Transcripts For FOXNEWS Your World With Neil Cavuto 20240708

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Your World With Neil Cavuto 20240708

massive social spending bill today. we'll talk with senate minority whip john thune about where this is heading. welcome. i'm charles payne in for neil cavuto, this is "your world." first to chad pergram with the very latest on capitol hill. chad? >> good afternoon. democrats need a win after stumbling on voting legislation and despite what chuck schumer says build back better is in the same place as it was in december. joe manchin says the original bill is dead. build back better could become build back broken up. the gop is making a preemptive strike. >> now washington democrats are trying a again to revive talk of another, another reckless bout of spending this year. american families are already hurting enough. they need that bad idea to stay buried. progressives want the senate to pass the bill before was biden's state of the union speech march 1. nancy pelosi cautioned that early march is aspirational. the left is prepping to accept a lot less compared to what the house approved in december. >> i think people want to get this over with. frankly the progressive wing of the democratic party at this point, they just want to get whoever they can. >> pelosi is hinting it's time to move on to avoid ago government shut down later this month and pelosi is also trained on a bill to help the u.s. compete with china. that's on the floor later this week. charles? >> charles: chad, thanks very much, a democratic think tank urging the party to go for a skinny build back better plan. so would any republicans support that? with me john thune, republican from south dakota. we called majority whip dick durbin. he's welcome any time. >> i'm sure he is. >> charles: senator, let's start with this skinny version of it. obviously senator manchin is in the driver's seat there. is there anything that he's listed as something that he would be favorable towards that republicans might be agreeable to? >> i don't think so, charles. however you label this, if you slap lipstick on it, it's still a pick. it's a bloated thing that would exacerbate the inflationary problem, the crisis that we're seeing in the country. the textbook definition of inflation is too many dollars chasing too few goods. the democrats wants to spend $5 trillion borrowed and finance it with tax increases. trying to break it down and pass it in pieces doesn't make it any better. it's still wasteful spending at a time when we ought to be focused on dealing with the issues that are front and center for the american people, trying to get inflation under control so that the things that they're buying in their daily lives are not costing so much that they're exceeding the amount of pay increases that they may be getting year to year. >> charles: it's excruciatingly painful. we know that. every time president biden speaks, he says build back better would bring inflation down. what do you say to that? >> right. i have no idea where that's coming from. it's economics 101. the idea -- if you think about it, the $2 trillion bill passed last march is what has fueled the inflationary crisis in this country today. that was too much spending at the time. this is just compounding that problem. so it's -- they can say what they want. but they have to -- it's going to have to be phony math for them to suggest in any way possible that you can put more dollars out there and not add to the inflationary problem. >> charles: back in the day they called it voodoo economics. that's the best way to describe it. senator, listen to some remarks about inflation, the same topic from alexandria ocasio-cortez and then i want to get your reaction. listen. >> a lot of these price increases are potentially due to just straight price gouging by corporations. if you say we're helping working people too much and say the cause of this is oh, it's because we provided too much assistance during the american rescue plan, stimulus checks were too generous, that is why we're dealing with the problems we're dealing with now. what that will result in is a pull-back in the assistance that some families need the most right now. >> charles: so obviously she's countering what you're saying. i would bring up though, some of these programs are so extraordinarily wide-ranging, the child tax credit, goes to households of 400,000. you think there's an overreach on the democrats party to widen the net of people that would be gaining government assistance? it's not sensical that someone in a household like this would be getting checks from the government. >> what you're hearing her articulate is a far left idea on. if democrats get power in washington, they grow government and spend money. that's what they do. this is a perfect example of that. we doubled the child tax credit, the 2017 tax law during the pandemic. they took it up to $3,600. if you have kids under six years old and widened the income bracket so that there's more people eligible for it. that flooded the zone with a lot of money out there. all that does is fuels inflation. in the end, if you have inflation growing faster than wage increases, everybody comes out net-net losers. so her math breaks down quickly. >> charles: what about this deflection, pointing a finger at business. after a hurricane or gastation they might take advantage. but we haven't seen evidence of large corporations in massive price gouging. in fact, that's one of the reasons we embrace capitalism. but they're doubling, tripling down on this, not just aoc but president biden himself. i think it's a dangerous slippery slope. >> it is. when you start bashing businesses, the businesses obviously create jobs in this country. there are lots of good paying jobs available right now. partly because, again, you have a work force shortage right now. people are having to pay more for labor. you're getting people with better opportunities to make money in this economy. but to suggest that everything falls with on business is a fairly typical -- kind of a throw-away democrat line. in the end, it pits you against the people that will help us grow the economy and create jobs and raise the standard of living and quality of life for everybody in this country. i get it. it part of their philosophy. i've been around here a long time. what democrats do, they want to grow government and instead of growing the private economy. that's a difference of opinion that we have. >> charles: you can argument this might be the greatest jobs market in history. that's why 4.3 million people quit last month and 47 million quit last year. president biden meeting with top republican and democrats on the judiciary committee today for the upcoming supreme court vacancy. the names being floated out there. are there any that have gotten your attention, any you like or you see a fierce fight ahead? >> it will be a fight. these are people whose judicial philosophy is different from ours. we want people to call balls and strikes and look at the constitution a fair and even way. they believe in legislating, moving their agenda from the bench. i suspect it's going to be very hard to find republicans, some maybe, perhaps, depending who the nominee is, we don't know that yet. there's people that are pretty qualified, but they're also very liberal. for me, it comes down to judicial philosophy. what i want to see in somebody on the supreme court. >> charles: are you prepared for allegations of racism? >> i expect we'll get that. we get it on everything else right now. they're trying to manufacture crises like they did with the georgia -- some of the georgia election laws to create this impression that every republican is jim crow 2.0. it's the worst demagoguery. that's what they've been attempting to do. i would expect they'll try to extend that to whatever discussion we have about the supreme court. republicans will evaluate, give a thorough, fair vetting to whatever nominee that they send up here. it will be respectful unlike the democrats when kavanaugh was being processed by the senate. we're going to look at the temperament, the judicial qualifications and frankly judicial philosophy. i think those are the issues that will determine the outcome where republicans are with respect to the potential nominee. >> charles: so the senate working on a bipartisan russia sanctions bill. we're told a lot of this would happen after an invasion. not before. do you agree with this? >> anything you want to do, you want to do preemptively. the whole objective of these things is to deter bad behavior. we had an opportunity. we had a vote a few weeks acc to sanction the putin pipeline. the administration lobbied ferociously to keep democrats in line. they defeated it. we could have done something meaningful on energy, which is something that of course is very critical to russia's economy. it would have sent a powerful message to putin and his allies and also to our allies and ukraine. unfortunately democrats took it down. so thinking that you can wait until he goes in and then will pounce, i think it misses the point. if you want too deter bad behavior, you take them earlier rather than later. we missed a golden opportunity. >> charles: thanks, senator. great to have these conversations with you. thank you. >> good being with you. >> charles: is every state becoming a border state in lawmakers demanding the migrant flights being shut down. what the white house is saying. a crime wave hitting the nation's capitol. a hunt for another suspect in a deadly shooting. ted williams on what and who we should be addressing next. an. we gotta tell people that liberty mutual customizes car insurance so you only pay for what you need, and we gotta do it fast. 