Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX News Sunday 20240708 : compareme

Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX News Sunday 20240708

>> they are not listening to the border communities. this is not good for democrats. >> we'll ask texas border democrat what the white house is telling him about the rising tensions over lifting title 42. plus house republicans bullish on big wins in november. >> it is going to be a landslide for republicans. >> but newly-shared audio shows what republican leaders may have planned to tell then president trump after the capitol riots. >> it would be my recommendation [inaudible]. >> we will ask republican congressman mccall about the political calculations and party leadership heading into midterms. and a leaked memo indicates senator bernie sanders is open to another white house bid in 2024, if biden does not run. we will ask our sunday panel about the politics behind the leak and whether voters still feel the bern. and just hours from now, polls close in france in a presidential election that could reverberate around the west and into ukraine. all right now on "fox news sunday". hello again from fox news. the white house finding itself in a political bind just ahead of midterms, over its decision to lift title 42 by this time next month. the administration had used the public health order as a tool to deport migrants coming across the border during the pandemic. now a growing number of democrats want it to stay in place over fears the administration is not prepared for a summer surge from the south. in a moment, we will speak with one of those democrats, representing a south texas border district and republican michael mccall ranking member of the house foreign affairs committee. we begin with fox team coverage. bill melugin is live in texas for us with more on the growing migrant crisis there, but first to our reporter at the white house. >> hi, sandra. right now the biden is struggling to find balance on a range of issues with earth day, climate action is once again a key flashpoint. the administration is our focus in the meeting was to talk about those things that would enable us to win the current fight and build for tomorrow. and again a very productive discussion. we talked about security force assistance and talked about training. and we talked about the key things that we are going to discuss in the session that i'll conduct tomorrow at ramstein with a number of ministers of defense and chiefs of defense. this session is focused on doing things to generate additional capability capacity for the ukrainian forces. it's a great opportunity to get a good opportunity to get an update from the minister of defense and the president on what they are focused with on the things they will need and we'll look forward to the discussions tomorrow. >> could you tell me what you saw during your journey to kyiv. were you able to speak to any ukrainians outside the government? and what did they tell you? and do you see a scenario where international support enables ukraine to avoid losing this war to russia. is it able to full think expel russian forces. >> in terms of what we saw, we took a train into kyiv from southwestern poland. so we didn't see a lot except looking out the train windows on our way in. in kyiv we went right to the presidential palace. we spent three ours with president zelenskyy and his presidential team. we wanted to focus on look at the game plan we have and how we are moving forward. there wasn't much of an opportunity to talk about average ukrainians. we saw people on the streets in kyiv. evidence of the fact that battle for kyiv was won. there is what looks like from the surface at least to be a normal life in kyiv. but that's in stark contrast in what's going nonter parts of ukraine and the east where russian brutality is doing horrific things to people every day. i come back to the proposition in terms of russia's aims, russia has already failed and ukraine has succeeded. the i am that putin brought to this was to take away ukraine's sovereignty and independence. where the contours of the war goes from here and how much death and destruction continues that's a deep concern. we want to doing we can to bring this to an end as quickly as possible. much of the work we are doing to is to help them strengthen their hand. >> i agree with secretary blinken. we were engaged with the senior leadership. we didn't get a chance to do any walk-abouts or engage citizens on the streets. it did look like things were coming back to normal. it was easter day in kyiv. so certainly a number of people would have been at home and not out on the street. in terms of our -- their ability to win, the first step in winning is believing you can win. so they believe we can win, we believe they can win if they have the right equipment and the right support. and we'll do everything we can, continue to do everything we can to insure they get that. so we are engaged with the minister of defense. and as this fight evolves, their needs will change. as the needs change we would like to be one step ahead. but we are going to be responsive to what they believe they need. >> i have a question about paid delivery. how are you tracking the stingers and the javelins and those sensitive weapons? we are seeing more and more imagery of those weapons falling into the hands of russian-backed forces in donbas. do you have a plan to track those weapons. there is an article in the boss tom on globe quoting an official saying the eight money passed by congress has not been delivered calling it a critical strategic failure. how do you plan to fix this problem. >> in terms of our ability to track the weapons going in. we don't have any forces on the ground, so that is difficult for to us do. we did have a very good discussion with both the chad and the president and minister of defense. on the necessity of making sure those weapons are tracked and protected from falling in the hands of adversaries. when you are in a fight, if a specific battle is lost you have less ability to control items. but they are focused on this issue and they know we are concerned about it and they will continue to engage. >> hundreds of millions of dollars in assistance has gotten into ukraine. literally every day as we speak aid is going in. this is aid. if you are here in a few hours, this won't be here. it will be on a plane on its way to ukraine, and then it is dispersed throughout the country. we had conversations with our ukrainian partners to make sure once it gets into ukraine, then it's dispersed in an effective way. if there are challenges there, we are working through them. but i am seeing aid is getting here and out the door incredibly quickly. this place will look different five or six hours from now than it does now. >> secretary austin you mentioned keeping abreast of what the ukrainians need. what did president zelenskyy say he needs next. for secretary linken, i understand you may have spoken to the u.n. secretary general. what is the tactic for his engagement with moscow and kyiv? >> as you heard us say in the recent past. the nature of the fight evolved because the terrain they are now focused on is a different type of terrain. they need long range fires and you heard them express a need for tanks. we are doing everything we can to get them the types of support and artillery and munitions effective in this stage of the fight. we have done a lot. you have seen what we have done near recent past with the $800 million authorization provided by the president, allows us to provide five battalions of howitzers. and we are engaging our colleagues in other countries for the same type of capability. we see indications early on there will be many country that will come forward and provide additional munitions and howitzers. so we'll push as hard as we can as quickly as we can to get them what they need. this will be a great topic of conversation for our meeting tomorrow as we go down to ramstein. >> i spoke to the secretary general friday and he's heading to moscow earlier this week. he will carry a strong and clear message to putin of the need to end this war now. the need for humanitarian corridors and a need for russia to stop its brute talt against ukraine. >> are you defining america's goals for success any differently in ukraine now than you were at the beginning of this war? and if so, what are those goals today? >> i think the secretary of state indicated the first piece of this. we want to see ukraine remain a sovereign country. to protect its sovereign territory. we want to see russia weakened to the degree it can't do the kinds of things it has done in invading ukraine. so it's already lost a lot of the military capability and a lot of its troops, quite frankly. and we want to see them not have the capability to quickly reproduce that capability. we want to see the international community more united. especially nato. and we are seeing that based upon the hard work of president biden and our allies and partners who willingly leaned into this with us as we imposed sanctions, as we moved rapidly to demonstrate we'll defend every inch. nato. >> i think the secretary said it very well, i don't have anything to add. >> were you able to offer president zelenskyy any idea about the timing of the reopening of