Transcripts For FOXNEWS Your World With Neil Cavuto 20240708

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Your World With Neil Cavuto 20240708

final offer and he stuck to it. this comes after a weekend of developments including shareholders pressuring the board to take the deal. stockholders will receive $54.20 in cash for each share valuing the deal. the purchase price represents a 38% premium to twitter the day before musk disclosed his 9% stake. now elon's involvement boosted the price. musk announced his reasons for the purchase. he said -- >> now, while many are excited about his planned changes, it's his crusade for free speech that is driving this buy-out. he disapproves policies that the white house says doesn't go far enough. here's jen psaki moments ago. >> no matter who owns or runs twitter, the president has long been concerned about the power of large social media platforms, the power that they have over our every day lives. he's been a strong supporter of fundamental reforms to achieve that goal. >> one of the most prominent deactivated accounts is former president trump. he was confirmed moments ago that he won't return to the platform and choosing to remain on his truth social. other accounts like the babylon bee could be making a comeback. elon musk has twitter but he will still have backlash. big news today. >> sandra: a lot of critical employees threatening to leave. we'll see if they follow-through on this. lots of questions marks. thanks for the update. let's get the read on this from charlie gasparino. charlie, i've sure you've been working this deal for quite some time. now it's done. there's a big task ahead. what do you believe he does now with this company? >> i've said it's his if they want it. here's what the advisers had. the last nine years, because i covered it, twitter has been looked at by everybody and they passed. twitter doesn't make any money. they have a lousy cash flow. the only person that can buy twitter and trust me, they need to be bought was a rich gazillionre that needed to take a chance. so they had to take this deal no matter what. there was not going to be another bidder. all that private equity stuff that is out there was nonsense. private equity may fund some of the debt but not the equity. here's what's good about this. shareholders are finally getting paid. okay? that's a good thing. 30% premium or something like that from where they traded before elon started -- >> martha: it's bigger than that. it's 38% since april 1 before all of this started. >> yeah. you might be right around that. decent premium from where it traded before. don't pay any attention. people said it traded 77% last year. last year jerome powell was printing money. all of these stocks will normalize. twitter might go back down to 30. that's what they thought about internally. here's interesting thing. what does he do with it? one of the best things is that it's private. he can do it on his timetable. he doesn't have to worry about shareholders. it's not like disney is buying it and dumping money in it. it's not like -- if you think about it, discovery bought warner media and then left with this basket cause of cnn +. they had no choice but to whack it out and cut costs. he's not going to have that problem here. he's going to do what he wants outside the public lair. if programmers don't like elon musk, he can leave and he will get other programmers. i'm telling you. the question is whether or not elon musk decides to expose the algorithms inside twitter and how things are done. charlie, you and i know and anyone that uses this platform, that there's an immense amount of information that is transferred on twitter globally. this pales in comparison to the users that facebook has but that it have control of a lot of information. >> it's different. twitter -- what makes twitter unique, it's much more official -- efficient than facebook in creating information for the masses. that what elon musk sees. he will open that to different voices. he will see if the algorithms are biassed against conservatives. if donald trump wants to get back on, he will -- >> sandra: he's spoken to fox digital. he says he doesn't. who knows. >> who knows. he could change. alex barronson could get on. he had some different views. and i think it will be interesting. he doesn't have to do it with public shareholders. joe biden wants to hold social media responsible. who is he kid something we have a crisis at the border, all of this stuff going on, a war and he's worried about what elon musk is doing on twitter. >> sandra: what do you think about those saying that they're going to leave, whether it's employees that have gone on the record being very critical of this happening. they're getting a nice pay-out, by the way, or those that use it that don't want to use it if musk is in control. he night be the one to day-to-day manage it. who knows -- it is a 38% premium to twitter's closing stock price, april 1. that is according to the press release today. >> don't let the door hit you in the rear end as you leave. it won't matter that much. and i will say one other thing, if you watch fox business, if you watched us on fox business, you knew this was going to happen. he played the smart long game and this company had no choice but to take his bid. it's a basket case. that's the bottom line. >> sandra: many people point out what he's done with tesla. why could you question somebody that is this smart with his moves and deal making. here we have it, deal done. thanks, charlie. good to see you. by the way, dow finishing up 238 points after it went down through the day. now to the political implications. sarah westwood from "the washington examiner" joining us and carry -- gary kaltbaum with more. there's more day-to-day political dealings and communication is done through twitter. elon musk has been so critical of the censoring of twitter and the current management, do you he believe there's any room for censorship on social media? what would that look like if he believes the answer is no? >> elon musk has been vocal what he thinks he should dictate could be heard on twitter as the first amendment. he thinks content could be moderated from a legal perspective and not from a political perspective, which is what twitter has been doing. the way they censored content has gone far beyond taking down tweets that don't like, that support a conservative narrative. you mentioned the algorithm. there's a lot of didn't ways that musk can make twit area more sort of egalitarian place for discourse. that's why you're seeing progressives that are apoplectic today. this is a step in the right direction when it comes to free speech. it won't solve all the problems with big tech and censorship but it's a step in the right direction. >> sandra: gary, there was this pause on wall street today because twitter's stock was halted -- with just over an hour left in the trading day. it was halted pending news. everybody said it's happening. elon musk has finalized the deal. sure enough, the company came out today and announced that this deal was done. twitter stock up 6% today. another huge gain in the market turned around from a significant loss after the 1,000 point sell off on friday and ended up 238 points. fair to say wall street is cheering on this deal, gary? >> when you see a big buy-out like this on wall street tends to get happy, but frankly the happiest people today should be the board. you know, usually when you use the word bail-out, it's for companies that are bankrupt. this is a bail-out of a stagnant stock and a great marked for these types of stocks. a 16.7 billion gift to shareholders since the day elon musk took his position. if i was the board, i would be sender flowers and chocolating for elon musk for this. not one deep pocketed company, private equity or person came to the fore to outbid him. good for the shareholders. hopefully he does the right thing. >> they will get paid $50.24 for each share. one last thought, sarah. >> the white house has bull leaded companies to pulling down content that democrats don't like with elon musk, it will be harder for democrats to use their platforms to bully twitter into content moderation. >> sandra: not to mention the other changes that he wants to make. long norm tweets, mute button and edit button. perhaps they're lower on the list of concerns for a lot of twitter users. thanks very much to both of you for joining us. all right. from the battle over twitle to the battle at our border and what the white house plans to do about it. we're on it next. ctic life, you'd think retirement would be the last thing on my mind. thankfully, voya provides comprehensive solutions, and shows me how to get the most out of my workplace benefits. voya helps me feel like i got it all under control. voya. well planned. well invested. well protected. if your moderate to severe crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis symptoms are stopping you in your tracks... choose stelara® from the start... and move toward relief after the first dose... with injections every two months. stelara® may increase your risk of infections, some serious, and cancer. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you have an infection, flu-like symptoms, sores, new skin growths, have had cancer, or if you need a vaccine. pres, a rare, potentially fatal brain condition, may be possible. some serious allergic reactions and lung inflammation can occur. feel unstoppable. ask your doctor how lasting remission can start with stelara®. janssen can help you explore cost support options. 