Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Faulkner Focus 20240708 : compar

Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Faulkner Focus 20240708

was inside the people's house 27 times when joe biden was vice president and barack obama was president. and this part. those visits included meetings with joe biden and at times his chief of staff. you know him. he is still in the white house. steve working as a top advisor to the biden white house. press secretary jen psaki claiming there is no problem here. >> does the president still maintain he never spoke with his son about his business dealings. given this report on eric schwerin does he also say he has never spoken to his son's business partners about his son's business dealings? >> he maintains his same statements he has made in the past. i would say i don't have more information about visits from more than 10 years ago. >> harris: well now to the justice department's investigation of hunter biden. the attorney general garland refused to give an update when asked about it yesterday and dismissed the need to appoint a special counsel. house oversight committee james comer says this. >> the evidence continues to mount that not only is hunter biden unethical and not obl is hunter biden broken many laws but also that joe biden could, in fact, be implicated in many of hunter's bad transactions here. as the evidence continues to mount, that the president is involved, i don't see any way other than having a special counsel. >> harris: wisconsin republican senator ron johnson is in "focus" and we'll begin with mark meredith at the white house. mark. >> good morning up to. it is unclear how long the federal investigation into the president's son is going to last. as you mentioned, a lot of lawmakers on the hill want to know where things stand. on tuesday attorney general merrick garland was testifying before a senate committee and asked point blank where things stand with this investigation into hunter biden. he punted on most of the questions insisting the u.s. attorney in delaware was handling the case and decisions were not being made with officials in washington >> he is supervising the investigation and i'm not at liberty to talk about internal justice department deliberations but he is in charge of that investigation. there will not be interference of any political or improper kind. >> fox is told grand jury proceedings tied to the hunter biden, investigators are looking into tax records and overseas business deals. candidate biden told fox news in 2019 he never discussed business with his son. fox news looked at some of the white house visitor logs showing in 2016 hunter's long time business partner visited the campus multiple times. eight times including those on your screen. the meetings with various people including the vice president's chief of staff. we're told there wasn't much to share and public records dating back several years. the white house not usually able to talk a lot more about the investigation punting to the justice department when these questions come up we do expect that lawmakers if republicans were to take the house and senate would dig a lot deeper on this. they believe there was something fishy going on for so long and believe the public has a right to know. sorry about the lawnmower. beautiful day. >> harris: finally a sign of spring and we take it. in "focus" now senator ron johnson republican of wisconsin and member of the foreign relations and homeland security committees. great to have you today. senator johnson, how normal would it have been to have a family member's financial circle inside the white house 27 times? how normal would it have been for the president, then obama, and vice president biden not to know about it? >> i would say it wouldn't be normal at all. certainly what all this new information is showing is that president biden and his mignons continue to lie to the american public. he obviously knew about hunter biden's business dealings and emails showing that joe biden will be paying for some of the legal fees to set up joint ventures in china. it is not just eric schwerin. devan archer had a meeting with vice president in the white house a day or two before president biden, then vice president biden went to ukraine, was basically said the point man for the obama administration on ukraine. a few days after that archer is on the burisma board and a couple days after that hunter biden is on the board. corruption at the highest level. the media continues except for fox news and other conservative news outlets continues to shrug and look the other way. >> harris: we are not one outlet or the other, we are fox. we cover it all. nobody is running from us. a quick question. is it fair, appropriate, is the timing right to begin to ask what president obama knew at the time? these were his white house logs. this wasn't somebody who breezed by. it was 27 times. is that fair game? >> first of all he won't answer any questions just like president biden is not answering any questions and why we need the u.s. attorney to complete his investigation and make it all public. my concern, harris, is that they will end up doing some deal. some plea agreement which part of that will be to seal the records and then the american public will never know the extent of the sleazy conflict of interest of the biden,, inc. family here. i'm highly concerned about that. >> harris: the other name that popped up, the one who is a top advisor, according to the obama white house logs, he was in at least one of these meetings with this business partner eric schwerin. let's move to elon musk. senator, in a tweet you called the censorship of the hunter biden story incredibly inappropriate and that's the man who will own twitter. >> i completely agree with him. i thought cnn pundit that was just basically having a meltdown that now twitter just might be partisan, twitter could dial up and dial down partisan information and the american public may not know about it until after the election. where has this guy been and what planet does he reside on? that's exactly what twitter did when it comes to the hunter biden laptop, our report, a host of conservative censorship that twitter has been engaged in. of course, the news media, the left loves it because twitter has been so highly partisan. it is good news that elon musk will open it up and actually defend freedom of speech. >> harris: we'll get to this now. a new study by a conservative group estimates the number of illegal immigrants living in the united states right now has surged by 1 million in the first year of president biden's presidency. it also found it costs $9.4 billion for taxpayers in 2020. they had to cover all those costs. meanwhile finally maybe some strategy from the white house. i'm interested in your take. dhs released a six-part plan to handle the massive surge of the immigrants of the southern border. everybody knows it's coming from title 42 restrictions expire. several border states scored a victory this week. there is a temporary hold put on the biden administration's ability to end title 42 on may 23. eventually it will. under bipartisan pressure to come up with a plan here is part of what the administration is offering. the use of a so-called expedited removal policy. border patrol agents say many illegals have already found a way around it by claiming they fear prosecution. the whole issue has sparked a lot of bipartisan concern. let's watch. >> the administration that we have currently has been doing nothing more than playing the blame game. they continually turn their back on our border communities and by effect the rest of american citizens dealing with the fall out from this broken policy. we have an invasion at our southwest border. we know some things about immigration and it spikes in the spring, particularly around the time that the administration was proposing to get rid of title 42. it just felt like we were walking into a problem. >> harris: let's get a look. during a ride along with border patrol fox cameras were rolling during a dangerous chase thateneded in a crash. the driver was a 13-year-old mexican national. "new york post" op-ed argues the biden administration's border plane doesn't aim to prevent illegal crossings. a surge in crossings at the border is okay with biden and his people. what they fear is how it will look to the public. it's a political problem. not a policy one. senator johnson. let's unpack that together and start with the so-called plan b for when title 42 goes away. your thoughts. >> it won't work. until you raise that credible fear standard up to the basic level of asylum. which is very tough. very few people qualify for asylum. you have to be persecuted by your home country under a short list of criteria. economic migration does not count. the vast majority of people coming though this country illegally. a million and a quarter. 