Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Faulkner Focus 20240708 : compar

Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Faulkner Focus 20240708

rhetoric that is ratcheting things up from both sides, i might add. the secretary of defense, lloyd austin, with his promise to degrade the russian military tipped russia and you saw it live here, austin doubled down in the news conference a couple days ago during this hour, you saw it live. that tipped lavrov and putin on the russian side. the dictator and his foreign minister to say nukes are back on the table. this is going around in circles. money is needed for ukraine. meanwhile, russian dictator putin has a new threat. this one is lightning fast action against any nation which interferes with his war. the gruesome realities of russia's invasion, annihilation of a population continuing. a top united states official has told the united nations there are credible reports of a military -- russian military unit executing ukrainians who are attempting to surrender instead of taking them into custody. ukrainian authorities have filed the first war crime charges now against moscow. they are accusing 10 russian soldiers of taking civilians hostage and doing unspeakable things with them and to them in the kyiv suburb of bucha. this is where we saw the horrific images of the bodies in the streets. we will bring you the president's remarks live when he begins. meanwhile the president is facing plenty of rough weeks. but this one has been especially tough. new numbers show our economy shrank dramatically in the first quarter of this year. and it could signal that a recession is right around the corner because if it happens two quarters in a row, that's what it is. i'm harris faulkner. you are in "the faulkner focus". the economic strength comes as inflation is at the top of voters' minds. a new gallup poll shows more than 3/4 of americans say they believe it is only going to get worse. and we are watching skyrocketing prices for gasoline, food, housing, you name it. the white house appears to be rather desperate to find a solution. but another survey finds nearly half believe the president's actions are actually hurting the already butchered economy. and more than 30% say what he is doing is not making any difference at all. but the white house continues to stress what he is doing, all of his efforts. watch. >> plan to address inflation or address causes or costs as they've gone up for the american people has many different components whether at the grocery store or other costs on their pocketbook. the president has taken a number of steps to address costs. >> harris: by the way, when the president has an awful week, we do, too. america needs a president who can win. inflation is just one of the problems contributing to biden's awful days this week. from the hunter biden headache that just won't go away to bipartisan backlash over his plan to end the illegal immigration restrictions known as title 42, former trump senior advisor kellyanne conway with this. >> so many of the great policies that trump/pence passed being unraveled and mr. vice president i would like to say it's an ideological disagreement but most days it is spite and spite is no way to run a country. >> harris: jacque. >> the president is facing criticism on multiple fronts. the white house took a lot of questions on the federal investigation of the president's son hunter that appears to be speeding up somehow. homeland security secretary was grilled on capitol hill yesterday and back again today. facing a lot of questions about how unprepared the department is to handle this coming surge of migrants at the border when title 42 is lifted. even a lot of democrats in the president's party are breaking with the administration on their decision to lift title 42. now there is this announcement of a significant economic slowdown. the u.s. economy shrinking by 1.4% in the first quarter of this year. the president explained saying last quarter's growth estimate was affected by technical factors. putin's unprovoked war. republicans are saying fears of a pending recession is why the reason the white house should not be considering any more plans to inject more money into the economy like canceling student debt. they say inflation will get worse. >> if they go forward with this on top of all the other spending and borrowing as you said, it will contribute to more inflation that means economic growth will face even morehead winds as we just saw this morning when we got the reports for the first quarter. >> the white house denies that government spending caused inflation and they argue that they are doing a lot to bring it down. >> there are some parts of the economy that are more responsive than others to policy choices. we know right now we could act to lower the cost of prescription drugs and insulin and lower the cost of childcare, longstanding policy goal of ours. >> americans aren't buying the argument. half of americans believe rising prices in the u.s. is a crisis. 47% believe it is a problem. but not a crisis. however, the really striking number only 3% believe that rising prices are not a problem at all, harris. >> harris: wow. why even take that calculation? i'm sure there is a plus/minus. biden faces the lowest polling of his presidency and axios analysis shows his fifth quarter job approval is the worst rating of any president since 1954 with the exception of president trump. we have the height of the pandemic but we'll move on. all of that is troubling for democrats who are now 194 days away from the mid-terms. yes, i'm counting. the white house now has a plan, it says. they say we should expect to see more of president biden ahead of the november elections and he is expected to push a message of unity. he is their plan to help them win. will cain co-host of "fox & friends" weekend. what do you say about that? >> i'm in disbelief. i mean that literally, harris. i do not believe the white house. i do not believe the biden administration that the answer to these problems will be more president biden. listening to the top of your show, harris, it is getting really difficult to quantify. meaning keep up with the number of issues that are failing the biden administration. where they have failed the american people. inflation, gas prices, foreign policy, afghanistan, crime, covid. on the fundamental principles of western civilization like free speech as we watched them yesterday begin their ministry of truth in the department of disinformation under homeland security. every step of the way they're out of touch with the american people and seemingly choose the wrong path. now they say the way to get on the right path before mid-terms is more president biden. a, i don't believe you. i don't think you will put president biden out there. certainly in an uncontrolled environment to answer to questions in the press. he won't be on "the faulkner focus". he won't be talking to reporters or to the american people in unscripted moments. i do not believe you. even if you do decide to do that i'm still in disbelief that you think the answer to getting yourself on the right track is more president biden. will he come out and look i'm saying this somewhat facetiously. will he come out with the easter bunny? will it be there to guide them along the way what he should say and where he can go? i don't believe that president biden, more president biden is the answer to our problems. >> harris: you would hope that you were being facetious. the problem is we saw that recently. we saw someone dressed as a easter bunny at the gathering at the white house over the holiday weekend a few weeks ago and he was about to get into afghanistan and it was clear the bunny was like ushering him away. it is a joke but also a metaphor for what we're dealing with right now. there have been plenty of notes he has read to the nation. they are telling me i can't take this, i can't go there, i can't do this. it's not what is on the schedule for today for me. i must move. i must turn. almost in that kind of staccato talk. >> you hear directly from the first lady. you can hear her saying stay seated. now wave. he is always under direction. let's continue the symbol. you're right. it is symbolic. let me again only half heartedly facetious ask this question, who is in the costume? who is the easter bunny? i don't mean that simply that day. but who is guiding the president on a day-to-day basis? this is supposed to be the leader of the free world and we as the american people have a very righteous reason to ask who is in the costume and guiding the president? >> harris: as you ask that, people may say to themselves he is about to speak on verbal support for ukraine, the world actually would like to know and it is a metaphor we're using not seriously, but behind the scenes who is playing the role of guiding him through the gates of leadership? i want to get to this. gas prices still sky high as summer travel is approaching now. goodness gracious, we're only a couple weeks away from getting ready for memorial day weekend. a lot of people travel ton road for that. this adding to the list of issues plaguing democrats ahead of the mid-term elections. national gas average for a gallon of regular is up by more than a dollar from one year ago. democrats are saying they plan to take action. >> and discussion is ongoing. we are definitely going to act to try to address the geopolitical issues that relate to gas prices being where they are. act in terms of some of the supply chain challenges. >> harris: the debate over domestic fossil fuel is ramping up. daily caller op-ed calls president biden's reluctance the ultimate energy wrecking ball. it says the biden administration continues to do everything it can to block and discourage fossil fuel production and transportation. the goal of these biden policies is to drive fossil fuel prices higher to embrace wind, solar and electric vehicle -- technologies. let's start in reverse with national security with all of this, will. >> so i think actually what we're seeing play out is a policy of success for the biden administration. in other words, the democratic party dating back at least to barack obama and with joe biden as vice president has been very clear about their attitude toward fossil fuels. they don't want to wean us off. they want to choke us off. they want to price us out of fossil fuels and president obama at the time talked about openly when it came to coal. the biden administration and most of the democratic party has said the same thing when it comes to gasoline prices. raise them until they're unsustainable forcing us into what they would describe as sustainable energy alternatives. joe biden says it's the number one issue. he said the climate crisis is the number one issue above inflation, afghanistan, ukraine, everything. the number one issue. >> harris: he can say that but he is about to walk up to the lectern and i want to give you a chance, will, to wrap your comments if you would. >> i would just say when it comes to gas prices what we're seeing is the effect of an intentional policy. they can't turn around today and say i wonder if a tax holiday would solve the american problems. the problems are by design. >> harris: again he can say that. he wants to get oil from some of the dirtiest producers on the planet like venezuela. i don't know