Transcripts For FOXNEWS Hannity 20240708 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Hannity 20240708

what with the media reaction be then? and of course, many of biden's problems, they are very obvious but they are hurting the american people. his obvious decline in cognitive abilities, his public bouts of anger, confusion, shaking hands with the air. joe's constant stream of lying and flame and the ongoing scandal of four surrounding zero experience hunter, and of course the biden family syndicate. but at the very core of biden's failed presidency are his terrible policies and all of these policies are hurting you, we, the american people. biden like any modern democrat is required to prove his loyalty to the religious cult of climate alarmism. he cannot deviate. in order to demonstrate his devotion, biden took a wrecking ball to the gas industry on day one and predictably, gas prices went way up, heating and cooling prices went way up, the price of goods and services, which require transportation and energy, they also went up. everything you buy and every store you go to is costing a hell of a lot more, and these rising costs, biden pumped trillions of dollars into what is an already hot economy, much of it in the name of climate change alarmism. and according to one report, some of those funds earmarked for covid-19 relief, oh, their investigation shows they were used by joe biden's epa to pay for grants promoting "green infrastructure and environmental justice." and one nonprofit actually received money for storytelling and tree walks to increase awareness surrounding an equitable canopy cover. what the hell is this? now this isn't the same administration that ran out of covid test, monoclonal antibodies over christmas and that is how they are spending covid relief money? now americans from every race, every background, they are struggling under joe biden's crippling, record high inflation. most of them do not have time to explore racist tree canopies. those with fixed incomes, the poor, the middle class, they are getting hurt the worst come up with many americans now forced to dip into the retirement savings to battle this 40 year high of inflation. the ego socialist that run the democratic new green deal socialist party, they are happy. they don't seem to care about retirees. they don't care about so many americans living paycheck to paycheck. they never have, and nor do they seem to care at all about the high price of gasoline. we are told if you don't like it, get use to it until we have clean new energy, and buy yourself an electric car. they tell us that over and over again. new green deal socialist democrats care about one thing: power. power over the democratic party, power over the white house, and power over we, the american people. climate hysteria, it's really just a front, as we pointed out at the time they unveiled this insanity, nothing to do with the environment and everything to do with redistribution of wealth and socialism. the earth is not ending. we are not doomed. nobody really believes that live. the religious climate alarmist called is really just a means to an end, but like all cults, once you are in, have a hard time weaving, if at all. once you are in, you are in, so no matter how bad things get, no matter how low biden's poll numbers go, he will stay the course and double down and tripled down on stupid. and that is why today, biden's climate czar, john jerry, stepped off his private jet and announced the nations war on fossil fuels will continue, no matter how high gas prices go. just got off his own private jet, a nice big fat carbon footprint he left behind. take a look. >> fossil fuel is allowed to grow in a significant way as it appears poised to do, that is a deep, unbelievably costly challenge for the world. >> it has been reported you told the white house national climate advisor gina mccarthy there is a new u.s. commitment on fossil fuels needing to be released, 50% reductions by 2030. the u.s. to be a credible negotiator. is that a goal that is still realistic? >> well, gina mccarthy may suggest a level, so gina and her team and the rest of us who are involved in the process all agreed that a 50-52% reduction was something we could achieve. it's realistic. >> sean: let me interpret this for you: he does not care about the high price of everything. 40 year record high inflation, record high gas prices, record high prices for everything you buy in every store. he cares more about his climate religious cult. another top biden advisor also reassuring democrats the biden remains absolutely committed to banning drilling on public lands. this is a dumb idea. take a look. >> president biden remains absolutely committed to not moving forward with additional drilling on public lands. the challenge that we face is we have a court that ordered a new lease to be done. the department of energy had no choice but to put it out. but they also found ways to reduce the size of that and its impact, and we will keep doing what we need to do to appeal those decisions and to make our case in a court. >> sean: ultimately, the administration's war on oil and gas, this is a massive scam, as biden restricts domestic production of fossil fuels, think about this, we are buying more fossil fuels from places like iran and iraq and sending emissaries to venezuela and begging saudi arabia, opec nations, until recently, russia, the administration begging opec to produce more oil. of course, that oil is extracted abroad without epa regulations, and then it is shipped on a gas powered boat across the ocean. that is how it gets here. in other words, biden's restrictions are actually making the environment worse and energy even more expensive, all while putting your and our national security at risk. but none of that matters to joe biden and his fellow new green deal democratic socialists. the only way to stop them is to vote them out of office. that is the only solution i see. they are not going to change their minds. they are locked into this insanity. we are now stuck until at least november, and then probably until november of 2024. these policies will remain in place. they have absolutely no desire to change anything as you just heard. now today, speaker pelosi, she did unveiled the democratic parties big new strategy for the midterms and oh, this might be shocking to many of you, but the going to call republicans racist and sexist and misogynist and homophobic and xenophobic, islamophobic, transphobic, they're going to say we want dirty air, water, that we want grandma and grandpa to eat dog food and cat food, and then we will have a republican mean person like donald trump look alike granny over the cliff in a wheelchair. take a look. >> now, i don't think all of those very wealthy people as racist, anti-semites and whatever. trumpian, but that is how they vote. >> sean: thought and fail, every two years, four years, used as a two years, four years, it is now pretty much every day, republicans racist, sexist, the whole speech, they say it every single day. this year, the smears will be worse than ever because democrats have nothing positive to run on. how do you run on a 40 year high of inflation, blaming putin? that is not going to work. record-setting gas prices? because of the policies you implemented? interest rates on the rise. i mean, they are going up precipitously. a looming recession, war in europe, americans trapped in afghanistan -- by the way, 249 days and joe biden turned the page and never mentions them again. the media mob never mentions the americans we abandoned. and of course, thousands of people with green cards eligible to live here appear for our afghan allies never get mentioned. the crisis on our southern border, welcome of the month of march, last month, was the worst ever and it is about to get even worse. here now with more from a former white house chief of staff mark meadows along with fox news contributor miranda devine. mark, i will start with you. overall, you look at the picture, the big picture here, what is amazing to me and what is different from, say, liberal democrats of old, is there saying everything we knew they always believed but they always kept it quiet. they never so blatantly socialist and so radical in public. they use to hide it. they don't hide it anymore. how is that going to play out? >> well, it is not one to play out well, sean. i think the bigger point and you made this very well in your monologue is now it's an everyday occurrence. it's saying that we really don't care about the moms and dads on main street that are having to pay three, four, $5 a gallon for gas, and they have literally embraced this leftist culture tt says we know better than the american people. nancy pelosi had it right. may be not of the democrats vote the way they profess, but it sure looks like they don't care what americans think, when you really look at the way they vote in washington, d.c. can you imagine what would happen if we reduce fossil fuels by 50% by 2030? we are looking at $7, $8 a gallon gas, and i can tell you, the constituents all across the country, even some in california, wouldn't embrace that. >> sean: i would hope not. miranda devine, do you agree with my assessment? there is no way joe biden could ever take on the climate alarmist religious cult, new green deal socialists, that dominate his party? i don't think he would ever take them on. >> look, you're absolutely right, sean, and i don't think he wants to take them on. he has shown zero interest in bucking against the radical left in his party. he is just their vessel. he was the trojan horse who was brought in to trick voters into thinking they were voting for a moderate government, a return to normalcy and decency. quite the opposite. this is an incredible sort of own goal, you would think, by the democrats. you just watch joe biden's opinions polls plummet, yet they are making no attempt to reset their poisonous electoral policies, and they are hanging joe biden out to dry, if you've noticed in recent weeks. you know, they are not even doing much to protect him from himself when he makes these repeated public embarrassments of himself. it's as if the democrats don't really care about the voters anymore, and you just know that they are not just looking their thumbs and snuggling under the duvet, feeling sorry for themselves as the midterms loom and a bloodbath looks to be in the offing. you just know the democrats have a cunning plan. and i hope the republicans have been very vigilant since the 2020 election in shoring up the vote to make sure that no funny business happens because that is what the democrats are good at. they are good at seizing and keeping power by fair means or fowl. >> sean: john kerry, i don't care what he flies on, all these years flying on private jets come i don't begrudge him of it but how does he get away with it while simultaneously lecturing us about using fossil fuels and he is the top guy on this topic for joe biden. mark meadows, can you explain that to me? that is a pretty darn big carbon footprint and a little escalator or caravan is not anywhere near the jet he is flying around in. >> listen, climates are that actually has a larger footprint than every single american that has to go and pay their taxes, it is the height of hypocrisy, yet we continue to see it. here is the other interesting point and miranda is exactly right, i don't see moderate joe biden shifting all of a sudden from lurching to the left back to the center, because they have given him the playbook and said you have to play by our set of rules. you have to embrace an anti-oil, fossil fuel kind of mentality, but yet, they continue to suggest, sean, that all americans, good patriotic americans, need just to pay their fair share, when you were exactly right. the hardworking american taxpayers, those on fixed incomes, those that are on a tougher level of the economy, they are suffering the most. you know, nancy pelosi, i can tell you, she can still go to her hair salon in california without a mask and do whatever she wants to do. >> sean: wealthy americans are not all racist and anti, they just vote that way. that is the old playbook. used to be every two and four years but now it is like every day, republicans are racist, sexist, misogynistic, homophobic, the whole thing, is that strategy and playbook into work this time around? because right now if you look at the polls, quinnipiac, joe has a 33% approval rating, 26% approval rating among independents, 26% approval rating among hispanic americans, he got 56% of their vote in 2020. will those policies of smear, besmirch, slander, the old democratic playbook, will that work this year? >> well, not with the people that they need, those swing voters. they've lost young people, 18-34, dismal figures. the worst age group of all. all they have is to smear and demonize their opponents and this is the whole point of the january 6th committee, nancy pelosi's sort of star chamber that she is using just to demonize republicans. that will only work so far because people are guided when they go to the polls by their pocket, the chaos and dysfunction and downright nastiness they see coming from the white house, and also there is disaster at the southern border which i use is just going to get worse. 