7,000 people per day last month. large caravan every day. this is out of control. this is with title 42 in place where we turn back over a million people last year. when they end title 42, that's going to signal to the world we have completely open borders, which is what we've had except for the title 42. it will be a disaster. this is -- these are policies that will not work. it is not addressing the root cause. it will not be providing a consequence for people coming to this country illegally. as long as you can come, claim credible fear and get disbursed around the country, encounter, process and disburse. this administration has gotten efficient at. more will come. >> harris: what about the fear on the other side and the crime and fentanyl and americans' fear? who listens to that. we talk to americans who have that. what are you hearing from your constituents? >> people on the ground understand it when they listen to trusted news sources. people tell them the truth. but as you are well aware, the vast majority of the mainstream media are not journalists, they're advocates for the democratic party. one and the same and they got joe biden elected. the guy who campaigned from his basement. now they're covering up for him whether it's the open border, 40-year high inflation. record high gas prices, embarrassing and dangerous surrender in afghanistan which tempted putin to act in ukraine. the mainstream media isn't covering this. a lot of americans get their news from legacy media and big tech giants and not aware of the disaster that is democratic governance. >> harris: it is hard to ignore all the reporting we're doing right now. the drones. we have democrats on daily in those border states who tell the same story. it is getting out there. senator johnson, thank you very much for being in "focus" today and giving us the information that you have. >> have a good day. >> harris: you, too. some critics call her the worst vice president ever. big drama between kamala harris and president biden. plus this. >> i don't know his politics. i don't care. the fact of the matter is he wants it to be as free as possible as a platform and he has come under withering criticism from the media because the american media is corrupt. >> harris: the liberal crisis over elon musk's twitter takeover. now the world's richest man has something for his critics. something special for them. tammy bruce next. no one deserves the american dream of homeownership more than veterans. with the newday zero down home purchase loan, you can buy a home with no down payment. and rates are still low. already own a home and need cash? the newday100 loan can get you up to $60,000 or more and lower your payments by $615 a month. take ten minutes right now and make the call. because no one knows veterans like newday usa. i don't just play someone brainy on tv - i'm an actual neuroscientist. and i love the science behind neuriva plus. unlike ordinary memory supplements, neuriva plus fuels six key indicators of brain performance. more brain performance? yes, please! neuriva. think bigger. you're a one-man stitchwork master. but your staffing plan needs to go up a size. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit >> twitter has been a dark, dark place. i hope it doesn't get any darker. >> that's a nice parallel. >> when a billionaire amasses this much power, they can buy whatever toys, whatever influence, whatever power they want. that's a real problem. >> harris: democrats and liberals still throwing a tantrum. they're pitching all their toys out the crib over this. elon musk has brought twitter. the deal is not quite done but it is coming. twitter employees are also panicking of the future of the platform claiming his purchase will undermine democracy. the tesla ceo fired back at those critics with this tweet. the extreme antibody reaction from those who fear free speech says it all. by free speech i simply mean that which matches the law. i am against censorship that goes far beyond the law. "wall street journal" op-ed pokes the far left with the headline more hilarious wailing at elon musk. as long as the usual silicon valley overlords controlled all of social media progressives didn't mind. elon musk buys twitter and free speech is a national crisis. tammy bruce, host of get tammy bruce on fox nation. there is such a short list of things that i ever get you get excited about. >> it is the moon shot of freedom of expression and perhaps the most significant action on public communication perhaps in the last 50 to 75 years. because social media would remain a controlling factor in how we converse. we saw especially during the 2020 election the hunter biden laptop dynamic. how easily information could be stopped and withdrawn as twitter act heed as an assignment desk for all other media. even though the majority of americans aren't on twitter it affected the culture outside those bounds about what you saw and didn't see and you can't prove a negative. americans didn't necessarily know what they weren't seeing. this changes that dynamic. it comes back to an american spirit kind of feeling as opposed to a totalitarian mid 20th century feeling and what we're able to do in the 21st century. americans pulling this back to what has made the country the greatest nation on the earth. >> harris: uplifting. >> a good time to be a happier warrior. >> harris: look at how many dumpster fire comments there are and the bullying and awful nature of it. very few times in twitter's history that i can remember where anybody had anything positive to say about it. maybe that's even having an effect on the stock price as much as elon musk buying it. it is the change in value that people see in their lives. kayleigh mcenany and i were talking how many people have come back to twitter. >> on tuesday -- i look at a separate analytics. i have an average of 300 new followers a day. 8,000 new people. now, we don't know yet. we don't know, this is what we hope to see about algorithms. if our words were being throttled or hidden or shadow banned. if people followed you and we didn't know. we don't know yet. we expect to find out. an exciting time because of the power of social media even in fundraising for heroes. sending out better stories. >> harris: i would get stickered for some of the comments i made about the fraternal order of police when defund was going on. i'm a journalist and quoting other people. we'll move on. this chart shows employee donations to mid-term candidates at some of the country's most influential companies, including twitter. it shows in 2018, the mid-terms. 98.7% of donations from employees went to democratic candidates or the party. in 2020, that number was virtually the same. but look at that. the liberal media also went after elon musk's twitter buy-out. we'll get to that in a second. what do you make of this donation block? >> you know, you have a company's culture. either the company invites and welcomes a variety of opinions, as this company does. that you have people who have different kinds of points of view on a variety of issues. then that messaging attracts other people to work for a company. so this is why you see this singular point of view. it is literally group think. it moves you in a direction, then, that you simply can't pull it back from. when you are in the work of communicating, delivering news and being a town hall, that, of course, will destroy your platform. what this nation is and why we're strong is because of the variety of opinions, the staff there then becomes like this vicious circle that then can't be reined back in. all that people seem panicked about is that fact. they believe they have sole possession of the truth. all these other things are irritations that destroys the nature of what the country is for and the quality of people's lives. >> harris: having given a few town hall americas acan't imagine keeping some people at the back door saying you are not allowed in because you want to ask a question about such and such. but that's effectively what you are saying. he wants to turn it into the town hall with enough seats for everybody and standing room. >> the left is saying it will become a massive barroom brawl. no, it's not. this is -- it will be an actual ability to not -- their worry is that they can't stop the speech. they aren't worried about. >> harris: that's the point i was going to make. now if you are on the left or oppositional to what you see, right? you'll have to posture a debate. you will have to have reasons for why you believe what you believe and not be a faceless egg taking punches at people in the dark. it will change the game hopefully to be more like a real debate. quickly, i mentioned ad buying. sometimes when you have enough people who think the same and they begin through algorithms to make certain items popular it looks like an ad. they can manipulate the words there. the liberal media is going after musk's and conservatives for supporting this. >> the right has seized that they are on the side of free speech. they are not. the political version of yelling fire in a movie theater. >> you know, this is classic projection. you've seen it everywhere. they know what they've been doing. they presume and imagine -- elon musk is a libertarian. he is not an ideological partisan. it is not going to happen. the left knows, nicole wallace knows the role twitter plays and now she is afraid it will switch to the right. that conservatives will do the very same thing. we the end not to. certainly elon musk will not. they're worried about the fact, the reality, the truth of information, the truth about stories, the nature of what's going on will finally come to light. but