Transcripts For FOXNEWS Americas Newsroom With Bill Hemmer

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Americas Newsroom With Bill Hemmer Dana Perino 20240708

supply chain, covid concerns out of china, on and on it goes. edward lawrence has the breakdown from the north lawn. let's begin there. >> it all plays into it. the white house actually bill knew it would be a very bad number. yesterday i had a white house official call me wanting to talk about this number today. i don't think they thought it would be a negative number. the economy is in a transition, the white house feeling. a transition from the reopening phase to a long-term sustainable growth phase is the way it is being described. there is no denying that's a bad number. two negative numbers for two quarters in a war is technically a recession. no one is talking about that at the white house but jen psaki yesterday did address this and tried to put a spin on what this number would be. listen to this. >> if we look at it over time how we look at data and looking under the hood, the slowdown relative to quarter four is mainly for technical reasons like the change in inventory. last quarter companies built up their inventories quickly and growth and inventories will be slower and positive this quarter. >> inventories and consumers expenses were up. that's where the number happened. >> bill: poke at a few things. it is just out and it's fresh. when you go into the numbers, what's the greatest headwind that you see there? >> it's actually going to be the expenditures by people. you are looking at what people are having to pay for things and will they make that payment? you are seeing home sales actually down 1.2% in march. that was a little bit of a shock. contraction there. when you talk about buying, less homes or fewer people buying homes as a ripple effect. they aren't buying refrigerators for the homes or wood for those homes for decks. they're not buying all the products that go with that. retail sales the number in february month over month was .8% but expected to go down in march .5%. you see a slowdown in the economy and that's the real issue whether we'll hit a recession or not hit a recession. consumer spending is 70% of the economy. >> dana: that was similar to the question i was going to have. consumer spending, some of the folks on twitter, of course their initial reaction was bad but consumer spending was good. people are able to buy less than they were before. how does that square? >> and that's the big problem is that month over month, year-over-year people are actually seeing less in their bank account and having to make these choices. will i buy a new car or buy that toy for my children or buy that vacation i want to go to. all has a ripple effect in the economy. the white house is concerned about it. the white house is not forecasting recession but saying there will be risks. there are risks to a recession but their baseline forecast is not that. deutsche bank is looking at a major recession next year for the u.s. economy and other banks are starting to talk about the r word. it is concerning for the white house. >> bill: this will be the back, right? two straight quarters of negative growth equates to a recession as defined. that's something we'll watch. thank you so much. north lawn there edward lawrence. >> dana: let's bring in arkansas senator tom cotton. great to have you here today, sir. we want to talk about a couple of things especially the big hearing today on immigration but can we start with this number, what you think it will mean for what the biden administration might do? it was just yesterday that president biden said he was thinking about cancelling 1.6 trillion in student loan debt which would be an inflationary to the economy. >> dana, it would be inflationary to the economy and inflation is clearly a drag on economic growth right now. canceling that student loan debt would be outrageously unfair to most americans who didn't go to college or who don't have a college degree who don't have student loans. for every truck driver, plumber, welder, h vac repair man, carpenter who has been working hard every day since he or she turned 18 years old they would be underwriting trillions of dollars of student loans for students who voluntarily made the decision to go to college and take out those loans and just like someone who takes out a loan for small business or a car or a home should be repaying the loan. if anything, it should be the colleges and universities who so poorly served those students to help repay those loans. if they go forward with this on top of all the other spending and borrowing, as you said, it will contribute to more inflation which means economic growth will face even morehead winds as we just saw this morning when we got the report for the first quarter. >> dana: turn it over to bill in a second. put up the poll. amongst democrats 66% say that biden's economic policies are making no difference on their personal financial situation. so helping 23%, hurting 11%, no difference. you wonder if that will change after this week's news. >> bill: senator, the whole point about the colleges, some of these ivy league schools have endowments that total billions of dollars. if they want to pay for the tuition of the students they can do that now two infinity. you don't need the federal government and student loans along the way. different topic here. mayorkas was on hill yesterday and back today. part of his plan for may 23 and beyond. transportation, medical facilities. speed up the processing of migrants. that's critical. removal, detention, prosecution, unlawful entries, working with gno's targeting cartels and detour migration. if you look into this plan it doesn't seem to address the illegals crossing the border. what it does is manage those who come across the border to process them into our country. that seems to be the plan. now, when he said this yesterday about effectively managing the situation, isn't that kind of what he is talking about? >> bill, it goes to show how deeply ideological joe biden's approach to the border is. we should be protecting our border. the only people crossing our border should be those who have a legal right to cross the border. illegal aliens have no reason to be in the country and should be turned back. if they have an asylum claim they should have to wait in mexico that. that would be effectively managing the border. mayorkas and biden think it's to expedite the entry of illegal aliens. patting themselves on the back for surging resources to include doctors and nurses from our veterans affairs hospitals and clinics to the border to get more illegal aliens into the country faster. it is a deeply ideological approach from people who don't respect borders, they think that borders should never be enforced. >> dana: senator, while we have you, we have all these topics we could keep you for the next hour. i wanted to ask you about this. secretary mayorkas will probably have to answer the question of a disinformation board being created at the department of homeland security. what do you make of all of that and the woman they chose to be in charge of it is actually somebody who said that the hunter biden laptop was disinformation. maybe she changed her mind but she would be in charge of this board apparently. >> the department of homeland security and no other department or agency in our government should have something called a disinformation board. disinformation for this administration is mostly they're inconveniently politically for joe biden and the democratic party. the answer to bad speech or to flawed speech or wrong speech for most liberals throughout our history has been more speech and more persuasive speech. because democrats see the polls slipping away from them and they don't support the idea of free speech anymore they label everything as miss information that doesn't fit into their preconceived story lines. we should take steps in congress to make sure it doesn't move forward. >> bill: why should it be the responsibility of dhs anyway? it's a rather political statement. >> it goes to show they're willing to twist language to set their own needs. mayorkas won't call illegal aliens that when that is what they are called in federal law. anything else that they don't like at dhs or the white house gets dismissed as disinformation. i think the voters see through that and will deliver a sharp rebuke to joe biden and the democrats for it among many other things. >> dana: within the law that oversees dhs and it is broad and could be interpreted in a lot of different ways but would such a board congressionally be something that-in-law would make sense there? >> we're going to look closely at it. dhs is failing at some of its core responsibilities like protecting our border. they shouldn't be branching out and becoming cen sores along with social media companies and other major media companies. >> bill: thank you. we keep you for the hour but i think you have other things to do. tom cotton. thanks. meanwhile new research shows more than a dozen democrat-led states are using or planning to use billions of dollars in covid relief money -- remember passed back in march of last year -- to push critical race theory in publish schools including new york, california and many others. william la jeunesse digging into this. what did you find, william? good morning in l.a. >> you're right. when congress passed that trillion dollar american rescue plan voters were told $122 billion was necessary to safely reopen schools for things like more space, ppe, plastic shields. now we're finding out some blue states are using some of that money to teach critical race theory, civil rights and how fears of racial harassment led families of color not to return to in-person learning. according to the education group one nation, at least 13 blue states are planning to use 46 billion on things like implicit bias and anti-racism training. california, 10% of their covid relief money is going to ethnic studies and lgbtq and cultural competency courses. new york using 9 billion on equity inclusion. illinois 5 billion on equity and diversity. >> terms like social and emotional learning sound great. we want our children to be emotionally aware. we look at what these programs are in practice. these are trojan horses for critical race theory. >> this group one nation said the american rescue plan was a multi-trillion dollar progressive shopping list. a massive bait and switch for lifesaving covid aid. indoctrinateing children to judge themselves and one another based on the color of their skin is wrong and nothing to do with fighting covid. the federal department of education did sign off on these state plans including new york which said federal money would be used for equity warriors to create more diverse, equitable and inclusive school communities across the state. in a statement to fox news digital the department of education said the department is not encouraging the use of american rescue plan funds to teach crt and any claim to the contrary is patently false. the department believes politicians should stay out of the curriculum decisions and those are best made at the local level. bottom line, bill, taxpayer money was assumed many would go to open schools safely and it appears to be being used for something else. >> bill: we thought it was all about ventilation in the classroom. thank you, william. nice to see you in los angeles. >> dana: u.s. soil overnight u.s. marine trevor reed landing in texas freed from a russian jail following a prisoner swap. we speak to former secretary of state mike pompeo. >> bill: countries that loudly supported blm in 2020 and now they're silent about all the african-american murders. where is the out rage. >> dana: in new york city. carjackers collide with a van, attack the driver and speed off in his car. >> criminals are clearly taking advantage and why we've seen certain kinds of crime starting to surge. basically the ones where they are in and out. you're probably thinking that these two are in some sort of lover's quarrel. no, no, no. they're both invested... in green energy. and also each other. digital tools so impressive, you just can't stop. what would you like the power to do? ♪ ♪ you just can't stop. make way for the first-ever chevy silverado zr2. with multimatic shocks, rugged 33-inch tires, and front and rear electronic locking differentials. dude, this is awesome... but we should get back to work. ♪ ♪ this good? perfect. if you're gonna work remote... work remote. find new workspaces. find new roads. chevrolet. >> dana: senate majority leader chuck schumer pleads the fifth on california senator dianne feinstein's fitness to serve in conference as she has declining memory. >> are you confident in her ability to serve? >> i've had discussions with senator feinstein and i'm keeping them to myself. >> dana: i don't understand how this isn't bigger news. you have a very important person, the senator of california, and i hope she is doing well. but when you have the senate majority leader declining to confirm that she is able to serve, i think that should be a bigger news. >> bill: you would think either clear it up and explain her condition. she is 88, she will be 89 in june. june 22, i think. >> dana: not that there would be a republican that would take over that seat because appointed by the governor. governor is gavin newsom but there are major thin margins in the senate now and all the votes matter. keep an eye on it. >> bill: another fox news alert. trevor reed is a a marine spent three years in a russian prison released today in a swap between the u.s. and moscow. bring in former secretary of state mike pompeo. let's begin with this topic. seems like an extraordinary time especially given the events of the world today. why would this swap occur now do you think? >> well, good morning bill and dana. first it is great to have trevor home. they were bogus charges. he should have never been held. it was something we had been working on as well. i'm glad the biden administration was able to get him home. important task for the united states leaders to get every american citizen wrongfully detained back home. that's always the right place to start. it was pretty discrete and it doesn't indicate anything that has much to do with what vladimir putin is doing his aggression in ukraine today. it was a diplomatic issue. both folks wanted to get it off the table and biden administration wanted to get trevor home and i'm happy for him and his family. it is good news. i never like trading folks. it only encourages the bad guys. we saw this ourselves. so i regret that but these are tough decisions that i'm happy trevor reed is home with his family today. >> dana: no doubt it was on your mind when secretary of state here. the parents of trevor reed. >> our hearts were broken and out hearts go out to them. britney's family we'll decline to speak about her. that's what her people want. we hope that the william fam will have a reunion like ours soon. >> dana: it was a high priority to bring people like this home. we know britney and paul are in russia and others there you know about. would this trevor reed release portend that possibly the others will be released as well? >> dana, i pray that it is so. it was a real priority for us trying to get austin home from syria. we got folks back from iran. one of my highlights was getting three americans wrongfully detained in north korea who flew back and the fact that paul is being held in russia breaks my heart. i hope we can get both britney and paul home to their families. really important for the united states to get it done. >> bill: certainly would. paul whalen has been held for three years as well. putin is promising lightning fast strikes for countries who interfere. we've committed $3 billion to this cause and safe to assume the number will only go higher and perhaps precipitously so. earlier today the ministry of foreign affairs in moscow tweeting about the eastern section of moldova and they will conduct some sort of investigation that an incident that happened earlier this week. that's a clear signal now there is a very good chance of this war being even wider. would you agree on that or not? >> bill, i do think vladimir putin is sending a clear signal. we should listen to him and his words. i wish this administration had listened to his word in the fall with his intention and we had gun the support for the ukrainian people in the fall and the ukrainians could have been more successful than to date. it is the case that while there are many applauding the success of the ukrainians. it has been remarkable. vladimir putin's intentions have no indication that he will change. he wants to restore greater russia whether it's moldova or to expand out of someplace in europe. you can imagine sweden, finland being on edge. putin's intentions has made clear. when he talks about lightning strikes i think he is responding to the fact the united states has done anything but respond in a lightning quick way. we have slow and late and i think he views himself as more successful. he can be fast, if he can be quick because he thinks the west, nato and europe will be slow to respond. we shouldn't forget the europeans are still buying natural gas from russia. they are underwriting this conflict every day. when you vladimir putin say that, the recognition that we have to go campaign with the europeans to deliver them the energy they need so they are no longer under the jack boot of vladimir putin. >> dana: