Transcripts For FOXNEWS Jesse Watters Primetime 20240708 : c

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Jesse Watters Primetime 20240708

wealth and smarts to become iron man. now, we don't live in that fantasy world there are no super heroes waiting around to fix our problems. just a couple of rich guys trying to do some good things. the real tony stark. you got your fingers in so many advanced technologies, are you sincerely trying to save the world? >> well, i'm trying to do good things, yeah. pete that was 2015. this morning elon musk the world's richest man made a move to take over twitter. and resurrect free speech. the social media giant has spent years it criticizing and censors they who they disagree with. now they met their match. offer to buy twitter $43 billion. a deal that is set to turn the company private if it's successful and give elon full control this is democrats losing control of their grasp over big tech and americans waking in a major win. twitter acting as an arm of the democratic party for years using it to strangle the political narrative and censor their enemies. that's all thanks to the liberal hacks sitting in the sweet seats of twitter headquarters who are more than willing to sell themselves out to that very same democratic party that could all change with a musk takeover. because, for once, this isn't about power and money. musk is doing it to save free speech. saying this today. >> it's important to the function of democracy, it's important to the function of the united states as a free country and many other countries and help -- actually to help freedom in the world. >> he went on to say you don't have free speech unless people can say things you don't like and you can attempt to beat that speech. you guess the people that love to tout democracy man is that a code world for everything. they would be getting behind him at this point. but, nope. that's not the case. liberals and the legacy media are losing it just at the thought of elon's disarming twitter's censor department. >> troubling enough that private companies control these key communication platforms around the world. maybe it's even worse to have the world's richest person trying to buy one of them and take it private. >> seismic decisions that will have ramifications not only inside the tech world but in politics, finance, and, perhaps even our debate about free speech. >> you know, when talking about this, it's kind of funny, elon musk wants to buy it but there are massive life and globe altering consequences for just letting people run wild on the thing. >> massive, global consequences. how dare we let people run wild. and "the washington post" max boot, he is really worried saying this, quote: i'm frightened by the impact on society and politics if elon musk acquires twitter. he seems to believe that social media on fish media anything goes for democracy to survive. we need more content moderation not less. i have met max booth. not that impressive. pretty rich for a guy employed by "the washington post." which is owned by jeff bezos. the second richest man in the world. >> they are saying we need to silence more conservatives not let them go off on twitter. letting republicans speak freely would be anti-democratic according to them. the twitter mob wants to keep things tight right where they like it. axios explains it as, quote: twitter where journalists congregate and do work. they don't want to be working on elon musk private play pen. they had no problem playing around in dorsey's play pen though. i guess what they really want is just to keep twitter to themselves. the last thing they want to do is talk to real americans or hear from them. they would rather keep them silent and let the liberal elite do all the talking. you see, the stats actually do speak for themselves. about 10% of people on twitter put out 80% of the tweets. that's 10% of people pretty much controlling the entire platform they are spewing lies without anyone calling them for it giving them control of the narrative so they can sway elections in their favor. it worked for them in 2020 owhen democrats went knocking on jack dorsey's door telling him to completely black out hunter biden's laptop. they even went so far as to boot the nation's oldest paper the "new york post" right off the twitter. can you imagine if twitter was open to free speech at that time. democrats would have lost, and they know it. but that didn't happen because they had a grip over big tech and what voters saw. the discourse. and twitter was bending a knee to help democrats, of course. that's how it works when you are the party of no substance and you rely on executives of twitter to help you push phoney narratives and you are never held to account for it. but if elon musk takes over, maybe things will change. elon says he will let real uncensored and unfiltered speech go on twitter. and liberals would lose their grip setting the bounds of every single discussion and battle. you just imagine what would happen to the twitter mob? elon musk would completely change the culture of social media. the twitter mob would be completely lost. they are used to social media amplifying their ideas and, you know, censors anyone who disagrees. but if musk buys twitter, it might just level the playing field. and that's all we are asking for. because, when our ideas meet on a level playing field, we win the debate. seth dillon is the ceo of babylon bee and still locked out of twitter. seth, am i overstating this case? are we overstating the implications a free speech absolutist potentially taking over a platform like twitter? >> not at all. not at all. i mean, look, the guy, he wants to see free speech flourish, he wants to see people who can disagree with each other. i think he kind of defined free speech being if you are allowed to say things to people that don't like you and don't want to hear what you have to say if you are allowed to do that anyway, even if you don't like it or want to hear it, that's free speech. twitter has been clamping down on that a lot. their mission is to promote a diverse viewpoint platform. they are talking about how they in their mission statement how they want to represent a diverse range of viewpoints how they not barriers to free expression. and in practice, i mean we see barriers all over the place. their ideology is baked into the terms of service. if you don't agree with what they have to say, you get shut down for hate speech. not that they have a problem with hate speech at all they just hate speech. they hate free speech. musk sees that and he wants to do something about it and i give him credit for that. >> pete: do we have the clip of elon musk today making that very statement that you did, seth, about disagreeing? i don't think we have it. but he made that point, if we can listen to people we disagree with, we have a fighting chance. ultimately, you got locked out of twitter. your parody site locked out of twitter for talking about whether a man is a woman a man is a man. gender pronouns. woman of the year is a man. so that type of speech from a parody account interest is unacceptable yet, they say it's an open field of diversity viewpoint. >> yeah. well, i mean, of course they have rigged the game. they have rigged the game like i said their ideology is baked into the terms of service. so they have all these rules that, you know, you are not allowed to joke about certain things. they have got all these off limit things considered punching down, hate speech under the guise of comedy or satire. they are really just requiring you to agree with their ideology up and down. you have to agree with it or else you get the boot. even in our situation, they want us to delete this tweet and in deleting it, affirm that we violated their terms, that we engaged in hateful conduct. we disagree that we engaged in hateful conduct. it wasn't hateful conduct. in fact, we spoke the truth with our joke. and that's exactly what comedians are supposed to do. supposed to poke holes in the popular narrative not promote the popular narrative. twitter is rigging the system so comedians can't do that. >> pete: for the average folks i'm off of twitter and i love it. it's -- i don't miss it one bit. i think a lot of people out there wrote twitter off a long time ago. it is a bunch of journalists talking to each other. does it have a chance were elon musk to actually take it over and take it private to bring people back in and say, hey, we really are open here, join the conversation? >> well, there is a lot of platforms that are dedicated to doing that already. parler is out there. parler was this platform that got deplat platformed go build your own and took the ground underneath it there are platforms that respect free speech. if musk was to take over twitter, i think there would be a fighting chance for freedom on the platform. there is obviously going to be a lot of opposition to it a lot of people will quit in protest. generally i do believe that people will not leave the platform to go start