Transcripts For FOXNEWS Americas Newsroom With Bill Hemmer

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Americas Newsroom With Bill Hemmer Dana Perino 20240708

blocked nearly 2 million people from entering the country. >> bill: that rule set to expire may 23. with nothing in line to replace it, dhs says the number of people arriving every day will top 18,000. republicans and some democrats in border states saying enough is enough. >> biden administration has a responsibility to secure the border. even more dangerous they have the responsibility for national security. americans are tired of illegal immigrants flooding into our communities and tired of the fentanyl coming in and all of the challenges. people will be voting to put people in place in office who will secure our border like what president biden is not doing. >> dana: new data from dhs underscores the governor's point. since the president took office border agents have stopped more than 40 people on the terror watch list trying to enter the country illegally. bill melugin is in eagle pass, texas. >> bill: that's right. dhs numbers extremely concerning and reporting that there have been 42 people on the terror watch list arrested nationwide while trying to cross into the united states and that's since president biden has taken office. in eagle pass quite a busy morning already. right to the video and show you what we've been seeing. we shot this less than an hour ago. migrants in the water crossing illegally into eagle pass, families and single adults. like to cross in the morning when the water is running lower and current is lower and not as dangerous. this sort of thing happens over and over and over. watching these crossings all morning long. they get taken into custody by texas national guard. wait for border patrol to arrive. that was only one group. we had a cameraman down the road. a group of 150 migrants crossed over illegally and being processed by border patrol. resources stretched extremely thin. the del rio has had a quarter million illegal crossings since october 1. their numbers are up over 170% and witnessing a lot of these mass releases. same thing happening in the rio grande valley sector. look at these photos from our rgv in the star county area. border patrol encountered two groups totaling over 400 illegal immigrants most single adults. rgb is over capacity as well and why we're seeing the mass releases in bounceville. major drug bust in tucson, arizona sector. look at these photos from border patrol. an agent and canine partner made a bust of 12 pounds of fentanyl in a car going through a checkpoint in arizona. the second bust in one week. that exact same team you'll see in the photos made a bigger fentanyl bust last week. 80 pounds of fentanyl. they got enough fentanyl off the streets to stop 10 million lethal doses from getting into the united states. back out here live border patrol here in the del rio sector reporting they've arrested two convicted sex offenders including one mexican national with a conviction for the sexual assault of a child who had been deported 10 times in the last two years including as recently as last month. we'll send it back to you. >> dana: stunning statistics and the fentanyl story we'll talk about later this hour as well. thank you, bill. we'll speak with one of the democrats opposing the president's decision to end title 42. arizona congressman joins us next hour. >> the situation in marijuana is extremely severe. russian army a blocking any efforts to save our people. the october pantsz are looking to deport or mobilize local residents who have fallen into their hands. the fate of tens of thousands of mariupol residents previously relocated to russian-controlled territory is unknown. >> bill: there is zelenskyy the president talking about mariupol, a town in the south. really is a ground zero for a battle happening there at the moment. this is the border that will be contested now. 300 miles long. this will be the focus of the war going forward. the area to the west known as the donbas. ukrainians have held out in the steel plant. this area right now where there was significant fighting in the past 24 hours on the western edge of the town. eastern edge of the town is the steel plant. we're told there are bomb shelters built to withstand nuclear attack. get this now, fighters they believe set up beds and food and provisions pre-war to hold out in a plant just like this, all right? this is steel reinforced concrete as it is described to us that extends several yards wide. so they can withstand now the russian pounding from above. and for a couple days this week now the russians have been imploring the fighters to call a cease-fire. that has not happened to date. they are holding out right now and the ukrainians are saying it is a matter of hours, not days. so far they have proved very tough for the russian fighters to defeat. watch this story as it develops. back to the southeast. that is described a moment ago. go into this area here and i will show you on the map what's happening. significant fighting in this part of donbas and luhansk as well. this is another town. the russians have taken it. if they hold this town, there is a highway that runs right to the south there that leads to towns here where the missile hit those try to evacuate a train center and killed 50 two weeks ago. i would keep an eye potentially on this area for putin's army to start focusing on and start concentrating on because they could come in from the north, they could come in from the east and if mariupol falls, they could come in from the south as well where the pin ser movement would happen on behalf of putin's army. we're over 5 million refugees that have left ukraine and neighboring countries. extraordinary numbers there. >> dana: thank you for that. let's bring in congressman michael waltz. a member of the house armed services committee. the foreign minister of russia says the fighting in ukraine has entered a new phase and they willfuly liberate doneesque and luhansk. it looks precarious for the ukrainians. >> thanks, dana. i have think it is worth reminding everyone that fighting trench style warfare fighting has been going on in the donbas since 2014. ukrainians have been dying every day since the first invasion. putin's goal always was in his words to liberate the east. i think this new phase will present several advantages militarily for the russians. one, they will consolidate command and control. they have consolidated under the butcher of syria, the russian general that led the atrocities in syria. they will consolidate their supply lines that we've seen have been spread way too thin and really presented them all kinds of issues. ukraine has 3/4 of their military stacked in the east. so i think we could expect to see the russians stage a number of frontal attacks. that's what you are seeing going on right now to pin those forces down. and then as bill pointed out think will seek the north/south axis to surround them and cut them off. i think that's the plan. at the end of the day president zelenskyy is right. this is a race against time and the united states and nato need to stop incrementally pushing arms, ammunition and supplies in and unleash the arsenal of democracy and help ukraine win. not help them get to the negotiating table. >> bill: on that point john kirby yesterday at the pentagon about u.s. military aid trying to reach those ukrainian fighters today. >> it is certainly within the realm of the possible that the ukrainians will want additional artillery systems and rounds and we'll have those conversations with them and if that is the need, we'll do everything we can to meet it. >> bill: this is an administration if they acted too late or 30 days behind every decision. we found more than 2.5 billion have been pledged to ukraine to fight and two more packages being prepped already. that number will go significantly higher than it is today, sir. >> yeah, bill, you're right and the number sounds impressive but i stand firmly in the camp that the white house has moved too little and too late. the ukrainians when i visited last year were asking for artillery systems and importantly were asking for the types of radar called counter battery radar that helps them detect russian artillery coming in and destroy it. as you know that's what they are using to pound these cities into submission. they were asking for it last year. two months into the war and now we're going to start flowing that in. again, the number sounds impressive but it's 18 howitzers. that's a drop in the bucket compared to what the russians are bringing to the fight. 40,000 rounds. that's about what the ukrainians are estimated to be going through in a week. a week's worth of ammunition. we have got to unload the full amount of arms and weaponry that we can. i would like to see our eastern europey an allies pushing their russian-made systems in so ukrainians can utilize them more quickly without training and we backfill our eastern europey an allies with our systems. that's a double win in terms of upgrading our nato allies and getting the ukrainians something they can use very quickly with little training. >> dana: congressman michael waltz we'll be on top of this story all day and the rest of the week. we'll stay in touch with you. >> thanks. >> people continue to wear masks on planes? >> that's up to them. >> bill: don't know what that answer is today, dana. but many americans elated after removing their masks on the plane. biden administration says not so fast. will the white house appeal that ruling? >> dana: i have thoughts. emotions running high when johnny depp took the stand in his legal battle against e wife amber heard. we'll take you there live. >> bill: a 13-year-old girl out of l.a. forced to fight for her own justice. far left d.a. george gascon gives her attacker who stabbed her multiple times a slap on the wrist. she and her mom will join us with their story live coming up today. >> i'm livid because the little girl is running around doing whatever she wants scot-free while my baby girl is home suffering from ptsd. afraid to leave the house. constantly looking out of her window. you're probably thinking that these two are in some sort of lover's quarrel. no, no, no. they're both invested... in green energy. and also each other. digital tools so impressive, you just can't stop. what would you like the power to do? 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bigs was repealed. president biden thinks it's up to americans to decide for themselves whether or not they want to wear a facemask. >> should people continue to wear masks on planes? >> president biden: that's up to them. >> days before the judge's ruling the cdc extended the mandate through may 3 doing more research. does the white house's cdc have the authority to mandate masks on planes and other forms of public transportation? the federal judge in florida says no, the white house says yes. jen psaki said public health decisions shouldn't be made by the courts. they should be made by public health experts. many experts think the cdc's authority and credibility is on the line right now. after the mask ruling pass eveningers aboard planes wasted also times celebrating and removing masks. america, delta, southwest more than a dozen dropping mask mandates. in some cases minutes after the judge's ruling. new york and philadelphia continue to require masks at their airports. asked if the administration would appeal the judge's ruling the president says he is not sure. >> is your administration going to appeal the mask mandate? >> president biden: i haven't gotten anything from my cdc. i don't know. follow the science. >> the justice department says they will appeal if the cdc recommends masks have to stay on until may 3rd. >> dana: thank you so much. this is really a topic on a lot of people's minds if you travel a lot or if you travel with little kids. meghan mccardle has a great piece saying why now is the time. the president doesn't talk about how we're at a different place than we were in april of 2020 with vaccines, therapeutics. a lot of people with natural immunity and there hasn't been a super spreader event on a plane but has been at elite dinners in washington >> bill: in 24 hours -- >> dana: can we -- they want the play the game again. if i were in the courtroom when they asked what should be done, if you are the person that brought the lawsuit, that organization, i would just play the clip of the president saying it's up to them. it's a matter of personal preference and say defense rests. and then let the judge decide. >> bill: i like that, too. see what they do, right? right now it is kind of out there and it is yet to be decided. this is out there, too. what a story. the mother of a stabbing victim is livid that her daughter's attacker was given probation because of the d.a.'s restorative justice policy. this is l.a. now. a warning the video you are about to see is disturbing. it happened a year ago this month in inglewood, california. 13-year-old girl stabbed three times by another 13-year-old girl. she was slashed on the left arm, suffered a punctureed liver and almost lost her life. she is still very bothered by what happened that day. she and her mother are with me now with los angeles and good morning to you both. you've been bullied online for the same girl for months over a boy who lived across the street from you. cassandra, you've been fighting for justice for your daughter. what are you dealing with today, cassandra? >> that my daughter has been suffering from ptsd that triggers the panic attacks and anxiety attacks and just the disappointment from the system in not getting justice for her. >> bill: is this the d.a. george gascon restorative justice policy. the reason the 13-year-old was given a slap on the hand? >> his policy -- a 13-year-old that commits a crime of this magnitude. so i am not really sure if it's because of the policy or because the lack of policy. it has nothing to do with a 13-year-old that committed a crime. the thing is no prior record. >> bill: give me an idea how you are feeling now at age 14? >> i feel paranoid and like when i go out, i get anxious a lot. >> what are you afraid of? >> i'm afraid of her following me and trying to -- [inaudible]. >> bill: have you seen her in the past year? >> no. >> she had never met this girl prior to being attacked at the park. the bullying went on for almost a year and a half prior to the attack. we learned that she was out of the country and didn't feel there was an imminent threat. when we went to the mother's house to get her daughter to stop bullying my daughter her mother said she was out of control and she couldn't handle her and she sent her to live with her aunt because she didn't know what to do. >> bill: one more question of your daughter here. the day you showed up in a park in inglewood you didn't know the other girl would show up, either. the two of you confront each other. when did you find out she had a knife on her? >> when she took it out. >> bill: did you think you were in trouble at that point? >> my adrenalin rush i wasn't thinking about anything, to be honest. i was just -- >> she had never been in a fight before. >> bill: you were incarcerated when you were young, right, cassandra? a former criminal justice activist. today you are kind of back in that game. what could be done better to make it right for your daughter today? >> at this point i'm not even really sure because there was no accountability and she was only given probation. i feel like it poses a danger to the community and to my daughter that she is not even on house arrest. there is no way for us to know where she is at or what she is doing. we feel like girls like this, being i was a young girl doing crazy things and i reformed my life, i know what kind of girl we're dealing with and i have worked with young people over the last 20 years and doing camps and this kind of girl who commits a crime to this gravity will reoffend. so i feel like what needs to be done is a policy needs to be put in place that provides intensive wraparound services and treatment inside of some sort of treatment facility to address young people who commit crimes of this nature. >> bill: we'll see if you get your wish. i think you have the right mom. thank you for your time today. cassandra, thanks to you as well. good luck, ladies. >> thank you. >> dana: the biden administration is tightening environmental restrictions that could shrink your wallet more. could it damage the democrats? we'll talk to josh holmes next. ron desantis stepping up the battle against disney. how the entertainment giant could pay the price for woke and opposing the state's sex education bill. ♪♪♪ if your moderate to severe crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis symptoms are stopping you in your tracks... choose stelara® from the start... and move toward relief after the first dose... with injections every two months. stelara® may increase your risk of infections, some serious, and cancer. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you have an infection, flu-like symptoms, sores, new skin growths, have had cancer, or if you need a vaccine. pres, a rare, potentially fatal brain condition, may be possible. some serious allergic reactions and lung inflammation can occur. feel unstoppable. ask your doctor how lasting remission can 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continues and he will face cross examination from heard's lawyers. this could get ugly. david spunt outside the courthouse in fairfax county, virginia. with more. >> hello and good morning to you. yesterday johnny depp spent three hours on the witness stand. the first time jurors heard directly from him. >> never did i myself reach the point of striking miss heard in any way nor have i ever struck any woman in my life. >> depp said his initial relationship with amber heard was too good to be true but she later became a much different person. his family and friends have testified that heard was, in fact, the aggressor in the marriage physically attacking him. depp fielded mostly sympathetic questioning from his lawyer yesterday spending his time working on his films all the way back to his childhood. bill, he claimed his mother was physically and emotionally abusing and he is suinging heard for a december "washington post" op-ed describing herself as a victim of domestic violence but doesn't mention the name johnny depp. he was never charged or arrested an any abuse claims. heard's yop yesterday he says damaged his reputation. heard sat and listened stoicly yesterday as her ex-husband told the jurors why he chose to sue her in a public way. a trial broadcast across the globe. when he takes the stand in 20, 30 minutes, we know that his team will continue the questioning and it comes up to that cross examination that could go for the rest of the day possibly until tomorrow. at some point during this trial we know amber heard will also take the stand. >> bill: thank you david spunt. more drama coming up top of the hour. >> dana: biden administration is reversing another trump-era policy and again caving into the far left of the democratic party tightening environmental restrictions that could shrink your wallet more. mitt romney writing a scathing op-ed. he said biden's errors worsen inflation. ditch his woke advisors and make growth the overriding priority. josh holmes co-host of the ruthless podcast welcome back to the show. administration did something interesting. we'll allow for oil and gas leases on federal lands reversing something they did on the first day. they don't want to credit from that in terms of making a good policy decision. they're figuring out a way to cover themselves on the left by making sure that the left isn't mad about those things. >> that's exactly right, dana. it goes to show the priority of this administration from day one has not been about good policy or trying to rectify the economy but trying to play indicate the far left. energy is a perfect example on that. day one you cancel the keystone pipeline and limit oil and gas leases. now we have a huge gas supply problem we're a net importer of oil and gas and they try to reverse some of that but now the left is upset. you have to take action to rectify it. unbelievable. >> bill: the romney piece is interesting. check it out "wall street journal." the last paragraph. a new set of priorities requires a new set of principles. president biden needs to ditch his woke advisors and surround himself with people who want to get the economy working again. talking about fed on that point. upcoming mid-term elections remember bill clinton's mantra, it's the economy. american people need strong economic leadership that only a president can provide. how much can they influence that with six or seven months to go? >> i don't think there is any indication this administration or the democrats in congress will do anything other than try to provide some political cover for what they are doing here. we aren't talking about presiding over a bad economy. we're talking about basic financial literacy. we're at 8 1/2% inflation and they want to flood with more currency. they still want to pass bbb. you have a problem with gas prices. the first instinct was to hand out gas cards flooding more currency into the economy. almost everything from the student loan -- think about that. they want to forgive student loans meanwhile you have an armada of ships hanging in the pacific and atlanta that can't be unloaded because we don't have the people to do it. everything they are trying to do things to rectify the economy is the opposite of what you should do. i'm not confident this administration will take any guidance from romney. >> dana: there is reporting that president biden told former president obama that he is running in 2024. he said biden wants to run and clearly letting everyone know. i believe he thinks he is the only one who can beat trump. no one else can beat trump and that's the biggest factor. one of the two sources familiar with the conversations between obama and biden. i have a theiry. would you like to hear it? i think what you see anonymous sources like this it's people in the obama camp that heard this wanted to get it out there to make sure that it got shot down so that they could be on the record at least -- it's anonymous but on the record with those reporters saying they told them so. >> the old trial balloon, right, dana? that could very well be the case. they might be right in that there is not any democrats that currently look like they can beat donald trump or any other republican for that matter. joe biden is not one of them, either. in this state of the economy and his approval rating across this country. you look at some of the polls that have come out in swing states. states that democrats have to have in a national election and he is like 15 points under water. he is brushing into the 30s. that is an absolutely devastating place to start from trying to win reelection particularly when we've seen this president have trouble on the stump as well. >> bill: he has been to iowa and new hampshire. before a mid-term you won't say i'll throw in the towel. you want to make sure your name is out there. josh, thank you. talk soon. free money, right, dana? it's a free education on your dime. administration planning to wipe out student loan debt for 40,000 americans. could eventually end the payments of millions of others. watch this story now. they announced the move yesterday. we're talking about your taxpayer dollars ultimately. in the last 15 years student loan debt has grown 210% from 516 billion to 1.6 trillion dollars. we shall see what they do, miss perino. >> dana: elon musk racing to secure financing to purchase twitter in the coming days. the big move he is eyeing to take the social media platform private. a russian ambassador east townhouse in manhattan colored in yellow and blue. what the anti-putin protests are telling only fox news. and you can help take control of your symptoms - and ask about vraylar. some medicines only treat the lows or highs. once-daily vraylar is proven to treat depressive, acute manic, and mixed episodes of bipolar i in adults. full-spectrum relief for all bipolar i symptoms. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. call your 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news was here exclusively to report on it. abrazen, defiance against the war in ukraine. pro-ukrainian pro testors lit up the russian townhouse that is the official residence of the russian ambassador to the united nations with the ukrainian flag bathed in yellow and blue colors by a new york based nonprofit charity. they projected the flag under the front of the mansion but also anti-putin slogans. #putin is a war criminal and #zelenskyy is a hero. >> the message would be, you lie too much. too many things have happened because of your lies. be the man and speak out. >> the russians bought this mansion in 2008 for $35 million. but there is no sign of it. no russian flag, no brass plaque and the parking sign simply says no standing, not the diplomatic zone you would expect. the reason is to hide who lives here. fox news has seen the ambassador at the townhouse. called putin's puppet by critics. he has been a stalwart defender of vladimir putin's invasion. he blames ukraine for war, branded the bucha mask aker as stage and is protecting putin and his propaganda. >> criminal. war criminal. probably something very close to hitler to nazi regime. >> similar protests have put the flag on russia in london, lisbon, and washington, d.c. as for the ambassador he was home, the lights were on in his third floor study and the protestors ended their vigil quietly singing the ukrainian national anthem and repeatedly shouted glory to ukraine. >> bill: we'll see if they come back. nice house. eric shawn on the east side of new york. >> dana: alarming new study on fentanyl in the u.s. drug overdose deaths among teenagers rose by 94% between 2019 and 2020 and another 20% from 2020 to 2021. it accounted for 77% of those deaths. a former dea special attention. you pay a lot of attention to this. call for number one so everyone can see the graph that shows you how stunning those numbers are and how quickly it goes up. what do parents need to know to protect their teens? >> well, dana, first of all the mexican cartels are working closely with the chinese and flooding american streets with these poisonous, deadly pills. fentanyl mixed with cocaine, meth and heroin. parents need to realize that social media is enhancing the access for young kids. so when your parents are sitting downstairs watching tv and the kids are upstairs, you think they are doing their homework they could be ordering these deadly pills. pill prouk labs are operating all over the u.s. as well, which is increasing the supply of these deadly pills. keep in mind the cdc just released the most recent statistics through november of 2021, 12-year period. 106,854 dead americans. 293 a day. the families of fentanyl have analyzed all the cdc statistical data and revealed that fentanyl is the number one cause of death in a new age group 13 to 50. we're seeing younger kids dying. parents have to pay more attention. one other thing, dana, families of fentanyl. you hosted jimmie row. they are calling for it to be a designated as a weapon of mass destruction. >> dana: what's the legal impact if you label it a weapon of mass destruction law enforcement can do what differently? >> you put all the resources of the united states powerful government with the intelligence community, d.o.d., department of defense and law enforcement to go after the threat. killing our kids at record levels. orange county, california, dana, the sheriff released the number, 1700% increase in fentanyl deaths from 2016 to 2021. this is unbelievable. parents don't understand. >> dana: a huge amount of heartbreak. i want to pull up for everyone the border patrol drug seizures of fentanyl are way up. you can see right here going from 1200, 1300 and now already in 2022 we're just april 19th, 5300 pounds. pretty much you are looking for a tripling of that number from 2021, derek. what do you think the biden administration is failing to do here? >> well, first of all, our brave border patrol is inundated with border processing of migrants and babysitting. they aren't able to do border security. i was down in the rio grande valley with some department of homeland security officials, former officials, and it was a nightmare on the system what's going on with these migrants invading our country. but dana, to put things in perspective, i like to show this to the people in america. that's 300 grams of salt. if that was fentanyl it could kill 150,000 americans potentially. by the way, just based on border patrol seizures last year of 11,000 pounds, that's 16950 of these bags. the american public has to realize border patrol and law enforcement is inundated with these migrants from over 150 countries and we have a catastrophic situation going on with our kids in america that are dying. the white house is not even talking about it. >> dana: it's very scary. members of congress as they get ready for their reelections in the mid-terms are starting to talk about it because parents are very worried as they should be. derek, thank you. >> thank you, dana. >> bill: from florida the governor ron desantis taking on the house of mouse. how florida is firing back to disney over the state's parental rights bill. if you've been living with heart disease, reducing cholesterol can be hard, even when you're taking a statin and being active. but you can do hard. you lived through the blizzard of '96... 12 unappreciative bosses... 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of florida. this law would affect six of them. disney would say you are just trying to go after them for payback. what would you say on that count? >> i would say greetings from the free state of florida, bill. home to america's governor ron desantis. and we do not do payback in the state of florida. we stand up for parental rights. and when liberal elitists attack our parental rights florida will stand up. let's think about how we got into the position but the idea that kindergartners and up to third grade will be inundated with transgenderism. by disney putting the front and center on their cultural chart it led to us taking a look at what special privileges does destiny have and this is where we're looking. >> bill: democrats are going after you on this some of them. jen psaki was on the podcast this week and was asked about this topic and it got emotional. give this a listen here. >> i'll get emotional about this issue because it is horrible. but -- but, you know, it's like kids who are bullied and all these leaders are taking steps to hurt them and hurt their lives and hurt their families. it is completely outrageous. sorry, this is an issue that makes me completely kasi but it is an issue that is a political wedge issue and not a reflection of where the country is. >> bill: i don't know if you heard it before. what do you say to her? >> it's amazing, bill. i'm sure jen can read just fine. this is a four-page bill. this bill has nothing to do with how she is characterizing this bill. i'm sure she has plenty of problems in washington to take care of and she should leave florida's legislation to florida. if she wants to talk about this bill she should certainly read it first. >> bill: will you then craft a bill to revoke that self-governing status for disney? is that what will happen? >> we're not only going to -- that bill is being crafted but we'll be voting in the next hour to pass that bill. that's one of my jobs and we'll send the legislation to governor desantis for his signature. >> bill: it looks like it is on the fast track. thank you for your time. >> thank you for having me. >> dana: johnny depp will resume testimony any minute. he took the stand yesterday claiming heard defamed him when she wrote an op-ed about domestic violence. he wasn't named in the op-ed. he denied allegations of domestic abuse saying the claims are disturbing and heinous. >> never did i myself reach the point of striking ms. heard in any way nor have i ever struck any woman in my life. >> we'll go live to the courtroom when depp takes the stand again this morning. first mixed messages on mask mandates coming from the white house as the justice department said it will appeal monday's court ruling lifting the federal mask mandate on public transportation only if the cdc says masks are still necessary for public safety. welcome to a new hour of "america's newsroom." i'm dana perino. >> bill: i'm bill hemmer. good morning. widespread confusion over this understandably so. airlines quickly ditched the mask unless there is required at the destination. and some cities and states will continue to enforce local mandates on public transportation. you got that? meanwhile president biden says it is up to you to decide. grady trimble runs it down. fox business live at o'hare in chicago today. >> bill, no mask required here at o'hare, which is a change from yesterday. just eyeballing it here at the american terminal, i am noticing fewer people wearing masks. more people going maskless today compared to yesterday. about a 50/50 split. president biden didn't help to clear up the confusion when he seemed to shift his stance on masking while flying. he said it is up to travelers, as you mentioned. at some airports, though, you still do have to wear a mask like at laguardia and jfk in new york. if you go across the river to new jersey and newark you don't have to wear a mask. you also have to wear a mask at philly, salt lake city and los angeles airports. subway in new york you have to wear a mask. on the l in chicago no mask. so you can understand why the passengers we've talked to today can't keep it straight. >> i didn't know if it was required or not so i'm just wearing it if somebody tells me to put it on. not really wearing it. >> i brought a couple masks just in case. >> you feel if a mask keeps you safer please continue. i cannot impose that. it's a free country. >> the cdc could appeal and it says if the d.o.j. rather says if cdc concludes a mandatory order remains necessary for the public's health after its assessment that is supposed to be done by may 3 the department of justice will appeal the district court's decision. so for now no masks. they could come back, though. >> bill: she was wearing a mask like a chin strap. we'll drop in, johnny depp is back on the stand. some of the language got pretty rough yesterday afternoon. we have gone to a delay system and we will make sure we keep a finger on the trigger right now as the testimony gets underway in fairfax county. >> i was suddenly just wrong about everything. if i made a statement about something that i had been familiar with, for example, in my work, that i had been chopping away at for a good 30-some years, i was suddenly wrong. and then beyond that if you tried to explain yourself and correct the problem, the misunderstanding, it would then begin to heighten as ms. heard was unable to be wrong. it just didn't happen. she couldn't be wrong. so these little digs and it would commence with demeaning name calling, to be made a fool of, and those would escalate into a full scale argument. and in the beginning, as one does, one sticks up for oneself in a debate or argument over something to try to prove the point. but when it escalates and then -- it's hard to explain but the argument would start here and then it would roll around and become this circular thing of its own. so you get back to the beginning essentially of the argument. now it's heightened even more. but it is still circular and there is no way in or out. if there is a dialogue between two people, both people need to speak, but there was no way to fit a word in. it was -- it was a sort of a rapid fire sort