Transcripts For FOXNEWS America Reports With John Roberts S

Transcripts For FOXNEWS America Reports With John Roberts Sandra Smith 20240708

d.v.r. and watch it back later today. begin today with a new challenge in the red hot housing market as the average interest rate for america's most common home loan, a high not seen in more than a decade. hello, john roberts in washington, good friday to you. >> thanks for having me, john. i'm jacqui heinrich. 30 year fixed rate mortgage is 5%, up from 4.27 last week, the average just over 3% a year ago. mortgage lending giant says the goal of home ownership is the most expensive in a generation. >> john: and economic woes for the biden administration saddled with 40 year high inflation, and the president placing the blame for increased prices on russian president vladimir putin and voters are not buying it. his approval rating all time lows with the midterms months away. peter doocy kicks us off this afternoon. live on the north lawn. peter. >> the first one of the polls you mentioned looks at the president's overall approval rating and it is down. all the way down to 33%, according to quinnipiac, and that has more than half the adults polled, 54% disapproving. as republican critics say the reason for this is the "i" word, inflation. >> approval numbers are quite low and here in iowa, everyone is feeling the pinch of inflation, feeling the pinch of empty store shelves, not having goods, whether it's in the manufacturing sector or agriculture sector, even the healthcare sector. >> another poll by gallup finds the president in trouble with young voters. tanking with generation z, born between 1997 and 2004, 60% -- gave him a 60% approval when he came to the white house last year, now he's down to 39%. that is down 21 points. so, what do you do to try to claw back support with younger voters? this white house is thinking one way to cancel student debt. >> between now and august 31st, either extended or make a decision as ron referenced about cancelling student debt. now, it is also true that the president's preference has been from the beginning legislative action and a bill. you know why, bills are more permanent. >> the president is not here today, he is at camp david with his family for the easter weekend as staff here on the white house grounds prepare for monday's easter egg roll. first one of those they have had since before the pandemic. john. >> john: looking forward to that later this weekend, thank you so much. >> twitter responded to the buy-out offer from elon musk. twitter tried to block the takeover attempt, musk says nothing to do with making money but instead preserving free speech around the world. charles payne is standing by, but kelly o'grady live in los angeles. >> the big news is the poison pill is now in play. so, twitter announced the board has unanimously voted to adopt a shareholders rights plan. it's in direct response to the hostile takeover bid. ok, in a press release, twitter stated the rights will be exerciseable if a person, entity or group acquires ownership of 15% or more in the transaction not approved by the board. poison pill activated but not implemented. like the cyanide pill put in the hands of the spy but they have not taken it yet. that's because elon has not crossed the 15% threshold, he's about 9% now. if he does, all other shareholders would immediately be able to purchase shares at a discounted price. that would result in his shares diluted so much they are devalued. it could ruin the company financially so shows how desperate twitter is to keep elon out. he has yet to respond to the specific development. however, he has been using his twitter influence to rally support, to bring the offer to shareholders in response to a tweet on a poison pill plan, musk warned of titanic liability if the board breaches the fiduciary, and the board will have to prove why his offer is not good. and elon hinted a plan b, but also reconsider the shareholder position. so, i'm wondering if musk dumps the twitter stock, what happens them? >> john: more perspective on all this, fox business host charles payne. the left is losing its mind over this notion of elon musk taking over twitter. some guy described as a journalist professor in new york came close to comparing elon musk to hitler. this is a guy, a darling to the left when he invented the best electric car around and now suddenly the devil's spawn? >> he would allow someone like a donald trump to come back to the public square and have a voice, and that's hypocrisy of it all. we have had billionaire after billionaire after billionaire over the last two years buy their own personal media companies, right. so, jeff bezos buying "washington post," and then the post saying this could be cataclysmic, you know, "time" magazine, "the atlantic," and as long as ultra liberals are buying them it's ok. elon musk, he's not saying it to only put in right wing talking points, the irony here. the other publications, the other giant media publications all promote left wing at the expense of right wing. so, it's -- the hypocrisy is amazing, the ironic is delicious, but it is dangerous, too, and i think that's the most important thing. we are in an interesting time here. we were already a fractured nation. this is revealing the fractures and making them worse and i don't see anyone with real power stepping up to say time out, maybe we need to look at this differently. instead, it's game on, war on. >> john: as it is with most issues these days. take a second, charles, and sit back and watch how some of our competitors covered this. let's listen. >> it's troubling enough that private companies control the key communication platforms around the world, maybe it's worse to have a rich person take it private. >> real and devastating consequences for using the platform to lie. >> massive life and globe altering consequences for letting people run wild on the thing. >> john: a lot of people are already running wild on the thing, and take a look at the comment section of my twitter feed. but what he's looking for here is just to have a fair and balanced perspective, that everybody has something to say can say it without being censored. >> absolutely. and maybe examples of censoring, the hunter biden story or when the virus came and broke out and anyone who would dare say come from china or the wuhan virus they were shut down. i have not heard any of these people. i don't think they came out and said it's absolutely wrong. so maybe they, you know, again, it's just so frustrating. i'm hoping the masses, somewhat a political when it comes to some things but believe in right and wrong, the ethos of fairness, i'm happy elon musk is doing this, i think he will succeed and i hope at some point -- you just can't have it both ways. you can't shut down the ideology and the beliefs of an entire half your nation and think that you are ok with that and that they are not going to somehow push back and fight back. >> john: he's been pretty successful with most of the things he's put his hand to, see how he does here. charles, i want to talk about another big economic story, the 30-year fixed rate for mortgages hit 5%. what is that going to do to the housing market and then you know, is the 30-year fix goes up, arms as well, what does that do to the people on variable rate mortgages? >> devastating consequences. the housing market was looking pretty shakey, we have had the huge boom, which has been phenomenal, but it's a boom a lot of people were shut out, part of the boom was supply constraints, and that's changing. but even during the boom, i have to tell you, john, if you look at the federal reserve data, most of the homes were sold with higher fico scores. now you take away all, hardly any starter homes out there, you cannot get one if you don't have the pristine fico score, and now mortgage rates at 5%. a whole generation of people shut out, pushed to the point they are going to live in apartments or rent for the rest of their lives and that only is more exacerbated as the mortgage rates go higher. >> john: we'll see if it's temporary as the who us says or longer lived. charles, great to see you. have a great weekend. are you a homeowner yet? >> no, i felt he was talking directly to me. living in new york you think it's never going to be affordable. and d.c., maybe one day. now i want to close my eyes and wake me up when i can afford to buy. >> john: in los angeles, a woman chased down and hit by a car. thieves then making off with her watch. hundreds of crimes like this in l.a., the police are warning the gangs could be targeting residents. we'll tell you how they are deciding which victims to target next, coming up. >> also, a third bus carrying migrants from texas arriving in d.c. as governor greg abbott keeps true to his promise to bring biden's border crisis to his own doorstep. sounds off against critics who say it's a political stunt. up next. >> no plan to combat the overwhelming surge, but par for the course for this administration. you never know what opportunities life will send your way. but if you have moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis or psoriatic arthritis, enbrel can help you say i'm in for what's next. ready to create a bigger world? 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>> jacqui: i can't answer that. out of control. what's also out of control, the crisis at the border. another bus load of migrants from the southern border arriving in d.c., more than two dozen migrants dropped off on capitol hill as part of the plan to raise awareness about the severity of the crisis, abbott says will get worse. next month the government is dropping title 42. here is texas lieutenant governor dan patrick. first of all, is this having the impact that you all in texas had hoped? how many more of these are coming? >> we don't know how many more are coming but surely the step in the right direction. we are doing a multi-facetted plan to try and stop illegal immigrants from crossing the border. one is sending busses back to get attention in washington hopefully create a constitutional crisis with the federal government that they cannot stand by and ignore the law, they cannot allow texas and america to be invaded, our founding fathers never thought we would have a president to allow the country to be invaded and back to the supreme court to say states have a right to protect our own citizens which we do. we protect the life, liberty and welfare of our citizens and the biden administration is usurping that by the open border policy. send them on the busses to washington. secondly, another prong of the plan, stop truck traffic across the border which we have done the last week or so and now the state is negotiating with all the governors on the mexican side of the border say they will help slow down those that are coming across the border because they know we will stop their commerce if they continue to help people cross the border into our country. >> jacqui: and i'm sure that's the kind of involvement you are hoping for from the federal government, your earlier point of the legality of this, supreme court case in 2012 stating the states cannot make their own immigration policy, wondering how we ended up with sanctuary cities and states, i'm no lawyer but have you had any legal push back on this process? >> well, when i became lieutenant governor, one of the first bills i passed to end sanctuary cities and we have not had that overturned. so prevailed there. but controlling the border is the real issue and paint a picture for everyone in america to understand the numbers. we have 1254 miles of border with mexico in texas. to put that in perspective, boston to jacksonville, florida. that's what we have to protect and they are not letting us protect. and last week i said on fox by the end of the biden administration, about 20% potentially of all people living in america will be here illegally, if you look at the border statistics from 1990 through 2021 and project out the biden administration, we'll be nearly 60 million people here illegally. that's -- we cannot be invaded in that scale. impact on our education system, healthcare system, prime. so, we in texas will do the job. we can do the job. the federal government needs to get out of the way or do their job. that's what we are attempting to do, and thousands of troopers on the border and thousands of national guard. >> jacqui: the white house initially dismissed it as a publicity stunt, they didn't believe greg abbott would follow through with this but he did, and your reaction to what jen psaki said to me in the briefing room earlier this week. >> these are all migrants processed by c.b.p. and free to travel, it's nice the state of texas is helping them get to their final destination and they are all in immigration proceedings. >> jacqui: it's nice. >> she's a joke, and the administration is a joke. people are dying, sex trafficking, and fentanyl coming into the country. under the first full four years of the biden administration, it's possible he will allow more people in the country than live in texas today, 29 million? i've had it with her, i've had it with him, the vice president, their secretary of i.c.e. and homeland security, because they are doing nothing. they have not pushed back one out of five could be here illegally by 2024, they make a joke of it. people are dying, getting killed, our country is being lost, and they sit there and smirk and make jokes. i don't have any time for her. these are not serious people, they don't know what they are talking about, never been to the border and texas will stand tall will do everything we can and i hope we can get back to the supreme court where they will say under the new court we have a right to protect our citizens and american citizens beyond the texas border. >> jacqui: and one other thing, the truck inspection. the white house press secretary implied this was potentially impacting inflation, said that these unnecessary inspections were contributing to rising prices and supply chain disruptions. what is your reaction to critics who say it's making it worse. >> the biden administration is fully 100% responsible for inflation by flooding the market with money, by their policies, give away, and giving away cell phones to immigrants. they try to blame it on putin, the oil and gas, home builders, everyone. it's their fault, it's their inflation. it's not our fault. we have to put pressure, if the biden administration is not going to secure the border we have to put pressure where we can put pressure and by stopping these trucks across the border, it did not take long for the governors in mexico to say wait a minute, you are killing our commerce. we can't get our fruits and vegetable across, can't get our products across, and now they have come to the table, we'll see if they live up to it. but they have come to the table, ok, we'll help, we'll help. this is what trump did in his final couple of years in office, he put pressure on mexico economically if you don't slow down border traffic we are going to penalize you, tariffs on your projects and the last year of trump we had control of the border. under biden, we had over a million and a half people in the first 15 months he's in office. if he repeals title 42, the projection is 18,000 people a day. >> jacqui: and he's going to, the end of next month. >> mr. president, you need not to repeal that order. you are going to destroy your country even further. you need to stay with title 42 and allow texas to secure the border. we'll get it done because you are not. >> jacqui: texas lieutenant governor dan patrick, thank you for joining us. appreciate your time. >> john: i was interested to see some democratic sentences step up 42, sinema said you rescinded the mask mandate. >> jacqui: mark kelly went to the border his fifth trip, saying i care about this. the justice department is settling four cases involving 2020 demonstrations that destroyed property after the death of george floyd. is the d.o.j. getting soft. >> john: and the race to prepare for the battle of donbas is on. russia shifting troops and other materials to the eastern region of ukraine and warning the u.s. and nato not to send ukraine "sensitive weapons to help them." general keith kellogg joins me at the big board on putin's next moves ahead, stay with us. >> we are going to try to give the ukrainians every advantage on the battlefield we can so they can prevent the donbas and the other part of the country from falling to complete occupation by the russians. i had been giving koli kibble. it never looked like real food. with the farmer's dog you can see the pieces of turkey. it smells like actual food. as he's aged, he's still quite energetic and youthful. i really attribute that to diet. get started at this is... ♪♪ this is iowa. we just haven't been properly introduced. say hello to the place where rolling hills meets low bills. where our fields, inside and out, are always growing. and where the fun is just getting started. this is iowa. so, when are you coming to see us? 