ultimately it is a projection of an expectation that elon musk noted it as you showed his tweet, that their reaction to this idea proves effectively the importance of what he has done. >> harris: tammy bruce, great to have you in "focus." after russia's latest threat, ukraine's president zelenskyy says russian president putin should not have control of his country's nuclear weapons. and now russia has cut off natural gas to two european nations, a huge escalation in the war. we're first on the ground in kyiv and we'll get into those other parts of the story as well. the u.s. supreme court is taking up the case that could mean everything for freedom of religion. a high school coach fired for playing -- praying on the field. that coach and his attorney are in "focus" next. tammy bruce is clapping for you. stay close. exploring the heart of historic europe with viking, you'll get closer to iconic landmarks, to local life and legendary treasures as you sail onboard our patented, award-winning viking longships. you'll enjoy many extras, including wi-fi, cultural enrichment from ship to shore and engaging excursions. viking - voted number one river cruise line by condé nast readers. learn more at hey businesses! you all 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hostilities against the west, moscow has cut off natural gas supplies to two nations, griff jenkins is live in ukraine's capital kyiv. griff. >> harris, there is a sense of -- false sense of security here in kyiv in the capital because the russians have long since withdrawn and a lull in strikes here. we've begun to see a little normalcy returning to the capital with some traffic in the streets. amidst that nuclear talk and escalating threats the brother of kyiv's mayor says you cannot rule the danger of putin striking again. watch. >> we cannot underestimate the enemy. this is the enemy of the free world. this is evil. it is basically the fight between the good and evil. it could show different sides, chemical attacks, nuclear attacks, anything else. we must count with anything and prepare for anything that possibly can come from russian side. >> this as russia continues to pound targets in the east particularly in kharkiv, ukraine's second largest city and more strikes in mariupol. harris. >> harris: griff jenkins, thank you. a bit of breaking news now. president joe biden is speaking at the funeral of america's first female secretary of state madeleine albright. let's watch. >> president biden: your grandmother, your grandmother as a madam ambassador, the first female secretary of state in american history made sure those nations and those people knew exactly where the united states of america stood. and what we stood for. you know, all through it, my beloved sister kathy and my brother john can attest she never forgot where she came from and who she was. president obama, president secretary clinton and vice president al gore and members of congress, cabinet members past and present, today we honor a truly proud american who made all of us prouder to be americans. i also want to welcome distinguished guest and dig that towers who traveled from around the world to celebrate a daughter of the czech republic who knew -- who knew what it meant to endure war and flee persecution. with her friend, when he died i remember when madeline eulogized him, she used these words, and i quote. he cast light into places of deepest darkness and reminded us constantly of our obligations to one another. these words -- these words apply equally to madeleine. when i got word that madeleine passed, i was in midair on my way to europe to meet with our nato allies in brussels to help try to continue to keep the strong, strong alliances together. our organization and international response to russia's brutal and un-- madeleine was part of the reason why nato was still strong and galvanized as it is today. a few days later, i traveled to poland and spoke about all that was at stake in our world and for democracy and freedom. it is under assault from forces of autocracy and oppression. many are tired of hearing me say i think we're at another inflection point in world history where there is literally a severe confrontation between autocrats and democratic nations. president clinton, it was not lost on me that you spoke at the same warsaw castle that i was about to speak at 25 years earlier. in my case it was evening, the interior of the castle and beautiful courtyard holds about 500 or 600 people. mostly poles and ukrainians were present when i spoke. i'm sure many in the audience spoke english, though likely not their first language. when i mentioned the name they were respectful of what i was saying, but when i mentioned the name of madeleine albright, there was a deafening cheer. they all stopped everything and started to cheer. it was spontaneous, it was real. so her name is still synonymous with america as a force for good in the world. madeleine never minced words or wasted time when she saw something needed fixing, or someone who needed helping. she just got to work. as a member of the senate foreign relations committee, from time i was a kid -- god, those were the good old days. i was the chairman or the ranking member for a good part of that time. and in the 90s, i can attest that madeleine with the significant help of the president of the united states kept the committee really busy. and our work to halt genocide in the balkans, support new democracies in eastern and central europe, to develop columbia and all those undertakings, madeleine was an incomparable ally and advisor beyond the president to me and to others on the committee. she always had a knack for explaining to the american people why it mattered to them and people everywhere in the world were struggling to breathe free. madeleine didn't stop when she left government. for decades she was an nexus for the foreign policy community, always -- i mean always on top of the latest developments. always speaking out for democracy. and always the first to sound the alarm about fascism. presidents and leaders around the world continue to solicit her advice, including me. when i asked her last year to chair the defense policy board, she built businesses, she pumped out "new york times" best sellers that were constantly best sellers. i think i've read them all. you know, -- and she mentored generations of rising foreign policy experts, the foreign policy establishment. and the thing that i noted that was deliberate and remarkable about her, not unlike secretary clinton, was that she made sure that young women knew they belonged at every single table having to do with national security, without exception. today across our government and around the world madeleine's proteges are legion. many are here today, each carrying with them a spark lit by her passion and her brilliance. i think part of the reason why madeleine was such a successful diplomat was that she understood something i've always believed and my boss, president obama, when i was vice president used to kid me because i would repeat so often, because i believed she understood something i've always believed, that all politics, especially international politics, is personal. and ultimately it is personal. she could go toe-to-toe with the toughest dictators and then turn around and literally teach a fellow ambassador how to do the macarena on the floor of the u.n. security council. you all think i'm kidding. i'm not kidding. she thought it was too difficult to teach me how to dance, though. she was right. no matter where she was, she understood people. she cared about people. and all of that was grounded in an education gained by watching her father, joseph, and her mentor as well. she learned diplomacy at the dinner table and throughout her life nothing mattered to madeleine more than the family. nothing. madeleine had the same rule that i do and others here do. no matter what is happening in my day, as president obama can tell you, or who i'm meeting with, if one of my children calls, i take the call. she was the same way. children and grandchildren, each of you is literally a tribute to her enormous capacity to love. i know it's hard, but i promise you she is always with you in your mind, in your heart, and part of your soul. i promise you, you will have a tough decision, you'll be asking yourself what would she want me to do? not a joke. remember i said it. that is going to happen. and kathy and john, what you've maintained through your lives was always an anchor to madeleine. through all the ups and downs of life. what a gift. what a gift. what a family. you know, from that first trans atlantic crossing on the s.s. america to landing in nations around the world in that big, blue and white plane with the words united states of america madeleine understood her story was america's story. her story was america's story. she loved to speak about america as the indispensable nation. to her, the phrase was never a statement of arrogance. it was about gratitude for all this country made possible for her. it was a testament to her belief in the endless possibilities that only america could help unlock around the world, and to her understanding of what american power could achieve when it is united with and motivated by enduring american values. that's