of endless parade of insults and, you know, looking at me like i was a fool. and i just couldn't -- i was having difficulty in my mind, of course, and in my heart dealing with that sort of barrage. part of that is i just -- i was confused as to the fact that whatever her age was at the time of these various arguments, she was mid 20s to late 20s and into 30s, i couldn't understand how i had somehow -- somehow arrived at where i had arrived from where i came from in the beginning of my life, and worked for 30 plus years doing these things. it was astounding how wrong i was about everything that i had experienced within the film industry or within just life itself. you know, i was sort of not allowed to be right. not allowed to have a voice. so at a certain point when that -- what enters your mind is you start to slowly realize that you are in a relationship with your mother, in a sense. and i know that sounds perverse and obtuse but the fact is that some people search for weaknesses in people and that is to say sensitivities. and when you've told that person your life and what you've lived through and what you've been through, just as happens in relationships, the more that became ammunition for ms. heard to -- to either verbally decimate me or to send me into a kind of tailspin of confusion and depression and -- and -- well, it's -- it's not a happy day. it's not a happy week, it's not a happy month when you are constantly being told how wrong you are about this or that, what an idiot you are, or anything. it just -- then it increased and increased and became an endless -- it became that endless circle. so as it escalated and continued to escalate, i went straight to what i had learned as a youth, which was to remove myself from the situation so that it couldn't continue. because there is only so much your ears can hear and never forget. so i would remove myself from the situation as i had done as a youth as much as possible. because i -- i just certainly didn't believe there was any need for these various subjects or arguments to come up. and travel the distance that they did so very quickly to ramp up so fast. it was like you were pinned to a wall and had to just listen to it and take it. so i found the only way to find any sort of peace was to try to walk away if she didn't allow me to walk away, there were times when i would -- i would just go and lock myself in, you know, the bathroom or anywhere that she couldn't get into. and that happened constantly over the years. >> what would happen when the fights would escalate, other than going and hiding in the bathroom? >> i'm sorry, what would happen? well, if they continued to escalate, if i continued to try to present my version or my side of the story, when you are approached in a kind of -- well, when you are approached with such anger and hatred, it seemed like your hatred for me. if i stayed to argue that, eventually i was sure it was going to escalate into violence and oftentimes it did. at times it did. >> bill: when you say violence what are you referring to specifically? >> ms. heard in her frustration and in her rage and anger, she would strike out. she would -- it could begin with a slap. it could begin with a shove. it could begin with throwing a tv remote at my head. it could be throwing a glass of wine in my face. but all in all, it was just a -- it was a constant -- it was a built-in list of -- as i said, my personal experiences, which i gave to ms. heard, those things were -- those facts were used against me as weapons, especially when it came to my kids. so yeah, i -- there was no need for it. it just -- there was no need for it. too many lines were crossed. you couldn't see the lines anymore. >> you mentioned you said ms. heard would use the information you gave her as a weapon. could you explain that a little bit? >> i've said this before in various interviews but certainly in life, my -- if i have one ambition, ambition for me, when you equate it with hollywood, has become a very -- has become an ugly word in a sense because ambition means i want to be famous at any cost. i don't care what for, i just want to be famous. that's one thing. that's one part of it. if you have a hunger or a need or a drive to present your work, and that to me is the way to go about it. fame has nothing to do with it. so i was more -- i mean, basically the only ambition that i've ever had in my life came -- arrived the second that my first child arrived in the second, in the instant, which was to be a good parent, to be a great father, to be the best father i could. and there were several occasions where ms. heard would tell me what a bad father i was and that i had no idea how to parent. and again it falls into the same category as before. i couldn't understand how in 52 years or however old i was at the time, how i could be so wrong about everything. i mean, one learns along the road. the result is -- the result of the road is not important, it's the road that's important. because we don't know exactly what is going to happen in 10 years. we don't know, so the road is what i pay attention to. and paying attention to -- trying to spend as much time with my children as possible, even that would -- that could send ms. heard into a monumental tailspin. where i could hardly ever go and see my kids and spend time with my kids because she had to have me there at all times for her own needs. and that was something that once you realize that that's happening and then there are hassles between the children and her, the situation starts to get a little more grim and a little more dire. and that i was not prepared to take. i would not hear the words you are a bad father, you are a terrible father, you are an awful father. so one can only take so much of that before it's -- your brain, bits of your brain and heart begin to -- the valve gets shut out because you can't hear it anymore and you know it's not true and you know that it's meant as a weapon. it's to slice you up and to bring you down and to demean you. it is to bring you into a place where you start to believe that there is something wrong with you. and there is plenty wrong with me. there is plenty wrong with a lot of people, but in all of these situations, my main goal was to retreat because i think in life, most important, is pick your battles. if there is a battle to be fought, that it's grave and important, then that must be dealt with. but small insults and kind of teenage high school tactics, this bullying if you will, was becoming too much to take. >> so why did you stay with ms. heard given this type of behavior? >> that's a very complicated answer. i can only say that i stayed through all that -- i'm sure that it is somehow related to my father remaining stoic as my mother would beat him to death. i'm sure it had a lot to do with having been in a beautiful, wonderful 14, 15 year relationship with vanessa, the mother of my children, raising those kids was -- there was -- i had no interest in being a -- you know, the words that they use that i dislike very much, a celebrity or an entertainer, or a -- fame is a strange word because i could never equate it with myself. i pumped gas, i worked construction, i printed t-shirts, i dug -- i had many, many jobs before any of this happened to me. so i've been able to live both sides of that life, of life. i know the very lows and i know the very highs of where my life has gone. and it's not -- i don't -- again, it would be -- for me to sit up here as an actor who has been very, very fortunate over the years, and i can only say it's luck in the sense that someone hands you the ball in the beginning and you run with it. and you run as far as you can before you get tackled. so that's what i've always done. but what happens is, the -- when the word celebrity or when you are a -- what do they call it -- a public figure, that's what it is, a celebrity or a public figure, again not complaining, but there are things that are very uncomfortable and that is to say that at that point anybody can say anything they want to about you and that's happened to me over 36 years or more that things can be printed in the newspaper that are utterly false and this is even early on. so this is where that privilege, i suppose, that they call the privilege of celebrity, that's where that sticks in my finger. because it's one of those situations where you are -- >> bill: so that signal froze. the problem is not with your tv but with the cameras in fairfax county, virginia. portraying himself as the victim in this relationship and we do expect once they get done with this portion of the trial that he will be cross-examined and that would be fierce. >> dana: there weren't a lot of questions. it is lawsuit he brought against amber heard where he said she defamed him when she said she was a victim of domestic abuse. he went through all if there was violence in the home. he had problems and wishes he could be a better person. talking about parenting and it went on for quite a while. >> bill: this case was first held in london and lossed when he sued the son. now he brought it to fairfax county, virginia because amber heard penned an editorial in the "washington post". did not mention johnny depp by name in the editorial but suggested she was a victim of abuse. >> dana: he wanted to defend himself so he brought the case. the other thing that is interesting to have a courtroom that allows cameras to be trained on not just the witness but also the defendant in the case. she has to sit there the whole time waiting for her chance to be -- to have her lawyers cross-examine. >> bill: we expect her to take the stand, too. high flying celebrities that are witnesses as well. that is to be determined, though. we'll try to get the signal back. don't know what happened at the courthouse in fairfax, virginia. >> dana: it's still frozen. >> bill: it is back. >> dana: it's back. here we go. >> i didn't want to fail. i wanted to try to make it work. i thought maybe i could help her. i thought maybe i could bring her around because the amber heard that i knew for the first year or year and a half was not this -- was not this suddenly this opponent. it wasn't my girl. it was -- it was -- she had become my opponent and everything that i did just didn't fit her -- it wasn't -- she didn't accept it. so i stayed because, of course, i didn't want to fail. i didn't want to hurt anyone, especially ms. heard. i didn't want to break her heart. i remember very well that when my father left and my mother patty sue, that first attempt at suicide that i woke up to, and that visual in my head, and that was a direct result of my father's leaving. ms. heard had spoken of suicide on a couple of occasions, so that also becomes a factor. that's also something that always lives in the back of your brain that you fear. because when i would leave sometimes -- many times when i would try to leave, she would, you know, stop me at the elevator with the security guards crying and screaming i can't live without you. i'm going to die. but you had to get out. there were even a couple of times when i did escape and got to my house, arrived at my house and suites and five minutes later she would arrive and, i don't know what car she was driving at the time but she would arrive in her nightgown screaming in the parking lot in front of my house, screaming to high heaven and it would be 4 in the morning, 3 in the morning. it was ludicrous. it was out of control. it was uncontrollable. >> did there come a time when you and ms. heard started recording your arguments? >> yes. in fact, it was -- i was the first person of the two of us to record conversations. and it was for this reason. she would -- we would have been talking the night before or arguing the night before, and she would say something. there would be these -- again, these demeaning, berating insults. there would be these jabs. there would be anything to make me feel small and like nothing. so what i thought was i'm going to record the conversation. and i told her this. i'm going to record. i'm going to get my phone and record our conversation because i want you to hear what you have said to me tomorrow so that -- because she would deny having said those things. what are you talking about? you know, it was surreal. she would completely deny things she had said directly to my face in a heated and volatile way. she denied it. so i went to her and i said i'm going to record us. and i did. and we recorded the conversation, which when she was on tape, the first time it escalated a bit but she was -- it was clear she was performing for the tape because it was being recorded. so that was another clue that something was slightly rotten in the state of denmark, as it were. >> what did ms. heard say to you about you recording these conversations between you and her? >> initially she said sure, go ahead. >> did that ever change? >> no, then she -- then she started recording. without telling me she was recording something, which is fine, but not so fine if you know what i mean. even in those tapes, i don't -- there is -- it never took me to a place where i would go switch into some other entity, which is as she has used the term monster. it never switched to violence. violence was unnecessary. why would you hit someone to make them agree with you? i don't think it works. >> mr. depp you mentioned the term monster and i think we heard about that in the opening statements. what does the term monster mean to you? >> the term monster means to me -- you know, in the beginning she had used different word to explain the same thing and she would use the word demon. demons. that my demons were coming out. that she had noticed that there was a great change in my attitude or my aggressive nature or -- she would say that the demons had come out and they had control of me and that sort of thing. i don't remember exactly how monster came out but that word stuck and it stayed, well, until this day. what i believe that monster was in ms. heard's mind was her intense -- intense -- >> his belief about what monster meant in ms. heard's mind is -- >> sustained. >> when you used term monster what were you referring to in your conversations with ms. heard? >> when i used the term monster with ms. heard i was placating. if she had referred to me as being a monster, there was no way that i was going to sit there and go through a 45-minute argument about, you know, you are a monster, no i'm not, you're a monster, no i'm not. it was an impossibility. so what do you do? you accept her vernacular. you accept the word that she uses and then you use that word to placate her so that it would at least calm part of the -- part of the aggression. it would lessen the attacks, you know. so explaining the monster was for me -- i mean, she had told me many times that the monster was -- was only me when i was using drugs and alcohol. but even when i was stone cold sober off of alcohol and substances aside from my meds, the term the monster was still there. when she accused me of being high on cocaine or, you know, drinking like some sort of -- drinking like i was some kind of 19th century sailor, it's -- that was the word she clung to to describe. but it was in her mind, not mine. >> how did your relationship with ms. heard affect your substance use? >> well, for example, when we were on the road, when you are traveling, if you are on a press tour or if you are making a film and you are staying in a hotels or this or that, i would always have to get a different -- we would always have to book an extra room that i was able to escape to so i didn't have to lock myself in another bathroom. and it breaks you down. the constant haranguing breaks you down, and there is a part of you that says listen, if i'm going to be accused of this, might as well just do it. but it never exceeded -- it never -- my substance abuse or use -- the alcohol that i used or drank was, again, purely -- it's that little boy who didn't want to hear or didn't want to feel the pain of his mother turning him into some kind of ball of insecurity and pain. so yes, i was more inspired by ms. heard to reach out for a numbing agent because of the constant clashes, because of the -- i mean, maybe a few days here and there but there wasn't a day that you would wake up and you would expect something was going to hit the fan. and pretty much like clockwork it did. so yes, i had to have something to distance me and distance my -- my heart from those verbal attacks. i had to have something to be able to maintain me, and i'm afraid for a while, because of placation, because i didn't want to rock the boat, as it were, again, you pick your battles, so placation seemed the best route if i was unable to escape her clutches. >> how if at all did ms. heard try to support you in abstaining from the drugs and alcohol as she requested? >> well, verbally -- and she had been quite clear verbally, and pretty bullish and bruteish about wanting me to -- telling me that i needed to stop drinking. but drinking was basically drinking wine with her, and i -- i suppose maybe through youth, i don't know, but i have always had a pretty high tolerance for alcohol. especially it's not spirits, you know. i had a pretty good tolerance for alcohol substances and things of that nature. but there was no -- i had no -- i have worked with -- i have worked with therapists and drug counselors who have actually said the words to me -- because i wanted to know. i wanted to know, am i an alcoholic? am i an alcoholic or is this just the same thing that i did as a kid when i took my mom's nerve pill? do i have a drinking problem? and it essentially came down to this. do you have a drinking problem, johnny? >> objection, calls for hearsay what the doctors told him. >> i'm not sure she is saying what the doctors told them. >> if you can make that clear, i guess. >> let me ask you a different question, mr. depp. >> let him object to another one. >> how often would ms. heard drink in your presence while you were in a