Transcripts For FOXNEWS Fox Report With Jon Scott 20240708 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Fox Report With Jon Scott 20240708

a steel plant in the southern port city of mariupol. about 2,000 ukrainian fighters and up to 1,000 civilians have been sheltered inside that plant which is the only participant of the city not under -- part of the city not under russian control. meantime, back here at home the judds' induction into the country music hall of fame going on as scheduled one day after naomi judd died at the anal of 76. this as -- age of 76. this as family, fans and fellow artists mourn her loss. and the department of homeland security is in the spotlight for two reasons this season. first, officials including the foreign minister of honduras are warning migration to the u.s. could surge if the title 42 pandemic border policy is lifted. and the department is also facing questions about the newly-announced discan information governance board -- disinformation governance board and the person leading it. kansas republican senator roger marshall will join us later this hour. first, though, to david spunt at the white house. >> reporter: president biden is in the air back to the white house, he spent the afternoon in minneapolis at a service for walter mondale. we talked about immigration, in just a few weeks title 42 is scheduled to expire meaning tens of thousands of illegal migrants will likely cross the southern border. the president under increasing pressure to publicly reconsider his decision to end the program. the administration, jon, is also under fire for a few disinformation governance board aimed at stopping disinformation or misinformation, whatever you want to call it. some critics have called it orwellian, some even have called it a ministry of truth. the executive director of the board, nina jankowicz, is being criticized for downplaying back in 2020 the hunter biden laptop story. this is before she was working on the board. the prime minister's son is not -- president's son is not facing charges right now, however, he is under federal investigation, and that laptop is in fbi custody. here is secretary mayorkas with the department of homeland security this morning. >> i don't question her objectivity. there are people in the department who have a diverse range of views, and they're incredibly dedicated to mission. we're not the opinion police. she has testified before congress a number of times. she's recognized as a tremendous authority, and we're very fortunate to have her. >> reporter: jankowicz said i would consider working for any administration with a solid respect for the truth and democratic and human rights whether conservative or liberal. i was simply motivated by the desire to make a positive impact and strengthen our democracy just as all my work on disinformation the past six years has been. i just want to be able to do the work. looking ahead to this week, the president will head to alabama on tuesday to a lockheed martin facility, that's where they make javelin and anti-tank missiles, those same pieces of equipment the united states has been sending to ukraine. and speak of ukraine, as the president left to board marine one today on the south lawn, i shouted out to the president asking him if he plans to visit ukraine after news that house speaker nancy pelosi did. he looked at me, just kept walking without an answer. we'll see if he does in the future. jon: he has said in the past he wants to go. david spunt live at the white house, thank you. >> reporter: thanks. jon: well, the migrant surge at the southern border cascading, and the clock is ticking until title 42 border restrictions are lifted may 23rd. a federal judge has temporarily blocked the biden administration from doing so. meanwhile, bipartisan support is growing against its ending, and border agents are preparing for up to 18,000 migrants per day once the order is lifts. the white house says it's prepared but hasn't shared many details. bryan llenas live in eagle pass, texas, with the latest. bryan. >> reporter: jon, good evening. distressing news here from eagle pass. just 10 minutes ago our crew here and i, we just witnessed a man, a migrant, trying to cross from mexico to eagle pass, drowned in the rio grande river. let's take a look at this fox news drone. this is that victim's friend. both of them were trying to swim across. he is now in the middle of the rio grande river on that land bridge. he's exhausted. he swam about 100 yards. he has his cell phone in a bag. he's trying to catch his breath. again, this man's friend or whoever he was trying to cross with just drowned moments ago, and this is the reality for the migrants here who are putting themselves at risk every day trying to cross into the united states through these waters. this is the same river in which bishop evans, a national guard specialist, the 22-year-old, drowned trying to save two my migrants. it is the harsh and tragic reality of the situation down here. all day we have seen handfuls of migrants including moments ago about 8 trying to cross and come here. the national guard hands them over to the border patrol for processing. you know, the numbers are startling. it was 550,000 apprehensions at this time last year, and at this point it is a million. and last year was a record. mayor yolanda ramon says not enough is being done, and she is demanding action. this is what he had to say. >> we don't have the resources, i can guarantee they don't either, they're hoping the federal government also reimburses them. we're just hoping that president biden gets into a plane and comes down here and actually sees what is going on here on the border. >> reporter: and we visited mexico ourselves. migrants know that city as the safest city along the mexican border, so as many as 300 migrants a day have been arriving there, we're told. the city and statement the -- state are getting zero support from the mexican federal government. he also says rumors, misinformation and confusion have led many migrants astray. >> they are giving people notices to appear. they're actually staying in the united states because we can't actually detain them, we don't have enough beds. so people being let go with a cell phone and a motes to appear. that can't help -- notice to appear. that can't help the situation in terms of the messaging problem, right? >> exactly. it is the wrong message they are receiving. they think that it's easy to enter to united states. they think it's easy to have all your documentations to be part of the united states, and that's not the truth. >> reporter: and back out to our live fox news drone here on the rio grande, that man who swam about 100 yards to the safety of a land bridge in the middle of the river is there still, exhausted, like i said. his friend just drowned in front of us. title 42 ends on may 23rd and, of course, the big question is what's going to happen. they are preparing here for an unprecedented surge this summer that would break last year's record. and one last thing, jon, i'll say, what we're seeing here along the eagle pass is we're seeing documents strewn throughout. these are two mexican sort of visas for two cuban-americans -- or two cubans. they leave them on the ground when they're caught here because the border patrol, we're told, if they find cubans, for instance, that have been in mexico for more than 30 days, they could be title 42'd, which means expelled right away. cubans don't want to have any documentation like that on them, and has the reality of what we're seeing here. jon? jon: the choppiness of that river suggests the run ioff is pretty high right now. there must have been some spring rains that are really raising the water levels there, bryan, huh? >> reporter: yeah, it's a good point. it just rained a few moments ago. not a lot. we do know that in the last week the levels of the river were actually brought down. you remember, it took four days to find the body of 22-year-old national guardest establish bishop -- bishop evans. i don't think the river has been, the levels have risen that much since then, but the choppiness is remarkable. and when we saw that man, he was rying to hold on to a pillar in the middle of the river. he was screaming for help, and both people on both sides could do nothing about it. and he drowned. jon: heartbreak stuff. bryan llenas, thank you. house speaker nancy pelosi visits ukrainian president zelenskyy. the group, the first official congressional delegation to visit ukraine since the war began. they delivered a simple message, ukraine has america's support until, quote, victim arely is won. victory is won. zelenskyy says evacuations are underway at the steel plant in mariupol which has been sealed off from the rest of the world. trey i didn't think so is live in kyiv -- trey yingst is live in keefe with the latest on all of that. >> reporter: jon, good evening. a major development today as ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy says around 100 civilians were evacuatedded from that steel plant in mariupol. in the coming hours and days, more people are expected to leave this area. it does come after the russian defense ministry said over the weekend at least 46 people were able to leave the steel plant in the besiege ised city where an estimated 1,000 residents and 2,000 ukrainian soldiers are located. the united nations does continue to push russia for a humanitarian corridor there. the news comes amid a high profile visit by speaker of thehouse nancy pelosi who came to the capital of kyiv. she was joined by a group of house democrats who took a train to kyiv as the the city does remain a target for russian forces. the delegation held meetings with ukrainian officials to discuss military and humanitarian aid as the war does continue. this after president biden announced that $333 billion aid -- $33 billion aid package which will need congressional approval. organizations from around the world are doing what they can to help. mission to ukraine, a nonprofit organization founded by two friends who met at cornell university are working to deliver much needed medical devices and oh supply -- other supplies to hard-hit areas of ukraine. >> being able to provide some level of normalcy to refugees in the european union and being able to provide meaningful medical supplies to people in cities under siege is, you know, it's overwhelming. >> reporter: so far mark and his friend dylan have have raised around a quarter million dollars for ukrainians in need. back to you. jon: trey yingst live from kyiv, ukraine with. trey, thank you. well, country music fans and stars are mourning the loss of naomi judd. the 76-year-old grammy award-winning singer died saturday from what her daughters describe as mental illness. beginning today her duo, the jumpeds, will be in the country -- judds, will be in the country music hall of fame. charles watson is live in nashville right now. >> reporter: good evening, jon. the unexpected death of grammmy award-winning oklahomany judd is not only send -- naomi is not only sending shock waves through the music industry, but to her legions of fans who were expecting to see her accept her indunks alongside her daughter -- induction. >> we're very sad. we're big fans of the judds and country music in general, and the timing of this, we read last night also that the family agreed to move forward with the induction tonight. i think it's a great tribute to her. >> i mean, my heart just goes out to them, you know? it's their privacy, their moment, their story to tell. >> reporter: and, you know, despite all that's happened in the last 24 hours, we're told the two will still be inducted today. the country music hall of fame ceo says the decision to move forward was made at the request of the judd family. of course, judd made up one-half of the country music mother/daughter duo with, the jumpeds. the 76-year-old -- judds, the 76-year-old and daughter winona for known for more than a number of songs including the mega-hit love can build a bridge. judd's youngest daughter ashley said in part, we sisters experienced a tragedy, we lost our beautiful mother to the disease of mental illness. we are shattered. and and while the family is not releasing any other details, jon, spoke openly about her constant a struggles with mental health, namely depression in the years preceding her death. ♪ love can build a bridge ♪♪ >> reporter: even so, she knew how to make people smile as was the case when the judds performed on stage together for the first time in about a decade last month at the cmt music awards. the mother/daughter duo were even set to go back on tour this fall. at this point we don't know what the status of that tour is right now but, jon, naomi judd certainly leaves behind a body of work that will live way past her lifetime. jon: what a tremendous loss for her daughters and her fans. charles watson, thank you. well, kansas senator roger marshall will join us after the break with his take on some of our top stories and an update on how his state is recovering after a severe tornado swept through. ♪ ♪ dining including takeout with chase freedom unlimited. that's a lot of cash back. are you gonna stop me? uh-oh... i'm almost there... too late! boom! earn big time with chase freedom unlimited with no annual fee. how do you cashback? chase. make more of what's yours. ♪("i've been everywhere" by johnny cash) ♪ ♪i've traveled every road in this here land!