the embassy in kyiv. not simply the return of diplomats to lviv? and for both of you, president zelenskyy when he leaked that you guys were going there on saturday said please don't come with empty hands. you obviously didn't go with empty hands. did you get the sense he's satisfied with what it was you did bring? >> matt, in terms of the embassy, we'll have american diplomats in ukraine starting next week. they will start the process of looking at how we reopened the embassy itself in kyiv. i think that will take place over a couple of weeks. we are doing it deliberately, carefully and with the security of our personal foremost in mind, but we are doing it. with regard to president zelenskyy, without want to go characterize him too much, he expressed to both of us deep and repeated appreciation both for president biden's leadership and also to for the generosity of the american people. he said the united states has been ukraine's strongest supporter, something they won't forget. we never come empty handed. as the secretary of defense said, this is an ongoing process. the initial drawdown that president biden ordered, go back to last labor day, months before the aggression. we wanted to make sure if russia pursued the aggression that ukrainians had the tools to push back and stop it. thanks to the equipment they had in hand from before the war started, they were able to do that. but this has been evolving so the nature of our assistance and the assistance we are getting from others has been evolving. >> he did express gratitude to the american people and our allies and partners for what they have done from the very beginning and continue to do. but he's in a fight. while he's grateful for all the things we are doing. he's also focused on what he thinks he will need next to be successful. they have the mindset they want to win, we have the mindset we want to help them win and we are going to do that. in terms of specific times of things we were able to discuss and kind of lay out, we reminded them that thursday president biden signed a drawdown, and on saturday how windsers were showing up -- howitzers were showing up from that drawdown package. it's due to the hard work of the men and women working day in and day out to do the things they are doing. but we'll focus on giving him what he needs to be successful in the future. you would expect him to say thanks. but let's focus on what needs to be done. we'll get a chance to talk more about that in pour meeting tomorrow and i look forward to that meeting. >> thanks, every one. reporter: you are looking live at secretary of state antony blinken and lloyd austin. they are year the ukraine-poland border where they met with president zelenskyy. they are the highest level members of the biden administration to visit ukraine since this war began. we heard them going over what they talked about with the ukrainian president during their meeting. essentially they said america's goals are very similar to the ukrainian's goals. they want this country to remain sovereign, to remain democratic. they want russia weakened so they cannot do this again. they said ukraine wants to win and we want to help them win. let's bring in national security correspondent jennifer griffin. she is the only u.s. tv reporter traveling with the secretary during this trip. can you give us an idea how this entire trip came together? we know president zelenskyy leaked information. but the white house would thought confirm any details given the sensitive security. reporter: when we left the united states we were told not to even tell our families we were coming. it was a very, very -- they said if anything leaked they might have to call off the trip. they we have been holding in a position inside poland on the border with ukraine while the principles went forward, and that's basically that's why we have been in a bit after huge blackout. we just had a press briefing with the secretary, and we heard some of what they told to zelenskyy. and the biggest thing is the u.s. embassy is going to be reopening in kyiv. it will start with u.s. embassy officials going back to lviv starting this week. they will start with day trips and overnight, and they will move in the next couple weeks. second terry blinken said they will reopen that embassy in kyiv. that is significant. we heard from secretary austin that some of the howitzers that were essentially signed off on by president biden on thursday, they already started arriving inside the country. inside ukraine. as secretary austin said, this is unprecedented in terms of the pentagon being able to provide weapons from a point of the president signing off and those weapons arriving inside ukraine. so a lot of announcements. the meeting was slated for 90 member us and it went for a full three hours. it was extremely details, both secretary blinken and secretary austin said president zelenskyy had extreme gratitude to american generosity and president biden for his leadership. president zelenskyy said the u.s. has been the strongest ally in this fight and they will not forget. the secretary said the goal is for russia to be defeated and weakened. and america will continue to provide equipment and help so the zelenskyy government can defeat russia. lauren: he said that russia is failing. however, he didn't know how the rift of this war was going. from what we heard from the defense secretary is basically the u.s. is going to be with ukraine every step of the way. it's important to note a lot of the reason that this trip is to show solidarity with ukraine. before this meeting president zelenskyy said he wanted to make sure when the secretaries came they came with more than cakes and presents. he wanted specific security guarantees. can you talk more about how the secretaries said, were they able to bring this to the president of ukraine? was this trip successful in their eyes? >> i think so. if you look the amount of military aid provided so far. it's $3.billion. just last thursday another 800 million in security assistance. we were told that $3 million additional for military assistance from the 8 department will allow the ukrainians to buy the none standard weaponry and ammunition they need to use with their soviet-era weapons. that's something that will help them go shopping for more weaponry to supply troops on the front lines. there were significant .deliverables, and president zelenskyy expressed his gratitude for. he said when he prized them by announcing the visit saturday, this was supposed to be a secret visit. that created security concerns along the way. however, that military assistance, the fact that the meeting went twice as long as it was slated to, and the fact that they are planning to reopen the u.s. embassy. these are pretty big deliverables, when you look at what the state department and defense department set out to do with this visit. lauren: the secretary of defense is headed off to germany and he will be talking with other defense ministers going over this wish list from president zelenskyy talking about how all these different countries can support ukraine going forward. what else do we know about senate. >> i am going to be traveling with the defense secretary. we are leaving for germany and we'll be at ramstein air base for the next two days. the meeting thus day will be with 20 ministers of defense and chief of defense officials from allied nations who want to donate weapons and security assistance to ukraine. it's a meeting that will bring together the capabilities of these 20-plus nations that they are able to deliver to ukraine. it's a having significant conference in terms of the way forward and the ongoing security assistance to the ukraine government. but we'll be there doing live shots at ramstein the next two days. again, a very important meeting. mark milley, the chairman of the joint chiefs will be joining secretary austin in those meetings so they can see what capabilities all these allies and countries can bring to get the weapons and security systems in ukraine up to the front lines for the defeat of russia in this war. lauren: secretary blinken said the big goal is to end this war as quickly as possible and make sure the humanitarian corridors day open to save as many lives as possible. it needs two secretaries talking about the amount of support the u.s. had, the messaging of this, and the courage of the ukrainian people as they fought this war for two months. they were saying it was just jut aamazing to watch the courage of the ukrainians. making sure they knew the u.s. was with ukraine at this time. i think as you mentioned off the top, the big news piece out of this is the reopening or bringing back of embassy staff to ukraine. we know there is going to be a new ambassador that president biden is planning to announce a nominee tomorrow. can you just let us know a little bit more about what you know there? >> that new ambassador is very significant. richard frank is the am bass dear to slovakia. she has decades of experience in this region. she was the deputy chief to georgia at one point. that is a significant announcement. president biden will nominate her this morning, and hopefully congress will pass that nomination and get her moving so she can come back and reopen the embassy in ukraine. it's very significant. the u.s. needs an