relationship? >> always. well, ms. heard drank -- she took a shine to a very nice spanish wine called -- she and all her friends did. and yeah, the wine would come out and ms. heard could quite easily drink two bottles of wine per night. not a problem. what i found strange was when i did -- did get sober from the -- while i was off the opiates that i had been addicted to prior to a year or so before, a couple years before, she asked me if i would stop drinking to save the relationship, of course. and i stopped drinking. and i always found it odd that in support of me not drinking, that she might stop drinking, but she did not. she continued. and i didn't make a big deal about it. in fact, i would open her -- i would open her wine and pour her a glass and that went on for many, many months, you know, in my sobriety. like i said, i think i was sober for around 18 months. then there was a time when i was asked to -- and i've been off of alcohol, off of drugs except for the medication that i'm prescribed, i had to go to london to give a lifetime achievement award to a dear old friend, who was an elderly man, great actor his name is christopher lee. he was a dear friend and i was surprised. he was being surprised by my showing up on stage. i just had flown in from the states and he was surprised by me arriving to give him this award. and christopher came up and accepted the award and we walked -- they brought us backstage to a beautiful library where we -- i was with christopher and his wife and a waiter came up and had three glasses of champagne. and christopher handed one to his wife and he handed one to me and then he had the other, and there was a photographer there. and the glass came up to toast and i just in my head i thought it's just champagne, you know, a little bit, a tink to toast christopher in his lifetime achieve many award so i have had half a glass of champagne with christopher lee and his wife. after that -- immediately after that awards ceremony, i went to pick up ms. heard and take her to dinner at a restaurant and i told her that i had had a half a glass of champagne with christopher, and i thought listen, it's not like, you know, you are sitting in a pub guzzling pints of snake bites or guinness or doing shots of yaeger meister. at that point it wasn't even for need to bury feelings or emotions. it was literally a joyous occasion for christopher and i said to her, i enjoyed it, you know. it gave me the opportunity to enjoy the actual champagne, the drink. and my appreciation for wine and wine making and that i've been fascinated with for years and years. and i saw nothing wrong in it. and i said i would like to have a glass of champagne and she was sitting there with her glass of wine and she -- we were in the restaurant and she absolutely lost it. and got up and stormed to the ladies room and i told my security and driver, i said i think we have to go. we're going to have to leave. so we left the restaurant and went home. and the mere suggestion of me sipping a glass of champagne or having one glass or two glasses of wine she went apoplectic. i was weak, i was a complete mess, i was an alcoholic. i was going to ruin everything. your kids are not proud of you. they can't stand what you are doing to yourself. so at that point i said to her okay, listen, how about this? you want to support me not drinking, i never asked you this before, how about you stop drinking? how about you get sobriety? and share this sobriety with me to support me and help me through this. >> what did she say to that? >> no. no. she said no. she said she didn't have a problem. i have never had a physical addiction to alcohol. i don't. >> how often have you seen ms. heard use other illicit drugs in your presence? >> several times. >> and what drugs were those? >> she was always quite fond of mdma. which is ecstasy. and mushrooms. and she had some medications that she was on already that were -- one in particular was quite a high velocity speed if you will. it was called -- i don't know if i can say the name. am i allowed to say the name? it doesn't matter. >> what -- how often did you see ms. heard take mdma? >> a dozen times, 20 times. i don't know. during the course of the years. >> and what about mushrooms? >> mushrooms a little less. mushrooms probably six or seven times. >> mr. depp, do you recall at the beginning of her opening, miss heard's counsel mentioned that the first time you supposedly struck ms. heard was in response to a comment about one of your tattoos. >> yes, i remember. >> what is your response to that? >> it didn't happen. i have never struck ms. heard, as i said yesterday, i've never struck ms. heard. i have never struck a woman in my life. i'm certainly not going to strike a woman if she decides to make fun of a tattoo that i have on my body. it's like going into someone's journal and picking out things you don't like. she had made mention -- there was no incident of argument when the tattoo thing had been brought up many, many times. there was really nothing i could do. i have always thought of my body as a journal, if you will, to mark experiences, to mark life experiences. for example, when my first child was born, i had her name tattooed over my heart, which is where her little head used to be when i would rock her to sleep. i marked my boy's birth by tattooing myself with him. so no one can go back -- or no one should go back and rewrite their journals. why would i take such great offense to someone making fun of a tattoo on my body? that allegation never made any sense to me whatsoever. >> are there any tattoos you had that ms. heard had an issue with, to your understanding? >> well, the -- the tattoo that i believe is up here, which used to say wynonna forever. who was a former girlfriend. and we had been together for a few years. wynonna rider, and when we broke up, how do you fix that? i did go back and rewrite my journal to some degree. i took off the last two letters and had it say wyno forever, just because i thought it was, again, through pain comes humor. humor has to come in at some point to the pain and that's how you play it out in your mind. so i have i think sometimes abstractly in that sense, so i changed it to wyno forever and any other tattoos -- well, she was very encouraging in me getting a tattoo of her, of her name, or whatever. and i waited a while and yes, i did it. i got a full tattoo of her and ironically it wasn't long after that that everything started going sideways. i was doing anything i could to bring a smile to her face as opposed to the frown and then the onslaught of whatever problems she was seeing or experiencing. i tried to wake her up with laughter, you know, singing stupid songs in her ear while she -- i generally just tried to keep bringing her mood up. sometimes it worked, many times it didn't. but i tried and i wanted to try because, as i said, i didn't want to fail and at the time, not knowing fully, not understanding fully what i was -- if you'll excuse the term -- up against, i kept trying. i kept trying but to no avail whatsoever. it just got worse. >> mr. depp, i would like to fast forward a little bit the may of 2014. could you please tell the jury what project you were working on in may of 2014? >> may of 2014? may of 2014, i'm -- there were a number of films that i made in succession. i can't remember if that might have been pirates -- no, i can't -- mordecai or i don't -- can you remind me what may of 2014 film was? >> were you filming black mass in boston in may of 2014? >> yes, yes. i was a film called black mass in boston and ms. heard had come with me. and i had for the film, i had to -- there were very early calls to work because i had a number of prosthetics glued to my face and blue contacts so that i could resemble -- it's

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It , Doesn T , Fishing , Friends , Music , Page , Five , Bill , Democrats , President , Thanks , Watching , News Wheel , Goodbye , F Block , Revolt , Dana Perino , New York City , Border Policy , Everybody , Backtrack , Blowback , America S Newsroom , Bill Hemmer , Joe Biden , Migrants , U S , Title , Thinking , Repeal , Montage , Hearing Asylum , 42 , People , Number , Nothing , Country , Line , Rule Set , Republicans , Dhs , 23 , 2 Million , 18000 , May 23 , Administration , Border , Responsibility , Border States , Immigrants , National Security , Wall , Place , Fentanyl , Office , Communities , Voting , Data , Challenges , Point , Terror Watch List , Governor , That S Right , Bill Melugin , Office Border Agents , Eagle Pass , Texas , 40 , Numbers , Reporting , Families , Adults , Video , Morning , Water Crossing , Single , Thing , Sort , Water , Border Patrol , Current , Texas National Guard , Group , Resources , Road , Cameraman , Del Rio , 150 , One , Lot , Photos , Sector , Releases , Rio Grande Valley , 1 , 170 , October 1 , Rgb , Groups , Capacity , Rgv In The Star County Area , 400 , Two , Bust , Car , Partner , Agent , Drug Bust , Canine , Arizona , Bounceville , Tucson , 12 , Team , Fentanyl Bust , Checkpoint , 80 , Streets , Sex Offenders , 10 Million , Times , Child , Statistics , Conviction , Fentanyl Story , Sexual Assault , 10 , Decision , Arizona Congressman , Situation , Residents , Marijuana , Efforts , Russian Army , October Pantsz , Mariupol , Russian , South , Battle , Tens Of Thousands , Territory , Hands , Ground Zero , Fate , Elenskyy , Zero , Area , War , Focus , West , 300 , Ukrainians , Fighting , Steel Plant , Edge , Donbas , Eastern Edge , 24 , Fighters , Attack , Plant , Now , Food , Provisions , Beds , Bomb Shelters , Russians , Concrete , Pounding , Matter , Cease Fire , Story , Part , Southeast , Map , Luhansk , Towns , Highway , Missile , Vladimir Putin , Army , North , Try , Train Center , Eye , 50 , Pin Ser Movement , Behalf , Refugees , Mariupol Falls , 5 Million , Countries , Member , Foreign Minister , House Armed Services Committee , Congressman Michael Waltz , Phase , Liberate Doneesque , Everyone , Invasion , Goal , Fighting Trench Style Warfare , 2014 , Control , Words , Command , East , Advantages , Butcher , Syria , Supply Lines , General , Atrocities , Issues , Attacks , Kinds , Military , 3 4 , Plan , Race , The End Of Day , Forces , South Axis , Ammunition , Arms , Ukraine Win , Supplies , Nato , Arsenal Of Democracy , Negotiating Table , Aid , Realm , U S Military , John Kirby , Everything , Conversations , Need , Artillery Systems , Rounds , 30 , Packages , Sir , 2 5 Billion , White House , Camp , Counter Battery Radar , Cities , Artillery , Types , Submission , Fight , Drop , Howitzers , Bucket , 18 , Amount , Worth , Weaponry , 40000 , Allies , Training , Europey , Eastern Europey , Something , Terms , Systems , Win , Top , Masks , Planes , Rest , Answer , Don T Know , Johnny Depp , Stand , Plane , Thoughts , Ruling , Emotions , Amber Heard , Justice , George Gascon , Old Girl Out , L A , D A , Battle Against E , 13 , Attacker , Slap , Mom , Wrist , Girl , Ptsd , Baby Girl , Doing , Window , Quarrel , Lover , Invested , Green Energy , Each Other , Tools , Power , Projects , Ratings , Reviews , Pay , Happiness , Angi , Angi Com , Home Sweet Weathertech , Upbeat Music Playing , Standing , Mark , Floors , Sink , Dirt Stays Outside , Kids , Masters , Products , Weathertech Com , Children Giggling , Uh , K Hmm , 11k , 1k , Clues , Barista , Masters Boulevard , Buddy , Gonna , 1111 , Eleven , 11 , Things , Coincidence , Cdc , Mask Mandates , Whether , Fox News Alert , Transportation , Reaction , Recommendation , Lucas Tomlinson , The Agency , Pro Bigs , 1933 , Facemask , Judge , Authority , Mandate , Research , Forms , May 3 , 3 , Florida , Public Transportation , Courts , Shouldn T , Decisions , Experts , Public Health Experts , Public Health , Credibility , Jen Psaki , Cases , Mask Ruling , Delta , Airports , Philadelphia , Anything , Department Of Justice , Mask , I Haven T , I Don T Know , Science , Minds , Piece , Topic , Meghan Mccardle , May 3rd , Therapeutics , Vaccines , Immunity , Event , Super Spreader , Hasn T , April Of 2020 , 2020 , Courtroom , Washington , Dinners , Play The Game , Person , Lawsuit , Defense , Organization , Preference , Clip , Mother , Daughter , Kind , Probation , Stabbing Victim , Restorative Justice Policy , Warning , Old Girl , California , Inglewood , Three , Life , Left , Liver , Arm , Punctureed , Cassandra , Boy , Street , Panic Attacks , Anxiety Attacks , Suffering , Policy , System , Restorative Justice , Disappointment , Reason , Crime , Hand , Magnitude , Record , Lack , Idea , 14 , Inaudible , Bullying , Half , The Park , Threat , House , Question , Aunt , Park In Inglewood , Trouble , Knife , Adrenalin Rush , Back , Criminal Justice , Activist , Game , Community , Accountability , Danger , Way , Girls , House Arrest , Camps , Gravity , 20 , Treatment , Services , Wraparound , Nature , Crimes , Facility , Wish , Restrictions , Wallet , Luck , Josh Holmes , Ladies , Next , Estate , Ron Desantis , Sex Education Bill , Price , Battle Against Disney , Entertainment Giant , Symptoms , Tracks , Crohn S Disease , Moderate , Ulcerative Colitis , Stelara , Doctor , Move , Relief , Cancer , Risk , Injections , Infections , Infection , Dose , Serious , Tb , Pres , Reactions , Remission , Lung Inflammation , Skin Growths , Sores , Brain Condition , Vaccine , Janssen , Cost Support Options , Veterans , Many , Benefits , Home , Down Payment , Eligibility , Homes , Veteran , Va Loan , Newday Usa , Certified Goosebumps , Certified , Certified Turbocharger , Tailpipe , Suspension , Headlamp , Head , Turns , Mileage , Dreams , Peace Of Mind , Warranty , Mercedes Benz , Certified Pre Owned , Cinderella , Family , 0 , Cross Examination , Lawyers , Ex , Dollar Defamation Trial , You David Spunt , More , Fairfax County , Time , Courthouse , Jurors , Witness Stand , Hello , Virginia , Miss , Relationship , Woman , Fact , Questioning , Films , Childhood , Lawyer , Aggressor , Marriage , Name , Victim , Domestic Violence , Op Ed , Washington Post , Suinging , Abuse , Claims , Reputation , Yop Yesterday , Ex Husband , Stoicly , Heard Sat , Trial , Globe , Drama , Mitt Romney , Podcast , Inflation , Advisors , Priority , Growth , Show , Errors , Co Host , Gas , Oil , Isn T , Lands , Making A Good Policy Decision , Day One , Example , Economy , Importer , Gas Supply Problem , Energy , Leases , Keystone Pipeline , Set , Action , Priorities , Paragraph , Romney Piece , Wall Street Journal , Unbelievable , Mantra , Elections , Principles , Bill Clinton , Congress , Leadership , Indication , Seven , Six , Financial Literacy , Cover , 8 1 2 , Problem , Currency , Instinct , Gas Prices , Bbb , Atlanta , Student Loan , Ships , Pacific , Student Loans , Armada , Opposite , Guidance , Obama , 2024 , Factor , Sources , No One Else , Trump , Beat Trump , Theiry , Case , Reporters , Trial Balloon , Least , Anonymous , Polls , Some , Swing States , Approval Rating , Donald Trump , Points , Brushing , Election , Reelection , 15 , Stump , Towel , Iowa , New Hampshire , Student Loan Debt , Payments , Administration Planning , Education , Money , Dime , Millions , Others , Taxpayer Dollars , 1 6 Trillion Dollars , 210 , 516 Billion , 1 6 Trillion , Ambassador , Townhouse , Blue , Yellow , Financing , Manhattan , Racing , Twitter , Social Media Platform Private , Elon Musk , Protests , Ask , Take Control , Vraylar , Highs , Bipolar , Lows , Medicines , Dementia , Episodes , Depressive , Patients , Manic , Confusion , Cholesterol , Death , Children , Muscle Movements , Behavior , Muscles , Changes , Weight Gain , High Blood Sugar , Stroke , Antidepressants , Fever , Side Effects , Restlessness , Coma , Stomach , Sleepiness , Movement Dysfunction , Homeowners , Value , Abbvie , Newday 100 Va Loan , Call , Boost , 100 , 0000 , 60000 , Home Loan , Cash , Newday , Savings , Va , No One , Average , Bank , Lender , Ways , 615 , Shipping Manager , Indeed Instant Match , Job Description , Candidates , Find Themself , Security , Password , Accounts , Aura , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Twenty Four , All In One , Devices , Aura Digital Security , At Aura Com , Shopping On Public Wifi , Life Insurance Policy , Cash Payment , Retirement , Income , Ew , Don T , Policy Lapse , Life Insurance , Screen , Finding Out , Coventry , Visit Coventrydirect Com , 100000 , 00000 , Insurance , Activist Group , Residence , Protest , Images , Brass Plaque , Mansion , Is , Sky , Fields , Lives , Doorstep , Wheat , United Nations , Eric Shawn , Testors , Defiance , Abrazen , Front , Flag , Colors , Nonprofit Charity , War Criminal , Message , Hero , Slogans , Sign , Man , Parking Sign , Lies , 35 Million , 2008 , Defender , Zone , Critics , Puppet , Stage , Putin , Propaganda , Bucha , Mask Aker , In London , Nazi Regime , Lisbon , Washington D C , Protestors , Floor Study , Glory , Vigil , National Anthem , Lights , Drug Overdose Deaths , Teenagers , East Side , Nice , 2019 , 94 , Attention , Deaths , Special Attention , Dea , 2021 , 77 , Parents , Graph , Cartels , Teens , Chinese , Mexican , Pills , Cocaine , Social Media , Heroin , Meth , Access , Mind , Homework , Tv , Supply , Well , Upstairs , Pill Prouk , Period , 293 , 106854 , November Of 2021 , Statistical Data , Jimmie Row , Weapon Of Mass Destruction , Weapon Of Mass Destruction Law Enforcement , Law Enforcement , Government , Impact , Intelligence Community , Dod , Grandkids , Fentanyl Deaths , Orange County , Record Levels , Increase , Sheriff , 2016 , 1700 , Drug , Heartbreak , Seizures , 1200 , 1300 , Derek , Tripling , 2022 , 5300 , 19 , April 19th , Officials , Border Security , Babysitting , Border Processing , Nightmare , Perspective , Salt , 150000 , Public , The American , Border Patrol Seizures Last , Bags , 16950 , 11000 , Kids In America , Members , Reelections , Mid Terms , Rights , Disney , Firing , House Of Mouse , Statin , Heart Disease , Blizzard , Bosses , Fad Diets , Phone Rings , 96 , 17 , Leqvio , Heart Attack , Passwords , Pain , Joint Pain , Urinary