♪ ♪i've been everywhere, man.♪ ♪i've been everywhere, man.♪ ♪of travel i've had my share, man.♪ ♪i've been everywhere.♪ ♪♪ are you haunted by your cable service? have you noticed strange, frightening fees on your monthly bill? do you experience feelings of dread when you pass by your cable box? if the answer is yes... who you gonna call? directv stream. the price you see is the price you pay. zuriel: st. jude gave us hope. directv stream. stephanie: all you've got to do is take care of your child, focus on her healing, give her a life. that for 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>> well, i just don't see that happening. they haven't been able to handle this number of people, and those numbers are going to double and triple. and again, just think of what the cartel is doing. they're using these human shields to smuggle in narcotics, and then they throw a kid out the boat when they're about to get busted x then they make the escape. so there's no way that we have the ability to handle 2-3 times the amount of crossings that we have right now. they're thinking about making our veterans hospital shortchanged by taking doctors and nurses from there and serving them to the border, and we already have a waiting time problem with the v.a. hospitals. jon: secretary mayorkas was on the morning shows this morning, and one of the things he said is, hey, we're getting the message out, do not come. do not come to our border. how are they getting that message out, senator? >> well, certainly, that's not the message people are hearing across the world. president biden has been loud and clear saying, come, we're here for you. and when you get here, you're going to get free health care, free food and water. so, you know, they're treated better than our veterans are, better with than our soldiers are. so here's mayorkas today, but for over a year now this president has been saying come, everybody, you're welcome. the gates are wide open. jon: we had a report top of the hour about how secretary -- i'm sorry, how speaker nancy pelosi took a democrat delegation to kyiv to meet with president volodymyr zelenskyy. i was curious, why no republicans? would this not have been a good time to do a bipartisan trip? >> it sure would have been, and i assume that nobody was invited. but here's the question, was just all show? was administration going to finally come through with some serious sanctions? all you have to do is look at the value of ruble. the value of the ruble's now above what it was prewar. so the sanctions are not working. this white house has dragged their feet in implementing them. even a lot of the energy sanctions on the banks in russia have not been implemented yet. we're hoping it's not all show, that there'll be some go will from administration. jon: i want to play something quickly from victoria spartz, she is a ukraineen -- she was born in ukraine, now serves in the congress. listen. >> if you look about it from last package, 13.6 billion package, only 3.5 actually went to military aid and not all to ukraine, you know? we need to is ask questions what's a happened9 with the rest. i'll be honest with you, i've been in poland twice, ukraine twice now, and i haven't seen evidence of a lot of this humanitarian assistance. ill like -- i would like to ask questions. jon: saying about $10 billion from the last package that, you know, was supposedly dispensed to ukraine didn't get there. where's it going? >> that's a great question, jon. i was in poland fairly recently, and it was easy to get items to the border, but to get them past the border, there are lots of supply chain disruptions. that's going to continue to be the challenge and, again, we hope this administration is ready to engage now. it's day 67. we're the leader of the free world, it's time we start acting like it. item jon all right. you're not one of those who says the europeans ought to be doing more. >> europeans absolutely need to be doing more. they should be leading on this, and i've been saying that since the beginning. we don't want this to be russia verse versus america. we need the european union to be leading, they have the financial whereabouts to do it -- jon: all right. congress -- i'm sorry, senator roger marshall, it's good to have you in. enjoy your stay in new york. >> great to be here. jon: well, president biden making jokes about his poor approval ratings. let's see whether he's still laughing after the midterms. tom bevan from real clear politics joins after the break to weigh in, coming up. ♪ ♪ wealth is breaking ground on your biggest project yet. worth is giving the people who build it a solid foundation. wealth is shutting down the office for mike's retirement party. worth is giving the employee who spent half his life with you, the party of a lifetime. ♪ ♪ wealth is watching your business grow. worth is watching your employees grow with it. ♪ ♪ hey businesses! worth is watching your emplyou all deserve it. something epic! so we're giving every business, our best deals on every iphone - including the iphone 13 pro with 5g. that's the one with the amazing camera? 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" it's the bottom of the hour. if you're just joining us, our top stories. u.s. marshals are now offering up to $10,000 for any information on a missing alabama inmate and corrections officer. 38-year-old casey white was awaiting trial at the lauderdale county jail when he disappeared on friday. the assistant director of corrections, vicki white, who is no relation to the inmate, took casey white from jail saying she was taking the prisoner to the county courthouse. they have not been seen since. casey white is charged with two counts of capital murder after confessing to a brutal september stabbing in 200. -- 2020. >> plus, researchers in alabama are gearing up for a 10-day explanation of the wreckage of the last slave ship known to have brought africans to the u.s. that ship was discovered in 2019 nearly 160 years after it sank. historians say the ship was still working decades after congress banned the international slave trade. and arkansas republican governor asa hutchinson says a 2024 presidential run is, quote, on the table. on cnn's state of the union today, hutchinson said he might run even if former president trump decides to enter the race. download the fox news app, you can scan the k qr code on your scream or go to apps. it is the last weekend of ohio's republican senate prir mare -- primary race, and former president trump and texas senator ted cruz were out this week campaigning for their respective candidates of. trump has been stumping for author j.d. vance while cruz has joined former state treasurer joran mandel for several -- josh mandel for several events. mark meredith is live in the buckeye state with the latest on that race. >> reporter: good evening to you. ohio republicans have men oif -- plenty of candidates to choose from ahead of the senate primary on tuesday, but right now it appears that author and businessman j.d. vance is the man man to beat, and he may have one person to thank, and that's former president donald trump. all weekend long vance has been campaign paining across the buckeye state, and tonight he's going to be campaigning with missouri senator josh hawley, also tomorrow as they try to get out the vote. but it wasn't that long ago that vance was flailing in the polls and even struggling to raise money. that all changed after the trump endorsement that surprised a lot of people because vance had been critically outspoken against trump many times in 2016 and beyond. vance now says he is ready to back the trump agenda. here's what he had to say to fox yesterday. >> a lot of people changed their mind on donald trump, and i'm one of them. i think a lot of voters don't mind so long as you're just honest with them. >> reporter: today state senator matt dolan campaigned across northern ohio. there are reports he's seeing a late surge in support. dolan has certainly embraced a lot of the america first policies, but he's also distancing himself from the repeated claims of voter fraud by the former president. he tells fox he truly believes people are giving him a second look. >> i think we're getting some people leaving other candidates because they want somebody who's singularly focused on going to washington to fight the biden administration, fight for ohioans and make america strong. >> reporter: but a recent fox poll found a quarter of primary voters were still undecided meaning any of these senate candidates still have a shot, and, of course, with the primary election it's a little tough to read the tea leaves, it's not as big or as busy as a general election, per se. political analysts watching closely for implications well beyond the buckeye state depending on whether or not the trump endorsement did make a difference. jon? jon: ohio very critical in picking the president. mark meredith in ohio for us, thanks. >> reporter: you wet. -- you bet. >> a special thanks to the 42% of you who actually applauded. [laughter] i'm really excited to be here tonight with the only group of americans with a lower approval rating than i have. >> ever since you've come into office, things are really looking up, you know? gas is up, rent is up, food is up -- [laughter] everything. jon: president biden and comedian trevor noah making light of the prime minister's many woes at -- president's many woes at the white house correspondents' dinner last night in washington. a new poll shows the president's approval rating has gone up ever so slightly, but numbers remain dauntingly loan it comes to the economy and inflation. right now the outlook is not too pretty for the democrats. let's bring in real clear politics' cofounder and president tom bevan. tom, it's good to have you on. >> great to be with you, jon. jon: i was at that dinner last night, and when trevor noah said, you know, gas is up, rent is up, you know, groceries are up, i looked over at the president, and he's laughing with a huge smile on his pace. now, if i'm a republican, you know, media person, don't you grab that clip and make it the centerpiece of a political commercial come november? [laughter] >> yes. i think there will be -- that clip will be featured in a lot of races around the country. and just to put some perspective on that, the abc news/washington post poll that a came out today said 50% of people are concerned about inflation, okay? another 44% are not just concerned about it, they're upset with it. so this is an issue that is almost unanimously on the minds of the american people, and biden's handling of that issue is very, very low. 74% of independents disapprove of the way he's handling the inflation issue. for him to be sitting there and yukking it up and laughing, i think he's going to regret that moment because, as you said, it will be featured prominently in plenty of campaign ad as this fall. jon: as you well know and for viewers who might not, the point of the dipper is to sort of pokf poke fun at the powerful. you want to have some fun at the president's expense. i just wonder about the reaction, you know? there are oh ways he could have handled it besides just leaning back and laughing uproariously. >> yes. [laughter] and, again, i think he was just going along to get along and playing along, but look, that's not going to matter. when that clip is in an ad in october in, you know, these races, incumbent democrats around the country are going to be, you know, wondering and rueing that because it's not just -- again, it's number one issue on minds of americans by an order of magnitude, and the administration's handling of that issue is in the tank. it's the biggest political problem they have, and even though he was just plague along, it doesn't -- you know, the optics just aren't very good. jon: you mentioned that new abc news/washington post poll, and i want to bring up a few interesting numbers from that poll. when asked which party do you trust to better handle these issues, republicans win on crime, 47-35%, they win on the economy 50-36 and on -- inflation republicans beat democrats 50-31%. again ors those are some pretty daunting numbers for any democrat who wants to win re-election in november. >> and those are the top issues in the election. the other one you didn't mention is immigration, and republicans have an advantage there, and that's an issue that is absolutely splitting the democrats at the worst possible time. this title 42 is scheduled to be rescinded on may 23rd, at the end of this month. it looks like it's going to go forward, and you've got mark kelly in arizona, catherine cortez masto in nevada, maag -- maggie hassan in new hampshire, all incumbent democrats who can see what a political problems with it is for them. jon: normally voters vote the economy. that's normally the biggest issue when they go into the voting booth, you know, who's doing a good job of handling the economy or who might do a better job. and when you look at those numbers, it feels like, you know, the democrats -- even though it's not a presidential election year -- they're going to have