Transcripts For FOXNEWS Fox News Live 20240708 : comparemela

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Fox News Live 20240708

trey: volodymyr zelenksyy says a hundred civilians are being evacuated in the besieged port city of mariupol. more are expected to leave in the coming hours and days. this after the russian defense ministry said over the weekend that at least 46 people were allow today leave the area surrounding this plant were an estimated 1,000 ukrainian residents and 2,000 ukrainian soldiers are located. the united nations continues to push russia for a humanitarian corridor there so today's update is a promising sign. the news does come amid high-profile visit by speaker of the house nancy pelosi who came to the capital of kyiv to meet with the president. the delegation held meetings with officials to discuss military and humanitarian as the war continues after biden announced 33 billion-dollar aid package that will need congressional approval with millions of ukrainians still at risk, 8 organizations from around the world are doing what they can to help, mission to ukraine and nonprofit "the festival of children foundation"ed by two friends at cornell university are delivering much needed devices and supplies to hard-hit areas to ukraine. >> being able to provide some normalcy and medical supplies to cities under siege is overwhelming. >> so far mark and dylan have raised. mike: trey, many thanks. for on russia's war on ukraine and where things stand between the two countries. former prime minister. >> thank you for having me. mike: there is talk about nato expansion to include sweden and finland. how do you feel about that and what do you think vladimir putin's reaction would be to that? >> i feel very good about possible application from finland and finland and i think the two countries should use this window of opportunity because putin can't do much about it. he's preoccupied elsewhere, so i think finland and sweden should join nato right now. it will be good for their security and membership of finland and sweden would also make our defense of the 3 border countries easier and more efficient. mike: you tweeted today about a time 18 years ago when ten countries joined the european and you wrote that you look forward to ukraine joining them. explain that. >> yeah, i think it's important that we give ukraine a key perspective. they should have a european perspective, i hope the european union will grant ukraine status as a candidate country and many years time i hope they can go in the eu and military. we should also keep the -- the overall goal that one day ukraine could become a member of nato. mike: you are a former nato secretary general and former prime minister of denmark so you have been dealing with vladimir putin for many years. what mistakes do you think were made in assessing vladimir putin and also assessing the russian military? >> well, i think we made two mistakes, we have underestimated putin and his brutality, his ambition to restore russian greatness in the territory of the former soviet union. at the same time we have overestimated the strength of the russian military. they have failed in the invasion of ukraine, so i think they it's a fair chance that if we continue to deliver heavy weapons to the ukrainians, they would have a fair chance to be winners of this war. mike: as former secretary general of nato, what do you think the impact is of putin's invasion on that alliance? >> actually putin has strengthened the alliance. his ambition was to weaken nato but he has strengthen the unity among nato allies. he has strengthen the unity across the atlantic between europe and the united states and eventually he will also see an enlargement of nato by finland and swedish membership of the organization. so what he wished for was a weaker nato, he's got quite the opposite. he's got a stronger nato. mike: some good news. many people i speak everywhere i go, how does the ukrainian invasion end with a negotiated settlement but it doesn't feel like there's much trust on the ukrainian side of what they are hearing from the russians so how do you see it, sir? >> i'm not optimistic about a peaceful solution to this conflict and i understand very well that the ukrainians are highly suspicious. back in 1994, ukraine gave up her nuclear weapons and handed them over to russia and in exchange they got security guaranties including security guaranties from russia. russia has now violated those security guaranties so i understand very well that the ukrainians now require other security guaranties and i hope that the united states, the uk, france, turkey and other countries will be able to deliver security guaranties. mike: president biden asking for $33 billion to help ukrainians from the congress, if members of congress are watching right now, what would you say? >> this package should be expedited without any hesitation. in general, i really appreciate the u.s. leadership, it's thanks to american leadership that we have created an unprecedented unity across the atlantic. and once again, we see that without american leadership, the free world, the democratic world is too weak. we need american global leadership and i really appreciate what we have seen so i also hope to see this package approved very quickly. mike: former nato secretary, thank you so much for your time, it's great to have your analysis, sir. >> welcome, thank you. mike: the white house struggling to manage the migration surge as end of title 42 draws closer. secretary mayorkas defending the biden administration today. >> it is the objective of the biden administration to make sure that we have safe, legal and orderly pathways for individuals to be able to access our legal system. we are against irregular migration, against individuals taking a perilous journey. mike: team coverage david spunt at the white house looking into the administration's border policy and bryan llenas in eagle, pass, bryan, let's start with you, what are officials there saying? bryan: good afternoon, this has been a situation we have been witnessing every single day like this morning, more migrants arriving tat rio grande river between piedras negras and eagle pass despite border security. this time last year 555,000 people were apprehended by the border patrol. this year that number is a million and we are now entering the busiest summer months ahead and eagle pass, texas, democratic mayor pro tempore yolanda ramon says not enough is being done to stop this ongoing crisis. >> we don't have the resources, i can guaranty you that piedras negras doesn't either. they are making the efforts and hoping the federal government reimburses them. we are hoping that president biden gets into a plane and comes down here and see what is is going on here in the border. bryan: yeah, we visited piedras negras right across. migrants know the city as the safest city on the mexican border which is my as many 300 migrants a day have been arriving there sleeping in abandoned homes and on the streets. the president on the city's industrial chamber says the city and state of coahuila are getting zero support and rumors and misinformation and confusion have led many migrants to stray. >> they are giving people notices to appear. they are staying in the united states because we can't actually detain them and we don't have enough beds and so people are being let go with a cell phone and a notice to appear, that can't help the situation in terms of the messaging problem, right? >> exactly. so it's the wrong message they are receiving. they think it's easy to enter to the united states. they think it's easy to have all your documentations to be part of the united states and that's not the truth. brian: you're looking live at our fox news drone, a border source tells fox news the situation the last few days has been, quote, quiet but they expect that to change, this is proverbial calm before the storm between title 42 ends on may 23rd as expected. covid-19 public health order, mexican nationals especially have been deported right away. some also from central america, but venezuelans and cubans are not and as a result we are seeing id cards from cubans that they received in mexico, they are left here on the -- on the banks to have rio grande because the last thing they have to show they've had more than 30 days in mexico. mike: bryan, illegal immigration problem in the southern border is not a new problem but then onslaught has been for more than a year. what's the morale of w.h.o. are trying to impose american law on the people who are crossing the border illegally? bryan: it's not only the texas dps, troopers, they are exhausted. every single night there's a high-speed pursuit somewhere along the border. they are finding human beings in metal boxes, wood crates and disheartening and they are even seeing we are saw earlier 13-year-old u.s. citizen who probably through social media was smuggling people and that i canned's life is ruined, right, so this is the type of thing that they are seeing and you saw yolanda, a mexican american, spent 50 years in eagle pass, she's never seen anything like this. and she just wants people to recognize that it's not just mexico and the u.s. that every community here on the border is experiencing something they've never seen before and the help is not arriving in the way in which they believe it should. mike. mike: important context and perspective from bryan llenas in eagle pass, texas, bryan, thanks very much. let's turn to david spunt to the white house from the very latest from the biden administration. david: it's been tough week with from the economy, rising prices at the grocery to painful prices at the gas bump. they seem to be getting better in some cities but other cities those prices continue to go up also the issue of immigration which bryan just discussed extensively with you from eagle pass, texas, specifically on immigration. this entire title 42 situation is getting the president a lot of criticism from both sides of the aisle. naturally from republicans if title 42 was repealed, however, also some vulnerable democrats including border state lawmakers. we've heard from henry cuellar, congressman from texas. he's been complaining about the way the biden administration has handled the border situation for some time and also senator mark kelly from arizona, a vulnerable democrat this november. the administration also under fire for this new disinformation governance board under the department of homeland security and secretary alejandro mayorkas some calling it ministry of