Tract Infection , Chest Cold , Legs , Diarrhea , Injection Site Reaction , Shortness Of Breath , Zero Down Home , Homeownership , The American Dream , Loan , Lowest , History , Rates , Newday100 , The Call , Ten , Bushes Rustling , Door Opening , Hon , Protection , Seat Protector , Vehicle , Drill Mudflaps , Floorliners , Cargoliner , Bumpstep , Cupfone , Shine , Pair , Nothin , Exam , Pairs , Um Jamie , PrivÉ Revaux , 89 95 , 9 95 , Legislature , Structure , Self Governing Status , Florida A G , Payback , Simpson , Count , Law , Districts , Greetings , Laws , Senate , 130 , Elitists , Third Grade , Kindergartners , Position , Stand Up , Transgenderism , Privileges , Destiny , Center , Chart , It Led , Look , Issue , Leaders , Jen , Reflection , Wedge , Legislation , Problems , Care , Four , Status , Jobs , Signature , Fast Track , Testimony , Op Ed About Domestic Violence , He Wasn T , Allegations , Ms , Mask Mandate , Messages , Public Safety , Court Ruling , Understandably , Airlines , States , Mandates , Destination , Grady Trimble , Change , Fox Business Live , Chicago , O Hare , Biden Didn T , Masking , Stance , Help , Travelers , Flying , Split , New Jersey , Philly , Salt Lake City , Jfk , Laguardia , Passengers , Subway , Couple , Somebody , Health , Order , Assessment , Doj , Chin Strap , District Court , Finger , Delay System , Language , Trigger , Statement , Work , Misunderstanding , She Couldn T Be Wrong , Digs , Argument , Name Calling , Fool Of , Scale , Debate , Beginning , Dialogue , Word , Fire , Insults , Couldn T , Fool , Parade , Course , Heart , Difficulty , Arguments , Age , Barrage , Mid 20s To Late And Into 30s , In The Beginning , My Life , Film Industry , Voice , Sense , Weaknesses , Sensitivities , Relationships , Tailspin , Depression , Idiot , Circle , Youth , Escalate , Ears , Distance , Subjects , Peace , Bathroom , Anywhere , She Couldn T Get Into , Fights , Hiding , Version , Side , Of , Anger , Hatred , Violence , Rage , Frustration , Glass , Shove , Tv Remote , Wine , Face , List , Constant , Experiences , Facts , Weapons , Lines , Weapon , Information , My , Interviews , Ambition , Very , Cost , What , Hollywood , Hunger , Fame , Drive , Father , Second , Parent , Instant , Occasions , Category , 52 , Result , We Don T Know , Monumental Tailspin , Needs , Hassles , Little , Brain , Valve , Bits , Battles , Situations , Important , High School Tactics , Type , Interest , Vanessa , Celebrity , Entertainer , Being , Construction , T Shirts , Sides , Actor , Someone , Ball , Figure , Anybody , 36 , Newspaper , Privilege , Sticks , Signal , Cameras , Portion , There Weren T , Questions , Son , Lossed , Editorial , Amber , Chance , Defendant , Witness , Celebrities , Witnesses , It Wasn T , Opponent , My Girl , Anyone , Patty Sue , Suicide , Attempt , Leaving , Screaming , Security Guards , Leave , Elevator , My House , Suites , Parking Lot , Nightgown , Heaven , 4 , The Two Of Us , Yes , Demeaning , Berating Insults , Jabs , Conversation , Phone , Tape , Clue , Bit , Say , Denmark , Recording , Fine , Tapes , I Don T , Monster , Term , Entity , Mr , Statements , Demons , Demon , Attitude , Belief , Placating , 45 , Impossibility , Vernacular , Aggression , Alcohol , Drugs , Stone Cold Sober , Meds , Substances , Drinking , Sailor , 19th Century , Substance , Film , On The Road , Press Tour , Hotels , Traveling , Different , Room , Constant Haranguing , Substance Abuse , Use , Didn T , Little Boy , Didn T Want , Insecurity , There Wasn T A Day , Clashes , Fan , Placation , Rock The Boat , Route , Clutches , Abstaining , Bruteish , Spirits , Alcohol Substances , Tolerance , Counselors , Therapists , Alcoholic , Drinking Problem , Nerve Pill , Kid , Doctors , Calls , Hearsay , Objection , Presence , Spanish , Bottles , Opiates , It Odd , Support , Deal , Sobriety , Medication , Christopher Lee , Friend , Lifetime Achievement Award , Christopher , Award , Showing , Library , Champagne , Wife , Glasses , Other , Photographer , Waiter , Lifetime , Restaurant , Dinner , Awards Ceremony , Point It Wasn T , Snake , Pub , Shots , Guinness , Pints , Yaeger Meister , Occasion , Feelings , Opportunity , Appreciation , Making , Ladies Room , Driver , Suggestion , Mess , Listen , Okay , Addiction , Ecstasy , Mdma , Mushrooms , Medications , Particular , Were , Velocity , Speed , It Doesn T Matter , Response , Counsel , Comment , Opening , Tattoos , It Didn T , Tattoo , Fun , In My Life , Body , Mention , Tattoo Thing , Incident , Journal , Life Experiences , Birth , Journals , Offense , Allegation , Understanding , Girlfriend , Wynonna , Degree , Wynonna Rider , Letters , Wyno Forever , Humor , Whatever , Smile , Onslaught , Frown , Laughter , Ear , Songs , Mood , May , Avail , Jury , May Of 2014 , Succession , Pirates , Black Mass , Mordecai , Called Black Mass In Boston , Boston , Come With Me , Contacts , Prosthetics ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Americas Newsroom With Bill Hemmer Dana Perino 20240708 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Americas Newsroom With Bill Hemmer Dana Perino 20240708

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blocked nearly 2 million people from entering the country. >> bill: that rule set to expire may 23. with nothing in line to replace it, dhs says the number of people arriving every day will top 18,000. republicans and some democrats in border states saying enough is enough. >> biden administration has a responsibility to secure the border. even more dangerous they have the responsibility for national security. americans are tired of illegal immigrants flooding into our communities and tired of the fentanyl coming in and all of the challenges. people will be voting to put people in place in office who will secure our border like what president biden is not doing. >> dana: new data from dhs underscores the governor's point. since the president took office border agents have stopped more than 40 people on the terror watch list trying to enter the country illegally. bill melugin is in eagle pass, texas. >> bill: that's right. dhs numbers extremely concerning and reporting that there have been 42 people on the terror watch list arrested nationwide while trying to cross into the united states and that's since president biden has taken office. in eagle pass quite a busy morning already. right to the video and show you what we've been seeing. we shot this less than an hour ago. migrants in the water crossing illegally into eagle pass, families and single adults. like to cross in the morning when the water is running lower and current is lower and not as dangerous. this sort of thing happens over and over and over. watching these crossings all morning long. they get taken into custody by texas national guard. wait for border patrol to arrive. that was only one group. we had a cameraman down the road. a group of 150 migrants crossed over illegally and being processed by border patrol. resources stretched extremely thin. the del rio has had a quarter million illegal crossings since october 1. their numbers are up over 170% and witnessing a lot of these mass releases. same thing happening in the rio grande valley sector. look at these photos from our rgv in the star county area. border patrol encountered two groups totaling over 400 illegal immigrants most single adults. rgb is over capacity as well and why we're seeing the mass releases in bounceville. major drug bust in tucson, arizona sector. look at these photos from border patrol. an agent and canine partner made a bust of 12 pounds of fentanyl in a car going through a checkpoint in arizona. the second bust in one week. that exact same team you'll see in the photos made a bigger fentanyl bust last week. 80 pounds of fentanyl. they got enough fentanyl off the streets to stop 10 million lethal doses from getting into the united states. back out here live border patrol here in the del rio sector reporting they've arrested two convicted sex offenders including one mexican national with a conviction for the sexual assault of a child who had been deported 10 times in the last two years including as recently as last month. we'll send it back to you. >> dana: stunning statistics and the fentanyl story we'll talk about later this hour as well. thank you, bill. we'll speak with one of the democrats opposing the president's decision to end title 42. arizona congressman joins us next hour. >> the situation in marijuana is extremely severe. russian army a blocking any efforts to save our people. the october pantsz are looking to deport or mobilize local residents who have fallen into their hands. the fate of tens of thousands of mariupol residents previously relocated to russian-controlled territory is unknown. >> bill: there is zelenskyy the president talking about mariupol, a town in the south. really is a ground zero for a battle happening there at the moment. this is the border that will be contested now. 300 miles long. this will be the focus of the war going forward. the area to the west known as the donbas. ukrainians have held out in the steel plant. this area right now where there was significant fighting in the past 24 hours on the western edge of the town. eastern edge of the town is the steel plant. we're told there are bomb shelters built to withstand nuclear attack. get this now, fighters they believe set up beds and food and provisions pre-war to hold out in a plant just like this, all right? this is steel reinforced concrete as it is described to us that extends several yards wide. so they can withstand now the russian pounding from above. and for a couple days this week now the russians have been imploring the fighters to call a cease-fire. that has not happened to date. they are holding out right now and the ukrainians are saying it is a matter of hours, not days. so far they have proved very tough for the russian fighters to defeat. watch this story as it develops. back to the southeast. that is described a moment ago. go into this area here and i will show you on the map what's happening. significant fighting in this part of donbas and luhansk as well. this is another town. the russians have taken it. if they hold this town, there is a highway that runs right to the south there that leads to towns here where the missile hit those try to evacuate a train center and killed 50 two weeks ago. i would keep an eye potentially on this area for putin's army to start focusing on and start concentrating on because they could come in from the north, they could come in from the east and if mariupol falls, they could come in from the south as well where the pin ser movement would happen on behalf of putin's army. we're over 5 million refugees that have left ukraine and neighboring countries. extraordinary numbers there. >> dana: thank you for that. let's bring in congressman michael waltz. a member of the house armed services committee. the foreign minister of russia says the fighting in ukraine has entered a new phase and they willfuly liberate doneesque and luhansk. it looks precarious for the ukrainians. >> thanks, dana. i have think it is worth reminding everyone that fighting trench style warfare fighting has been going on in the donbas since 2014. ukrainians have been dying every day since the first invasion. putin's goal always was in his words to liberate the east. i think this new phase will present several advantages militarily for the russians. one, they will consolidate command and control. they have consolidated under the butcher of syria, the russian general that led the atrocities in syria. they will consolidate their supply lines that we've seen have been spread way too thin and really presented them all kinds of issues. ukraine has 3/4 of their military stacked in the east. so i think we could expect to see the russians stage a number of frontal attacks. that's what you are seeing going on right now to pin those forces down. and then as bill pointed out think will seek the north/south axis to surround them and cut them off. i think that's the plan. at the end of the day president zelenskyy is right. this is a race against time and the united states and nato need to stop incrementally pushing arms, ammunition and supplies in and unleash the arsenal of democracy and help ukraine win. not help them get to the negotiating table. >> bill: on that point john kirby yesterday at the pentagon about u.s. military aid trying to reach those ukrainian fighters today. >> it is certainly within the realm of the possible that the ukrainians will want additional artillery systems and rounds and we'll have those conversations with them and if that is the need, we'll do everything we can to meet it. >> bill: this is an administration if they acted too late or 30 days behind every decision. we found more than 2.5 billion have been pledged to ukraine to fight and two more packages being prepped already. that number will go significantly higher than it is today, sir. >> yeah, bill, you're right and the number sounds impressive but i stand firmly in the camp that the white house has moved too little and too late. the ukrainians when i visited last year were asking for artillery systems and importantly were asking for the types of radar called counter battery radar that helps them detect russian artillery coming in and destroy it. as you know that's what they are using to pound these cities into submission. they were asking for it last year. two months into the war and now we're going to start flowing that in. again, the number sounds impressive but it's 18 howitzers. that's a drop in the bucket compared to what the russians are bringing to the fight. 40,000 rounds. that's about what the ukrainians are estimated to be going through in a week. a week's worth of ammunition. we have got to unload the full amount of arms and weaponry that we can. i would like to see our eastern europey an allies pushing their russian-made systems in so ukrainians can utilize them more quickly without training and we backfill our eastern europey an allies with our systems. that's a double win in terms of upgrading our nato allies and getting the ukrainians something they can use very quickly with little training. >> dana: congressman michael waltz we'll be on top of this story all day and the rest of the week. we'll stay in touch with you. >> thanks. >> people continue to wear masks on planes? >> that's up to them. >> bill: don't know what that answer is today, dana. but many americans elated after removing their masks on the plane. biden administration says not so fast. will the white house appeal that ruling? >> dana: i have thoughts. emotions running high when johnny depp took the stand in his legal battle against e wife amber heard. we'll take you there live. >> bill: a 13-year-old girl out of l.a. forced to fight for her own justice. far left d.a. george gascon gives her attacker who stabbed her multiple times a slap on the wrist. she and her mom will join us with their story live coming up today. >> i'm livid because the little girl is running around doing whatever she wants scot-free while my baby girl is home suffering from ptsd. afraid to leave the house. constantly looking out of her window. you're probably thinking that these two are in some sort of lover's quarrel. no, no, no. they're both invested... in green energy. and also each other. digital tools so impressive, you just can't stop. what would you like the power to do? 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[upbeat music playing] ♪♪ welcome to home sweet weathertech home. a place where dirt stays outside. and floors are protected. where standing is comfortable. and water never leaves a mark. it's spotless under the sink. and kids can be kids. order your american made products at (children giggling) hey, i was, uh, thinking about going back to school to get my masters. i just saw something that said you could do it in a year for, like, $11k. hmm. barista: order eleven! yeah, see you at 11. 1111 masters boulevard, please. gonna be eleven even, buddy. really? the clues are all around us! some things are too obvious to be a coincidence. >> dana: fox news alert. the biden administration deferring to the cdc whether to appeal the ruling that lifted mask mandates on planes, trains and other public transportation saying we're sticking with the agency's recommendation. lucas tomlinson is live at the white house with more reaction as we still await the decision from cdc, lucas. >> dana, in 1933 pro bigs was repealed. president biden thinks it's up to americans to decide for themselves whether or not they want to wear a facemask. >> should people continue to wear masks on planes? >> president biden: that's up to them. >> days before the judge's ruling the cdc extended the mandate through may 3 doing more research. does the white house's cdc have the authority to mandate masks on planes and other forms of public transportation? the federal judge in florida says no, the white house says yes. jen psaki said public health decisions shouldn't be made by the courts. they should be made by public health experts. many experts think the cdc's authority and credibility is on the line right now. after the mask ruling pass eveningers aboard planes wasted also times celebrating and removing masks. america, delta, southwest more than a dozen dropping mask mandates. in some cases minutes after the judge's ruling. new york and philadelphia continue to require masks at their airports. asked if the administration would appeal the judge's ruling the president says he is not sure. >> is your administration going to appeal the mask mandate? >> president biden: i haven't gotten anything from my cdc. i don't know. follow the science. >> the justice department says they will appeal if the cdc recommends masks have to stay on until may 3rd. >> dana: thank you so much. this is really a topic on a lot of people's minds if you travel a lot or if you travel with little kids. meghan mccardle has a great piece saying why now is the time. the president doesn't talk about how we're at a different place than we were in april of 2020 with vaccines, therapeutics. a lot of people with natural immunity and there hasn't been a super spreader event on a plane but has been at elite dinners in washington >> bill: in 24 hours -- >> dana: can we -- they want the play the game again. if i were in the courtroom when they asked what should be done, if you are the person that brought the lawsuit, that organization, i would just play the clip of the president saying it's up to them. it's a matter of personal preference and say defense rests. and then let the judge decide. >> bill: i like that, too. see what they do, right? right now it is kind of out there and it is yet to be decided. this is out there, too. what a story. the mother of a stabbing victim is livid that her daughter's attacker was given probation because of the d.a.'s restorative justice policy. this is l.a. now. a warning the video you are about to see is disturbing. it happened a year ago this month in inglewood, california. 