if he wants to go green or if it's about green at all. will cain, bring you back. the president of the united states with his comments on ukraine. let's watch. >> president biden: ukraine continues to counter putin's aggression. our nato allies and e.u. partners will pay their fair share of the cost as well. we have to do this. we have to do our part as well. the cost of this fight is not cheap. but caving to aggression will be more costly if we allow it to happen. we either back ukrainian people as they defend their country or stand by as the russians continue their atrocities and aggression in ukraine. every day, every day the ukrainians pay a price -- the price they pay is with their lives for this fight. we need to contribute arms, funding, ammunition and economic support to make their courage and sacrifice have purpose so they can continue this fight and do what they are doing. it's critical this funding gets approved and approved as quickly as possible. long before russia launched its invasion, i made clear how the united states would respond. predicted they would invade and they surely did. we said we would not send u.s. troops to fight russians troops in ukraine but would provide robust military assistance and try to unify the western world against russia's aggression. i said i would impose powerful sanctions on russia and we would destroy and -- we destroy this myth that somehow they continue to move without the rest of the world acting. that we deploy additional forces to defend nato territory particularly in the east along the russian and belarus borders. that's exactly what we said we would do and we did. but despite the disturbing rhetoric copping out of the kremlin the facts are plain for everybody to see. we aren't attacking russia. we're helping ukraine defend itself against russian aggression. as putin chose to launch this brutal invasion he could make the choice to end this brutal invasion. russia is the aggressor, no ifs, ands or buts about it. russia is the aggressor and the world will hold russia accountable. there is imsense human cost. we've seen them leave behind horrifying evidence of their atrocities and war crimes in the areas they tried to control. as long as the assaults and as tropical storm tease continue we'll continue to supply military assistance. there is a dinner this weekend to celebrate the press. think of what the american press has done. the courage it has taken to stay in these war zones. the courage it has taken to report every single day. i have always had respect for the press but i can't tell you how much respect i have watching -- watching them in these zones where they are under fire risking their own lives to make sure the world hears the truth. imagine if we weren't getting that information? it would be a different world and circumstance. in the past two months russia moved weapons and equipment and we have in record speed. thanks to the aid russian forces have been forced the retreat from kyiv. doesn't mean they won't try to come back. they've retreated thus far. we send thousands of anti-armor, helicopters, drones, rifles, raid area systems, machine guns. more than 50 million rounds of ammunition. united states alone has provided 10 anti-armor systems for every russian tank that is in ukraine. 10-1. we're provided ukraine significant, timely intelligence to help them defend themselves against the russian onslaught and facilitating significant flow of weapons and system to ukraine from allies and partners around the world. that support is moving with unprecedented speed. much of the new equipment we've announced in the past two weeks has already gotten to ukraine. where it can be put to direct use on the battlefield. however, we have almost exhausted what we call the drawdown authority that congress authorized to ukraine in a bipartisan spending bill last month. basically we're out of money and so that's why today in order to sustain ukraine as it continues to fight, i'm sending congress a supplemental budget request. it will keep weapons and ammunition flowing without interruption to the brave ukrainian fighters and continue delivering economic and humanitarian assistance to the ukrainian people. this so-called supplemental funding addresses the needs of the ukrainian military during the critical weeks and months ahead. it begins to transition to longer-term security assistance to help ukraine continue to against russian aggression. it would provide more artillery, armored vehicles, anti-armor system and anti-air capabilities used so effectively thus far in the battlefield by the ukrainian warriors. it will deliver much-needed humanitarian assistance as well as food, water, medicine, shelter and other aid to ukrainians displaced by russia's war and provide aid for those seeking refuge in other countries from ukraine. also going to help schools and hospitals open. it will allow pensions and social support to be paid to the ukrainian people so they have something in their pocket. it's also going the provide critical resources to address food shortages around the globe. ukraine was one of the world's largest agricultural producers. typically grows 10% of all the wheat shipped around the world. putin has asserted sanctions are blocking food from ukraine and russia getting on the market. the sanctions we've imposed on russia. simply not true. putin's war, not sanctions, are impacting the harvest of food and disrupting the movement of that food by land and sea to nations around the globe that need it. this funding will help these rising food prices at home as well and abroad caused by russia's war in ukraine. it is going to help support american farmers, produce more crops like wheat and oil seed which is good for rural america, good for the american consumer and good for the world. and this supplemental request will use the defense production act to expand domestic production and reserve of critical materials, materials like nickel and lithium that have been disrupted by poout yain's war in ukraine and necessary to make defense systems and automobiles. i hope congress moves on funding quickly. i want to thank democrats and republicans for their support of the people of ukraine and next week i will be in alabama to visit lockheed martin plant that manufactures the javelin anti-tank missile we've been sending to ukraine and thank the american workers, thank them for producing the weapons that help stop russia's advances in ukraine in cities like kyiv. their hard work has played a critical role in assuring putin's strategic failure in ukraine. in addition to this supplemental funding i'm sending to congress comprehensive package that will enhance our underlying effort to accommodate the russian oligarchs and make sure we take their ill begot en gains. we'll accommodate them and seize their yachts and luxury homes of putin's -- yeah. autocracy. these are bad guys. to seize property linked to russia's autocracy and create new procedures for forfeiture and seizure of these properties. it will insure that when the oligarch's assets are sold off funds can be used directly to remedy the harm russia cause and help build ukraine. additionally yesterday russia threatened two of our allies with the cut-off of energy supplies. while america has ended all russian fossil fuel imports because we're able to use our vast supply of power in our country, some european countries have faced more challenges in reducing the reliance on russia fuel. russia has long claimed to be the reliable source of energy for the world. no matter what the differences are, their customers are always going to be in good shape. but these actions prove that energy is not just a commodity that russia sells to help meet other country's needs but a weapon used in the ploy against those who stand against their aggression. let me be clear. we will not let russia intimidate or blackmail their way out of these sanctions. we will not allow them to use their oil and gas to avoid consequences for their aggression. we're working with other nations like korea, japan, qatar, and others to support our effort to help the european allies threatened by russia with gas, blackmail, and their energy needs in other ways. aggression will not win. threats will not win. this is just another reminder of the imperative for europe and the world to move more and more of our power needs to clean energy. in the united states, we're doing that right now. last year we developed more solar, wind and battery storage than any year in our history. enough to power 56 million american homes. earlier this month we acted to bolster our reliance on our nuclear energy facilities which generates more than half of our carbon-free power. and we're just getting started. i look at this as a serious problem but an enormous opportunity. an opportunity. bottom line, all these actions we've been taking are about the truth -- this truth, investing in ukraine's freedom and security is a small price to pay to punish russian aggression to lessen the risk for future conflicts. throughout our history we've learned that when dictators do not pay the price for their aggression, they cause more chaos and engage in more aggression. they keep moving. the cost, the threats to america and the world keep rising. we can't let this happen. our unity at home, our unity with our allies and partners, and our unity with the ukrainian people sending an unmistakable message to putin. you will never succeed in dominating ukraine. finally, we are going to continue to deliver critical support to ukraine. we must also not let our guard down in our fight against covid 1 at home and abroad. that's why i am again urging congress to act on my request for $22.5 billion in emergency resources so the american people can continue to protect themselves from covid-19. the reason we were so successful in the past is because i was able to work with drug manufacturers to order significant quantities of material we needed ahead of time to get in the front of the line. without additional funding, we can't pre-order the amount of vaccines we need and we risk losing our spot in line for vaccines that target multiple variants. we're running out of supply for therapeutics like antiviral pills that we desperately need. without additional funding, we're unable to purchase the lifesaving treatment for the american people. we've donated more vaccine treatments to the world than all other nations in the world combined. if the u.s. won't do it no one else would step up and do it. without additional funding the united states won't be able to stop the spread around the world and close off ongoing sources of the supply chain disruptions. look, let's get both of these critical tasks done. no delays, no excuses, just action now, now. thank you all. thank you. [reporter questions] >> turn that camera. >> mr. president, i wanted to ask what your message is to ukrainian refugees on the southwest border and those that are trying to flee ukraine from the violence. >> we have made a direct means by which they can get from europe, from ukraine directly to the united states without going to the southern border. in the meantime in the southern border we are ore trying to work through and make sure that it is an orderly process they're able to get in. just so you know, we have said there is no need to go to the southern border. fly directly to the united states we set up a