we had neil ferguson on yesterday and he said in order to actually have deterrence theory work you have to show you are willing to be a deterrent and do you see that is a problem or us right now? >> i think the evidence of the atrocities we've seen in ukraine, the fact that vladimir putin chose to do this on the watch of the current chancellor of germany and this president, i think it is clear we lost capstone deterrents. we made sure all the bad guys, each understood the united states was serious and determined. when they began to move we crushed the taliban. when iran would kill more americans we took soleimani. we need actions that we're going to protect the things that matter to america. >> bill: we'll speak again. >> dana: a story we brought you at the start of the war in ukraine. trey yingst spoke with a blind man who was trapped in his home. trey went looking for him. good morning, trey. >> good morning. as ukrainian civilians remain in danger we have an update on one man we introduced you to at the beginning of this war. in early march, we meet him, a blind man trapped in the ukraine town. at the time his home sits near the front lines as russian troops fight for territory down the street. i hear some explosions, he says, i'm scared as everyone else. what can i do? seven weeks later we returned to the suburbs of kyiv searching for the 63-year-old. immediately upon arrival it is clear something terrible has happened. the gray fence where he said goodbye riddled with shrapnel holes. a pile of bricks lays between charred walls where his home once stood. his neighbors like victor don't know what happened to the man across the way. you see what happened to his roof. it melted down. was he there or not? i can't tell you. i don't know. victor explains that his daughter lives nearby and says she might have more information. we go to her house only to find a locked gate and boarded up windows. at the end of the block a resident offers a phone number for the woman. two people died, she explains, but vitale survived. >> his daughter says he is in a hospital. he was injured. he survived. we're headed to see him. >> at a hospital inside the ukrainian capital we looked for vitale up and elevator and down a short hallway is his room. a moment of joy and relief as we enter. nice to see you. how are you? you are okay. we're so happy you are okay. we were so worried about you. >> he takes his sunglasses off as he recalls what happened to his home. >> i heard a blast, it destroyed my windows and doors vitale says i am thinking i will burn here. like so many ukrainians vitale has lost everything since the war began. in march he was struggling to find food. in april he is struggling to find shelter. as we say goodbye his final words, sir, please help me. amid very dark times for ukraine, something to smile about, dana. >> dana: trey yingst, that was a beautiful package. thank you for bringing it to us. >> bill: well done. thank you, trey. 28 past now. markets open in a few minutes after a brutal new economic number on growth. unexpectedly shrinking. first time since the first quarter of 2020. that was pre-covid pandemic. lots of people thinking about the word recession. we'll ask maria about that coming up in a moment next here. president biden can soon be shifting the burden of student loan debt from the borrower to the taxpayer. what do you think about that today? 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>> that's right, dana. what you are seeing is an economy that's slowing. the federal reserve is going to be raising interest rates in an aggressive way. we will get another rate hike next week when the fed meets and when you look at the fact that inflation is at 40-year highs and we have massive supply disruptions because of the supply log jams in the pacific, that is turning out to be the worst of all worlds. what we have going on this morning is a gdp in the first read. we'll get revisions here. we'll get several revisions from this first quarter number. the gdp was down 1.4% versus and expectation it would be up 1.1%. to put it in context. in the fourth quarter of last year we had a gdp of 6.9%. so look how things have changed so quickly. 6.9% in the fourth quarter of last year up. down 1.4% just a few months later now in the first quarter of 2022. one of the reasons for this decline this morning is the snarled happening for our supplies chains. bottom line if the companies can't get the products to sell because they're stuck on ships in asia, they cannot make the earnings and it slows growth and it's part of the biggest issue. good news here is the consumer is still spending. yesterday i had an exclusive with the ceo of bank of america and he said people's balance sheets are very strong. listen to this. he said when you go to the account side, a person who had $1,000 or $2,000 in the bank today has a balance of $7,000. if you had a balance of 3 to 5,000 you're sitting on some $13,000 in your account. people are feeling strong in terms of their own personal balance sheets because they've been saving over the pandemic and also have been spending. however, inflation is out of control, 40-year high. that's one of the issues making things so much more expensive and hard to come by. we're in the middle of earnings season and we'll get apple earnings out tonight after the close. that is going to be the most talked about company tomorrow and that will set the tone. apple will give us a look into what consumer is doing, what the supply chains are doing, what china is doing. on the supply chains, even if you are producing in america, there are components that are coming from asia. i had the ceo from a company today, they make mammogram machines and he is all into women's health. he said sure, we're making our mammogram machines here in the u.s. but we still need the chips. they're coming from taiwan and asia. i think several months ago i mentioned to you recession for the first time in a long time. those cries about recession are getting louder. recession just to remind our viewers, two quarters of negative growth. we're now looking at the first quarter of negative growth, down 1.4% on gdp today. >> dana: thanks for explaining that all to us as we absorb and think about the number and digest it. thank you for that. we'll see you later today. >> bill: the education secretary expected to take heat from lawmakers next hour. president biden may cancel up to $50,000 in student debt per borrower. lydia hu with more on that today. will it happen? good morning to you. >> good morning there, bill. secretary cardona is on capitol hill today taking president biden's for the education department for next year to lawmakers. the department is asking for $88.3 billion in discretionary funding. a 15% increase over this year's budget and a 20% increase over 2021. as that ask for more money in made, president biden, like you said, is also considering forgiving student loan debt according to reports. on the campaign trail president biden called for a cancellation of $10,000 of student loan debt per borrower. that move would forgive $321 billion in student loans. but the recent report suggests he could go much farther than that as the progressive wing of the democratic party applies pressure ahead of the mid-term elections. >> i say to my colleagues, i think the president's moving in our direction. my talks with him and his staff have been very fruitful over the last little while. >> and many republicans are now sounding the alarm. >> another blunder by this administration. no offsets, $30 trillion in debt. the country is headed to bankruptcy. here he is to buy votes and curry favor with, i assume, the mid-terms. >> now a decision on the canceling student loan debt is expected to come before august 31 when the current pause on repayment expires, bill. >> bill: okay. lydia. we're watching it. interesting times. lydia hu on the hill. >> dana: wild video out of new york city. a group of carjackers jumping onto the hood of a vehicle, one attacking the driver before speeding away in his van. what's being done to stop these brazen criminals. major brands use their influence to back the black lives matter movement in the summer of 2020. but now crickets? as the black murder rate soars. leo terrell is here and with us next. ♪♪♪ i brought in ensure max protein, with thirty grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks! 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indictment and ruled prosecutors can take the case back to a grand jury and seek another indictment. adding to the pain and anger of the victim's mother the 17-year-old alleged gunman was given probation after pleading guilty in connection with an armed robbery in 2020. his mug shot was obtained by the "new york post." sentencing judge in that case cited a report that menendez was prosecuted as a juvenile defender and doing well in school. the man killed in the bronx by him was targeted in the case of mistaken identity by gang members. his mother who watched the judge drop the charges in a video link said she was told by prosecutors seeking life in prison. she toll the paper when i hear the judge say release him i koun believe it. this is why they keep killing because there are no consequences. the nypd is asking for the public's help in identifying five men that took place in a brazen auto theft caught on camera. the driver of a kia van kol eye he with a lexus, both cars hit a park hon today see an. as the victim fled. the driver of the lexus remain behind and charged with robbery. the men being sought are between 18 and 25 years old. >> dana: two years after an outpouring of support for the black lives matter movement those same companies are now falling silent on the drastic spike in black americans murdered in 2020. leo terrell is a civil rights attorney. corporations that donated to racial equity groups. apple $100 million. target $10 million. facebook 10 million. new statistics we have about the murder rates of black americans at record highs and extremely upsetting yet you don't hear anything. >> i tell you why. the money given by these big corporations, $90 million was to buy peace and avoid harassment from blm. they didn't have the objective of trying to resolve the issue. that's the problem, dana. black population is only 13% of the country and there are more blacks killed than whites. that's crazy. that is unbelievable. why? because there is a total disregard for any type of resolution other than white cops, black suspects. black lives matter has no other agenda. it is not designed to work and resolve the problem. it is designed to raise money playing the race card. >> bill: we asked blm for a response to this and it hasn't happened. they have other issues, too, like where did millions and millions of dollars go that are now unaccounted for. >> we have to have a frank conversation on this. they don't want to resolve the issue. it is a fundraising mechanism to raise money on fear of playing a race card. i'm a board of director of one community that goes into the community, works with the small business owner, bring in the police and have dialogue. i would love for someone to ask black lives matter what is your intention on getting into the community with the community and the police and creating dialogue? you don't hear that discussion because it is not on their agenda. >> dana: we've been watching and lawrence jones went to chicago talking to a man there who has dedicated his life to the local solution that can really help. ask you about this. experts are saying that you have the riots, you had defund the police, and all of these things caused police to pull back. here is hannah meyer at the manhattan institute and focuses on public safety. watch here. >> certainly after these large viral incidents there is a tangible, measurable police pullback. i think that's not even p controversial at this point where police maybe unconsciously are receipt sent to step in and know there is a big blowback with their involvement in crime. >> dana: you think that could be leading to some of this uptick in crime across the country? >> she is right. absolutely right. the question is why? they don't want the blowback of being called a racist. why would a police officer risk his family and reputation of being accused. it is safer for him to pull back. it's very basic. makes perfect sense. >> bill: has that group you are working with -- >> it's in dallas and >> bill: you live in los angeles. has this group in dallas been effective? >> they work with people in the prisons and communities with the barber shops. they have a relationship with law enforcement to have in-kind time to work and gather information and talk to the community. it has developed. it is small. i'm on the board because it is working. it is not large enough. i'm upset because it is not large enough. these corporations because of p.r., they give a donation to blm and ignore organizations that are committed to working. >> bill: you think about what could you do in dallas with $100 million from nike or amazon. >> or chicago or los angeles. wake up, corporations. if their agenda is to resolve the problem, there are organizations out there. if they want p.r. and patted on the back and look at us working with blm, nothing will get done. glad to be here, say hi to percy. >> bill: coming up momentarily watching this hearing now. mayorkas is back on the hill. next hour we're monitoring that and give you updates and headlines when they become available. apple's latest update is making some heads turn. say hello to the pregnant man. is it time to tweet or text? is it time to put the woke ideas to bed? >> dana: yes. ♪♪♪ at, finding perfect isn't rocket science. kitchen? sorted. hot tub, why not? and of course, puppy-friendly. we don't like to say perfect, but it's pretty perfect., booking.yeah. you're probably thinking that these two are in some sort of lover's quarrel. no, no, no. they're both invested... in green energy. and also each other. digital tools so impressive, you just can't stop. what would you like the power to do? with less moderate-to-severe eczema, why hide your skin if you can help heal your skin from within? hide my skin? not me. dupixent helps keep you one step ahead of eczema, with clearer skin and less itch. don't use if you're allergic to dupixent. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be 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cash? with the newday100 loan, you can get up to $60,000 or more and lower your payments $615 a month. no bank, no lender, no one knows veterans like newdayusa. >> bill: apple is raising a few eyebrows over this emoji. a pregnant man. the update includes an apparent third gender person wearing a crown. my next guest calls it lunacy and brings on greater gender confusion. ed vitagliano is the executive vice president of the -- characterize how you see this and why you call it lunacy. >> well, this is the way we've been looking at it. corporations certainly have the right to do what they want. i think they are making a big miscalculation. if i walked up to the front door of apple and said i want to come in because i have a great idea to make a better iphone they would tell me the get lost and you don't work here. i think increasing number of parents are saying you don't work in our family. we know our kids and know what's best for them. we don't appreciate you insinuating yourself between us and our kids via your new emojis or what have you. >> bill: you can raise a stink about it, ed. apple has made its decision. i think the reaction is fascinating. tammy bruce works with us here. she is a former liberal. she is openly gay. here is what she writes. the pregnant man does not exist. she writes, there are biological women who identify as men but still have the are productive systems intact and are capable of getting pregnant. men can't get pregnant and everyone knows it. to say otherwise is also an insult to trans sexuals who continue to be used by chess pieces like partisan political operatives as their lives are sensationalized. i imagine you don't disagree with the points tammy is making there. >> she is great and has great insight. comes from a background that's very germane to this discussion. you know, these are complex issues when you deal with gender and human sexuality. and that's why i think parents are -- corporate fat cats and insinuate themselves into the family especially in light of corporate hypocrisy. when apple has a lot of business in china with its own human rights abuses it becomes apparent to parents that these companies are after one thing, that's making the next buck. and they don't really care about the kids and that's what parents do care about. i think they want corporations to back off and let them do the parenting and apple make your iphones and what not and we'll take care of the family. >> bill: just make it clear you recognize young people struggle with their identity and they struggle with their gender and that's true. ed, thank you for coming on and we'll see where it goes. appreciate your time. >> thank you, bill. appreciate it. >> dana: fox news alert here. president biden has just made a statement about that gdp number. the number that came in at negative 1.4% as maria bartiromo told us last hour. it was expected to be 1.4%. it was instead negative. he is basically saying the american economy is powered by working families and is resilient in the face of historic challenges and that he believes that with the covid continuing, putin's invasion of ukraine and global inflation he still says the