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we're told that meeting is still going on right now. it's possible some of those members will come out to the microphones to speak. no question its likely and lele wait to hear what happened with the meeting. the president may be getting an earful from those members in his own party about the way this administration has handled the crisis on the border. there's new issues and the president is expected to be talking about those issues with some of these people, especially the real inability to get a grip on the surge of illegal immigration that happens daily. right now title 42, the policy that expels illegal migrants from the united states says it will expire may 23. there's expected to be a surge at the u.s. southern border. several democrats have come out to warn of the surge that will come as a result of the end of the program. pro immigration activists have urged the white house to end title 42 here's jen psaki when pressed about this within the last hour. listen. it's important to remember that title 42 is a health authority. it was coordinated with the homeland health security and there's been planning in the months for this possibility, for the cdc to take this action. secretary mayorkas will be testifying later this week multiple times. i'm sure he will answer that question and more and i will let him speak for himself. this is. >> this is bishop evans a 22-year-old national guardsmen that lost his life while going in to rescue two migrants that were thought to be drowning while illegally crossing the accessory you grand river. that's where a delegation of republicans are today. this is not far from where bill melugin is. a sad story there. as far as title 42 is concerned, i had a chance to shout a question to president biden. he did not say anything. it's anyone's guest if he will do it. but republicans and democrats now want him to do so. >> sandra: thanks, david. we have been reporting search crews recovering the body today of texas national guardsman bishop evans who authorities say drowned by trying to rescue two migrants. bill melugin is in eagle pass, texas for us where the discovery was made just earlier today. hi, bill. >> sandra, good afternoon to you. that grim discovery made a couple hundred yards from where we are right now. that specialist, bishop evans, the first confirmed texas national guardsman to dry as part of operation lone star that was launched last march. take a look at this video that we were given by texas dps showing somber scene as the specialist body was removed 72 hours after he first went into it and never resurfaced. his body was draped with a flag. he spent time in kuwait and iraq. a horrible ending to what started off with a tragic story friday morning. he just jumped in the water to save the lice of what he thought were two illegal immigrants struggling in the water. take a listen to who tony gonzalez said. this is the district that he represents. >> eagle pass isn't an easy place to get to. it important. it's the epicenter of everything. it's about those that live here, those that serve here, those that work here. it's about bishop evans who was found today. it's about his family, it's about all the families that have been impacted. >> this video here is down the river from where the body was discovered. more migrants crossing over. for the first time, mexican authorities got physical with these migrants, putting their hands on them. trying to take them to the ground in an effort to stop them from crossing over into texas. you'll see one of the women just come flying down the hill and runs down and jumps in to the water, escaping past those authorities. ultimately the mexican authorities were unsuccessful in stopping anybody. once they were in the water, it was a hands off approach. they ended up crossing over into eagle pass and processed by border patrol. you've seen kevin mccarthy was here in eagle pass taking a tour. we were embedded with him. here's his view on the situation. take a listen. >> this can all stop and you can secure the border. you're looking at the amount of fentanyl coming across. so if you think you don't know what is happening in the border, look at your own community and see who has died from fentanyl, this is where it came from. >> mccarthy went on to point out that he said president biden has flat out never come down to the border. he said how is that possible as president of the united states with decades of political experience, how can you understood the border without actually coming here to the border? back to you. >> sandra: bill, great reporting from there today. your interview with kevin mccarthy. thanks very much. as many as 20,000 migrants are holed up waiting for title 42 to expire in less than a month, it has my next guest concerned. chris olivarez is with the texas department of homeland security. who do you think will happen when this lifted? >> first, i want to offer our condolences to the family of the guardsman that perished. i want to point out that specialist evans, his bravery, courage, to risk his life to go into the river to rescue immigrants that broke the law, enter the country illegally and not knowing who their are and what their background is. he risked his life to go into that river. i want to point out that that is a true hero, a true patriot in what he did trying to rescue the immigrants. that is an example of what our texas national guardsmen and first responders do every day by being on the front line, but risking their lives. what worries law enforcement is the fact that we see these events play out and it hits home. we lost one of our own because of this situation and because of the fact that we i'll have legal immigrants entering this dangerous river and puts our men and women in a situation where we have to perform these operations again, continuing to deplete the final resources now where we should be on the front lines trying to apprehend criminals and perform rescue operations with our federal partners. >> it's encourage to you to know that there's bipartisan concern about what is happening. this is henry cuellar yesterday. listen. >> you and other texas democrats have is shared your concerns with this white house. are they listen something. >> we told them but they said they're going to continue with lifting the title 42. but the thing is, yes, they're listening to the immigration activists. my question is, who is listening to the men and women in green and in blue and more importantly who is listening to the border communities, the sheriffs, the landowners, you know, the rest of the people that live on the border. >> sandra: chris, perhaps with this bipartisan concern, a growing list of democrats speaking out and what could be about to happen there, perhaps that will push this white house to extend title 42. your final thought. >> that's what we're hoping for. we're hoping this continued pressure will force the federal government to have a comprehensive border strategy in place. what congressman cuellar said, he's right on point. it's about talking to the men and women on the front line every day, our dps troopers, border patrol agents and also the local communities that are having to deal with this crisis right now. those are the individuals that really have the discussions and see what they need to combat this crisis and continue to move forward. that's what we're going to continue doing as we continue to workday and day out on this border and trying to deter and stop these criminals from coming over. >> sandra: our best to you. we'll let you get back to work. thank you. russia reporting a massive fire breaking out after an oil depot. where things stand as this war is ramping up coming up. ell theg and the grass is green ♪ ♪ i'm way ahead of schedule with my trusty team ♪ ♪ there's heather on the hedges ♪ ♪ and kenny on the koi ♪ ♪ and your truck's been demolished by the peterson boy ♪ ♪ yes -- ♪ wait, what was that? 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we're back in 60 seconds. >> sandra: new video shows fires raging at a fuel depot. this as secretary state antony blinken and lloyd austin pledge more support for ukraine in a meeting with president zelensky in kyiv. griff jenkins is in kyiv with the latest. hello, griff. >> that meeting was the first high level meeting since the war began. secretary blinken announcing the u.s. will indeed bring its diplomatic mission back in to ukraine and hopes for reopening the embassy here in kyiv in the coming weeks. secondly, secretary austin says more weapons are on the way to the tune of $700 million worth with the goal of helping ukraine win. listen. >> we want to see russia weakened to a degree that they can't do the things that they have done in innovating ukraine. they have already lost a lot of military capability and a lot of troops. >> hours after that visit, russia struck deep in to ukraine today targeting the railway systems. why is that? it's likely because ukraine uses to it move weapons to the front lines. there were five major strikes in the west, not far from lviv. and in central ukraine, in surrounding towns that are transit hubs for the railway. at least five dead, 18 wounded. it's worth noting, too, that the strike came after blinken and austin used the same railway to travel to kyiv. over the weekend, strike in odesa. that killed eight people including a mother and her 3-month-old baby. that's consistent with russia's stated objective of controlling the donbas and southern ukraine. what we're watching now, sandra, is the u.n.'s secretary general will travel to moscow tomorrow to meet with vladimir putin. the u.n. secretary general does not speak for ukraine, but they're hopeful perhaps something that will come from that meeting in the way of getting putin to open up a humanitarian corridor to get out of the be sieged city of mariupol. sandra. >> sandra: thanks, griff. so is reopening the i'm be a -- embassy could be a turning point? >> it is. the united states is committed to a free and sovereign ukraine despite what russia is doing today. with us as the leader of the free world that example will push others to make sure that they continue their support and continue to give ukraine what it needs to push the russians back and out of that country. >> neil: a great point as we continue to watch the events unfold there. where do you see this speak coming in the days and weeks? it's been unpredictable