why there was nothing she loved more than swearing in new citizens to this great nation of ours. she would light up, reminding them that she once stood where they stood. having gained the blessings of liberty, she wanted nothing more than to share them around the globe. to madeleine, from my perspective, there was no higher mission, no greater honor, than to serve this great experiment in freedom known as the united states of america. may her memory continue to be a blessing to our nation. and may we remember her words and her deeds. may she always be a light to all those in the darkest places, a reminder of our obligation to one another. may god bless madeleine albright. >> harris: president biden giving eulogy for clinton-nominated madeleine albright in 1996 and today she is put to rest with the words of a president who he says had so many personal contacts with her and professional ones when he was part of the senate. madeleine albright was america's first female secretary of state. to show you the words of the president. let's move onto this issue ahead of the u.s. supreme court. the court will hear oral arguments this week or they have heard in the case of former high school football coach joe kennedy. school authorities fired him in 2015 for refusing to stop praying on the field after games with his team. you can see it there in the center. justice kagan says the coach' public prayer could put pressure on students. >> it is a form of pressure. we're worried that students will feel he gets to put me into a football game or not. he gets to, you know, give me an a in math class or not. >> if the coach, instead of taking a knee for prayer, took a knee during a national anthem because of moral opposition to racism, how would your school district respond? >> that's an interesting question. coach joe kennedy argues prayer should not be a firing offense. here are his words. unless the u.s. supreme court rules in my favor, teachers could be fired for praying over their lunch in the cafeteria if students can see them. that doesn't seem like the constitution i fought for in the marine corps. in "focus" now former football coach of bremerton high in washington state, joe kennedy. and his attorney, mike barry, the vice president of external affairs at first liberty. great to have you in "focus" today. coach, i will start by asking how did you find out that your prayer on the field was not okay? >> it all started when the school district launched an investigation on a compliment that they received from another school district and an investigation is never a good way to start. and it just evolved from there. we worked at it trying to figure out how to get out of the mess but ended up where we are today. >> harris: i've been reading a lot of comments about you. i mean, you were relatively unknown outside of your alma mater and they wanted you to coach the team. you weren't sure if you could do that with your day schedule at the puget sound naval shipyards. you had another life. did they know who they were getting? >> they didn't have the slightest idea who they were really getting. they knew i had a lot of leadership development and the ability to lead people. so that's what they wanted me for at the high school for these young men to help develop them to be better young men and yeah, it was -- it was a trip. >> harris: are you surprised that you are in the middle of all this now? >> absolutely. this is crazy. one minute i'm on the football field helping young men and coaching football and the next minute i'm sitting here with you. it is kind of wild. >> harris: i want the talk to your attorney, mr. barry, about the u.s. supreme court case. first of all tell the audience, if you could, baseline it for us where we are and how you think it affects the rest of america? >> well, first thing is go to the website to read the full story leading up to the supreme court. ist has taken seven years to get here. a lot of history in this case. but to have it finally culminate with the justices hearing coach kennedy's case, that's a great day for america. and we hope that when they issue this decision, if i had to predict i would say that we're probably going to win. and it may be 6-3 or 5-4. you just need more votes than the other side, right? and so if that happens and coach kennedy is reinstated, that will be a great day for the constitution and for religious freedom. no american should ever be fired from their job because they want to pray in the manner that coach kennedy did. >> harris: just like a football game. coach kennedy, last word? anything you would like to say to the players who may miss you today? >> i just miss them and can't way to see them back on the field. >> harris: great to have you both. blessings to you. >> thanks for having us. >> harris: more excerpts from a north coming book highlight the tensions between president biden and vice president kamala. not pretty. one revealing an incident where biden dismissed her comment immediately, even the republican senators were taken back who were there. the authors also say biden wondered whether harris's team was sabotaging her rivals as a possible running mate by planting brad press. many reports of office turmoil and questions over her capabilities continue to swirl. a "new york post" op-ed tore into kamala harris. departures and disasters, kamala harris might be the worst vp ever. political panel now. we're a little tight. we took the president's words at the funeral. come to you first. >> if you look at polling. there is a poll that shows there is a 63% disapproval rate for kamala harris. the portfolio she vefd from biden, immigration and a number of other things that she has failed at makes one wonder was it somewhat intentional by the biden administration to give her these very difficult tasks so when they failed they put the blame on her? that is coming out in the book. things we've been talking about in the press for several months now. >> harris: they still aren't talking about anything she has accomplished. it is all about how she needs help, people quitting. she can't seem to change the subject matter. the president doesn't seem to want to help her. if he does he is not effective. >> first of all, anybody should be very concerned who their running mate is. he chose the right one because he won. as a democrat i'm not happy with some of the things the vice president has or hasn't done. immigration i said she should go to the border. comments obviously and sometimes laughter such as in poland that don't sit right with americans and the international community. the best relationships, even married people. me and my husband argue from time to time but when you look at poll numbers for the vice president that is a concern. if she were to run. all my sources say the president plans on running for reelection. >> harris: last word. >> from the beginning this political marriage between kamala harris and joe biden seemed like it was a divorce waiting to happen. that's what we continue to see the drip, drip, drip of information coming out about how the folks in the biden administration really feel about kamala harris. it is not good. >> harris: is he in a sticky wicket if he were to change up for 2024 will he bolo another person of color? he has to flex for the progressives. >> a lot of times we've heard this with republicans and democrats that there is infighting and going forward they aren't going to have the same person on the ticket. but time after time you do have that same person on the ticket. a winning strategy one time can be a winning strategy again. just because you have some staff departures for friction doesn't mean it's a failing relationship but a normal relationship. >> harris: see you next time. "outnumbered" after the break. y and home. there's a powerful va benefit that veterans have earned, but many don't even know about. it's the va home loan benefit. as a veteran, you're eligible to apply for a refinance loan for up to 100% of your home's value. not just 80% like other loans. the newday 100 va loan lets you refinance your mortgage, consolidate your high-rate credit card debt, get cash and lower your payments an average of $600 a month. so if you need money to take care of your family, use the valuable va home loan benefit you've earned with your service. do you have a life insurance policy you no longer need? now you can sell your policy - even a term policy - for an immediate cash payment. we thought we had planned carefully for our retirement. but we quickly realized we needed a way to supplement our income. if you have $100,000 or more of life insurance, you may qualify to sell your policy. don't cancel or let your policy lapse without finding out what it's worth. visit to find out if your policy qualifies. or call the number on your screen. coventry direct, redefining insurance. >> new revelations today tying president biden even closer to hunter biden's shady business deals. all that despite the president's repeated denial. this is "outnumbered," hello, i am kayleigh mcenany with harris faulkner and emily compagno, also joining us shannon bream and douglas murray on this wednesday. new emails and new records are painting a very different picture, president biden's involvement in hunte