united states is in a position of strength and that he says we need to keep making progress. he wants to cut costs for working families and create good-paying jobs. goes on to say that he wants to raise taxes on -- raise taxes on the wealthy and we expect him to be making some comments at 10:45 this morning. he is expected to talk about ukraine and he is going to be asking congress for additional funding for ukraine but you can imagine that because this number is so poor and the economy shrank by 1.4% in the first quarter of the year the president will spend time talking about that around 10:45 this morning. we'll bring it to you live as it happens. and now this. >> like all of us, you have experienced failure in the course of your life. you should have a compass to help you recognize it. so if you identify our border as effectively managed right now, how would you identify failure? what would it be, 5 million crossings in a year? my god, man, own the moment. >> dana: homeland security secretary mayorkas facing harsh criticism over his handling of the border crisis. republicans calling his leadership a failure urging him to resign or face possible impeachment. that was just the warm-up, bill, as we prepare for fireworks from the house judiciary committee. welcome to a new hour of "america's newsroom." i'm dana perino. a busy day. >> bill: things are popping. nice to see you, lovely color, by the way. yes, in the spring. doesn't feel like it, does it? chilly in new york. bill hemmer, good morning. today's hearing getting underway any minute now. biden administration facing a lot of tough questions on plans to end title 42. circle on your calendar may 23 the date it is supposed to expire. how will it handle the alarming surge of migrants expected to cross by the day? mayorkas claims the administration has effectively managed the crisis. a quote from him. republicans saying the situation is out of control. >> dana: aishah hosni is on capitol hill. one of the things speaker pelosi said i won't be able to pass the president's priorities as the title 42 situation sits out there. what else do you know? >> that's right. everything on the hill right now is wrang ld up in title 42 because people are going back and forth debating about this. secretary mayorkas has a tough job indeed as you said, he has to try to convince persuade lawmakers on hill he has things under control. many are not convinced by him. so right now lawmakers on the hill are trying to sink their teeth into his new border security plan that he only unveiled just a few days ago to handle the impending surge on the border once title 42 is lifted. we have showed you this yesterday. republicans say look, nothing in this plan is actually about securing the border. >> the plan he laid out was to allow illegal immigrants to come here faster and easier, not to keep them out. >> arizona senator mark kelly added this about the mayorkas plan. i've read it and have more questions about additional resources will hit the ground. he is not the only democrat with questions for this administration. nearly 50 democrats including speaker nancy pelosi have reportedly expressed concern with the handling of title 42. here is white house press secretary jen psaki yesterday acknowledging all the emotions on the hill but trying to pass the buck onto the cdc. >> there are many strong feelings and points of view on capitol hill in the house and in the senate about title 42. it wasn't a decision made by the white house. it is a decision made to lift it by the cdc. >> dana, you are right. republicans on the hill are still insisting they want a vote on the record to extend title 42. they want to put the democrats on the record and that is tying everything up including that covid aid package. >> dana: it will be a heck of a few weeks. thank you. >> bill: speaking of this week now, it's a tough one shaping up for the administration. the gdp that came up under the floor, negative 1.4% during the first quarter. expected to be a positive number. it wasn't. a new gallup poll found 76% of americans say the economy is headed in the wrong direction. the issues on the border, title 42. real clear politics co-founder and president tom bevan is here to weigh in but first mark meredith from the north lawn. >> good morning to you. the white house is aware of that gdp report and certainly indicating that it will try to put a positive spin on the numbers. as you would imagine the numbers will speak for themselves. later today the president will be talking with the economy specifically what's going on with small businesses. the white house says it is seeing a boom in entrepreneurship. polling shows americans aren't quite celebrating the latest economy. gallup showing 42% of the people rate economic conditions as poor up from 26% a year ago. only 18% of the people say the current economy is good. gallup says if inflation keeps rising economic confidence is likely to drop further. the white house says it knows americans are worried about inflation but we're also hearing a different message from top administration officials who tell fox they are proud of their economic record. >> the decisions that were made to rescue the american economy i think are rightly credited with why we have low unemployment today and why more americans have more money in our pockets. everybody is entitled to their opinion. the bottom line we're working against inflation with everything we've got. >> but republicans are warning the economy is heading off a cliff. even some democrats think president biden could do more to address inflation. one idea progressives pushing, canceling student loan debt. >> inflation is affecting people, the rising gas prices because of profiteering of oil companies and the war in ukraine has been hurting people and why we need to invest in things like canceling student debt. >> we're seeing more and more high profile democrats urge the administration to cancel some form of debt between now and mid-term elections. there are questions whether the president has the authority and republicans warn you do this it will add more fuel to the fire. >> bill: nice to see you. >> dana: tom bevan the founder of real clear politics. closer to the mid-terms your juices are flowing. you love all these talks of politics. the number one issue for voters right now is inflation followed by immigration. and on those two particular issues as we just saw with the gdp number that came in and secretary mayorkas on the hill, those two issues are not going well for the administration but they don't seem to have a way to turn it around, tom. >> put all that in perspective. the job approval rating for biden is 41%. the economy, the number one issue is 37 1/2%. immigration as you mentioned is the number two issue, an issue that really animates republicans and independents in swing districts and states around the country, he is at 35% and some polls have him down in the 20s. and so they are facing a perfect storm of policy issues. many of which, as you point out, are of the administration's own making. the title 42 mess is exposing a schism within the party when they need to galvanize them for the elections coming up. instead you have democrats in vulnerable democrats across the country running in the other direction. >> bill: karl rove writes today. how badly will the democrats lose the mid-term elections? here is one paragraph. when strategists go on the record they face a shell acting. barack obama's word there. recriminations and finger pointing have already gun. we're told today fox digital is reporting this. that a leading democrat advisor tells us you can expect to see more of the president out on the road campaigning over the next six months. how does that play and i assume that decision comes from president biden himself. am i wrong? >> probably does. i'm not sure how many democrats want him to come campaign. does mark kelly want the president there in arizona? the president will be useful for some democrats to raise money and bring attention to some races but there are a lot of places in the country where i'm sure democrats will have scheduling conflicts as they like to say. so --- >> dana: like stacey abrams in georgia. >> we'll see how that plays out right now. the big problem for democrats is the administration. there is no one else to be held accountable for what's going on. democrats control the house, senate and white house. voters have nobody else to point the blame at other than the administration. >> dana: i have a question for you because we talk about title 42. if you could put up call for number 1. the democrats breaking from biden. i believe that the administration will find some way to not end title 42. at that point, then, all of these democrats who are in vulnerable position essential will have to find another issue to distance from president biden and it could be inflation. the increases if prices that people are paying for the things that they need to survive. you've got your proteins, milk, poultry, eggs and meat at 14%. that's a lot, tom. >> it is. the problem that the administration has on all the issues, immigration and student loan. it is not a guaranteed political winner. it will turn off independents and working class voters. inflation the same thing. the administration is stuck. they have to have a galvanized base. you can't win a mid-term without base turnout but without swing voters in swing districts. everything they're doing. if they choose one thing it will alieniate. >> bill: the list is long, would agree. thank you very much. >> dana: they might pull a rabbit out of their hat. all the stars align exactly the way that's needed. >> bill: this hearing is underway. jim jordan, dhs secretary mayorkas who probably has one of the more confounding jobs in america today. we expect fireworks at this hearing. house judiciary committee. we'll bring you the headlines and monitor it for you as it goes along. >> dana: a move that surprised readers of the l.a. time after the paper endorsed a republican in california. >> bill: there are more links between hunter biden's finances and those of his father and the white house insisting the president was never involved in his business dealings. jason chaffetz set to address that in minutes. >> again, nothing has changed about what i said yesterday. the president does not get involved in the business dealings of his son. your shipping manager left to “find themself.” leaving you lost. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit no one deserves the american dream of homeownership more than veterans. with matching your job 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liked it? >> it was funny. he tweeted i will buy mcdonalds and make sure all the ice cream machines work. >> dana: that's a theme. ice cream machines don't work. >> bill: what did you ask the other day, what would i buy if i had all the money in the world? >> dana: what would you buy in order to fix it. >> bill: the cincinnati reds right now. things are hurting. >> dana: good answer. >> bill: liberal leaning "l. a. times" endorsing a republican for controller in california. all right, here is the headline. many californians will balk at the idea voting for a republican. one way to restore sanity to the gop is elevate lanny chen who operate in the world of facts. that candidate is with us now. hello to you. good morning. i mean, how did you find out about this? >> it was early and my phone was kind of buzzing and so i was trying to reach over getting up in the morning and i looked at it and it looks like a picture of me and then i read the headline and i fell out of bed when i saw it. i was so surprised. but we're pleased to have the support of the "l. a. times." they understand like a lot of other californians do we need to restore the fiscal watchdog rule to the controllers office. >> dana: congratulations on the endorsement and see how the general election goes. california is thinking about increasing its gas tax. 68.50 cent per gallon. national average is 57 cents. california thinking about increasing that and show you the average gas prices there in california. way up at $5.68. last year $4. the average in the u.s. $4.14. the current government is saying we need more of the taxpayer dollars. what do you say as somebody who wants as you said restore fiscal sanity to the state? >> the challenge we have in california is not a revenue challenge. we're collecting plenty of tax revenue. we don't have transparency how the money is spent is the biggest problem we have. we have $20 billion in fraud in the unemployment insurance system. in 2019, $70 million went to dead people and k-12 schools are spending more but finishing last in the country. the problem we have in california is not that we need to figure out how to get more money from taxpayers. the problem is let's figure out is the money we're spending it. are we spending it effectively and if not how to change that? it's why i'm running for controller and the controller can provide transparency around every single dollar the state spends. >> bill: they call you a sharp thinker saying it's time for the fresh lens. i don't believe based on what i understand that the executive branch of the state government in sacramento there is not a single republican who holds office. if the "l. a. times" is endorsing you, how bad is it in california today? >> well, here is the problem, bill. you have a lot of go along to get along politicians in california. all the statewide elected officials, eight of them. they look after each other. that leaves nobody look after the taxpayer. you have to agree that dynamic is not good for our state. not good for our residents and not good for our kids and the future of our state. and so what we need is we need someone to go there and ask questions and be a watchdog. this is the fiscal watchdog of our state in california making sure the spending is being -- the money is being spent wisely. for too many years we've had a lap dog in this role. we need a watchdog, not a lap dog as state controller and why the reason "l. a. times" endorsed me. >> dana: how do you overcome the overwhelming number of democrats in the state? do you think that california is about to have maybe a change of heart or at least a willingness to vote in a republican such as yourself? >> you know, i talk to democrats and independents and republicans every single day. the amount of frustration with what's happening in our state. the amount of frustration when they see the homelessness, rising crime, inability of the state to get basic things done, even democrats and independents are frustrated and ready for a change in the sense they want someone to go in there and clean up shop. they don't want the typical insider. they want a political outsider to come in and make sure the state has accountability. i don't think that's a partisan issue, dana. i think it crosses partisanship. i believe we'll get the support of a lot of democrats and independents and bring it home in november. >> bill: if you win come back. lanny chen, nice to see you. >> thank you. good to see you. >> dana: democrat run city introducing new hand-outs in a effort to fight soaring gas prices. money earmarked for covid relief now being spent to promote critical race theory in schools. how are states getting away with that? we'll ask jason chaffetz right after the break. 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[whines] only pay for what you need. ♪liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty.♪ >> bill: chicago now, they're responding to soaring gas prices by handing out more than $12 million in pre-paid cards. that's one way to do it. grady trimble live from the windy city. grady, hello. >> 12 million taxpayer dollars. families who meet certain income requirements can apply. here is how the program will work. the city will give out 50,000 gas cards worth $150 each, as well as 100,000 public transit cards worth $50 each. several aldermen who voted against the proposal called it a campaign gimmick and political stunt. 