their own. they are just going to gripe about it they will whine about it they have followers they can't take with them. this is the problem with these platforms. you don't own your audience. you can't take it with you. stuck on a platform even though they have a problem with free speech. they are calling for more moderation and not less. what that means is they want less opinions they don't like. they don't want criticism. don't want to be called feigns and fools even though they deserve it. >> pete: all their blue checkmark censors who thought they had a safe space and now realize it might have to deal with real free speech. seth, good on you for not deleting that tweet and sticking up for it. >> thank you. >> pete: love the babylon bee. turn to vivek ramaswamy, author of upcoming book nation of victims. vivek, you thought a lot about this, i thought for the longest time twitter was basically a lost cause that it was time for conservings to find its own -- their own ecosystem to say we are not welcome here. we will start something else. is there really a chance that this platform could be recaptured? you know a lot about corporate cultures. there is a culture at twitter. can that change to become actually free speech friendly? >> i think it's possible. look, there have been corporate takeovers that have worked even in changing corporate culture. that is difficult. one person i would be willing to bet ton do it it's elon musk. here is the problem, pete, elon musk even though he is worth $200 billion which is a lot more than the rest of us still has a problem because is he up against a $20 trillion asset management complex. it came out today that even as of today elon musk is not the largest shareholder of twitter it is vanguard and joined by vanguard leading twitter include the likes of black rock and state street three asset managers three control $20 trillion. i expect what they will do is come out as shareholders shareholders in quote. it's not their money it's the money of everyday citizens shareholders they will say this offers insufficient. they disagree with the direction for twitter that elon musk has. and as a shareholder voice ban together to help support the crohn's team doing the bidding of the federal government behind closed doors. that's unfortunately how the managerial class is going to end this situation. and if anyone is going to have chance of doing it was elon musk. i'm just afraid and my expectation is that he will not have the opportunity. >> pete: you raise a great point you call it the managerial class it's the elites, the establishment, they can't have this for the reasons we laid out to begin with. and if they allow it to happen, they lose their grip. but, elon musk has said, okay, if i don't -- if you don't accept this deal, then i'm probably going to divest in the shares that i have. i mean, twitter is a dying business model in that it is basically written off half the population and people that have the most followers rarely tweet. so wouldn't there be something inside twitter where they would say na, if we deny this we are digging our own grave. >> they should be thinking that way. i think they would be arguably a strong betrayal of fiduciary duty if they turn down his offer. they should take the money and run if they're looking at maximizing values there are other agendas at work. i use the word managerial class it's not just in the private sector it's public sector too. if someone takes over twitter the government can't use twitter back door censor to silence political speech. government can not take down through the front door of the constitution. mark my words here there is a reasonable chance we will see fec complaints and government complaints that elon musk didn't file his paperwork correctly and how he purchased his initial shares. i'm afraid that's what we will see managerial class and board of twitter very similar cut from very similar cloth from the managerial class federal government bureaucracy and work together horizontally to crush any defector from the ideological cartel. i'm afraid to say it but mark my words i think that's coming. >> pete: if the richest man in america who sent us to space and entirely new class of vehicles isn't capable of overcoming a managerial class, man, the hope that i feel right now, it crushes even more. real quick, over/under 50% a week from now two weeks from now elon musk is in charge of twitter? >> i say less than 50% over zero and i think that it's my hope that he is. and i think that he can actually turn it into a much more valuable company, both as a company and for the country as a whole. that's who i'm rooting for less than 50%. >> pete: neat to hear him say this is not about the balance sheet and bottom line about doing good for the country that he loves and principles being stripped away before his eyes and our eyes. vivek you know this stuff back to front. congrats on the book. thanks a lot. >> thank you. >> you got it up next mayor eric adams calling out black lives matter after a deadly shooting. and later, how are prisoners -- how are prisoners at an all women's prison getting pregnant? we'll break that down. ♪ asya agulnik md: st. jude was founded with an understanding that no child should die in the dawn of life. to work with many partners all over the world, nothing stops in the way of us achieving that mission, not even war. marta salek md: when there is a need, people stand up and do what is right and ensure that they restart medical therapy as quickly as possible. carlos rodriguez-galindo md: any child suffering today of cancer is our responsibility. as a struggling actor, i need all the breaks that i can get. at liberty butchemel— cut. liberty biberty— cut. liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for whatchya... line? 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these victims were black. many of the shooters were black. if black lives matter then the thousands of people i saw on the street when floyd was murdered should be on the street right now stating that the lives of these black children that are dying every night matters. >> pete: here now former nypd lieutenant darrin porcher. darren, thanks for being here. i will ask that question. where is blm now? >> that's the million dollars question. we look at what is happening. we see this rise in violence not just places like new york, but chicago, los angeles. we have a lot of this black-on-black crime and blacks seem to be the ininordinately high carnage where is the black lives matter movement. we need to focus on plausible solution to reduce crime. i will tell you what i don't care what race it is. the truth of the matter is we need a safe and serene society and it's not happening and i don't see people from black lives matter holding the mantel the way they did as they -- in connection with the george floyd riots. >> is it the wrong people are pulling the trigger, darrin? it has to be a white-black race dynamic for black lives matter to get involved and if it's otherwise, you novi lens in the community it doesn't matter to them? >> i think that's a component but i also think that there is a hidden agenda whereas the focus is to incorporate and ingratiate yourself from as much money as possible for people like george soros to support this platform that in essence does nothing for the african-american community. and we clearly see it coming to fruition when we look at the quantitative statistics and inordinately high number of black people that have died in the realm of gun violence. >> not good at standing up to that good at filing homes and not filing tax reports because they don't feel they have to. real quick mayor adams, report card for him so far. a lot of people had hoped as a former cop that he would try to reverse these things in the city. is he doing it or is he running out of time here? >> he is 100 days into his. it's clear the bottom fell out under the de blasio administration. 