mechanism where they can come directly with a visa. >> how are the growing number of russians -- [inaudible] [inaudible question] >> president biden: they're not true. they do concern me because it shows the desperation that russia is feeling about their abject failure in being able to do what they set out to do in the first instance. and so it -- i think it's more of a reflection not of the truth but of their failure. so instead of saying that the ukrainians equipped with some capability to resist russian forces are doing this, they have to say -- tell their people the united states and all of nato is engaged in taking out russian troops and tanks etc. number one, it's an excuse for their failure but number two it's also, if they really mean it, it's -- no one should be making idle comments about the use of nuclear weapons or the possibility they would use that. it's irresponsible. >> mr. president, back on the border. title 42. a number of your democratic friends are pressuring the white house to maintain that policy. can you give us a straight answer whether you are going to heed that request or -- >> president biden: give you a straight answer. we had proposed to eliminate that policy by the end of may. the court has said we can't so far. and what the court says we are going to do. the court could come along and say we cannot do that and that's it. >> mr. president, when you say it's not a proxy war but russia disagree. they say war means war. how concerned are you that they may act accordingly even if we disagree? >> president biden: we're prepared for whatever they do. [inaudible question] >> president biden: poland has indicated they have significant reserve of gas that they've planned for, as does not as much but as does bulgaria. we have worked with our allies from japan on to say that we may divert our sale of the natural gas that we're sending to those countries and divert it directly to poland and bulgaria. so that's the most i can tell you right now. >> how concerned are you about a recession given the gdp report today? >> president biden: i'm not concerned about a recession. you are always concerned about recession but the gdp, you know, fell to 1.4% but here is the deal. we also had last quarter consumer spending and business investment and residential investment increased at significant rate for leisure and hard products. number two, we are -- unemployment is the lowest rate since 1970. our record 4.5 million businesses were created last year. we are in a situation where we have a very different view than senator scott and republicans that want to raise taxes on middle class families and want to include half of small business owners. so i think we're -- what you are seeing is enormous growth in the country that is affected by everything from covid and covid blockages that occurred along the way. now you always have to be -- take a look. no one is predicting a recession now. they are predicting -- some are predicting there may be a recession in 2023. i'm concerned about it but if our republican friends are interested in doing something about dealing with the economic growth, they should help us continue to lower the deficit, which we've done last year with $350 billion. willing to work with us to have a tax code that is actually one that works and everybody pays their fair share, and they should be in a position where we shouldn't be raising taxes on middle class folks but raising taxes on people who everyone acknowledges and the vast majority of the public is not paying their fair share. i've said it 100 times. you have 50 major corporations of fortune 500 companies who didn't pay a single penny. no one under our proposal earning under $400,000 a year will not see a penny of their taxes go up. >> do you think covid aid and ukraine need to be tied together? >> president biden: i don't care how they do it. i'm sending them both up. they can do it separately or together but we need them both. >> schumer said that you are getting closer to using executive authority to cancel up to $50,000 in student loan debt. can you confirm that? what do you plan to do? >> my spokesman said that? >> majority leader schumer. >> president biden: number one, the first thing we did was reform the system that was in place that didn't work for anybody that allowed people to write off debt if they engaged in public service. we've almost a,700 some thousand have had debt forgiven because of their working in these areas, teachers or other means by which they qualify. we continue to make that easier. secondly, i am considering dealing with some debt reduction. i am not considering $50,000 debt reduction but i am in the process of taking a hard look at whether or not there are or will be additional debt forgiveness and i will have an answer on that in the next couple of weeks. thank you. >> thank you. thank you. >> harris: a rather quick question and answer period with the president of the united states there. it was interesting because this was supposed to be -- it was at first about ukraine. and it quickly got into, you know, how the world sees us as leading. i'm paraphrasing now. we'll put in another $22 1/2 billion. that's about half as much as some are calling. even the guest the previous hour with dana and bill saying it is more than like $40 billion just for right now. but the president says he wants to make some sort of long-term sustainability for long-term security systems for ukraine. he is calling it his supplemental budget request which he says he will send to congress. from there it was more like the barge at the end on fourth of july. every topic is up in the air. you have the fire everything you have left to close out the night. it was covid and this and so we were glad that we got some questions. but then it got rather political when we got to inflation. i'll bring in raymond arroyo fox news contributor. i think you could tie in ukraine, the covid, the inflation, all into the politics of the moment. he went reflexively to the republicans have to do more. >> look, harris, this is the default position. but the facts don't lie. we have a gdp growth report that came out today. we went from plus positive 6.9% growth, to this quarter negative 1.4% growth. that is akin -- it exceeds the drop-off from covid between 2019 and 2020. biden has sunk this economy. the inflation is as high as it has been in 40 years. there is no getting away from that. his answer, the answer of his party seems to be let's spend more money. the covid supplemental just to put all of this in context. i know it's rapid fire. but why we're giving billions to ukraine and it seems the president is far more concerned about ukraine than he is about the welfare of his own people particularly in the border states and the economic welfare of suffering americans. look, when we spend trillions of dollars of covid relief and now we learn this week, harris, that $87 billion to 400 billion of that covid relief has been stolen from the american taxpayer by foreign hackers or by people who inappropriately took those covid funds and just stole them for their own benefits. this is going to take us years to unravel. we are giving away billions of dollars of the hard-rnd wealth of american taxpayers while our economy teeters on the brink. i'm sorry, god bless the people of ukraine. we should help them every way we can but we have to stabilize the home front first. >> harris: it is kind of an interesting strategy if you are looking from the eyes of our enemies, china and russia and iran. if in fact we spend so much technically by proxy, although the president didn't want to talk about this, but we're giving a country the means to fight off russia. and russia then says it then has the reason to bring nuclear war back onto -- nuclear weapons back on the table. it is all circular. but what they get out of it is let's watch america spend itself broke and let's make sure that doesn't get them as far as you think it might. we have to help ukraine. we said we would, we are people of our word. but how do we also sustain ourselves? >> right. it's the reagan -- this is the reagan doctrine inverted where reagan raised the stakes, the nuclear stakes and got russia to bankrupt itself trying to match us in that race. now we are kind of -- we find ourselves in the position the russians once were where we are emptying our stockpiles, being asked to spend trillions more on these weapons systems. the military industry all complex is smiling. people are grinning ear-to-ear this morning what the president said. it is all a distraction. the american people when you look at the polling the number one issue is the economy, inflation, gas prices. those are the things on their minds. and their hearts. it is what they deal with every day. i'm sorry, by talking endlessly about spending more money while the people are suffering this way and focused on the foreign land at a time when the homeland is in peril, i don't think it is going to work for joe biden or his party come november. >> harris: nor will the idea to get us out of the situation the republicans have to do more, have to do this and have to do that. i just thought that reflexive nature didn't fit right then. news today if we have another quarter like the one we had we'll be in a recession. they let him push it off to 2023. you don't let him off the hook. dhs secretary mayorkas is in the hot seat for the second announced plans for what he calls a disinformation governance board to combat misinformation ahead of the mid-terms. so he have is announcing that while he is on the hill really getting verbally punched over the border situation. so shiny object over here, disinformation crackdown. the group will be led by a far left russia expert named nina. the criticism is fast and furious. >> during one of the worst humanitarian crises in history secretary mayorkas announced he is focusing on fighting disinformation while foreigners illegally cross our border at will, secretary mayorkas has prioritized policing law abiding american citizen's speech. secretary mayorkas is worse than neglectful. he is working to undermine his department's mission. >> harris: where do they find the time? we have so much going on, but this follows elon musk buying twitter. maybe the liberals are really, really, really afraid about -- frayed, not afraid. >> they're trying to set up an inquiz tore of media. you asked the question, who is this nina? who is she? she seems to be a foreign policy individual who has written one book on women and the internet and suddenly now she is the grand -- that should be challenged and questioned. if the hunter biden scandal doesn't tell us one thing. when you censor and suppress information democracy suffers. the people can't get an accurate read on anything. that's bad for democracy and always should be resisted. >> harris: raymond, great to have you in "focus" today. we touched on the border as the president should have touched on the border. now we'll go deeper. whether mayorkas would want us to or not. watch this. >> he said the border is secure and the border is secure and we are executing our plan. the first part of the sentence was false. the second part of the plan, the second part he was telling us the truth. that should frighten us all of the we have a secretary of homeland security deliberately in a premeditated fashion executing a plan, his words, to overwhelm our