Transcripts For FOXNEWS Fox News at Night With Shannon Bream

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Fox News at Night With Shannon Bream 20240708

our breakdown is today on the hot seat. and covid in use for the chief medical advisor. fight dr. anthony ouchi is backtracking efforts saying tha the us is out of the pandemic phase. day ten up that johnny depp and amber heard trial. how the doorman and the car -- parts out the caribbean start laughing out loud. expect that by demonstrations planned to manage the growing crisis on our southern border hitting the proverbial fail my capitol hill wednesday. kevin corke shows us. good to have you back. >> it is a rough day at capital help on one congressman means you resign from your job and another called you a liar to your face but it was that kind of day for the point man on the shocking security lapses along the southern border. >> a doubled building on capito hill today for homeland securit secretary alejandra majorca's spirit as a digital closes into the end date. we will not operational control of the border. >> despite agent calling for th policy which allows them to expel migrants due to the virus 19 pandemic to remain a place, the department of homeland security nearly replaced six-point plan will now push more resources to the southern border with an aim far more expedited removal. but defied new york us was firs to admit today that ending titl fortitude could prompt a greate surge at the border. there is no question that if we counter 18,000 people in a single day, that will seriously strain straighten our capabilities the numbers are staggering, more than 221,000 migrants for encountered in march alone. that's an average of about 7,00 a day. worse, things have gotten so ba that dhs is taking money from other agencies, including the v to address the border crisis. >> is that appropriate to be taking resources away from the va to help with the search of the barter? >> having support and resources for our nation's veterans as a top priority to the present empirical we also want to take steps at the border as we had anticipated increase in migrant coming to the barter to keep th american people safe. help is on the way. the administration announced that approximately 600 law enforcement personnel and other government agencies will now be going to the border to beef up force that authority 23,000 strong. the rest of lawmakers that don' think that will make much of a difference. it sounds a lot like the planet templates, which is simply to expedite people coming through the process so in effect make i easier for people to get from the border into the interior of the country. >> of that was disappointing picks disappointing on capitol hill pics for lloyd mcknight and a new quinnipiac survey tha about 10% of americans leave that immigration is the most urgent issue facing the country and that is second only to inflation. for his part, mallorca's stood during testimony to previous statements that white supremacy is the top threat to the homeland. >> regard to talk about an upcoming holiday shortly when you join smm minute. lets talk with a couple of experts about their big takeaways from the secretary prospect testimony today. and national border patrol council brandon judd. a want to talk about what he se about managing the border we inherited a system that is already under strain pit is not built to manage the current levels and types of migratory flows spirit only congress can fix this. that we have effectively manage an unprecedented number of noncitizens seeking to enter th united states. here is what axes were part of about a week or so ago. concerned about lifting title 4 which is expected to come and i maybe her private area by the 200 public posturing that the administration is prepared for its potential influx of migrant so he says we were given a broken system and if done a goo job managing the situation and privately telling people he snowboard about what's going happen with title 42. >> and that is the problem. he cuts the talks about the problem is behind closed doors but he won't tell the american public that truth. the american public's right to know. two under 50 minds stretches an it's can totally un- patrolled. we are not managing this crisis. that is not managing yet. when you have 8,000 people that we are resting every day, that is not managing a crisis that i that immigration plan, it's not a border security plan. everybody wants a secure border and we just don't have that right now. so let's talk about that. this is that plan about searching personnel and speedin up the processing of migrants. it is there on the screen and they are planning a part of it. what do you make of the plan. in that statement he said that there were operational control of the border. with these historic metrics to be able to say that, it is a slap in the face to ice, to congress, and to the american people. by the way, it is caused him to use credibility with all of them . what we are seeing here is a typical politics and national security intersection. the american public expects tha the government is always going to prioritize their safety and security over politics. instead this administration's immigration efficacy groups calling the shots of the white house regarding immigration policies, specifically remain i mexico in title 42 and what these policies are doing to the country is it is undercutting every national security program that we have put in place since september 11 attacks where our immigration system was exploited . >> so velma lucian is our guy he's been covering this for a long time along with our other crews were dedicated to that work. he said alejandro mayorkas testified to ed in private with agents in august, he called the situation unsustainable and sai we are going to lose. last month saw thought most in history. can you speak to that odd all about what agents up and pulp what the public says. >> absolutely. he spoke with agent sonny spoke with them candidly and told the flat out. and this was back when we were apprehending about 170,000 people per month. he said that we are about to lose operation control. he got pushed back from the agents themselves say we alread lost that control. when you have artie pulled so many of the resources out of th build to do administrative duties, detention security, tha is when you use operation control and it's its article lost and agents flat out told him that. is not telling the american people that and he must be held accountable appeared i'm going to play from democrat out of georgia couple days ago. here is what he said. >> democrats are afraid to talk about border security and republicans are afraid to talk about establishing at pap to legal status for the folks who are here and otherwise follow the law and be part of our society. how do we solve this for good a that human beings that are caught in the middle of this thing? how do we solve this problem fo them. >> the democrats, if i can recall, are running the show picnic at the white house, the house, the senate. so start the process that excus of it as a broken system, that doesn't mean you don't secure the borders of article country. back to what you were previousl speaking about, this is a very dangerous game when you try to appease career officials at experts and the department of homeland security and tell them one thing and then tell the public another. i think that is why alejandro mayorkas finds himself in the position of being forced out in the white house will send it a new messenger to paddle this nonsense. have resigned on its own or if he sticks around until january, he will be impeached once the republicans take control. >> you've got a six-point plan out their. the lifting of title ii, looks like impending and more permanently action regarding that we will stand by and what his fate is viewed we take you both for your time is always. >> the president's chief medica advisor, dr. anthony pouch he i facing a fresh round of criticism after walking the comments he made tuesday that the us is out of the pandemic phase of coronavirus. trace gallagher is on the case for us tonight. >> that paid internet could be just a simple case of pandemic whiplash because i just interested do say into said apparently over. >> we are certainly frightened now in this country out of the pandemic phase. but hold the celebration becaus five wednesday morning the pandemic was back on nothing of change, mind you, except dr. fauci's opinion by no final means doesn't mean the pandemic is over. now because president by the tenth to ad lib. a victim of th white house has become expert a walking statements back or as they call a clarifying. it if the white house helped doctor pouch he clarify his new opinion agenda sake certainly agreed with the new definition. watch her pay expect there's no question that we are in a moment , a different moment in our fight against covid but we know that covid is not over and the pandemic is not over pay expect well dr. fauci -- because of fears that might be spreader event come, although president biden will attend, though he plans to skip the thinner part. we shipped out that the president as fully vaccinated and boosted, but then again so is vice president harris and sh has now covid positive in takin the drug. and we have some fastening vastly pulled numbers unmasking from quinnipiac one week after judge struck down mass mandates on public transportation. the poll shows 51% of americans say people should not be required to wear a mask on public transportation and yet 56 % said even without a mandate, they will still wear a mask. and how does this for political division. 80% of democrats say we should be required to wear a mask on airplanes. 