2023 is, after all, an election year for the mayoral office in chicago. businessman willie wilson, who is running for mayor, was similarly critical. he has given away more than $2 million in free fill-ups around chicago but he has done it with his own money. at the federal level, democrats continue to blame oil companies for the high gas prices saying they are lining their pockets. some democrats say progressive policies will help solve the problem. >> that's why we need to invest in things like canceling student debt and things like childcare to bring down the cost of childcare. investing in housing that would make it more affordable. >> companies are seizing on the high prices to win over customers. wal-mart, for example, is offering savings of up to 10 cents per gallon at 14,000 gas stations around the country only if you pay for their yearly subscription wal-mart plus. >> bill: it's one way or you could frack. you have options. thank you, grady, in chicago. dana. >> dana: new research verified by fox news is revealing that blue states are using billions in taxpayer dollars to push critical race theory in public schools. here to talk about it is fox news contributor and former congressman jason chaffetz. let's put this on the board. california 1.5 billion for resources on high need topics like implicit bias training. new york $9 billion for putting diversity, equity and inclusion at the heart of education and illinois $5.1 on the same. this covid money was given by taxpayers in a generous show of understanding and need to improve circulation at school, the h vac systems. >> 122 billion dollars was given through the department of education. the idea was they needed to work on the ventilation systems. they needed computers for -- laptops for teachers to teach remotely. they needed to make retrofit a lot of these schools so they could go school lunches properly. no, now it ends up they're using that money for critical race theory, equity, all these different diversion programs that the democrats have always been on the wish list. they could never pass this individually. but they tapped into $122 billion all by themselves. democrats passed this all by themselves. >> bill: proper ventilation is how it was sold to us. we had to fix the windows. >> can't get kids back in school until then. >> bill: isn't this the problem. you get the bill passed and you can do what you want with it. >> that's the fundamental problem. i don't believe there should even be a federal department of education. let the money follow the kids. how much better could education be in the inner cities if the money went to educating kids and giving the resources to those kids and creating these opportunity zones that ten tore tim scott talks about. it is going to their pet projects in blue states. that's the problem. >> bill: the irony of all of this is that the zoom classes that went from the school to the home were seen by the parents and blew up the entire operation. >> dana: there was an another topic we want to get to before we lose you. the "new york post" cover is about the hunter biden story. no shadow of a doubt. this is regarding the situation where you have schwerin, hunter biden's business partner, at the white house 27 times. jason, i don't know how many times you went to the white house as a congressman on official business. probably wasn't 27 times. >> it is getting increasingly difficult for the white house to justify and say that hunter biden and joe biden were arms length in their business dealings. they co-shared and account with each other, checking account. but now what the oversight committee has uncovered and the question that is going to the president of hunter biden's company, the question is why is it that you sent an email saying that joe biden's tax return money should be going to hunter biden? it just shows they had this co-mingling of funds and why is it that hunter biden's business partner is asking for joe biden's tax returns because it is really hunter's money? that's a huge question. >> bill: if you are able to prove that what they've been saying is not true -- chairman of the oversight committee, right -- would it be possible for joe biden as president to run out the clock in his presidency and not have to fairly answer this question before you or a lawyer or someone else watching? >> that's always been the game. you just run out the clock, pretend it never happened. day after day there is more revelations about the co-mingling between joe biden, hunter biden, and all of these other business partners in the pictures that start to come out. the manifests out there, opening up the call logs, opening up the logs of who is going into the white house itself. i think jen psaki is just lying to the american people at this point because the evidence is there. she may choose to ignore it and not look at it but to say that there is no interaction is just false at this point. >> dana: well, here is the thing. she might be just saying what she was -- if she asked a question. they'll ask me today once again. my answer is the same. so that's the answer that she giving not necessarily her saying it, you know what i mean? >> pick up the newspaper which is her job to read the text of the emails. this is why what she said in the past is no longer true. >> dana: it is what biden said in the past. he should not be let off the hook on that. if you are the press secretary you aren't coming up with policy. >> bill: two things on the field now. the federal grand jury in delaware. who knows what they come back with and when and republicans take over one branch of congress at least and they'll come to power the first week of january and the hearings will be pronto. can he run out the clock over a two-year period? >> your subpoena is only as good as your ability to enforce that subpoena. when i was chairman of the oversight committee i had to look at eric holder to try to get it enforced. if the media is going to do its job and give an honest assessment. which they haven't done so far. they have to look at this and print the story. >> bill: great to see you in person. >> dana: nice tie as well. >> bill: his wife picked it out for him. >> it works, >> bill: extended lockdowns giving rise to an older medical problem affecting children. new warnings of a perfect storm for measles and the horrifying death of a 10-year-old girl by a 14-year-old boy whom she knew. >> it is a terrifying things for parents to deal with is to worry about can my child be the next victim of a crime? until you find out who you believe the perpetrator to be, that's very concerning. ♪ ♪ i came, i saw, i conquered. 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>> yeah, good morning, bill. thanks for having me. yes, it sounds like the 14-year-old boy has admitted doing the crime. so the first decision the prosecutors have to make is do they charge him as an adult or a minor? it sounds like they'll charge him as an adult. in my opinion they really should because this is such a heinous crime. it is not just a murder but there is also a sexual assault involved. so bill, what the prosecutors are going to do is ask the juvenile court. the case always starts in the juvenile court. they'll ask them to waive jurisdiction and have the case heard in adult court. >> chippewa falls, wisconsin, western part of the state. there are these cases that occur that are so revolting that even if you follow crime for a living, which you do, these are the cases that truly stand out. and you remember cases like these years from now, oftentimes they set precedent. i don't know if that will be the case here. think about this young girl involved. >> bill, i'm a single parent and have a daughter a little older than this little girl who was murdered. this hits home with parents worldwide. i talked to my daughter about being careful even walking down the block. that's the world we live in these days. but i think, bill, an important issue here is what are we going to do with minors who commit heinous crimes like this? wisconsin happens to be one of the strictest states. wisconsin, texas and georgia are three are the most strict states in prosecuting minors for crimes like this. bill, if we were in california, this happened in l.a. county, i don't think this 14-year-old boy would be prosecuted as an adult. so at the end of the day you have to measure are 14-year-olds cognitively able to make a determination as to right versus wrong? are they mature enough to make such a decision versus do you have to prosecute these kids? one last point, bill. a case in wisconsin a couple of years ago a young boy murdered a 7-year-old relative. buried the girl in the snow. he ended up getting 20 years in jail. so i would suspect you will have a similar type of sentence for this 14-year-old boy assuming he is convicted. >> bill: if convicted he could face life in prison on that top charge. wow. brian, thank you for helping us through this today. brian claypool. nice to see you. >> dana: russian president vladimir putin reiterates his threats of nuclear retaliation against countries helping ukraine. no one seems to be deterred. countries are sending more aid. why is that? 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>> to be honest, the turning point from the united states i think was april 25th which was two days ago when we had secretary of defense spoke to ministers of defense of the european countries and actually committed that ukraine will win this war. it means that the united states will stand behind ukraine and support with all the necessary weapons, military support, everything that is needed. right now the key that is needed and we still keep asking for that is the artillery, air defense system and they just started to send and ship it to ukraine. unfortunately that is what we have been asking for the last two months and we could have saved hundreds -- thousands of lives if we had these military support, these arms earlier. right now the key thing that ukraine keeps asking is more financial support because so far we've been hearing about one billion, three billion in support. we need at least $40 billion right now to be able to land and buy weapons from the united states. that -- >> bill: we're out of time. thank you for yourself. congratulations on your beautiful child. more money coming your way as this thing continues to grind on. thank you and good luck. >> dana: we'll keep an eye on her. thank you so much. here is harris faulkner with "the faulkner focus". >> harris: that was interesting. don't know if you caught that at the tail end with dana and bill and their guest. there was a specific number that that guest spit out, $40 billion is what they would need right now. of course, the president of the united states is set to talk about and put at least verbally his support to ukraine and possibly a lot more money. but when you talk in those big terms, when you talk about dollars like that considering what we've already given, is there something other than money that needs to be done at this point, especially

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Cdc , House , It Wasn T A Decision , Record , Vote , Heck , Covid Aid Package , It Wasn T , 76 , Issues , Tom Bevan , Real Clear Politics , Co Founder , Mark Meredith , Businesses , Gdp Report , Entrepreneurship , Polling , Conditions , Boom , Gallup , 26 , Confidence , Officials , Unemployment , Tell Fox , Everybody , Pockets , Opinion , Cliff , Oil Companies , Progressives , Profiteering , Profile , Form , Fire , Authority , Fuel , Juices , Politics , Perspective , Job Approval Rating , 41 , Independents , Swing Districts , 37 1 2 , Storm , Which , 35 , Party , Mess , Making , Schism , Paragraph , Country Running , Karl Rove , Shell Acting , Strategists , Finger , Recriminations , Advisor , Barack Obama , Fox Digital , Campaigning , Play , On The Road , Six , President , Places , Races , Want , Attention , Else , Scheduling Conflicts , Stacey Abrams In Georgia , Nobody , Call , What S Going On , Accountable , Blame , Prices , Increases , Proteins , Milk , Position Essential , Student Loan , Eggs , Meat , Poultry , 14 , Winner , Base , Working Class , Swing Voters , Base Turnout , List , Alieniate , Stars , Rabbit , Hat , Jim Jordan , Headlines , Readers , Jason Chaffetz , Father , Business Dealings , Finances , Links , Dealings , The Business , Indeed Instant Match , Shipping Manager , Find Themself , Visit , Job Description , Zero Down Home , Zero , Newday100 , The Call , Ten , Groceries , 5g Network , Stuff , Xfinity Mobile , Verizon , 5 , Savings , Concert Tickets , Store , Shows , Squad , Device , Samsung , 400 , Takeover , Elon Musk , Cocaine , Coca Cola , 1929 , World , Machines Don T Work , Theme , Ice Cream Machines Work , Mcdonalds , Headline , Controller , L A Times , Cincinnati Reds , Facts , Californians , Lanny Chen , Candidate , Idea Voting , Sanity , Picture , Watchdog , Election , Thinking , Congratulations , Controllers Office , Gas Tax , Endorsement , Rule , 68 50 , 57 , Average , 68 , U S 4 14 , 5 68 , 4 14 , 4 , Taxpayer Dollars , Revenue Challenge , Challenge , Restore Fiscal Sanity , Transparency , Unemployment Insurance System , Tax Revenue , Fraud , K 12 , 70 Million , 12 , 2019 , 20 Billion , 0 Billion , Taxpayers , Figure , Thinker , Dollar , Lens , Office , State Government , Executive Branch , Go , Eight , Dynamic , Residents , Lap Dog , Being , Role , State Controller , Willingness , Change Of Heart , Frustration , Amount , Homelessness , Shop , Insider , Outsider , Inability , Support , Partisanship , Accountability , Effort , Hand Outs , Run City , Covid Relief , Property , Gator , Fun , Legacy , Tradition , Mother Cows , Decoys , Dogs , Farmer , Tv , Professional , Cfp , We Wouldn T , Land , Hats , Ranching , Cal , Deere Com , Professional , Visit Letsmakeaplan Org , Homeowners , Letsmakeaplan Org , Home Values , 96602 , 6602 , 62810 , 2810 , Retirement , Save , Home Equity , Soaring , 58800 , 8201 , 8800 , 68201 , Root , Causes , 0300 , 60300 , Tru Niagen , Nad , Cells , Muscle , Body , Marcia , Periodontal 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, Inclusion , 5 1 , 1 , 1 5 Billion , School , Same , Show , Circulation , Vac Systems , 122 Billion Dollars , Computers , Ventilation Systems , Laptops , Teachers , Diversion Programs , School Lunches , The Wish List , Isn T This The Problem , Cities , Opportunity Zones , Tim Scott , Zoom Classes , Blue States , Irony , Pet , Cover , Operation , Hunter Biden Story , Shadow Of A Doubt , Schwerin , Business Partner , Wasn T 27 Times , 27 , Oversight Committee , Joe Biden , Checking Account , Funds , Tax Return Money , Email , Saying , Tax Returns , Hunter , Chairman , Presidency , Clock , Lawyer , Revelations , Co Mingling , Game , Logs , Pictures , Business Partners , Manifests , Interaction , Newspaper , Press Secretary , You Aren T , Text , Emails , Hook , Coming Up With Policy , Hearings , Week , Branch , Least , The Field , Grand Jury In Delaware , Pronto , Media , Subpoena , Eric Holder , Haven T , Tie , Wife , Assessment , Measles , Lockdowns , Warnings , Rise , Ties Com , Boy , Child , Girl , Death , Perpetrator , Caesar , Hail , Team , Julius , Ha , Health Leaders , Side Effect , Childhood Vaccine Campaigns , Molly , Hi , 19 , Cases , Outbreaks , Warning , World Health Officials , World Health Organization , 9665 , 17000 , 79 , Somalia , Unicef , Ethiopia , Nigeria , Yemen , Afghanistan , Diseases , Disruption , Harbinger , Childhood , Horizon , Illnesses , Vaccination , 93 9 , Kids Aren T , Stats , Health Officials , Flu , Spreads , Adult , Name , Immunizations , Lily Peters , Eighth Grader , Lily , Strangling , Details , Sexual Assault , Degree , Count , Homicide , Bodily Harm , Brian Claycomb , Admission , Understanding , Minor , Juvenile Court , Wisconsin , Chippewa Falls , Jurisdiction , Adult Court , Western , Living , Precedent , Parent , Hits , Minors , Crimes , Block , Prosecuting , L A County , Georgia , Texas , Determination , Wrong , Relative , Sentence , Snow , 7 , Brian Claypool , Threats , Aid , Retaliation , Investment Ideas , Baby , Merrill , Sleep , Science , Sound Engineer , Record Label , Taking Off , Eye Drop , Vuitytm , First , Fda , Reading Glasses , Wait , Prescription Eye Drop , Drop , Focus , Uh Huh , Yep , Machinery , Activities , Vision Loss , Caution , Vuity , Harris Faulkner , Eye Redness , They Haven T , Critics , Calling A Disinformation Governance Board , Tom Homan , Will Cain , Credit Card , Raymond Arroyo , Desk , Menu , Scammers , Hotel , 6000 , Don T Know , Scam , Scammer , We Don T , Defense , Secretary , Threat , Strike , Wednesday , Nations , Sasha , Washington D C , Member Of Parliament , Somewhere , Shelling , Bomb , Bombs , Inviting , Subway , Shelters , Couldn T , Equipment , Babies , Victory , Victoria , Rallies , Peaceful Ukraine , Chances , Weakness , Russian Army , 24 , 48 , Efforts , Gratitude , Voice , Point , April 25th , Ministers , Weapons , Air Defense System , Artillery , Hundreds , Three Billion , One Billion , 40 Billion , Luck , The Faulkner Focus , Spit Out ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Americas Newsroom With Bill Hemmer Dana Perino 20240708 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Americas Newsroom With Bill Hemmer Dana Perino 20240708