2.5 million illegal migrants have come since joe biden came into office, and every night, we are seeing planes flying around the country after people have gone to bed and depositing illegal migrants into unsuspecting communities where schools and hospitals, you know, the whole community has to somehow manage to absorb this sudden influx of people who can't speak english and that the government has never warned anybody are coming. >> sean: all right, miranda devine and mark meadows, thank you both for being with us. joining us now with more, senator lindsey graham from a great state of south carolina, sarah, how are you, good to have you back. you recently -- >> good to be back. >> sean: you recently got back from taiwan. i've got to imagine they are in a heightened state of alert based on the obvious, the fighter jets from china flying over their airspace very regularly, the talk of reunification by president xi, that is not reunification, it would be a takeover of a sovereign country, and in light of the lackluster response of biden in ukraine, i'm not impressed, particularly, i would say the odds are pretty high that this is coming. are we prepared for that? >> well, how ukrainians really will determine what happens in taiwan, i went to australia, taiwan, and japan. afghanistan looms large. everybody is doubting america's resolve after afghanistan. but the fight the ukrainian people are giving to the russians has inspired of the taiwanese. they are about to change their conscription laws to make people serve longer, to go to a civil defense force. america needs to up its game in asia. if you want to give china a great gift, destroy our economy by reducing carbon here in america by 50% by 2030 and do nothing to china and india. the chinese and the indian economy would flourish if we destroyed manufacturing -- and japan's expanding their defense footprint. we should encourage that. so afghanistan looms large and biden, there's a lot of doubt about america and we need to remove that doubt if we can. >> sean: i always talk about oil, gas, coal, being the lifeblood of the ward's economy. now by abandoning the energy independence policies, one of the great achievements of the trump administration, maybe one of the top, because energy was so cheap and abundant. i would argue that the geopolitical implications of abandoning those policies are felt not only in ukraine but it's going to be felt in china, and we almost see a realignment of alliances in the world. you see that vladimir putin and president xi and the iranian mullahs seem to be getting closer. that is an axis of evil that the world will have to reckon with one day if that happens. >> well, everybody is hedging their bets. look at india. india is reluctant to take rush on because they buy all their weapons from russia. without american leadership, where the glue that holds the world together, people in japan, australia, and taiwan are yearning for ronald reagan-type leadership and one thing i would say to the republican party, everything you say about the democrats is true in terms of their policy, but i'm begging president trump and the republican party to come up with an america first agenda that addresses the border, energy independence, inflation, a strong national security. it is not enough to complain about the other side. we need to have a vision of how we would change this country and restore order and make the economy stronger at home. we need a positive agenda that it is not enough to run these guys down every night -- >> sean: all right, want to ask -- speak what we would do. >> sean: newt gingrich has spoken to me in kevin mccarthy is coming up next about what would be -- >> yeah, yeah. >> sean: as of now, the top ten things republicans pledge, promise to the american people they would do. something like a contract with america. i like the idea and i'm only going to support candidates that support america first, save america, make america great again policies because they work and they work and they will work again. all the problems joe biden has, senator, are preventable and fixable but we need the right people in power to do it. so is that something the senate will also go by? will you sign a pledge, if there's ten items you agree with? >> well, newt is brilliant and kevin has been a great leader and he is going to be speaker, but donald trump is the leader of this party. not kevin mccarthy, not lindsey graham -- >> sean: based on the america first agenda. >> yeah, i'm hoping soon he will lay out a positive agenda. here is what i would do at the border, here is how i would secure the border again. remember me, i'm the guy that controlled the border. here is what i would do to deal with russia and china. here is what i would do to rebuild the military. and here's what i would do to make us energy independent and lower inflation. president trump has proven he knows how to do these things. he needs to remind the american people of what we did in the past and what we can do in the future. and it is about the future. the election is about the future and if there this is a policy debate, we will take there -- if it is a personality debate, we might lose. >> sean: i will take the guy with the mean tweets that was actually, that the world -- >> yes. >> sean: the hostile regime leaders feared and whose policies lead to prosperity over the guy that doesn't know that today is wednesday, any day. kind of -- not a hard choice. anyway, lindsey graham, thank you. when we come back from our own sara carter, it's gotten that bad again at the border. we've got an exclusive report as the crisis is about to get much worse. we will tell you why and what impact will the water crisis have on the midterms? kevin mccarthy will weigh in. and is there a possibility of a second contract with america? we will ask him next. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> sean: all right come another day, another massive border failure from joe biden because according to border official sources, speaking to, border patrol is no expel migrants, despite it is still being in effect, but are still processing some under title eight. now, this comes as democrats are in yet another election day conversion. you look at swing states, border states, you know, states like oh, beto o'rourke running in texas, all of a sudden, people like beto o'rourke and, let's see, mark kelly in arizona, the democrat from nevada, all of a sudden calling on biden to delay the removal of title 42 as the border prices is worsening by the day because americans are kn borders, the record of march in terms of illegal immigrants coming into the country and of course under the sanctuary states of america under joey biden. four in ten americans are still highly concerned about illegal immigration, things are only going to get worse. migrant caravans once again beginning to line up, and of according to new findings from gallup, sara carter on the ground in texas, biden's border crisis getting worse by the day. all of this is unfolding before our eyes. take a look. >> how much worse is it now than it was before under the biden administration right now? you were just talking about that. >> i've been here for years, and the biden administration, when it started january -- it started -- you can nearly put it on the book, january, last year. it was like a flood gate. three years prior to that, i probably fixed, maybe five, six, ten at the most holes in three years. right now, from the day that the biden administration took over, i have fixed 172 holes in my fence. >> is that a warning, too, the administration, they are refusing to do anything here -- >> the administration needs to get off their butts and get down here and take a look. the ones that want to vote for this better life, come down here and spend a month with us. i challenge them. come down here and see what we are going through. >> if they do repeal title 42, if they take it away -- >> it's going to get bad. it's going to get real bad. >> sean: it will get bad and way worse than people think. investigative reporter sara carter joins us now. she is in mcallen, texas, tonight. all right, so, we know it is getting worse but it is kind of interesting to watch the politics of this. they might delay the repeal of title 42, what, to help beto o'rourke out? help nevada senator out? mark kelly out in arizona, is that the only reason for the delay? and then as soon as the election is over, they will go and repeal after the election? that is the way i see it. >> well, sean, that is what they are feeling from their constituents. you have senator mark kelly, kyrsten sinema, others, senator chris coons, a democrat here in texas, henry cuellar, the congressman, who for a long time, give him back, has been fighting both the obama administration and now obviously the biden administration to stop the flood gates from. right now under title 42 they were able to expel -- that is according to border patrol numbers -- about 110,000 people back to mexico. they return them back to mexico. they are expecting, once title 42 drops, may 23rd, rescinded by the biden administration, we are looking at 18,000 people a day, that is according to numbers now coming from dhs. i am right here on the border, sean, right across the rio grande river from you, you can see behind me, very dark right now, is mexico. i can tell you right before i got on with you, i was watching people in the brush hiding in the brush looking around, border patrol helicopters up above, border patrol patrolling the river, as well as national guards right behind me. imagine the way it is now, 79% increase since last fiscal year. this year alone in the first six months, since october, there has been over 1 million people that have come into the country. in march alone, 80,000 people were released into the nation. that is a 79% increase. and what law enforcement officials are saying and exactly what the rancher was saying and everyone else is saying is look, this is a self-inflicted wound of the biden administration and it is only going to get worse if they resend title 42. >> sean: it's unbelievable, and march was the worst of all, what, 220,000 encounters with illegal immigrants, those are the ones we know about. >> correct. >> sean: that was the record. >> those are just in march. 