Transcripts For FOXNEWS Americas Newsroom With Bill Hemmer

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Americas Newsroom With Bill Hemmer Dana Perino 20240708

facing more pushback. 21 states are suing the administration. the state attorney general calling the decision to scrap the policy reckless. the numbers highlighting the urgency 1.7 million my rants were apprehended at the border last year. >> once title 42 is gn they project up to 18,000 migrants will cross the border each day. casey stiegel joins us from eagle pass, texas. >> good morning. as we are still waiting, remember, for customs and border protection to officially release their march numbers we can see an accurate snapshot as our teams travel from sector to sector covering this story. over the last week we've been here, we've noticed the central theme. the groups are getting larger in terms of size and they are also crossing at all hours of the day. much more frequently as opposed to moving just in the overnight or early morning hours, for example. agents here in the del rio sector say the activity has been steadily rising while 230 miles to the south, look at these pictures from border patrol in star county, texas, more than 350 migrants apprehended there this week traveling in two groups. the majority of them single adults. >> they're saying when title 42 ends we'll see an increase, a bigger increase than we already have. we already have this. we don't have the staff to handle barely what's happening in the county on a daily basis. >> you see a lot of frustration there. it's certainly something that we hear over and over talking to people on the ground. whether it's folks living in the community or officials. this week by the way you know governor abbott signed agreements with three of the four mexican states that border texas which says that they will step up border enforcement and security on their side of the river to help assist with the crisis. gillian and dana. >> thank you, casey stiegel. looks like elon musk will have competition. another company is looking over trying to purchase the social media company as well. kelly o'grady is live in l.a. with the scoop. >> what we know is elon's possible takeover attempt is all about protecting free speech and continuing that and rallying support. he asked a poll whether the decision to except his bid should be up to shareholders. 2 1/2 million users have voted and 84% said yes. crowdsourcing opinion elon is getting structure and bringing an interesting question around stakeholders. should users get a vote as well? there is a lot of opposition. the twitter ceo says the board is not backed into the corner and may be considered a poison pill to prevent musk from taking over. yesterday when asked if this offer was rejected he had a potential plan b. >> if in this case you aren't successful in the board does not accept your offer you said you won't go higher. is there a plan b? >> there is. [applause] >> i think we would like to hear a little bit about plan b. >> for another time, i think. >> classic elon, right? the stock closed $9 below his per share offer. some argue the offer undervalues twitter, if it were to go to a vote the average shareholder does stand to gain. >> you have to always have a plan b. kelly o'grady in l.a. thank you. >> violent partner in putin's aggression china is your greatest challenge. in many ways the most profound test that c.i.a. has ever faced. >> dana: director william burns calling out china. he says president xi is a silent partner with vladimir putin in the war against ukraine warning beijing tops the list of challenges facing the agency. mike gallagher is a member of the house intelligence and armed services committee. you listened to director burns. he doesn't speak very often. he chose this topic and to say that china is a silent partner in the war against ukraine. what did you make of him deciding to come out and say that now? >> well, i'm glad that he did and director burns is right except it isn't a silent partnership. prior to the invasion of ukraine, xi and putin signed a 5,000 word statement proclaiming a partnership without limits. so putin is merely becoming xi's sadistic side kick in the new cold war that they have launched against the west. he will only grow more dependent on china the more he experiences setbacks in ukraine. so the lessons for us is two-fold. one, we recognize who we are dealing with. two brutal dictators that want to destroy the west and secondly we need to wean ourselves off our addiction to cheap chinese manufacturing. we've been scratching our heads throughout the ukraine crisis wondering how the europeans could have gotten themselves into a position where they are so dependent on russia for basic energy resources. well, we've done the same except with different goods in terms of our dependency on china. if we have a chance of winning this competition we need to selectively decouple our economy from china before it's too late. >> dana: when the c.i.a. director says this you would imagine this is something that the entire national security council talks about, right? so do you think from your position on those committees that the department of defense is in agreement? from what they've said i believe they are. is the state department as well? they all have to be in coordination in order to lead the country in that direction. >> well, both the department of defense and the state department have said retoreically that china is our biggest long-term competitor but at least in terms of the defense department, they have recently downgraded some of the language they've used not calling china a threat in terms solely of economic competition. that's worrisome. i think the bigger problem with our strategy so far is that the defense department seems to be pursuing a strategy what they are calling integrated deterrence relying less on hard power, actual lethal american hard power, and more on so-called soft power whether it's sanctions or half side diplomacy. that would be a massive mistake. the second contradiction is on the energy policy which is totally incoherent and benefiting putin and xi. there is no way we can compete effectively with the russians or chinese if we pursue the war on domestic energy production. >> dana: c.i.a. chief says we can't take likely that russia has nuclear weapons and putin could use them. we've seen leaders like boris johnson going to kyiv to walk the streets with president zelenskyy. yesterday president biden was asked if he would go. watch. >> president biden: we're making that decision now. thank you. >> what was the reason? >> dana: is he ready to go? here is what jen psaki said about that. >> he is ready for anything. the man like the fast cars, aviators. ready to go to ukraine. it's true, he does. we are not sending the president to ukraine. >> dana: do you think the president should go to ukraine? >> at a minimum i think secretary of defense should go to ukraine. i would add i think we should reopen our embassy in kyiv. the fact that we keep abandoning embassies around the world suggests we're in a weak position. the biden administration could reopen the embassy and sending secretary of defense lloyd austin to ukraine. as for the president's aviators, they aren't striking fear into the heart of any enemies around the world. >> dana: a great point about the embassy. has the state department said why they are dragging their feet on reopening it? >> i know my colleagues have asked that question but again i think it gets to the broader problem with our approach to ukraine. from the start we've been reactive and been afraid of provoking vladimir putin. now the ukrainians are showing with their bravery, that they can win this thing. it should give us confidence that we can have success on the battlefield. we can't allow fear to dictate our actions. >> dana: congressman, thank you. happy easter to you and your young family. thank you so much. >> happy easter. >> dana: clashes erupt between police in hazmat suits and residents as the city seize ez residential buildings and turns them into quarantine centers. >> democrats are trying to contain crises. president biden's new poll numbers might be another to add to the list. >> dana: gender identity curriculum. parents are taking back control of their education. former education secretary bill bennett reacts. >> we shouldn't weaponize kids for our political issues. no kid should be forced to learn about anything if they don't want. with heart disease, reducing cholesterol can be hard, even when you're taking a statin and being active. but you can do hard. you lived through thirty-seven red-eye flights in a middle seat. eleven miracle diets... forty-two college campus tours... four overseas postings... one minor stroke... and four citywide blackouts... and now, with leqvio, you can lower your cholesterol, too. when taken 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government can turn it into a covid-19 quarantine center. local representatives of the chinese communist party fighting and getting arrested while part of beijing's covid approach. so if you have covid there you have to go to the center where conditions are horrendous and if you don't have covid you are still most likely on lockdown literally. police come and padlock your front door from the outside. they supply essentials. they are failing badly. people are starving to death in the center of these modern cities and complaining in ways we haven't seen in china in years now online. president xi said he will stick to the hard line. chinese growth is down. supply chains disrupted. cases in shanghai are 25,000 a day. the worst china has seen since covid-19 started in china, well over two years ago. perhaps to quote a non-chinese phrase, what goes around comes around. back to you. >> dana: indeed greg, thank you so much. gillian. >> gillian: we could it turns out if you see an alternative to the most uncomfortable nose swab used in covid tests. the fda has the first test to see the virus in a breath sample. this test has to be performed by trained clinicians. accuracy of the new test is very high, the pcr test is still widely considered to be the most accurate. >> dana: president biden's approval rating sliding to a new low. a third of all registered voters approve of how the president is handling his job and 54% disapprove. we have a republican pollster and president of the firm axis research and it is great to have you here. overall reaction to president biden's number. let me set this up. the poll about a month or so had him around this number and thought it was an outlier. when you get a second result like this a month or so later what does it tell you as a pollster? >> good morning, great to be with you and happy good friday. the quinnipiac poll is bad news for president biden. it is all adults. we would expect it to be some of president biden's best numbers. this is all adults, not just registered voters or 2020 voerts. the fact he is at 33% with all adults means if you look at mid-term voters he is synth around 30%. which is devastating news for the president and his party. you are right. not an outlier. this is the fourth poll we've seen in a series that has him below 35%. our own data this is where we have him. it looks like this is where he is sitting heading into november 2022. >> dana: mid-terms are about highly motivated voters. what would it look like if it was likely voters instead of just adults? >> yes, i'm guessing quinnipiac didn't give us the breaks. if we look at likely 2022 voters put him right about 30% which we've seen in the past. we saw when president bush hit the low 30s. he is looking very hard for him and his party. democrats will turn out their loyal base. we've seen democrats have a great ground game in the key states. i think they'll be able to turn out their base but not rely on those suburban women, hispanics, younger voters. >> dana: in that same poll president biden's job approval amongst hispanics is at 26% approval. that to me for them -- approve 26%. so 26%. brenda, that's really bad. >> it's awful. it's the worst we've seen for a democratic president since i've been doing this. 2020 wasn't a fluke. we started seeing in the summer of 2020 hispanics moving away from the democratic party. it start evidence with the protests that summer and defund the police and escalated through the election. we have only seen that worsen as we approach 2022. hispanics are murder farther and farther away from the democratic party. they say the democratic party is out of touch with what they care about. not focused on inflation or rising cost of goods. they are too busy talking about climate change and donor policies. >> dana: how does immigration policy fit into that? >> immigration we finished focus groups this week in arizona with hispanics. they're very much aligned with the republican party when it comes to immigration. taking away title 42 is a mistake. they want a plan in place when we see that surge at the border and want it to be humane but they want a plan in place so they don't see increased homelessness and crime and all the things they're worried about day-to-day. >> dana: one of the things that democrats have been saying is we don't tell our story well enough. here is massachusetts governor former massachusetts governor patrick in a "newsweek" op-ed. democrats would be better to stop whining and engage directly with voerts. the case for voting with democrats in the mid-terms is not to reward them to what they accomplish and help them finish the job. here is what president obama said just last week. >> what do you say to democrats worried about the mid-terms? what do you tell democrats worried about the mid-terms? >> dana: is it the message, brenda? >> well, i agree with patrick the election can't come fast enough for republicans. i wish it was tomorrow. i don't think it will be the message. they are off message. their message has been scatter shots. i don't have confidence they can get together on a unified message. the rank and file have reason to be upset with them. it is easy for barack obama to parachute in saying we need to have a message. what is the narrative? they won't run on the american rescue plan. while it was popular at the time now independent voerts and hispanics and other groups they plan that for higher inflation. it wasn't well thought through and too generous. they can't run on the covid policies. >> dana: it is like they are out there on the south lawn looking for any sort of easter egg messaging nugget they can use. thank you and have a happy easter. >> thank you, happy easter to you, too. >> gillian: after ukrainian forces sunk a russian warship in the black sea long range russian missiles struck kyiv overnight. trey yingst has an inside look on the ground there. elon musk speaks out. we have clay travis with us next. you're a 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welcome. >> absolutely, dana. good morning. overnight long range russian missiles targeted the ukrainian capital of kyiv. russia's defense ministry confirmed the attack took place saying they hit a machine building plant being used to produce anti-air and anti-ship systems. as russian forces increase attacks in the eastern part of ukraine, russia says it will continue to target kyiv. >> the number and scale of missile strikes against target in kyiv will increase in response to any terrorist attack or sabotage committed by the kyiv regime on the russian territory. >> the strikes come after the russia ship sank. russia claims a fire on board caused the cruiser to sink. ukrainians say they hit the ship with two neptune missiles. the ukrainian people continue to find atrocities left behind in the wake of the russian occupation around kyiv. we were in the suburbs today of the capital where war crime prosecutors are still digging up bodies from mass graves and looked at the destruction left behind. as the city continues to brace for the possibility of another russian ground offensive, we've heard air raid sirens over the past 24 hours. russians continue to target kyiv from the air. the civilian population paying the highest price. >> dana: trey, thank you, and stay safe. >> i think it's very important for there to be an inclusive arena for free speech. having a public platform that is maximally trusted and broadly inclusive is extremely important to the future of civilization. >> but -- >> i don't care about the economics at all. >> gillian: free speech is what elon musk is motivating him to try to take over twitter. he said the social media platform needs to be transformed and follow the laws of the countries it operates or stay out of the business of regulating users' speech. let's bring in clay travis founder of outkick. let's pick up what he just said. are you buying this is world's richest man doesn't want to care about the bottom line just wants to do the best for humanity. >> one of the luxuries of being the world's richest man you can buy things you don't need to get an immediate return from. what i wonder, when you're woergd around $300 billion as elon musk is he could buy twitter for the offer price he has of $40 billion. having redefined the way we built cars and proven he can send rocket ships to space better than nasa is looking toward the future of civilizations like those two investments did and how do i insure that democracy remains as powerful in the years ahead and he recognized that twitter is the most important marketplace now for ideas