ambassador on the ground. this choice of ambassador is significant. you talked about the message to vladimir putin. it's significant that the u.n. secretary general is going to meet with putin in moscow this week. we heard from secretary of state blinken the message he will be bringing to putin, and it's for an immediate ceasefire and to end this war now. that's a coordinated message. but that's the visit by the secretary of defense, secretary of state, a historic visit. they arrived on other doc easter. they came with deliverables not just weaponry, but also the reopening of the u.s. embassy in kyiv. and it was haven't appreciated by president zelenskyy from what we understand. lauren: jennifer griffin, thank you for all your work keeping us up to date on this high-level, very secret, important and symbolic trip as they traveled to ukraine. so this is what we have been watching the secretary of defense, the secretary of state both went to kyiv ukraine meeting with the ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy. it will continue, they say they will stick with ukraine as long as possible. i'm lauren blanchard live in washington. now back to regular programs already in progress. >> sandra: that was house republican leader kevin mccarthy, newly leaked audio talking about then president trump in the days after january 6th. and it is now time for our sunday group. former bush white house advisor karl rove. white house correspondent for reuters. and fox news political analyst juan williams is here. gentlemen, welcome. first up to you, karl, these clips are huge of course on twitter as we have all seen and in washington, d.c., but give us a long view on the impact of this leak, both for mccarthy and for house republicans. >> well, i think it's a blip. i don't think it's going to be consequential in the long-term. mccarthy has very strong ties on most of the elements of the republican conference. there may be a few dissidents to sort of marjory taylor green wing of the party which seems to consist of basically two people, but i don't think this is going to be a significant blip. and it's interesting to me that the president jumped on this big-time, but i mean the president of the united states has made some recent statements. this week i think it was he repeated for the fourth time the story about the conductor who told him on amtrak that he had gone more on amtrak than on air force one who died a year before it was supposedly, arrested in civil rights protest, said he was against afghan war before it started when he wasn't. we don't have the same sort of symmetry when it comes to misstatements or claims people make in public or private. i think this is a blip. >> sandra: jeff, i suppose a big question is going to be did others share his view and where do they stand now? but what is your long view on this? >> well, i think karl makes a good point in terms of whether or not it's a blip that lasts very long. it's probably a blip in so far as the fact that former president trump is not taking abridge against it. that matters. the fact that mccarthy denied he said that but then the recording comes out is certainly not positive for him. in a different political landscape, it would be a bigger deal. i'm not sure that many political operatives would advise saying something didn't happen when there's a chance that not only a, it did happen, but b, there's proof of that, but all of it really comes down to the relationship with president trump and the fact that the former president is saying hey, our relationship is still strong, means it probably will not have a long-term impact on mr. mccarthy's potential to become speaker. >> sandra: juan, you can give us your view, but democrats you could probably make the case may be welcoming this distraction at a time when they're fighting each other. progressive senator elizabeth warren says democrats need to triple down now on some of these far left policies. is that good advice considering president biden's current poll numbers? >> well, no, i don't think it's good advice, sandra. i think this midterm election is going to be bigger than simply the left wing base of the democratic party. i think you have to move swing voters in swing congressional districts specifically. and you got to do that really -- and this is what i think elizabeth warren's best point is democrats have to build and show that they can get things done in washington, that they are not just spinning their wheels, that they can build after build back better stalled in the senate. they can build on covid vaccinations, covid economic relief, the passage of the infrastructure package, that they can now go on and attack climate change. they can do something about child tax credits or education. they have to show that they can be constructive, that they are getting something done with their majority in the white house. i think that's the key message that needs to be sent. they can also i think make the case -- and this goes back to your discussion with karl and jeff, that, you know, look, if the republicans were in charge right now, russia may have already run over ukraine. you know, democrats are looking at gas prices, looking at inflation, but if you look at republicans and you look at kevin mccarthy, he lied to the public. he lied to trump supporters. and trump just knows these guys are so weak they have to kowtow to them, that's not a good look for a leader. >> sandra: i will let karl respond to that, but i will also let things speak for themselves. this is a latest report describing the condition for democratic house candidates in this moment. no democrat in a single digit biden or trump won district is secure, and even some seats biden carried by double digit margins in 2020 could come into play this fall. that is a remarkable warning, karl. what would your advice be to republican leaders right now? >> well, the republican leaders better be prepared to point out that the agenda that the democratic party is being encouraged to take under elizabeth warren and others is an explicitly left wing agenda that the american people don't agree with. second of all, the republicans better be ready for the attack that the white house signalled it was going to make on republicans on the number one issue in the election, namely, inflation, by saying they don't have a plan. of course they've got a plan. stop spending. so look, the democrats are all [inaudible] on this. juan makes a good argument that they ought to try that they can show that they can do stuff, but read the elizabeth warren "new york times" piece, it is a left wing agenda that the american people don't want. free universal this. and free universal that. and spent gigantic amounts of money. and raise taxes dramatically. that's not the agenda the american people want or need. and as a result, they are going to be in very difficulty. it may not be the 40 seats that mike mccaul was talking about, but the republicans are -- he was right, they are already at 213. if they have the average election, 28 since world war ii, that would put them at 231, which is one more than they had after they took the house in 1994 for the first time in 40 years. and i think it is going to be more than 28. it is going to be a healthy republican margin in the house. >> sandra: wow, jeff, both mike pompeo, ted cruz, have been on the trail in the last few weeks campaigning for republican candidates who did not earn donald trump's endorsement. can you gauge that for us? >> it's been kind of a fascinating part of the game to see his endorsements and to see what impact it has. two states of course where he endorsed people in ohio and in pennsylvania who i think some republicans there weren't expecting and didn't necessarily welcome will show how impactful his endorsement has and in some ways be a test of his power certainly in the congress. the other thing i would like to add, though, in addition to president trump's impact on the midterms is i do think from the white house perspective, you're going to see president biden out there a lot more. he was out traveling last week. i was on his trip to the pacific northwest. and he said he needs to get out. he needs to sell his arguments more. he also made a point in one fundraiser of saying he thinks democrats can pick up two seats in the senate. we will see. you didn't hear him saying that about the house. i think democrats will come out and try to make this contrast even stronger than they have so far. >> sandra: very interesting. juan chomping at the bit to respond to that. marjory taylor green was in court on friday as part of a challenge whether she can remain on the ballot. her opponents want her barred from running for reelection because of her comments in the run up to january 6th. what kind of precedent is this hearing setting? >> well, you know, i think for the non-trump sector of the republican party, i hope -- they hope it sets a precedent because they would like to be done with this january 6th insurrection and all the fallout which hasn't stopped, you know, given what we just learned about kevin mccarthy and apparently there's more tapes to come. of course the january 6th committee looks like they have some information, so this is ongoing. now, with marjory taylor green, her opponents are trying to get her off the ballot because they are saying