80 for% of republicans say we should not. it's notable the new cdc study says there's a three out of fiv people carry covid antibodies that% of us population has already had covid. at i suspect it might be higher. i am no scientist so i will follow their numbers and cpa thank you so much. breaking tonight accusing the network up reaching her contrac and violating her free-speech rights. front allegedly retaliated against her for speaking out against the corporate vaccine mandate in the podcast interview . wall street journal claiming that espn's handling of her situation was an example of selective enforcement of a network policy that is opposed to presenting -- on social issues. the russian forces breaking up bob demonstration wednesday a city that russia claims it controls as vladimir putin issues another nuclear warning to ukraine's western allies. we have the latest on that situation on the ground alive from lviv tonight. >> hi, shannon. president zelenskyy gave a speech marking the 35th anniversary up the chernobyl disaster here in which he calle for global control of russia's nuclear weapons. one former defense intelligence tells fox that is his call might've been reckless and provocative and is only going t anger vladimir putin, who gave yet another warning yesterday t any country that assists ukraine . >> if anyone intends to intervene in the ongoing event on the outside and create strategic defense from russia that is unacceptable, they should know that our patella three strikes will be fast. we have all the tools for this, things no one else can boast of having. we will not boast. we will just use them if necessary. >> of the us secretary of defense tells fox news that despite russia's ongoing nuclea threat, he does not think this war will and let some type of nuclear action. >> for that think of is it's dangerous and any kind of rhetoric like that, i think is not helpful. we said over and over again tha the board cannot be won by either side. and so i think saber rattling and rhetoric like that is just not helpful. in ukraine in the southern city new claims of a russian crackdown on dissent president happened protesting any princes that russian troops use tear ga stun grenades to disperse one group kherson was the first cit to fall. that now come up the natural ga may claim president phil lenski calls it -- edges shows that european countries cannot do economic interactions with russia. >> thank you very much. first stop if our crime roundup breaking tonight one person sho and killed and three others injured up a target store in florida up the shares says two deputies were involved in the shooting but they are okay. we will continue to monitor the story. i knew details in a ten-year-ol that was killed and it rocked a small wisconsin town the suspec charged with murder is only 14 picky has been charged in adult court, identified only by his initials cvp. he faces first degree homicide and sexual assault charges prosecutors argued for a hefty fine given the severe charges and disturbing details he told law enforcement. we want to warn you about this audio that you are about to hear . it is graphic. this is sound from a district attorney of court today. >> 's intention was to pray for health effects come from the get-go. he did get off up the trail onc the victim in the stomach and put her to the ground and strangled her and hit her with stick before strangling her to the point of death before he then sexually assaulted her pay expect the judge has set a million-dollar bond for the suspect and the sentences carry life sentences. >> drama terrifying video at south carolina youth baseball game shots ring out nearby. children ran an adult to the ground here our large group of teenagers pulled at the tire to parking lot and turned into a fistfight that turned into a gunfight. despite all the shots, no injuries were reported. police are still looking for th suspect. another shooting here today jus outside the national baseball stadium pair blooming one man i the hospital in serious condition. they believe it's a domestic incident in the still looking for the shooter. that follows the sniper shootin at the nation's capital which has seen a 25% rise in violent crime this year. >> bánh mì luck at the last two years, just, kind therefore is the humanity. the reason people are being sho and stabbed is just a level of ridiculousness that i have not seen for a long time. >> house republicans say that they are rallying around kevin m ccarthy tonight, suggesting that there was daylight between parties thought privately about the january 6 attack of a capital and publicly. we report from capitol hill. >> kevin mccarthy saying one thing in public and another red private about the right that caught on tape. at mccarthy worrying his inflammatory language that some people were using before and after january 6. >> it is too high, the country is too crazy. i do not want to go back and think that we caught something or we miss something. on the same recording mccarthy called out by names gop alabama representative mo brooks with his frederick just before the friday at. >> today is that that american patriots start taking down name and respects he also targeted mitigates. expects he's putting people in jeopardy. >> 's comments represent that the behavior of weak men, not leaders. and after a gop conference meeting today, republicans are ditching mccarthy. expects most republicans ignoring that brouhaha appeared. >> gop members instead chiding reporters. >> what you guys really need to do is focus on the issues that america cares about. expects republicans are whitewashing the riot. expects it's is all about the acquisition of power. two the twice impeached so-called president of the united states. >> one city pond public hearing in june. any night that's out there will be thrown in the direction of kevin mccarthy. mccarthy is already up refused to cooperate with the one that' six committee and the panel could ask him again or get former chief of staff mark metals for a blockbuster hearing . >> thank you very much, chad. >> one alleged vehicle the. he's not learned his lesson. hi, my name is cherrie. i'm 76 and i live on the oregon coast. my husband, sam, we've been married 53 years. we love to walk on the beach. i have two daughters and then two granddaughters. i noticed that memories were not there like they were when i was much younger. since taking prevagen, my memory has gotten better and it's like the puzzle pieces have all been [click] put together. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. a space text crew including the first black female astronaut making a long-term space flight departing for the international space station today. the launch was the beginning of a 16 out to 16 hour journey working for nasa he spent five months carry out 200 experience to prepare for human exploratio beyond orbit. expects you to -- and abba mack -- [indiscernible] that is all true. this moment has gone viral. an emotional farewell to the justice who sat on the bench fo the final time today hearing th lust of more than 2,000 oral arguments during his 28 year career at the high court. he paid special treatment to subtype silica capuchins and called working alongside him a privilege. he will be there until the turbine ends in late june. ohio took a sharking turbine a 16-year-old and you can see him here, jumping from a moving vehicle that he allegedly stole and winds up on the side of the road at high speed. he'd started to -- he was caught for being treated for minor injuries at the hospital. you can see him wearing a neck brace at the time. authority said that because of an injury he sustained allegedl dragon accepted and another stolen vehicle. box ukraine has found a new hom on the southwestern side of the country in o death stop here take a look at the video posted by that ukrainian broadcaster. the dolphins dolphins are poolside and that khaki dolphin do their adapting to their new home. they borne a pair of white well wills is still under threat in khaki. continue to chase her around. apparently had tried to shoot a fight so what get run over that plant obviously backfired. more bizarre testimony in johnn depp's defamation trial. theft former doorman gave an animated video deposition recorded in the car with what appeared to be a bait pen in hi hand. it gave johnny depp and the jur a good laugh. >> this trial in his third week and the world closely watching. today we heard from johnny depp 's former talent agent he said these allegations of abuse by his ex-wife cost him i started role in pirates of the caribbean. the tenth day of testimony that johnny dampened the amber her trial has come to a close pair the crowds nearby as she made her way out of the virginia courthouse. at the center this high profile defamation case is an alleged dust mastic disturbance. a police officer was called out to the california penpals back in 2016 telling the court that he did not see any injuries on amber heard. the officer said that she refus medical treatment and whatnot provide a statement, so the police didn't file a report. >> there was no damage property. and that's bizarre video interview, the dormant testifying that he never saw johnny depp become violent, but it deposition of that doorman hits hits of a pen and start driving around in the camera an saying this case is taking a toll on him. >> i am so stressed out because of this. i don't want to deal with the setting more i'm tired. i don't want to deal with this court case. everybody's got problems. 's johnny depp starts laughing after the video placing card. he's also fans caught sketching and doodling and those are now viral on tiktok, johnny depp 82 million followers from the start of the trial pic picked out travel continue tomorrow. alexis, thank you very much. kevin corke is back, ladies and gentlemen. it is time to start talking about mother's day coming up in a couple of weeks. how much do people spend on mob versus that for this kind of stuff. it's interesting picked i probably spent more that some, maybe not as much as others. you've got to give mom a little bit more. mother's day and father's day quickly approaching, we want to know what consumers are doing. how much have you dropped in 2022. after polling consumers a study found that in 2021, men spend more on mother's day that women spent on father's day, 66% the fed spent over 100 bucks on mother's day and that percentage , by the way, spent over 500 bucks whereas women an 2021, 42% say they spent over a hundred bucks on father's day and up that percentage 20 for% that they spent over $500. med women, according to the survey, the plan to spend a little bit less. we would like to hear from you. >> i don't know. i like to feel like i like to call all out for my mom. i never thought of it as a mom and dad thing. i don't know. i felt like i know she put like this and that of the other and my dad has always been harder and now that my stepdad is stil with us but he has tougher to buy for. maybe i'd like mom because it's easier to do. expects of you spent more than 500 bucks on mom or dad. expects no. thinking maybe husband do that for their wives. expects that's a good point. let us know and we will share what we found out on twitter. i love it. it's always good news when companies here. as lawmakers son water publicly and privately melts down after the elon musk takeover, some of the left are calling for algorithmic justice. what is that. we will debate at next. safelite makes it easy. >> tech vo: you can schedule in just a few clicks. and we'll come to you with a replacement you can trust. >> man: looks great. >> tech: that's service on your time. schedule now. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ ["only wanna be with you" by hootie & the blowfish] discover is accepted at 99% of places in the u.s. ["only wanna be with you" by hootie & the blowfish] your record label is taking off. but so is your sound engineer. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit i have never discussed with maysan are or my brother or anyone else anything to do with their business. do you stand by your statement that you did not discuss any of your son's business quite. >> what's your understanding of what your son was doing quite. >> i don't know what he was doing. >> the hunter bided sakai at th elon musk twitter takeover, we will get to all of lets let's bring on the host of the two an mike davis. >> what's with the numerous denials that the vice president now perez said about hunter biden's business. now he has this account of the two during the above years in which one of his partners was there at times. people close to him, might mike what are we supposed to do with that? it's possible that there were meetings with the business partner and the vice president didn't know what details was going on or what hunter was involved with. expects its possible, but it's not plausible. i think when you have biden's son and his brother, james, on ukraine payrolls making million of dollars, present white and had $5 million above next play in, no president fight ms. out there saying that his son is innocent while there is ongoing federal investigation into with sunna delaware, i think it is long past time for attorney general mary garland to appoint a us special counsel to take over this investigation to inoculate the investigation fro politics. expects to that point, the mounting evidence has gone from dubious to ridiculous. what your take on that. >> there is no mounting evidence . biden paid some money for his legal fees. we know that. a father might do that. i don't know about why that person was there but we don't think that he was simply there to an associate business. so why do we think the presiden lied about this. the hunter biden investigation is being handled by a trump us attorney who was kept in place specifically to make sure there would be no possible allocations . is not the sort of situation that you would have a special counsel anyway but you've got a trump us attorney on the job just for that reason. it's just an attempt to inject politics. expects in the meantime let's talk twitter. something interesting that a democrat tweeted. he said congress must pass my algorithmic adjustment and act to end the online harm to -- what you think of that? algorithmic justice, is that a new term in 2022? before was misinformation and now it disinformation and democracy and hatred and violence and algorithmic adjustment or bargraph there talking about picked this is al about censoring and silencing people with whom they disagree. were probably going to have a free-speec platform with elon musk buying twitter and the democrats don't want to give up that power. >> i want to play something fro senator kennedy on the situation . >> the twitter executives, they are very upset this week. i think elon musk made a couple of them cry. i'm sure more than a couple hav gone out and already bought a emotional support pony. twitter is run by walkers. they represent the right wing t the left wing of the democratic party expects very quick, i wil be very quick, pulp bear is already debunked. both sides believe that they ar partial. this no proof to the idea that they are prejudiced against the right wing. elon musk taking over is alread a carnival and this makes it kind of we are to the no. i think we are better off with somebody who has got a point of view at all but twitter is a crazy town and it's going to ge a little crazier. >> elkin both of you give me te seconds each program on where they go from here. i'm going to let you start, harry, ed mike, you close without. expects the trial starts next, in the middle of next month. he's going to have to show this idea that it was material, toug case for him and his whole reputation rides on it. >> mike. >> he has evidence that eiko sussman colluded with us intel contractors and the hillary clinton campaign to concoct thi russian pollution scheme into a spy on president. ed this is a smoking gun evidence. >> we will see how it plays out because we are going to cover every second stuff that trial. 's come back soon. >> thank you. expects a mayor's office said preapproved any messaging from the police department and another city to which the criminals know. that valves like the lightning round with jason rance that is live next. who said you can't do dinner? who said only this is good? and this is bad? i'm doing it my way. meet plenity. an fda -cleared clinically proven weight management aid for adults with a bmi of 25-40 when combined with diet and exercise. plenity is not a drug - it's made from naturally derived building blocks and helps you feel fuller and eat less. it is a prescription only treatment and is not for pregnant women or people allergic to its ingredients. talk to your doctor or visit to learn more. 's handles mirror's office is demanding more control over the messaging from the police department. that has led to heated showdown and a personnel change. let's start there. top radio host jason rance. >> thanks for having me. >> what's the deal. is this what the mayor's office told the police department, you guys can't put out information without approving an advanced crack. >> pretty much the mayor is brand-new to this job. since he took over see miscommunication mishaps betwee the cielo -- seattle police department and his office where they have been on the same page. she's blaming the spd but that' come from him office are not th spd. he said you need to put all you messaging through s before it goes out and buy the press officer for the spd stepped up and said, well, big picture we can do that but there are cases like public emergency in which we need to be able to put this out quickly, it is not practical . and the next day he was told that he was being reassigned. it's involuntary. he doesn't want to the that. and they risk using the spd columns team come another political arm for the mayor, which i think is a disservice. expects please keep us to date. i want to go to washington. this is from king five news, according to their pleas chief they say that the police chief frustrated officers can't chase setbacks. at the same law that prohibits officers from getting involved in high-speed pursuits for anyone not involved with sexual crimes. they're there very frustrated with this particular law. he blames the increase on car thefts and catalytic converter thus knowing that the police will not chase them. expects exactly. under the new law you can walk away from an officer and get into your car and drive off. you don't even have to speed up police officers are not allowed to pursue you. this is the result of the polic reimagining build that police had pursued a couple years ago and democrats are arguing that every police chief is dangerous which is wrong. they have no clue what they are talking about. but it has done is tell the criminals you do not ever have to fear any kind of chase and s the cops are on a tough spot an the criminals are very clearly taking advantage. that's why we've seen certain kinds of crime starting to surge , the ones where you are in and out and if you are you probably are just breaking into a car. that's an easy way to drive off and know you are not going to b pursued. >> and the carjacking situation in many cities across the country is skyrocketing. let's talk about new york city in dealing with crime. new york city mayor such crime is being thwarted by remnants o his predecessor eli silverman i a professor in criminal justice had said police have increasingly felt norton in som cases disrespected by their politicians and placed permits and gentle with a terrible insult and "black lives matter" has made police more cautious. what do you make up that? >> i think he has right. for the most part eric adams is on a tufts pot because he campaigned on the idea as someone as a former police officer and he knows what it is going to take to reduce crime. is a lot of things that predate him and it will be nearly impossible to allow the policin in new york city. the other problem is he hasn't been aggressive enough publicly and calling out the democrats who are responsible for the policy set up and put in place had made it so hard for cops. but also it's not just the politicians. it's judges who go easy on thes criminals and that is the situation but we have reported 2 % increase in crime. >> they end up back on the street and have no deterrent to stop their behavior appeared that creates a dangerous situation for everyone. always good to see you. thank you so much. expects think you, shannon. expects good news. and correctional institution is giving prisoners a second chanc and some cops, strays and rescues. they have a program -- program called heal together. they care for rescue dogs and feed them and train them and play with them. after three months the dogs graduate to their new family an are adopted out. the inmate companion spirit is given the dogs an opportunity t have a new lease on life. they can also get certified in the stock training if they stic with the program. expects and lump this because that softens you and gives you humanity. i want to take you to the motor city for good night. the organized two shifts with 3 volunteers to help clean up the yard and its overgrown of a cancer patient. his name is baran in he is 72 years old and is having chemo. he's feeling better appeared we want to say congratulations to all the volunteers who helped out. fax people rallying the community, that is what it is all about. >> thank you, kevin. good night from washington. , shannon bream. your choice dental implants, thanks every day. let's dig in de chow down day a perfectly delicious day, a love my new teeth day because your clear choice today isda the day everything is back onta the menu. a clear choice day changes every day. schedule a free consultation at my plumbing business online technology central to everything we do we social media and online advertising to reach new customers and we rely on digital tools and platforms to make our business more efficient. i don't understand why some in congress want to take away the technology we use every this political campaign against american technology will hurt small businesses like mine who need it. our leaders need to strengthen, not