Transcripts For FOXNEWS Special Report With Bret Baier 20240

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Special Report With Bret Baier 20240708

lincoln visited kyiv over the weekend. the white house visitor logs show under biden close his business partner made at least 19 for visits to the white hous and other locations between 200 and 2015 including a a meeting with then vice president biden. although stories and more up next tonight. a done deal for twitter. the world's richest person has reached an agreement to buy those social media jaylan $444 million for it he said he wants to obtain twitter because it's not living up to its potential as a platform for fre speech. foxbusiness correspondent tony o'grady has our top story tonight. >> elon musk now owns twitterberry he said that was his best and final offer to tak the company private and he stuc to it. the dramatic news comes after a bit including shareholders pressuring twitter to take the deal, that was left the board with little choice but stockholders will receive 55-20 valuing the deal at $44 billion. effect is higher than the stock price the day before he disclosed his initial state great he's putting up 21 billio of his own money in the rest will be financed through loans fred he emphasized his reason saying free speech is the bedrock of a functioning democracy and twitter is the digital townsquare were matters vital to the future of the man humanity are debated, but he's not been shy about his plans to overhaul the platform saying to increase on how content is promoted and suppressed, but while he disapproves of the companies moderation policies, the white house said those policies don't go far enough here is jen psaki at today's briefing. >> no matter who owns or runs twitter, the president is concerned about the power of large social media platforms, the power they have over every day lives, he has long argued that tech platforms need to be held accountable for the harms they cause. he has been supporter of reform to meet that goal. >> while some have calling it, conservative lawmakers are celebrating this is a win for democracy. president term confirmed earlie today he will not return to the platform instead choosing to be on his true social app. twitter is in the middle of an all hands on deck meeting and the twitter staff was threatening walkouts even befor this news broke. reports now they were told the business will operate as usual and there will be no layoffs until the acquisition is finalized in the next six months . even though musk owns the platform he will face challenge executing his vision from employees and maybe even the government. this fight is just getting started. >> is that it could be a couple of days, and here we are. to get let's some thoughts news from charles payne and britt hume, good evening for charles, this is a big deal obviously. we saw it coming, your side of the business looked at this and what twitter did today. >> i think the biggest private deal in history. there are so many implications for this, particularly from a business point of view. we will get a chance to see if free speech is great business model. at happen to think it is. twitter lost the message a long time ago. it's been meandering and hasn't done a whole lot, and i think what we will see with elon musk is he is going to bring some innovative thinking here. you know, after did the news came out, crypto currencies. bit coin was 38,000, now it's u another 2 percent. the theory of brand, dose coin went up 23 percent. i wouldn't be surprised to see him put some innovative things in there and revolutionize this as a communications tool, perhaps of claimants to all. this guy is the limit for this. what was intriguing about that is that 55-20 offer was taken. they report their earnings on thursday, something tells me there returns are going to be rotten. >> from a political standpoint, obviously, elon musk is talking a lot about free speech and there is as kelly mentioned, some on the left that our sayin this is a day for a funeral for twitter. >> let's be clear about this. content moderation as it is called is not even a even a euphemism for very selective editing in censorship of viewpoints found disagreeable b the people who were doing the moderation as it's called. what musk is saying is he's going to make it the open platform it was supposed to be and originally kind of was. i've been on it for about 11 years or so and may be longer. and, over time come up more and more people have been silenced, more and more accounts shut down , more and more content doubled as warnings or blocked or otherwise. his view seems to be the old view that was the defending because of this country which i the answer to a objectionable speech is not list beach, it's more speech, this is a country that thomas jefferson put it were not afraid to tolerate error so long as in jefferson's words, reason is free to combat it. these content moderators don't want to combat it, they want to silence it. we had all kinds of wild stuff in supermarket tabloids that we're available everywhere, and we have seen people find their way to the truth even with all of that great i think that free speech on twitter is not going to harm america. to the contrary. >> another part of the statemen from elon musk freight i want t make twitter better than ever b enhancing the product with new features, making algorithms open-source to increase trust, authenticating all humans pray twitter has put tremendous potential and i look forward to looking with the community of users to unlock it. to your point he's got some thoughts already. the question is what congress does in the big picture and whether there is some regulator action that comes from social media or big tech down the road. >> there is no doubts about thi that this will certainly, i mea elizabeth warren is already apoplectic, but just underscore this point, 10 percent of twitter users could 90 to percent of the content of that group cover 69 percent are left-leaning. so this is obviously a platform of public square that reflexes dates of the united states of even the world. even if they let it naturally migrate to what it should be, i think it would be a level playing field for more voices t the point of view. we know congress is upset we know certain members of congres are up to insert members are thrilled. this is an amazing combination of the first amendment first amendment, free-market capitalism, and everything that made america great all balled into one paradigm so excited an enthusiastic about it. he gave the last word here, brett. the twitter ceo is just telling employees that the future for the platform is uncertain. >> of course it is because they've got a new man coming in. he's going to change the way he they do things. the big question as charles has suggested is whether having don these things to make it a more truly open platform, to make it profitable. it's not been terribly profitable, and you just heard charles say that there are not lot of people that expect this next round of earnings to be particularly good. he has a dual challenge to fulfill his promise despite obstacles in his way and turnin green. it's a big job. >> the former president said so far he's not going back to twitter. we will see if he sticks to that . >> crazy not to in my opinion. >> stocks were up today, the do gained 238. the nasdaq jumped 166 today. russia unleashing a string of attacks against ukrainian rail and fuel facilities today. striking crucial infrastructure far from the front-line aphids eastern offensive in ukraine. meanwhile the u.s. reaffirming its commitment to help ukraine win the war following the highest level of by american officials to kyiv since the invasion began. national correspondent travelin with those secretaries during tonight from germany. could get in the highest level visited by a senior u.s. officials to the capital, kyiv, secretary of state, the defense secretary lights austin met wit president zelenskyy and key members of his cabinet for thre hours to discuss what more the u.s. can do to help them. >> sovereign independent ukraine , we'll be around a lot longer than vladimir putin is o the scene. our support for ukraine going forward will continue, it will continue until we see final success brett. >> as they made their way to th president compound, several explosions struck oil depots 45 miles inside russia indications suggest ukrainian missile struck the key supply-side, russia retaliated with strikes on five railways facilities in central and western ukraine including one i grafton, outside of their heat he revealed the secretaries traveled by train to kyiv keep. just defense secretary austins had more military training and $300 million more in u.s. military assistance to ukraine' government pride. >> we want to see russia to agree that they can't do the kinds of things that it has don in invading ukraine. >> secretary of state blinken announced steps to open up the u.s. in ukraine. >> we will have diplomats back in ukraine next week. >> i'm thankful to the u.s. people in president biden for the powerful sincere support we are getting. >> without the u.s. government on the ground in ukraine, it is unable to see where billions of dollars of u.s. ages going and whether it is actually getting to the front lines to units tha have been trained on some of th more sophisticated equipment. >> we do have a good discussion with the president at the fence on an necessity to make sure that those weapons are tracked and as best possible to make sure that they are protected from falling into the hands of adversaries. >> this marked as strong show o solidarity with the zelenskyy government, a message to putin that ukraine isn't going anywhere nor is the u.s. tomorrow here at the airbase in germany, lloyd austin will host 30 ministers of defense, he in senator mark millie will be seeking more military aid for that ukraine. >> jennifer, we will have an interview with defense secretar lloyd austin tomorrow night right here on special reports. up next, the grim discovery along the southern border. we will take you their wife or report and later at major religious freedom case at the u.s. supreme court. e gives longg freedom from pain, with fewer pills than tylenol. instead of taking pills every 4-6 hours, aleve works up to 12-hours so you can focus on what matters. aleve. less pills. more relief finding the perfect project manager isn't easy. but, at upwork, we found him. he's in adelaide between his daily lunch delivery and an 8:15 call with san francisco. and you can find him, and millions of other talented pros, right now on i may be close to retirement, but i'm as busy as ever. and thanks to voya, i'm confident about my future. voya provides guidance for the right investments. they make me feel like i've got it all under control. 