a tough row to hoe here. >> they are. and part of the the problem is that, you know, there's nobody else for voters to blame. democrats control the house, the senate, the white house. so, you know, republicans can really make hay over the fact that democrats are in control of everything. and the other problem for the biden administration is they want to tout there are some good numbers on the economy. the upping employment rate, etc. but when they do that, it's a disconnect with voters and voters think they're not positioned on, you know, they're not living 3.6% unemployment, they're living $5 gas and, you know, 20% higher at the grocery store. and so the administration seems out of touch when they try and tout the strong parts of the economy. but unless and until they can dole with inflation -- deal with inflation and tell voters they have a plan to battle it, they're going to continue to suffer politically. jon: i just want to put up very quickly a headline that was in "the new york times" today, and viewers who want to check it out can do so. just the headline, biden received early warnings that immigration and inflation could erode his support. and, you know, despite that this is all about how his pollster was telling him very early on that those two issues were going to be a problem. and despite that, he still has not been with to the border, and the border seems to be wide open, tom. >> right. i mean, you can argue how much the president and his policies are have in terms of impacting inflation. republicans will say a lot, democrats would say not much. but on immigration, that is a clear decision by the biden administration right from the get go to basically say, look, there is no crisis at the border, we've got it under control, and they have not done anything, anything to allay, you know, not just concerns of republicans, but of independents and even now some democrats as to what's gone on there. and it has been a de facto open border and, again, it's an issue that is a problem that republicans poll better than democrats on, and it's going to be a problem for democrats in november if the administration doesn't do something to allay those concerns. jon: the founder of real clear politics, tom bevan. tom, thanks for coming on. thanks. >> you got it, thank you. jon: house speaker nancy pelosi's tripp to ukraine's capital with a delegation just the latest in a series of recent trips by congress. congressional correspondent chad pergram reports on how that practice is picking up steam after pandemic. >> reporter: this is tuesday, it must be belgium or poland or the southern border. lawmakers flock to far-flung locations on official congressional travel. >> that's correct, i'm standing here in kyiv. >> i got to meet with a french battalion commander who is working with our striker brigade there in romania. >> reporter: an intensive itinerary for lawmakers for the first time since the pan pan demic -- pandemic. >> there's a lot of pent-up interest in getting together. >> reporter: members travel to exotic locations heavy on sunshine, light on substance. these days they're jam-packed. >> the schedule for meetings in the morning until 10:00 at night. >> reporter: lawmakers don't worry about criticism that they're not working. the fear is the perception that they're not working when they travel. however, some trips are designed for photo op. >> members of congress are using it to showcase an issue. >> reporter: but what do these trips accomplish? >> i said good-bye to my wife and go make these trips so that the military men and women in my community. >> reporter: people don't step off a plane in europe with a plan to end the war in ukraine. deep-seeded mistrust among the sides. lawmakers sometimes build bipartisan bonds during the long flight or a trip to the hotel bar. >> you're finding out about their children, you're finding out about their college experience. you know, that creates relationships inside the congress that go way beyond the issue at hand. >> and i have seen legislative deals that were cut because of long congressional trips. >> reporter: in other words, the most valuable commodity from a trip may be forging congressional comity which breaks down partisan divides. on capitol hill, chad pergram, fox news. jon: the new york police department will implement new changes this week aimed at driving down violent crime. what it's doing to try to keep the streets of big city safe, that's next. ♪ when my genetic reports told me about my heart health, i was able to take action. and i got a kit for my mom, too, so she can get her own meaningful health info. this mother's day, start a new health journey together with mom with $50 off every kit. [♪♪] together with mom did you know you can address one of the root causes of aging by targeting all the cells in your body? try tru niagen. life as we know it cannot exist without nad. as we age, nad can decrease by as much as 50%. tru niagen is proven to increase nad, to support heart and muscle health, and energy production that starts in your cells. address one of the root causes of aging with tru niagen, researched by the world's top scientific institutions. ♪ jon: violent crime continues to rise in major u.s. cities. tomorrow the nypd will begin a new strategy to try to combat crime heading into the historically violent summer months. the plan unveiled just hours after a man was stabbed to death inside a busy restaurant in times square. nate foy is live with the details for us. nate. >> reporter: good evening. the nypd will be deploying more resources in the city starting tomorrow but not before two gruesome murders this weekend. you mentioned the deadly stabbing at a restaurant in times square. today a 27-year-old man was shot in the head in broad danger in the upper west side of manhattan. new video just into the newsroom. this happened at 12:15 this afternoon. more surprisingly, just one block from the nypd's 24th precinct. the shooter still has not been caught, we are working to learn who was killed. also 41-year-old e jesse armstrong is facing murder charges for that stabbing in times square. it happened at a dave and buster's last night. police say armstrong ran away but was caught shortly after. he's accused of killing 39-year-old allen stanford of new york during an argument at the prize collection area of the dave and buster's. this comes on the same weekend that mayor adams met with police leadership talking about that summer violence prevention central that starts tomorrow. more cops on patrol at night, they're moving 350 neighborhood coordinating officers on to evening patrol. three cars on the midnight shift will start three hours early, and they're also using field intelligence officers. there will be an inspector in each borough including two in the bronx to help police better respond to where violence is happening and where they believe it might happen. this plan focuses specifically on the hours of 9 p.m. and 2 a.m., according to the nypd chief ken coar key -- corey, that 5-hour window accounts for half of all shootings in new york city. back to you, jon. jon: all right. nate foy from the newsroom, thank you. well, the u.n. says at least 7.7 million ukrainians are displaced within hair own country. -- their own country. up next, we take you to the to wen city of lviv where many of those refugees, including a nine-day-old baby have gone. ♪ ♪ if verio reflect® meter shows instantly if you're below, within or above your range. it cheers you on and provides guidance. connected to your health and your phone. visit today. - i always wanted to speak french but i never had the time and then i tried babbel. - [announcer] babbel, the number one selling language learning app in the world. - you're learning phrases that you can use right away in real life conversations. after just four weeks i was feeling confident enough to have simple conversations in french. (speaking in french language) now i'm speaking french. - babbel, the quick way to get conversational in a new language. try babbel free today, go to or download the app. jon: the u.n. says more than 5 million ukrainians have fled their country since the russian invasion began, almost 8 million are more are internally displaced meaning they are within their own country but not at home. matt finn spoke to some displaced ukrainians who left their lives behind and fled to western ukraine. he reports from lviv. >> reporter: this nine-day-old baby is living with his mother, father and three brothers in a refugee housing pod in lviv. the babe's father tells us he and his wife escaped by train from their home. they traveled hundreds of miles from the eastern side of ukraine to the far wen city of lviv -- western city of lviv. along the way finding any doctor that would help with the birth of a war refugee. [speaking in native tongue] >> translator: i went to the polish site concern i want to thank the volunteers and the people who help us. we are sleeping well, we are warm. >> reporter: these pods were shipped to ukraine a by a polish humanitarian aid group. they have bunk beds, a small table and some storage. ann tolely, who was also displaced, showed us inside his pod where he's living with his wife, daughter and granddaughter. the young girl's mother tells us her husband is fighting and her 5-year-old daughter is aware of their new reality. [speaking in native tongue] >> translator: because we hid in the basement for shelter. i'm not trying to hide information. >> reporter: ann tolely says if russia prevails in their the region, they may abandon their home forever. >> translator: if the ukrainians win the territory, we will come back. >> reporter: some of these refugees were in the warmth and safety of their own homes weeks ago, now families are taking shelter in the space the size of a shipping container. the cabins providing are refugees able to flee some of the hardest-hit areas and cold dark tunnels a temporary safe place to rest. >> translator: of course you would like to go home. >> reporter: in lviv, ukraine, matt finn, fox news. jon: and we'll be back in just a moment. are you haunted by your cable service? have you noticed strange, frightening fees on your monthly bill? do you experience feelings of dread when you pass by your cable box? if the answer is yes... who you gonna call? directv stream. the price you see is the price you pay. ♪("i've been everywhere" by johnny cash) ♪ ♪i've traveled every road in this here land!♪ ♪i've been everywhere, man.♪ ♪i've been everywhere, man.♪ ♪of travel i've had my share, man.♪ ♪i've been everywhere.♪ ♪♪ ♪i've been everywhere.♪ i earn 3% cash back at drugstores with chase freedom unlimited. so i got cards for birthdays, holidays, graduations, i'm covered for everything. which reminds me, thank you for driving me to the drugstore. earn big time with chase freedom unlimited with no annual fee. how do you cashback? chase. make more of what's yours. do your eyes bother you? because after all these emails my eyes feel like a combo of stressed, dry and sandpaper. luckily, there's biotrue hydration boost eye drops for instant moisture. biotrue uses naturally inspired ingredients. and no preservatives. try biotrue (music) who said you have to starve yourself to lose weight? who said you can't do dinner? who said only this is good? and this is bad? i'm doing it my way. meet plenity. an fda -cleared clinically proven weight management aid for adults with a bmi of 25-40 when combined with diet and exercise. plenity is not a drug - it's made from naturally derived building blocks and helps you feel fuller and eat less. it is a prescription only treatment and is not for pregnant women or people allergic to its ingredients. talk to your doctor or visit to learn more. weathertech is the trusted brand that offers premium products for ultimate protection, like our laser measured floorliners. now there's the weathertech comfortmat. anti-fatigue support and cushioning while you stand in the kitchen... laundry room... at a stand up desk... or anywhere you might find yourself. the weathertech comfortmat features a non-slip grip and comes in three colors and finishes. so stand up and relax. order your american made comfortmat at andrea: this is the hardest thing we will probably ever have to go through. st. jude has given us transportation, treatment. to know that we don't have bills, they take every other stress off of your shoulders. take a look at this video california prison officer saving a duckling after he felt their metal grate by the little guy was wobbling with his mother and siblings of the parking lot of the auburn jail northwest of jail when it fell through paid staff member's quickly came to the rescue and named him a.j. short for auburn jail. while the staff is now fostering a.j. and bought a second duckling to keep them company. and that is how fox reports this sunday, may 1 of 2022. i am jon scott thanks for watching. ♪ ♪ ♪ good evening and thank you for joining us, i am trey gaudi at sunday night in america. we begin with a fox news alert. house speaker nancy pelosi led a surprise congressional delegation to ukraine meeting with ukrainian president zelenskyy and promising unyielding support. for that country until it defeats russia. ukraine does not need visitors and nearly as much as it needs weapons.