220,000 encounters in march, 80,000 released into the country. those of the numbers that they are giving us right now. >> sean: and by the way, the ones that aren't released into the country, they just go through a different route, and the end of getting their way in usually anyway. sara, great report, thank you. >> correct. >> sean: here with more reaction from house g.o.p. minority leader kevin mccarthy. kevin, so i had newt gingrich on my radio show this week, and we have him on tv regularly and i asked him this question, you know, what should the republican party do? it is easy to point out all of the failures of joe biden because i can't point to a single success. we see the border, we see energy, record prices for a gallon of gasoline. we see a 40 year high of inflation, we see disaster in afghanistan, war in europe, nothing is going right at all because of these policies, and i had a call to my radio show this week asking specifically about you and wanting to know whether i thought that you and the republicans mean what they say in terms of what they will do if they get a victory in november. so i will give you the chance to answer. >> well, you are right. you've got to do more than just criticize, and this is where i have a really strong different opinion than mitch mcconnell. we are going to lay out to the american public, just like the contract with america, i've worked with newt about this, as well, it is going to be a commitment to america, and what will they actually do? i have put all the members in conference, we have gone to different task forces, listening to the american public, working on solutions to our problems. fiscal policy. we are going to make sure we take this runaway spending that the democrats have done that has caused this irresponsible spending that has caused inflation. we are going to become energy independent. not just the way we were before, but we are going to be dominant. we can actually help our friends in europe because our natural gas is 41% cleaner than russian natural gas. we are going to make our streets and schools safe again. not defunding the police but funding the police and making sure d.a.'s do not pick and choose which law they enforce but they on uphold all the laws. we have the parents bill of rights where the parents have a safe in their kids education. these are just a few of the items, but that is not all. we are going to hold this administration accountable. the first thing we will do is stop bad legislation. we are going to find out where the origins of covid came from. from variant after variant, don't we want to know why and where it started so it never happens again? we are going to investigate the attorney general. why did he go after parents and call them terrorists? simply because they wanted to go to a school board meeting. we are going to make sure what happened in afghanistan, why did we have 13 new gold star families because the decisions from this administration of where they went wrong? this is just a few items, going after the irs, releasing the tax returns of the american public, and yes, we will need to know who is the big guy? and these are the things that we can do in the majority. not just make our economy sound again, our energy independent, or are gas prices are lower, our schools and streets safe again. but we will make our schools open to the parents and make sure this critical race theory is not being taught. we will hold this administration accountable. we will get that commitment to the american people long before the election. there should be a contract so you have a clear choice of which direction you want america to go. and it is not just for republicans. this is an american commitment and it is about american policy and america first. we should not be dependent upon china, or russia, in any industry. be in medical, be it critical or others, we're going to make sure america can depend on itself. >> sean: if you do all those things and your coalition, the republican party does all of those things, i would argue it is also good politics. you recently went to brussels and met with the leaders of nato. i played a tape of donald trump dressing down the head of nato on how stupid they were -- this is i think in 2018 -- because here it is, we pay more dollars than any other country to protect nato allies from russia, and then these nato countries that don't even pay an equal share in terms of gdp, turn around and make russia and putin rich again. putin is going to make close to a billion dollars a day this year alone by selling oil and gas to western europe. i mean, that is a form of madness. they are funding the war in ukraine by doing so. this vehicle you are 100% correct. we also went to romania and poland. i will tell you this, sean. they will talk about donald trump as an individual that was right 100%. they are no longer just spending below, they are now increasing beyond 2%, 2.5%, and you know what else they realize? their strength is not just their military, their strength is whether they are dependent or not dependent on other countries. in romania, they are now looking to purchase american nuclear reactors, small modular reactors, so they can become energy independent. they do not want to be with russia or others. they want to make sure that america is about them and they know american energy can help supply them in an environmentally sound way and also in a place they don't find what is happening in ukraine. >> sean: it is great for our national security, it is great for job creation, high paying career jobs in the energy sector. it is great for lessening the load of inflation. everything will cost less. it solves so many of our problems, and we can help out our allies in europe. anyway, kevin mccarthy, thank you for being with us. straight ahead, more covid lunacy from the left. they want to make sure that you know that they are still wearing their masks. we will explain that. plus, biden doesn't seem to know exactly what to do following the ruling from that judge in florida. we will get reaction, pennsylvania senate candidate dr. oz reacts when we returned straight ahead. ♪ ♪ i was 39 weeks pregnant and i got covid and was hospitalized for a month. i had a blood clot in my lungs. i thought i was gonna die. i was worried that he was gonna grow up without a mom. i don't want this to happen anybody else. get your vaccine. ♪ ♪ >> sean: on the right, far left democrats, their allies, they can't let go of their pandemic power grabs and are now melting down over masks optional's policies on airlines, trains. for example, we have obama advisor valerie jarrett posted this picture saying she is wearing a mask no matter what "nonscientists" " form msn msdnc commentator roland martin wants you to know he is wearing two masks and goggles and everything. actress mia farrow suggested she is never taking the mask off and breaking tonight, the cdc asking the biden doj to appeal the transportation mask mandate as the biden administration continues to fuel more confusion because joe biden earlier in the day said it is up to the individual whether they want to wear a mask or not. watch this. >> mr. president, should people can continue to wear masks on planes? >> that is up to them. >> sean: that is up to them. then they sued to get the decision overturned. it was a reaction, pennsylvania senate candidate dr. oz is with us. okay, you know, i don't trust the nih, fauci, the cdc, dr. biden or dr. jen psaki, i'm done with all of them, they have all been wrong the whole time. >> i'll tell you, there is a lot of paranoia out there. the federal judge struck down the biden mask mandate for public transport because it is not inside the cdc's authority. it is arbitrary, it's capricious, based on a law designed to protect us from other countries by sanitizing themselves, that is all these masks do. i am completely confused about this cdc decision. they agreed that planes are not dangerous, the air actually comes from outside the plane, often, which is at 35,000 feet, clean, they are asking the department of justice to go after the judge who just told the cdc that they don't have the jurisdiction on these mandates. i mean, it is one big circle that is not getting us anywhere. that paranoia has to end. >> sean: and by the way, we learned as we went along and things did change, the science changed, you know, first we were told that we got a vaccine that we would never get covid, then we had breakthrough cases with the delta variant, now people are fully vaccinated, booster one, booster two, and a previous infection, and they can still get it a second time, some of these things have changed, i actually like the masks because i wear a hat and mask and glasses and nobody knows who i am at a gained anonymity back, it worked. anyway, let's talk about your race. you got the big endorsement, that was president trump endorsing you. i had endorsed you earlier. and i didn't endorse you because we are friends -- and we are friends, i consider you a friend -- i endorsed you because of where you stand on the issues and your passion to fight for the america first conservative values that are beneficial to the american people at work. even though you are my friend, if you didn't support those policies, i wouldn't have supported you. clearly you were able to convince donald trump the same. >> listen, i am pro-life, strong on crime and the order, election fraud issues, i treasure our great military and fats, and i'm always going to fight for undersea second amendment issues. i have done all the things pennsylvania nana needs and desires and i am smart and tough and will never let us down. he's coming to a town how come all the details on dr., if you want to join. tomorrow, dr. ben carson. president trump's endorsement does a lot for a campaign. it's helped in the polls, gives people confidence, 61% of pennsylvanians are waiting to hear him weigh in, looked at all the candidates, he decided i was the one who would have the bold voice in washington, not a back measure, but someone who could get everyone included incg conservatives on the democratic side of the aisle to join us. it is going to happen. i am very optimistic about. if you want to join the town hall with president trump friday at 6:00. >> sean: when i pretty early in the process supported president trump, i was brutalized by conservatives daily, and i said i know the guy, he is going to govern conservatively, and i let people on a daily basis kick the crap out of me and it went on for the better part of a year and two years into the presidency, all of a sudden, those people that were pounding on me, wow, donald trump really is a conservative. i know that about you and the people of pennsylvania, you will make them proud. we wish you the best, dr. oz, thanks for being with us. all right, coming up tonight, florida lawmakers standing up to disney in a huge way and their woke agenda. we have the latest. pam bondi and leo 2.0 terrell are up straight ahead. ♪ ♪ i'm dan o'dowd and i approved this message. you are watching actual videos of the tesla full self driving technology as recorded by the drivers. from turning too tightly and hitting a pylon... [ expletive ] to swerving toward a pole. jesus. watch the bicyclist on the right almost get hit before the driver takes over. sometimes it seems the tesla doesn't want the driver to take over. i'm trying. this driver had to hit the brakes when the tesla didn't understand a detour sign. ok. here it almost hit a truck. obviously, i had to take over. and here it swerves into an oncoming lane. look at that! often, the tesla doesn't know what it wants to do. what is it doing? or just doesn't know how to turn. jesus, oh my god! tesla's full self driving software for drivers and pedestrians, it's unsafe at any speed. tell congress to shut it down. ♪ ♪ >> sean: tonight, florida republicans, they are following through on their promises tonight as the state senate in florida passed a new bill to strip disney of its self-governing status after the company's lies and smears against the state's new parental rights in education law. the bill now moves to the florida house. governor ron desantis added that he doesn't support special privileges just because a company is big and powerful. ask yourself, why should disney enjoy special and generous status, especially when they continue to amplify lies, attacked conservatives. anyway, here with reaction, former florida attorney general pam bondi, along with the one and only fox news contributor, leo 2.0 terrell l. all right, so this just dissolves the special self-governing status given to disney 50 years ago, pam. you are from florida, they got it in the first place, why wasn't it stripped along time ago. why did they get something that nobody else gets in the state? >> exactly, sean. you know, they managed to basically fly under the radar for a very long time. this was established 55 years ago, when the county where disney was built didn't have the resources to really help them, so they got all these special entitlements, but they have continued to hold onto them for 55 years. i spoke to wilton simpson tonight, our great senate president, a good friend of mine, and he will be our next agricultural commissioner in florida. wilton made a really good point. he said the parental rights law in florida, it's about protecting children and parents rights from not having five, six, seven, and 8-year-olds talk to about sex, period. that is what it is about, protecting what parents want in the state of florida, and disney chose to wade into the political debate and now they are in it and they are in it and they are not going to get out of it. big mistake on their part, because they are about to get all of their special entitlements taken away. it will pass the senate, past the house on final readings tomorrow and ron desantis is going to sign that law. >> sean: leo 2.0 terrell, will disney claim this is a constitutional free-speech issue and they are being penalized for it? or will the state's argument that you don't deserve special status when out? >> i can tell you right now, and pam summarized disney's position, disney free-speech is out there out in the open. they lied about this bill. this was a parental right bill. the mouse has been caught, and therefore, the florida state legislature has the right to grant this legislation to strip