in the united states and probably around the world. he wants to preserve it. >> >> gillian: i think you said it better than he puts it himself. look at this from the wall street editorial board today. the offer is causing a meltdown in progressive circles that don't appreciate mr. musk as much on free speech as they do when he is building electric cars. is that fair? >> yeah, i think it's totally fair. and the reason why there is a meltdown and this is very important, is because what elon musk is trying to do is produce content-neutral policies. the sitting president of the united states is not able to be banned while the ayatollah of iran is able to use the platform. so that you don't have a situation where the babylon bee, a satire site is locked out of their account while the taliban is allowed to promote their account in afghanistan. it is inconsistent, arbitrary and capricious. if we're truly going to have a marketplace of ideas where everyone's voice can be heard. think how crazy this is. what the left wing members are complaining about is the idea of everybody being able to have their voice heard and to hear their opinions as loudly and widely distributed as possible and that to me is the ultimate importance. we got things wrong on covid in this country. one reason why is because we were stifled in debate on twitter and certainly if you look at the way the 2020 presidential campaign played out particularly the "new york post" investigation of hunter biden, that cycling may well have swung the overall election. when you consider think about it. if 20,000 people in wisconsin, in georgia, and in arizona changed their votes where the outcome was 40,000 votes, then we have a different president. i don't think it's crazy to think big tech had a big role in that outcome. >> gillian: let's add to the list you gave us of nefarious world players still allowed on twitter. vladimir putin whose official kremlin handle is still alive and well up there. i checked this morning to double down on that so i could double down on this and confirm it for you. as he is conducting a genocide in europe. allowed to say whatever he would like to say on twitter. i want to ask you quickly before i let you go about the divide brewing between twitter users, some potentially many of whom support musk's takeover and twitter employees themselves up in arms about the move. a lot of the engineers threatening to quit if he actually follows through. >> well, first i hope they quit if the reason they are going to quit is because they're upset about the idea that twitter might embrace more of the first amendment. i think most of those people are not actually going to quit. this will turn into all the people who said they were going to go to canada if donald trump won the 2016 election. how many of those people actually moved to canada? i don't remember celebrities moving to canada when trump won and i'll be surprised if a lot of employees leave twitter the musk buys the company. it draws attention to you but doesn't have any actual substance behind it. >> gillian: clay, we have to leave it there. happy good friday to you. thanks for joining us. >> thank you and thanks for having me. have a good holiday weekend. >> dana: a federal jury in virginia convicted a british man with links to isis in a hostage taking scheme that led to the killing of four americans. he was part of the terror cell known as the beatles. he was convicted for his part in a conspiracy between 2012 and 2015 that took two dozen westerners hostage in iraq and syria. he has now been convicted. >> gillian: left leaning boards of education are teaching kids as young as kindergarten age that they could become girls or boys or neither based on their preferences. former president reagan's education secretary will be here to weigh in how parents feel about the new lesson plans. a terrifying car crash caught on camera. watch as the truck burst into flames with the driver still inside. we'll tell you how that happened next. with thirty grams of protein, one gram of sugar, and nutrients to support immune health. one gram of sugar, riders! let your queries be known. yeah, hi. instead of letting passengers wrap their arms around us, could we put little handles on our jackets? -denied. -can you imagine? i want a new nickname. can you guys start calling me snake? no, bryan. -denied. -how 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process is discriminatory. the decision will have major ramifications for colleges, affirmative action policy. >> thomas jefferson high school has been ranked the number one public school in the u.s. for years. recently the school board decided to scrap its longstanding admissions policy because it didn't think enough black and hispanic students were represented. it caused outrage with parents where the majority of the students are asian. >> what we found was an email that literally had a school board member saying they knew the process was anti-asian, lol. laughing out loud. and this little text message reveals exactly the problem that we're facing today. >> the new admissions policy increased the enrollment from 1 to 7% black students. hispanics from 3 to 11% and decreased asian american representation from 73% down to 54%. former president mike pence weighed in at the university of virginia earlier this week. >> patriotic education has been replaced by political indoctrination. let me be clear. critical race theory is nothing more than state-sanctioned racism and it should be rejected by every state in every city in this country. [applause] >> the thomas jefferson school board says it is trying to achieve racial balancing. it don't set any racial quotas and admissions are race blind. despite a lower court's ruling that found the new policy discriminatory the school board said it wanted to prove geographic diversity. virginia's attorney general isn't buying that argument. >> what you're seeing right now with the fairfax school board as i said before the oldest form of bigotry is anti-semitism. now it's anti-asian bigotry. >> we're waiting a response by the supreme court for the emergency request filed by the coalition of parents at thomas jefferson. >> gillian: thanks so much. >> dana: schools are shocking parents by teaching children as young as five about gender identity and sexual orientation. some are asking should schools teach things like this or the parents right to decide how young is too young? former education secretary under president reagan bill bennett. it's good to have you. this is from the edmond school district in washington state for first grade, a graphic on gender categories. girl, boy, neither, or both. then let's go to oregon south of washington, of course. third grade performance indicators. can they identify human reproductive systems, define sexual orientation and recognize differences and similarities how individuals identify regarding gender or sexual orientation. maybe important and fine for children to learn this at some point but are these ages too young, sir? >> absolutely. this is madness. it is wrong. it is harmful. any governmental psychologist or psychiatrist who hasn't been bullied into political correctness will tell you that. it will confuse children. it is not where their curiosity is. that curiosity needs to be turned to reading, reading, reading, math and other subjects. this is ideology making its way into the classroom and what's fueling school choice. this is why a lot of parents are fleeing the classroom. this is just quackery and madness and again very harmful and parents are reacting to it. it's interesting now, dana, with the political season, education will be an issue. a very important issue, i think, in november. and as we saw in that virginia race for governor, it can make a big difference where people stand. >> gillian: in new jersey there was a similar thing that went around, school lesson plans for the next fall and now the parents heard about this and are upset about it. so phil murphy the governor maybe we'll take a look at it but only willing to do that because parents spoke up. do you think even before the election parents will pressure some school districts to rethink and let them have a say to when their children learn about these topics? >> yeah, i do think parents will look at it. one thing that happened during covid that i would say is a positive is parents got a look into the schools. we got a look into what their children were learning and in some cases saw that some of this stuff was coming in. now the alert is out now and parents are communicating in ways they haven't before and saying we won't stand for this stuff. school board elections now matter in ways they didn't before. that's a very good thing. but again, unfortunately for public schools and, you know, one hopes for improvement in public schools, this means an exodus from a lot of those schools into charters, which are other forms of public, into private and religious schools. >> dana: one of the other things about glenn youngkin when he ran for governor in virginia one of his applause lines at the events he promised to make sure there was advanced education for math, science and english in all the high skoo.s he got applause for that. mayor eric adams said he will reverse the deblasio idea to remove gifted and talented programs from the schools. there is a big backlash for that and mayor adams is saying we're going to go in a different direction. is that a good sign in your opinion i'm assuming? >> it is a good sign for mayor adams. he is on a roll now. he is an interesting guy. verdict is still out on him but right about the gifted and talented. the lead-in piece about thomas jefferson high school. the best high school in the country. we don't have enough hispanic and black students. the way to remedy that is to work harder with these hispanic and black students in grades 1-8 to get them so they can score higher and get into thomas jefferson on the merits. it's an interesting case. mayor adams is right about this. he is reversing the deblasio regime and there need to be these merit schools in new york city. there have been for years, very distinguished schools and they need to come back and the good ones remain. >> dana: they really give those students a leg up in life and we need them so we can stay competitive. thank you and happy easter to you. thank you for being here. >> blessed easter to you. thank you very much, dana. >> gillian: president biden's approval rating hit a new low as economists are warning as increasing recession risks. will it come to this? plus seattle residents are saying the rising rate of violent crime and crime among the city's booming homeless population is pushing them out of the city. our next guest is one of them. stick with us. it's my 3:10, no-exit-in-sight, migraine medicine. it's ubrelvy. for anytime, anywhere, migraine strikes. without worrying if it's too late or where i am. one dose can quickly stop my migraine in its tracks within 2 hours. unlike older medicines, ubrelvy is a pill that directly blocks cgrp protein, believed to be a cause of migraine. do not take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. most common side effects were nausea and tiredness. ask about ubrelvy and learn how abbvie can help you save. this isn't dry food or wet food. it's not burnt brown pellets. the farmer's dog makes it simple to feed your dog real food. it's real meat and veggies. freshly-made. developed with vets. delivered right to your door. that's why dog lovers are choosing the farmer's dog. a smarter, healthier pet food. delivered. visit and get 50% off your first box of food. new projects means new project managers. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. when you sponsor a job, you immediately get your shortlist of quality candidates, whose resumes on indeed match your job criteria. visit and get started today. 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asked if his city is safe. >> that's a tough question. seattle is on a trajectory to be one of the safest cities in this country and i will make sure of that and why i got elected. >> gillian: many seattle says they're so tired of the homeless population and rising crime they're considering moving out all together. our next guest has made that leap. lyle goodrich joins us. you were with us last year and talked about the problems you were seeing firsthand inside seattle. remind us quickly about that and then take a look back and tell us are you happy now with the decision you made to leave? >> right. at our local elementary school in seattle it came overrun with a homeless encampment. a lot of drug use, weapons, violence, gunfire and then it turned out that the school district was actually funding an organization that was paying for meth for the people living at our school. before that happened, i had to get out of there and get my kids out of that situation. definitely one of the best things i've ever done for my family. getting out of seattle. it is not a normal place to be. it is not normal to have to scan for needles when you walk down the street or take your kids to a playground. not normal to be accosted by people in crisis walking your kids down the street. consider leaving seattle. it has gotten out of control over there. completely out of hand. >> gillian: take a look at this. seattle crime rate right now as we stand today aggravated assault is up 24%, homicide down 25%. rape actually some good news, down 1%. robbery is up 18%. any of those numbers surprise you? >> yeah, i think they are dated. we're at 17 homicides right now. so that's on track to be probably an all-time record by the time the year is out. these are from elevated levels of 2020 was pretty bad. 2021 was a little bit better and things are bad in 2022 now. another thing -- >> gillian: go ahead, ryle. >> another thing to point out our police have been so under funded they are no longer looking into sexual assault crimes against adults. they only have enough police officers to investigate crimes against children. so things are completely out of control in seattle still. the new mayor is trying to do better and i wish him all the best. >> gillian: so it turns out there is about 11,000 homeless people according to the city inside living in the city today. have you heard anything about efforts to try and move them into either temporary or permanent housing? 11,000 frankly doesn't seem like an insurmountable numbers compared to cities like new york and san francisco. what are you hearing? >> well per capita that's pretty high. seattle has come up with a plan. we created the king county homeless authority buying up hotels in the region. the idea is that the homeless population will now be housed somewhat in seattle and somewhat in the nearby towns like kirk land and bellevue. that's what the plan is now. buying up hotels in nearby cities trying to help the homeless there. >> gillian: thanks again for sharing your story, your family's story with us. we wish you all the best. >> thanks for having me on. >> dana: fox news alert. president biden is spending the day at camp david but rest and relaxation may seem far away as the economic crisis intensifies. his administration trying to get a handle on surging inflation and supply problems that refuse to go away. i'm dana perino. bill hemmer has the day off. >> gillian: i'm in for bill, i'm gillian turner in washington that hit to americans' wallets is dragging down president biden's poll numbers now. his approval rating is a new low of 33% nationwide. former house speaker newt gingrich is the president caving to his left leaning part of his party. >> you have a socialism and woke secular religion. the problem that biden has is that he can't break loose from it. so biden sits there and does more of what doesn't work and then tries to blame putin or somebody, the big corporations. there is always somebody else. >> dana: we're live at the white house with more. alexandria, hi. >> the president left for camp david from north carolina where he defended his handling of the economy. in greensboro yesterday he spoke of supply chain issues, job creation and inflation that hit a 41-year high last month. >> president biden: 70% of the increase in inflation was the consequence of putin's price hike because of the impact on oil prices, 70%. we need to address these high prices and urgently for working folks out there. >> inflation was on the rise prior to the invasion of ukraine. mortgage rates have hit 5% for the first time in over a decade. the combination of rising mortgage rates, elevated home prices and tight inventory are making the pursuit of homeownership the most expensive in a generation. interviewed on the podcast white house press secretary jen psaki said this about rising costs across the board. >> we all agree it's a huge problem. the number one issue in polls. everyone thinks costs are too high. they are. oftentimes we get a little cannibalistic what our own plans are and whether they're good enough or we're passing them fast enough or what have you. and really, if you look at the other side, there is nothing in the cupboard. they have zero plan. >> but the messaging coming out of the white house using terms like putin price hike hasn't helped the poll. the latest out of quinnipiac only 33% of americans approve of the president's job performance. democrats hope it is not an indication toward mid-term candidates. election day is seven months away. >> dana: the white house looks today with