Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Story With Martha MacCallum 2024

Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Story With Martha MacCallum 20240708

we have new details coming up moments away. also, president biden is about to address that situation in new york. we expect he'll have comments on it for the first time this hour. also, the huge inflation spike that was revealed that has now triggered fears that the united states may be heading towards recession. we're going to talk about that coming up. the latest on the war in ukraine. putin vows that it is noble, his efforts, and he will see it through. fox team coverage this hour. trey yingst live in kyiv. peter doocy at the white house and bryan llenas following the breaking news today in this subway shooting here in new york. we start with you, bryan, with new information on the suspect's potential vehicle and things that he left behind at the scene. what the can you tell us about that, bryan? >> martha, sources tell me they're looking for a u-haul van with arizona plates somewhere in this city. be on the lookout has been sent out to nypd officers to look out for this u-haul van in connection with this shooting that happened just before 8:30 a.m. police are looking again for that. we also know that there was a bag left behind with at least possible fireworks, fireworks inside of that bag. other outlets are reporting that there were also other items in there. i can report there were fireworks in the bag. all of this as the search continues for a black male, 5'5", about 180 pounds, heavy build. police say that he came in to that train and he put on a gas mask as the train made its way in to the 36th street stop that was making its way to manhattan. he opened fire on that train car as smoke was billowing from the canister. then shot people on the platform as well. that train continued on in to the next station. people in the chaos were being treated bypass sengers and fellow new yorkers. here's one witness to all of the mayhem. listen. >> it was scary. i didn't know what was going on. i thought someone got hit or something. it was like a scary moment. everybody was passing that station, getting out. very scary. >> this video shows what could be perhaps the gunman. we don't know. something in between both train cars. one train car filling up with smoke. where the attack happened while the other is empty and people trying to make their way out of that train. a terrifying situation. a worse case scenario for anybody who has ever been on the new york city subway. the governor, kathy hochul spoke at a press conference after this shooting. this is what she had to say about the situation here in new york. >> we're sick and tired of reading headlines about crime, whether they're mass shootings, the loss of a teenage girl or a 13-year-old. it has to stop. i'm committing the full resources of our state to fight this surge of crime. this insanity that is seizing our city. we want to get back to normal. >> the new york city mayor eric adams has covid has been speaking. he told the local radio station, martha, that one of the cameras was not working inidea of the train station and they're working with the mta to figure out if perhaps the whole station was without working cameras, which obviously make it much more difficult to locate where this suspect ran off to after unleashing this kind of mayhem. we know at least 28 people were injured. ten people were shot. five critically injured. luckily amazingly they are being described as nonlife threatening injuries and everybody is expected to survive as the man hunt continues. martha? >> martha: hopefully we get more details on the injuries and the cameras that you bring up, bryan. thank you. bryan llenas. let us know if you get more breaking details. we're waiting for information hopefully leading to catching this individual. with bring in with that, ray kelly, the former new york city police commissioner. he's the longest serving commissioner ever and the old people to hold that post twice. commissioner, thanks very much for being with us. good to have you here today. >> thanks, martha. >> martha: we're getting details now. there's a question about an arizona plate. they got a bag he left behind. they know his build, how he was dressed. what is your assessment? >> all of this is good information. i think the description of the van or the u-haul probably came through the 577 tips hotline. that will be helpful in this case. this individual will be identified i think pretty quickly. it does underscore the concerns that the people have about the new york city subway system. crime is up 68% so far in the transit system and up 44% citiwide. those numbers are concerning. they're not going to do anything to raise people's confidence about riding the subway in the near term. >> martha: you say you're confident they will catch him. mayor adams said the same thing. there's nobody better than the nypd. do you think they have enough to go on? as brian reported, they're not sure the cameras were working in there. how much of an impediment is that in terms of figuring out which direction he might have gone in? >> certainly the cameras are very helpful. they change the role of law enforcement. that's one of the first things detectives do, look for cameras. if they're not working, that's not a good thing. i think that witnesses will come forward, informants will be queried by detectives. we're building information now. it's a few hours old. it's going to take a little time. this individual obviously had a plan to escape. smoke grenades. that in themselves could be a good tip. where do you get smoke grenades? very few places. who manufactures them, that sort of thing. so the case is building. it's going to take some time. i feel confident that this individual will be taken into custody. >> martha: we hope that's the case. we'll get into details in just a moment. i want to ask you big picture questions. let's play this sound bite from governor hochul. i want your reaction in terms of what's going on in new york city. let me tell you what she said. she said no more mass shootings, no more disrupting lives, no more creating heart break for people. it has to end. it ends now. we're sick and tired of reading these headlines. your thoughts, commissioner. >> we need actions rather than words. we've had a lot of strong statements over the last three months about fighting crime. unfortunately the state legislature didn't do anything about the bail reform. we need to be more aggressive on the streets. we need to engage and stop and frisk strategies which are perfectly legal. we have to take away some of the restrictions that have been placed on police officers. this city was just a few years ago the safest big city in america. >> martha: so true. >> unfortunately you can't label it now. we know how to do it. we've done it in the past. it can be turned around. >> martha: we lost so many police officers during covid that retired early that didn't feel like the city had their back under mayor de blasio. do you see any change in that, sir? >> it's still a huge problem. they're brain drained. we lost a lot of people that were police officers for a long time. i'm told over 5,000 police officers either retired or resigned in the 1 1/2 years period of time. what about all of that expertise? what about all of that experience? new york is not any safer. and the restrictions placed on the police officer. for instance, they can't use qualified immunity if they're sued. these are things that discourage officers from engaging. they've been blamed for all sorts of social problems in the city. so yes, they're holding back to some degree. it's an unfortunate reality when you put the restrictions in, police officers will think twice before they take action of protecting themselves and protecting their family. >> martha: no doubt, sir. we remember what it was like under your leadership. right now those good officers of the new york city police department are trying to find this guy before he hurts anyone else and get him in custody. commissioner kelly, thank you. great to have you with us today. >> thank you, martha. >> martha: joining me now, a retired fbi agent. he spent many years here in new york city. jim, good to have you here. what do you make of this case right now and what would be your thoughts on how to find this guy, how to apprehend him and take him in to custody? >> martha, good to join you. i echo what former commissioner kelly said. this guy will be caught. there were a number of things that i took away from the earlier press conference conducted by city officials. number 1, the city is treating this as an active shooting incident. that's a fine line distinction between a terrorist attack and an active shooting situation. it's too early to assume. motive, we know they didn't find any extra improvised explosives. we're lucky there were no life threatening injuries. the people that were attacked, the ones shot, some are in critical, stable conditions. for investigators, i'll echo what commissioner kelly said. much of manhattan, much of the five boroughs are blanketed by surveillance cameras. law enforcement officers are going through right now, going to nip together the fragments of videotape and also a thing called digital exhaust. in 2022, everything we do registered digital exhaust, whether it's using a cell phone, driving a vehicle which license plate is picked up by a plate reader so many different things. law enforcement will catch this guy. i'm confident. knowing that they have a vehicle attached to him, that will help them at the different entrances in to the five boroughs, whether it's the tunnels, the bridges. they'll put a drag net out and catch this guy. >> martha: we don't doubt it. hope it happens soon. one last question on a detail that bryan llenas reported. he said that sources told him the gun that they found at the scene, which is good, and we hope that's the only gun on him, but the gun jammed and that he had multiple rounds on him. there's also speculation about other things in his bag. bryan confirmed there were fireworks in there. your thoughts. >> there were reports that there were shell casings found. those can be prone to jamming. that's a good thing right there. probably why he decided to escape before he could have committed anymore carnage. >> thanks, james. a new yorker, retired fbi. good to have you with us today. >> thank you, martha. >> martha: so the president has been briefed on the unfolding man hunt that is underway manhattan right now. in brooklyn, excuse me. he's in iowa. they're looking all over the city. he's rolling out a plan to fight the record inflation numbers that came out earlier today. so take a look at the price increases. this is not really news to most of us. you know, meat, eggs, milk, fruit, vegetables, oil. all of this is up double digits when you go shopping and you get the sticker shot at the end of the grocery line. gas is up 48%. that's a huge bite out of everybody's wallet. electricity, 11%. neil cavuto is standing by as we wait for the president. first, peter doocy, our white house correspondent who is at the white house covering this story. hi, peter. >> martha, they want to blame vladimir putin for the rising prices, but some people in the president's own party are not buying this putin price hike blame game, including senator joe manchin that is asking this. when will this end? it's a disservice to the american people to act as if inflation is a new phenomenon. today's data is a snap shot in time of the consequences being felt across the country. the white house spin today sounds like this. >> we certainly saw some easing of the core prices. that's where you leave out energy and food. look, this president knows that energy and food are creating real challenges for household budgets. he's doing everything he can including, of course, the historical release of barrels of oil from the strategic reserve. >> but these rising prices predate the putin invasion. we checked the tape. officials have been talking about inflation since last year. first blaming the pandemic and thin worker shortages and then the supply chain. all the way claiming it was temporary. >> i think you'll see it change sooner -- quicker -- more rapidly than it will take, than most people think. every other aspect of the economy is racing ahead. it's doing incredibly well. >> while he's on the ground in iowa, the president will announce the plan to introduce more e-15 fuel that he hopes will bring down gas prices, which have been leading the way of all products that people need every day as inflation has risen the last couple months. martha? >> martha: thanks, peter doocy at the white house. with that, we bring in neil cavuto, anchor of "your world." great to have you with us. we wait to hear from the president. if i could, i would like to start with this quote from larry summers, a clinton economic adviser. very well known democrat economist in a couple of different white houses. he says there's a first time for everything, but the past 75 years, every