so far and leaving us wondering how much long they are can last. >> that's a great question. what you volunteer to look at, the united states intelligence community knows days if not weeks in advance what russia is doing. we saw this as they pulled out from kyiv, as they started to concentrate to go after the donbas region and begin to focus with these attacks to reconstitute and resupply. what we're seeing is the intelligence community now needs to get the department of defense to react to get the weapons that they need, the ukrainians need in order to be able to push the rushes back. we've been late to the party almost every single time while they're getting the supplies that they need, they're late, they're not as effective. the russians are making advances and every day we delay are days that ukrainians die as a result. so we need to do better in tying our intelligence community and the department of defense together to push that material to be quicker along with our allies. >> you believe that secretary of defense austin's comments about russia being significantly weakened should never have been said. why? >> i don't think he should have said that. while that may be an objective, all that is doing is feeding in to the narrative that putin and russia want, that they're being surrounded. they're under attack. that nato is in fact trying to weaken russia to the point that they're no longer a player on the world stage. while it may be an objective, that is a classified statement as far as i was concerned. it never should have been stated outright by secretary austin. it's unfortunate. it feeds the disinformation campaign that putin has been working since a decade ago in setting up what we're seeing today happen in ukraine. >> sandra: sir, i appreciate the opportunity to talk to you. thanks for joining us here. >> thank you, sandra. >> sandra: coming up, just how confident congressman michael mccaul giving me the details on "fox news sunday." check out his prediction and why he thinks the mid-term elections will be a red wave for his party in november. >> are republicans going to retake the house? 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(all): all hail, caesar! pssst julius! you should really check in with your team on ringcentral. oh hi caesar. we were just talking about you. yeah, you should probably get out of here. ♪ ringcentral ♪ . >> sandra: congress is back. so is the spending. democrats expected to push for big social programs ahead of the mid-term elections. to chad pergram on capitol hill. he has the latest from there. hi, chad. >> good afternoon, sandra. there's going to be a push to get something done. democratic massachusetts senator elizabeth warren says if they don't, that's lose in the mid-terms. >> people are in the checkout line for groceries and having to pick what they can send back because they can't afford it. millions of people across this country that can't fill up on a tank of gas so they can get to work this week. as democrats, we need to deliver. >> but is that enough for the democratic base? liberals are still fighting for some version of build back better, but moderates like joe manchin and kristen sinema won't go for that. manchin wants to tackle deficit reduction. the big social plan is dead. >> all they need to do is spend one day, just go fill your car up, just go to the grocery store with just feel safe to try to walk the streets again. who thought just in one year with one party rule so much could go so wrong. don't blame us. we warned them. >> the gop will still target democrats for spending a trillion dollars on a covid bill last year, but the biggest issue right now is getting a deal on covid money for vaccines and tests as well as more assistance for ukraine. sandra? >> sandra: chad pergram, thank you. and yesterday on "fox news sunday," i spoke with texas republican congressman michael mccaul about his party's chances in the mid terps. take a look. >> all we need is five seats. i think we'll get at least 40 seats. this has been so unpopular when it comes to inflation, gas prices. in my reign, the foreign policy mistakes he made and quite frankly, they're just weak. >> sandra: so with inflation raging and a lot of uncertainty at the border with title 42 going away, is a new spending push going to make things better or worse for democrats? let's get the read from kristin hahn. great to have you here. thanks for joining us. so it seems obvious, even elizabeth warren painting this nasty inflation picture that most americans are feeling in a big way in this moment. seems obvious to not tout more spending when historically in inflationary teams, more spending will cause more inflation. >> you know, i think first of all, there's no party that is the white knight here when it comes to addressing the debt and deficit that we face. they have continued to rise through republican and democratics. it's very difficult. people have to come together to do it. the political side, that is right. inflation is a difficult thing to tackle particularly in a global economy. it's not as easy as you would think. at the end of the day when it comes to spending, i think manchin and sinema have the right idea. i don't know what people think are going to get done that they can't agree to. they've been very honest about that from the beginning. i think doing targeted stuff on drug prices, which both parties want to do would be smart to do. and then, you know, get that under control. get a win under our belts there and a bipartisan manner. start to address these things. >> sandra: to that point, what is a win that could be touted from this administration so far? >> i mean, i think you talk about what they inherited. it's an unprecedented time with the pandemic. the global economy with the supply chain, the difficulties we've been facing. we talked about the bill that was passed at the very beginning of the biden administration on a bipartisan basis to address, you know, some of the challenges that the pandemic has presented. you know, not to forget about the infrastructure bill that the administration after administration has tried to pass and that they were able to get done on a bipartisan basis. a lot of those things won't come to fruition because it takes time to put them in place, you know, by the mid-terms. some is perception. some we need to do better. there's major accomplishments. >> sandra: when it comes to title 42, that is not perception. a real problem and very big challenges at the southern barreder that will only be made worse if title 42 is lifted. that is not just the take of republican members of congress that is the take of the border patrol and that is the take of many, a growing list of democrats that are pushing back, breaking with the president on this issue. how bad politically will that hurt the president? >> i think you have these border state democrats that are taking a look at this. this is a health policy, right? really is reflective of the larger need nor congress to come together and address immigration reform, which has eluded both parties back to george w. bush that tried to do it and members of his party couldn't come to an agreement with him. we're seeing this flush out right now and it's something that we need to take a look at. the administration needs to have a plan in place for when this goes away. >> sandra: all right. we'll see. november is going to quickly approach. kristen, thanks for coming on. >> thank you. >> sandra: airlines having trouble finding pilots and it could have you finding a different way to your destination. she's my sister and we depend on each other a lot. she's the rock of the family. she's the person who holds everything together. it's a battle, you know. i'm going to be there. keytruda and chemotherapy meant treating my cancer with two different types of medicine. in a clinical trial, keytruda and chemotherapy was proven to help people live longer than chemotherapy alone. keytruda is used to treat more patients with advanced lung cancer than any other immunotherapy. keytruda may be used with certain chemotherapies as your first treatment if you have advanced nonsquamous non-small cell lung cancer and you do not have an abnormal “egfr” or “alk” gene. keytruda helps your immune system fight cancer, but can also cause your immune system to attack healthy parts of your body. this can happen during or after treatment and may be severe and lead to death. see your doctor right away if you have cough, shortness of breath, chest pain, diarrhea, severe stomach pain or tenderness, severe nausea or vomiting, headache, light sensitivity, eye problems, irregular heartbeat, extreme tiredness, constipation, dizziness or fainting, changes in appetite, thirst, or urine, confusion or memory problems, muscle pain or weakness, fever, rash, itching, or flushing. these are not all the possible side effects. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions including immune system problems, or if you've had an organ transplant, had or plan to have a stem cell transplant or have had radiation to your chest area or a nervous system condition. it feels good to be here for them. living longer is possible. it's tru. keytruda from merck. ask your doctor about keytruda. motrin works fast to stop pain where it starts. like those nagging headaches. uncomfortable period pains. and disruptive muscle aches. you can count on fast, effective relief with motrin. (heartbeats) you can count on fast, introducing icy hot pro. with 2 max-strength pain relievers. ice works fast... to freeze your pain and your doubt. heat makes it last. so you'll never sit this one out. new icy hot pro with pro-level contrast therapy. rise from pain. >> as a nationwide pilot shortage is kicking off. fox news is owned that laguardia airport on that for us high nate. >> high again sandra united and american airlines has a deal with a bus line called landline to bring people from smaller cities with smaller airports to bigger airports where pilots will be waiting for them to take passengers to their ultimate destination. both airlines did respond to fox saying that this is not in direct reaction to the pilot shortage but instead an additional service to based on consumer demand. if they're already offering buses between denver and smaller cities like breckenridge. allentown, pennsylvania, as well as atlantic city, new jersey. both of those destinations under 75 miles from the philadelphia international airport. according to federal labor will staff the amount of pilots in the industry in total is expected to grow 13% by 2,030, that's faster than any other occupation. the ceo of american airlines says that he's taken his workers by the thousands. >> organa fly for the resources that we have. in this year we have 12,000 more team members than we did last year. >> until then, until they fix this problem the shortage is gonna cause you the consumer money and travel options. according to bloomberg compared to 2019, before the pandemic. flight schedules are down now at united airlines 13%, delta is down 16%, an american is is down 8%. also jetblue is cutting up to 10% the summer. hold onto the pilot said they do have to attract more pilots airlines are paying more which you should couple that with the rising costs of jet fuel in business is up. which means it's gonna cost you more for the service. united ceo said last week he thinks it's gonna be five years before airlines can use their full fleet and service again. will send it back to you. >> it always ends up getting passed along to the consumer right nate? thank you very much over at laguardia. inflation at a 40 year high, democrat running for congress is now calling for a huge minimum wage hike. why brian brenberg thinks that would just lead to more price hikes each year. he is next. zzing ] your happiest spring starts at lowe's. experience all the deals at springfest. lowe's. home to any budget. home to any possibility. [engine humming] [clapping] ♪ we will, we will rock you ♪ ♪ ♪ the new gmc sierra with hands-free driving offers the most advanced and luxurious pick-up in its class. ♪ we will, we will rock you ♪ yeah, it rocks. i didn't know my genetic report could tell me i was prone to harmful blood clots. i travel a ton, so this info was kind of life changing. maybe even lifesaving. ♪do you know what the future holds?♪ (gong rings) - this is joe. (combative yelling) he used to have bad breath. now, he uses a capful of therabreath fresh breath oral rinse to keep his breath smelling great, all day long. (combative yelling) therabreath, it's a better mouthwash. at walmart, target and other fine stores. ♪ ♪ >> if you can do business out here in new york you have to treat our people right. >> this whole thing is about working people standing up. >> that was new york congressman cortez in vermont. making a pitch to unionize a second amazon plan. rebecca parson is calling for $30 per hour minimum wage. they might be asking themselves, really? fox news contributor brian brenberg joins us now. >> i hope a lot of people at home or asking really? because that is nuts. the problem is that is the energy of the democratic party. you won't understand why joe biden has nobody's done look at whose at that union rally and look what they're talking about. they are ignoring the issues that people across the country really have to deal with and instead they go to their safe place. the union rally. >> laid out for us because you do have to be sensitive to the fact that inflation is hurting just about everyone. so naturally we want to see your paycheck go up, naturally you would think okay it would benefit most to have wages go up, raise the minimum wage. but would be the impact on small businesses if you were to do that? >> exactly a $30 minimum wage beverly just think about that for a second. small businesses right now, 90% of small businesses say that their biggest problem is they can't get a handle on cost. they take their biggest line item and you jack it up. $30 an hour, it be a complete devastation. this is the wrong prescription but again it's the wrong prescription because the left doesn't understand or doesn't want to confront what's really happening in this country in the real problem is the spending driven inflation. >> a lot of pressure on the federal reserve. >> they got it so wrong which is why they have so much pressure. it's can be painful for sure. look at the market reaction is a lot of excitement on wall street at 238 they finished the day to the upside in the dow below. all day it was in the red then here comes elon musk and a huge deal to buy twitter and markets got excited about it your reaction to the new deal? >> capitalism is happening that's what i love about this. elon musk and partners said we know like with going out with twitter let's do something about it, he's now now and have a controlling interest to make some changes what will he do? i don't that's the beauty of it. he's going to experiment, he's putting to try a lot of different things but the point is he's going to invite more people back into this platform which means a win for for your speech. >> very, very interesting. it was interesting to me that wall street they needed a new deal. a multibillion-dollar deal elon musk basically coming in at sangamon to take over a company that's been highly criticized by the right for very long time and i were left what actual changes he will be able to implement. >> he's bringing in possibilities and elon musk is saying let's do that i'll start with twitter. >> okay and then you have it. 34,000 was the number that the dow wants to hover around. [laughs] >> 38% premium before anyone it was in a bye the thing that's a good deal the twitter board was forced to say you know what is the best deal out there we must manage his company maybe he can do summing about it but the twitter board would've rejected this would've been a big time lawsuit, they don't do it that. >> we appreciate you joining us. it's good to see you. okay that does it for us. we will be back tomorrow you can catch me tomorrow 1-3:00 p.m. the five starts now. ♪ ♪ >> dana: high along with judge jeanine, geraldo rivera, jesse watters, and greg gutfeld it's 5:00 in new york city and this is the five. ♪ ♪ speed to the border crisis is turning deadly the white house finally reacting to the tragic death of a texas national guard member's been missing since friday. officials were covering the body of a 22-year-old bishop evan, he heroically jumped into the rio grande river to try and save to illegal immigrants before disappearing underneatth

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Your World With Neil Cavuto 20240708 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Your World With Neil Cavuto 20240708

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final offer and he stuck to it. this comes after a weekend of developments including shareholders pressuring the board to take the deal. stockholders will receive $54.20 in cash for each share valuing the deal. the purchase price represents a 38% premium to twitter the day before musk disclosed his 9% stake. now elon's involvement boosted the price. musk announced his reasons for the purchase. he said -- >> now, while many are excited about his planned changes, it's his crusade for free speech that is driving this buy-out. he disapproves policies that the white house says doesn't go far enough. here's jen psaki moments ago. >> no matter who owns or runs twitter, the president has long been concerned about the power of large social media platforms, the power that they have over our every day lives. he's been a strong supporter of fundamental reforms to achieve that goal. >> one of the most prominent deactivated accounts is former president trump. he was confirmed moments ago that he won't return to the platform and choosing to remain on his truth social. other accounts like the babylon bee could be making a comeback. elon musk has twitter but he will still have backlash. big news today. >> sandra: a lot of critical employees threatening to leave. we'll see if they follow-through on this. lots of questions marks. thanks for the update. let's get the read on this from charlie gasparino. charlie, i've sure you've been working this deal for quite some time. now it's done. there's a big task ahead. what do you believe he does now with this company? >> i've said it's his if they want it. here's what the advisers had. the last nine years, because i covered it, twitter has been looked at by everybody and they passed. twitter doesn't make any money. they have a lousy cash flow. the only person that can buy twitter and trust me, they need to be bought was a rich gazillionre that needed to take a chance. so they had to take this deal no matter what. there was not going to be another bidder. all that private equity stuff that is out there was nonsense. private equity may fund some of the debt but not the equity. here's what's good about this. shareholders are finally getting paid. okay? that's a good thing. 