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>> breaking tonight in response to a lawsuit from louisiana, arizona, and missouri a judge issued a temporary restraining order that blocks the biden demonstration from lifting titl 42, however it's only a temporary ruling in things can change when both sides meet and the courtroom next. >> you also asked leader mc carthy about those leaked audiotapes obtained by the new york times from days after the capital right on january 6 having to do with president trump. what did he say about that? >> on those tapes he's heard saying that he had it with president trump and that he would tell him to his face, it' his belief he should resign. so i asked him, take a listen. >> look, i never told the president to resign. it was a conversation we had about scenarios going forward. it as president trump, he just said the. he is more concerned about democrats leaking that audiotap rather than republicans leaking at parade will send it back to you. >> bill, thank you. president biden said numbers of the hispanic caucus today. the president is under increasing fire from members within his own party this scheduled termination of title 40 to as we mention. they say he is folding to immigration activists, the administration is pushing back. white house correspondent has that part of the story. >> at the white house has a message for congressional democrats that want to take title 42 emplace great. >> congress would have to take action in order for the date no to be may 23rd. >> congress gives the cdc authority to determine when the conditions would be meant to lift title 42. >> the administration are over the coming migrant search including reportedly this secretary. >> i don't want to divulge too much of that, but he is very frustrated. >> and they are eyeing republic lawsuits to keep the policies i place as potential cover. >> if you talk it where the career folks, they would tell you that they want to keep titl 42. you've got some folks with a lo of immigration activists experience that go the other way . so i think that would give them a cover without a doubt spread. >> allies attempting to muscle the core of the democrats breaking with the ministration. >> the president has made the correct decision. >> title 40 to is not consisten with our values and it doesn't keep a safer. >> at the white house admits more has to be done. >> we need to have a conversation about immigration reform that is vital. >> the administration is not issuing new plans or making new promises. instead to come out looking in the rearview mirror. >> the former president investe billions of dollars into a border wall that wasn't going t be effective rather than workin towards comprehensive immigration reform. the president proposed investin in smarter security at the border. >> what while the white house a using the cdc is a shield for title 40 to to end and hunting any push to delay it to congres they are pushing forward with efforts to end another trump er policy this the supreme court will hear oral arguments over whether the biden administratio can end remain in mexico which required migrants to wait outside the u.s. for asylum. >> jackie, thank you. late spring in texas governor tonight from dallas fred governor, thank you for being here. >> we cover the border a lot, obviously we invest a lot of time in covering the border on this channel. some places don't. if you are talking to someone who doesn't live on the border about their situation now and i coming weeks, what would you tell them? >> people understand the volume of people coming across the border. in texas alone, just during the biden administration, there wer more than 1.6 million people apprehended think about it, that's larger than the city of dallas come out larger than the city of san antonio coming across the border in just one year, that does not count all the people who were not apprehended. if title 40 to is removed according to the biden administration, it would mean 18,000 people a day coming across the border which would annually mean there are more than 6 million people coming across the border. that is two times the size of the city of houston. there is no way the united states is going to be able to assimilate or deal with all of these people who our rushing across the border constantly. that is the problem we have don there. the border patrol outmanned spread. >> governor, i want to play the soundbite from jen psaki at the white house she was asked if th white house bears any responsibility for the specialist bishop evans desperate. >> of course we are mourning th loss of his life, and we are grateful for the work of every national guard he knows the national guard work for the states, so he is an employee of the texas national guard. his efforts and his operated word directed by their not the federal government. >> response to that? >> at first, we would not have to have the national guard on the border. the biden administration was very simply enforce pass the laws by the congress and securing our border protection, in the biden administration barely kept in place with the trumpet ministration can put in place, the trumpet ministration lend to the lower number of border crossings in decades. we're dealing with a catastroph caused by the biden administration. one last point, this is a tragedy for this national guard soldier who was a hero by risking his own life to save th life of others. i spoke with his family and the said he is a loving man and comes from a family that has long been engaged in the united states military, they love our country. our country demands a secured border. we need a president who will stand up and secure the border. gig it you're doing a number of things, one of the number of things you did is you pulled back the secondary inspections along the border lipper and groups the recent boulder delays , $9,000 in lost u.s. gdp, 77,000 jobs over a year, 4.2 billion for taxes and state production loss you think that was a mistake, and are you considering doing it again? >> first, i will quibble with those numbers, but we will put that up for another time. how much is it costing, the taxpayers in the united states for these open border policies by the administration. how much is it costing to house and feed and take care of the medical expenses to educate the more than 2 million people that have come across the border simply under the biden administration alone? what is a life worth? of all the people dying from fenton all that is coming acros the border. in houston texas alone there is about one person losing their life every single day because o overdoses. from sentinel coming across the border from mexico. somebody in this country has to stand up and do something to secure the border. the biden administration is not doing its job. i will continue the effort to lock down those bridges again and by inspecting every vehicle. if they don't do their secure the border from their side. >> i understand your passion an what you're saying the bennett biden administration is not doing. web for the truck drivers and that thought the secondary inspection heard them coming you're saying to them, i might do it again. >> 100 percent, because they need to be engaged in this also. the people who benefit from our economy, they need to be puttin pressure on the leaders that have the capability of doing something about that that is president biden and president lopez ecuador. >> we appreciate your time. up next new information in the hunter biden scandal that could cast doubt on his insistence he knew nothing of his son's business dealings for it as we go to break, we remember utah senator warren hatch who died saturday. the longest-serving republican senator in history. president biden described him i a fighter for causes he believe in, but with a softer side. senate benign minority leader spoke of the legacy of haps today. >> his legacy is peppered with big principled victories, collaborations, but a roster of friends that spanned the entire political spectrum. >> senator warren hatch was 88. (johnny cash) ♪ i've traveled every road in this here land! ♪ ♪ i've been everywhere, man. ♪ ♪ i've been everywhere, man. ♪ ♪ crossed the desert's bare, man. ♪ ♪ i've breathed the mountain air, man. ♪ ♪ of travel i've had my share, man. ♪ ♪ i've been everywhere. ♪ ♪ i've been to: pittsburgh, parkersburg, ♪ ♪ gravelbourg, colorado, ♪ ♪ ellensburg, cedar city, dodge city, what a pity. ♪ ♪ i've been everywhere, man. ♪ ♪ i've been everywhere, man. ♪ ♪ i've been everywhere. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ your shipping manager left to “find themself.” leaving you lost. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit ( ♪♪ ) ( ♪♪ ) ( ♪♪ ) ♪ >> new information tonight on the hunter biden business scandal. white house visitor logs cast new doubt on president biden's claim he knew nothing of his sons business dealings. here is senior national correspondent. >> the hunter biden business partner and was once the president of the now dissolved investment firm hunter cofounded . white house visitor logs from the obama administration showed he met then vice president bide in november of 2010 in the west wing. president biden has maintained he is kept out of hunters international business. >> i have never spoke to my son about his business. >> obama white house logs show total of 20 minutes between in white house officials, it's unclear if any of those are a different person with the same name. jen psaki said he had no information on those meetings but republicans were jumping on the spread. >> we are seeing increasingly the hunter biden transactions with the joe biden and others i the biden family my concern is how prosecutorial discretion will be exercised with respect to all of these things. >> the federal investigation into the foreign business and has taxes, congressional republicans our demanding information break democrats hav criticized republicans focus on hunter biden. the democrat on the house intelligence quinney tells fox, hunter biden has never been in office and isn't seeking office. donald trump led a failed coup against his government, the republicans are obsessed in investigating hunter biden and have no interest in guarding against another troubled coup. >> they will intensify their if they seize control of at least one house of congress in novembers midterms. that gives them subpoena power as this white house prepares to the possibility everquest from republican control congressiona committees for the first time. >> it seems like it's just starting. new information also tonight about what president trump's chief of staff knew and told others about the capital riot and generate six. they have not insisted kate did this message is. we reached out to counsel for mentos, but did not hear back. any gop members plan to frantically test mentos. it was an effort to get the president to do anything tequesta january 6 riot great several techs caught our attention. messages from trump loyalist lake marjorie taylor green and wego marks according to the report, green text meadows that the attackers were not those supporting mister trump, but these were a false flag for the rioters were in t5. he texted the capitol police told him that they expected the dressed in trump gear. now before the riots congressional cigarette told fo that the main concern on generate six was a lone wolf or clashes between those aligned with mister trump encountered demonstrators. there is one text from greene where she allegedly tells melrose the only way to save th country is by declaring martial law. reading would not comment to fo during the visit to the border today. the recent court filing by the 16 committees has meadows was told there was a chance of violence on january 6, the committee told the court, the white house counsel advised meadows it was against the law to hand an alternate electoral votes. >> thank you. a judge in new york has found for president trump in contempt of court for failing to adequately respond to a subpoen issued by the states attorney general. as part of a civil investigation , news business dealings mister trump has been ordered to pay a fine of $10,00 per day should the documents no be forwarded. there has been no comment so fa from team trump. up next, the u.s. supreme court hears at major religious freedo case involving a football coach in prayers at midfield. we will bring you there. first here is our fox affiliate around the country. fox 32 almost 40 others out thi weekend alone. it marks the city's most devastating toll so far this year. just last week, please touted encouraging drops in homicide i shootings is the department pushes to tempt on the surge in violent crime that has become a serious political liability for a democratic mayor lori lightfoot. this is alive look at orlando from fox 35, sunny days there. one of the big stories there tonight, the crew of the first all private mission to the international space station begins its journey home. the four astronauts successfull undocked from the station sunda night, their capsules expected splashdown today off the coast of florida. that is tonight's live look outside the beltway from specia reports. we'll be right back. 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pray tha prompting multiple justices to worry today about coercion. >> it's a form of pressure, a form of coercion. we are worried that the student will feel he won't put me into football game or not. and this is kind of coercion that's in proper for 16 -year-olds. and they think we asked kennedy about days ago he told me over the years to players did come t him to say they were uncomfortable with the prayers. >> i need both of them my team captains. any people that have leadership to stand up for what's right fo it. >> he says he just wants to pra alone and silently and with present, sparking concerns, tha could be viewed is a public school, i.e. the government endorsing a particular religiou viewpoint for it kennedy says students asked him if they coul join. had a duty to turn them away. >> i just want to make sure i understand the school policy. it appears that teachers are forbidden from either encouraging or discouraging private student prayer, is that right? >> s. >> 's so the coach was forbidde from discouraging private student prayer. >> absolutely. >> it tonight the supreme court court action involving a public magnet school in my third racia and socioeconomic diversity, that resulted in a drastic drop and the number of admissions fo and a group of parents suing over that part today the suprem court or should say new admissions policy can stay in place for the case lays out. >> thank you can miss you tonight. up next, the panel on president biden's immigration was in the trip by two of his key advisors to ukraine. first beyond our borders tonight , french president easily defeated challenger in the national election, he received 58 in a half percent of the vote , le pen took just 41 in a half percent but, he is now trying to orchestrate a victory in june vote and capture a majority of the seats and the national assembly. greek celebrate orthodox easter with heat or mark the occasion for. and a truly impressive synthesizer collection. and you can find her 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on that part. >> i've heard a lot of democratic colleagues claimed the mantle of compassion. there is nothing compassionate about this. >> title 40 to is a band-aid on a gunshot wound. you need the american public to understand what is happening. >> 30 days from now, president biden could lift title 42. we have to stop that. and then, we could secure the border once and for all. >> republicans with a trip to the southern border talking about title 40 to and what that means. the wall street journal writes it this way. is covid 19 emergency over, for both clinical party it depends on the issue. moderate senate democrats and most republicans voted to end the federal mask mandates last month are to keep in place titl 42 which is predicated on the idea that the country faces a covid 19 emergency. meanwhile, some progressive democrats have been supported o further delaying student loan repayments have been pushing fo title 42. so let's bring in our panel. national political corresponden molly hemingway, editor-in-chie at the federalist, cofounder an president. >> that is a conundrum. >> i don't know if i would've made the analogy was student loan repayments by title 42 was this tool that the trump administration three covid used to stop people from crossing th border. they were looking for anything they could do to stop the flow. the biden administration comes and says we're going to listen to the scientist in the scientist says we don't need this anymore and they're going to take it off. then you've got a bunch of moderate democrats that say we don't want to lift anything that's going to cause a surge a the border to be even bigger. it's this complete mess. the issue has been successfully weapon eyes by republicans and, the tragedy is that we need a real immigration policy. we have a labor shortage in thi country, we need to have illega great immigration stopped, and neither side seems to be able t get that done part. >> we've been in that same plac for a long time. we really have. >> the idea that somehow immigration reform is going to get passed in election-year it' never going to happen. this issue is emerging, reemerging and should say at th worst possible time for the biden administration, joe biden 's approval rating is about 41 percent. is 35 percent on immigration. immigration is a hot button issue