truth. the executive director of the board nina jenkawitz she's criticized for downplaying the hunter biden laptop story. he's now under federal investigation and not been charged with any crime but the laptop is in fbi custody. here is secretary mayorkas this morning on his new board. >> there's no question, bret, that we could have done a better job in communicating what it does. let me share with you what this department of homeland security does and has been doing for years. throughout the past administration included we address disinformation that presents a security threat to the homeland. david: mike, some of that disinformation according to secretary mayorkas comes from russia and comes from china and also the drug cartels in south america that are telling people to cross the border, that title 42 doesn't affect them. if they are from haiti a lot of misinformation there, that's why secretary mayorkas says that this board is in place. mike. mike: daft punt live in the north lawn, david, thanks a lot. david: you pet. mike: country music legend naomi judd has died of 76 one day before she was slated to be inducted in the country music hall of fame. her family has decided to go forward with the event tonight as scheduled. charles watson is live in nashville, tennessee with more, hello, charles. charles: hey, mike. the unexpected grammy award winning artist is sending shock waves as folks begin to reflect on her iconic career and her contributions, 76-year-old mother performed as part of the judds alongside her daughter, the two were nobody for more than a dozen number 1 hits including mega hits like love can build a bridge. her other daughter ashley announced the tragic news on social media late saturday afternoon saying in part, quote, today we sisters experienced the tragedy. we-our beautiful mother to the disease of mental illness, we are shattered. while the family is not releasing any other details at the moment, judd spoke openly about her mental health. she said she had been battling since her childhood, she even wrote a book back in 2016 and described feeling the bolder of my severe treatment of depression and terrifying panic attacks and in an interview with the today show back in 2017 the daily mail reports naomi revealed she tried electroshock therapy and judd performed on stage and a decade earlier this month in the country music award show and the mother-daughter duo were set to go back on tour this fall. what's even more tragic, mike, the two will be inducted today as you mentioned into the country music hall of fame one day after the artist's death. the hall of fame ceo says they will continue with the ceremony, quote, with heavy hearts and weighted mind after the judd family said to move forward with the induction. country music star carrie underwood one of them posted country music lost a true legend, sing with the angels naomi we are sending prayers to the judd family today and judd leaves behind two daughters, ashley as well as her husband larry strickland and body of work that will indoubtedly live on. she was 76. mike: legendary entertainers charles watson, thanks very much. republican senate candidates in ohio making their final pitches to voters ahead of tuesday's primary, a live report from the buck eye state. next. ♪ ♪ ♪ xfinity mobile runs on america's most reliable 5g network, but for up to half the price of verizon so you have more money for more stuff. this phone? fewer groceries. this phone? more groceries! this phone? fewer concert tickets. this phone? more concert tickets. and not just for my shows. switch to xfinity mobile for half the price of verizon. new and existing customers get amazing value with our everyday pricing. switch today. mike: it is an election year and all eyes are on the ohio primary as candidates make their final campaign blitz to rally voters ahead of tuesday's primary election. mark meredith on the ground in the buckeye state with the very latest, hello, mark. mark: hey, good afternoon to you. jd vance became famous for memoir, he's holding an event spoking to supporters right here behind me. we didn't want to be too loud so we came to the lobby of this facility and it's certainly an idea of an indication of where things go in the race, the last-minute events where they are trying to get out the vote. for the longest time vance was struggling in the polls and in fundraising but that seemed to have changed after he won the endorsement of former president trump and he says that's all changed. we asked him about whether or not voters can trust his sincerity. >> a lot of people change their mind on donald trump and i'm one of them. a lot of the voters don't mind as long as you are honest with them. mark: recent polls show her trailing quite a bit but she's confident grassroots efforts will pay off come election day. >> we have a lot of show horses in the races and a lot people in the race for themselves, i'm in the race for ohio and take our country back. mark: there's also reports of a late surge in the polls by ohio state senator mat dolan, he's campaigning today in the cleveland area. our team caught up with him on the trail and he believes the last-minute surge is the real deal. >> i do and ohio republicans want somebody who is talking about their financial security, their border security, international security. they want somebody who will executive on republican ideas and values. mark: and what's fascinating about dolan in this race is he's still supportive of trump's policy but distanced himself from trump in 2020 election. as mentioned with vance he's speaking to supporters and seen large crowds as he goes throughout he will be doing election night in cincinnati and we plan to be there as well. a lot of people very eager, though, to see if the poll wills match up to what the final stretch of the campaign looks like. mike: mark meredith live from the buckeye state, thank you very much. for more on this bring our panel, matthew basset, former assistant secretary and mike a wisconsin progressive radio host. gentlemen, welcome. >> thank you. >> good to be with you. mike: buckeye state, jd vance got a shot from president trump. how do you assess for the the republicans? >> folks on the left are doing everything they can to try and imply that trump's influence in the party has diminished. i think they will find that as not the case on november 8th. i think jd vance is the one to pull this out and it's okay for republicans to support different candidates in a primary. this is obviously to fill rob portman's seat. ohio is a reliably red state and when it's all said and done irrespective of who wins it'll be a seat held by the republicans. mike: mike, a lot of republicans looking at veteran, how do you see the race? >> i couldn't find a more distasteful candidate than jd vance. the trump endorsement gives tim ryan a fighting chance. i think if it was just left to the primary voters they'd probably would again pick a republican in the state of ohio but i think the fact that trump is putting himself on the ballot that may help this gentleman and i use the term loosely with jd vance, it may help them in the primary but i think he opens the door to the democrat actually picking up the seat in ohio. mike: all right, we will see where it goes after primary seat on tuesday. to the border health and human services used to serve under president trump, matt plays a big role, what's the potential impact if title 42 is eventually lefted? left lifted? >> well, mike, the only thing immune is illegal immigrants and illegal drugs. the house judiciary committee were very telling. in a bipartisan way people were concerned because there is no plan if we go from 8,000 people a day to 18,000 people a day. the plan is more of the same and that is to process people as quickly as possible and then do bus and fly them all over the united states. and here is the problem with that, if you let in a million people, only 10% of these people have a legitimate asylum claim. so once they are here, there's not a problem with the hundred thousand staying, it's the 900,000 and mat gatez of florida took the senator to task and how we are going to rally 900,000 people. there's no plan to have these people go back even though they've had due process and claims have been denied. this is why remain in mexico was so critical. you can have a million people waiting in mexico to have their claims considered, we let in the 10% and the 90% go back to their country of origin, so we don't have a crisis in this country. and because of these numbers the border patrol can't do their job. if you need a reason to keep title 42 in place, a health reason other than covid, how about the fact that a hundred thousand americans have already died this year from fentanyl overdoses. under the biden administration fentanyl overdoses is the leading cause of death for americans age 18 to 45. and it's because when the border patrol is distracted they simply can't do their primary function which is to patrol the border. mike: let me give mike a chance, your thoughts on the impact this issue may have on the midterms and -- and how do democrats go out and sell this to their voters? >> you know, it's interesting. the state of wisconsin, now polling came out this week, university law school poll, credible polling, 64% of the people who live in my state think that there should be amnesty granted in realtime. 80% of the people in my state think that immigrants should have a legal path be it green cards or whatever the case may be. i think the -- the point fentanyl and say, well, joe biden is leaving the border open to drugs, i mean, we have been losing the war on drugs since nixon. so let's not act like this is suddenly something different. if you want to change the outcome on the border, there needs to be some sort of sense i believe immigration reform. let's incorporate more, we need more workers. here are workers coming here willingly, why are we rejecting them, let's come together as country and simulate the people in, let's be the melting pot, let's find a place for them. mike: matt, you want to give a quick response? >> we are a sovereign nation and we have sovereign borders, we should be able to dictate who we let in and under what circumstances. all the polling that i've seen says this is will be the number one issues for republican voters and independents and it's telling the hispanics are the group that biden is polling the worst at at 24%. so everyone sees through this. i think people are sick of it and i think november 8th people are going to need a lot of support ponies on the other side of the aisle because i don't think it's going to go their way. mike: matthew and mike crute, thank you, gentlemen, have a good week. on fox news sunday bret baier interviews homeland security alejandro mayorkas, that's coming up top of the hour right after the show. stay tuned. ♪ ♪ ♪ mike: argument in bond fire in shelter island leaving multiple people being shot. more on the developing story right after the break. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> tech: when you have auto glass damage, trust safelite. this dad and daughter were driving when they got a crack in their windshield. 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>> i think we are in a stalemate which is good for the ukrainians unlike the fight in kyiv which was more of a maneuver fight. we have gone into fight basically artillery against artillery and the reason for that, i went to how they got to where they are at today the guy who wrote the doctrine, russians are fighting, currently mark milley's counterpart. he's the one that putin put in charge a day or so ago. it was like active defense. he disestablished big units and created a btg, we fight combined arms. infantry and artillery in air. we are good at it. they are not and because of that, they're forcing to nutrition-based fight and that's why it's so important that we have all of that equipment flowing to the ukraines. the 155howitzers. because of that i think you will see stalemate. as you move to may which is victory day for him and wants to have everything wrapped up. i don't think he's going to get there. the fight will go on. i think ukrainian wills get stronger and i do not see any ability of the russians to move any further to the west, they are going the try to stabilize the fight here and over time i think the ukrainians are going to win out. mike: trying to create a land bridge from russia to block sea. the focus is mariupol. it feels humanitarian crisis there. we understand folks were evacuated here. your thoughts on fight in mariupol and clearly there are a lot more people who are not able to get out? >> it's truly unfortunate. we checked about the fight of mariupol and this thing has huge and they will have to dig them out. what the russians are trying to do and hope to do is bypass them, starve them out, don't fight them to the final fight but they are going to be there and there's a thorn in the russian side. i just hope they get the citizens well over a thousand, i don't trust the russians, i'm not sure they can but we have to somehow help them to get out because they are running out of food, water and eventually ammunition. mike: let's flip the screen here and go look to the concentration here down south. your thoughts as you look at this map, sir? >> what i'm looking at i keep watching right here. ic this is important because what you're seeing is a counterattack that's moving this way to the best and they are trying to get the focus away from mariupol and the land bridge out there. people forget there's this right here, there's only about 4 miles of -- of connected territory there that create -- that crimea, the reason why it's not an island, peninsula. if they can get there they will force them south. that's not a bad idea if they can keep looking at this and fighting it and what they don't want to do is lose odesa which is right over here because that's our last sea port. i think putin wants to take that. i don't think he can and has the capability. the nice thing that ukrainians did they forced russians 160 miles offshore using antiship missiles. the fleet down here has been new neutralized. mike: what have we learned about the russians and the ukrainians? are have the russians overrated in terms of military and ukrainians underrated? >> the morale to the physical is the one. what that means you never discount the fighting morale of the army and leadership because morale counts. the willingness to fight counts, the willingness to defend count and you cannot discount zelenskyy, i do not need a ride but ammunition is a true leader. they are going to fight for him and for ukraine and that puts the russians at disadvantage. when you look at the ukrainians, i'm their side on this one, i think they are going to win out eventually over the long term and this is something that's going to be written about historically for decades about how the russians could not perform well. mike: keith kellogg, thanks for your service, thanks for your time. appreciate it. for the first time in six years the president tends the white house correspondent's dinner, highlights from the big event coming up. ♪ ♪ ♪ mike: the white house correspondent's dinner otherwise known as the nerd prom is back, president biden to crack jokes about low approval rating and his age becoming the first president attending dinner honoring the press in six years. alexandria hoff live with more. alex: last night's dinner was return to traditional swank and attire of year's past. first press corp in gala. trevor noah hit on that. >> then the second someone offers you a free dinner you all turn into joe rogan. alex: covid concerns in the biden administration, kamala harris and white house communication director kate revealed they tested positive, negative covid test and vaccinations were mandatory for all guests and despite this president biden he skipped the dinner portion of the event to reduce possible exposure. dr. anthony fauci skipped it altogether. >> i know there are questions about whether we should gather here tonight because of covid, well, we are here to show the country that we are getting through this pandemic. alex: as expected president biden threw a few jabs at predecessor mentioning how former president trump turned down the invites while in office but biden threw hits of himself on age and poll numbers he's currently trying to combat. >> special thanks to the 42% of you who actually applauded. [laughter] >> i'm really excited to be here with the lower approval rating than i am. alex: the most recent poll out of quinnipiac university puts approval rating at 33%. alex: it was spectacular, i was happy just to be there. i had to wake up i had 5:00 a.m. shift and i stayed through trevor noah and everybody else partied the night away. mike: you look fresh as a daisy, thank you, alex. fox news alert, that is president biden arriving in minneapolis to attend former vice president walter mandels's memorial service. the president on the tarmac on a windy day just getting off of air force one. again, he's in town for the former vice president walter man del's memorial what pass away last year at the age of 93. the memorial delayed by covid pandemic, no surprise there. there you see president biden on the tarmac greeting dignitaries on his way to the memorial. today marks the start of military appreciation month, we will show you how one organization does its part to honor our nation's heros after the break. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> it was more than i expected and i appreciate everything that our country has done. >> they let you know what those soldiers really went through. >> emotional reactions from veterans visiting memorials in washington, d.c. as we enter military appreciation month. joining me now honor flight network chief executive officer meredith welcome. >> thank you. mike: you have a big event on tuesday, tell me about it? >> this tuesday may third to kickoff military appreciation month we are having an event at the world war ii memorial to not only celebrate the past success in that work and brought 250,000 veterans in dc to visit their memorials but chart the course for the future to honor future generations of veterans as well. mike: you have a huge waiting list. people who want to come to washington to see the monuments, for folks who haven't seen before to see veterans getting off the planes is quite a thing at the airports here and then seeing them around town. what can we do as americans to try to bring that wait list along? >> absolutely. our wait list is currently at 50,000 veterans. we typically in an annual season fly about 22,000 veterans so our waiting list is two years out but we are always encouraging veterans and families of veterans to sign their veterans up at our web sighs and support the program by being volunteers to assist us in getting our veterans to dc. mike: we have young veterans from serious wars in both iraq and afghanistan. what kind of role do you think they can play with some of the older veterans? >> absolutely. we love when our more current veterans serve as guardians for our world war ii, korea and vietnam veterans because there's a certain commodore there. they can share their stories and they have been through similar things and we love when they serve as volunteers, serve as guardians with our program. >> this is personal for you, your grandfather was a highly decorated world war ii veteran, the greatest generation. when you see some of these gentlemen getting off the planes and the tears in their eyes, does it remind you of your grandfather? >> it does. we hear from families, grandpa or grandma or dad or mom never shared with us their stories about when they served and they get home from honor flight crip and have experience with other veterans and day at reflections in memorials and come home and finally share the stories and finally talk about things that they didn't talk about before and share that with their children and grandchildren and it's really an amazing experience. mike: okay, so you have a big event tuesday obviously talking about this milestone accomplishment for the organization but also military appreciation month starting today, so your thoughts on what americans should do to honor our military during this great month? >> absolutely. every single day if you see a veteran thank that veteran for their service. you know, regardless of when someone served or if they served on foreign soil or here in america, it's important, it's important to thank them for what they do to protect our freedom day in and day out. mike: i know that what you're saying has touched my heart, i'm sure a lot of folks at home that are touched by what you're saying and the mission of your organization. i know the website is, what do folks or corporations that are interested in helping, what can they do to help you? >> absolutely. they can reach out to our office and they can reach out to 130 affiliates around the country and find out how they can help, come out to the airport, support your veterans when they come home from honor flight trip. it's one of those handson things that you can do to be out there and get your staff out there, make signs, welcome the veterans homes. i imagine after the honor flight trips you get some beautiful notes from family members saying what a difference it made to their loved one. >> we absolutely do. and we love them. they are what keep us going. it's a lot of work. we have a core of volunteers across the country and core of volunteers here in dc. we couldn't do it without them and every single one of them does it because of those letters, because of those stories that get shared with us. america america meredith, congratulations on the great job the organization is doing and enjoy military appreciation month with tuesday's big event. >> we will, thank you so much. mike: thanks for coming in. that's all for this hour of fox news live, fox news sunday with bret baier in the chair is up next. i'm mike emanuel, thank you so much for watching, have a have n awesome day. ♪ ♪ ♪ i brought in ensure max protein, with thirty grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks! 