away the special privileges. let's be very clear, ron desantis and the florida state legislature, they have a backbone. they are basically sending a message to all these woke corporations that you cannot dictate policy to the people of florida. i am very proud of the state of florida because they are basically sending a signal to all these corporations, and jen psaki, those crocodile tears, just absolutely lying about the nature of this bill. final point, i was a schoolteacher. i still have my license. and pam is spot on. this is a bill to protect parents rights over their own children. not for the state and not for disney to control or indoctrinate children. >> sean: have about 45 seconds, pam, do you believe that disney will challenge this in the courts and if they do, what will the result be? >> they may challenge it. they will not be successful. they will not be successful. disney chose to wade into this debate. these liberal elitist, instead of staying in their lane, which is what, entertaining families, making a lot of money for their shareholders, but instead, they decided to attack the state of florida. they are the ones who said, we are going to fight this law, we are going to get this law overturned, so they fit this fight and they are going to lose this fight, sean. >> sean: to me, it is just like the nfl, stay out of politics, people of all backgrounds, everybody with a shared passion, everybody there with a shared passion, to have a magical day, you have to ruin it with politics, when people should be having fun, not a smart decision businesswise on their part come in my view. thank you both, pam bondi, leo 2.0 terrell. when we come back, you do not want to miss this video of the day. wow. that's straight ahead. ♪ ♪ so we offer a complete exam and x-rays free to new patients without insurance - everyday. plus, patients get 20% off their treatment plan. we're on your corner and in your corner every step of the way. because your anything is our everything. aspen dental. anything to make you smile. book today at, walk in, or call 1-800-aspendental. the international fellowship of christians and jews is on the ground in ukraine right now responding to this devastating crisis. the current situation here is very critical. there is a great concern for the more than 200,000 jewish people who desperately need food, medicine and emergency supplies. your urgently needed gift of only $45 will help rush food, water, medicine and emergency supplies for one suffering jewish family in ukraine who has no where to turn. the fellowship has been working here on the ground in ukraine with our trusted partners for over 30 years. the distribution centers and volunteers are standing by. we need your help now. your emergency gift of only $45 will help rush food, water, medicine and emergency supplies for one jewish family in ukraine. please call or go online now. do you struggle to fall asleep and stay asleep? qunol sleep formula combines 5 key nutrients that can help you fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer, and wake up refreshed. the brand i trust is qunol. >> texas college bass ball game. it's the go-ahead home run opposing team picture is not happy about it. it take a look at what happens. >> north-central is taking the lead here in game one. oh, oh oh, my, oh, no. oh, no. >> the spokesperson for the attacking persons college is that he couldn't face expulsion there shocked and disappointed while. it's not hockey it's baseball. in any way in the meantime thing for being with us to make this show possible can thank you enough set your dvr, things are being with us. ♪ ♪ >> laura: i'm laura ingraham and this is the ingraham angle. they take starring role in a can't-miss seeing an unseen. but first, joe biden tries to feel her pain. a white house fresh out of ideas is looking for ways to say president joe biden and the democrats in congress. the matter how much they've tinkered with their messaging we talked about this, americans are just not buying what they're

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, Something , Drilling , Idea , Climate , Advisor , Public Lands , Court , Lease , Choice , Decisions , Size , Ways , Impact , Case , Department Of Energy , Gas , Coal , War , Places , Scam , Production , Iran , Iraq , Russia , Emissaries , Regulations , Opec Nations , Opec , Epa , Saudi Arabia , Venezuela , Security , Restrictions , Boat , Ocean , Words , Risk , Democratic Socialists , Solution , Matters , None , Minds , Anything , Place , Desire , Speaker Pelosi , November Of 2024 , 2024 , Republicans , Midterms , Strategy , Parties , Xenophobic , Transphobic , Islamophobic , Water , Dog Food , Granny , Grandpa , Cat Food , Person , Cliff , Wheelchair , Racist , Whatever , Trumpian , Anti Semites , Smears , Afghanistan , Western Europe , Putin , Recession , Interest Rates , Rise , 249 , Allies , Thousands , Media Mob , Cards , Page , Border , Crisis , Miranda Devine , Fox News , Chief Of Staff , Month Of March , Mark Meadows , The Big Picture , Old , Public , Point , Monologue , Don T , Occurrence , Moms , Dads , Main Street , , Three , 5 , Leftist Culture Tt , What Americans Think , Looks , Washington D C , Country , Constituents , Gallon Gas , 7 , Wouldn T , California , Assessment , Green Deal Socialists , Left , Vessel , Interest , Government , Voters , Trojan Horse , A Return To Normalcy , Sort , Opposite , Decency , Polls , Attempt , Opinions , Embarrassments , Democrats Don T , Snuggling , Duvet , Thumbs , Election , Plan , Offing , Bloodbath , 2020 , Vote , Funny Business , Keeping , Fowl , John Kerry , Jets , Him , Don T Begrudge , Guy , Carbon Footprint , Caravan , Topic , Escalator , Footprint , Climates , American , Height , Taxes , Single , Hypocrisy , Playbook , Back , Miranda , Center , All Of A Sudden , Set , Lurching , Rules , Mentality , Share , Taxpayers , Mask , Anti , Hair Salon , Work , Homophobic , Misogynistic , Approval Rating , Independents , Hispanic Americans , Smear , Quinnipiac , 33 , 26 , 56 , Swing Voters , Slander , Besmirch , Opponents , Age Group , Figures , January 6th Committee , Star Chamber , 34 , 18 , January 6th , 6 , Chaos , Nastiness , Dysfunction , Pocket , Planes , 2 5 Million , Schools , Migrants , Communities , Community , Depositing , Hospitals , Bed , Estate , Lindsey Graham , Influx , Anybody , Sarah , English , South Carolina , China , Fighter Jets , Taiwan , State Of Alert , Obvious , Talk , Ukraine , President Xi , Reunification , Response , Takeover , Airspace , Light , Ukrainians , Odds , Everybody , Resolve , Japan , Australia , Gift , Game , Carbon , Conscription Laws , Civil Defense Force , Asia , India , Manufacturing , Lot , Doubt , Defense Footprint , Trump , Energy Independence Policies , Top , Lifeblood , Achievements , Ward , Alliances , Realignment , Implications , Mullahs , Vladimir Putin , Axis Of Evil , American Leadership , Glue , Yearning , Rush , Weapons , Bets , Ronald Reagan , Policy , Terms , America First Agenda , Leadership , Agenda , Side , Vision , Kevin Mccarthy , Guys , Newt Gingrich , Now , Candidates , America First , Contract With America , Make America Great Again , Ten , Senate , Senator , Pledge , Items , Leader , Great Leader , Speaker , Military , Tweets , Personality Debate , Policy Debate , Sara Carter , Kind , Regime Leaders , Biden Doesn T , Prosperity , Water Crisis , Possibility , Contract , Border Patrol , Border Failure , Sources , Title , Swing States , Border States , Effect , Election Day Conversion , Eight , Mark Kelly , Texas , Calling , Removal , Arizona , Beto O Rourke , Nevada , Let S See , 42 , Kn Borders , Immigrants , Sanctuary States Of America Under Joey Biden , Line Up , Immigration , Findings , Migrant Caravans , Ground , Border Crisis , Eyes , Gallup , Book , Flood Gate , Holes , Six , Five , Ones , Warning , Butts , Fence , 172 , Repeal Title , Life , Right , Mcallen , Politics , Help , Reason , Repeal , Delay , Others , Feeling , Kyrsten Sinema , Fighting , Flood Gates , Obama , Henry Cuellar , Chris Coons , Numbers , Mexico , Drops , May 23rd , 110000 , 23 , The Border , Rio Grande River , Dhs , 18000 , Border Patrol Helicopters Up Above , Brush , River , Brush Hiding , Guards , 79 , Increase , Nation , 80000 , 1 Million , Everyone , Look , Saying , Officials , Rancher , Wound , Law Enforcement , Encounters , Correct , March 220000 Encounters In , 220000 , Great Report , Aren T , Route , The End , Reaction , Radio Show , Tv , War In Europe , Failures , Success , Call , Victory , Chance , Conference , Opinion , This , Members , Mitch Mcconnell , Runaway Spending , Democrats , Fiscal Policy , Solutions , Task Forces , Friends , Streets , Spending , Natural Gas , 41 , Parents , Law , Rights , Police , Few , Laws , Safe , Kids Education , D A , Legislation , Accountable , Variant , Origins , Attorney General , Terrorists , Meeting , School Board , Families , Tax Returns , Gold Star , Irs , 13 , Majority , Sound , Direction , Race Theory , Industry , Leaders , Coalition , Brussels , Tape , Nato , Head , Dressing , 2018 , Countries , Oil , Gdp , A Billion , A Billion Dollars , Form , Vehicle , Romania , Madness , Poland , 100 , Strength , Individual , 2 5 , Reactors , Supply , Job Creation , Career Jobs , Load , Energy Sector , Masks , Judge , Lunacy , Ruling , Florida , Candidate , Pennsylvania , Oz , Lungs , Blood Clot , Gonna Die , 39 , Vaccine , Mom , Anybody Else , Grabs , Valerie Jarrett , Roland Martin , Example , Airlines , Trains , Nonscientists , Form Msn Msdnc , Cdc , Mia Farrow , Goggles , Biden Doj , Transportation Mask Mandate , Mr , Decision , I Don T Trust The Nih , Paranoia , Dr , Jen Psaki , Fauci , Sanitizing , Authority , Biden Mask Mandate , Department Of Justice , Plane , Cdc Decision , Feet , 35000 , Circle , Mandates , Science , Jurisdiction , Anywhere , Booster Two , Infection , Breakthrough , Cases , Delta Variant , Hat , Endorsement , Anonymity Back , Glasses , Friend , Passion , Issues , America First Conservative , Values , Second Amendment Issues , Desires , Crime , Fats , Nana Needs , Town , Details , Down , Oz Com , Ben Carson , Confidence , Pennsylvanians , Campaign , Back Measure , Voice , Washington , 61 , Someone , Aisle , Incg Conservatives , Droz Com , Town Hall , Conservatives Daily , Part , Conservative , Crap , Basis Kick , Disney , Leo 2 0 , Pam Bondi , Thanks , Their , Lawmakers , Latest , Coming Up Tonight , 2 0 , Tesla , Drivers , Message , Videos , Self Driving Technology , Dan O Dowd , Tesla Doesn T , Driver , Hit , Bicyclist , Turning , Swerving , Pole , Pylon , Jesus , Expletive , Lane , Detour Sign , Brakes , Truck , Tesla Didn T , Self Driving Software , Pedestrians , Oh My God , Speed , Bill , Status , Company , Lies , Education Law , Strip Disney , Promises , Ron Desantis , Privileges , Florida House , Conservatives , Contributor , The One And Only , Terrell L , Self Governing Status , Pam , Wasn T It , County , Didn T , Resources , Radar , Special Entitlements , 55 , Children , Commissioner , Mine , Wilton , Wilton Simpson , Sex , Protecting , Seven , Debate , House , Entitlements , Mistake , Issue , Argument , Free Speech , Position , Mouse , The Open , Florida State Legislature , Backbone , Corporations , Signal , Crocodile Tears , Spot On , Schoolteacher , Nature , License , Courts , 45 , Shareholders , Staying , Liberal Elitist , Fight , Nfl , Backgrounds , Fun , Video , Exam , View , Patients , Corner , Treatment Plan , Insurance , Step , Aspen Dental , 20 , At Aspendental Com , Walk In , Book Today , 800 , 1 , International Fellowship Of Christians And Jews , Medicine , Emergency Supplies , Food , Situation , Concern , Jewish , 200000 , Family , Fellowship , Rush Food , Emergency Gift , Partners , Distribution Centers , Volunteers , Nutrients , Qunol Sleep Formula , Brand , Qunol , Lead , Team Picture , Ball Game , Game One , Texas College Bass , Go Ahead , Home Run , He Couldn T , Persons , Spokesperson , College , Expulsion , Baseball , Hockey , Oh , My , Show , Dvr , First , Unseen , Role , Miss , Pain , Laura Ingraham , Ingraham Angle , Ideas , Messaging , Congress ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Hannity 20240708 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Hannity 20240708