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>> yeah, john, thanks for having me. first of all, these troops have been fighting 50 days. any time you fight this long you need to refit and rearm. i don't think the ukrainians are that dumb to fall into the trap. they are trying to trap along the line to bring them in there and destroy them. i don't think zelenskyy is willing to do that. i'll fight here, but i bet he's going to fight somewhere else, will throw the russians off guard. >> john: interesting, the wider map them, and now we are in a race for time. ukrainians have to also bring weapons towards this area. this is going to be the ultimate battle. >> this is the great news we have finally delivered. it took us time to bring in the howitsers, this is the fight the russians will have more advantage than the ukrainians will. i believe the ukrainians are going to do something different and i hope they do. if you look in the south, this is a counter attack. they continue that counter attack and goes this way, they cut off the crimea. there is only a four-mile stretch of land, and if they do that, it forces the russians to look elsewhere. and then what happens potentially negotiations, you want to break republics, fine, i'm going to keep crimea. not saying it's going to happen, but the way the ukrainians are fighting, asymmetrically, i would not be surprised if they do something like that. >> john: putin sounds like he has his back against the wall, there was a cable saying don't arm ukraine with the most sensitive weapons, it may bring unpredictable consequences. >> i think it's a bluff. he's going to lose, surrenders. we need to keep pushing that stuff forward to them. make ukraine an unsinkable aircraft carrier. give them 500 155s, the tanks from poland, and the mig 29. make it a conventional fight the russians have been fighting for 50 days and they may lose it. it's a chance to change the battlefield. >> john: huge embarrassment for russia, the moskva is at the bottom of the black sea now and russia -- vladimir putin is left to tell the russian people, we lost one of our flagships. it just spontaneously exploded. >> yeah, right, looks like it was hit with two neptune missiles, ukrainian anti-ship missiles, about 300 pound warhead, less than our harpoon missile does. >> john: show where it would have hit. >> in this area in here, if it hit any of the missiles, huge secondaries and this vessel was gone as soon as they hit. and the missiles will hit right about here, right above the sea level. but here is what is really important about this. you go back to the other map, i'll show you, what this has done, it forces -- it forces them to withdraw all of their ships back in here and frees up odesa, because by forcing them away from here, if they have the anti-ship missiles and fire inland, 16 miles inland. a range of about 160 miles. the amphibious attack against odesa will not happen, that's huge. that means odesa holds, another win for them. the black sea does not have a flagship, and command and control visit. it has hurt them. >> john: and combine with the counter offensive, you are opening that back up again. quickly go to the big map here. is is the future of nato, which includes finland and sweden? they are not members of nato right now but are talking about it and now dmitri medvedev, used to be the president of russia, has said if you go with nato we can no longer keep this area here, this is the baltic sea. we can no longer keep this area here nuclear weapons free. russia is going to reserve the right to put nuclear weapons. now some think this is already an armory, with nuclear weapons so the idea of the baltic nuclear free is b.s. >> he brought it on himself, putin did. i think the weapons are there. and if they feel threatened and they believe nato is a defensive alliance, which it is, expand to 32 countries and maybe 33 down there, that's ok. he started this fight, it's not going to end well for him. it's all on himself. >> john: when you take a look at this, right now the border between nato and russia is there, right. but it could extend all the way up here and if as you say one day ukraine is a nato nation, add the section in there. this could backfire on putin. >> i think it already has. >> john: like he never imagined. always great to see you. have a great weekend. >> jacqui: the supreme court is expected to make a decision on the case of a virginia high school and whetherhe equity-based admissions policies is discriminatory against asian americans. >> john: and freakout over elon musk's intent to buy twitter. wasn't it the same folks in favor of jeff bezos buying "the washington post" when he was the richest in the world? what is really behind the musk meltdown. >> welcome him as a shareholder but not a board member. >> something that -- so what does that mean like what twitter is doing and what it stands for. migraine attacks? you can't always avoid triggers like changes in weather. qulipta™ can help prevent migraine attacks. you can't prevent what's going on outside, that's why qulipta™ helps what's going on inside. qulipta™ is a pill. gets right to work to prevent migraine attacks and keeps them away over time. qulipta™ blocks cgrp a protein believed to be a cause of migraine attacks. qulipta™ is a preventive treatment for episodic migraine. most common side effects are nausea, constipation, and tiredness. learn how abbvie can help you save on qulipta™. >> john: johnny depp's defamation trial against his ex-wife amber heard taking a break until monday for the jury to catch its breath after a week of courtroom stunters. the marriage counselor talked about their toxic relationship, saying both dep and heard were abusive to each other. the jury instructed, or the judge instructed the jury to forget everything they heard from another witness, a friend of the actor booted from court after confessing she watched clips of the trial online. but maybe the biggest jaw dropper so far came on wednesday when the jury got to see some of johnny depp's text messages, the nicest of which for purposes of television and public consumption wished his exes rotting corpse would decompose in the trunk of a honda civic. didn't mention why it was a honda, there you go. >> jacqui: supreme court is set to rule on an elite high school in virginia whether the admission policy discriminates against asian americans, and diversity and whether the student speaks english at home. byron york is also a fox news contributor. thank you for joining us. what's your bird's eye view of the case, where do you see it going? >> well this will be a big deal in some affirmative action litigation going on right now. basically thomas jefferson high school in alexandria is a very, very highly ranked high school in the nation. and it had a large percentage of asian students. there were 73% before all this happened, 73% of its student body was asian, and there were complaints that the student body was not equitably distributed enough. so, the school changed its policy and after it changed its policy the percentage of asians in the student body went down from 73% to 54%. the percentage of black students in the student body went up from 1% to 7%, and hispanic students from 3% to 11%. now, a conservative group sued the school, said this was unconstitutional, racial balancing, and at the district court level they won. and then the issue became an appeals court said the school can keep its policy, its new policy in place while this is litigated and what we are going to see now is whether the supreme court will allow that stay or whether it will force it to not use its new policy anymore. >> jacqui: what does it tell you that the percentage of different groups and their representation changed so much, i mean, these are big jumps in numbers. asian americans down from 73 to 54, hispanics going up from 3 to 11 and then black students up from 1 to 7%. what does that tell you from the old system versus the new system and on top of that, because the selection for the incoming freshman year is underway, how does this, the timing of this impact soon to be students? >> well, for your second question, that's a big deal for the court right now, which is that the process is underway and is the court going to throw it out and make them return to the other process, that's a big deal whether the court would want to just disrupt what's going on. you know, as far as the percentage of ethnic groups, there is one coming to the supreme court in which the percentage of asian students at harvard will be at issue here, and a lot of cases in which asian students who were overrepresented, according to their numbers, do very, very well on admissions tests and get in school and make up a large portion of the student body. and you've had protests about this, you've had changes in policy like you had at thomas jefferson high school. the question is, was the old way an admissions test, was that really fair or is the new way, with no admissions test and all sorts of decisions by school board officials, is that more fair. clearly the district court judge here said the new system, which resulted in almost 20-point drop in asian students was unconstitutional racial balancing. >> jacqui: to your last point, schools across the country are changing admissions standards and eliminating honors courses in the name of equity. i want to pull up a map that shows different states with districts eliminating honors courses as the argument that they say is when you segregate students based on ability that it has an outcome that is -- that reflects different socioeconomic factors, your race. what do you think is the undercurrent here and where this ends up going. is this a sign that there was just such stark, you know, differences between opportunities that kids were having because of their socioeconomic status, their race and playing out in where they got placed in school or are they trying to force this issue? >> it's going to result in lots and lots of litigation. advance placement courses, honors courses are very big for the parents of high school students. they help the students get in better colleges, which can mean a better career and more earnings over the course of their lifetime. these are extremely important to parents. and throwing them out has caused an enormous amount of anger in groups of parents around the country. remember, the whole last two years, because of the pandemic, a lot of parents have gotten a much closer look at how their children are taught and it's resulted in litigation and changes in the way that schools operate. >> jacqui: we will be watching it. appreciate your time. john, these honors courses allow students to earn college credit when they are in high school, it makes a big difference for a lot of families. >> john: it does, and when a merit school like thomas jefferson, not far from here, ranked number one in the nation is no longer a merit-based school because of mandated racial balancing by the school board, takes away from the reputation of the school as a magnet of where people want to go. we'll see where it goes in the court case. you can't call yourself a merit school if you are not a merit school and let the people with the highest test scores in, simple as that. the windy city set to be a possible windfall for some chicagoans. free money, test a universal basic income program. will it just discourage people from working? who will get the money and why, coming up in the next hour. >> jacqui: is the d.o.j. going soft on demonstrations that involve destroying property? just settled four cases, lafayette park george floyd protest in 2020. part of that settlement, u.s. law enforcement agencies changing some policies. details coming up. ozempic® can . ♪ oh, oh, oh, ozempic®! ♪ ♪ oh, oh, oh ♪ ozempic® is proven to lower a1c. most people who took ozempic® reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. and you may lose weight. adults lost on average up to 12 pounds. in adults also with known heart disease, ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as heart attack, stroke, or death. ozempic® helped me get back in my type 2 diabetes zone. ozempic® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't share needles or pens, or reuse needles. don't take ozempic® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop ozempic® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking ozempic® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. looking to get back in your type 2 diabetes zone? 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through hoops or not be able to be as reactive as they normally are, under normal circumstances. >> the new policy kicks in mid may, john. >> john: david spunt at the justice department, thank you. >> jacqui: one school, nearly 100 cases of cancer. what is killing the students there? that is coming up all new at 2:00. welcome to allstate. where you can bundle home and auto insurance. right, frank? i saved 25%. booyah. and now you're relaxing! we're working from home. save up to 25% when you bundle home and auto with allstate. >> john: new at 2:00, decades after graduation classmates reunited by one common bond. brain cancer. now the race is on to find out what happened at the high school exactly what it was that gave them this invisible killer, and after all these years is it still lurking on campus dooming today's students to a devastating diagnosis of their own. >> it's not air, not something in the soil, it's not something done to us due to bad habits. >> john: that story ahead. john roberts in washington. good to spend another hour with you. >> jacqui: i'm jacqui heinrich in for sandra smith. the full story new this hour on "america reports." but begin with a presidency in peril and president accused of passing the buck. >> john: first another faux pas for president biden and this one critics say perfectly sums up a presidency that has come up empty on accomplishments. >> jacqui: president biden looking to shake a hand after the speech on the economy, but all he got was thin air. >> john: republicans call it fitting for a president who has failed to pass most of his agenda. americans are in creasingly fed up shelling out more on everything from gasoline to groceries. >> jacqui: and costs keep going up. add interest rates to the list. >> john: the president points fingers to everyone, vladimir putin, big oil, and everyone else. brian kilmeade in a moment. >> jacqui: peter doocy is he white house. >> and officials here at the biden white house are talking seriously now about a plan to cancel student loan debt right before the midterms. >> between now and august 31st, extended or we are going to make a decision as ron referenced about cancelling student debt. now, it is also true that the president's preference has been from the beginning legislative action and a bill. you know why, bills are more permanent. >> as the communications pros here argue they could cancel student loan debt because the economy is bad, the president is out with a new statement today arguing the economy is great. he says americans are getting back to work in every corner of the country in record numbers. this was not an accident, the direct result of my economic plan to grow the economy from the bottom up and the middle out. the president admitted in north carolina yesterday he knows high fuel costs and inflation are problems right now. but a trump-era economic advisor says if you think this is bad, you have not seen anything yet. >> it's my view that right about now we are entering a recession, and when that happens, and you know, basically with this high inflation, the fed tightens, then people get extremely wary of buying homes and you see home prices collapse sometimes. >> president biden is trying to get more stuff built in the united states, trying to invest more taxpayer dollars in r and d, with innovation bill but there's no information coming from officials here that either of those things would rapidly bring prices down for american families. jacqui. >> jacqui: the remarks were far-reaching, to say the least. peter doocy at the white house for us, thank you. >> john: brian kilmeade, "fox and friends" co-host, and "fox nation." >> brian: go to break and -- what's going on with you? >> john: take a look at where the president stands as they talk about cancelling student debt. quinnipiac poll, overall approval rating, 33% among independent voters, 26%. 