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>> yeah, don't believe the facts or what you see with your own eyes. well-put. we've been talking about these flights since the spring. if it is in fact the minors being sent to sponsors, why can't the administration just publish the manifests to the states that they're going to or to those airports? those flights don't take off and land when they want? that is very regimented. the contractors deployed by ice to bring people to those destinations have to file flight plans and get permission to take off and land at airports. why can't they put that out so the governors, the members of the house can see where the flights are going and what the volume is. why are they not doing that? we've all been talking about it since the spring and all they have to do is be more transparent so they can stop having to conversation about what might or might not be secret flights. the reason they don't want to talk about it because it would expose the volume of activity on the border that has been created by the lack of coherent policy. >> charles: a paper from heritage brings up a point. as i'm watching these videos and the one thing that stands out, the young strapping young men, look like they may be in their 20s. the type of people that you need to rebuild your nation where you're coming from. they're staying the biden administration by failing to detain or remove single adult mays, it's a disincentive for illegal immigration. you agree? >> it's all about incentives and disincentives. that's right. if people come to the border and released in mass all over the united states, they're going to send home for nor friends and relatives and encourages more people to come. if you look what's going on on the operation said, the policy side and the border patrol and cbp are distracted by the processing, which let as lot of people come in and get away. they're not even counted, many of the ones being encountered are being released. so you're encouraging people from all over the globe to come now. on top of that, the rhetoric about immigration enforcement in the united states is all backwards, too. the secretary himself said they're not going after people in the country because they're here illegally. that is an incentive. if you make it to a place like new york city or chicago, you know nobody is looking for you. >> martha: we saw this video. i suspect everybody has seen it with the border agents and leadership. obviously a tremendous amount of tension there. what is going on? >> well, they recognize the policies were in place before this administration have been removed. they watched in real time the border implode. they have record numbers of activity. in fact, the beginning of january last year, we had record lows of activity at the southwest border because the policies in place disincentivize people. those agents are frustrated that traffic that comes to them, the people that they have to process, they can't walk away from that. they're stuck. that lays at their feet. >> charles: we just heard jacqui mention this report due on the so-called horse incident. listen, i got to tell you, when the president of the united states accuses an agency like the border patrol agency of actually strapping, that is a serious charge. how important is it for the white house to clear the air on it? >> the facts have to come out. the facts have to support what the agent did it. the reporter that took the photograph said it was not an assault. you have the top three in the chain of command running down the border patrol and saying that they would pay, have consequences. that is bad enough. those three people that made those statements, they're all lawyers, law school graduates. you wear the uniform, you still have a right to due process. the rhetoric that went out around that incident was not due process. they were condemned. that is wrong. >> charles: as an american, we would hate to believe that is true. they need to clear the air. thanks, ron. appreciate it. >> thank you. >> charles: folks, are d.c. police any closer to catching the suspect in this deadly georgetown shooting? we'll have the latest for you, a houston deputy is late to rest today after being shot and killed in his s.u.v. the suspect, abe illegal immigrant and a top official says he's not the only one to blame. >> those in authorities coddling the criminals and enabling this behavior have culpability just as those as those pulling the trigger. ♪ [band plays] ♪ a place where everyone lives life well-protected. ♪♪ and even when things go a bit wrong, we've got your back. here, things work the way you wish they would. and better protection costs a whole lot less. you're in good hands with allstate. click or call for a lower auto rate today. people everywhere living with you're in good hands with allstate. type 2 diabetes are waking up to what's possible... with rybelsus®. the majority of people taking rybelsus® lowered their blood sugar and reached an a1c of less than 7. rybelsus® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't take rybelsus® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop rybelsus® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking rybelsus® with a sulfonylurea or insulin increases low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. wake up to the possibility of lower a1c with rybelsus®. you may pay as little as $10 for up to a 3-month prescription. ask your healthcare provider about rybelsus® today. >> charles: alphabet jumping 6% in after hours trading. the search engine company smashed records and declare add stock split. we're back in 21 seconds. the path is gilded with the potential for rich returns. >> are you ready to start a great career? 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there's an alternate universe on some coverage. >> the national fraternal order of police responded to this statement saying i think it's very wrong for miss psaki saying crime is of no concern or just laugh it offer. while psaki may feel safe in the white house, not everyone lives with that kind of security. some words back and forth there. psaki remains adamant that president biden himself does not support defunding the police contrary to what other progressives have said. charles? >> charles: former d.c. homicide detective, ted williams. let me pick up from there. so jen psaki doesn't know what soft on crime means. it's pretty evident. to laugh it off is no joking matter. your thoughts on this? >> you're right. it's no joking matter. it's no joker matter to officer wilbert mara who is -- whose wake is being conducted as we speak in new york because he was shot and killed along with his partner, jason rivera. it is no joking matter that charles galloway, who was buried today in houston, texas, after being involved in an altercation during the course of a traffic stop. crime is no joking matter in this country. men and women in this country are dying. law abiding citizens are dying. so you're right. clearly it's no joking matter. >> charles: ted, you and i are old enough to see the ups and downs of major crime. i lived in harlem in the 70s. you worked in d.c. as a police officer during these difficult times. one of the things that is differentiating this period is the the brazenness of it all. is that something that -- what is that all about, ted? >> you know, charles, it's scary. you're right. it's brazen. just think about it. your shopping in a shopping center. within two minutes, you have a large mob that will go in and clean out a store in that shopping center. you have here what we've been talking about, the shooting in washington d.c. and georgetown in the middle of rush hour. someone goes and shoots and kills a man and runs away. there's a great deal of shock about what is going on throughout this country when it comes to crime. >> charles: ted, you mentioned the texas deputy being laid to rest in houston today. there's a lot of talk about who is to blame in this rise in crime. led to the texas constable. >> people need to be held accountable. enough is enough. there's no other way to say it. we're tired. we're tired. we're tired physically, and we're tired emotionally. >> charles: ted what do you make of the constable's comments? >> charles, he's on target. we're tired physically and emotionally. we as law-abiding citizens, all we want to do is live in our community and raise our families. when you have da's like al bragg in manhattan soft on crime, a d.a., kim fox in chicago, soft on crime, when you have a d.a., george gascon in los angeles, soft on crime, those individuals are not doing what is in the best interest of their community. if they're not feeling the way i do, they need to vote them out. enough is enough. we are sick and tired of leaving in fear of criminals. criminals should fear us. they don't fear us because we have prosecutors that are soft on crime and willing to let them back out on the damn streets of this country. >> charles: ted williams, thanks very much. eminent and at any time. those are words from the pentagon on when russia could invade ukraine. here's someone that says we can stopped this by going after vladimir putin's pals. and truckers and mandates. why they could have an impact here. new projects means new project managers. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. when you sponsor a job, you immediately get your shortlist of quality candidates, whose resumes on indeed match your job criteria. visit and get started today. ♪ ♪ whose resumes on indeed m at lowe's, you nevera. have to be finished with your finishing touches. with aisles of ways to refresh and restyle. for whatever style you're feeling. at prices you're really feelin. shop the lowe's bath style & save event now in-store and online. >> charles: a stark warning from the pentagon moments ago on when russia could make its move and ukraine. jennifer griffin has more. >> secretary state blinken told russia's foreign minister lavrov that if russia is serious about talks, then they should pull back its 130,000 troops from the ukraine border. putin held a press conference for the first time since late december. >> principle russian concerned were ignored. three key demands were ignored. >> the three issues that putin mentioned are nonstarters for nato and its allies. here's john kirby. >> we believe he had enough capability to move now if he wants to. depending on what his goal is here, he could move imminently at any time. >> most u.s. officials think putin is buying time until february 20th when the olympics end. putin is ignoring the principal that one security of one nation should not be taken at the expense of another. putin made a thinly veiled threat about european energy supplies u.s. besting europeans could face problems next year. russia's neighbors say they field like they are living next the a volcano. the prime ministers of poland and britain were kiev today promising more weapons and support to ukraine. portable air defense systems, drones, mortars and ammunition. >> we're preparing a package of sanctions and supplies for when ukraine crosses over. >> ukraine sign a decree to expand the military and raising wages. >> charles: a new piece in the wall street editorial board making the case to not only hit vladimir putin can sanctions but also to hit the kremlin mafia, the billionaire elites that play a role in running that country. let's get the read from jerry baker. jerry, who makes up this kremlin mafia? >> hi, charles. there's a lot of these oligarchs. the very, very wealthy people around vladimir putin. they got very wealthy in the disintegration of the soviet union and took over the utilities and the energy companies that belonged to the soviet union. they made a fortune. now the key thing is, they don't spend their winters -- they don't spend any time in moscow or st. petersburg. they hang out in south of france and london and very large houses and on three $300 million yachts. this would be an effective way of going after putin and deterring him perhaps from doing what he might do in ukraine or if he does do it. a lot of concerns about regular sanctions, charles. russia has built up huge foreign exchange reserves and could withstand economic sanctions. some of the sanctions would hit the west as hard as they hit russia like cutting off the energy supply to europe. but going after these guy, these oligarchs and mafia that are close to put tin, looking after his money, that would be a powerful way to really send a message to russia, we are going to hurt you if you do this. >> charles: you read about the $150 million homes that they buy in london, or the size of their yachts in san trope or wherever they go. so seems like a smart target. real quickly, i want to ask you about this in canada. what are your thoughts about germany with respect to trying to participate in this? feels like they're dragging any efforts down. >> yeah, a very good point. the germans have spent the last -- since the end of the cold war building a very strong economic relationship with russia. they're dependent on russia for their energy supplies and a new government led by a social democrat whose party has historically been close to russia. they don't want to do anything that is going to upset their relations with russia. the former socialist chancellor sits on the gas board of russia. >> charles: so in canada, you have this big trucker strike. what could that mean in terms:our economy? already there's signs that some important things are not getting through to the u.s. >> yeah, this is the whole problem -- many of the problems with these vaccine mandates. they're not only authoritarian, they're inflicting damage on the economy. you've been talking about this. we'll get the jobs numbers on friday. probably going to show a decline in jobs. that's because of a lot of vaccine mandates are taking place. companies are not -- don't have as many staff. this can day problem in particular, this applies to the canadian truck drivers that come across the border. many of them don't want to get vaccinated and submit to this and they're not going to bring the supply as cross. this is an example of where government intervention is not only unfree, authoritarian but hurts the economy. >> charles: thanks so much. catch gerry baker on "wall street journal" at large on fox business. it's a must-watch show at 7:30 p.m. eastern. we have inflation raging. alexandria ocasio-cortez says don't blame d.c. spending. we'll debate that. you think tom brady saying he's retiring today is the biggest news that he made? 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>> charles, you're asking the wrong girl. i thought tom brady was going to retire by riding a jetpack over raymond james stadium and fireworks. it's all relative. i don't want to spend much time hating on tom brady for this. >> charles: why not? >> i would hate for a small detail to overshadow a big moment for tom brady. he gave us 22 seasons of incredible football, seven championship rings, three nfl mvps. do i find it odd that he didn't mention his team that drafted him, and he helped deliver the first super bowl ever? yeah, i found it weird. he did give them a tribute when he left new england to go to tampa bay. so he deserves to ride off in to the sunset without hate from us. >> charles: i'm a neutral here. i'm a jealous new yorker. our teams never go anywhere. the fans also, we kind of feel like we're part of the team, right? certain things that i do when i watch the game. so maybe that's the part. as a teammate, they were overlooked. >> patriots fans, it comes down to one word. selfish. they want tom brady to come back and give them their love and attention. the bottom line is tom brady does nothing unless it's calculated. he didn't just happen to forget to mention the patriots. he doesn't get along with bill belichick. they had a falling out, this is publicly known. he was just like i feel like he wouldn't have -- he would have had to thanked belichick and he didn't want to do that. he thanked everybody under the sun and the patriots fines are whines. it's a sad day for sports fans. there will never be another football player that wins seven super bowls. it won't happen. how difficult it is in the sport of football, this will never happen again. tom brady the greatest quarterback all-time hands down. >> charles: when he goes up there, he will get a hero's welcome. >> always. doesn't matter who you're a fan of or if it's the patriots, tampa bay. doesn't matter. tom brady is one of the greatest athletes of all-time. if i'm not on the feel, being competitive, i'm going to retire and give the young guys a chance. he deserves it. he can spend time with his family, be the competitive dad coach for his kids. i'm happy for him. just quickly, part of the tribute that he gave to them when he left, he said i wouldn't be the man today without the relationship you allowed me to build. so he left classy. it's not a petty moment. >> we'll leave it there. >> let's go jets. >> charles: never you, abby. talk to you both. see you. with inflation surging, you can't blame d.c. spending, right? we'll debate it next. ♪ life can be a lot to handle. ♪ this magic moment ♪ but heinz knows there's plenty of magic in all that chaos. ♪ so different and so new ♪ ♪ was like any other... ♪ >> a lot of these price increases are potentially just straight price gouging. if we say "we are helping working people too much," and that the cause is because "we provided too much assistance during the american rescue plan, stimulus checks were too generous," that's why we are dealing with the problems now. what that's going to result in is the pullback on assistance some families need the most right now. >> new york democratic congressman woman alexandria ocasio-cortez -- who is right? let us form a term economic advisor steve moore and democratic strategist kelly hyman. someone say it is economics 101. a lot of money poured into this economy, including early last year. may be, that put us over the top. >> a year ago, exactly a year ago today, the inflation rate was 1.7%. 