100 days in i have yet to see reorganization in connection with public safety. so i grade him as a c minus. >> pete: s that not a good grade under a are right, the longer it goes the more it's on him. if he is not taking bold steps then a pattern is created and becomes much more difficult to do it in the future. darrin porcher thanks so much. appreciate your service and your time. >> thanks, pete. >> pete: you got it moving across the river, something strange is happening in the new jersey prison system. inmates at the all-female edna mohan correctional facility are getting pregnant. two of them, actually. but how is that possible? all of the prisoners in the women's prison are women. i'm not a biologist but i should get it. so what's going on here? are inmates getting frisky with the guards or do we have a jurassic park situation on our hands? >> the dinosaurs are breeding. >> [inaudible] girl. >> d.n.a. mutated the dinosaur gwinnett particular code and blended that of frogs. now, most african frogs have been known to spontaneously change sex from male to female in a single sex environment. malcolm was right. life found a way there is a third option obey hess of the aclu the jail started accepting trans inmates. there are now 27 of them to go along with 800 female prisoners. and do you know what? life did find a way impregnated not one but two female inmates while on the inside. the new jersey corrections officer union released a statement basically saying, yeah, we told you this would happen. but i think there is a better way to explain what went down. >> history of evolution has taught us that life will not be contained. life breaks free and expands to new territories and crashes through barriers painfully, maybe even dangerously i'm simply saying that life finds a way. >> jurassic park explains it all. out with the old. in with the new. democrats are ready to get biden out of office. that's up next. ♪ ortant. we walk three to five times a week, a couple miles at a time. - we've both been taking prevagen for a little more than 11 years now. after about 30 days of taking it, we noticed clarity that we didn't notice before. - it's still helping me. i still notice a difference. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. cal: our confident forever plan is possible with a cfp® professional. a cfp® professional can help you build a complete financial plan. visit to find your cfp® professional. ♪♪ (vo) with armor all, a little bit of this... protects you from a lot... toof that.ur cfp® professional. armor all. minimum effort. maximum protection. better hearing leads to a better life. and that better life... ...starts at miracle-ear. it all begins with the most innovative technology... the new miracle-earmini™. available exclusively at miracle-ear. so small, no one will see it. but you'll notice the difference. and now, miracle-ear is offering a 30-day risk-free trial. you can experience better hearing with no obligation. call 1-800-miracle right now and experience a better life. what can i du with less asthma? 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joining me now is kayleigh mcannie. kelley that is the question, who are these 33 or 26 or 19% that still look at joe and out there saying man i'm with him from i would like to know who they are. no one will look you in the eye and tell you straightforwardedly and earnestly i support president biden is he doing a killer job. that doesn't happen. went through the numbers. i would love to know the 33%. i think they might have been polling the liberal media maybe not chuck todd based on the clip we just saw. interesting questions. i don't know those people. >> pete: yeah, for sure. speaking of don't knowing. today yet again, joe biden was on stage in speech ended and we're not sure what happened next. take a watch. >> god bless you all. [applause] ♪ ♪ [applause] >> pete: we can handle stuff like that if the policies were gang busters it's that the policies are crushing the economy and, you know, law-abiding citizen and he is getting lost on the stage. >> yeah, with an invisible handshake. i put up that video and one person said back i think he is trying to shake hands with his nonexistent supporters. that is a pretty good analogy for his presidency. , this of course, comes after the bird incident they said it was corn on his shoulder. looked pretty much that the bird had relieved itself on the shoulder of the president. pete, this guy is getting a primary challenge that or brain room do some digging reagan challenged ford. at&t approval rating was 42%. when carter was challenged by ted kennedy his approval rating was 32%. president biden invisible hand shake with nonexistent supporters. primary challenges are going to line up beside you. >> pete: clay kayleigh have you been in the white house. what's when staffers close doors and pull in people they know in the office and the conversation turns to biden? what are they talking about? >> they are playing face to the president. how great he is i'm certain. when they go to ron klain's office the chief of staff, you have meetings with the chief of staff, i certainly did. i assume they had the same senior staff meetings. i'm sure there is panic, what can we do at this point? think about this? the war in ukraine has not surfaced its pull numbers as they thought. a supreme court justice confirmation did not boy buoy his poll numbers as they thought. what's left? not much more than a president gets to lead during war time scenario or nominate a justice. there simply isn't anything left. i would think it's utter and shear panic especially when you see, pete, 77% support among democrats. president trump was always in about the 90's support among his own party. when you have lost your party to that degree, you have lost a lot. >> pete: still is, actually, amongst republicans to the chagrin of the twitter class. kayleigh mcenany, thanks so much for breaking it down. appreciate i >> thank you, pete. >> pete: you got it. >> pete: joe biden just got served but by who? and a mysterious murder in florida, tech executive gunned down in front of his 2-year-old. stay tuned to hear all the the details next. ♪ [upbeat music playing] ♪♪ welcome to home sweet weathertech home. a place where dirt stays outside. and floors are protected. where standing is comfortable. and water never leaves a mark. it's spotless under the sink. and kids can be kids. order your american made products at it's my 5:52 woke-up-like-this migraine medicine. it's ubrelvy. for anytime, anywhere migraine strikes. without worrying if it's too late or where i am. one dose can quickly stop my migraine in its tracks within 2 hours. unlike older medicines, ubrelvy is a pill that directly blocks cgrp protein, believed to be a cause of migraine. do not take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. most common side effects were nausea and tiredness. ask about ubrelvy and learn how abbvie can help you save. i didn't know my genetic report could tell me i was prone to harmful blood clots. i travel a ton, so this info was kind of life changing. maybe even lifesaving. ♪do you know what the future holds?♪ xfinity mobile runs on america's most reliable 5g network, but for up to half the price of verizon, so you have more money for more stuff. this phone? 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or is the joe biden administration bent on opening it up? >> you said it earlier, that they are bent on by design opening things up. they are doing this on purpose, they know exactly what they're doing. they have intelligent individuals and they know what is happening, they don't have the will to push back against the white house. i hope the viewers are outraged because i know that we are. every single border patrol agent are upset and we are seeing people that are coming across the border and just being released. they are taking cell photos of the wall. that shows you that they have absolutely no regard for the law, they know that they are being reported. this administration has brought back catch and release. that has put this crisis on stairways and there's no end in sight when it comes to steroids. >> you are absolutely right. i have to keep you in the know about another big story. you remember it in september, border patrol agents accused of whipping illegals across the border. here is what kamala harris and joe biden said at that time. >> it is horrible as you saw, to see people are treated like they were, horses, people being strapped, it is outrageous and i promise those people will pay. they will be under investigation and there will be consequences. >> consequences and accountability. images of some of the worst moments of our history. those behaviors have been used against you dig in and people against our country, african-americans during times of slavery. >> guilty and until proven guilty. they had to make the border patrol effective. these border patrols were clement, no coverage, mainstream coverage, they were cleared. now i am told there is a 500 page report, administrative action against them, what do we know? >> there could be. it is absolutely disgusting. i saw what was going on. i was working with the agents and i can tell you that they were given the environment to go down to the river. it was a powder keg ready to explode. thousands of people at that time, 10,000 people. they had 10,000 people and others that were trying to cross the river in front of them. they were put up to stop those people from crossing the river. the secretary was on the ground as the orders were being given. the agencies were forced to give the law to the united states to try to keep people from entering the united states from being vilified. now you have people saying they were running over people but in reality they were not doing any of that. but that is the narrative that the american public is set to understand about the border. but thanks to people like yourself, the american public know the truth of what is going on, violating the laws, and we have to give it under control and that is so important. >> i cannot imagine how demoralizing it is. this is next level