Transcripts For FOXNEWS Sunday Morning Futures With Maria Ba

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Sunday Morning Futures With Maria Bartiromo 20240708

[applause] coming up, texas governor greg abbott on sending a tenth bus filled with the migrants right to joe biden's doorstep in washington d.c. also the king of disinformation, lectures us on disinformation and censorship. >> the first amendment is a check on the power of the state. it does not apply to private companies like facebook or twitter. it is not necessary for people to believe this information in order to weaken democratic institutions. you just have to flood a countries public square with enough raw sewage. maria: he should know after he and hillary clinton allegedly failed to government agencies and that mediate with the big lie of trap collusion. coming up former director of national intelligence john ratcliffe on durham's findings and biden's a dangerous iran deal. then, the poorest of them all, joe biden doubles down on the influence peddling cover-up. >> great pleasure being enlisted as a poorest man in congress for 36 years. i still have made more than anyone else because i was getting a senator's salary. no kidding i didn't think you should make money while in office. >> fact checking with our panel investigative journalist and peter schweitzer on the millions of biden and his family have taken in from america's adversaries. compromising the u.s. national security. plus, primary season has begun with the 198 days until the midterm elections. arizona senate candidate blake masters on his plight to unseat democrat mark kelly in arizona. i have a big week for big tech earnings and massive value destruction or will corporations last week. it is all right here, right now on sunday morning futures. ♪ ♪ ♪ and first this morning the search continues for a 22-year-old texas national guard soldier who vanished in the rio grande while trying to help to migrants who appeared to be drowning as they illegally cross the river from mexico into the united states for the texas rangers have determined the two migrants were trafficking illicit narcotics into america where they are now in custody of border patrol. joining me right now is the man who was taken matters into his own hands texas governor greg abbott. governor, it's good to see you this morning thank you so much for being here. >> thank you maria great to be back. first, is there anything you can tell us about the national guard soldier and can you please assess the situation for us today at the southern border? >> sure, first we keep the soldier in our prayers we continue to search for him there's no new additional information to be eschewed the texas military department today other than obviously what has happened is a tragedy. it shows how dangerous it is on the border. it shows heroism by the member of the texas national guard was trying to save lives. unfortunately for the people -- they end up in drug traffickers they were both arrested. our goal right now is to locate this missing soldier with the texas military department and hopefully it will lead to a safe outcome. but we have no information we can add to what is going on right now about that particular soldier. we do have information what's going on on the border. it's a total disaster created not only by president biden as his head no space and the democrats across the board. we have a president of the united states was not negotiable the president of mexico. icom as governor of texas have taken matters into my own hands i have negotiated landmark historic deals with the governors of mexican states are adjacent to texas where the mexican states are going to step up and they are going to start securing the border. that is on top of things that texas has done that's never been done before the history of america such as texas building its owner border wall. laying down miles of razor wire to keep able from coming across the border. creating boat blockades but something else is never happened before z texas national guard, they have turned back more than 15000 people who attempted to come across the border illegally. so texas is doing everything we possibly can to contain completely out of control border situation that is the worst i have ever seen it. maria: governor, tell me about the illicit drugs coming across as well. 100,000 overdose deaths in america caught largely due to fentanyl coming across the border, what can you tell us about that? >> this is a national disaster. it could be a catastrophe because what can happen to the country. people need to understand there has been enough fentanyl seized to kill every man, woman, child in the united states of america. we could lose our entire population because of this there is report a month ago the houston chronicle talking about how in harris county texas there's one person who dies every single day because of these fentanyl overdoses. this fentanyl mostly as of the fentanyl itself are the components of it come from china to mexico than comes across the border spread throughout the entire country by cartel activity. the biden administration is allowing this to happen by biden and his administration's refusal to step up and do anything about it. maria: i don't understand the decision to lift title 42, governor. the president is pushing a mask mandate on planes continuing to tell spirit are in the emergency situation. and yet he is lifting title 42 breed that is expected to go away on may 23. what are you expecting once that is lifted? >> that is one month from yesterday when all this would happen. not only do you not understand it, most members of congress and the united states senate including democrats don't understand it. i can tell you most americans don't understand it. no one knows what biden is trying to do by this. but what we all know is if he lifts title 42, it will be catastrophic for the night states of america because look only at what his own department of security has stated and that is to expect with the lifting of title 42 about 18000 people coming across the border per day. do the math on that you will find it means more than 6 million people will be coming across the border a year. about half of those to be in the state of texas. we have coming across the border and one year more people than are residents of our largest city in texas which is houston. we would be adding more than one houston a year for there's no weight the state of texas can assimilate those people there's no way the united states can assimilate that number people. with joe biden is doing is far more than a reckless. it's most disastrous thing to the night states of america anybody's ever witnessed in our lifetime. maria: this is just extraordinary. in fact nikki haley had tweeted out a graphic of the actual number of people coming across and it is exceeding major cities. some states in terms of the amount of people coming in illegally. you've taken matters into your own hands. tell me how it's going and specifically how you are doing but here's the graphic in terms of the illegal migrants let it under biden it is exceeding the population of a miami, atlanta, seattle, san francisco, austin it's absolutely extraordinary. how are these trips going your dropping these migrants off in washington and getting a blowback. what are they doing when they get to washington? >> first, let me tell you why we are doing this. i was visiting with local leaders along the border in towns like del rio, and other communities where the biden administration, they were dropping off migrants in these communities and there was no way for the small towns to be able to deal with or handle this overload of migrants to see should dumpster these local communities. they were asking for help they were talking about themselves fussing these migrants up to san antonio. is that i've got a better idea let's bus them all the way to washington d.c. we continue to bus these migrants up to washington d.c. there is a positive potential outcome in the short term for this and that is what we have found is the border patrol is no longer dropping these migrants often these communities that have previously been dropped often because there overload i think this is in response to a dictate from the biden administration to stop in fact aiding governor abbott and his effective busing people to washington d.c. by reducing the number people available to do so. that said, maria, but the sheer number people coming across the border beginning and a month we will continue these bus routes to washington d.c. i will tell you, soon as i announce that a filtered ring off the hook about people wanting to help. i want to tell americans we can go to help pay for a bus trip for migrants to go to washington d.c. and make the biden demonstration deal that in person. go to border that is border bus.texas.dob. you can contribute to us busing to washington d.c. make the buy demonstration deal that themselves. >> governor, there are reports of this administration is completely blowing off court orders to reinstate remain in mexico. can you confirm? >> oh yes. they are blowing off -- like there's a court order the texas attorney requiring the remaining mexico policy and the biden administration has completely ignored it you may know there's coming out for supreme court hearing this coming week and surely the supreme court rule in our favor preferably nobody is holding a biden accountable for his reckless decision to ignore all of these policies that previously had led to the lowest number of illegal crossings in decades. it is time for the biden administration to start following the laws passed by congress. maria: governor we will be watching certain keep the spotlight on it. thanks so much for your time this morning we so appreciated. texas governor greg abbott joining us exclusively. a quick break than the clinton machine is on a run. big week for special investigator jon durham's investigation. jon ratcliff on how it is possible the clinton team once to keep king documents out of trial next month calling it a attorney-client privilege. michael says he is not representing any client when he allegedly lied to the fbi. that is next. okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete balanced nutrition for strength and energy. woo hoo! ensure, complete balanced nutrition with 27 vitamins and minerals. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ introducing the all-electric chevy silverado rst. the only ev truck that combines: 4-wheel steer a multi-flex midgate and up to a 400-mile range on a full charge and the only way to reserve it is at find your future. find new roads. this is vuity™, the first and only fda approved eye-drop that improves age-related blurry near vision. wait, what? 