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Faulkner Focus 20240708 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Faulkner Focus 20240708

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was inside the people's house 27 times when joe biden was vice president and barack obama was president. and this part. those visits included meetings with joe biden and at times his chief of staff. you know him. he is still in the white house. steve working as a top advisor to the biden white house. press secretary jen psaki claiming there is no problem here. >> does the president still maintain he never spoke with his son about his business dealings. given this report on eric schwerin does he also say he has never spoken to his son's business partners about his son's business dealings? >> he maintains his same statements he has made in the past. i would say i don't have more information about visits from more than 10 years ago. >> harris: well now to the justice department's investigation of hunter biden. the attorney general garland refused to give an update when asked about it yesterday and dismissed the need to appoint a special counsel. house oversight committee james comer says this. >> the evidence continues to mount that not only is hunter biden unethical and not obl is hunter biden broken many laws but also that joe biden could, in fact, be implicated in many of hunter's bad transactions here. as the evidence continues to mount, that the president is involved, i don't see any way other than having a special counsel. >> harris: wisconsin republican senator ron johnson is in "focus" and we'll begin with mark meredith at the white house. mark. >> good morning up to. it is unclear how long the federal investigation into the president's son is going to last. as you mentioned, a lot of lawmakers on the hill want to know where things stand. on tuesday attorney general merrick garland was testifying before a senate committee and asked point blank where things stand with this investigation into hunter biden. he punted on most of the questions insisting the u.s. attorney in delaware was handling the case and decisions were not being made with officials in washington >> he is supervising the investigation and i'm not at liberty to talk about internal justice department deliberations but he is in charge of that investigation. there will not be interference of any political or improper kind. >> fox is told grand jury proceedings tied to the hunter biden, investigators are looking into tax records and overseas business deals. candidate biden told fox news in 2019 he never discussed business with his son. fox news looked at some of the white house visitor logs showing in 2016 hunter's long time business partner visited the campus multiple times. eight times including those on your screen. the meetings with various people including the vice president's chief of staff. we're told there wasn't much to share and public records dating back several years. the white house not usually able to talk a lot more about the investigation punting to the justice department when these questions come up we do expect that lawmakers if republicans were to take the house and senate would dig a lot deeper on this. they believe there was something fishy going on for so long and believe the public has a right to know. sorry about the lawnmower. beautiful day. >> harris: finally a sign of spring and we take it. in "focus" now senator ron johnson republican of wisconsin and member of the foreign relations and homeland security committees. great to have you today. senator johnson, how normal would it have been to have a family member's financial circle inside the white house 27 times? how normal would it have been for the president, then obama, and vice president biden not to know about it? >> i would say it wouldn't be normal at all. certainly what all this new information is showing is that president biden and his mignons continue to lie to the american public. he obviously knew about hunter biden's business dealings and emails showing that joe biden will be paying for some of the legal fees to set up joint ventures in china. it is not just eric schwerin. devan archer had a meeting with vice president in the white house a day or two before president biden, then vice president biden went to ukraine, was basically said the point man for the obama administration on ukraine. a few days after that archer is on the burisma board and a couple days after that hunter biden is on the board. corruption at the highest level. the media continues except for fox news and other conservative news outlets continues to shrug and look the other way. >> harris: we are not one outlet or the other, we are fox. we cover it all. nobody is running from us. a quick question. is it fair, appropriate, is the timing right to begin to ask what president obama knew at the time? these were his white house logs. this wasn't somebody who breezed by. it was 27 times. is that fair game? >> first of all he won't answer any questions just like president biden is not answering any questions and why we need the u.s. attorney to complete his investigation and make it all public. my concern, harris, is that they will end up doing some deal. some plea agreement which part of that will be to seal the records and then the american public will never know the extent of the sleazy conflict of interest of the biden,, inc. family here. i'm highly concerned about that. >> harris: the other name that popped up, the one who is a top advisor, according to the obama white house logs, he was in at least one of these meetings with this business partner eric schwerin. let's move to elon musk. senator, in a tweet you called the censorship of the hunter biden story incredibly inappropriate and that's the man who will own twitter. >> i completely agree with him. i thought cnn pundit that was just basically having a meltdown that now twitter just might be partisan, twitter could dial up and dial down partisan information and the american public may not know about it until after the election. where has this guy been and what planet does he reside on? that's exactly what twitter did when it comes to the hunter biden laptop, our report, a host of conservative censorship that twitter has been engaged in. of course, the news media, the left loves it because twitter has been so highly partisan. it is good news that elon musk will open it up and actually defend freedom of speech. >> harris: we'll get to this now. a new study by a conservative group estimates the number of illegal immigrants living in the united states right now has surged by 1 million in the first year of president biden's presidency. it also found it costs $9.4 billion for taxpayers in 2020. they had to cover all those costs. meanwhile finally maybe some strategy from the white house. i'm interested in your take. dhs released a six-part plan to handle the massive surge of the immigrants of the southern border. everybody knows it's coming from title 42 restrictions expire. several border states scored a victory this week. there is a temporary hold put on the biden administration's ability to end title 42 on may 23. eventually it will. under bipartisan pressure to come up with a plan here is part of what the administration is offering. the use of a so-called expedited removal policy. border patrol agents say many illegals have already found a way around it by claiming they fear prosecution. the whole issue has sparked a lot of bipartisan concern. let's watch. >> the administration that we have currently has been doing nothing more than playing the blame game. they continually turn their back on our border communities and by effect the rest of american citizens dealing with the fall out from this broken policy. we have an invasion at our southwest border. we know some things about immigration and it spikes in the spring, particularly around the time that the administration was proposing to get rid of title 42. it just felt like we were walking into a problem. >> harris: let's get a look. during a ride along with border patrol fox cameras were rolling during a dangerous chase thateneded in a crash. the driver was a 13-year-old mexican national. "new york post" op-ed argues the biden administration's border plane doesn't aim to prevent illegal crossings. a surge in crossings at the border is okay with biden and his people. what they fear is how it will look to the public. it's a political problem. not a policy one. senator johnson. let's unpack that together and start with the so-called plan b for when title 42 goes away. your thoughts. >> it won't work. until you raise that credible fear standard up to the basic level of asylum. which is very tough. very few people qualify for asylum. you have to be persecuted by your home country under a short list of criteria. economic migration does not count. the vast majority of people coming though this country illegally. a million and a quarter. 