country with millions of illegal migrants. >> harris: house judiciary ranking member jim jordan with harsh words for the dhs secretary mayorkas today. the second day of questions on the worsening border crisis, 130 house republicans are calling his leadership a failure and they are building a case against him. congressman clay higgins told mayorkas to resign to save the nation the pain of his impeachment. >> this disaster we have at our border, the disintegration of our national sovereignty cannot be sustained. anyone that has two brain cells that could perhaps bump into each other would know that it's abject failure down there. >> harris: tom homan, fox news contributor, former acting ice director in focus. mayorkas may want to start the disinformation. let's give him real information about what's happening at the border, tom. >> first of all i agree with both those congressmen. i met with them monday night and i'm glad they are asking the important questions that need to be asked and they're right. i was disgusted yesterday the first time in any lifetime i watched a sitting secretary mislead congress and lie to congress. what really infuriated me. they can't be arresting criminals and suspected trifpts. they are in the facilities look up at the tv screen and say the secretary say the border is closed. we have the national guard man who died doing the job the federal government is refusing to do and they are burying their sons and watching tv, he said the border was secure. it was disgusting. this man is an embarrassment and failed every month he has been there. he needs to be impeached. if he had any integrity at all he would resign or go up on national tv and said white house, i can low longer support open borders. it put america as great risk of terrorism attack and fents nall overdoses. enough is enough. this man needs to leave. >> harris: building a case against mayorkas is what republicans say they want to do. a couple of details. what else do you want to see on the list? >> he has abdicated his responsibility. he has thrown it into the trash to protect our sovereignty. jim jordan is right. this is by design. i've been saying this since this administration came to power. they haven't done one thing to slow the flow. they haven't done one thing to secure the border. even now the plan they released the other day they will spend almost a billion dollars building facilities to process and release quicker. think about that. when you process and release quicker, that brings more people. while he is testifying in front of congress lying to them and misleading the american people on purpose, he is just put out a new policy where ice can't arrest illegal aliens if they are a parent. just another policy that will drive more illegal immigration to the border and puts the country at great risk. >> harris: another detail that we and our reporter would have to watch for. it is fear, parenting, a layering of reasons why they can stay in a legal zone and stay in this country at the same time. tom homan. you gave us the line of the day. they've done nothing to slow the flow. thank you, sir, good to have you. all right. let's get to this. it is dr. fauci being accused of flip-flopping. the doctor in damage control mode today after saying that we are out of the pandemic phase. he clearly said that. well, he is saying something different now. and we'll get into how the white house tried to clean it up for him. no one deserves the american dream of homeownership more than veterans. with the newday zero down home purchase loan, you can buy a home with no down payment. and rates are still low. already own a home and need cash? 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more concert tickets. and not just for my shows. switch to xfinity mobile for half the price of verizon. new and existing customers get amazing value with our everyday pricing. switch today. >> harris: new day, new diagnosis. dr. fauci is now walking back his comments signaling the pandemic was over. >> we are certainly right now in this country out of the pandemic phase. namely, we don't have 900,000 new infections a day and tens and tens and tens of thousands of hospitalizations and thousands of deaths. >> what dr. fauci was saying is that we're in a different phase of this pandemic and that's absolutely true. we also know covid isn't over and the pandemic isn't over. >> i want to clarify one thing, jen. i probably should have said the eye acute component. is the pandemic still here? absolutely. >> harris: oh my gosh, the first assignment for mayorkas's disinformation governance panel. it's that. they can work on that for a while. power panel, mercedes schlapp former trump white house communications advisor. desirae president and ceo of innovation ohio. it was a hot mess. >> what dr. fauci said he misspoke. we know the pandemic is still here. vice president kamala harris tested positive and we know other countries are shutting down. what america is doing is roaring and booming through the pandemic. we're still in it but cities across the country aren't filled up with refrigerated bodies because of covid because of the white house and president biden's strong response to covid testing and vaccinations. >> harris: he didn't come up with the vaccinations, president trump did. maybe one day he will get credit for everybody. what you said. we aren't where we were. so why the cleanup on aisle seven by the white house? they could have flowed with dr. fauci. he is right. a lot of americans agree we're not still in the pandemic phase. instead do they even bother to call him? they just tried to fix it and made it slipperyer. >> i have to tell you, i think fauci has been a headache for this white house in particular and it's a bit of a flip-flop fauci is what we're seeing because they are not in line when it comes to messaging. what's happening what the white house is saying and dr. fauci is saying. if i were the white house i would tell dr. fauci to step aside. i think at this point we've seen the country has made tremendous progress, started with president trump's operation warp speed. and the continual response toward making sure that we had the hospitals had what they needed the vaccines and booster and variants are getting weaker and weaker. people are getting for the most part getting simply colds when they get the omicron variant or next variant. we have to put this into perspective. what we don't want is more fear. there is covid fatigue in this country. big issues happening including higher gas prices, inflation. it is a lot of stress on these families and quite frankly, harris, we're dealing with a huge mental health crisis because of the covid lockdowns and because of the last two years. and that in and of itself is something that has to be addressed aggressively by this administration. >> harris: i'll give you last word, disray. >> i think what the biden administration is doing is making sure they can save lives. that's what's happening and we're seeing the results of that. obviously people are fatigued about covid and covid-19 and we're trying to live through it and move through it and i think we will get there. but the pandemic is not over. but we certainly aren't where we were two years ago today. >> harris: amen. you should write the messaging for the white house and dr. fauci. great to see you both. thank you. thank you for watching "the faulkner focus". a lot of breaking news this hour. glad you were with me. 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Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Faulkner Focus 20240708 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Faulkner Focus 20240708

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rhetoric that is ratcheting things up from both sides, i might add. the secretary of defense, lloyd austin, with his promise to degrade the russian military tipped russia and you saw it live here, austin doubled down in the news conference a couple days ago during this hour, you saw it live. that tipped lavrov and putin on the russian side. the dictator and his foreign minister to say nukes are back on the table. this is going around in circles. money is needed for ukraine. meanwhile, russian dictator putin has a new threat. this one is lightning fast action against any nation which interferes with his war. the gruesome realities of russia's invasion, annihilation of a population continuing. a top united states official has told the united nations there are credible reports of a military -- russian military unit executing ukrainians who are attempting to surrender instead of taking them into custody. ukrainian authorities have filed the first war crime charges now against moscow. they are accusing 10 russian soldiers of taking civilians hostage and doing unspeakable things with them and to them in the kyiv suburb of bucha. this is where we saw the horrific images of the bodies in the streets. we will bring you the president's remarks live when he begins. meanwhile the president is facing plenty of rough weeks. but this one has been especially tough. new numbers show our economy shrank dramatically in the first quarter of this year. and it could signal that a recession is right around the corner because if it happens two quarters in a row, that's what it is. i'm harris faulkner. you are in "the faulkner focus". the economic strength comes as inflation is at the top of voters' minds. a new gallup poll shows more than 3/4 of americans say they believe it is only going to get worse. and we are watching skyrocketing prices for gasoline, food, housing, you name it. the white house appears to be rather desperate to find a solution. but another survey finds nearly half believe the president's actions are actually hurting the already butchered economy. and more than 30% say what he is doing is not making any difference at all. but the white house continues to stress what he is doing, all of his efforts. watch. >> plan to address inflation or address causes or costs as they've gone up for the american people has many different components whether at the grocery store or other costs on their pocketbook. the president has taken a number of steps to address costs. >> harris: by the way, when the president has an awful week, we do, too. america needs a president who can win. inflation is just one of the problems contributing to biden's awful days this week. from the hunter biden headache that just won't go away to bipartisan backlash over his plan to end the illegal immigration restrictions known as title 42, former trump senior advisor kellyanne conway with this. >> so many of the great policies that trump/pence passed being unraveled and mr. vice president i would like to say it's an ideological disagreement but most days it is spite and spite is no way to run a country. >> harris: jacque. >> the president is facing criticism on multiple fronts. the white house took a lot of questions on the federal investigation of the president's son hunter that appears to be speeding up somehow. homeland security secretary was grilled on capitol hill yesterday and back again today. facing a lot of questions about how unprepared the department is to handle this coming surge of migrants at the border when title 42 is lifted. even a lot of democrats in the president's party are breaking with the administration on their decision to lift title 42. now there is this announcement of a significant economic slowdown. the u.s. economy shrinking by 1.4% in the first quarter of this year. the president explained saying last quarter's growth estimate was affected by technical factors. putin's unprovoked war. republicans are saying fears of a pending recession is why the reason the white house should not be considering any more plans to inject more money into the economy like canceling student debt. they say inflation will get worse. >> if they go forward with this on top of all the other spending and borrowing as you said, it will contribute to more inflation that means economic growth will face even morehead winds as we just saw this morning when we got the reports for the first quarter. >> the white house denies that government spending caused inflation and they argue that they are doing a lot to bring it down. >> there are some parts of the economy that are more responsive than others to policy choices. we know right now we could act to lower the cost of prescription drugs and insulin and lower the cost of childcare, longstanding policy goal of ours. >> americans aren't buying the argument. half of americans believe rising prices in the u.s. is a crisis. 