26% among hispanic voters and thinking of cancelling student debt, voters 18 to 34, 21% support. brian, is he buying votes? >> in a way, but also ticking off people 35 to 65, went out of their way to pay off loans and it was not easy. you want a conversation, should college be $75,000 like georgetown or georgetown university, but you erase it for a bracket, i can remember not being able to pay my loan for about a year and i got an extension, had to go to the bank and explain it and then pay more when i got the book back. so the images of taking the pride to do it, bribing people to vote for you perhaps, but as you both know, 18 to 25 don't vote a lot, you know, especially in the midterm elections. so the president's instincts are good here. he did not want to do it. a.o.c. wants to do this. she's trying to win over queens. he's trying to win over a country. >> jacqui: we always knew the president would likely keep the ace card in his back pocket a time like this when he said he was going to send it to a commission to study whether it was possible. same thing with court packing, by the way. but i want to ask you, brian, the white house said this week they believe inflation is going to come down this year. how can they say that and also blame inflation on putin when we have, you know, the chairman of the joint chiefs telling lawmakers this war could continue for years. how do they make both arguments? >> brian: they can't. and jacqui, every president has expertise. george bush 41 dismissive of the economy, he was a foreign policy guy, and even though we were in a recession he would be dismissive. john, you were probably covering that at the time. and john mccain the same way, big on foreign policy. joe biden is not big on the economy. evidently good at foreign policy, we'll discuss that another time. he needs janet yellen next to him, where is his larry kudlow. janet yellen was at the fed. i need an economic plan, i don't need slogans. slogans are for the communication division. there is a time you are in creative writing and a time you are in math class. i want the best math students to help our economy out and don't need rhetoric because we are beyond rhetoric, we make our judgment about the price of gas, when it went up, the price of eggs, especially now with easter, 48 hours away, we are all making our own judgments. i find it almost insulting that he's coming out with these phrases. i mean, where is susan rice, where are the people making the decisions. why is he always alone looking for somebody's hand to shake. >> john: inflation versus wages here, brian alluded to the fact i covered the h. w. bush administration, his way of saying i'm old. but 8.5% year over year march to march, wages had gone up 5.6%. so every month that goes by, day that goes by, consumers are losing buying power and that is going to impact in so many ways. if it's where it is now, that disparity in march, where is it going to be in november. >> brian: it's going to be up. and study some of this from the 1970s and 1980s, and what ronald reagan tried to do, cut taxes, make the dollar worth more. right now we are adding toner to the printer. we printed 6.7 trillion worth of money and put into the system unearned. we have to find a way to pull it back responsibly, at the same time you cut taxes, at the same time you cut spending. and let's get that dollar worth more. ronald reagan came out with the dollar and said we have to make this worth more, and that's how i plan to do it. not talking down to the american people but saying we have a plan to attack 20% interest rates and inflation that was in double figures. things look glum and the things did not work initially. but as you know, reagan's economy took off and even though we did build up the debt, people will take that sense of american growth again. we just had it two years ago. >> john: and for the record, i did not cover the reagan administration. >> brian: jacqui, can you double check that? >> jacqui: what you said about inflation, the biden administration keeps blaming 70% of the inflation from the march report on energy prices and the putin price hike. i asked them to explain how they got to that number. they did give me some background. but if so much of this inflation has to do with energy prices and what has the biden administration done to bring those down. releasing e-15 gas only available in less than 2% of the country's gas stations, putting barrels from the strategic reserve on the market, but it's not making a dent in the prices. clearly there is a common sense solution that they really don't want to embrace. is it time for them to embrace it? >> yes, and i know you know that by the questions you ask at the briefing. because this they just wanted to get things done, as opposed to alienating the electorate, they are already alienated, how much to put for another refinery or national gas to europe and the word from the global market, as soon as they get the go sign for a supportive regulation pipelines and others, you don't have to get out the ratchet, just the promise from the president to do it will affect prices because they know it's coming next. the president will alienate his entire green agenda. john kerry will have to take off his wet suit and put on his regular suit and explain to the allies, and the president, at 78 years old does not have the guts to say caution to the wind, let's do the right thing for the country, instead of the party and that's frustrating. and i would say the same thing for a republican if they had their agenda. >> john: always great to be with you. and watch him tomorrow night at 8:00, "one nation." you are a great friend, love you. >> brian: back at you, jacqui and john, thank you. >> john: losing their mind over elon musk's bid to buy twitter. >> it's troubling enough the private companies control the platforms around the world. maybe worse to have the world's richest person trying to buy one and take it private. >> real and devastating consequences for using that platform to lie. >> seismic decision that will have ramifications, not only inside the tech world, but politics, finance and perhaps our debate about free speech. >> jacqui: charlie hurt is ready to respond. he's next. your spirit is stronger than your highs and lows. your creativity can outshine any bad day. because you are greater than your bipolar i, and you can help take control of your symptoms - and ask about vraylar. some medicines only treat the lows or highs. once-daily vraylar is proven to treat depressive, acute manic, and mixed episodes of bipolar i in adults. full-spectrum relief for all bipolar i symptoms. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. call your doctor about unusual changes in behavior or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants can increase these in children and young adults. report fever, stiff muscles or confusion which may mean a life-threatening reaction, or uncontrollable muscle movements which may be permanent. high cholesterol and weight gain, and high 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switching today. comcast business. powering possibilities.™ >> john: left wing media melting down over elon musk's bid to buy twitter, many even suggesting limits on freedom of speech. >> jacqui: charlie hurt is here to react, but first live on capitol hill. >> twitter has put in place a poison pill to try to sabotage elon musk's efforts to buy the platform, but some republican lawmakers see it as an antedote, influence, i urge you to advocate for revising twitter's content policy to allow all speech, both lawful and factually accurate, prohibiting true statements and twitter's dishonesty has damaged the company's image. some republican lawmakers are skeptical that twitter will sell out. >> i don't think they'll let this go forward. if they do, then they can't suppress the hunter biden story, can't kick president trump off twitter, i don't think they will let it go forward. >> if musk manages to buy twitter, house democrats are making it clear their eye is on elon. a congresswoman saying shepherding a social media platform is a huge responsibility. we will hold them accountable to the american people, including elon musk. regulators will keep a close eye on any potential deal. musk has had a volatile deal saying he secured funding to take tesla private in 2018. >> funding was secured, i want to be clear about that. why do i not have respect for the s.e.c., and certainly the san francisco office, the s.e.c. knew funding was secured but they pursued an active public investigation nonetheless. he was forced to concede to the s.e.c. unlawfully, those bastards. >> if twitter is able to block elon musk from buying them out, it will not spare them scrutiny. republican lawmakers will dig in a that as more proof of political bias on the platform. jacqui. >> jacqui: thanks. >> john: some context and perspective from charlie hurt, some of the loudest voices criticizing elon musk are some of the ones who were championing the then richest man in the world jeff bezos buying "the washington post." business insider happens to be one of those publications. what they said about elon musk in a tweet. his attempt to buy twitter represents a chilling new threat. billionaire trolls taking over social media, compare that with with what they wrote about bezos on august 5, 2015. billionaire jeff bezos "washington post" buy marks a fascinating cultural transition in america. your turn. >> charlie it's truly incredible. the hypocrisy knows no bounds here. and you know, it's especially interesting when you consider how important twitter has been from the beginning for the media, and obviously the reason that most of us or many of us, rather, got into this business in the first place is because we believe in free speech and the power of free speech. we believe in the power of the pen and we believe that, you know, our mission to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable through free speech is the greatest way to bring freedom to the most number of people, and to get to a spot where we are today where you have so many people from our profession who are in -- who use this platform because of -- because of its power, mainly among us. it really doesn't, you know, most normal americans are not on twitter, but for them to shed all allegiance. >> john: that's for sure. >> anthem to shed all allegiance to the principles that supposedly got us into the business is astonishing. now you have a guy, elon musk, obviously he's a bad boy, he's a businessman, though, but he has more allegiance to the concept of free speech than many of us who are charged with okay on the front line of protecting free speech. it's really astonishing. >> jacqui: charlie, how much of the media melt down is rooted in the chance that donald trump gets his twitter account back if elon musk owns the platform? >> i think that is about 97% of it. the animating factor here, even that is representative of something larger. i've always believed donald trump was actually representative of something larger. it was not just this sort of swatch buckling vulgarian who crashed the gates of washington. the real problem with donald trump, he was talking about things nobody in washington was talking about and things politicians in both parties had abandoned for decades, and so he is that the real threat to i think both people in the media and people in the press, i mean, people in politics from a guy like donald trump, he's talking about things. and elon musk is the same kind of guy. he's a realist, he knows what matters to people. he's going to allow -- he wants to talk about things that actually matter to people instead of weird debates we had inside washington a long time now. >> john: some members of the media seem they are ready to run to their safe space. max boot says he's frightened of the prospect, impact on society if elon musk takes over twitter. anything goes, for democracy to survive we need more content moderation, not less. something almost orelean about that. >> a time a few years ago, we would be shocked anybody could say like like that and it would get printed in a newspaper somewhere, and don't forget, max boot is writing this for the newspaper owned by jeff bezos in washington. p and it's -- it really is -- i really don't -- and i wonder why, why do -- why do they get into the news business in the first place, if they don't believe in free speech. and why, you know, what is it that drives them, and at the end of the day it reminds me of, you know, the same reason, unfortunately, a lot of politicians get into the business, they want proximity to power, and some point you think maybe some of the people in the press should register as lobbyists. >> john: well, i don't think that will happen, but -- >> no, it won't. >> jacqui: charlie hurt, "washington times" opinion editor. >> john: happy easter. >> great to see you guys. >> jacqui: maxine waters is dishing out campaign cash but keeping it in the family. waters paid her daughter $24,000 over the past few months, but it's far from the first time she's done so, and the 24 grand is just a drop in the bucket. william is live in los angeles with the story. >> jacqui, it's not illegal and representative waters has paid her daughter with campaign money for a long time. karen waters owns progressive connections. since 2003, the congresswoman used campaign donations to pay karen more than $1.2 million in fees to send out political mailers to elect maxine and other candidates. the latest records show waters' campaign paid karen 24 grand in the last three months, typically in 3 to $5,000 checks. elected 30 years ago, waters has won every race with more than 70% of the vote. her current campaign website lists no policy positions, votes or achievements. it does, however, ask for money. over the years, waters has spent 11 million in campaign money. largest donor, real estate followed by unions. l.a. times did an expose' in 2004 said the waters family made a million dollars doing business with companies tied to the congresswoman. and karen received fees from special interests. maxine's husband received money from a bank doing business with the federal government. waters was cleared in the ethics investigation of steering business to that bank. asked about these conflicts of interest, waters has said "they do their business, i do mine, we are not bad people." liberal watchdog group citizens for responsibility and ethics named waters four times to the list of most corrupt members of congress. jacqui. >> jacqui: all right, thank you so much. >> john: large explosions near kyiv right after vladimir putin promised revenge. that's after one of the crown jewels of russia's navy was sent to rust at the bottom of the black sea. retired four star general david perkins will break it all down for us coming up next. when tired, achy feet make your whole body want to stop, it's dr. scholl's time. our insoles are designed with unique massaging gel waves, for all-day comfort 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security correspondent jennifer griffin live in the capital city of kyiv. hi, jennifer. >> jennifer: hi, jacqui. moscow has warned if the u.s. continues supplying weapons to ukrainian fighters that it will hit supply lines. that warning came just a day after what appears to be ukrainian forces used two neptune missiles to sink the flagship of russia's black sea fleet. i just had an exclusive interview with the ukrainian foreign minister, said they could do more of these attacks with more of the right weapons. >> how did you sink the russian flapship moskva? >> according to the russian defense ministry it sunk because maybe someone on board was not careful with a cigarette and set the entire ship on fire. >> is that true? is that how it happened? >> i was not present on board when it happened. >> the russians pulled back on kyiv, and yet we heard explosions a few miles from the capital. what was the weapon used, what was russia's messaging, was that a response to you sinking the moskva? >> i realize in the next 24 hours russia will strike back. this is war, there is no alternative to that. >> jennifer: what does it mean to have prime minister boris johnson walk through the streets of kyiv? >> i think it was huge. a clear demonstration of leadership. we are looking forward to the visit of the president. he demonstrated leadership. leadership which was unexpected. >> jennifer: unexpected to vladimir putin who underestimated the u.s. response, according to ukraine's foreign minister. more of that exclusive interview tonight on "special report" with bret baier. jacqui. >> jacqui: looking forward to president biden's visit, that was notable from him. thank you so much, jennifer. great interview. >> john: bring in retired four star general david perkins, touch screen, and moskva in better days up on the screen here, which is now lying at the bottom of the black sea, according to russia, because somebody lit a match and blew the thing up. but according to the pentagon, a couple of neptune missiles probably went about the middle of the ship causing secondary explosions, and it sunk. how big of a blow to russia? >> good afternoon, john. this is a major blow at many levels. one, it is their flagship. usually if any ship is highly protected, you protect the flagship. second of all, what it did is it provided command and control for that area of operations and if they were amphibious operations and the rest of the ships in the black sea, so they have the ability to conduct command and control, and air defense umbrella, so now they are exposed and you can see the results of that, the russians have had to pull the remaining ships away from the shore because they block the umbrella of protection. >> john: according to general keith kellogg may give the ukrainian forces outside of mykolaiv the chance to push the forces back toward crimea. let me ask you what may come in the days ahead. northeast of kharkiv is belgorod, and northeast of sumy -- that's over here, but northeast of izyum, reconstituting, rearming, getting ready for a push, and forces up from mariupol to close off from the south. this battle for donbas as it seems to be looming in the future, do you have any idea what the timing will be on this, when will russia pull the trigger on these new massive troop movements? >> well, they clearly are going to make another go at this, but as you said, they are focussing on that part of ukraine specifically. it is a battle of time for both sides. the russians are having a difficult time reconstituting the units. they are having to push down new conscripts that are fairly poorly trained and have not trained together and so i think you will see more of the war of attrition. for the ukrainians, the good news is the u.s. is sending over significant weapons that help in this. american howiters, and the picking up incoming artillery and return fire. so it's a battle of time the ukrainians getting the new weaponry in and operational before the russians push on the second push forward. >> john: general perkins, the big angle remains china and what china is going to do in terms of supporting russia and may do in the future in regard to taiwan. georgia institute of technology, the c.i.a. director said a silent partner in putin's aggression, china, most profound test the c.i.a. has faced. china seek to take us in every domain, economic strength, military power, space and cyberspace. how closely do you think xi jinping is watching, and what he does regarding taiwan and regard to becoming more aggressive with his military? >> well, he definitely is a silent observer. the chinese are paying very close attention to the whole array of sanctions that have been put on russia, which would really cripple the chinese and i think both china and russia have been surprised with the unionimity of the west, and continue to support ukraine and the new flow of weapons coming in. i think china would have to at least give pause before they conduct any expansionous activities, they have seen the uptick of support in ukraine, not a reduction in support. >> john: maybe it's a signal to them they should not go any further than they have thought of going at this point. happy easter to you. good to get your analysis. >> jacqui: more than 100 cases of a rare brain cancer. the one connection between them is the same high school. search for an invisible killer in the classroom coming up next. i brought in ensure max protein, with thirty grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks! 