weaken american technology . happy mother's day to my officers. the best and the best gift service google translate. she's with us .ds handles t she's with us .ds handles t they make youhe handles the driving pocket, your store ,your things until already. then we deliver to your new home across town or across the country on your personal moving and storage team at fingerhut. we don't define you by your credit score. we celebrate you being by offering lower monthly payments than traditional buy now pay later option some stuff you need, things you love and brands you try and you build your credit history with a fingerhut. any credit counselor if you're looking for electronic kitchen essentials clothes, toys and more, you'll find it all at fingerhut. you do you and will help build your head. fingerhut .com credit the counselor you buy with no plastic to be easy to steal your identity and now it can be just as easy to help protect yourself. lifelock helps detect identity trends. there's a problem we work to fix it. go to lifelong .com each year americans waste twenty one billion dollars by overpaying on car insurance . that's why i went to the zebra .com because well, every company claims to save money on car insurance shows you who actually can't compare car insurance for free at the uber .com today. rgic the uber .com today. rgic so what's going on ? i'm a talking dog. the other issue i'm scratching like crazy. i've got some allergic skin information. i can work on it as littleta as four hours, but it's a new or chronic problem and that becomes treated over ten million dog nights and the talking dog thing is bothering, you know, acting like a dog is bothering me until dogs can speak for themselves, you have to when allergic to the problem ask for epiphone gs a control imageh associated with allergic dermatitis in the control of dermatitis in the control of 80% dermatitis. your dogs do note use that dogs less than 12 months old or those are serious st infectionst the club may increase the chances of developing serious infectionsop and may cause existing parasitic skin infestations or preexisting cancers to worsenmo neoplasia. are certain clinical studies and reproval approval most common side effects a of vomitig for i'm speechless. thanksap to africa. well, that's a friend. or ask your veterinarian for well next to you as well as a dog best friend. when it comes to real estate agents experience matters. the best agents know how to market your home or top dollar and navigate through a complex transaction. that ideal agent we created our smart solar system with top rated local agents to sell your home for as low as a two percent commission. i was amazed in the fact that my house sold in one idea agent saved me in the neighborhood of twenty to twenty five thousand dollars in the process was as easy as it gets. it was turkey . i'm a very busy guy. they just took care of everything. they are the number one way to so i've used ideal agent two times i told agent guided me through the entire process every step you want to have the best agent but you want to get the best deal using ideal agent with both properties i've saved over thirty thousand dollars. our service is free available nationwide and there's zero obligation calls a day or visit ideal agent .com lendell incredible. however, on the job and you seem to be hannitized that is probably hannitized and feelom welcome to tucker carlson tonight . happy wednesday. it out tessing to sayay loud, but it'she true there'see probably never been ann institution in this country more thoroughly discredited in the field of public healthgh is right now at this point it'st almost impossible i to take any of these people seriously and that is not a good thing. it's a bad thing we need credible public health authorities but we don't have themem. er in fact, after all we've seen, ask

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Sound , Doctor , Fasenra , Thanks To , I Love You , Lydia Moynihan , Tyrus , Kat Timpf , America , Policy , Fox News , Officials , Biden Demonstration , Shannon Bream At Washington In , Border , Capitol Hill , Criticism Increases , Questions , Southern Borde , Subject , Trouble Brewing , Tha , Dr , Advisor , Covid , Breakdown , Efforts , Seat , Use , Anthony Ouchi , Car , Johnny Depp , Phase , Doorman , Amber Heard Trial , The Caribbean , Ten , Crisis , Capital , Demonstrations , Kevin Corke , Job , Kind , Face , Man , Congressman , Liar , Security Lapses , One , Control , Alejandra Majorca , Building , Spirit , Homeland Securit , Capito Hill , Agent , Pandemic , Place , Migrants , Department Of Homeland Security , Plan , Th , Virus , 19 , Six , Resources , Surge , Fortitude , Removal , Aim , New York , People , Question , Numbers , Capabilities , 18000 , 221000 , Things , Money , Agencies , Ba , Average , V , Worse , 700 , Barter , Nation , Support , Veterans , Va , Search , Priority , Empirical , Way , Increase , Help , Administration , Law Enforcement Personnel , Steps , Migrant , Th American People Safe , 600 , Think , Lot , Government Agencies , Rest , Lawmakers , Authority , Force , Difference , Planet Templates , Strong , 23000 , Country , Process , Interior , Effect , Picks , Lloyd Mcknight , Part , Issue , Immigration , Inflation , Quinnipiac Survey Tha , Mallorca , 10 , Threat , Testimony , Statements , Homeland , White Supremacy , Holiday , Smm , Experts , Couple , Takeaways , Prospect Testimony Today , Border Patrol Council Brandon Judd , Solar System , Want , Strain Pit , Congress , Migratory , Number , Types , Levels , Noncitizens , Title , Posturing , Area , 4 , 200 , Problem , Situation , Goo Job , Influx , 42 , It , Doors , Talks , The American Public S , Minds , Truth , Un , Two , 50 , Everybody , Immigration Plan , Border Security Plan , 8000 , Speedin , Processing , Screen , Statement , Metrics , Wall , Credibility , Slap , Ice , Politics , Security , Government , Intersection , Safety , Program , Shots , Policies , White House , Immigration Policies , Groups , Immigration Efficacy , Guy , Velma Lucian , Immigration System , Attacks , September 11 , 11 , Agents , Alejandro Mayorkas , Crews , Ed Mike , Work , Situation Unsustainable , Sai , August , Public , Saw , History , Pulp , Thought , Odd , Operation Control , Flat Out , 170000 , Detention Security , Artie , Duties , Many , Th Build , Democrat , Article , Accountable , Republicans , Folks , Border Security , Pap To Legal Status , Georgia , Thing , Law , Human Beings , Middle , Society , Doesn T , Borders , The House , Show Picnic , Previousl , Senate , Excus , Career Officials , Game , Another , Messenger , Position , Nonsense , Action , Fate , Title Ii , Lifting , Looks , President , Comments , Chief Medica Advisor , Anthony Pouch , Round , Criticism , Case , Internet , Trace Gallagher , Change , Celebration , Nothing , Five , Victim , Opinion , Tenth , Fauci , Ad Lib , Pay , Agenda , Walking Statements , Clarifying , Doctor Pouch , Sake , Definition , Fight , Fears , Hunter Biden , Event , Harris , Takin , Sh , Positive , Spreader , Judge , Mandates , Drug , Poll , Fastening , Public Transportation , Quinnipiac One , 51 , Mask , Mandate , Mask On Public Transportation , 80 , 56 , Study , Out , Antibodies , Cdc , Fiv , Three , Cpa , Population , Scientist , Podcast Interview , Network , Front , Contrac , Rights , Vaccine , Network Policy , Handling , Enforcement , Issues , Example , Wall Street Journal , Espn , City , Warning , Forces , Vladimir Putin , Latest , Bob Demonstration , Ukraine , Allies , Russian , Zelenskyy , Ground , Speech , Hi , Shannon Bream , Lviv , Chernobyl Disaster , 35 , Defense Intelligence , Call , Weapons , Anger , Anyone , Defense , Patella , Tools , Secretary Of Defense , Strikes , Else , Rhetoric , Nuclea Threat , Type , War , Saber Rattling , Side , Board Cannot , Crackdown , Dissent , Tear Ga , Claims , Princes , Troops , Group , Phil Lenski , Stun Grenades , Kherson , Cit , Natural Ga May , Crime , Interactions , Countries , Roundup Breaking , Target Store , Stop , Others , Person Sho , Details , Suspec , Town , Shooting , Deputies , Story , Shares , Florida , Wisconsin , Court , Charges , Adult , Murder , Prosecutors , Homicide , Degree , Sexual Assault , Cvp , 14 , Intention , Fine , District Attorney , Court Today , Audio , Law Enforcement , Point , Health Effects , Trail , Death , Stick , Stomach , Get Go , Suspect , Sentences , Bond , Life Sentences , Drama Terrifying Video , A Million , Children , Youth Baseball Game Shots , South Carolina , Police , Injuries , Fistfight , Parking Lot , Tire , Gunfight , Teenagers , Pair , Hospital , Shooter , Sniper Shootin , Condition , Incident , Baseball Stadium , Reason , Level , Humanity , Rise , Luck , Banh MÌ , 25 , Kevin M Ccarthy , Parties , Ridiculousness , Attack , Red , Tape , January 6 , 6 , Something , Language , Mo Brooks , Name , Patriots , Frederick , Respects , Recording Mccarthy Called Out By Names , Alabama , Leaders , Men , Behavior , Meeting , Jeopardy , Mitigates , Reporters , Members , Brouhaha , Power , Acquisition , Riot , Mccarthy , Night , Hearing , President Of The United States , City Pond , Direction , Chad , Blockbuster Hearing , Committee , Mark Metals , Panel , Chief Of Staff , Vehicle , Lesson , My Name Is Cherrie , Oregon Coast , 76 , Sam , On The Beach , Granddaughters , Daughters , Taking Prevagen , Memories , 53 , Life , Memory , Click , Puzzle Pieces , Prevagen , Healthier Brain , Crew , Space Station , Space Flight , Journey , Launch , Text , The First Black Female Astronaut Making A Long Term , 16 , Experience , Orbit , Human Exploratio , True , Indiscernible , Abba Mack , Algorithmic , Career , Sat , Bench , Farewell , High Court , Time Today Hearing Th Lust , 2000 , 28 , Sharking Turbine , Special Treatment , Privilege , Turbine , Ohio , Subtype Silica Capuchins , High Speed , Road , Neck Brace , Hom , Injury , Box Ukraine , Allegedl Dragon Accepted , Khaki , Video , Dolphin , O Death , Broadcaster , Take A Look , Home , White Well Wills , Plant , Video Deposition , Theft , Johnn Depp S Defamation Trial , Pic Picked Out Travel , Bait Pen , Laugh , World , Hi Hand , Talent Agent , Former , Amber , Allegations , Ex Wife , Abuse , Role , Pirates Of The Caribbean , Police Officer , Trial , Profile Defamation Case , Disturbance , Center , Crowds , Virginia Courthouse , Dust Mastic , Officer , Penpals , Whatnot , Amber Heard , She Refus Medical Treatment , Didn T File A Report , California , 2016 , Video Interview , Damage Property , It Deposition , The Dormant Testifying , Toll , Hits , Pen , Camera , Setting , Fans , Court Case , Problems , Video Placing Card , Doodling , Sketching , Tiktok , Start , Alexis , 82 