the green grass after the rain. thank you so much. >> gillian: private equity form is considering a bid to buy the social media network setting them up to go toe-to-toe with elon musk that it would be indefensible that twitter put his cash over to a shareholder vote. susan lee is in the newsroom in new york with the details. susan. >> we don't know how much thomas broad voe is bidding but elon musk. the ceo yesterday said the board is still evaluating the musk bid. some of the reports coming out from the all-hands staff meeting suggest employees at twitter are really concerned about potential layoffs, asking about stock compensation and culture if elon musk steps in. we heard elon musk in vancouver and he is expressing skepticism an doubt the deal might go sure. >> i'm not sure i will be able to acquire it. i should also say the intent is to retain as many shareholders as is allowed by the law in a private company, which i think is around 2,000 or so. it is not like from the standpoint of let me figure out how to mon op lies my ownership of twitter but bring along as many shareholders as allowed to. >> you would like them to come with you. >> i could technically afford it. >> we know elon musk is worth over $250 billion. a lot of that -- roughly around 70% of his wealth is tied up in tesla stock and options. $40 billion in spacex. a healthy dose of skepticism where he will come up with the cash to make up for the other $40 billion in twitter stock that he doesn't already own. overnight by the way we have vanguard, one of the large etf mutual fund giants, the single largest shareholder surpassing mucke's 9% stake. interesting to see how it plays out. >> gillian: susan lee in new york, thank you so much. dana. >> we're seeing people that are coming across the border and just being released. they are taking selfies at the wall. it shows you that they have absolutely no regard for our law. they know they will get released. they're being rewarded. this administration has brought back catch and release and what has put this crisis on steroids. and there is no end in sight. >> dana: the head of the national border patrol council warning. the crisis is about to get worse. a new migrant caravan is making its way to the u.s. arriving on may 23, the day biden's pandemic title 42 is set to expire. sean duffy is joining us now. members of congress from both sides of the aisle saying to the administration what are you thinking? we know what is going to happen. last week secretary mayorkas said they know that 18,000 per day is likely. he said but it is impossible to predict what would happen. we're seeing it and we know what will happen. i think you can predict it, sean. >> what's interesting is the biden administration wants to lift title 42. a pandemic restriction on the border sending people back to mexico. we know how well it's work. border has been a disaster. a finger in the dike of the dam that has stopped some of the flow of migrants. they lift that. but at the same time remember democrats in congress wanted to pass an additional $10 billion for covid spending. that didn't get through. biden reinstated the mask mandates on aircraft. we want to lift restrike tuns at the border and asking for more money and more restrictions with mask in america. talk about the politics you're right. it is not that democrats don't agree with open borders and don't agree with the folks coming in. you have senators like warnock in georgia who radical left winger who loves this policy but can't get elected unless he pushes back. mark kelly in arizona. many up for reelection and they're being affected by this. you have them pushing back. >> dana: you mentioned mark kelly. the senator from arizona in for a tough reelection race. maggie from new hampshire is not a southern border state but she was there at the border this week making sure people back home know for a couple of reasons. one, there is the issue of just not even having a process and lawlessness on the border. the other thing is, sean, somebody like senator hassan hears every day about the opioid and fentanyl epidemic ravaging many states including new hampshire. a piece that might not get enough attention. >> not just the spending in schools or social services. the competition for labor in your community but the drugs coming in. it is affecting everyone across the country. the number of people dying from fentanyl is incredible. these senators want to show they are engaged and dana just as a father, i will look at joe biden as the father of america. the president. as fathers we have to take care of our own kids before we look out for the neighbors' kids. the problems in america, inflation, gas prices rising, crime, foreign policy issues in ukraine and russia. rising threat of china, the fact that joe biden isn't focusing our resources and attention on those issues that affect americans and he wants to open the border up, i think makes no sense to me but makes no sense to americans and the american voert which is why i think democrats will get pummeled. he could change course and fix this and most americans would agree with him. i don't understand politically why he wouldn't go in a different direction and save his hide from getting trounced in november. >> dana: do it for the merits or politics. it is confusing. have a great weekend. >> you, too, dana. >> gillian: border agents accused of whipping migrants will not face criminal charges. you remember these images taken last september? the biden administration, including the president himself and the press secretary, condemned those agents, accused them of mistreatment based on the footage. but it turns out after investigation they weren't brandishing whips or deploying them against people. those are reins used for controlling horses. now that no criminal wrongdoing is found we aren't seeing a lot of corrections from the administration or frankly the media. what do you think? >> dana: when it happened last year i was horrified. i have a family that uses horses to do their job. clear from the beginning they weren't whipping migrants. it was slow walked by the administration and all these agents deserve an apology. they've been on desk duty since this happened and now that title 42 will be lifted they need every able-bodied person to be working. look at what the media did at the time. >> i was not aware that whips, which come from slavery era, were part of the package. >> we saw the image of one border patrol agent using a whip. >> potentially as a whip. >> appearing to whip. >> dana: these people deserve an apology and i think it would do the media a world of good to confess up here and the white house and administration needs to do the same. >> brit hume made that same point earlier this week. he said these are border agents who serve in the administration of president biden. the commander-in-chief called it out. where is the reversal on this? >> dana: now to the war on ukraine. they are working around the clock to get weapons there. russia may intensify its attacks in the donbas region within days. mark meredith joins us live from the pentagon with more. we're going into the weekend. they will take no break in this war. >> you're right about that one. the pentagon insists it is working around the clock to give ukraine the aid it needs the latest outgoing weapons package totaling more than $800 million to give ukraine a shot in defending the donbas regions where the russians will step up increased attacks in the coming days. the u.s. says it is moving aid as quickly as possible releasing video showing soldiers putting together some of the weapons making their way to ukraine. this is all tied to a previous package approved last month that should be wrapped up to ukraine within a matter of days. look at all the weapons the u.s. is sending into ukraine. the pentagon putting out a full list to give people an idea what kind of help this includes everything from helicopters and drones to thousands of anti-tank missiles. now in the past the russians have said that they see these weapon shipments as legitimate targets but so far since the war started we haven't seen the russians attack the weapon convoys. that could change, though. the "washington post" reporting this morning that earlier in the week russia warned the u.s. that it is very upset about these continued weapons shipments into ukraine. still u.s. officials insist there are no signs they plan to let up. >> we're not taking it for granted and neither are the ukrainians, either. we get these things into their hands and they are moving it inside their country. and i think the less we say about that, the better. >> and while the u.s. says the russian forces have retreated from trying to capture kyiv russia poses a threat in terms of air strikes on the capital city even today we heard from russia's defense minister who said if ukraine were to start attacking targets in russian territory they would retaliate by attacking targets in kyiv. a lot of people curious and eager to see whether this goes from there. >> gillian: mark meredith at the pentagon. thank you. american manufacturing now is putting its shoulder to the wheel for the people of ukraine. >> everyone who works here knows what an important job this is in history right now. >> that's right. they are hands on with the war effort. many are veterans. most, if not all, are family members of veterans. >> gillian: douglas kennedy looks at the workers behind the american arsenal. plus a new warning on nuclear talks with iran from those who served at the highest levels of government. what dozens of former generals and admirals are now saying. you're a target for chronic kidney disease. you can already have it and not know it. if you have chronic kidney disease your kidney health could depend on what you do today. ♪far-xi-ga♪ farxiga is a pill that works in the kidneys to help slow the progression of chronic kidney disease. farxiga can cause serious side effects including dehydration, urinary tract or genital yeast infections in women and men, and low blood sugar. ketoacidosis is a serious side effect that may lead to death. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this bacterial 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debates saying the commission east inherent bias dealing with the 2020 presidential debates and their refusal to enact common sense reform to insure fairness. the committee is not moving away from the presidential debate format entirely not yet. but they are objecting to the commission 's control over the protest. >> dana: protests in grand rapids, michigan for a third day following the release of four videos showing the circumstances surrounding the fatal shoongt of a black man by a police officer in may of 2021. mike tobin is live in chicago. this was almost a year ago but the videos are now released. >> now you have the family of that black man shot in the back of the head by a grand rapids police officer saying they want criminal charges against the officer who killed him. a combination of dash kam, body cam and eyewitness video that shows what happen april 4 in grand rapids. 26-year-old was pulled over for tags that don't match the video. he seems confused and runs and is tackled. taser used. the man grabs the taser and after two minutes of wrestling the officer shot the man in the back of the head. his father said the family fled genocide in the congo to have his son executed in michigan. word for word here is the translation. my heart is deeply broken. i didn't know. i didn't believe in this country there is a genocide in this country. i didn't believe that here in america there would be an execution-style killing. meantime high profile civil rights attorney crump is representing the man's family comparing the killing to war crimes in ukraine. >> if it's wrong to shoot civilians in the back of the head in the ukraine, it is wrong for police to shoot civilians in the back of the head here in grand rapids, michigan. >> as you mentioned protestors have been gathering daily in grand rapids. protests have been peaceful. no destruction or arrests. >> dana: thank you. >> gillian: concerns over the ongoing nuclear negotiations with iran. retired admirals and generals are strongly objecting to entering a new deal. they say it would weaken our nation's position to old iran accountable. a special assistance to president bush as managing director strategic advisory firm beacon global strategies. great to see you today. the letter from the generals and admirals. let's pull it up so viewers can see it. they say the new deal currently being negotiated which russia played a central role in crafting will enable to world leading state sponsor of terrorism to cast its own nuclear shadow over the middle east. we keep hearing this criticism of the new round of negotiations over and over again. why does russia have a seat at the negotiating table on the same side as the u.s. while they are plundering europe? >> it is a great question. russia historically was involved back in the obama administration and they have continued to play a role. but we ought to look at that very, very critically. russia is aligned with iran and wants to do its bidding. iran is up to no good. they try and steal and otherwise hide what they are up to. and we need to be very, very careful to insure that the biden administration at the very least tries to get longer timelines on some of the centrifuge limits that were in the original deal. >> gillian: a couple weeks ago we were hearing from all sides from the iranians, europeans, even from the state department that a deal was imminent. this would be inked in a day and less than a day and any minute now. it's kind of floated off into the ether. do you know what's happened during the talks? >> as i understand it, it is a presidential-level decision now. the president has to decide whether he wants to be able to strike this particular deal here and whether it is good for the united states. i don't think it is. it is not longer and stronger as they pledged. we're actually getting less for more and so i think the congress is going to be very skeptical of it. i think the president is trying to make a political calculation. >> gillian: i want to make sure i ask you about the latest happening on the ground inside ukraine. we keep hearing from various countries now the military assessment is the russians could completely take over mariupol the city that they've razed to the ground. is it a game changer? >> i worry about it for a ukrainians. it will be a russian morale boost. they haven't been able to do anything very significantly. but it also has some strategic value. it is on the coast and it may allow the russians to have a new staging area down south so they can go north. >> gillian: you traveled all over the world with president bush. you know what goes into decisions about where the commander-in-chief goes and when he goes there. do you think the biden team should be thinking seriously about sending him himself into ukraine any time soon? >> absolutely. as you remember, president bush went to iraq and surprised everybody. it was a huge morale boost for the military and country to see him there. president biden should have done this already. it is time he go soon. >> gillian: i wasn't expecting you to say that. thank you for joining us. >> thank you so much. >> dana: americans feeling no relief as prices continue to rise higher and higher. how much longer can consumers foot the bill for biden inflation? we ask the money team. veteran homeowners, need a financial boost? the newday 100 va loan lets you borrow up to 100% of your home's value and take out up to $60,000 or more. give them a call. veteran homeowners, newday wants to help you use your va home loan benefit to get more. more cash, more savings, more peace of mind. the newday 100 va loan lets you borrow up to 100% of your home's value. up to $60,000 or more. veterans are saving an average of $615 every month. with more ways to help more veteran families, no bank, no lender, no one knows veterans like newday usa. exploring the heart of historic europe with viking, you'll get closer to iconic landmarks, to local life and legendary 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criminals roll up in as many as five vehicles to commit some of these crimes and some of the suspects are associated with one of 17 gangs. lapd started a follow home robbery task force in november after a victim was killed. the head of the task force says 46 suspects were arrested for these crimes. almost all of them are repeat offenders and half of them are no longer in custody. he believes they should face different penalties. >> there is no demonstration that there is significant consequence to this at this time. once they bail out they aren't going back to court for five or six months. >> officers arrest people and they some of these people are being released faster that they can finish the report. you look at it within 72 hours he has been arrested three times. when it will stop? it makes no sense. >> despite criticism over the ongoing violence la county d.a. george gascon is sticking to his criminal justice reform including not prosecuting juveniles as adults for certain crimes and ending cash bail. >> i have think what we're soft on crime when you talk about the revolving door that we've seen in the past, it is the repeat rate we've seen with the traditional system. >> at this point lapd tells me well over a dozen of these follow-home