7% now, probably going higher. there is a relationship with the increase in government spending. i don't think there's any question about it. for the last 30 years -- if it's price gouging -- companies will always try to raise prices, but the last 30 years, we have had to tame inflation in this country. all of a sudden, we have a massive increase in inflation, they say it's price gouging. there are two people in the world that are price gouging: opec and the russians, because we are not producing oil in the united states. >> even before this one through, larry summers warned that the outcome would be massive runaway inflation. there were some democrats concerned about this, weren't there? >> i would disagree with you. we have to understand first and foremost who had the power to tame inflation. that's the federal reserve. economists have said the best way to deal with the pandemic is end the pandemic. i think that's key, the way to help us get out of this. the fact that -- whether it is making sure that ports are open 24 hours to have supplies, or making sure that there is gas available for people in opening up the 50 gallons to have that. ultimately, it is up to the federal reserve to have the impact on the inflation by increasing rates. >> are you concerned that the war on fossil fuels helps send up the price of gasoline, spiking to levels where it might start to break a record this summer? are you concerned that -- with ports, ships are waiting further up in the sea. record levels are still where they are. are you concerned that too much money has poured into this economy where you have -- that's where all this came from in the first place. ships were summoned because there's so much spending. >> no, i think we need drivers. i also think we need to end the pandemic. to make sure people have information, are informed, and follow signs to get vaccinated, get boosted, where their masks when they need to, have social distancing, no that we are in this together and not only the u.s. is dealing with this inflation. it is global as well. that's due to the pandemic. >> kelly is right. the fed plays a big role, no question. i have set on your show and on neal's show for 12 months that that has been way behind the curve, and terms of pulling some of this money out of the economy. when you have the federal government borrowing $2 trillion a year, when you increase government spending by $520, the fed has accommodated that by putting money in the economy. his equal it is equal blame between biden and the fed. you are right about the covid crisis. i don't think joe biden gets good grades when it comes to -- what did he say, that he was going to shut down the virus? i don't think he's done that. >> that has not worked out. we will know a lot more friday. i'm not sure we want to see this news. some are saying we might have lost 400,000 jobs last month. thank you both very much. contact me weekdays 2:00 p.m. on "making money" on the business channel. this is an amazing week. we came back from the depths of hell in the market, great sword today, nice numbers after the bell. we might be coming back. now, here's "the five." >> i'm dana perino along with judge jeanine peer, geraldo rivera, jesse watters, and greg gutfeld? [laughter] 5:00 in new york city, this is "the five." ♪ ♪ >> crime -- concert once was, what does that mean? alternate universe on some coverage. >> dana: white house facing criticism after press secretary jen psaki appeared to laugh off concerns over rising crime. the

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Relationship , Martha , Thanks , Lot , World , Build , Provisions , The Story , Ry , Tuesday , 1 , Tuesday February 1 , Inflation , Families , Joe Manchin , Working Americans , Drug Pricing , Many , 40 , Democrats , Spending , Senate , Mitch Mcconnell , Washington , Piece , Attempts , Debate , Charles Payne , Bill , Me John Thune , Chad Pergram , Neil Cavuto , Capitol Hill , Place , Legislation , Voting , Win , Chuck Schumer , Gop , Idea , Another , Talk , American , Strike , Bout , Left , Nancy Pelosi , Joe Biden , Progressives , State Of The Union Speech March 1 , March 1 , People , House , Point , Over , Wing , Government , Compete , Floor , China , House Republicans , Dick Durbin , Plan , Party , Think Tank , Majority Whip , South Dakota , Anything , Senator , Driver , Version , Seat , Something , It , Thing , Lipstick , Pick , Country , Problem , Crisis , Textbook Definition , Goods , 5 Trillion , Trillion , Dealing , Tax Increases , Pieces , Better , Things , Pay , Amount , Issues , Lives , Control , Center , President , Economics 101 , 101 , Last , 2 Trillion , Math , It S , Dollars , Way , Reaction , Voodoo Economics , Alexandria Ocasio Cortez , Topic , Remarks , Cause , Price Gouging , Price Increases , Corporations , Problems , Assistance , Rescue Plan , Pull Back , Stimulus Checks , Some , Child Tax Credit , Households , Programs , 400000 , Someone , Household , Government Assistance , Net , Overreach , Making Money , Example , Power , Spend , Checks , Pandemic , Kids , Tax Law , Income Bracket , 2017 , 600 , 3600 , Six , Everybody , Fuels Inflation , In The End , Wage Increases , Zone , Net Losers , Business , We Haven T , Advantage , Deflection , Finger , Gastation , Hurricane , Evidence , Fact , One , Capitalism , Reasons , Slippery Slope , Jobs , Lots , Businesses , Bashing Businesses , Work Force Shortage , Economy , Everything , Opportunities , Line , A Social Democrat , Kind , On Business , Labor , Life , Philosophy , It Part , Quality , Standard , Living , Difference , Jobs Market , Opinion , Argument , 4 3 Million , 47 Million , Attention , There , Judiciary Committee Today For The Upcoming Supreme Court Vacancy , Meeting , Names , Fight , Agenda , Strikes , Legislating , Balls , Bench , Constitution A Fair , Somebody , Nominee , Supreme Court , Judicial Philosophy , Crises , Georgia , Racism , Allegations , Laws , Election , Demagoguery , Impression , Jim Crow , 2 0 , Discussion , Vetting , Kavanaugh , Outcome , Russia , Respect , Qualifications , Temperament , Behavior , Sanctions Bill , Preemptively , Objective , Invasion , Administration , Opportunity , Course , Putin Pipeline , Energy , Vote , Vladimir Putin , Message , Ukraine , Allies , Flights , Lawmakers , White House , One Nation , Estate , Border State , Being , Conversations , Crime Wave , Suspect , Shooting , Liberty Mutual Customizes , Hunt , Car Insurance , Ted Williams , Limu , Personal Record , Limu Emu Squawks , Thirty Four , Shh , Lexus Rx , Don T Worry , Retinol , More , Age , Lease Cash , Powerful , Rx , Neutrogena , Pro Plus , 5 , 2022 , 500 , 1500 , 350 , Skin , Wrinkles Results , Number , The End , Video , Minors , Latest , Stir , Jacqui Heinrich , Jacqui , Hi , 0 , Part , Process , Elise Stefanik , New York , Sponsor , Congress , New York State , Method , Illegals , Failure , Southern Border Impacts , Governors , Immigration , He Didn T , Answers , Lindsey Graham , The Good Old Days , Report On Whether Border Patrol , Senators , Promise , Consequences , Official , Investigation , Letter , Group , One Dhs , Record , Report , Patrol Incident , Horse , Speaking , Anonymity , Conditions , Ron Pitello , Governor , Guest , Ron Desantis , They Don T , Facts , Spring , Eyes , Well Put , 70 , Airports , States , Sponsors , Manifests , Flight Plans , Permission , Contractors , Land , Ice , Destinations , Members , Volume , Conversation , Border , Activity , Reason , Coherent Policy , Lack , Nation , Men , Type , Videos , Paper , Heritage , 20 , Disincentive , Single , Incentives , Adult Mays , Relatives , Disincentives , What S Going On , Friends , Home , Mass , Policy Side , Processing , Border Patrol , Cbp , Ones , Operation , Rhetoric , Top , Secretary , Backwards , Incentive , Globe , Immigration Enforcement , Agents , Leadership , Tension , Nobody , Chicago , Policies , Numbers , Real Time , Beginning , Border Implode , Traffic , Lows , Disincentivize , Report Due , Feet , Horse Incident , Agency , Charge , Air , Photograph , Agent , Reporter , Assault , Chain Of Command , Three , Law School Graduates , Statements , Uniform , Incident , Lawyers , Right To Due Process , Folks , Immigrant , Deputy , Houston , Georgetown , Suv , Criminals , Band Plays , Trigger , Authorities , Culpability , Everyone , Back , Bit Wrong , Hands , Allstate , Auto Rate , Protection , Stop Rybelsus , Everywhere , Type 2 Diabetes , 2 , Family , Isn T , A1c , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Blood Sugar , Majority , Type 1 Diabetes , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Don T Take Rybelsus , 7 , Side Effects , Vision Problems , Changes , Lump , Neck , Swelling , Help , Stomach Pain , Pancreatitis , Sulfonylurea , Provider , Kidney Problems , Insulin , Blood Sugar Risk , Dehydration , Nausea , Vomiting , Diarrhea , Possibility , Prescription , Healthcare Provider , 3 , 10 , Trading , Alphabet , Add Stock Split , The Search Engine Company Smashed Records , 6 , 21 , Job , Room , Safelite , Potential , Returns , Path , Career , Employees , Singers , Song , Lily , Safelite Repair , Employee , Lisa , Mover , Downtown , Scene , Hotspot , Files , At T Business , Rob , Deals , Smart Phone , Information , Man Hunt , Police Offering , Last Night S Deadly Georgetown Shooting , Alexandria Hoff , 25000 , 5000 , Police , Neighborhood , Shot , Consolation , Wealthy , Briefing , Old Man , 27 , Soft On Crime , Jen Psaki , Cities , Support , Community Policing , Budget , Trip , Community Violence , 00 , 300 , Crime Policies , Concerns , Prosecutors , Community Violence Intervention , Reoffend , 200 Million , 00 Million , Coverage , Universe , Mean , On Fox , Cream , Fox News , Jeanine Pirro , Fraternal Order Of Police , Statement , Concern , Miss , Words , Security , Safe , Psaki May , Doesn T , Homicide Detective , Joking Matter , Wilbert Mara , Joker Matter , Thoughts , Partner , Wake , Texas , Jason Rivera , Charles Galloway , Citizens , Law , Traffic Stop , Altercation , Women , Crime , Ted , Ups And Downs , The 70s , Harlem , Times , Police Officer , Brazenness , Shopping Center , Mob , Shopping , Store , Two , Man , Shoots , Middle , Rush Hour , Deal , Deputy Being , Shock , Led , Rise , Texas Constable , Accountable , Comments , Constable , Target , Community , Kim Fox , A D , In Manhattan , Da S Like Al Bragg , Individuals , Interest , D A , George Gascon , Los Angeles , Fear , Leaving , Streets , Impact , Truckers , Mandates , Pals , Project Managers , Projects , Candidates , Shortlist , Job Criteria , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Touches , Finishing , Aisles , Ways , Lowe S , You Nevera , Prices , Style , Restyle , Save , Event , Bath Style , Warning , Move , Jennifer Griffin , Secretary State Blinken , Time , Talks , Foreign Minister , Ukraine Border , Troops , Press Conference , 130000 , Principle , Demands , John Kirby , Nato , Nonstarters , Officials , Goal , Capability , February 20th , Principal , Expense , Neighbors , Europeans , Threat , Volcano , European Energy , Ministers , Weapons , Air Defense Systems , Drones , Mortars , Ammunition , Package , Poland , Britain , Kiev , Supplies , Sanctions , Ukraine Crosses Over , Case , Wages , Decree , Kremlin Mafia , Wall Street , Editorial Board , Jerry Baker , Read , Role , Billionaire Elites , Disintegration , Oligarchs , Utilities , Soviet Union , Energy Companies , Fortune , Petersburg , Yachts , Houses , South , London , France , 300 Million , Reserves , Exchange , West , Money , Energy Supply , Cutting , Tin , Guy , These Oligarchs And Mafia , Smart Target , San Trope , Size , Homes , 50 Million , 150 Million , Feels , Efforts , Canada , Germany , Germans , Energy Supplies , End , Government Led , Cold War , Relations , Chancellor , Trucker Strike , Gas Board , Terms , Signs , Vaccine Mandates , Yeah , Damage , Jobs Numbers , Decline , Companies , Day Problem , Particular , Truck Drivers , Staff , Intervention , Supply , Cross , Show , Fox Business , Don T Blame D C , Alexandria , Catch Gerry Baker , Wall Street Journal , Eastern , 30 , Tom Brady , News , Retirement Statement , Insurance , Doug , Whistles , Vulture Squawks , Sec , Crohn S , Flare Up , Adults , Moderate , Inflammation , Flight , Intestine , Serious , Medication , Uc , Infections , Risk , Surface , Ulcerative Colitis , Stelara , Relief , Cancer , Lung Inflammation , Reactions , Pres , Brain Condition , Infection , Vaccine , Treatment , Symptoms , Skin Growths , Sores , Doctor , Tb , Remission , Janssen , Cost Support Options , Goat , Patriots , Quarterback , Seasons , New England , 22 , Girl , Abby Hornacek , Mike Gunzelman , Relative , Fireworks , Hating , Detail , Raymond James Stadium , Riding A Jetpack , Team , Football , It Odd , Championship Rings , Mvps , Nfl , Seven , Tribute , Sunset , Hate , Tampa Bay , Super Bowl , Fans , Feel , Teams , New Yorker , Anywhere , Teammate , Word , Game , Selfish , Falling Out , Nothing , Bottom Line , Love , Bill Belichick , Belichick , He Wouldn T Have , The Sun , Sports Fans , Football Player , Fines , Super Bowls , Whines , Doesn T Matter , Welcome , Sport , Fan , Tom Brady The Greatest , Hero S , Athletes , Chance , Dad Coach , Guys , Abby , Let S Go Jets , D C , Plenty , Magic , Chaos , Magic Moment , Other , Pullback , Steve Moore , Term , Form , Inflation Rate , Kelly Hyman , Government Spending , Increase , 1 7 , Question , All Of A Sudden , Russians , Oil , Opec , Runaway Inflation , Weren T , Larry Summers , Economists , Federal Reserve , Sports , Gas , 24 , Fossil Fuels , Reserve , Rates , War , 50 , Levels , Record Levels , Price , Ships , Summer , Gasoline , Sea , Drivers , Distancing , Masks , Get , Curve , Borrowing , Neal , 12 , Blame , 520 , Virus , Grades , Covid Crisis , Me Weekdays , The Business Channel , Five , Market , Depths , Sword , Hell , Dana Perino , Bell , Laughter , Jeanine Peer , Geraldo Rivera , Greg Gutfeld , Jesse Watters , Concert , Criticism , The ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Your World With Neil Cavuto 20240708 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Your World With Neil Cavuto 20240708

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massive social spending bill today. we'll talk with senate minority whip john thune about where this is heading. welcome. i'm charles payne in for neil cavuto, this is "your world." first to chad pergram with the very latest on capitol hill. chad? >> good afternoon. democrats need a win after stumbling on voting legislation and despite what chuck schumer says build back better is in the same place as it was in december. joe manchin says the original bill is dead. build back better could become build back broken up. the gop is making a preemptive strike. >> now washington democrats are trying a again to revive talk of another, another reckless bout of spending this year. american families are already hurting enough. they need that bad idea to stay buried. progressives want the senate to pass the bill before was biden's state of the union speech march 1. nancy pelosi cautioned that early march is aspirational. the left is prepping to accept a lot less compared to what the house approved in december. >> i think people want to get this over with. frankly the progressive wing of the democratic party at this point, they just want to get whoever they can. >> pelosi is hinting it's time to move on to avoid ago government shut down later this month and pelosi is also trained on a bill to help the u.s. compete with china. that's on the floor later this week. charles? >> charles: chad, thanks very much, a democratic think tank urging the party to go for a skinny build back better plan. so would any republicans support that? with me john thune, republican from south dakota. we called majority whip dick durbin. he's welcome any time. >> i'm sure he is. >> charles: senator, let's start with this skinny version of it. obviously senator manchin is in the driver's seat there. is there anything that he's listed as something that he would be favorable towards that republicans might be agreeable to? >> i don't think so, charles. however you label this, if you slap lipstick on it, it's still a pick. it's a bloated thing that would exacerbate the inflationary problem, the crisis that we're seeing in the country. the textbook definition of inflation is too many dollars chasing too few goods. the democrats wants to spend $5 trillion borrowed and finance it with tax increases. trying to break it down and pass it in pieces doesn't make it any better. it's still wasteful spending at a time when we ought to be focused on dealing with the issues that are front and center for the american people, trying to get inflation under control so that the things that they're buying in their daily lives are not costing so much that they're exceeding the amount of pay increases that they may be getting year to year. >> charles: it's excruciatingly painful. we know that. every time president biden speaks, he says build back better would bring inflation down. what do you say to that? >> right. i have no idea where that's coming from. it's economics 101. the idea -- if you think about it, the $2 trillion bill passed last march is what has fueled the inflationary crisis in this country today. that was too much spending at the time. this is just compounding that problem. so it's -- they can say what they want. but they have to -- it's going to have to be phony math for them to suggest in any way possible that you can put more dollars out there and not add to the inflationary problem. >> charles: back in the day they called it voodoo economics. that's the best way to describe it. senator, listen to some remarks about inflation, the same topic from alexandria ocasio-cortez and then i want to get your reaction. listen. >> a lot of these price increases are potentially due to just straight price gouging by corporations. if you say we're helping working people too much and say the cause of this is oh, it's because we provided too much assistance during the american rescue plan, stimulus checks were too generous, that is why we're dealing with the problems we're dealing with now. what that will result in is a pull-back in the assistance that some families need the most right now. >> charles: so obviously she's countering what you're saying. i would bring up though, some of these programs are so extraordinarily wide-ranging, the child tax credit, goes to households of 400,000. you think there's an overreach on the democrats party to widen the net of people that would be gaining government assistance? it's not sensical that someone in a household like this would be getting checks from the government. >> what you're hearing her articulate is a far left idea on. if democrats get power in washington, they grow government and spend money. that's what they do. this is a perfect example of that. we doubled the child tax credit, the 2017 tax law during the pandemic. they took it up to $3,600. if you have kids under six years old and widened the income bracket so that there's more people eligible for it. that flooded the zone with a lot of money out there. all that does is fuels inflation. in the end, if you have inflation growing faster than wage increases, everybody comes out net-net losers. so her math breaks down quickly. >> charles: what about this deflection, pointing a finger at business. after a hurricane or gastation they might take advantage. but we haven't seen evidence of large corporations in massive price gouging. in fact, that's one of the reasons we embrace capitalism. but they're doubling, tripling down on this, not just aoc but president biden himself. i think it's a dangerous slippery slope. >> it is. when you start bashing businesses, the businesses obviously create jobs in this country. there are lots of good paying jobs available right now. partly because, again, you have a work force shortage right now. people are having to pay more for labor. you're getting people with better opportunities to make money in this economy. but to suggest that everything falls with on business is a fairly typical -- kind of a throw-away democrat line. in the end, it pits you against the people that will help us grow the economy and create jobs and raise the standard of living and quality of life for everybody in this country. i get it. it part of their philosophy. i've been around here a long time. what democrats do, they want to grow government and instead of growing the private economy. that's a difference of opinion that we have. >> charles: you can argument this might be the greatest jobs market in history. that's why 4.3 million people quit last month and 47 million quit last year. president biden meeting with top republican and democrats on the