Million , Mother , Stuff , Back , Mob , Ladies And Gentlemen , Mom , Some , Father , Consumers , Mother S Day , Women , Father S Day , Polling Consumers , Fed , 2022 , 100 , 2021 , 100 Bucks , 66 , Percentage , Hundred Bucks On Father S Day , 500 , A Hundred Bucks , 500 Bucks , 20 , A Hundred , I Don T Know , Bit , Survey , Med , 00 , Dad , Stepdad , Other , Stil , Wives , News , Know , Companies , Twitter , Son Water , Left , Elon Musk Takeover , Tech , Only Wanna Be With You , Replacement , Singers , Clicks , Safelite , Hootie The Blowfish , Tech Vo , Safelite Repair , Places , 99 , Record Label , Taking Off , Candidates , Sound Engineer , Indeed Instant Match , Job Description , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Business , Brother , Anything , Maysan , Son , Understanding , Hunter Bided Sakai , Elon Musk , Twitter Takeover , Host , Lets , Mike Davis , Now Perez , Account , Denials , Times , Partners , Vice President , Business Partner , Hunter , Meetings , Didn T Know , James , Play , Ms , Ukraine Payrolls , 5 Million , Million , Investigation , Mary Garland , Special Counsel , Investigation Fro Politics , Sunna Delaware , Evidence , Ridiculous , Person , Fees , Attorney , Trump , Presiden , Associate Business , Hunter Biden Investigation , Counsel , Sort , Allocations , Attempt , Act , Harm , My Algorithmic Adjustment , Algorithmic Justice , Term , Democracy , Adjustment , Misinformation , Violence , Hatred , Censoring , Senator , Platform , Democrats Don T , Buying Twitter , Executives , Hav , Wing , Walkers , Pony , Idea , Sides , Proof , Pulp Bear , Somebody , Carnival , No , Crazy Town , Point Of View , Harry , Elkin , Reputation , Material , Toug , Eiko Sussman Colluded , Contractors , Smoking Gun Evidence , Campaign , Intel , Spy On , Concoct Thi Russian Pollution Scheme , Hillary Clinton , Mayor , Office , Police Department , Messaging , Criminals , Lightning Round , Jason Rance , Dinner , Valves , Meet Plenity , Adults , Building Blocks , Diet , Weight Management Aid , Exercise , Fda , Bmi , 40 , Treatment , Ingredients , Mirror , Deal , Showdown , Thanks , Led , Personnel Change , Crack , Information , Seattle Police Department , Spd , Page , Him , Miscommunication Mishaps , Cielo , Cases , Emergency , Press Officer , Picture , Quickly , Columns , Pleas Chief , Disservice , Arm , King , Officers , Police Chief , Chase , Crimes , Setbacks , Pursuits , Car Thefts , Drive , Catalytic Converter , Polic , Police Officers , Build , Result , Reimagining , Cops , Spot , Clue , Ones , Kinds , Advantage , Skyrocketing , B , Cities , Carjacking , Let S Talk , Remnants O , Politicians , Norton , Permits , Eli Silverman Ia Professor In Criminal Justice , Som , Predecessor , Eric Adams , Insult , Black Lives Matter , Policin , Someone , Judges , Deterrent , The Street , 2 , Prisoners , Institution , Everyone , Rescues , Chanc , Dogs , Family , Rescue Dogs , Heal Together , Inmate Companion Spirit , Opportunity T , Stock Training , Certified , Lease , Volunteers , Baran , Yard , Cancer Patient , Motor City , 3 , 72 , Fax , Congratulations , Chemo , Kevin , Choice , Community , Implants , Let S Dig In De Chow Down , Isda , Everything , Social Media , Consultation , Menu , Online Advertising , Plumbing Business Online Technology Central , Technology , Platforms , Customers , Google Translate , Best , Businesses , Store , Driving Pocket , Ds Handles T , Ds , Fingerhut , Team , Credit Score , Credit Counselor , Toys , Kitchen , Clothes , Payments , Credit History , Counselor , Credit , Identity , Head , Plastic , Identity Trends , Zebra , Lifelock , Overpaying On Car Insurance , Twenty One Billion Dollars , Twenty One Billion , Car Insurance , Talking Dog , Company , What S Going On , Com Today , Rgic , Uber , Rgic The Uber , Talking Dog Thing , Like A Dog , Skin Information , Littleta , Four , Ten Million , Dermatitis , Note Use , Epiphone , Serious St Infectionst , 12 , Chances , Skin Infestations , Side Effects , Cancers , Reproval , Approval , Studies , Vomitig , Serious Infectionsop , Worsenmo Neoplasia , The Club , Real Estate Agents , Dollar , Dog , Friend , Veterinarian , Best Friend , Matters , Thanksap , Africa , Fact , House , Commission , Transaction , Low , Rated , Care , Neighborhood , Turkey , Twenty Five Thousand Dollars , Twenty , Twenty Five Thousand , Service , Step , Properties , Thirty Thousand Dollars , Thirty Thousand , Ideal Agent , Com Lendell Incredible , Obligation , Zero , Hannitized , Feelom , Field , Public Healthgh , Tessing , It She , Sayay Loud , Tucker Carlson , True There See , Health , Authorities , Point It St , Ask , Er , Themem ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Fox News At Night With Shannon Bream 20240708 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Fox News at Night With Shannon Bream 20240708

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our breakdown is today on the hot seat. and covid in use for the chief medical advisor. fight dr. anthony ouchi is backtracking efforts saying tha the us is out of the pandemic phase. day ten up that johnny depp and amber heard trial. how the doorman and the car -- parts out the caribbean start laughing out loud. expect that by demonstrations planned to manage the growing crisis on our southern border hitting the proverbial fail my capitol hill wednesday. kevin corke shows us. good to have you back. >> it is a rough day at capital help on one congressman means you resign from your job and another called you a liar to your face but it was that kind of day for the point man on the shocking security lapses along the southern border. >> a doubled building on capito hill today for homeland securit secretary alejandra majorca's spirit as a digital closes into the end date. we will not operational control of the border. >> despite agent calling for th policy which allows them to expel migrants due to the virus 19 pandemic to remain a place, the department of homeland security nearly replaced six-point plan will now push more resources to the southern border with an aim far more expedited removal. but defied new york us was firs to admit today that ending titl fortitude could prompt a greate surge at the border. there is no question that if we counter 18,000 people in a single day, that will seriously strain straighten our capabilities the numbers are staggering, more than 221,000 migrants for encountered in march alone. that's an average of about 7,00 a day. worse, things have gotten so ba that dhs is taking money from other agencies, including the v to address the border crisis. >> is that appropriate to be taking resources away from the va to help with the search of the barter? >> having support and resources for our nation's veterans as a top priority to the present empirical we also want to take steps at the border as we had anticipated increase in migrant coming to the barter to keep th american people safe. help is on the way. the administration announced that approximately 600 law enforcement personnel and other government agencies will now be going to the border to beef up force that authority 23,000 strong. the rest of lawmakers that don' think that will make much of a difference. it sounds a lot like the planet templates, which is simply to expedite people coming through the process so in effect make i easier for people to get from the border into the interior of the country. >> of that was disappointing picks disappointing on capitol hill pics for lloyd mcknight and a new quinnipiac survey tha about 10% of americans leave that immigration is the most urgent issue facing the country and that is second only to inflation. for his part, mallorca's stood during testimony to previous statements that white supremacy is the top threat to the homeland. >> regard to talk about an upcoming holiday shortly when you join smm minute. lets talk with a couple of experts about their big takeaways from the secretary prospect testimony today. and national border patrol council brandon judd. a want to talk about what he se about managing the border we inherited a system that is already under strain pit is not built to manage the current levels and types of migratory flows spirit only congress can fix this. that we have effectively manage an unprecedented number of noncitizens seeking to enter th united states. here is what axes were part of about a week or so ago. concerned about lifting title 4 which is expected to come and i maybe her private area by the 200 public posturing that the administration is prepared for its potential influx of migrant so he says we were given a broken system and if done a goo job managing the situation and privately telling people he snowboard about what's going happen with title 42. >> and that is the problem. he cuts the talks about the problem is behind closed doors but he won't tell the american public that truth. the american public's right to know. two under 50 minds stretches an it's can totally un- patrolled. we are not managing this crisis. that is not managing yet. when you have 8,000 people that we are resting every day, that is not managing a crisis that i that immigration plan, it's not a border security plan. everybody wants a secure border and we just don't have that right now. so let's talk about that. this is that plan about searching personnel and speedin up the processing of migrants. it is there on the screen and they are planning a part of it. what do you make of the plan. in that statement he said that there were operational control of the border. with these historic metrics to be able to say that, it is a slap in the face to ice, to congress, and to the american people. by the way, it is caused him to use credibility with all of them . what we are seeing here is a typical politics and national security intersection. the american public expects tha the government is always going to prioritize their safety and security over politics. instead this administration's immigration efficacy groups calling the shots of the white house regarding immigration policies, specifically remain i mexico in title 42 and what these policies are doing to the country is it is undercutting every national security program that we have put in place since september 11 attacks where our immigration system was exploited . >> so velma lucian is our guy he's been covering this for a long time along with our other crews were dedicated to that work. he said alejandro mayorkas testified to ed in private with agents in august, he called the situation unsustainable and sai we are going to lose. last month saw thought most in history. can you speak to that odd all about what agents up and pulp what the public says. >> absolutely. he spoke with