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(♪ ♪) ask your healthcare provider about rybelsus® today. >> john: warning out west, why folks in l.a. might want to look over their shoulders the next time they are heading home. that's coming up, now, though, a terrifying medical mystery. more than 100 people in new jersey developing a rare form of brain cancer. one connection, the same school. each victim either attending classes or worked there years ago. now one of the many questions today, are kids there now also going to get sick in the future? bryan llenas is live in new york city with the details. it is chilling. >> really is chilling. at least 102 students and staff who attended colonia high school in woodbridge township in new jersey, have been diagnosed with rare brain tumors. that according to al lupiano, graduated from the school in 1989 and diagnosed with acoustic neuroma ten years later. last august al's wife michelle was diagnosed with the exact same rare tumor, unbelievably. on the same day, al's sister, angela was diagnosed with a rare cancerous brain tumor, glioblastoma, she died two months ago at 44. al, an environmental scientist, realized they were not alone. >> i started doing some research, the three became five, the five became seven, the seven became 15. at that time i had to pull back a little bit. truly only one environmental link to primary brain tumors. ionizing radiation. it's not contaminated water, air, not something in the soil, it's not something that's done to us due to bad habits. >> so he suspected a former uranium processing plant 12 miles from the school, the materials were trucked to a landfill a half mile away. they are investigating. >> the school was built on virgin land, it was a forest. a common theory, there could have been fill used in the colonia high school project should perhaps not have been used and some pointed to a radioactive landfill a long time ago, and apparently the records are pretty shoddy and nobody knows what came in or out. >> 1997, a school science teacher registered radiation levels from a rock stored in a room. they evacuated the school and tested the rock, deemed to have a safe level of radiation. no one knows where that rock came from, but it may have been in the school more than 20 years. extensive radiation testing is now underway at the high school for the next month. in the meantime, class is in session for the students now, john. >> john: goodness me, class is in session while they are doing the radiation testing, that does not seem to make sense. >> i asked the mayor and they said they would be alerted if there is an issue, and have not seen cases after 2,000. the testing will happen when the students are not there, but class is still in session. >> john: fascinating and terrifying at the same time. bryan, thank you. well, i mean, would you want to go to a school where 100 people have come down with brain tumors? >> jacqui: and i would not want my kids going there either. terrible. the number two in texas is sounding off as the white house tries to put blame on governor greg abbott for adding to the nation's supply chain crisis. >> the whole administration is a joke. people are dying, children and women are being sex trafficked. it's possible that biden will allow more people in the country than live in texas today, 29 million. >> jacqui: bring in former acting i.c.e. director tom homan. first what is your reaction to the busses of migrants that keep coming, do you think it will push the administration to give more support at the border? >> you know, i'm hoping it does, i'm hoping that it's going to be more on the news. fox is the only one covering this issue and a lot of people don't think a crisis on the border, the other networks are not talking about it. i'm hoping releasing migrants in d.c. will bring the attention to network tv cover it. they are backing up biden and not talking about the crisis he t border. i think it's a good movement. i would rather have them released insect mayorkas' neighborhood or joe biden's neighborhood, congress has not done a damn thing to secure the border. i applaud governor abbott. he's done more to bring the crisis to noteworthy news than this administration has. he should be the secretary of homeland security. he's done more than mayorkas has done to secure the border. >> jacqui: the white house called it a publicity stunt and spoke out against another stunt, they see it as, increased checks of trucks coming across the border to texas. white house saying unnecessary inspections at the border were snarling the supply chains and were contributing to rising prices for american families. listen to what press secretary jen psaki said earlier this week. >> there's over $1 million in trade crossing over the u.s. and mexico border every minute. actions are impacting jobs and livelihoods of hard working people across the country. it's a statement of fact. and what we are seeing with the unnecessary inspections of trucks transmitting ports of entry between texas and mexico are significant delays. >> jacqui: after the texas governor gets it in place, he has agreements with at least two governors of mexican states to increase patrols on the mexican side and ease some inspections in order to lessen the problem on the road there. but wouldn't you expect that kind of maneuvering to be happening from the federal level? >> exactly, jen psaki should read a book. she should look at what the trump administration did. president trump told mexico you are going to help me or i'm going to tariff you, and a huge amount. add up to billions a year. mexico put military and other, military on the southern border. remain in mexico. mexico stepped up to the plate to help secure our border because mexico has immigration laws too. trafficking in women and children from mexico is a crime so he told mexico step up, enforce your laws and decrease the number of migrants you walk through the country and come to the united states. they did it. the most successful i am -- immigration plan in the history of the nation. and one more thing, i've been on that border for many years, border patrol agent and special agent and a lot of the mexican trucks would never pass inspection in the united states. a lot of these trucks are dangerous. so, this -- he's doing two things. keeping our roads safe, and the same time making mexico do more and it's working. jen psaki ought to recognize that. >> jacqui: and the white house is telling him to stop. >> john: the warning from police in los angeles is the same one given to travelers to the world's most dangerous countries. >> jacqui: hundreds of cases as street gangs target the same types of victims. what anyone in los angeles needs to know, next. i'm greg, i'm 68 years old. i do motivational speaking in addition to the substitute teaching. i honestly feel that that's my calling-- to give back to younger people. i think most adults will start realizing that they don't recall things as quickly as they used to or they don't remember things as vividly as they once did. i've been taking prevagen for about three years now. people say to me periodically, "man, you've got a memory like an elephant." it's really, really helped me tremendously. 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"the story" starts right now. trace gallagher is in for martha. >> good afternoon, everybody. i'm trace gallagher in more martha. putin is warning the united states for unpredictable consequences following a shipment of high powered

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, Contributor , Affirmative Action , Thomas Jefferson High School , At Home , Byron York , Fox News , Bird S Eye View , Students , Percentage , Asian , Alexandria , 73 , Policy , Student Body , The School , Complaints , Asians , 1 , 11 , 7 , Group , Balancing , Appeals Court , District Court , Groups , Representation , Hispanics , Jumps , System , Freshman Year , Selection , Top , Timing , Question , What S Going On , Admissions Tests , Overrepresented , Harvard , Protests , Portion , Officials , Admissions , Decisions , Admissions Test , Sorts , Fair , District Court Judge , Schools , In The Name Of Equity , Districts , Argument , Undercurrent , Socioeconomic Factors , Outcome , Kids , Sign , Differences , Socioeconomic Status , Parents , High School Students , Lots , Placement Courses , Colleges , Lifetime , Anger , Amount , Career , Earnings , Children , Closer , Merit School , Families , Difference , College Credit , Thomas Jefferson , Court Case , Reputation , Magnet , Test , 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Scholl , Insoles , Dr , Massaging , Feet , Gel Waves , Pure , Lotion , Hydration , Moisture , Nurse Mariyam Sabo , Tasting Water , Dyes , Fragrances , Parabens , Meter , Zerowater , Zero , Filter , Brita Filter , Tds , Solids , Zeros , Value , Best Western Rewards , Western , Let S Go , Stay Safe , Gross Domestic Product , Gold , Metals , Leader , Lady Liberty , Rosland Capital , Bullion , World War Ii , Deep Hole , Proofs , Rosland Guide , Wealth , Coins , Brochure , Call Rosland , Precious Metals Ira , Shipping , Standard , Call Rosland Capital , Hassles , Gimmicks , 630 , 8900 , 800 630 8900 , Jennifer Griffin , Warship , National Security , Hi , Supply Lines , Fighters , Interview , Foreign Minister , Black Sea Fleet , Ship , On Fire , Cigarette , Flapship Moskva , Defense Ministry , Messaging , Weapon Used , Boris Johnson , Alternative , Leadership , Demonstration , Walk , Special Report , Bret Baier , Screen , Four Star General , Touch Screen , Match , Middle , Pentagon , Blow , Levels , Operations , Air Defense Umbrella , Protection , Results , Umbrella , Shore , Mykolaiv , Belgorod , Sumy , Reconstituting , Mariupol , Rearming , Izyum , Troop Movements , Trigger , Go , Battle For Donbas , Sides , Units , Focussing , Conscripts , War Of Attrition , Weaponry , Picking , Battle Of Time , Artillery , Return Fire , American Howiters , John General Perkins , Regard , Terms , Angle , Georgia Institute Of Technology , Second Push Forward , Taiwan , Silent Partner , Cia , Director , Aggression , Xi Jinping , Space , Cyberspace , Domain , Military , Array , Chinese , Observer , Sanctions , Unionimity , West , Activities , Flow , Uptick , Pause , Signal , Analysis , Reduction , Connection , Classroom , Tracks , Crohn S Disease , Moderate , Ulcerative Colitis , Dose , Serious , Injections , Stelara , Tb , Lung Inflammation , Pres , Skin Growths , Brain Condition , Vaccine , Janssen , Remission , Cost Support Options , Bread , Daily , Bread Game , Subway , Refresh , Stop Rybelsus , My A1c Wasn T At Goal , Ruby , Study , Mom , Rybelsus , Don T Take Rybelsus , Healthcare Provider , Shoulders , Warning Out West , School , Classes , Victim , Mystery , Form , New Jersey , Sick , Bryan Llenas , 102 , Brain Tumors , Al Lupiano , Colonia High School , Woodbridge Township , Acoustic Neuroma , Ten , 1989 , Angela , Michelle , Tumor , Last , Sister , August Al , Brain Tumor , Research , Glioblastoma , 44 , Bit , Water , Seven , Link , Ionizing Radiation , Uranium Processing Plant , Forest , Theory , Virgin Land , Nobody , Landfill , Rock , School Science Teacher Registered Radiation Levels , No One , Radiation , Room , The Rock , Radiation Testing , Session , Testing , Mayor , 2000 , Bryan , Terrible , Supply Chain Crisis , Sex , Tom Homan , Coming , Tv Cover It , Networks , Movement , He T Border , Insect Mayorkas , Secretary , Mayorkas , Supply Chains , Actions , Livelihoods , Trade , Impacting Jobs , 1 Million , Million , Sports , Entry , Delays , Wouldn T , Patrols , Agreements , You , Maneuvering , Add Up , Plate , Trafficking , Immigration Laws , Crime , Laws , Step Up , Immigration Plan , Inspection , Special Agent , Agent , History , Roads Safe , Types , Street Gangs , Travelers , Hundreds Of Cases , Calling , Substitute Teaching , Addition , 68 , Prevagen , Elephant , Memory , Teeth , Gateway , Mess , Mouth , Healthier Brain , Clearchoice , Joe S Treatment Plan , Better , Dental Implants , Migraine Medicine , Anywhere Migraine Strikes , Ubrelvy , 52 , Migraine , Older Medicines , Inhibitors , Cyp3a4 , Cyp3 , Pair , Pairs , Shine , Nothin , Um Jamie , PrivÉ Revaux , 9 95 , 89 95 , Teams , Christina Coleman , Video , Plys , 2011 , Jewelry , Custody , Stores , Restaurants , Repeat Offenders , Suspects , Head , 46 , Charges , Criminals , Gang Enhancements , Individual , Robbery Task Force , Penalties , Bail , Felony , Capacity , George Gascon , Criticism , Vial Lentz , Reform , Dozen , Robbery Suspects , Juveniles , Ending Car , Jail , Enhancements , Friends , Offense , Sandra , California , Family Member , Awhile , Situation , General Public , Miami , Best , Spring Break , Surroundings , The Story , Martha , Trace Gallagher , John Roberts , Friday , Shipment ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS America Reports With John Roberts Sandra Smith 20240708 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS America Reports With John Roberts Sandra Smith 20240708

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d.v.r. and watch it back later today. begin today with a new challenge in the red hot housing market as the average interest rate for america's most common home loan, a high not seen in more than a decade. hello, john roberts in washington, good friday to you. >> thanks for having me, john. i'm jacqui heinrich. 30 year fixed rate mortgage is 5%, up from 4.27 last week, the average just over 3% a year ago. mortgage lending giant says the goal of home ownership is the most expensive in a generation. >> john: and economic woes for the biden administration saddled with 40 year high inflation, and the president placing the blame for increased prices on russian president vladimir putin and voters are not buying it. his approval rating all time lows with the midterms months away. peter doocy kicks us off this afternoon. live on the north lawn. peter. >> the first one of the polls you mentioned looks at the president's overall approval rating and it is down. all the way down to 33%, according to quinnipiac, and that has more than half the adults polled, 54% disapproving. as republican critics say the reason for this is the "i" word, inflation. >> approval numbers are quite low and here in iowa, everyone is feeling the pinch of inflation, feeling the pinch of empty store shelves, not having goods, whether it's in the manufacturing sector or agriculture sector, even the healthcare sector. >> another poll by gallup finds the president in trouble with young voters. tanking with generation z, born between 1997 and 2004, 60% -- gave him a 60% approval when he came to the white house last year, now he's down to 39%. that is down 21 points. so, what do you do to try to claw back support with younger voters? this white house is thinking one way to cancel student debt. >> between now and august 31st, either extended or make a decision as ron referenced about cancelling student debt. now, it is also true that the president's preference has been from the beginning legislative action and a bill. you know why, bills are more permanent. >> the president is not here today, he is at camp david with his family for the easter weekend as staff here on the white house grounds prepare for monday's easter egg roll. first one of those they have had since before the pandemic. john. >> john: looking forward to that later this weekend, thank you so much. >> twitter responded to the buy-out offer from elon musk. twitter tried to block the takeover attempt, musk says nothing to do with making money but instead preserving free speech around the world. charles payne is standing by, but kelly o'grady live in los angeles. >> the big news is the poison pill is now in play. so, twitter announced the board has unanimously voted to adopt a shareholders rights plan. it's in direct response to the hostile takeover bid. ok, in a press release, twitter stated the rights will be exerciseable if a person, entity or group acquires ownership of 15% or more in the transaction not approved by the board. poison pill activated but not implemented. like the cyanide pill put in the hands of the spy but they have not taken it yet. that's because elon has not crossed the 15% threshold, he's about 9% now. if he does, all other shareholders would immediately be able to purchase shares at a discounted price. that would result in his shares diluted so much they are devalued. it could ruin the company financially so shows how desperate twitter is to keep elon out. he has yet to respond to the specific development. however, he has been using his twitter influence to rally support, to bring the offer to shareholders in response to a tweet on a poison pill plan, musk warned of titanic liability if the board breaches the fiduciary, and the board will have to prove why his offer is not good. and elon hinted a plan b, but also reconsider the shareholder position. so, i'm wondering if musk dumps the twitter stock, what happens them? >> john: more perspective on all this, fox business host charles payne. the left is losing its mind over this notion of elon musk taking over twitter. some guy described as a journalist professor in new york came close to comparing elon musk to hitler. this is a guy, a darling to the left when he invented the best electric car around and now suddenly the devil's spawn? >> he would allow someone like a donald trump to come back to the public square and have a voice, and that's hypocrisy of it all. we have had billionaire after billionaire after billionaire over the last two years buy their own personal media companies, right. so, jeff bezos buying "washington post," and then the post saying this could be cataclysmic, you know, "time" magazine, "the