robbery suspects are still at large. dana. >> dana: thank you so much. gillian. >> gillian: supply chain issues have sparked delays and shortages worldwide. the white house is warning it won't end any time soon. economists say the supply crisis will outlast the pandemic while covid exposed supply chain problems it did not create them. they are predicting climate change and other factors will complicate global trade for years to come. >> dana: american wallets are suffering as gas prices continue to sore and inflation a 41-year high. new data revealing that nearly all the incoos in retail sales last month was spent at the gas pump. let's bring in the money team. austan. when people dread going to the grocery store and gas station it has an effect on their morale. >> yeah, look, i think that's right. strangely in the consumer confidence numbers, they went up by much more than what was expected. that was a little weird. overall you are 100% right that as prices go up and especially gas prices, that's the big headline price that everyone sees when they drive down the street and it does affect their morale. >> dana: what did you make of that number with consumer confidence hanging in there? >> still pretty low. it was a nice jump up. i hate to say i told you to to you and austan but i've been saying on this show for six, seven, eight months beware inflation. this tiger has been let out of the cage and will be very difficult to capture again. we've seen remember 4%, 6%, 7, now 8 1/2% inflation. i want to make sure that people understand one of the major reasons for this 40-year high in inflation has been the spending binge we saw under biden. $3 trillion of extra spending flooding the zone with all this extra money where you would see higher prices. my biggest concern, i'm not hearing a company hereent anti-inflation strategy from the biden administration. blaming it on putin isn't a strategy. >> dana: call for number one. this is inflation and then wages, okay? wages are not keeping up with inflation. there is that. then you mention the putin price hike, the hashtag the white house likes. take a look at president biden saying this over and over. >> president biden: make no mistake inflation is largely the fault of putin. reason for inflation is vladimir putin. the current spike in gas prices largely the fault of vladimir putin. nothing to do with the american rescue plan. putin's invasion of ukraine has driven up gas and food prices. >> dana: do you think it's effective for the president to say that? >> i don't know if it's effective. on the price of oil it is clear in the data the first report of putin massing troops outside of ukraine is when the world price of oil starts skyrocketing in december of last year. on the non-gasoline part, prices were definitely going up before. i think steve's view that that came from cares act and rescue plan in the united states has a little bit of a hard time explaining why inflation is up almost the same amount in europe and why on the producer side wholesale price inflation is actually higher in europe and in china than it has been in the united states. i think this supply chain problem -- series of problems that you guys mentioned in the segment right before we came on, that's a worldwide issue and one we're still trying to deal with. i think as we get past covid and go back to spending on services it will make that better. >> dana: the other story that is fascinating is watching what's happening in shanghai with 25 million people locked down in china. president xi saying he won't give up. the supply chain problems we have now won't they be exacerbated by all that? >> let's get the statistics straight here. the month that donald trump left office in january of 2021, when the economy was in a full recovery. we didn't need the american economic recovery act. the economy was recovering. inflation rate was 1 1/2% 14 months ago. 14 months later at 8 1/2% and it seems to be a direct correlation between the biden presidency. on the energy issue, no question about it. putin's policies have led to higher gas prices but our whole strategy in the trump administration, austan, was to make america energy independent and to be all in on american energy so we didn't have to worry about all these other countries and we've moved away from that energy independence to now having to import the oil and that gives more power to our enemies. i just do not understand the biden energy policy and you are right about the lockdowns, by the way. the lockdowns had a severe negative effect in the united states and china and it will make the -- i saw 60 billion dollars a month is what the lockdowns are costing the china economy now. >> dana: a quick thought on the china lockdown and how it will affect us. >> it will affect the supply chains. we have been through two years of trying to diversify the supply chain from china. it won't be as big an impact as it was at the beginning of the crisis. the chinese have a crummy vaccine and they're trying to have zero spread. something as contagious as the new variants is impossible. they won't be able to do this. >> dana: they tell the people please control your soul's desire for freedom. >> yeah, and food. that won't work. >> black lives matter leadership is being questioned by conservatives if they violated tax laws to used private donations they purchased a mansion that they have will use for business purposes when the house is still zoned as a residence. judge pirro will join us next. it's still the eat fresh refresh, and subway's refreshing their italians. so, we're taking this to italy. refresh. because subway now has italian-style capicola on the new mozza meat 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settlement the u.s. park police and united states secret service are making some changes going forward. on june 1 chaos ensued in the famous park across from the white house. it happened a week after the death of minnesota resident george floyd at the hands of police officer. it brought forth violent protests. may 31 people set fire to st. john's church. every president since james madison has attended a service at st. john's. the changes require officers to implement guidelines with non-lethal force and permitting demonstrators to disperse. as for the secret service policies will change to prohibit blanket grounds for use of force, declaration of unlawful assembly even if people have broken the law. every situation will be on a case-by-case basis. de-escalation is the goal. black lives matter d.c. and individuals sued the u.s. government as part of the settlement. all claims against the government are dropped. gillian. >> gillian: david spunt. thank you so much. >> dana: watchdog group filing a complaint with the i.r.s. the puts the spotlight on black lives matter to investigate the far left group and co-founder whether they broke the rules. at issue a $6 million mansion that blm paid for with donated money. here is judge jeanine pirro. we talked about this last night on "the five" and the legal policy center said we need to look into it. i don't think blm expected any of it. >> they did everything they could to hide this not just from their donors but from all of us. there is a form called 990 which every charity is required to file with the government. significantly so that people who donate money to a charitable organization know how their money is being used. and black lives matter ended up purchasing a home in california for 2 1/2 million dollars over the asking price and within a week of the house being for sale for 3.1, they bought it for 5.7 and immediately put it in the name of a private corporation and interestingly enough, dana, they used the law firm perkins coie to put it in the name of the shell corporation. as a result of that, black lives matter, none of the donors, the government doesn't know anything about this. they used all cash to purchase the home and instead of opening it up to black lives matter, the organization, patricia, the co-founder lives in it for a short time. her mother works there. her brother is the head of security there. her sister is signed on to work there as well and she now is upset that the government is using form 990 to weaponize. >> dana: we have that. you have to see this. watch here. >> it is such a trip now to hear the word, the term 990. it is like a triggering. this isn't safe for us this 990 structure, this is like deeply unsafe. like this is being literally weaponized against us. they know what they are doing. like how to create the infighting and the distrust. we have to stop it. >> dana: it's amazing. that law applies to everybody. how can it be a target to them? >> think about it. everybody watching us now knows this is april. they have to file a tax return. that's right. we're all triggered but we follow the law. and for them to say the law is being weaponized against them when they did everything in their power circumstantially proofing the i.r.s's case, civil and criminal as alleged by the watchdog group indicates that they knew what the law was and now they are saying you are using it against us. yeah. the government passes laws for good reason. >> dana: i don't want to let this go. listen to mayor adams and we'll get a quick thought. this is what he said yesterday. >> black lives matters the thousands of people i saw on the street when floyd was murdered should be on the street right now stating that the lives of these black children that are dying every night matters. they can't be hypocrites. >> dana: there is the mayor. you see him all week. >> it's about time. the first time i have heard the mayor say that all black lives matter when a year ago when he was running if you said that you would be canceled. you know what? finally he wants to say it, god bless him for saying it. it is about time we recognize that all black lives matter and not just those -- >> dana: judge it's a real joy to know you. >> thank you, dana. vice versa. >> gillian: ukraine has been asking for high grade weapons before it was invaded. the biden administration agreeing to fulfill some of those requests with a new $800 million supply. next we take you inside a military manufacturing plant where humvees are being readied for shipment. stick with us. day. because you are greater than your bipolar i, and you can help take control of your symptoms - and ask about vraylar. some medicines only treat the lows or highs. once-daily vraylar is proven to treat depressive, acute manic, and mixed episodes of bipolar i in adults. full-spectrum relief for all bipolar i symptoms. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. call your doctor about unusual 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douglas, i'm looking forward to this story. >> some are debating which weapons to send to ukraine. others are busy making them. understanding exactly what's at stake. >> you are making stuff here that will be used to defend democracy, defend freedom, and really save the lives of innocent people. >> that's right. these are on the battlefield right now in ukraine and more are on the way. we couldn't be more proud of the purpose they serve. >> maker of the high mobility military vehicles the u.s. has used in combat for over 35 years. this is the m-1151 made and tested right here in south bend, indiana. recently the u.s. approved sending at least 90. this the perfect for the mountainous region of ukraine and the wide open spaces. >> it is. the versatility of this vehicle off road is amazing. >> spifsically designed to climb steep terrain or making sharp turns and has the weapons ring on top where soldiers can mount combat guns or missile launchers, part of an overall made in america package that includes 1400 stingers thousands of javelins and 900 kamikaze drones. weapons the u.s. will allow ukraine to defend itself against further russian attacks. not everyone believes defense is enough. defense alone is not going to win this war. >> no, it's not. ukrainians will have to conduct a counter offensive. >> he says ukraine will need to retake land, something they simply can't do while the russians relentlessly bombard them from the sky. this is what zelenskyy has been saying from the very beginning. they need weapons to take out the high-flying planes that the stingers and javelins simply can't hit. >> yes. they need more than that. they need tanks, armored personal carriers and artillery seasons to liberate their territory from the russians. >> it's also imperative to move personnel around quickly, perfect for the combat trucks which can be fitted to carry up to nine soldiers at a time. once these vehicles are in ukraine, you don't care whether they are offense or defense. just as long as they are helping. >> that's right. the mission is freedom. >> right now freedom is calling for a lot of weapons including many made right here in the u.s. that's it from here. back to you, dana and gillian. >> dana: thank you. that's really interesting. appreciate your time today. >> gillian: take a look at this. animals at the london zoo are enjoying an early easter. an easter egg hunt for the gorillas. it looks like a lot of fun. >> dana: when judge jeanine was the picture of easter i don't have anything for percy, my dog. this is your daughter. is this your daughter's first easter? >> it will be. we'll do easter and passover. she will get a whole lot of celebration. >> dana: she gets it all. indeed. wonderful to be with you. "the faulkner focus" is up next. julie banderas is in for harris. here is julie. >> fox news alert a media meltdown that elon musk might spring free speech to twitter. tesla's ceo is saying he is willing to pay $43 billion to buy out twitter and make it a private company. but the social media giant is reportedly considering a so-called poison pill strategy to stop musk from taking over. musk has even teased a plan b if his offer is

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Christina Coleman , Woman , Store , Incidents , Downtown L A , 211 , Six , Vehicles , Criminals , Repeat Offenders , Home Robbery Task Force , Task Force , Gangs , Victim , Point Lapd , 46 , Demonstration , Custody , Penalties , Officers , 72 , George Gascon , Criminal Justice , Repeat Rate , Revolving Door , Bail , Juveniles , Robbery Suspects , System , Dozen , Supply Chain , Supply Chain Problems , Supply Crisis , Delays , High , Suffering , Factors , Global Trade , Incoos , Gas Station , Grocery Store , Sales , Austan , Gas Pump , Effect , Consumer Confidence Numbers , Headline Price , Consumer Confidence , Show , Tiger , Cage , Eight , 6 , 8 1 2 , 40 , We Saw Under Biden , Zone , Trillion , 3 Trillion , Wages , Concern , Putin Isn T A Strategy , Hereent Anti Inflation , Fault , Mistake Inflation , Hashtag , Putin Price Hike , Food Prices , Gas , Spike , Oil , Troops , View , Rescue , Cares , Skyrocketing , Steve , Price Inflation , Producer Side , Amount , Supply Chain Problem , Segment , Statistics , Office , Recovery , January Of 2021 , Presidency , Inflation Rate , Correlation , The American Economic Recovery Act , 1 2 , 14 , Energy Issue , On American Energy , America Energy Independent , Energy Independence , Biden Energy Policy , Lockdowns , Negative , 60 Billion Dollars , 60 Billion , Won T , Chinese , Beginning , Variants , Crummy Vaccine , Spread , Desire For Freedom , Soul , Won T Work , Lives , Mansion , Conservatives , Donations , Tax Laws , Business Purposes , Leadership , Jeanine Pirro , Residence , Subway , Refresh , Italians , Mozza Meat , Italy , Italian Food , Meats , Smell , Feeling , Refres , Sound Engineer , Record Label , Taking Off , Visit Indeed Com Hire Gillian , Settlement , Church , George Floyd , Fronts , Police Murder , Arsonists , Lafayette Park , Justice Department , Historical Church , John S Church , St , David Spunt , United States Secret Service , June 1 2020 , Chaos , Famous Park , Minnesota , June 1 , Service , People Set Fire To St , James Madison , May 31 , 31 , Force , Demonstrators , Guidelines , John S , Use , Assembly , Blanket Grounds , Declaration , Watchdog Group , Goal , De Escalation , Group , Co Founder , Complaint , Irs , Rules , Spotlight , Blm , Judge , The Five , Million , 6 Million , Donors , Charity , All Of Us , Policy Center , 990 , In The Name Of , Shell Corporation , Sale , California , 5 7 , 3 1 , 2 1 Million Dollars , Perkins Coie , None , The Law Firm , Brother , Mother , Sister , Patricia , Weaponize , Isn T Safe , Term , Distrust , Infighting , Tax Return , Criminal , Thought , Go , Floyd , Night Matters , God , Dana , Joy , Vice Versa , Military Manufacturing Plant , Grade Weapons , Supply , Shipment , Requests , Humvees , Bipolar , Ask , Medicines , Take Control , Vraylar , Highs , Lows , Depressive , Episodes , Dementia , Behavior , Patients , Manic , Muscle Movements , Muscles , Thoughts , Confusion , High Blood Sugar , Antidepressants , Fever , Weight Gain , Coma , 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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Americas Newsroom With Bill Hemmer Dana Perino 20240708 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Americas Newsroom With Bill Hemmer Dana Perino 20240708