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supply chain, covid concerns out of china, on and on it goes. edward lawrence has the breakdown from the north lawn. let's begin there. >> it all plays into it. the white house actually bill knew it would be a very bad number. yesterday i had a white house official call me wanting to talk about this number today. i don't think they thought it would be a negative number. the economy is in a transition, the white house feeling. a transition from the reopening phase to a long-term sustainable growth phase is the way it is being described. there is no denying that's a bad number. two negative numbers for two quarters in a war is technically a recession. no one is talking about that at the white house but jen psaki yesterday did address this and tried to put a spin on what this number would be. listen to this. >> if we look at it over time how we look at data and looking under the hood, the slowdown relative to quarter four is mainly for technical reasons like the change in inventory. last quarter companies built up their inventories quickly and growth and inventories will be slower and positive this quarter. >> inventories and consumers expenses were up. that's where the number happened. >> bill: poke at a few things. it is just out and it's fresh. when you go into the numbers, what's the greatest headwind that you see there? >> it's actually going to be the expenditures by people. you are looking at what people are having to pay for things and will they make that payment? you are seeing home sales actually down 1.2% in march. that was a little bit of a shock. contraction there. when you talk about buying, less homes or fewer people buying homes as a ripple effect. they aren't buying refrigerators for the homes or wood for those homes for decks. they're not buying all the products that go with that. retail sales the number in february month over month was .8% but expected to go down in march .5%. you see a slowdown in the economy and that's the real issue whether we'll hit a recession or not hit a recession. consumer spending is 70% of the economy. >> dana: that was similar to the question i was going to have. consumer spending, some of the folks on twitter, of course their initial reaction was bad but consumer spending was good. people are able to buy less than they were before. how does that square? >> and that's the big problem is that month over month, year-over-year people are actually seeing less in their bank account and having to make these choices. will i buy a new car or buy that toy for my children or buy that vacation i want to go to. all has a ripple effect in the economy. the white house is concerned about it. the white house is not forecasting recession but saying there will be risks. there are risks to a recession but their baseline forecast is not that. deutsche bank is looking at a major recession next year for the u.s. economy and other banks are starting to talk about the r word. it is concerning for the white house. >> bill: this will be the back, right? two straight quarters of negative growth equates to a recession as defined. that's something we'll watch. thank you so much. north lawn there edward lawrence. >> dana: let's bring in arkansas senator tom cotton. great to have you here today, sir. we want to talk about a couple of things especially the big hearing today on immigration but can we start with this number, what you think it will mean for what the biden administration might do? it was just yesterday that president biden said he was thinking about cancelling 1.6 trillion in student loan debt which would be an inflationary to the economy. >> dana, it would be inflationary to the economy and inflation is clearly a drag on economic growth right now. canceling that student loan debt would be outrageously unfair to most americans who didn't go to college or who don't have a college degree who don't have student loans. for every truck driver, plumber, welder, h vac repair man, carpenter who has been working hard every day since he or she turned 18 years old they would be underwriting trillions of dollars of student loans for students who voluntarily made the decision to go to college and take out those loans and just like someone who takes out a loan for small business or a car or a home should be repaying the loan. if anything, it should be the colleges and universities who so poorly served those students to help repay those loans. if they go forward with this on top of all the other spending and borrowing, as you said, it will contribute to more inflation which means economic growth will face even morehead winds as we just saw this morning when we got the report for the first quarter. >> dana: turn it over to bill in a second. put up the poll. amongst democrats 66% say that biden's economic policies are making no difference on their personal financial situation. so helping 23%, hurting 11%, no difference. you wonder if that will change after this week's news. >> bill: senator, the whole point about the colleges, some of these ivy league schools have endowments that total billions of dollars. if they want to pay for the tuition of the students they can do that now two infinity. you don't need the federal government and student loans along the way. different topic here. mayorkas was on hill yesterday and back today. part of his plan for may 23 and beyond. transportation, medical facilities. speed up the processing of migrants. that's critical. removal, detention, prosecution, unlawful entries, working with gno's targeting cartels and detour migration. if you look into this plan it doesn't seem to address the illegals crossing the border. what it does is manage those who come across the border to process them into our country. that seems to be the plan. now, when he said this yesterday about effectively managing the situation, isn't that kind of what he is talking about? >> bill, it goes to show how deeply ideological joe biden's approach to the border is. we should be protecting our border. the only people crossing our border should be those who have a legal right to cross the border. illegal aliens have no reason to be in the country and should be turned back. if they have an asylum claim they should have to wait in mexico that. that would be effectively managing the border. mayorkas and biden think it's to expedite the entry of illegal aliens. patting themselves on the back for surging resources to include doctors and nurses from our veterans affairs hospitals and clinics to the border to get more illegal aliens into the country faster. it is a deeply ideological approach from people who don't respect borders, they think that borders should never be enforced. >> dana: senator, while we have you, we have all these topics we could keep you for the next hour. i wanted to ask you about this. secretary mayorkas will probably have to answer the question of a disinformation board being created at the department of homeland security. what do you make of all of that and the woman they chose to be in charge of it is actually somebody who said that the hunter biden laptop was disinformation. maybe she changed her mind but she would be in charge of this board apparently. >> the department of homeland security and no other department or agency in our government should have something called a disinformation board. disinformation for this administration is mostly they're inconveniently politically for joe biden and the democratic party. the answer to bad speech or to flawed speech or wrong speech for most liberals throughout our history has been more speech and more persuasive speech. because democrats see the polls slipping away from them and they don't support the idea of free speech anymore they label everything as miss information that doesn't fit into their preconceived story lines. we should take steps in congress to make sure it doesn't move forward. >> bill: why should it be the responsibility of dhs anyway? it's a rather political statement. >> it goes to show they're willing to twist language to set their own needs. mayorkas won't call illegal aliens that when that is what they are called in federal law. anything else that they don't like at dhs or the white house gets dismissed as disinformation. i think the voters see through that and will deliver a sharp rebuke to joe biden and the democrats for it among many other things. >> dana: within the law that oversees dhs and it is broad and could be interpreted in a lot of different ways but would such a board congressionally be something that-in-law would make sense there? >> we're going to look closely at it. dhs is failing at some of its core responsibilities like protecting our border. they shouldn't be branching out and becoming cen sores along with social media companies and other major media companies. >> bill: thank you. we keep you for the hour but i think you have other things to do. tom cotton. thanks. meanwhile new research shows more than a dozen democrat-led states are using or planning to use billions of dollars in covid relief money -- remember passed back in march of last year -- to push critical race theory in publish schools including new york, california and many others. william la jeunesse digging into this. what did you find, william? good morning in l.a. >> you're right. when congress passed that trillion dollar american rescue plan voters were told $122 billion was necessary to safely reopen schools for things like more space, ppe, plastic shields. now we're finding out some blue states are using some of that money to teach critical race theory, civil rights and how fears of racial harassment led families of color not to return to in-person learning. according to the education group one nation, at least 13 blue states are planning to use 46 billion on things like implicit bias and anti-racism training. california, 10% of their covid relief money is going to ethnic studies and lgbtq and cultural competency courses. new york using 9 billion on equity inclusion. illinois 5 billion on equity and diversity. >> terms like social and emotional learning sound great. we want our children to be emotionally aware. we look at what these programs are in practice. these are trojan horses for critical race theory. >> this group one nation said the american rescue plan was a multi-trillion dollar progressive shopping list. a massive bait and switch for lifesaving covid aid. indoctrinateing children to judge themselves and one another based on the color of their skin is wrong and nothing to do with fighting covid. the federal department of education did sign off on these state plans including new york which said federal money would be used for equity warriors to create more diverse, equitable and inclusive school communities across the state. in a statement to fox news digital the department of education said the department is not encouraging the use of american rescue plan funds to teach crt and any claim to the contrary is patently false. the department believes politicians should stay out of the curriculum decisions and those are best made at the local level. bottom line, bill, taxpayer money was assumed many would go to open schools safely and it appears to be being used for something else. >> bill: we thought it was all about ventilation in the classroom. thank you, william. nice to see you in los angeles. >> dana: u.s. soil overnight u.s. marine trevor reed landing in texas freed from a russian jail following a prisoner swap. we speak to former secretary of state mike pompeo. >> bill: countries that loudly supported blm in 2020 and now they're silent about all the african-american murders. where is the out rage. >> dana: in new york city. carjackers collide with a van, attack the driver and speed off in his car. >> criminals are clearly taking advantage and why we've seen certain kinds of crime starting to surge. basically the ones where they are in and out. you're probably thinking that these two are in some sort of lover's quarrel. no, no, no. they're both invested... in green energy. and also each other. digital tools so impressive, you just can't stop. what would you like the power to do? ♪ ♪ you just can't stop. make way for the first-ever chevy silverado zr2. with multimatic shocks, rugged 33-inch tires, and front and rear electronic locking differentials. dude, this is awesome... but we should get back to work. ♪ ♪ this good? perfect. if you're gonna work remote... work remote. find new workspaces. find new roads. chevrolet. >> dana: senate majority leader chuck schumer pleads the fifth on california senator dianne feinstein's fitness to serve in conference as she has declining memory. >> are you confident in her ability to serve? >> i've had discussions with senator feinstein and i'm keeping them to myself. >> dana: i don't understand how this isn't bigger news. you have a very important person, the senator of california, and i hope she is doing well. but when you have the senate majority leader declining to confirm that she is able to serve, i think that should be a bigger news. >> bill: you would think either clear it up and explain her condition. she is 88, she will be 89 in june. june 22, i think. >> dana: not that there would be a republican that would take over that seat because appointed by the governor. governor is gavin newsom but there are major thin margins in the senate now and all the votes matter. keep an eye on it. >> bill: another fox news alert. trevor reed is a a marine spent three years in a russian prison released today in a swap between the u.s. and moscow. bring in former secretary of state mike pompeo. let's begin with this topic. seems like an extraordinary time especially given the events of the world today. why would this swap occur now do you think? >> well, good morning bill and dana. first it is great to have trevor home. they were bogus charges. he should have never been held. it was something we had been working on as well. i'm glad the biden administration was able to get him home. important task for the united states leaders to get every american citizen wrongfully detained back home. that's always the right place to start. it was pretty discrete and it doesn't indicate anything that has much to do with what vladimir putin is doing his aggression in ukraine today. it was a diplomatic issue. both folks wanted to get it off the table and biden administration wanted to get trevor home and i'm happy for him and his family. it is good news. i never like trading folks. it only encourages the bad guys. we saw this ourselves. so i regret that but these are tough decisions that i'm happy trevor reed is home with his family today. >> dana: no doubt it was on your mind when secretary of state here. the parents of trevor reed. >> our hearts were broken and out hearts go out to them. britney's family we'll decline to speak about her. that's what her people want. we hope that the william fam will have a reunion like ours soon. >> dana: it was a high priority to bring people like this home. we know britney and paul are in russia and others there you know about. would this trevor reed release portend that possibly the others will be released as well? >> dana, i pray that it is so. it was a real priority for us trying to get austin home from syria. we got folks back from iran. one of my highlights was getting three americans wrongfully detained in north korea who flew back and the fact that paul is being held in russia breaks my heart. i hope we can get both britney and paul home to their families. really important for the united states to get it done. >> bill: certainly would. paul whalen has been held for three years as well. putin is promising lightning fast strikes for countries who interfere. we've committed $3 billion to this cause and safe to assume the number will only go higher and perhaps precipitously so. earlier today the ministry of foreign affairs in moscow tweeting about the eastern section of moldova and they will conduct some sort of investigation that an incident that happened earlier this week. that's a clear signal now there is a very good chance of this war being even wider. would you agree on that or not? >> bill, i do think vladimir putin is sending a clear signal. we should listen to him and his words. i wish this administration had listened to his word in the fall with his intention and we had gun the support for the ukrainian people in the fall and the ukrainians could have been more successful than to date. it is the case that while there are many applauding the success of the ukrainians. it has been remarkable. vladimir putin's intentions have no indication that he will change. he wants to restore greater russia whether it's moldova or to expand out of someplace in europe. you can imagine sweden, finland being on edge. putin's intentions has made clear. when he talks about lightning strikes i think he is responding to the fact the united states has done anything but respond in a lightning quick way. we have slow and late and i think he views himself as more successful. he can be fast, if he can be quick because he thinks the west, nato and europe will be slow to respond. we shouldn't forget the europeans are still buying natural gas from russia. they are underwriting this conflict every day. when you vladimir putin say that, the recognition that we have to go campaign with the europeans to deliver them the energy they need so they are no longer under the jack boot of vladimir putin. >> dana: we had neil ferguson on yesterday and he said in order to actually have deterrence theory work you have to show you are willing to be a deterrent and do you see that is a problem or us right now? >> i think the evidence of the atrocities we've seen in ukraine, the fact that vladimir putin chose to do this on the watch of the current chancellor of germany and this president, i think it is clear we lost capstone deterrents. we made sure all the bad guys, each understood the united states was serious and determined. when they began to move we crushed the taliban. when iran would kill more americans we took soleimani. we need actions that we're going to protect the things that matter to america. >> bill: we'll speak again. >> dana: a story we brought you at the start of the war in ukraine. trey yingst spoke with a blind man who was trapped in his home. trey went looking for him. good morning, trey. >> good morning. as ukrainian civilians remain in danger we have an update on one man we introduced you to at the beginning of this war. in early march, we meet him, a blind man trapped in the ukraine town. at the time his home sits near the front lines as russian troops fight for territory down the street. i hear some explosions, he says, i'm scared as everyone else. what can i do? seven weeks later we returned to the suburbs of kyiv searching for the 63-year-old. immediately upon arrival it is clear something terrible has happened. the gray fence where he said goodbye riddled with shrapnel holes. a pile of bricks lays between charred walls where his home once stood. his neighbors like victor don't know what happened to the man across the way. you see what happened to his roof. it melted down. was he there or not? i can't tell you. i don't know. victor explains that his daughter lives nearby and says she might have more information. we go to her house only to find a locked gate and boarded up windows. at the end of the block a resident offers a phone number for the woman. two people died, she explains, but vitale survived. >> his daughter says he is in a hospital. he was injured. he survived. we're headed to see him. >> at a hospital inside the ukrainian capital we looked for vitale up and elevator and down a short hallway is his room. a moment of joy and relief as we enter. nice to see you. how are you? you are okay. we're so happy you are okay. we were so worried about you. >> he takes his sunglasses off as he recalls what happened to his home. >> i heard a blast, it destroyed my windows and doors vitale says i am thinking i will burn here. like so many ukrainians vitale has lost everything since the war began. in march he was struggling to find food. in april he is struggling to find shelter. as we say goodbye his final words, sir, please help me. amid very dark times for ukraine, something to smile about, dana. >> dana: trey yingst, that was a beautiful package. thank you for bringing it to us. >> bill: well done. thank you, trey. 28 past now. markets open in a few minutes after a brutal new economic number on growth. unexpectedly shrinking. first time since the first quarter of 2020. that was pre-covid pandemic. lots of people thinking about the word recession. we'll ask maria about that coming up in a moment next here. president biden can soon be shifting the burden of student loan debt from the borrower to the taxpayer. what do you think about that today? 