stuff. people being smeared, they are exonerated in the media never covers that. god bless you, keep at it, we need you. >> thank you. >> a microsoft executive murdered almost two months ago in front of his toddler. the crime remains a mystery as his family looks for answers. trace gallagher is here with moran. >> it could be an ambush that was preplanned, 33 years old, he had just dropped office twins from a previous marriage at their mother's house in jacksonville beach, florida. he and his 2-year-old daughter from his current marriage were driving back to their current home. they came upon the middle of a one-way road. when he was instructed to move attire, that is when he was shot and killed her. his 2-year-old was noninjured who saw the whole thing. the investigation appears to be stuck in limbo. >> do you have any idea who could have done that? do you have any idea why this happened? >> i am trusting that the police will find what they need to to give us those answers, somebody out there know something. >> but so far it does not sound like anybody has come forward with information, and it's unclear if the information has happened where it could have been captured with images of a potential suspect. the big question is whether or not the tire in the road happened to be there or if it was placed there to draw him out of the vehicle. the police will only say that they are waiting for forensic evidence to come back. as i have said, he had dropped off his twins at his ex-wife's house, the marriage was strained according to quotes, and it's notable that the twins did not come to their father's funeral. investigators have made zero connection to the previous marriage. and wow, man, that's crazy. tragic. trouble in the white house. the secret service are furious with the joe biden team. we will tell you why coming up next. my garden brings us together. my garden is my therapy. find more ways to grow at >> tech: does your windshield have a crack? 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[laughter] and they were not happy because you can can make allegations. the dog came running. what is the agent supposed to do when it is severe, i mean, you know, it is not just typical medical practice. >> i am very much okay with being pro-animal. they are overcomplicated, but they don't bite. that is for sure. nothing like major. >> what else do they have to do to cover up something like this? >> there is an communication. including what has happened, when it comes down to this, will it be internally processed, they don't want to protect these to feel uncomfortable. with the president and first lady, can we deal with the verbiage that we crafted for you. and it can be. >> congratulations on your book. >> thank you so much. >> people are approaching you, what does this have to bring? >> i think that for the last couple of years, what we are watching, and it brings hope and redemption, they show us that even with suffering, good things can come of it. >> mothers and daughters of the bible speak. make sure to get it, also fox nation, get it. some of our fox and friends are featured on that and fox news, 10:00 p.m. on sunday night, the mothers and daughters of the bible. it's a feature special. >> if you need something for easter, that will do it for you. it's a feature. >> the amount of detail, precision is amazing. >> i love this story. >> thank you so much. >> thank you. >> don't forget to watch the brand-new episode, modern warriors. the american cold war, into the fascinating mind vladimir putin available at fox plus, through easter, receive 60% off any annual plan at fox thank you for watching jesse waters. have a great night. >> tucker: good evening and welcome to "tucker carlson tonight." elon musk came famous as a businessman. he makes electric cars and rockets it has become the single richest person on planet earth by doing that. elon musk is not from the united states, he grew up in south africa, and get he has a keen and precise understanding of how our system was designed to work. as he put it on twitter last month, "free speech

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Jesse Watters Primetime 20240708 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Jesse Watters Primetime 20240708

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wealth and smarts to become iron man. now, we don't live in that fantasy world there are no super heroes waiting around to fix our problems. just a couple of rich guys trying to do some good things. the real tony stark. you got your fingers in so many advanced technologies, are you sincerely trying to save the world? >> well, i'm trying to do good things, yeah. pete that was 2015. this morning elon musk the world's richest man made a move to take over twitter. and resurrect free speech. the social media giant has spent years it criticizing and censors they who they disagree with. now they met their match. offer to buy twitter $43 billion. a deal that is set to turn the company private if it's successful and give elon full control this is democrats losing control of their grasp over big tech and americans waking in a major win. twitter acting as an arm of the democratic party for years using it to strangle the political narrative and censor their enemies. that's all thanks to the liberal hacks sitting in the sweet seats of twitter headquarters who are more than willing to sell themselves out to that very same democratic party that could all change with a musk takeover. because, for once, this isn't about power and money. musk is doing it to save free speech. saying this today. >> it's important to the function of democracy, it's important to the function of the united states as a free country and many other countries and help -- actually to help freedom in the world. >> he went on to say you don't have free speech unless people can say things you don't like and you can attempt to beat that speech. you guess the people that love to tout democracy man is that a code world for everything. they would be getting behind him at this point. but, nope. that's not the case. liberals and the legacy media are losing it just at the thought of elon's disarming twitter's censor department. >> troubling enough that private companies control these key communication platforms around the world. maybe it's even worse to have the world's richest person trying to buy one of them and take it private. >> seismic decisions that will have ramifications not only inside the tech world but in politics, finance, and, perhaps even our debate about free speech. >> you know, when talking about this, it's kind of funny, elon musk wants to buy it but there are massive life and globe altering consequences for just letting people run wild on the thing. >> massive, global consequences. how dare we let people run wild. and "the washington post" max boot, he is really worried saying this, quote: i'm frightened by the impact on society and politics if elon musk acquires twitter. he seems to believe that social media on fish media anything goes for democracy to survive. we need more content moderation not less. i have met max booth. not that impressive. pretty rich for a guy employed by "the washington post." which is owned by jeff bezos. the second richest man in the world. >> they are saying we need to silence more conservatives not let them go off on twitter. letting republicans speak freely would be anti-democratic according to them. the twitter mob wants to keep things tight right where they like it. axios explains it as, quote: twitter where journalists congregate and do work. they don't want to be working on elon musk private play pen. they had no problem playing around in dorsey's play pen though. i guess what they really want is just to keep twitter to themselves. the last thing they want to do is talk to real americans or hear from them. they would rather keep them silent and let the liberal elite do all the talking. you see, the stats actually do speak for themselves. about 10% of people on twitter put out 80% of the tweets. that's 10% of people pretty much controlling the entire platform they are spewing lies without anyone calling them for it giving them control of the narrative so they can sway elections in their favor. it worked for them in 2020 owhen democrats went knocking on jack dorsey's door telling him to completely black out hunter biden's laptop. they even went so far as to boot the nation's oldest paper the "new york post" right off the twitter. can you imagine if twitter was open to free speech at that time. democrats would have lost, and they know it. but that didn't happen because they had a grip over big tech and what voters saw. the discourse. and twitter was bending a knee to help democrats, of course. that's how it works when you are the party of no substance and you rely on executives of twitter to help you push phoney narratives and you are never held to account for it. but if elon musk takes over, maybe things will change. elon says he will let real uncensored and unfiltered speech go on twitter. and