atlantic," and as long as ultra liberals are buying them it's ok. elon musk, he's not saying it to only put in right wing talking points, the irony here. the other publications, the other giant media publications all promote left wing at the expense of right wing. so, it's -- the hypocrisy is amazing, the ironic is delicious, but it is dangerous, too, and i think that's the most important thing. we are in an interesting time here. we were already a fractured nation. this is revealing the fractures and making them worse and i don't see anyone with real power stepping up to say time out, maybe we need to look at this differently. instead, it's game on, war on. >> john: as it is with most issues these days. take a second, charles, and sit back and watch how some of our competitors covered this. let's listen. >> it's troubling enough that private companies control the key communication platforms around the world, maybe it's worse to have a rich person take it private. >> real and devastating consequences for using the platform to lie. >> massive life and globe altering consequences for letting people run wild on the thing. >> john: a lot of people are already running wild on the thing, and take a look at the comment section of my twitter feed. but what he's looking for here is just to have a fair and balanced perspective, that everybody has something to say can say it without being censored. >> absolutely. and maybe examples of censoring, the hunter biden story or when the virus came and broke out and anyone who would dare say come from china or the wuhan virus they were shut down. i have not heard any of these people. i don't think they came out and said it's absolutely wrong. so maybe they, you know, again, it's just so frustrating. i'm hoping the masses, somewhat a political when it comes to some things but believe in right and wrong, the ethos of fairness, i'm happy elon musk is doing this, i think he will succeed and i hope at some point -- you just can't have it both ways. you can't shut down the ideology and the beliefs of an entire half your nation and think that you are ok with that and that they are not going to somehow push back and fight back. >> john: he's been pretty successful with most of the things he's put his hand to, see how he does here. charles, i want to talk about another big economic story, the 30-year fixed rate for mortgages hit 5%. what is that going to do to the housing market and then you know, is the 30-year fix goes up, arms as well, what does that do to the people on variable rate mortgages? >> devastating consequences. the housing market was looking pretty shakey, we have had the huge boom, which has been phenomenal, but it's a boom a lot of people were shut out, part of the boom was supply constraints, and that's changing. but even during the boom, i have to tell you, john, if you look at the federal reserve data, most of the homes were sold with higher fico scores. now you take away all, hardly any starter homes out there, you cannot get one if you don't have the pristine fico score, and now mortgage rates at 5%. a whole generation of people shut out, pushed to the point they are going to live in apartments or rent for the rest of their lives and that only is more exacerbated as the mortgage rates go higher. >> john: we'll see if it's temporary as the who us says or longer lived. charles, great to see you. have a great weekend. are you a homeowner yet? >> no, i felt he was talking directly to me. living in new york you think it's never going to be affordable. and d.c., maybe one day. now i want to close my eyes and wake me up when i can afford to buy. >> john: in los angeles, a woman chased down and hit by a car. thieves then making off with her watch. hundreds of crimes like this in l.a., the police are warning the gangs could be targeting residents. we'll tell you how they are deciding which victims to target next, coming up. >> also, a third bus carrying migrants from texas arriving in d.c. as governor greg abbott keeps true to his promise to bring biden's border crisis to his own doorstep. sounds off against critics who say it's a political stunt. up next. >> no plan to combat the overwhelming surge, but par for the course for this administration. you never know what opportunities life will send your way. but if you have moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis or psoriatic arthritis, enbrel can help you say i'm in for what's next. ready to create a bigger world? 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>> jacqui: i can't answer that. out of control. what's also out of control, the crisis at the border. another bus load of migrants from the southern border arriving in d.c., more than two dozen migrants dropped off on capitol hill as part of the plan to raise awareness about the severity of the crisis, abbott says will get worse. next month the government is dropping title 42. here is texas lieutenant governor dan patrick. first of all, is this having the impact that you all in texas had hoped? how many more of these are coming? >> we don't know how many more are coming but surely the step in the right direction. we are doing a multi-facetted plan to try and stop illegal immigrants from crossing the border. one is sending busses back to get attention in washington hopefully create a constitutional crisis with the federal government that they cannot stand by and ignore the law, they cannot allow texas and america to be invaded, our founding fathers never thought we would have a president to allow the country to be invaded and back to the supreme court to say states have a right to protect our own citizens which we do. we protect the life, liberty and welfare of our citizens and the biden administration is usurping that by the open border policy. send them on the busses to washington. secondly, another prong of the plan, stop truck traffic across the border which we have done the last week or so and now the state is negotiating with all the governors on the mexican side of the border say they will help slow down those that are coming across the border because they know we will stop their commerce if they continue to help people cross the border into our country. >> jacqui: and i'm sure that's the kind of involvement you are hoping for from the federal government, your earlier point of the legality of this, supreme court case in 2012 stating the states cannot make their own immigration policy, wondering how we ended up with sanctuary cities and states, i'm no lawyer but have you had any legal push back on this process? >> well, when i became lieutenant governor, one of the first bills i passed to end sanctuary cities and we have not had that overturned. so prevailed there. but controlling the border is the real issue and paint a picture for everyone in america to understand the numbers. we have 1254 miles of border with mexico in texas. to put that in perspective, boston to jacksonville, florida. that's what we have to protect and they are not letting us protect. and last week i said on fox by the end of the biden administration, about 20% potentially of all people living in america will be here illegally, if you look at the border statistics from 1990 through 2021 and project out the biden administration, we'll be nearly 60 million people here illegally. that's -- we cannot be invaded in that scale. impact on our education system, healthcare system, prime. so, we in texas will do the job. we can do the job. the federal government needs to get out of the way or do their job. that's what we are attempting to do, and thousands of troopers on the border and thousands of national guard. >> jacqui: the white house initially dismissed it as a publicity stunt, they didn't believe greg abbott would follow through with this but he did, and your reaction to what jen psaki said to me in the briefing room earlier this week. >> these are all migrants processed by c.b.p. and free to travel, it's nice the state of texas is helping them get to their final destination and they are all in immigration proceedings. >> jacqui: it's nice. >> she's a joke, and the administration is a joke. people are dying, sex trafficking, and fentanyl coming into the country. under the first full four years of the biden administration, it's possible he will allow more people in the country than live in texas today, 29 million? i've had it with her, i've had it with him, the vice president, their secretary of i.c.e. and homeland security, because they are doing nothing. they have not pushed back one out of five could be here illegally by 2024, they make a joke of it. people are dying, getting killed, our country is being lost, and they sit there and smirk and make jokes. i don't have any time for her. these are not serious people, they don't know what they are talking about, never been to the border and texas will stand tall will do everything we can and i hope we can get back to the supreme court where they will say under the new court we have a right to protect our citizens and american citizens beyond the texas border. >> jacqui: and one other thing, the truck inspection. the white house press secretary implied this was potentially impacting inflation, said that these unnecessary inspections were contributing to rising prices and supply chain disruptions. what is your reaction to critics who say it's making it worse. >> the biden administration is fully 100% responsible for inflation by flooding the market with money, by their policies, give away, and giving away cell phones to immigrants. they try to blame it on putin, the oil and gas, home builders, everyone. it's their fault, it's their inflation. it's not our fault. we have to put pressure, if the biden administration is not going to secure the border we have to put pressure where we can put pressure and by stopping these trucks across the border, it did not take long for the governors in mexico to say wait a minute, you are killing our commerce. we can't get our fruits and vegetable across, can't get our products across, and now they have come to the table, we'll see if they live up to it. but they have come to the table, ok, we'll help, we'll help. this is what trump did in his final couple of years in office, he put pressure on mexico economically if you don't slow down border traffic we are going to penalize you, tariffs on your projects and the last year of trump we had control of the border. under biden, we had over a million and a half people in the first 15 months he's in office. if he repeals title 42, the projection is 18,000 people a day. >> jacqui: and he's going to, the end of next month. >> mr. president, you need not to repeal that order. you are going to destroy your country even further. you need to stay with title 42 and allow texas to secure the border. we'll get it done because you are not. >> jacqui: texas lieutenant governor dan patrick, thank you for joining us. appreciate your time. >> john: i was interested to see some democratic sentences step up 42, sinema said you rescinded the mask mandate. >> jacqui: mark kelly went to the border his fifth trip, saying i care about this. the justice department is settling four cases involving 2020 demonstrations that destroyed property after the death of george floyd. is the d.o.j. getting soft. >> john: and the race to prepare for the battle of donbas is on. russia shifting troops and other materials to the eastern region of ukraine and warning the u.s. and nato not to send ukraine "sensitive weapons to help them." general keith kellogg joins me at the big board on putin's next moves ahead, stay with us. >> we are going to try to give the ukrainians every advantage on the battlefield we can so they can prevent the donbas and the other part of the country from falling to complete occupation by the russians. i had been giving koli kibble. it never looked like real food. with the farmer's dog you can see the pieces of turkey. it smells like actual food. as he's aged, he's still quite energetic and youthful. i really attribute that to diet. get started at this is... ♪♪ this is iowa. we just haven't been properly introduced. say hello to the place where rolling hills meets low bills. where our fields, inside and out, are always growing. and where the fun is just getting started. this is iowa. so, when are you coming to see us? 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he's not checkin' the stats. he's finding some investment ideas with merrill. eyes on the ball baby. digital tools so impressive, you just can't stop. what would you like the power to do? this may sound strange, but you've been here before. you were here when this wrench was turned. and when this line was drawn. oh. and when this stitch was sewn. you inspired the lexus es to be, well more you. so thank you. we hope you like your work. ♪ ♪ get special offers on the 2022 es 350. >> jacqui: russia claiming it destroyed a missile factory on the outskirts of kyiv as it threatens to ramp up attacks on the capital city, and guided missile cruiser was damaged earlier this week. general keith kellogg joins us in a moment, but first trey yingst on the ground in kyiv. >> trey: good afternoon. residents outside the capital of kyiv are trying to rebuild their lives. they need aid to do so and having a lot of difficulties because more and more atrocities are being discovered. i need to warn our viewers, some of the following images are graphic. >> ukrainian civilians reach for supplies in the town of bucha, many were trapped under russian occupation for weeks. never in my life could i have imagined even in my worst nightmare what's happening now could be possible. the 69-year-old explains. arrived outside of bucha's town hall to get food and medicine, and anna recalls the terror her neighborhood faced. occupants killed our neighbor and body was lying near the fence. they did not allow us to bury him and he is one of more than 400 victims killed in bucha alone. >> what's left of a residential neighborhood in bucha, they completely destroyed the area ruining the lives of civilians. and crews have to be careful where they step. a major concern of land mines laid by the russian troops. while the streets are starting to be cleared of debris, there are more atrocities being uncovered. war crimes prosecutors located another mass grave digging up the remains of more than residents. they were just living their days, trying to get food. ukrainian prosecutor says. russian troops killed them for no reason. while there is so much death here, there is also life. today in the capital we saw people walking their dogs, couples holding hands and every so often the air raid sirens in the distance. >> jacqui: thank you so much. >> john: general keith kellogg, former national security advise to mike pence, and here in kharkiv and across the border from ukraine in russia, the forces pulled back from kyiv and chernihiv are refitting, regrouping, getting ready to come this way, as troops from the south come in this way to try to cut off the donbas. what do we know about what might lie ahead and when is d-day, when does this move begin? >> yeah, john, thanks for having me. first of all, these troops have been fighting 50 days. any time you fight this long you need to refit and rearm. i don't think the ukrainians are that dumb to fall into the trap. they are trying to trap along the line to bring them in there and destroy them. i don't think zelenskyy is willing to do that. i'll fight here, but i bet he's going to fight somewhere else, will throw the russians off guard. >> john: interesting, the wider map them, and now we are in a race for time. ukrainians have to also bring weapons towards this area. this is going to be the ultimate battle. >> this is the great news we have finally delivered. it took us time to bring in the howitsers, this is the fight the russians will have more advantage than the ukrainians will. i believe the ukrainians are going to do something different and i hope they do. if you look in the south, this is a counter attack. they continue that counter attack and goes this way, they cut off the crimea. there is only a four-mile stretch of land, and if they do that, it forces the russians to look elsewhere. and then what happens potentially negotiations, you want to break republics, fine, i'm going to keep crimea. not saying it's going to happen, but the way the ukrainians are fighting, asymmetrically, i would not be surprised if they do something like that. >> john: putin sounds like he has his back against the wall, there was a cable saying don't arm ukraine with the most sensitive weapons, it may bring unpredictable consequences. >> i think it's a bluff. he's going to lose, surrenders. we need to keep pushing that stuff forward to them. make ukraine an unsinkable aircraft carrier. give them 500 155s, the tanks from poland, and the mig 29. make it a conventional fight the russians have been fighting for 50 days and they may lose it. it's a chance to change the battlefield. >> john: huge embarrassment for russia, the moskva is at the bottom of the black sea now and russia -- vladimir putin is left to tell the russian people, we lost one of our flagships. it just spontaneously exploded. >> yeah, right, looks like it was hit with two neptune missiles, ukrainian anti-ship missiles, about 300 pound warhead, less than our harpoon missile does. >> john: show where it would have hit. >> in this area in here, if it hit any of the missiles, huge secondaries and this vessel was gone as soon as they hit. and the missiles will hit right about here, right above the sea level. but here is what is really important about this. you go back to the other map, i'll show you, what this has done, it forces -- it forces them to withdraw all of their ships back in here and frees up odesa, because by forcing them away from here, if they have the anti-ship missiles and fire inland, 16 miles inland. a range of about 160 miles. the amphibious attack against odesa will not