agent sonny spoke with them candidly and told the flat out. and this was back when we were apprehending about 170,000 people per month. he said that we are about to lose operation control. he got pushed back from the agents themselves say we alread lost that control. when you have artie pulled so many of the resources out of th build to do administrative duties, detention security, tha is when you use operation control and it's its article lost and agents flat out told him that. is not telling the american people that and he must be held accountable appeared i'm going to play from democrat out of georgia couple days ago. here is what he said. >> democrats are afraid to talk about border security and republicans are afraid to talk about establishing at pap to legal status for the folks who are here and otherwise follow the law and be part of our society. how do we solve this for good a that human beings that are caught in the middle of this thing? how do we solve this problem fo them. >> the democrats, if i can recall, are running the show picnic at the white house, the house, the senate. so start the process that excus of it as a broken system, that doesn't mean you don't secure the borders of article country. back to what you were previousl speaking about, this is a very dangerous game when you try to appease career officials at experts and the department of homeland security and tell them one thing and then tell the public another. i think that is why alejandro mayorkas finds himself in the position of being forced out in the white house will send it a new messenger to paddle this nonsense. have resigned on its own or if he sticks around until january, he will be impeached once the republicans take control. >> you've got a six-point plan out their. the lifting of title ii, looks like impending and more permanently action regarding that we will stand by and what his fate is viewed we take you both for your time is always. >> the president's chief medica advisor, dr. anthony pouch he i facing a fresh round of criticism after walking the comments he made tuesday that the us is out of the pandemic phase of coronavirus. trace gallagher is on the case for us tonight. >> that paid internet could be just a simple case of pandemic whiplash because i just interested do say into said apparently over. >> we are certainly frightened now in this country out of the pandemic phase. but hold the celebration becaus five wednesday morning the pandemic was back on nothing of change, mind you, except dr. fauci's opinion by no final means doesn't mean the pandemic is over. now because president by the tenth to ad lib. a victim of th white house has become expert a walking statements back or as they call a clarifying. it if the white house helped doctor pouch he clarify his new opinion agenda sake certainly agreed with the new definition. watch her pay expect there's no question that we are in a moment , a different moment in our fight against covid but we know that covid is not over and the pandemic is not over pay expect well dr. fauci -- because of fears that might be spreader event come, although president biden will attend, though he plans to skip the thinner part. we shipped out that the president as fully vaccinated and boosted, but then again so is vice president harris and sh has now covid positive in takin the drug. and we have some fastening vastly pulled numbers unmasking from quinnipiac one week after judge struck down mass mandates on public transportation. the poll shows 51% of americans say people should not be required to wear a mask on public transportation and yet 56 % said even without a mandate, they will still wear a mask. and how does this for political division. 80% of democrats say we should be required to wear a mask on airplanes. 80 for% of republicans say we should not. it's notable the new cdc study says there's a three out of fiv people carry covid antibodies that% of us population has already had covid. at i suspect it might be higher. i am no scientist so i will follow their numbers and cpa thank you so much. breaking tonight accusing the network up reaching her contrac and violating her free-speech rights. front allegedly retaliated against her for speaking out against the corporate vaccine mandate in the podcast interview . wall street journal claiming that espn's handling of her situation was an example of selective enforcement of a network policy that is opposed to presenting -- on social issues. the russian forces breaking up bob demonstration wednesday a city that russia claims it controls as vladimir putin issues another nuclear warning to ukraine's western allies. we have the latest on that situation on the ground alive from lviv tonight. >> hi, shannon. president zelenskyy gave a speech marking the 35th anniversary up the chernobyl disaster here in which he calle for global control of russia's nuclear weapons. one former defense intelligence tells fox that is his call might've been reckless and provocative and is only going t anger vladimir putin, who gave yet another warning yesterday t any country that assists ukraine . >> if anyone intends to intervene in the ongoing event on the outside and create strategic defense from russia that is unacceptable, they should know that our patella three strikes will be fast. we have all the tools for this, things no one else can boast of having. we will not boast. we will just use them if necessary. >> of the us secretary of defense tells fox news that despite russia's ongoing nuclea threat, he does not think this war will and let some type of nuclear action. >> for that think of is it's dangerous and any kind of rhetoric like that, i think is not helpful. we said over and over again tha the board cannot be won by either side. and so i think saber rattling and rhetoric like that is just not helpful. in ukraine in the southern city new claims of a russian crackdown on dissent president happened protesting any princes that russian troops use tear ga stun grenades to disperse one group kherson was the first cit to fall. that now come up the natural ga may claim president phil lenski calls it -- edges shows that european countries cannot do economic interactions with russia. >> thank you very much. first stop if our crime roundup breaking tonight one person sho and killed and three others injured up a target store in florida up the shares says two deputies were involved in the shooting but they are okay. we will continue to monitor the story. i knew details in a ten-year-ol that was killed and it rocked a small wisconsin town the suspec charged with murder is only 14 picky has been charged in adult court, identified only by his initials cvp. he faces first degree homicide and sexual assault charges prosecutors argued for a hefty fine given the severe charges and disturbing details he told law enforcement. we want to warn you about this audio that you are about to hear . it is graphic. this is sound from a district attorney of court today. >> 's intention was to pray for health effects come from the get-go. he did get off up the trail onc the victim in the stomach and put her to the ground and strangled her and hit her with stick before strangling her to the point of death before he then sexually assaulted her pay expect the judge has set a million-dollar bond for the suspect and the sentences carry life sentences. >> drama terrifying video at south carolina youth baseball game shots ring out nearby. children ran an adult to the ground here our large group of teenagers pulled at the tire to parking lot and turned into a fistfight that turned into a gunfight. despite all the shots, no injuries were reported. police are still looking for th suspect. another shooting here today jus outside the national baseball stadium pair blooming one man i the hospital in serious condition. they believe it's a domestic incident in the still looking for the shooter. that follows the sniper shootin at the nation's capital which has seen a 25% rise in violent crime this year. >> bánh mì luck at the last two years, just, kind therefore is the humanity. the reason people are being sho and stabbed is just a level of ridiculousness that i have not seen for a long time. >> house republicans say that they are rallying around kevin m ccarthy tonight, suggesting that there was daylight between parties thought privately about the january 6 attack of a capital and publicly. we report from capitol hill. >> kevin mccarthy saying one thing in public and another red private about the right that caught on tape. at mccarthy worrying his inflammatory language that some people were using before and after january 6. >> it is too high, the country is too crazy. i do not want to go back and think that we caught something or we miss something. on the same recording mccarthy called out by names gop alabama representative mo brooks with his frederick just before the friday at. >> today is that that american patriots start taking down name and respects he also targeted mitigates. expects he's putting people in jeopardy. >> 's comments represent that the behavior of weak men, not leaders. and after a gop conference meeting today, republicans are ditching mccarthy. expects most republicans ignoring that brouhaha appeared. >> gop members instead chiding reporters. >> what you guys really need to do is focus on the issues that america cares about. expects republicans are whitewashing the riot. expects it's is all about the acquisition of power. two the twice impeached so-called president of the united states. >> one city pond public hearing in june. any night that's out there will be thrown in the direction of kevin mccarthy. mccarthy is already up refused to cooperate with the one that' six committee and the panel could ask him again or get former chief of staff mark metals for a blockbuster hearing . >> thank you very much, chad. >> one alleged vehicle the. he's not learned his lesson. hi, my name is cherrie. i'm 76 and i live on the oregon coast. my husband, sam, we've been married 53 years. we love to walk on the beach. i have two daughters and then two granddaughters. i noticed that memories were not there like they were when i was much younger. since taking prevagen, my memory has gotten better and it's like the puzzle pieces have all been [click] put together. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. a space text crew including the first black female astronaut making a long-term space flight departing for the international space station today. the launch was the beginning of a 16 out to 16 hour journey working for nasa he spent five months carry out 200 experience to prepare for human exploratio beyond orbit. expects you to -- and abba mack -- [indiscernible] that is all true. this moment has gone viral. an emotional farewell to the justice who sat on the bench fo the final time today hearing th lust of more than 2,000 oral arguments during his 28 year career at the high court. he paid special treatment to subtype silica capuchins and called working alongside him a privilege. he will be there until the turbine ends in late june. ohio took a sharking turbine a 16-year-old and you can see him here, jumping from a moving vehicle that he allegedly stole and winds up on the side of the road at high speed. he'd started to -- he was caught for being treated for minor injuries at the hospital. you can see him wearing a neck brace at the time. authority said that because of an injury he sustained allegedl dragon accepted and another stolen vehicle. box ukraine has found a new hom on the southwestern side of the country in o death stop here take a look at the video posted by that ukrainian broadcaster. the dolphins dolphins are poolside and that khaki dolphin do their adapting to their new home. they borne a pair of white well wills is still under threat in khaki. continue to chase her around. apparently had tried to shoot a fight so what get run over that plant obviously backfired. more bizarre testimony in johnn depp's defamation trial. theft former doorman gave an animated video deposition recorded in the car with what appeared to be a bait pen in hi hand. it gave johnny depp and the jur a good laugh. >> this trial in his third week and the world closely watching. today we heard from johnny depp 's former talent agent he said these allegations of abuse by his ex-wife cost him i started role in pirates of the caribbean. the tenth day of testimony that johnny dampened the amber her trial has come to a close pair the crowds nearby as she made her way out of the virginia courthouse. at the center this high profile defamation case is an alleged dust mastic disturbance. a police officer was called out to the california penpals back in 2016 telling the court that he did not see any injuries on amber heard. the officer said that she refus medical treatment and whatnot provide a statement, so the police didn't file a report. >> there was no damage property. and that's bizarre video interview, the dormant testifying that he never saw johnny depp become violent, but it deposition of that doorman hits hits of a pen and start driving around in the camera an saying this case is taking a toll on him. >> i am so stressed out because of this. i don't want to deal with the setting more i'm tired. i don't want to deal with this court case. everybody's got problems. 's johnny depp starts laughing after the video placing card. he's also fans caught sketching and doodling and those are now viral on tiktok, johnny depp 82 million followers from the start of the trial pic picked out travel continue tomorrow. alexis, thank you very much. kevin corke is back, ladies and gentlemen. it is time to start talking about mother's day coming up in a couple of weeks. how much do people spend on mob versus that for this kind of stuff. it's interesting picked i probably spent more that some, maybe not as much as others. you've got to give mom a little bit more. mother's day and father's day quickly approaching, we want to know what consumers are doing. how much have you dropped in 2022. after polling consumers a study found that in 2021, men spend more on mother's day that women spent on father's day, 66% the fed spent over 100 bucks on mother's day and that percentage , by the way, spent over 500 bucks whereas women an 2021, 42% say they spent over a hundred bucks on father's day and up that percentage 20 for% that they spent over $500. med women, according to the survey, the plan to spend a little bit less. we would like to hear from you. >> i don't know. i like to feel like i like to call all out for my mom. i never thought of it as a mom and dad thing. i don't know. i felt like i know she put like this and that of the other and my dad has always been harder and now that my stepdad is stil with us but he has tougher to buy for. maybe i'd like mom because it's easier to do. expects of you spent more than 500 bucks on mom or dad. expects no. thinking maybe husband do that for their wives. expects that's a good point. let us know and we will share what we found out on twitter. i love it. it's always good news when companies here. as lawmakers son water publicly and privately melts down after the elon musk takeover, some of the left are calling for algorithmic justice. what is that. we will debate at next. safelite makes it easy. >> tech vo: you can schedule in just a few clicks. and we'll come to you with a replacement you can trust. >> man: looks great. >> tech: that's service on your time. schedule now. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ ["only wanna be with you" by hootie & the blowfish] discover is accepted at 99% of places in the u.s. ["only wanna be with you" by hootie & the blowfish] your record label is taking off. but so is your sound engineer. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit i have never discussed with maysan are or my brother or anyone else anything to do with their business. do you stand by your statement that you did not discuss any of your son's business quite. >> what's your understanding of what your son was doing quite. >> i don't know what he was doing. >> the hunter bided sakai at th elon musk twitter takeover, we will get to all of lets let's bring on the host of the two an mike davis. >> what's with the numerous denials that the vice president now perez said about hunter biden's business. now he has this account of the two during the above years in which one of his partners was there at times. people close to him, might mike what are we supposed to do with that? it's possible that there were meetings with the business partner and the vice president didn't know what details was going on or what hunter was involved with. expects its possible, but it's not plausible. i think when you have biden's son and his brother, james, on ukraine payrolls making million of dollars, present white and had $5 million above next play in, no president fight ms. out there saying that his son is innocent while there is ongoing federal investigation into with sunna delaware, i think it is long past time for attorney general mary garland to appoint a us special counsel to take over this investigation to inoculate the investigation fro politics. expects to that point, the mounting evidence has gone from dubious to ridiculous. what your take on that. >> there is no mounting evidence . biden paid some money for his legal fees. we know that. a father might do that. i don't know about why that person was there but we don't think that he was simply there to an associate business. so why do we think the presiden lied about this. the hunter biden investigation is being handled by a trump us attorney who was kept in place specifically to make sure there would be no possible allocations . is not the sort of situation that you would have a special counsel anyway but you've got a trump us attorney on the job just for that reason. it's just an attempt to inject politics. expects in the meantime let's talk twitter. something interesting that a democrat tweeted. he said congress must pass my algorithmic adjustment and act to end the online harm to -- what you think of that? algorithmic justice, is that a new term in 2022? before was misinformation and now it disinformation and democracy and hatred and violence and algorithmic adjustment or bargraph there talking about picked this is al about censoring and silencing people with whom they disagree. were probably going to have a free-speec platform with elon musk buying twitter and the democrats don't want to give up that power. >> i want to play something fro senator kennedy on the situation . >> the twitter executives, they are very upset this week. i think elon musk made a couple of them cry. i'm sure more than a couple hav gone out and already bought a emotional support pony. twitter is run by walkers. they represent the right wing t the left wing of the democratic party expects very quick, i wil be very quick, pulp bear is already debunked. both sides believe that they ar partial. this no proof to the idea that they are prejudiced against the right wing. elon musk taking over is alread a carnival and this makes it kind of we are to the no. i think we are better off with somebody who has got a point of view at all but twitter is a crazy town and it's going to ge a little crazier. >> elkin both of you give me te seconds each program on where they go from here. i'm going to let you start, harry, ed mike, you close without. expects the trial starts next, in the middle of next month. he's going to have to show this idea that it was material, toug case for him and his whole reputation rides on it. >> mike. >> he has evidence that eiko sussman colluded with us intel contractors and the hillary clinton campaign to concoct thi russian pollution scheme into a spy on president. ed this is a smoking gun evidence. >> we will see how it plays out because we are going to cover every second stuff that trial. 's come back soon. >> thank you. expects a mayor's office said preapproved any messaging from the police department and another city to which the criminals know. that valves like the lightning round with jason rance that is live next. who said you can't do dinner? who said only this is good? and this is bad? i'm doing it my way. meet plenity. an fda -cleared clinically proven weight management aid for adults with a bmi of 25-40 when combined with diet and exercise. plenity is not a drug - it's made from naturally derived building blocks and helps you feel fuller and eat less. it is a prescription only treatment and is not for pregnant women or people allergic to its ingredients. talk to your doctor or visit to learn more. 