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>> that's right, dana. what you are seeing is an economy that's slowing. the federal reserve is going to be raising interest rates in an aggressive way. we will get another rate hike next week when the fed meets and when you look at the fact that inflation is at 40-year highs and we have massive supply disruptions because of the supply log jams in the pacific, that is turning out to be the worst of all worlds. what we have going on this morning is a gdp in the first read. we'll get revisions here. we'll get several revisions from this first quarter number. the gdp was down 1.4% versus and expectation it would be up 1.1%. to put it in context. in the fourth quarter of last year we had a gdp of 6.9%. so look how things have changed so quickly. 6.9% in the fourth quarter of last year up. down 1.4% just a few months later now in the first quarter of 2022. one of the reasons for this decline this morning is the snarled happening for our supplies chains. bottom line if the companies can't get the products to sell because they're stuck on ships in asia, they cannot make the earnings and it slows growth and it's part of the biggest issue. good news here is the consumer is still spending. yesterday i had an exclusive with the ceo of bank of america and he said people's balance sheets are very strong. listen to this. he said when you go to the account side, a person who had $1,000 or $2,000 in the bank today has a balance of $7,000. if you had a balance of 3 to 5,000 you're sitting on some $13,000 in your account. people are feeling strong in terms of their own personal balance sheets because they've been saving over the pandemic and also have been spending. however, inflation is out of control, 40-year high. that's one of the issues making things so much more expensive and hard to come by. we're in the middle of earnings season and we'll get apple earnings out tonight after the close. that is going to be the most talked about company tomorrow and that will set the tone. apple will give us a look into what consumer is doing, what the supply chains are doing, what china is doing. on the supply chains, even if you are producing in america, there are components that are coming from asia. i had the ceo from a company today, they make mammogram machines and he is all into women's health. he said sure, we're making our mammogram machines here in the u.s. but we still need the chips. they're coming from taiwan and asia. i think several months ago i mentioned to you recession for the first time in a long time. those cries about recession are getting louder. recession just to remind our viewers, two quarters of negative growth. we're now looking at the first quarter of negative growth, down 1.4% on gdp today. >> dana: thanks for explaining that all to us as we absorb and think about the number and digest it. thank you for that. we'll see you later today. >> bill: the education secretary expected to take heat from lawmakers next hour. president biden may cancel up to $50,000 in student debt per borrower. lydia hu with more on that today. will it happen? good morning to you. >> good morning there, bill. secretary cardona is on capitol hill today taking president biden's for the education department for next year to lawmakers. the department is asking for $88.3 billion in discretionary funding. a 15% increase over this year's budget and a 20% increase over 2021. as that ask for more money in made, president biden, like you said, is also considering forgiving student loan debt according to reports. on the campaign trail president biden called for a cancellation of $10,000 of student loan debt per borrower. that move would forgive $321 billion in student loans. but the recent report suggests he could go much farther than that as the progressive wing of the democratic party applies pressure ahead of the mid-term elections. >> i say to my colleagues, i think the president's moving in our direction. my talks with him and his staff have been very fruitful over the last little while. >> and many republicans are now sounding the alarm. >> another blunder by this administration. no offsets, $30 trillion in debt. the country is headed to bankruptcy. here he is to buy votes and curry favor with, i assume, the mid-terms. >> now a decision on the canceling student loan debt is expected to come before august 31 when the current pause on repayment expires, bill. >> bill: okay. lydia. we're watching it. interesting times. lydia hu on the hill. >> dana: wild video out of new york city. a group of carjackers jumping onto the hood of a vehicle, one attacking the driver before speeding away in his van. what's being done to stop these brazen criminals. major brands use their influence to back the black lives matter movement in the summer of 2020. but now crickets? as the black murder rate soars. leo terrell is here and with us next. ♪♪♪ i brought in ensure max protein, with thirty grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks! 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indictment and ruled prosecutors can take the case back to a grand jury and seek another indictment. adding to the pain and anger of the victim's mother the 17-year-old alleged gunman was given probation after pleading guilty in connection with an armed robbery in 2020. his mug shot was obtained by the "new york post." sentencing judge in that case cited a report that menendez was prosecuted as a juvenile defender and doing well in school. the man killed in the bronx by him was targeted in the case of mistaken identity by gang members. his mother who watched the judge drop the charges in a video link said she was told by prosecutors seeking life in prison. she toll the paper when i hear the judge say release him i koun believe it. this is why they keep killing because there are no consequences. the nypd is asking for the public's help in identifying five men that took place in a brazen auto theft caught on camera. the driver of a kia van kol eye he with a lexus, both cars hit a park hon today see an. as the victim fled. the driver of the lexus remain behind and charged with robbery. the men being sought are between 18 and 25 years old. >> dana: two years after an outpouring of support for the black lives matter movement those same companies are now falling silent on the drastic spike in black americans murdered in 2020. leo terrell is a civil rights attorney. corporations that donated to racial equity groups. apple $100 million. target $10 million. facebook 10 million. new statistics we have about the murder rates of black americans at record highs and extremely upsetting yet you don't hear anything. >> i tell you why. the money given by these big corporations, $90 million was to buy peace and avoid harassment from blm. they didn't have the objective of trying to resolve the issue. that's the problem, dana. black population is only 13% of the country and there are more blacks killed than whites. that's crazy. that is unbelievable. why? because there is a total disregard for any type of resolution other than white cops, black suspects. black lives matter has no other agenda. it is not designed to work and resolve the problem. it is designed to raise money playing the race card. >> bill: we asked blm for a response to this and it hasn't happened. they have other issues, too, like where did millions and millions of dollars go that are now unaccounted for. >> we have to have a frank conversation on this. they don't want to resolve the issue. it is a fundraising mechanism to raise money on fear of playing a race card. i'm a board of director of one community that goes into the community, works with the small business owner, bring in the police and have dialogue. i would love for someone to ask black lives matter what is your intention on getting into the community with the community and the police and creating dialogue? you don't hear that discussion because it is not on their agenda. >> dana: we've been watching and lawrence jones went to chicago talking to a man there who has dedicated his life to the local solution that can really help. ask you about this. experts are saying that you have the riots, you had defund the police, and all of these things caused police to pull back. here is hannah meyer at the manhattan institute and focuses on public safety. watch here. >> certainly after these large viral incidents there is a tangible, measurable police pullback. i think that's not even p controversial at this point where police maybe unconsciously are receipt sent to step in and know there is a big blowback with their involvement in crime. >> dana: you think that could be leading to some of this uptick in crime across the country? >> she is right. absolutely right. the question is why? they don't want the blowback of being called a racist. why would a police officer risk his family and reputation of being accused. it is safer for him to pull back. it's very basic. makes perfect sense. >> bill: has that group you are working with -- >> it's in dallas and >> bill: you live in los angeles. has this group in dallas been effective? >> they work with people in the prisons and communities with the barber shops. they have a relationship with law enforcement to have in-kind time to work and gather information and talk to the community. it has developed. it is small. i'm on the board because it is working. it is not large enough. i'm upset because it is not large enough. these corporations because of p.r., they give a donation to blm and ignore organizations that are committed to working. >> bill: you think about what could you do in dallas with $100 million from nike or amazon. >> or chicago or los angeles. wake up, corporations. if their agenda is to resolve the problem, there are organizations out there. if they want p.r. and patted on the back and look at us working with blm, nothing will get done. glad to be here, say hi to percy. >> bill: coming up momentarily watching this hearing now. mayorkas is back on the hill. next hour we're monitoring that and give you updates and headlines when they become available. apple's latest update is making some heads turn. say hello to the pregnant man. is it time to tweet or text? is it time to put the woke ideas to bed? >> dana: yes. ♪♪♪ at, finding perfect isn't rocket science. kitchen? sorted. hot tub, why not? and of course, puppy-friendly. we don't like to say perfect, but it's pretty perfect., booking.yeah. you're probably thinking that these two are in some sort of lover's quarrel. no, no, no. they're both invested... in green energy. and also each other. digital tools so impressive, you just can't stop. what would you like the power to do? with less moderate-to-severe eczema, why hide your skin if you can help heal your skin from within? hide my skin? not me. dupixent helps keep you one step ahead of eczema, with clearer skin and less itch. don't use if you're allergic to dupixent. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be 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cash? with the newday100 loan, you can get up to $60,000 or more and lower your payments $615 a month. no bank, no lender, no one knows veterans like newdayusa. >> bill: apple is raising a few eyebrows over this emoji. a pregnant man. the update includes an apparent third gender person wearing a crown. my next guest calls it lunacy and brings on greater gender confusion. ed vitagliano is the executive vice president of the -- characterize how you see this and why you call it lunacy. >> well, this is the way we've been looking at it. corporations certainly have the right to do what they want. i think they are making a big miscalculation. if i walked up to the front door of apple and said i want to come in because i have a great idea to make a better iphone they would tell me the get lost and you don't work here. i think increasing number of parents are saying you don't work in our family. we know our kids and know what's best for them. we don't appreciate you insinuating yourself between us and our kids via your new emojis or what have you. >> bill: you can raise a stink about it, ed. apple has made its decision. i think the reaction is fascinating. tammy bruce works with us here. she is a former liberal. she is openly gay. here is what she writes. the pregnant man does not exist. she writes, there are biological women who identify as men but still have the are productive systems intact and are capable of getting pregnant. men can't get pregnant and everyone knows it. to say otherwise is also an insult to trans sexuals who continue to be used by chess pieces like partisan political operatives as their lives are sensationalized. i imagine you don't disagree with the points tammy is making there. >> she is great and has great insight. comes from a background that's very germane to this discussion. you know, these are complex issues when you deal with gender and human sexuality. and that's why i think parents are -- corporate fat cats and insinuate themselves into the family especially in light of corporate hypocrisy. when apple has a lot of business in china with its own human rights abuses it becomes apparent to parents that these companies are after one thing, that's making the next buck. and they don't really care about the kids and that's what parents do care about. i think they want corporations to back off and let them do the parenting and apple make your iphones and what not and we'll take care of the family. >> bill: just make it clear you recognize young people struggle with their identity and they struggle with their gender and that's true. ed, thank you for coming on and we'll see where it goes. appreciate your time. >> thank you, bill. appreciate it. >> dana: fox news alert here. president biden has just made a statement about that gdp number. the number that came in at negative 1.4% as maria bartiromo told us last hour. it was expected to be 1.4%. it was instead negative. he is basically saying the american economy is powered by working families and is resilient in the face of historic challenges and that he believes that with the covid continuing, putin's invasion of ukraine and global inflation he still says the united states is in a position of strength and that he says we need to keep making progress. he wants to cut costs for working families and create good-paying jobs. goes on to say that he wants to raise taxes on -- raise taxes on the wealthy and we expect him to be making some comments at 10:45 this morning. he is expected to talk about ukraine and he is going to be asking congress for additional funding for ukraine but you can imagine that because this number is so poor and the economy shrank by 1.4% in the first quarter of the year the president will spend time talking about that around 10:45 this morning. we'll bring it to you live as it happens. and now this. >> like all of us, you have experienced failure in the course of your life. you should have a compass to help you recognize it. so if you identify our border as effectively managed right now, how would you identify failure? what would it be, 5 million crossings in a year? my god, man, own the moment. >> dana: homeland security secretary mayorkas facing harsh criticism over his handling of the border crisis. republicans calling his leadership a failure urging him to resign or face possible impeachment. that was just the warm-up, bill, as we prepare for fireworks from the house judiciary committee. welcome to a new hour of "america's newsroom." i'm dana perino. a busy day. >> bill: things are popping. nice to see you, lovely color, by the way. yes, in the spring. doesn't feel like it, does it? chilly in new york. bill hemmer, good morning. today's hearing getting underway any minute now. biden administration facing a lot of tough questions on plans to end title 42. circle on your calendar may 23 the date it is supposed to expire. how will it handle the alarming surge of migrants expected to cross by the day? mayorkas claims the administration has effectively managed the crisis. a quote from him. republicans saying the situation is out of control. >> dana: aishah