she supported an insurrection against the united states government and under the 14th amendment, i think it's the third clause, you know, confederate soldiers who tried to take out the u.s. government were banned from holding office. now, she's not even challenging the law. this is so interesting to me. you would think she would say well, this law doesn't apply, you know, enforce it to the supreme where she's likely i would think to win. she says she didn't support the insurrection. she says she doesn't remember. republicans like to make fun of biden's memory. it is hard to believe she doesn't remember supporting an insurrection? come on. >> sandra: we will leave it there and take a quick break. up next a live report from ukraine. and we will talk about >> sandra: as of today, it's been exactly two months since russia invaded ukraine. against the odds, the strength of the ukrainian resistance has inspired people around the world. on the ground right now, president zelenskyy says the fate of the war is being decided in the east. let's go to matt finn who is live in ukraine, where residents there are marking a somber orthodox easter. matt? >> hi, sandra. in this past week, here four russian missiles struck here killing seven people, marking the first war-time deaths since this war began. today is orthodox easter. behind us is a 16th century cathedral with its stained glass windows boarded up. we have seen many many people getting their easter baskets blessed even during wartime. last night, here in ukraine, president zelenskyy held a packed underground press conference in a key subway, saying u.s. secretary of state blinken and the secretary of defense are visiting ukraine today. zelenskyy said they should not come with empty hands and should be ready to discuss weapons, also saying putin can stop this war in condemning vladimir putin for rejecting an offer to cease-fire for today's holy holiday. over the past week, russia focused on bombing the major port city of mariupol. an estimated 2,000 ukrainian marines and innocent women and children have been shelters in tunnels underneath a massive steel plant, running out of food. the last ukrainian resistance in that city, even pleading with president biden for rescue. and this week, russia launched its second massive phase of this war, a russian commander now says moscow does want to take control of eastern ukraine all across the southern coast, all the way to the west, redrawing russia's borders and landlocking ukraine. voters in france are choosing its next president with europe's security becoming a top issue. the incumbent centrist macron accuses his far right opponent of being too close to moscow and she denies that. sandra? >> sandra: matt finn in ukraine for us. matt, thank you for your reporting from there. we are back with our panel now. jeff, french president macron and president biden have worked very closely on ukraine. we have seen that, but macron played a big role initially in conversations with putin and recently seemed to chide president biden over the use of the term genocide. talk about the dynamics there and now which leaders are still able to have a dialogue with putin. >> sure, i mean, president biden and president macron, you are right to say have worked closely together. they have had hiccups in their relationship. this french election is one i think the white house is watching very closely because despite the occasional hiccup with macron, he and the united states are certainly very alined in terms -- aligned in terms of policy with regard to nato, russia, and ukraine. the far right candidate has moved more to the center in this election, and le pen has been successful in the polls because she's been focusing on pocketbook issues in france which are issues that affect this country and other countries around the world as well. this election will really have consequences for the united states if it does not end up being macron because of the alliance and because of the impact on nato. >> sandra: all eyes are certainly on these french elections, juan, as millions head to the polls there today. do you see any parallels between the french election and lack of enthusiasm on the left here in the united states? french voters, they're us for traded equally over covid -- they are frustrated equally over covid, energy prices, inflation, both macron and biden have mixed records. >> yeah, i think that's exactly right, sandra. i think macron's numbers are similar in terms of approval rating to biden's. but you know, in a way, it's interesting, you look at le pen, she has so much in common with former president trump. you know, both have been critics if not opponents of nato. both are really very closely tied. in le pen's case, even financial ties to vladimir putin and russia. you have the whole anti-immigrant sort of identity politics play, and so i think there's a lot of in common there. in some ways, though, the fact that macron is leading and has expanded his lead in the polls in the last week would suggest maybe good news for biden in that people react especially now that the ukraine situation at war is forefront of all of our minds. >> sandra: karl, i want to take a bit of a pivot here. senator bernie sanders, former presidential campaign manager wrote a memo that recently leaked that happens to mention he has not ruled out a run in 2024, if biden does not run. is this about democrats still feeling the bern, karl, or is this about sanders or his former team positioning themselves a little and calling out biden and schumer in the process? >> i think it is a call for new generation of older democratic leadership. let's pick the one guy who is older than joe biden and try to run in 2024. look there's going to be a generational change in 2024. i don't believe that either joe biden or bernie sanders are going to be the nominee of the democratic party in 2024. we're not going to nominate an 82-year-old or a guy who is going to be i think 83 at that time. so the democratic party is going to want a newer younger face. >> sandra: that is remarkable to think about. and we will continue to look forward to the midterm elections and 2024. gentlemen, one last topic for you all today, we learned last night that former utah senator orrin hatch has passed away. just wanted to take a moment to remember him. karl, to you first. >> well, in 1987, orrin hatch getting ready to run for a third race picked a young kid from texas to help him do his direct mail for his reelection campaign. we were friends ever since. i'm wearing a pair of utah cuff links that orrin gave me. he was an amazing guy, remarkable human being and god bless him and god bless elaine and his six children and his many grandchildren and his numerous great grandchildren. he was a good and solid man. >> sandra: juan, your thoughts? >> you know, i think i might surprise you, but i think he was a very very good man and a friend. i tell you what, he was close to muhammad ali. i don't know if you know this. he used to bring me muhammad ali ties all the time. i should have worn my muhammad ali tie signed by orrin hatch. we used to have great debates. he's that kind of person, that kind of human, grand father, and just a man who loved america and put his mormon faith and america first. i was a great admirer. >> sandra: jeff? >> what i think about in part his legacy is bipartisanship. he was really close friends with senator ted kennedy, and they put a lot of legislation together which they got over -- or they got passed together, and that harkins back to a day that we certainly aren't seeing as often now in 2022 of senators, congressmen and women from both parties working together, to get things passed, even when they're really diametrically opposed in terms of their political beliefs. that's something that senator hatch did, and it is a part of his legacy. >> sandra: we remember orrin hatch, great leader, was admired by so many. thank you very much to our sunday panel. thanks for joining us. we will see you next sunday. up next, a final word on the week ahead. and it's easier than ever to■ get your projects done right. inside, outside, big or small, angi helps you find the right so for whatever you need done. with angi, you can connect with and see ratings and reviews. just search or scroll to see upf on hundreds of projects. and when you book and pay throug you're covered by our happiness it's easy to make your home an a check out today. angi... and done. quickset does it for us today pray thanks so much for joining us thanks to our guests and panelists. i am sandra smith we will see again tomorrow for america reports on the fox news channel each weekday 1:00 p.m. eastern time. have a great week everyone, we will see you next fox next time on life, liberty, and levine. >> without was an alert tonight ukraine officials the u.s. secretary entity blinken and lloyd also met with zelenskyy today and kyiv. lloyd austin is a genius when he was head of centcom called isis a flash in the pan i thought were just be helping ukraine question a good evening kevin buckley next revolution. so tonight we have just learned the president of france is going to stay an officer of the five-year site may not like micron you may not agree with his policies he was an interesting fact. at the end of his