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Headline A Fight At The World S Most Famous Arena , Women , History Making Night , New York , Madison Square Garden , Alicia , Mike Emanuel , News , Kins , Steel Plant , Port City , Eastern , Red Cross Evacuating Hundreds , Ukrainian Philadelphia , 4 , 00 , Zelenskyy , Death , Mariupol , U S , Nancy Pelosi , Delegation , Water , Food , Ukrainian , Capital City , Russian , Kyiv , Threat , Bombs , Fight , Quote , Support , Trey Yingst , Fox News Live , Hello , Heo , More , Civilians , Port City Of Mariupol , Defense Ministry , Volodymyr Zelenksyy , A Hundred , People , Weekend , Plant , Soldiers , Area , Corridor , United Nations , Update , Residents , 46 , 1000 , 2000 , Sign , Capital , Speaker Of The House , Ukrainians , Aid Package , War , Approval , Meetings , Millions , Officials , 33 Billion , World , Help , Supplies , Organizations , Mission , Areas , Risk , Devices , Ed By Two Friends At Cornell University , The Festival Of Children Foundation , 8 , Two , Cities , Normalcy , Siege , Thanks , Dylan , Countries , Things , Prime Minister , Finland , Nato , Reaction , Vladimir Putin , Expansion , Application , Sweden , Window , Opportunity , Elsewhere , Border , Membership , Security , Defense , 3 , Ten , 18 , Perspective , European , Country , Military , Candidate , European Union , Status , Member , Secretary General , Goal , Denmark , One , Mistakes , Putin , Brutality , Ambition , Territory , Strength , Greatness , Soviet Union , Weapons , Invasion , Chance , Alliance , Impact , Winners , Unity , Atlantic , Allies , Organization , Enlargement Of Nato , Opposite , Everywhere , Sir , Trust , Settlement , Side , Hearing , Solution , Back , Conflict , Security Guaranties , Exchange , 1994 , Joe Biden , France , Uk , Turkey , General , Package , Congress , Members , Hesitation , 3 Billion , Leadership , Analysis , Former , Administration , Title , Secretary Mayorkas , White House , Objective , Migration Surge , 42 , Individuals , Migration , Journey , Pathways , System , Bryan , Team Coverage David Spunt , Border Policy , Pass , Bryan Llenas In Eagle , Let , Migrants , Situation , Eagle Pass , Piedras Negras , Tat , Rio Grande River , Border Patrol , Number , Border Security , Texas , A Million , 555000 , Crisis , Yolanda Ramon , Efforts , Resources , Democratic , Doesn T Either , Pro Tempore , Plane , Government , President , City , Homes , Streets , City S Industrial Chamber , 300 , Misinformation , Estate , Confusion , Notices , Rumors , Coahuila , Zero , Terms , Cell Phone , Messaging Problem , Notice , Message , Beds , Let Go , Part , Fox News Drone , Truth , Border Source , Documentations , Brian , Fox News , Calm Before The Storm , May 23rd , 23 , Cubans , Mexico , Result , Covid , Nationals , Central America , Id Cards , Mexican , Public Health Order , Venezuelans , 19 , Thing , Banks , 30 , Problem , Illegal Immigration Problem , Onslaught , Troopers , Morale , Law , Texas Dps , Citizen , Social Media , Human Beings , Somewhere , Pursuit , Metal Boxes , Wood Crates , 13 , Life , Type , Mexican American , Anything , Yolanda , 50 , Way , Something , Community , Context , Bryan Llenas , Prices , Grocery , Economy , Issue , Immigration , Gas Bump , Lot , Republicans , Aisle , Sides , Criticism , Mark Kelly , Democrats , Henry Cuellar , Border State Lawmakers , Arizona , Alejandro Mayorkas , Disinformation Governance Board , Fire , Department Of Homeland Security , Ministry Of Truth , Executive Director , Downplaying , Hunter Biden Laptop Story , Board Nina Jenkawitz She , Job , Board , Custody , Bret Baier , Laptop , Question , Crime , Investigation , Fbi , Disinformation , Security Threat , Mike , Drug Cartels , Homeland , China , Place , Thanks A Lot , Doesn T , North Lawn , Daft Punt , Event , Family , Naomi Judd , Country Music , Country Music Hall Of Fame , You Pet , 76 , Folks , Artist , Charles Watson , Shock Waves , Grammy Award , Nashville , Tennessee , Mother , Hits , Daughter , Career , Nobody , The Judds , Contributions , Love , 1 , Ashley , Bridge , Disease , Tragedy , Sisters , Mental Illness , Mental Health , Book Back , Childhood , Details , 2016 , Treatment , Interview , Panic Attacks , Depression , Bolder , Electroshock Therapy , The Today Show , Daily Mail Reports Naomi , 2017 , Country Music Award Show , Duo , Stage , Hearts , Ceremony , Ceo , Hall Of Fame , Carrie Underwood , Mind , Induction , True Legend , Work , Body , Daughters , Larry Strickland , Naomi , Family Today , Angels , Prayers , Will Indoubtedly Live On , Voters , Ohio , Candidates , Primary , Buck Eye State , Pitches , Report , Entertainers , Tuesday , Senate , Next , Price , 5g Network , Verizon , Xfinity Mobile , 5 , Phone , Groceries , Concert Tickets , Shows , Stuff , Money , Customers , Pricing , Value , Election , Eyes , Primary Election , Ground , Mark Meredith , Buckeye , Campaign Blitz , Mark , Supporters , Jd , Memoir , Lobby , Vance , Race , Polls , Endorsement , Idea , Events , Vote , Indication , Facility , Fundraising , Trump , Donald Trump , Sincerity , Bit , Show , Surge , Election Day , Races , Grassroots Efforts , Ohio State Senator , Mat Dolan , Deal , Campaigning , Team , Trail , Cleveland , Somebody , Ideas , Executive , International Security , Values , Crowds , Election Night , Policy , 2020 , Stretch , Campaign , Panel , Matthew Basset , Poll Wills Match , Gentlemen , Assistant Secretary , Mike A Wisconsin Progressive Radio Host , Everything , Shot , Left , Influence , Party , Case , Rob Portman , November 8th , Seat , Red State , Irrespective , The Greatest Generation , A Fighting Chance , Tim Ryan , Term , Ballot , Fact , Door , Health And Human Services , Role , Matt , Plan , Immigrants , Drugs , Immune , House Judiciary Committee , 8000 , Bus , Same , 18000 , 10 , Asylum Claim , Florida , Mat Gatez , 900000 , Claims , Due Process , Numbers , Origin , 90 , Reason , Fentanyl Overdoses , Thousand Americans , Health Reason , A Hundred Thousand , Thoughts , Cause , Function , 45 , Polling , The State Of Wisconsin , University Law School Poll , Midterms , 64 , Path , Whatever , Cards , Point , 80 , War On Drugs , Border Open To Drugs , Fentanyl , Say , Outcome , Sense , Sort , Nixon , Workers , Immigration Reform , Nation , Borders , Response , The Melting Pot , Group , Everyone , Issues , Circumstances , Independents , Hispanics , 24 , Thank You , Support Ponies , Mike Crute , Bond Fire , Argument , On Fox News Sunday , Break , Story , Shelter Island , Dad , Windshield , Car , Pop Rock Music Tech , Trust Safelite , He Wouldn T , Glass , Smash , Anywhere , Pull Over , Crack , Safety System , Safelite , Features , Stay Safe With Safelite , Automatic Emergency Braking , Music , Fishermen , Singers , Liars , Boats , Docks , Safelite Repair , Memories , Tales , Lifetime , Fish , Retelling , Bass Pro Shops , Glucose Numbers , Diabetes , Adventure , Cabela S , My Dexcom G6 , 77 , Range , Receiver , Glucose , Arrow , Medicare , Dexcom Com , Wife , Children , Vero Beach , Ruthann , Three , Cholesterol , Statin , Heart Disease , Blizzard , Prevagen , Healthier Brain , 96 , Grandkids , Heart Attack , Bosses , Fad Diets , Phone Rings , 17 , Five , 12 , Leqvio , Passwords , Doctor , Arms , Joint Pain , Urinary Tract Infection , Chest Cold , Diarrhea , Injection Site Reaction , Side Effects , Pain , Legs , Shortness Of Breath , Services , Groups , Severity , Victims , Shootout , Injuries , Reward , California , San Diego , Alabama , U S Marshal , Correctional Officer , Escaped Inmate Awaiting Trial For Capital Murder , Courthouse , Inmate , Location , Capture , Information , 0000 , 10000 , Redemption Area , Man , Suspect , Last Night , New York Times Square , Dave Busters , East , Defenders , National Security Adviser , Center , Co Chair , American First Policy Center , O Keith Conh , Stalemate , Artillery , Maneuver Fight , 67 , Counterpart , Russians , Mark Milley , Guy , Doctrine , Fighting , Units , Btg , Air , Infantry , Equipment , 155howitzers , 155 , Wills , Victory Day , Go On , Ability , Try , West , Focus , Land Bridge , Sea , Don T , Citizens , Thousand , Thorn , Don T Trust , A Thousand , Counterattack , Ammunition , Concentration , Screen , Map , Best , Ic , Crimea , Miles , Create , Odesa , Island , Peninsula , Capability , Sea Port , 160 , Antiship Missiles , Fleet , Fighting Morale , Physical , Willingness , Count , Counts , Morale Counts , Leader , Army , Ride , Discount Zelenskyy , Ukraine , Disadvantage , Dinner , Correspondent , Service , Keith Kellogg , Six , Jokes , Nerd Prom , Alex , Approval Rating , Press , Age , Alexandria Hoff , Hit , Attire , Trevor Noah , First Press Corp In Gala , Someone , Kate , Covid Test , Joe Rogan , Kamala Harris , Questions , Dinner Portion , Exposure , Guests , Dr , Anthony Fauci , Vaccinations , Pandemic , Office , Predecessor , Invites , Jabs , Poll , 42 , Laughter , Quinnipiac University , Everybody , Shift , 33 , Fox News Alert , Walter Mandels , Daisy , Minneapolis , Town , Memorial Service , Vice President , Tarmac , Walter Man Del S Memorial What Pass Away Last , Air Force One , Memorial , Tarmac Greeting Dignitaries , Surprise , 93 , Military Appreciation Month , Heros , Veterans , Memorials , Reactions , Appreciation Month , Washington D C , Flight Network , Chief Executive Officer , Veterans In Dc , Success , Generations , Course , World War Ii , 250000 , Haven T , Planes , Waiting List , Airports , Monuments , Wait List , Season , 22000 , 50000 , Families , Volunteers , Program , To Dc , Web , Wars , Honorflight Org , Iraq , Some , Guardians , Kind , Afghanistan , Korea , Vietnam , Stories , Grandfather , Commodore , Grandma , Grandpa , Tears , Mom , Home , Experience , Reflections , Honor Flight Crip , Grandchildren , Milestone Accomplishment , Veteran , Soil , Freedom Day , Heart , Website , Saying , Corporations , Helping , Airport , Affiliates , Honor Flight Trip , 130 , Veterans Homes , Honor Flight , Staff , Signs , Core , Family Members , In Dc , Loved One , Notes , Difference , Military Appreciation , Congratulations , Letters , Thanks For Coming , America Meredith , Chair , Watching , Fox News Sunday , Protein , Energy , Sighs Wearily , Excited Yell , Thirty , Health , Allergies , Nutrients , Sugar , Spraying Flonase , Passengers , Queries , Riders , Good , Psst , Snake , Quotes , Approved , Jackets , Nickname , Motorcycle Insurer , Number One , Wall , Inflammation , Asthma , Matter , Out Of Nowhere , Asthma Attacks , Triggers , Tezspiretm , Add On Treatment , Attacks , Asthma Symptoms , Breathe Better , Eye Allergy , Rescue Medication , Back Pain , Sore Throat , Vaccines , Infection , Release , Sleep , Asthma Specialist , Steve , Golo , 138 , Nine , Sit Down , Border Crisis , Recession , Cooks , Baier , Test , Tradition , Positive , Inner Circle , Biden Returns , Public Health , Confrontations , Control , Bike , Plans , Entry , Migrant Storage , Page ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Fox News Live 20240708 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Fox News Live 20240708