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>> yes, and partially encapsulates the sad state of american foreign policy under the biden administration for they are sending secretary blinken and secretary austin to project american strength in this situation for these are the two guys there were the architects of the most embarrassing military retreat and surrender frankly in afghanistan in american history. but there are really no good options are you going to send joe biden kamala harris to project american strength there's a problem with capacity of the biden administration to project strength around the world in these situations. can i think that is the dilemma on the ground. the dilemma for the ukrainians is, they are in it to win it for them and fighting to win from the beginning just as a vladimir putin and russia want to win and are willing to do anything to accomplish what they want. the biden demonstration is not been in line at that. from the beginning, think about it maria, this invasion started fiber at 24th only two days into the invasion the biden administration encourage voter mayor zelenskyy to do it they did in afghanistan to leave the country. had he done that, vladimir putin would have gotten a quick picture he wanted. so fortunate for zelenskyy on the ukrainians they did not take the buy demonstration advice because the biden ministration is the difference between helping ukraine in helping ukraine to win. i think that's one of the things that's coated with in the things president zelenskyy is saying you're helping us but you're not helping us to beat vladimir putin by. >> it's a good point to particular the buy demonstration has been working with russia. can you really see it any other way given on behalf of the united states to get the osa back into around deal? we have these two headlines we want you to address they are about antony blinken telling us iran is just weeks away from having the wherewithal for a nuclear weapon. he said this last year in 2021 and he said at the year again in 2022 that iran is weak so is this some kind of campaign to believe are going to get back into the eye wrongdoer that he's been this for your to have? >> it is an enforcer this is the trend for the biden administration is being intentionally dishonest about the intelligence. you are right the biden administration has been working with russia, it gave them new start treating and has not been helping to an ukraine and now it's russia negotiating a iranian nuclear deal. it was antony blinken only 11 days the biden administration of 2021 who said the iranians are a week or two away from having a nuclear weapon he said it six months after that a year after that were not now born 50 days later on the buy demonstration is saying we got to this iranian nuclear deal that lift sanctions give them billions of dollars of get into thousand 15 because they're just a week or two away from a nuclear weapon. the intelligence doesn't support that for the bottom eyes is it's the lives and common sense, maria the idea that bloodthirsty ayatollahs that went to wipe israel off the face of the earth with a nuclear weapon or having a conversation saying hey guys we can have a nuclear weapon next wednesday but working to hold off because the americans are going to make concessions to us. does not make any sense of being dishonest they want to force through this deal and scare the american people into thinking it's the right thing to do in the intelligence does not support that. >> director want to take a short break. when we come back it was a big week for jon in terms of russia probe investigation. defrauding the government is a felony. when multiple people are doing it together they could be a conspiracy. after the break jon ratcliff connects the dots and jon terms russia investigation. fees when he overdraws his account by fifty bucks or less. and 2c, well, she's not going to let a lost card get her stressed. am i right? 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>> yes. maria: welcome back. that was then a congressman john cross-examining former u.s. investor to ukraine, maria during president trump's impeachment trial forcing her to admit obama/biden state department coached her on how to answer any questions that may have come up about hunter biden's business affairs and the money he has taken in before her senate confirmation hearing. i'm back with john ratcliffe right now. connect the dots for us. you cross-examined why did you raise this issue? >> oh well, maria, and how it's the point the irony that the first president to be concerned about hunter biden and joe biden on the dealings with foreign officials and companies was not president trump it was president obama for they took the official at the time vincent comes up about hunter biden for the business dealing send it to the vice president's office. fast for janelle president biden's official white house position is hunter biden question regards barely know the guy. why are you asking me questions about this business dealings really underscores the hypocrisy of all of this. i'm the reason to look at all this, the intelligence shows this. it is why when we talk about interference in elections or trying to influence elections what happened with hunter biden's laptop in the weeks before the election was a coordinated effort to give information about hunter and joe biden's business tilt with foreign officials and countries are on his laptop, to mislead the american people about those things. i think it is important i think it's really a great thing this investigation is ongoing with the u.s. attorney in delaware we are seeing increasingly hunter biden's transactions with joe biden on others to pedal influence as you talked about are being investigated. the question is, at the end of the day if they want to bring serious foreign corrupt practices act, antibribery allegations against hunter biden, they're going to have to get the permission of the attorney general merrick garland. my concern is plastic fusion discussion will be exercised with respect to all these things at the end of the day. see whether or not the american people get the accountability they been looking for, for so long. maria: we will see if merrick garland the current sitting biden ag will tip the scales. you are the only intelligence official who told us the truth. we've got the "new york post" cover here with the spies that lied because 50 intelligence agents signed their name on the dotted line to say that laptop was disinformation. but you came on this program and online program and foxbusiness morning with maria and said no there's no intelligence that indicated this to be a russian disinformation. >> this was a coordinated effort to mislead the american people with again politicizing intelligence that did not exist. adam schiff claiming this was russian disinformation. i'm being peddled by big tech and former obama national security officials who all signed onto again the weeks leading up to 2020 influence the outcome of the election. i think they work successful in doing so unfortunately. maria: successful in doing so meaning what? >> clearly had an impact. in particular states how many or influence in how they voted the american people should have had all of the facts with regard to hunter biden, joe biden, influence peddling all of the things that were under federal investigation to make up their own mind about the candidates in 2020. i think they were deprived of that in a coordinated effort to mislead the american people. maria: real quickly got to move on to john durham. many of those intelligence associates, john brennan, they were also involved in this a massive big lie of russia's trunk collusion but give us your assessment of what took place this week in john durham's investigation. do you think we will finally see accountability here? we have been talking about this from 2017 have been on this program telling us the truth about the russia collusion light. >> what's important about john durham's disclosures this past week things like the trump yoda foam and the transition communicating with the kremlin that had been alleged or the thousands of questions adam schiff democrats asked about transactions obtain a russia alpha bank and trump officials, all that as he says under oath in the court pleadings technically impossible and user created. these were things those of us in the intelligence community and law enforcement were well aware of and now the american people are finding out produce that intelligence officials back in 2016 and call me and others new all of this was fraudulent and should not be a basis to move forward. but why it's important, maria what it showing as this was a coordinated effort by hillary clinton campaign officials by executives that were working with them, lawyers that work for the campaign all attempting to defraud the federal government. and, as you said earlier, defrauding the government is a felony. making false statements to federal investigators as a felony. and the multiple people do it together, that is a conspiracy a think that is what's being revealed and john durham's filings. maria: good the end tire firm go down? i don't know. we'll answer that and also two issues here. intervening in this case say look, we have key documents were not going to bring to trial this is client attorney privilege. also people talk about the statute of limitations that we are running out of time here for accountability, address all that place before we go? >> sure, what's important here is far as a conspiracy a five-year statute of limitations with regard to a conspiracy, the last overt act is when the statute of limitations runs. so for instance if officials like glenn simpson gave for instance a false testimony or anyone gave false testimony to congressional investigators in 2017 or 2018, that would be interference of a conspiracy. the idea this is not a prosecutable or indictable consist piercy is misguided. i think all of these things again, reflect these folks were acting on behalf of the clinton campaign. so went multiple lawyers to your question if multiple lawyers for a law firm are attempting to defraud the government or it lied to government to not just commit a campaign dirty trick but to pedal a false narrative that misleads investigators an entire law firm could be subject to indictment. swipe said from the beginning, maria, based on the intelligence i had seen discussed and shared with john durham i expected there to be many more indictments that continues to be the case. maria: okay we need an hour with the okay? thank you so much john ratcliffe we'll be right back. >> you bet, thanks. no matter who you are, being yourself can be tough when you have severe asthma. triggers can pop up out of nowhere, causing inflammation that can lead to asthma attacks. but no matter what type of severe asthma you have, tezspire™ can help. tezspire™ is a new add-on treatment for people 12 and over... that proactively reduces inflammation... ...which means you could have fewer attacks, breathe better, and relieve your asthma symptoms. so, you can be you, whoever you are. tezspire™ is not a rescue medication. don't take tezspire™ if you're allergic to it. allergic reactions like rash or an eye allergy can happen. don't stop your asthma treatments unless your doctor tells you to. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection or your asthma worsens. sore throat, joint and back pain may occur. he .com or download the a pp. so many people are overweight now and asking themselves, pp. "why can't i lose weight?" for most, the reason is insulin resistance, and they don't even know they have it. conventional starvation diets don't address insulin resistance. that's why they don't work. now, there's golo. golo helps with insulin resistance, getting rid of sugar cravings, helps control stress and emotional eating, and losing weight. go to and see how golo can change your life. that's your record label is taking off. but so is your sound engineer. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit ♪ ♪ >> they spied on my campaign because there's no real evidence of the epic works of corser's all over the place. leslie and they spied on my campaign. >> can i say something? this is 60 minutes. and we cannot put on things we cannot verify >> every intelligence professional has said this is a russian intelligence disinformation campaign. >> that is russian, russian, russian disinformation for. >> disinformation for. >> misinformation. >> that is totally. [inaudible] totally discredited. >> we've already been through this i think the american people would rather hear about more substantial subjects. maria: more substantial things, caught in a cover a few examples of the media unwilling to seek the truth and follow the truth wherever it may lead dismissing the massive influence peddling story of hunter biden and the millions that he and his family have taken and from foreign officials while his father was sitting vice president. all in plain sight on hunter's laptop before the 2020 election but something we have been telling about for year end a half a. the "new york post" of coaster broke the story of the laptop back in october of 2020 the beaded just missed it is russian disinformation even as some have now been forced to report on this story, most still will not implicate joe biden. despite the fact that it was the vice president time that hunter's clients were paying for. joy to meet right now two of the journalists who cracked open the hunter biden influence peddling case but they cracked it open and they are here with us today. peter schweitzer is the author of redhead how american elite get rich helping try to win. read it divide is a fox news contributor and author of the laptop from hell. hunter biden big tech and the dirty secrets the president tried to hide. both the books are must reads. good morning to both, thank you so much for being here. >> good to be here but. >> good morning maria. >> mark. maria: and ran it let's kick off of the we have it december 2020 subpoena from the u.s. attorney's office in delaware requesting documents, e-mails, creation of communication for hunter biden. tell us where you believe this is at this point? the reaction to the batterers investigating hunter's tax in the subpoenas. >> oh well, it seems the grand jury and delaware is making good progress. they have been interviewing hunter biden's business partners and also his former lovers. they are also most intriguingly asking witnesses the question, who is the big guy? we know from one of his business partners the big guy is joe biden. what that shows you is this grand jury, this investigation and delaware is pulling on the threads that leave through oversight business dealings to joe biden. >> i think that is right think it maria it's a very important but miranda highlights. this started out as a hunter biden story it is now a joe biden story he is at the center of it. he is the planet around which the moons in the family, hunter biden and james biden at revolver and my only concern is the issue of statute of limitations remember this grand jury was convened in 2018 when covid happened they stepped aside and did not meet so they lost about a year end a half. so hopefully we are going to hear something from a grand jury very soon. i don't know if maria shares this opinion but they've got him dead to rights on tax evasion big money laundering and other charges are equally very troublesome from team biden the nightmare scenario is there is a trial. they want a deal even if hunter goes to jail for a little bit. they do not want a trial that will highlight the role that joe biden played in all of this. to be sick you just are john ratcliff talk about the u.s. attorney is to get the go-ahead from merrick garland, miranda what about that? you both in mind the laptop out the white house handle this? >> look i think it merrick garden was burned year when there was that scandal over the justice department sicking the fbi's on parents at school board meetings. i believe he has no appetite to ruin his reputation through the further pricing to be covering up for the biden family. so he will just let this run, let justice take its course. and as peter just said i think the tax evasion seems to be what is most exercising the hunter biden camp. he has already borrowed $1 million i'm told it's actually more than that may be double or more from a very generous californian benefactor to repay overdue taxes. but his defense is going to be look, i was a drug addict at the time. i really didn't know what i was doing. but i have come to my senses, i am clean and i'm trying to make amends. he is opening his kimono, his friend's essay to the investigators on all of this irs investigation. >> the only thing i would add, maria, to that in the end miranda is exactly right. we have in the background of all of this the simple fact the democratic establishment, to a certain extent seems to be turning on joe biden. think it's a reflection on his low poll numbers, the fact is dragging down the ticket. we want to believe these decisions about american justice and the role of the attorney general is going to be made on the merits of the law. but joe biden is not the rockstar the democratic party right now. i'm sure there certain elements that would just as soon he leave the stage at some point, even if that leaves us with the vice president in charge. maria: peter you also cite multiple instances of joe having off the books meetings with chinese officials in obama's white house. tell me more about that. the secret service claims they have no records of anybody who visits biden in delaware, could this be possible? >> oh yes it could be possible in the sense that they do not catalogue it as they should. but no, it is very clear. there were in the laptop and other e-mail collections we have from bevan cooney and others i believe miranda has that collection as well, instances where chinese official this includes officials and businessmen came to the white house in 2011 and they appear in the white house visitor logs meeting with certain officials. but there is no mention of a meeting with vice president joe biden. but if you go back and look at their social media some of their web statements, they indicate they did in fact meet with vice president joe biden at that time. and when you trace it back you see there was a meeting that was on the official white house visitors log in one room and joe biden's office was at next door. to me this is extremely troubling of course because what it means is there trying to conceal who joe biden is actually meeting with her there other examples miranda has cited from ukraine, kazakhstan, this is a pattern paired with political figures are trying to hide who they are meeting with, especially when those officials are business partners or prospective business partners of their family members, that timmy is hugely important evidence to show what is really going on in the scheme. maria: miranda? >> absolute peter spot on. it is the secrecy really and the cover-up and the denials that tells you a lot about what joe biden was up to and his involvement in his family's influence peddling scheme. he was in no in late the product intimately involved. and we see that, we just uncovered on the weekend this story about 19 times hunter biden's a business partner eric, what to the white house and met with the assistance of joe biden and jill biden and met joe biden once at least that we know of. and eric was the president of rosemont seneca, hunter biden's business. you can see it was a family business he had signature privileges for joe biden. he ran a bank account for joe biden. maria: peter i know you're working on a major scoop next week about the commerce department and its entanglements with china. >> that is exactly right the commerce secretary and other officials. maria: are right we will leave it there. we'll be right back with blake masters. stay with us, elon musk's twitter attempts we will get into it. that's right, jamie. but it's not just about savings. it's about the friends we make along the way. you said it, flo. and don't forget to floss before you brush. your gums will thank you. -that's right, dr. gary. -jamie? sorry, i had another thought so i got back in line. what was it? [ sighs ] i can't remember. >> tech: when you have auto glass damage, trust safelite. what was it? this dad and daughter were driving when they got a crack in their windshield. [smash] >> dad: it's okay. pull over. >> tech: he wouldn't take his car just anywhere... ♪ pop rock music ♪ >> tech: he brought it to safelite. we replaced the windshield and recalibrated their car's advanced safety system, so features like automatic emergency braking will work properly. >> tech: alright, all finished. >> dad: wow, that's great. thanks. >> tech: stay safe with safelite. schedule now. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ maria: welcome back. we are in countdown mode there in less than 200 days until the 2022 midterm elections. the white house is reportedly already staffing up and strategizing on how to handle potential onslaught of gop led investigations if the republicans win back one or both chambers of congress in november. my next guest hopes to help them do it. blake masters is a former coo he is running to unseat incumbent democrat senator mark kelly in arizona he joins me now, blake good to have you. thanks so much for being here. tell us the priorities of your campaign. >> well, maria we are running on america first campaign here pretty got a wide open border, you got double-digit inflation, you've got crime just going through the roof through the democrats and chart are completely blowing it. i think it's not an overstatement to say the future of america is at stake with this election but if we don't take back the senate this year end the white house in two years, our kids and grandkids are not going to grow up in a country that we recognized. so we need the 2016 a mag agenda we needed it in 2020 and look how badly we are suffering because we didn't get it. that is what i'm running on that so i'm getting traction in this race. maria: interesting to hear mark kelly are trying to unseat mark kelly annette recently he has been more vocal about the wide open border. we have not heard a word from joe biden about the thousands and thousands of pounds of fentanyl that have been seized but what do you make of mark kelly's the wide open border? >> all the sudden he pretends to be concerned about it. but he is pretending that it's his mo. mark kelly will vote hard left right alongside chuck schumer and bernie sanders. and then he will pretend to be shocked to maria he is shocked when that makes the country go down the tubes. this guy, mark kelly is a rubber stamp vote for the joe biden open border agenda fees pretending to be concerned about now it's only because it's an election year end he is looking at his polling and he knows i am coming after him. arizonans are sick and tired of this border crisis that mark kelly helped cause. we see right through his lies. maria: are you expecting to get an endorsement from president trump? have you spoken with president trump? >> i have met with president trump a few times. most recently a few weeks ago. and i hope to earn his endorsement. i really do it was my honor to join president trump's transition team in 2016 i got to see firsthand how serious he is about upending the political establishment i will follow his lead and hopefully we get it. maria: you have spent your career investing in growth stories i want to take a break and get your take on elon musk in his quest to take over twitter how it would influence free speech. more with blake masters right after this. women are living longer than ever before with kisqali... ..when taken with an aromatase inhibitor or fulvestrant in postmenopausal women or in men with hr+, her2- metastatic breast cancer. kisqali is a pill that's significantly more effective at delaying disease progression versus an aromatase inhibitor or fulvestrant alone. kisqali can cause lung problems, or an abnormal heartbeat, which can lead to death. it can cause serious skin reactions, liver problems, and low white blood cell counts that may result in severe infections. tell your doctor right away if you have new or worsening symptoms, including breathing problems, cough, chest pain, a change in your heartbeat, dizziness, yellowing of the skin or eyes, dark urine, tiredness, loss of appetite, abdomen pain, bleeding, bruising, fever, chills, or other symptoms of an infection, a severe or worsening rash, are or plan to become pregnant, or breastfeeding. avoid grapefruit during treatment. ask your doctor about living longer with kisqali. [♪♪] if you have diabetes, it's important to have confidence in the nutritional drink you choose. try boost glucose control®. it's clinically shown to help manage blood sugar levels and contains high quality protein to help manage hunger and support muscle health. try boost® today. it's still the eat fresh refresh™ and subway's refreshing everything like the new honey mustard rotisserie-style chicken. it's sweet, it's tangy, it's tender, it never misses. you could say it's the steph curry of footlongs. you