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what with the media reaction be then? and of course, many of biden's problems, they are very obvious but they are hurting the american people. his obvious decline in cognitive abilities, his public bouts of anger, confusion, shaking hands with the air. joe's constant stream of lying and flame and the ongoing scandal of four surrounding zero experience hunter, and of course the biden family syndicate. but at the very core of biden's failed presidency are his terrible policies and all of these policies are hurting you, we, the american people. biden like any modern democrat is required to prove his loyalty to the religious cult of climate alarmism. he cannot deviate. in order to demonstrate his devotion, biden took a wrecking ball to the gas industry on day one and predictably, gas prices went way up, heating and cooling prices went way up, the price of goods and services, which require transportation and energy, they also went up. everything you buy and every store you go to is costing a hell of a lot more, and these rising costs, biden pumped trillions of dollars into what is an already hot economy, much of it in the name of climate change alarmism. and according to one report, some of those funds earmarked for covid-19 relief, oh, their investigation shows they were used by joe biden's epa to pay for grants promoting "green infrastructure and environmental justice." and one nonprofit actually received money for storytelling and tree walks to increase awareness surrounding an equitable canopy cover. what the hell is this? now this isn't the same administration that ran out of covid test, monoclonal antibodies over christmas and that is how they are spending covid relief money? now americans from every race, every background, they are struggling under joe biden's crippling, record high inflation. most of them do not have time to explore racist tree canopies. those with fixed incomes, the poor, the middle class, they are getting hurt the worst come up with many americans now forced to dip into the retirement savings to battle this 40 year high of inflation. the ego socialist that run the democratic new green deal socialist party, they are happy. they don't seem to care about retirees. they don't care about so many americans living paycheck to paycheck. they never have, and nor do they seem to care at all about the high price of gasoline. we are told if you don't like it, get use to it until we have clean new energy, and buy yourself an electric car. they tell us that over and over again. new green deal socialist democrats care about one thing: power. power over the democratic party, power over the white house, and power over we, the american people. climate hysteria, it's really just a front, as we pointed out at the time they unveiled this insanity, nothing to do with the environment and everything to do with redistribution of wealth and socialism. the earth is not ending. we are not doomed. nobody really believes that live. the religious climate alarmist called is really just a means to an end, but like all cults, once you are in, have a hard time weaving, if at all. once you are in, you are in, so no matter how bad things get, no matter how low biden's poll numbers go, he will stay the course and double down and tripled down on stupid. and that is why today, biden's climate czar, john jerry, stepped off his private jet and announced the nations war on fossil fuels will continue, no matter how high gas prices go. just got off his own private jet, a nice big fat carbon footprint he left behind. take a look. >> fossil fuel is allowed to grow in a significant way as it appears poised to do, that is a deep, unbelievably costly challenge for the world. >> it has been reported you told the white house national climate advisor gina mccarthy there is a new u.s. commitment on fossil fuels needing to be released, 50% reductions by 2030. the u.s. to be a credible negotiator. is that a goal that is still realistic? >> well, gina mccarthy may suggest a level, so gina and her team and the rest of us who are involved in the process all agreed that a 50-52% reduction was something we could achieve. it's realistic. >> sean: let me interpret this for you: he does not care about the high price of everything. 40 year record high inflation, record high gas prices, record high prices for everything you buy in every store. he cares more about his climate religious cult. another top biden advisor also reassuring democrats the biden remains absolutely committed to banning drilling on public lands. this is a dumb idea. take a look. >> president biden remains absolutely committed to not moving forward with additional drilling on public lands. the challenge that we face is we have a court that ordered a new lease to be done. the department of energy had no choice but to put it out. but they also found ways to reduce the size of that and its impact, and we will keep doing what we need to do to appeal those decisions and to make our case in a court. >> sean: ultimately, the administration's war on oil and gas, this is a massive scam, as biden restricts domestic production of fossil fuels, think about this, we are buying more fossil fuels from places like iran and iraq and sending emissaries to venezuela and begging saudi arabia, opec nations, until recently, russia, the administration begging opec to produce more oil. of course, that oil is extracted abroad without epa regulations, and then it is shipped on a gas powered boat across the ocean. that is how it gets here. in other words, biden's restrictions are actually making the environment worse and energy even more expensive, all while putting your and our national security at risk. but none of that matters to joe biden and his fellow new green deal democratic socialists. the only way to stop them is to vote them out of office. that is the only solution i see. they are not going to change their minds. they are locked into this insanity. we are now stuck until at least november, and then probably until november of 2024. these policies will remain in place. they have absolutely no desire to change anything as you just heard. now today, speaker pelosi, she did unveiled the democratic parties big new strategy for the midterms and oh, this might be shocking to many of you, but the going to call republicans racist and sexist and misogynist and homophobic and xenophobic, islamophobic, transphobic, they're going to say we want dirty air, water, that we want grandma and grandpa to eat dog food and cat food, and then we will have a republican mean person like donald trump look alike granny over the cliff in a wheelchair. take a look. >> now, i don't think all of those very wealthy people as racist, anti-semites and whatever. trumpian, but that is how they vote. >> sean: thought and fail, every two years, four years, used as a two years, four years, it is now pretty much every day, republicans racist, sexist, the whole speech, they say it every single day. this year, the smears will be worse than ever because democrats have nothing positive to run on. how do you run on a 40 year high of inflation, blaming putin? that is not going to work. record-setting gas prices? because of the policies you implemented? interest rates on the rise. i mean, they are going up precipitously. a looming recession, war in europe, americans trapped in afghanistan -- by the way, 249 days and joe biden turned the page and never mentions them again. the media mob never mentions the americans we abandoned. and of course, thousands of people with green cards eligible to live here appear for our afghan allies never get mentioned. the crisis on our southern border, welcome of the month of march, last month, was the worst ever and it is about to get even worse. here now with more from a former white house chief of staff mark meadows along with fox news contributor miranda devine. mark, i will start with you. overall, you look at the picture, the big picture here, what is amazing to me and what is different from, say, liberal democrats of old, is there saying everything we knew they always believed but they always kept it quiet. they never so blatantly socialist and so radical in public. they use to hide it. they don't hide it anymore. how is that going to play out? >> well, it is not one to play out well, sean. i think the bigger point and you made this very well in your monologue is now it's an everyday occurrence. it's saying that we really don't care about the moms and dads on main street that are having to pay three, four, $5 a gallon for gas, and they have literally embraced this leftist culture tt says we know better than the american people. nancy pelosi had it right. may be not of the democrats vote the way they profess, but it sure looks like they don't care what americans think, when you really look at the way they vote in washington, d.c. can you imagine what would happen if we reduce fossil fuels by 50% by 2030? we are looking at $7, $8 a gallon gas, and i can tell you, the constituents all across the country, even some in california, wouldn't embrace that. >> sean: i would hope not. miranda devine, do you agree with my assessment? there is no way joe biden could ever take on the climate alarmist religious cult, new green deal socialists, that dominate his party? i don't think he would ever take them on. >> look, you're absolutely right, sean, and i don't think he wants to take them on. he has shown zero interest in bucking against the radical left in his party. he is just their vessel. he was the trojan horse who was brought in to trick voters into thinking they were voting for a moderate government, a return to normalcy and decency. quite the opposite. this is an incredible sort of own goal, you would think, by the democrats. you just watch joe biden's opinions polls plummet, yet they are making no attempt to reset their poisonous electoral policies, and they are hanging joe biden out to dry, if you've noticed in recent weeks. you know, they are not even doing much to protect him from himself when he makes these repeated public embarrassments of himself. it's as if the democrats don't really care about the voters anymore, and you just know that they are not just looking their thumbs and snuggling under the duvet, feeling sorry for themselves as the midterms loom and a bloodbath looks to be in the offing. you just know the democrats have a cunning plan. and i hope the republicans have been very vigilant since the 2020 election in shoring up the vote to make sure that no funny business happens because that is what the democrats are good at. they are good at seizing and keeping power by fair means or fowl. >> sean: john kerry, i don't care what he flies on, all these years flying on private jets come i don't begrudge him of it but how does he get away with it while simultaneously lecturing us about using fossil fuels and he is the top guy on this topic for joe biden. mark meadows, can you explain that to me? that is a pretty darn big carbon footprint and a little escalator or caravan is not anywhere near the jet he is flying around in. >> listen, climates are that actually has a larger footprint than every single american that has to go and pay their taxes, it is the height of hypocrisy, yet we continue to see it. here is the other interesting point and miranda is exactly right, i don't see moderate joe biden shifting all of a sudden from lurching to the left back to the center, because they have given him the playbook and said you have to play by our set of rules. you have to embrace an anti-oil, fossil fuel kind of mentality, but yet, they continue to suggest, sean, that all americans, good patriotic americans, need just to pay their fair share, when you were exactly right. the hardworking american taxpayers, those on fixed incomes, those that are on a tougher level of the economy, they are suffering the most. you know, nancy pelosi, i can tell you, she can still go to her hair salon in california without a mask and do whatever she wants to do. >> sean: wealthy americans are not all racist and anti, they just vote that way. that is the old playbook. used to be every two and four years but now it is like every day, republicans are racist, sexist, misogynistic, homophobic, the whole thing, is that strategy and playbook into work this time around? because right now if you look at the polls, quinnipiac, joe has a 33% approval rating, 26% approval rating among independents, 26% approval rating among hispanic americans, he got 56% of their vote in 2020. will those policies of smear, besmirch, slander, the old democratic playbook, will that work this year? >> well, not with the people that they need, those swing voters. they've lost young people, 18-34, dismal figures. the worst age group of all. all they have is to smear and demonize their opponents and this is the whole point of the january 6th committee, nancy pelosi's sort of star chamber that she is using just to demonize republicans. that will only work so far because people are guided when they go to the polls by their pocket, the chaos and dysfunction and downright nastiness they see coming from the white house, and also there is disaster at the southern border which i use is just going to get worse. 