time inflation has exceeded 4% and unemployment has been below 5%, the u.s. economy has gone into a recession within five years. now it's north of six and unemployment is south of four. how do you think that lines up and do you think that we are headed to a recession? >> well, i don't know if it is a recession but it will be a slow-down to his point. of course, you know, there's always this fear that it builds on itself. normally inflation ends when people say the hell with it, i'm not going to keep paying the high prices and then the stag part of it, the stagflation, the slow down. we're seeing early signs that customers at stores have pivoted action much as they can to no meet or different cuts of meat and a limit on what they can do. you can't do this with gasoline, but they have tried. one of the things we realized in the market's turn around up almost 300 pounds and down 155 points is this notion that maybe this is a problem that we were getting ahead of ourselves here. the number is still bad. inflation is running at an 8.5% clip. we have not been back to these levels since when charles and diana got married. >> martha: that was a long time ago. we know how that ended. this is mark vandy, who has been very supportive of the white house policies including huge amount of money that poured in to the economy during covid, trillions of dollars. he said this. when they lose him, they might be in a little trouble here. the economic backdrop is as dark as it's been since the start of the administration. it's a very, very dark and deep problem. there's nothing more than having to pay more and it's only going to get worse, he says. so when i read that, it's only going to get worse, you think what happens when people stop spending their money? it starts to erode profits at companies and it goes on up the chain. >> that is the history of inflation. normally you get to a point that people -- when it all starts, they're paying more. they're able to pay more. it remains and underlying strong economy. i want to emphasize that. there's that going for us, a lot stronger than what jimmy carter had to deal with when we had inflation is that turned into stagflation and the end of his presidency. the difference is we're running out of rope here if this were to continue. if people sort of have a price revolt and don't buy things, it spills over in to corporate earnings. we're going to get a lot of them now as we go through the first quarter numbers. this is one of those times where we'll see many more analyzing not the numbers of the quarter just past but the forecast for the quarters ahead. guidance. a lot of companies have been warning us they're running into head winds. we're doing to have to see how that sorts out. the consumer is relatively strong. she's in a point right now where she might just be saying, i can't keep doing this. >> martha: yeah. cancelling buying things, potentially cancelling a vacation a plane trip, a new car. all of these things. then i think about the world, when you look around the world. you look at the supply chain issues. look at the fact that covid is still with us. what's going on in china right now. what is the impact when china -- when shanghai is shut down on technology and what is produced there. these ripples are very wide, are they not? >> they are very wide. you raise a good point. shanghai is a industrial center. production of a lot of the fancy iphones. they're kind of stymied right now. that is extended to a couple of other towns, localities in china. they are easing some of the restrictions in china because they have seen a spike in cases, they've not seen a serious spike in hospitalizations and death. we can't always rely on the information they give us. even the spikes in this country and, you know, these variants are still very real, they're not nearly as dangerous as we thought. having said all of that though, when it comes to china, when it comes to on going ukraine war, it's a spillover, domino effect. all of a sudden areas that we used to get stuff, you can't get as much because they're not making it. we're not inclined to buy as much. so essentially we're all stopped. >> martha: indeed. thanks very much, neil. great to have you with us. >> neil: same here, martha. >> martha: president biden wants to turn around the poll numbers where the economy is concerned. he wants people to go in good shape, he wants them to have enough money to buy things. so today he has to deal with a tough report. that data that came out and talk to americans about the fact that the cost of everything is going up and up. then he's also got to address vladimir putin and what is the impact on all of that, the war in europe as it continues to grind on and putin pledges that he will carry out this special operation to its "full completion." we expect the president to address these issues when he's at this event. general jack keane and trey yingst who is live in kyiv when our breaking coverage continues. liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for whatchya... line? need. liberty biberty— cut. liberty... are we married to mutual? only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ can a company make the planet a better place? what if it's a company that's pursuing 100% renewable energy in our operations. and aiming to protect millions of acres of land. so we can all live better. >> tech: does your windshield have a crack? trust safelite. and aiming to protect millions of acres of land. >> tech vo: this customer had auto glass damage, but he was busy working from home... he scheduled with safelite in just a few clicks. we came to his house... ...then we got to work. we replaced his windshield and installed new wipers to protect his new glass, while he finished his meeting. let safelite come to you. >> man: looks great. thank you. >> tech: my pleasure. that's service on 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completion and the fulfillment of the tasks that have been set. >> martha: with that, we bring in general jack keane, chairman of the institute for the study of war and fox news senior strategic analyst. great to have you with us as us a. i want to get in here of 17 seconds of sound from vladimir putin and then your thoughts on everything that he had to say. let's play that. >> we don't intend to be isolated. it's impossible to severely isolate anyone in the modern world, especially a vast country like russia. special military operations and ukraine's goals are clear and they're noble. >> martha: general keane, your thoughts. >> certainly isolation he's referring to the sanctions and the condemnation that he's getting from the world and referring to himself as an international pariah and the united states and most of our democracies that are aligned with us, is that he is isolated. not just economically, but certainly geo complete tickly and socially as well. the other thing is what we expected. that he would grind this thing out. he's got his objectives. he's not given up on forcing a collapse of the regime. he's suffered a significant defeat in the northern cities, particularly the capitol city. now they resurrected themselves and focusing on one area and they're bringing their forces to bear on that area. i believe we're on a cusp of likely the largest battle that's been fought in this war to date and likely quite bloody. no one knows what the outcome will be. this is a couple of things that will help our audience to understand it. the russians are consolidating their forces outside of the city of kharkiv and bringing them down north the south axis from the city of azume. their attempt is to come in behind the ukrainian forces who are fighting the russian forces in the donbas region and attempt to encircle them. the ukrainians are aware of what's taking place here and they're moving forces to intercept them and to block them. it's note worthy to date in the donbas region, the ukrainian forces have been doing well. they repelled about all the assaults that have taken place in that area. now on the map there, that's where luhansk and donetsk is. we know about the siege that has taken place in mariupol and the ukrainians are still in two parts of the city. i think they're able to stay there as long as they have supplies. one is the steel mill where this alleged chemical weapons were used or possibly riot control chemicals. we don't know that. it will likely be confirmed. in the southwest earn part of the city also. i would assume at some point mariupol will collapse. the focus is northeast of there in the donbas region. that's where the major battle will unfold before our eyes. i think the consequences of that fight will determine the future of what is taking place militarily. if the russians are able to hold back the ukrainians and still have sufficient forces left, not only would they expand to the west, they may try to expand to the north and go back and re-visit the capitol city of kyiv. it's remote but certainly a possibility. if the ukrainians are able to win this fight and they certainly have an opportunity to do that, anybody that is underestimating the ukrainians at this late date is foolish. that would be very consequential for them. it remains to -- then they're reducing territory that the russians have and getting them back likely to something close to what they had before this invasion began, which is nothing short of remarkable if they're able to do that. russia is committed. and i think that's what putin went out of his way to make this statement today to make sure that everybody understands we're not talking about a peace deal here. we're talking about russia accomplishing its mission here. we're going to continue on that mission. >> martha: he said something about what the rest of the world doesn't understand is when russia is in a more difficult position, it galvanizes them and galvanizes the country behind it. we'll see if that's the case. thanks, general. always good to see you. >> thank you. >> martha: so this report has also just come in in a basement in a town of brovery in ukraine. a gruesome discovery. they found six dead bodies riddled with gun shot wounds in a town outside of the capitol still there. a prosecutor says these murders likely took place at the beginning of the war as many fled kyiv. some stayed behind. now they're just learning the full extent of the carnage of those that stayed behind in kyiv. trey yingst reporting with the very latest. hi, trey. >> martha, good afternoon. officials say 400 residents of bucha were killed when russians invaded. we were there when investigations continued. i need to warn you the following images are graphic. >> this grandmother looks on, trying to make sense of the horror. they couldn't take the explosions anymore. they went to evacuate, she says. the family had lived in bucha for three years after fleeing conflict in the donbas region. we wanted to save them from that war. we got into this one. granny couldn't save her grandson. her voice trailing off. choking back tears. valentina's son and daughter in law were evacuating when their car was hit by russian fire. the son survived. the others were buried here where officials continue to dig looking for other victims. right now war crimes, prosecutors and police are digging up the grave sites of civilians killed by russian forces when the forces controlled this town. down the road, those that survived the assault point to the damage. this is a hole in the yard where a russian shell landed. we were hiding and closing the doors because we don't have a basement. it was very terrifying for us. i had panic attacks sitting down and crying. this woman and her husband spent days at a time inside the house sitting in a small dark room. she believes their lives were paired because of their age. even with russian troops gone, the destruction makes it difficult to survive. >> she says that there's no heating or electricity, so they've had to take bottles of hot water and put them underneath the bed to keep them warm at night. while the russians were shelling the neighborhood, she describes a scene of horror having to put her daughter and granddaughter underneath a mattress, worried that they would be killed by the russian shells. >> martha, ukrainian civilians are paying the high price and they're still at risk. >> martha: thanks, trey. we'll stay with you for a minute. how often do you hear the sirens in kyiv? the understanding is there's been a retreat from kyiv but clearly the potential for missile attacks. >> yeah, absolutely. the past 24 hours, we've heard the air raid sirens going off multiple times. while there's no longer russian forces around the capitol, they're firing missiles from belarus. the president of belarus acting hand and hand with russian president putin this week. they're trying to change the narrative saying the russians are not targeting civilians, but in this city of three million people, there's civilians. they're trying to get back to a normal life. as russia continues its attack on the capitol and across the country, reinforcing their soldiers in the east, they're expected to be more