for republicans, but it's also one that independence informs their voting patterns a well. and also created the schism within the democratic party at the worst possible time. yet moderate democrats, but not just moderates, people that who is a progressive been a tough race in georgia who wants the administration not to rescind title 42, so it's something that's going to continue and continue to be a political problem for biden and the democrats. >> the biden whiteouts stands behind title 42 the president attempting to balance his long-standing promise to revoke the policy as inmate they weapo eyes and as number want restrictions to remain in place for fear that the ministration is not prepared for a summer surge of migrants to the border. i heard they would politico say weapon eyes with the situation on the border if you listen to governor abbott or any governor along the states, it's already weapon eyes just by the people that are coming. whether it's political. >> yes, and open border is an inhumane border and what happen with this tragic death of this person who was trying to help out people who were illegally crossing the border, it points to that. this is a political disaster fo democrats when you have democratic senators like the democratic senator in new hampshire in georgia and other democrats saying that this is a problem that we are about to have even more openness of the border, that's a live real electoral crisis this is a crisis, of the biden ministrations own making, it wa a biden administration that on day one opened everything up an welcomed people to cross so thi is a border that was not perfec during the trump administration but had been brought under control little bit. all of these crises we are having have been happening deliberately and willingly. >> secretaries of state in defense go to kyiv to meet with the ukrainian president and her is a bit of that from anthony blinken. >> in terms of the embassy, we will have american diplomats in ukraine starting again next week . they will start the process of looking at how we actually reopen the embassy itself in kyiv, i think that will take place over a couple of weeks would be my expectation. we're doing it deliberately and carefully. we are doing it with the security of our personnel foremost in mind. >> we have a mindset that we want to help them win and we ar going to do that. >> blinken went on to say in terms of russia's wargames, russia has already failed the ukraine has artie succeeded. >> so far, but a long way to go. he is going to fall in 48 hours we've got to get putin off him. the best they can hope for is some negotiated settlement what rush i get something. the ukrainian say no and they imagined a situation where they can win and they got the rest o the world to acknowledge that. that is really extraordinary pe at. >> what about the different secretaries and we want russia to be weak and pertinent we wan ukraine to win. >> think the biden administration needs to be clea about what their goals are, they've been speaking in an escalatory manner pride they wanted the regime change they wanted this to be a prophecy were but then they walk it back right everything said today was backs exhalation is, so i think they need to be clear about wha their goals are, do they want this to last for many years, it is that what they're saying here , or do they seek an end before more people are killed, before more cities are destroyed . >> i agree, i was shocked at th defense secretary use that language. it seems like the idea of a negotiated peace is off the table now. you can't expect prudent or com to the table when you say we want to weaken russia and we want to help ukraine win. i thought it was kind of shocking that our first trip of senior u.s. officials to kyiv, and this is what we get out of it. i think it was a pretty dramati escalation in terms of the u.s. strategy part. >> there is no political calculation when people do the issues, where ukraine, where does it fall. >> i don't think it falls on th issues that really motivate people to vote one way or the other. i think when you ask people argue for the u.s. doing everything short of you get big number saying yes, but then you look at biden and the rating is not very high. >> it is all inflation in economy. ukraine is somewhat it was higher earlier, but it has somewhat receded in terms of th public. >> molly, it seems that democrats are pinning a lot of hopes on this january 6 hearing and where this thing go spread. >> that is where they want to put all of it, but in turn they are much more concerned about the economy in other issues probably not very effective strategy. >> panel, it's good to be in person very thank you. ♪ >> a special day for the defending stanley cup tampa bay lightning with the white house welcomed the president biden.k from tonight, get ready. a third consecutive championship . less than by the new york islanders in the early 1980s. >> it is not out of reach, we will do whatever we can. >> again, i'm not fair and balanced, to repeat their magical run four years ago. tonight on special report, jennifer griffin talks with defense secretary lloyd austin perry to thank you for inviting us into your home tonight, that is it for special reports. jesse waters is here and he is back ricky think you so much. appreciate it. >> since the beginning of time, people have always used scapegoats, yoko ono, she was the one blamed for the beatles breaking up. bill buckner, blamed for you losing the 86 world series for the red sox after that rolled right through him. my dad is still very upset abou it. and marie antoinette is blamed r

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Special Report With Bret Baier 20240708 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Special Report With Bret Baier 20240708

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lincoln visited kyiv over the weekend. the white house visitor logs show under biden close his business partner made at least 19 for visits to the white hous and other locations between 200 and 2015 including a a meeting with then vice president biden. although stories and more up next tonight. a done deal for twitter. the world's richest person has reached an agreement to buy those social media jaylan $444 million for it he said he wants to obtain twitter because it's not living up to its potential as a platform for fre speech. foxbusiness correspondent tony o'grady has our top story tonight. >> elon musk now owns twitterberry he said that was his best and final offer to tak the company private and he stuc to it. the dramatic news comes after a bit including shareholders pressuring twitter to take the deal, that was left the board with little choice but stockholders will receive 55-20 valuing the deal at $44 billion. effect is higher than the stock price the day before he disclosed his initial state great he's putting up 21 billio of his own money in the rest will be financed through loans fred he emphasized his reason saying free speech is the bedrock of a functioning democracy and twitter is the digital townsquare were matters vital to the future of the man humanity are debated, but he's not been shy about his plans to overhaul the platform saying to increase on how content is promoted and suppressed, but while he disapproves of the companies moderation policies, the white house said those policies don't go far enough here is jen psaki at today's briefing. >> no matter who owns or runs twitter, the president is concerned about the power of large social media platforms, the power they have over every day lives, he has long argued that tech platforms need to be held accountable for the harms they cause. he has been supporter of reform to meet that goal. >> while some have calling it, conservative lawmakers are celebrating this is a win for democracy. president term confirmed earlie today he will not return to the platform instead choosing to be on his true social app. twitter is in the middle of an all hands on deck meeting and the twitter staff was threatening walkouts even befor this news broke. reports now they were told the business will operate as usual and there will be no layoffs until the acquisition is finalized in the next six months . even though musk owns the platform he will face challenge executing his vision from employees and maybe even the government. this fight is just getting started. >> is that it could be a couple of days, and here we are. to get let's some thoughts news from charles payne and britt hume, good evening for charles, this is a big deal obviously. we saw it coming, your side of the business looked at this and what twitter did today. >> i think the biggest private deal in history. there are so many implications for this, particularly from a business point of view. we will get a chance to see if free speech is great business model. at happen to think it is. twitter lost the message a long time ago. it's been meandering and hasn't done a whole lot, and i think what we will see with elon musk is he is going to bring some innovative thinking here. you know, after did the news came out, crypto currencies. bit coin was 38,000, now it's u another 2 percent. the theory of brand, dose coin went up 23 percent. i wouldn't be surprised to see him put some innovative things in there and revolutionize this as a communications tool, perhaps of claimants to all. this guy is the limit for this. what was intriguing about that is that 55-20 offer was taken. they report their earnings