47% believe it is a problem. but not a crisis. however, the really striking number only 3% believe that rising prices are not a problem at all, harris. >> harris: wow. why even take that calculation? i'm sure there is a plus/minus. biden faces the lowest polling of his presidency and axios analysis shows his fifth quarter job approval is the worst rating of any president since 1954 with the exception of president trump. we have the height of the pandemic but we'll move on. all of that is troubling for democrats who are now 194 days away from the mid-terms. yes, i'm counting. the white house now has a plan, it says. they say we should expect to see more of president biden ahead of the november elections and he is expected to push a message of unity. he is their plan to help them win. will cain co-host of "fox & friends" weekend. what do you say about that? >> i'm in disbelief. i mean that literally, harris. i do not believe the white house. i do not believe the biden administration that the answer to these problems will be more president biden. listening to the top of your show, harris, it is getting really difficult to quantify. meaning keep up with the number of issues that are failing the biden administration. where they have failed the american people. inflation, gas prices, foreign policy, afghanistan, crime, covid. on the fundamental principles of western civilization like free speech as we watched them yesterday begin their ministry of truth in the department of disinformation under homeland security. every step of the way they're out of touch with the american people and seemingly choose the wrong path. now they say the way to get on the right path before mid-terms is more president biden. a, i don't believe you. i don't think you will put president biden out there. certainly in an uncontrolled environment to answer to questions in the press. he won't be on "the faulkner focus". he won't be talking to reporters or to the american people in unscripted moments. i do not believe you. even if you do decide to do that i'm still in disbelief that you think the answer to getting yourself on the right track is more president biden. will he come out and look i'm saying this somewhat facetiously. will he come out with the easter bunny? will it be there to guide them along the way what he should say and where he can go? i don't believe that president biden, more president biden is the answer to our problems. >> harris: you would hope that you were being facetious. the problem is we saw that recently. we saw someone dressed as a easter bunny at the gathering at the white house over the holiday weekend a few weeks ago and he was about to get into afghanistan and it was clear the bunny was like ushering him away. it is a joke but also a metaphor for what we're dealing with right now. there have been plenty of notes he has read to the nation. they are telling me i can't take this, i can't go there, i can't do this. it's not what is on the schedule for today for me. i must move. i must turn. almost in that kind of staccato talk. >> you hear directly from the first lady. you can hear her saying stay seated. now wave. he is always under direction. let's continue the symbol. you're right. it is symbolic. let me again only half heartedly facetious ask this question, who is in the costume? who is the easter bunny? i don't mean that simply that day. but who is guiding the president on a day-to-day basis? this is supposed to be the leader of the free world and we as the american people have a very righteous reason to ask who is in the costume and guiding the president? >> harris: as you ask that, people may say to themselves he is about to speak on verbal support for ukraine, the world actually would like to know and it is a metaphor we're using not seriously, but behind the scenes who is playing the role of guiding him through the gates of leadership? i want to get to this. gas prices still sky high as summer travel is approaching now. goodness gracious, we're only a couple weeks away from getting ready for memorial day weekend. a lot of people travel ton road for that. this adding to the list of issues plaguing democrats ahead of the mid-term elections. national gas average for a gallon of regular is up by more than a dollar from one year ago. democrats are saying they plan to take action. >> and discussion is ongoing. we are definitely going to act to try to address the geopolitical issues that relate to gas prices being where they are. act in terms of some of the supply chain challenges. >> harris: the debate over domestic fossil fuel is ramping up. daily caller op-ed calls president biden's reluctance the ultimate energy wrecking ball. it says the biden administration continues to do everything it can to block and discourage fossil fuel production and transportation. the goal of these biden policies is to drive fossil fuel prices higher to embrace wind, solar and electric vehicle -- technologies. let's start in reverse with national security with all of this, will. >> so i think actually what we're seeing play out is a policy of success for the biden administration. in other words, the democratic party dating back at least to barack obama and with joe biden as vice president has been very clear about their attitude toward fossil fuels. they don't want to wean us off. they want to choke us off. they want to price us out of fossil fuels and president obama at the time talked about openly when it came to coal. the biden administration and most of the democratic party has said the same thing when it comes to gasoline prices. raise them until they're unsustainable forcing us into what they would describe as sustainable energy alternatives. joe biden says it's the number one issue. he said the climate crisis is the number one issue above inflation, afghanistan, ukraine, everything. the number one issue. >> harris: he can say that but he is about to walk up to the lectern and i want to give you a chance, will, to wrap your comments if you would. >> i would just say when it comes to gas prices what we're seeing is the effect of an intentional policy. they can't turn around today and say i wonder if a tax holiday would solve the american problems. the problems are by design. >> harris: again he can say that. he wants to get oil from some of the dirtiest producers on the planet like venezuela. i don't know if he wants to go green or if it's about green at all. will cain, bring you back. the president of the united states with his comments on ukraine. let's watch. >> president biden: ukraine continues to counter putin's aggression. our nato allies and e.u. partners will pay their fair share of the cost as well. we have to do this. we have to do our part as well. the cost of this fight is not cheap. but caving to aggression will be more costly if we allow it to happen. we either back ukrainian people as they defend their country or stand by as the russians continue their atrocities and aggression in ukraine. every day, every day the ukrainians pay a price -- the price they pay is with their lives for this fight. we need to contribute arms, funding, ammunition and economic support to make their courage and sacrifice have purpose so they can continue this fight and do what they are doing. it's critical this funding gets approved and approved as quickly as possible. long before russia launched its invasion, i made clear how the united states would respond. predicted they would invade and they surely did. we said we would not send u.s. troops to fight russians troops in ukraine but would provide robust military assistance and try to unify the western world against russia's aggression. i said i would impose powerful sanctions on russia and we would destroy and -- we destroy this myth that somehow they continue to move without the rest of the world acting. that we deploy additional forces to defend nato territory particularly in the east along the russian and belarus borders. that's exactly what we said we would do and we did. but despite the disturbing rhetoric copping out of the kremlin the facts are plain for everybody to see. we aren't attacking russia. we're helping ukraine defend itself against russian aggression. as putin chose to launch this brutal invasion he could make the choice to end this brutal invasion. russia is the aggressor, no ifs, ands or buts about it. russia is the aggressor and the world will hold russia accountable. there is imsense human cost. we've seen them leave behind horrifying evidence of their atrocities and war crimes in the areas they tried to control. as long as the assaults and as tropical storm tease continue we'll continue to supply military assistance. there is a dinner this weekend to celebrate the press. think of what the american press has done. the courage it has taken to stay in these war zones. the courage it has taken to report every single day. i have always had respect for the press but i can't tell you how much respect i have watching -- watching them in these zones where they are under fire risking their own lives to make sure the world hears the truth. imagine if we weren't getting that information? it would be a different world and circumstance. in the past two months russia moved weapons and equipment and we have in record speed. thanks to the aid russian forces have been forced the retreat from kyiv. doesn't mean they won't try to come back. they've retreated thus far. we send thousands of anti-armor, helicopters, drones, rifles, raid area systems, machine guns. more than 50 million rounds of ammunition. united states alone has provided 10 anti-armor systems for every russian tank that is in ukraine. 