violent days ahead. martha? >> martha: i'm thinking of the woman that you spoke to and her panic attack. it's terrifying to hear the sirens overhead and to not know what is coming. that report was so personal and really took us inside one couple and what life is like there. >> martha: it's really hard when you talk to civilians like that in ukraine who felt that once the russians retreated, that they would have a break, be able to try to pick up -- you can hear behind me this war is not over. you can see it in their eyes and hear it in their voices. they want the war to be over badly. i asked that woman who she would say to president putin. she said i would encourage you to come here and see what your doing to the ukrainian people. they're similar many so many ways, but president putin is trying to paint them to be something that they're not. he's calling them nazis, referring to them in horrible ways. when you meet the ukrainians, the resilient population, they pledge to fight and defend their country despite the fact that their cities are under attack and that their civilian population is dying by the thousands. the mayor of mariupol, the southern port city today saying that more than 10,000 people have died there. we don't even have the true extent of the damage across this country. it's been so brutal. it's impossible to get in to survey just how bad it is. martha? >> martha: horrific. trey, thank you very much. stay safe in kyiv. trey yingst reporting from kyiv. right now, fox news can confirm that the dod will convene a meeting with american military contractors to discuss what military weaponly can be used to help ukraine. here's president zelensky. >> one of the spokesperson of the invaders said three using chemical weapons against the defenders of mariupol. >> martha: john kirby said the united states cannot confirm reports that russian forces used chemical weapons in mariupol. with that, we bring in michael 'hanlon from the brookings institute. great to have you with us today. so your thoughts on that dod meeting that we expect today with contractors to get a better handle on what they can do and how quickly. >> hi, martha. clearly we have to keep flowing in the same things that have been so effective, the javelin anti-tank weapons. this onslaught that general keane described is prepared in the northeast. we also need to look to sort of the next kind of technology. there's been a lot of debate about airplanes. and the thing also are minefields that can be deployed in the path of russian armor. we have to look to the month of june when the fields get dry enough that tanks and supply vehicles can drive across them. the big wide open wheat fields of eastern ukraine. that will create more opportunity for russia. and technologies that haven't been needed so far might be required at that point, like the ones i just mentioned. you can try to help ukraine build their own tank army. that's a longer term proposition and the odds are against them fighting the russians. but smart mine technology and maybe some drones with the ability to find vehicles off road and go faster than vehicles themselves. those are the kinds of things that i hope we're thinking about now. >> martha: you hear the determination in vladimir putin's voice. clearly he was -- they were humiliated in their kyiv approach. they had to leave. they restreeted from the capitol city. the leadership is still in place. now they need to regroup and come back stronger, a lot of talk about hiring mercenaries from syria, chechnya. what are you -- what do we know or what can we say in terms of that effort to rebuild? if they can't to that, if this huge battle that general keane describes is coming, what will it looks like? >> a great question. of course, we don't want to give the russians too much advice because they're making bad enough decisions that a brookings guy might improve their performance. i do feel that if they just sort of rebuild one division at a time and send them in from the north, especially in the next few weeks when the fields are muddy, they won't do well. if they concentrate on a big june offensive, they have a better chance. they can build a larger force, come in on multiple axis and they can drive across open fields. that's the fight that i most want to see us get prepared to help the ukrainians defend against. not so much the next phase, which is important, but still the odds are tilted against russia in that next phase. but later in the spring when they brought on 100,000 more conscripts, when they have taken more tanks out of storage, had the opportunity to refit -- they have taken 15,000 dead, the russian military in ukraine. that's as many people as they lost in the entire afghanistan operation of the 80s. they need a lot of rebuilding and fitting. if they take a couple months to do it right, they could be a potent force by the summer. that's where our focus should go. >> martha: you talked about the 15,000 that we have lost. i think about the mothers, the images that have managed to make it out of there, them complaining, that their sons didn't know where they were going, conscripts that don't have experience, generals killed in the field. the new general now in charge. i wonder about the resolve and how important that is. we have seen what happens on the other side of the fence and how crucial it's been for the success of ukraine. >> yeah, well-put. yet in times of war, countries tend to double down. the russians have now brought in this general that supervised operations in syria where the russian air force had no qualms with about levelling apartment buildings to kill ten gorillas even if they killed 100 civilians. the russian conscripts will be disciplined very severely if they show actual resistance to their orders as opposed to low morale. the russian state is still saturated with disinformation to the point according to the polls -- i don't know to believe them or not, but the polls say the russian people buy vladimir putin's excuses for why he's fighting this war. so even though there should be in a real functioning democracy a big debate and protests against this war inside of russia. as you and i know, russia is no longer a democracy and there's no longer a debate. >> thanks, michael. good to see you. >> thank you. >> martha: so new jersey is the latest battleground for parental rights in schools many asking why those that zoom schooled for over a year and struggling to get caught up are now instead being taught about gender identity at the age of 6. a story exclusive with the garden state congressman who says he has had enough after this. >> doesn't belong in the schools. they're taking away our parental rights. as parents, we need to determine when we're going to speak to our children about these topics. with no down payment. and rates are still near the lowest in history. already own a home and need cash? with the newday100 loan, you can get up to $60,000 or more and lower your payments $615 a month. no bank, no lender, no one knows veterans like newdayusa. ancestry made it really easy to learn about my family's history. finding military information, newspaper articles, how many people were living in the house and where it was, makes me curious and keeps pulling me in and the photos reminding me of what life must have been like for them. finding out new bits of information about the family has been a wonderful experience, it's an important part of understanding who we are. do you have a life insurance policy you no longer need? now you can sell your policy - even a term policy - for an immediate cash payment. we thought we had planned carefully for our retirement. but we quickly 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today's shooting and they're still spanning the city, all of the boroughs and extended areas looking for this individual. they say they have good clues and they talked to the best experts around. they believe that they will find him. mayor adams has said the same thing. he says he will double the number of police who are patrolling the new york city subways. no doubt this will give people pause. some parents want to know why teaching first and second greaters that they may be a boy or feel like a girl or be a boy and feel like a girl why that would be focused on that great level. that has parents concerned. a lot of students are still trying to catch up on the basics of math and reading after missing out for over a year during zoom schooling. so in a moment, jeff van drew from new jersey that would require parental consent for this learning. and first to nate in new jersey. hi, nate. >> hi, martha. yeah, today in new jersey parents are reacting and responding to the governor's comments yesterday where he indicated that he's open to changing the guidelines before they take effect in september. however, he also criticized people that he says are using this as a point of politics and division. here's one parent's response. >> my first reaction is he's perhaps listening that the parents are unhappy. but he also gave a caveat about politics. i didn't understand that. >> it's not just parents that are upset. eight republican senators have written a letter saying parents are telling us that they don't understand how standards that they view at extreme were adopted by a politically appointed board. in west field, new jersey in late february, parents were given a sample lesson plan called pink, blue and purple where first graders would learn being a boy or girl doesn't mean you have to have those parts but for most people this is how their bodies are. >> you don't know how each and every individual teacher will present it and what materials they'll present to our children. even opting out is not the answer. because children will talk. children will share material and that's just exacerbating the issue. >> martha, the parents that we spoke with live in nearby randolph new jersey. they say the education committee closed their meetings where they discussed the curriculum to the parents so parents have less opportunity to voice their concerns. now back to you. >> martha: wow. nate, thank very much. congressman jeff van drew is working on a bill that parents will be notified when talking about gender identify in the classroom. thanks for being here. what is your feeling about this? >> this is awful. i don't know what we're doing to americans in so many different ways. this is the top. if i told you a number of years ago that this would happen in our public schools, you wouldn't believe it. we're actually going to take little boys and girls that we send to school and start teaching them about gender i.d. and gender change and other things that are not appropriate at that age. it's absurd and painful and it's because there's a lot of people that don't unfortunately in powerful positions that don't vol the importance of a family. my bill is basically my child, my choice. what that means is not that you just opt out, it means that nobody can do anything unless you opt in. you have to say that you want this before it can ever happen. i'm telling you, i've talked to a lot of parents, democrats and republicans, all sides of the aisle, normal people that don't want this for their children. very few people will want to opt. in if the school system doesn't do it, they lose their federal funding under this bill. they should. this is not what america is about. it's not what families are about. it's so horrible. >> martha: and you're going to i hope let us know what happens with this bill. people are opting out. 43,000 have left the new jersey school system. i think that just says that they're voting with their feet. people are making other choices for their kids. they are home schooling, sending them to catholic schools. here's what gets me. these teachers and the school systems and the boards have a responsibility to educate children. we have slipped find during covid. where in my of the mission statements does it say that this falls under the job responsibility of what a kindergarten or first or second grade teacher needs to make sure that that student knows before they head home before the summer in june. where is it in there? >> you're right, this is bizarre. it's harmful, hurtful. let me tell you, it's something that we can't let happen not only in new jersey or when it was going to happen in virginia but anywhere in the united states. this is just too much. this is just over the line. and we really got to stop it. it's wrong. so we're going to do everything we can. i am going to get a lot of co sponsors. nationally this is not acceptable and shouldn't be acceptable. we used to be in the top five of countries in the world as far as our education level and how kids do in reading, math and science. we're dropped in 23 and near 25. number 1 is china the. >> martha: yeah, number 1 is china. if we want to be competitive, we have to focus on teaching children, giving them a great education so that they can be strong when they go out in the world and they can be competitive. that's what school is for. i don't know how we went down this road. we're failing our children. this