13-year-old girl stabbed three times by another 13-year-old girl. she was slashed on the left arm, suffered a punctureed liver and almost lost her life. she is still very bothered by what happened that day. she and her mother are with me now with los angeles and good morning to you both. you've been bullied online for the same girl for months over a boy who lived across the street from you. cassandra, you've been fighting for justice for your daughter. what are you dealing with today, cassandra? >> that my daughter has been suffering from ptsd that triggers the panic attacks and anxiety attacks and just the disappointment from the system in not getting justice for her. >> bill: is this the d.a. george gascon restorative justice policy. the reason the 13-year-old was given a slap on the hand? >> his policy -- a 13-year-old that commits a crime of this magnitude. so i am not really sure if it's because of the policy or because the lack of policy. it has nothing to do with a 13-year-old that committed a crime. the thing is no prior record. >> bill: give me an idea how you are feeling now at age 14? >> i feel paranoid and like when i go out, i get anxious a lot. >> what are you afraid of? >> i'm afraid of her following me and trying to -- [inaudible]. >> bill: have you seen her in the past year? >> no. >> she had never met this girl prior to being attacked at the park. the bullying went on for almost a year and a half prior to the attack. we learned that she was out of the country and didn't feel there was an imminent threat. when we went to the mother's house to get her daughter to stop bullying my daughter her mother said she was out of control and she couldn't handle her and she sent her to live with her aunt because she didn't know what to do. >> bill: one more question of your daughter here. the day you showed up in a park in inglewood you didn't know the other girl would show up, either. the two of you confront each other. when did you find out she had a knife on her? >> when she took it out. >> bill: did you think you were in trouble at that point? >> my adrenalin rush i wasn't thinking about anything, to be honest. i was just -- >> she had never been in a fight before. >> bill: you were incarcerated when you were young, right, cassandra? a former criminal justice activist. today you are kind of back in that game. what could be done better to make it right for your daughter today? >> at this point i'm not even really sure because there was no accountability and she was only given probation. i feel like it poses a danger to the community and to my daughter that she is not even on house arrest. there is no way for us to know where she is at or what she is doing. we feel like girls like this, being i was a young girl doing crazy things and i reformed my life, i know what kind of girl we're dealing with and i have worked with young people over the last 20 years and doing camps and this kind of girl who commits a crime to this gravity will reoffend. so i feel like what needs to be done is a policy needs to be put in place that provides intensive wraparound services and treatment inside of some sort of treatment facility to address young people who commit crimes of this nature. >> bill: we'll see if you get your wish. i think you have the right mom. thank you for your time today. cassandra, thanks to you as well. good luck, ladies. >> thank you. >> dana: the biden administration is tightening environmental restrictions that could shrink your wallet more. could it damage the democrats? we'll talk to josh holmes next. ron desantis stepping up the battle against disney. how the entertainment giant could pay the price for woke and opposing the state's sex education bill. ♪♪♪ if your moderate to severe crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis symptoms are stopping you in your tracks... choose stelara® from the start... and move toward relief after the first dose... with injections every two months. stelara® may increase your risk of infections, some serious, and cancer. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you have an infection, flu-like symptoms, sores, new skin growths, have had cancer, or if you need a vaccine. pres, a rare, potentially fatal brain condition, may be possible. some serious allergic reactions and lung inflammation can occur. feel unstoppable. ask your doctor how lasting remission can 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continues and he will face cross examination from heard's lawyers. this could get ugly. david spunt outside the courthouse in fairfax county, virginia. with more. >> hello and good morning to you. yesterday johnny depp spent three hours on the witness stand. the first time jurors heard directly from him. >> never did i myself reach the point of striking miss heard in any way nor have i ever struck any woman in my life. >> depp said his initial relationship with amber heard was too good to be true but she later became a much different person. his family and friends have testified that heard was, in fact, the aggressor in the marriage physically attacking him. depp fielded mostly sympathetic questioning from his lawyer yesterday spending his time working on his films all the way back to his childhood. bill, he claimed his mother was physically and emotionally abusing and he is suinging heard for a december "washington post" op-ed describing herself as a victim of domestic violence but doesn't mention the name johnny depp. he was never charged or arrested an any abuse claims. heard's yop yesterday he says damaged his reputation. heard sat and listened stoicly yesterday as her ex-husband told the jurors why he chose to sue her in a public way. a trial broadcast across the globe. when he takes the stand in 20, 30 minutes, we know that his team will continue the questioning and it comes up to that cross examination that could go for the rest of the day possibly until tomorrow. at some point during this trial we know amber heard will also take the stand. >> bill: thank you david spunt. more drama coming up top of the hour. >> dana: biden administration is reversing another trump-era policy and again caving into the far left of the democratic party tightening environmental restrictions that could shrink your wallet more. mitt romney writing a scathing op-ed. he said biden's errors worsen inflation. ditch his woke advisors and make growth the overriding priority. josh holmes co-host of the ruthless podcast welcome back to the show. administration did something interesting. we'll allow for oil and gas leases on federal lands reversing something they did on the first day. they don't want to credit from that in terms of making a good policy decision. they're figuring out a way to cover themselves on the left by making sure that the left isn't mad about those things. >> that's exactly right, dana. it goes to show the priority of this administration from day one has not been about good policy or trying to rectify the economy but trying to play indicate the far left. energy is a perfect example on that. day one you cancel the keystone pipeline and limit oil and gas leases. now we have a huge gas supply problem we're a net importer of oil and gas and they try to reverse some of that but now the left is upset. you have to take action to rectify it. unbelievable. >> bill: the romney piece is interesting. check it out "wall street journal." the last paragraph. a new set of priorities requires a new set of principles. president biden needs to ditch his woke advisors and surround himself with people who want to get the economy working again. talking about fed on that point. upcoming mid-term elections remember bill clinton's mantra, it's the economy. american people need strong economic leadership that only a president can provide. how much can they influence that with six or seven months to go? >> i don't think there is any indication this administration or the democrats in congress will do anything other than try to provide some political cover for what they are doing here. we aren't talking about presiding over a bad economy. we're talking about basic financial literacy. we're at 8 1/2% inflation and they want to flood with more currency. they still want to pass bbb. you have a problem with gas prices. the first instinct was to hand out gas cards flooding more currency into the economy. almost everything from the student loan -- think about that. they want to forgive student loans meanwhile you have an armada of ships hanging in the pacific and atlanta that can't be unloaded because we don't have the people to do it. everything they are trying to do things to rectify the economy is the opposite of what you should do. i'm not confident this administration will take any guidance from romney. >> dana: there is reporting that president biden told former president obama that he is running in 2024. he said biden wants to run and clearly letting everyone know. i believe he thinks he is the only one who can beat trump. no one else can beat trump and that's the biggest factor. one of the two sources familiar with the conversations between obama and biden. i have a theiry. would you like to hear it? i think what you see anonymous sources like this it's people in the obama camp that heard this wanted to get it out there to make sure that it got shot down so that they could be on the record at least -- it's anonymous but on the record with those reporters saying they told them so. >> the old trial balloon, right, dana? that could very well be the case. they might be right in that there is not any democrats that currently look like they can beat donald trump or any other republican for that matter. joe biden is not one of them, either. in this state of the economy and his approval rating across this country. you look at some of the polls that have come out in swing states. states that democrats have to have in a national election and he is like 15 points under water. he is brushing into the 30s. that is an absolutely devastating place to start from trying to win reelection particularly when we've seen this president have trouble on the stump as well. >> bill: he has been to iowa and new hampshire. before a mid-term you won't say i'll throw in the towel. you want to make sure your name is out there. josh, thank you. talk soon. free money, right, dana? it's a free education on your dime. administration planning to wipe out student loan debt for 40,000 americans. could eventually end the payments of millions of others. watch this story now. they announced the move yesterday. we're talking about your taxpayer dollars ultimately. in the last 15 years student loan debt has grown 210% from 516 billion to 1.6 trillion dollars. we shall see what they do, miss perino. >> dana: elon musk racing to secure financing to purchase twitter in the coming days. the big move he is eyeing to take the social media platform private. a russian ambassador east townhouse in manhattan colored in yellow and blue. what the anti-putin protests are telling only fox news. and you can help take control of your symptoms - and ask about vraylar. some medicines only treat the lows or highs. once-daily vraylar is proven to treat depressive, acute manic, and mixed episodes of bipolar i in adults. full-spectrum relief for all bipolar i symptoms. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. call your 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news was here exclusively to report on it. abrazen, defiance against the war in ukraine. pro-ukrainian pro testors lit up the russian townhouse that is the official residence of the russian ambassador to the united nations with the ukrainian flag bathed in yellow and blue colors by a new york based nonprofit charity. they projected the flag under the front of the mansion but also anti-putin slogans. #putin is a war criminal and #zelenskyy is a hero. >> the message would be, you lie too much. too many things have happened because of your lies. be the man and speak out. >> the russians bought this mansion in 2008 for $35 million. but there is no sign of it. no russian flag, no brass plaque and the parking sign simply says no standing, not the diplomatic zone you would expect. the reason is to hide who lives here. fox news has seen the ambassador at the townhouse. called putin's puppet by critics. he has been a stalwart defender of vladimir putin's invasion. he blames ukraine for war, branded the bucha mask aker as stage and is protecting putin and his propaganda. >> criminal. war criminal. probably something very close to hitler to nazi regime. >> similar protests have put the flag on russia in london, lisbon, and washington, d.c. as for the ambassador he was home, the lights were on in his third floor study and the protestors ended their vigil quietly singing the ukrainian national anthem and repeatedly shouted glory to ukraine. >> bill: we'll see if they come back. nice house. eric shawn on the east side of new york. >> dana: alarming new study on fentanyl in the u.s. drug overdose deaths among teenagers rose by 94% between 2019 and 2020 and another 20% from 2020 to 2021. it accounted for 77% of those deaths. a former dea special attention. you pay a lot of attention to this. call for number one so everyone can see the graph that shows you how stunning those numbers are and how quickly it goes up. what do parents need to know to protect their teens? >> well, dana, first of all the mexican cartels are working closely with the chinese and flooding american streets with these poisonous, deadly pills. fentanyl mixed with cocaine, meth and heroin. parents need to realize that social media is enhancing the access for young kids. so when your parents are sitting downstairs watching tv and the kids are upstairs, you think they are doing their homework they could be ordering these deadly pills. pill prouk labs are operating all over the u.s. as well, which is increasing the supply of these deadly pills. keep in mind the cdc just released the most recent statistics through november of 2021, 12-year period. 106,854 dead americans. 293 a day. the families of fentanyl have analyzed all the cdc statistical data and revealed that fentanyl is the number one cause of death in a new age group 13 to 50. we're seeing younger kids dying. parents have to pay more attention. one other thing, dana, families of fentanyl. you hosted jimmie row. they are calling for it to be a designated as a weapon of mass destruction. >> dana: what's the legal impact if you label it a weapon of mass destruction law enforcement can do what differently? >> you put all the resources of the united states powerful government with the intelligence community, d.o.d., department of defense and law enforcement to go after the threat. killing our kids at record levels. orange county, california, dana, the sheriff released the number, 1700% increase in fentanyl deaths from 2016 to 2021. this is unbelievable. parents don't understand. >> dana: a huge amount of heartbreak. i want to pull up for everyone the border patrol drug seizures of fentanyl are way up. you can see right here going from 1200, 1300 and now already in 2022 we're just april 19th, 5300 pounds. pretty much you are looking for a tripling of that number from 2021, derek. what do you think the biden administration is failing to do here? >> well, first of all, our brave border patrol is inundated with border processing of migrants and babysitting. they aren't able to do border security. i was down in the rio grande valley with some department of homeland security officials, former officials, and it was a nightmare on the system what's going on with these migrants invading our country. but dana, to put things in perspective, i like to show this to the people in america. that's 300 grams of salt. if that was fentanyl it could kill 150,000 americans potentially. by the way, just based on border patrol seizures last year of 11,000 pounds, that's 16950 of these bags. the american public has to realize border patrol and law enforcement is inundated with these migrants from over 150 countries and we have a catastrophic situation going on with our kids in america that are dying. the white house is not even talking about it. >> dana: it's very scary. members of congress as they get ready for their reelections in the mid-terms are starting to talk about it because parents are very worried as they should be. derek, thank you. >> thank you, dana. >> bill: from florida the governor ron desantis taking on the house of mouse. how florida is firing back to disney over the state's parental rights bill. if you've been living with heart disease, reducing cholesterol can be hard, even when you're taking a statin and being active. but you can do hard. you lived through the blizzard of '96... 12 unappreciative bosses... 