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, Administration , Decision , Disinformation , Misinformation , Whatever , Pressure , Governance , Program , Fire , Board , Nina Jankowicz , Critics , Downplaying , Hunter Biden Laptop Story , Ministry Of Truth , It Orwellian , 2020 , Son , Prime Minister , Secretary Mayorkas , Laptop , Charges , Custody , Investigation , Fbi , People , Opinion Police , Views , Range , Mission , Objectivity , Congress , Number , Times , Authority , Truth , Work , Democracy , Human Rights , Democratic , Respect , Desire , Impact , Liberal , Six , Missiles , Pieces , Equipment , Javelin , Alabama On Tuesday , Lockheed Martin Facility , Walking , News , Answer , Left , Marine One , South Lawn , Thanks , Surge , Border Restrictions , Clock , Southern Border Cascading , 23 , May 23rd , Support , Order , Agents , Lifts , Judge , Ending , 18000 , Hasn T , Latest , Details , Eagle Pass , Bryan Llenas , Bryan , Texas , Migrant , Look , Rio Grande River , Mexico , Crew , Fox News Drone , 10 , Both , Friend , Land Bridge , Cell Phone , Victim , Middle , Bag , 100 , Reality , Breath , Risk , River , Evans , Situation , Old , Handfuls , Waters , National Guard , 22 , Numbers , Border Patrol , Apprehensions , 550000 , 8 , Point , Record , Yolanda Ramon , A Million , Action , Government , Resources , Plane , The Border , Mexican Border , 300 , Estate , Statement , Confusion , Rumors , Mexican Federal Government , Zero , Help , Messaging Problem , Terms , Notices , Notice , Beds , Motes , Let Go , Message , Documentations , Fox News , Safety , Course , Thing , Summer , Ends On May 23rd , Front , The Big Question , Ground , Cubans , Mexican , Documents , Visas , Cuban Americans , , Cubans Don T , Documentation , Instance , 30 , Choppiness , Water Levels , Spring , Run Ioff , Huh , Lot , Body , Levels , National Guardest , Bishop , Four , Sides , Nothing , Pillar , Thank You , Heartbreak Stuff , War , Group , Victim Arely , Quote , Victory , World , Wall , Steel Plant , Rest , Trey , Development , 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Poland , Military Aid , Happened9 , 3 5 , 13 6 Billion , Ukraine Didn T , Package , Assistance , Evidence , Ill , 0 Billion , 10 Billion , Items , Supply Chain Disruptions , Challenge , Lots , Europeans , Leader , Item , 67 , Whereabouts , Leading , Beginning , Verse Versus America , New York , Approval Ratings , Jokes , Midterms , Stay , Biden Making , Wealth , Tom Bevan , Real Clear Politics , Project , Coming Up , Employee , Business , Worth , Foundation , Party , Mike S Retirement Party , Businesses , Emplyou , Employees , Epic , Deals , 5g , Camera , Aromatherapy Rugs , Appointment , Iphone , Yep , Hi , 13 , 5 , Business Customers , At T , Asthma , Matter , Inflammation , Tezspiretm , Out Of Nowhere , Add On Treatment , Asthma Attacks , Attacks , Triggers , Type , Breathe Better , 12 , Eye Allergy , Rescue Medication , Asthma Symptoms , Reactions , Sore Throat , Back Pain , Vaccines , Infection , Asthma Specialist , Project Managers , Projects , Candidates , Job , Shortlist , Job Criteria , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Information , Corrections , Inmate , Marshals , Top Stories , Bottom , Alabama , Scott , 10000 , 0000 , Vicki White , Casey White , Relation , Jail , Trial , Lauderdale County Jail , 38 , Stabbing , Counts , Prisoner , Capital Murder , Plus , Researchers , County Courthouse , 200 , Ship , Wreckage , Slave Ship , Africans , Explanation , Historians , 160 , 2019 , Asa Hutchinson , On The Table , Run , State Of The Union , Hutchinson , International Slave Trade , Arkansas , On Cnn , 2024 , Race , App , Former , Scream , Qr Code , Foxnews Com A Apps , Vance , Weekend , Campaigning , Author , Joran Mandel , Northern Ohio , Ted Cruz , Senate , Stumping , Prir Mare , Men Oif , Events , Several , Mark Meredith , Buckeye , Josh Mandel , Donald Trump , Primary , Man , Campaign Paining , Beat , Businessman J D , Wasn T , Trump , Endorsement , Josh Hawley , Vote , Polls , Money , Flailing , Missouri , Voters , Mind , Agenda , Beyond , 2016 , Matt Dolan , Somebody , America First Policies , Claims , Voter Fraud , Poll , Ohioans , Meaning , Shot , Washington , America Strong , Per Se , Primary Election , Tea Leaves , Tough , Analysts , Implications , Whether , Difference , Laughter , Gas , Approval Rating , Rent , 42 , Americans , Everything , Woes , Trevor Noah , Last Night In Washington , White House Correspondents , Making Light , Inflation , Economy , Outlook , To Be With You , Groceries , Cofounder , Clip , Centerpiece , Commercial , Pace , Smile , Media Person , Races , Perspective , Abc News , Washington Post , 50 , Issue , Independents , Minds , Handling , 44 , 74 , Inflation Issue , Campaign Ad , Viewers , Expense , Reaction , Fun , Dipper , Ways , Pokf Poke Fun , Laughing Uproariously , Ad , Rueing , Magnitude , Optics Just Aren T , Tank , Issues , Crime , 47 , 35 , 36 , Re Election , 31 , Advantage , New Hampshire , Maggie Hassan , Arizona , Nevada , Catherine Cortez Masto , Maag , Mark Kelly , Problems , Voting Booth , House , Row , Control , Fact , Upping Employment Rate , Hay , Grocery Store , Disconnect , Unemployment , 3 6 , 20 , Plan , Parts , Deal , Headline , Warnings , The New York Times , Pollster , Policies , Impacting Inflation , Concerns , Anything , Democrats , There , It , De Facto Open Border , Trips , Chad Pergram , Tripp , Series , Lawmakers , Pandemic , Locations , Steam , Practice , Official Congressional Travel , Belgium , Battalion Commander , Time , Striker Brigade , Itinerary , French , Romania , Members , Interest , Substance , Sunshine , Schedule , Pan Demic , Perception , Criticism , Fear , Photo Op , 00 , Wife , People Don T , Men And Women In My Community , Bonds , Mistrust , Flight , Deep , Hand , Children , College Experience , Relationships , Hotel Bar , Comity , Commodity , Words , Divides , Capitol Hill , Streets , New York Police Department , Big City Safe , Mom , Health , Reports , Kit , Heart Health , Health Info , Journey , 0 , Tru Niagen , Cells , Root , Causes , Nad , Energy Production , Institutions , Muscle , Aging , The World , Strategy , Violent Crime , Crime Heading , Restaurant , Nate Foy , Times Square , Video , Head , Murders , Old Man , Danger , Upper West Side , Manhattan , 27 , Newsroom , Shooter , 24th Precinct , Jesse Armstrong , 41 , Say Armstrong , Police , Collection Area , Murder Charges , Argument , Last Night , Dave And Buster S , Allen Stanford , 39 , Summer Violence Prevention Central , Cops , Neighborhood Coordinating Officers , Mayor , Patrol , Police Leadership , 350 , Violence , Cars , Field Intelligence Officers , Shift , Borough , Bronx , Inspector , Evening Patrol , Ken Coar , Shootings , Corey , 9 , U N , To Wen City Of Lviv , Up Next , 7 Million , Baby , Meter , Verio , It Cheers , Nine , Babbel , Learning Phrases , Phone , Language Learning App , Visit Onetouch Com Today , Guidance , Speaking , Language , Conversations , Go To Babbel Com , Invasion , 5 Million , 8 Million , Matt Finn , Father , Ukraine , Side , Far Wen City Of Lviv , Refugee Housing Pod , Brothers , Babe , Translator , War Refugee , Concern , Birth , Volunteers , Site , Polish , Native Tongue , Ann Tolely , Storage , Table , Bunk Beds , Pods , Fighting , Granddaughter , Husband , Pod , The Young Girl , Shelter , Basement , Region , Territory , Families , Shipping Container , Size , Space , Warmth , Cabins , Safe Place , Tunnels , Graduations , Drugstores , Drugstore , Holidays , Cards , Eyes , Emails , Sandpaper , Combo , Moisture , Eye Drops , Biotrue Hydration Boost , Preservatives , Try Biotrue , Brand , Weathertech Comfortmat , Laser , Floorliners , Products , Weathertech , Protection , Cushioning , Kitchen , Laundry Room , Stand Up Desk , Anywhere , Colors , Finishes , Grip , Made Comfortmat , Bills , Stress , Transportation , Andrea , Duckling , Prison Officer , Shoulders , California , Member , Parking Lot , Quickly , Rescue , Guy , Siblings , Wobbling , Him A J , Auburn Jail , A J , Auburn , Sunday , Company , 1 , Sunday May 1 Of 2022 , Evening , Surprise , Watching , Sunday Night In America , Led A , Trey Gaudi , Fox News Alert , Meeting , Visitors , Weapons ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Fox Report With Jon Scott 20240708 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Fox Report With Jon Scott 20240708

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a steel plant in the southern port city of mariupol. about 2,000 ukrainian fighters and up to 1,000 civilians have been sheltered inside that plant which is the only participant of the city not under -- part of the city not under russian control. meantime, back here at home the judds' induction into the country music hall of fame going on as scheduled one day after naomi judd died at the anal of 76. this as -- age of 76. this as family, fans and fellow artists mourn her loss. and the department of homeland security is in the spotlight for two reasons this season. first, officials including the foreign minister of honduras are warning migration to the u.s. could surge if the title 42 pandemic border policy is lifted. and the department is also facing questions about the newly-announced discan information governance board -- disinformation governance board and the person leading it. kansas republican senator roger marshall will join us later this hour. first, though, to david spunt at the white house. >> reporter: president biden is in the air back to the white house, he spent the afternoon in minneapolis at a service for walter mondale. we talked about immigration, in just a few weeks title 42 is scheduled to expire meaning tens of thousands of illegal migrants will likely cross the southern border. the president under increasing pressure to publicly reconsider his decision to end the program. the administration, jon, is also under fire for a few disinformation governance board aimed at stopping disinformation or misinformation, whatever you want to call it. some critics have called it orwellian, some even have called it a ministry of truth. the executive director of the board, nina jankowicz, is being criticized for downplaying back in 2020 the hunter biden laptop story. this is before she was working on the board. the prime minister's son is not -- president's son is not facing charges right now, however, he is under federal investigation, and that laptop is in fbi custody. here is secretary mayorkas with the department of homeland security this morning. >> i don't question her objectivity. there are people in the department who have a diverse range of views, and they're incredibly dedicated to mission. we're not the opinion police. she has testified before congress a number of times. she's recognized as a tremendous authority, and we're very fortunate to have her. >> reporter: jankowicz said i would consider working for any administration with a solid respect for the truth and democratic and human rights whether conservative or liberal. i was simply motivated by the desire to make a positive impact and strengthen our democracy just as all my work on disinformation the past six years has been. i just want to be able to do the work. looking ahead to this week, the president will head to alabama on tuesday to a lockheed martin facility, that's where they make javelin and anti-tank missiles, those same pieces of equipment the united states has been sending to ukraine. and speak of ukraine, as the president left to board marine one today on the south lawn, i shouted out to the president asking him if he plans to visit ukraine after news that house speaker nancy pelosi did. he looked at me, just kept walking without an answer. we'll see if he does in the future. jon: he has said in the past he wants to go. david spunt live at the white house, thank you. >> reporter: thanks. jon: well, the migrant surge at the southern border cascading, and the clock is ticking until title 42 border restrictions are lifted may 23rd. a federal judge has temporarily blocked the biden administration from