10-1. we're provided ukraine significant, timely intelligence to help them defend themselves against the russian onslaught and facilitating significant flow of weapons and system to ukraine from allies and partners around the world. that support is moving with unprecedented speed. much of the new equipment we've announced in the past two weeks has already gotten to ukraine. where it can be put to direct use on the battlefield. however, we have almost exhausted what we call the drawdown authority that congress authorized to ukraine in a bipartisan spending bill last month. basically we're out of money and so that's why today in order to sustain ukraine as it continues to fight, i'm sending congress a supplemental budget request. it will keep weapons and ammunition flowing without interruption to the brave ukrainian fighters and continue delivering economic and humanitarian assistance to the ukrainian people. this so-called supplemental funding addresses the needs of the ukrainian military during the critical weeks and months ahead. it begins to transition to longer-term security assistance to help ukraine continue to against russian aggression. it would provide more artillery, armored vehicles, anti-armor system and anti-air capabilities used so effectively thus far in the battlefield by the ukrainian warriors. it will deliver much-needed humanitarian assistance as well as food, water, medicine, shelter and other aid to ukrainians displaced by russia's war and provide aid for those seeking refuge in other countries from ukraine. also going to help schools and hospitals open. it will allow pensions and social support to be paid to the ukrainian people so they have something in their pocket. it's also going the provide critical resources to address food shortages around the globe. ukraine was one of the world's largest agricultural producers. typically grows 10% of all the wheat shipped around the world. putin has asserted sanctions are blocking food from ukraine and russia getting on the market. the sanctions we've imposed on russia. simply not true. putin's war, not sanctions, are impacting the harvest of food and disrupting the movement of that food by land and sea to nations around the globe that need it. this funding will help these rising food prices at home as well and abroad caused by russia's war in ukraine. it is going to help support american farmers, produce more crops like wheat and oil seed which is good for rural america, good for the american consumer and good for the world. and this supplemental request will use the defense production act to expand domestic production and reserve of critical materials, materials like nickel and lithium that have been disrupted by poout yain's war in ukraine and necessary to make defense systems and automobiles. i hope congress moves on funding quickly. i want to thank democrats and republicans for their support of the people of ukraine and next week i will be in alabama to visit lockheed martin plant that manufactures the javelin anti-tank missile we've been sending to ukraine and thank the american workers, thank them for producing the weapons that help stop russia's advances in ukraine in cities like kyiv. their hard work has played a critical role in assuring putin's strategic failure in ukraine. in addition to this supplemental funding i'm sending to congress comprehensive package that will enhance our underlying effort to accommodate the russian oligarchs and make sure we take their ill begot en gains. we'll accommodate them and seize their yachts and luxury homes of putin's -- yeah. autocracy. these are bad guys. to seize property linked to russia's autocracy and create new procedures for forfeiture and seizure of these properties. it will insure that when the oligarch's assets are sold off funds can be used directly to remedy the harm russia cause and help build ukraine. additionally yesterday russia threatened two of our allies with the cut-off of energy supplies. while america has ended all russian fossil fuel imports because we're able to use our vast supply of power in our country, some european countries have faced more challenges in reducing the reliance on russia fuel. russia has long claimed to be the reliable source of energy for the world. no matter what the differences are, their customers are always going to be in good shape. but these actions prove that energy is not just a commodity that russia sells to help meet other country's needs but a weapon used in the ploy against those who stand against their aggression. let me be clear. we will not let russia intimidate or blackmail their way out of these sanctions. we will not allow them to use their oil and gas to avoid consequences for their aggression. we're working with other nations like korea, japan, qatar, and others to support our effort to help the european allies threatened by russia with gas, blackmail, and their energy needs in other ways. aggression will not win. threats will not win. this is just another reminder of the imperative for europe and the world to move more and more of our power needs to clean energy. in the united states, we're doing that right now. last year we developed more solar, wind and battery storage than any year in our history. enough to power 56 million american homes. earlier this month we acted to bolster our reliance on our nuclear energy facilities which generates more than half of our carbon-free power. and we're just getting started. i look at this as a serious problem but an enormous opportunity. an opportunity. bottom line, all these actions we've been taking are about the truth -- this truth, investing in ukraine's freedom and security is a small price to pay to punish russian aggression to lessen the risk for future conflicts. throughout our history we've learned that when dictators do not pay the price for their aggression, they cause more chaos and engage in more aggression. they keep moving. the cost, the threats to america and the world keep rising. we can't let this happen. our unity at home, our unity with our allies and partners, and our unity with the ukrainian people sending an unmistakable message to putin. you will never succeed in dominating ukraine. finally, we are going to continue to deliver critical support to ukraine. we must also not let our guard down in our fight against covid 1 at home and abroad. that's why i am again urging congress to act on my request for $22.5 billion in emergency resources so the american people can continue to protect themselves from covid-19. the reason we were so successful in the past is because i was able to work with drug manufacturers to order significant quantities of material we needed ahead of time to get in the front of the line. without additional funding, we can't pre-order the amount of vaccines we need and we risk losing our spot in line for vaccines that target multiple variants. we're running out of supply for therapeutics like antiviral pills that we desperately need. without additional funding, we're unable to purchase the lifesaving treatment for the american people. we've donated more vaccine treatments to the world than all other nations in the world combined. if the u.s. won't do it no one else would step up and do it. without additional funding the united states won't be able to stop the spread around the world and close off ongoing sources of the supply chain disruptions. look, let's get both of these critical tasks done. no delays, no excuses, just action now, now. thank you all. thank you. [reporter questions] >> turn that camera. >> mr. president, i wanted to ask what your message is to ukrainian refugees on the southwest border and those that are trying to flee ukraine from the violence. >> we have made a direct means by which they can get from europe, from ukraine directly to the united states without going to the southern border. in the meantime in the southern border we are ore trying to work through and make sure that it is an orderly process they're able to get in. just so you know, we have said there is no need to go to the southern border. fly directly to the united states we set up a mechanism where they can come directly with a visa. >> how are the growing number of russians -- [inaudible] [inaudible question] >> president biden: they're not true. they do concern me because it shows the desperation that russia is feeling about their abject failure in being able to do what they set out to do in the first instance. and so it -- i think it's more of a reflection not of the truth but of their failure. so instead of saying that the ukrainians equipped with some capability to resist russian forces are doing this, they have to say -- tell their people the united states and all of nato is engaged in taking out russian troops and tanks etc. number one, it's an excuse for their failure but number two it's also, if they really mean it, it's -- no one should be making idle comments about the use of nuclear weapons or the possibility they would use that. it's irresponsible. >> mr. president, back on the border. title 42. a number of your democratic friends are pressuring the white house to maintain that policy. can you give us a straight answer whether you are going to heed that request or -- >> president biden: give you a straight answer. we had proposed to eliminate that policy by the end of may. the court has said we can't so far. and what the court says we are going to do. the court could come along and say we cannot do that and that's it. >> mr. president, when you say it's not a proxy war but russia disagree. they say war means war. how concerned are you that they may act accordingly even if we disagree? >> president biden: we're prepared for whatever they do. [inaudible question] >> president biden: poland has indicated they have significant reserve of gas that they've planned for, as does not as much but as does bulgaria. we have worked with our allies from japan on to say that we may divert our sale of the natural gas that we're sending to those countries and divert it directly to poland and bulgaria. so that's the most i can tell you right now. >> how concerned are you about a recession given the gdp report today? >> president biden: i'm not concerned about a recession. you are always concerned about recession but the gdp, you know, fell to 1.4% but here is the deal. we also had last quarter consumer spending and business investment and residential investment increased at significant rate for leisure and hard products. number two, we are -- unemployment is the lowest rate since 1970. our record 4.5 million businesses were created last year. we are in a situation where we have a very different view than senator scott and republicans that want to raise taxes on middle class families and want to include half of small business owners. so i think we're -- what you are seeing is enormous growth in the country that is affected by everything from covid and covid blockages that occurred along the way. now you always have to be -- take a look. no one is predicting a recession now. they are predicting -- some are predicting there may be a recession in 2023. i'm concerned about it but if our republican friends are interested in doing something about dealing with the economic growth, they should help us continue to lower the deficit, which we've done last year with $350 billion. willing to work with us to have a tax code that is actually one that works and everybody pays their fair share, and they should be in a position where we shouldn't be raising taxes on middle class folks but raising taxes on people who everyone acknowledges and the vast majority of the public is not paying their fair share. i've said it 100 times. you have 50 major corporations of fortune 500 companies who didn't pay a single penny. no one under our proposal earning under $400,000 a year will not see a penny of their taxes go up. >> do you think covid aid and ukraine need to be tied together? >> president biden: i don't