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facing more pushback. 21 states are suing the administration. the state attorney general calling the decision to scrap the policy reckless. the numbers highlighting the urgency 1.7 million my rants were apprehended at the border last year. >> once title 42 is gn they project up to 18,000 migrants will cross the border each day. casey stiegel joins us from eagle pass, texas. >> good morning. as we are still waiting, remember, for customs and border protection to officially release their march numbers we can see an accurate snapshot as our teams travel from sector to sector covering this story. over the last week we've been here, we've noticed the central theme. the groups are getting larger in terms of size and they are also crossing at all hours of the day. much more frequently as opposed to moving just in the overnight or early morning hours, for example. agents here in the del rio sector say the activity has been steadily rising while 230 miles to the south, look at these pictures from border patrol in star county, texas, more than 350 migrants apprehended there this week traveling in two groups. the majority of them single adults. >> they're saying when title 42 ends we'll see an increase, a bigger increase than we already have. we already have this. we don't have the staff to handle barely what's happening in the county on a daily basis. >> you see a lot of frustration there. it's certainly something that we hear over and over talking to people on the ground. whether it's folks living in the community or officials. this week by the way you know governor abbott signed agreements with three of the four mexican states that border texas which says that they will step up border enforcement and security on their side of the river to help assist with the crisis. gillian and dana. >> thank you, casey stiegel. looks like elon musk will have competition. another company is looking over trying to purchase the social media company as well. kelly o'grady is live in l.a. with the scoop. >> what we know is elon's possible takeover attempt is all about protecting free speech and continuing that and rallying support. he asked a poll whether the decision to except his bid should be up to shareholders. 2 1/2 million users have voted and 84% said yes. crowdsourcing opinion elon is getting structure and bringing an interesting question around stakeholders. should users get a vote as well? there is a lot of opposition. the twitter ceo says the board is not backed into the corner and may be considered a poison pill to prevent musk from taking over. yesterday when asked if this offer was rejected he had a potential plan b. >> if in this case you aren't successful in the board does not accept your offer you said you won't go higher. is there a plan b? >> there is. [applause] >> i think we would like to hear a little bit about plan b. >> for another time, i think. >> classic elon, right? the stock closed $9 below his per share offer. some argue the offer undervalues twitter, if it were to go to a vote the average shareholder does stand to gain. >> you have to always have a plan b. kelly o'grady in l.a. thank you. >> violent partner in putin's aggression china is your greatest challenge. in many ways the most profound test that c.i.a. has ever faced. >> dana: director william burns calling out china. he says president xi is a silent partner with vladimir putin in the war against ukraine warning beijing tops the list of challenges facing the agency. mike gallagher is a member of the house intelligence and armed services committee. you listened to director burns. he doesn't speak very often. he chose this topic and to say that china is a silent partner in the war against ukraine. what did you make of him deciding to come out and say that now? >> well, i'm glad that he did and director burns is right except it isn't a silent partnership. prior to the invasion of ukraine, xi and putin signed a 5,000 word statement proclaiming a partnership without limits. so putin is merely becoming xi's sadistic side kick in the new cold war that they have launched against the west. he will only grow more dependent on china the more he experiences setbacks in ukraine. so the lessons for us is two-fold. one, we recognize who we are dealing with. two brutal dictators that want to destroy the west and secondly we need to wean ourselves off our addiction to cheap chinese manufacturing. we've been scratching our heads throughout the ukraine crisis wondering how the europeans could have gotten themselves into a position where they are so dependent on russia for basic energy resources. well, we've done the same except with different goods in terms of our dependency on china. if we have a chance of winning this competition we need to selectively decouple our economy from china before it's too late. >> dana: when the c.i.a. director says this you would imagine this is something that the entire national security council talks about, right? so do you think from your position on those committees that the department of defense is in agreement? from what they've said i believe they are. is the state department as well? they all have to be in coordination in order to lead the country in that direction. >> well, both the department of defense and the state department have said retoreically that china is our biggest long-term competitor but at least in terms of the defense department, they have recently downgraded some of the language they've used not calling china a threat in terms solely of economic competition. that's worrisome. i think the bigger problem with our strategy so far is that the defense department seems to be pursuing a strategy what they are calling integrated deterrence relying less on hard power, actual lethal american hard power, and more on so-called soft power whether it's sanctions or half side diplomacy. that would be a massive mistake. the second contradiction is on the energy policy which is totally incoherent and benefiting putin and xi. there is no way we can compete effectively with the russians or chinese if we pursue the war on domestic energy production. >> dana: c.i.a. chief says we can't take likely that russia has nuclear weapons and putin could use them. we've seen leaders like boris johnson going to kyiv to walk the streets with president zelenskyy. yesterday president biden was asked if he would go. watch. >> president biden: we're making that decision now. thank you. >> what was the reason? >> dana: is he ready to go? here is what jen psaki said about that. >> he is ready for anything. the man like the fast cars, aviators. ready to go to ukraine. it's true, he does. we are not sending the president to ukraine. >> dana: do you think the president should go to ukraine? >> at a minimum i think secretary of defense should go to ukraine. i would add i think we should reopen our embassy in kyiv. the fact that we keep abandoning embassies around the world suggests we're in a weak position. the biden administration could reopen the embassy and sending secretary of defense lloyd austin to ukraine. as for the president's aviators, they aren't striking fear into the heart of any enemies around the world. >> dana: a great point about the embassy. has the state department said why they are dragging their feet on reopening it? >> i know my colleagues have asked that question but again i think it gets to the broader problem with our approach to ukraine. from the start we've been reactive and been afraid of provoking vladimir putin. now the ukrainians are showing with their bravery, that they can win this thing. it should give us confidence that we can have success on the battlefield. we can't allow fear to dictate our actions. >> dana: congressman, thank you. happy easter to you and your young family. thank you so much. >> happy easter. >> dana: clashes erupt between police in hazmat suits and residents as the city seize ez residential buildings and turns them into quarantine centers. >> democrats are trying to contain crises. president biden's new poll numbers might be another to add to the list. >> dana: gender identity curriculum. parents are taking back control of their education. former education secretary bill bennett reacts. >> we shouldn't weaponize kids for our political issues. no kid should be forced to learn about anything if they don't want. with heart disease, reducing cholesterol can be hard, even when you're taking a statin and being active. but you can do hard. you lived through thirty-seven red-eye flights in a middle seat. eleven miracle diets... forty-two college campus tours... four overseas postings... one minor stroke... and four citywide blackouts... and now, with leqvio, you can lower your cholesterol, too. when taken 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government can turn it into a covid-19 quarantine center. local representatives of the chinese communist party fighting and getting arrested while part of beijing's covid approach. so if you have covid there you have to go to the center where conditions are horrendous and if you don't have covid you are still most likely on lockdown literally. police come and padlock your front door from the outside. they supply essentials. they are failing badly. people are starving to death in the center of these modern cities and complaining in ways we haven't seen in china in years now online. president xi said he will stick to the hard line. chinese growth is down. supply chains disrupted. cases in shanghai are 25,000 a day. the worst china has seen since covid-19 started in china, well over two years ago. perhaps to quote a non-chinese phrase, what goes around comes around. back to you. >> dana: indeed greg, thank you so much. gillian. >> gillian: we could it turns out if you see an alternative to the most uncomfortable nose swab used in covid tests. the fda has the first test to see the virus in a breath sample. this test has to be performed by trained clinicians. accuracy of the new test is very high, the pcr test is still widely considered to be the most accurate. >> dana: president biden's approval rating sliding to a new low. a third of all registered voters approve of how the president is handling his job and 54% disapprove. we have a republican pollster and president of the firm axis research and it is great to have you here. overall reaction to president biden's number. let me set this up. the poll about a month or so had him around this number and thought it was an outlier. when you get a second result like this a month or so later what does it tell you as a pollster? >> good morning, great to be with you and happy good friday. the quinnipiac poll is bad news for president biden. it is all adults. we would expect it to be some of president biden's best numbers. this is all adults, not just registered voters or 2020 voerts. the fact he is at 33% with all adults means if you look at mid-term voters he is synth around 30%. which is devastating news for the president and his party. you are right. not an outlier. this is the fourth poll we've seen in a series that has him below 35%. our own data this is where we have him. it looks like this is where he is sitting heading into november 2022. >> dana: mid-terms are about highly motivated voters. what would it look like if it was likely voters instead of just adults? >> yes, i'm guessing quinnipiac didn't give us the breaks. if we look at likely 2022 voters put him right about 30% which we've seen in the past. we saw when president bush hit the low 30s. he is looking very hard for him and his party. democrats will turn out their loyal base. we've seen democrats have a great ground game in the key states. i think they'll be able to turn out their base but not rely on those suburban women, hispanics, younger voters. >> dana: in that same poll president biden's job approval amongst hispanics is at 26% approval. that to me for them -- approve 26%. so 26%. brenda, that's really bad. >> it's awful. it's the worst we've seen for a democratic president since i've been doing this. 2020 wasn't a fluke. we started seeing in the summer of 2020 hispanics moving away from the democratic party. it start evidence with the protests that summer and defund the police and escalated through the election. we have only seen that worsen as we approach 2022. hispanics are murder farther and farther away from the democratic party. they say the democratic party is out of touch with what they care about. not focused on inflation or rising cost of goods. they are too busy talking about climate change and donor policies. >> dana: how does immigration policy fit into that? >> immigration we finished focus groups this week in arizona with hispanics. they're very much aligned with the republican party when it comes to immigration. taking away title 42 is a mistake. they want a plan in place when we see that surge at the border and want it to be humane but they want a plan in place so they don't see increased homelessness and crime and all the things they're worried about day-to-day. >> dana: one of the things that democrats have been saying is we don't tell our story well enough. here is massachusetts governor former massachusetts governor patrick in a "newsweek" op-ed. democrats would be better to stop whining and engage directly with voerts. the case for voting with democrats in the mid-terms is not to reward them to what they accomplish and help them finish the job. here is what president obama said just last week. >> what do you say to democrats worried about the mid-terms? what do you tell democrats worried about the mid-terms? >> dana: is it the message, brenda? >> well, i agree with patrick the election can't come fast enough for republicans. i wish it was tomorrow. i don't think it will be the message. they are off message. their message has been scatter shots. i don't have confidence they can get together on a unified message. the rank and file have reason to be upset with them. it is easy for barack obama to parachute in saying we need to have a message. what is the narrative? they won't run on the american rescue plan. while it was popular at the time now independent voerts and hispanics and other groups they plan that for higher inflation. it wasn't well thought through and too generous. they can't run on the covid policies. >> dana: it is like they are out there on the south lawn looking for any sort of easter egg messaging nugget they can use. thank you and have a happy easter. >> thank you, happy easter to you, too. >> gillian: after ukrainian forces sunk a russian warship in the black sea long range russian missiles struck kyiv overnight. trey yingst has an inside look on the ground there. elon musk speaks out. we have clay travis with us next. you're a 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welcome. >> absolutely, dana. good morning. overnight long range russian missiles targeted the ukrainian capital of kyiv. russia's defense ministry confirmed the attack took place saying they hit a machine building plant being used to produce anti-air and anti-ship systems. as russian forces increase attacks in the eastern part of ukraine, russia says it will continue to target kyiv. >> the number and scale of missile strikes against target in kyiv will increase in response to any terrorist attack or sabotage committed by the kyiv regime on the russian territory. >> the strikes come after the russia ship sank. russia claims a fire on board caused the cruiser to sink. ukrainians say they hit the ship with two neptune missiles. the ukrainian people continue to find atrocities left behind in the wake of the russian occupation around kyiv. we were in the suburbs today of the capital where war crime prosecutors are still digging up bodies from mass graves and looked at the destruction left behind. as the city continues to brace for the possibility of another russian ground offensive, we've heard air raid sirens over the past 24 hours. russians continue to target kyiv from the air. the civilian population paying the highest price. >> dana: trey, thank you, and stay safe. >> i think it's very important for there to be an inclusive arena for free speech. having a public platform that is maximally trusted and broadly inclusive is extremely important to the future of civilization. >> but -- >> i don't care about the economics at all. >> gillian: free speech is what elon musk is motivating him to try to take over twitter. he said the social media platform needs to be transformed and follow the laws of the countries it operates or stay out of the business of regulating users' speech. let's bring in clay travis founder of outkick. let's pick up what he just said. are you buying this is world's richest man doesn't want to care about the bottom line just wants to do the best for humanity. >> one of the luxuries of being the world's richest man you can buy things you don't need to get an immediate return from. what i wonder, when you're woergd around $300 billion as elon musk is he could buy twitter for the offer price he has of $40 billion. having redefined the way we built cars and proven he can send rocket ships to space better than nasa is looking toward the future of civilizations like those two investments did and how do i insure that democracy remains as powerful in the years ahead and he recognized that twitter is the most important marketplace now for ideas in the united states and probably around the world. he wants to preserve it. >> >> gillian: i think you said it better than he puts it himself. look at this from the wall street editorial board today. the offer is causing a meltdown in progressive circles that don't appreciate mr. musk as much on free speech as they do when he is building electric cars. is that fair? >> yeah, i think it's totally fair. and the reason why there is a meltdown