doing so. meanwhile, bipartisan support is growing against its ending, and border agents are preparing for up to 18,000 migrants per day once the order is lifts. the white house says it's prepared but hasn't shared many details. bryan llenas live in eagle pass, texas, with the latest. bryan. >> reporter: jon, good evening. distressing news here from eagle pass. just 10 minutes ago our crew here and i, we just witnessed a man, a migrant, trying to cross from mexico to eagle pass, drowned in the rio grande river. let's take a look at this fox news drone. this is that victim's friend. both of them were trying to swim across. he is now in the middle of the rio grande river on that land bridge. he's exhausted. he swam about 100 yards. he has his cell phone in a bag. he's trying to catch his breath. again, this man's friend or whoever he was trying to cross with just drowned moments ago, and this is the reality for the migrants here who are putting themselves at risk every day trying to cross into the united states through these waters. this is the same river in which bishop evans, a national guard specialist, the 22-year-old, drowned trying to save two my migrants. it is the harsh and tragic reality of the situation down here. all day we have seen handfuls of migrants including moments ago about 8 trying to cross and come here. the national guard hands them over to the border patrol for processing. you know, the numbers are startling. it was 550,000 apprehensions at this time last year, and at this point it is a million. and last year was a record. mayor yolanda ramon says not enough is being done, and she is demanding action. this is what he had to say. >> we don't have the resources, i can guarantee they don't either, they're hoping the federal government also reimburses them. we're just hoping that president biden gets into a plane and comes down here and actually sees what is going on here on the border. >> reporter: and we visited mexico ourselves. migrants know that city as the safest city along the mexican border, so as many as 300 migrants a day have been arriving there, we're told. the city and statement the -- state are getting zero support from the mexican federal government. he also says rumors, misinformation and confusion have led many migrants astray. >> they are giving people notices to appear. they're actually staying in the united states because we can't actually detain them, we don't have enough beds. so people being let go with a cell phone and a motes to appear. that can't help -- notice to appear. that can't help the situation in terms of the messaging problem, right? >> exactly. it is the wrong message they are receiving. they think that it's easy to enter to united states. they think it's easy to have all your documentations to be part of the united states, and that's not the truth. >> reporter: and back out to our live fox news drone here on the rio grande, that man who swam about 100 yards to the safety of a land bridge in the middle of the river is there still, exhausted, like i said. his friend just drowned in front of us. title 42 ends on may 23rd and, of course, the big question is what's going to happen. they are preparing here for an unprecedented surge this summer that would break last year's record. and one last thing, jon, i'll say, what we're seeing here along the eagle pass is we're seeing documents strewn throughout. these are two mexican sort of visas for two cuban-americans -- or two cubans. they leave them on the ground when they're caught here because the border patrol, we're told, if they find cubans, for instance, that have been in mexico for more than 30 days, they could be title 42'd, which means expelled right away. cubans don't want to have any documentation like that on them, and has the reality of what we're seeing here. jon? jon: the choppiness of that river suggests the run ioff is pretty high right now. there must have been some spring rains that are really raising the water levels there, bryan, huh? >> reporter: yeah, it's a good point. it just rained a few moments ago. not a lot. we do know that in the last week the levels of the river were actually brought down. you remember, it took four days to find the body of 22-year-old national guardest establish bishop -- bishop evans. i don't think the river has been, the levels have risen that much since then, but the choppiness is remarkable. and when we saw that man, he was rying to hold on to a pillar in the middle of the river. he was screaming for help, and both people on both sides could do nothing about it. and he drowned. jon: heartbreak stuff. bryan llenas, thank you. house speaker nancy pelosi visits ukrainian president zelenskyy. the group, the first official congressional delegation to visit ukraine since the war began. they delivered a simple message, ukraine has america's support until, quote, victim arely is won. victory is won. zelenskyy says evacuations are underway at the steel plant in mariupol which has been sealed off from the rest of the world. trey i didn't think so is live in kyiv -- trey yingst is live in keefe with the latest on all of that. >> reporter: jon, good evening. a major development today as ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy says around 100 civilians were evacuatedded from that steel plant in mariupol. in the coming hours and days, more people are expected to leave this area. it does come after the russian defense ministry said over the weekend at least 46 people were able to leave the steel plant in the besiege ised city where an estimated 1,000 residents and 2,000 ukrainian soldiers are located. the united nations does continue to push russia for a humanitarian corridor there. the news comes amid a high profile visit by speaker of thehouse nancy pelosi who came to the capital of kyiv. she was joined by a group of house democrats who took a train to kyiv as the the city does remain a target for russian forces. the delegation held meetings with ukrainian officials to discuss military and humanitarian aid as the war does continue. this after president biden announced that $333 billion aid -- $33 billion aid package which will need congressional approval. organizations from around the world are doing what they can to help. mission to ukraine, a nonprofit organization founded by two friends who met at cornell university are working to deliver much needed medical devices and oh supply -- other supplies to hard-hit areas of ukraine. >> being able to provide some level of normalcy to refugees in the european union and being able to provide meaningful medical supplies to people in cities under siege is, you know, it's overwhelming. >> reporter: so far mark and his friend dylan have have raised around a quarter million dollars for ukrainians in need. back to you. jon: trey yingst live from kyiv, ukraine with. trey, thank you. well, country music fans and stars are mourning the loss of naomi judd. the 76-year-old grammy award-winning singer died saturday from what her daughters describe as mental illness. beginning today her duo, the jumpeds, will be in the country -- judds, will be in the country music hall of fame. charles watson is live in nashville right now. >> reporter: good evening, jon. the unexpected death of grammmy award-winning oklahomany judd is not only send -- naomi is not only sending shock waves through the music industry, but to her legions of fans who were expecting to see her accept her indunks alongside her daughter -- induction. >> we're very sad. we're big fans of the judds and country music in general, and the timing of this, we read last night also that the family agreed to move forward with the induction tonight. i think it's a great tribute to her. >> i mean, my heart just goes out to them, you know? it's their privacy, their moment, their story to tell. >> reporter: and, you know, despite all that's happened in the last 24 hours, we're told the two will still be inducted today. the country music hall of fame ceo says the decision to move forward was made at the request of the judd family. of course, judd made up one-half of the country music mother/daughter duo with, the jumpeds. the 76-year-old -- judds, the 76-year-old and daughter winona for known for more than a number of songs including the mega-hit love can build a bridge. judd's youngest daughter ashley said in part, we sisters experienced a tragedy, we lost our beautiful mother to the disease of mental illness. we are shattered. and and while the family is not releasing any other details, jon, spoke openly about her constant a struggles with mental health, namely depression in the years preceding her death. ♪ love can build a bridge ♪♪ >> reporter: even so, she knew how to make people smile as was the case when the judds performed on stage together for the first time in about a decade last month at the cmt music awards. the mother/daughter duo were even set to go back on tour this fall. at this point we don't know what the status of that tour is right now but, jon, naomi judd certainly leaves behind a body of work that will live way past her lifetime. jon: what a tremendous loss for her daughters and her fans. charles watson, thank you. well, kansas senator roger marshall will join us after the break with his take on some of our top stories and an update on how his state is recovering after a severe tornado swept through. ♪ ♪ dining including takeout with chase freedom unlimited. that's a lot of cash back. are you gonna stop me? uh-oh... i'm almost there... too late! boom! earn big time with chase freedom unlimited with no annual fee. how do you cashback? chase. make more of what's yours. ♪("i've been everywhere" by johnny cash) ♪ ♪i've traveled every road in this here land!♪ ♪i've been everywhere, man.♪ ♪i've been everywhere, man.♪ ♪of travel i've had my share, man.♪ ♪i've been everywhere.♪ ♪♪ are you haunted by your cable service? have you noticed strange, frightening fees on your monthly bill? do you experience feelings of dread when you pass by your cable box? if the answer is yes... who you gonna call? directv stream. the price you see is the price you pay. zuriel: st. jude gave us hope. directv stream. stephanie: all you've got to do is take care of your child, focus on her healing, give her a life. that for 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>> well, i just don't see that happening. they haven't been able to handle this number of people, and those numbers are going to double and triple. and again, just think of what the cartel is doing. they're using these human shields to smuggle in narcotics, and then they throw a kid out the boat when they're about to get busted x then they make the escape. so there's no way that we have the ability to handle 2-3 times the amount of crossings that we have right now. they're thinking about making our veterans hospital shortchanged by taking doctors and nurses from there and serving them to the border, and we already have a waiting time problem with the v.a. hospitals. jon: secretary mayorkas was on the morning shows this morning, and one of the things he said is, hey, we're getting the message out, do not come. do not come to our border. how are they getting that message out, senator? >> well, certainly, that's not the message people are hearing across the world. president biden has been loud and clear saying, come, we're here for you. and when you get here, you're going to get free health care, free food and water. so, you know, they're treated better than our veterans are, better with than our soldiers are. so here's mayorkas today, but for over a year now this president has been saying come, everybody, you're welcome. the gates are wide open. jon: we had a report top of the hour about how secretary -- i'm sorry, how speaker nancy pelosi took a democrat delegation to kyiv to meet with president volodymyr zelenskyy. i was curious, why no republicans? would this not have been a good time to do a bipartisan trip? >> it sure would have been, and i assume that nobody was invited. but here's the question, was just all show? was