's handles mirror's office is demanding more control over the messaging from the police department. that has led to heated showdown and a personnel change. let's start there. top radio host jason rance. >> thanks for having me. >> what's the deal. is this what the mayor's office told the police department, you guys can't put out information without approving an advanced crack. >> pretty much the mayor is brand-new to this job. since he took over see miscommunication mishaps betwee the cielo -- seattle police department and his office where they have been on the same page. she's blaming the spd but that' come from him office are not th spd. he said you need to put all you messaging through s before it goes out and buy the press officer for the spd stepped up and said, well, big picture we can do that but there are cases like public emergency in which we need to be able to put this out quickly, it is not practical . and the next day he was told that he was being reassigned. it's involuntary. he doesn't want to the that. and they risk using the spd columns team come another political arm for the mayor, which i think is a disservice. expects please keep us to date. i want to go to washington. this is from king five news, according to their pleas chief they say that the police chief frustrated officers can't chase setbacks. at the same law that prohibits officers from getting involved in high-speed pursuits for anyone not involved with sexual crimes. they're there very frustrated with this particular law. he blames the increase on car thefts and catalytic converter thus knowing that the police will not chase them. expects exactly. under the new law you can walk away from an officer and get into your car and drive off. you don't even have to speed up police officers are not allowed to pursue you. this is the result of the polic reimagining build that police had pursued a couple years ago and democrats are arguing that every police chief is dangerous which is wrong. they have no clue what they are talking about. but it has done is tell the criminals you do not ever have to fear any kind of chase and s the cops are on a tough spot an the criminals are very clearly taking advantage. that's why we've seen certain kinds of crime starting to surge , the ones where you are in and out and if you are you probably are just breaking into a car. that's an easy way to drive off and know you are not going to b pursued. >> and the carjacking situation in many cities across the country is skyrocketing. let's talk about new york city in dealing with crime. new york city mayor such crime is being thwarted by remnants o his predecessor eli silverman i a professor in criminal justice had said police have increasingly felt norton in som cases disrespected by their politicians and placed permits and gentle with a terrible insult and "black lives matter" has made police more cautious. what do you make up that? >> i think he has right. for the most part eric adams is on a tufts pot because he campaigned on the idea as someone as a former police officer and he knows what it is going to take to reduce crime. is a lot of things that predate him and it will be nearly impossible to allow the policin in new york city. the other problem is he hasn't been aggressive enough publicly and calling out the democrats who are responsible for the policy set up and put in place had made it so hard for cops. but also it's not just the politicians. it's judges who go easy on thes criminals and that is the situation but we have reported 2 % increase in crime. >> they end up back on the street and have no deterrent to stop their behavior appeared that creates a dangerous situation for everyone. always good to see you. thank you so much. expects think you, shannon. expects good news. and correctional institution is giving prisoners a second chanc and some cops, strays and rescues. they have a program -- program called heal together. they care for rescue dogs and feed them and train them and play with them. after three months the dogs graduate to their new family an are adopted out. the inmate companion spirit is given the dogs an opportunity t have a new lease on life. they can also get certified in the stock training if they stic with the program. expects and lump this because that softens you and gives you humanity. i want to take you to the motor city for good night. the organized two shifts with 3 volunteers to help clean up the yard and its overgrown of a cancer patient. his name is baran in he is 72 years old and is having chemo. he's feeling better appeared we want to say congratulations to all the volunteers who helped out. fax people rallying the community, that is what it is all about. >> thank you, kevin. good night from washington. , shannon bream. your choice dental implants, thanks every day. let's dig in de chow down day a perfectly delicious day, a love my new teeth day because your clear choice today isda the day everything is back onta the menu. a clear choice day changes every day. schedule a free consultation at my plumbing business online technology central to everything we do we social media and online advertising to reach new customers and we rely on digital tools and platforms to make our business more efficient. i don't understand why some in congress want to take away the technology we use every this political campaign against american technology will hurt small businesses like mine who need it. our leaders need to strengthen, not weaken american technology . happy mother's day to my officers. the best and the best gift service google translate. she's with us .ds handles t she's with us .ds handles t they make youhe handles the driving pocket, your store ,your things until already. then we deliver to your new home across town or across the country on your personal moving and storage team at fingerhut. we don't define you by your credit score. we celebrate you being by offering lower monthly payments than traditional buy now pay later option some stuff you need, things you love and brands you try and you build your credit history with a fingerhut. any credit counselor if you're looking for electronic kitchen essentials clothes, toys and more, you'll find it all at fingerhut. you do you and will help build your head. fingerhut .com credit the counselor you buy with no plastic to be easy to steal your identity and now it can be just as easy to help protect yourself. lifelock helps detect identity trends. there's a problem we work to fix it. go to lifelong .com each year americans waste twenty one billion dollars by overpaying on car insurance . that's why i went to the zebra .com because well, every company claims to save money on car insurance shows you who actually can't compare car insurance for free at the uber .com today. rgic the uber .com today. rgic so what's going on ? i'm a talking dog. the other issue i'm scratching like crazy. i've got some allergic skin information. i can work on it as littleta as four hours, but it's a new or chronic problem and that becomes treated over ten million dog nights and the talking dog thing is bothering, you know, acting like a dog is bothering me until dogs can speak for themselves, you have to when allergic to the problem ask for epiphone gs a control imageh associated with allergic dermatitis in the control of dermatitis in the control of 80% dermatitis. your dogs do note use that dogs less than 12 months old or those are serious st infectionst the club may increase the chances of developing serious infectionsop and may cause existing parasitic skin infestations or preexisting cancers to worsenmo neoplasia. are certain clinical studies and reproval approval most common side effects a of vomitig for i'm speechless. thanksap to africa. well, that's a friend. or ask your veterinarian for well next to you as well as a dog best friend. when it comes to real estate agents experience matters. the best agents know how to market your home or top dollar and navigate through a complex transaction. that ideal agent we created our smart solar system with top rated local agents to sell your home for as low as a two percent commission. i was amazed in the fact that my house sold in one idea agent saved me in the neighborhood of twenty to twenty five thousand dollars in the process was as easy as it gets. it was turkey . i'm a very busy guy. they just took care of everything. they are the number one way to so i've used ideal agent two times i told agent guided me through the entire process every step you want to have the best agent but you want to get the best deal using ideal agent with both properties i've saved over thirty thousand dollars. our service is free available nationwide and there's zero obligation calls a day or visit ideal agent .com lendell incredible. however, on the job and you seem to be hannitized that is probably hannitized and feelom welcome to tucker carlson tonight . happy wednesday. it out tessing to sayay loud, but it'she true there'see probably never been ann institution in this country more thoroughly discredited in the field of public healthgh is right now at this point it'st almost impossible i to take any of these people seriously and that is not a good thing. it's a bad thing we need credible public health authorities but we don't have themem. er in fact, after all we've seen, ask

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, 2022 , 100 , 2021 , 100 Bucks , 66 , Percentage , Hundred Bucks On Father S Day , 500 , A Hundred Bucks , 500 Bucks , 20 , A Hundred , I Don T Know , Bit , Survey , Med , 00 , Dad , Stepdad , Other , Stil , Wives , News , Know , Companies , Twitter , Son Water , Left , Elon Musk Takeover , Tech , Only Wanna Be With You , Replacement , Singers , Clicks , Safelite , Hootie The Blowfish , Tech Vo , Safelite Repair , Places , 99 , Record Label , Taking Off , Candidates , Sound Engineer , Indeed Instant Match , Job Description , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Business , Brother , Anything , Maysan , Son , Understanding , Hunter Bided Sakai , Elon Musk , Twitter Takeover , Host , Lets , Mike Davis , Now Perez , Account , Denials , Times , Partners , Vice President , Business Partner , Hunter , Meetings , Didn T Know , James , Play , Ms , Ukraine Payrolls , 5 Million , Million , Investigation , Mary Garland , Special Counsel , Investigation Fro Politics , Sunna Delaware , Evidence , Ridiculous , Person , Fees , Attorney , Trump , Presiden , Associate Business , Hunter Biden Investigation , Counsel , Sort , Allocations , Attempt , Act , Harm , My Algorithmic Adjustment , Algorithmic Justice , Term , Democracy , Adjustment , Misinformation , Violence , Hatred , Censoring , Senator , Platform , Democrats Don T , Buying Twitter , Executives , Hav , Wing , Walkers , Pony , Idea , Sides , Proof , Pulp Bear , Somebody , Carnival , No , Crazy Town , Point Of View , Harry , Elkin , Reputation , Material , Toug , Eiko Sussman Colluded , Contractors , Smoking Gun Evidence , Campaign , Intel , Spy On , Concoct Thi Russian Pollution Scheme , Hillary Clinton , Mayor , Office , Police Department , Messaging , Criminals , Lightning Round , Jason Rance , Dinner , Valves , Meet Plenity , Adults , Building Blocks , Diet , Weight Management Aid , Exercise , Fda , Bmi , 40 , Treatment , Ingredients , Mirror , Deal , Showdown , Thanks , Led , Personnel Change , Crack , Information , Seattle Police 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