care how they do it. i'm sending them both up. they can do it separately or together but we need them both. >> schumer said that you are getting closer to using executive authority to cancel up to $50,000 in student loan debt. can you confirm that? what do you plan to do? >> my spokesman said that? >> majority leader schumer. >> president biden: number one, the first thing we did was reform the system that was in place that didn't work for anybody that allowed people to write off debt if they engaged in public service. we've almost a,700 some thousand have had debt forgiven because of their working in these areas, teachers or other means by which they qualify. we continue to make that easier. secondly, i am considering dealing with some debt reduction. i am not considering $50,000 debt reduction but i am in the process of taking a hard look at whether or not there are or will be additional debt forgiveness and i will have an answer on that in the next couple of weeks. thank you. >> thank you. thank you. >> harris: a rather quick question and answer period with the president of the united states there. it was interesting because this was supposed to be -- it was at first about ukraine. and it quickly got into, you know, how the world sees us as leading. i'm paraphrasing now. we'll put in another $22 1/2 billion. that's about half as much as some are calling. even the guest the previous hour with dana and bill saying it is more than like $40 billion just for right now. but the president says he wants to make some sort of long-term sustainability for long-term security systems for ukraine. he is calling it his supplemental budget request which he says he will send to congress. from there it was more like the barge at the end on fourth of july. every topic is up in the air. you have the fire everything you have left to close out the night. it was covid and this and so we were glad that we got some questions. but then it got rather political when we got to inflation. i'll bring in raymond arroyo fox news contributor. i think you could tie in ukraine, the covid, the inflation, all into the politics of the moment. he went reflexively to the republicans have to do more. >> look, harris, this is the default position. but the facts don't lie. we have a gdp growth report that came out today. we went from plus positive 6.9% growth, to this quarter negative 1.4% growth. that is akin -- it exceeds the drop-off from covid between 2019 and 2020. biden has sunk this economy. the inflation is as high as it has been in 40 years. there is no getting away from that. his answer, the answer of his party seems to be let's spend more money. the covid supplemental just to put all of this in context. i know it's rapid fire. but why we're giving billions to ukraine and it seems the president is far more concerned about ukraine than he is about the welfare of his own people particularly in the border states and the economic welfare of suffering americans. look, when we spend trillions of dollars of covid relief and now we learn this week, harris, that $87 billion to 400 billion of that covid relief has been stolen from the american taxpayer by foreign hackers or by people who inappropriately took those covid funds and just stole them for their own benefits. this is going to take us years to unravel. we are giving away billions of dollars of the hard-rnd wealth of american taxpayers while our economy teeters on the brink. i'm sorry, god bless the people of ukraine. we should help them every way we can but we have to stabilize the home front first. >> harris: it is kind of an interesting strategy if you are looking from the eyes of our enemies, china and russia and iran. if in fact we spend so much technically by proxy, although the president didn't want to talk about this, but we're giving a country the means to fight off russia. and russia then says it then has the reason to bring nuclear war back onto -- nuclear weapons back on the table. it is all circular. but what they get out of it is let's watch america spend itself broke and let's make sure that doesn't get them as far as you think it might. we have to help ukraine. we said we would, we are people of our word. but how do we also sustain ourselves? >> right. it's the reagan -- this is the reagan doctrine inverted where reagan raised the stakes, the nuclear stakes and got russia to bankrupt itself trying to match us in that race. now we are kind of -- we find ourselves in the position the russians once were where we are emptying our stockpiles, being asked to spend trillions more on these weapons systems. the military industry all complex is smiling. people are grinning ear-to-ear this morning what the president said. it is all a distraction. the american people when you look at the polling the number one issue is the economy, inflation, gas prices. those are the things on their minds. and their hearts. it is what they deal with every day. i'm sorry, by talking endlessly about spending more money while the people are suffering this way and focused on the foreign land at a time when the homeland is in peril, i don't think it is going to work for joe biden or his party come november. >> harris: nor will the idea to get us out of the situation the republicans have to do more, have to do this and have to do that. i just thought that reflexive nature didn't fit right then. news today if we have another quarter like the one we had we'll be in a recession. they let him push it off to 2023. you don't let him off the hook. dhs secretary mayorkas is in the hot seat for the second announced plans for what he calls a disinformation governance board to combat misinformation ahead of the mid-terms. so he have is announcing that while he is on the hill really getting verbally punched over the border situation. so shiny object over here, disinformation crackdown. the group will be led by a far left russia expert named nina. the criticism is fast and furious. >> during one of the worst humanitarian crises in history secretary mayorkas announced he is focusing on fighting disinformation while foreigners illegally cross our border at will, secretary mayorkas has prioritized policing law abiding american citizen's speech. secretary mayorkas is worse than neglectful. he is working to undermine his department's mission. >> harris: where do they find the time? we have so much going on, but this follows elon musk buying twitter. maybe the liberals are really, really, really afraid about -- frayed, not afraid. >> they're trying to set up an inquiz tore of media. you asked the question, who is this nina? who is she? she seems to be a foreign policy individual who has written one book on women and the internet and suddenly now she is the grand -- that should be challenged and questioned. if the hunter biden scandal doesn't tell us one thing. when you censor and suppress information democracy suffers. the people can't get an accurate read on anything. that's bad for democracy and always should be resisted. >> harris: raymond, great to have you in "focus" today. we touched on the border as the president should have touched on the border. now we'll go deeper. whether mayorkas would want us to or not. watch this. >> he said the border is secure and the border is secure and we are executing our plan. the first part of the sentence was false. the second part of the plan, the second part he was telling us the truth. that should frighten us all of the we have a secretary of homeland security deliberately in a premeditated fashion executing a plan, his words, to overwhelm our country with millions of illegal migrants. >> harris: house judiciary ranking member jim jordan with harsh words for the dhs secretary mayorkas today. the second day of questions on the worsening border crisis, 130 house republicans are calling his leadership a failure and they are building a case against him. congressman clay higgins told mayorkas to resign to save the nation the pain of his impeachment. >> this disaster we have at our border, the disintegration of our national sovereignty cannot be sustained. anyone that has two brain cells that could perhaps bump into each other would know that it's abject failure down there. >> harris: tom homan, fox news contributor, former acting ice director in focus. mayorkas may want to start the disinformation. let's give him real information about what's happening at the border, tom. >> first of all i agree with both those congressmen. i met with them monday night and i'm glad they are asking the important questions that need to be asked and they're right. i was disgusted yesterday the first time in any lifetime i watched a sitting secretary mislead congress and lie to congress. what really infuriated me. they can't be arresting criminals and suspected trifpts. they are in the facilities look up at the tv screen and say the secretary say the border is closed. we have the national guard man who died doing the job the federal government is refusing to do and they are burying their sons and watching tv, he said the border was secure. it was disgusting. this man is an embarrassment and failed every month he has been there. he needs to be impeached. if he had any integrity at all he would resign or go up on national tv and said white house, i can low longer support open borders. it put america as great risk of terrorism attack and fents nall overdoses. enough is enough. this man needs to leave. >> harris: building a case against mayorkas is what republicans say they want to do. a couple of details. what else do you want to see on the list? >> he has abdicated his responsibility. he has thrown it into the trash to protect our sovereignty. jim jordan is right. this is by design. i've been saying this since this administration came to power. they haven't done one thing to slow the flow. they haven't done one thing to secure the border. even now the plan they released the other day they will spend almost a billion dollars building facilities to process and release quicker. think about that. when you process and release quicker, that brings more people. while he is testifying in front of congress lying to them and misleading the american people on purpose, he is just put out a new policy where ice can't arrest illegal aliens if they are a parent. just another policy that will drive more illegal immigration to the border and puts the country at great risk. >> harris: another detail that we and our reporter would have to watch for. it is fear, parenting, a layering of reasons why they can stay in a legal zone and stay in this country at the same time. tom homan. you gave us the line of the day. they've done nothing to slow the flow. thank you, sir, good to have you. all right. let's get to this. it is dr. fauci being accused of flip-flopping. the doctor in damage control mode today after saying that we are out of the pandemic phase. he clearly said that. well, he is saying something different now. and we'll get into how the white house tried to clean it up for him. no one deserves the american dream of homeownership more than veterans. with the newday zero down home purchase loan, you can buy a home with no down payment. and rates are still low. already own a home and need cash? 