30% premium or something like that from where they traded before elon started -- >> martha: it's bigger than that. it's 38% since april 1 before all of this started. >> yeah. you might be right around that. decent premium from where it traded before. don't pay any attention. people said it traded 77% last year. last year jerome powell was printing money. all of these stocks will normalize. twitter might go back down to 30. that's what they thought about internally. here's interesting thing. what does he do with it? one of the best things is that it's private. he can do it on his timetable. he doesn't have to worry about shareholders. it's not like disney is buying it and dumping money in it. it's not like -- if you think about it, discovery bought warner media and then left with this basket cause of cnn +. they had no choice but to whack it out and cut costs. he's not going to have that problem here. he's going to do what he wants outside the public lair. if programmers don't like elon musk, he can leave and he will get other programmers. i'm telling you. the question is whether or not elon musk decides to expose the algorithms inside twitter and how things are done. charlie, you and i know and anyone that uses this platform, that there's an immense amount of information that is transferred on twitter globally. this pales in comparison to the users that facebook has but that it have control of a lot of information. >> it's different. twitter -- what makes twitter unique, it's much more official -- efficient than facebook in creating information for the masses. that what elon musk sees. he will open that to different voices. he will see if the algorithms are biassed against conservatives. if donald trump wants to get back on, he will -- >> sandra: he's spoken to fox digital. he says he doesn't. who knows. >> who knows. he could change. alex barronson could get on. he had some different views. and i think it will be interesting. he doesn't have to do it with public shareholders. joe biden wants to hold social media responsible. who is he kid something we have a crisis at the border, all of this stuff going on, a war and he's worried about what elon musk is doing on twitter. >> sandra: what do you think about those saying that they're going to leave, whether it's employees that have gone on the record being very critical of this happening. they're getting a nice pay-out, by the way, or those that use it that don't want to use it if musk is in control. he night be the one to day-to-day manage it. who knows -- it is a 38% premium to twitter's closing stock price, april 1. that is according to the press release today. >> don't let the door hit you in the rear end as you leave. it won't matter that much. and i will say one other thing, if you watch fox business, if you watched us on fox business, you knew this was going to happen. he played the smart long game and this company had no choice but to take his bid. it's a basket case. that's the bottom line. >> sandra: many people point out what he's done with tesla. why could you question somebody that is this smart with his moves and deal making. here we have it, deal done. thanks, charlie. good to see you. by the way, dow finishing up 238 points after it went down through the day. now to the political implications. sarah westwood from "the washington examiner" joining us and carry -- gary kaltbaum with more. there's more day-to-day political dealings and communication is done through twitter. elon musk has been so critical of the censoring of twitter and the current management, do you he believe there's any room for censorship on social media? what would that look like if he believes the answer is no? >> elon musk has been vocal what he thinks he should dictate could be heard on twitter as the first amendment. he thinks content could be moderated from a legal perspective and not from a political perspective, which is what twitter has been doing. the way they censored content has gone far beyond taking down tweets that don't like, that support a conservative narrative. you mentioned the algorithm. there's a lot of didn't ways that musk can make twit area more sort of egalitarian place for discourse. that's why you're seeing progressives that are apoplectic today. this is a step in the right direction when it comes to free speech. it won't solve all the problems with big tech and censorship but it's a step in the right direction. >> sandra: gary, there was this pause on wall street today because twitter's stock was halted -- with just over an hour left in the trading day. it was halted pending news. everybody said it's happening. elon musk has finalized the deal. sure enough, the company came out today and announced that this deal was done. twitter stock up 6% today. another huge gain in the market turned around from a significant loss after the 1,000 point sell off on friday and ended up 238 points. fair to say wall street is cheering on this deal, gary? >> when you see a big buy-out like this on wall street tends to get happy, but frankly the happiest people today should be the board. you know, usually when you use the word bail-out, it's for companies that are bankrupt. this is a bail-out of a stagnant stock and a great marked for these types of stocks. a 16.7 billion gift to shareholders since the day elon musk took his position. if i was the board, i would be sender flowers and chocolating for elon musk for this. not one deep pocketed company, private equity or person came to the fore to outbid him. good for the shareholders. hopefully he does the right thing. >> they will get paid $50.24 for each share. one last thought, sarah. >> the white house has bull leaded companies to pulling down content that democrats don't like with elon musk, it will be harder for democrats to use their platforms to bully twitter into content moderation. >> sandra: not to mention the other changes that he wants to make. long norm tweets, mute button and edit button. perhaps they're lower on the list of concerns for a lot of twitter users. thanks very much to both of you for joining us. all right. from the battle over twitle to the battle at our border and what the white house plans to do about it. we're on it next. ctic life, you'd think retirement would be the last thing on my mind. thankfully, voya provides comprehensive solutions, and shows me how to get the most out of my workplace benefits. voya helps me feel like i got it all under control. voya. well planned. well invested. well protected. if your moderate to severe crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis symptoms are stopping you in your tracks... choose stelara® from the start... and move toward relief after the first dose... with injections every two months. stelara® may increase your risk of infections, some serious, and cancer. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you have an infection, flu-like symptoms, sores, new skin growths, have had cancer, or if you need a vaccine. pres, a rare, potentially fatal brain condition, may be possible. some serious allergic reactions and lung inflammation can occur. feel unstoppable. ask your doctor how lasting remission can start with stelara®. janssen can help you explore cost support options. [ paint rolling ] your happiest spring starts at lowe's. experience all the deals at springfest. lowe's. home to any budget. home to any possibility. i didn't know my genetic report could tell me i was prone to harmful blood clots. i travel a ton, so this info was kind of life changing. maybe even lifesaving. ♪do you know what the future holds?♪ when it comes to tech, everyone wants the next best thing. now with xfi complete from xfinity, you can get updated wifi technology with the new tech upgrade program. plus, protection from cyber threats at home and now on the go. so staying up to date is easier than ever. you look great by the way. right? unbeatable internet. made to do anything so you can do anything. only xfinity will upgrade your tech after 3 years for a more reliable connection. get that and more with xfi complete. upgrade today. when it comes to tech, everyone wants the next best thing. now with xfi complete from xfinity, you can get updated wifi technology with the new 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we're told that meeting is still going on right now. it's possible some of those members will come out to the microphones to speak. no question its likely and lele wait to hear what happened with the meeting. the president may be getting an earful from those members in his own party about the way this administration has handled the crisis on the border. there's new issues and the president is expected to be talking about those issues with some of these people, especially the real inability to get a grip on the surge of illegal immigration that happens daily. right now title 42, the policy that expels illegal migrants from the united states says it will expire may 23. there's expected to be a surge at the u.s. southern border. several democrats have come out to warn of the surge that will come as a result of the end of the program. pro immigration activists have urged the white house to end title 42 here's jen psaki when pressed about this within the last hour. listen. it's important to remember that title 42 is a health authority. it was coordinated with the homeland health security and there's been planning in the months for this possibility, for the cdc to take this action. secretary mayorkas will be testifying later this week multiple times. i'm sure he will answer that question and more and i will let him speak for himself. this is. >> this is bishop evans a 22-year-old national guardsmen that lost his life while going in to rescue two migrants that were thought to be drowning while illegally crossing the accessory you grand river. that's where a delegation of republicans are today. this is not far from where bill melugin is. a sad story there. as far as title 42 is concerned, i had a chance to shout a question to president biden. he did not say anything. it's anyone's guest if he will do it. but republicans and democrats now want him to do so. >> sandra: thanks, david. we have been reporting search crews recovering the body today of texas national guardsman bishop evans who authorities say drowned by trying to rescue two migrants. bill melugin is in eagle pass, texas for us where the discovery was made just earlier today. hi, bill. >> sandra, good afternoon to you. that grim discovery made a couple hundred yards from where we are right now. that specialist, bishop evans, the first confirmed texas national guardsman to dry as part of operation lone star that was launched last march. take a look at this video that we were given by texas dps showing somber scene as the specialist body was removed 72 hours after he first went into it and never resurfaced. his body was draped with a flag. he spent time in kuwait and iraq. a horrible ending to what started off with a tragic story friday morning. he just jumped in the water to save the lice of