on thursday, something tells me there returns are going to be rotten. >> from a political standpoint, obviously, elon musk is talking a lot about free speech and there is as kelly mentioned, some on the left that our sayin this is a day for a funeral for twitter. >> let's be clear about this. content moderation as it is called is not even a even a euphemism for very selective editing in censorship of viewpoints found disagreeable b the people who were doing the moderation as it's called. what musk is saying is he's going to make it the open platform it was supposed to be and originally kind of was. i've been on it for about 11 years or so and may be longer. and, over time come up more and more people have been silenced, more and more accounts shut down , more and more content doubled as warnings or blocked or otherwise. his view seems to be the old view that was the defending because of this country which i the answer to a objectionable speech is not list beach, it's more speech, this is a country that thomas jefferson put it were not afraid to tolerate error so long as in jefferson's words, reason is free to combat it. these content moderators don't want to combat it, they want to silence it. we had all kinds of wild stuff in supermarket tabloids that we're available everywhere, and we have seen people find their way to the truth even with all of that great i think that free speech on twitter is not going to harm america. to the contrary. >> another part of the statemen from elon musk freight i want t make twitter better than ever b enhancing the product with new features, making algorithms open-source to increase trust, authenticating all humans pray twitter has put tremendous potential and i look forward to looking with the community of users to unlock it. to your point he's got some thoughts already. the question is what congress does in the big picture and whether there is some regulator action that comes from social media or big tech down the road. >> there is no doubts about thi that this will certainly, i mea elizabeth warren is already apoplectic, but just underscore this point, 10 percent of twitter users could 90 to percent of the content of that group cover 69 percent are left-leaning. so this is obviously a platform of public square that reflexes dates of the united states of even the world. even if they let it naturally migrate to what it should be, i think it would be a level playing field for more voices t the point of view. we know congress is upset we know certain members of congres are up to insert members are thrilled. this is an amazing combination of the first amendment first amendment, free-market capitalism, and everything that made america great all balled into one paradigm so excited an enthusiastic about it. he gave the last word here, brett. the twitter ceo is just telling employees that the future for the platform is uncertain. >> of course it is because they've got a new man coming in. he's going to change the way he they do things. the big question as charles has suggested is whether having don these things to make it a more truly open platform, to make it profitable. it's not been terribly profitable, and you just heard charles say that there are not lot of people that expect this next round of earnings to be particularly good. he has a dual challenge to fulfill his promise despite obstacles in his way and turnin green. it's a big job. >> the former president said so far he's not going back to twitter. we will see if he sticks to that . >> crazy not to in my opinion. >> stocks were up today, the do gained 238. the nasdaq jumped 166 today. russia unleashing a string of attacks against ukrainian rail and fuel facilities today. striking crucial infrastructure far from the front-line aphids eastern offensive in ukraine. meanwhile the u.s. reaffirming its commitment to help ukraine win the war following the highest level of by american officials to kyiv since the invasion began. national correspondent travelin with those secretaries during tonight from germany. could get in the highest level visited by a senior u.s. officials to the capital, kyiv, secretary of state, the defense secretary lights austin met wit president zelenskyy and key members of his cabinet for thre hours to discuss what more the u.s. can do to help them. >> sovereign independent ukraine , we'll be around a lot longer than vladimir putin is o the scene. our support for ukraine going forward will continue, it will continue until we see final success brett. >> as they made their way to th president compound, several explosions struck oil depots 45 miles inside russia indications suggest ukrainian missile struck the key supply-side, russia retaliated with strikes on five railways facilities in central and western ukraine including one i grafton, outside of their heat he revealed the secretaries traveled by train to kyiv keep. just defense secretary austins had more military training and $300 million more in u.s. military assistance to ukraine' government pride. >> we want to see russia to agree that they can't do the kinds of things that it has don in invading ukraine. >> secretary of state blinken announced steps to open up the u.s. in ukraine. >> we will have diplomats back in ukraine next week. >> i'm thankful to the u.s. people in president biden for the powerful sincere support we are getting. >> without the u.s. government on the ground in ukraine, it is unable to see where billions of dollars of u.s. ages going and whether it is actually getting to the front lines to units tha have been trained on some of th more sophisticated equipment. >> we do have a good discussion with the president at the fence on an necessity to make sure that those weapons are tracked and as best possible to make sure that they are protected from falling into the hands of adversaries. >> this marked as strong show o solidarity with the zelenskyy government, a message to putin that ukraine isn't going anywhere nor is the u.s. tomorrow here at the airbase in germany, lloyd austin will host 30 ministers of defense, he in senator mark millie will be seeking more military aid for that ukraine. >> jennifer, we will have an interview with defense secretar lloyd austin tomorrow night right here on special reports. up next, the grim discovery along the southern border. we will take you their wife or report and later at major religious freedom case at the u.s. supreme court. e gives longg freedom from pain, with fewer pills than tylenol. instead of taking pills every 4-6 hours, aleve works up to 12-hours so you can focus on what matters. aleve. less pills. more relief finding the perfect project manager isn't easy. but, at upwork, we found him. he's in adelaide between his daily lunch delivery and an 8:15 call with san francisco. and you can find him, and millions of other talented pros, right now on i may be close to retirement, but i'm as busy as ever. and thanks to voya, i'm confident about my future. voya provides guidance for the right investments. they make me feel like i've got it all under control. 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>> breaking tonight in response to a lawsuit from louisiana, arizona, and missouri a judge issued a temporary restraining order that blocks the biden demonstration from lifting titl 42, however it's only a temporary ruling in things can change when both sides meet and the courtroom next. >> you also asked leader mc carthy about those leaked audiotapes obtained by the new york times from days after the capital right on january 6 having to do with president trump. what did he say about that? >> on those tapes he's heard saying that he had it with president trump and that he would tell him to his face, it' his belief he should resign. so i asked him, take a listen. >> look, i never told the president to resign. it was a conversation we had about scenarios going forward. it as president trump, he just said the. he is more concerned about democrats leaking that audiotap rather than republicans leaking at parade will send it back to you. >> bill, thank you. president biden said numbers of the hispanic caucus today. the president is under increasing fire from members within his own party this scheduled termination of title 40 to as we mention. they say he is folding to immigration activists, the administration is pushing back. white house correspondent has that part of the story. >> at the white house has a message for congressional democrats that want to take title 42 emplace great. >> congress would have to take action in order for the date no to be may 23rd. >> congress gives the cdc authority to determine when the conditions would be meant to lift title 42. >> the administration are over the coming migrant search including reportedly this secretary. >> i don't want to divulge too much of that, but he is very frustrated. >> and they are eyeing republic lawsuits to keep the policies i place as potential cover. >> if you talk it where the career folks, they would tell you that they want to keep titl 42. you've got some folks with a lo of immigration activists experience that go the other way . so i think that would give them a cover without a doubt spread. >> allies attempting to muscle the core of the democrats breaking with the ministration. >> the president has made the correct decision. >> title 40 to is not consisten with our values and it doesn't keep a safer. >> at the white house admits more has to be done. >> we need to have a conversation about immigration reform