judiciary committee today for the upcoming supreme court vacancy. the names being floated out there. are there any that have gotten your attention, any you like or you see a fierce fight ahead? >> it will be a fight. these are people whose judicial philosophy is different from ours. we want people to call balls and strikes and look at the constitution a fair and even way. they believe in legislating, moving their agenda from the bench. i suspect it's going to be very hard to find republicans, some maybe, perhaps, depending who the nominee is, we don't know that yet. there's people that are pretty qualified, but they're also very liberal. for me, it comes down to judicial philosophy. what i want to see in somebody on the supreme court. >> charles: are you prepared for allegations of racism? >> i expect we'll get that. we get it on everything else right now. they're trying to manufacture crises like they did with the georgia -- some of the georgia election laws to create this impression that every republican is jim crow 2.0. it's the worst demagoguery. that's what they've been attempting to do. i would expect they'll try to extend that to whatever discussion we have about the supreme court. republicans will evaluate, give a thorough, fair vetting to whatever nominee that they send up here. it will be respectful unlike the democrats when kavanaugh was being processed by the senate. we're going to look at the temperament, the judicial qualifications and frankly judicial philosophy. i think those are the issues that will determine the outcome where republicans are with respect to the potential nominee. >> charles: so the senate working on a bipartisan russia sanctions bill. we're told a lot of this would happen after an invasion. not before. do you agree with this? >> anything you want to do, you want to do preemptively. the whole objective of these things is to deter bad behavior. we had an opportunity. we had a vote a few weeks acc to sanction the putin pipeline. the administration lobbied ferociously to keep democrats in line. they defeated it. we could have done something meaningful on energy, which is something that of course is very critical to russia's economy. it would have sent a powerful message to putin and his allies and also to our allies and ukraine. unfortunately democrats took it down. so thinking that you can wait until he goes in and then will pounce, i think it misses the point. if you want too deter bad behavior, you take them earlier rather than later. we missed a golden opportunity. >> charles: thanks, senator. great to have these conversations with you. thank you. >> good being with you. >> charles: is every state becoming a border state in lawmakers demanding the migrant flights being shut down. what the white house is saying. a crime wave hitting the nation's capitol. a hunt for another suspect in a deadly shooting. ted williams on what and who we should be addressing next. an. we gotta tell people that liberty mutual customizes car insurance so you only pay for what you need, and we gotta do it fast. 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>> yeah, don't believe the facts or what you see with your own eyes. well-put. we've been talking about these flights since the spring. if it is in fact the minors being sent to sponsors, why can't the administration just publish the manifests to the states that they're going to or to those airports? those flights don't take off and land when they want? that is very regimented. the contractors deployed by ice to bring people to those destinations have to file flight plans and get permission to take off and land at airports. why can't they put that out so the governors, the members of the house can see where the flights are going and what the volume is. why are they not doing that? we've all been talking about it since the spring and all they have to do is be more transparent so they can stop having to conversation about what might or might not be secret flights. the reason they don't want to talk about it because it would expose the volume of activity on the border that has been created by the lack of coherent policy. >> charles: a paper from heritage brings up a point. as i'm watching these videos and the one thing that stands out, the young strapping young men, look like they may be in their 20s. the type of people that you need to rebuild your nation where you're coming from. they're staying the biden administration by failing to detain or remove single adult mays, it's a disincentive for illegal immigration. you agree? >> it's all about incentives and disincentives. that's right. if people come to the border and released in mass all over the united states, they're going to send home for nor friends and relatives and encourages more people to come. if you look what's going on on the operation said, the policy side and the border patrol and cbp are distracted by the processing, which let as lot of people come in and get away. they're not even counted, many of the ones being encountered are being released. so you're encouraging people from all over the globe to come now. on top of that, the rhetoric about immigration enforcement in the united states is all backwards, too. the secretary himself said they're not going after people in the country because they're here illegally. that is an incentive. if you make it to a place like new york city or chicago, you know nobody is looking for you. >> martha: we saw this video. i suspect everybody has seen it with the border agents and leadership. obviously a tremendous amount of tension there. what is going on? >> well, they recognize the policies were in place before this administration have been removed. they watched in real time the border implode. they have record numbers of activity. in fact, the beginning of january last year, we had record lows of activity at the southwest border because the policies in place disincentivize people. those agents are frustrated that traffic that comes to them, the people that they have to process, they can't walk away from that. they're stuck. that lays at their feet. >> charles: we just heard jacqui mention this report due on the so-called horse incident. listen, i got to tell you, when the president of the united states accuses an agency like the border patrol agency of actually strapping, that is a serious charge. how important is it for the white house to clear the air on it? >> the facts have to come out. the facts have to support what the agent did it. the reporter that took the photograph said it was not an assault. you have the top three in the chain of command running down the border patrol and saying that they would pay, have consequences. that is bad enough. those three people that made those statements, they're all lawyers, law school graduates. you wear the uniform, you still have a right to due process. the rhetoric that went out around that incident was not due process. they were condemned. that is wrong. >> charles: as an american, we would hate to believe that is true. they need to clear the air. thanks, ron. appreciate it. >> thank you. >> charles: folks, are d.c. police any closer to catching the suspect in this deadly georgetown shooting? we'll have the latest for you, a houston deputy is late to rest today after being shot and killed in his s.u.v. the suspect, abe illegal immigrant and a top official says he's not the only one to blame. >> those in authorities coddling the criminals and enabling this behavior have culpability just as those as those pulling the trigger. ♪ [band plays] ♪ a place where everyone lives life well-protected. ♪♪ and even when things go a bit wrong, we've got your back. here, things work the way you wish they would. and better protection costs a whole lot less. you're in good hands with allstate. click or call for a lower auto rate today. people everywhere living with you're in good hands with allstate. type 2 diabetes are waking up to what's possible... with rybelsus®. the majority of people taking rybelsus® lowered their blood sugar and reached an a1c of less than 7. rybelsus® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't take rybelsus® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop rybelsus® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking rybelsus® with a sulfonylurea or insulin increases low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. wake up to the possibility of lower a1c with rybelsus®. you may pay as little as $10 for up to a 3-month prescription. ask your healthcare provider about rybelsus® today. >> charles: alphabet jumping 6% in after hours trading. the search engine company smashed records and declare add stock split. we're back in 21 seconds. the path is gilded with the potential for rich returns. >> are you ready to start a great career? 