could, but i'm not gonna. subway keeps refreshing and refreshing and re... - [narrator] this is joe. (combative yelling) he used to have bad breath. now, he uses a capful of therabreath, to keep his breath (combative yelling) smelling great all day long. this is steve. he used to have gum problems. now, he uses therabreath, with clinically-proven ingredients, and his gum problems have vanished. (magic twinkling) (audience gasps) this is kate. she always wanted her smile to shine. - now, she uses a capful of therabreath (gargles) to give her the healthy, sparkly smile, (sighs contentedly) she always wanted. (crowd cheers) - therabreath, it's a better mouthwash. - [narrator] at walmart, target and other fine stores. for six welcome back but i'm back with blake masters a former chief operating officer he is running for a u.s. senate seat in arizona. the way, want to get your take on elon musk attempt to acquire twitter. the liberal left is not absolute crazy that one, rich guy is going to control free speech they say per they are not bothered by others like jeff bay so sir mark or bill gates or michael bloomberg or warren buffett why do you think that is? brexit we are starting to see that pattern, right? it's hilarious half the people complaining about elon musk here are employed by the "washington post" which of course is owned by jeff bezos. it is classic left-wing hypocrisy. i think elon is doing great work here. he's got his finger on the pulse. the american people are just sick and tired of censorship they are sick this manipulation, the tech companies are corrupt. many are inefficient and twitter especially has been horribly run for decades basically, right? for as long as it has been a company in elon is going to take it over. the board is terrified about it they're trying to stop them anyway they can because they know elon cares about free speech. and that terrifies them. i think elon will succeed if it doesn't is because the game is completely rigged. >> i think it is interesting what he tweeted that the board doesn't own much stock this tweet i found compelling from elon musk said the board's interests are not aligned with shareholders. he is expected to prepare a second bid for twitter in the upcoming week that will include $15 billion of his own cash. i want to get your take on what went on this past week with this massive value destruction look at the amount of money lost when you look at netflix losing $56 billion in market value disney as well down 22 billion and value on the week. now this has to do is streaming being less attractive et cetera. it is worth noting these woke corporations having investors go broke. >> yes donald trump junior had a very funny tweet he was noticing that flick was users the reason is the running shows where men are getting pregnant, that is not what the american people want to watch we do not want the woke crab. disney pulls the woke crab and normal american parents no longer take their kids to disney. these companies need to be punished. i am all for it. we are going to have banned esg scores were going to ban woke us in the fortune 500 per think the american people are sick and tired of left-wing corporations telling them how to think. >> oblate, great commentary great to have you this morning thank you will see at 3:00 p.m. right here on fox news have a good sunday everybody. (sighs wearily) here i'll take that! (excited yell) woo-hoo! ensure max protein. with thirty grams of protein, one gram of sugar, and nutrients to support immune health. ♪ ♪ one gram of sugar, aleve x. its revolutionary rollerball design delivers fast, powerful, long-lasting pain relief. aleve it, and see what's possible. subject 1: st. jude affects all corners of the world for good. i mean if you think about organizations that affect the entire world, it's a short list. taking care of kids. kids as a priority. taking care of the families as a whole. subject 2: without donations, without people that care for st. jude and for the kids at st. jude, our max wouldn't be here. subject 1: you are making a difference, not just in a hospital but an entire world. 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, Journalist , Adversaries , Season , U S National Security , Mark Kelly , Elections , Candidate , Corporations , Big Week , Value Destruction , Democrat , Plight , Arizona Senate , Arizona , Big Tech Earnings , 198 , Soldier , Morning , Mexico , River , Texas National Guard , 22 , Border Patrol , Illicit Narcotics , Custody , Texas Rangers , Two , America First , Anything , Matters , Guard , Hands Texas , Texas Military Department , Situation , Prayers , Lives , Tragedy , Member , Heroism , Outcome , Goal , Drug Traffickers , Disaster , Head , Space , Icom , President , Of Mexico , Board , Hands , Deals , President Of The United States , Things , States , Governors , , History Of America , Owner , Border Wall , Texas Building , Something , Boat Blockades , Miles , Razor Wire , 15000 , It , Border Situation , Governor , Everything , Worst , Drugs , Fentanyl , Overdose Deaths , 100000 , Population , Catastrophe , Person , Components , Fentanyl Overdoses , Harris County , China , Houston Chronicle , Administration , Refusal , Cartel Activity , I Don T , Decision , Title , Emergency Situation , Planes , Spirit , Mask Mandate , 42 , Congress , Breed , Members , May 23 , 23 , Know , No One , United States Senate , Obama Biden State Department , Math , Security , Lifting , 18000 , Half , Houston , Residents , 6 Million , Way , Weight , Thing , Doing , Reckless , Graphic , Number , States Of America Anybody , Lifetime , Nikki Haley , Terms , Amount , Cities , Trips , Seattle , Atlanta , Miami , San Francisco , Austin , Towns , Leaders , Blowback , Del Rio , Communities , Help , Idea , Potential , Overload , Dumpster , San Antonio , Response , Term , Bus Routes , Ring , Hook , Gop , Busing , Pay , Biden Demonstration , Bus Texas , Bus Trip , Border Bus Texas Dob , Demonstration Deal , Court Orders , Reports , Attorney , Court Order , Policy , Wall , Policies , Accountable , Crossings , Led , Favor , Rule , Supreme Court , Coming Out For Supreme Court , Nobody , Spotlight , Laws , Break , Investigation , Jon Ratcliff , Run , Jon Durham , Documents , Team , Clinton Machine , Trial , Michael Bloomberg , Attorney Client Privilege , Client , Fbi , Strength , Nutrition , Mission , Energy , Minerals , Vitamins , Woo Hoo , 27 , Protein , 30 , Multi Flex Midgate , Silverado Rst , Chevy , Charge , Chevy Com , 4 , 400 , Find New Roads , Vuitytm , Eye Drop , Vision , Wait , Fda , Eyes , Eye , Reading Glasses , Drop , Uh Huh , Prescription Eye Drop , Focus , Caution , Vuity , Yep , Doctor , Activities , Machinery , Vision Loss , Headache , Eye Redness , Side Effects , Zelenskyy , Antony Blinken , Lloyd Austin , Secretary Of State , Kyiv , Ukrainian , Package , S Physics , Welcome Back , 800 Million , Intelligence , Director , War , Job , Weapons , 7 Billion , Billion , Yes , Secretary Blinken , Secretary Austin , American Foreign Policy , Architects , Military Retreat , Afghanistan In American History , Guys , World , Problem , Situations , Capacity , Options , Kamala Harris , Big Lie Of Russia , Beginning , Ukrainians , Vladimir Putin , Dilemma , Ground , Fighting , It Maria , Line , Invasion , Fiber , 24 , Demonstration Advice , Voter , Mayor , Picture , Afghanistan , Difference , Ukraine , Biden Ministration , Beat , Point , Behalf , The Buy Demonstration , Osa , Headlines , Nuclear Weapon , Wherewithal , 2021 , Campaign , Wrongdoer , Enforcer , Kind , 2022 , Trend , Iranians , 11 , Weapon , Demonstration , Dollars , Lift Sanctions , 50 , Six , Face , Ayatollahs , Intelligence Doesn T Support , Common Sense , Maria The Idea , Israel , 15 , Sense , Conversation , Earth , Concessions , Government , Russia Probe Investigation , Conspiracy , Felony , Fees , Jon Terms Russia Investigation , Dots , Account , Help Check , Card , Neighbors , Have Chase , 2c , Fifty Bucks , Fifty , 2 , More , Bank , Tools , Chase , Bottom Line , Mind , Comcast Business Mobile , Data , Service , Business Owner , Data Plans , Gig , 5g Network , 5 , Business , Internet , Contracts , Line Activation Fees , Comcast Business , Customers , Powering Possibilities Tm , 500 , Cracked Open The Hunter Biden , Role , Questions , Question , Answer , Board Of Burisma , Answers , Vice President , Statements , Lines , Prosecutor General , Firing , 2016 , March Of 2016 , Prosecutor , Million , 1 Million , Trump , Investor , Congressman , Impeachment Trial , John Cross Examining , Senate Confirmation Hearing , Business Affairs , Issue , Irony , Connect The Dots , Officials , Official , Dealings , Obama , Guy , Dealing , White House , Business Dealings , Position , Hunter Biden Question , Fast For Janelle , Reason , Hypocrisy , Interference , This , Election , Hunter , Laptop , Effort , Business Tilt , Delaware , Transactions , Others , Allegations , Permission , Foreign Corrupt Practices Act , Accountability , Merrick Garland , Concern , Fusion Discussion , Respect , Intelligence Official , Scales , New York Post , Sitting Biden Ag , The Truth , Program , Cover , Agents , Name , Foxbusiness , Influence , Big Tech , Adam Schiff , 2020 , Impact , Regard , Candidates , Facts , Many , Associates , John Brennan , Place , Trunk Collusion , Assessment , 2017 , Truth , Transition , Disclosures , Yoda Foam , Russia Collusion Light , Thousands , Kremlin , Alpha Bank , Community , Court , User , Pleadings , Oath , Law Enforcement , Basis , Lawyers , Work , Executives , Investigators , Think , Intervening , Issues , Tire , Filings , I Don T Know , The End , Statute , Limitations , Client Attorney Privilege , Case Say Look , Instance , Act , Glenn Simpson , Five , Testimony , 2018 , Indictable , Folks , Piercy , Law Firm , Trick , Subject , Indictments , Indictment , Narrative , Swipe , Case , Okay , You Bet , Inflammation , Asthma , Matter , Out Of Nowhere , Asthma Attacks , Triggers , Type , Tezspiretm , Add On Treatment , Asthma Symptoms , Attacks , Breathe Better , 12 , Eye Allergy , Rescue Medication , Reactions , Infection , Sore Throat , Back Pain , Insulin Resistance , Starvation , Most , Pp , Control Stress , Golo , Life , Eating , Sugar Cravings , They Don T Work , Sound Engineer , Record Label , Indeed Instant Match , G O L Com , Taking Off , Job Description , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Evidence , Epic Works Of Corser , All Over The Place , Leslie , 60 , Misinformation , Disinformation For , Subjects , Inaudible , Story , Examples , Media , All In Plain Sight , Father , Coaster , Beaded , October Of 2020 , Journalists , Author , Joy , Clients , Redhead How American Elite Get , Contributor , Secrets , It Divide , Hell , Must , Books , Try , Both , Hunter Biden Big Tech , Morning Maria , U S Attorney Office , It Let , Subpoena , Kick Off , E Mails , Creation , Ran , December 2020 , Communication , Investigating Hunter , Reaction , Tax , Subpoenas , Batterers , Grand Jury , Business Partners , Progress , Lovers , Oversight Business Dealings , Leave , Threads , Miranda , Highlights , Hunter Biden Story , James Biden , Planet , Center , Moons , At Revolver , Covid , Tax Evasion , Opinion , Money Laundering , Rights , Charges , Jail , Bit , Team Biden The Nightmare Scenario , Talk , Go Ahead , Parents , Justice , Scandal , School Board Meetings , Department Sicking , It Merrick Garden , Course , Appetite , Reputation , Pricing , Biden Family , Hunter Biden Camp , Californian Benefactor , Defense , Senses , Taxes , Drug Addict , Kimono , Friend , Amends , Irs , Establishment , Poll Numbers , Background , Extent , Reflection , Elements , Law , Decisions , Ticket , Merits , Rockstar , Instances , Joe , Stage , Off The Books , Anybody , Meetings , Secret Service , Records , Biden In Delaware , Catalogue It , Collection , Collections , E Mail , Bevan Cooney , Meeting , Businessmen , Visitor , Mention , Well , 2011 , Web Statements , Social Media , Room , Pattern , Figures , Family Members , Kazakhstan , Secrecy , Denials , Scheme , Absolute Peter Spot On , Lot , Influence Peddling Scheme , Involvement , Product , Eric , Weekend , Jill Biden , Times , Assistance , 19 , Family Business , Bank Account , Signature Privileges , Met , Rosemont Seneca , Commerce Secretary , Scoop , Entanglements , Commerce Department , Elon Musk , Stay , Blake Masters , Savings , Friends , Jamie , Flo , Dad , Pop Rock Music Tech , Trust Safelite , Gums , Thought , Glass , Dr , Daughter , That S Right , Gary , Car , Windshield , Anywhere , He Wouldn T , Safelite , Smash , Safety System , Features , Pull Over , Crack , Automatic Emergency Braking , Singers , Stay Safe With Safelite , Safelite Repair , Countdown Mode , 200 , Led Investigations , Coo , Republicans , Guest , Chambers , Onslaught , Priorities , Incumbent , Overstatement , Crime , Chart , Inflation , Double , Roof , Kids , Grandkids , Senate , Mag Agenda , Stake , Race , Traction , Vocal , Suffering , Word , Wide Open Border , Mo , Tubes , Bernie Sanders , Chuck Schumer , End , Rubber Stamp Vote , Polling , Border Crisis , Arizonans , Joe Biden Open Border Agenda , Endorsement , Lies , Cause , Transition Team , Honor , Lead , Career Investing , Quest , Growth Stories , Free Speech , Men , Women , Aromatase Inhibitor , Fulvestrant , Hr , Kisqali , Liver Problems , Pill , Heartbeat , Lung Problems , Skin Reactions , Death , Disease , Blood Cell , Symptoms , Breathing Problems , Pain , Yellowing , Chest Pain , Infections , Loss , Chills , Skin , Tiredness , Change , Dizziness , Bleeding , Cough , Urine , Fever , Bruising , Breastfeeding , Grapefruit , Treatment , Confidence , Rash , Diabetes , Support , Glucose Control , Drink , Muscle Health , Blood Sugar Levels , Honey Mustard , Subway , Hunger , Refresh , Rotisserie , Narrator , Chicken , Steph Curry , Tangy , Footlongs , Gonna , Breath , Therabreath , Capful , Combative Yelling , Steve , Gum Problems , Magic Twinkling , Sparkly Smile , Ingredients , Audience Gasps , Contentedly , Capful Of Therabreath , Gargles , Crowd Cheers , Stores , Mouthwash , Target , Walmart , Chief Operating Officer , Left , Crazy , Seat , Attempt , Speech , Bill Gates , Warren Buffett , Jeff Bay , Washington Post , Brexit , Jeff Bezos , Tech Companies , Pulse , Finger , Manipulation , Company , Tweet , Interests , Board Doesn T , Game , Stock , Value , Bid , Destruction , Shareholders , Cash , 5 Billion , 15 Billion , Market Value , Disney , 56 Billion , 6 Billion , 22 Billion , Investors , Flick , Et Cetera , Crab , Running Shows , Users , Commentary , Scores , Esg , Fortune 500 , Oblate , Everybody , Sunday , Excited Yell , Sighs Wearily , Thirty , 3 , Sugar , Nutrients , Health , Revolutionary Rollerball Design , Powerful , Aleve X , Pain Relief , Organizations , Corners , Jude , Subject 1 , Care , Families , Priority , Donations , Max Wouldn T , List , Whole , Music , Hospital , Bushes Rustling , Door Opening , Hon , Protection , Seat Protector , Vehicle , Drill Mudflaps , Weathertech , Floorliners , Cargoliner , Bumpstep , Cupfone , Defense Secretary , Secretary State , Capitol , Advisor , Visit , Symbol , Resolve ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Sunday Morning Futures With Maria Bartiromo 20240708 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Sunday Morning Futures With Maria Bartiromo 20240708

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[applause] coming up, texas governor greg abbott on sending a tenth bus filled with the migrants right to joe biden's doorstep in washington d.c. also the king of disinformation, lectures us on disinformation and censorship. >> the first amendment is a check on the power of the state. it does not apply to private companies like facebook or twitter. it is not necessary for people to believe this information in order to weaken democratic institutions. you just have to flood a countries public square with enough raw sewage. maria: he should know after he and hillary clinton allegedly failed to government agencies and that mediate with the big lie of trap collusion. coming up former director of national intelligence john ratcliffe on durham's findings and biden's a dangerous iran deal. then, the poorest of them all, joe biden doubles down on the influence peddling cover-up. >> great pleasure being enlisted as a poorest man in congress for 36 years. i still have made more than anyone else because i was getting a senator's salary. no kidding i didn't think you should make money while in office. >> fact checking with our panel investigative journalist and peter schweitzer on the millions of biden and his family have taken in from america's adversaries. compromising the u.s. national security. plus, primary season has begun with the 198 days until the midterm elections. arizona senate candidate blake masters on his plight to unseat democrat mark kelly in arizona. i have a big week for big tech earnings and massive value destruction or will corporations last week. it is all right here, right now on sunday morning futures. ♪ ♪ ♪ and first this morning the search continues for a 22-year-old texas national guard soldier who vanished in the rio grande while trying to help to migrants who appeared to be drowning as they illegally cross the river from mexico into the united states for the texas rangers have determined the two migrants were trafficking illicit narcotics into america where they are now in custody of border patrol. joining me right now is the man who was taken matters into his own hands texas governor greg abbott. governor, it's good to see you this morning thank you so much for being here. >> thank you maria great to be back. first, is there anything you can tell us about the national guard soldier and can you please assess the situation for us today at the southern border? >> sure, first we keep the soldier in our prayers we continue to search for him there's no new additional information to be eschewed the texas military department today other than obviously what has happened is a tragedy. it shows how dangerous it is on the border. it shows heroism by the member of the texas national guard was trying to save lives. unfortunately for the people -- they end up in drug traffickers they were both arrested. our goal right now is to locate this missing soldier with the texas military department and hopefully it will lead to a safe outcome. but we have no information we can add to what is going on right now about that particular soldier. we do have information what's going on on the border. it's a total disaster created not only by president biden as his head no space and the democrats across the board. we have a president of the united states was not negotiable the president of mexico. icom as governor of texas have taken matters into my own hands i have negotiated landmark historic deals with the governors of mexican states are adjacent to texas where the mexican states are going to step up and they are going to start securing the border. that is on top of things that texas has done that's never been done before the history of america such as texas building its owner border wall. laying down miles of razor wire to keep able from coming across the border. creating boat blockades but something else is never happened before z texas national guard, they have turned back more than 15000 people who attempted to come across the border illegally. so texas is doing everything we possibly can to contain completely out of control border situation that is the worst i have ever seen it. maria: governor, tell me about the illicit drugs coming across as well. 100,000 overdose deaths in america caught largely due to fentanyl coming across the border, what can you tell us about that? >> this is a national disaster. it could be a catastrophe because what can happen to the country. people need to understand there has been enough fentanyl seized to kill every man, woman, child in the united states of america. we could lose our entire population because of this there is report a month ago the houston chronicle talking about how in harris county texas there's one person who dies every single day because of these fentanyl overdoses. this fentanyl mostly as of the fentanyl itself are the components of it come from china to mexico than comes across the border spread throughout the entire country by cartel activity. the biden administration is allowing this to happen by biden and his administration's refusal to step up and do anything about it. maria: i don't understand the decision to lift title 42, governor. the president is pushing a mask mandate on planes continuing to tell spirit are in the emergency situation. and yet he is lifting title 42 breed that is expected to go away on may 23. what are you expecting once that is lifted? >> that is one month from yesterday when all this would happen. not only do you not understand it, most members of congress and the united states senate including democrats don't understand it. i can tell you most americans don't understand it. no one knows what biden is trying to do by this. but what we all know is if he lifts title 42, it will be catastrophic for the night states of america because look only at what his own department of security has stated and that is to expect with the lifting of title 42 about 18000 people coming across the border per day. do the math on that you will find it means more than 6 million people will be coming across the border a year. about half of those to be in the state of texas. we have coming across the border and one year more people than are residents of our largest city in texas which is houston. we would be adding more than one houston a year for there's no weight the state of texas can assimilate those people there's no way the united states can assimilate that number people. with joe biden is doing is far more than a reckless. it's most disastrous thing to the night states of america anybody's ever witnessed in our lifetime. maria: this is just extraordinary. in fact nikki haley had tweeted out a graphic of the actual number of people coming across and it is exceeding major cities. some states in terms of the amount of people coming in illegally. you've taken matters into your own hands. tell me how it's going and specifically how you are doing but here's the graphic in terms of the illegal migrants let it under biden it is exceeding the population of a miami, atlanta, seattle, san francisco, austin it's absolutely extraordinary. how are these trips going your dropping these migrants off in washington and getting a blowback. what are they doing when they get to washington? >> first, let me tell you why we are doing this. i was visiting with local leaders along the border in towns like del rio, and other communities where the biden administration, they were dropping off migrants in these communities and there was no way for the small towns to be able to deal with or handle this overload of migrants to see should dumpster these local communities. they were asking for help they were talking about themselves fussing these migrants up to san antonio. is that i've got a better idea let's bus them all the way to washington d.c. we continue to bus these migrants up to washington d.c. there is a positive potential outcome in the short term for this and that is what we have found is the border patrol is no longer dropping these migrants often these communities that have previously been dropped often because there overload i think this is in response to a dictate from the biden administration to stop in fact aiding governor abbott and his effective busing people to washington d.c. by reducing the number people available to do so. that said, maria, but the sheer number people coming across the border beginning and a month we will continue these bus routes to washington d.c. i will tell you, soon as i announce that a filtered ring off the hook about people wanting to help. i want to tell americans we can go to help pay for a bus trip for migrants to go to washington d.c. and make the biden demonstration deal that in person. go to border that is border bus.texas.dob. you can contribute to us busing to washington d.c. make the buy demonstration deal that themselves. >> governor, there are reports of this administration is completely blowing off court orders to reinstate remain in mexico. can you confirm? >> oh yes. they are blowing off -- like there's a court order the texas attorney requiring the remaining mexico policy and the biden administration has completely ignored it you may know there's coming out for supreme court hearing this coming week and surely the supreme court rule in our favor preferably nobody is holding a biden accountable for his reckless decision to ignore all of these policies that previously had led to the lowest number of illegal crossings in decades. it is time for the biden administration to start following the laws passed by congress. maria: governor we will be watching certain keep the spotlight on it. thanks so much for your time this morning we so appreciated. texas governor greg abbott joining us exclusively. a quick break than the clinton machine is on a run. big week for special investigator jon durham's investigation. jon ratcliff on how it is possible the clinton team once to keep king documents out of trial next month calling it a attorney-client privilege. michael says he is not representing any client when he allegedly lied to the fbi. that is next. okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete balanced nutrition for strength and energy. woo hoo! ensure, complete balanced nutrition with 27 vitamins and minerals. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ introducing the all-electric chevy silverado rst. the only ev truck that combines: 4-wheel steer a multi-flex midgate and up to a 400-mile range on a full charge and the only way to reserve it is at find your future. find new roads. this is vuity™, the first and only fda approved eye-drop that improves age-related blurry near vision. wait, what? 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>> yes, and partially encapsulates the sad state of american foreign policy under the biden administration for they are sending secretary blinken and secretary austin to project american strength in this situation for these are the two guys there were the architects of the most embarrassing military retreat and surrender frankly in afghanistan in american history. but there are really no good options are you going to send joe biden kamala harris to project american strength there's a problem with capacity of the biden administration to project strength around the world in these situations. can i think that is the dilemma on the ground. the dilemma for the ukrainians is, they are in it to win it for them and fighting to win from the beginning just as a vladimir putin and russia want to win and are willing to do anything to accomplish what they want. the biden demonstration is not been in line at that. from the beginning, think about it maria, this invasion started fiber at 24th only two days into the invasion the biden administration encourage voter mayor zelenskyy to do it they did in afghanistan to leave the country. had he done that, vladimir putin would have gotten a quick picture he wanted. so fortunate for zelenskyy on the ukrainians they did not take the buy demonstration advice because the biden ministration is the difference between helping ukraine in helping ukraine to win. i think that's one of the things that's coated with in the things president zelenskyy is saying you're helping us but you're not helping us to beat vladimir putin by. >> it's a good point to particular the buy demonstration has been working with russia. can you really see it any other way given on behalf of the united states to get the osa back into around deal? we have these two headlines we want you to address they are about antony blinken telling us iran is just weeks away from having the wherewithal for a nuclear weapon. he said this last year in 2021 and he said at the year again in 2022 that iran is weak so is this some kind of campaign to believe are going to get back into the eye wrongdoer that he's been this for your to have? >> it is an enforcer this is the trend for the biden administration is being intentionally dishonest about the intelligence. you are right the biden administration has been working with russia, it gave them new start treating and has not been helping to an ukraine and now it's russia negotiating a iranian nuclear deal. it was antony blinken only 11 days the biden administration of 2021 who said the iranians are a week or two away from having a nuclear weapon he said it six months after that a year after that were not now born 50 days later on the buy demonstration is saying we got to this iranian nuclear deal that lift sanctions give them billions of dollars of get into thousand 15 because they're just a week or two away from a nuclear weapon. the intelligence doesn't support that for the bottom eyes is it's the lives and common sense, maria the idea that bloodthirsty ayatollahs that went to wipe israel off the face of the earth with a nuclear weapon or having a conversation saying hey guys we can have a nuclear weapon next wednesday but working to hold off because the americans are going to make concessions to us. does not make any sense of being dishonest they want to force through this deal and scare the american people into thinking it's the right thing to do in the intelligence does not support that. >> director want to take a short break. when we come back it was a big week for jon in terms of russia probe investigation. defrauding the government is a felony. when multiple people are doing it together they could be a conspiracy. after the break jon ratcliff connects the dots and jon terms russia investigation. fees when he overdraws his account by fifty bucks or less. and 2c, well, she's not going to let a lost card get her stressed. am i right? 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>> yes. maria: welcome back. that was then a congressman john cross-examining former u.s. investor to ukraine, maria during president trump's impeachment trial forcing her to admit obama/biden state department coached her on how to answer any questions that may have come up about hunter biden's business affairs and the money he has taken in before her senate confirmation hearing. i'm back with john ratcliffe right now. connect the dots for us. you cross-examined why did you raise this issue? >> oh well, maria, and how it's the point the irony that the first president to be concerned about hunter biden and joe biden on the dealings with foreign officials and companies was not president trump it was president obama for they took the official at the time vincent comes up about hunter biden for the business dealing send it to the vice president's office. fast for janelle president biden's official white house position is hunter biden question regards barely know the guy. why are you asking me questions about this business dealings really underscores the hypocrisy of all of this. i'm the reason to look at all this, the intelligence shows this. it is why when we talk about interference in elections or trying to influence elections what happened with hunter biden's laptop in the weeks before the election was a coordinated effort to give information about hunter and joe biden's business tilt with foreign officials and countries are on his laptop, to mislead the american people about those things. i think it is important i think it's really a great thing this investigation is ongoing with the u.s. attorney in delaware we are seeing increasingly hunter biden's transactions with joe biden on others to pedal influence as you talked about are being investigated. the question is, at the end of the day if they want to bring serious foreign corrupt practices act, antibribery allegations against hunter biden, they're going to have to get the permission of the attorney general merrick garland. my concern is plastic fusion discussion will be exercised with respect to all these things at the end of the day. see whether or not the american people get the accountability they been looking for, for so long. maria: we will see if merrick garland the current sitting biden ag will tip the scales. you are the only intelligence official who told us the truth. we've got the "new york post" cover here with the spies that lied because 50 intelligence agents signed their name on the dotted line to say that laptop was disinformation. but you came on this program and online program and foxbusiness morning with maria and said no there's no intelligence that indicated this to be a russian disinformation. >> this was a coordinated effort to mislead the american people with again politicizing intelligence that did not exist. adam schiff claiming this was russian disinformation. i'm being peddled by big tech and former obama national security officials who all signed onto again the weeks leading up to 2020 influence the outcome of the election. i think they work successful in doing so unfortunately. maria: successful in doing so meaning what? >> clearly had an impact. in particular states how many or influence in how they voted the american people should have had all of the facts with regard to hunter biden, joe biden, influence peddling all of the things that were under federal investigation to make up their own mind about the candidates in 2020. i think they were deprived of that in a coordinated effort to mislead the american people. maria: real quickly got to move on to john durham. many of those intelligence associates, john brennan, they were also involved in this a massive big lie of russia's trunk collusion but give us your assessment of what took place this week in john durham's investigation. do you think we will finally see accountability here? we have been talking about this from 2017 have been on this program telling us the truth about the russia collusion light. >> what's important about john durham's disclosures this past week things like the trump yoda foam and the transition communicating with the kremlin that had been alleged or the thousands of questions adam schiff democrats asked about transactions obtain a russia alpha bank and trump officials, all that as he says under oath in the court pleadings technically impossible and user created. these were things those of us in the intelligence community and law enforcement were well aware of and now the american people are finding out produce that intelligence officials back in 2016 and call me and others new all of this was fraudulent and should not be a basis to move forward. but why it's important, maria what it showing as this was a coordinated effort by hillary clinton campaign officials by executives that were working with them, lawyers that work for the campaign all attempting to defraud the federal government. and, as you said earlier, defrauding the government is a felony. making false statements to federal investigators as a felony. and the multiple people do it together, that is a conspiracy a think that is what's being revealed and john durham's filings. maria: good the end tire firm go down? i don't know. we'll answer that and also two issues here. intervening in this case say look, we have key documents were not going to bring to trial this is client attorney privilege. also people talk about the statute of limitations that we are running out of time here for accountability, address all that place before we go? >> sure, what's important here is far as a conspiracy a five-year statute of limitations with regard to a conspiracy, the last overt act is when the statute of limitations runs. so for instance if officials like glenn simpson gave for instance a false testimony or anyone gave false testimony to congressional investigators in 2017 or 2018, that would be interference of a conspiracy. the idea this is not a prosecutable or indictable consist piercy is misguided. i think all of these things again, reflect these folks were acting on behalf of the clinton campaign. so went multiple lawyers to your question if multiple lawyers for a law firm are attempting to defraud the government or it lied to government to not just commit a campaign dirty trick but to pedal a false narrative that misleads investigators an entire law firm could be subject to indictment. swipe said from the beginning, maria, based on the intelligence i had seen discussed and shared with john durham i expected there to be many more indictments that continues to be the case. maria: okay we need an hour with the okay? thank you so much john ratcliffe we'll be right back. >> you bet, thanks. no matter who you are, being yourself can be tough when you have severe asthma. triggers can pop up out of nowhere, causing inflammation that can lead to asthma attacks. but no matter what type of severe asthma you have, tezspire™ can help. tezspire™ is a new add-on treatment for people 12 and over... that proactively reduces inflammation... ...which means you could have fewer attacks, breathe better, and relieve your asthma symptoms. so, you can be you, whoever you are. tezspire™ is not a rescue medication. don't take tezspire™ if you're allergic to it. allergic reactions like rash or an eye allergy can happen. don't stop your asthma treatments unless your doctor tells you to. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection or your asthma worsens. sore throat, joint and back pain may occur. he .com or download the a pp. so many people are overweight now and asking themselves, pp. "why can't i lose weight?" for most, the reason is insulin resistance, and they don't even know they have it. conventional starvation diets don't address insulin resistance. that's why they don't work. now, there's golo. golo helps with insulin resistance, getting rid of sugar cravings, helps control stress and emotional eating, and losing weight. go to and see how golo can change your life. that's your record label is taking off. but so is your sound engineer. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit ♪ ♪ >> they spied on my campaign because there's no real evidence of the epic works of corser's all over the place. leslie and they spied on my campaign. >> can i say something? this is 60 minutes. and we cannot put on things we cannot verify >> every intelligence professional has said this is a russian intelligence disinformation campaign. >> that is russian, russian, russian disinformation for. >> disinformation for. >> misinformation. >> that is totally. [inaudible] totally discredited. >> we've already been through this i think the american people would rather hear about more substantial subjects. maria: more substantial things, caught in a cover a few examples of the media unwilling to seek the truth and follow the truth wherever it may lead dismissing the massive influence peddling story of hunter biden and the millions that he and his family have taken and from foreign officials while his father was sitting vice president. all in plain sight on hunter's laptop before the 2020 election but something we have been telling about for year end a half a. the "new york post" of coaster broke the story of the laptop back in october of 2020 the beaded just missed it is russian disinformation even as some have now been forced to report on this story, most still will not implicate joe biden. despite the fact that it was the vice president time that hunter's clients were paying for. joy to meet right now two of the journalists who cracked open the hunter biden influence peddling case but they cracked it open and they are here with us today. peter schweitzer is the author of redhead how american elite get rich helping try to win. read it divide is a fox news contributor and author of the laptop from hell. hunter biden big tech and the dirty secrets the president tried to hide. both the books are must reads. good morning to both, thank you so much for being here. >> good to be here but. >> good morning maria. >> mark. maria: and ran it let's kick off of the we have it december 2020 subpoena from the u.s. attorney's office in delaware requesting documents, e-mails, creation of communication for hunter biden. tell us where you believe this is at this point? the reaction to the batterers investigating hunter's tax in the subpoenas. >> oh well, it seems the grand jury and delaware is making good progress. they have been interviewing hunter biden's business partners and also his former lovers. they are also most intriguingly asking witnesses the question, who is the big guy? we know from one of his business partners the big guy is joe biden. what that shows you is this grand jury, this investigation and delaware is pulling on the threads that leave through oversight business dealings to joe biden. >> i think that is right think it maria it's a very important but miranda highlights. this started out as a hunter biden story it is now a joe biden story he is at the center of it. he is the planet around which the moons in the family, hunter biden and james biden at revolver and my only concern is the issue of statute of limitations remember this grand jury was convened in 2018 when covid happened they stepped aside and did not meet so they lost about a year end a half. so hopefully we are going to hear something from a grand jury very soon. i don't know if maria shares this opinion but they've got him dead to rights on tax evasion big money laundering and other charges are equally very troublesome from team biden the nightmare scenario is there is a trial. they want a deal even if hunter goes to jail for a little bit. they do not want a trial that will highlight the role that joe biden played in all of this. to be sick you just are john ratcliff talk about the u.s. attorney is to get the go-ahead from merrick garland, miranda what about that? you both in mind the laptop out the white house handle this? >> look i think it merrick garden was burned year when there was that scandal over the justice department sicking the fbi's on parents at school board meetings. i believe he has no appetite to ruin his reputation through the further pricing to be covering up for the biden family. so he will just let this run, let justice take its course. and as peter just said i think the tax evasion seems to be what is most exercising the hunter biden camp. he has already borrowed $1 million i'm told it's actually more than that may be double or more from a very generous californian benefactor to repay overdue taxes. but his defense is going to be look, i was a drug addict at the time. i really didn't know what i was doing. but i have come to my senses, i am clean and i'm trying to make amends. he is opening his kimono, his friend's essay to the investigators on all of this irs investigation. >> the only thing i would add, maria, to that in the end miranda is exactly right. we have in the background of all of this the simple fact the democratic establishment, to a certain extent seems to be turning on joe biden. think it's a reflection on his low poll numbers, the fact is dragging down the ticket. we want to believe these decisions about american justice and the role of the attorney general is going to be made on the merits of the law. but joe biden is not the rockstar the democratic party right now. i'm sure there certain elements that would just as soon he leave the stage at some point, even if that leaves us with the vice president in charge. maria: peter you also cite multiple instances of joe having off the books meetings with chinese officials in obama's white house. tell me more about that. the secret service claims they have no records of anybody who visits biden in delaware, could this be possible? >> oh yes it could be possible in the sense that they do not catalogue it as they should. but no, it is very clear. there were in the laptop and other e-mail collections we have from bevan cooney and others i believe miranda has that collection as well, instances where chinese official this includes officials and businessmen came to the white house in 2011 and they appear in the white house visitor logs meeting with certain officials. but there is no mention of a meeting with vice president joe biden. but if you go back and look at their social media some of their web statements, they indicate they did in fact meet with vice president joe biden at that time. and when you trace it back you see there was a meeting that was on the official white house visitors log in one room and joe biden's office was at next door. to me this is extremely troubling of course because what it means is there trying to conceal who joe biden is actually meeting with her there other examples miranda has cited from ukraine, kazakhstan, this is a pattern paired with political figures are trying to hide who they are meeting with, especially when those officials are business partners or prospective business partners of their family members, that timmy is hugely important evidence to show what is really going on in the scheme. maria: miranda? >> absolute peter spot on. it is the secrecy really and the cover-up and the denials that tells you a lot about what joe biden was up to and his involvement in his family's influence peddling scheme. he was in no in late the product intimately involved. and we see that, we just uncovered on the weekend this story about 19 times hunter biden's a business partner eric, what to the white house and met with the assistance of joe biden and jill biden and met joe biden once at least that we know of. and eric was the president of rosemont seneca, hunter biden's business. you can see it was a family business he had signature privileges for joe biden. he ran a bank account for joe biden. maria: peter i know you're working on a major scoop next week about the commerce department and its entanglements with china. >> that is exactly right the commerce secretary and other officials. maria: are right we will leave it there. we'll be right back with blake masters. stay with us, elon musk's twitter attempts we will get into it. that's right, jamie. but it's not just about savings. it's about the friends we make along the way. you said it, flo. and don't forget to floss before you brush. your gums will thank you. -that's right, dr. gary. -jamie? 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(crowd cheers) - therabreath, it's a better mouthwash. - [narrator] at walmart, target and other fine stores. for six welcome back but i'm back with blake masters a former chief operating officer he is running for a u.s. senate seat in arizona. the way, want to get your take on elon musk attempt to acquire twitter. the liberal left is not absolute crazy that one, rich guy is going to control free speech they say per they are not bothered by others like jeff bay so sir mark or bill gates or michael bloomberg or warren buffett why do you think that is? brexit we are starting to see that pattern, right? it's hilarious half the people complaining about elon musk here are employed by the "washington post" which of course is owned by jeff bezos. it is classic left-wing hypocrisy. i think elon is doing great work here. he's got his finger on the pulse. the american people are just sick and tired of censorship they are sick this manipulation, the tech companies are corrupt. many are inefficient and twitter especially has been horribly run for decades basically, right? for as long as it has been a company in elon is going to take it over. the board is terrified about it they're trying to stop them anyway they can because they know elon cares about free speech. and that terrifies them. i think elon will succeed if it doesn't is because the game is completely rigged. >> i think it is interesting what he tweeted that the board doesn't own much stock this tweet i found compelling from elon musk said the board's interests are not aligned with shareholders. he is expected to prepare a second bid for twitter in the upcoming week that will include $15 billion of his own cash. i want to get your take on what went on this past week with this massive value destruction look at the amount of money lost when you look at netflix losing $56 billion in market value disney as well down 22 billion and value on the week. now this has to do is streaming being less attractive et cetera. it is worth noting these woke corporations having investors go broke. >> yes donald trump junior had a very funny tweet he was noticing that flick was users the reason is the running shows where men are getting pregnant, that is not what the american people want to watch we do not want the woke crab. disney pulls the woke crab and normal american parents no longer take their kids to disney. these companies need to be punished. i am all for it. we are going to have banned esg scores were going to ban woke us in the fortune 500 per think the american people are sick and tired of left-wing corporations telling them how to think. >> oblate, great commentary great to have you this morning thank you will see at 3:00 p.m. right here on fox news have a good sunday everybody. 