administration going to finally come through with some serious sanctions? all you have to do is look at the value of ruble. the value of the ruble's now above what it was prewar. so the sanctions are not working. this white house has dragged their feet in implementing them. even a lot of the energy sanctions on the banks in russia have not been implemented yet. we're hoping it's not all show, that there'll be some go will from administration. jon: i want to play something quickly from victoria spartz, she is a ukraineen -- she was born in ukraine, now serves in the congress. listen. >> if you look about it from last package, 13.6 billion package, only 3.5 actually went to military aid and not all to ukraine, you know? we need to is ask questions what's a happened9 with the rest. i'll be honest with you, i've been in poland twice, ukraine twice now, and i haven't seen evidence of a lot of this humanitarian assistance. ill like -- i would like to ask questions. jon: saying about $10 billion from the last package that, you know, was supposedly dispensed to ukraine didn't get there. where's it going? >> that's a great question, jon. i was in poland fairly recently, and it was easy to get items to the border, but to get them past the border, there are lots of supply chain disruptions. that's going to continue to be the challenge and, again, we hope this administration is ready to engage now. it's day 67. we're the leader of the free world, it's time we start acting like it. item jon all right. you're not one of those who says the europeans ought to be doing more. >> europeans absolutely need to be doing more. they should be leading on this, and i've been saying that since the beginning. we don't want this to be russia verse versus america. we need the european union to be leading, they have the financial whereabouts to do it -- jon: all right. congress -- i'm sorry, senator roger marshall, it's good to have you in. enjoy your stay in new york. >> great to be here. jon: well, president biden making jokes about his poor approval ratings. let's see whether he's still laughing after the midterms. tom bevan from real clear politics joins after the break to weigh in, coming up. ♪ ♪ wealth is breaking ground on your biggest project yet. worth is giving the people who build it a solid foundation. wealth is shutting down the office for mike's retirement party. worth is giving the employee who spent half his life with you, the party of a lifetime. ♪ ♪ wealth is watching your business grow. worth is watching your employees grow with it. ♪ ♪ hey businesses! worth is watching your emplyou all deserve it. something epic! so we're giving every business, our best deals on every iphone - including the iphone 13 pro with 5g. that's the one with the amazing camera? 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" it's the bottom of the hour. if you're just joining us, our top stories. u.s. marshals are now offering up to $10,000 for any information on a missing alabama inmate and corrections officer. 38-year-old casey white was awaiting trial at the lauderdale county jail when he disappeared on friday. the assistant director of corrections, vicki white, who is no relation to the inmate, took casey white from jail saying she was taking the prisoner to the county courthouse. they have not been seen since. casey white is charged with two counts of capital murder after confessing to a brutal september stabbing in 200. -- 2020. >> plus, researchers in alabama are gearing up for a 10-day explanation of the wreckage of the last slave ship known to have brought africans to the u.s. that ship was discovered in 2019 nearly 160 years after it sank. historians say the ship was still working decades after congress banned the international slave trade. and arkansas republican governor asa hutchinson says a 2024 presidential run is, quote, on the table. on cnn's state of the union today, hutchinson said he might run even if former president trump decides to enter the race. download the fox news app, you can scan the k qr code on your scream or go to apps. it is the last weekend of ohio's republican senate prir mare -- primary race, and former president trump and texas senator ted cruz were out this week campaigning for their respective candidates of. trump has been stumping for author j.d. vance while cruz has joined former state treasurer joran mandel for several -- josh mandel for several events. mark meredith is live in the buckeye state with the latest on that race. >> reporter: good evening to you. ohio republicans have men oif -- plenty of candidates to choose from ahead of the senate primary on tuesday, but right now it appears that author and businessman j.d. vance is the man man to beat, and he may have one person to thank, and that's former president donald trump. all weekend long vance has been campaign paining across the buckeye state, and tonight he's going to be campaigning with missouri senator josh hawley, also tomorrow as they try to get out the vote. but it wasn't that long ago that vance was flailing in the polls and even struggling to raise money. that all changed after the trump endorsement that surprised a lot of people because vance had been critically outspoken against trump many times in 2016 and beyond. vance now says he is ready to back the trump agenda. here's what he had to say to fox yesterday. >> a lot of people changed their mind on donald trump, and i'm one of them. i think a lot of voters don't mind so long as you're just honest with them. >> reporter: today state senator matt dolan campaigned across northern ohio. there are reports he's seeing a late surge in support. dolan has certainly embraced a lot of the america first policies, but he's also distancing himself from the repeated claims of voter fraud by the former president. he tells fox he truly believes people are giving him a second look. >> i think we're getting some people leaving other candidates because they want somebody who's singularly focused on going to washington to fight the biden administration, fight for ohioans and make america strong. >> reporter: but a recent fox poll found a quarter of primary voters were still undecided meaning any of these senate candidates still have a shot, and, of course, with the primary election it's a little tough to read the tea leaves, it's not as big or as busy as a general election, per se. political analysts watching closely for implications well beyond the buckeye state depending on whether or not the trump endorsement did make a difference. jon? jon: ohio very critical in picking the president. mark meredith in ohio for us, thanks. >> reporter: you wet. -- you bet. >> a special thanks to the 42% of you who actually applauded. [laughter] i'm really excited to be here tonight with the only group of americans with a lower approval rating than i have. >> ever since you've come into office, things are really looking up, you know? gas is up, rent is up, food is up -- [laughter] everything. jon: president biden and comedian trevor noah making light of the prime minister's many woes at -- president's many woes at the white house correspondents' dinner last night in washington. a new poll shows the president's approval rating has gone up ever so slightly, but numbers remain dauntingly loan it comes to the economy and inflation. right now the outlook is not too pretty for the democrats. let's bring in real clear politics' cofounder and president tom bevan. tom, it's good to have you on. >> great to be with you, jon. jon: i was at that dinner last night, and when trevor noah said, you know, gas is up, rent is up, you know, groceries are up, i looked over at the president, and he's laughing with a huge smile on his pace. now, if i'm a republican, you know, media person, don't you grab that clip and make it the centerpiece of a political commercial come november? [laughter] >> yes. i think there will be -- that clip will be featured in a lot of races around the country. and just to put some perspective on that, the abc news/washington post poll that a came out today said 50% of people are concerned about inflation, okay? another 44% are not just concerned about it, they're upset with it. so this is an issue that is almost unanimously on the minds of the american people, and biden's handling of that issue is very, very low. 74% of independents disapprove of the way he's handling the inflation issue. for him to be sitting there and yukking it up and laughing, i think he's going to regret that moment because, as you said, it will be featured prominently in plenty of campaign ad as this fall. jon: as you well know and for viewers who might not, the point of the dipper is to sort of pokf poke fun at the powerful. you want to have some fun at the president's expense. i just wonder about the reaction, you know? there are oh ways he could have handled it besides just leaning back and laughing uproariously. >> yes. [laughter] and, again, i think he was just going along to get along and playing along, but look, that's not going to matter. when that clip is in an ad in october in, you know, these races, incumbent democrats around the country are going to be, you know, wondering and rueing that because it's not just -- again, it's number one issue on minds of americans by an order of magnitude, and the administration's handling of that issue is in the tank. it's the biggest political problem they have, and even though he was just plague along, it doesn't -- you know, the optics just aren't very good. jon: you mentioned that new abc news/washington post poll, and i want to bring up a few interesting numbers from that poll. when asked which party do you trust to better handle these issues, republicans win on crime, 47-35%, they win on the economy 50-36 and on -- inflation republicans beat democrats 50-31%. again ors those are some pretty daunting numbers for any democrat who wants to win re-election in november. >> and those are the top issues in the election. the other one you didn't mention is immigration, and republicans have an advantage there, and that's an issue that is absolutely splitting the democrats at the worst possible time. this title 42 is scheduled to be rescinded on may 23rd, at the end of this month. it looks like it's going to go forward, and you've got mark kelly in arizona, catherine cortez masto in nevada, maag -- maggie hassan in new hampshire, all incumbent democrats who can see what a political problems with it is for them. jon: normally voters vote the economy. that's normally the biggest issue when they go into the voting booth, you know, who's doing a good job of handling the economy or who might do a better job. and when you look at those numbers, it feels like, you know, the democrats -- even though it's not a presidential election year -- they're going to have a tough row to hoe here. >> they are. and part of the the problem is that, you know, there's nobody else for voters to blame. democrats control the house, the senate, the white house. so, you know, republicans can really make hay over the fact that democrats are in control of everything. and the other problem for the biden administration is they want to tout there are some good numbers on the economy. the upping employment rate, etc. but when they do that, it's a disconnect with voters and voters think they're not positioned on, you know, they're not living 3.6% unemployment, they're living $5 gas and, you know, 20% higher at the grocery store. and so the administration seems out of touch when they try and tout the strong parts of the economy. but unless and until they can dole with inflation -- deal with inflation and tell voters they have a plan to battle it, they're going to continue to suffer politically. jon: i just want to put up very quickly a headline that was in "the new york times" today, and viewers who want to check it out can do so. just the headline, biden received early warnings that immigration and inflation could erode his support. and, you know, despite that this is all about how his pollster was telling him very early on that