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX News Sunday 20240708 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX News Sunday 20240708

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>> they are not listening to the border communities. this is not good for democrats. >> we'll ask texas border democrat what the white house is telling him about the rising tensions over lifting title 42. plus house republicans bullish on big wins in november. >> it is going to be a landslide for republicans. >> but newly-shared audio shows what republican leaders may have planned to tell then president trump after the capitol riots. >> it would be my recommendation [inaudible]. >> we will ask republican congressman mccall about the political calculations and party leadership heading into midterms. and a leaked memo indicates senator bernie sanders is open to another white house bid in 2024, if biden does not run. we will ask our sunday panel about the politics behind the leak and whether voters still feel the bern. and just hours from now, polls close in france in a presidential election that could reverberate around the west and into ukraine. all right now on "fox news sunday". hello again from fox news. the white house finding itself in a political bind just ahead of midterms, over its decision to lift title 42 by this time next month. the administration had used the public health order as a tool to deport migrants coming across the border during the pandemic. now a growing number of democrats want it to stay in place over fears the administration is not prepared for a summer surge from the south. in a moment, we will speak with one of those democrats, representing a south texas border district and republican michael mccall ranking member of the house foreign affairs committee. we begin with fox team coverage. bill melugin is live in texas for us with more on the growing migrant crisis there, but first to our reporter at the white house. >> hi, sandra. right now the biden is struggling to find balance on a range of issues with earth day, climate action is once again a key flashpoint. the administration is our focus in the meeting was to talk about those things that would enable us to win the current fight and build for tomorrow. and again a very productive discussion. we talked about security force assistance and talked about training. and we talked about the key things that we are going to discuss in the session that i'll conduct tomorrow at ramstein with a number of ministers of defense and chiefs of defense. this session is focused on doing things to generate additional capability capacity for the ukrainian forces. it's a great opportunity to get a good opportunity to get an update from the minister of defense and the president on what they are focused with on the things they will need and we'll look forward to the discussions tomorrow. >> could you tell me what you saw during your journey to kyiv. were you able to speak to any ukrainians outside the government? and what did they tell you? and do you see a scenario where international support enables ukraine to avoid losing this war to russia. is it able to full think expel russian forces. >> in terms of what we saw, we took a train into kyiv from southwestern poland. so we didn't see a lot except looking out the train windows on our way in. in kyiv we went right to the presidential palace. we spent three ours with president zelenskyy and his presidential team. we wanted to focus on look at the game plan we have and how we are moving forward. there wasn't much of an opportunity to talk about average ukrainians. we saw people on the streets in kyiv. evidence of the fact that battle for kyiv was won. there is what looks like from the surface at least to be a normal life in kyiv. but that's in stark contrast in what's going nonter parts of ukraine and the east where russian brutality is doing horrific things to people every day. i come back to the proposition in terms of russia's aims, russia has already failed and ukraine has succeeded. the i am that putin brought to this was to take away ukraine's sovereignty and independence. where the contours of the war goes from here and how much death and destruction continues that's a deep concern. we want to doing we can to bring this to an end as quickly as possible. much of the work we are doing to is to help them strengthen their hand. >> i agree with secretary blinken. we were engaged with the senior leadership. we didn't get a chance to do any walk-abouts or engage citizens on the streets. it did look like things were coming back to normal. it was easter day in kyiv. so certainly a number of people would have been at home and not out on the street. in terms of our -- their ability to win, the first step in winning is believing you can win. so they believe we can win, we believe they can win if they have the right equipment and the right support. and we'll do everything we can, continue to do everything we can to insure they get that. so we are engaged with the minister of defense. and as this fight evolves, their needs will change. as the needs change we would like to be one step ahead. but we are going to be responsive to what they believe they need. >> i have a question about paid delivery. how are you tracking the stingers and the javelins and those sensitive weapons? we are seeing more and more imagery of those weapons falling into the hands of russian-backed forces in donbas. do you have a plan to track those weapons. there is an article in the boss tom on globe quoting an official saying the eight money passed by congress has not been delivered calling it a critical strategic failure. how do you plan to fix this problem. >> in terms of our ability to track the weapons going in. we don't have any forces on the ground, so that is difficult for to us do. we did have a very good discussion with both the chad and the president and minister of defense. on the necessity of making sure those weapons are tracked and protected from falling in the hands of adversaries. when you are in a fight, if a specific battle is lost you have less ability to control items. but they are focused on this issue and they know we are concerned about it and they will continue to engage. >> hundreds of millions of dollars in assistance has gotten into ukraine. literally every day as we speak aid is going in. this is aid. if you are here in a few hours, this won't be here. it will be on a plane on its way to ukraine, and then it is dispersed throughout the country. we had conversations with our ukrainian partners to make sure once it gets into ukraine, then it's dispersed in an effective way. if there are challenges there, we are working through them. but i am seeing aid is getting here and out the door incredibly quickly. this place will look different five or six hours from now than it does now. >> secretary austin you mentioned keeping abreast of what the ukrainians need. what did president zelenskyy say he needs next. for secretary linken, i understand you may have spoken to the u.n. secretary general. what is the tactic for his engagement with moscow and kyiv? >> as you heard us say in the recent past. the nature of the fight evolved because the terrain they are now focused on is a different type of terrain. they need long range fires and you heard them express a need for tanks. we are doing everything we can to get them the types of support and artillery and munitions effective in this stage of the fight. we have done a lot. you have seen what we have done near recent past with the $800 million authorization provided by the president, allows us to provide five battalions of howitzers. and we are engaging our colleagues in other countries for the same type of capability. we see indications early on there will be many country that will come forward and provide additional munitions and howitzers. so we'll push as hard as we can as quickly as we can to get them what they need. this will be a great topic of conversation for our meeting tomorrow as we go down to ramstein. >> i spoke to the secretary general friday and he's heading to moscow earlier this week. he will carry a strong and clear message to putin of the need to end this war now. the need for humanitarian corridors and a need for russia to stop its brute talt against ukraine. >> are you defining america's goals for success any differently in ukraine now than you were at the beginning of this war? and if so, what are those goals today? >> i think the secretary of state indicated the first piece of this. we want to see ukraine remain a sovereign country. to protect its sovereign territory. we want to see russia weakened to the degree it can't do the kinds of things it has done in invading ukraine. so it's already lost a lot of the military capability and a lot of its troops, quite frankly. and we want to see them not have the capability to quickly reproduce that capability. we want to see the international community more united. especially nato. and we are seeing that based upon the hard work of president biden and our allies and partners who willingly leaned into this with us as we imposed sanctions, as we moved rapidly to demonstrate we'll defend every inch. nato. >> i think the secretary said it very well, i don't have anything to add. >> were you able to offer president zelenskyy any idea about the timing of the reopening of the