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, Journalist , Adversaries , Season , U S National Security , Mark Kelly , Elections , Candidate , Corporations , Big Week , Value Destruction , Democrat , Plight , Arizona Senate , Arizona , Big Tech Earnings , 198 , Soldier , Morning , Mexico , River , Texas National Guard , 22 , Border Patrol , Illicit Narcotics , Custody , Texas Rangers , Two , America First , Anything , Matters , Guard , Hands Texas , Texas Military Department , Situation , Prayers , Lives , Tragedy , Member , Heroism , Outcome , Goal , Drug Traffickers , Disaster , Head , Space , Icom , President , Of Mexico , Board , Hands , Deals , President Of The United States , Things , States , Governors , , History Of America , Owner , Border Wall , Texas Building , Something , Boat Blockades , Miles , Razor Wire , 15000 , It , Border Situation , Governor , Everything , Worst , Drugs , Fentanyl , Overdose Deaths , 100000 , Population , Catastrophe , Person , Components , Fentanyl Overdoses , Harris County , China , Houston Chronicle , Administration , Refusal , Cartel Activity , I Don T , Decision , Title , Emergency Situation , Planes , Spirit , Mask Mandate , 42 , Congress , Breed , Members , May 23 , 23 , Know , No One , United States Senate , Obama Biden State Department , Math , Security , Lifting , 18000 , Half , Houston , Residents , 6 Million , Way , Weight , Thing , Doing , Reckless , Graphic , Number , States Of America Anybody , Lifetime , Nikki Haley , Terms , Amount , Cities , Trips , Seattle , Atlanta , Miami , San Francisco , Austin , Towns , Leaders , Blowback , Del Rio , Communities , Help , Idea , Potential , Overload , Dumpster , San Antonio , Response , Term , Bus Routes , Ring , Hook , Gop , Busing , Pay , Biden Demonstration , Bus Texas , Bus Trip , Border Bus Texas Dob , Demonstration Deal , Court Orders , Reports , Attorney , Court Order , Policy , Wall , Policies , Accountable , Crossings , Led , Favor , Rule , Supreme Court , Coming Out For Supreme Court , Nobody , Spotlight , Laws , Break , Investigation , Jon Ratcliff , Run , Jon Durham , Documents , Team , Clinton Machine , Trial , Michael Bloomberg , Attorney Client Privilege , Client , Fbi , Strength , Nutrition , Mission , Energy , Minerals , Vitamins , Woo Hoo , 27 , Protein , 30 , Multi Flex Midgate , Silverado Rst , Chevy , Charge , Chevy Com , 4 , 400 , Find New Roads , Vuitytm , Eye Drop , Vision , Wait , Fda , Eyes , Eye , Reading Glasses , Drop , Uh Huh , Prescription Eye Drop , Focus , Caution , Vuity , Yep , Doctor , Activities , Machinery , Vision Loss , Headache , Eye Redness , Side Effects , Zelenskyy , Antony Blinken , Lloyd Austin , Secretary Of State , Kyiv , Ukrainian , Package , S Physics , Welcome Back , 800 Million , Intelligence , Director , War , Job , Weapons , 7 Billion , Billion , Yes , Secretary Blinken , Secretary Austin , American Foreign Policy , Architects , Military Retreat , Afghanistan In American History , Guys , World , Problem , Situations , Capacity , Options , Kamala Harris , Big Lie Of Russia , Beginning , Ukrainians , Vladimir Putin , Dilemma , Ground , Fighting , It Maria , Line , Invasion , Fiber , 24 , Demonstration Advice , Voter , Mayor , Picture , Afghanistan , Difference , Ukraine , Biden Ministration , Beat , Point , Behalf , The Buy Demonstration , Osa , Headlines , Nuclear Weapon , Wherewithal , 2021 , Campaign , Wrongdoer , Enforcer , Kind , 2022 , Trend , Iranians , 11 , Weapon , Demonstration , Dollars , Lift Sanctions , 50 , Six , Face , Ayatollahs , Intelligence Doesn T Support , Common Sense , Maria The Idea , Israel , 15 , Sense , Conversation , Earth , Concessions , Government , Russia Probe Investigation , Conspiracy , Felony , Fees , Jon Terms Russia Investigation , Dots , Account , Help Check , Card , Neighbors , Have Chase , 2c , Fifty Bucks , Fifty , 2 , More , Bank , Tools , Chase , Bottom Line , Mind , Comcast Business Mobile , Data , Service , Business Owner , Data Plans , Gig , 5g Network , 5 , Business , Internet , Contracts , Line Activation Fees , Comcast Business , Customers , Powering Possibilities Tm , 500 , Cracked Open The Hunter Biden , Role , Questions , Question , Answer , Board Of Burisma , Answers , Vice President , Statements , Lines , Prosecutor General , Firing , 2016 , March Of 2016 , Prosecutor , Million , 1 Million , Trump , Investor , Congressman , Impeachment Trial , John Cross Examining , Senate Confirmation Hearing , Business Affairs , Issue , Irony , Connect The Dots , Officials , Official , Dealings , Obama , Guy , Dealing , White House , Business Dealings , Position , Hunter Biden Question , Fast For Janelle , Reason , Hypocrisy , Interference , This , Election , Hunter , Laptop , Effort , Business Tilt , Delaware , Transactions , Others , Allegations , Permission , Foreign Corrupt Practices Act , Accountability , Merrick Garland , Concern , Fusion Discussion , Respect , Intelligence Official , Scales , New York Post , Sitting Biden Ag , The Truth , Program , Cover , Agents , Name , Foxbusiness , Influence , Big Tech , Adam Schiff , 2020 , Impact , Regard , Candidates , Facts , Many , Associates , John Brennan , Place , Trunk Collusion , Assessment , 2017 , Truth , Transition , Disclosures , Yoda Foam , Russia Collusion Light , Thousands , Kremlin , Alpha Bank , Community , Court , User , Pleadings , Oath , Law Enforcement , Basis , Lawyers , Work , Executives , Investigators , Think , Intervening , Issues , Tire , Filings , I Don T Know , The End , Statute , Limitations , Client Attorney Privilege , Case Say Look , Instance , Act , Glenn Simpson , Five , Testimony , 2018 , Indictable , Folks , Piercy , Law Firm , Trick , Subject , Indictments , Indictment , Narrative , Swipe , Case , Okay , You Bet , Inflammation , Asthma , Matter , Out Of Nowhere , Asthma Attacks , Triggers , Type , Tezspiretm , Add On Treatment , Asthma Symptoms , Attacks , Breathe Better , 12 , Eye Allergy , Rescue Medication , Reactions , Infection , Sore Throat , Back Pain , Insulin Resistance , Starvation , Most , Pp , Control Stress , Golo , Life , Eating , Sugar Cravings , They Don T Work , Sound Engineer , Record Label , Indeed Instant Match , G O L Com , Taking Off , Job Description , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Evidence , Epic Works Of Corser , All Over The Place , Leslie , 60 , Misinformation , Disinformation For , Subjects , Inaudible , Story , Examples , Media , All In Plain Sight , Father , Coaster , Beaded , October Of 2020 , Journalists , Author , Joy , Clients , Redhead How American Elite Get , Contributor , Secrets , It Divide , Hell , Must , Books , Try , Both , Hunter Biden Big Tech , Morning Maria , U S Attorney Office , It Let , Subpoena , Kick Off , E Mails , Creation , Ran , December 2020 , Communication , Investigating Hunter , Reaction , Tax , Subpoenas , Batterers , Grand Jury , Business Partners , Progress , Lovers , Oversight Business Dealings , Leave , Threads , Miranda , Highlights , Hunter Biden Story , James Biden , Planet , Center , Moons , At Revolver , Covid , Tax Evasion , Opinion , Money Laundering , Rights , Charges , Jail , Bit , Team Biden The Nightmare Scenario , Talk , Go Ahead , Parents , Justice , Scandal , School Board Meetings , Department Sicking , It Merrick Garden , Course , Appetite , Reputation , Pricing , Biden Family , Hunter Biden Camp , Californian Benefactor , Defense , Senses , Taxes , Drug Addict , Kimono , Friend , Amends , Irs , Establishment , Poll Numbers , Background , Extent , Reflection , Elements , Law , Decisions , Ticket , Merits , Rockstar , Instances , Joe , Stage , Off The Books , Anybody , Meetings , Secret Service , Records , Biden In Delaware , Catalogue It , Collection , Collections , E Mail , Bevan Cooney , Meeting , Businessmen , Visitor , Mention , Well , 2011 , Web Statements , Social Media , Room , Pattern , Figures , Family Members , Kazakhstan , Secrecy , Denials , Scheme , Absolute Peter Spot On , Lot , Influence Peddling Scheme , Involvement , Product , Eric , Weekend , Jill Biden , Times , Assistance , 19 , Family Business , Bank Account , Signature Privileges , Met , Rosemont Seneca , Commerce Secretary , Scoop , Entanglements , Commerce Department , Elon Musk , Stay , Blake Masters , Savings , Friends , Jamie , Flo , Dad , Pop Rock Music Tech , Trust Safelite , Gums , Thought , Glass , Dr , Daughter , That S Right , Gary , Car , Windshield , Anywhere , He Wouldn T , Safelite , Smash , Safety System , Features , Pull Over , Crack , Automatic Emergency Braking , Singers , Stay Safe With Safelite , Safelite Repair , Countdown Mode , 200 , Led Investigations , Coo , Republicans , Guest , Chambers , Onslaught , Priorities , Incumbent , Overstatement , Crime , Chart , Inflation , Double , Roof , Kids , Grandkids , Senate , Mag Agenda , Stake , Race , Traction , Vocal , Suffering , Word , Wide Open Border , Mo , Tubes , Bernie Sanders , Chuck Schumer , End , Rubber Stamp Vote , Polling , Border Crisis , Arizonans , Joe Biden Open Border Agenda , Endorsement , Lies , Cause , Transition Team , Honor , Lead , Career Investing , Quest , Growth Stories , Free Speech , Men , Women , Aromatase Inhibitor , Fulvestrant , Hr , Kisqali , Liver Problems , Pill , Heartbeat , Lung Problems , Skin Reactions , Death , Disease , Blood Cell , Symptoms , Breathing Problems , Pain , Yellowing , Chest Pain , Infections , Loss , Chills , Skin , Tiredness , Change , Dizziness , Bleeding , Cough , Urine , Fever , Bruising , Breastfeeding , Grapefruit , Treatment , Confidence , Rash , Diabetes , Support , Glucose Control , Drink , Muscle Health , Blood Sugar Levels , Honey Mustard , Subway , Hunger , Refresh , Rotisserie , Narrator , Chicken , Steph Curry , Tangy , Footlongs , Gonna , Breath , Therabreath , Capful , Combative Yelling , Steve , Gum Problems , Magic Twinkling , Sparkly Smile , Ingredients , Audience Gasps , Contentedly , Capful Of Therabreath , Gargles , Crowd Cheers , Stores , Mouthwash , Target , Walmart , Chief Operating Officer , Left , Crazy , Seat , Attempt , Speech , Bill Gates , Warren Buffett , Jeff Bay , Washington Post , Brexit , Jeff Bezos , Tech Companies , Pulse , Finger , Manipulation , Company , Tweet , Interests , Board Doesn T , Game , Stock , Value , Bid , Destruction , Shareholders , Cash , 5 Billion , 15 Billion , Market Value , Disney , 56 Billion , 6 Billion , 22 Billion , Investors , Flick , Et Cetera , Crab , Running Shows , Users , Commentary , Scores , Esg , Fortune 500 , Oblate , Everybody , Sunday , Excited Yell , Sighs Wearily , Thirty , 3 , Sugar , Nutrients , Health , Revolutionary Rollerball Design , Powerful , Aleve X , Pain Relief , Organizations , Corners , Jude , Subject 1 , Care , Families , Priority , Donations , Max Wouldn T , List , Whole , Music , Hospital , Bushes Rustling , Door Opening , Hon , Protection , Seat Protector , Vehicle , Drill Mudflaps , Weathertech , Floorliners , Cargoliner , Bumpstep , Cupfone , Defense Secretary , Secretary State , Capitol , Advisor , Visit , Symbol , Resolve ,

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