those two issues were going to be a problem. and despite that, he still has not been with to the border, and the border seems to be wide open, tom. >> right. i mean, you can argue how much the president and his policies are have in terms of impacting inflation. republicans will say a lot, democrats would say not much. but on immigration, that is a clear decision by the biden administration right from the get go to basically say, look, there is no crisis at the border, we've got it under control, and they have not done anything, anything to allay, you know, not just concerns of republicans, but of independents and even now some democrats as to what's gone on there. and it has been a de facto open border and, again, it's an issue that is a problem that republicans poll better than democrats on, and it's going to be a problem for democrats in november if the administration doesn't do something to allay those concerns. jon: the founder of real clear politics, tom bevan. tom, thanks for coming on. thanks. >> you got it, thank you. jon: house speaker nancy pelosi's tripp to ukraine's capital with a delegation just the latest in a series of recent trips by congress. congressional correspondent chad pergram reports on how that practice is picking up steam after pandemic. >> reporter: this is tuesday, it must be belgium or poland or the southern border. lawmakers flock to far-flung locations on official congressional travel. >> that's correct, i'm standing here in kyiv. >> i got to meet with a french battalion commander who is working with our striker brigade there in romania. >> reporter: an intensive itinerary for lawmakers for the first time since the pan pan demic -- pandemic. >> there's a lot of pent-up interest in getting together. >> reporter: members travel to exotic locations heavy on sunshine, light on substance. these days they're jam-packed. >> the schedule for meetings in the morning until 10:00 at night. >> reporter: lawmakers don't worry about criticism that they're not working. the fear is the perception that they're not working when they travel. however, some trips are designed for photo op. >> members of congress are using it to showcase an issue. >> reporter: but what do these trips accomplish? >> i said good-bye to my wife and go make these trips so that the military men and women in my community. >> reporter: people don't step off a plane in europe with a plan to end the war in ukraine. deep-seeded mistrust among the sides. lawmakers sometimes build bipartisan bonds during the long flight or a trip to the hotel bar. >> you're finding out about their children, you're finding out about their college experience. you know, that creates relationships inside the congress that go way beyond the issue at hand. >> and i have seen legislative deals that were cut because of long congressional trips. >> reporter: in other words, the most valuable commodity from a trip may be forging congressional comity which breaks down partisan divides. on capitol hill, chad pergram, fox news. jon: the new york police department will implement new changes this week aimed at driving down violent crime. what it's doing to try to keep the streets of big city safe, that's next. ♪ when my genetic reports told me about my heart health, i was able to take action. and i got a kit for my mom, too, so she can get her own meaningful health info. this mother's day, start a new health journey together with mom with $50 off every kit. [♪♪] together with mom did you know you can address one of the root causes of aging by targeting all the cells in your body? try tru niagen. life as we know it cannot exist without nad. as we age, nad can decrease by as much as 50%. tru niagen is proven to increase nad, to support heart and muscle health, and energy production that starts in your cells. address one of the root causes of aging with tru niagen, researched by the world's top scientific institutions. ♪ jon: violent crime continues to rise in major u.s. cities. tomorrow the nypd will begin a new strategy to try to combat crime heading into the historically violent summer months. the plan unveiled just hours after a man was stabbed to death inside a busy restaurant in times square. nate foy is live with the details for us. nate. >> reporter: good evening. the nypd will be deploying more resources in the city starting tomorrow but not before two gruesome murders this weekend. you mentioned the deadly stabbing at a restaurant in times square. today a 27-year-old man was shot in the head in broad danger in the upper west side of manhattan. new video just into the newsroom. this happened at 12:15 this afternoon. more surprisingly, just one block from the nypd's 24th precinct. the shooter still has not been caught, we are working to learn who was killed. also 41-year-old e jesse armstrong is facing murder charges for that stabbing in times square. it happened at a dave and buster's last night. police say armstrong ran away but was caught shortly after. he's accused of killing 39-year-old allen stanford of new york during an argument at the prize collection area of the dave and buster's. this comes on the same weekend that mayor adams met with police leadership talking about that summer violence prevention central that starts tomorrow. more cops on patrol at night, they're moving 350 neighborhood coordinating officers on to evening patrol. three cars on the midnight shift will start three hours early, and they're also using field intelligence officers. there will be an inspector in each borough including two in the bronx to help police better respond to where violence is happening and where they believe it might happen. this plan focuses specifically on the hours of 9 p.m. and 2 a.m., according to the nypd chief ken coar key -- corey, that 5-hour window accounts for half of all shootings in new york city. back to you, jon. jon: all right. nate foy from the newsroom, thank you. well, the u.n. says at least 7.7 million ukrainians are displaced within hair own country. -- their own country. up next, we take you to the to wen city of lviv where many of those refugees, including a nine-day-old baby have gone. ♪ ♪ if verio reflect® meter shows instantly if you're below, within or above your range. it cheers you on and provides guidance. connected to your health and your phone. visit today. - i always wanted to speak french but i never had the time and then i tried babbel. - [announcer] babbel, the number one selling language learning app in the world. - you're learning phrases that you can use right away in real life conversations. after just four weeks i was feeling confident enough to have simple conversations in french. (speaking in french language) now i'm speaking french. - babbel, the quick way to get conversational in a new language. try babbel free today, go to or download the app. jon: the u.n. says more than 5 million ukrainians have fled their country since the russian invasion began, almost 8 million are more are internally displaced meaning they are within their own country but not at home. matt finn spoke to some displaced ukrainians who left their lives behind and fled to western ukraine. he reports from lviv. >> reporter: this nine-day-old baby is living with his mother, father and three brothers in a refugee housing pod in lviv. the babe's father tells us he and his wife escaped by train from their home. they traveled hundreds of miles from the eastern side of ukraine to the far wen city of lviv -- western city of lviv. along the way finding any doctor that would help with the birth of a war refugee. [speaking in native tongue] >> translator: i went to the polish site concern i want to thank the volunteers and the people who help us. we are sleeping well, we are warm. >> reporter: these pods were shipped to ukraine a by a polish humanitarian aid group. they have bunk beds, a small table and some storage. ann tolely, who was also displaced, showed us inside his pod where he's living with his wife, daughter and granddaughter. the young girl's mother tells us her husband is fighting and her 5-year-old daughter is aware of their new reality. [speaking in native tongue] >> translator: because we hid in the basement for shelter. i'm not trying to hide information. >> reporter: ann tolely says if russia prevails in their the region, they may abandon their home forever. >> translator: if the ukrainians win the territory, we will come back. >> reporter: some of these refugees were in the warmth and safety of their own homes weeks ago, now families are taking shelter in the space the size of a shipping container. the cabins providing are refugees able to flee some of the hardest-hit areas and cold dark tunnels a temporary safe place to rest. >> translator: of course you would like to go home. >> reporter: in lviv, ukraine, matt finn, fox news. jon: and we'll be back in just a moment. are you haunted by your cable service? have you noticed strange, frightening fees on your monthly bill? do you experience feelings of dread when you pass by your cable box? if the answer is yes... who you gonna call? directv stream. the price you see is the price you pay. ♪("i've been everywhere" by johnny cash) ♪ ♪i've traveled every road in this here land!♪ ♪i've been everywhere, man.♪ ♪i've been everywhere, man.♪ ♪of travel i've had my share, man.♪ ♪i've been everywhere.♪ ♪♪ ♪i've been everywhere.♪ i earn 3% cash back at drugstores with chase freedom unlimited. so i got cards for birthdays, holidays, graduations, i'm covered for everything. which reminds me, thank you for driving me to the drugstore. earn big time with chase freedom unlimited with no annual fee. how do you cashback? chase. make more of what's yours. do your eyes bother you? because after all these emails my eyes feel like a combo of stressed, dry and sandpaper. luckily, there's biotrue hydration boost eye drops for instant moisture. biotrue uses naturally inspired ingredients. and no preservatives. try biotrue (music) who said you have to starve yourself to lose weight? who said you can't do dinner? who said only this is good? and this is bad? i'm doing it my way. meet plenity. an fda -cleared clinically proven weight management aid for adults with a bmi of 25-40 when combined with diet and exercise. plenity is not a drug - it's made from naturally derived building blocks and helps you feel fuller and eat less. it is a prescription only treatment and is not for pregnant women or people allergic to its ingredients. talk to your doctor or visit to learn more. weathertech is the trusted brand that offers premium products for ultimate protection, like our laser measured floorliners. now there's the weathertech comfortmat. anti-fatigue support and cushioning while you stand in the kitchen... laundry room... at a stand up desk... or anywhere you might find yourself. the weathertech comfortmat features a non-slip grip and comes in three colors and finishes. so stand up and relax. order your american made comfortmat at andrea: this is the hardest thing we will probably ever have to go through. st. jude has given us transportation, treatment. to know that we don't have bills, they take every other stress off of your shoulders. take a look at this video california prison officer saving a duckling after he felt their metal grate by the little guy was wobbling with his mother and siblings of the parking lot of the auburn jail northwest of jail when it fell through paid staff member's quickly came to the rescue and named him a.j. short for auburn jail. while the staff is now fostering a.j. and bought a second duckling to keep them company. and that is how fox reports this sunday, may 1 of 2022. i am jon scott thanks for watching. ♪ ♪ ♪ good evening and thank you for joining us, i am trey gaudi at sunday night in america. we begin with a fox news alert. house speaker nancy pelosi led a surprise congressional delegation to ukraine meeting with ukrainian president zelenskyy and promising unyielding support. for that country until it defeats russia. ukraine does not need visitors and nearly as much as it needs weapons.