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of florida. this law would affect six of them. disney would say you are just trying to go after them for payback. what would you say on that count? >> i would say greetings from the free state of florida, bill. home to america's governor ron desantis. and we do not do payback in the state of florida. we stand up for parental rights. and when liberal elitists attack our parental rights florida will stand up. let's think about how we got into the position but the idea that kindergartners and up to third grade will be inundated with transgenderism. by disney putting the front and center on their cultural chart it led to us taking a look at what special privileges does destiny have and this is where we're looking. >> bill: democrats are going after you on this some of them. jen psaki was on the podcast this week and was asked about this topic and it got emotional. give this a listen here. >> i'll get emotional about this issue because it is horrible. but -- but, you know, it's like kids who are bullied and all these leaders are taking steps to hurt them and hurt their lives and hurt their families. it is completely outrageous. sorry, this is an issue that makes me completely kasi but it is an issue that is a political wedge issue and not a reflection of where the country is. >> bill: i don't know if you heard it before. what do you say to her? >> it's amazing, bill. i'm sure jen can read just fine. this is a four-page bill. this bill has nothing to do with how she is characterizing this bill. i'm sure she has plenty of problems in washington to take care of and she should leave florida's legislation to florida. if she wants to talk about this bill she should certainly read it first. >> bill: will you then craft a bill to revoke that self-governing status for disney? is that what will happen? >> we're not only going to -- that bill is being crafted but we'll be voting in the next hour to pass that bill. that's one of my jobs and we'll send the legislation to governor desantis for his signature. >> bill: it looks like it is on the fast track. thank you for your time. >> thank you for having me. >> dana: johnny depp will resume testimony any minute. he took the stand yesterday claiming heard defamed him when she wrote an op-ed about domestic violence. he wasn't named in the op-ed. he denied allegations of domestic abuse saying the claims are disturbing and heinous. >> never did i myself reach the point of striking ms. heard in any way nor have i ever struck any woman in my life. >> we'll go live to the courtroom when depp takes the stand again this morning. first mixed messages on mask mandates coming from the white house as the justice department said it will appeal monday's court ruling lifting the federal mask mandate on public transportation only if the cdc says masks are still necessary for public safety. welcome to a new hour of "america's newsroom." i'm dana perino. >> bill: i'm bill hemmer. good morning. widespread confusion over this understandably so. airlines quickly ditched the mask unless there is required at the destination. and some cities and states will continue to enforce local mandates on public transportation. you got that? meanwhile president biden says it is up to you to decide. grady trimble runs it down. fox business live at o'hare in chicago today. >> bill, no mask required here at o'hare, which is a change from yesterday. just eyeballing it here at the american terminal, i am noticing fewer people wearing masks. more people going maskless today compared to yesterday. about a 50/50 split. president biden didn't help to clear up the confusion when he seemed to shift his stance on masking while flying. he said it is up to travelers, as you mentioned. at some airports, though, you still do have to wear a mask like at laguardia and jfk in new york. if you go across the river to new jersey and newark you don't have to wear a mask. you also have to wear a mask at philly, salt lake city and los angeles airports. subway in new york you have to wear a mask. on the l in chicago no mask. so you can understand why the passengers we've talked to today can't keep it straight. >> i didn't know if it was required or not so i'm just wearing it if somebody tells me to put it on. not really wearing it. >> i brought a couple masks just in case. >> you feel if a mask keeps you safer please continue. i cannot impose that. it's a free country. >> the cdc could appeal and it says if the d.o.j. rather says if cdc concludes a mandatory order remains necessary for the public's health after its assessment that is supposed to be done by may 3 the department of justice will appeal the district court's decision. so for now no masks. they could come back, though. >> bill: she was wearing a mask like a chin strap. we'll drop in, johnny depp is back on the stand. some of the language got pretty rough yesterday afternoon. we have gone to a delay system and we will make sure we keep a finger on the trigger right now as the testimony gets underway in fairfax county. >> i was suddenly just wrong about everything. if i made a statement about something that i had been familiar with, for example, in my work, that i had been chopping away at for a good 30-some years, i was suddenly wrong. and then beyond that if you tried to explain yourself and correct the problem, the misunderstanding, it would then begin to heighten as ms. heard was unable to be wrong. it just didn't happen. she couldn't be wrong. so these little digs and it would commence with demeaning name calling, to be made a fool of, and those would escalate into a full scale argument. and in the beginning, as one does, one sticks up for oneself in a debate or argument over something to try to prove the point. but when it escalates and then -- it's hard to explain but the argument would start here and then it would roll around and become this circular thing of its own. so you get back to the beginning essentially of the argument. now it's heightened even more. but it is still circular and there is no way in or out. if there is a dialogue between two people, both people need to speak, but there was no way to fit a word in. it was -- it was a sort of a rapid fire sort of endless parade of insults and, you know, looking at me like i was a fool. and i just couldn't -- i was having difficulty in my mind, of course, and in my heart dealing with that sort of barrage. part of that is i just -- i was confused as to the fact that whatever her age was at the time of these various arguments, she was mid 20s to late 20s and into 30s, i couldn't understand how i had somehow -- somehow arrived at where i had arrived from where i came from in the beginning of my life, and worked for 30 plus years doing these things. it was astounding how wrong i was about everything that i had experienced within the film industry or within just life itself. you know, i was sort of not allowed to be right. not allowed to have a voice. so at a certain point when that -- what enters your mind is you start to slowly realize that you are in a relationship with your mother, in a sense. and i know that sounds perverse and obtuse but the fact is that some people search for weaknesses in people and that is to say sensitivities. and when you've told that person your life and what you've lived through and what you've been through, just as happens in relationships, the more that became ammunition for ms. heard to -- to either verbally decimate me or to send me into a kind of tailspin of confusion and depression and -- and -- well, it's -- it's not a happy day. it's not a happy week, it's not a happy month when you are constantly being told how wrong you are about this or that, what an idiot you are, or anything. it just -- then it increased and increased and became an endless -- it became that endless circle. so as it escalated and continued to escalate, i went straight to what i had learned as a youth, which was to remove myself from the situation so that it couldn't continue. because there is only so much your ears can hear and never forget. so i would remove myself from the situation as i had done as a youth as much as possible. because i -- i just certainly didn't believe there was any need for these various subjects or arguments to come up. and travel the distance that they did so very quickly to ramp up so fast. it was like you were pinned to a wall and had to just listen to it and take it. so i found the only way to find any sort of peace was to try to walk away if she didn't allow me to walk away, there were times when i would -- i would just go and lock myself in, you know, the bathroom or anywhere that she couldn't get into. and that happened constantly over the years. >> what would happen when the fights would escalate, other than going and hiding in the bathroom? >> i'm sorry, what would happen? well, if they continued to escalate, if i continued to try to present my version or my side of the story, when you are approached in a kind of -- well, when you are approached with such anger and hatred, it seemed like your hatred for me. if i stayed to argue that, eventually i was sure it was going to escalate into violence and oftentimes it did. at times it did. >> bill: when you say violence what are you referring to specifically? >> ms. heard in her frustration and in her rage and anger, she would strike out. she would -- it could begin with a slap. it could begin with a shove. it could begin with throwing a tv remote at my head. it could be throwing a glass of wine in my face. but all in all, it was just a -- it was a constant -- it was a built-in list of -- as i said, my personal experiences, which i gave to ms. heard, those things were -- those facts were used against me as weapons, especially when it came to my kids. so yeah, i -- there was no need for it. it just -- there was no need for it. too many lines were crossed. you couldn't see the lines anymore. >> you mentioned you said ms. heard would use the information you gave her as a weapon. could you explain that a little bit? >> i've said this before in various interviews but certainly in life, my -- if i have one ambition, ambition for me, when you equate it with hollywood, has become a very -- has become an ugly word in a sense because ambition means i want to be famous at any cost. i don't care what for, i just want to be famous. that's one thing. that's one part of it. if you have a hunger or a need or a drive to present your work, and that to me is the way to go about it. fame has nothing to do with it. so i was more -- i mean, basically the only ambition that i've ever had in my life came -- arrived the second that my first child arrived in the second, in the instant, which was to be a good parent, to be a great father, to be the best father i could. and there were several occasions where ms. heard would tell me what a bad father i was and that i had no idea how to parent. and again it falls into the same category as before. i couldn't understand how in 52 years or however old i was at the time, how i could be so wrong about everything. i mean, one learns along the road. the result is -- the result of the road is not important, it's the road that's important. because we don't know exactly what is going to happen in 10 years. we don't know, so the road is what i pay attention to. and paying attention to -- trying to spend as much time with my children as possible, even that would -- that could send ms. heard into a monumental tailspin. where i could hardly ever go and see my kids and spend time with my kids because she had to have me there at all times for her own needs. and that was something that once you realize that that's happening and then there are hassles between the children and her, the situation starts to get a little more grim and a little more dire. and that i was not prepared to take. i would not hear the words you are a bad father, you are a terrible father, you are an awful father. so one can only take so much of that before it's -- your brain, bits of your brain and heart begin to -- the valve gets shut out because you can't hear it anymore and you know it's not true and you know that it's meant as a weapon. it's to slice you up and to bring you down and to demean you. it is to bring you into a place where you start to believe that there is something wrong with you. and there is plenty wrong with me. there is plenty wrong with a lot of people, but in all of these situations, my main goal was to retreat because i think in life, most important, is pick your battles. if there is a battle to be fought, that it's grave and important, then that must be dealt with. but small insults and kind of teenage high school tactics, this bullying if you will, was becoming too much to take. >> so why did you stay with ms. heard given this type of behavior? >> that's a very complicated answer. i can only say that i stayed through all that -- i'm sure that it is somehow related to my father remaining stoic as my mother would beat him to death. i'm sure it had a lot to do with having been in a beautiful, wonderful 14, 15 year relationship with vanessa, the mother of my children, raising those kids was -- there was -- i had no interest in being a -- you know, the words that they use that i dislike very much, a celebrity or an entertainer, or a -- fame is a strange word because i could never equate it with myself. i pumped gas, i worked construction, i printed t-shirts, i dug -- i had many, many jobs before any of this happened to me. so i've been able to live both sides of that life, of life. i know the very lows and i know the very highs of where my life has gone. and it's not -- i don't -- again, it would be -- for me to sit up here as an actor who has been very, very fortunate over the years, and i can only say it's luck in the sense that someone hands you the ball in the beginning and you run with it. and you run as far as you can before you get tackled. so that's what i've always done. but what happens is, the -- when the word celebrity or when you are a -- what do they call it -- a public figure, that's what it is, a celebrity or a public figure, again not complaining, but there are things that are very uncomfortable and that is to say that at that point anybody can say anything they want to about you and that's happened to me over 36 years or more that things can be printed in the newspaper that are utterly false and this is even early on. so this is where that privilege, i suppose, that they call the privilege of celebrity, that's where that sticks in my finger. because it's one of those situations where you are -- >> bill: so that signal froze. the problem is not with your tv but with the cameras in fairfax county, virginia. portraying himself as the victim in this relationship and we do expect once they get done with this portion of the trial that he will be cross-examined and that would be fierce. >> dana: there weren't a lot of questions. it is lawsuit he brought against amber heard where he said she defamed him when she said she was a victim of domestic abuse. he went through all if there was violence in the home. he had problems and wishes he could be a better person. talking about parenting and it went on for quite a while. >> bill: this case was first held in london and lossed when he sued the son. now he brought it to fairfax county, virginia because amber heard penned an editorial in the "washington post". did not mention johnny depp by name in the editorial but suggested she was a victim of abuse. >> dana: he wanted to defend himself so he brought the case. the other thing that is interesting to have a courtroom that allows cameras to be trained on not just the witness but also the defendant in the case. she has to sit there the whole time waiting for her chance to be -- to have her lawyers cross-examine. >> bill: we expect her to take the stand, too. high flying celebrities that are witnesses as well. that is to be determined, though. we'll try to get the signal back. don't know what happened at the courthouse in fairfax, virginia. >> dana: it's still frozen. >> bill: it is back. >> dana: it's back. here we go. >> i didn't want to fail. i wanted to try to make it work. i thought maybe i could help her. i thought maybe i could bring her around because the amber heard that i knew for the first year or year and a half was not this -- was not this suddenly this opponent. it wasn't my girl. it was -- it was -- she had become my opponent and everything that i did just didn't fit her -- it wasn't -- she didn't accept it. so i stayed because, of course, i didn't want to fail. i didn't want to hurt anyone, especially ms. heard. i didn't want to break her heart. i remember very well that when my father left and my mother patty sue, that first attempt at suicide that i woke up to, and that visual in my head, and that was a direct result of my father's leaving. ms. heard had spoken of suicide on a couple of occasions, so that also becomes a factor. that's also something that always lives in the back of your brain that you fear. because when i would leave sometimes -- many times when i would try to leave, she would, you know, stop me at the elevator with the security guards crying and screaming i can't live without you. i'm going to die. but you had to get out. there were even a couple of times when i did escape and got to my house, arrived at my house and suites and five minutes later she would arrive and, i don't know what car she was driving at the time but she would arrive in her nightgown screaming in the parking lot in front of my house, screaming to high heaven and it would be 4 in the morning, 3 in the morning. it was ludicrous. it was out of control. it was uncontrollable. >> did there come a time when you and ms. heard started recording your arguments? >> yes. in fact, it was -- i was the first person of the two of us to record conversations. and it was for this reason. she would -- we would have been talking the night before or arguing the night before, and she would say something. there would be these -- again, these demeaning, berating insults. there would be these jabs. there would be anything to make me feel small and like nothing. so what i thought was i'm going to record the conversation. and i told her this. i'm going