has nothing to do with the subject matter. if a child is uncomfortable, a child has questions about this, they feel this might apply to them, this question of gender. there's a lot of places where this can be discussed or go to their teacher and say can i talk to someone about this. there's a lot of avenues about, this here's kellyanne conway talking about the politics of this. >> murphy almost lost in new jersey. he barely won by three points, a state that joe biden carried by 16. if you listen to the parents, they say i'm a life-long democrat. i believe with this, that with the democrats and align with them but nothing is more important than my kids. >> martha: your a former democrat, congressman. you think this has an impact on party affiliation? >> absolutely. it's one of the many reasons and i won't go in to the long list. i can't memorize it all it's so long. this democratic party is not the party that used to be. as i said many times and many other people have said, i didn't leave the democratic party. the democratic party left me. i would never want to think this would happen to my children. by the way, some of these kids are going to be forced somehow or pushed in to believing things that they normally wouldn't. let them play, let them learn, let them learn math and all the things that are important. as you pointed out, let's get competitive. i want the u.s.a. to be number 1 in the world. >> martha: that's the goal of most parents when they send their kids to school. thanks very much, congressman. great to see you today. >> thank you. >> martha: now for something different. this is a horrifying video from shanghai showing how people are feeling. listen to this. >> martha: like a horror movie. it's real. that is people standing on their balconies screaming in shanghai. they're under covid lock down for more than two weeks. the man that shot this video says the isolation goes on, something will go wrong. now shanghai says that people can leave their homes and some stores can reopen. it's allowing exceptions to the policy of separating covid positive children. little kids in cribs from their parents who are being kept alone in a quarantine facility. there's that. still waiting for president biden to deliver marks on the economy in iowa this hour. the labor department says the inflation jumped 8.5% last quarter. marc thiessen is here with a bit more on this from the american enterprise institute and fox news contributor. good to see you. >> good to see you. >> martha: what do you expect the president to say? >> what he shouldn't do is tell us how great the economy is. this is a big mistake this president has been making. when a president says something that is opposite of the reality of americans, they tune him out. one thing he shouldn't say, he shouldn't brag about rising wages. that has been wiped out by inflation. the reason we have low unemployment is because of the labor shortage that he has created with 11. 3 million unfilled jobs, which was created by his 1.9 trillion covid relief bill because of social spending disguised as covid relief, which heated up the demand side. he should not ask for more spending. the reason joe manchin killed build back better is because he was concerned about inflation. inflation is getting worse, not better. finally, don't blame vladimir putin. americans are not stupid. we know we have a 30-year high in year over year rise in gas prices before ukraine. we know there was a 40-year high in inflation before ukraine. you can say it's contributing, but don't try to blame it on somebody else. don't say the economy is great and it's somebody else's fault. those are contradictory and people don't believe it. >> martha: this is tricky territory. i remember jimmy carter was blamed for saying that we had a malaise. kamala harris made similar comments. how do you walk that line? how are you honest with people? i know prices are going up, this is a tough period that we're going through. here's why you should be optimistic. >> the hard part is he's to be blamed for the inflation. he's not willing to acknowledge that the 1.9 trillion spending into a $300 billion hole and what happened? the inflation goes up. savings rates went up. people are not rejoining the economy. you had a story about how millennials would rather not work than work for a company whose business they disagree with. >> martha: it's unbelievable. they want to run the show. they want to do it from home. they don't want to go to the office. >> exactly. >> martha: it's going to be a big issue in the coming election. >> it's a huge issue. it alone would be a huge issue, 8.5% inflation. then you have it on top of the worst crime wave since the 90s. the worst border crisis in american history which he's about to make worse with title 42. then you have the worst inflation. you have the worst invasion of another country since world war ii. there's so many worsts going on right now, confluence of worsts happening and they're lifting title 42 because the covid emergency is over but going to extend masks on planes. they're not willing to let go of the covid emergency -- >> martha: they're going to find a why to extend it. >> hopefully. >> martha: you have philadelphia reinstituting mask rules. so good to see your face while we can, marc. >> thank you. >> martha: marc thiessen. we're going to wait for the president who will be appearing in iowa shortly and see what he says about inflation, see what he says about this ongoing man hunt in new york city, which is a frightening situation. we heard sirens here throughout the day as this -- which you do sometimes. seems like they're intense today. we'll have a close eye on that. we'll have an update at 5:00 from authorities here in new york city. hopefullifully they'll have good news for this person that shot ten people and wounded 16 in the subways as people were trying to get to work this morning. a frightening situation. thank you for joining us on "the story" today. great to have you with us. see you back here tomorrow. "your world" with neil starts now. >> neil: thank you, martha. we're waiting for that presser planned less than an hour from now. what we know in the new york shooting incident, could have been worse. ten people shot in this brooklyn subway. all expected to survive. the suspect at large. six were injured after reports that the guy came in a gas mask, set up a canister of smoke and a train filled with people at the 36th straight in sunset park, brooklyn and started opening fire. he managed to get out.

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Story With Martha MacCallum 20240708 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Story With Martha MacCallum 20240708

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we have new details coming up moments away. also, president biden is about to address that situation in new york. we expect he'll have comments on it for the first time this hour. also, the huge inflation spike that was revealed that has now triggered fears that the united states may be heading towards recession. we're going to talk about that coming up. the latest on the war in ukraine. putin vows that it is noble, his efforts, and he will see it through. fox team coverage this hour. trey yingst live in kyiv. peter doocy at the white house and bryan llenas following the breaking news today in this subway shooting here in new york. we start with you, bryan, with new information on the suspect's potential vehicle and things that he left behind at the scene. what the can you tell us about that, bryan? >> martha, sources tell me they're looking for a u-haul van with arizona plates somewhere in this city. be on the lookout has been sent out to nypd officers to look out for this u-haul van in connection with this shooting that happened just before 8:30 a.m. police are looking again for that. we also know that there was a bag left behind with at least possible fireworks, fireworks inside of that bag. other outlets are reporting that there were also other items in there. i can report there were fireworks in the bag. all of this as the search continues for a black male, 5'5", about 180 pounds, heavy build. police say that he came in to that train and he put on a gas mask as the train made its way in to the 36th street stop that was making its way to manhattan. he opened fire on that train car as smoke was billowing from the canister. then shot people on the platform as well. that train continued on in to the next station. people in the chaos were being treated bypass sengers and fellow new yorkers. here's one witness to all of the mayhem. listen. >> it was scary. i didn't know what was going on. i thought someone got hit or something. it was like a scary moment. everybody was passing that station, getting out. very scary. >> this video shows what could be perhaps the gunman. we don't know. something in between both train cars. one train car filling up with smoke. where the attack happened while the other is empty and people trying to make their way out of that train. a terrifying situation. a worse case scenario for anybody who has ever been on the new york city subway. the governor, kathy hochul spoke at a press conference after this shooting. this is what she had to say about the situation here in new york. >> we're sick and tired of reading headlines about crime, whether they're mass shootings, the loss of a teenage girl or a 13-year-old. it has to stop. i'm committing the full resources of our state to fight this surge of crime. this insanity that is seizing our city. we want to get back to normal. >> the new york city mayor eric adams has covid has been speaking. he told the local radio station, martha, that one of the cameras was not working inidea of the train station and they're working with the mta to figure out if perhaps the whole station was without working cameras, which obviously make it much more difficult to locate where this suspect ran off to after unleashing this kind of mayhem. we know at least 28 people were injured. ten people were shot. five critically injured. luckily amazingly they are being described as nonlife threatening injuries and everybody is expected to survive as the man hunt continues. martha? >> martha: hopefully we get more details on the injuries and the cameras that you bring up, bryan. thank you. bryan llenas. let us know if you get more breaking details. we're waiting for information hopefully leading to catching this individual. with bring in with that, ray kelly, the former new york city police commissioner. he's the longest serving commissioner ever and the old people to hold that post twice. commissioner, thanks very much for being with us. good to have you here today. >> thanks, martha. >> martha: we're getting details now. there's a question about an arizona plate. they got a bag he left behind. they know his build, how he was dressed. what is your assessment? >> all of this is good information. i think the description of the van or the u-haul probably came through the 577 tips hotline. that will be helpful in this case. this individual will be identified i think pretty quickly. it does underscore the concerns that the people have about the new york city subway system. crime is up 68% so far in the transit system and up 44% citiwide. those numbers are concerning. they're not going to do anything to raise people's confidence about riding the subway in the near term. >> martha: you say you're confident they will catch him. mayor adams said the same thing. there's nobody better than the nypd. do you think they have enough to go on? as brian reported, they're not sure the cameras were working in there. how much of an impediment is that in terms of figuring out which direction he might have gone in? >> certainly the cameras are very helpful. they change the role of law enforcement. that's one of the first things detectives do, look for cameras. if they're not working, that's not a good thing. i think that witnesses will come forward, informants will be queried by detectives. we're building information now. it's a few hours old. it's going to take a little time. this individual obviously had a plan to escape. smoke grenades. that in themselves could be a good tip. where do you get smoke grenades? very few places. who manufactures them, that sort of thing. so the case is building. it's going to take some time. i feel confident that this individual will be taken into custody. >> martha: we hope that's the case. we'll get into details in just a moment. i want to ask you big picture questions. let's play this sound bite from governor hochul. i want your reaction in terms of what's going on in new york city. let me tell you what she said. she said no more mass shootings, no more disrupting lives, no more creating heart break for people. it has to end. it ends now. we're sick and tired of reading these headlines. your thoughts, commissioner. >> we need actions rather than words. we've had a lot of strong statements over the last three months about fighting crime. unfortunately the state legislature didn't do anything about the bail reform. we need to be