happen, that's huge. that means odesa holds, another win for them. the black sea does not have a flagship, and command and control visit. it has hurt them. >> john: and combine with the counter offensive, you are opening that back up again. quickly go to the big map here. is is the future of nato, which includes finland and sweden? they are not members of nato right now but are talking about it and now dmitri medvedev, used to be the president of russia, has said if you go with nato we can no longer keep this area here, this is the baltic sea. we can no longer keep this area here nuclear weapons free. russia is going to reserve the right to put nuclear weapons. now some think this is already an armory, with nuclear weapons so the idea of the baltic nuclear free is b.s. >> he brought it on himself, putin did. i think the weapons are there. and if they feel threatened and they believe nato is a defensive alliance, which it is, expand to 32 countries and maybe 33 down there, that's ok. he started this fight, it's not going to end well for him. it's all on himself. >> john: when you take a look at this, right now the border between nato and russia is there, right. but it could extend all the way up here and if as you say one day ukraine is a nato nation, add the section in there. this could backfire on putin. >> i think it already has. >> john: like he never imagined. always great to see you. have a great weekend. >> jacqui: the supreme court is expected to make a decision on the case of a virginia high school and whetherhe equity-based admissions policies is discriminatory against asian americans. >> john: and freakout over elon musk's intent to buy twitter. wasn't it the same folks in favor of jeff bezos buying "the washington post" when he was the richest in the world? what is really behind the musk meltdown. >> welcome him as a shareholder but not a board member. >> something that -- so what does that mean like what twitter is doing and what it stands for. migraine attacks? you can't always avoid triggers like changes in weather. qulipta™ can help prevent migraine attacks. you can't prevent what's going on outside, that's why qulipta™ helps what's going on inside. qulipta™ is a pill. gets right to work to prevent migraine attacks and keeps them away over time. qulipta™ blocks cgrp a protein believed to be a cause of migraine attacks. qulipta™ is a preventive treatment for episodic migraine. most common side effects are nausea, constipation, and tiredness. learn how abbvie can help you save on qulipta™. >> john: johnny depp's defamation trial against his ex-wife amber heard taking a break until monday for the jury to catch its breath after a week of courtroom stunters. the marriage counselor talked about their toxic relationship, saying both dep and heard were abusive to each other. the jury instructed, or the judge instructed the jury to forget everything they heard from another witness, a friend of the actor booted from court after confessing she watched clips of the trial online. but maybe the biggest jaw dropper so far came on wednesday when the jury got to see some of johnny depp's text messages, the nicest of which for purposes of television and public consumption wished his exes rotting corpse would decompose in the trunk of a honda civic. didn't mention why it was a honda, there you go. >> jacqui: supreme court is set to rule on an elite high school in virginia whether the admission policy discriminates against asian americans, and diversity and whether the student speaks english at home. byron york is also a fox news contributor. thank you for joining us. what's your bird's eye view of the case, where do you see it going? >> well this will be a big deal in some affirmative action litigation going on right now. basically thomas jefferson high school in alexandria is a very, very highly ranked high school in the nation. and it had a large percentage of asian students. there were 73% before all this happened, 73% of its student body was asian, and there were complaints that the student body was not equitably distributed enough. so, the school changed its policy and after it changed its policy the percentage of asians in the student body went down from 73% to 54%. the percentage of black students in the student body went up from 1% to 7%, and hispanic students from 3% to 11%. now, a conservative group sued the school, said this was unconstitutional, racial balancing, and at the district court level they won. and then the issue became an appeals court said the school can keep its policy, its new policy in place while this is litigated and what we are going to see now is whether the supreme court will allow that stay or whether it will force it to not use its new policy anymore. >> jacqui: what does it tell you that the percentage of different groups and their representation changed so much, i mean, these are big jumps in numbers. asian americans down from 73 to 54, hispanics going up from 3 to 11 and then black students up from 1 to 7%. what does that tell you from the old system versus the new system and on top of that, because the selection for the incoming freshman year is underway, how does this, the timing of this impact soon to be students? >> well, for your second question, that's a big deal for the court right now, which is that the process is underway and is the court going to throw it out and make them return to the other process, that's a big deal whether the court would want to just disrupt what's going on. you know, as far as the percentage of ethnic groups, there is one coming to the supreme court in which the percentage of asian students at harvard will be at issue here, and a lot of cases in which asian students who were overrepresented, according to their numbers, do very, very well on admissions tests and get in school and make up a large portion of the student body. and you've had protests about this, you've had changes in policy like you had at thomas jefferson high school. the question is, was the old way an admissions test, was that really fair or is the new way, with no admissions test and all sorts of decisions by school board officials, is that more fair. clearly the district court judge here said the new system, which resulted in almost 20-point drop in asian students was unconstitutional racial balancing. >> jacqui: to your last point, schools across the country are changing admissions standards and eliminating honors courses in the name of equity. i want to pull up a map that shows different states with districts eliminating honors courses as the argument that they say is when you segregate students based on ability that it has an outcome that is -- that reflects different socioeconomic factors, your race. what do you think is the undercurrent here and where this ends up going. is this a sign that there was just such stark, you know, differences between opportunities that kids were having because of their socioeconomic status, their race and playing out in where they got placed in school or are they trying to force this issue? >> it's going to result in lots and lots of litigation. advance placement courses, honors courses are very big for the parents of high school students. they help the students get in better colleges, which can mean a better career and more earnings over the course of their lifetime. these are extremely important to parents. and throwing them out has caused an enormous amount of anger in groups of parents around the country. remember, the whole last two years, because of the pandemic, a lot of parents have gotten a much closer look at how their children are taught and it's resulted in litigation and changes in the way that schools operate. >> jacqui: we will be watching it. appreciate your time. john, these honors courses allow students to earn college credit when they are in high school, it makes a big difference for a lot of families. >> john: it does, and when a merit school like thomas jefferson, not far from here, ranked number one in the nation is no longer a merit-based school because of mandated racial balancing by the school board, takes away from the reputation of the school as a magnet of where people want to go. we'll see where it goes in the court case. you can't call yourself a merit school if you are not a merit school and let the people with the highest test scores in, simple as that. the windy city set to be a possible windfall for some chicagoans. free money, test a universal basic income program. will it just discourage people from working? who will get the money and why, coming up in the next hour. >> jacqui: is the d.o.j. going soft on demonstrations that involve destroying property? just settled four cases, lafayette park george floyd protest in 2020. part of that settlement, u.s. law enforcement agencies changing some policies. details coming up. ozempic® can . ♪ oh, oh, oh, ozempic®! ♪ ♪ oh, oh, oh ♪ ozempic® is proven to lower a1c. most people who took ozempic® reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. and you may lose weight. adults lost on average up to 12 pounds. in adults also with known heart disease, ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as heart attack, stroke, or death. ozempic® helped me get back in my type 2 diabetes zone. ozempic® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't share needles or pens, or reuse needles. don't take ozempic® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop ozempic® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking ozempic® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. looking to get back in your type 2 diabetes zone? 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through hoops or not be able to be as reactive as they normally are, under normal circumstances. >> the new policy kicks in mid may, john. >> john: david spunt at the justice department, thank you. >> jacqui: one school, nearly 100 cases of cancer. what is killing the students there? that is coming up all new at 2:00. welcome to allstate. where you can bundle home and auto insurance. right, frank? i saved 25%. booyah. and now you're relaxing! we're working from home. save up to 25% when you bundle home and auto with allstate. >> john: new at 2:00, decades after graduation classmates reunited by one common bond. brain cancer. now the race is on to find out what happened at the high school exactly what it was that gave them this invisible killer, and after all these years is it still lurking on campus dooming today's students to a devastating diagnosis of their own. >> it's not air, not something in the soil, it's not something done to us due to bad habits. >> john: that story ahead. john roberts in washington. good to spend another hour with you. >> jacqui: i'm jacqui heinrich in for sandra smith. the full story new this hour on "america reports." but begin with a presidency in peril and president accused of passing the buck. >> john: first another faux pas for president biden and this one critics say perfectly sums up a presidency that has come up empty on accomplishments. >> jacqui: president biden looking to shake a hand after the speech on the economy, but all he got was thin air. >> john: republicans call it fitting for a president who has failed to pass most of his agenda. americans are in creasingly fed up shelling out more on everything from gasoline to groceries. >> jacqui: and costs keep going up. add interest rates to the list. >> john: the president points fingers to everyone, vladimir putin, big oil, and everyone else. brian kilmeade in a moment. >> jacqui: peter doocy is he white house. >> and officials here at the biden white house are talking seriously now about a plan to cancel student loan debt right before the midterms. >> between now and august 31st, extended or we are going to make a decision as ron referenced about cancelling student debt. now, it is also true that the president's preference has been from the beginning legislative action and a bill. you know why, bills are more permanent. >> as the communications pros here argue they could cancel student loan debt because the economy is bad, the president is out with a new statement today arguing the economy is great. he says americans are getting back to work in every corner of the country in record numbers. this was not an accident, the direct result of my economic plan to grow the economy from the bottom up and the middle out. the president admitted in north carolina yesterday he knows high fuel costs and inflation are problems right now. but a trump-era economic advisor says if you think this is bad, you have not seen anything yet. >> it's my view that right about now we are entering a recession, and when that happens, and you know, basically with this high inflation, the fed tightens, then people get extremely wary of buying homes and you see home prices collapse sometimes. >> president biden is trying to get more stuff built in the united states, trying to invest more taxpayer dollars in r and d, with innovation bill but there's no information coming from officials here that either of those things would rapidly bring prices down for american families. jacqui. >> jacqui: the remarks were far-reaching, to say the least. peter doocy at the white house for us, thank you. >> john: brian kilmeade, "fox and friends" co-host, and "fox nation." >> brian: go to break and -- what's going on with you? >> john: take a look at where the president stands as they talk about cancelling student debt. quinnipiac poll, overall approval rating, 33% among independent voters, 26%. 26% among hispanic voters and thinking of cancelling student debt, voters 18 to 34, 21% support. brian, is he buying votes? >> in a way, but also ticking off people 35 to 65, went out of their way to pay off loans and it was not easy. you want a conversation, should college be $75,000 like georgetown or georgetown university, but you erase it for a bracket, i can remember not being able to pay my loan for about a year and i got an extension, had to go to the bank and explain it and then pay more when i got the book back. so the images of taking the pride to do it, bribing people to vote for you perhaps, but as you both know, 18 to 25 don't vote a lot, you know, especially in the midterm elections. so the president's instincts are good here. he did not want to do it. a.o.c. wants to do this. she's trying to win over queens. he's trying to win over a country. >> jacqui: we always knew the president would likely keep the ace card in his back pocket a time like this when he said he was going to send it to a commission to study whether it was possible. same thing with court packing, by the way. but i want to ask you, brian, the white house said this week they believe inflation is going to come down this year. how can they say that and also blame inflation on putin when we have, you know, the chairman of the joint chiefs telling lawmakers this war could continue for years. how do they make both arguments? >> brian: they can't. and jacqui, every president has expertise. george bush 41 dismissive of the economy, he was a foreign policy guy, and even though we were in a recession he would be dismissive. john, you were probably covering that at the time. and john mccain the same way, big on foreign policy. joe biden is not big on the economy. evidently good at foreign policy, we'll discuss that another time. he needs janet yellen next to him, where is his larry kudlow. janet yellen was at the fed. i need an economic plan, i don't need slogans. slogans are for the communication division. there is a time you are in creative writing and a time you are in math class. i want the best math students to help our economy out and don't need rhetoric because we are beyond rhetoric, we make our judgment about the price of gas, when it went up, the price of eggs, especially now with easter, 48 hours away, we are all making our own judgments. i find it almost insulting that he's coming out with these phrases. i mean, where is susan rice, where are the people making the decisions. why is he always alone looking for somebody's hand to shake. >> john: inflation versus wages here, brian alluded to the fact i covered the h. w. bush administration, his way of saying i'm old. but 8.5% year over year march to march, wages had gone up 5.6%. so every month that goes by, day that goes by, consumers are losing buying power and that is going to impact in so many ways. if it's where it is now, that disparity in march, where is it going to be in november. >> brian: it's going to be up. and study some of this from the 1970s and 1980s, and what ronald reagan tried to do, cut taxes, make the dollar worth more. right now we are adding toner to the printer. we printed 6.7 trillion worth of money and put into the system unearned. we have to find a way to pull it back responsibly, at the same time you cut taxes, at the same time you cut spending. and let's get that dollar worth more. ronald reagan came out with the dollar and said we have to make this worth more, and that's how i plan to do it. not talking down to the american people but saying we have a plan to attack 20% interest rates and inflation that was in double figures. things look glum and the things did not work initially. but as you know, reagan's economy took off and even though we did build up the debt, people will take that sense of american growth again. we just had it two years ago. >> john: and for the record, i did not cover the reagan administration. >> brian: jacqui, can you double check that? >> jacqui: what you said about inflation, the biden administration keeps blaming 70% of the inflation from the march report on energy prices and the putin price hike. i asked them to explain how they got to that number. they did give me some background. but if so much of this inflation has to do with energy prices and what has the biden administration done to bring those down. releasing e-15 gas only available in less than 2% of the country's gas stations, putting barrels from the strategic reserve on the market, but it's not making a dent in the prices. clearly there is a common sense solution that they really don't want to embrace. is it time for them to embrace it? >> yes, and i know you know that by the questions you ask at the briefing. because this they just wanted to get things done, as opposed to alienating the electorate, they are already alienated, how much to put for another refinery or national gas to europe and the word from the global market, as soon as they get the go sign for a supportive regulation pipelines and others, you don't have to get out the ratchet, just the promise from the president to do it will affect prices because they know it's coming next. the president will alienate his entire green agenda. john kerry will have to take off his wet suit and put on his regular suit and explain to the allies, and the president, at 78 years old does not have the guts to say caution to the wind, let's do the right thing for the country, instead of the party and that's frustrating. and i would say the same thing for a republican if they had their agenda. >> john: always great to be with you. and watch him tomorrow night at 8:00, "one nation." you are a great friend, love you. >> brian: back at you, jacqui and john, thank you. >> john: losing their mind over elon musk's bid to buy twitter. >> it's troubling enough the private companies control the platforms around the world. maybe worse to have the world's richest person trying to buy one and take it private. >> real and devastating consequences for using that platform to lie. >> seismic decision that will have ramifications, not only inside the tech world, but politics, finance and perhaps our debate about free speech. >> jacqui: charlie hurt is ready to respond. he's next. your spirit is stronger than your highs and lows. your creativity can outshine any bad day. because you are greater than your bipolar i, and you can help take control of your symptoms - and ask about vraylar. some medicines only treat the lows or highs. once-daily vraylar is proven to treat depressive, acute manic, and mixed episodes of bipolar i in adults. full-spectrum relief for all bipolar i symptoms. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. call your doctor about unusual changes in behavior or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants can increase these in children and young adults. report fever, stiff muscles or confusion which may mean a life-threatening reaction, or uncontrollable muscle movements which may be permanent. high cholesterol and weight gain, and high 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switching today. comcast business. powering possibilities.™ >> john: left wing media melting down over elon musk's bid to buy twitter, many even suggesting limits on freedom of speech. >> jacqui: charlie hurt is here to react, but first live on capitol hill. >> twitter has put in place a poison pill to try to sabotage elon musk's efforts to buy the platform, but some republican lawmakers see it as an antedote, influence, i urge you to advocate for revising twitter's content policy to allow all speech, both lawful and factually accurate, prohibiting true statements and twitter's dishonesty has damaged the company's image. some republican lawmakers are skeptical that twitter will sell out. >> i don't think they'll let this go forward. if they do, then they can't suppress the hunter biden story, can't kick president trump off twitter, i don't think they will let it go forward. >> if musk manages to buy twitter, house democrats are making it clear their eye is on elon. a congresswoman saying shepherding a social media platform is a huge responsibility. we will hold them accountable to the american people, including elon musk. regulators will keep a close eye on any potential deal. musk has had a volatile deal saying he secured funding to take tesla private in 2018. >> funding was secured, i want to be clear about that. why do i not have respect for the s.e.c., and certainly the san francisco office, the s.e.c. knew funding was secured but they pursued an active public investigation nonetheless. he was forced to concede to the s.e.c. unlawfully, those bastards. >> if twitter is able to block elon musk from buying them out, it will not spare them scrutiny. republican lawmakers will dig in a that as more proof of political bias on the platform. jacqui. >> jacqui: thanks. >> john: some context and perspective from charlie hurt, some of the loudest voices criticizing elon musk are some of the ones who were championing the then richest man in the world jeff bezos buying "the washington post." business insider happens to be one of those publications. what they said about elon musk in a tweet. his attempt to buy twitter represents a chilling new threat. billionaire trolls taking over social media, compare that with with what they wrote about bezos on august 5, 2015. billionaire jeff bezos "washington post" buy marks a fascinating cultural transition in america. your turn. >> charlie it's truly incredible. the hypocrisy knows no bounds here. and you know, it's especially interesting when you consider how important twitter has been from the beginning for the media, and obviously the reason that most of us or many of us, rather, got into this business in the first place is because we believe in free speech and the power of free speech. we believe in the power of the pen and we believe that, you know, our mission to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable through free speech is the greatest way to bring freedom to the most number of people, and to get to a spot where we are today where you have so many people from our profession who are in -- who use this platform because of -- because of its power, mainly among us. it really doesn't, you know, most normal americans are not on twitter, but for them to shed all allegiance. >> john: that's for sure. >> anthem to shed all allegiance to the principles that supposedly got us into the business is astonishing. now you have a guy, elon musk, obviously he's a bad boy, he's a businessman, though, but he has more allegiance to the concept of free speech than many of us who are charged with okay on the front line of protecting free speech. it's really astonishing. >> jacqui: charlie, how much of the media melt down is rooted in the chance that donald trump gets his twitter account back if elon musk owns the platform? >> i think that is about 97% of it. the animating factor here, even that is representative of something larger. i've always believed donald trump was actually representative of something larger. it was not just this sort of swatch buckling vulgarian who crashed the gates of washington. the real problem with donald trump, he was talking about things nobody in washington was talking about and things politicians in both parties had abandoned for decades, and so he is that the real threat to i think both people in the media and people in the press, i mean, people in politics from a guy like donald trump, he's talking about things. and elon musk is the same kind of guy. he's a realist, he knows what matters to people. he's going to allow -- he wants to talk about things that actually matter to people instead of weird debates we had inside washington a long time now. >> john: some members of the media seem they are ready to run to their safe space. max boot says he's frightened of the prospect, impact on society if elon musk takes over twitter. anything goes, for democracy to survive we need more content moderation, not less. something almost orelean about that. >> a time a few years ago, we would be shocked anybody could say like like that and it would get printed in a newspaper somewhere, and don't forget, max boot is writing this for the newspaper owned by jeff bezos in washington. p and it's -- it really is -- i really don't -- and i wonder why, why do -- why do they get into the news business in the first place, if they don't believe in free speech. and why, you know, what is it that drives them, and at the end of the day it reminds me of, you know, the same reason, unfortunately, a lot of politicians get into the business, they want proximity to power, and some point you think maybe some of the people in the press should register as lobbyists. >> john: well, i don't think that will happen, but -- >> no, it won't. >> jacqui: charlie hurt, "washington times" opinion editor. >> john: happy easter. >> great to see you guys. >> jacqui: maxine waters is dishing out campaign cash but keeping it in the family. waters paid her daughter $24,000 over the past few months, but it's far from the first time she's done so, and the 24 grand is just a drop in the bucket. william is live in los angeles with the story. >> jacqui, it's not illegal and representative waters has paid her daughter with campaign money for a long time. karen waters owns progressive connections. since 2003, the congresswoman used campaign donations to pay karen more than $1.2 million in fees to send out political mailers to elect maxine and other candidates. the latest records show waters' campaign paid karen 24 grand in the last three months, typically in 3 to $5,000 checks. elected 30 years ago, waters has won every race with more than 70% of the vote. her current campaign website lists no policy positions, votes or achievements. it does, however, ask for money. over the years, waters has spent 11 million in campaign money. largest donor, real estate followed by unions. l.a. times did an expose' in 2004 said the waters family made a million dollars doing business with companies tied to the congresswoman. and karen received fees from special interests. maxine's husband received money from a bank doing business with the federal government. waters was cleared in the ethics investigation of steering business to that bank. asked about these conflicts of interest, waters has said "they do their business, i do mine, we are not bad people." liberal watchdog group citizens for responsibility and ethics named waters four times to the list of most corrupt members of congress. jacqui. >> jacqui: all right, thank you so much. >> john: large explosions near kyiv right after vladimir putin promised revenge. that's after one of the crown jewels of russia's navy was sent to rust at the bottom of the black sea. retired four star general david perkins will break it all down for us coming up next. when tired, achy feet make your whole body want to stop, it's dr. scholl's time. our insoles are designed with unique massaging gel waves, for all-day comfort 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security correspondent jennifer griffin live in the capital city of kyiv. hi, jennifer. >> jennifer: hi, jacqui. moscow has warned if the u.s. continues supplying weapons to ukrainian fighters that it will hit supply lines. that warning came just a day after what appears to be ukrainian forces used two neptune missiles to sink the flagship of russia's black sea fleet. i just had an exclusive interview with the ukrainian foreign minister, said they could do more of these attacks with more of the right weapons. >> how did you sink the russian flapship moskva? >> according to the russian defense ministry it sunk because maybe someone on board was not careful with a cigarette and set the entire ship on fire. >> is that true? is that how it happened? >> i was not present on board when it happened. >> the russians pulled back on kyiv, and yet we heard explosions a few miles from the capital. what was the weapon used, what was russia's messaging, was that a response to you sinking the moskva? >> i realize in the next 24 hours russia will strike back. this is war, there is no alternative to that. >> jennifer: what does it mean to have prime minister boris johnson walk through the streets of kyiv? >> i think it was huge. a clear demonstration of leadership. we are looking forward to the visit of the president. he demonstrated leadership. leadership which was unexpected. >> jennifer: unexpected to vladimir putin who underestimated the u.s. response, according to ukraine's foreign minister. more of that exclusive interview tonight on "special report" with bret baier. jacqui. >> jacqui: looking forward to president biden's visit, that was notable from him. thank you so much, jennifer. great interview. >> john: bring in retired four star general david perkins, touch screen, and moskva in better days up on the screen here, which is now lying at the bottom of the black sea, according to russia, because somebody lit a match and blew the thing up. but according to the pentagon, a couple of neptune missiles probably went about the middle of the ship causing secondary explosions, and it sunk. how big of a blow to russia? >> good afternoon, john. this is a major blow at many levels. one, it is their flagship. usually if any ship is highly protected, you protect the flagship. second of all, what it did is it provided command and control for that area of operations and if they were amphibious operations and the rest of the ships in the black sea, so they have the ability to conduct command and control, and air defense umbrella, so now they are exposed and you can see the results of that, the russians have had to pull the remaining ships away from the shore because they block the umbrella of protection. >> john: according to general keith kellogg may give the ukrainian forces outside of mykolaiv the chance to push the forces back toward crimea. let me ask you what may come in the days ahead. northeast of kharkiv is belgorod, and northeast of sumy -- that's over here, but northeast of izyum, reconstituting, rearming, getting ready for a push, and forces up from mariupol to close off from the south. this battle for donbas as it seems to be looming in the future, do you have any idea what the timing will be on this, when will russia pull the trigger on these new massive troop movements? >> well, they clearly are going to make another go at this, but as you said, they are focussing on that part of ukraine specifically. it is a battle of time for both sides. the russians are having a difficult time reconstituting the units. they are having to push down new conscripts that are fairly poorly trained and have not trained together and so i think you will see more of the war of attrition. for the ukrainians, the good news is the u.s. is sending over significant weapons that help in this. american howiters, and the picking up incoming artillery and return fire. so it's a battle of time the ukrainians getting the new weaponry in and operational before the russians push on the second push forward. >> john: general perkins, the big angle remains china and what china is going to do in terms of supporting russia and may do in the future in regard to taiwan. georgia institute of technology, the c.i.a. director said a silent partner in putin's aggression, china, most profound test the c.i.a. has faced. china seek to take us in every domain, economic strength, military power, space and cyberspace. how closely do you think xi jinping is watching, and what he does regarding taiwan and regard to becoming more aggressive with his military? >> well, he definitely is a silent observer. the chinese are paying very close attention to the whole array of sanctions that have been put on russia, which would really cripple the chinese and i think both china and russia have been surprised with the unionimity of the west, and continue to support ukraine and the new flow of weapons coming in. i think china would have to at least give pause before they conduct any expansionous activities, they have seen the uptick of support in ukraine, not a reduction in support. >> john: maybe it's a signal to them they should not go any further than they have thought of going at this point. happy easter to you. good to get your analysis. >> jacqui: more than 100 cases of a rare brain cancer. the one connection between them is the same high school. search for an invisible killer in the classroom coming up next. i brought in ensure max protein, with thirty grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks! 