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trey: volodymyr zelenksyy says a hundred civilians are being evacuated in the besieged port city of mariupol. more are expected to leave in the coming hours and days. this after the russian defense ministry said over the weekend that at least 46 people were allow today leave the area surrounding this plant were an estimated 1,000 ukrainian residents and 2,000 ukrainian soldiers are located. the united nations continues to push russia for a humanitarian corridor there so today's update is a promising sign. the news does come amid high-profile visit by speaker of the house nancy pelosi who came to the capital of kyiv to meet with the president. the delegation held meetings with officials to discuss military and humanitarian as the war continues after biden announced 33 billion-dollar aid package that will need congressional approval with millions of ukrainians still at risk, 8 organizations from around the world are doing what they can to help, mission to ukraine and nonprofit "the festival of children foundation"ed by two friends at cornell university are delivering much needed devices and supplies to hard-hit areas to ukraine. >> being able to provide some normalcy and medical supplies to cities under siege is overwhelming. >> so far mark and dylan have raised. mike: trey, many thanks. for on russia's war on ukraine and where things stand between the two countries. former prime minister. >> thank you for having me. mike: there is talk about nato expansion to include sweden and finland. how do you feel about that and what do you think vladimir putin's reaction would be to that? >> i feel very good about possible application from finland and finland and i think the two countries should use this window of opportunity because putin can't do much about it. he's preoccupied elsewhere, so i think finland and sweden should join nato right now. it will be good for their security and membership of finland and sweden would also make our defense of the 3 border countries easier and more efficient. mike: you tweeted today about a time 18 years ago when ten countries joined the european and you wrote that you look forward to ukraine joining them. explain that. >> yeah, i think it's important that we give ukraine a key perspective. they should have a european perspective, i hope the european union will grant ukraine status as a candidate country and many years time i hope they can go in the eu and military. we should also keep the -- the overall goal that one day ukraine could become a member of nato. mike: you are a former nato secretary general and former prime minister of denmark so you have been dealing with vladimir putin for many years. what mistakes do you think were made in assessing vladimir putin and also assessing the russian military? >> well, i think we made two mistakes, we have underestimated putin and his brutality, his ambition to restore russian greatness in the territory of the former soviet union. at the same time we have overestimated the strength of the russian military. they have failed in the invasion of ukraine, so i think they it's a fair chance that if we continue to deliver heavy weapons to the ukrainians, they would have a fair chance to be winners of this war. mike: as former secretary general of nato, what do you think the impact is of putin's invasion on that alliance? >> actually putin has strengthened the alliance. his ambition was to weaken nato but he has strengthen the unity among nato allies. he has strengthen the unity across the atlantic between europe and the united states and eventually he will also see an enlargement of nato by finland and swedish membership of the organization. so what he wished for was a weaker nato, he's got quite the opposite. he's got a stronger nato. mike: some good news. many people i speak everywhere i go, how does the ukrainian invasion end with a negotiated settlement but it doesn't feel like there's much trust on the ukrainian side of what they are hearing from the russians so how do you see it, sir? >> i'm not optimistic about a peaceful solution to this conflict and i understand very well that the ukrainians are highly suspicious. back in 1994, ukraine gave up her nuclear weapons and handed them over to russia and in exchange they got security guaranties including security guaranties from russia. russia has now violated those security guaranties so i understand very well that the ukrainians now require other security guaranties and i hope that the united states, the uk, france, turkey and other countries will be able to deliver security guaranties. mike: president biden asking for $33 billion to help ukrainians from the congress, if members of congress are watching right now, what would you say? >> this package should be expedited without any hesitation. in general, i really appreciate the u.s. leadership, it's thanks to american leadership that we have created an unprecedented unity across the atlantic. and once again, we see that without american leadership, the free world, the democratic world is too weak. we need american global leadership and i really appreciate what we have seen so i also hope to see this package approved very quickly. mike: former nato secretary, thank you so much for your time, it's great to have your analysis, sir. >> welcome, thank you. mike: the white house struggling to manage the migration surge as end of title 42 draws closer. secretary mayorkas defending the biden administration today. >> it is the objective of the biden administration to make sure that we have safe, legal and orderly pathways for individuals to be able to access our legal system. we are against irregular migration, against individuals taking a perilous journey. mike: team coverage david spunt at the white house looking into the administration's border policy and bryan llenas in eagle, pass, bryan, let's start with you, what are officials there saying? bryan: good afternoon, this has been a situation we have been witnessing every single day like this morning, more migrants arriving tat rio grande river between piedras negras and eagle pass despite border security. this time last year 555,000 people were apprehended by the border patrol. this year that number is a million and we are now entering the busiest summer months ahead and eagle pass, texas, democratic mayor pro tempore yolanda ramon says not enough is being done to stop this ongoing crisis. >> we don't have the resources, i can guaranty you that piedras negras doesn't either. they are making the efforts and hoping the federal government reimburses them. we are hoping that president biden gets into a plane and comes down here and see what is is going on here in the border. bryan: yeah, we visited piedras negras right across. migrants know the city as the safest city on the mexican border which is my as many 300 migrants a day have been arriving there sleeping in abandoned homes and on the streets. the president on the city's industrial chamber says the city and state of coahuila are getting zero support and rumors and misinformation and confusion have led many migrants to stray. >> they are giving people notices to appear. they are staying in the united states because we can't actually detain them and we don't have enough beds and so people are being let go with a cell phone and a notice to appear, that can't help the situation in terms of the messaging problem, right? >> exactly. so it's the wrong message they are receiving. they think it's easy to enter to the united states. they think it's easy to have all your documentations to be part of the united states and that's not the truth. brian: you're looking live at our fox news drone, a border source tells fox news the situation the last few days has been, quote, quiet but they expect that to change, this is proverbial calm before the storm between title 42 ends on may 23rd as expected. covid-19 public health order, mexican nationals especially have been deported right away. some also from central america, but venezuelans and cubans are not and as a result we are seeing id cards from cubans that they received in mexico, they are left here on the -- on the banks to have rio grande because the last thing they have to show they've had more than 30 days in mexico. mike: bryan, illegal immigration problem in the southern border is not a new problem but then onslaught has been for more than a year. what's the morale of w.h.o. are trying to impose american law on the people who are crossing the border illegally? bryan: it's not only the texas dps, troopers, they are exhausted. every single night there's a high-speed pursuit somewhere along the border. they are finding human beings in metal boxes, wood crates and disheartening and they are even seeing we are saw earlier 13-year-old u.s. citizen who probably through social media was smuggling people and that i canned's life is ruined, right, so this is the type of thing that they are seeing and you saw yolanda, a mexican american, spent 50 years in eagle pass, she's never