7,000 people per day last month. large caravan every day. this is out of control. this is with title 42 in place where we turn back over a million people last year. when they end title 42, that's going to signal to the world we have completely open borders, which is what we've had except for the title 42. it will be a disaster. this is -- these are policies that will not work. it is not addressing the root cause. it will not be providing a consequence for people coming to this country illegally. as long as you can come, claim credible fear and get disbursed around the country, encounter, process and disburse. this administration has gotten efficient at. more will come. >> harris: what about the fear on the other side and the crime and fentanyl and americans' fear? who listens to that. we talk to americans who have that. what are you hearing from your constituents? >> people on the ground understand it when they listen to trusted news sources. people tell them the truth. but as you are well aware, the vast majority of the mainstream media are not journalists, they're advocates for the democratic party. one and the same and they got joe biden elected. the guy who campaigned from his basement. now they're covering up for him whether it's the open border, 40-year high inflation. record high gas prices, embarrassing and dangerous surrender in afghanistan which tempted putin to act in ukraine. the mainstream media isn't covering this. a lot of americans get their news from legacy media and big tech giants and not aware of the disaster that is democratic governance. >> harris: it is hard to ignore all the reporting we're doing right now. the drones. we have democrats on daily in those border states who tell the same story. it is getting out there. senator johnson, thank you very much for being in "focus" today and giving us the information that you have. >> have a good day. >> harris: you, too. some critics call her the worst vice president ever. big drama between kamala harris and president biden. plus this. >> i don't know his politics. i don't care. the fact of the matter is he wants it to be as free as possible as a platform and he has come under withering criticism from the media because the american media is corrupt. >> harris: the liberal crisis over elon musk's twitter takeover. now the world's richest man has something for his critics. something special for them. tammy bruce next. no one deserves the american dream of homeownership more than veterans. with the newday zero down home purchase loan, you can buy a home with no down payment. and rates are still low. already own a home and need cash? the newday100 loan can get you up to $60,000 or more and lower your payments by $615 a month. take ten minutes right now and make the call. because no one knows veterans like newday usa. i don't just play someone brainy on tv - i'm an actual neuroscientist. and i love the science behind neuriva plus. unlike ordinary memory supplements, neuriva plus fuels six key indicators of brain performance. more brain performance? yes, please! neuriva. think bigger. you're a one-man stitchwork master. but your staffing plan needs to go up a size. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit >> twitter has been a dark, dark place. i hope it doesn't get any darker. >> that's a nice parallel. >> when a billionaire amasses this much power, they can buy whatever toys, whatever influence, whatever power they want. that's a real problem. >> harris: democrats and liberals still throwing a tantrum. they're pitching all their toys out the crib over this. elon musk has brought twitter. the deal is not quite done but it is coming. twitter employees are also panicking of the future of the platform claiming his purchase will undermine democracy. the tesla ceo fired back at those critics with this tweet. the extreme antibody reaction from those who fear free speech says it all. by free speech i simply mean that which matches the law. i am against censorship that goes far beyond the law. "wall street journal" op-ed pokes the far left with the headline more hilarious wailing at elon musk. as long as the usual silicon valley overlords controlled all of social media progressives didn't mind. elon musk buys twitter and free speech is a national crisis. tammy bruce, host of get tammy bruce on fox nation. there is such a short list of things that i ever get you get excited about. >> it is the moon shot of freedom of expression and perhaps the most significant action on public communication perhaps in the last 50 to 75 years. because social media would remain a controlling factor in how we converse. we saw especially during the 2020 election the hunter biden laptop dynamic. how easily information could be stopped and withdrawn as twitter act heed as an assignment desk for all other media. even though the majority of americans aren't on twitter it affected the culture outside those bounds about what you saw and didn't see and you can't prove a negative. americans didn't necessarily know what they weren't seeing. this changes that dynamic. it comes back to an american spirit kind of feeling as opposed to a totalitarian mid 20th century feeling and what we're able to do in the 21st century. americans pulling this back to what has made the country the greatest nation on the earth. >> harris: uplifting. >> a good time to be a happier warrior. >> harris: look at how many dumpster fire comments there are and the bullying and awful nature of it. very few times in twitter's history that i can remember where anybody had anything positive to say about it. maybe that's even having an effect on the stock price as much as elon musk buying it. it is the change in value that people see in their lives. kayleigh mcenany and i were talking how many people have come back to twitter. >> on tuesday -- i look at a separate analytics. i have an average of 300 new followers a day. 8,000 new people. now, we don't know yet. we don't know, this is what we hope to see about algorithms. if our words were being throttled or hidden or shadow banned. if people followed you and we didn't know. we don't know yet. we expect to find out. an exciting time because of the power of social media even in fundraising for heroes. sending out better stories. >> harris: i would get stickered for some of the comments i made about the fraternal order of police when defund was going on. i'm a journalist and quoting other people. we'll move on. this chart shows employee donations to mid-term candidates at some of the country's most influential companies, including twitter. it shows in 2018, the mid-terms. 98.7% of donations from employees went to democratic candidates or the party. in 2020, that number was virtually the same. but look at that. the liberal media also went after elon musk's twitter buy-out. we'll get to that in a second. what do you make of this donation block? >> you know, you have a company's culture. either the company invites and welcomes a variety of opinions, as this company does. that you have people who have different kinds of points of view on a variety of issues. then that messaging attracts other people to work for a company. so this is why you see this singular point of view. it is literally group think. it moves you in a direction, then, that you simply can't pull it back from. when you are in the work of communicating, delivering news and being a town hall, that, of course, will destroy your platform. what this nation is and why we're strong is because of the variety of opinions, the staff there then becomes like this vicious circle that then can't be reined back in. all that people seem panicked about is that fact. they believe they have sole possession of the truth. all these other things are irritations that destroys the nature of what the country is for and the quality of people's lives. >> harris: having given a few town hall americas acan't imagine keeping some people at the back door saying you are not allowed in because you want to ask a question about such and such. but that's effectively what you are saying. he wants to turn it into the town hall with enough seats for everybody and standing room. >> the left is saying it will become a massive barroom brawl. no, it's not. this is -- it will be an actual ability to not -- their worry is that they can't stop the speech. they aren't worried about. >> harris: that's the point i was going to make. now if you are on the left or oppositional to what you see, right? you'll have to posture a debate. you will have to have reasons for why you believe what you believe and not be a faceless egg taking punches at people in the dark. it will change the game hopefully to be more like a real debate. quickly, i mentioned ad buying. sometimes when you have enough people who think the same and they begin through algorithms to make certain items popular it looks like an ad. they can manipulate the words there. the liberal media is going after musk's and conservatives for supporting this. >> the right has seized that they are on the side of free speech. they are not. the political version of yelling fire in a movie theater. >> you know, this is classic projection. you've seen it everywhere. they know what they've been doing. they presume and imagine -- elon musk is a libertarian. he is not an ideological partisan. it is not going to happen. the left knows, nicole wallace knows the role twitter plays and now she is afraid it will switch to the right. that conservatives will do the very same thing. we the end not to. certainly elon musk will not. they're worried about the fact, the reality, the truth of information, the truth about stories, the nature of what's going on will finally come to light. but ultimately