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(♪ ♪) ask your healthcare provider about rybelsus® today. >> john: warning out west, why folks in l.a. might want to look over their shoulders the next time they are heading home. that's coming up, now, though, a terrifying medical mystery. more than 100 people in new jersey developing a rare form of brain cancer. one connection, the same school. each victim either attending classes or worked there years ago. now one of the many questions today, are kids there now also going to get sick in the future? bryan llenas is live in new york city with the details. it is chilling. >> really is chilling. at least 102 students and staff who attended colonia high school in woodbridge township in new jersey, have been diagnosed with rare brain tumors. that according to al lupiano, graduated from the school in 1989 and diagnosed with acoustic neuroma ten years later. last august al's wife michelle was diagnosed with the exact same rare tumor, unbelievably. on the same day, al's sister, angela was diagnosed with a rare cancerous brain tumor, glioblastoma, she died two months ago at 44. al, an environmental scientist, realized they were not alone. >> i started doing some research, the three became five, the five became seven, the seven became 15. at that time i had to pull back a little bit. truly only one environmental link to primary brain tumors. ionizing radiation. it's not contaminated water, air, not something in the soil, it's not something that's done to us due to bad habits. >> so he suspected a former uranium processing plant 12 miles from the school, the materials were trucked to a landfill a half mile away. they are investigating. >> the school was built on virgin land, it was a forest. a common theory, there could have been fill used in the colonia high school project should perhaps not have been used and some pointed to a radioactive landfill a long time ago, and apparently the records are pretty shoddy and nobody knows what came in or out. >> 1997, a school science teacher registered radiation levels from a rock stored in a room. they evacuated the school and tested the rock, deemed to have a safe level of radiation. no one knows where that rock came from, but it may have been in the school more than 20 years. extensive radiation testing is now underway at the high school for the next month. in the meantime, class is in session for the students now, john. >> john: goodness me, class is in session while they are doing the radiation testing, that does not seem to make sense. >> i asked the mayor and they said they would be alerted if there is an issue, and have not seen cases after 2,000. the testing will happen when the students are not there, but class is still in session. >> john: fascinating and terrifying at the same time. bryan, thank you. well, i mean, would you want to go to a school where 100 people have come down with brain tumors? >> jacqui: and i would not want my kids going there either. terrible. the number two in texas is sounding off as the white house tries to put blame on governor greg abbott for adding to the nation's supply chain crisis. >> the whole administration is a joke. people are dying, children and women are being sex trafficked. it's possible that biden will allow more people in the country than live in texas today, 29 million. >> jacqui: bring in former acting i.c.e. director tom homan. first what is your reaction to the busses of migrants that keep coming, do you think it will push the administration to give more support at the border? >> you know, i'm hoping it does, i'm hoping that it's going to be more on the news. fox is the only one covering this issue and a lot of people don't think a crisis on the border, the other networks are not talking about it. i'm hoping releasing migrants in d.c. will bring the attention to network tv cover it. they are backing up biden and not talking about the crisis he t border. i think it's a good movement. i would rather have them released insect mayorkas' neighborhood or joe biden's neighborhood, congress has not done a damn thing to secure the border. i applaud governor abbott. he's done more to bring the crisis to noteworthy news than this administration has. he should be the secretary of homeland security. he's done more than mayorkas has done to secure the border. >> jacqui: the white house called it a publicity stunt and spoke out against another stunt, they see it as, increased checks of trucks coming across the border to texas. white house saying unnecessary inspections at the border were snarling the supply chains and were contributing to rising prices for american families. listen to what press secretary jen psaki said earlier this week. >> there's over $1 million in trade crossing over the u.s. and mexico border every minute. actions are impacting jobs and livelihoods of hard working people across the country. it's a statement of fact. and what we are seeing with the unnecessary inspections of trucks transmitting ports of entry between texas and mexico are significant delays. >> jacqui: after the texas governor gets it in place, he has agreements with at least two governors of mexican states to increase patrols on the mexican side and ease some inspections in order to lessen the problem on the road there. but wouldn't you expect that kind of maneuvering to be happening from the federal level? >> exactly, jen psaki should read a book. she should look at what the trump administration did. president trump told mexico you are going to help me or i'm going to tariff you, and a huge amount. add up to billions a year. mexico put military and other, military on the southern border. remain in mexico. mexico stepped up to the plate to help secure our border because mexico has immigration laws too. trafficking in women and children from mexico is a crime so he told mexico step up, enforce your laws and decrease the number of migrants you walk through the country and come to the united states. they did it. the most successful i am -- immigration plan in the history of the nation. and one more thing, i've been on that border for many years, border patrol agent and special agent and a lot of the mexican trucks would never pass inspection in the united states. a lot of these trucks are dangerous. so, this -- he's doing two things. keeping our roads safe, and the same time making mexico do more and it's working. jen psaki ought to recognize that. >> jacqui: and the white house is telling him to stop. >> john: the warning from police in los angeles is the same one given to travelers to the world's most dangerous countries. >> jacqui: hundreds of cases as street gangs target the same types of victims. what anyone in los angeles needs to know, next. i'm greg, i'm 68 years old. i do motivational speaking in addition to the substitute teaching. i honestly feel that that's my calling-- to give back to younger people. i think most adults will start realizing that they don't recall things as quickly as they used to or they don't remember things as vividly as they once did. i've been taking prevagen for about three years now. people say to me periodically, "man, you've got a memory like an elephant." it's really, really helped me tremendously. 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"the story" starts right now. trace gallagher is in for martha. >> good afternoon, everybody. i'm trace gallagher in more martha. putin is warning the united states for unpredictable consequences following a shipment of high powered

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, Offensive , Win , Sweden , Finland , Dmitri Medvedev , Baltic Sea , Idea , Armory , B S , Baltic , Countries , Defensive Alliance , 32 , Look , Section , Case , Jacqui The Supreme Court , Virginia High School , Whetherhe , Asian Americans , Admissions Policies , Intent , Freakout Over , Folks , Wasn T , Richest , Favor , Musk Meltdown , Shareholder , Board Member , Migraine Attacks , Changes , Quliptatm , Quliptatm Helps What S Going On Inside , Outside , Weather , Treatment , Episodic Migraine , Cause , Protein , Cgrp , Abbvie , Nausea , Constipation , Tiredness , Jury , Johnny Depp S Defamation Trial , Break , Breath , Courtroom Stunters , Ex Wife , Amber , Relationship , Marriage Counselor , Dep , Witness , Each Other , Judge , Clips , Trial , Actor , Public , Jaw Dropper , Text Messages , Consumption , Nicest , Purposes , Johnny Depp , Exes Rotting Corpse , Trunk , Honda Civic , Honda , High School , Student , Admission Policy , Diversity , Virginia , English , Deal , Litigation , Contributor , Affirmative Action , Thomas Jefferson High School , At Home , Byron York , Fox News , Bird S Eye View , Students , Percentage , Asian , Alexandria , 73 , Policy , Student Body , The School , Complaints , Asians , 1 , 11 , 7 , Group , Balancing , Appeals Court , District Court , Groups , Representation , Hispanics , Jumps , System , Freshman Year , Selection , Top , Timing , Question , What S Going On , Admissions Tests , Overrepresented , Harvard , Protests , Portion , Officials , Admissions , Decisions , Admissions Test , Sorts , Fair , District Court Judge , Schools , In The Name Of Equity , Districts , Argument , Undercurrent , Socioeconomic Factors , Outcome , Kids , Sign , Differences , Socioeconomic Status , Parents , High School Students , Lots , Placement Courses , Colleges , Lifetime , Anger , Amount , Career , Earnings , Children , Closer , Merit School , Families , Difference , College Credit , Thomas Jefferson , Court Case , Reputation , Magnet , Test , Universal Basic Income , Free Money , Windfall , Windy City Set , Chicagoans , Settlement , George Floyd Protest , Lafayette Park , Oh Ozempic , Oh , Details , Law Enforcement Agencies , Can , Adults , A1c , Risk , Heart Disease , Weight , 12 , Don T Take Ozempic , Stroke , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Type 1 Diabetes , Isn T , Heart Attack , Share , Needles , Type 2 Diabetes Zone , Reuse , Pens , Lump , Vision Problems , Stomach Pain , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Swelling , Neck , Pancreatitis , Provider , Stop Ozempic , Kidney Problems , Blood Sugar Risk , Insulin , Sulfonylurea , Vomiting , Diarrhea , Health Care Provider , Prescription , Communities , Learning , Passion , Main Street Bank , Pnc , 7 Million , 25 , 88 Billion Dollars , 88 Billion , Energy , Bank , Excited Yell , Sighs Wearily , Thirty , Health , Sugar , Nutrients , Shipping Manager , Find Themself , Visit Indeed Com Hire A 2020 Protest In D C , Protest , Justice Department , David Spunt , June 1 2020 , U S Park Police , Secret Service , Strength , Officers , Agencies , Badges , Ted Williams , Law Enforcement Officers , Rules , Result , Distraction , Regulations , Hoops , Cancer , One School , Circumstances , Mid May , Home , Auto Insurance , Allstate , Booyah , Working From Home , Brain Cancer , Bond , Graduation Classmates , Auto , Air , Soil , Killer , Campus , Diagnosis , Habits , Sandra Smith , Presidency , Peril , Passing The Buck , First Another Faux Pas , Economy , Accomplishments , Agenda , Costs , Gasoline , Fed Up Shelling , Creasingly , List , Add Interest Rates , President Points Fingers , Big Oil , Everyone Else , Student Loan Debt , Statement , Communications Pros , Corner , Record Numbers , Fuel Costs , Accident , Bottom Up , North Carolina , Recession , View , Problems , Advisor , Buying Homes , Home Prices , Innovation Bill , Information , D , Taxpayer , Remarks , Least , Fox Nation , Co Host , Fox And Friends , Quinnipiac Poll , Votes , 18 , 26 , 34 , Conversation , College , Loans , Georgetown , Georgetown University , 5000 , 65 , 75000 , 35 , Book , Loan , Bracket , Extension , Elections , Instincts , Pride , Queens , Ace Card , Aoc , Commission , Court Packing , War , George Bush , Lawmakers , Chairman , Expertise , Chiefs , Arguments , Foreign Policy , John Mccain , 41 , Janet Yellen , Larry Kudlow , Time , Rhetoric , Slogans , Math Class , Math , Communication Division , Creative Writing , Susan Rice , Judgments , Judgment , Eggs , Phrases , 48 , Somebody , Wages , Fact , H W , Buying Power , Consumers , March To , 8 5 , 5 6 , Disparity , Ronald Reagan , 1980 , 1970 , Taxes , Printer , Toner , Dollar Worth , 6 7 Trillion , Dollar , Worth , Spending , Interest Rates , Figures , American History Two , Sense , Record , Growth , March Report On Energy Prices , 70 , Number , Energy Prices , Background , Price Hike , Gas Stations , Down , Dent , Reserve , Common Sense Solution , Barrels , Questions , Briefing , Yes , Electorate , Refinery , Europe , Ratchet , Regulation Pipelines , Others , Suit , John Kerry , Do The Right Thing , Party , Wind , Allies , Caution , Guts , 78 , Thing , To Be With You , One Nation , 8 , Bid , Around The World , Free Speech , Politics , Highs , Charlie Hurt , Finance , Spirit , Debate , Creativity , Tech World , Ramifications , Bipolar , Ask , Medicines , Take Control , Vraylar , Patients , Relief , Thoughts , Episodes , Depressive , Dementia , Behavior , Antidepressants , Manic , Muscle Movements , Cholesterol , Muscles , High Blood Sugar , Restlessness , Confusion , Coma , Weight Gain , Sleepiness , Movement Dysfunction , Mission , Stomach , Nutrition , Minerals , Vitamins , Woo Hoo , 27 , Allergies , Season , Wi , Good , Dentistry , Psst , Flonase , Exam , Dentistry Work , Treatment Plan , Insurance , At Aspendental Com , Book Today , Walk In , Aspen Dental , 800 , Sort , Invested , Lover , Quarrel , Green Energy , Apr Financing , Lexus Hybrid , 2 49 , Bottom Line , Comcast Business Mobile , All Wheel Drive , Business Owner , Service , Rx , 450 , Contracts , Data Plans , Line Activation Fees , Term , Pay , Gig , Business , Powering Possibilities Tm John , Internet , Customers , Comcast Business , Left Wing , React , Limits , Freedom Of Speech , Efforts , Antedote , Statements , Content Policy , Image , Dishonesty , Go Forward , Can T Kick , Responsibility , Congresswoman , Eye , Saying , Social Media Platform , Democrats , Funding , Regulators , Sec , Respect , Tesla , 2018 Funding , 2018 , Investigation , San Francisco , Proof , Bastards , Scrutiny , Context , Voices , Bias , Ones , Man , Attempt , Business Insider , Threat , Social Media , Billionaire Trolls , 2015 , August 5 2015 , Media , Beginning , Transition , Turn , Bounds , Pen , Spot , Afflicted , Profession , Freedom , Allegiance , Principles , The Business , Anthem , Sure , Bad Boy , Businessman , Front Line , Concept , Okay , Account , Factor , Representative , 97 , On The Road , Politicians , Parties , Vulgarian , The Gates Of Washington , Swatch , Press , Debates , Inside Washington , Realist , Prospect , Safe Space , Society , Max Boot , Democracy , Content Moderation , Newspaper Somewhere , Anybody , I Wonder Why , News Business , Newspaper , It S , Do , Washington Times , Lobbyists , Opinion Editor , Maxine Waters , Waters , Daughter , Campaign , Guys , Cash , 4000 , 24000 , Grand , Drop , William Devane , Bucket , 24 , Campaign Money , Fees , Karen Waters , Campaign Donations , Connections , Mailers , Elect Maxine , 1 2 Million , 2 Million , 2003 , Records , Checks , Vote , Three , 000 , Policy Positions , Donor , Achievements , Campaign Website , 11 Million , L A Times , Unions , Real Estate , Expose , A Million Dollars , Bank Doing Business , Steering Business , Special Interests , Husband , Ethics Investigation , Conflicts Of Interest , Times , Congress , Watchdog Group , Ethics , Liberal , Explosions , David Perkins , Crown Jewels , Retired Four Star General , Revenge , Navy , Rust , Scholl , Insoles , Dr , Massaging , Feet , Gel Waves , Pure , Lotion , Hydration , Moisture , Nurse Mariyam Sabo , Tasting Water , Dyes , Fragrances , Parabens , Meter , Zerowater , Zero , Filter , Brita Filter , Tds , Solids , Zeros , Value , Best Western Rewards , Western , Let S Go , Stay Safe , Gross Domestic Product , Gold , Metals , Leader , Lady Liberty , Rosland Capital , Bullion , World War Ii , Deep Hole , Proofs , Rosland Guide , Wealth , Coins , Brochure , Call Rosland , Precious Metals Ira , Shipping , Standard , Call Rosland Capital , Hassles , Gimmicks , 630 , 8900 , 800 630 8900 , Jennifer Griffin , Warship , National Security , Hi , Supply Lines , Fighters , Interview , Foreign Minister , Black Sea Fleet , Ship , On Fire , Cigarette , Flapship Moskva , Defense Ministry , Messaging , Weapon Used , Boris Johnson , Alternative , Leadership , Demonstration , Walk , Special Report , Bret Baier , Screen , Four Star General , Touch Screen , Match , Middle , Pentagon , Blow , Levels , Operations , Air Defense Umbrella , Protection , Results , Umbrella , Shore , Mykolaiv , Belgorod , Sumy , Reconstituting , Mariupol , Rearming , Izyum , Troop Movements , Trigger , Go , Battle For Donbas , Sides , Units , Focussing , Conscripts , War Of Attrition , Weaponry , Picking , Battle Of Time , Artillery , Return Fire , American Howiters , John General Perkins , Regard , Terms , Angle , Georgia Institute Of Technology , Second Push Forward , Taiwan , Silent Partner , Cia , Director , Aggression , Xi Jinping , Space , Cyberspace , Domain , Military , Array , Chinese , Observer , Sanctions , Unionimity , West , Activities , Flow , Uptick , Pause , Signal , Analysis , Reduction , Connection , Classroom , Tracks , Crohn S Disease , Moderate , Ulcerative Colitis , Dose , Serious , Injections , Stelara , Tb , Lung Inflammation , Pres , Skin Growths , Brain Condition , Vaccine , Janssen , Remission , Cost Support Options , Bread , Daily , Bread Game , Subway , Refresh , Stop Rybelsus , My A1c Wasn T At Goal , Ruby , Study , Mom , Rybelsus , Don T Take Rybelsus , Healthcare Provider , Shoulders , Warning Out West , School , Classes , Victim , Mystery , Form , New Jersey , Sick , Bryan Llenas , 102 , Brain Tumors , Al Lupiano , Colonia High School , Woodbridge Township , Acoustic Neuroma , Ten , 1989 , Angela , Michelle , Tumor , Last , Sister , August Al , Brain Tumor , Research , Glioblastoma , 44 , Bit , Water , Seven , Link , Ionizing Radiation , Uranium Processing Plant , Forest , Theory , Virgin Land , Nobody , Landfill , Rock , School Science Teacher Registered Radiation Levels , No One , Radiation , Room , The Rock , Radiation Testing , Session , Testing , Mayor , 2000 , Bryan , Terrible , Supply Chain Crisis , Sex , Tom Homan , Coming , Tv Cover It , Networks , Movement , He T Border , Insect Mayorkas , Secretary , Mayorkas , Supply Chains , Actions , Livelihoods , Trade , Impacting Jobs , 1 Million , Million , Sports , Entry , Delays , Wouldn T , Patrols , Agreements , You , Maneuvering , Add Up , Plate , Trafficking , Immigration Laws , Crime , Laws , Step Up , Immigration Plan , Inspection , Special Agent , Agent , History , Roads Safe , Types , Street Gangs , Travelers , Hundreds Of Cases , Calling , Substitute Teaching , Addition , 68 , Prevagen , Elephant , Memory , Teeth , Gateway , Mess , Mouth , Healthier Brain , Clearchoice , Joe S Treatment Plan , Better , Dental Implants , Migraine Medicine , Anywhere Migraine Strikes , Ubrelvy , 52 , Migraine , Older Medicines , Inhibitors , Cyp3a4 , Cyp3 , Pair , Pairs , Shine , Nothin , Um Jamie , PrivÉ Revaux , 9 95 , 89 95 , Teams , Christina Coleman , Video , Plys , 2011 , Jewelry , Custody , Stores , Restaurants , Repeat Offenders , Suspects , Head , 46 , Charges , Criminals , Gang Enhancements , Individual , Robbery Task Force , Penalties , Bail , Felony , Capacity , George Gascon , Criticism , Vial Lentz , Reform , Dozen , Robbery Suspects , Juveniles , Ending Car , Jail , Enhancements , Friends , Offense , Sandra , California , Family Member , Awhile , Situation , General Public , Miami , Best , Spring Break , Surroundings , The Story , Martha , Trace Gallagher , John Roberts , Friday , Shipment ,

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