and this is very important, is because what elon musk is trying to do is produce content-neutral policies. the sitting president of the united states is not able to be banned while the ayatollah of iran is able to use the platform. so that you don't have a situation where the babylon bee, a satire site is locked out of their account while the taliban is allowed to promote their account in afghanistan. it is inconsistent, arbitrary and capricious. if we're truly going to have a marketplace of ideas where everyone's voice can be heard. think how crazy this is. what the left wing members are complaining about is the idea of everybody being able to have their voice heard and to hear their opinions as loudly and widely distributed as possible and that to me is the ultimate importance. we got things wrong on covid in this country. one reason why is because we were stifled in debate on twitter and certainly if you look at the way the 2020 presidential campaign played out particularly the "new york post" investigation of hunter biden, that cycling may well have swung the overall election. when you consider think about it. if 20,000 people in wisconsin, in georgia, and in arizona changed their votes where the outcome was 40,000 votes, then we have a different president. i don't think it's crazy to think big tech had a big role in that outcome. >> gillian: let's add to the list you gave us of nefarious world players still allowed on twitter. vladimir putin whose official kremlin handle is still alive and well up there. i checked this morning to double down on that so i could double down on this and confirm it for you. as he is conducting a genocide in europe. allowed to say whatever he would like to say on twitter. i want to ask you quickly before i let you go about the divide brewing between twitter users, some potentially many of whom support musk's takeover and twitter employees themselves up in arms about the move. a lot of the engineers threatening to quit if he actually follows through. >> well, first i hope they quit if the reason they are going to quit is because they're upset about the idea that twitter might embrace more of the first amendment. i think most of those people are not actually going to quit. this will turn into all the people who said they were going to go to canada if donald trump won the 2016 election. how many of those people actually moved to canada? i don't remember celebrities moving to canada when trump won and i'll be surprised if a lot of employees leave twitter the musk buys the company. it draws attention to you but doesn't have any actual substance behind it. >> gillian: clay, we have to leave it there. happy good friday to you. thanks for joining us. >> thank you and thanks for having me. have a good holiday weekend. >> dana: a federal jury in virginia convicted a british man with links to isis in a hostage taking scheme that led to the killing of four americans. he was part of the terror cell known as the beatles. he was convicted for his part in a conspiracy between 2012 and 2015 that took two dozen westerners hostage in iraq and syria. he has now been convicted. >> gillian: left leaning boards of education are teaching kids as young as kindergarten age that they could become girls or boys or neither based on their preferences. former president reagan's education secretary will be here to weigh in how parents feel about the new lesson plans. a terrifying car crash caught on camera. watch as the truck burst into flames with the driver still inside. we'll tell you how that happened next. with thirty grams of protein, one gram of sugar, and nutrients to support immune health. one gram of sugar, riders! let your queries be known. yeah, hi. instead of letting passengers wrap their arms around us, could we put little handles on our jackets? -denied. -can you imagine? i want a new nickname. can you guys start calling me snake? no, bryan. -denied. -how 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process is discriminatory. the decision will have major ramifications for colleges, affirmative action policy. >> thomas jefferson high school has been ranked the number one public school in the u.s. for years. recently the school board decided to scrap its longstanding admissions policy because it didn't think enough black and hispanic students were represented. it caused outrage with parents where the majority of the students are asian. >> what we found was an email that literally had a school board member saying they knew the process was anti-asian, lol. laughing out loud. and this little text message reveals exactly the problem that we're facing today. >> the new admissions policy increased the enrollment from 1 to 7% black students. hispanics from 3 to 11% and decreased asian american representation from 73% down to 54%. former president mike pence weighed in at the university of virginia earlier this week. >> patriotic education has been replaced by political indoctrination. let me be clear. critical race theory is nothing more than state-sanctioned racism and it should be rejected by every state in every city in this country. [applause] >> the thomas jefferson school board says it is trying to achieve racial balancing. it don't set any racial quotas and admissions are race blind. despite a lower court's ruling that found the new policy discriminatory the school board said it wanted to prove geographic diversity. virginia's attorney general isn't buying that argument. >> what you're seeing right now with the fairfax school board as i said before the oldest form of bigotry is anti-semitism. now it's anti-asian bigotry. >> we're waiting a response by the supreme court for the emergency request filed by the coalition of parents at thomas jefferson. >> gillian: thanks so much. >> dana: schools are shocking parents by teaching children as young as five about gender identity and sexual orientation. some are asking should schools teach things like this or the parents right to decide how young is too young? former education secretary under president reagan bill bennett. it's good to have you. this is from the edmond school district in washington state for first grade, a graphic on gender categories. girl, boy, neither, or both. then let's go to oregon south of washington, of course. third grade performance indicators. can they identify human reproductive systems, define sexual orientation and recognize differences and similarities how individuals identify regarding gender or sexual orientation. maybe important and fine for children to learn this at some point but are these ages too young, sir? >> absolutely. this is madness. it is wrong. it is harmful. any governmental psychologist or psychiatrist who hasn't been bullied into political correctness will tell you that. it will confuse children. it is not where their curiosity is. that curiosity needs to be turned to reading, reading, reading, math and other subjects. this is ideology making its way into the classroom and what's fueling school choice. this is why a lot of parents are fleeing the classroom. this is just quackery and madness and again very harmful and parents are reacting to it. it's interesting now, dana, with the political season, education will be an issue. a very important issue, i think, in november. and as we saw in that virginia race for governor, it can make a big difference where people stand. >> gillian: in new jersey there was a similar thing that went around, school lesson plans for the next fall and now the parents heard about this and are upset about it. so phil murphy the governor maybe we'll take a look at it but only willing to do that because parents spoke up. do you think even before the election parents will pressure some school districts to rethink and let them have a say to when their children learn about these topics? >> yeah, i do think parents will look at it. one thing that happened during covid that i would say is a positive is parents got a look into the schools. we got a look into what their children were learning and in some cases saw that some of this stuff was coming in. now the alert is out now and parents are communicating in ways they haven't before and saying we won't stand for this stuff. school board elections now matter in ways they didn't before. that's a very good thing. but again, unfortunately for public schools and, you know, one hopes for improvement in public schools, this means an exodus from a lot of those schools into charters, which are other forms of public, into private and religious schools. >> dana: one of the other things about glenn youngkin when he ran for governor in virginia one of his applause lines at the events he promised to make sure there was advanced education for math, science and english in all the high skoo.s he got applause for that. mayor eric adams said he will reverse the deblasio idea to remove gifted and talented programs from the schools. there is a big backlash for that and mayor adams is saying we're going to go in a different direction. is that a good sign in your opinion i'm assuming? >> it is a good sign for mayor adams. he is on a roll now. he is an interesting guy. verdict is still out on him but right about the gifted and talented. the lead-in piece about thomas jefferson high school. the best high school in the country. we don't have enough hispanic and black students. the way to remedy that is to work harder with these hispanic and black students in grades 1-8 to get them so they can score higher and get into thomas jefferson on the merits. it's an interesting case. mayor adams is right about this. he is reversing the deblasio regime and there need to be these merit schools in new york city. there have been for years, very distinguished schools and they need to come back and the good ones remain. >> dana: they really give those students a leg up in life and we need them so we can stay competitive. thank you and happy easter to you. thank you for being here. >> blessed easter to you. thank you very much, dana. >> gillian: president biden's approval rating hit a new low as economists are warning as increasing recession risks. will it come to this? plus seattle residents are saying the rising rate of violent crime and crime among the city's booming homeless population is pushing them out of the city. our next guest is one of them. stick with us. it's my 3:10, no-exit-in-sight, migraine medicine. it's ubrelvy. for anytime, anywhere, migraine strikes. without worrying if it's too late or where i am. one dose can quickly stop my migraine in its tracks within 2 hours. unlike older medicines, ubrelvy is a pill that directly blocks cgrp protein, believed to be a cause of migraine. do not take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. most common side effects were nausea and tiredness. ask about ubrelvy and learn how abbvie can help you save. this isn't dry food or wet food. it's not burnt brown pellets. the farmer's dog makes it simple to feed your dog real food. it's real meat and veggies. freshly-made. developed with vets. delivered right to your door. that's why dog lovers are choosing the farmer's dog. a smarter, healthier pet food. delivered. visit and get 50% off your first box of food. new projects means new project managers. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. when you sponsor a job, you immediately get your shortlist of quality candidates, whose resumes on indeed match your job criteria. visit and get started today. 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asked if his city is safe. >> that's a tough question. seattle is on a trajectory to be one of the safest cities in this country and i will make sure of that and why i got elected. >> gillian: many seattle says they're so tired of the homeless population and rising crime they're considering moving out all together. our next guest has made that leap. lyle goodrich joins us. you were with us last year and talked about the problems you were seeing firsthand inside seattle. remind us quickly about that and then take a look back and tell us are you happy now with the decision you made to leave? >> right. at our local elementary school in seattle it came overrun with a homeless encampment. a lot of drug use, weapons, violence, gunfire and then it turned out that the school district was actually funding an organization that was paying for meth for the people living at our school. before that happened, i had to get out of there and get my kids out of that situation. definitely one of the best things i've ever done for my family. getting out of seattle. it is not a normal place to be. it is not normal to have to scan for needles when you walk down the street or take your kids to a playground. not normal to be accosted by people in crisis walking your kids down the street. consider leaving seattle. it has gotten out of control over there. completely out of hand. >> gillian: take a look at this. seattle crime rate right now as we stand today aggravated assault is up 24%, homicide down 25%. rape actually some good news, down 1%. robbery is up 18%. any of those numbers surprise you? >> yeah, i think they are dated. we're at 17 homicides right now. so that's on track to be probably an all-time record by the time the year is out. these are from elevated levels of 2020 was pretty bad. 2021 was a little bit better and things are bad in 2022 now. another thing -- >> gillian: go ahead, ryle. >> another thing to point out our police have been so under funded they are no longer looking into sexual assault crimes against adults. they only have enough police officers to investigate crimes against children. so things are completely out of control in seattle still. the new mayor is trying to do better and i wish him all the best. >> gillian: so it turns out there is about 11,000 homeless people according to the city inside living in the city today. have you heard anything about efforts to try and move them into either temporary or permanent housing? 11,000 frankly doesn't seem like an insurmountable numbers compared to cities like new york and san francisco. what are you hearing? >> well per capita that's pretty high. seattle has come up with a plan. we created the king county homeless authority buying up hotels in the region. the idea is that the homeless population will now be housed somewhat in seattle and somewhat in the nearby towns like kirk land and bellevue. that's what the plan is now. buying up hotels in nearby cities trying to help the homeless there. >> gillian: thanks again for sharing your story, your family's story with us. we wish you all the best. >> thanks for having me on. >> dana: fox news alert. president biden is spending the day at camp david but rest and relaxation may seem far away as the economic crisis intensifies. his administration trying to get a handle on surging inflation and supply problems that refuse to go away. i'm dana perino. bill hemmer has the day off. >> gillian: i'm in for bill, i'm gillian turner in washington that hit to americans' wallets is dragging down president biden's poll numbers now. his approval rating is a new low of 33% nationwide. former house speaker newt gingrich is the president caving to his left leaning part of his party. >> you have a socialism and woke secular religion. the problem that biden has is that he can't break loose from it. so biden sits there and does more of what doesn't work and then tries to blame putin or somebody, the big corporations. there is always somebody else. >> dana: we're live at the white house with more. alexandria, hi. >> the president left for camp david from north carolina where he defended his handling of the economy. in greensboro yesterday he spoke of supply chain issues, job creation and inflation that hit a 41-year high last month. >> president biden: 70% of the increase in inflation was the consequence of putin's price hike because of the impact on oil prices, 70%. we need to address these high prices and urgently for working folks out there. >> inflation was on the rise prior to the invasion of ukraine. mortgage rates have hit 5% for the first time in over a decade. the combination of rising mortgage rates, elevated home prices and tight inventory are making the pursuit of homeownership the most expensive in a generation. interviewed on the podcast white house press secretary jen psaki said this about rising costs across the board. >> we all agree it's a huge problem. the number one issue in polls. everyone thinks costs are too high. they are. oftentimes we get a little cannibalistic what our own plans are and whether they're good enough or we're passing them fast enough or what have you. and really, if you look at the other side, there is nothing in the cupboard. they have zero plan. >> but the messaging coming out of the white house using terms like putin price hike hasn't helped the poll. the latest out of quinnipiac only 33% of americans approve of the president's job performance. democrats hope it is not an indication toward mid-term candidates. election day is seven months away. >> dana: the white house looks today with the green grass after the rain. thank you so much. >> gillian: private equity form is considering a bid to buy the social media network setting them up to go toe-to-toe with elon musk that it would be indefensible that twitter put his cash over to a shareholder vote. susan lee is in the newsroom in new york with the details. susan. >> we don't know how much thomas broad voe is bidding but elon musk. the ceo yesterday said the board is still