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there's an alternate universe on some coverage. >> the national fraternal order of police responded to this statement saying i think it's very wrong for miss psaki saying crime is of no concern or just laugh it offer. while psaki may feel safe in the white house, not everyone lives with that kind of security. some words back and forth there. psaki remains adamant that president biden himself does not support defunding the police contrary to what other progressives have said. charles? >> charles: former d.c. homicide detective, ted williams. let me pick up from there. so jen psaki doesn't know what soft on crime means. it's pretty evident. to laugh it off is no joking matter. your thoughts on this? >> you're right. it's no joking matter. it's no joker matter to officer wilbert mara who is -- whose wake is being conducted as we speak in new york because he was shot and killed along with his partner, jason rivera. it is no joking matter that charles galloway, who was buried today in houston, texas, after being involved in an altercation during the course of a traffic stop. crime is no joking matter in this country. men and women in this country are dying. law abiding citizens are dying. so you're right. clearly it's no joking matter. >> charles: ted, you and i are old enough to see the ups and downs of major crime. i lived in harlem in the 70s. you worked in d.c. as a police officer during these difficult times. one of the things that is differentiating this period is the the brazenness of it all. is that something that -- what is that all about, ted? >> you know, charles, it's scary. you're right. it's brazen. just think about it. your shopping in a shopping center. within two minutes, you have a large mob that will go in and clean out a store in that shopping center. you have here what we've been talking about, the shooting in washington d.c. and georgetown in the middle of rush hour. someone goes and shoots and kills a man and runs away. there's a great deal of shock about what is going on throughout this country when it comes to crime. >> charles: ted, you mentioned the texas deputy being laid to rest in houston today. there's a lot of talk about who is to blame in this rise in crime. led to the texas constable. >> people need to be held accountable. enough is enough. there's no other way to say it. we're tired. we're tired. we're tired physically, and we're tired emotionally. >> charles: ted what do you make of the constable's comments? >> charles, he's on target. we're tired physically and emotionally. we as law-abiding citizens, all we want to do is live in our community and raise our families. when you have da's like al bragg in manhattan soft on crime, a d.a., kim fox in chicago, soft on crime, when you have a d.a., george gascon in los angeles, soft on crime, those individuals are not doing what is in the best interest of their community. if they're not feeling the way i do, they need to vote them out. enough is enough. we are sick and tired of leaving in fear of criminals. criminals should fear us. they don't fear us because we have prosecutors that are soft on crime and willing to let them back out on the damn streets of this country. >> charles: ted williams, thanks very much. eminent and at any time. those are words from the pentagon on when russia could invade ukraine. here's someone that says we can stopped this by going after vladimir putin's pals. and truckers and mandates. why they could have an impact here. new projects means new project managers. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. when you sponsor a job, you immediately get your shortlist of quality candidates, whose resumes on indeed match your job criteria. visit and get started today. ♪ ♪ whose resumes on indeed m at lowe's, you nevera. have to be finished with your finishing touches. with aisles of ways to refresh and restyle. for whatever style you're feeling. at prices you're really feelin. shop the lowe's bath style & save event now in-store and online. >> charles: a stark warning from the pentagon moments ago on when russia could make its move and ukraine. jennifer griffin has more. >> secretary state blinken told russia's foreign minister lavrov that if russia is serious about talks, then they should pull back its 130,000 troops from the ukraine border. putin held a press conference for the first time since late december. >> principle russian concerned were ignored. three key demands were ignored. >> the three issues that putin mentioned are nonstarters for nato and its allies. here's john kirby. >> we believe he had enough capability to move now if he wants to. depending on what his goal is here, he could move imminently at any time. >> most u.s. officials think putin is buying time until february 20th when the olympics end. putin is ignoring the principal that one security of one nation should not be taken at the expense of another. putin made a thinly veiled threat about european energy supplies u.s. besting europeans could face problems next year. russia's neighbors say they field like they are living next the a volcano. the prime ministers of poland and britain were kiev today promising more weapons and support to ukraine. portable air defense systems, drones, mortars and ammunition. >> we're preparing a package of sanctions and supplies for when ukraine crosses over. >> ukraine sign a decree to expand the military and raising wages. >> charles: a new piece in the wall street editorial board making the case to not only hit vladimir putin can sanctions but also to hit the kremlin mafia, the billionaire elites that play a role in running that country. let's get the read from jerry baker. jerry, who makes up this kremlin mafia? >> hi, charles. there's a lot of these oligarchs. the very, very wealthy people around vladimir putin. they got very wealthy in the disintegration of the soviet union and took over the utilities and the energy companies that belonged to the soviet union. they made a fortune. now the key thing is, they don't spend their winters -- they don't spend any time in moscow or st. petersburg. they hang out in south of france and london and very large houses and on three $300 million yachts. this would be an effective way of going after putin and deterring him perhaps from doing what he might do in ukraine or if he does do it. a lot of concerns about regular sanctions, charles. russia has built up huge foreign exchange reserves and could withstand economic sanctions. some of the sanctions would hit the west as hard as they hit russia like cutting off the energy supply to europe. but going after these guy, these oligarchs and mafia that are close to put tin, looking after his money, that would be a powerful way to really send a message to russia, we are going to hurt you if you do this. >> charles: you read about the $150 million homes that they buy in london, or the size of their yachts in san trope or wherever they go. so seems like a smart target. real quickly, i want to ask you about this in canada. what are your thoughts about germany with respect to trying to participate in this? feels like they're dragging any efforts down. >> yeah, a very good point. the germans have spent the last -- since the end of the cold war building a very strong economic relationship with russia. they're dependent on russia for their energy supplies and a new government led by a social democrat whose party has historically been close to russia. they don't want to do anything that is going to upset their relations with russia. the former socialist chancellor sits on the gas board of russia. >> charles: so in canada, you have this big trucker strike. what could that mean in terms:our economy? already there's signs that some important things are not getting through to the u.s. >> yeah, this is the whole problem -- many of the problems with these vaccine mandates. they're not only authoritarian, they're inflicting damage on the economy. you've been talking about this. we'll get the jobs numbers on friday. probably going to show a decline in jobs. that's because of a lot of vaccine mandates are taking place. companies are not -- don't have as many staff. this can day problem in particular, this applies to the canadian truck drivers that come across the border. many of them don't want to get vaccinated and submit to this and they're not going to bring the supply as cross. this is an example of where government intervention is not only unfree, authoritarian but hurts the economy. >> charles: thanks so much. catch gerry baker on "wall street journal" at large on fox business. it's a must-watch show at 7:30 p.m. eastern. we have inflation raging. alexandria ocasio-cortez says don't blame d.c. spending. we'll debate that. you think tom brady saying he's retiring today is the biggest news that he made? 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>> charles, you're asking the wrong girl. i thought tom brady was going to retire by riding a jetpack over raymond james stadium and fireworks. it's all relative. i don't want to spend much time hating on tom brady for this. >> charles: why not? >> i would hate for a small detail to overshadow a big moment for tom brady. he gave us 22 seasons of incredible football, seven championship rings, three nfl mvps. do i find it odd that he didn't mention his team that drafted him, and he helped deliver the first super bowl ever? yeah, i found it weird. he did give them a tribute when he left new england to go to tampa bay. so he deserves to ride off in to the sunset without hate from us. >> charles: i'm a neutral here. i'm a jealous new yorker. our teams never go anywhere. the fans also, we kind of feel like we're part of the team, right? certain things that i do when i watch the game. so maybe that's the part. as a teammate, they were overlooked. >> patriots fans, it comes down to one word. selfish. they want tom brady to come back and give them their love and attention. the bottom line is tom brady does nothing unless it's calculated. he didn't just happen to forget to mention the patriots. he doesn't get along with bill belichick. they had a falling out, this is publicly known. he was just like i feel like he wouldn't have -- he would have had to thanked belichick and he didn't want to do that. he thanked everybody under the sun and the patriots fines are whines. it's a sad day for sports fans. there will never be another football player that wins seven super bowls. it won't happen. how difficult it is in the sport of football, this will never happen again. tom brady the greatest quarterback all-time hands down. >> charles: when he goes up there, he will