seen anything like this. and she just wants people to recognize that it's not just mexico and the u.s. that every community here on the border is experiencing something they've never seen before and the help is not arriving in the way in which they believe it should. mike. mike: important context and perspective from bryan llenas in eagle pass, texas, bryan, thanks very much. let's turn to david spunt to the white house from the very latest from the biden administration. david: it's been tough week with from the economy, rising prices at the grocery to painful prices at the gas bump. they seem to be getting better in some cities but other cities those prices continue to go up also the issue of immigration which bryan just discussed extensively with you from eagle pass, texas, specifically on immigration. this entire title 42 situation is getting the president a lot of criticism from both sides of the aisle. naturally from republicans if title 42 was repealed, however, also some vulnerable democrats including border state lawmakers. we've heard from henry cuellar, congressman from texas. he's been complaining about the way the biden administration has handled the border situation for some time and also senator mark kelly from arizona, a vulnerable democrat this november. the administration also under fire for this new disinformation governance board under the department of homeland security and secretary alejandro mayorkas some calling it ministry of truth. the executive director of the board nina jenkawitz she's criticized for downplaying the hunter biden laptop story. he's now under federal investigation and not been charged with any crime but the laptop is in fbi custody. here is secretary mayorkas this morning on his new board. >> there's no question, bret, that we could have done a better job in communicating what it does. let me share with you what this department of homeland security does and has been doing for years. throughout the past administration included we address disinformation that presents a security threat to the homeland. david: mike, some of that disinformation according to secretary mayorkas comes from russia and comes from china and also the drug cartels in south america that are telling people to cross the border, that title 42 doesn't affect them. if they are from haiti a lot of misinformation there, that's why secretary mayorkas says that this board is in place. mike. mike: daft punt live in the north lawn, david, thanks a lot. david: you pet. mike: country music legend naomi judd has died of 76 one day before she was slated to be inducted in the country music hall of fame. her family has decided to go forward with the event tonight as scheduled. charles watson is live in nashville, tennessee with more, hello, charles. charles: hey, mike. the unexpected grammy award winning artist is sending shock waves as folks begin to reflect on her iconic career and her contributions, 76-year-old mother performed as part of the judds alongside her daughter, the two were nobody for more than a dozen number 1 hits including mega hits like love can build a bridge. her other daughter ashley announced the tragic news on social media late saturday afternoon saying in part, quote, today we sisters experienced the tragedy. we-our beautiful mother to the disease of mental illness, we are shattered. while the family is not releasing any other details at the moment, judd spoke openly about her mental health. she said she had been battling since her childhood, she even wrote a book back in 2016 and described feeling the bolder of my severe treatment of depression and terrifying panic attacks and in an interview with the today show back in 2017 the daily mail reports naomi revealed she tried electroshock therapy and judd performed on stage and a decade earlier this month in the country music award show and the mother-daughter duo were set to go back on tour this fall. what's even more tragic, mike, the two will be inducted today as you mentioned into the country music hall of fame one day after the artist's death. the hall of fame ceo says they will continue with the ceremony, quote, with heavy hearts and weighted mind after the judd family said to move forward with the induction. country music star carrie underwood one of them posted country music lost a true legend, sing with the angels naomi we are sending prayers to the judd family today and judd leaves behind two daughters, ashley as well as her husband larry strickland and body of work that will indoubtedly live on. she was 76. mike: legendary entertainers charles watson, thanks very much. republican senate candidates in ohio making their final pitches to voters ahead of tuesday's primary, a live report from the buck eye state. next. ♪ ♪ ♪ xfinity mobile runs on america's most reliable 5g network, but for up to half the price of verizon so you have more money for 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have changed after he won the endorsement of former president trump and he says that's all changed. we asked him about whether or not voters can trust his sincerity. >> a lot of people change their mind on donald trump and i'm one of them. a lot of the voters don't mind as long as you are honest with them. mark: recent polls show her trailing quite a bit but she's confident grassroots efforts will pay off come election day. >> we have a lot of show horses in the races and a lot people in the race for themselves, i'm in the race for ohio and take our country back. mark: there's also reports of a late surge in the polls by ohio state senator mat dolan, he's campaigning today in the cleveland area. our team caught up with him on the trail and he believes the last-minute surge is the real deal. >> i do and ohio republicans want somebody who is talking about their financial security, their border security, international security. they want somebody who will executive on republican ideas and values. mark: and what's fascinating about dolan in this race is he's still supportive of trump's policy but distanced himself from trump in 2020 election. as mentioned with vance he's speaking to supporters and seen large crowds as he goes throughout he will be doing election night in cincinnati and we plan to be there as well. a lot of people very eager, though, to see if the poll wills match up to what the final stretch of the campaign looks like. mike: mark meredith live from the buckeye state, thank you very much. for more on this bring our panel, matthew basset, former assistant secretary and mike a wisconsin progressive radio host. gentlemen, welcome. >> thank you. >> good to be with you. mike: buckeye state, jd vance got a shot from president trump. how do you assess for the the republicans? >> folks on the left are doing everything they can to try and imply that trump's influence in the party has diminished. i think they will find that as not the case on november 8th. i think jd vance is the one to pull this out and it's okay for republicans to support different candidates in a primary. this is obviously to fill rob portman's seat. ohio is a reliably red state and when it's all said and done irrespective of who wins it'll be a seat held by the republicans. mike: mike, a lot of republicans looking at veteran, how do you see the race? >> i couldn't find a more distasteful candidate than jd vance. the trump endorsement gives tim ryan a fighting chance. i think if it was just left to the primary voters they'd probably would again pick a republican in the state of ohio but i think the fact that trump is putting himself on the ballot that may help this gentleman and i use the term loosely with jd vance, it may help them in the primary but i think he opens the door to the democrat actually picking up the seat in ohio. mike: all right, we will see where it goes after primary seat on tuesday. to the border health and human services used to serve under president trump, matt plays a big role, what's the potential impact if title 42 is eventually lefted? left lifted? >> well, mike, the only thing immune is illegal immigrants and illegal drugs. the house judiciary committee were very telling. in a bipartisan way people were concerned because there is no plan if we go from 8,000 people a day to 18,000 people a day. the plan is more of the same and that is to process people as quickly as possible and then do bus and fly them all over the united states. and here is the problem with that, if you let in a million people, only 10% of these people have a legitimate asylum claim. so once they are here, there's not a problem with the hundred thousand staying, it's the 900,000 and mat gatez of florida took the senator to task and how we are going to rally 900,000 people. there's no plan to have these people go back even though they've had due process and claims have been denied. this is why remain in mexico was so critical. you can have a million people waiting in mexico to have their claims considered, we let in the 10% and the 90% go back to their country of origin, so we don't have a crisis in this country. and because of these numbers the border patrol can't do their job. if you need a reason to keep title 42 in place, a health reason other than covid, how about the fact that a hundred thousand americans have already died this year from fentanyl overdoses. under the biden administration fentanyl overdoses is the leading cause of death for americans age 18 to 45. and it's because when the border patrol is distracted they simply can't do their primary function which is to patrol the border. mike: let me give mike a chance, your thoughts on the impact this issue may have on the midterms and -- and how do democrats go out and sell this to their voters? >> you know, it's interesting. the state of wisconsin, now polling came out this week, university law school poll, credible polling, 64% of the people who live in my state think that there should be amnesty granted in realtime. 