to record. i'm going to get my phone and record our conversation because i want you to hear what you have said to me tomorrow so that -- because she would deny having said those things. what are you talking about? you know, it was surreal. she would completely deny things she had said directly to my face in a heated and volatile way. she denied it. so i went to her and i said i'm going to record us. and i did. and we recorded the conversation, which when she was on tape, the first time it escalated a bit but she was -- it was clear she was performing for the tape because it was being recorded. so that was another clue that something was slightly rotten in the state of denmark, as it were. >> what did ms. heard say to you about you recording these conversations between you and her? >> initially she said sure, go ahead. >> did that ever change? >> no, then she -- then she started recording. without telling me she was recording something, which is fine, but not so fine if you know what i mean. even in those tapes, i don't -- there is -- it never took me to a place where i would go switch into some other entity, which is as she has used the term monster. it never switched to violence. violence was unnecessary. why would you hit someone to make them agree with you? i don't think it works. >> mr. depp you mentioned the term monster and i think we heard about that in the opening statements. what does the term monster mean to you? >> the term monster means to me -- you know, in the beginning she had used different word to explain the same thing and she would use the word demon. demons. that my demons were coming out. that she had noticed that there was a great change in my attitude or my aggressive nature or -- she would say that the demons had come out and they had control of me and that sort of thing. i don't remember exactly how monster came out but that word stuck and it stayed, well, until this day. what i believe that monster was in ms. heard's mind was her intense -- intense -- >> his belief about what monster meant in ms. heard's mind is -- >> sustained. >> when you used term monster what were you referring to in your conversations with ms. heard? >> when i used the term monster with ms. heard i was placating. if she had referred to me as being a monster, there was no way that i was going to sit there and go through a 45-minute argument about, you know, you are a monster, no i'm not, you're a monster, no i'm not. it was an impossibility. so what do you do? you accept her vernacular. you accept the word that she uses and then you use that word to placate her so that it would at least calm part of the -- part of the aggression. it would lessen the attacks, you know. so explaining the monster was for me -- i mean, she had told me many times that the monster was -- was only me when i was using drugs and alcohol. but even when i was stone cold sober off of alcohol and substances aside from my meds, the term the monster was still there. when she accused me of being high on cocaine or, you know, drinking like some sort of -- drinking like i was some kind of 19th century sailor, it's -- that was the word she clung to to describe. but it was in her mind, not mine. >> how did your relationship with ms. heard affect your substance use? >> well, for example, when we were on the road, when you are traveling, if you are on a press tour or if you are making a film and you are staying in a hotels or this or that, i would always have to get a different -- we would always have to book an extra room that i was able to escape to so i didn't have to lock myself in another bathroom. and it breaks you down. the constant haranguing breaks you down, and there is a part of you that says listen, if i'm going to be accused of this, might as well just do it. but it never exceeded -- it never -- my substance abuse or use -- the alcohol that i used or drank was, again, purely -- it's that little boy who didn't want to hear or didn't want to feel the pain of his mother turning him into some kind of ball of insecurity and pain. so yes, i was more inspired by ms. heard to reach out for a numbing agent because of the constant clashes, because of the -- i mean, maybe a few days here and there but there wasn't a day that you would wake up and you would expect something was going to hit the fan. and pretty much like clockwork it did. so yes, i had to have something to distance me and distance my -- my heart from those verbal attacks. i had to have something to be able to maintain me, and i'm afraid for a while, because of placation, because i didn't want to rock the boat, as it were, again, you pick your battles, so placation seemed the best route if i was unable to escape her clutches. >> how if at all did ms. heard try to support you in abstaining from the drugs and alcohol as she requested? >> well, verbally -- and she had been quite clear verbally, and pretty bullish and bruteish about wanting me to -- telling me that i needed to stop drinking. but drinking was basically drinking wine with her, and i -- i suppose maybe through youth, i don't know, but i have always had a pretty high tolerance for alcohol. especially it's not spirits, you know. i had a pretty good tolerance for alcohol substances and things of that nature. but there was no -- i had no -- i have worked with -- i have worked with therapists and drug counselors who have actually said the words to me -- because i wanted to know. i wanted to know, am i an alcoholic? am i an alcoholic or is this just the same thing that i did as a kid when i took my mom's nerve pill? do i have a drinking problem? and it essentially came down to this. do you have a drinking problem, johnny? >> objection, calls for hearsay what the doctors told him. >> i'm not sure she is saying what the doctors told them. >> if you can make that clear, i guess. >> let me ask you a different question, mr. depp. >> let him object to another one. >> how often would ms. heard drink in your presence while you were in a relationship? >> always. well, ms. heard drank -- she took a shine to a very nice spanish wine called -- she and all her friends did. and yeah, the wine would come out and ms. heard could quite easily drink two bottles of wine per night. not a problem. what i found strange was when i did -- did get sober from the -- while i was off the opiates that i had been addicted to prior to a year or so before, a couple years before, she asked me if i would stop drinking to save the relationship, of course. and i stopped drinking. and i always found it odd that in support of me not drinking, that she might stop drinking, but she did not. she continued. and i didn't make a big deal about it. in fact, i would open her -- i would open her wine and pour her a glass and that went on for many, many months, you know, in my sobriety. like i said, i think i was sober for around 18 months. then there was a time when i was asked to -- and i've been off of alcohol, off of drugs except for the medication that i'm prescribed, i had to go to london to give a lifetime achievement award to a dear old friend, who was an elderly man, great actor his name is christopher lee. he was a dear friend and i was surprised. he was being surprised by my showing up on stage. i just had flown in from the states and he was surprised by me arriving to give him this award. and christopher came up and accepted the award and we walked -- they brought us backstage to a beautiful library where we -- i was with christopher and his wife and a waiter came up and had three glasses of champagne. and christopher handed one to his wife and he handed one to me and then he had the other, and there was a photographer there. and the glass came up to toast and i just in my head i thought it's just champagne, you know, a little bit, a tink to toast christopher in his lifetime achieve many award so i have had half a glass of champagne with christopher lee and his wife. after that -- immediately after that awards ceremony, i went to pick up ms. heard and take her to dinner at a restaurant and i told her that i had had a half a glass of champagne with christopher, and i thought listen, it's not like, you know, you are sitting in a pub guzzling pints of snake bites or guinness or doing shots of yaeger meister. at that point it wasn't even for need to bury feelings or emotions. it was literally a joyous occasion for christopher and i said to her, i enjoyed it, you know. it gave me the opportunity to enjoy the actual champagne, the drink. and my appreciation for wine and wine making and that i've been fascinated with for years and years. and i saw nothing wrong in it. and i said i would like to have a glass of champagne and she was sitting there with her glass of wine and she -- we were in the restaurant and she absolutely lost it. and got up and stormed to the ladies room and i told my security and driver, i said i think we have to go. we're going to have to leave. so we left the restaurant and went home. and the mere suggestion of me sipping a glass of champagne or having one glass or two glasses of wine she went apoplectic. i was weak, i was a complete mess, i was an alcoholic. i was going to ruin everything. your kids are not proud of you. they can't stand what you are doing to yourself. so at that point i said to her okay, listen, how about this? you want to support me not drinking, i never asked you this before, how about you stop drinking? how about you get sobriety? and share this sobriety with me to support me and help me through this. >> what did she say to that? >> no. no. she said no. she said she didn't have a problem. i have never had a physical addiction to alcohol. i don't. >> how often have you seen ms. heard use other illicit drugs in your presence? >> several times. >> and what drugs were those? >> she was always quite fond of mdma. which is ecstasy. and mushrooms. and she had some medications that she was on already that were -- one in particular was quite a high velocity speed if you will. it was called -- i don't know if i can say the name. am i allowed to say the name? it doesn't matter. >> what -- how often did you see ms. heard take mdma? >> a dozen times, 20 times. i don't know. during the course of the years. >> and what about mushrooms? >> mushrooms a little less. mushrooms probably six or seven times. >> mr. depp, do you recall at the beginning of her opening, miss heard's counsel mentioned that the first time you supposedly struck ms. heard was in response to a comment about one of your tattoos. >> yes, i remember. >> what is your response to that? >> it didn't happen. i have never struck ms. heard, as i said yesterday, i've never struck ms. heard. i have never struck a woman in my life. i'm certainly not going to strike a woman if she decides to make fun of a tattoo that i have on my body. it's like going into someone's journal and picking out things you don't like. she had made mention -- there was no incident of argument when the tattoo thing had been brought up many, many times. there was really nothing i could do. i have always thought of my body as a journal, if you will, to mark experiences, to mark life experiences. for example, when my first child was born, i had her name tattooed over my heart, which is where her little head used to be when i would rock her to sleep. i marked my boy's birth by tattooing myself with him. so no one can go back -- or no one should go back and rewrite their journals. why would i take such great offense to someone making fun of a tattoo on my body? that allegation never made any sense to me whatsoever. >> are there any tattoos you had that ms. heard had an issue with, to your understanding? >> well, the -- the tattoo that i believe is up here, which used to say wynonna forever. who was a former girlfriend. and we had been together for a few years. wynonna rider, and when we broke up, how do you fix that? i did go back and rewrite my journal to some degree. i took off the last two letters and had it say wyno forever, just because i thought it was, again, through pain comes humor. humor has to come in at some point to the pain and that's how you play it out in your mind. so i have i think sometimes abstractly in that sense, so i changed it to wyno forever and any other tattoos -- well, she was very encouraging in me getting a tattoo of her, of her name, or whatever. and i waited a while and yes, i did it. i got a full tattoo of her and ironically it wasn't long after that that everything started going sideways. i was doing anything i could to bring a smile to her face as opposed to the frown and then the onslaught of whatever problems she was seeing or experiencing. i tried to wake her up with laughter, you know, singing stupid songs in her ear while she -- i generally just tried to keep bringing her mood up. sometimes it worked, many times it didn't. but i tried and i wanted to try because, as i said, i didn't want to fail and at the time, not knowing fully, not understanding fully what i was -- if you'll excuse the term -- up against, i kept trying. i kept trying but to no avail whatsoever. it just got worse. >> mr. depp, i would like to fast forward a little bit the may of 2014. could you please tell the jury what project you were working on in may of 2014? >> may of 2014? may of 2014, i'm -- there were a number of films that i made in succession. i can't remember if that might have been pirates -- no, i can't -- mordecai or i don't -- can you remind me what may of 2014 film was? >> were you filming black mass in boston in may of 2014? >> yes, yes. i was a film called black mass in boston and ms. heard had come with me. and i had for the film, i had to -- there were very early calls to work because i had a number of prosthetics glued to my face and blue contacts so that i could resemble -- it's

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Reflection , Wedge , Legislation , Problems , Care , Four , Status , Jobs , Signature , Fast Track , Testimony , Op Ed About Domestic Violence , He Wasn T , Allegations , Ms , Mask Mandate , Messages , Public Safety , Court Ruling , Understandably , Airlines , States , Mandates , Destination , Grady Trimble , Change , Fox Business Live , Chicago , O Hare , Biden Didn T , Masking , Stance , Help , Travelers , Flying , Split , New Jersey , Philly , Salt Lake City , Jfk , Laguardia , Passengers , Subway , Couple , Somebody , Health , Order , Assessment , Doj , Chin Strap , District Court , Finger , Delay System , Language , Trigger , Statement , Work , Misunderstanding , She Couldn T Be Wrong , Digs , Argument , Name Calling , Fool Of , Scale , Debate , Beginning , Dialogue , Word , Fire , Insults , Couldn T , Fool , Parade , Course , Heart , Difficulty , Arguments , Age , Barrage , Mid 20s To Late And Into 30s , In The Beginning , My Life , Film Industry , Voice , Sense , Weaknesses , Sensitivities , Relationships , Tailspin , Depression , Idiot , Circle , Youth , Escalate , Ears , Distance , Subjects , Peace , Bathroom , Anywhere , She Couldn T Get Into , Fights , Hiding , Version , Side , Of , Anger , Hatred , Violence , Rage , Frustration , Glass , Shove , Tv Remote , Wine , Face , List , Constant , Experiences , Facts , Weapons , Lines , Weapon , Information , My , Interviews , Ambition , Very , Cost , What , Hollywood , Hunger , Fame , Drive , Father , Second , Parent , Instant , Occasions , Category , 52 , Result , We Don T Know , Monumental Tailspin , Needs , Hassles , Little , Brain , Valve , Bits , Battles , Situations , Important , High School Tactics , Type , Interest , Vanessa , Celebrity , Entertainer , Being , Construction , T Shirts , Sides , Actor , Someone , Ball , Figure , Anybody , 36 , Newspaper , Privilege , Sticks , Signal , Cameras , Portion , There Weren T , Questions , Son , Lossed , Editorial , Amber , Chance , Defendant , Witness , Celebrities , Witnesses , It Wasn T , Opponent , My Girl , Anyone , Patty Sue , Suicide , Attempt , Leaving , Screaming , Security Guards , Leave , Elevator , My House , Suites , Parking Lot , Nightgown , Heaven , 4 , The Two Of Us , Yes , Demeaning , Berating Insults , Jabs , Conversation , Phone , Tape , Clue , Bit , Say , Denmark , Recording , Fine , Tapes , I Don T , Monster , Term , Entity , Mr , Statements , Demons , Demon , Attitude , Belief , Placating , 45 , Impossibility , Vernacular , Aggression , Alcohol , Drugs , Stone Cold Sober , Meds , Substances , Drinking , Sailor , 19th Century , Substance , Film , On The Road , Press Tour , Hotels , Traveling , Different , Room , Constant Haranguing , Substance Abuse , Use , Didn T , Little Boy , Didn T Want , Insecurity , There Wasn T A Day , Clashes , Fan , Placation , Rock The Boat , Route , Clutches , Abstaining , Bruteish , Spirits , Alcohol Substances , Tolerance , Counselors , Therapists , Alcoholic , Drinking Problem , Nerve Pill , Kid , Doctors , Calls , Hearsay , Objection , Presence , Spanish , Bottles , Opiates , It Odd , Support , Deal , Sobriety , Medication , Christopher Lee , Friend , Lifetime Achievement Award , Christopher , Award , Showing , Library , Champagne , Wife , Glasses , Other , Photographer , Waiter , Lifetime , Restaurant , Dinner , Awards Ceremony , Point It Wasn T , Snake , Pub , Shots , Guinness , Pints , Yaeger Meister , Occasion , Feelings , Opportunity , Appreciation , Making , Ladies Room , Driver , Suggestion , Mess , Listen , Okay , Addiction , Ecstasy , Mdma , Mushrooms , Medications , Particular , Were , Velocity , Speed , It Doesn T Matter , Response , Counsel , Comment , Opening , Tattoos , It Didn T , Tattoo , Fun , In My Life , Body , Mention , Tattoo Thing , Incident , Journal , Life Experiences , Birth , Journals , Offense , Allegation , Understanding , Girlfriend , Wynonna , Degree , Wynonna Rider , Letters , Wyno Forever , Humor , Whatever , Smile , Onslaught , Frown , Laughter , Ear , Songs , Mood , May , Avail , Jury , May Of 2014 , Succession , Pirates , Black Mass , Mordecai , Called Black Mass In Boston , Boston , Come With Me , Contacts , Prosthetics ,

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