get a hero's welcome. >> always. doesn't matter who you're a fan of or if it's the patriots, tampa bay. doesn't matter. tom brady is one of the greatest athletes of all-time. if i'm not on the feel, being competitive, i'm going to retire and give the young guys a chance. he deserves it. he can spend time with his family, be the competitive dad coach for his kids. i'm happy for him. just quickly, part of the tribute that he gave to them when he left, he said i wouldn't be the man today without the relationship you allowed me to build. so he left classy. it's not a petty moment. >> we'll leave it there. >> let's go jets. >> charles: never you, abby. talk to you both. see you. with inflation surging, you can't blame d.c. spending, right? we'll debate it next. ♪ life can be a lot to handle. ♪ this magic moment ♪ but heinz knows there's plenty of magic in all that chaos. ♪ so different and so new ♪ ♪ was like any other... ♪ >> a lot of these price increases are potentially just straight price gouging. if we say "we are helping working people too much," and that the cause is because "we provided too much assistance during the american rescue plan, stimulus checks were too generous," that's why we are dealing with the problems now. what that's going to result in is the pullback on assistance some families need the most right now. >> new york democratic congressman woman alexandria ocasio-cortez -- who is right? let us form a term economic advisor steve moore and democratic strategist kelly hyman. someone say it is economics 101. a lot of money poured into this economy, including early last year. may be, that put us over the top. >> a year ago, exactly a year ago today, the inflation rate was 1.7%. 7% now, probably going higher. there is a relationship with the increase in government spending. i don't think there's any question about it. for the last 30 years -- if it's price gouging -- companies will always try to raise prices, but the last 30 years, we have had to tame inflation in this country. all of a sudden, we have a massive increase in inflation, they say it's price gouging. there are two people in the world that are price gouging: opec and the russians, because we are not producing oil in the united states. >> even before this one through, larry summers warned that the outcome would be massive runaway inflation. there were some democrats concerned about this, weren't there? >> i would disagree with you. we have to understand first and foremost who had the power to tame inflation. that's the federal reserve. economists have said the best way to deal with the pandemic is end the pandemic. i think that's key, the way to help us get out of this. the fact that -- whether it is making sure that ports are open 24 hours to have supplies, or making sure that there is gas available for people in opening up the 50 gallons to have that. ultimately, it is up to the federal reserve to have the impact on the inflation by increasing rates. >> are you concerned that the war on fossil fuels helps send up the price of gasoline, spiking to levels where it might start to break a record this summer? are you concerned that -- with ports, ships are waiting further up in the sea. record levels are still where they are. are you concerned that too much money has poured into this economy where you have -- that's where all this came from in the first place. ships were summoned because there's so much spending. >> no, i think we need drivers. i also think we need to end the pandemic. to make sure people have information, are informed, and follow signs to get vaccinated, get boosted, where their masks when they need to, have social distancing, no that we are in this together and not only the u.s. is dealing with this inflation. it is global as well. that's due to the pandemic. >> kelly is right. the fed plays a big role, no question. i have set on your show and on neal's show for 12 months that that has been way behind the curve, and terms of pulling some of this money out of the economy. when you have the federal government borrowing $2 trillion a year, when you increase government spending by $520, the fed has accommodated that by putting money in the economy. his equal it is equal blame between biden and the fed. you are right about the covid crisis. i don't think joe biden gets good grades when it comes to -- what did he say, that he was going to shut down the virus? i don't think he's done that. >> that has not worked out. we will know a lot more friday. i'm not sure we want to see this news. some are saying we might have lost 400,000 jobs last month. thank you both very much. contact me weekdays 2:00 p.m. on "making money" on the business channel. this is an amazing week. we came back from the depths of hell in the market, great sword today, nice numbers after the bell. we might be coming back. now, here's "the five." >> i'm dana perino along with judge jeanine peer, geraldo rivera, jesse watters, and greg gutfeld? [laughter] 5:00 in new york city, this is "the five." ♪ ♪ >> crime -- concert once was, what does that mean? alternate universe on some coverage. >> dana: white house facing criticism after press secretary jen psaki appeared to laugh off concerns over rising crime. the

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Prosecutors , Community Violence Intervention , Reoffend , 200 Million , 00 Million , Coverage , Universe , Mean , On Fox , Cream , Fox News , Jeanine Pirro , Fraternal Order Of Police , Statement , Concern , Miss , Words , Security , Safe , Psaki May , Doesn T , Homicide Detective , Joking Matter , Wilbert Mara , Joker Matter , Thoughts , Partner , Wake , Texas , Jason Rivera , Charles Galloway , Citizens , Law , Traffic Stop , Altercation , Women , Crime , Ted , Ups And Downs , The 70s , Harlem , Times , Police Officer , Brazenness , Shopping Center , Mob , Shopping , Store , Two , Man , Shoots , Middle , Rush Hour , Deal , Deputy Being , Shock , Led , Rise , Texas Constable , Accountable , Comments , Constable , Target , Community , Kim Fox , A D , In Manhattan , Da S Like Al Bragg , Individuals , Interest , D A , George Gascon , Los Angeles , Fear , Leaving , Streets , Impact , Truckers , Mandates , Pals , Project Managers , Projects , Candidates , Shortlist , Job Criteria , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Touches , Finishing , Aisles , Ways , Lowe S , You Nevera , Prices , Style , Restyle , Save , Event , Bath Style , Warning , Move , Jennifer Griffin , Secretary State Blinken , Time , Talks , Foreign Minister , Ukraine Border , Troops , Press Conference , 130000 , Principle , Demands , John Kirby , Nato , Nonstarters , Officials , Goal , Capability , February 20th , Principal , Expense , Neighbors , Europeans , Threat , Volcano , European Energy , Ministers , Weapons , Air Defense Systems , Drones , Mortars , Ammunition , Package , Poland , Britain , Kiev , Supplies , Sanctions , Ukraine Crosses Over , Case , Wages , Decree , Kremlin Mafia , Wall Street , Editorial Board , Jerry Baker , Read , Role , Billionaire Elites , Disintegration , Oligarchs , Utilities , Soviet Union , Energy Companies , Fortune , Petersburg , Yachts , Houses , South , London , France , 300 Million , Reserves , Exchange , West , Money , Energy Supply , Cutting , Tin , Guy , These Oligarchs And Mafia , Smart Target , San Trope , Size , Homes , 50 Million , 150 Million , Feels , Efforts , Canada , Germany , Germans , Energy Supplies , End , Government Led , Cold War , Relations , Chancellor , Trucker Strike , Gas Board , Terms , Signs , Vaccine Mandates , Yeah , Damage , Jobs Numbers , Decline , Companies , Day Problem , Particular , Truck Drivers , Staff , Intervention , Supply , Cross , Show , Fox Business , Don T Blame D C , Alexandria , Catch Gerry Baker , Wall Street Journal , Eastern , 30 , Tom Brady , News , Retirement Statement , Insurance , Doug , Whistles , Vulture Squawks , Sec , Crohn S , Flare Up , Adults , Moderate , Inflammation , Flight , Intestine , Serious , Medication , Uc , Infections , Risk , Surface , Ulcerative Colitis , Stelara , Relief , Cancer , Lung Inflammation , Reactions , Pres , Brain Condition , Infection , Vaccine , Treatment , Symptoms , Skin Growths , Sores , Doctor , Tb , Remission , Janssen , Cost Support Options , Goat , Patriots , Quarterback , Seasons , New England , 22 , Girl , Abby Hornacek , Mike Gunzelman , Relative , Fireworks , Hating , Detail , Raymond James Stadium , Riding A Jetpack , Team , Football , It Odd , Championship Rings , Mvps , Nfl , Seven , Tribute , Sunset , Hate , Tampa Bay , Super Bowl , Fans , Feel , Teams , New Yorker , Anywhere , Teammate , Word , Game , Selfish , Falling Out , Nothing , Bottom Line , Love , Bill Belichick , Belichick , He Wouldn T Have , The Sun , Sports Fans , Football Player , Fines , Super Bowls , Whines , Doesn T Matter , Welcome , Sport , Fan , Tom Brady The Greatest , Hero S , Athletes , Chance , Dad Coach , Guys , Abby , Let S Go Jets , D C , Plenty , Magic , Chaos , Magic Moment , Other , Pullback , Steve Moore , Term , Form , Inflation Rate , Kelly Hyman , Government Spending , Increase , 1 7 , Question , All Of A Sudden , Russians , Oil , Opec , Runaway Inflation , Weren T , Larry Summers , Economists , Federal Reserve , Sports , Gas , 24 , Fossil Fuels , Reserve , Rates , War , 50 , Levels , Record Levels , Price , Ships , Summer , Gasoline , Sea , Drivers , Distancing , Masks , Get , Curve , Borrowing , Neal , 12 , Blame , 520 , Virus , Grades , Covid Crisis , Me Weekdays , The Business Channel , Five , Market , Depths , Sword , Hell , Dana Perino , Bell , Laughter , Jeanine Peer , Geraldo Rivera , Greg Gutfeld , Jesse Watters , Concert , Criticism , The ,

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