what he thought were two illegal immigrants struggling in the water. take a listen to who tony gonzalez said. this is the district that he represents. >> eagle pass isn't an easy place to get to. it important. it's the epicenter of everything. it's about those that live here, those that serve here, those that work here. it's about bishop evans who was found today. it's about his family, it's about all the families that have been impacted. >> this video here is down the river from where the body was discovered. more migrants crossing over. for the first time, mexican authorities got physical with these migrants, putting their hands on them. trying to take them to the ground in an effort to stop them from crossing over into texas. you'll see one of the women just come flying down the hill and runs down and jumps in to the water, escaping past those authorities. ultimately the mexican authorities were unsuccessful in stopping anybody. once they were in the water, it was a hands off approach. they ended up crossing over into eagle pass and processed by border patrol. you've seen kevin mccarthy was here in eagle pass taking a tour. we were embedded with him. here's his view on the situation. take a listen. >> this can all stop and you can secure the border. you're looking at the amount of fentanyl coming across. so if you think you don't know what is happening in the border, look at your own community and see who has died from fentanyl, this is where it came from. >> mccarthy went on to point out that he said president biden has flat out never come down to the border. he said how is that possible as president of the united states with decades of political experience, how can you understood the border without actually coming here to the border? back to you. >> sandra: bill, great reporting from there today. your interview with kevin mccarthy. thanks very much. as many as 20,000 migrants are holed up waiting for title 42 to expire in less than a month, it has my next guest concerned. chris olivarez is with the texas department of homeland security. who do you think will happen when this lifted? >> first, i want to offer our condolences to the family of the guardsman that perished. i want to point out that specialist evans, his bravery, courage, to risk his life to go into the river to rescue immigrants that broke the law, enter the country illegally and not knowing who their are and what their background is. he risked his life to go into that river. i want to point out that that is a true hero, a true patriot in what he did trying to rescue the immigrants. that is an example of what our texas national guardsmen and first responders do every day by being on the front line, but risking their lives. what worries law enforcement is the fact that we see these events play out and it hits home. we lost one of our own because of this situation and because of the fact that we i'll have legal immigrants entering this dangerous river and puts our men and women in a situation where we have to perform these operations again, continuing to deplete the final resources now where we should be on the front lines trying to apprehend criminals and perform rescue operations with our federal partners. >> it's encourage to you to know that there's bipartisan concern about what is happening. this is henry cuellar yesterday. listen. >> you and other texas democrats have is shared your concerns with this white house. are they listen something. >> we told them but they said they're going to continue with lifting the title 42. but the thing is, yes, they're listening to the immigration activists. my question is, who is listening to the men and women in green and in blue and more importantly who is listening to the border communities, the sheriffs, the landowners, you know, the rest of the people that live on the border. >> sandra: chris, perhaps with this bipartisan concern, a growing list of democrats speaking out and what could be about to happen there, perhaps that will push this white house to extend title 42. your final thought. >> that's what we're hoping for. we're hoping this continued pressure will force the federal government to have a comprehensive border strategy in place. what congressman cuellar said, he's right on point. it's about talking to the men and women on the front line every day, our dps troopers, border patrol agents and also the local communities that are having to deal with this crisis right now. those are the individuals that really have the discussions and see what they need to combat this crisis and continue to move forward. that's what we're going to continue doing as we continue to workday and day out on this border and trying to deter and stop these criminals from coming over. >> sandra: our best to you. we'll let you get back to work. thank you. russia reporting a massive fire breaking out after an oil depot. where things stand as this war is ramping up coming up. ell theg and the grass is green ♪ ♪ i'm way ahead of schedule with my trusty team ♪ ♪ there's heather on the hedges ♪ ♪ and kenny on the koi ♪ ♪ and your truck's been demolished by the peterson boy ♪ ♪ yes -- ♪ wait, what was that? 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we're back in 60 seconds. >> sandra: new video shows fires raging at a fuel depot. this as secretary state antony blinken and lloyd austin pledge more support for ukraine in a meeting with president zelensky in kyiv. griff jenkins is in kyiv with the latest. hello, griff. >> that meeting was the first high level meeting since the war began. secretary blinken announcing the u.s. will indeed bring its diplomatic mission back in to ukraine and hopes for reopening the embassy here in kyiv in the coming weeks. secondly, secretary austin says more weapons are on the way to the tune of $700 million worth with the goal of helping ukraine win. listen. >> we want to see russia weakened to a degree that they can't do the things that they have done in innovating ukraine. they have already lost a lot of military capability and a lot of troops. >> hours after that visit, russia struck deep in to ukraine today targeting the railway systems. why is that? it's likely because ukraine uses to it move weapons to the front lines. there were five major strikes in the west, not far from lviv. and in central ukraine, in surrounding towns that are transit hubs for the railway. at least five dead, 18 wounded. it's worth noting, too, that the strike came after blinken and austin used the same railway to travel to kyiv. over the weekend, strike in odesa. that killed eight people including a mother and her 3-month-old baby. that's consistent with russia's stated objective of controlling the donbas and southern ukraine. what we're watching now, sandra, is the u.n.'s secretary general will travel to moscow tomorrow to meet with vladimir putin. the u.n. secretary general does not speak for ukraine, but they're hopeful perhaps something that will come from that meeting in the way of getting putin to open up a humanitarian corridor to get out of the be sieged city of mariupol. sandra. >> sandra: thanks, griff. so is reopening the i'm be a -- embassy could be a turning point? >> it is. the united states is committed to a free and sovereign ukraine despite what russia is doing today. with us as the leader of the free world that example will push others to make sure that they continue their support and continue to give ukraine what it needs to push the russians back and out of that country. >> neil: a great point as we continue to watch the events unfold there. where do you see this speak coming in the days and weeks? it's been unpredictable so far and leaving us wondering how much long they are can last. >> that's a great question. what you volunteer to look at, the united states intelligence community knows days if not weeks in advance what russia is doing. we saw this as they pulled out from kyiv, as they started to concentrate to go after the donbas region and begin to focus with these attacks to reconstitute and resupply. what we're seeing is the intelligence community now needs to get the department of defense to react to get the weapons that they need, the ukrainians need in order to be able to push the rushes back. we've been late to the party almost every single time while they're getting the supplies that they need, they're late, they're not as effective. the russians are making advances and every day we delay are days that ukrainians die as a result. so we need to do better in tying our intelligence community and the department of defense together to push that material to be quicker along with our allies. >> you believe that secretary of defense austin's comments about russia being significantly weakened should never have been said. why? >> i don't think he should have said that. while that may be an objective, all that is doing is feeding in to the narrative that putin and russia want, that they're being surrounded. they're under attack. that nato is in fact trying to weaken russia to the point that they're no longer a player on the world stage. while it may be an objective, that is a classified statement as far as i was concerned. it never should have been stated outright by secretary austin. it's unfortunate. it feeds the disinformation campaign that putin has been working since a decade ago in setting up what we're seeing today happen in ukraine. >> sandra: sir, i appreciate the opportunity to talk to you. thanks for joining us here. >> thank you, sandra. >> sandra: coming up, just how confident congressman michael mccaul giving me the details on "fox news sunday." check out his prediction and why he thinks the mid-term elections will be a red wave for his party in november. >> are republicans going to retake the house? 