80% of the people in my state think that immigrants should have a legal path be it green cards or whatever the case may be. i think the -- the point fentanyl and say, well, joe biden is leaving the border open to drugs, i mean, we have been losing the war on drugs since nixon. so let's not act like this is suddenly something different. if you want to change the outcome on the border, there needs to be some sort of sense i believe immigration reform. let's incorporate more, we need more workers. here are workers coming here willingly, why are we rejecting them, let's come together as country and simulate the people in, let's be the melting pot, let's find a place for them. mike: matt, you want to give a quick response? >> we are a sovereign nation and we have sovereign borders, we should be able to dictate who we let in and under what circumstances. all the polling that i've seen says this is will be the number one issues for republican voters and independents and it's telling the hispanics are the group that biden is polling the worst at at 24%. so everyone sees through this. i think people are sick of it and i think november 8th people are going to need a lot of support ponies on the other side of the aisle because i don't think it's going to go their way. mike: matthew and mike crute, thank you, gentlemen, have a good week. on fox news sunday bret baier interviews homeland security alejandro mayorkas, that's coming up top of the hour right after the show. stay tuned. ♪ ♪ ♪ mike: argument in bond fire in shelter island leaving multiple people being shot. more on the developing story right after the break. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> tech: when you have auto glass damage, trust safelite. this dad and daughter were driving when they got a crack in their windshield. 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>> i think we are in a stalemate which is good for the ukrainians unlike the fight in kyiv which was more of a maneuver fight. we have gone into fight basically artillery against artillery and the reason for that, i went to how they got to where they are at today the guy who wrote the doctrine, russians are fighting, currently mark milley's counterpart. he's the one that putin put in charge a day or so ago. it was like active defense. he disestablished big units and created a btg, we fight combined arms. infantry and artillery in air. we are good at it. they are not and because of that, they're forcing to nutrition-based fight and that's why it's so important that we have all of that equipment flowing to the ukraines. the 155howitzers. because of that i think you will see stalemate. as you move to may which is victory day for him and wants to have everything wrapped up. i don't think he's going to get there. the fight will go on. i think ukrainian wills get stronger and i do not see any ability of the russians to move any further to the west, they are going the try to stabilize the fight here and over time i think the ukrainians are going to win out. mike: trying to create a land bridge from russia to block sea. the focus is mariupol. it feels humanitarian crisis there. we understand folks were evacuated here. your thoughts on fight in mariupol and clearly there are a lot more people who are not able to get out? >> it's truly unfortunate. we checked about the fight of mariupol and this thing has huge and they will have to dig them out. what the russians are trying to do and hope to do is bypass them, starve them out, don't fight them to the final fight but they are going to be there and there's a thorn in the russian side. i just hope they get the citizens well over a thousand, i don't trust the russians, i'm not sure they can but we have to somehow help them to get out because they are running out of food, water and eventually ammunition. mike: let's flip the screen here and go look to the concentration here down south. your thoughts as you look at this map, sir? >> what i'm looking at i keep watching right here. ic this is important because what you're seeing is a counterattack that's moving this way to the best and they are trying to get the focus away from mariupol and the land bridge out there. people forget there's this right here, there's only about 4 miles of -- of connected territory there that create -- that crimea, the reason why it's not an island, peninsula. if they can get there they will force them south. that's not a bad idea if they can keep looking at this and fighting it and what they don't want to do is lose odesa which is right over here because that's our last sea port. i think putin wants to take that. i don't think he can and has the capability. the nice thing that ukrainians did they forced russians 160 miles offshore using antiship missiles. the fleet down here has been new neutralized. mike: what have we learned about the russians and the ukrainians? are have the russians overrated in terms of military and ukrainians underrated? >> the morale to the physical is the one. what that means you never discount the fighting morale of the army and leadership because morale counts. the willingness to fight counts, the willingness to defend count and you cannot discount zelenskyy, i do not need a ride but ammunition is a true leader. they are going to fight for him and for ukraine and that puts the russians at disadvantage. when you look at the ukrainians, i'm their side on this one, i think they are going to win out eventually over the long term and this is something that's going to be written about historically for decades about how the russians could not perform well. mike: keith kellogg, thanks for your service, thanks for your time. appreciate it. for the first time in six years the president tends the white house correspondent's dinner, highlights from the big event coming up. ♪ ♪ ♪ mike: the white house correspondent's dinner otherwise known as the nerd prom is back, president biden to crack jokes about low approval rating and his age becoming the first president attending dinner honoring the press in six years. alexandria hoff live with more. alex: last night's dinner was return to traditional swank and attire of year's past. first press corp in gala. trevor noah hit on that. >> then the second someone offers you a free dinner you all turn into joe rogan. alex: covid concerns in the biden administration, kamala harris and white house communication director kate revealed they tested positive, negative covid test and vaccinations were mandatory for all guests and despite this president biden he skipped the dinner portion of the event to reduce possible exposure. dr. anthony fauci skipped it altogether. >> i know there are questions about whether we should gather here tonight because of covid, well, we are here to show the country that we are getting through this pandemic. alex: as expected president biden threw a few jabs at predecessor mentioning how former president trump turned down the invites while in office but biden threw hits of himself on age and poll numbers he's currently trying to combat. >> special thanks to the 42% of you who actually applauded. [laughter] >> i'm really excited to be here with the lower approval rating than i am. alex: the most recent poll out of quinnipiac university puts approval rating at 33%. alex: it was spectacular, i was happy just to be there. i had to wake up i had 5:00 a.m. shift and i stayed through trevor noah and everybody else partied the night away. mike: you look fresh as a daisy, thank you, alex. fox news alert, that is president biden arriving in minneapolis to attend former vice president walter mandels's memorial service. the president on the tarmac on a windy day just getting off of air force one. again, he's in town for the former vice president walter man del's memorial what pass away last year at the age of 93. the memorial delayed by covid pandemic, no surprise there. there you see president biden on the tarmac greeting dignitaries on his way to the memorial. today marks the start of military appreciation month, we will show you how one organization does its part to honor our nation's heros after the break. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> it was more than i expected and i appreciate everything that our country has done. >> they let you know what those soldiers really went through. >> emotional reactions from veterans visiting memorials in washington, d.c. as we enter military appreciation month. joining me now honor flight network chief executive officer meredith welcome. >> thank you. mike: you have a big event on tuesday, tell me about it? >> this tuesday may third to kickoff military appreciation month we are having an event at the world war ii memorial to not only celebrate the past success in that work and brought 250,000 veterans in dc to visit their memorials but chart the course for the future to honor future generations of veterans as well. mike: you have a huge waiting list. people who want to come to washington to see the monuments, for folks who haven't seen before to see veterans getting off the planes is quite a thing at the airports here and then seeing them around town. what can we do as americans to try to bring that wait list along? >> absolutely. our wait list is currently at 50,000 veterans. we typically in an annual season fly about 22,000 veterans so our waiting list is two years out but we are always encouraging veterans and families of veterans to sign their veterans up at our web sighs and support the program by being volunteers to assist us in getting our veterans to dc. mike: we have young veterans from serious wars in both iraq and afghanistan. what kind of role do you think they can play with some of the older veterans? >> absolutely. we love when our more current veterans serve as guardians for our world war ii, korea and vietnam veterans because there's a certain commodore there. they can share their stories and they have been through similar things and we love when they serve as volunteers, serve as guardians with our program. >> this is personal for you, your grandfather was a highly decorated world war ii veteran, the greatest generation. when you see some of these gentlemen getting off the planes and the tears in their eyes, does it remind you of your grandfather? >> it does. we hear from families, grandpa or grandma or dad or mom never shared with us their stories about when they served and they get home from honor flight crip and have experience with other veterans and day at reflections in memorials and come home and finally share the stories and finally talk about things that they didn't talk about before and share that with their children and grandchildren and it's really an amazing experience. mike: okay, so you have a big event tuesday obviously talking about this milestone accomplishment for the organization but also military appreciation month starting today, so your thoughts on what americans should do to honor our military during this great month? >> absolutely. every single day if you see a veteran thank that veteran for their service. you know, regardless of when someone served or if they served on foreign soil or here in america, it's important, it's important to thank them for what they do to protect our freedom day in