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, Administration , Decision , Disinformation , Misinformation , Whatever , Pressure , Governance , Program , Fire , Board , Nina Jankowicz , Critics , Downplaying , Hunter Biden Laptop Story , Ministry Of Truth , It Orwellian , 2020 , Son , Prime Minister , Secretary Mayorkas , Laptop , Charges , Custody , Investigation , Fbi , People , Opinion Police , Views , Range , Mission , Objectivity , Congress , Number , Times , Authority , Truth , Work , Democracy , Human Rights , Democratic , Respect , Desire , Impact , Liberal , Six , Missiles , Pieces , Equipment , Javelin , Alabama On Tuesday , Lockheed Martin Facility , Walking , News , Answer , Left , Marine One , South Lawn , Thanks , Surge , Border Restrictions , Clock , Southern Border Cascading , 23 , May 23rd , Support , Order , Agents , Lifts , Judge , Ending , 18000 , Hasn T , Latest , Details , Eagle Pass , Bryan Llenas , Bryan , Texas , Migrant , Look , Rio Grande River , Mexico , Crew , Fox News Drone , 10 , Both , Friend , Land Bridge , Cell Phone , Victim , Middle , Bag , 100 , Reality , Breath , Risk , River , Evans , Situation , Old , Handfuls , Waters , National Guard , 22 , Numbers , Border Patrol , Apprehensions , 550000 , 8 , Point , Record , Yolanda Ramon , A Million , Action , Government , Resources , Plane , The Border , Mexican Border , 300 , Estate , Statement , Confusion , Rumors , Mexican Federal Government , Zero , Help , Messaging Problem , Terms , Notices , Notice , Beds , Motes , Let Go , Message , Documentations , Fox News , Safety , Course , Thing , Summer , Ends On May 23rd , Front , The Big Question , Ground , Cubans , Mexican , Documents , Visas , Cuban Americans , , Cubans Don T , Documentation , Instance , 30 , Choppiness , Water Levels , Spring , Run Ioff , Huh , Lot , Body , Levels , National Guardest , Bishop , Four , Sides , Nothing , Pillar , Thank You , Heartbreak Stuff , War , Group , Victim Arely , Quote , Victory , World , Wall , Steel Plant , Rest , Trey , Development , 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First Time , Case , Cmt Music Awards , Lifetime , Status , Tour , Point We Don T Know , Some , Tornado , Break , Stories , Update , Cash , Fee , Big Time With Chase Freedom Unlimited , Takeout , Chase Freedom Unlimited , Dining , Uh Oh , Boom , Everywhere , Road , More , Travel , Share , Chase , Johnny Cash , Feelings , Cable Service , Bill , Fees , Cable Box , Price , Stream , Directv , Life , Stephanie , Healing , Jude , Care , Child , Hope , Zuriel St , Dinner , Weight , Music , Way , Meet Plenity , Treatment , Weight Management Aid , Building Blocks , Adults , Diet , Exercise , Fda , Bmi , 25 , 40 , Doctor , Ingredients , Women , Ymca Facility In Andover , God , Clarissa , Buildings , Storms , Damages , Tv Stations , Weather Service , Damage , Towns , Radio , Andover , Picture , Homes , Communities , Mementos , Picking Up The Pieces , A Thousand , School , School Officials , Those Kids At Prairie Creek Elementary , Sight , Place , Semester , Parents , Can T , Sir , Yes , Nobody , Students , Many , Storm , Meteorology Students , Goodness , Traffic Accident , University Of Oklahoma , Three , Home , Lives , Thoughts , Kind , Our , Talk , Prayers , Let , Problem , Fentanyl , Crisis , Border State , Flooding , Kansas City , Percocet , Boy , Al Qaeda , 2500 , 15 , Office , Opportunities , Idea , 6 , Trip , Ends , Ounce , Sectors , Del Rio Sector , Border Crossings , And Change , 2021 , 68000 , Doesn T , Increase , Gotaways , 2022 , 185 , 195289 , Population , Goal , 3 Million , Secretary , Takinginging , Cartel , Happening , Triple , Kid , Narcotics , Haven T , Human Shields , Amount , Veterans , Doctors , Hospital Shortchanged , Crossings , Boat , Nurses , Ability , Escape , 2 , 3 , Things , Hospitals , V A , Come , Health Care , Message Out , Saying , Food , Everybody , Water , Report Top , Mayorkas Today , Gates , Democrat , Republicans , Value , Question , Show , Sanctions , Ruble , Energy Sanctions , Feet , Banks , Victoria Spartz , Something , Ukraineen , Poland , Military Aid , Happened9 , 3 5 , 13 6 Billion , Ukraine Didn T , Package , Assistance , Evidence , Ill , 0 Billion , 10 Billion , Items , Supply Chain Disruptions , Challenge , Lots , Europeans , Leader , Item , 67 , Whereabouts , Leading , Beginning , Verse Versus America , New York , Approval Ratings , Jokes , Midterms , Stay , Biden Making , Wealth , Tom Bevan , Real Clear Politics , Project , Coming Up , Employee , Business , Worth , Foundation , Party , Mike S Retirement Party , Businesses , Emplyou , Employees , Epic , Deals , 5g , Camera , Aromatherapy Rugs , Appointment , Iphone , Yep , Hi , 13 , 5 , Business Customers , At T , Asthma , Matter , Inflammation , Tezspiretm , Out Of Nowhere , Add On Treatment , Asthma Attacks , Attacks , Triggers , Type , Breathe Better , 12 , Eye Allergy , Rescue Medication , Asthma Symptoms , Reactions , Sore Throat , Back Pain , Vaccines , Infection , Asthma Specialist , Project Managers , Projects , Candidates , Job , Shortlist , Job Criteria , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Information , Corrections , Inmate , Marshals , Top Stories , Bottom , Alabama , Scott , 10000 , 0000 , Vicki White , Casey White , Relation , Jail , Trial , Lauderdale County Jail , 38 , Stabbing , Counts , Prisoner , Capital Murder , Plus , Researchers , County Courthouse , 200 , Ship , Wreckage , Slave Ship , Africans , Explanation , Historians , 160 , 2019 , Asa Hutchinson , On The Table , Run , State Of The Union , Hutchinson , International Slave Trade , Arkansas , On Cnn , 2024 , Race , App , Former , Scream , Qr Code , Foxnews Com A Apps , Vance , Weekend , Campaigning , Author , Joran Mandel , Northern Ohio , Ted Cruz , Senate , Stumping , Prir Mare , Men Oif , Events , Several , Mark Meredith , Buckeye , Josh Mandel , Donald Trump , Primary , Man , Campaign Paining , Beat , Businessman J D , Wasn T , Trump , Endorsement , Josh Hawley , Vote , Polls , Money , Flailing , Missouri , Voters , Mind , Agenda , Beyond , 2016 , Matt Dolan , Somebody , America First Policies , Claims , Voter Fraud , Poll , Ohioans , Meaning , Shot , Washington , America Strong , Per Se , Primary Election , Tea Leaves , Tough , Analysts , Implications , Whether , Difference , Laughter , Gas , Approval Rating , Rent , 42 , Americans , Everything , Woes , Trevor Noah , Last Night In Washington , White House Correspondents , Making Light , Inflation , Economy , Outlook , To Be With You , Groceries , Cofounder , Clip , Centerpiece , Commercial , Pace , Smile , Media Person , Races , Perspective , Abc News , Washington Post , 50 , Issue , Independents , Minds , Handling , 44 , 74 , Inflation Issue , Campaign Ad , Viewers , Expense , Reaction , Fun , Dipper , Ways , Pokf Poke Fun , Laughing Uproariously , Ad , Rueing , Magnitude , Optics Just Aren T , Tank , Issues , Crime , 47 , 35 , 36 , Re Election , 31 , Advantage , New Hampshire , Maggie Hassan , Arizona , Nevada , Catherine Cortez Masto , Maag , Mark Kelly , Problems , Voting Booth , House , Row , Control , Fact , Upping Employment Rate , Hay , Grocery Store , Disconnect , Unemployment , 3 6 , 20 , Plan , Parts , Deal , Headline , Warnings , The New York Times , Pollster , Policies , Impacting Inflation , Concerns , Anything , Democrats , There , It , De Facto Open Border , Trips , Chad Pergram , Tripp , Series , Lawmakers , Pandemic , Locations , Steam , Practice , Official Congressional Travel , Belgium , Battalion Commander , Time , Striker Brigade , Itinerary , French , Romania , Members , Interest , Substance , Sunshine , Schedule , Pan Demic , Perception , Criticism , Fear , Photo Op , 00 , Wife , People Don T , Men And Women In My Community , Bonds , Mistrust , Flight , Deep , Hand , Children , College Experience , Relationships , Hotel Bar , Comity , Commodity , Words , Divides , Capitol Hill , Streets , New York Police Department , Big City Safe , Mom , Health , Reports , Kit , Heart Health , Health Info , Journey , 0 , Tru Niagen , Cells , Root , Causes , Nad , Energy Production , Institutions , Muscle , Aging , The World , Strategy , Violent Crime , Crime Heading , Restaurant , Nate Foy , Times Square , Video , Head , Murders , Old Man , Danger , Upper West Side , Manhattan , 27 , Newsroom , Shooter , 24th Precinct , Jesse Armstrong , 41 , Say Armstrong , Police , Collection Area , Murder Charges , Argument , Last Night , Dave And Buster S , Allen Stanford , 39 , Summer Violence Prevention Central , Cops , Neighborhood Coordinating Officers , Mayor , Patrol , Police Leadership , 350 , Violence , Cars , Field Intelligence Officers , Shift , Borough , Bronx , Inspector , Evening Patrol , Ken Coar , Shootings , Corey , 9 , U N , To Wen City Of Lviv , Up Next , 7 Million , Baby , Meter , Verio , It Cheers , Nine , Babbel , Learning Phrases , Phone , Language Learning App , Visit Onetouch Com Today , Guidance , Speaking , Language , Conversations , Go To Babbel Com , Invasion , 5 Million , 8 Million , Matt Finn , Father , Ukraine , Side , Far Wen City Of Lviv , Refugee Housing Pod , Brothers , Babe , Translator , War Refugee , Concern , Birth , Volunteers , Site , Polish , Native Tongue , Ann Tolely , Storage , Table , Bunk Beds , Pods , Fighting , Granddaughter , Husband , Pod , The Young Girl , Shelter , Basement , Region , Territory , Families , Shipping Container , Size , Space , Warmth , Cabins , Safe Place , Tunnels , Graduations , Drugstores , Drugstore , Holidays , Cards , Eyes , Emails , Sandpaper , Combo , Moisture , Eye Drops , Biotrue Hydration Boost , Preservatives , Try Biotrue , Brand , Weathertech Comfortmat , Laser , Floorliners , Products , Weathertech , Protection , Cushioning , Kitchen , Laundry Room , Stand Up Desk , Anywhere , Colors , Finishes , Grip , Made Comfortmat , Bills , Stress , Transportation , Andrea , Duckling , Prison Officer , Shoulders , California , Member , Parking Lot , Quickly , Rescue , Guy , Siblings , Wobbling , Him A J , Auburn Jail , A J , Auburn , Sunday , Company , 1 , Sunday May 1 Of 2022 , Evening , Surprise , Watching , Sunday Night In America , Led A , Trey Gaudi , Fox News Alert , Meeting , Visitors , Weapons ,

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