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they could have flowed with dr. fauci. he is right. a lot of americans agree we're not still in the pandemic phase. instead do they even bother to call him? they just tried to fix it and made it slipperyer. >> i have to tell you, i think fauci has been a headache for this white house in particular and it's a bit of a flip-flop fauci is what we're seeing because they are not in line when it comes to messaging. what's happening what the white house is saying and dr. fauci is saying. if i were the white house i would tell dr. fauci to step aside. i think at this point we've seen the country has made tremendous progress, started with president trump's operation warp speed. and the continual response toward making sure that we had the hospitals had what they needed the vaccines and booster and variants are getting weaker and weaker. people are getting for the most part getting simply colds when they get the omicron variant or next variant. we have to put this into perspective. what we don't want is more fear. there is covid fatigue in this country. big issues happening including higher gas prices, inflation. it is a lot of stress on these families and quite frankly, harris, we're dealing with a huge mental health crisis because of the covid lockdowns and because of the last two years. and that in and of itself is something that has to be addressed aggressively by this administration. >> harris: i'll give you last word, disray. >> i think what the biden administration is doing is making sure they can save lives. that's what's happening and we're seeing the results of that. obviously people are fatigued about covid and covid-19 and we're trying to live through it and move through it and i think we will get there. but the pandemic is not over. but we certainly aren't where we were two years ago today. >> harris: amen. you should write the messaging for the white house and dr. fauci. great to see you both. thank you. thank you for watching "the faulkner focus". a lot of breaking news this hour. glad you were with me. 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Gasoline , Survey , Wall , Doing , Actions , Difference , Say , 30 , People , Plan , Costs , Components , Watch , Efforts , Grocery Store , Pocketbook , Causes , Address , Joe Biden , Problems , Steps , The Way , Title 42 , Hunter Biden Headache , Backlash , Kellyanne Conway , Immigration , Restrictions , Former Trump , 42 , Country , Mr , Vice President , Policies , Spite , Trump , Disagreement , Many , Pence , Lot , Questions , Criticism , Fronts , Investigation , Son Hunter , Jacque , Border , Democrats , Party , Department , Homeland Security , Migrants , Surge , Capitol Hill , Administration , Announcement , Decision , Slowdown , 1 4 , Republicans , Fears , Factors , Growth Estimate , Reason , Plans , Student Debt , Spending , Borrowing , Growth , Quarter , Winds , Government Spending , Cost , Parts , Others , Policy Choices , Prescription Drugs , Insulin , Americans Aren T , Prices , Problem , Childcare , Policy Goal , Half , Argument , Crisis , 47 , Calculation , Believe , Plus Minus , Wow , 3 , Polling , Presidency , Rating , Fifth Quarter Job Approval , Axios , Exception , Analysis , 1954 , Mid Terms , Pandemic , Height , Yes , 194 , More , Message , Elections , Will Cain , Unity , Fox Friends , Answer , Listening , Show , Disbelief , Issues , Covid 1 , Gas Prices , Foreign Policy , Crime , Afghanistan , Meaning , Disinformation , Principles , Free Speech , Step , Ministry Of Truth , The Press , Path , Environment , Reporters , Track , Talking , Easter Bunny , Someone , Gathering , Metaphor , Bunny , Joke , Notes , Kind , Talk , Schedule , Staccato , Stay Seated , Direction , First Lady , Symbol , Now Wave , World , Question , Costume , Leader , Basis , Leadership , Role , Gates , Scenes , Summer Travel , Sky High , Gas , List , Gallon , Memorial Day Weekend , Ton Road , Goodness Gracious , Dollar , Discussion , Some , Calls , Supply Chain Challenges , Daily Caller , Act , Debate Over Domestic Fossil Fuel , Op Ed , Everything , Wrecking Ball , Production , Fossil Fuel Prices , Goal , Fossil Fuel , Reluctance , Transportation , Security , Wind , Let , Vehicle , Technologies , Reverse , Policy , Will , Words , Barack Obama , Success , Play , Dating , Fossil Fuels , Attitude , Coal , Most , Gasoline Prices , Number One , Sustainable Energy Alternatives , Issue , Climate Crisis , Lectern , Comments , Effect , Tax Holiday , Chance , Oil , Design , Producers , Planet , Venezuela , Aggression , Part , Fight , Allies , Caving , Share , Partners , Nato , E U , Russians , Atrocities , Funding , Price , Courage , Purpose , Lives , Ammunition , Arms , Sacrifice , Troops , Military Assistance , Sanctions , Forces , Myth , Acting , East , Territory , Rest , Everybody , Facts , Belarus Borders , Rhetoric Copping , Kremlin , Aggressor , No Ifs , Buts , Choice , Ands , Areas , Evidence , War Crimes , Imsense Human Cost , Russia Accountable , Assistance , Storm , The American , Dinner , Assaults , Respect , Press , War Zones , Truth , Information , Zones , Aid , Equipment , Speed , Circumstance , Thanks , Doesn T , Thousands , Raid Area Systems , Retreat , Helicopters , Drones , Anti Armor , Machine Guns , Rifles , 50 Million , Ukraine Significant , Systems , Tank , 1 , System , Flow , Onslaught , Use , Battlefield , Spending Bill , Drawdown Authority , Order , Fighters , Interruption , Congress A Supplemental Budget Request , Needs , Supplemental Funding , Armored Vehicles , Capabilities , Warriors , Countries , Medicine , Schools , Water , Seeking Refuge , Globe , Hospitals , Pocket , Resources , Pensions , Food Shortages , Wheat , Market , Nations , Land , Movement , Sea , Harvest , Food Prices , Oil Seed , Farmers , Crops , Request , Reserve , Consumer , Defense Production Act , Congress , Materials , Lithium , Defense Systems , Automobiles , Poout Yain , Plant , Javelin , Alabama , Lockheed Martin , Cities , Workers , Work , Missile , Advances , Failure , Oligarchs , Effort , Addition , Package , Luxury Homes , Gains , Yachts , Autocracy , Property , Guys , Funds , Assets , Procedures , Properties , Oligarch , Forfeiture , Seizure , Energy Supplies , Build Ukraine , Harm , Cause , Cut Off , Supply , Power , Reliance , Differences , Challenges , Source , Matter , Russia Fuel , Commodity , Customers , Weapon , Shape , Ploy , Consequences , Threats , Energy Needs , Blackmail , Ways , Japan , European , Korea , Qatar , Reminder , Imperative , Facilities , History , Homes , Battery , Solar , 56 Million , Opportunity , Bottom Line , Investing , Dictators , Risk , Conflicts , Freedom , Home , Chaos , Guard , Emergency Resources , 2 5 Billion , 22 5 Billion , Front , Material , Quantities , Drug Manufacturers , 19 , Vaccines , Variants , Line , Amount , Spot , Therapeutics , Pills , Treatment , Vaccine Treatments , Won T , Supply Chain Disruptions , Sources , Spread , Else , Both , Excuses , Tasks , Delays , Reporter Questions , Southwest Border , Refugees , Violence , Camera , Means , Process , Inaudible Question , Mechanism , Need , Visa , Inaudible , Concern , Desperation , Instance , Reflection , Capability , Tanks , Excuse , It , Possibility , Friends , Court , Has , The End , May , Proxy War , War Means , Disagree , Poland , Sale , Natural Gas , Bulgaria , Gdp , Deal , Report , Investment , Rate , Products , Business , Consumer Spending , Unemployment , Leisure , Situation , Scott , Record , View , Businesses , 4 5 Million , 1970 , Taxes , Families , Owners , Small Business , No One , Look , Covid Blockages , Deficit , 2023 , Tax Code , Position , 50 Billion , 350 Billion , Everyone , Folks , Times , Majority , Public , 100 , Penny , Companies , Proposal Earning , Corporations , Didn T , Fortune 500 , 00000 , 50 , 500 , 400000 , Majority Leader Schumer , Student Loan Debt , Executive Authority , Spokesman , 0000 , 50000 , Debt , Didn T Work , Place , Anybody , Teachers , Working , Public Service , 700 , Debt Reduction , Debt Forgiveness , Calling , 2 1 Billion , 22 1 2 Billion , Security Systems , Budget Request , Sustainability , Barge , Sort , Fourth Of July , Fire , Topic , Air , Raymond Arroyo , Politics , Fox News , Gdp Growth Report , 6 9 , 2020 , 2019 , Context , Rapid Fire , 40 , Trillions , Billions , Welfare , Border States , Suffering , Relief , Taxpayer , Hackers , 7 Billion , 87 Billion , 400 Billion , Wealth , Dollars , Taxpayers , Benefits , Unravel , Brink , Eyes , Strategy , God , The Home Front First , Fact , Proxy , Enemies , China , Iran , Circular , Disray , Reagan , Stakes , Doctrine , Race , Stockpiles , Weapons Systems , Morning , Military Industry All Complex , Distraction , Hearts , Homeland , Peril , Idea , News , Reflexive Nature Didn T Fit , Dhs Secretary Mayorkas , Seat , Hook , Disinformation Governance Board , Misinformation , Disinformation Crackdown , The Hill , Nina , Group , Expert , Crises , Foreigners , Fighting Disinformation , Fast And Furious , Speech , Policing Law Abiding American Citizen , Liberals , Elon Musk , Buying Twitter , Mission , Media , Frayed , Inquiz , Grand , Individual , Internet , Book , Women , Hunter Biden , One Thing , Scandal , Democracy , Information Democracy , Anything , Raymond , Mayorkas , Sentence , Jim Jordan , Fashion , Millions , Dhs , House Judiciary , Case , Border Crisis , 130 , Sovereignty , Disintegration , Disaster , Impeachment , Pain , Congressman Clay Higgins , Other , Brain Cells , Tom Homan , Fox News Contributor , Anyone , Congressmen , Lifetime , Sitting Secretary , Lie , Them Monday Night , Criminals , Tv Screen , Trifpts , Man , Government , Tv , Job , Sons , National Guard , Integrity , Embarrassment , Open Borders , Couple , Details , Terrorism Attack , Nall Overdoses , Fents , Responsibility , Trash , They Haven T , A Billion Dollars , A Billion , Ice , Reporter , Aliens , Detail , Parent , Fear , Thank You , Reasons , Zone , Stay , Layering , Nothing , Sir , Parenting , Fauci , Dr , Doctor , Phase , Mode , Damage Control , Flip Flopping , Veterans , Homeownership , Zero Down Home , Newday , The American Dream , Zero , Down Payment , Payments , Rates , Loan , Newday100 , 15 , 60000 , 615 , Ten , The Call , Newday Usa , Kitchen , Booking Com , Finding Perfect Isn T Rocket Science , Sorted , Perfect , Friendly , Hot Tub , Booking Yeah , Worth , Foundation , Ground , Project , Employee , Office , Mike S Retirement Party , Life , Employees , Phone , Groceries , 5g Network , Stuff , Xfinity Mobile , Verizon , 5 , Concert Tickets , Value , Shows , Pricing , Diagnosis , Tens , We Don T , Infections , 900000 , Tens Of Thousands , Hospitalizations , Saying , Deaths , Isn T Over , Covid Isn T Over , Eye Acute Component , The First Assignment For Mayorkas S Disinformation Governance Panel , Jen , Oh My Gosh , Schlapp , Power Panel , Mercedes , Desirae , Mess , Ceo , Innovation Ohio , Vaccinations , Response , Covid Testing , Credit , Cleanup , Seven , Headache , Slipperyer , Messaging , Bit , Flip Flop , Operation Warp Speed , Progress , Variant , Weaker , Omicron Variant , Booster , Colds , Stress , Perspective , Mental Health , Lockdowns , Move , Results , Amen , Breaking News , Break , Mom , Kit , Heart Health , Health Info , Health , Mother , Journey , 0 , Indeed Instant Match , Master , Size , Staffing , Candidates , Job Description , Visit , Lender , Bank , Newday100 Loan , Laptop , Kayleigh Mcenany , Hello , Disinformation Governance , Emily Compagno , Joe Biden Demonstration , Morgan Ortagus , Douglas Murray ,

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