2.5 million illegal migrants have come since joe biden came into office, and every night, we are seeing planes flying around the country after people have gone to bed and depositing illegal migrants into unsuspecting communities where schools and hospitals, you know, the whole community has to somehow manage to absorb this sudden influx of people who can't speak english and that the government has never warned anybody are coming. >> sean: all right, miranda devine and mark meadows, thank you both for being with us. joining us now with more, senator lindsey graham from a great state of south carolina, sarah, how are you, good to have you back. you recently -- >> good to be back. >> sean: you recently got back from taiwan. i've got to imagine they are in a heightened state of alert based on the obvious, the fighter jets from china flying over their airspace very regularly, the talk of reunification by president xi, that is not reunification, it would be a takeover of a sovereign country, and in light of the lackluster response of biden in ukraine, i'm not impressed, particularly, i would say the odds are pretty high that this is coming. are we prepared for that? >> well, how ukrainians really will determine what happens in taiwan, i went to australia, taiwan, and japan. afghanistan looms large. everybody is doubting america's resolve after afghanistan. but the fight the ukrainian people are giving to the russians has inspired of the taiwanese. they are about to change their conscription laws to make people serve longer, to go to a civil defense force. america needs to up its game in asia. if you want to give china a great gift, destroy our economy by reducing carbon here in america by 50% by 2030 and do nothing to china and india. the chinese and the indian economy would flourish if we destroyed manufacturing -- and japan's expanding their defense footprint. we should encourage that. so afghanistan looms large and biden, there's a lot of doubt about america and we need to remove that doubt if we can. >> sean: i always talk about oil, gas, coal, being the lifeblood of the ward's economy. now by abandoning the energy independence policies, one of the great achievements of the trump administration, maybe one of the top, because energy was so cheap and abundant. i would argue that the geopolitical implications of abandoning those policies are felt not only in ukraine but it's going to be felt in china, and we almost see a realignment of alliances in the world. you see that vladimir putin and president xi and the iranian mullahs seem to be getting closer. that is an axis of evil that the world will have to reckon with one day if that happens. >> well, everybody is hedging their bets. look at india. india is reluctant to take rush on because they buy all their weapons from russia. without american leadership, where the glue that holds the world together, people in japan, australia, and taiwan are yearning for ronald reagan-type leadership and one thing i would say to the republican party, everything you say about the democrats is true in terms of their policy, but i'm begging president trump and the republican party to come up with an america first agenda that addresses the border, energy independence, inflation, a strong national security. it is not enough to complain about the other side. we need to have a vision of how we would change this country and restore order and make the economy stronger at home. we need a positive agenda that it is not enough to run these guys down every night -- >> sean: all right, want to ask -- speak what we would do. >> sean: newt gingrich has spoken to me in kevin mccarthy is coming up next about what would be -- >> yeah, yeah. >> sean: as of now, the top ten things republicans pledge, promise to the american people they would do. something like a contract with america. i like the idea and i'm only going to support candidates that support america first, save america, make america great again policies because they work and they work and they will work again. all the problems joe biden has, senator, are preventable and fixable but we need the right people in power to do it. so is that something the senate will also go by? will you sign a pledge, if there's ten items you agree with? >> well, newt is brilliant and kevin has been a great leader and he is going to be speaker, but donald trump is the leader of this party. not kevin mccarthy, not lindsey graham -- >> sean: based on the america first agenda. >> yeah, i'm hoping soon he will lay out a positive agenda. here is what i would do at the border, here is how i would secure the border again. remember me, i'm the guy that controlled the border. here is what i would do to deal with russia and china. here is what i would do to rebuild the military. and here's what i would do to make us energy independent and lower inflation. president trump has proven he knows how to do these things. he needs to remind the american people of what we did in the past and what we can do in the future. and it is about the future. the election is about the future and if there this is a policy debate, we will take there -- if it is a personality debate, we might lose. >> sean: i will take the guy with the mean tweets that was actually, that the world -- >> yes. >> sean: the hostile regime leaders feared and whose policies lead to prosperity over the guy that doesn't know that today is wednesday, any day. kind of -- not a hard choice. anyway, lindsey graham, thank you. when we come back from our own sara carter, it's gotten that bad again at the border. we've got an exclusive report as the crisis is about to get much worse. we will tell you why and what impact will the water crisis have on the midterms? kevin mccarthy will weigh in. and is there a possibility of a second contract with america? we will ask him next. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> sean: all right come another day, another massive border failure from joe biden because according to border official sources, speaking to, border patrol is no expel migrants, despite it is still being in effect, but are still processing some under title eight. now, this comes as democrats are in yet another election day conversion. you look at swing states, border states, you know, states like oh, beto o'rourke running in texas, all of a sudden, people like beto o'rourke and, let's see, mark kelly in arizona, the democrat from nevada, all of a sudden calling on biden to delay the removal of title 42 as the border prices is worsening by the day because americans are kn borders, the record of march in terms of illegal immigrants coming into the country and of course under the sanctuary states of america under joey biden. four in ten americans are still highly concerned about illegal immigration, things are only going to get worse. migrant caravans once again beginning to line up, and of according to new findings from gallup, sara carter on the ground in texas, biden's border crisis getting worse by the day. all of this is unfolding before our eyes. take a look. >> how much worse is it now than it was before under the biden administration right now? you were just talking about that. >> i've been here for years, and the biden administration, when it started january -- it started -- you can nearly put it on the book, january, last year. it was like a flood gate. three years prior to that, i probably fixed, maybe five, six, ten at the most holes in three years. right now, from the day that the biden administration took over, i have fixed 172 holes in my fence. >> is that a warning, too, the administration, they are refusing to do anything here -- >> the administration needs to get off their butts and get down here and take a look. the ones that want to vote for this better life, come down here and spend a month with us. i challenge them. come down here and see what we are going through. >> if they do repeal title 42, if they take it away -- >> it's going to get bad. it's going to get real bad. >> sean: it will get bad and way worse than people think. investigative reporter sara carter joins us now. she is in mcallen, texas, tonight. all right, so, we know it is getting worse but it is kind of interesting to watch the politics of this. they might delay the repeal of title 42, what, to help beto o'rourke out? help nevada senator out? mark kelly out in arizona, is that the only reason for the delay? and then as soon as the election is over, they will go and repeal after the election? that is the way i see it. >> well, sean, that is what they are feeling from their constituents. you have senator mark kelly, kyrsten sinema, others, senator chris coons, a democrat here in texas, henry cuellar, the congressman, who for a long time, give him back, has been fighting both the obama administration and now obviously the biden administration to stop the flood gates from. right now under title 42 they were able to expel -- that is according to border patrol numbers -- about 110,000 people back to mexico. they return them back to mexico. they are expecting, once title 42 drops, may 23rd, rescinded by the biden administration, we are looking at 18,000 people a day, that is according to numbers now coming from dhs. i am right here on the border, sean, right across the rio grande river from you, you can see behind me, very dark right now, is mexico. i can tell you right before i got on with you, i was watching people in the brush hiding in the brush looking around, border patrol helicopters up above, border patrol patrolling the river, as well as national guards right behind me. imagine the way it is now, 79% increase since last fiscal year. this year alone in the first six months, since october, there has been over 1 million people that have come into the country. in march alone, 80,000 people were released into the nation. that is a 79% increase. and what law enforcement officials are saying and exactly what the rancher was saying and everyone else is saying is look, this is a self-inflicted wound of the biden administration and it is only going to get worse if they resend title 42. >> sean: it's unbelievable, and march was the worst of all, what, 220,000 encounters with illegal immigrants, those are the ones we know about. >> correct. >> sean: that was the record. >> those are just in march. 220,000 encounters in march, 80,000 released into the country. those of the numbers that they are giving us right now. >> sean: and by the way, the ones that aren't released into the country, they just go through a different route, and the end of getting their way in usually anyway. sara, great report, thank you. >> correct. >> sean: here with more reaction from house g.o.p. minority leader kevin mccarthy. kevin, so i had newt gingrich on my radio show this week, and we have him on tv regularly and i asked him this question, you know, what should the republican party do? it is easy to point out all of the failures of joe biden because i can't point to a single success. we see the border, we see energy, record prices for a gallon of gasoline. we see a 40 year high of inflation, we see disaster in afghanistan, war in europe, nothing is going right at all because of these policies, and i had a call to my radio show this week asking specifically about you and wanting to know whether i thought that you and the republicans mean what they say in terms of what they will do if they get a victory in november. so i will give you the chance to answer. >> well, you are right. you've got to do more than just criticize, and this is where i have a really strong different opinion than mitch mcconnell. we are going to lay out to the american public, just like the contract with america, i've worked with newt about this, as well, it is going to be a commitment to america, and what will they actually do? i have put all the members in conference, we have gone to different task forces, listening to the american public, working on solutions to our problems. fiscal policy. we are going to make sure we take this runaway spending that the democrats have done that has caused this irresponsible spending that has caused inflation. we are going to become energy independent. not just the way we were before, but we are going to be dominant. we can actually help our friends in europe because our natural gas is 41% cleaner than russian natural gas. we are going to make our streets and schools safe again. not defunding the police but funding the police and making sure d.a.'s do not pick and choose which law