liberals would lose their grip setting the bounds of every single discussion and battle. you just imagine what would happen to the twitter mob? elon musk would completely change the culture of social media. the twitter mob would be completely lost. they are used to social media amplifying their ideas and, you know, censors anyone who disagrees. but if musk buys twitter, it might just level the playing field. and that's all we are asking for. because, when our ideas meet on a level playing field, we win the debate. seth dillon is the ceo of babylon bee and still locked out of twitter. seth, am i overstating this case? are we overstating the implications a free speech absolutist potentially taking over a platform like twitter? >> not at all. not at all. i mean, look, the guy, he wants to see free speech flourish, he wants to see people who can disagree with each other. i think he kind of defined free speech being if you are allowed to say things to people that don't like you and don't want to hear what you have to say if you are allowed to do that anyway, even if you don't like it or want to hear it, that's free speech. twitter has been clamping down on that a lot. their mission is to promote a diverse viewpoint platform. they are talking about how they in their mission statement how they want to represent a diverse range of viewpoints how they not barriers to free expression. and in practice, i mean we see barriers all over the place. their ideology is baked into the terms of service. if you don't agree with what they have to say, you get shut down for hate speech. not that they have a problem with hate speech at all they just hate speech. they hate free speech. musk sees that and he wants to do something about it and i give him credit for that. >> pete: do we have the clip of elon musk today making that very statement that you did, seth, about disagreeing? i don't think we have it. but he made that point, if we can listen to people we disagree with, we have a fighting chance. ultimately, you got locked out of twitter. your parody site locked out of twitter for talking about whether a man is a woman a man is a man. gender pronouns. woman of the year is a man. so that type of speech from a parody account interest is unacceptable yet, they say it's an open field of diversity viewpoint. >> yeah. well, i mean, of course they have rigged the game. they have rigged the game like i said their ideology is baked into the terms of service. so they have all these rules that, you know, you are not allowed to joke about certain things. they have got all these off limit things considered punching down, hate speech under the guise of comedy or satire. they are really just requiring you to agree with their ideology up and down. you have to agree with it or else you get the boot. even in our situation, they want us to delete this tweet and in deleting it, affirm that we violated their terms, that we engaged in hateful conduct. we disagree that we engaged in hateful conduct. it wasn't hateful conduct. in fact, we spoke the truth with our joke. and that's exactly what comedians are supposed to do. supposed to poke holes in the popular narrative not promote the popular narrative. twitter is rigging the system so comedians can't do that. >> pete: for the average folks i'm off of twitter and i love it. it's -- i don't miss it one bit. i think a lot of people out there wrote twitter off a long time ago. it is a bunch of journalists talking to each other. does it have a chance were elon musk to actually take it over and take it private to bring people back in and say, hey, we really are open here, join the conversation? >> well, there is a lot of platforms that are dedicated to doing that already. parler is out there. parler was this platform that got deplat platformed go build your own and took the ground underneath it there are platforms that respect free speech. if musk was to take over twitter, i think there would be a fighting chance for freedom on the platform. there is obviously going to be a lot of opposition to it a lot of people will quit in protest. generally i do believe that people will not leave the platform to go start their own. they are just going to gripe about it they will whine about it they have followers they can't take with them. this is the problem with these platforms. you don't own your audience. you can't take it with you. stuck on a platform even though they have a problem with free speech. they are calling for more moderation and not less. what that means is they want less opinions they don't like. they don't want criticism. don't want to be called feigns and fools even though they deserve it. >> pete: all their blue checkmark censors who thought they had a safe space and now realize it might have to deal with real free speech. seth, good on you for not deleting that tweet and sticking up for it. >> thank you. >> pete: love the babylon bee. turn to vivek ramaswamy, author of upcoming book nation of victims. vivek, you thought a lot about this, i thought for the longest time twitter was basically a lost cause that it was time for conservings to find its own -- their own ecosystem to say we are not welcome here. we will start something else. is there really a chance that this platform could be recaptured? you know a lot about corporate cultures. there is a culture at twitter. can that change to become actually free speech friendly? >> i think it's possible. look, there have been corporate takeovers that have worked even in changing corporate culture. that is difficult. one person i would be willing to bet ton do it it's elon musk. here is the problem, pete, elon musk even though he is worth $200 billion which is a lot more than the rest of us still has a problem because is he up against a $20 trillion asset management complex. it came out today that even as of today elon musk is not the largest shareholder of twitter it is vanguard and joined by vanguard leading twitter include the likes of black rock and state street three asset managers three control $20 trillion. i expect what they will do is come out as shareholders shareholders in quote. it's not their money it's the money of everyday citizens shareholders they will say this offers insufficient. they disagree with the direction for twitter that elon musk has. and as a shareholder voice ban together to help support the crohn's team doing the bidding of the federal government behind closed doors. that's unfortunately how the managerial class is going to end this situation. and if anyone is going to have chance of doing it was elon musk. i'm just afraid and my expectation is that he will not have the opportunity. >> pete: you raise a great point you call it the managerial class it's the elites, the establishment, they can't have this for the reasons we laid out to begin with. and if they allow it to happen, they lose their grip. but, elon musk has said, okay, if i don't -- if you don't accept this deal, then i'm probably going to divest in the shares that i have. i mean, twitter is a dying business model in that it is basically written off half the population and people that have the most followers rarely tweet. so wouldn't there be something inside twitter where they would say na, if we deny this we are digging our own grave. >> they should be thinking that way. i think they would be arguably a strong betrayal of fiduciary duty if they turn down his offer. they should take the money and run if they're looking at maximizing values there are other agendas at work. i use the word managerial class it's not just in the private sector it's public sector too. if someone takes over twitter the government can't use twitter back door censor to silence political speech. government can not take down through the front door of the constitution. mark my words here there is a reasonable chance we will see fec complaints and government complaints that elon musk didn't file his paperwork correctly and how he purchased his initial shares. i'm afraid that's what we will see managerial class and board of twitter very similar cut from very similar cloth from the managerial class federal government bureaucracy and work together horizontally to crush any defector from the ideological cartel. i'm afraid to say it but mark my words i think that's coming. >> pete: if the richest man in america who sent us to space and entirely new class of vehicles isn't capable of overcoming a managerial class, man, the hope that i feel right now, it crushes even more. real quick, over/under 50% a week from now two weeks from now elon musk is in charge of twitter? >> i say less than 50% over zero and i think that it's my hope that he is. and i think that he can actually turn it into a much more valuable company, both as a company and for the country as a whole. that's who i'm rooting for less than 50%. >> pete: neat to hear him say this is not about the balance sheet and bottom line about doing good for the country that he loves and principles being stripped away before his eyes and our eyes. vivek you know this stuff back to front. congrats on the book. thanks a lot. >> thank you. >> you got it up next mayor eric adams calling out black lives matter after a deadly shooting. and later, how are prisoners -- how are prisoners at an all women's prison getting pregnant? we'll break that down. ♪ asya agulnik md: st. jude was founded with an understanding that no child should die in the dawn of life. to work with many partners all over the world, nothing stops in the way of us achieving that mission, not even war. marta salek md: when there is a need, people stand up and do what is right and ensure that they restart medical therapy as quickly as possible. carlos rodriguez-galindo md: any child suffering today of cancer is our responsibility. as a struggling actor, i need all the breaks that i can get. at liberty butchemel— cut. liberty biberty— cut. liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for whatchya... line? 