more aggressive on the streets. we need to engage and stop and frisk strategies which are perfectly legal. we have to take away some of the restrictions that have been placed on police officers. this city was just a few years ago the safest big city in america. >> martha: so true. >> unfortunately you can't label it now. we know how to do it. we've done it in the past. it can be turned around. >> martha: we lost so many police officers during covid that retired early that didn't feel like the city had their back under mayor de blasio. do you see any change in that, sir? >> it's still a huge problem. they're brain drained. we lost a lot of people that were police officers for a long time. i'm told over 5,000 police officers either retired or resigned in the 1 1/2 years period of time. what about all of that expertise? what about all of that experience? new york is not any safer. and the restrictions placed on the police officer. for instance, they can't use qualified immunity if they're sued. these are things that discourage officers from engaging. they've been blamed for all sorts of social problems in the city. so yes, they're holding back to some degree. it's an unfortunate reality when you put the restrictions in, police officers will think twice before they take action of protecting themselves and protecting their family. >> martha: no doubt, sir. we remember what it was like under your leadership. right now those good officers of the new york city police department are trying to find this guy before he hurts anyone else and get him in custody. commissioner kelly, thank you. great to have you with us today. >> thank you, martha. >> martha: joining me now, a retired fbi agent. he spent many years here in new york city. jim, good to have you here. what do you make of this case right now and what would be your thoughts on how to find this guy, how to apprehend him and take him in to custody? >> martha, good to join you. i echo what former commissioner kelly said. this guy will be caught. there were a number of things that i took away from the earlier press conference conducted by city officials. number 1, the city is treating this as an active shooting incident. that's a fine line distinction between a terrorist attack and an active shooting situation. it's too early to assume. motive, we know they didn't find any extra improvised explosives. we're lucky there were no life threatening injuries. the people that were attacked, the ones shot, some are in critical, stable conditions. for investigators, i'll echo what commissioner kelly said. much of manhattan, much of the five boroughs are blanketed by surveillance cameras. law enforcement officers are going through right now, going to nip together the fragments of videotape and also a thing called digital exhaust. in 2022, everything we do registered digital exhaust, whether it's using a cell phone, driving a vehicle which license plate is picked up by a plate reader so many different things. law enforcement will catch this guy. i'm confident. knowing that they have a vehicle attached to him, that will help them at the different entrances in to the five boroughs, whether it's the tunnels, the bridges. they'll put a drag net out and catch this guy. >> martha: we don't doubt it. hope it happens soon. one last question on a detail that bryan llenas reported. he said that sources told him the gun that they found at the scene, which is good, and we hope that's the only gun on him, but the gun jammed and that he had multiple rounds on him. there's also speculation about other things in his bag. bryan confirmed there were fireworks in there. your thoughts. >> there were reports that there were shell casings found. those can be prone to jamming. that's a good thing right there. probably why he decided to escape before he could have committed anymore carnage. >> thanks, james. a new yorker, retired fbi. good to have you with us today. >> thank you, martha. >> martha: so the president has been briefed on the unfolding man hunt that is underway manhattan right now. in brooklyn, excuse me. he's in iowa. they're looking all over the city. he's rolling out a plan to fight the record inflation numbers that came out earlier today. so take a look at the price increases. this is not really news to most of us. you know, meat, eggs, milk, fruit, vegetables, oil. all of this is up double digits when you go shopping and you get the sticker shot at the end of the grocery line. gas is up 48%. that's a huge bite out of everybody's wallet. electricity, 11%. neil cavuto is standing by as we wait for the president. first, peter doocy, our white house correspondent who is at the white house covering this story. hi, peter. >> martha, they want to blame vladimir putin for the rising prices, but some people in the president's own party are not buying this putin price hike blame game, including senator joe manchin that is asking this. when will this end? it's a disservice to the american people to act as if inflation is a new phenomenon. today's data is a snap shot in time of the consequences being felt across the country. the white house spin today sounds like this. >> we certainly saw some easing of the core prices. that's where you leave out energy and food. look, this president knows that energy and food are creating real challenges for household budgets. he's doing everything he can including, of course, the historical release of barrels of oil from the strategic reserve. >> but these rising prices predate the putin invasion. we checked the tape. officials have been talking about inflation since last year. first blaming the pandemic and thin worker shortages and then the supply chain. all the way claiming it was temporary. >> i think you'll see it change sooner -- quicker -- more rapidly than it will take, than most people think. every other aspect of the economy is racing ahead. it's doing incredibly well. >> while he's on the ground in iowa, the president will announce the plan to introduce more e-15 fuel that he hopes will bring down gas prices, which have been leading the way of all products that people need every day as inflation has risen the last couple months. martha? >> martha: thanks, peter doocy at the white house. with that, we bring in neil cavuto, anchor of "your world." great to have you with us. we wait to hear from the president. if i could, i would like to start with this quote from larry summers, a clinton economic adviser. very well known democrat economist in a couple of different white houses. he says there's a first time for everything, but the past 75 years, every time inflation has exceeded 4% and unemployment has been below 5%, the u.s. economy has gone into a recession within five years. now it's north of six and unemployment is south of four. how do you think that lines up and do you think that we are headed to a recession? >> well, i don't know if it is a recession but it will be a slow-down to his point. of course, you know, there's always this fear that it builds on itself. normally inflation ends when people say the hell with it, i'm not going to keep paying the high prices and then the stag part of it, the stagflation, the slow down. we're seeing early signs that customers at stores have pivoted action much as they can to no meet or different cuts of meat and a limit on what they can do. you can't do this with gasoline, but they have tried. one of the things we realized in the market's turn around up almost 300 pounds and down 155 points is this notion that maybe this is a problem that we were getting ahead of ourselves here. the number is still bad. inflation is running at an 8.5% clip. we have not been back to these levels since when charles and diana got married. >> martha: that was a long time ago. we know how that ended. this is mark vandy, who has been very supportive of the white house policies including huge amount of money that poured in to the economy during covid, trillions of dollars. he said this. when they lose him, they might be in a little trouble here. the economic backdrop is as dark as it's been since the start of the administration. it's a very, very dark and deep problem. there's nothing more than having to pay more and it's only going to get worse, he says. so when i read that, it's only going to get worse, you think what happens when people stop spending their money? it starts to erode profits at companies and it goes on up the chain. >> that is the history of inflation. normally you get to a point that people -- when it all starts, they're paying more. they're able to pay more. it remains and underlying strong economy. i want to emphasize that. there's that going for us, a lot stronger than what jimmy carter had to deal with when we had inflation is that turned into stagflation and the end of his presidency. the difference is we're running out of rope here if this were to continue. if people sort of have a price revolt and don't buy things, it spills over in to corporate earnings. we're going to get a lot of them now as we go through the first quarter numbers. this is one of those times where we'll see many more analyzing not the numbers of the quarter just past but the forecast for the quarters ahead. guidance. a lot of companies have been warning us they're running into head winds. we're doing to have to see how that sorts out. the consumer is relatively strong. she's in a point right now where she might just be saying, i can't keep doing this. >> martha: yeah. cancelling buying things, potentially cancelling a vacation a plane trip, a new car. all of these things. then i think about the world, when you look around the world. you look at the supply chain issues. look at the fact that covid is still with us. what's going on in china right now. what is the impact when china -- when shanghai is shut down on technology and what is produced there. these ripples are very wide, are they not? >> they are very wide. you raise a good point. shanghai is a industrial center. production of a lot of the fancy iphones. they're kind of stymied right now. that is extended to a couple of other towns, localities in china. they are easing some of the restrictions in china because they have seen a spike in cases, they've not seen a serious spike in hospitalizations and death. we can't always rely on the information they give us. even the spikes in this country and, you know, these variants are still very real, they're not nearly as dangerous as we thought. having said all of that though, when it comes to china, when it comes to on going ukraine war, it's a spillover, domino effect. all of a sudden areas that we used to get stuff, you can't get as much because they're not making it. we're not inclined to buy as much. so essentially we're all stopped. >> martha: indeed. thanks very much, neil. great to have you with us. >> neil: same here, martha. >> martha: president biden wants to turn around the poll numbers where the economy is concerned. he wants people to go in good shape, he wants them to have enough money to buy things. so today he has to deal with a tough report. that data that came out and talk to americans about the fact that the cost of everything is going up and up. then he's also got to address vladimir putin and what is the impact on all of that, the war in europe as it continues to grind on and putin pledges that he will carry out this special operation to its "full completion." we expect the president to address these issues when he's at this event. general jack keane and trey yingst who is live in kyiv when our breaking coverage continues. liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for whatchya... line? need. liberty biberty— cut. liberty... are we married to mutual? only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ can a company make the planet a better place? what if it's a company that's pursuing 100% renewable energy in our operations. and aiming to protect millions of acres of land. so we can all live better. >> tech: does your windshield have a crack? trust safelite. and aiming to protect millions of acres of land. >> tech vo: this customer had auto glass damage, but he was busy working from home... he scheduled with safelite in just a few clicks. we came to his house... ...then we got to work. we replaced his windshield and installed new wipers to protect his new glass, while he finished his meeting. let safelite come to you. >> man: looks great. thank you. >> tech: my pleasure. that's service on 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completion and the fulfillment of the tasks that have been set. >> martha: with that, we bring in general jack keane, chairman of the institute for the study of war and fox news senior strategic analyst. great to have you with us as us a. i want to get in here of 17 seconds of sound from vladimir putin and then your thoughts on everything that he had to say. let's play that. >> we don't intend to be isolated. it's impossible to severely isolate anyone in the modern world, especially a vast country like russia. special military operations and ukraine's goals are clear and they're noble. >> martha: general keane, your