embassy in kyiv. not simply the return of diplomats to lviv? and for both of you, president zelenskyy when he leaked that you guys were going there on saturday said please don't come with empty hands. you obviously didn't go with empty hands. did you get the sense he's satisfied with what it was you did bring? >> matt, in terms of the embassy, we'll have american diplomats in ukraine starting next week. they will start the process of looking at how we reopened the embassy itself in kyiv. i think that will take place over a couple of weeks. we are doing it deliberately, carefully and with the security of our personal foremost in mind, but we are doing it. with regard to president zelenskyy, without want to go characterize him too much, he expressed to both of us deep and repeated appreciation both for president biden's leadership and also to for the generosity of the american people. he said the united states has been ukraine's strongest supporter, something they won't forget. we never come empty handed. as the secretary of defense said, this is an ongoing process. the initial drawdown that president biden ordered, go back to last labor day, months before the aggression. we wanted to make sure if russia pursued the aggression that ukrainians had the tools to push back and stop it. thanks to the equipment they had in hand from before the war started, they were able to do that. but this has been evolving so the nature of our assistance and the assistance we are getting from others has been evolving. >> he did express gratitude to the american people and our allies and partners for what they have done from the very beginning and continue to do. but he's in a fight. while he's grateful for all the things we are doing. he's also focused on what he thinks he will need next to be successful. they have the mindset they want to win, we have the mindset we want to help them win and we are going to do that. in terms of specific times of things we were able to discuss and kind of lay out, we reminded them that thursday president biden signed a drawdown, and on saturday how windsers were showing up -- howitzers were showing up from that drawdown package. it's due to the hard work of the men and women working day in and day out to do the things they are doing. but we'll focus on giving him what he needs to be successful in the future. you would expect him to say thanks. but let's focus on what needs to be done. we'll get a chance to talk more about that in pour meeting tomorrow and i look forward to that meeting. >> thanks, every one. reporter: you are looking live at secretary of state antony blinken and lloyd austin. they are year the ukraine-poland border where they met with president zelenskyy. they are the highest level members of the biden administration to visit ukraine since this war began. we heard them going over what they talked about with the ukrainian president during their meeting. essentially they said america's goals are very similar to the ukrainian's goals. they want this country to remain sovereign, to remain democratic. they want russia weakened so they cannot do this again. they said ukraine wants to win and we want to help them win. let's bring in national security correspondent jennifer griffin. she is the only u.s. tv reporter traveling with the secretary during this trip. can you give us an idea how this entire trip came together? we know president zelenskyy leaked information. but the white house would thought confirm any details given the sensitive security. reporter: when we left the united states we were told not to even tell our families we were coming. it was a very, very -- they said if anything leaked they might have to call off the trip. they we have been holding in a position inside poland on the border with ukraine while the principles went forward, and that's basically that's why we have been in a bit after huge blackout. we just had a press briefing with the secretary, and we heard some of what they told to zelenskyy. and the biggest thing is the u.s. embassy is going to be reopening in kyiv. it will start with u.s. embassy officials going back to lviv starting this week. they will start with day trips and overnight, and they will move in the next couple weeks. second terry blinken said they will reopen that embassy in kyiv. that is significant. we heard from secretary austin that some of the howitzers that were essentially signed off on by president biden on thursday, they already started arriving inside the country. inside ukraine. as secretary austin said, this is unprecedented in terms of the pentagon being able to provide weapons from a point of the president signing off and those weapons arriving inside ukraine. so a lot of announcements. the meeting was slated for 90 member us and it went for a full three hours. it was extremely details, both secretary blinken and secretary austin said president zelenskyy had extreme gratitude to american generosity and president biden for his leadership. president zelenskyy said the u.s. has been the strongest ally in this fight and they will not forget. the secretary said the goal is for russia to be defeated and weakened. and america will continue to provide equipment and help so the zelenskyy government can defeat russia. lauren: he said that russia is failing. however, he didn't know how the rift of this war was going. from what we heard from the defense secretary is basically the u.s. is going to be with ukraine every step of the way. it's important to note a lot of the reason that this trip is to show solidarity with ukraine. before this meeting president zelenskyy said he wanted to make sure when the secretaries came they came with more than cakes and presents. he wanted specific security guarantees. can you talk more about how the secretaries said, were they able to bring this to the president of ukraine? was this trip successful in their eyes? >> i think so. if you look the amount of military aid provided so far. it's $3.billion. just last thursday another 800 million in security assistance. we were told that $3 million additional for military assistance from the 8 department will allow the ukrainians to buy the none standard weaponry and ammunition they need to use with their soviet-era weapons. that's something that will help them go shopping for more weaponry to supply troops on the front lines. there were significant .deliverables, and president zelenskyy expressed his gratitude for. he said when he prized them by announcing the visit saturday, this was supposed to be a secret visit. that created security concerns along the way. however, that military assistance, the fact that the meeting went twice as long as it was slated to, and the fact that they are planning to reopen the u.s. embassy. these are pretty big deliverables, when you look at what the state department and defense department set out to do with this visit. lauren: the secretary of defense is headed off to germany and he will be talking with other defense ministers going over this wish list from president zelenskyy talking about how all these different countries can support ukraine going forward. what else do we know about senate. >> i am going to be traveling with the defense secretary. we are leaving for germany and we'll be at ramstein air base for the next two days. the meeting thus day will be with 20 ministers of defense and chief of defense officials from allied nations who want to donate weapons and security assistance to ukraine. it's a meeting that will bring together the capabilities of these 20-plus nations that they are able to deliver to ukraine. it's a having significant conference in terms of the way forward and the ongoing security assistance to the ukraine government. but we'll be there doing live shots at ramstein the next two days. again, a very important meeting. mark milley, the chairman of the joint chiefs will be joining secretary austin in those meetings so they can see what capabilities all these allies and countries can bring to get the weapons and security systems in ukraine up to the front lines for the defeat of russia in this war. lauren: secretary blinken said the big goal is to end this war as quickly as possible and make sure the humanitarian corridors day open to save as many lives as possible. it needs two secretaries talking about the amount of support the u.s. had, the messaging of this, and the courage of the ukrainian people as they fought this war for two months. they were saying it was just jut aamazing to watch the courage of the ukrainians. making sure they knew the u.s. was with ukraine at this time. i think as you mentioned off the top, the big news piece out of this is the reopening or bringing back of embassy staff to ukraine. we know there is going to be a new ambassador that president biden is planning to announce a nominee tomorrow. can you just let us know a little bit more about what you know there? >> that new ambassador is very significant. richard frank is the am bass dear to slovakia. she has decades of experience in this region. she was the deputy chief to georgia at one point. that is a significant announcement. president biden will nominate her this morning, and hopefully congress will pass that nomination and get her moving so she can come back and reopen the embassy in ukraine. it's very significant. the u.s. needs an ambassador