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(all): all hail, caesar! pssst julius! you should really check in with your team on ringcentral. oh hi caesar. we were just talking about you. yeah, you should probably get out of here. ♪ ringcentral ♪ . >> sandra: congress is back. so is the spending. democrats expected to push for big social programs ahead of the mid-term elections. to chad pergram on capitol hill. he has the latest from there. hi, chad. >> good afternoon, sandra. there's going to be a push to get something done. democratic massachusetts senator elizabeth warren says if they don't, that's lose in the mid-terms. >> people are in the checkout line for groceries and having to pick what they can send back because they can't afford it. millions of people across this country that can't fill up on a tank of gas so they can get to work this week. as democrats, we need to deliver. >> but is that enough for the democratic base? liberals are still fighting for some version of build back better, but moderates like joe manchin and kristen sinema won't go for that. manchin wants to tackle deficit reduction. the big social plan is dead. >> all they need to do is spend one day, just go fill your car up, just go to the grocery store with just feel safe to try to walk the streets again. who thought just in one year with one party rule so much could go so wrong. don't blame us. we warned them. >> the gop will still target democrats for spending a trillion dollars on a covid bill last year, but the biggest issue right now is getting a deal on covid money for vaccines and tests as well as more assistance for ukraine. sandra? >> sandra: chad pergram, thank you. and yesterday on "fox news sunday," i spoke with texas republican congressman michael mccaul about his party's chances in the mid terps. take a look. >> all we need is five seats. i think we'll get at least 40 seats. this has been so unpopular when it comes to inflation, gas prices. in my reign, the foreign policy mistakes he made and quite frankly, they're just weak. >> sandra: so with inflation raging and a lot of uncertainty at the border with title 42 going away, is a new spending push going to make things better or worse for democrats? let's get the read from kristin hahn. great to have you here. thanks for joining us. so it seems obvious, even elizabeth warren painting this nasty inflation picture that most americans are feeling in a big way in this moment. seems obvious to not tout more spending when historically in inflationary teams, more spending will cause more inflation. >> you know, i think first of all, there's no party that is the white knight here when it comes to addressing the debt and deficit that we face. they have continued to rise through republican and democratics. it's very difficult. people have to come together to do it. the political side, that is right. inflation is a difficult thing to tackle particularly in a global economy. it's not as easy as you would think. at the end of the day when it comes to spending, i think manchin and sinema have the right idea. i don't know what people think are going to get done that they can't agree to. they've been very honest about that from the beginning. i think doing targeted stuff on drug prices, which both parties want to do would be smart to do. and then, you know, get that under control. get a win under our belts there and a bipartisan manner. start to address these things. >> sandra: to that point, what is a win that could be touted from this administration so far? >> i mean, i think you talk about what they inherited. it's an unprecedented time with the pandemic. the global economy with the supply chain, the difficulties we've been facing. we talked about the bill that was passed at the very beginning of the biden administration on a bipartisan basis to address, you know, some of the challenges that the pandemic has presented. you know, not to forget about the infrastructure bill that the administration after administration has tried to pass and that they were able to get done on a bipartisan basis. a lot of those things won't come to fruition because it takes time to put them in place, you know, by the mid-terms. some is perception. some we need to do better. there's major accomplishments. >> sandra: when it comes to title 42, that is not perception. a real problem and very big challenges at the southern barreder that will only be made worse if title 42 is lifted. that is not just the take of republican members of congress that is the take of the border patrol and that is the take of many, a growing list of democrats that are pushing back, breaking with the president on this issue. how bad politically will that hurt the president? >> i think you have these border state democrats that are taking a look at this. this is a health policy, right? really is reflective of the larger need nor congress to come together and address immigration reform, which has eluded both parties back to george w. bush that tried to do it and members of his party couldn't come to an agreement with him. we're seeing this flush out right now and it's something that we need to take a look at. the administration needs to have a plan in place for when this goes away. >> sandra: all right. we'll see. november is going to quickly approach. kristen, thanks for coming on. >> thank you. >> sandra: airlines having trouble finding pilots and it could have you finding a different way to your destination. she's my sister and we depend on each other a lot. she's the rock of the family. she's the person who holds everything together. it's a battle, you know. i'm going to be there. keytruda and chemotherapy meant treating my cancer with two different types of medicine. in a clinical trial, keytruda and chemotherapy was proven to help people live longer than chemotherapy alone. keytruda is used to treat more patients with advanced lung cancer than any other immunotherapy. keytruda may be used with certain chemotherapies as your first treatment if you have advanced nonsquamous non-small cell lung cancer and you do not have an abnormal “egfr” or “alk” gene. keytruda helps your immune system fight cancer, but can also cause your immune system to attack healthy parts of your body. this can happen during or after treatment and may be severe and lead to death. see your doctor right away if you have cough, shortness of breath, chest pain, diarrhea, severe stomach pain or tenderness, severe nausea or vomiting, headache, light sensitivity, eye problems, irregular heartbeat, extreme tiredness, constipation, dizziness or fainting, changes in appetite, thirst, or urine, confusion or memory problems, muscle pain or weakness, fever, rash, itching, or flushing. these are not all the possible side effects. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions including immune system problems, or if you've had an organ transplant, had or plan to have a stem cell transplant or have had radiation to your chest area or a nervous system condition. it feels good to be here for them. living longer is possible. it's tru. keytruda from merck. ask your doctor about keytruda. motrin works fast to stop pain where it starts. like those nagging headaches. uncomfortable period pains. and disruptive muscle aches. you can count on fast, effective relief with motrin. 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(combative yelling) therabreath, it's a better mouthwash. at walmart, target and other fine stores. ♪ ♪ >> if you can do business out here in new york you have to treat our people right. >> this whole thing is about working people standing up. >> that was new york congressman cortez in vermont. making a pitch to unionize a second amazon plan. rebecca parson is calling for $30 per hour minimum wage. they might be asking themselves, really? fox news contributor brian brenberg joins us now. >> i hope a lot of people at home or asking really? because that is nuts. the problem is that is the energy of the democratic party. you won't understand why joe biden has nobody's done look at whose at that union rally and look what they're talking about. they are ignoring the issues that people across the country really have to deal with and instead they go to their safe place. the union rally. >> laid out for us because you do have to be sensitive to the fact that inflation is hurting just about everyone. so naturally we want to see your paycheck go up, naturally you would think okay it would benefit most to have wages go up, raise the minimum wage. but would be the impact on small businesses if you were to do that? >> exactly a $30 minimum wage beverly just think about that for a second. small businesses right now, 90% of small businesses say that their biggest problem is they can't get a handle on cost. they take their biggest line item and you jack it up. $30 an hour, it be a complete devastation. this is the wrong prescription but again it's the wrong prescription because the left doesn't understand or doesn't want to confront what's really happening in this country in the real problem is the spending driven inflation. >> a lot of pressure on the federal reserve. >> they got it so wrong which is why they have so much pressure. it's can be painful for sure. look at the market reaction is a lot of excitement on wall street at 238 they finished the day to the upside in the dow below. all day it was in the red then here comes elon musk and a huge deal to buy twitter and markets got excited about it your reaction to the new deal? >> capitalism is happening that's what i love about this. elon musk and partners said we know like with going out with twitter let's do something about it, he's now now and have a controlling interest to make some changes what will he do? i don't that's the beauty of it. he's going to experiment, he's putting to try a lot of different things but the point is he's going to invite more people back into this platform which means a win for for your speech. >> very, very interesting. it was interesting to me that wall street they needed a new deal. a multibillion-dollar deal elon musk basically coming in at sangamon to take over a company that's been highly criticized by the right for very long time and i were left what actual changes he will be able to implement. >> he's bringing in possibilities and elon musk is saying let's do that i'll start with twitter. >> okay and then you have it. 34,000 was the number that the dow wants to hover around. [laughs] >> 38% premium before anyone it was in a bye the thing that's a good deal the twitter board was forced to say you know what is the best deal out there we must manage his company maybe he can do summing about it but the twitter board would've rejected this would've been a big time lawsuit, they don't do it that. >> we appreciate you joining us. it's good to see you. okay that does it for us. we will be back tomorrow you can catch me tomorrow 1-3:00 p.m. the five starts now. ♪ ♪ >> dana: high along with judge jeanine, geraldo rivera, jesse watters, and greg gutfeld it's 5:00 in new york city and this is the five. ♪ ♪ speed to the border crisis is turning deadly the white house finally reacting to the tragic death of a texas national guard member's been missing since friday. officials were covering the body of a 22-year-old bishop evan, he heroically jumped into the rio grande river to try and save to illegal immigrants before disappearing underneatth