thoughts. >> certainly isolation he's referring to the sanctions and the condemnation that he's getting from the world and referring to himself as an international pariah and the united states and most of our democracies that are aligned with us, is that he is isolated. not just economically, but certainly geo complete tickly and socially as well. the other thing is what we expected. that he would grind this thing out. he's got his objectives. he's not given up on forcing a collapse of the regime. he's suffered a significant defeat in the northern cities, particularly the capitol city. now they resurrected themselves and focusing on one area and they're bringing their forces to bear on that area. i believe we're on a cusp of likely the largest battle that's been fought in this war to date and likely quite bloody. no one knows what the outcome will be. this is a couple of things that will help our audience to understand it. the russians are consolidating their forces outside of the city of kharkiv and bringing them down north the south axis from the city of azume. their attempt is to come in behind the ukrainian forces who are fighting the russian forces in the donbas region and attempt to encircle them. the ukrainians are aware of what's taking place here and they're moving forces to intercept them and to block them. it's note worthy to date in the donbas region, the ukrainian forces have been doing well. they repelled about all the assaults that have taken place in that area. now on the map there, that's where luhansk and donetsk is. we know about the siege that has taken place in mariupol and the ukrainians are still in two parts of the city. i think they're able to stay there as long as they have supplies. one is the steel mill where this alleged chemical weapons were used or possibly riot control chemicals. we don't know that. it will likely be confirmed. in the southwest earn part of the city also. i would assume at some point mariupol will collapse. the focus is northeast of there in the donbas region. that's where the major battle will unfold before our eyes. i think the consequences of that fight will determine the future of what is taking place militarily. if the russians are able to hold back the ukrainians and still have sufficient forces left, not only would they expand to the west, they may try to expand to the north and go back and re-visit the capitol city of kyiv. it's remote but certainly a possibility. if the ukrainians are able to win this fight and they certainly have an opportunity to do that, anybody that is underestimating the ukrainians at this late date is foolish. that would be very consequential for them. it remains to -- then they're reducing territory that the russians have and getting them back likely to something close to what they had before this invasion began, which is nothing short of remarkable if they're able to do that. russia is committed. and i think that's what putin went out of his way to make this statement today to make sure that everybody understands we're not talking about a peace deal here. we're talking about russia accomplishing its mission here. we're going to continue on that mission. >> martha: he said something about what the rest of the world doesn't understand is when russia is in a more difficult position, it galvanizes them and galvanizes the country behind it. we'll see if that's the case. thanks, general. always good to see you. >> thank you. >> martha: so this report has also just come in in a basement in a town of brovery in ukraine. a gruesome discovery. they found six dead bodies riddled with gun shot wounds in a town outside of the capitol still there. a prosecutor says these murders likely took place at the beginning of the war as many fled kyiv. some stayed behind. now they're just learning the full extent of the carnage of those that stayed behind in kyiv. trey yingst reporting with the very latest. hi, trey. >> martha, good afternoon. officials say 400 residents of bucha were killed when russians invaded. we were there when investigations continued. i need to warn you the following images are graphic. >> this grandmother looks on, trying to make sense of the horror. they couldn't take the explosions anymore. they went to evacuate, she says. the family had lived in bucha for three years after fleeing conflict in the donbas region. we wanted to save them from that war. we got into this one. granny couldn't save her grandson. her voice trailing off. choking back tears. valentina's son and daughter in law were evacuating when their car was hit by russian fire. the son survived. the others were buried here where officials continue to dig looking for other victims. right now war crimes, prosecutors and police are digging up the grave sites of civilians killed by russian forces when the forces controlled this town. down the road, those that survived the assault point to the damage. this is a hole in the yard where a russian shell landed. we were hiding and closing the doors because we don't have a basement. it was very terrifying for us. i had panic attacks sitting down and crying. this woman and her husband spent days at a time inside the house sitting in a small dark room. she believes their lives were paired because of their age. even with russian troops gone, the destruction makes it difficult to survive. >> she says that there's no heating or electricity, so they've had to take bottles of hot water and put them underneath the bed to keep them warm at night. while the russians were shelling the neighborhood, she describes a scene of horror having to put her daughter and granddaughter underneath a mattress, worried that they would be killed by the russian shells. >> martha, ukrainian civilians are paying the high price and they're still at risk. >> martha: thanks, trey. we'll stay with you for a minute. how often do you hear the sirens in kyiv? the understanding is there's been a retreat from kyiv but clearly the potential for missile attacks. >> yeah, absolutely. the past 24 hours, we've heard the air raid sirens going off multiple times. while there's no longer russian forces around the capitol, they're firing missiles from belarus. the president of belarus acting hand and hand with russian president putin this week. they're trying to change the narrative saying the russians are not targeting civilians, but in this city of three million people, there's civilians. they're trying to get back to a normal life. as russia continues its attack on the capitol and across the country, reinforcing their soldiers in the east, they're expected to be more violent days ahead. martha? >> martha: i'm thinking of the woman that you spoke to and her panic attack. it's terrifying to hear the sirens overhead and to not know what is coming. that report was so personal and really took us inside one couple and what life is like there. >> martha: it's really hard when you talk to civilians like that in ukraine who felt that once the russians retreated, that they would have a break, be able to try to pick up -- you can hear behind me this war is not over. you can see it in their eyes and hear it in their voices. they want the war to be over badly. i asked that woman who she would say to president putin. she said i would encourage you to come here and see what your doing to the ukrainian people. they're similar many so many ways, but president putin is trying to paint them to be something that they're not. he's calling them nazis, referring to them in horrible ways. when you meet the ukrainians, the resilient population, they pledge to fight and defend their country despite the fact that their cities are under attack and that their civilian population is dying by the thousands. the mayor of mariupol, the southern port city today saying that more than 10,000 people have died there. we don't even have the true extent of the damage across this country. it's been so brutal. it's impossible to get in to survey just how bad it is. martha? >> martha: horrific. trey, thank you very much. stay safe in kyiv. trey yingst reporting from kyiv. right now, fox news can confirm that the dod will convene a meeting with american military contractors to discuss what military weaponly can be used to help ukraine. here's president zelensky. >> one of the spokesperson of the invaders said three using chemical weapons against the defenders of mariupol. >> martha: john kirby said the united states cannot confirm reports that russian forces used chemical weapons in mariupol. with that, we bring in michael 'hanlon from the brookings institute. great to have you with us today. so your thoughts on that dod meeting that we expect today with contractors to get a better handle on what they can do and how quickly. >> hi, martha. clearly we have to keep flowing in the same things that have been so effective, the javelin anti-tank weapons. this onslaught that general keane described is prepared in the northeast. we also need to look to sort of the next kind of technology. there's been a lot of debate about airplanes. and the thing also are minefields that can be deployed in the path of russian armor. we have to look to the month of june when the fields get dry enough that tanks and supply vehicles can drive across them. the big wide open wheat fields of eastern ukraine. that will create more opportunity for russia. and technologies that haven't been needed so far might be required at that point, like the ones i just mentioned. you can try to help ukraine build their own tank army. that's a longer term proposition and the odds are against them fighting the russians. but smart mine technology and maybe some drones with the ability to find vehicles off road and go faster than vehicles themselves. those are the kinds of things that i hope we're thinking about now. >> martha: you hear the determination in vladimir putin's voice. clearly he was -- they were humiliated in their kyiv approach. they had to leave. they restreeted from the capitol city. the leadership is still in place. now they need to regroup and come back stronger, a lot of talk about hiring mercenaries from syria, chechnya. what are you -- what do we know or what can we say in terms of that effort to rebuild? if they can't to that, if this huge battle that general keane describes is coming, what will it looks like? >> a great question. of course, we don't want to give the russians too much advice because they're making bad enough decisions that a brookings guy might improve their performance. i do feel that if they just sort of rebuild one division at a time and send them in from the north, especially in the next few weeks when the fields are muddy, they won't do well. if they concentrate on a big june offensive, they have a better chance. they can build a larger force, come in on multiple axis and they can drive across open fields. that's the fight that i most want to see us get prepared to help the ukrainians defend against. not so much the next phase, which is important, but still the odds are tilted against russia in that next phase. but later in the spring when they brought on 100,000 more conscripts, when they have taken more tanks out of storage, had the opportunity to refit -- they have taken 15,000 dead, the russian military in ukraine. that's as many people as they lost in the entire afghanistan operation of the 80s. they need a lot of rebuilding and fitting. if they take a couple months to do it right, they could be a potent force by the summer. that's where our focus should go. >> martha: you talked about the 15,000 that we have lost. i think about the mothers, the images that have managed to make it out of there, them complaining, that their sons didn't know where they were going, conscripts that don't have experience, generals killed in the field. the new general now in charge. i wonder about the resolve and how important that is. we have seen what happens on the other side of the fence and how crucial it's been for the success of ukraine. >> yeah, well-put. yet in times of war, countries tend to double down. the russians have now brought in this general that supervised operations in syria where the russian air force had no qualms with about levelling apartment buildings to kill ten gorillas even if they killed 100 civilians. the russian conscripts will be disciplined very severely if they show actual resistance to their orders as opposed to low morale. the russian state is still saturated with disinformation to the point according to the polls -- i don't know to believe them or not, but the polls say the russian people buy vladimir putin's excuses for why he's fighting this war. so even though there should be in a real functioning democracy a big debate and protests against this war inside of russia. as you and i know, russia is no longer a democracy and there's no longer a debate. >> thanks, michael. good to see you. >> thank you. >> martha: so new jersey is the latest battleground for parental rights in schools many asking why those that zoom schooled for over a year and struggling to get caught up are now instead being taught about gender identity at the age of 6. a story