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these victims were black. many of the shooters were black. if black lives matter then the thousands of people i saw on the street when floyd was murdered should be on the street right now stating that the lives of these black children that are dying every night matters. >> pete: here now former nypd lieutenant darrin porcher. darren, thanks for being here. i will ask that question. where is blm now? >> that's the million dollars question. we look at what is happening. we see this rise in violence not just places like new york, but chicago, los angeles. we have a lot of this black-on-black crime and blacks seem to be the ininordinately high carnage where is the black lives matter movement. we need to focus on plausible solution to reduce crime. i will tell you what i don't care what race it is. the truth of the matter is we need a safe and serene society and it's not happening and i don't see people from black lives matter holding the mantel the way they did as they -- in connection with the george floyd riots. >> is it the wrong people are pulling the trigger, darrin? it has to be a white-black race dynamic for black lives matter to get involved and if it's otherwise, you novi lens in the community it doesn't matter to them? >> i think that's a component but i also think that there is a hidden agenda whereas the focus is to incorporate and ingratiate yourself from as much money as possible for people like george soros to support this platform that in essence does nothing for the african-american community. and we clearly see it coming to fruition when we look at the quantitative statistics and inordinately high number of black people that have died in the realm of gun violence. >> not good at standing up to that good at filing homes and not filing tax reports because they don't feel they have to. real quick mayor adams, report card for him so far. a lot of people had hoped as a former cop that he would try to reverse these things in the city. is he doing it or is he running out of time here? >> he is 100 days into his. it's clear the bottom fell out under the de blasio administration. 100 days in i have yet to see reorganization in connection with public safety. so i grade him as a c minus. >> pete: s that not a good grade under a are right, the longer it goes the more it's on him. if he is not taking bold steps then a pattern is created and becomes much more difficult to do it in the future. darrin porcher thanks so much. appreciate your service and your time. >> thanks, pete. >> pete: you got it moving across the river, something strange is happening in the new jersey prison system. inmates at the all-female edna mohan correctional facility are getting pregnant. two of them, actually. but how is that possible? all of the prisoners in the women's prison are women. i'm not a biologist but i should get it. so what's going on here? are inmates getting frisky with the guards or do we have a jurassic park situation on our hands? >> the dinosaurs are breeding. >> [inaudible] girl. >> d.n.a. mutated the dinosaur gwinnett particular code and blended that of frogs. now, most african frogs have been known to spontaneously change sex from male to female in a single sex environment. malcolm was right. life found a way there is a third option obey hess of the aclu the jail started accepting trans inmates. there are now 27 of them to go along with 800 female prisoners. and do you know what? life did find a way impregnated not one but two female inmates while on the inside. the new jersey corrections officer union released a statement basically saying, yeah, we told you this would happen. but i think there is a better way to explain what went down. >> history of evolution has taught us that life will not be contained. life breaks free and expands to new territories and crashes through barriers painfully, maybe even dangerously i'm simply saying that life finds a way. >> jurassic park explains it all. out with the old. in with the new. democrats are ready to get biden out of office. that's up next. ♪ ortant. we walk three to five times a week, a couple miles at a time. - we've both been taking prevagen for a little more than 11 years now. after about 30 days of taking it, we noticed clarity that we didn't notice before. - it's still helping me. i still notice a difference. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. cal: our confident forever plan is possible with a cfp® professional. a cfp® professional can help you build a complete financial plan. visit to find your cfp® professional. ♪♪ (vo) with armor all, a little bit of this... protects you from a lot... toof that.ur cfp® professional. armor all. minimum effort. maximum protection. better hearing leads to a better life. and that better life... ...starts at miracle-ear. it all begins with the most innovative technology... the new miracle-earmini™. available exclusively at miracle-ear. so small, no one will see it. but you'll notice the difference. and now, miracle-ear is offering a 30-day risk-free trial. you can experience better hearing with no obligation. call 1-800-miracle right now and experience a better life. what can i du with less asthma? 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joining me now is kayleigh mcannie. kelley that is the question, who are these 33 or 26 or 19% that still look at joe and out there saying man i'm with him from i would like to know who they are. no one will look you in the eye and tell you straightforwardedly and earnestly i support president biden is he doing a killer job. that doesn't happen. went through the numbers. i would love to know the 33%. i think they might have been polling the liberal media maybe not chuck todd based on the clip we just saw. interesting questions. i don't know those people. >> pete: yeah, for sure. speaking of don't knowing. today yet again, joe biden was on stage in speech ended and we're not sure what happened next. take a watch. >> god bless you all. [applause] ♪ ♪ [applause] >> pete: we can handle stuff like that if the policies were gang busters it's that the policies are crushing the economy and, you know, law-abiding citizen and he is getting lost on the stage. >> yeah, with an invisible handshake. i put up that video and one person said back i think he is trying to shake hands with his nonexistent supporters. that is a pretty good analogy for his presidency. , this of course, comes after the bird incident they said it was corn on his shoulder. looked pretty much that the bird had relieved itself on the shoulder of the president. pete, this guy is getting a primary challenge that or brain room do some digging reagan challenged ford. at&t approval rating was 42%. when carter was challenged by ted kennedy his approval rating was 32%. president biden invisible hand shake with nonexistent supporters. primary challenges are going to line up beside you. >> pete: clay kayleigh have you been in the white house. what's when staffers close doors and pull in people they know in the office and the conversation turns to biden? what are they talking about? >> they are playing face to the president. how great he is i'm certain. when they go to ron klain's office the chief of staff, you have meetings with the chief of staff, i certainly did. i assume they had the same senior staff meetings. i'm sure there is panic, what can we do at this point? think about this? the war in ukraine has not surfaced its pull numbers as they thought. a supreme court justice confirmation did not boy buoy his poll numbers as they thought. what's left? not much more than a president gets to lead during war time scenario or nominate a justice. there simply isn't anything left. i would think it's utter and shear panic especially when you see, pete, 77% support among democrats. president trump was always in about the 90's support among his own party. when you have lost your party to that degree, you have lost a lot. >> pete: still is, actually, amongst republicans to the chagrin of the twitter class. kayleigh mcenany, thanks so much for breaking it down. appreciate i >> thank you, pete. >> pete: you got it. >> pete: joe biden just got served but by who? and a mysterious murder in florida, tech executive gunned down in front of his 2-year-old. stay tuned to hear all the the details next. ♪ [upbeat music playing] ♪♪ welcome to home sweet weathertech home. a place where dirt stays outside. and floors are protected. where standing is comfortable. and water never leaves a mark. it's spotless under the sink. and kids can be kids. order your american made products at it's my 5:52 woke-up-like-this migraine medicine. it's ubrelvy. for anytime, anywhere migraine strikes. without worrying if it's too late or where i am. one dose can quickly stop my migraine in its tracks within 2 hours. unlike older medicines, ubrelvy is a pill that directly blocks cgrp protein, believed to be a cause of migraine. do not take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. most common side effects were nausea and tiredness. ask about ubrelvy and learn how abbvie can help you save. i didn't know my genetic report could tell me i was prone to harmful blood clots. i travel a ton, so this info was kind of life changing. maybe even lifesaving. ♪do you know what the future holds?