that is vital. >> the administration is not issuing new plans or making new promises. instead to come out looking in the rearview mirror. >> the former president investe billions of dollars into a border wall that wasn't going t be effective rather than workin towards comprehensive immigration reform. the president proposed investin in smarter security at the border. >> what while the white house a using the cdc is a shield for title 40 to to end and hunting any push to delay it to congres they are pushing forward with efforts to end another trump er policy this the supreme court will hear oral arguments over whether the biden administratio can end remain in mexico which required migrants to wait outside the u.s. for asylum. >> jackie, thank you. late spring in texas governor tonight from dallas fred governor, thank you for being here. >> we cover the border a lot, obviously we invest a lot of time in covering the border on this channel. some places don't. if you are talking to someone who doesn't live on the border about their situation now and i coming weeks, what would you tell them? >> people understand the volume of people coming across the border. in texas alone, just during the biden administration, there wer more than 1.6 million people apprehended think about it, that's larger than the city of dallas come out larger than the city of san antonio coming across the border in just one year, that does not count all the people who were not apprehended. if title 40 to is removed according to the biden administration, it would mean 18,000 people a day coming across the border which would annually mean there are more than 6 million people coming across the border. that is two times the size of the city of houston. there is no way the united states is going to be able to assimilate or deal with all of these people who our rushing across the border constantly. that is the problem we have don there. the border patrol outmanned spread. >> governor, i want to play the soundbite from jen psaki at the white house she was asked if th white house bears any responsibility for the specialist bishop evans desperate. >> of course we are mourning th loss of his life, and we are grateful for the work of every national guard he knows the national guard work for the states, so he is an employee of the texas national guard. his efforts and his operated word directed by their not the federal government. >> response to that? >> at first, we would not have to have the national guard on the border. the biden administration was very simply enforce pass the laws by the congress and securing our border protection, in the biden administration barely kept in place with the trumpet ministration can put in place, the trumpet ministration lend to the lower number of border crossings in decades. we're dealing with a catastroph caused by the biden administration. one last point, this is a tragedy for this national guard soldier who was a hero by risking his own life to save th life of others. i spoke with his family and the said he is a loving man and comes from a family that has long been engaged in the united states military, they love our country. our country demands a secured border. we need a president who will stand up and secure the border. gig it you're doing a number of things, one of the number of things you did is you pulled back the secondary inspections along the border lipper and groups the recent boulder delays , $9,000 in lost u.s. gdp, 77,000 jobs over a year, 4.2 billion for taxes and state production loss you think that was a mistake, and are you considering doing it again? >> first, i will quibble with those numbers, but we will put that up for another time. how much is it costing, the taxpayers in the united states for these open border policies by the administration. how much is it costing to house and feed and take care of the medical expenses to educate the more than 2 million people that have come across the border simply under the biden administration alone? what is a life worth? of all the people dying from fenton all that is coming acros the border. in houston texas alone there is about one person losing their life every single day because o overdoses. from sentinel coming across the border from mexico. somebody in this country has to stand up and do something to secure the border. the biden administration is not doing its job. i will continue the effort to lock down those bridges again and by inspecting every vehicle. if they don't do their secure the border from their side. >> i understand your passion an what you're saying the bennett biden administration is not doing. web for the truck drivers and that thought the secondary inspection heard them coming you're saying to them, i might do it again. >> 100 percent, because they need to be engaged in this also. the people who benefit from our economy, they need to be puttin pressure on the leaders that have the capability of doing something about that that is president biden and president lopez ecuador. >> we appreciate your time. up next new information in the hunter biden scandal that could cast doubt on his insistence he knew nothing of his son's business dealings for it as we go to break, we remember utah senator warren hatch who died saturday. the longest-serving republican senator in history. president biden described him i a fighter for causes he believe in, but with a softer side. senate benign minority leader spoke of the legacy of haps today. >> his legacy is peppered with big principled victories, collaborations, but a roster of friends that spanned the entire political spectrum. >> senator warren hatch was 88. (johnny cash) ♪ i've traveled every road in this here land! ♪ ♪ i've been everywhere, man. ♪ ♪ i've been everywhere, man. ♪ ♪ crossed the desert's bare, man. ♪ ♪ i've breathed the mountain air, man. ♪ ♪ of travel i've had my share, man. ♪ ♪ i've been everywhere. ♪ ♪ i've been to: pittsburgh, parkersburg, ♪ ♪ gravelbourg, colorado, ♪ ♪ ellensburg, cedar city, dodge city, what a pity. ♪ ♪ i've been everywhere, man. ♪ ♪ i've been everywhere, man. ♪ ♪ i've been everywhere. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ your shipping manager left to “find themself.” leaving you lost. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit ( ♪♪ ) ( ♪♪ ) ( ♪♪ ) ♪ >> new information tonight on the hunter biden business scandal. white house visitor logs cast new doubt on president biden's claim he knew nothing of his sons business dealings. here is senior national correspondent. >> the hunter biden business partner and was once the president of the now dissolved investment firm hunter cofounded . white house visitor logs from the obama administration showed he met then vice president bide in november of 2010 in the west wing. president biden has maintained he is kept out of hunters international business. >> i have never spoke to my son about his business. >> obama white house logs show total of 20 minutes between in white house officials, it's unclear if any of those are a different person with the same name. jen psaki said he had no information on those meetings but republicans were jumping on the spread. >> we are seeing increasingly the hunter biden transactions with the joe biden and others i the biden family my concern is how prosecutorial discretion will be exercised with respect to all of these things. >> the federal investigation into the foreign business and has taxes, congressional republicans our demanding information break democrats hav criticized republicans focus on hunter biden. the democrat on the house intelligence quinney tells fox, hunter biden has never been in office and isn't seeking office. donald trump led a failed coup against his government, the republicans are obsessed in investigating hunter biden and have no interest in guarding against another troubled coup. >> they will intensify their if they seize control of at least one house of congress in novembers midterms. that gives them subpoena power as this white house prepares to the possibility everquest from republican control congressiona committees for the first time. >> it seems like it's just starting. new information also tonight about what president trump's chief of staff knew and told others about the capital riot and generate six. they have not insisted kate did this message is. we reached out to counsel for mentos, but did not hear back. any gop members plan to frantically test mentos. it was an effort to get the president to do anything tequesta january 6 riot great several techs caught our attention. messages from trump loyalist lake marjorie taylor green and wego marks according to the report, green text meadows that the attackers were not those supporting mister trump, but these were a false flag for the rioters were in t5. he texted the capitol police told him that they expected the dressed in trump gear. now before the riots congressional cigarette told fo that the main concern on generate six was a lone wolf or clashes between those aligned with mister trump encountered demonstrators. there is one text from greene where she allegedly tells melrose the only way to save th country is by declaring martial law. reading would not comment to fo during the visit to the border today. the recent court filing by the 16 committees has meadows was told there was a chance of violence on january 6, the committee told the court, the white house counsel advised meadows it was against the law to hand an alternate electoral votes. >> thank you. a judge in new york has found for president trump in contempt of court for failing to adequately respond to a subpoen issued by the states attorney general. as part of a civil investigation , news business dealings mister trump has been ordered to pay a fine of $10,00 per day should the documents no be forwarded. there has been no comment so fa from team trump. up next, the u.s. supreme court hears at major religious freedo case involving a football coach in prayers at midfield. we will bring you there. first here is our fox affiliate around the country. fox 32 almost 40 others out thi weekend alone. it marks the city's most devastating toll so far this year. just last week, please touted encouraging drops in homicide i shootings is the department pushes to tempt on the surge in violent crime that has become a serious political liability for a democratic mayor lori lightfoot. this is alive look at orlando from fox 35, sunny days there. one of the big stories there tonight, the crew of the first all private mission to the international space station begins its journey home. the four astronauts successfull undocked from the station sunda night, their capsules expected splashdown today off the coast of florida. that is tonight's live look outside the beltway from specia reports. we'll be right back. 