exclusive with the garden state congressman who says he has had enough after this. >> doesn't belong in the schools. they're taking away our parental rights. as parents, we need to determine when we're going to speak to our children about these topics. with no down payment. and rates are still near the lowest in history. already own a home and need cash? with the newday100 loan, you can get up to $60,000 or more and lower your payments $615 a month. no bank, no lender, no one knows veterans like newdayusa. ancestry made it really easy to learn about my family's history. finding military information, newspaper articles, how many people were living in the house and where it was, makes me curious and keeps pulling me in and the photos reminding me of what life must have been like for them. finding out new bits of information about the family has been a wonderful experience, it's an important part of understanding who we are. do you have a life insurance policy you no longer need? now you can sell your policy - even a term policy - for an immediate cash payment. we thought we had planned carefully for our retirement. but we quickly 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today's shooting and they're still spanning the city, all of the boroughs and extended areas looking for this individual. they say they have good clues and they talked to the best experts around. they believe that they will find him. mayor adams has said the same thing. he says he will double the number of police who are patrolling the new york city subways. no doubt this will give people pause. some parents want to know why teaching first and second greaters that they may be a boy or feel like a girl or be a boy and feel like a girl why that would be focused on that great level. that has parents concerned. a lot of students are still trying to catch up on the basics of math and reading after missing out for over a year during zoom schooling. so in a moment, jeff van drew from new jersey that would require parental consent for this learning. and first to nate in new jersey. hi, nate. >> hi, martha. yeah, today in new jersey parents are reacting and responding to the governor's comments yesterday where he indicated that he's open to changing the guidelines before they take effect in september. however, he also criticized people that he says are using this as a point of politics and division. here's one parent's response. >> my first reaction is he's perhaps listening that the parents are unhappy. but he also gave a caveat about politics. i didn't understand that. >> it's not just parents that are upset. eight republican senators have written a letter saying parents are telling us that they don't understand how standards that they view at extreme were adopted by a politically appointed board. in west field, new jersey in late february, parents were given a sample lesson plan called pink, blue and purple where first graders would learn being a boy or girl doesn't mean you have to have those parts but for most people this is how their bodies are. >> you don't know how each and every individual teacher will present it and what materials they'll present to our children. even opting out is not the answer. because children will talk. children will share material and that's just exacerbating the issue. >> martha, the parents that we spoke with live in nearby randolph new jersey. they say the education committee closed their meetings where they discussed the curriculum to the parents so parents have less opportunity to voice their concerns. now back to you. >> martha: wow. nate, thank very much. congressman jeff van drew is working on a bill that parents will be notified when talking about gender identify in the classroom. thanks for being here. what is your feeling about this? >> this is awful. i don't know what we're doing to americans in so many different ways. this is the top. if i told you a number of years ago that this would happen in our public schools, you wouldn't believe it. we're actually going to take little boys and girls that we send to school and start teaching them about gender i.d. and gender change and other things that are not appropriate at that age. it's absurd and painful and it's because there's a lot of people that don't unfortunately in powerful positions that don't vol the importance of a family. my bill is basically my child, my choice. what that means is not that you just opt out, it means that nobody can do anything unless you opt in. you have to say that you want this before it can ever happen. i'm telling you, i've talked to a lot of parents, democrats and republicans, all sides of the aisle, normal people that don't want this for their children. very few people will want to opt. in if the school system doesn't do it, they lose their federal funding under this bill. they should. this is not what america is about. it's not what families are about. it's so horrible. >> martha: and you're going to i hope let us know what happens with this bill. people are opting out. 43,000 have left the new jersey school system. i think that just says that they're voting with their feet. people are making other choices for their kids. they are home schooling, sending them to catholic schools. here's what gets me. these teachers and the school systems and the boards have a responsibility to educate children. we have slipped find during covid. where in my of the mission statements does it say that this falls under the job responsibility of what a kindergarten or first or second grade teacher needs to make sure that that student knows before they head home before the summer in june. where is it in there? >> you're right, this is bizarre. it's harmful, hurtful. let me tell you, it's something that we can't let happen not only in new jersey or when it was going to happen in virginia but anywhere in the united states. this is just too much. this is just over the line. and we really got to stop it. it's wrong. so we're going to do everything we can. i am going to get a lot of co sponsors. nationally this is not acceptable and shouldn't be acceptable. we used to be in the top five of countries in the world as far as our education level and how kids do in reading, math and science. we're dropped in 23 and near 25. number 1 is china the. >> martha: yeah, number 1 is china. if we want to be competitive, we have to focus on teaching children, giving them a great education so that they can be strong when they go out in the world and they can be competitive. that's what school is for. i don't know how we went down this road. we're failing our children. this has nothing to do with the subject matter. if a child is uncomfortable, a child has questions about this, they feel this might apply to them, this question of gender. there's a lot of places where this can be discussed or go to their teacher and say can i talk to someone about this. there's a lot of avenues about, this here's kellyanne conway talking about the politics of this. >> murphy almost lost in new jersey. he barely won by three points, a state that joe biden carried by 16. if you listen to the parents, they say i'm a life-long democrat. i believe with this, that with the democrats and align with them but nothing is more important than my kids. >> martha: your a former democrat, congressman. you think this has an impact on party affiliation? >> absolutely. it's one of the many reasons and i won't go in to the long list. i can't memorize it all it's so long. this democratic party is not the party that used to be. as i said many times and many other people have said, i didn't leave the democratic party. the democratic party left me. i would never want to think this would happen to my children. by the way, some of these kids are going to be forced somehow or pushed in to believing things that they normally wouldn't. let them play, let them learn, let them learn math and all the things that are important. as you pointed out, let's get competitive. i want the u.s.a. to be number 1 in the world. >> martha: that's the goal of most parents when they send their kids to school. thanks very much, congressman. great to see you today. >> thank you. >> martha: now for something different. this is a horrifying video from shanghai showing how people are feeling. listen to this. >> martha: like a horror movie. it's real. that is people standing on their balconies screaming in shanghai. they're under covid lock down for more than two weeks. the man that shot this video says the isolation goes on, something will go wrong. now shanghai says that people can leave their homes and some stores can reopen. it's allowing exceptions to the policy of separating covid positive children. little kids in cribs from their parents who are being kept alone in a quarantine facility. there's that. still waiting for president biden to deliver marks on the economy in iowa this hour. the labor department says the inflation jumped 8.5% last quarter. marc thiessen is here with a bit more on this from the american enterprise institute and fox news contributor. good to see you. >> good to see you. >> martha: what do you expect the president to say? >> what he shouldn't do is tell us how great the economy is. this is a big mistake this president has been making. when a president says something that is opposite of the reality of americans, they tune him out. one thing he shouldn't say, he shouldn't brag about rising wages. that has been wiped out by inflation. the reason we have low unemployment is because of the labor shortage that he has created with 11. 3 million unfilled jobs, which was created by his 1.9 trillion covid relief bill because of social spending disguised as covid relief, which heated up the demand side. he should not ask for more spending. the reason joe manchin killed build back better is because he was concerned about inflation. inflation is getting worse, not better. finally, don't blame vladimir putin. americans are not stupid. we know we have a 30-year high in year over year rise in gas prices before ukraine. we know there was a 40-year high in inflation before ukraine. you can say it's contributing, but don't try to blame it on somebody else. don't say the economy is great and it's somebody else's fault. those are contradictory and people don't believe it. >> martha: this is tricky territory. i remember jimmy carter was blamed for saying that we had a malaise. kamala harris made similar comments. how do you walk that line? how are you honest with people? i know prices are going up, this is a tough period that we're going through. here's why you should be optimistic. >> the hard part is he's to be blamed for the inflation. he's not willing to acknowledge that the 1.9 trillion spending into a $300 billion hole and what happened? the inflation goes up. savings rates went up. people are not rejoining the economy. you had a story about how millennials would rather not work than work for a company whose business they disagree with. >> martha: it's unbelievable. they want to run the show. they want to do it from home. they don't want to go to the office. >> exactly. >> martha: it's going to be a big issue in the coming election. >> it's a huge issue. it alone would be a huge issue, 8.5% inflation. then you have it on top of the worst crime wave since the 90s. the worst border crisis in american history which he's about to make worse with title 42. then you have the worst inflation. you have the worst invasion of another country since world war ii. there's so many worsts going on right now, confluence of worsts happening and they're lifting title 42 because the covid emergency is over but going to extend masks on planes. they're not willing to let go of the covid emergency -- >> martha: they're going to find a why to extend it. >> hopefully. >> martha: you have philadelphia reinstituting mask rules. so good to see your face while we can, marc. >> thank you. >> martha: marc thiessen. we're going to wait for the president who will be appearing in iowa shortly and see what he says about inflation, see what he says about this ongoing man hunt in new york city, which is a frightening situation. we heard sirens here throughout the day as this -- which you do sometimes. seems like they're intense today. we'll have a close eye on that. we'll have an update at 5:00 from authorities here in new york city. hopefullifully they'll have good news for this person that shot ten people and wounded 16 in the subways as people were trying to get to work this morning. a frightening situation. thank you for joining us on "the story" today. great to have you with us. see you back here tomorrow. "your world" with neil starts now. >> neil: thank you, martha. we're waiting for that presser planned less than an hour from now. what we know in the new york shooting incident, could have been worse. ten people shot in this brooklyn subway. all expected to survive. the suspect at large. six were injured after reports that the guy came in a gas mask, set up a canister of smoke and a train filled with people at the 36th straight in sunset park, brooklyn and started opening fire. he managed to get out.