it is a projection of an expectation that elon musk noted it as you showed his tweet, that their reaction to this idea proves effectively the importance of what he has done. >> harris: tammy bruce, great to have you in "focus." after russia's latest threat, ukraine's president zelenskyy says russian president putin should not have control of his country's nuclear weapons. and now russia has cut off natural gas to two european nations, a huge escalation in the war. we're first on the ground in kyiv and we'll get into those other parts of the story as well. the u.s. supreme court is taking up the case that could mean everything for freedom of religion. a high school coach fired for playing -- praying on the field. that coach and his attorney are in "focus" next. tammy bruce is clapping for you. stay close. exploring the heart of historic europe with viking, you'll get closer to iconic landmarks, to local life and legendary treasures as you sail onboard our patented, award-winning viking longships. you'll enjoy many extras, including wi-fi, cultural enrichment from ship to shore and engaging excursions. viking - voted number one river cruise line by condé nast readers. learn more at hey businesses! you all 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hostilities against the west, moscow has cut off natural gas supplies to two nations, griff jenkins is live in ukraine's capital kyiv. griff. >> harris, there is a sense of -- false sense of security here in kyiv in the capital because the russians have long since withdrawn and a lull in strikes here. we've begun to see a little normalcy returning to the capital with some traffic in the streets. amidst that nuclear talk and escalating threats the brother of kyiv's mayor says you cannot rule the danger of putin striking again. watch. >> we cannot underestimate the enemy. this is the enemy of the free world. this is evil. it is basically the fight between the good and evil. it could show different sides, chemical attacks, nuclear attacks, anything else. we must count with anything and prepare for anything that possibly can come from russian side. >> this as russia continues to pound targets in the east particularly in kharkiv, ukraine's second largest city and more strikes in mariupol. harris. >> harris: griff jenkins, thank you. a bit of breaking news now. president joe biden is speaking at the funeral of america's first female secretary of state madeleine albright. let's watch. >> president biden: your grandmother, your grandmother as a madam ambassador, the first female secretary of state in american history made sure those nations and those people knew exactly where the united states of america stood. and what we stood for. you know, all through it, my beloved sister kathy and my brother john can attest she never forgot where she came from and who she was. president obama, president secretary clinton and vice president al gore and members of congress, cabinet members past and present, today we honor a truly proud american who made all of us prouder to be americans. i also want to welcome distinguished guest and dig that towers who traveled from around the world to celebrate a daughter of the czech republic who knew -- who knew what it meant to endure war and flee persecution. with her friend, when he died i remember when madeline eulogized him, she used these words, and i quote. he cast light into places of deepest darkness and reminded us constantly of our obligations to one another. these words -- these words apply equally to madeleine. when i got word that madeleine passed, i was in midair on my way to europe to meet with our nato allies in brussels to help try to continue to keep the strong, strong alliances together. our organization and international response to russia's brutal and un-- madeleine was part of the reason why nato was still strong and galvanized as it is today. a few days later, i traveled to poland and spoke about all that was at stake in our world and for democracy and freedom. it is under assault from forces of autocracy and oppression. many are tired of hearing me say i think we're at another inflection point in world history where there is literally a severe confrontation between autocrats and democratic nations. president clinton, it was not lost on me that you spoke at the same warsaw castle that i was about to speak at 25 years earlier. in my case it was evening, the interior of the castle and beautiful courtyard holds about 500 or 600 people. mostly poles and ukrainians were present when i spoke. i'm sure many in the audience spoke english, though likely not their first language. when i mentioned the name they were respectful of what i was saying, but when i mentioned the name of madeleine albright, there was a deafening cheer. they all stopped everything and started to cheer. it was spontaneous, it was real. so her name is still synonymous with america as a force for good in the world. madeleine never minced words or wasted time when she saw something needed fixing, or someone who needed helping. she just got to work. as a member of the senate foreign relations committee, from time i was a kid -- god, those were the good old days. i was the chairman or the ranking member for a good part of that time. and in the 90s, i can attest that madeleine with the significant help of the president of the united states kept the committee really busy. and our work to halt genocide in the balkans, support new democracies in eastern and central europe, to develop columbia and all those undertakings, madeleine was an incomparable ally and advisor beyond the president to me and to others on the committee. she always had a knack for explaining to the american people why it mattered to them and people everywhere in the world were struggling to breathe free. madeleine didn't stop when she left government. for decades she was an nexus for the foreign policy community, always -- i mean always on top of the latest developments. always speaking out for democracy. and always the first to sound the alarm about fascism. presidents and leaders around the world continue to solicit her advice, including me. when i asked her last year to chair the defense policy board, she built businesses, she pumped out "new york times" best sellers that were constantly best sellers. i think i've read them all. you know, -- and she mentored generations of rising foreign policy experts, the foreign policy establishment. and the thing that i noted that was deliberate and remarkable about her, not unlike secretary clinton, was that she made sure that young women knew they belonged at every single table having to do with national security, without exception. today across our government and around the world madeleine's proteges are legion. many are here today, each carrying with them a spark lit by her passion and her brilliance. i think part of the reason why madeleine was such a successful diplomat was that she understood something i've always believed and my boss, president obama, when i was vice president used to kid me because i would repeat so often, because i believed she understood something i've always believed, that all politics, especially international politics, is personal. and ultimately it is personal. she could go toe-to-toe with the toughest dictators and then turn around and literally teach a fellow ambassador how to do the macarena on the floor of the u.n. security council. you all think i'm kidding. i'm not kidding. she thought it was too difficult to teach me how to dance, though. she was right. no matter where she was, she understood people. she cared about people. and all of that was grounded in an education gained by watching her father, joseph, and her mentor as well. she learned diplomacy at the dinner table and throughout her life nothing mattered to madeleine more than the family. nothing. madeleine had the same rule that i do and others here do. no matter what is happening in my day, as president obama can tell you, or who i'm meeting with, if one of my children calls, i take the call. she was the same way. children and grandchildren, each of you is literally a tribute to her enormous capacity to love. i know it's hard, but i promise you she is always with you in your mind, in your heart, and part of your soul. i promise you, you will have a tough decision, you'll be asking yourself what would she want me to do? not a joke. remember i said it. that is going to happen. and kathy and john, what you've maintained through your lives was always an anchor to madeleine. through all the ups and downs of life. what a gift. what a gift. what a family. you know, from that first trans atlantic crossing on the s.s. america to landing in nations around the world in that big, blue and white plane with the words united states of america madeleine understood her story was america's story. her story was america's story. she loved to speak about america as the indispensable nation. to her, the phrase was never a statement of arrogance. it was about gratitude for all this country made possible for her. it was a testament to her belief in the endless possibilities that only america could help unlock around the world, and to her understanding of what american power could achieve when it is united with and motivated by enduring american values. that's why