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Like , Place , Progressives , Discourse , Twit Area , Sort , Didn T Ways , Step , Direction , Wall Street , Problems , Tech , Pause , Stock , News , Trading Day , Enough , Gain , Loss , Point Sell , 6 , 1000 , Bail Out , Board , Fair , Companies , Gift , Types , Marked , 16 7 Billion , Position , Sender Flowers , Chocolating , Fore , 0 24 , 50 24 , Democrats , List , Concerns , Platforms , Moderation , Mute Button , Button , Battle , Battle Over Twitle , Both , Last Thing On My Mind , Plans , Retirement , Ctic Life , Voya , Workplace , Moderate , Most , Benefits , Crohn S Disease , Solutions , Well Invested , Relief , Risk , Symptoms , Injections , Infections , Move , Tracks , Ulcerative Colitis , Dose , Stelara , Two , Doctor , Cancer , Treatment , Reactions , Pres , Brain Condition , Serious , Infection , Skin Growths , Sores , Vaccine , Tb , Lung Inflammation , Remission , Cost Support Options , Janssen , Paint Rolling , Home , Deals , Possibility , Budget , Blood Clots , Report , Lowe S , Springfest , Info , Life Changing , Ton , Everyone , Technology , Xfinity , Tech Upgrade Program , Wifi , Xfi , Anything , Internet , Go , Protection , Threats , Connection , Upgrade Today , Xfi Complete , Biden Huddling , Title , Surge , Members , Opposition , Hispanic Caucus , 42 , Migrants , Body , Eagle Pass , Bill Melugin , Team Coverage , Texas National Guardsman Bishop , David Spunt , Meeting , Some , Texas , Hi , 45 , Party , Microphones , Earful , Lele , Administration , Issues , Policy , Immigration , Grip , Inability , Southern Border , 23 , May 23 , Result , Immigration Activists , Program , Health Authority , Planning , Homeland Health Security , More , Secretary Mayorkas , Times , Action , Cdc , Evans , Life , Guardsmen , Accessory , Delegation , Grand River , 22 , Republicans , Guest , Say Anything , Reporting Search Crews , Authorities , Bill , Specialist , Bishop , Grim Discovery , Look , Video , Part , Texas Dps Showing Somber Scene , Operation , Lone Star , Last March , 72 , Water , Ending , Flag , Iraq , Kuwait , Immigrants , Listen , Tony Gonzalez , District , Eagle Pass Isn T , Lice , Everything , Family , Work , Families , Epicenter , Rio Grande River , Time , Mexican , Women , Ground , Crossing , Hands , Effort , The Hill , Kevin Mccarthy , Approach , Border Patrol , Anybody , Situation , Fentanyl , Tour , View , Stop , Community , Reporting , Experience , Interview , 20000 , Department Of Homeland Security , Chris Olivarez , Condolences , Country , Background , Law , Bravery , Courage , Texas National Guardsmen , Example , Patriot , Hero , Responders , Fact , Front Line , Events , Law Enforcement , Lives , Because , Lines , Resources , Men , River , Operations , Partners , Concern , Congressman Cuellar , Criminals , Rescue Operations , Listening , Communities , Landowners , Sheriffs , Rest , Men And Women In Green , Pressure , Thought , Government , Border Strategy , Point , Agents , Individuals , Discussions , Troopers , Dps , Workday , Russia , Fire , Oil Depot , Team , Schedule , Grass , Koi , Kenny , Ell Theg , There S Heather On The Hedges , Progressive , Small Business , Coverage , Boy , Truck , Timber , Yes , Man , Everywhere , Road , Johnny Cash , Desert S Bare , Mountain Air , Travel , Pity , Dodge City , Cedar City , Colorado , Ellensburg , Parkersburg , Gravelbourg , Pittsburgh , Show Mom , Mother , Anti Fatigue Comfortmat , Case , Round , Weathertech , Gonna , Mom , Colors , Best , Seat , Protector , Variety , Finishes , Vehicle , Floorliner , Cupfone , Cargoliner , Mother S Day , Number , Inflation Nation , Vacation , Mid Terms , Impact , 60 , Fires , Zelensky In Kyiv , Support , Central Ukraine , Secretary State , Lloyd Austin , Antony Blinken , Fuel Depot , Kyiv , Griff Jenkins , Hello , Weapons , Hopes , Embassy , Secretary Blinken , Mission , Secondly , Tune , Degree , Helping Ukraine Win , 700 Million , 00 Million , Troops , Visit , Military Capability , Railway Systems , Ukraine , West , Lviv , Strikes , Five , Strike , Railway , Towns , Worth , Transit Hubs , 18 , Baby , Austin , Odesa , Eight , Objective , U N , Secretary General , Donbas , Southern Ukraine , Will Travel To Moscow , Corridor , Vladimir Putin , Sieged City Of Mariupol , Turning Point , Sovereign , Others , Leader , Speak , United States Intelligence Community , Advance , Department Of Defense , Resupply , Attacks , Region , Ukrainians , Supplies , Russians , Order , Intelligence , Secretary Of Defense , Allies , Material , Comments , Putin , Feeding , Nato , Statement , Want , Attack , Player , The World Stage , Disinformation Campaign , Secretary Austin , Sandra , Michael Mccaul , Opportunity , Details , Coming Up , Elections , Red Wave , Prediction , Fox News Sunday , Big Time With Chase Freedom Unlimited , Drugstore , Fee , Chase , Contract Investigator , Monique , My Name , Football Games , Parent , 41 , Cosmetic , Frown Line , Fda , Eye Problems , Condition , Effects , Breathing , Muscle Weakness , Injection , Skin Infection , Forehead , Speaking , Feet , Sign , Difficulty Swallowing , Crow , Side Effects , Headache , Conditions , Botulinum Toxins , Injection Site Pain , Medications , Muscle , Eyelid Swelling , Nerve , History , Eyebrow , Eyelid Drooping , Health , Visit Onetouch Com Today , It Cheers , Diabetes , Range , Guidance , Phone , Nature , Meter , Onetouch Verio , Hard Eating Healthy , Caesar , Dog , Hail , Ringcentral , Hi Caesar , Pssst Julius , Spending , Congress , Chad Pergram , There , Push , Big Social Programs , Capitol Hill , Massachusetts , Elizabeth Warren , Checkout Line , Groceries , Gas , Tank , Millions , Moderates , Base , Liberals , Build , Version , Joe Manchin , Kristen Sinema Won T Go , Car Up , Grocery Store , Big Social Plan , Deficit Reduction , Streets , Rule , Issue , Covid Bill Last Year , Vaccines , Assistance , Tests , Covid Money , Gop , Congressman , Chances , Take A Look , Terps , Inflation , Seats , Mistakes , Gas Prices , Foreign Policy , Reign , 40 , Read , Spending Push , Uncertainty , Kristin Hahn , Inflation Picture , Feeling , Teams , Side , Knight , Democratics , Deficit , Economy , Sinema , Parties , Drug Prices , Beginning , Idea , Win , Manner , Belts , Pandemic , Difficulties , Supply Chain , Challenges , Basis , Address , Infrastructure Bill , Perception , Accomplishments , Take , Back , Southern Barreder , Health Policy , George W Bush , Immigration Reform , Need , Plan , Couldn T , Agreement , Airlines , Trouble Finding Pilots , Kristen , Destination , Sister , The Rock , Keytruda , Chemotherapy , Medicine , Lung Cancer , Patients , Immunotherapy , Clinical Trial , Immune System , Parts , Fight Cancer , Chemotherapies , Gene , Alk , Egfr , Nonsquamous Non Small Cell Lung Cancer , Breath , Death , Stomach Pain , Chest Pain , Shortness , Lead , Irregular Heartbeat , Tenderness , Light Sensitivity , Nausea , Vomiting , Diarrhea , Cough , Memory Problems , Muscle Pain , Constipation , Weakness , Itching , Thirst , Rash , Fever , Dizziness , Fainting , Confusion , Urine , Appetite , Flushing , Extreme Tiredness , Immune System Problems , Chest Area , Organ Transplant , Stem Cell Transplant , Radiation , Nervous System , Tru , Pain , Motrin , Fast , Pains , Headaches , Muscle Aches , Merck , Heartbeats , Pain Relievers , Heat , Icy Hot Pro , Doubt , Ice Works Fast , 2 , Contrast Therapy , Pilot Shortage , Fox News , Pilots , Airports , Cities , Bus Line , Landline , American Airlines , Laguardia Airport , High Nate , Service , Reaction , Passengers , Destinations , Consumer Demand , Buses , Atlantic City , Denver , Breckenridge , New Jersey , Allentown , Pennsylvania , Ceo , Industry , Occupation , Labor , Philadelphia International Airport , 2030 , 13 , 75 , Team Members , Workers , Thousands , Organa Fly , 12000 , Shortage , Consumer Money , Travel Options , Flight Schedules , Bloomberg , 2019 , Pilots Airlines , Pilot , Delta , Jetblue , 8 , 10 , 16 , Business , Cost , Jet Fuel , Brian Brenberg , Consumer , High , Minimum Wage Hike , Price Hikes , Zzing , Engine Humming , Driving , Pick Up , Clapping , Class , We Will Rock You , Gmc Sierra , Capful , Is Joe , Combative Yelling , Gong Rings , Therabreath , Mouthwash , Target , Walmart , Stores , New York , Making A Pitch To Unionize Second Amazon Plan , Congressman Cortez , Vermont , Minimum Wage , Rebecca Parson , 0 , Nuts , Energy , Nobody , Union Rally , Rally , Union , Businesses , Paycheck Go Up , Wage , Wages , Line Item , Handle , Second , 90 , Prescription , Devastation , Market Reaction , Excitement , Federal Reserve , Capitalism , In The Red , Markets , Upside , Interest , Experiment , Beauty , Possibilities , Sangamon , Bye , 34000 , Lawsuit , Dana , Jeanine , Speed , Geraldo Rivera , Jesse Watters , Greg Gutfeld , 5 , Evan , Member , Texas National Guard , Disappearing Underneatth , Officials ,

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