♪ xfinity mobile runs on america's most reliable 5g network, but for up to half the price of verizon, so you have more money for more stuff. this phone? 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or is the joe biden administration bent on opening it up? >> you said it earlier, that they are bent on by design opening things up. they are doing this on purpose, they know exactly what they're doing. they have intelligent individuals and they know what is happening, they don't have the will to push back against the white house. i hope the viewers are outraged because i know that we are. every single border patrol agent are upset and we are seeing people that are coming across the border and just being released. they are taking cell photos of the wall. that shows you that they have absolutely no regard for the law, they know that they are being reported. this administration has brought back catch and release. that has put this crisis on stairways and there's no end in sight when it comes to steroids. >> you are absolutely right. i have to keep you in the know about another big story. you remember it in september, border patrol agents accused of whipping illegals across the border. here is what kamala harris and joe biden said at that time. >> it is horrible as you saw, to see people are treated like they were, horses, people being strapped, it is outrageous and i promise those people will pay. they will be under investigation and there will be consequences. >> consequences and accountability. images of some of the worst moments of our history. those behaviors have been used against you dig in and people against our country, african-americans during times of slavery. >> guilty and until proven guilty. they had to make the border patrol effective. these border patrols were clement, no coverage, mainstream coverage, they were cleared. now i am told there is a 500 page report, administrative action against them, what do we know? >> there could be. it is absolutely disgusting. i saw what was going on. i was working with the agents and i can tell you that they were given the environment to go down to the river. it was a powder keg ready to explode. thousands of people at that time, 10,000 people. they had 10,000 people and others that were trying to cross the river in front of them. they were put up to stop those people from crossing the river. the secretary was on the ground as the orders were being given. the agencies were forced to give the law to the united states to try to keep people from entering the united states from being vilified. now you have people saying they were running over people but in reality they were not doing any of that. but that is the narrative that the american public is set to understand about the border. but thanks to people like yourself, the american public know the truth of what is going on, violating the laws, and we have to give it under control and that is so important. >> i cannot imagine how demoralizing it is. this is next level stuff. people being smeared, they are exonerated in the media never covers that. god bless you, keep at it, we need you. >> thank you. >> a microsoft executive murdered almost two months ago in front of his toddler. the crime remains a mystery as his family looks for answers. trace gallagher is here with moran. >> it could be an ambush that was preplanned, 33 years old, he had just dropped office twins from a previous marriage at their mother's house in jacksonville beach, florida. he and his 2-year-old daughter from his current marriage were driving back to their current home. they came upon the middle of a one-way road. when he was instructed to move attire, that is when he was shot and killed her. his 2-year-old was noninjured who saw the whole thing. the investigation appears to be stuck in limbo. >> do you have any idea who could have done that? do you have any idea why this happened? >> i am trusting that the police will find what they need to to give us those answers, somebody out there know something. >> but so far it does not sound like anybody has come forward with information, and it's unclear if the information has happened where it could have been captured with images of a potential suspect. the big question is whether or not the tire in the road happened to be there or if it was placed there to draw him out of the vehicle. the police will only say that they are waiting for forensic evidence to come back. as i have said, he had dropped off his twins at his ex-wife's house, the marriage was strained according to quotes, and it's notable that the twins did not come to their father's funeral. investigators have made zero connection to the previous marriage. and wow, man, that's crazy. tragic. trouble in the white house. the secret service are furious with the joe biden team. we will tell you why coming up next. my garden brings us together. my garden is my therapy. find more ways to grow at >> tech: does your windshield have a crack? 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[laughter] and they were not happy because you can can make allegations. the dog came running. what is the agent supposed to do when it is severe, i mean, you know, it is not just typical medical practice. >> i am very much okay with being pro-animal. they are overcomplicated, but they don't bite. that is for sure. nothing like major. >> what else do they have to do to cover up something like this? >> there is an communication. including what has happened, when it comes down to this, will it be internally processed, they don't want to protect these to feel uncomfortable. with the president and first lady, can we deal with the verbiage that we crafted for you. and it can be. >> congratulations on your book. >> thank you so much. >> people are approaching you, what does this have to bring? >> i think that for the last couple of years, what we are watching, and it brings hope and redemption, they show us that even with suffering, good things can come of it. >> mothers and daughters of the bible speak. make sure to get it, also fox nation, get it. some of our fox and friends are featured on that and fox news, 10:00 p.m. on sunday night, the mothers and daughters of the bible. it's a feature special. >> if you need something for easter, that will do it for you. it's a feature. >> the amount of detail, precision is amazing. >> i love this story. >> thank you so much. >> thank you. >> don't forget to watch the brand-new episode, modern warriors. the american cold war, into the fascinating mind vladimir putin available at fox plus, through easter, receive 60% off any annual plan at fox thank you for watching jesse waters. have a great night. >> tucker: good evening and welcome to "tucker carlson tonight." elon musk came famous as a businessman. he makes electric cars and rockets it has become the single richest person on planet earth by doing that. elon musk is not from the united states, he grew up in south africa, and get he has a keen and precise understanding of how our system was designed to work. as he put it on twitter last month, "free speech

