Minerals , Viking , Europe , 27 , Extras , Treasures , Ship , Excursions , Viking Longships , Wi Fi , Cultural Enrichment , Inflammation , Symptoms , Cruise Line , Readers , CondÉ Nast , Xiidra , Over The Counter , Relief , Eye Drops , Eye Disease , Burn , Ache , Discomfort , Taste Sensation , Vision , Eye Irritation , Room , Dry Eye Disease , Health , Pay , Remi , Dog , Prescription , Dry Eye , Improvements , Farmer , Allergies , 90 , , 0 , Happiness , Food , Duty , Satisfaction , Mentality , 32 , Team , Help , Everything , Leadership Positions , Hand , Hand Out , They E , Newday Usa , Loan , Veteran , Recession , Economy , Hardship , Drop , Lowest , Note , Session , 2 7 , 916 , Bank , Jerome Powell , Interest Rate Hike , Jerome Powell Speeng , Federal Reserve Share , Hikes , Five , Critics , Inflation Crisis , Interest Rates , Unemployment , Move , Larry Kudlow , Landing , 8 1 2 , Report , Supply Chain Shortages , Labor Market , Job Openings , 11 Million , Wages , They Aren T , Rub , Keeping , Jobs , Pace , 4 1 2 Million , March 4 , Growth , Inflation Faster , Cnn , Fed Ras , Rates , Consequences , Cooling Activities , Signal , Balance , Effect , Cost , Borrowing , Prices , 18 , 12 , Question , Market , Stock Market , Baby , Rate , Pacifier , Rise , 900 , Corporations , Gdp , Wait A Second , Volatility , Quarters , Jump , Dow Down , 860 , Student Debt Cancellation , Warning , Obama , 1 6 Trillion , Conclusion , Authority , Executive Branch , Analysis , 43 Million , Attempt , Bottom Line , Everybody , Ploy , Moves , Spengd , Direction , Answer , Result , Stop Spending , Stop Spengd , Election , Responsibility , Number One , Classroom , Schools , Parents , Kids , Teaching , Sexuality , Gender , Culture War , Fox News , Biden Characterizing , Rivals , Maga , American History Two , The American Dream And Don T , Gold , Gross Domestic Product , World War Ii , Rosland Capital , Deep Hole , Metals , Leader , Coins , Rosland Guide , Wealth , Lady Liberty , Proofs , Bullion , Call Rosland , Standard , Shipping , Hassles , Brochure , Gimmicks , Precious Metals Ira , Call Rosland Capital , 8900 , 800 630 8900 , 800 , 630 , Sound Engineer , Record Label , Taking Off , Job Description , Indeed Instant Match , Candidates , Visit Indeed Com Hire Andrea , Veterans , Bills , Values , Shoulders , Treatment , Stress , Home Equity , Transportation , Congratulations , Jude , Cash , Value , Average , Lows , Newday 100 , Equity , 25 , 60000 , 100 , 0000 , Call Newday , Soul , American , Tune , It Wasn T , Great Unifier , Children , Classrooms , Lgbtq Can T , Law , Decision , Details , Laws , Saying , Spokesperson , Specifics , Lgbtq Kids , Given , Rights , Problems , Rhetoric , Jeopardy , Abortion Disinformation Campaign , There , Panel , Roe Versus Wade Falls , Questions , Hasn T , Overturning Roe , 250 , Platform , Midst , Real , Breach , Process , Oath , Abortion , Opinions , Tough , Deliberation Skoufrment , Role , Step , Environment , Publishing , Laura , No Doubt , Population , Back Alley Abortion , Women S , Legislation , Constitution , Word , Constitution Doesn T , Lgbtq , Adoin , Kids Out , Conversation , Matter , Fight , Child , Say , Sexual Orientation , Sex , Education , Ban , Anti Racism , News Fox , Favor , New York Post , 55 , 41 , Words , Ideology , Daily Caller , Assault , 4 , Experts , Expertise , Guise , Wokeness , Learning , Wild Thing , Charge , Same Sex Marriage , Individuals , 70 , Shouldn T , Books , Extremist Laws , Moms , Classmate , Hypocrisy , Family , Steps , The Left , My Priefrn , Curriculum , Ability , Geography , Pleasure , The Faulkner Focus , America Reports , Eastern , John Roberts , 00 , 1 , Buick , Break , Dad , Thanks , Ove Our New Alexa , Alexa Smell , Grocery Store , Directions , Snacks , Buick Enclave , Oh My , Powerful Va Benefit , News , Suvs , Va Home Loan Benefit , Refinance Loan , Loans , Newday 100 Va Loan , Mortgage , Credit Card Debt , Care , Service , Payments , Va Home Loan , 600 , Mom , Kit , Action , Heart Health , Reports , Health Info , Journey , Mother , 50 , Sleep Number , Movements , Bed , Temperature Balancing , Smart Bed , Sale , Queen , 299 , 1299 , 360 , 500 , Price , Emily Compagno , Campaign , Harassment , Intimidation , Kayleigh , Ben Ferguson , Carley Shimkus , Rachel Campos Duffy , Draft Opinion , Looks , Rel V Wade , Security Fencing ,

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