on the ground. this choice of ambassador is significant. you talked about the message to vladimir putin. it's significant that the u.n. secretary general is going to meet with putin in moscow this week. we heard from secretary of state blinken the message he will be bringing to putin, and it's for an immediate ceasefire and to end this war now. that's a coordinated message. but that's the visit by the secretary of defense, secretary of state, a historic visit. they arrived on other doc easter. they came with deliverables not just weaponry, but also the reopening of the u.s. embassy in kyiv. and it was haven't appreciated by president zelenskyy from what we understand. lauren: jennifer griffin, thank you for all your work keeping us up to date on this high-level, very secret, important and symbolic trip as they traveled to ukraine. so this is what we have been watching the secretary of defense, the secretary of state both went to kyiv ukraine meeting with the ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy. it will continue, they say they will stick with ukraine as long as possible. i'm lauren blanchard live in washington. now back to regular programs already in progress. >> sandra: that was house republican leader kevin mccarthy, newly leaked audio talking about then president trump in the days after january 6th. and it is now time for our sunday group. former bush white house advisor karl rove. white house correspondent for reuters. and fox news political analyst juan williams is here. gentlemen, welcome. first up to you, karl, these clips are huge of course on twitter as we have all seen and in washington, d.c., but give us a long view on the impact of this leak, both for mccarthy and for house republicans. >> well, i think it's a blip. i don't think it's going to be consequential in the long-term. mccarthy has very strong ties on most of the elements of the republican conference. there may be a few dissidents to sort of marjory taylor green wing of the party which seems to consist of basically two people, but i don't think this is going to be a significant blip. and it's interesting to me that the president jumped on this big-time, but i mean the president of the united states has made some recent statements. this week i think it was he repeated for the fourth time the story about the conductor who told him on amtrak that he had gone more on amtrak than on air force one who died a year before it was supposedly, arrested in civil rights protest, said he was against afghan war before it started when he wasn't. we don't have the same sort of symmetry when it comes to misstatements or claims people make in public or private. i think this is a blip. >> sandra: jeff, i suppose a big question is going to be did others share his view and where do they stand now? but what is your long view on this? >> well, i think karl makes a good point in terms of whether or not it's a blip that lasts very long. it's probably a blip in so far as the fact that former president trump is not taking abridge against it. that matters. the fact that mccarthy denied he said that but then the recording comes out is certainly not positive for him. in a different political landscape, it would be a bigger deal. i'm not sure that many political operatives would advise saying something didn't happen when there's a chance that not only a, it did happen, but b, there's proof of that, but all of it really comes down to the relationship with president trump and the fact that the former president is saying hey, our relationship is still strong, means it probably will not have a long-term impact on mr. mccarthy's potential to become speaker. >> sandra: juan, you can give us your view, but democrats you could probably make the case may be welcoming this distraction at a time when they're fighting each other. progressive senator elizabeth warren says democrats need to triple down now on some of these far left policies. is that good advice considering president biden's current poll numbers? >> well, no, i don't think it's good advice, sandra. i think this midterm election is going to be bigger than simply the left wing base of the democratic party. i think you have to move swing voters in swing congressional districts specifically. and you got to do that really -- and this is what i think elizabeth warren's best point is democrats have to build and show that they can get things done in washington, that they are not just spinning their wheels, that they can build after build back better stalled in the senate. they can build on covid vaccinations, covid economic relief, the passage of the infrastructure package, that they can now go on and attack climate change. they can do something about child tax credits or education. they have to show that they can be constructive, that they are getting something done with their majority in the white house. i think that's the key message that needs to be sent. they can also i think make the case -- and this goes back to your discussion with karl and jeff, that, you know, look, if the republicans were in charge right now, russia may have already run over ukraine. you know, democrats are looking at gas prices, looking at inflation, but if you look at republicans and you look at kevin mccarthy, he lied to the public. he lied to trump supporters. and trump just knows these guys are so weak they have to kowtow to them, that's not a good look for a leader. >> sandra: i will let karl respond to that, but i will also let things speak for themselves. this is a latest report describing the condition for democratic house candidates in this moment. no democrat in a single digit biden or trump won district is secure, and even some seats biden carried by double digit margins in 2020 could come into play this fall. that is a remarkable warning, karl. what would your advice be to republican leaders right now? >> well, the republican leaders better be prepared to point out that the agenda that the democratic party is being encouraged to take under elizabeth warren and others is an explicitly left wing agenda that the american people don't agree with. second of all, the republicans better be ready for the attack that the white house signalled it was going to make on republicans on the number one issue in the election, namely, inflation, by saying they don't have a plan. of course they've got a plan. stop spending. so look, the democrats are all [inaudible] on this. juan makes a good argument that they ought to try that they can show that they can do stuff, but read the elizabeth warren "new york times" piece, it is a left wing agenda that the american people don't want. free universal this. and free universal that. and spent gigantic amounts of money. and raise taxes dramatically. that's not the agenda the american people want or need. and as a result, they are going to be in very difficulty. it may not be the 40 seats that mike mccaul was talking about, but the republicans are -- he was right, they are already at 213. if they have the average election, 28 since world war ii, that would put them at 231, which is one more than they had after they took the house in 1994 for the first time in 40 years. and i think it is going to be more than 28. it is going to be a healthy republican margin in the house. >> sandra: wow, jeff, both mike pompeo, ted cruz, have been on the trail in the last few weeks campaigning for republican candidates who did not earn donald trump's endorsement. can you gauge that for us? >> it's been kind of a fascinating part of the game to see his endorsements and to see what impact it has. two states of course where he endorsed people in ohio and in pennsylvania who i think some republicans there weren't expecting and didn't necessarily welcome will show how impactful his endorsement has and in some ways be a test of his power certainly in the congress. the other thing i would like to add, though, in addition to president trump's impact on the midterms is i do think from the white house perspective, you're going to see president biden out there a lot more. he was out traveling last week. i was on his trip to the pacific northwest. and he said he needs to get out. he needs to sell his arguments more. he also made a point in one fundraiser of saying he thinks democrats can pick up two seats in the senate. we will see. you didn't hear him saying that about the house. i think democrats will come out and try to make this contrast even stronger than they have so far. >> sandra: very interesting. juan chomping at the bit to respond to that. marjory taylor green was in court on friday as part of a challenge whether she can remain on the ballot. her opponents want her barred from running for reelection because of her comments in the run up to january 6th. what kind of precedent is this hearing setting? >> well, you know, i think for the non-trump sector of the republican party, i hope -- they hope it sets a precedent because they would like to be done with this january 6th insurrection and all the fallout which hasn't stopped, you know, given what we just learned about kevin mccarthy and apparently there's more tapes to come. of course the january 6th committee looks like they have some information, so this is ongoing. now, with marjory taylor green, her opponents are trying to get her off the ballot because they are saying she