there was nothing she loved more than swearing in new citizens to this great nation of ours. she would light up, reminding them that she once stood where they stood. having gained the blessings of liberty, she wanted nothing more than to share them around the globe. to madeleine, from my perspective, there was no higher mission, no greater honor, than to serve this great experiment in freedom known as the united states of america. may her memory continue to be a blessing to our nation. and may we remember her words and her deeds. may she always be a light to all those in the darkest places, a reminder of our obligation to one another. may god bless madeleine albright. >> harris: president biden giving eulogy for clinton-nominated madeleine albright in 1996 and today she is put to rest with the words of a president who he says had so many personal contacts with her and professional ones when he was part of the senate. madeleine albright was america's first female secretary of state. to show you the words of the president. let's move onto this issue ahead of the u.s. supreme court. the court will hear oral arguments this week or they have heard in the case of former high school football coach joe kennedy. school authorities fired him in 2015 for refusing to stop praying on the field after games with his team. you can see it there in the center. justice kagan says the coach' public prayer could put pressure on students. >> it is a form of pressure. we're worried that students will feel he gets to put me into a football game or not. he gets to, you know, give me an a in math class or not. >> if the coach, instead of taking a knee for prayer, took a knee during a national anthem because of moral opposition to racism, how would your school district respond? >> that's an interesting question. coach joe kennedy argues prayer should not be a firing offense. here are his words. unless the u.s. supreme court rules in my favor, teachers could be fired for praying over their lunch in the cafeteria if students can see them. that doesn't seem like the constitution i fought for in the marine corps. in "focus" now former football coach of bremerton high in washington state, joe kennedy. and his attorney, mike barry, the vice president of external affairs at first liberty. great to have you in "focus" today. coach, i will start by asking how did you find out that your prayer on the field was not okay? >> it all started when the school district launched an investigation on a compliment that they received from another school district and an investigation is never a good way to start. and it just evolved from there. we worked at it trying to figure out how to get out of the mess but ended up where we are today. >> harris: i've been reading a lot of comments about you. i mean, you were relatively unknown outside of your alma mater and they wanted you to coach the team. you weren't sure if you could do that with your day schedule at the puget sound naval shipyards. you had another life. did they know who they were getting? >> they didn't have the slightest idea who they were really getting. they knew i had a lot of leadership development and the ability to lead people. so that's what they wanted me for at the high school for these young men to help develop them to be better young men and yeah, it was -- it was a trip. >> harris: are you surprised that you are in the middle of all this now? >> absolutely. this is crazy. one minute i'm on the football field helping young men and coaching football and the next minute i'm sitting here with you. it is kind of wild. >> harris: i want the talk to your attorney, mr. barry, about the u.s. supreme court case. first of all tell the audience, if you could, baseline it for us where we are and how you think it affects the rest of america? >> well, first thing is go to the website to read the full story leading up to the supreme court. ist has taken seven years to get here. a lot of history in this case. but to have it finally culminate with the justices hearing coach kennedy's case, that's a great day for america. and we hope that when they issue this decision, if i had to predict i would say that we're probably going to win. and it may be 6-3 or 5-4. you just need more votes than the other side, right? and so if that happens and coach kennedy is reinstated, that will be a great day for the constitution and for religious freedom. no american should ever be fired from their job because they want to pray in the manner that coach kennedy did. >> harris: just like a football game. coach kennedy, last word? anything you would like to say to the players who may miss you today? >> i just miss them and can't way to see them back on the field. >> harris: great to have you both. blessings to you. >> thanks for having us. >> harris: more excerpts from a north coming book highlight the tensions between president biden and vice president kamala. not pretty. one revealing an incident where biden dismissed her comment immediately, even the republican senators were taken back who were there. the authors also say biden wondered whether harris's team was sabotaging her rivals as a possible running mate by planting brad press. many reports of office turmoil and questions over her capabilities continue to swirl. a "new york post" op-ed tore into kamala harris. departures and disasters, kamala harris might be the worst vp ever. political panel now. we're a little tight. we took the president's words at the funeral. come to you first. >> if you look at polling. there is a poll that shows there is a 63% disapproval rate for kamala harris. the portfolio she vefd from biden, immigration and a number of other things that she has failed at makes one wonder was it somewhat intentional by the biden administration to give her these very difficult tasks so when they failed they put the blame on her? that is coming out in the book. things we've been talking about in the press for several months now. >> harris: they still aren't talking about anything she has accomplished. it is all about how she needs help, people quitting. she can't seem to change the subject matter. the president doesn't seem to want to help her. if he does he is not effective. >> first of all, anybody should be very concerned who their running mate is. he chose the right one because he won. as a democrat i'm not happy with some of the things the vice president has or hasn't done. immigration i said she should go to the border. comments obviously and sometimes laughter such as in poland that don't sit right with americans and the international community. the best relationships, even married people. me and my husband argue from time to time but when you look at poll numbers for the vice president that is a concern. if she were to run. all my sources say the president plans on running for reelection. >> harris: last word. >> from the beginning this political marriage between kamala harris and joe biden seemed like it was a divorce waiting to happen. that's what we continue to see the drip, drip, drip of information coming out about how the folks in the biden administration really feel about kamala harris. it is not good. >> harris: is he in a sticky wicket if he were to change up for 2024 will he bolo another person of color? he has to flex for the progressives. >> a lot of times we've heard this with republicans and democrats that there is infighting and going forward they aren't going to have the same person on the ticket. but time after time you do have that same person on the ticket. a winning strategy one time can be a winning strategy again. just because you have some staff departures for friction doesn't mean it's a failing relationship but a normal relationship. >> harris: see you next time. "outnumbered" after the break. y and home. there's a powerful va benefit that veterans have earned, but many don't even know about. it's the va home loan benefit. as a veteran, you're eligible to apply for a refinance loan for up to 100% of your home's value. not just 80% like other loans. the newday 100 va loan lets you refinance your mortgage, consolidate your high-rate credit card debt, get cash and lower your payments an average of $600 a month. so if you need money to take care of your family, use the valuable va home loan benefit you've earned with your service. do you have a life insurance policy you no longer need? now you can sell your policy - even a term policy - for an immediate cash payment. we thought we had planned carefully for our retirement. but we quickly realized we needed a way to supplement our income. if you have $100,000 or more of life insurance, you may qualify to sell your policy. don't cancel or let your policy lapse without finding out what it's worth. visit to find out if your policy qualifies. or call the number on your screen. coventry direct, redefining insurance. >> new revelations today tying president biden even closer to hunter biden's shady business deals. all that despite the president's repeated denial. this is "outnumbered," hello, i am kayleigh mcenany with harris faulkner and emily compagno, also joining us shannon bream and douglas murray on this wednesday. new emails and new records are painting a very different picture, president biden's involvement in hunte

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