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, Communication Platforms , Thought , Censor Department , Politics , Debate , Tech World , Finance , Kind , Ramifications , Decisions , Funny , Life , Thing , Consequences , Washington Post , Max Boot , Dare , Globe Altering , Social Media , Fish Media , Society , Content , Impact , Guy , Max Booth , Jeff Bezos , Mob , Conservatives , Republicans , It , Problem , Journalists , Work , Play Pen , Axios , Jack Dorsey , Stats , Talking , Elite , Platform , Speak , Tweets , Lies , 80 , 10 , Hunter Biden , Anyone , Door , Favor , Elections , Laptop , 2020 , Nation , Grip , Didn T , Paper , New York Post , Voters , Saw , Party , Executives , Discourse , Knee , Substance , Things , Over , Narratives , Unfiltered Speech Go On , Culture , Discussion , Bounds , Grip Setting , Battle , Ideas , Playing Field , Seth Dillon , Ceo , Level Playing Field , Babylon Bee , Each Other , Free Speech Flourish , Free Speech Absolutist , Implications , Free Speech Being , Don T , Anyway , Clamping , Mission , Place , Barriers , Mission Statement , Viewpoint , Viewpoints , Practice , Expression , Range , Something , Service , Hate Speech , Terms , Ideology , Statement , Clip , Fighting Chance , Type , Parody Site , Woman , Parody Account Interest , Gender Pronouns , Woman Of The Year , Game , Diversity Viewpoint , Field , Rules , Situation , Boot , Comedy , Punching Down , Guise , Satire , Tweet , Truth , Comedians , Conduct , Fact , Joke , It Wasn T Hateful Conduct , Folks , System , Holes , Chance , Bunch , Platforms , Ground , Conversation , Parler , Deplat Platformed , Fighting Chance For Freedom , Protest , Opposition , Followers , Audience , Censors , Moderation , Opinions , Criticism , Fools , Safe Space , Don T Want , Book , Vivek Ramaswamy , Love The Babylon Bee , Cause , Victims , Ecosystem , Something Else , Takeovers , Cultures , Friendly , Ton , Rest , Asset Management , Bet , 200 Billion , 20 Trillion , 0 Trillion , 00 Billion , Shareholder , Asset , State Street , Vanguard Leading , Black Rock , Three , Shareholders , Direction , Voice Ban , Citizens , Class , Government , Team , Crohn , Bidding , Behind Closed Doors , Establishment , Expectation , Elites , Opportunity , Reasons , Shares , Dying Business Model , Half , Has , Population , Way , Grave , Wouldn , Duty , Betrayal , Word , Values , Someone , Agendas , Sector , Offer , Words , Complaints , Constitution , Paperwork , Fec Complaints , Didn T File , Cut , Cloth , Defector , Bureaucracy , Board , Vehicles Isn T , Cartel , Charge , 50 , Zero , Two , Bottom Line , Whole , Balance Sheet , Lives , Stuff , Eric Adams , Eyes , Shooting , Congrats , Principles , Thanks A Lot , Prisoners , Women S Prison , Down , Child , Nothing , Partners , Understanding , Asya Agulnik Md St , Jude , The Dawn Of Life , Need , Md , Cancer , Therapy , Marta Salek Md , War , Carlos Rodriguez , Responsibility , Breaks , Liberty Mutual , Actor , Car Insurance , Liberty Butchemel Cut , Liberty Biberty Cut , Action , Pay , Line , Statue Of Liberty , Phone Rings , Whatchya , Beautiful Idea , Bookings , Cancellation , Peace Of Mind , Ubrelvy , Migraine , Dose , Booking Com , Tracks , Tiredness , Inhibitors , Nausea , Migraine Medicine , Side Effects , Cyp3 , 2 , Xfinity Mobile , Phone , Price , Groceries , Concert Tickets , 5g Network , Verizon , E , 5 , Savings , Shows , 500 , 00 , Fire , City Hasn T , Back , Blood , Subway , Maniac , Civilians , New York , Wall , City , Shootings , Last Night , 13 , Shooters , Many , Thousands , Children , Night Matters , Floyd , The Street , Question , Darrin Porcher , Violence , Darren , Rise , Blm , Nypd , Blacks , Black On Crime , Chicago , Los Angeles , Ininordinately High Carnage , Doesn T , Crime , Mantel , Movement , Race , Solution , Care , Connection , Trigger , Dynamic , George Soros , Floyd Riots , You Novi Lens , Agenda , Component , Community , Focus , Number , Statistics , Essence , African American Community , Cop , Tax Reports , Mayor , Filing Homes , Realm , Gun Violence , Report Card , Bottom , De Blasio Administration , Running Out Of Time , 100 , Public Safety , Steps , Grade , Reorganization , Him , Pattern , Ac Minus , Inmates , River , Prison System , New Jersey , Edna Mohan Correctional Facility , Women , Biologist , Hands , Dinosaurs , Guards , Breeding , Jurassic Park , Code , Girl , Dna , Inaudible , Dinosaur Gwinnett , Environment , Frogs , Sex , Malcolm , African , Option , Jail , Obey Hess , 800 , 27 , Corrections Officer , Inside , Union , Territories , Crashes , History Of Evolution , Office , Old , Times , Ortant , Five , Difference , Prevagen , Clarity , Healthier Brain , 11 , 30 , Plan , Professional , Cal , Cfp , Visit Letsmakeaplan Org , Bit , Vo , Effort , Ur Cfp , Armor All , Maximum Protection , Toof That , Miracle Ear , Hearing , Technology , Miracle Earminitm , Obligation , Trial , 1 800 Miracle , 1 , Dupixent , Asthma , Have A Nice Day Alex , Du , Crazy Commutes , Types , Breathing Problems , Add On , Asthma Attacks , Stairs , Lung Function , Treatment , Ellen , Breath , Reactions , Breathing , Steroids , Chest Pain , Shortness , Rash , Stop Asthma Medicines , Pain , More , Doctor , Numbness , Asthma Specialist , Limbs , Tingling , Infection , Joint Aches , Triplets , Scotts Turf Builder Triple Action , Excitement , Lawn , Crabgrass , Weeds , Bag , Scotts Turf Builder , Lawn Season , Yard , Moon , Joe Biden , Moon Pete , Executions , Administration , Polling , Mess , Day One , Candidate , Base , Midterms , Quinnipiac University , Approval Rating , Job Approval Raiding , Young Ns , Larry Byrd , Gen Z , 33 , Media , Approval , Support , Voter Base , Grandpa , 39 , 18 , 34 , 21 , Issue , Bidens , Age Group , Say , Cost Of Living , 48 , Single , Economy , Part , Group , Cost , Sign , Biden Coalition , 35 , Hispanic Voters Biden , Rent , Doom , 26 , Kayleigh Mcannie , Kelley , 19 , No One , Eye , Numbers , Questions , Killer Job , Todd , Applause , Stage , Watch , God , Speaking Of Don T Knowing , Sure , Policies , Law Abiding Citizen , Handshake , Gang Busters , Video , Shoulder , Supporters , Presidency , Analogy , Bird , Corn , Bird Incident , Challenge , President , Brain Room , Carter , Ford , At T , Ted Kennedy , Digging Reagan , Biden Invisible Hand Shake , 42 , 32 , White House , Challenges , Clay Kayleigh , Staffers , Doors , Ron Klain , Cold War , Panic , Pull Numbers , Chief Of Staff , Staff Meetings , Meetings , Ukraine , Poll Numbers , Isn T Anything Left , Justice , Scenario , Confirmation , Left , Supreme Court Justice , Shear , Degree , 77 , 90 , Florida , Who , Chagrin , Murder , Kayleigh Mcenany , Tech Executive , Details , Front , Stay , Home Sweet Weathertech , Upbeat Music Playing , Mark , Water , Floors , Standing , Dirt Stays Outside , Kids , Sink , Products , Weathertech Com , Anywhere Migraine Strikes , 52 , Pill , Older Medicines , Cgrp Protein , Abbvie , Report , Blood Clots , Cyp3a4 , Life Changing , Info , Business Owner , Mind , Comcast Business Mobile , Data , Data Plans , Gig , Powering Possibilities Tm , Business , Contracts , Term , Internet , Customers , Line Activation Fees , Comcast Business , Border , Illegals , Border States , Secret , Leadership , Surge , Dumpster Fire , Greg Abbott , Texas , Washington D C , Estate , Citizen , Bus , Catastrophe , Trouble , Greetings , Airstrip , Sense , Band Aid , Title 42 , Bus Terminal , Cameras , The End , Million , Elimination , Texas Border Illegally , May 23rd , Dallas , 23 , Abbott , San Antonio , Twenty One , Idea , Threat , Rollback , Republican , Story , Border Patrol , John Brennan , Policy , Individuals , Happening , Design Opening , Purpose , Will , Agent , Viewers , Law , Cell Photos , Crisis , Regard , Catch And Release , Stairways , No End In Sight , Agents , Whipping Illegals , Know , Investigation , Horses , Kamala Harris , Some , Accountability , History , Images , Behaviors , Slavery , Mainstream Coverage , Coverage , Border Patrols , Border Patrol Effective , Page Report , Powder Keg , Others , 10000 , Secretary , Agencies , Orders , Reality , Public , The American , Laws , Level Stuff , Trace Gallagher , Executive , Family , Toddler , Answers , Mystery , Microsoft , Twins , Marriage , Mother , Daughter , Ambush , Moran , House In Jacksonville Beach , Road , Middle , Attire , Noninjured , Limbo , Information , Police , Somebody , Anybody , The Big Question , Tire , Vehicle , Suspect , Quotes , Notable , Ex Wife S House , Evidence , Investigators , Funeral , Father , Secret Service , Crazy , Tragic , Garden , Joe Biden Team , Miracle Gro Com , Ways , Customer , Windshield , Tech , Damage , Crack , Trust Safelite , Working From Home , Tech Vo , Safelite , House , Meeting , Clicks , Wipers , Glass , My Pleasure , Singers , Safelite Repair , Ziprecruiter , Shop , Hiring , Growth , Location , Store Managers , Applicants , Candidates , Advisors , Role , Hiring Site , Jobs , Announcer , Gong Rings , Is Joe , Capful , Combative Yelling , Therabreath , Mouthwash , Stores , Target , Walmart , Major , Headlines , Family Dog , Reports , March Of 2021 , 2021 , Dog , Staff , Attack , Behind The Scenes , Injury , Lie , Emily , Secret Service Agent , Row Buying Spree , Jen Psaki , Injuries , Attacks , Leaders , Addiction , Record , Mothers , Daughters , Shannon Bream , Friend , Spree Story , Majorly , Forth , Fighting , Delaware , Laughter , Allegations , Eight , Overcomplicated , Pro Animal , Communication , Verbiage , First Lady , Congratulations , Suffering , Bible , Redemption , Fox , Special , Friends , Fox Nation , On Sunday Night , Fox News , The Bible , Easter , Detail , Amount , Feature , Precision , Episode , Warriors , Plus , Vladimir Putin , Jesse Waters , 60 , Businessman , Night , Rockets , Tucker Carlson Tonight , Cars , Tucker , South Africa , Planet Earth ,

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