supported an insurrection against the united states government and under the 14th amendment, i think it's the third clause, you know, confederate soldiers who tried to take out the u.s. government were banned from holding office. now, she's not even challenging the law. this is so interesting to me. you would think she would say well, this law doesn't apply, you know, enforce it to the supreme where she's likely i would think to win. she says she didn't support the insurrection. she says she doesn't remember. republicans like to make fun of biden's memory. it is hard to believe she doesn't remember supporting an insurrection? come on. >> sandra: we will leave it there and take a quick break. up next a live report from ukraine. and we will talk about >> sandra: as of today, it's been exactly two months since russia invaded ukraine. against the odds, the strength of the ukrainian resistance has inspired people around the world. on the ground right now, president zelenskyy says the fate of the war is being decided in the east. let's go to matt finn who is live in ukraine, where residents there are marking a somber orthodox easter. matt? >> hi, sandra. in this past week, here four russian missiles struck here killing seven people, marking the first war-time deaths since this war began. today is orthodox easter. behind us is a 16th century cathedral with its stained glass windows boarded up. we have seen many many people getting their easter baskets blessed even during wartime. last night, here in ukraine, president zelenskyy held a packed underground press conference in a key subway, saying u.s. secretary of state blinken and the secretary of defense are visiting ukraine today. zelenskyy said they should not come with empty hands and should be ready to discuss weapons, also saying putin can stop this war in condemning vladimir putin for rejecting an offer to cease-fire for today's holy holiday. over the past week, russia focused on bombing the major port city of mariupol. an estimated 2,000 ukrainian marines and innocent women and children have been shelters in tunnels underneath a massive steel plant, running out of food. the last ukrainian resistance in that city, even pleading with president biden for rescue. and this week, russia launched its second massive phase of this war, a russian commander now says moscow does want to take control of eastern ukraine all across the southern coast, all the way to the west, redrawing russia's borders and landlocking ukraine. voters in france are choosing its next president with europe's security becoming a top issue. the incumbent centrist macron accuses his far right opponent of being too close to moscow and she denies that. sandra? >> sandra: matt finn in ukraine for us. matt, thank you for your reporting from there. we are back with our panel now. jeff, french president macron and president biden have worked very closely on ukraine. we have seen that, but macron played a big role initially in conversations with putin and recently seemed to chide president biden over the use of the term genocide. talk about the dynamics there and now which leaders are still able to have a dialogue with putin. >> sure, i mean, president biden and president macron, you are right to say have worked closely together. they have had hiccups in their relationship. this french election is one i think the white house is watching very closely because despite the occasional hiccup with macron, he and the united states are certainly very alined in terms -- aligned in terms of policy with regard to nato, russia, and ukraine. the far right candidate has moved more to the center in this election, and le pen has been successful in the polls because she's been focusing on pocketbook issues in france which are issues that affect this country and other countries around the world as well. this election will really have consequences for the united states if it does not end up being macron because of the alliance and because of the impact on nato. >> sandra: all eyes are certainly on these french elections, juan, as millions head to the polls there today. do you see any parallels between the french election and lack of enthusiasm on the left here in the united states? french voters, they're us for traded equally over covid -- they are frustrated equally over covid, energy prices, inflation, both macron and biden have mixed records. >> yeah, i think that's exactly right, sandra. i think macron's numbers are similar in terms of approval rating to biden's. but you know, in a way, it's interesting, you look at le pen, she has so much in common with former president trump. you know, both have been critics if not opponents of nato. both are really very closely tied. in le pen's case, even financial ties to vladimir putin and russia. you have the whole anti-immigrant sort of identity politics play, and so i think there's a lot of in common there. in some ways, though, the fact that macron is leading and has expanded his lead in the polls in the last week would suggest maybe good news for biden in that people react especially now that the ukraine situation at war is forefront of all of our minds. >> sandra: karl, i want to take a bit of a pivot here. senator bernie sanders, former presidential campaign manager wrote a memo that recently leaked that happens to mention he has not ruled out a run in 2024, if biden does not run. is this about democrats still feeling the bern, karl, or is this about sanders or his former team positioning themselves a little and calling out biden and schumer in the process? >> i think it is a call for new generation of older democratic leadership. let's pick the one guy who is older than joe biden and try to run in 2024. look there's going to be a generational change in 2024. i don't believe that either joe biden or bernie sanders are going to be the nominee of the democratic party in 2024. we're not going to nominate an 82-year-old or a guy who is going to be i think 83 at that time. so the democratic party is going to want a newer younger face. >> sandra: that is remarkable to think about. and we will continue to look forward to the midterm elections and 2024. gentlemen, one last topic for you all today, we learned last night that former utah senator orrin hatch has passed away. just wanted to take a moment to remember him. karl, to you first. >> well, in 1987, orrin hatch getting ready to run for a third race picked a young kid from texas to help him do his direct mail for his reelection campaign. we were friends ever since. i'm wearing a pair of utah cuff links that orrin gave me. he was an amazing guy, remarkable human being and god bless him and god bless elaine and his six children and his many grandchildren and his numerous great grandchildren. he was a good and solid man. >> sandra: juan, your thoughts? >> you know, i think i might surprise you, but i think he was a very very good man and a friend. i tell you what, he was close to muhammad ali. i don't know if you know this. he used to bring me muhammad ali ties all the time. i should have worn my muhammad ali tie signed by orrin hatch. we used to have great debates. he's that kind of person, that kind of human, grand father, and just a man who loved america and put his mormon faith and america first. i was a great admirer. >> sandra: jeff? >> what i think about in part his legacy is bipartisanship. he was really close friends with senator ted kennedy, and they put a lot of legislation together which they got over -- or they got passed together, and that harkins back to a day that we certainly aren't seeing as often now in 2022 of senators, congressmen and women from both parties working together, to get things passed, even when they're really diametrically opposed in terms of their political beliefs. that's something that senator hatch did, and it is a part of his legacy. >> sandra: we remember orrin hatch, great leader, was admired by so many. thank you very much to our sunday panel. thanks for joining us. we will see you next sunday. up next, a final word on the week ahead. and it's easier than ever to■ get your projects done right. inside, outside, big or small, angi helps you find the right so for whatever you need done. with angi, you can connect with and see ratings and reviews. just search or scroll to see upf on hundreds of projects. and when you book and pay throug you're covered by our happiness it's easy to make your home an a check out today. angi... and done. quickset does it for us today pray thanks so much for joining us thanks to our guests and panelists. i am sandra smith we will see again tomorrow for america reports on the fox news channel each weekday 1:00 p.m. eastern time. have a great week everyone, we will see you next fox next time on life, liberty, and levine. >> without was an alert tonight ukraine officials the u.s. secretary entity blinken and lloyd also met with zelenskyy today and kyiv. lloyd austin is a genius when he was head of centcom called isis a flash in the pan i thought were just be helping ukraine question a good evening kevin buckley next revolution. so tonight we have just learned the president of france is going to stay an officer of the five-year site may not like micron you may not agree with his policies he was an interesting fact. at the end of his

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