evaluating the musk bid. some of the reports coming out from the all-hands staff meeting suggest employees at twitter are really concerned about potential layoffs, asking about stock compensation and culture if elon musk steps in. we heard elon musk in vancouver and he is expressing skepticism an doubt the deal might go sure. >> i'm not sure i will be able to acquire it. i should also say the intent is to retain as many shareholders as is allowed by the law in a private company, which i think is around 2,000 or so. it is not like from the standpoint of let me figure out how to mon op lies my ownership of twitter but bring along as many shareholders as allowed to. >> you would like them to come with you. >> i could technically afford it. >> we know elon musk is worth over $250 billion. a lot of that -- roughly around 70% of his wealth is tied up in tesla stock and options. $40 billion in spacex. a healthy dose of skepticism where he will come up with the cash to make up for the other $40 billion in twitter stock that he doesn't already own. overnight by the way we have vanguard, one of the large etf mutual fund giants, the single largest shareholder surpassing mucke's 9% stake. interesting to see how it plays out. >> gillian: susan lee in new york, thank you so much. dana. >> we're seeing people that are coming across the border and just being released. they are taking selfies at the wall. it shows you that they have absolutely no regard for our law. they know they will get released. they're being rewarded. this administration has brought back catch and release and what has put this crisis on steroids. and there is no end in sight. >> dana: the head of the national border patrol council warning. the crisis is about to get worse. a new migrant caravan is making its way to the u.s. arriving on may 23, the day biden's pandemic title 42 is set to expire. sean duffy is joining us now. members of congress from both sides of the aisle saying to the administration what are you thinking? we know what is going to happen. last week secretary mayorkas said they know that 18,000 per day is likely. he said but it is impossible to predict what would happen. we're seeing it and we know what will happen. i think you can predict it, sean. >> what's interesting is the biden administration wants to lift title 42. a pandemic restriction on the border sending people back to mexico. we know how well it's work. border has been a disaster. a finger in the dike of the dam that has stopped some of the flow of migrants. they lift that. but at the same time remember democrats in congress wanted to pass an additional $10 billion for covid spending. that didn't get through. biden reinstated the mask mandates on aircraft. we want to lift restrike tuns at the border and asking for more money and more restrictions with mask in america. talk about the politics you're right. it is not that democrats don't agree with open borders and don't agree with the folks coming in. you have senators like warnock in georgia who radical left winger who loves this policy but can't get elected unless he pushes back. mark kelly in arizona. many up for reelection and they're being affected by this. you have them pushing back. >> dana: you mentioned mark kelly. the senator from arizona in for a tough reelection race. maggie from new hampshire is not a southern border state but she was there at the border this week making sure people back home know for a couple of reasons. one, there is the issue of just not even having a process and lawlessness on the border. the other thing is, sean, somebody like senator hassan hears every day about the opioid and fentanyl epidemic ravaging many states including new hampshire. a piece that might not get enough attention. >> not just the spending in schools or social services. the competition for labor in your community but the drugs coming in. it is affecting everyone across the country. the number of people dying from fentanyl is incredible. these senators want to show they are engaged and dana just as a father, i will look at joe biden as the father of america. the president. as fathers we have to take care of our own kids before we look out for the neighbors' kids. the problems in america, inflation, gas prices rising, crime, foreign policy issues in ukraine and russia. rising threat of china, the fact that joe biden isn't focusing our resources and attention on those issues that affect americans and he wants to open the border up, i think makes no sense to me but makes no sense to americans and the american voert which is why i think democrats will get pummeled. he could change course and fix this and most americans would agree with him. i don't understand politically why he wouldn't go in a different direction and save his hide from getting trounced in november. >> dana: do it for the merits or politics. it is confusing. have a great weekend. >> you, too, dana. >> gillian: border agents accused of whipping migrants will not face criminal charges. you remember these images taken last september? the biden administration, including the president himself and the press secretary, condemned those agents, accused them of mistreatment based on the footage. but it turns out after investigation they weren't brandishing whips or deploying them against people. those are reins used for controlling horses. now that no criminal wrongdoing is found we aren't seeing a lot of corrections from the administration or frankly the media. what do you think? >> dana: when it happened last year i was horrified. i have a family that uses horses to do their job. clear from the beginning they weren't whipping migrants. it was slow walked by the administration and all these agents deserve an apology. they've been on desk duty since this happened and now that title 42 will be lifted they need every able-bodied person to be working. look at what the media did at the time. >> i was not aware that whips, which come from slavery era, were part of the package. >> we saw the image of one border patrol agent using a whip. >> potentially as a whip. >> appearing to whip. >> dana: these people deserve an apology and i think it would do the media a world of good to confess up here and the white house and administration needs to do the same. >> brit hume made that same point earlier this week. he said these are border agents who serve in the administration of president biden. the commander-in-chief called it out. where is the reversal on this? >> dana: now to the war on ukraine. they are working around the clock to get weapons there. russia may intensify its attacks in the donbas region within days. mark meredith joins us live from the pentagon with more. we're going into the weekend. they will take no break in this war. >> you're right about that one. the pentagon insists it is working around the clock to give ukraine the aid it needs the latest outgoing weapons package totaling more than $800 million to give ukraine a shot in defending the donbas regions where the russians will step up increased attacks in the coming days. the u.s. says it is moving aid as quickly as possible releasing video showing soldiers putting together some of the weapons making their way to ukraine. this is all tied to a previous package approved last month that should be wrapped up to ukraine within a matter of days. look at all the weapons the u.s. is sending into ukraine. the pentagon putting out a full list to give people an idea what kind of help this includes everything from helicopters and drones to thousands of anti-tank missiles. now in the past the russians have said that they see these weapon shipments as legitimate targets but so far since the war started we haven't seen the russians attack the weapon convoys. that could change, though. the "washington post" reporting this morning that earlier in the week russia warned the u.s. that it is very upset about these continued weapons shipments into ukraine. still u.s. officials insist there are no signs they plan to let up. >> we're not taking it for granted and neither are the ukrainians, either. we get these things into their hands and they are moving it inside their country. and i think the less we say about that, the better. >> and while the u.s. says the russian forces have retreated from trying to capture kyiv russia poses a threat in terms of air strikes on the capital city even today we heard from russia's defense minister who said if ukraine were to start attacking targets in russian territory they would retaliate by attacking targets in kyiv. a lot of people curious and eager to see whether this goes from there. >> gillian: mark meredith at the pentagon. thank you. american manufacturing now is putting its shoulder to the wheel for the people of ukraine. >> everyone who works here knows what an important job this is in history right now. >> that's right. they are hands on with the war effort. many are veterans. most, if not all, are family members of veterans. >> gillian: douglas kennedy looks at the workers behind the american arsenal. plus a new warning on nuclear talks with iran from those who served at the highest levels of government. what dozens of former generals and admirals are now saying. you're a target for chronic kidney disease. you can already have it and not know it. if you have chronic kidney disease your kidney health could depend on what you do today. ♪far-xi-ga♪ farxiga is a pill that works in the kidneys to help slow the progression of chronic kidney disease. farxiga can cause serious side effects including dehydration, urinary tract or genital yeast infections in women and men, and low blood sugar. ketoacidosis is a serious side effect that may lead to death. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this bacterial 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debates saying the commission east inherent bias dealing with the 2020 presidential debates and their refusal to enact common sense reform to insure fairness. the committee is not moving away from the presidential debate format entirely not yet. but they are objecting to the commission 's control over the protest. >> dana: protests in grand rapids, michigan for a third day following the release of four videos showing the circumstances surrounding the fatal shoongt of a black man by a police officer in may of 2021. mike tobin is live in chicago. this was almost a year ago but the videos are now released. >> now you have the family of that black man shot in the back of the head by a grand rapids police officer saying they want criminal charges against the officer who killed him. a combination of dash kam, body cam and eyewitness video that shows what happen april 4 in grand rapids. 26-year-old was pulled over for tags that don't match the video. he seems confused and runs and is tackled. taser used. the man grabs the taser and after two minutes of wrestling the officer shot the man in the back of the head. his father said the family fled genocide in the congo to have his son executed in michigan. word for word here is the translation. my heart is deeply broken. i didn't know. i didn't believe in this country there is a genocide in this country. i didn't believe that here in america there would be an execution-style killing. meantime high profile civil rights attorney crump is representing the man's family comparing the killing to war crimes in ukraine. >> if it's wrong to shoot civilians in the back of the head in the ukraine, it is wrong for police to shoot civilians in the back of the head here in grand rapids, michigan. >> as you mentioned protestors have been gathering daily in grand rapids. protests have been peaceful. no destruction or arrests. >> dana: thank you. >> gillian: concerns over the ongoing nuclear negotiations with iran. retired admirals and generals are strongly objecting to entering a new deal. they say it would weaken our nation's position to old iran accountable. a special assistance to president bush as managing director strategic advisory firm beacon global strategies. great to see you today. the letter from the generals and admirals. let's pull it up so viewers can see it. they say the new deal currently being negotiated which russia played a central role in crafting will enable to world leading state sponsor of terrorism to cast its own nuclear shadow over the middle east. we keep hearing this criticism of the new round of negotiations over and over again. why does russia have a seat at the negotiating table on the same side as the u.s. while they are plundering europe? >> it is a great question. russia historically was involved back in the obama administration and they have continued to play a role. but we ought to look at that very, very critically. russia is aligned with iran and wants to do its bidding. iran is up to no good. they try and steal and otherwise hide what they are up to. and we need to be very, very careful to insure that the biden administration at the very least tries to get longer timelines on some of the centrifuge limits that were in the original deal. >> gillian: a couple weeks ago we were hearing from all sides from the iranians, europeans, even from the state department that a deal was imminent. this would be inked in a day and less than a day and any minute now. it's kind of floated off into the ether. do you know what's happened during the talks? >> as i understand it, it is a presidential-level decision now. the president has to decide whether he wants to be able to strike this particular deal here and whether it is good for the united states. i don't think it is. it is not longer and stronger as they pledged. we're actually getting less for more and so i think the congress is going to be very skeptical of it. i think the president is trying to make a political calculation. >> gillian: i want to make sure i ask you about the latest happening on the ground inside ukraine. we keep hearing from various countries now the military assessment is the russians could completely take over mariupol the city that they've razed to the ground. is it a game changer? >> i worry about it for a ukrainians. it will be a russian morale boost. they haven't been able to do anything very significantly. but it also has some strategic value. it is on the coast and it may allow the russians to have a new staging area down south so they can go north. >> gillian: you traveled all over the world with president bush. you know what goes into decisions about where the commander-in-chief goes and when he goes there. do you think the biden team should be thinking seriously about sending him himself into ukraine any time soon? >> absolutely. as you remember, president bush went to iraq and surprised everybody. it was a huge morale boost for the military and country to see him there. president biden should have done this already. it is time he go soon. >> gillian: i wasn't expecting you to say that. thank you for joining us. >> thank you so much. >> dana: americans feeling no relief as prices continue to rise higher and higher. how much longer can consumers foot the bill for biden inflation? we ask the money team. veteran homeowners, need a financial boost? the newday 100 va loan lets you borrow up to 100% of your home's value and take out up to $60,000 or more. give them a call. veteran homeowners, newday wants to help you use your va home loan benefit to get more. more cash, more savings, more peace of mind. the newday 100 va loan lets you borrow up to 100% of your home's value. up to $60,000 or more. veterans are saving an average of $615 every month. with more ways to help more veteran families, no bank, no lender, no one knows veterans like newday usa. exploring the heart of historic europe with viking, you'll get closer to iconic landmarks, to local life and legendary 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criminals roll up in as many as five vehicles to commit some of these crimes and some of the suspects are associated with one of 17 gangs. lapd started a follow home robbery task force in november after a victim was killed. the head of the task force says 46 suspects were arrested for these crimes. almost all of them are repeat offenders and half of them are no longer in custody. he believes they should face different penalties. >> there is no demonstration that there is significant consequence to this at this time. once they bail out they aren't going back to court for five or six months. >> officers arrest people and they some of these people are being released faster that they can finish the report. you look at it within 72 hours he has been arrested three times. when it will stop? it makes no sense. >> despite criticism over the ongoing violence la county d.a. george gascon is sticking to his criminal justice reform including not prosecuting juveniles as adults for certain crimes and ending cash bail. >> i have think what we're soft on crime when you talk about the revolving door that we've seen in the past, it is the repeat rate we've seen with the traditional system. >> at this point lapd tells me well over a dozen of these follow-home robbery suspects are still at large. dana. >> dana: thank you so much. gillian. >> gillian: supply chain issues have sparked delays and shortages worldwide. the white house is warning it won't end any time soon. economists say the supply crisis will outlast the pandemic while covid exposed supply chain problems it did not create them. they are predicting climate change and other factors will complicate global trade for years to come. >> dana: american wallets are suffering as gas prices continue to sore and inflation a 41-year high. new data revealing that nearly all the incoos in retail sales last month was spent at the gas pump. let's bring in the money team. austan. when people dread going to the grocery store and gas station it has an effect on their morale. >> yeah, look, i think that's right. strangely in the consumer confidence numbers, they went up by much more than what was expected. that was a little weird. overall you are 100% right that as prices go up and especially gas prices, that's the big headline price that everyone sees when they drive down the street and it does affect their morale. >> dana: what did you make of that number with consumer confidence hanging in there? >> still pretty low. it was a nice jump up. i hate to say i told you to to you and austan but i've been saying on this show for six, seven, eight months beware inflation. this tiger has been let out of the cage and will be very difficult to capture again. we've seen remember 4%, 6%, 7, now 8 1/2% inflation. i want to make sure that people understand one of the major reasons for this 40-year high in inflation has been the spending binge we saw under biden. $3 trillion of extra spending flooding the zone with all this extra money where you would see higher prices. my biggest concern, i'm not hearing a company hereent anti-inflation strategy from the biden administration. blaming it on putin isn't a strategy. >> dana: call for number one. this is inflation and then wages, okay? wages are not keeping up with inflation. there is that. then you mention the putin price hike, the hashtag the white house likes. take a look at president biden saying this over and over. >> president biden: make no mistake inflation is largely the fault of putin. reason for inflation is vladimir putin. the current spike in gas prices largely the fault of vladimir putin. nothing to do with the american rescue plan. putin's invasion of ukraine has driven up gas and food prices. >> dana: do you think it's effective for the president to say that? >> i don't know if it's effective. on the price of oil it is clear in the data the first report of putin massing troops outside of ukraine is when the world price of oil starts skyrocketing in december of last year. on the non-gasoline part, prices were definitely going up before. i think steve's view that that came from cares act and rescue plan in the united states has a little bit of a hard time explaining why inflation is up almost the same amount in europe and why on the producer side wholesale price inflation is actually higher in europe and in china than it has been in the united states. i think this supply chain problem -- series of problems that you guys mentioned in the segment right before we came on, that's a worldwide issue and one we're still trying to deal with. i think as we get past covid and go back to spending on services it will make that better. >> dana: the other story that is fascinating is watching what's happening in shanghai with 25 million people locked down in china. president xi saying he won't give up. the supply chain problems we have now won't they be exacerbated by all that? >> let's get the statistics straight here. the month that donald trump left office in january of 2021, when the economy was in a full recovery. we didn't need the american economic recovery act. the economy was recovering. inflation rate was 1 1/2% 14 months ago. 14 months later at 8 1/2% and it seems to be a direct correlation between the biden presidency. on the energy issue, no question about it. putin's policies have led to higher gas prices but our whole strategy in the trump administration, austan, was to make america energy independent and to be all in on american energy so we didn't have to worry about all these other countries and we've moved away from that energy independence to now having to import the oil and that gives more power to our enemies. i just do not understand the biden energy policy and you are right about the lockdowns, by the way. the lockdowns had a severe negative effect in the united states and china and it will make the -- i saw 60 billion dollars a month is what the lockdowns are costing the china economy now. >> dana: a quick thought on the china lockdown and how it will affect us. >> it will affect the supply chains. we have been through two years of trying to diversify the supply chain from china. it won't be as big an impact as it was at the beginning of the crisis. the chinese have a crummy vaccine and they're trying to have zero spread. something as contagious as the new variants is impossible. they won't be able to do this. >> dana: they tell the people please control your soul's desire for freedom. >> yeah, and food. that won't work. >> black lives matter leadership is being questioned by conservatives if they violated tax laws to used private donations they purchased a mansion that they have will use for business purposes when the house is still zoned as a residence. judge pirro will join us next. it's still the eat fresh refresh, and subway's refreshing their italians. so, we're taking this to italy. refresh. because subway now has italian-style capicola on the new mozza meat 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settlement the u.s. park police and united states secret service are making some changes going forward. on june 1 chaos ensued in the famous park across from the white house. it happened a week after the death of minnesota resident george floyd at the hands of police officer. it brought forth violent protests. may 31 people set fire to st. john's church. every president since james madison has attended a service at st. john's. the changes require officers to implement guidelines with non-lethal force and permitting demonstrators to disperse. as for the secret service policies will change to prohibit blanket grounds for use of force, declaration of unlawful assembly even if people have broken the law. every situation will be on a case-by-case basis. de-escalation is the goal. black lives matter d.c. and individuals sued the u.s. government as part of the settlement. all claims against the government are dropped. gillian. >> gillian: david spunt. thank you so much. >> dana: watchdog group filing a complaint with the i.r.s. the puts the spotlight on black lives matter to investigate the far left group and co-founder whether they broke the rules. at issue a $6 million mansion that blm paid for with donated money. here is judge jeanine pirro. we talked about this last night on "the five" and the legal policy center said we need to look into it. i don't think blm expected any of it. >> they did everything they could to hide this not just from their donors but from all of us. there is a form called 990 which every charity is required to file with the government. significantly so that people who donate money to a charitable organization know how their money is being used. and black lives matter ended up purchasing a home in california for 2 1/2 million dollars over the asking price and within a week of the house being for sale for 3.1, they bought it for 5.7 and immediately put it in the name of a private corporation and interestingly enough, dana, they used the law firm perkins coie to put it in the name of the shell corporation. as a result of that, black lives matter, none of the donors, the government doesn't know anything about this. they used all cash to purchase the home and instead of opening it up to black lives matter, the organization, patricia, the co-founder lives in it for a short time. her mother works there. her brother is the head of security there. her sister is signed on to work there as well and she now is upset that the government is using form 990 to weaponize. >> dana: we have that. you have to see this. watch here. >> it is such a trip now to hear the word, the term 990. it is like a triggering. this isn't safe for us this 990 structure, this is like deeply unsafe. like this is being literally weaponized against us. they know what they are doing. like how to create the infighting and the distrust. we have to stop it. >> dana: it's amazing. that law applies to everybody. how can it be a target to them? >> think about it. everybody watching us now knows this is april. they have to file a tax return. that's right. we're all triggered but we follow the law. and for them to say the law is being weaponized against them when they did everything in their power circumstantially proofing the i.r.s's case, civil and criminal as alleged by the watchdog group indicates that they knew what the law was and now they are saying you are using it against us. yeah. the government passes laws for good reason. >> dana: i don't want to let this go. listen to mayor adams and we'll get a quick thought. this is what he said yesterday. >> black lives matters the thousands of people i saw on the street when floyd was murdered should be on the street right now stating that the lives of these black children that are dying every night matters. they can't be hypocrites. >> dana: there is the mayor. you see him all week. >> it's about time. the first time i have heard the mayor say that all black lives matter when a year ago when he was running if you said that you would be canceled. you know what? finally he wants to say it, god bless him for saying it. it is about time we recognize that all black lives matter and not just those -- >> dana: judge it's a real joy to know you. >> thank you, dana. vice versa. >> gillian: ukraine has been asking for high grade weapons before it was invaded. the biden administration agreeing to fulfill some of those requests with a new $800 million supply. next we take you inside a military manufacturing plant where humvees are being readied for shipment. stick with us. day. because you are greater than your bipolar i, and you can help take control of your symptoms - and ask about vraylar. some medicines only treat the lows or highs. once-daily vraylar is proven to treat depressive, acute manic, and mixed episodes of bipolar i in adults. full-spectrum relief for all bipolar i symptoms. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. call your doctor about unusual 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douglas, i'm looking forward to this story. >> some are debating which weapons to send to ukraine. others are busy making them. understanding exactly what's at stake. >> you are making stuff here that will be used to defend democracy, defend freedom, and really save the lives of innocent people. >> that's right. these are on the battlefield right now in ukraine and more are on the way. we couldn't be more proud of the purpose they serve. >> maker of the high mobility military vehicles the u.s. has used in combat for over 35 years. this is the m-1151 made and tested right here in south bend, indiana. recently the u.s. approved sending at least 90. this the perfect for the mountainous region of ukraine and the wide open spaces. >> it is. the versatility of this vehicle off road is amazing. >> spifsically designed to climb steep terrain or making sharp turns and has the weapons ring on top where soldiers can mount combat guns or missile launchers, part of an overall made in america package that includes 1400 stingers thousands of javelins and 900 kamikaze drones. weapons the u.s. will allow ukraine to defend itself against further russian attacks. not everyone believes defense is enough. defense alone is not going to win this war. >> no, it's not. ukrainians will have to conduct a counter offensive. >> he says ukraine will need to retake land, something they simply can't do while the russians relentlessly bombard them from the sky. this is what zelenskyy has been saying from the very beginning. they need weapons to take out the high-flying planes that the stingers and javelins simply can't hit. >> yes. they need more than that. they need tanks, armored personal carriers and artillery seasons to liberate their territory from the russians. >> it's also imperative to move personnel around quickly, perfect for the combat trucks which can be fitted to carry up to nine soldiers at a time. once these vehicles are in ukraine, you don't care whether they are offense or defense. just as long as they are helping. >> that's right. the mission is freedom. >> right now freedom is calling for a lot of weapons including many made right here in the u.s. that's it from here. back to you, dana and gillian. >> dana: thank you. that's really interesting. appreciate your time today. >> gillian: take a look at this. animals at the london zoo are enjoying an early easter. an easter egg hunt for the gorillas. it looks like a lot of fun. >> dana: when judge jeanine was the picture of easter i don't have anything for percy, my dog. this is your daughter. is this your daughter's first easter? >> it will be. we'll do easter and passover. she will get a whole lot of celebration. >> dana: she gets it all. indeed. wonderful to be with you. "the faulkner focus" is up next. julie banderas is in for harris. here is julie. >> fox news alert a media meltdown that elon musk might spring free speech to twitter. tesla's ceo is saying he is willing to pay $43 billion to buy out twitter and make it a private company. but the social media giant is reportedly considering a so-called poison pill strategy to stop musk from taking over. musk has even teased a plan b if his offer is

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Round , State Sponsor , Nuclear Shadow , Historically , Negotiating Table , Bidding , Hearing , Timelines , Centrifuge Limits , Iranians , Ether , Calculation , Military Assessment , Mariupol , Morale , Value , Boost , Game Changer , Decisions , All Over The World , Coast , Staging Area , Money Team , Relief , Homeowners , Biden Inflation , Consumers , Newday 100 Va Loan , 100 , Newday , Home Loan , Call , Va , 60000 , 0000 , Savings , Average , No One , Bank , Lender , 615 , 15 , Landmarks , Viking , Treasures , Extras , Viking Longships , Cultural Enrichment , Wi Fi , Cruise Line , Readers , Excursions , CondÉ Nast , Upbeat Music Playing , Home Sweet Weathertech , Water , Floors , Standing , Dirt Stays Outside , Mark , Products , Sink , Weathertech Com , Helen , Investment Ideas , Exercise , Diabetes , Baby , Eyes , Libre 2 , Glucose Levels , Mystery , Glucose , Medicare , Jewelry , Law And Order , Level , Robberies , Street Gangs , Suspects , Car , Bags , Designer , Scouting , Christina Coleman , Woman , Store , Incidents , Downtown L A , 211 , Six , Vehicles , Criminals , Repeat Offenders , Home Robbery Task Force , Task Force , Gangs , Victim , Point Lapd , 46 , Demonstration , Custody , Penalties , Officers , 72 , George Gascon , Criminal Justice , Repeat Rate , Revolving Door , Bail , Juveniles , Robbery Suspects , System , Dozen , Supply Chain , Supply Chain Problems , Supply Crisis , Delays , High , Suffering , Factors , Global Trade , Incoos , Gas Station , Grocery Store , Sales , Austan , Gas Pump , Effect , Consumer Confidence Numbers , Headline Price , Consumer Confidence , Show , Tiger , Cage , Eight , 6 , 8 1 2 , 40 , We Saw Under Biden , Zone , Trillion , 3 Trillion , Wages , Concern , Putin Isn T A Strategy , Hereent Anti Inflation , Fault , Mistake Inflation , Hashtag , Putin Price Hike , Food Prices , Gas , Spike , Oil , Troops , View , Rescue , Cares , Skyrocketing , Steve , Price Inflation , Producer Side , Amount , Supply Chain Problem , Segment , Statistics , Office , Recovery , January Of 2021 , Presidency , Inflation Rate , Correlation , The American Economic Recovery Act , 1 2 , 14 , Energy Issue , On American Energy , America Energy Independent , Energy Independence , Biden Energy Policy , Lockdowns , Negative , 60 Billion Dollars , 60 Billion , Won T , Chinese , Beginning , Variants , Crummy Vaccine , Spread , Desire For Freedom , Soul , Won T Work , Lives , Mansion , Conservatives , Donations , Tax Laws , Business Purposes , Leadership , Jeanine Pirro , Residence , Subway , Refresh , Italians , Mozza Meat , Italy , Italian Food , Meats , Smell , Feeling , Refres , Sound Engineer , Record Label , Taking Off , Visit Indeed Com Hire Gillian , Settlement , Church , George Floyd , Fronts , Police Murder , Arsonists , Lafayette Park , Justice Department , Historical Church , John S Church , St , David Spunt , United States Secret Service , June 1 2020 , Chaos , Famous Park , Minnesota , June 1 , Service , People Set Fire To St , James Madison , May 31 , 31 , Force , Demonstrators , Guidelines , John S , Use , Assembly , Blanket Grounds , Declaration , Watchdog Group , Goal , De Escalation , Group , Co Founder , Complaint , Irs , Rules , Spotlight , Blm , Judge , The Five , Million , 6 Million , Donors , Charity , All Of Us , Policy Center , 990 , In The Name Of , Shell Corporation , Sale , California , 5 7 , 3 1 , 2 1 Million Dollars , Perkins Coie , None , The Law Firm , Brother , Mother , Sister , Patricia , Weaponize , Isn T Safe , Term , Distrust , Infighting , Tax Return , Criminal , Thought , Go , Floyd , Night Matters , God , Dana , Joy , Vice Versa , Military Manufacturing Plant , Grade Weapons , Supply , Shipment , Requests , Humvees , Bipolar , Ask , Medicines , Take Control , Vraylar , Highs , Lows , Depressive , Episodes , Dementia , Behavior , Patients , Manic , Muscle Movements , Muscles , Thoughts , Confusion , High Blood Sugar , Antidepressants , Fever , Weight Gain , Coma , 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