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pray tha prompting multiple justices to worry today about coercion. >> it's a form of pressure, a form of coercion. we are worried that the student will feel he won't put me into football game or not. and this is kind of coercion that's in proper for 16 -year-olds. and they think we asked kennedy about days ago he told me over the years to players did come t him to say they were uncomfortable with the prayers. >> i need both of them my team captains. any people that have leadership to stand up for what's right fo it. >> he says he just wants to pra alone and silently and with present, sparking concerns, tha could be viewed is a public school, i.e. the government endorsing a particular religiou viewpoint for it kennedy says students asked him if they coul join. had a duty to turn them away. >> i just want to make sure i understand the school policy. it appears that teachers are forbidden from either encouraging or discouraging private student prayer, is that right? >> s. >> 's so the coach was forbidde from discouraging private student prayer. >> absolutely. >> it tonight the supreme court court action involving a public magnet school in my third racia and socioeconomic diversity, that resulted in a drastic drop and the number of admissions fo and a group of parents suing over that part today the suprem court or should say new admissions policy can stay in place for the case lays out. >> thank you can miss you tonight. up next, the panel on president biden's immigration was in the trip by two of his key advisors to ukraine. first beyond our borders tonight , french president easily defeated challenger in the national election, he received 58 in a half percent of the vote , le pen took just 41 in a half percent but, he is now trying to orchestrate a victory in june vote and capture a majority of the seats and the national assembly. greek celebrate orthodox easter with heat or mark the occasion for. and a truly impressive synthesizer collection. and you can find her 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on that part. >> i've heard a lot of democratic colleagues claimed the mantle of compassion. there is nothing compassionate about this. >> title 40 to is a band-aid on a gunshot wound. you need the american public to understand what is happening. >> 30 days from now, president biden could lift title 42. we have to stop that. and then, we could secure the border once and for all. >> republicans with a trip to the southern border talking about title 40 to and what that means. the wall street journal writes it this way. is covid 19 emergency over, for both clinical party it depends on the issue. moderate senate democrats and most republicans voted to end the federal mask mandates last month are to keep in place titl 42 which is predicated on the idea that the country faces a covid 19 emergency. meanwhile, some progressive democrats have been supported o further delaying student loan repayments have been pushing fo title 42. so let's bring in our panel. national political corresponden molly hemingway, editor-in-chie at the federalist, cofounder an president. >> that is a conundrum. >> i don't know if i would've made the analogy was student loan repayments by title 42 was this tool that the trump administration three covid used to stop people from crossing th border. they were looking for anything they could do to stop the flow. the biden administration comes and says we're going to listen to the scientist in the scientist says we don't need this anymore and they're going to take it off. then you've got a bunch of moderate democrats that say we don't want to lift anything that's going to cause a surge a the border to be even bigger. it's this complete mess. the issue has been successfully weapon eyes by republicans and, the tragedy is that we need a real immigration policy. we have a labor shortage in thi country, we need to have illega great immigration stopped, and neither side seems to be able t get that done part. >> we've been in that same plac for a long time. we really have. >> the idea that somehow immigration reform is going to get passed in election-year it' never going to happen. this issue is emerging, reemerging and should say at th worst possible time for the biden administration, joe biden 's approval rating is about 41 percent. is 35 percent on immigration. immigration is a hot button issue for republicans, but it's also one that independence informs their voting patterns a well. and also created the schism within the democratic party at the worst possible time. yet moderate democrats, but not just moderates, people that who is a progressive been a tough race in georgia who wants the administration not to rescind title 42, so it's something that's going to continue and continue to be a political problem for biden and the democrats. >> the biden whiteouts stands behind title 42 the president attempting to balance his long-standing promise to revoke the policy as inmate they weapo eyes and as number want restrictions to remain in place for fear that the ministration is not prepared for a summer surge of migrants to the border. i heard they would politico say weapon eyes with the situation on the border if you listen to governor abbott or any governor along the states, it's already weapon eyes just by the people that are coming. whether it's political. >> yes, and open border is an inhumane border and what happen with this tragic death of this person who was trying to help out people who were illegally crossing the border, it points to that. this is a political disaster fo democrats when you have democratic senators like the democratic senator in new hampshire in georgia and other democrats saying that this is a problem that we are about to have even more openness of the border, that's a live real electoral crisis this is a crisis, of the biden ministrations own making, it wa a biden administration that on day one opened everything up an welcomed people to cross so thi is a border that was not perfec during the trump administration but had been brought under control little bit. all of these crises we are having have been happening deliberately and willingly. >> secretaries of state in defense go to kyiv to meet with the ukrainian president and her is a bit of that from anthony blinken. >> in terms of the embassy, we will have american diplomats in ukraine starting again next week . they will start the process of looking at how we actually reopen the embassy itself in kyiv, i think that will take place over a couple of weeks would be my expectation. we're doing it deliberately and carefully. we are doing it with the security of our personnel foremost in mind. >> we have a mindset that we want to help them win and we ar going to do that. >> blinken went on to say in terms of russia's wargames, russia has already failed the ukraine has artie succeeded. >> so far, but a long way to go. he is going to fall in 48 hours we've got to get putin off him. the best they can hope for is some negotiated settlement what rush i get something. the ukrainian say no and they imagined a situation where they can win and they got the rest o the world to acknowledge that. that is really extraordinary pe at. >> what about the different secretaries and we want russia to be weak and pertinent we wan ukraine to win. >> think the biden administration needs to be clea about what their goals are, they've been speaking in an escalatory manner pride they wanted the regime change they wanted this to be a prophecy were but then they walk it back right everything said today was backs exhalation is, so i think they need to be clear about wha their goals are, do they want this to last for many years, it is that what they're saying here , or do they seek an end before more people are killed, before more cities are destroyed . >> i agree, i was shocked at th defense secretary use that language. it seems like the idea of a negotiated peace is off the table now. you can't expect prudent or com to the table when you say we want to weaken russia and we want to help ukraine win. i thought it was kind of shocking that our first trip of senior u.s. officials to kyiv, and this is