and day out. mike: i know that what you're saying has touched my heart, i'm sure a lot of folks at home that are touched by what you're saying and the mission of your organization. i know the website is, what do folks or corporations that are interested in helping, what can they do to help you? >> absolutely. they can reach out to our office and they can reach out to 130 affiliates around the country and find out how they can help, come out to the airport, support your veterans when they come home from honor flight trip. it's one of those handson things that you can do to be out there and get your staff out there, make signs, welcome the veterans homes. i imagine after the honor flight trips you get some beautiful notes from family members saying what a difference it made to their loved one. >> we absolutely do. and we love them. they are what keep us going. it's a lot of work. we have a core of volunteers across the country and core of volunteers here in dc. we couldn't do it without them and every single one of them does it because of those letters, because of those stories that get shared with us. america america meredith, congratulations on the great job the organization is doing and enjoy military appreciation month with tuesday's big event. >> we will, thank you so much. mike: thanks for coming in. that's all for this hour of fox news live, fox news sunday with bret baier in the chair is up next. i'm mike emanuel, thank you so much for watching, have a have n awesome day. ♪ ♪ ♪ i brought in ensure max protein, with thirty grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks! 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, System , Bryan , Team Coverage David Spunt , Border Policy , Pass , Bryan Llenas In Eagle , Let , Migrants , Situation , Eagle Pass , Piedras Negras , Tat , Rio Grande River , Border Patrol , Number , Border Security , Texas , A Million , 555000 , Crisis , Yolanda Ramon , Efforts , Resources , Democratic , Doesn T Either , Pro Tempore , Plane , Government , President , City , Homes , Streets , City S Industrial Chamber , 300 , Misinformation , Estate , Confusion , Notices , Rumors , Coahuila , Zero , Terms , Cell Phone , Messaging Problem , Notice , Message , Beds , Let Go , Part , Fox News Drone , Truth , Border Source , Documentations , Brian , Fox News , Calm Before The Storm , May 23rd , 23 , Cubans , Mexico , Result , Covid , Nationals , Central America , Id Cards , Mexican , Public Health Order , Venezuelans , 19 , Thing , Banks , 30 , Problem , Illegal Immigration Problem , Onslaught , Troopers , Morale , Law , Texas Dps , Citizen , Social Media , Human Beings , Somewhere , Pursuit , Metal Boxes , Wood Crates , 13 , Life , Type , Mexican American , Anything , Yolanda , 50 , Way , Something , Community , Context , Bryan Llenas , Prices , Grocery , Economy , Issue , Immigration , Gas Bump , Lot , Republicans , Aisle , Sides , Criticism , Mark Kelly , Democrats , Henry Cuellar , Border State Lawmakers , Arizona , Alejandro Mayorkas , Disinformation Governance Board , Fire , Department Of Homeland Security , Ministry Of Truth , Executive Director , Downplaying , Hunter Biden Laptop Story , Board Nina Jenkawitz She , Job , Board , Custody , Bret Baier , Laptop , Question , Crime , Investigation , Fbi , Disinformation , Security Threat , Mike , Drug Cartels , Homeland , China , Place , Thanks A Lot , Doesn T , North Lawn , Daft Punt , Event , Family , Naomi Judd , Country Music , Country Music Hall Of Fame , You Pet , 76 , Folks , Artist , Charles Watson , Shock Waves , Grammy Award , Nashville , Tennessee , Mother , Hits , Daughter , Career , Nobody , The Judds , Contributions , Love , 1 , Ashley , Bridge , Disease , Tragedy , Sisters , Mental Illness , Mental Health , Book Back , Childhood , Details , 2016 , Treatment , Interview , Panic Attacks , Depression , Bolder , Electroshock Therapy , The Today Show , Daily Mail Reports Naomi , 2017 , Country Music Award Show , Duo , Stage , Hearts , Ceremony , Ceo , Hall Of Fame , Carrie Underwood , Mind , Induction , True Legend , Work , Body , Daughters , Larry Strickland , Naomi , Family Today , Angels , Prayers , Will Indoubtedly Live On , Voters , Ohio , Candidates , Primary , Buck Eye State , Pitches , Report , Entertainers , Tuesday , Senate , Next , Price , 5g Network , Verizon , Xfinity Mobile , 5 , Phone , Groceries , Concert Tickets , Shows , Stuff , Money , Customers , Pricing , Value , Election , Eyes , Primary Election , Ground , Mark Meredith , Buckeye , Campaign Blitz , Mark , Supporters , Jd , Memoir , Lobby , Vance , Race , Polls , Endorsement , Idea , Events , Vote , Indication , Facility , Fundraising , Trump , Donald Trump , Sincerity , Bit , Show , Surge , Election Day , Races , Grassroots Efforts , Ohio State Senator , Mat Dolan , Deal , Campaigning , Team , Trail , Cleveland , Somebody , Ideas , Executive , International Security , Values , Crowds , Election Night , Policy , 2020 , Stretch , Campaign , Panel , Matthew Basset , Poll Wills Match , Gentlemen , Assistant Secretary , Mike A Wisconsin Progressive Radio Host , Everything , Shot , Left , Influence , Party , Case , Rob Portman , November 8th , Seat , Red State , Irrespective , The Greatest Generation , A Fighting Chance , Tim Ryan , Term , Ballot , Fact , Door , Health And Human Services , Role , Matt , Plan , Immigrants , Drugs , Immune , House Judiciary Committee , 8000 , Bus , Same , 18000 , 10 , Asylum Claim , Florida , Mat Gatez , 900000 , Claims , Due Process , Numbers , Origin , 90 , Reason , Fentanyl Overdoses , Thousand Americans , Health Reason , A Hundred Thousand , Thoughts , Cause , Function , 45 , Polling , The State Of Wisconsin , University Law School Poll , Midterms , 64 , Path , Whatever , Cards , Point , 80 , War On Drugs , Border Open To Drugs , Fentanyl , Say , Outcome , Sense , Sort , Nixon , Workers , Immigration Reform , Nation , Borders , Response , The Melting Pot , Group , Everyone , Issues , Circumstances , Independents , Hispanics , 24 , Thank You , Support Ponies , Mike Crute , Bond Fire , Argument , On Fox News Sunday , Break , Story , Shelter Island , Dad , Windshield , Car , Pop Rock Music Tech , Trust Safelite , He Wouldn T , Glass , Smash , Anywhere , Pull Over , Crack , Safety System , Safelite , Features , Stay Safe With Safelite , Automatic Emergency Braking , Music , Fishermen , Singers , Liars , Boats , Docks , Safelite Repair , Memories , Tales , Lifetime , Fish , Retelling , Bass Pro Shops , Glucose Numbers , Diabetes , Adventure , Cabela S , My Dexcom G6 , 77 , Range , Receiver , Glucose , Arrow , Medicare , Dexcom Com , Wife , Children , Vero Beach , Ruthann , Three , Cholesterol , Statin , Heart Disease , Blizzard , Prevagen , Healthier Brain , 96 , Grandkids , Heart Attack , Bosses , Fad Diets , Phone Rings , 17 , Five , 12 , Leqvio , Passwords , Doctor , Arms , Joint Pain , Urinary Tract Infection , Chest Cold , Diarrhea , Injection Site Reaction , Side Effects , Pain , Legs , Shortness Of Breath , Services , Groups , Severity , Victims , Shootout , Injuries , Reward , California , San Diego , Alabama , U S Marshal , Correctional Officer , Escaped Inmate Awaiting Trial For Capital Murder , Courthouse , Inmate , Location , Capture , Information , 0000 , 10000 , Redemption Area , Man , Suspect , Last Night , New York Times Square , Dave Busters , East , Defenders , National Security Adviser , Center , Co Chair , American First Policy Center , O Keith Conh , Stalemate , Artillery , Maneuver Fight , 67 , Counterpart , Russians , Mark Milley , Guy , Doctrine , Fighting , Units , Btg , Air , Infantry , Equipment , 155howitzers , 155 , Wills , Victory Day , Go On , Ability , Try , West , Focus , Land Bridge , Sea , Don T , Citizens , Thousand , Thorn , Don T Trust , A Thousand , Counterattack , Ammunition , Concentration , Screen , Map , Best , Ic , Crimea , Miles , Create , Odesa , Island , Peninsula , Capability , Sea Port , 160 , Antiship Missiles , Fleet , Fighting Morale , Physical , Willingness , Count , Counts , Morale Counts , Leader , Army , Ride , Discount Zelenskyy , Ukraine , Disadvantage , Dinner , Correspondent , Service , Keith Kellogg , Six , Jokes , Nerd Prom , Alex , Approval Rating , Press , Age , Alexandria Hoff , Hit , Attire , Trevor Noah , First Press Corp In Gala , Someone , Kate , Covid Test , Joe Rogan , Kamala Harris , Questions , Dinner Portion , Exposure , Guests , Dr , Anthony Fauci , Vaccinations , Pandemic , Office , Predecessor , Invites , Jabs , Poll , 42 , Laughter , Quinnipiac University , Everybody , Shift , 33 , Fox News Alert , Walter Mandels , Daisy , Minneapolis , Town , Memorial Service , Vice President , Tarmac , Walter Man Del S Memorial What Pass Away Last , Air Force One , Memorial , Tarmac Greeting Dignitaries , Surprise , 93 , Military Appreciation Month , Heros , Veterans , Memorials , Reactions , Appreciation Month , Washington D C , Flight Network , Chief Executive Officer , Veterans In Dc , Success , Generations , Course , World War Ii , 250000 , Haven T , Planes , Waiting List , Airports , Monuments , Wait List , Season , 22000 , 50000 , Families , Volunteers , Program , To Dc , Web , Wars , Honorflight Org , Iraq , Some , Guardians , Kind , Afghanistan , Korea , Vietnam , Stories , Grandfather , Commodore , Grandma , Grandpa , Tears , Mom , Home , Experience , Reflections , Honor Flight Crip , Grandchildren , Milestone Accomplishment , Veteran , Soil , Freedom Day , Heart , Website , Saying , Corporations , Helping , Airport , Affiliates , Honor Flight Trip , 130 , Veterans Homes , Honor Flight , Staff , Signs , Core , Family Members , In Dc , Loved One , Notes , Difference , Military Appreciation , Congratulations , Letters , Thanks For Coming , America Meredith , Chair , Watching , Fox News Sunday , Protein , Energy , Sighs Wearily , Excited Yell , Thirty , Health , Allergies , Nutrients , Sugar , Spraying Flonase , Passengers , Queries , Riders , Good , Psst , Snake , Quotes , Approved , Jackets , Nickname , Motorcycle Insurer , Number One , Wall , Inflammation , Asthma , Matter , Out Of Nowhere , Asthma Attacks , Triggers , Tezspiretm , Add On Treatment , Attacks , Asthma Symptoms , Breathe Better , Eye Allergy , Rescue Medication , Back Pain , Sore Throat , Vaccines , Infection , Release , Sleep , Asthma Specialist , Steve , Golo , 138 , Nine , Sit Down , Border Crisis , Recession , Cooks , Baier , Test , Tradition , Positive , Inner Circle , Biden Returns , Public Health , Confrontations , Control , Bike , Plans , Entry , Migrant Storage , Page ,

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