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Questions , Sound Bite , Thoughts , More , Lives , Headlines , Heart Break , Lot , Statements , Fighting Crime , State Legislature Didn T , Actions , Words , Bail Reform , Police Officers , Restrictions , Strategies , Stop , Streets , Frisk , It , In America , Problem , Sir , De Blasio , Change , Back , Brain , 5000 , 1 2 , Experience , Safer , Police Officer , Expertise , Instance , Social Problems , Immunity , Sorts , Family , Leadership , Action , Reality , Degree , No Doubt , Guy , Anyone , Agent , Fbi , Retired , Jim , Number , City Officials , Terrorist Attack , Fine Line , Shooting Incident , Distinction , 1 , Some , Life , Ones , Explosives , Shot , Motive , Boroughs , Conditions , Surveillance Cameras , Investigators , Everything , Exhaust , Law Enforcement Officers , Videotape , Cell Phone , Fragments , 2022 , Plate Reader , License Plate , Entrances , Gun , We Don T , Detail , Hope , Drag Net Out , Reports , Rounds , Speculation , Shell Casings , Carnage , Jamming , James , 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, 300 , Mark Vandy , Levels , Clip , Married , Charles , Diana , Money , Backdrop , Amount , Policies , Start , Dollars , Trillions , Trouble , Nothing , Administration , Companies , History , Chain , Starts , Profits , Jimmy Carter , Presidency , Difference , Rope , Earnings , Price Revolt , The End , Quarters , Analyzing , Guidance , Forecast , Saying , Consumer , Winds , Fact , Car , Supply Chain Issues , Vacation A Plane Trip , Around The World , China , Impact , Technology , Shanghai , Ripples , Localities , Towns , Center , Production , Iphones , Death , Spike , Cases , Spikes , Hospitalizations , Though , Ukraine War , Spillover , Variants , Domino Effect , Areas , Stuff , Report , Shape , Cost , Europe , Operation , Completion , General Keane , Issues , Event , Line , Liberty Mutual , Coverage , Car Insurance , Need , Whatchya , Liberty Biberty Cut , Place , Company , Operations , Land , Acres , Millions , Planet , Pay , 100 , Customer , Safelite , Damage , Windshield , Tech , 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Strategic Analyst , Fulfillment , Tasks , Set , Institute For The Study Of War , Sound , 17 , Russia , Military Operations , Goals , Isolation , Condemnation , Pariah , Democracies , Most , Sanctions , Thing , Geo , Tickly , Cities , Regime , Defeat , Objectives , Collapse , Forces , Area , Battle , Cusp , Russians , Outcome , Audience , No One , Kharkiv , South Axis , Region , Of Azume , Donbas , Attempt , Ukrainians , Assaults , Siege , Map , Mariupol , Luhansk , Donetsk , Steel Mill , Weapons , Supplies , Two , Chemicals , Point Mariupol , Fight , Focus , Eyes , West , Opportunity , Capitol City Of Kyiv , Possibility , Territory , Mission , Peace Deal , Rest Of The World Doesn T , General , Basement , Position , Capitol , Town , Bodies , Brovery , Discovery , Wounds , Extent , Murders , Prosecutor , Beginning , Residents , Bucha , 400 , Investigations , Grandmother , Images , Graphic , Sense , Horror , Conflict , Explosions , Granny Couldn T , Daughter , Voice Trailing , Son , Grandson , Law , Back Tears , Valentina , War Crimes , Prosecutors , Victims , Others , Sites , Russian Fire , Civilians , Road , Hole , Yard , Assault Point , Shell , Woman , Hiding , Dark Room , Husband , House Sitting , Panic Attacks , Doors , Age , Troops , Destruction , Heating , Bottles , Granddaughter , Bed , Water , Neighborhood , Shells , Mattress , Understanding , Price , Risk , Missile Attacks , Air Raid Sirens , Potential , Retreat , 24 , Firing Missiles , Acting Hand , Hand , Narrative , Of Belarus , Three Million , Panic Attack , Terrifying , East , Soldiers , Break , Voices , Nazis , Population , Many , Doing , Thousands , Southern Port City , 10000 , Horrific , Dod , Stay Safe , American Military , Contractors , Zelensky , Military Weaponly , John Kirby , Invaders , Spokesperson , Defenders , Cannot , Brookings Institute , Michael , Hanlon , Handle , Onslaught , Debate , Keane , Northeast , Vehicles , Fields , Tanks , Supply , Airplanes , Path , Armor , Minefields , Technologies , Haven T , Big Wide Open Wheat Fields , Odds , Tank Army , Proposition , Ability , Drones , Smart Mine Technology , Voice , Kinds , Determination , Kyiv Approach , Mercenaries , Talk , Syria , Chechnya , Battle That General Keane , Effort , Advice , Decisions , Performance , Rebuild One Division , Force , Chance , Axis , Open Fields , Big June Offensive , Phase , Storage , More Conscripts , 100000 , Military , Rebuilding , Refit , Afghanistan Operation Of The 80s , 80 , 15000 , Summer , Mothers , Generals , Complaining , Field , Resolve , Sons , Conscripts , Don T Have , Side , Success , Fence , Well Put , Countries , Apartment Buildings , Russian Air Force , Qualms , Gorillas , Polls , Morale , Orders , Disinformation , Resistance , Democracy , Excuses , Protests , Functioning , Schools , Rights , Battleground , Congressman , Story Exclusive With The Garden State , Gender Identity , Zoom , 6 , Parents , Children , Doesn T , Home , Down Payment , Payments , Rates , Lowest , Newday100 Loan , 615 , 60000 , 0000 , Bank , Lender , Veterans , Ancestry , Newdayusa , Finding Military Information , Photos , Bits , Finding Out , Policy , Life Insurance Policy , Policy Lapse , Life Insurance , Cash Payment , Retirement , Income , 00000 , Insurance , Worth , Screen , Coventry , Visit Coventrydirect Com , Choices , Internet , Network , Business Internet , Small Business , Largest , Needs , Lots , Businesses , Business , Security , Fiber Solutions , Speeds , Gigs , 49 99 , 9 99 , 10 , Card , Bundle , Price Guarantee , 650 , 50 , 2 , Update , Word , 00 , Experts , Clues , Teaching , Boy , Subways , Doubt , Greaters , Reading , Math , Level , Students , Basics , Zoom Schooling , Jeff Van Drew , Consent , Nate , Learning , Politics , Parent , Effect , Response , Guidelines , Division , Caveat , Senators , Standards , Letter , Republican , Eight , Lesson Plan , Boy Or Girl Doesn T , Board , West Field , Graders , Teacher , Materials , Answer , Material , Education Committee , Meetings , Curriculum , Wow , Bill , Feeling , Gender Identify , Classroom , Top , Girls , Gender Change , Boys , Gender I D , Child , Choice , Positions , Importance , Don T Vol , Sides , Aisle , Families , School System Doesn T , Funding , School System , Feet , Voting , Opting Out 43000 Have Left , 43000 , Kids , Catholic Schools , School Systems , Teachers , Home Schooling , Boards , Responsibility , Mission Statements , Find , Falls , Job , Student , Grade , Kindergarten , Anywhere , Virginia , Shouldn T , Education Level , Sponsors , Science , Co , 25 , 23 , School , Education , Subject Matter , Questions , Say , Gender , Murphy , Avenues , Kellyanne Conway , Party Affiliation , Reasons , List , Wouldn T , Goal , Play , Video , Like A Horror Movie , Homes , Balconies , Covid Lock , Isolation Goes On , Exceptions , Quarantine Facility , Cribs , Marks , Labor Department , Contributor , Bit , Marc Thiessen , American Enterprise Institute , Mistake , Making , Jobs , Reason , He Shouldn T , Labor Shortage , Wages , 1 9 Trillion , 3 Million , Spending , Demand Side , Relief , High , Rise , Finally , 40 , Contributing , Somebody Else , Somebody Else S Fault , Malaise , Kamala Harris , 300 Billion , 00 Billion , Millennials , Savings Rates , Work , Show , Office , Election , Title , Border Crisis , Crime Wave , 90 , 42 , Worsts , Masks , Emergency , Planes , Go , Confluence , Face , Philadelphia Reinstituting Mask Rules , Marc , Eye , Authorities , Hopefullifully , The Story , Presser , Brooklyn Subway , Opening Fire , Sunset Park ,

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