they enforce but they on uphold all the laws. we have the parents bill of rights where the parents have a safe in their kids education. these are just a few of the items, but that is not all. we are going to hold this administration accountable. the first thing we will do is stop bad legislation. we are going to find out where the origins of covid came from. from variant after variant, don't we want to know why and where it started so it never happens again? we are going to investigate the attorney general. why did he go after parents and call them terrorists? simply because they wanted to go to a school board meeting. we are going to make sure what happened in afghanistan, why did we have 13 new gold star families because the decisions from this administration of where they went wrong? this is just a few items, going after the irs, releasing the tax returns of the american public, and yes, we will need to know who is the big guy? and these are the things that we can do in the majority. not just make our economy sound again, our energy independent, or are gas prices are lower, our schools and streets safe again. but we will make our schools open to the parents and make sure this critical race theory is not being taught. we will hold this administration accountable. we will get that commitment to the american people long before the election. there should be a contract so you have a clear choice of which direction you want america to go. and it is not just for republicans. this is an american commitment and it is about american policy and america first. we should not be dependent upon china, or russia, in any industry. be in medical, be it critical or others, we're going to make sure america can depend on itself. >> sean: if you do all those things and your coalition, the republican party does all of those things, i would argue it is also good politics. you recently went to brussels and met with the leaders of nato. i played a tape of donald trump dressing down the head of nato on how stupid they were -- this is i think in 2018 -- because here it is, we pay more dollars than any other country to protect nato allies from russia, and then these nato countries that don't even pay an equal share in terms of gdp, turn around and make russia and putin rich again. putin is going to make close to a billion dollars a day this year alone by selling oil and gas to western europe. i mean, that is a form of madness. they are funding the war in ukraine by doing so. this vehicle you are 100% correct. we also went to romania and poland. i will tell you this, sean. they will talk about donald trump as an individual that was right 100%. they are no longer just spending below, they are now increasing beyond 2%, 2.5%, and you know what else they realize? their strength is not just their military, their strength is whether they are dependent or not dependent on other countries. in romania, they are now looking to purchase american nuclear reactors, small modular reactors, so they can become energy independent. they do not want to be with russia or others. they want to make sure that america is about them and they know american energy can help supply them in an environmentally sound way and also in a place they don't find what is happening in ukraine. >> sean: it is great for our national security, it is great for job creation, high paying career jobs in the energy sector. it is great for lessening the load of inflation. everything will cost less. it solves so many of our problems, and we can help out our allies in europe. anyway, kevin mccarthy, thank you for being with us. straight ahead, more covid lunacy from the left. they want to make sure that you know that they are still wearing their masks. we will explain that. plus, biden doesn't seem to know exactly what to do following the ruling from that judge in florida. we will get reaction, pennsylvania senate candidate dr. oz reacts when we returned straight ahead. ♪ ♪ i was 39 weeks pregnant and i got covid and was hospitalized for a month. i had a blood clot in my lungs. i thought i was gonna die. i was worried that he was gonna grow up without a mom. i don't want this to happen anybody else. get your vaccine. ♪ ♪ >> sean: on the right, far left democrats, their allies, they can't let go of their pandemic power grabs and are now melting down over masks optional's policies on airlines, trains. for example, we have obama advisor valerie jarrett posted this picture saying she is wearing a mask no matter what "nonscientists" " form msn msdnc commentator roland martin wants you to know he is wearing two masks and goggles and everything. actress mia farrow suggested she is never taking the mask off and breaking tonight, the cdc asking the biden doj to appeal the transportation mask mandate as the biden administration continues to fuel more confusion because joe biden earlier in the day said it is up to the individual whether they want to wear a mask or not. watch this. >> mr. president, should people can continue to wear masks on planes? >> that is up to them. >> sean: that is up to them. then they sued to get the decision overturned. it was a reaction, pennsylvania senate candidate dr. oz is with us. okay, you know, i don't trust the nih, fauci, the cdc, dr. biden or dr. jen psaki, i'm done with all of them, they have all been wrong the whole time. >> i'll tell you, there is a lot of paranoia out there. the federal judge struck down the biden mask mandate for public transport because it is not inside the cdc's authority. it is arbitrary, it's capricious, based on a law designed to protect us from other countries by sanitizing themselves, that is all these masks do. i am completely confused about this cdc decision. they agreed that planes are not dangerous, the air actually comes from outside the plane, often, which is at 35,000 feet, clean, they are asking the department of justice to go after the judge who just told the cdc that they don't have the jurisdiction on these mandates. i mean, it is one big circle that is not getting us anywhere. that paranoia has to end. >> sean: and by the way, we learned as we went along and things did change, the science changed, you know, first we were told that we got a vaccine that we would never get covid, then we had breakthrough cases with the delta variant, now people are fully vaccinated, booster one, booster two, and a previous infection, and they can still get it a second time, some of these things have changed, i actually like the masks because i wear a hat and mask and glasses and nobody knows who i am at a gained anonymity back, it worked. anyway, let's talk about your race. you got the big endorsement, that was president trump endorsing you. i had endorsed you earlier. and i didn't endorse you because we are friends -- and we are friends, i consider you a friend -- i endorsed you because of where you stand on the issues and your passion to fight for the america first conservative values that are beneficial to the american people at work. even though you are my friend, if you didn't support those policies, i wouldn't have supported you. clearly you were able to convince donald trump the same. >> listen, i am pro-life, strong on crime and the order, election fraud issues, i treasure our great military and fats, and i'm always going to fight for undersea second amendment issues. i have done all the things pennsylvania nana needs and desires and i am smart and tough and will never let us down. he's coming to a town how come all the details on dr., if you want to join. tomorrow, dr. ben carson. president trump's endorsement does a lot for a campaign. it's helped in the polls, gives people confidence, 61% of pennsylvanians are waiting to hear him weigh in, looked at all the candidates, he decided i was the one who would have the bold voice in washington, not a back measure, but someone who could get everyone included incg conservatives on the democratic side of the aisle to join us. it is going to happen. i am very optimistic about. if you want to join the town hall with president trump friday at 6:00. >> sean: when i pretty early in the process supported president trump, i was brutalized by conservatives daily, and i said i know the guy, he is going to govern conservatively, and i let people on a daily basis kick the crap out of me and it went on for the better part of a year and two years into the presidency, all of a sudden, those people that were pounding on me, wow, donald trump really is a conservative. i know that about you and the people of pennsylvania, you will make them proud. we wish you the best, dr. oz, thanks for being with us. all right, coming up tonight, florida lawmakers standing up to disney in a huge way and their woke agenda. we have the latest. pam bondi and leo 2.0 terrell are up straight ahead. ♪ ♪ i'm dan o'dowd and i approved this message. you are watching actual videos of the tesla full self driving technology as recorded by the drivers. from turning too tightly and hitting a pylon... [ expletive ] to swerving toward a pole. jesus. watch the bicyclist on the right almost get hit before the driver takes over. sometimes it seems the tesla doesn't want the driver to take over. i'm trying. this driver had to hit the brakes when the tesla didn't understand a detour sign. ok. here it almost hit a truck. obviously, i had to take over. and here it swerves into an oncoming lane. look at that! often, the tesla doesn't know what it wants to do. what is it doing? or just doesn't know how to turn. jesus, oh my god! tesla's full self driving software for drivers and pedestrians, it's unsafe at any speed. tell congress to shut it down. ♪ ♪ >> sean: tonight, florida republicans, they are following through on their promises tonight as the state senate in florida passed a new bill to strip disney of its self-governing status after the company's lies and smears against the state's new parental rights in education law. the bill now moves to the florida house. governor ron desantis added that he doesn't support special privileges just because a company is big and powerful. ask yourself, why should disney enjoy special and generous status, especially when they continue to amplify lies, attacked conservatives. anyway, here with reaction, former florida attorney general pam bondi, along with the one and only fox news contributor, leo 2.0 terrell l. all right, so this just dissolves the special self-governing status given to disney 50 years ago, pam. you are from florida, they got it in the first place, why wasn't it stripped along time ago. why did they get something that nobody else gets in the state? >> exactly, sean. you know, they managed to basically fly under the radar for a very long time. this was established 55 years ago, when the county where disney was built didn't have the resources to really help them, so they got all these special entitlements, but they have continued to hold onto them for 55 years. i spoke to wilton simpson tonight, our great senate president, a good friend of mine, and he will be our next agricultural commissioner in florida. wilton made a really good point. he said the parental rights law in florida, it's about protecting children and parents rights from not having five, six, seven, and 8-year-olds talk to about sex, period. that is what it is about, protecting what parents want in the state of florida, and disney chose to wade into the political debate and now they are in it and they are in it and they are not going to get out of it. big mistake on their part, because they are about to get all of their special entitlements taken away. it will pass the senate, past the house on final readings tomorrow and ron desantis is going to sign that law. >> sean: leo 2.0 terrell, will disney claim this is a constitutional free-speech issue and they are being penalized for it? or will the state's argument that you don't deserve special status when out? >> i can tell you right now, and pam summarized disney's position, disney free-speech is out there out in the open. they lied about this bill. this was a parental right bill. the mouse has been caught, and therefore, the florida state legislature has the right to grant this legislation to strip away the special privileges. let's be very clear, ron desantis and the florida state legislature, they have a backbone. they are basically sending a message to all these woke corporations that you cannot dictate policy to the people of florida. i am very proud of the state of florida because they are basically sending a signal to all these corporations, and jen psaki, those crocodile tears, just absolutely lying about the nature of this bill. final point, i was a schoolteacher. i