hosni is on capitol hill. one of the things speaker pelosi said i won't be able to pass the president's priorities as the title 42 situation sits out there. what else do you know? >> that's right. everything on the hill right now is wrang ld up in title 42 because people are going back and forth debating about this. secretary mayorkas has a tough job indeed as you said, he has to try to convince persuade lawmakers on hill he has things under control. many are not convinced by him. so right now lawmakers on the hill are trying to sink their teeth into his new border security plan that he only unveiled just a few days ago to handle the impending surge on the border once title 42 is lifted. we have showed you this yesterday. republicans say look, nothing in this plan is actually about securing the border. >> the plan he laid out was to allow illegal immigrants to come here faster and easier, not to keep them out. >> arizona senator mark kelly added this about the mayorkas plan. i've read it and have more questions about additional resources will hit the ground. he is not the only democrat with questions for this administration. nearly 50 democrats including speaker nancy pelosi have reportedly expressed concern with the handling of title 42. here is white house press secretary jen psaki yesterday acknowledging all the emotions on the hill but trying to pass the buck onto the cdc. >> there are many strong feelings and points of view on capitol hill in the house and in the senate about title 42. it wasn't a decision made by the white house. it is a decision made to lift it by the cdc. >> dana, you are right. republicans on the hill are still insisting they want a vote on the record to extend title 42. they want to put the democrats on the record and that is tying everything up including that covid aid package. >> dana: it will be a heck of a few weeks. thank you. >> bill: speaking of this week now, it's a tough one shaping up for the administration. the gdp that came up under the floor, negative 1.4% during the first quarter. expected to be a positive number. it wasn't. a new gallup poll found 76% of americans say the economy is headed in the wrong direction. the issues on the border, title 42. real clear politics co-founder and president tom bevan is here to weigh in but first mark meredith from the north lawn. >> good morning to you. the white house is aware of that gdp report and certainly indicating that it will try to put a positive spin on the numbers. as you would imagine the numbers will speak for themselves. later today the president will be talking with the economy specifically what's going on with small businesses. the white house says it is seeing a boom in entrepreneurship. polling shows americans aren't quite celebrating the latest economy. gallup showing 42% of the people rate economic conditions as poor up from 26% a year ago. only 18% of the people say the current economy is good. gallup says if inflation keeps rising economic confidence is likely to drop further. the white house says it knows americans are worried about inflation but we're also hearing a different message from top administration officials who tell fox they are proud of their economic record. >> the decisions that were made to rescue the american economy i think are rightly credited with why we have low unemployment today and why more americans have more money in our pockets. everybody is entitled to their opinion. the bottom line we're working against inflation with everything we've got. >> but republicans are warning the economy is heading off a cliff. even some democrats think president biden could do more to address inflation. one idea progressives pushing, canceling student loan debt. >> inflation is affecting people, the rising gas prices because of profiteering of oil companies and the war in ukraine has been hurting people and why we need to invest in things like canceling student debt. >> we're seeing more and more high profile democrats urge the administration to cancel some form of debt between now and mid-term elections. there are questions whether the president has the authority and republicans warn you do this it will add more fuel to the fire. >> bill: nice to see you. >> dana: tom bevan the founder of real clear politics. closer to the mid-terms your juices are flowing. you love all these talks of politics. the number one issue for voters right now is inflation followed by immigration. and on those two particular issues as we just saw with the gdp number that came in and secretary mayorkas on the hill, those two issues are not going well for the administration but they don't seem to have a way to turn it around, tom. >> put all that in perspective. the job approval rating for biden is 41%. the economy, the number one issue is 37 1/2%. immigration as you mentioned is the number two issue, an issue that really animates republicans and independents in swing districts and states around the country, he is at 35% and some polls have him down in the 20s. and so they are facing a perfect storm of policy issues. many of which, as you point out, are of the administration's own making. the title 42 mess is exposing a schism within the party when they need to galvanize them for the elections coming up. instead you have democrats in vulnerable democrats across the country running in the other direction. >> bill: karl rove writes today. how badly will the democrats lose the mid-term elections? here is one paragraph. when strategists go on the record they face a shell acting. barack obama's word there. recriminations and finger pointing have already gun. we're told today fox digital is reporting this. that a leading democrat advisor tells us you can expect to see more of the president out on the road campaigning over the next six months. how does that play and i assume that decision comes from president biden himself. am i wrong? >> probably does. i'm not sure how many democrats want him to come campaign. does mark kelly want the president there in arizona? the president will be useful for some democrats to raise money and bring attention to some races but there are a lot of places in the country where i'm sure democrats will have scheduling conflicts as they like to say. so --- >> dana: like stacey abrams in georgia. >> we'll see how that plays out right now. the big problem for democrats is the administration. there is no one else to be held accountable for what's going on. democrats control the house, senate and white house. voters have nobody else to point the blame at other than the administration. >> dana: i have a question for you because we talk about title 42. if you could put up call for number 1. the democrats breaking from biden. i believe that the administration will find some way to not end title 42. at that point, then, all of these democrats who are in vulnerable position essential will have to find another issue to distance from president biden and it could be inflation. the increases if prices that people are paying for the things that they need to survive. you've got your proteins, milk, poultry, eggs and meat at 14%. that's a lot, tom. >> it is. the problem that the administration has on all the issues, immigration and student loan. it is not a guaranteed political winner. it will turn off independents and working class voters. inflation the same thing. the administration is stuck. they have to have a galvanized base. you can't win a mid-term without base turnout but without swing voters in swing districts. everything they're doing. if they choose one thing it will alieniate. >> bill: the list is long, would agree. thank you very much. >> dana: they might pull a rabbit out of their hat. all the stars align exactly the way that's needed. >> bill: this hearing is underway. jim jordan, dhs secretary mayorkas who probably has one of the more confounding jobs in america today. we expect fireworks at this hearing. house judiciary committee. we'll bring you the headlines and monitor it for you as it goes along. >> dana: a move that surprised readers of the l.a. time after the paper endorsed a republican in california. >> bill: there are more links between hunter biden's finances and those of his father and the white house insisting the president was never involved in his business dealings. jason chaffetz set to address that in minutes. >> again, nothing has changed about what i said yesterday. the president does not get involved in the business dealings of his son. your shipping manager left to “find themself.” leaving you lost. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit no one deserves the american dream of homeownership more than veterans. with matching your job 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liked it? >> it was funny. he tweeted i will buy mcdonalds and make sure all the ice cream machines work. >> dana: that's a theme. ice cream machines don't work. >> bill: what did you ask the other day, what would i buy if i had all the money in the world? >> dana: what would you buy in order to fix it. >> bill: the cincinnati reds right now. things are hurting. >> dana: good answer. >> bill: liberal leaning "l. a. times" endorsing a republican for controller in california. all right, here is the headline. many californians will balk at the idea voting for a republican. one way to restore sanity to the gop is elevate lanny chen who operate in the world of facts. that candidate is with us now. hello to you. good morning. i mean, how did you find out about this? >> it was early and my phone was kind of buzzing and so i was trying to reach over getting up in the morning and i looked at it and it looks like a picture of me and then i read the headline and i fell out of bed when i saw it. i was so surprised. but we're pleased to have the support of the "l. a. times." they understand like a lot of other californians do we need to restore the fiscal watchdog rule to the controllers office. >> dana: congratulations on the endorsement and see how the general election goes. california is thinking about increasing its gas tax. 68.50 cent per gallon. national average is 57 cents. california thinking about increasing that and show you the average gas prices there in california. way up at $5.68. last year $4. the average in the u.s. $4.14. the current government is saying we need more of the taxpayer dollars. what do you say as somebody who wants as you said restore fiscal sanity to the state? >> the challenge we have in california is not a revenue challenge. we're collecting plenty of tax revenue. we don't have transparency how the money is spent is the biggest problem we have. we have $20 billion in fraud in the unemployment insurance system. in 2019, $70 million went to dead people and k-12 schools are spending more but finishing last in the country. the problem we have in california is not that we need to figure out how to get more money from taxpayers. the problem is let's figure out is the money we're spending it. are we spending it effectively and if not how to change that? it's why i'm running for controller and the controller can provide transparency around every single dollar the state spends. >> bill: they call you a sharp thinker saying it's time for the fresh lens. i don't believe based on what i understand that the executive branch of the state government in sacramento there is not a single republican who holds office. if the "l. a. times" is endorsing you, how bad is it in california today? >> well, here is the problem, bill. you have a lot of go along to get along politicians in california. all the statewide elected officials, eight of them. they look after each other. that leaves nobody look after the taxpayer. you have to agree that dynamic is not good for our state. not good for our residents and not good for our kids and the future of our state. and so what we need is we need someone to go there and ask questions and be a watchdog. this is the fiscal watchdog of our state in california making sure the spending is being -- the money is being spent wisely. for too many years we've had a lap dog in this role. we need a watchdog, not a lap dog as state controller and why the reason "l. a. times" endorsed me. >> dana: how do you overcome the overwhelming number of democrats in the state? do you think that california is about to have maybe a change of heart or at least a willingness to vote in a republican such as yourself? >> you know, i talk to democrats and independents and republicans every single day. the amount of frustration with what's happening in our state. the amount of frustration when they see the homelessness, rising crime, inability of the state to get basic things done, even democrats and independents are frustrated and ready for a change in the sense they want someone to go in there and clean up shop. they don't want the typical insider. they want a political outsider to come in and make sure the state has accountability. i don't think that's a partisan issue, dana. i think it crosses partisanship. i believe we'll get the support of a lot of democrats and independents and bring it home in november. >> bill: if you win come back. lanny chen, nice to see you. >> thank you. good to see you. >> dana: democrat run city introducing new hand-outs in a effort to fight soaring gas prices. money earmarked for covid relief now being spent to promote critical race theory in schools. how are states getting away with that? we'll ask jason chaffetz right after the break. 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[whines] only pay for what you need. ♪liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty.♪ >> bill: chicago now, they're responding to soaring gas prices by handing out more than $12 million in pre-paid cards. that's one way to do it. grady trimble live from the windy city. grady, hello. >> 12 million taxpayer dollars. families who meet certain income requirements can apply. here is how the program will work. the city will give out 50,000 gas cards worth $150 each, as well as 100,000 public transit cards worth $50 each. several aldermen who voted against the proposal called it a campaign gimmick and political stunt. 2023 is, after all, an election year for the mayoral office in chicago. businessman willie wilson, who is running for mayor, was similarly critical. he has given away more than $2 million in free fill-ups around chicago but he has done it with his own money. at the federal level, democrats continue to blame oil companies for the high gas prices saying they are lining their pockets. some democrats say progressive policies will help solve the problem. >> that's why we need to invest in things like canceling student debt and things like childcare to bring down the cost of childcare. investing in housing that would make it more affordable. >> companies are seizing on the high prices to win over customers. wal-mart, for example, is offering savings of up to 10 cents per gallon at 14,000 gas stations around the country only if you pay for their yearly subscription wal-mart plus. >> bill: it's one way or you could frack. you have options. thank you, grady, in chicago. dana. >> dana: new research verified by fox news is revealing that blue states are using billions in taxpayer dollars to push critical race theory in public schools. here to talk about it is fox news contributor and former congressman jason chaffetz. let's put this on the board. california 1.5 billion for resources on high need topics like implicit bias training. new york $9 billion for putting diversity, equity and inclusion at the heart of education and illinois $5.1 on the same. this covid money was given by taxpayers in a generous show of understanding and need to improve circulation at school, the h vac systems. >> 122 billion dollars was given through the department of education. the idea was they needed to work on the ventilation systems. they needed computers for -- laptops for teachers to teach remotely. they needed to make retrofit a lot of these schools so they could go school lunches properly. no, now it ends up they're using that money for critical race theory, equity, all these different diversion programs that the democrats have always been on the wish list. they could never pass this individually. but they tapped into $122 billion all by themselves. democrats passed this all by themselves. >> bill: proper ventilation is how it was sold to us. we had to fix the windows. >> can't get kids back in school until then. >> bill: isn't this the problem. you get the bill passed and you can do what you want with it. >> that's the fundamental problem. i don't believe there should even be a federal department of education. let the money follow the kids. how much better could education be in the inner cities if the money went to educating kids and giving the resources to those kids and creating these opportunity zones that ten tore tim scott talks about. it is going to their pet projects in blue states. that's the problem. >> bill: the irony of all of this is that the zoom classes that went from the school to the home were seen by the parents and blew up the entire operation. >> dana: there was an another topic we want to get to before we lose you. the "new york post" cover is about the hunter biden story. no shadow of a doubt. this is regarding the situation where you have schwerin, hunter biden's business partner, at the white house 27 times. jason, i don't know how many times you went to the white house as a congressman on official business. probably wasn't 27 times. >> it is getting increasingly difficult for the white house to justify and say that hunter biden and