what we get out of it. i think it was a pretty dramati escalation in terms of the u.s. strategy part. >> there is no political calculation when people do the issues, where ukraine, where does it fall. >> i don't think it falls on th issues that really motivate people to vote one way or the other. i think when you ask people argue for the u.s. doing everything short of you get big number saying yes, but then you look at biden and the rating is not very high. >> it is all inflation in economy. ukraine is somewhat it was higher earlier, but it has somewhat receded in terms of th public. >> molly, it seems that democrats are pinning a lot of hopes on this january 6 hearing and where this thing go spread. >> that is where they want to put all of it, but in turn they are much more concerned about the economy in other issues probably not very effective strategy. >> panel, it's good to be in person very thank you. ♪ >> a special day for the defending stanley cup tampa bay lightning with the white house welcomed the president biden.k from tonight, get ready. a third consecutive championship . less than by the new york islanders in the early 1980s. >> it is not out of reach, we will do whatever we can. >> again, i'm not fair and balanced, to repeat their magical run four years ago. tonight on special report, jennifer griffin talks with defense secretary lloyd austin perry to thank you for inviting us into your home tonight, that is it for special reports. jesse waters is here and he is back ricky think you so much. appreciate it. >> since the beginning of time, people have always used scapegoats, yoko ono, she was the one blamed for the beatles breaking up. bill buckner, blamed for you losing the 86 world series for the red sox after that rolled right through him. my dad is still very upset abou it. and marie antoinette is blamed r

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Assignment Rules , Incursions , Jumping , Flag , Scene , Rio Grande , Kevin M Ccarthy , Effort , River , Immigrants , Discovery , Delegation , House Republicans , Smuggling Drugs , Texas Rangers , Ministration , Bishop , Executive Orders , Border Patrol , Fox News , Delegation A Tour , Video , 2 Million , Migrants , Location , Authorities , Boats , Police , Others , Riverbank , Water , Hand Agents , Toddlers , Child , Mexican , Title , Leader , Visit , Th Fact , Th Border , City A , Repeal , Biden Ostensibly , 42 , Life , Isn T Seeking Office , Response , Lawsuit , Louisiana , Judge , Sides , Missouri , Arizona , Courtroom , Restraining Order , Biden Demonstration , Ruling , Trump Loyalist , Trump , Mc Carthy , New York Times , Audiotapes , Tapes , January 6 , Conversation , Scenarios , Listen , Belief , Face , Republicans , Progressive Democrats , Audiotap , Bill , Parade , Party , Numbers , Immigration Activists , Termination , Fire , Hispanic Caucus , 40 , Administration , Congress , Democrats , Correspondent , Action , Order , Title 42 Emplace Great , Cdc , Conditions , May 23rd , Migrant Search , Policies , Cover , Career Folks , Secretary , Republic Lawsuits , Doubt Spread , Folks , Lo , Allies , Safer , Core , Decision , Values , Immigration Reform , Promises , Rearview Mirror , Investe , Security , Shield , Wasn T Going , Comprehensive Immigration Reform , Border Wall , Proposed Investin , Efforts , Biden Administratio , Arguments , Push , Trump Er Policy This The Supreme Court , Governor , Asylum , Jackie , Dallas , Situation , Someone , Channel , Doesn T , Volume , City Of San Antonio , 1 6 Million , 6 Million , 18000 , Problem , Size , City Of Houston , Responsibility , Border Patrol Outmanned Spread , Mourning Th Loss , Soundbite , States , Employee , Guard , Laws , Border Protection , Place , Number , Trumpet Ministration , Border Crossings , Catastroph , Tragedy , Family , Hero , United States Military , Jobs , Inspections , Gdp , Boulder Delays , Border Lipper , 9000 , 000 , 77000 , Taxes , Mistake , First , State Production Loss , 4 2 Billion , Care , Expenses , Taxpayers , Life Worth , O Overdoses , Acros , Somebody , Sentinel , Passion , Bridges , Vehicle , Truck Drivers , Web , Inspection , 100 , Republicans Focus On Hunter Biden , Information , Economy , Capability , Lopez Ecuador , Leaders , Scandal , Nothing , Doubt , Son , Senator Warren Hatch , Business Dealings , Insistence , Utah , Legacy , Senator , Senate , Fighter , Haps Today , Victories , Causes , Him Ia , Roster , Spectrum , Collaborations , Friends , 88 , Travel , Road , Share , Johnny Cash , Mountain Air , Desert S Bare , Pity , Dodge City , Cedar City , Parkersburg , Gravelbourg , Colorado , Pittsburgh , Ellensburg , Candidates , Shipping Manager , Indeed Instant Match , Job Description , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Find Themself , Claim , Hunter Biden Business Scandal , Visitor Logs Cast , Visitor , Sons Business Dealings , Investment Firm , Hunter Cofounded , Hunters , Obama , Vice President Bide In November , West Wing , 2010 , November Of 2010 , Obama White House , Any , Name , Concern , Spread , Meetings , Transactions , Investigation , Discretion , Respect , Donald Trump , Coup , House , Democrat , Guarding , Interest , Intelligence Quinney , Control , Subpoena Power , Midterms , Novembers , Everquest , Possibility , Control Congressiona Committees For The First Time , Chief Of Staff , Counsel , Mentos , Kate , Anything , Report , Attackers , Techs , Marks , Attention , Lake Marjorie Taylor Green , Messages , Green Text Meadows , Capitol Police , Riots , Gear , Cigarette , Supporting Mister Trump , Rioters , T5 , Fo , Demonstrators , Text , Th Country , Clashes , Greene , Martial Law , Lone Wolf , Melrose , Reading , Court , Committees , Committee , Meadows , Court Filing , Violence , 16 , Votes , Law , Subpoen , Contempt Of Court , New York , Attorney General , News Business Dealings , Comment , Documents , Team Trump , Fine , Fa , 1000 , Prayers , Football Coach , Freedo , 32 , Surge , City , Shootings , Drops , Toll , Department , Homicide , Crime , Mission , Lori Lightfoot , Space Station , Look , Liability , Crew , Orlando , Journey Home , 35 , Station , Coast , Splashdown , Beltway , Specia Reports , Capsules , Sunda Night , Florida , Astronauts Successfull Undocked , Four , Moon , Claritin , Clarity , Wonderful Time Of The Year , Make , Allergens , Symptom Relief , Cash , Big Time With Chase Freedom Unlimited , Cabin , Fee , Chase Freedom Unlimited , Kevin Hart , Hello , 5 , Info , Life Changing , Blood Clots , Ton , Ziprecruiter , Shop , Hiring , Growth , Store Managers , Advisors , Applicants , Role , Announcer , Hiring Site , Justices , Players , Shannon Bream , T , High School Footbal Coach , Details , Joe Kennedy , Students , Public , Hosting Coaches , Line , Games , Haul , Bap , Pair , 50 , Seven , Coercion , Form , Student , Pray Tha Prompting , Kind , Football Game , Leadership , Both , Team Captains , It Kennedy , Viewpoint , Tha , Public School , Sparking Concerns , Religiou , I E , School Policy , Duty , Teachers , Student Prayer , Coach , It Tonight The Supreme Court Action Involving A Public Magnet School , S , Diversity , Drop , Third Racia , Biden S Immigration , Admissions Policy , Suprem Court , Parents , Trip , Vote , Challenger , Borders Tonight , Election , French , 58 , Easter , Victory , Occasion , Majority , Seats , Greek , Le Pen , National Assembly , 41 , Workforce , On Upwork Com , Lepsi , Synthesizer Collection , Talent , Designer , Developer , Whomever , Bike , Shingles , Shinges Doesn T Care , Vegetables , Moves , Protection , 1 , 3 , Shingrix , Vaccine , Risk , Immune System Declines , Fainting , Muscle Pain , Everyone , Side Effects , Reactions , Dose , Ingredients , Guillain BarrÉ Syndrome , Injection Site , Shivering , Stomach , Tiredness , Fever , Swelling , Redness , Headache , Doctor , Pharmacist , Shingles Doesn T Care , Stream , Directv , Baseball , Demand , Tv , Ball , Ghostbusters , Best , 0 , Compassion , Band Aid , Immigration System , American , Colleagues , Mantle , Gunshot Wound , Issue , Emergency Over , Mask , Wall Street Journal , Idea , Student Loan Repayments , O , Emergency , Cofounder , Panel , Conundrum , Editor In Chie , Federalist , National Political Corresponden Molly Hemingway , Crossing Th Border , Tool , Analogy , Flow , Scientist , Mess , Surge A , Bunch , Immigration , Eyes , Weapon , Labor Shortage , Plac , Hot Button Issue , S Approval Rating , Independence , Reemerging , Moderates , Progressive , Voting Patterns , Well , Schism , Race , In Georgia , Biden Whiteouts Stands , Policy , Restrictions , Politico , Inmate , Summer Surge , Fear , Senators , Disaster , Yes , Crisis , Openness , Biden Ministrations Own Making , New Hampshire , Thi , Day One , Anthony Blinken , Bit , Crises , Embassy , Terms , Process , Mindset , Personnel , Expectation , Mind , Long Way To Go , Wargames , Artie , Settlement , Rush , Rest O , Ukrainian , 48 , Goals , Pe , We , Regime Change , Pride , Speaking , Manner , Backs Exhalation , Wha , Prophecy , Defense Secretary , Cities , End , Language , Table , Peace , Com , Ukraine Win , Issues , Strategy , Calculation , Escalation , Other , Rating , Inflation , Th Public , Thing Go Spread , Hearing , Hopes , Championship , Tampa Bay Lightning , Get Ready , Stanley Cup , Biden K , New York Islanders , Reach , 1980 , Jesse Waters , Talks , Home , Yoko Ono , Beatles , Beginning , Scapegoats , Bill Buckner , Dad , Marie Antoinette , Red Sox , World Series , R , 86 ,

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