still have my license. and pam is spot on. this is a bill to protect parents rights over their own children. not for the state and not for disney to control or indoctrinate children. >> sean: have about 45 seconds, pam, do you believe that disney will challenge this in the courts and if they do, what will the result be? >> they may challenge it. they will not be successful. they will not be successful. disney chose to wade into this debate. these liberal elitist, instead of staying in their lane, which is what, entertaining families, making a lot of money for their shareholders, but instead, they decided to attack the state of florida. they are the ones who said, we are going to fight this law, we are going to get this law overturned, so they fit this fight and they are going to lose this fight, sean. >> sean: to me, it is just like the nfl, stay out of politics, people of all backgrounds, everybody with a shared passion, everybody there with a shared passion, to have a magical day, you have to ruin it with politics, when people should be having fun, not a smart decision businesswise on their part come in my view. thank you both, pam bondi, leo 2.0 terrell. when we come back, you do not want to miss this video of the day. wow. that's straight ahead. ♪ ♪ so we offer a complete exam and x-rays free to new patients without insurance - everyday. plus, patients get 20% off their treatment plan. we're on your corner and in your corner every step of the way. because your anything is our everything. aspen dental. anything to make you smile. book today at, walk in, or call 1-800-aspendental. the international fellowship of christians and jews is on the ground in ukraine right now responding to this devastating crisis. the current situation here is very critical. there is a great concern for the more than 200,000 jewish people who desperately need food, medicine and emergency supplies. your urgently needed gift of only $45 will help rush food, water, medicine and emergency supplies for one suffering jewish family in ukraine who has no where to turn. the fellowship has been working here on the ground in ukraine with our trusted partners for over 30 years. the distribution centers and volunteers are standing by. we need your help now. your emergency gift of only $45 will help rush food, water, medicine and emergency supplies for one jewish family in ukraine. please call or go online now. do you struggle to fall asleep and stay asleep? qunol sleep formula combines 5 key nutrients that can help you fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer, and wake up refreshed. the brand i trust is qunol. >> texas college bass ball game. it's the go-ahead home run opposing team picture is not happy about it. it take a look at what happens. >> north-central is taking the lead here in game one. oh, oh oh, my, oh, no. oh, no. >> the spokesperson for the attacking persons college is that he couldn't face expulsion there shocked and disappointed while. it's not hockey it's baseball. in any way in the meantime thing for being with us to make this show possible can thank you enough set your dvr, things are being with us. ♪ ♪ >> laura: i'm laura ingraham and this is the ingraham angle. they take starring role in a can't-miss seeing an unseen. but first, joe biden tries to feel her pain. a white house fresh out of ideas is looking for ways to say president joe biden and the democrats in congress. the matter how much they've tinkered with their messaging we talked about this, americans are just not buying what they're

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Investigation , Green Infrastructure And Environmental Justice , 19 , Money , Storytelling , Tree , Nonprofit , Awareness , Canopy Cover , Administration , Race , Covid Test , Background , Isn T , Monoclonal Antibodies , Relief Money , Inflation , Incomes , Worst , Most , Tree Canopies , Class , Retirement Savings , Dip , Poor , 40 , They Don T , Care , Socialist Party , Paycheck , Retirees , Green Deal , Ego Socialist , Thing , Gasoline , Car , Power , Nothing , Insanity , Front , White House , Climate Hysteria , Environment , Nobody , Socialism , Cults , End , Wealth , Redistribution , Climate Alarmist , Earth , Things , Matter , John Jerry , Poll Numbers , Weaving , Biden S Climate Czar , Take A Look , Jet , Nations War On Fossil Fuels , Big Fat Carbon Footprint , Way , World , Fossil Fuel , Challenge , Deep , Fossil Fuels , Gina Mccarthy , Commitment , Reductions , Negotiator , White House National Climate Advisor , 2030 , 50 , Goal , Level , Process , Reduction , Team , Rest , 52 , Something , Drilling , Idea , Climate , Advisor , Public Lands , Court , Lease , Choice , Decisions , Size , Ways , Impact , Case , Department Of Energy , Gas , Coal , War , Places , Scam , Production , Iran , Iraq , Russia , Emissaries , Regulations , Opec Nations , Opec , Epa , Saudi Arabia , Venezuela , Security , Restrictions , Boat , Ocean , Words , Risk , Democratic Socialists , Solution , Matters , None , Minds , Anything , Place , Desire , Speaker Pelosi , November Of 2024 , 2024 , Republicans , Midterms , Strategy , Parties , Xenophobic , Transphobic , Islamophobic , Water , Dog Food , Granny , Grandpa , Cat Food , Person , Cliff , Wheelchair , Racist , Whatever , Trumpian , Anti Semites , Smears , Afghanistan , Western Europe , Putin , Recession , Interest Rates , Rise , 249 , Allies , Thousands , Media Mob , Cards , Page , Border , Crisis , Miranda Devine , Fox News , Chief Of Staff , Month Of March , Mark Meadows , The Big Picture , Old , Public , Point , Monologue , Don T , Occurrence , Moms , Dads , Main Street , , Three , 5 , Leftist Culture Tt , What Americans Think , Looks , Washington D C , Country , Constituents , Gallon Gas , 7 , Wouldn T , California , Assessment , Green Deal Socialists , Left , Vessel , Interest , Government , Voters , Trojan Horse , A Return To Normalcy , Sort , Opposite , Decency , Polls , Attempt , Opinions , Embarrassments , Democrats Don T , Snuggling , Duvet , Thumbs , Election , Plan , Offing , Bloodbath , 2020 , Vote , Funny Business , Keeping , Fowl , John Kerry , Jets , Him , Don T Begrudge , Guy , Carbon Footprint , Caravan , Topic , Escalator , Footprint , Climates , American , Height , Taxes , Single , Hypocrisy , Playbook , Back , Miranda , Center , All Of A Sudden , Set , Lurching , Rules , Mentality , Share , Taxpayers , Mask , Anti , Hair Salon , Work , Homophobic , Misogynistic , Approval Rating , Independents , Hispanic Americans , Smear , Quinnipiac , 33 , 26 , 56 , Swing Voters , Slander , Besmirch , Opponents , Age Group , Figures , January 6th Committee , Star Chamber , 34 , 18 , January 6th , 6 , Chaos , Nastiness , Dysfunction , Pocket , Planes , 2 5 Million , Schools , Migrants , Communities , Community , Depositing , Hospitals , Bed , Estate , Lindsey Graham , Influx , Anybody , Sarah , English , South Carolina , China , Fighter Jets , Taiwan , State Of Alert , Obvious , Talk , Ukraine , President Xi , Reunification , Response , Takeover , Airspace , Light , Ukrainians , Odds , Everybody , Resolve , Japan , Australia , Gift , Game , Carbon , Conscription Laws , Civil Defense Force , Asia , India , Manufacturing , Lot , Doubt , Defense Footprint , Trump , Energy Independence Policies , Top , Lifeblood , Achievements , Ward , Alliances , Realignment , Implications , Mullahs , Vladimir Putin , Axis Of Evil , American Leadership , Glue , Yearning , Rush , Weapons , Bets , Ronald Reagan , Policy , Terms , America First Agenda , Leadership , Agenda , Side , Vision , Kevin Mccarthy , Guys , Newt Gingrich , Now , Candidates , America First , Contract With America , Make America Great Again , Ten , Senate , Senator , Pledge , Items , Leader , Great Leader , Speaker , Military , Tweets , Personality Debate , Policy Debate , Sara Carter , Kind , Regime Leaders , Biden Doesn T , Prosperity , Water Crisis , Possibility , Contract , Border Patrol , Border Failure , Sources , Title , Swing States , Border States , Effect , Election Day Conversion , Eight , Mark Kelly , Texas , Calling , Removal , Arizona , Beto O Rourke , Nevada , Let S See , 42 , Kn Borders , Immigrants , Sanctuary States Of America Under Joey Biden , Line Up , Immigration , Findings , Migrant Caravans , Ground , Border Crisis , Eyes , Gallup , Book , Flood Gate , Holes , Six , Five , Ones , Warning , Butts , Fence , 172 , Repeal Title , Life , Right , Mcallen , Politics , Help , Reason , Repeal , Delay , Others , Feeling , Kyrsten Sinema , Fighting , Flood Gates , Obama , Henry Cuellar , Chris Coons , Numbers , Mexico , Drops , May 23rd , 110000 , 23 , The Border , Rio Grande River , Dhs , 18000 , Border Patrol Helicopters Up Above , Brush , River , Brush Hiding , Guards , 79 , Increase , Nation , 80000 , 1 Million , Everyone , Look , Saying , Officials , Rancher , Wound , Law Enforcement , Encounters , Correct , March 220000 Encounters In , 220000 , Great Report , Aren T , Route , The End , Reaction , Radio Show , Tv , War In Europe , Failures , Success , Call , Victory , Chance , Conference , Opinion , This , Members , Mitch Mcconnell , Runaway Spending , Democrats , Fiscal Policy , Solutions , Task Forces , Friends , Streets , Spending , Natural Gas , 41 , Parents , Law , Rights , Police , Few , Laws , Safe , Kids Education , D A , Legislation , Accountable , Variant , Origins , Attorney General , Terrorists , Meeting , School Board , Families , Tax Returns , Gold Star , Irs , 13 , Majority , Sound , Direction , Race Theory , Industry , Leaders , Coalition , Brussels , Tape , Nato , Head , Dressing , 2018 , Countries , Oil , Gdp , A Billion , A Billion Dollars , Form , Vehicle , Romania , Madness , Poland , 100 , Strength , Individual , 2 5 , Reactors , Supply , Job Creation , Career Jobs , Load , Energy Sector , Masks , Judge , Lunacy , Ruling , Florida , Candidate , Pennsylvania , Oz , Lungs , Blood Clot , Gonna Die , 39 , Vaccine , Mom , Anybody Else , Grabs , Valerie Jarrett , Roland Martin , Example , Airlines , Trains , Nonscientists , Form Msn Msdnc , Cdc , Mia Farrow , Goggles , Biden Doj , Transportation Mask Mandate , Mr , Decision , I Don T Trust The Nih , Paranoia , Dr , Jen Psaki , Fauci , Sanitizing , Authority , Biden Mask Mandate , Department Of Justice , Plane , Cdc Decision , Feet , 35000 , Circle , Mandates , Science , Jurisdiction , Anywhere , Booster Two , Infection , Breakthrough , Cases , Delta Variant , Hat , Endorsement , Anonymity Back , Glasses , Friend , Passion , Issues , America First Conservative , Values , Second Amendment Issues , Desires , Crime , Fats , Nana Needs , Town , Details , Down , Oz Com , Ben Carson , Confidence , Pennsylvanians , Campaign , Back Measure , Voice , Washington , 61 , Someone , Aisle , Incg Conservatives , Droz Com , Town Hall , Conservatives Daily , Part , Conservative , Crap , Basis Kick , Disney , Leo 2 0 , Pam Bondi , Thanks , Their , Lawmakers , Latest , Coming Up Tonight , 2 0 , Tesla , Drivers , Message , Videos , Self Driving Technology , Dan O Dowd , Tesla Doesn T , Driver , Hit , Bicyclist , Turning , Swerving , Pole , Pylon , Jesus , Expletive , Lane , Detour Sign , Brakes , Truck , Tesla Didn T , Self Driving Software , Pedestrians , Oh My God , Speed , Bill , Status , Company , Lies , Education Law , Strip Disney , Promises , Ron Desantis , Privileges , Florida House , Conservatives , Contributor , The One And Only , Terrell L , Self Governing Status , Pam , Wasn T It , County , Didn T , Resources , Radar , Special Entitlements , 55 , Children , Commissioner , Mine , Wilton , Wilton Simpson , Sex , Protecting , Seven , Debate , House , Entitlements , Mistake , Issue , Argument , Free Speech , Position , Mouse , The Open , Florida State Legislature , Backbone , Corporations , Signal , Crocodile Tears , Spot On , Schoolteacher , Nature , License , Courts , 45 , Shareholders , Staying , Liberal Elitist , Fight , Nfl , Backgrounds , Fun , Video , Exam , View , Patients , Corner , Treatment Plan , Insurance , Step , Aspen Dental , 20 , At Aspendental Com , Walk In , Book Today , 800 , 1 , International Fellowship Of Christians And Jews , Medicine , Emergency Supplies , Food , Situation , Concern , Jewish , 200000 , Family , Fellowship , Rush Food , Emergency Gift , Partners , Distribution Centers , Volunteers , Nutrients , Qunol Sleep Formula , Brand , Qunol , Lead , Team Picture , Ball Game , Game One , Texas College Bass , Go Ahead , Home Run , He Couldn T , Persons , Spokesperson , College , Expulsion , Baseball , Hockey , Oh , My , Show , Dvr , First , Unseen , Role , Miss , Pain , Laura Ingraham , Ingraham Angle , Ideas , Messaging , Congress ,

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