joe biden were arms length in their business dealings. they co-shared and account with each other, checking account. but now what the oversight committee has uncovered and the question that is going to the president of hunter biden's company, the question is why is it that you sent an email saying that joe biden's tax return money should be going to hunter biden? it just shows they had this co-mingling of funds and why is it that hunter biden's business partner is asking for joe biden's tax returns because it is really hunter's money? that's a huge question. >> bill: if you are able to prove that what they've been saying is not true -- chairman of the oversight committee, right -- would it be possible for joe biden as president to run out the clock in his presidency and not have to fairly answer this question before you or a lawyer or someone else watching? >> that's always been the game. you just run out the clock, pretend it never happened. day after day there is more revelations about the co-mingling between joe biden, hunter biden, and all of these other business partners in the pictures that start to come out. the manifests out there, opening up the call logs, opening up the logs of who is going into the white house itself. i think jen psaki is just lying to the american people at this point because the evidence is there. she may choose to ignore it and not look at it but to say that there is no interaction is just false at this point. >> dana: well, here is the thing. she might be just saying what she was -- if she asked a question. they'll ask me today once again. my answer is the same. so that's the answer that she giving not necessarily her saying it, you know what i mean? >> pick up the newspaper which is her job to read the text of the emails. this is why what she said in the past is no longer true. >> dana: it is what biden said in the past. he should not be let off the hook on that. if you are the press secretary you aren't coming up with policy. >> bill: two things on the field now. the federal grand jury in delaware. who knows what they come back with and when and republicans take over one branch of congress at least and they'll come to power the first week of january and the hearings will be pronto. can he run out the clock over a two-year period? >> your subpoena is only as good as your ability to enforce that subpoena. when i was chairman of the oversight committee i had to look at eric holder to try to get it enforced. if the media is going to do its job and give an honest assessment. which they haven't done so far. they have to look at this and print the story. >> bill: great to see you in person. >> dana: nice tie as well. >> bill: his wife picked it out for him. >> it works, >> bill: extended lockdowns giving rise to an older medical problem affecting children. new warnings of a perfect storm for measles and the horrifying death of a 10-year-old girl by a 14-year-old boy whom she knew. >> it is a terrifying things for parents to deal with is to worry about can my child be the next victim of a crime? until you find out who you believe the perpetrator to be, that's very concerning. ♪ ♪ i came, i saw, i conquered. 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>> yeah, good morning, bill. thanks for having me. yes, it sounds like the 14-year-old boy has admitted doing the crime. so the first decision the prosecutors have to make is do they charge him as an adult or a minor? it sounds like they'll charge him as an adult. in my opinion they really should because this is such a heinous crime. it is not just a murder but there is also a sexual assault involved. so bill, what the prosecutors are going to do is ask the juvenile court. the case always starts in the juvenile court. they'll ask them to waive jurisdiction and have the case heard in adult court. >> chippewa falls, wisconsin, western part of the state. there are these cases that occur that are so revolting that even if you follow crime for a living, which you do, these are the cases that truly stand out. and you remember cases like these years from now, oftentimes they set precedent. i don't know if that will be the case here. think about this young girl involved. >> bill, i'm a single parent and have a daughter a little older than this little girl who was murdered. this hits home with parents worldwide. i talked to my daughter about being careful even walking down the block. that's the world we live in these days. but i think, bill, an important issue here is what are we going to do with minors who commit heinous crimes like this? wisconsin happens to be one of the strictest states. wisconsin, texas and georgia are three are the most strict states in prosecuting minors for crimes like this. bill, if we were in california, this happened in l.a. county, i don't think this 14-year-old boy would be prosecuted as an adult. so at the end of the day you have to measure are 14-year-olds cognitively able to make a determination as to right versus wrong? are they mature enough to make such a decision versus do you have to prosecute these kids? one last point, bill. a case in wisconsin a couple of years ago a young boy murdered a 7-year-old relative. buried the girl in the snow. he ended up getting 20 years in jail. so i would suspect you will have a similar type of sentence for this 14-year-old boy assuming he is convicted. >> bill: if convicted he could face life in prison on that top charge. wow. brian, thank you for helping us through this today. brian claypool. nice to see you. >> dana: russian president vladimir putin reiterates his threats of nuclear retaliation against countries helping ukraine. no one seems to be deterred. countries are sending more aid. why is that? 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>> to be honest, the turning point from the united states i think was april 25th which was two days ago when we had secretary of defense spoke to ministers of defense of the european countries and actually committed that ukraine will win this war. it means that the united states will stand behind ukraine and support with all the necessary weapons, military support, everything that is needed. right now the key that is needed and we still keep asking for that is the artillery, air defense system and they just started to send and ship it to ukraine. unfortunately that is what we have been asking for the last two months and we could have saved hundreds -- thousands of lives if we had these military support, these arms earlier. right now the key thing that ukraine keeps asking is more financial support because so far we've been hearing about one billion, three billion in support. we need at least $40 billion right now to be able to land and buy weapons from the united states. that -- >> bill: we're out of time. thank you for yourself. congratulations on your beautiful child. more money coming your way as this thing continues to grind on. thank you and good luck. >> dana: we'll keep an eye on her. thank you so much. here is harris faulkner with "the faulkner focus". >> harris: that was interesting. don't know if you caught that at the tail end with dana and bill and their guest. there was a specific number that that guest spit out, $40 billion is what they would need right now. of course, the president of the united states is set to talk about and put at least verbally his support to ukraine and possibly a lot more money. but when you talk in those big terms, when you talk about dollars like that considering what we've already given, is there something other than money that needs to be done at this point, especially

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Person , Teen , On The Run , Carjacking , Five , Murder , David Lee Miller , David Lee , 21 , Prosecutors , Victim , Judge , Indictment , Son , Anger , Grand Jury , Gunman , Probation , Juvenile Defender , Sentencing Judge , Armed Robbery , Connection , Doing Well In School , New York Post , Mug Shot , Menendez , 17 , Identity , Gang Members , Him , Video Link , Paper , Nypd , Life In Prison , Killing , Consequences , Public , Auto Theft , Cars , Lexus , Camera , Van Kol Eye He , Park Hon , Robbery , 25 , Spike , Outpouring , Corporations , Statistics , Equity Groups , Murder Rates , Attorney , Record Highs , Facebook , 0 Million , 00 Million , 100 Million , 10 Million , Peace , Objective , 90 Million , Population , Whites , Blacks , Total , Agenda , Type , Disregard , Resolution , Race Card , Cops , Black Suspects , Hasn T , Millions , Dollars , Response , Conversation , Community , Board , Director , Fundraising Mechanism , Small Business Owner , Fear , Police , Discussion , Dialogue , Wall , Solution , Chicago , Experts , Riots , Lawrence Jones , Police Pullback , Incidents , Tangible , Manhattan Institute , Public Safety , Hannah Meyer , Blowback , Receipt , Involvement , Uptick , Reputation , Police Officer , Racist , Dallas , Communities , Prisons , Barber Shops , Relationship , Law Enforcement , Enough , Donation , P R , Organizations , Wake Up , Nike , Amazon , Patted , The Hill , Heads , Percy , Ideas , Yes , Kitchen , Booking Com , Finding Perfect Isn T Rocket Science , Sorted , Hot Tub , Friendly , Booking Yeah , Eczema , Vision , Eye Problems , Changes , Eye Pain , Step , Itch , Dupixent , Infection , Joint Aches , Asthma , Windshield , Tech , Replacement , Safelite , Clicks , Tech Vo , Singers , Safelite Repair , Release , My Life , Golo , Steve , 138 , 9 , Kid , Path , Homeownership , The American Dream , More , Down Payment , Payments , Rates , Newday100 Loan , 60000 , 615 , Gender , Guest , Crown , Gender Confusion , Emoji , Eyebrows , Executive Vice President , Ed Vitagliano , Door , Miscalculation , Kids , Iphone , Tammy Bruce , Emojis , Stink , Women , Liberal , Chess Pieces , Insult , Systems , Sexuals , Background , Tammy , Points , Operatives , Insight , Human Sexuality , Business , Light , Hypocrisy , Fat , Cats , Care , Buck , Human Rights , Parenting , Room Service Scam , Gdp Number , Face , Working Families , Challenges , Costs , Strength , Position , Covid Continuing , Invasion , Making Progress , Taxes , Comments , Jobs , Wealthy , 45 , Failure , Compass , 5 Million , Crisis , Handling , Criticism , Leadership A Failure Urging , God , Fireworks , Warm Up , House Judiciary Committee , Spring , Impeachment , Title , Questions , Plans , Chilly , Circle , Calendar , 42 , Situation , Control , Surge , Quote , Priorities , Aishah Hosni Is , Speaker Pelosi , Hill , Ld Up , Wrang , Border Security Plan , Teeth , Mark Kelly , Immigrants , Arizona , Concern , Feelings , White House Press Secretary , Points Of View , Emotions , Cdc , House , It Wasn T A Decision , Record , Vote , Heck , Covid Aid Package , It Wasn T , 76 , Issues , Tom Bevan , Real Clear Politics , Co Founder , Mark Meredith , Businesses , Gdp Report , Entrepreneurship , Polling , Conditions , Boom , Gallup , 26 , Confidence , Officials , Unemployment , Tell Fox , Everybody , Pockets , Opinion , Cliff , Oil Companies , Progressives , Profiteering , Profile , Form , Fire , Authority , Fuel , Juices , Politics , Perspective , Job Approval Rating , 41 , Independents , Swing Districts , 37 1 2 , Storm , Which , 35 , Party , Mess , Making , Schism , Paragraph , Country Running , Karl Rove , Shell Acting , Strategists , Finger , Recriminations , Advisor , Barack Obama , Fox Digital , Campaigning , Play , On The Road , Six , President , Places , Races , Want , Attention , Else , Scheduling Conflicts , Stacey Abrams In Georgia , Nobody , Call , What S Going On , Accountable , Blame , Prices , Increases , Proteins , Milk , Position Essential , Student Loan , Eggs , Meat , Poultry , 14 , Winner , Base , Working Class , Swing Voters , Base Turnout , List , Alieniate , Stars , Rabbit , Hat , Jim Jordan , Headlines , Readers , Jason Chaffetz , Father , Business Dealings , Finances , Links , Dealings , The Business , Indeed Instant Match , Shipping Manager , Find Themself , Visit , Job Description , Zero Down Home , Zero , Newday100 , The Call , Ten , Groceries , 5g Network , Stuff , Xfinity Mobile , Verizon , 5 , Savings , Concert Tickets , Store , Shows , Squad , Device , Samsung , 400 , Takeover , Elon Musk , Cocaine , Coca Cola , 1929 , World , Machines Don T Work , Theme , Ice Cream Machines Work , Mcdonalds , Headline , Controller , L A Times , Cincinnati Reds , Facts , Californians , Lanny Chen , Candidate , Idea Voting , Sanity , Picture , Watchdog , Election , Thinking , Congratulations , Controllers Office , Gas Tax , Endorsement , Rule , 68 50 , 57 , Average , 68 , U S 4 14 , 5 68 , 4 14 , 4 , Taxpayer Dollars , Revenue Challenge , Challenge , Restore Fiscal Sanity , Transparency , Unemployment Insurance System , Tax Revenue , Fraud , K 12 , 70 Million , 12 , 2019 , 20 Billion , 0 Billion , Taxpayers , Figure , Thinker , Dollar , Lens , Office , State Government , Executive Branch , Go , Eight , Dynamic , Residents , Lap Dog , Being , Role , State Controller , Willingness , Change Of Heart , Frustration , Amount , Homelessness , Shop , Insider , Outsider , Inability , Support , Partisanship , Accountability , Effort , Hand Outs , Run City , Covid Relief , Property , Gator , Fun , Legacy , Tradition , Mother Cows , Decoys , Dogs , Farmer , Tv , Professional , Cfp , We Wouldn T , Land , Hats , Ranching , Cal , Deere Com , Professional , Visit Letsmakeaplan Org , Homeowners , Letsmakeaplan Org , Home Values , 96602 , 6602 , 62810 , 2810 , Retirement , Save , Home Equity , Soaring , 58800 , 8201 , 8800 , 68201 , Root , Causes , 0300 , 60300 , Tru Niagen , Nad , Cells , Muscle , Body , Marcia , Periodontal Disease , Institutions , Energy Production , The World , Aging , Dental Implants , Clearchoice , Forde , Key , Plaque Psoriasis , Otezla , Pill , Cream , Choice , Memories , Depression , Weight Loss , Thoughts , Nausea , Vomiting , Symptoms , Medicines , Weight , Treatment , Upper Respiratory Tract Infection , Eyes , Xiidra , Inflammation , Over The Counter , Eye Drops , Ache , Burn , Eye Disease , Signs , Discomfort , Taste Sensation , Eye Irritation , Dry Eye Disease , Liberty Mutual , Prescription , Pay , Dry Eye , Car Insurance , 0 , First Time , Backpack , Scarf , Marco , Tux , Wow , Whines , Cards , Grady Trimble , 12 Million , 2 Million , City , Program , Income Requirements , Aldermen , Proposal , Campaign Gimmick , Public Transit , 100000 , 150 , Willie Wilson , Mayor , Million , 2023 , Childcare , Investing , Housing , Cost , Wal Mart , Gas Stations , Customers , Example , 14000 , Subscription , Frack , Options , New Research Verified , Contributor , Education , Bias Training , Inclusion , 5 1 , 1 , 1 5 Billion , School , Same , Show , Circulation , Vac Systems , 122 Billion Dollars , Computers , Ventilation Systems , Laptops , Teachers , Diversion Programs , School Lunches , The Wish List , Isn T This The Problem , Cities , Opportunity Zones , Tim Scott , Zoom Classes , Blue States , Irony , Pet , Cover , Operation , Hunter Biden Story , Shadow Of A Doubt , Schwerin , Business Partner , Wasn T 27 Times , 27 , Oversight Committee , Joe Biden , Checking Account , Funds , Tax Return Money , Email , Saying , Tax Returns , Hunter , Chairman , Presidency , Clock , Lawyer , Revelations , Co Mingling , Game , Logs , Pictures , Business Partners , Manifests , Interaction , Newspaper , Press Secretary , You Aren T , Text , Emails , Hook , Coming Up With Policy , Hearings , Week , Branch , Least , The Field , Grand Jury In Delaware , Pronto , Media , Subpoena , Eric Holder , Haven T , Tie , Wife , Assessment , Measles , Lockdowns , Warnings , Rise , Ties Com , Boy , Child , Girl , Death , Perpetrator , Caesar , Hail , Team , Julius , Ha , Health Leaders , Side Effect , Childhood Vaccine Campaigns , Molly , Hi , 19 , Cases , Outbreaks , Warning , World Health Officials , World Health Organization , 9665 , 17000 , 79 , Somalia , Unicef , Ethiopia , Nigeria , Yemen , Afghanistan , Diseases , Disruption , Harbinger , Childhood , Horizon , Illnesses , Vaccination , 93 9 , Kids Aren T , Stats , Health Officials , Flu , Spreads , Adult , Name , Immunizations , Lily Peters , Eighth Grader , Lily , Strangling , Details , Sexual Assault , Degree , Count , Homicide , Bodily Harm , Brian Claycomb , Admission , Understanding , Minor , Juvenile Court , Wisconsin , Chippewa Falls , Jurisdiction , Adult Court , Western , Living , Precedent , Parent , Hits , Minors , Crimes , Block , Prosecuting , L A County , Georgia , Texas , Determination , Wrong , Relative , Sentence , Snow , 7 , Brian Claypool , Threats , Aid , Retaliation , Investment Ideas , Baby , Merrill , Sleep , Science , Sound Engineer , Record Label , Taking Off , Eye Drop , Vuitytm , First , Fda , Reading Glasses , Wait , Prescription Eye Drop , Drop , Focus , Uh Huh , Yep , Machinery , Activities , Vision Loss , Caution , Vuity , Harris Faulkner , Eye Redness , They Haven T , Critics , Calling A Disinformation Governance Board , Tom Homan , Will Cain , Credit Card , Raymond Arroyo , Desk , Menu , Scammers , Hotel , 6000 , Don T Know , Scam , Scammer , We Don T , Defense , Secretary , Threat , Strike , Wednesday , Nations , Sasha , Washington D C , Member Of Parliament , Somewhere , Shelling , Bomb , Bombs , Inviting , Subway , Shelters , Couldn T , Equipment , Babies , Victory , Victoria , Rallies , Peaceful Ukraine , Chances , Weakness , Russian Army , 24 , 48 , Efforts , Gratitude , Voice , Point , April 25th , Ministers , Weapons , Air Defense System , Artillery , Hundreds , Three Billion , One Billion , 40 Billion , Luck , The Faulkner Focus , Spit Out ,

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